#Gary opening delayed
theeultimatelifeform · 7 months
On December 2nd, 2023 (12/02/23), RTVS drops a teaser for a future Half-Life 2: But the AI are Self Aware stream(s) in the official WRTV discord server (also available on Wayne's channel).
The teaser was simple and had a date displayed over the 28 second video, December 16th, 2023 (12/16/23). That was two weeks ago. As of today, December 17th, 2023 (12/17/23, nearly 1:40 AM EST), the stream had already happened.
It was set to start at 6pm EST, a delay caused the stream to be pushed back 30 minutes. At roughly 6:38 PM EST, the stream was again delayed due to difficulties. Many in both the offline Twitch chat and the official WRTV server were impatient, though those who have love in their hearts understood that the crew needed to deal with it, and chose to be patient and kind. Everyone was expecting a second season to the ever beloved Half-Life: But the AI are Self Aware (HLVRAI) series. I read that there were over 20k viewers (I didn't see the number myself, but I was there).
At roughly 7:02 PM EST, the stream finally started. A black screen with ambiance, quiet, making the chat explode with joy. The teaser plays again (minus the date text over the video). The glasses that were seen in the teaser trailer then became those of Walter White, the famed main character of AMC's Breaking Bad.
The stream that was originally supposed to be for HL2VRAI became the funniest joke RTVS could have done, Breaking Bad VR but the AI is Self Aware (BBVRAI). The entire stream was misleading viewers, from the stream title being labled "The Science Team Rises Again" and the game being set to Gary's Mod, from the lead up of the opening to the teaser trailer. Everyone was so prepared for Half-Life.
The stream lost thousands of viewers, and I, who stayed to watch, am overjoyed that they left. I had so much fun, I know next to nothing about BrBa, so the entire stream was a delight! I could tell that the cast and crew had fun planning and making the stream. Those who left missed out on many fun moments, especially the Coomer cameo in one of the scenes! Those who left also missed the official HL2VRAI trailer shown at the end. All in all, those who got pissy and complained that it wasn't HL2VRAI, and those who started being mean to the RTVS crew, missed out on something so FUNNY and so perfect! Such a shame.
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catnipster69 · 5 months
Pick-Up Lines
“Hey, man. You got a light?” The long-haired man leaned against a pillar and held up his cigarette.
Sam reached into his pocket for his zippo, but didn’t immediately offer it. Instead, he fidgeted with the lid, flipping it open and closed repeatedly. “You come here often?”
The man looked around, like he wasn’t sure where he was, and he frowned before answering, “I don’t think so. This isn’t my usual vibe.” He scratched at his arm and looked uncomfortable.
Sam looked around too. Not exactly crowded, and it was late: after midnight. “I’ve spent more time here than I’d like. Name’s Sam, by the way.”
“Gary. Uh… where exactly are we? I don’t remember too well.”
Sam chuckled. “Maybe you partied too hard, huh?”
Gary nodded. “Yeah. I guess I did.” He grinned, and his smile was gruesome.
Sam looked over his shoulder, and then turned back to Gary. “You want that light?” He lit the zippo and held it up.
Gary put the cigarette to his lips and leaned forward. Suddenly, he screamed, and his whole body went up in a blaze until there was nothing left.
Sam closed the lighter and turned back to Dean, who stood over the smoking grave.
Dean said, “What, were you hitting on him? ‘You come here often?’ Really, Sam, that was the best you could do? And also, you have the worst lines.”
Sam shook his head. “Well, it worked. All I had to do was delay him. And my lines seem good enough for you. ‘Kiss me, Dean.’ ‘Suck my dick, Dean.’ ‘Bend over, Dean.’”
Dean gathered up the shovels and walked towards Sam. “You make a good point. Let’s get out of here so you can practice more lines on me.”
Sam grinned and followed him back to the car.
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dreamings-free · 2 months
23/4/24 The Music Venue Trust has hit back at Manchester’s Co-Op Live for saying some grassroots venues are “poorly run” – despite having had to delay its own opening this week.
Co-Op Live, which cost £365million, is set to become the UK’s largest indoor arena when it opens, with a capacity of 23,500.
The venue’s executive director Gary Roden spoke to the BBC recently, where he discussed the proposed £1 ticket levy on all gigs arena-sized and above, to help secure the future of grassroots venues and artists.
Roden said that he was “very aware it’s a hot topic”, and that he was “embracing the conversation”, but that he believed the levy was “too simplistic”.
The report suggests that he thinks support should come directly from the government, and added that while he acknowledges the financial pressures on small venues, he thinks some of them are poorly run.
-> full article here at nme.com
Music Venue Trust CEO Mark Davyd on twitter 20/4/24 :
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linking to this article:
20/4/24 Bosses of the UK's largest arena have apologised for cancelling tickets to a test show hours before it was due to start.
It comes after organisers at Co-op Live in Manchester said they had to cut capacity for a preview concert by Rick Astley to allow them to test the 23,500-seater venue "effectively".
Those affected have instead been invited to the Black Keys show at the £365m arena next week.
Co-op Live is set to be officially opened by comedian Peter Kay on Tuesday.
-> full article here at bbc.com
and then the day before the official opening night..
22/4/24 Organisers at Manchester’s new Co-Op Live arena have postponed their opening Peter Kay shows.
A statement from the venue said: “Following our first test event on Saturday, regretfully we have made the difficult decision to reschedule our two opening performances by Peter Kay. It is critical to ensure we have a consistent total power supply to our fully electric sustainable venue, the completion of which is a few days behind.
-> full article here at nme.com
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Kinktober 2022
Day Twelve: Exhibitionism
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Gary ‘Roach’ Sanderson x John ‘Soap’ McTavish x John Price
This is NSFW, Minors DNI.
Thank you.
The meeting was supposed to have started half an hour ago. Ghost and Roach had arrived on time, but after ten minutes decided to make use of the spare time the lateness was causing. Within what felt like seconds on him agreeing to it, Roach had been stripped down and shoved back onto the table, which was just at the right height for Ghost to fuck his ass.
Roach’s hands were grabbing at Ghost’s wrists uselessly; Ghost’s grip on Roach’s hips was as tight as ever and staying that way until he chose to move it, grabbing one of Roach’s legs and lifting it up, pushing it towards Roach’s chest, making Roach scream. His cock was twitching, precum beading at the tip, when Ghost started fucking him hard again. Each thrust pushed Roach closer to the edge, closer to him pleading, as it got harder and harder to not beg for release. When Ghost groaned over him, panting heavily, Roach thought he’d stuck it out, and Ghost was going to wrap his hand around Roach’s cock, make him cum and then make himself cum in Roach’s ass. Then, the door opened, and Soap walked in.
“Hey Soap.” Ghost’s thrusts slowed to a more leisurely pace, certainly good, but not enough to get Roach to cum, making him whine as Ghost rubbed soothing circles over his hip.
“Roach.” Soap was looking down at him now, carefully setting his files aside.
“Hey.” Roach squeezed his ass around Ghost’s dick, earning him a rough grip on his thigh.
“You could at least let him come, Ghost.”
“But he takes being edged so well.”
“I know, but we still need to get on. Don’t we Roach?” Soap leaned over Roach, searching his face for an answer.
“Yes sir.” Roach’s gaze went back to Ghost, who nodded, pinned Roach’s hips to the table and started fucking him harder again.
Roach groaned, his back arching up despite Ghost’s restraint. He was struggling to keep his eyes open as his previous view of an unremarkable office ceiling was now disrupted by Soap’s face, who’s eyes were taking in every piece of Roach’s body, even as he continued talking to Ghost, something about the intel from Amsterdam. Roach was too far gone to give a fuck, especially when Ghost’s hand went around his cock, the few strokes being all Roach needed to cry out, his cum spreading from his chest all down his body, and covering Ghost’s hand.
“I’m here.”
“Hey Price.” Ghost and Soap answered at the same time, neither looking away from Roach as Ghost thrust a few more times into Roach’s begging ass, coming inside with a heavy groan.
Price joined Soap in Roach’s view, gazing over his body as he set his tea aside. “You enjoying yourself there?”
Roach nodded.
Price tilted his head slightly. “What was that, lad?”
“Yes, sir.” Roach swallowed.
“Good.” Price glanced up to Ghost and Soap. “Are we getting started or delaying for him?”
“I think we’re good to start.” Ghost pulled his dick out of Roach, who whimpered, then yelped as Ghost dragged him off the table, leaning against it himself as he put Roach on his knees. “Clean me off.”
Roach obliged, licking Ghost’s cum off his dick, swallowing the salty taste as Price and Soap walked around to be facing Ghost.
“So? What fuck up are we fixing?”
“Should be simple. We’re sending a light squad, clear the place, secure the intel for our American friends, they give us a ride out.” Price was holding something out, probably a photo, it was out of Roach’s sight as he took Ghost’s dick in his mouth.
“Right, because the Americans do simple operations.” Soap muttered.
“Most of it is classified, so we aren’t going to know anything. Just, go and get.”
“Why can’t they do it themselves?” Ghost brushed his hand over Roach’s head, settling it on the back of his neck.
“Host nation isn’t exactly friendly with the US.”
“Hardly friendly with us either.” Ghost’s voice was getting low again, because he was getting hard in Roach’s mouth. Roach cupped Ghost’s balls, only thinking about getting Ghost to cum in his mouth this time.
“But we won’t get caught, because we’re actually fucking competent. Right?” Soap sighed.
“Something like that.” Price glanced down. “You think he’s getting any of this?”
Ghost pushed Roach’s head back, another whine leaving Roach’s mouth. “Nope. I’ll catch him up later.”
“Good.” Price nodded. “Soap?”
“All sounds simple enough. May we?” Soap glanced at Ghost, who chuckled.
“Roach.” Ghost tilted his head back again. “You want Price and Soap to have a turn with you?”
Roach nodded eagerly.
“He’s all yours.” Ghost stroked the back of Roach’s neck one last time, then stepped away from him as Price and Soap each grabbed one of Roach’s arms. They pulled him up onto the table again, this time on his front, his cum sticky between his skin and the wood.
“Fucking hell, look at that,” Soap whistled, pushing Roach’s ass open to watch Ghost’s cum drip out of his asshole. “So full he’s leaking.”
Price chuckled, turning Roach’s head to one side, leaning over him. “His mouth isn’t.”
Soap laughed, and both men’s touch disappeared from Roach’s body as they went to strip, Ghost leaning into his vision instead.
“I’m going to sit just here, right? You keep your eyes on me, got it?”
“Got it.” Roach mumbled, meeting Ghost’s eyes as he sat down, fully hard again, ready to enjoy the show in front of him.
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Anyone here ever listen to the Fine Tooning podcast hosted by entertainment writers Drew Taylor and Jim Hill?
I tend to tune in every Tuesday. Sometimes I learn things about Disney history I never knew, in addition to hearing their takes on current animation news.
This week's episode was about Gary Rydstrom, long-time sound designer - especially for many Pixar films - and filmmaker who eventually directed the Pixar short LIFTED (attached to RATATOUILLE in theaters) and Lucasfilm's STRANGE MAGIC.
As many people know, he was set to direct an ill-fated Pixar film called NEWT, which would've - at one point - released in the summer of 2011 following TOY STORY 3. Before its cancellation, it swapped spots with CARS 2 and went to summer 2012.
What I never knew about this movie was that it was meant to begin a line of lower-budget, quirkier Pixar films. Similar to that of the films Disney Feature Animation's Orlando unit made before they were shut down in 2004.
And if you remember, back when NEWT was announced, it was supposed to share that year with THE BEAR AND THE BOW. That movie, of course, would later be titled BRAVE, and it opened in the summer of 2012. BRAVE would've been a holiday 2011 release if plans had held, and obviously would've been the mainline bigger budget movie opposite NEWT.
Pixar would try doing two-a-year again for 2013 - but w/ both movies being mainline big budget endeavors. So for 2013, the plan was: MONSTERS UNIVERSITY was set for the summer, and THE GOOD DINOSAUR - the thrown-out version that was being directed by Bob Peterson - following during the Thanksgiving frame. Of course, as we all know, that didn't happen either.
Finally, in 2015, they made it happen... INSIDE OUT was the summer movie of the pair, a huge hit all-around: Boffo box office, enthusiastic critical reception, an Oscar... THE GOOD DINOSAUR, the Thanksgiving movie, didn't enjoy any of that. Overshadowed completely by its sister picture, and it also lost money on top of being a very troubled production. Would it have fared well in a different year, on its own? Who the heck knows. It lived a nice second life through solid home media sales, and I'm sure someone somewhere is clicking on it on Disney+.
Then they tried again in 2017. The summer release, CARS 3, did so-so at best at the box office and got okay-ish reviews. CARS isn't everyone's cup of tea, so it was expected. Barely doubled its as-usual-for-Pixar gargantuan budget. Thanksgiving release COCO, by contrast, was the big hit. All of it: Great reviews, fantastic box office, and an Oscar.
2020 was another attempt, this time with a movie at the tail end of winter (the first weekend of March) and a summer movie... Well, COVID-19 happened. ONWARD was cut right off within a week of release, and SOUL went straight to Disney+. The recent theatrical release of SOUL sadly flopped. SOUL did, however, get an Oscar for Best Animated Feature 2020. ONWARD was also nominated for the award that year. So, the two Pixars finished the year with better than average reviews and Oscar noms.
2022 was the second attempt at this new strategy. TURNING RED in March, LIGHTYEAR in June... But Disney, concerned about COVID-19's Omicron variant, sent TURNING RED straight to Disney+. TURNING RED was well-loved and was up for the animated Oscar. LIGHTYEAR bombed in theaters, got okay reviews, and no Oscar nom.
This year was going to see that strategy again, until... Disney and Pixar delayed ELIO, which was set to be the March movie - with a trailer and everything, all the way back to summer 2025. The sole Pixar movie for that year... Leaving INSIDE OUT 2 as this year's Pixar film, and the summer release at that. I expect it to be huge, given that it's a sequel to a movie that clearly did so poorly years ago.
So... 2026, the current plan is for there to be two Pixars. A March and a June. We know TOY STORY 5 is in active development, and I suspect it'll nab the summer 2026 slot. Whatever is brewing in the hallway of the original movies for the March slot, I have no idea. It could be anyone's picture. Kristen Lester? Brian Fee? Rosana Sullivan? List goes on... We'll probably get an inkling of what it is sometime this year. Maybe for D23?
But here's the thing... We know Pixar keeps it all under one roof. After all, their Vancouver unit didn't make it, neither did attempts to collaborate with other filmmakers (see Henry Selick/CinderBiter's THE SHADOW KING). Every movie they make is some $175m+ costing behemoth...
And I think, why can't they do the big movie/small movie thing? It would allow them to double up production, while keeping costs lower on the quirkier movies, and allowing the filmmakers to experiment more. I mean, that's kind of the gist behind the SparkShorts, right? Or those few Co-op program shorts, like BORROWED TIME. Look at Illumination and their proposed adult animation label, Moonlight... That Pixar was attempting to do smaller and weirder films alongside their usual blockbuster spectacles tells me that... Maybe they should try again?
Though weirdly, TURNING RED was their usual $175m+ picture, and that had a different art style, was much more filmmaker-driven than usual, and was indeed a little quirkier. But even then, making a picture like that for such a massive budget puts it at risk. Remember, we watched ELEMENTAL open with a blah number and subsequently claw its way to a "just made it!" final gross. If that movie had cost around $85m instead and still looked as lovely, the near-$500m gross wouldn't even be an issue.
So why not have the next original after ELIO - should that be another triple-digit million movie - be this sub-$100m costing movie? Can it be done? Are they thinking about it?
I dunno, that podcast just got me thinking. I also found out a lot more about NEWT's production and rather mysterious cancellation from this very episode, stuff I was kinda dying to know for years... Yeah, Fine Tooning is worth listening to, check 'em out.
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nowandevermore · 2 years
Find the Word Tag
Was tagged by @saltysupercomputer! Thanks for the tag!!
My words are: Success, Sun, Normal, Light, and Thin.
I'll be tagging @writingpotato07, @houndsofcorduff, @on-noon, @memento-morri-writes, and open tag to whoever wants to participate! Tag me if you do, I'd love to read what you find!
Your words will be: Wherever, Cry, Slim, The, and Color.
Success -- Sparks
The Project Mew mission had felt like both a success and a failure. Mew was not an inch closer to anyone's grasp — much less Goh's pokéball — but Professor Amaranth isn't going to be a problem anymore. 
Thanks to the combined efforts of the five Chasers and Ash, they were able to stop the corrupt Professor before he was able to catch Mew. Danika and Quillon promise to release the Regis back to their homes. 
Ash believes them — they had been deceived by Amaranth just as much as he and the others. It still doesn't stop him and Gary from making the duo promise to video call them once the Pokémon were released.
Sun -- Answers Buried in Time: Chapter 1: Pokémon Ranger and the Answers Buried in Time
It's a normal morning for Ash — training with Lucario and Cinderace in the Vermilion City park, their usual spot, nestled on a small plateau of land. From this vantage point, Ash can watch the sun rise over the forests in the distance. It's serene, calming, peaceful. 
Or it should be. 
Neither this morning, nor any of the mornings this last month have been peaceful. Even here, at “his happy place,” as Goh calls it, Ash still feels the disquiet that fills the air. It permeates into every crack, crevice, and pore — invading his senses in a way that has the trainer on edge.
Normal -- At the Age of Now
The young researcher’s schedule is already going to be delayed, and the velvet box in Ash’s nightstand only stands to make it even more delayed. 
That should be fine.
Blue eyes finally blink open, peering over to meet Ash’s brown. A soft smile crosses dark features, and Ash has his answer.
Yeah, it’ll be just fine.
The normal morning festivities are rushed. Goh never fails to panic when he does sleep in, and it sets the younger man into a dazed rush to get ready for the day. 
Ash just smiles. Little does Goh know, he won’t be going into work today. Ash has already alerted the Professor to his plans, and he’d asked for permission in the past few months leading up to now. 
It was never a matter of if, only when.
Well, when is now.
Light -- In the City of Canalave
"Glaceon! Use Ice Shard and Iron Tail!"
May calls out to her partner, and she grins out at the crowd. She's the Princess of Hoenn — groups of fans flocking to her contests to see her perform. She wants to give them a show and she trusts Glaceon to provide. 
The Fresh Snow Pokémon stands and fires ice shards into the small arena. Leaping into the air, Glaceon's tail glows a blinding light as it slices through the shards on the stage. The ice bursts into small particles that cloud the sky, obscuring the ice type from view.
Thin - Standing Here
Ash removes his jacket and wraps it around Goh's shaking form. The younger man tenses when arms wrap around him, and Ash rubs calloused palms down his arm. He whispers promises to the researcher — promises for always being there, for being there now, for that never changing. 
The sound of a broken sob breaks through the otherwise silent cave, and it slices through Ash's heart like a knife. The trainer tightens his hold, pulling Goh into his chest, and slots the smaller man's head under his chin. It's a testament to how Goh really feels when he goes willingly, thin arms snaking around Ash's waist as he breaks apart. 
Minutes, hours, days — Ash doesn't know — pass before Goh's sobs lessen. The older man bites his lip and blinks away his own tears; he's finally ready for the conversation that should have taken place years ago.
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markowensmile · 26 days
Paper Trails of Affection - Chapter 8 (Gary Barlow FanFiction)
Sophie stepped into the busy rehearsal studio, the air thick with the scent of sweat. The towering ceilings and vast open space made her feel small, but she held her head high, clutching the cardboard carrier filled with steaming cups of coffee like a precious offering.
As she navigated through the maze of equipment and cables, she caught sight of the band members huddled together, deep in discussion. Mark's animated gestures punctuated the air, while Gary nodded thoughtfully, his brow furrowed in concentration.
"Morning, lads," Sophie called out, her voice echoing across the expansive room.
Five heads swiveled in her direction, their faces lighting up at the sight of the caffeine-laden treasure she carried.
"Ah, our guardian angel arrives!" Howard exclaimed, striding towards her with a broad grin.
One by one, the others followed suit, each offering a grateful smile and a murmured word of thanks as they claimed their respective cups.
"You're a lifesaver, Soph," Mark's eyes sparkled with gratitude as he took a long sip, savoring the rich aroma of the freshly brewed coffee. A contented sigh escaped his lips, his shoulders visibly relaxing as the warmth of the beverage spread through him, rejuvenating his senses. Sophie couldn't help but smile at the sight, pleased to have provided a small respite amidst the whirlwind of their busy schedule.
Gary lingered behind, his eyes meeting hers with a warm intensity. "Cheers, love," he said, his voice rich and velvety. "We'd be lost without you."
Sophie felt her cheeks flush at the endearment, but she maintained her composure, offering a playful wink in response. "Just doing my job, boys."
As the band members dispersed to their positions, Sophie took a step back, her gaze sweeping over the scene before her. A thrill of excitement coursed through her veins, and she couldn't wait to see what the day had in store.
The music resumed, and the guys fell back into their rehearsal, their movements fluid and polished as they executed each step with practiced precision. Sophie watched in rapt admiration, her eyes following the intricate choreography with a trained eye. The way they moved as one cohesive unit, their bodies in perfect sync, was a testament to their dedication and the countless hours they had poured into honing their craft. Each transition flowed seamlessly into the next, their footwork sharp and their expressions radiating the passion that burned within them.
Sophie watched intently, her gaze unwavering, as the rehearsal ground to an abrupt halt, the performers frozen mid-motion as if caught in a fleeting snapshot. A hush descended upon the room, punctuated only by the faint echoes of the music that had filled the space mere moments before. With a keen eye for detail, she observed the subtle nuances of the scene unfolding before her, her mind already cataloging the intricate layers that would shape her eventual narrative, the infectious energy dissipating in the wake of the news. The ballet dancer scheduled to join them for the intricate choreography of "Pretty Things" was running late, a fact that seemed to grate on the nerves of the band members.
Gary paced back and forth, his brow furrowed in frustration. "We can't afford any delays," he muttered, his gaze flickering towards the clock on the wall. "The schedule is already tight as it is."
Robbie, ever the jokester, attempted to lighten the mood. "Maybe she got caught up practicing her plies," he quipped, executing an exaggerated pirouette that elicited a few chuckles from the others.
Despite the jest, the air remained thick with tension. Sophie could sense the weight of the situation, the delicate balance between their artistic vision, and the logistical constraints they faced.
Howard spoke up, his voice level and reassuring. "I'm sure she'll be here soon. These things happen."
Sophie watched the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and disbelief, her lips curving into an incredulous smile as the band members approached her with their bizarre request. She couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected turn of events, her journalistic instincts piqued by the sheer absurdity of the situation.
"You want me to what?" she asked, her voice laced with a playful lilt as she fought back a chuckle.
Gary stepped forward, his expression a blend of desperation and hope. "We need someone to fill in for the ballet dancer, just for a few minutes," he pleaded. "It's nothing too complicated, just a few basic moves to keep the choreography on track."
Robbie chimed in, his trademark mischievous grin plastered across his face. "Come on, Sophie, you've got to help us out here. We've seen you move – you've got the grace of a prima ballerina."
Sophie couldn't resist a hearty laugh, her shoulders shaking at the sheer ridiculousness of their request. "Get lost, you can't be serious," she retorted, her eyes sparkling with embarrassment. "There's no way I'm going to do ballet for you lot."
The band members exchanged glances, their expressions a comical mix of pleading and resignation. Mark stepped forward, his warm smile disarming. "We're in a bit of a bind here, love. Just a few twirls to each of us, that's all we need."
Sophie shook her head, her laughter subsiding as she regarded the men before her. "I'm flattered, really, but I think you're overestimating my abilities," she replied, her tone tinged with playful sarcasm.
Sophie's heart raced as Jason's reassuring presence enveloped her. His gentle grip on her hand radiated a calming warmth, coaxing her into the surreal moment. With a steadying breath, she allowed herself to be guided towards the makeshift stage, her apprehension mingling with a hint of excited curiosity.
Mark's fingers danced across the control panel, and the opening notes of "Little Things" filled the air, the familiar melody wrapping around Sophie like an old friend. She shot him a dubious glance, but his warm smile disarmed her, and she found herself surrendering to the moment.
Before she could protest further, Mark's strong arms encircled her waist, and he effortlessly twirled her across the floor. Sophie's breath caught in her throat as her body moved in sync with his, their steps fluid and graceful. She marveled at his natural poise, her initial trepidation melting away with each rhythmic sway.
With a gentle push, Mark guided her towards Howard, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Howard's grin was infectious as he swept her into his arms, his movements light and encouraging. Sophie couldn't help but giggle as he dipped her low, her hair grazing the floor before he pulled her back up with a flourish.
The music swelled around them, and Sophie found herself lost in the moment, her body moving with an unexpected grace. Howard's hand pressed against the small of her back, propelling her into a spin that left her breathless. As she twirled, she caught a glimpse of the others watching with amused smiles, their faces a blur of approval.
Sophie's breath caught in her throat as Robbie guided her towards Gary, his hand firm yet gentle on the small of her back. She moved with a newfound grace, the music enveloping her in its rhythm, carrying her across the makeshift stage.
Gary's eyes locked onto hers, a magnetic pull that rendered her momentarily breathless. His hand extended, fingers outstretched, beckoning her closer. With a tentative step, she moved into his embrace, her back pressed against the solid warmth of his chest.
Time seemed to slow as Gary's arm encircled her waist, his movements fluid and assured. Sophie's heart thundered in her ears, the world around her fading into a blur of sound and color. She surrendered to the moment, allowing Gary to lead her in a dance that transcended mere steps.
His voice, rich and smooth, caressed her senses as he sang the familiar lyrics, "All those pretty things, God bless the pretty things." The words took on a new meaning, resonating within her with a depth she hadn't anticipated.
With each turn and sway, Sophie found herself falling deeper into the spell woven by Gary's touch and the music's embrace. His hands guided her effortlessly, their bodies moving in perfect synchronicity as if they had danced this dance a thousand times before. The world around them faded into a hazy backdrop, their connection forged in the notes that hung heavy in the air.
Gary's fingers traced an invisible path along the curve of her waist, igniting a trail of shivers that danced across her skin. His breath was a whisper against her neck, the scent of his cologne and sweat intoxicating her senses. Sophie surrendered to the rhythm, allowing the music to flow through her veins like liquid fire.
Their movements were a language unto themselves, a silent conversation spoken through the press of palms and the brush of bodies. Sophie's heart swelled with each dip and twirl, her inhibitions melting away under Gary's masterful lead. She was putty in his hands, malleable and pliant, trusting him to guide her through this intricate dance.
As the music swelled, Gary pulled her flush against him, their chests rising and falling in perfect harmony. Sophie's breath caught in her throat, her senses overwhelmed by his proximity. His gaze held hers captive, a smoldering intensity that threatened to consume her whole. At that moment, they were the only two souls in existence, bound by an unspoken connection that defied explanation.
As the final notes faded, Sophie found herself caught in Gary's gaze, their faces mere inches apart. A charged silence hung between them, heavy with unspoken possibilities. At that moment, time seemed to slow, the world around them fading into insignificance as they became lost in each other's eyes. Sophie's heart raced, her breath catching in her throat as she was enveloped by the intensity of Gary's presence. His warm breath caressed her skin, sending a shiver down her spine. The air crackled with electricity, each passing second heightening the anticipation that threatened to consume them both. Then, like a spell broken, the others erupted into applause and laughter, their voices shattering the intimate moment.
Sophie stepped back, her cheeks flushed, her heart still racing. She caught Robbie's mischievous wink and Mark's approving nod, a grateful understanding passing between them.
Sophie's heart pounded in her chest as Gary's fingers lingered against her palm, his touch searing her skin like a brand. She forced a polite smile, her mind reeling from the intensity of the moment they had shared during their impromptu dance.
"Thank you, Sophie," Gary said, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down her spine. "That was incredible..."
She nodded, her throat constricting as she fought to maintain her composure. "It was my pleasure," she managed, extracting her hand from his grasp with a sudden urgency that bordered on desperation.
Gary's brow furrowed ever so slightly, a flicker of confusion passing across his features as Sophie stepped back, putting distance between them. She averted her gaze, unable to meet the piercing intensity of his stare, afraid of what he might see lurking behind her eyes.
"I should... I need to..." She stammered, her words failing her as she sought an excuse, any excuse, to escape the suffocating weight of the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.
Without another word, she turned on her heel and fled, her steps quickening as she made her way towards the restrooms. She burst through the door, the cool tile a welcome reprieve from the stifling heat that had enveloped her.
Bracing her hands against the sink, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, her cheeks flushed, her eyes wide and haunted. She drew in a shuddering breath, willing her racing heart to slow, her mind to clear.
What was happening to her?
This was Gary Barlow, for God's sake – He is a professional colleague, someone she should regard with the utmost respect and detachment. And yet, his touch had ignited a fire within her, a conflagration of desire and longing that threatened to consume her from the inside out.
She splashed cold water on her face, the icy sting grounding her, pulling her back from the precipice of dangerous thoughts. She couldn't allow herself to indulge in such fancies, no matter how tempting they might be.
She had James, her loving, devoted boyfriend, waiting for her at home. And even if she didn't, entertaining any sort of romantic notion towards Gary would be the height of unprofessionalism – a breach of ethics that could jeopardize everything she had worked so hard to achieve.
Squaring her shoulders, she took a deep, steadying breath, willing her racing heart to still. She was Sophie Chambers, a consummate professional, a woman in control of her emotions and her destiny. She would not allow herself to be swayed by fleeting moments of weakness, no matter how alluring they might seem.
With a renewed sense of purpose, she straightened her blouse and smoothed her hair, her mask of composure firmly in place. She would return to the rehearsal space, her head held high, and resume her duties with the utmost professionalism and detachment.
As she emerged from the restroom, she caught sight of Gary across the room, his gaze flickering in her direction. For a brief moment, their eyes met, and she saw a flicker of something akin to confusement pass across his features before he turned away, engaging Mark in what appeared to be a casual conversation.
A pang of guilt twisted in her chest, but she pushed it aside, steeling her resolve. This was for the best, she told herself, a necessary sacrifice to preserve the integrity of her career and her relationship.
And yet, as she watched Gary from afar, his movements fluid and graceful, she couldn't quite silence the treacherous voice that whispered in the back of her mind, taunting her with possibilities she dared not entertain.
Sophie exhaled a shaky breath as she stepped out into the cool evening air, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The day's rehearsal had been intense, both physically and emotionally, leaving her drained yet exhilarated.
As she made her way to her car, she couldn't help but replay the events of the day in her mind, her thoughts inevitably drifting towards Gary. The way his fingers had grazed her palm during their impromptu dance, the intensity of his gaze burning into her soul – it had awakened something deep within her, something she didn't know she was missing.
She slid into the driver's seat, her hands gripping the steering wheel as she fought to steady her racing heart. This was uncharted territory for her, a dangerous path that threatened to upend everything she had worked so hard to build.
"Gary is a colleague, nothing more." She repeated to herself. Yet, the way he looked at her, the way he spoke to her, it stirred something primal within her, a longing she couldn't quite put into words.
She pulled into her driveway, she was jolted from her reverie by the familiar buzz of her phone. Glancing down, she saw a text from James, that he would bring home dinner for them tonight.
A pang of guilt twisted in her chest as she read his words, a stark reminder of the reality that awaited her beyond the confines of her car. James was her partner, her rock, the one constant in her life amidst the chaos and uncertainty that often accompanied her career.
And yet, as she made her way inside, the memory of her body againsts Gary's burned bright in her mind, a flame that refused to be extinguished.
As Sophie settled onto the couch, she found herself torn, caught between the familiarity and comfort of her long-term relationship with James and the alluring promise of something new, something forbidden that beckoned to her from the depths of her very soul. Even as her conscience whispered its admonishments, Sophie couldn't deny the magnetic pull she felt towards the charismatic musician, the way her body responded to his touch, the way her heart raced at the mere thought of him now. It was a temptation that threatened to consume her, to unravel the carefully woven threads of her life, and Sophie knew that she stood at a crossroads, forced to choose between the stability of her present and the tantalising uncertainty of what could be.
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gazbaz1 · 1 month
DELAYED from Gary Bird on Vimeo.
Using Fokker Trimotor model from 3D Warehouse... #delayed #flight #1920s #FokkerTrimotor #stylised #motiondesign #element3d #aftereffects #adobe #motiongraphics #animation #titles #opener #experimental #abstract #3danimation #renderzone
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thejacksmit · 8 months
First Take: The Marvels - two out of three ain't bad
Spoiler free as usual. Because Goose would eat me.
SYNOPSIS: Carol Danvers gets her powers entangled with those of Kamala Khan and Monica Rambeau, forcing them to work together to save the universe.
Ah, the sequel the internet wrote off when it was greenlit. The Marvels is one of the MCU projects which has suffered from Covid delays the most - July 2022 initially, then November, then February 2023, July, and finally settling here - as a direct knock on of all the TV shows on Disney+ (including the vital setup of this movie in Ms Marvel and WandaVision) being displaced due to Covid shutdowns. But even with no cast able to promote it until the early hours of its release day, The Marvels has some promise, but its execution does have some minor quibbles.
Nia DaCosta of 2021 Candyman reboot fame is in the big directors chair (And also co-writer with Megan McDonnell and Elissa Karasik) on her first major Hollywood, big budget film - and she does an admirable job turning in a rare Marvel film under two hours - a tight 1 hour 45 minutes - that is very up and down. Some elements excel, others feel like hasty rewrites, and some ideas feel a little out of place, those who have seen the film will likely know which sequences I am referring to. It is shot really well by Sean Bobbitt, as any MCU project would be at this stage (with the IMAX kit - something which must be a blessing with the film currently taking the screenings that should've been occupied with Dune 2 had the strike not happened) and of course, the Kamala character isn't the only thing making the leap from Disney+ to cinema screens, as Laura Karpman provides the music just like she did for the first season of What If and Ms Marvel.
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Where this film is saved from the depths of another MCU rant is its cast, and it is obvious that Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris and Iman Vellani get along well, as the chemistry this trio have is damn good. On top of these leads we've got Zawe Ashton, Gary Lewis, Park Seo-joon joining in, with Zenobia Shroff, Mohan Kapur and Saagar Shaikh returning from Ms Marvel, and of course, for the first time since Secret Invasion was torn apart, Samuel L Jackson is back in an MCU film as Nick Fury - along with a few MAJOR cameos throughout the film that *finally* set off future development into Phase 5 (and beyond). It might've been Marvel's worst opener to date, partly because of the strike and the internet's response to Larson - but for the first time in a while, I can see where this is going. Over to you Shawn Levy - bring us Deadpool 3 in a state that's worth the wait.
The Marvels is a perfectly fine - not a great - MCU film that gets the job done in under 2 hours. Had SAG/AFTRA not been on strike it would've fared better at the box office, but considering the impact this film - and particularly the last 10 minutes have - on the rest of the Multiverse Saga to come, off the back of Loki's season 2 finale it feels like Kevin Feige, once again, had a long term plan... but we just didn't know it yet.
RATING: 3.5/5
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ledenews · 9 months
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ailtrahq · 9 months
During a Sep. 27 hearing, policymakers hammered Gary Gensler over the Security and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) non-compliance with requests for documents including records related to bankrupt crypto exchange FTX and its founder Sam Bankman-Fried. Rep. Patrick McHenry voiced skepticism regarding Gensler’s commitment to remedying bipartisan legislative concerns and protecting investors, noting that Congress’s patience was “wearing thin”. 👉 @SECGov Chair @GaryGensler continues his blatant disregard for Congress in pursuit of a radical agenda that threatens the integrity of our financial markets, protection of investors, & our economic competitiveness. Our patience is wearing thin.📺 #WATCH my opening remarks ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/MTJIdNaBGD— Patrick McHenry (@PatrickMcHenry) September 27, 2023 “Bitcoin does not meet the Howey test which is the law of the land about being an investment contract,” Gensler said about treating Bitcoin as a security. The SEC Chair did however not categorically affirm Bitcoin’s commodity status. Several policymakers mentioned cryptocurrency and FTX’s November 2022 implosion, pointing to billions in investor losses and a handful of bankruptcies caused by widespread malpractice by executives. While retaining rhetoric that speaks to blatant fraud and misconduct in the crypto industry, the SEC boss stressed his view of digital asset operators actively ignoring existing financial laws and added that cryptocurrencies fall within the scope of existing securities rules. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tnv9MRh0GM[/embed] Gensler’s time at Goldman Sachs was mentioned by Rep. Tom Emmer. The policymaker implied that the SEC is no longer an impartial regulator due to Gensler’s political agendas and affiliations with Wall Street stakeholders. Rep. Andy Barr also opined that Gensler was “kneecapping” financial markets with overboard bureaucracy while Rep. Warren Davidson suggested that Congress fire Gensler. Speaking on spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), the Grayscale case, and approving Bitcoin ETF filings, the SEC Chair pointed to his commission’s continued review of submissions. The regulator delayed its decision on ARK 21Shares’ ETF application and other filings until January 2024, as crypto.news reported. Gensler added that the SEC could engage U.S. courts over a ruling that found America’s securities watchdog “arbitrary and capricious” in denying a spot Bitcoin ETF while the commission approved futures-related crypto funds. In a letter on Sep. 26, some 29 members of the House Financial Services Committee urged the SEC to suspend rulemaking until policy impact can be assessed. Due to an impending government shutdown, the SEC may operate without over 90% of its staff over a period of time. Although this development might hamper internal reviews and previous ETF decision deadlines, the SEC acknowledged at least one filing ahead of schedule. Source
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crynotifier · 11 months
Prosecution's Strategy: Caroline Ellison's Personal Notes to Serve as Key Evidence Against Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried
Prosecution's Strategy: Caroline Ellison's Personal Notes to Serve as Key Evidence Against Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried
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Source: Adobe / Александр Поташев
In an August 14 submission to the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York, prosecutors stated their plan to introduce Caroline Ellison’s to-do lists and notes as evidence, including a note labeled “Things Sam is Freaking Out About.”
The legal case concerning ex-FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried has taken a fresh turn as prosecutors disclosed their intent to utilize personal writings from Caroline Ellison, former CEO of Alameda Research, a trading firm affiliated with FTX, as evidence in the criminal trial.
The prosecutors highlighted a list named “Things Sam is Freaking Out About,” summarizing discussions between Sam Bankman-Fried and Ellison about SBF’s business matters, including business worries, fundraising, Alameda’s trading hedges, negative media coverage about the hedge fund, and connections to FTX.
“The Government intends to offer into evidence certain handwritten and typed notes that Ellison maintained to keep track of the conspiracy’s activities,” reads the filing.
“For example, Ellison took notes at meetings with her co-conspirators at which they discussed, among other things, the financial health of Alameda and its liabilities to FTX.”
According to the prosecution, these notes are not considered inadmissible hearsay. They assert that the former Alameda CEO created these notes to record the supplied information and guide her role in the conspiracy.
Deficiency in User Funds Acknowledged by Caroline Ellison: Covert Recording Reveals Concerns Before FTX and Alameda Bankruptcy Filings
Among the evidence is a covert recording made by an Alameda employee of Ellison during a company-wide meeting on November 9, 2022—just 48 hours before the bankruptcy filings of FTX and Alameda.
In Ellison’s words, Alameda had procured “a significant amount of money through open-term loans and utilized it for various investments with limited liquidity,” a situation compounded by the crypto crash in 2022 that prompted most of these loans to be called.
Ellison stated, “To address these loan recalls, we had to secure substantial funds on FTX, resulting in a deficit of user funds on the platform,’ as recounted from the meeting.”
The filing also shows that Ellison discussed the issue with SBF, the exchange’s co-founder and CTO, Nishad Singh, and its director of engineering, Gary Wang.
During a meeting, an Alameda employee asked Ellison about others who knew about the deficit in FTX user funds. 
Ellison responded, “Yeah, I mean, I guess I talked about it with, like, Sam, Nishad, and Gary.”
Gary Wang, an FTX co-founder, and Nishad Singh, the exchange’s engineering director, have admitted guilt in fraud cases and are aiding prosecutors.
Another employee questioned Ellison about the choice to utilize FTX user deposits.
Ellison’s reported response was, “Um . . . Sam, I guess.”
The prosecution has requested the admission of evidence related to Bankman-Fried’s alleged activities. 
These activities include purportedly falsified statements to an unnamed bank, bribery of Chinese officials regarding frozen Alameda accounts, manipulation of the FTX token (FTT) on the exchange, and the selective prioritization of payments to creditors.
Bankman-Fried’s lawyers responded by filing a motion on August 14. They seek to exclude evidence obtained after July 1.
The defense argues that prosecutors did not promptly provide specific information, including the contents of Wang’s laptop and encrypted Telegram chats with Ellison.
The defense contends that these delays hindered their trial preparation.
Bankman-Fried is awaiting trial in Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center, scheduled for October. 
The court revoked his bail due to allegations that he leaked portions of Ellison’s diary entries to The New York Times.
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New Post has been published on https://crynotifier.com/prosecutions-strategy-caroline-ellisons-personal-notes-to-serve-as-key-evidence-against-former-ftx-ceo-sam-bankman-fried-1-htm/
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loiswolf · 1 year
Day 45 July 15 Dryden - Ignace 106km
It’s funny how a day of around 100kms seems so much easier than 130+. Not at all in a hurry today I talked to another guest of the Chalet Inn before cycling off this morning. I don’t think Saul was very impressed with that motel either. Last night when I woke at around midnight I opened the door for a possible glimpse of the northern lights. The weather report had mentioned they might be visible at that time. All I could see was the very garish flashing neon sign outside reception. Nope, no chance of seeing anything good from there.
So I was heading into a fairly remote area, it was time to stock up on some goodies. First stop Subway, for some cookies and then Tim Hortons for some donuts. I also passed Walmart and another supermarket where I would normally pop in and purchase a frozen meal for dinner tonight. I’m probably a bit slow. I finally worked out the other day, when approaching Cedar Creek, that the huge, biting, black flies swarming around Shirley and I could smell the food (meat) in my front bag. The meal was vacuum sealed, still in the box and tucked inside a waterproof bag. It must have thawed to a certain point where those horrible flies, which I tried without success to outride ( they were probably lined up on my backpack enjoying the ride) could smell . I have been bitten through clothing twice by those flies. Tonight I will have a footlong from Subway.
The only place to stop for a coffee today was just 13kms into the ride. Remembering how much I enjoyed my second breakfast at Falcon Beach a couple of days ago I decided to do it again.
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Yum! It was delicious. I also talked for a while to the diner lady and a couple at the next table who were interested in my travels.
The ride today was quite enjoyable. The road is great.
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Gary had given me dire warnings about this road but I think it’s been one of the best I’ve cycled. Again I had moderate hills and a tail wind to help out.
I had checked the map to find that although I would not be able to get coffee, there were more lovely rest areas to enjoy.
The first one was at just 40kms. I was still full from breakfast so I just had a quick five minute stop.
The next one was at 65kms and I was secretly hoping there might be some kindly grey nomads in a RV who could give me some boiling water to make my own coffee.
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Sadly there was not ( that photo was from the first stop) but I still enjoyed a good break eating my Tim Bits ( donut holes from Tim Hortons in various flavours) and drinking some sparkling water.
Honestly these rest areas are the best I’ve seen during all my travels and this is the only signage they have
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In the Yukon they were letting you know when you were within 30kms of a rubbish bin.
I’d managed to delay my arrival in Ignace until a little after 2:30, all prepared to check into another revolting motel.
No, what a lovely surprise. This place is really nice! It doesn’t smell, it looks like it’s had a coat of paint on a regular basis, there are no disturbing black marks all over the bathroom and it’s cheaper by far than the last couple of stays.
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I wonder what tomorrow’s accommodation will be like!
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thereasonsimbroke · 1 year
Pokémon Recovers Stolen Fusion Strike Cards
In Ep. 559, Macio and I discuss Fusion Strike Pokémon cards theft, the Suicide Squad game delayed to Feb 2024, Zack Snyder and Jim Lee launching the Full Circle campaign for suicide prevention, and more!
Full Topics:
The Super Mario Bros. movie has become the highest-grossing video game film of all time, earning over $700M in box office sales, and is expected to surpass $1B.
Gary Bowser, a member of Team Xecuter, has been released from prison for good behavior after serving 40 months and ordered to pay Nintendo $10M in damages.
The alleged theft of rare Fusion Strike Pokémon cards has been solved after a photo of the cards being sold to a local shop surfaced.
Joseph Staten, former Halo director and writer, has joined Netflix Games to develop a new AAA video game franchise across multiple platforms.
Rocksteady's game "Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League" has been pushed back to February 2024.
Actor Jonathan Majors is reportedly facing multiple allegations of abuse from new victims who are cooperating with the Manhattan district attorney's office.
Warner Bros. Discovery has announced the launch of its new streaming service, Max, which will include content from a range of brands.
HBO and Max content CEO Casey Bloys has refused to address concerns over J.K. Rowling's history of transphobia, calling it a "nuanced and complicated" online conversation not suited for a Q&A.
The upcoming animated series "Creature Commandos" has sparked a debate about voice acting in the entertainment industry.
Ink To The People, Zack Snyder, and Jim Lee have launched their campaign called "Full Circle" to support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
FOLLOW/SUPPORT MACIO: @macdamurderer (Macio's Twitter) As always, we appreciate your constructive Feedback, Suggestions, and Questions. You can also leave us an audio question on SpeakPipe. Thank you for the continued love and support! Enjoy the show. Daniel Podcast Awards 2019 || Games & Hobbies (Winner) Podcast Awards 2017 - 2018, 2020 - 2022 || Games & Hobbies (Nominated) Official Site FOLLOW US: - Twitter | @ReasonsImBroke and @TRIBPod - Instagram - Pinterest - Tumblr - Discord Lounge - YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts / Stitcher / iHeartRadio / TuneIn / Overcast SUPPORT THE POD: Getting $1's worth of entertainment and information each month? Support us on Patreon or visit our TeePublic storefront! SPREAD THE WORD: If you're enjoying the show, please head over to iTunes and leave us a rating and a review! Each one helps new Brokettes discover the podcast. Contribute to the Hero Initiative to offer assistance to comic creators facing difficulties. Show your support for the AFSP's efforts by donating to the Autumn Snyder Tribute Fund. CREDITS: Opening/Closing Jingles - Alex Scott Show Logo By - Opanaldiova
The latest episode of The Reasons I'm Broke Podcast!
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bitcofun · 2 years
Cryptocurrencies CryptoSlate Wrapped Daily: FTX looks for bailout to fortify liquidity; 60 K BTC withdrawn from exchanges Christian Nwobodo ·18 hours back · 4 minutes read Sequoia writes-off over $200 M FTX financial investment as useless, FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried looks for to raise funds to settle afflicted users, and far more in this edition of CryptoSlate Wrapped Daily. 4 minutes read Updated: November 10, 2022 at 11: 13 pm Cover art/illustration through CryptoSlate The greatest news in the cryptoverse for Nov. 10 consists of SBF preparing to raise funds to bailout FTX and make users entire, SEC chairman Gary Gensler promoting for more financier defense following FTX collapse, and Sequoia Capital crossing out its over $200 M financial investment in FTX as useless.Cryptocurrencies CryptoSlate Top Stories Leaked slack messages reveal SBF strategy to raise funds for FTX bailout According to dripped slack messages apparently sent out to FTX staff members, Sam Bankman-Fried prepares to raise more funds to pay back clients and financiers impacted by the collapse. SBF included that FTX global might combine with FTX United States to increase its liquidity and fund operations. Sequoia writes-off over $200 M FTX financial investment as 'useless' VC company Sequoia had actually previously invested about $635 million into FTX and FTX United States prior to the crypto exchange began having a hard time. In light of the FTX collapse, Sequoia notified its financiers that it was crossing out over $200 million as uncollectable bill to FTX. SBF looks for to raise liquidity for FTX International; funds to go "straight to users" FTX' s CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) in a Nov. 10 tweet excused going beyond users' deposit margin which triggered the FTX collapse. As an outcome, FTX had a greater worth of properties than user deposits. SBF stated he was checking out all possible alternatives to raise funds and liquidate existing security so regarding reimburse users impacted by the collapse. Crypto markets rocked as stablecoin reserves diminish, Curve 3pool focused by USDT, 60 k BTC leaves Binance, Alameda shorts USDT Following reports that Binance retreated from conserving FTX due to an $8 billion hole in FTX's balance sheet, Binance released its Proof of Assets, which exposed that Binance held approximately $183 billion worth of properties in its reserve However, the FTX collapse is posturing some liquidity concerns for stablecoins. The Curve 3pool ended up being out of balance, as the USDT, DAI, and USDC balances gotten used to 84%, 8%, and 8% respectively. Reports likewise emerged that FTX's Alameda was seeking to sell about $550,000 worth of USDT. With the increasing worry, unpredictability, and doubt rocking the crypto market, some Bitcoin holders relocated to withdraw about 60,000 BTC from exchanges, showing a belief to sell their possessions to prevent additional contagion. SEC's Gensler states more financier security is required after FTX mess The securities and exchange commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler informed CNBC that he had actually alerted crypto exchanges consisting of Sam Bankman's FTX that non-compliance with regulative laws would weaken financier defense. Gensler restated that the very best method ahead will be for crypto exchanges to be appropriately signed up with the regulators, so regarding safeguard financiers and avoid market crises triggered by huge gamers, who "co-mingle" to trade versus their clients. Solana holds off token unlock amidst double-dip worries, designers untouched By style, Solana was expected to open about 18 million SOL tokens in between Nov. 9 and Nov.10 Due to the FTX community collapse, Solana has actually delayed the unlock date till Nov. 12, so as to minimize the sale pressure on Solana's having a hard time token (SOL). Counterintuitively, the staking opens for Solana designers were finished today, which saw about 353,687 SOL tokens launched into the marketplace. Bitcoin spikes to $17,800 on much better than anticipated CPI information The FTX collapse of Nov.
9, saw Bitcoin fall to a 103- week low of about $15,600 Less than 24 hours later on, Bitcoin increased by 7.5% to trade at $17,800 in action to the release of October's Consumer Price Index (CPI) information. The market had actually anticipated a report of about a 7.9% increase in inflation, nevertheless, the October CPI information exposed that inflation sits at 7.7% year-on-year. Kraken's Jesse Powell states crypto neighborhood must 'raise requirements' to put end to bad stars Kraken's creator Jessee Powell in action to the FTX collapse stated that the crypto neighborhood though unbiased and relying on must embrace stringent requirements in validating crypto tasks prior to promoting them. Powell gotten in touch with equity capital companies to be stringent with their due diligence procedure prior to backing any task and backing them to the general public. The Kraken chair included that the U.S. regulators require to supply a clear regulative structure for crypto organizations to run and provide their services in a monitored way.Cryptocurrencies Research Highlight FTX, Alameda utilized Binance as intermediary for their parasitic relationship On-chain information evaluated by CryptoSlate exposed that in between November 2021 and November 2022, Sam Bankman-Fried's Alameda Research moved about $49 billion worth of tokens to FTX, with over $4.2 billion supposedly sent out in September 2022. From the chart, Alameda apparently got about $25 billion worth of stablecoins and altcoins, with $7.1 billion originating from FTX and over $155 billion being sent out from Binance wallets. In line with the on-chain information, Binance played the intermediary to assist in fund transfers in between Alameda and FTX, which triggered the 9/11 crypto market collapse. M2 cash supply might be a much better procedure of inflation than CPI Many Economists think about the M2 cash supply (that includes money and inspecting deposits, cost savings deposits, and cash market securities) as a much better step of inflation than M1 which is utilized to track the Consumer Price Index (CPI). According to the October CPI information, inflation sits at 8%, while the M2 figure stands above 25%. Lots of customers think that inflation might be nearing the 25% mark set by M2. In addition, the M2 figure is seeing a growing interest from Crypto Analysts as it tracks Bitcoin cost efficiency. From the chart, throughout the durations of 2015, 2019, and 2022, the M2 figure saw a decrease, which accompanied a fall in Bitcoin rate. The worldwide M2 is ending up being a metric that plays an essential function in identifying Bitcoin's cost motion.Cryptocurrencies News from the Cryptoverse Tron to help FTX FTX has actually revealed that it is dealing with Tron to enable TRX, BTT, JST, SUN, and HT token holders to switch their possessions 1:1 to external wallets. For the very first installation, about $13,000,000 worth of possessions will be readily available for withdrawal with strategies to release more possessions in the coming weeks. Iranian companies trade about $8 billion by means of Binance Reuters reported that leading crypto exchange Binance presumably assisted in shifts worth $7.8 billion from Iranian companies that were approved by the U.S. federal government. The funds streamed in between Binance and Iran's biggest crypto exchange, Nobitex, utilizing Tron cryptocurrency to cancel their on-chain identity.Cryptocurrencies Crypto Market In the last 24 hours, Bitcoin (BTC) increased by over 4% to trade at $17,476, while Ethereum (ETH) rose by 9% to trade at $1,297 Biggest Gainers (24 h) Counos X (CCXX): +11543% Band Protocol (BAND): +5825% Telcoin (TEL): +4466% Biggest Losers (24 h) MX Token (MX): -7.63% Everscale (EVER): -5.2% Marblex (MBX): -1.37% Read More
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November 7th,
The Last Time (feat Gary Lightbody) was once called "the worst feat on taylor's career" by Billboard and also "Unfortunately, their voices don’t mesh at all – what, is he auditioning for a Spandau Ballet tribute band?" was mentioned by The Rolling Stone magazine. It's OUTRAGEOUS!!! I love that song SO much, and i'm gonna tell...
⭐️ 13 reasons why "The Last Time" isn't the worst feat/song from Taylor's ⭐️ @taylornation @taylorswift
The song show us p.o.v's from Taylor and Gary, singing about the end of a relationship, where both are telling us in such a personal view about the details and the things that led to this end
It sounds exactly like the lyrics - sad, HONEST, vulnerable, exhausted, tired, hopeful and conflicted
The piano, it's simply stunning and it's definitely a reason for me to listen to it a thousand times
The fact that Gary came back for the Red rerecording :) their voices got so mature 🫶
It's such a honest song, which characters extremely relatable and they're deconstructing their own egos right in front of us
This song really expresses the whole vibe and feeling from the Red album, it's really truthful
It's sad, and I love sad songs (the re-recorded version it's even sadder though lmao, but i LOVE IT)
When they repeat "this is the last time" 16 times, showing that they're absorbing the breakup between them/they had to BEG to the other person for things SEVERAL times (they're exhausted)
She opens the door from her house and BOTH have a breakdown together, with no past and no reasons why - just you and meEeeEeeEee
When Taylor sings "you wear your best apology, but i was there to watch you leave" F*CK I FELT THAT she's putting in words what feels trying to forgive your significant other BUT you CANNOT FORGET, YOU WERE THERE!!! YOU WENT THROUGH ALL, YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T FORGIVE BC OF A BEST APOLOGY
The lyrics from Gary - "This is the Last Time I say "It's been you all along"/ This is the last time, I won't hurt you anymore " - First, he's mad and hurting, but then admits his fault too in the relationship! YES! THIS! THE OTHER PERSON KNOWS THEIR MISTAKES TOO
When @taylorswift sings - "This is the last time you tell me I've got It wrong/ This is the last time i'll let you in my door" - She tells us how she felt all those times he made her doubt herself and definitely cannot forget that bc would be a betrayal to HERSELF!!!! SHE IS TIRED TO ASKING THINGS FOR THE LAST TIME, she was constantly DELAYING THE END of the relationship
My favorite reason: It's the older sister of exile (feat Bon Iver) other spectacular song, both songs complement each other very well
I could talk about this song for ages, but I have to sleep 🤣
With all the love,
Joana (@joanainthegardensofbabylon)
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