#Gare de Porto
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ocoiso · 1 year ago
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pollonegro666 · 2 years ago
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2022/12/10 Por la tarde bajamos al puerto. Encontramos esta curiosa estructura metálica llamada cable inglés. En su origen, transportaba mineral de hierro desde la estación de ferrocarril hasta el puerto para se trasladada a Inglaterra. Hoy en día es un monumento más de la ciudad, exponente de la ingeniería civil del siglo pasado.
In the afternoon we go down to the port. We found this curious metallic structure called the English cable. Originally, it transported iron ore from the railway station to the port to be transferred to England. Today it is one more monument of the city, an exponent of civil engineering from the last century.
Google translation into Italian: Nel pomeriggio scendiamo al porto. Abbiamo trovato questa curiosa struttura metallica chiamata cavo inglese. In origine trasportava il minerale di ferro dalla stazione ferroviaria al porto per essere trasferito in Inghilterra. Oggi è un altro monumento della città, esponente dell'ingegneria civile del secolo scorso.
Google Translation into French: L'après-midi nous descendons au port. Nous avons trouvé cette curieuse structure métallique appelée le câble anglais. A l'origine, il transportait le minerai de fer de la gare jusqu'au port pour être transféré en Angleterre. Aujourd'hui, c'est un monument de plus de la ville, représentant du génie civil du siècle dernier.
Google Translation into Portuguese: À tarde, descemos para o porto. Encontramos essa curiosa estrutura metálica chamada cabo inglês. Originalmente, transportava minério de ferro da estação até o porto para ser transferido para a Inglaterra. Hoje, é mais um monumento da cidade, representativo da engenharia civil do século passado.
Google Translation into Arabic: بعد الظهر ننزل إلى الميناء. وجدنا هذا الهيكل المعدني الفضولي المسمى بالكابل الإنجليزي. في الأصل ، كانت تنقل خام الحديد من المحطة إلى الميناء ليتم نقلها إلى إنجلترا. اليوم ، هو نصب تذكاري آخر للمدينة ، ممثل الهندسة المدنية في القرن الماضي.
Google Translation into German: Am Nachmittag fahren wir zum Hafen hinunter. Wir fanden diese merkwürdige Metallstruktur namens englisches Kabel. Ursprünglich transportierte es Eisenerz von der Station zum Hafen, um es nach England zu transportieren. Heute ist es ein weiteres Denkmal der Stadt, repräsentativ für die Bautechnik des letzten Jahrhunderts.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Pasdite me makinë zbresim në port. Ne gjetëm këtë strukturë të çuditshme metalike të quajtur Kabllo angleze. Fillimisht transportonte mineral hekuri nga stacioni në port për dërgesë në Angli. Sot është një tjetër monument i qytetit, përfaqësues i teknikës së ndërtimit të shekullit të kaluar.
Google Translation into Armenian: Կեսօրին իջնում ​​ենք նավահանգիստ։ Մենք գտանք այս տարօրինակ մետաղական կառուցվածքը, որը կոչվում է անգլիական մալուխ: Ի սկզբանե այն երկաթի հանքաքար էր տեղափոխում կայարանից նավահանգիստ՝ Անգլիա առաքելու համար: Այսօր այն քաղաքի հերթական հուշարձանն է՝ անցյալ դարի շինարարական տեխնիկայի ներկայացուցիչ։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Следобед караме надолу към пристанището. Открихме тази странна метална структура, наречена Английски кабел. Първоначално транспортира желязна руда от гарата до пристанището за изпращане до Англия. Днес това е още един паметник на града, представител на строителната техника от миналия век.
Google Translation into Czech: Odpoledne sjíždíme do přístavu. Našli jsme tuto zvláštní kovovou konstrukci zvanou anglický kabel. Původně dopravovala železnou rudu z nádraží do přístavu pro přepravu do Anglie. Dnes je to další památka města, reprezentující stavební techniku ​​minulého století.
Google Translation into Croatian: U poslijepodnevnim satima spuštamo se u luku. Pronašli smo ovu čudnu metalnu strukturu koja se zove engleski kabel. Prvotno je prevozio željeznu rudaču od postaje do luke za otpremu u Englesku. Danas je to još jedan spomenik grada, predstavnik građevinske tehnike prošlog stoljeća.
Google Translation into Slovak: Poobede ideme dole do prístavu. Našli sme túto zvláštnu kovovú konštrukciu nazývanú anglický kábel. Pôvodne prepravovala železnú rudu zo stanice do prístavu na prepravu do Anglicka. Dnes je ďalšou pamiatkou mesta, reprezentantom stavebnej techniky minulého storočia.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Popoldne se odpeljemo do pristanišča. Našli smo to nenavadno kovinsko strukturo, imenovano English Cable. Prvotno je prevažal železovo rudo od postaje do pristanišča za pošiljanje v Anglijo. Danes je še en spomenik mesta, predstavnik gradbene tehnike prejšnjega stoletja.
Google Translation into Estonian: Pärastlõunal sõidame alla sadamasse. Leidsime selle kummalise metallkonstruktsiooni nimega inglise kaabel. Algselt transportis see rauamaaki jaamast sadamasse Inglismaale saatmiseks. Tänapäeval on see linna järjekordne monument, eelmise sajandi ehitustehnika esindaja.
Google Translation into Suomi: Iltapäivällä ajamme alas satamaan. Löysimme tämän oudon metallirakenteen nimeltä englantilainen kaapeli. Alun perin se kuljetti rautamalmia asemalta satamaan lähetettäväksi Englantiin. Nykyään se on toinen kaupungin muistomerkki, joka edustaa viime vuosisadan rakennustekniikkaa.
Google Translation into Greek: Το απόγευμα κατεβαίνουμε με το αυτοκίνητο στο λιμάνι. Βρήκαμε αυτήν την περίεργη μεταλλική κατασκευή που ονομάζεται αγγλικό καλώδιο. Αρχικά μετέφερε σιδηρομετάλλευμα από το σταθμό στο λιμάνι για αποστολή στην Αγγλία. Σήμερα αποτελεί ένα ακόμη μνημείο της πόλης, αντιπροσωπευτικό της τεχνικής κατασκευής του περασμένου αιώνα.
Google Translation into Dutch: In de middag rijden we naar de haven. We vonden een vreemde metalen structuur genaamd de Engelse kabel. Oorspronkelijk vervoerde het ijzererts van het station naar de haven voor verscheping naar Engeland. Tegenwoordig is het een ander monument van de stad, representatief voor de bouwtechniek van de vorige eeuw.
Google Translation into Norwegian: På ettermiddagen kjører vi ned til havnen. Vi fant denne merkelige metallstrukturen kalt English Cable. Opprinnelig fraktet den jernmalm fra stasjonen til havnen for forsendelse til England. I dag er det et annet monument av byen, representativt for byggeteknikken fra forrige århundre.
Google Translation into Polish: Po południu zjeżdżamy do portu. Znaleźliśmy tę dziwną metalową konstrukcję zwaną English Cable. Pierwotnie transportował rudę żelaza ze stacji do portu w celu wysyłki do Anglii. Dziś jest to kolejny zabytek miasta, reprezentujący technikę budowlaną ubiegłego stulecia.
Google Translation into Romanian: După-amiaza coborâm spre port. Am găsit această structură metalică ciudată numită English Cable. Inițial, transporta minereu de fier de la stație la port pentru a fi expediat în Anglia. Astăzi este un alt monument al orașului, reprezentativ pentru tehnica de construcție a secolului trecut.
Google Translation into Russian: Во второй половине дня мы спускаемся в порт. Мы нашли странную металлическую конструкцию под названием «Английский кабель». Первоначально он перевозил железную руду со станции в порт для отправки в Англию. Сегодня это еще один памятник города, представитель строительной техники прошлого века.
Google Translation into Serbian: Поподне се возимо до луке. Пронашли смо ову чудну металну структуру која се зове енглески кабл. Првобитно је превозио руду гвожђа од станице до луке за отпрему у Енглеску. Данас је то још један споменик града, представник грађевинске технике прошлог века.
Google Translation into Swedish: På eftermiddagen kör vi ner till hamnen. Vi hittade den här konstiga metallstrukturen som kallas den engelska kabeln. Ursprungligen transporterade den järnmalm från stationen till hamnen för frakt till England. Idag är det ett annat monument i staden, representativt för förra seklets byggteknik.
Google Translation into Turkish: Öğleden sonra limana doğru yola çıkıyoruz. İngiliz Kablosu denen bu garip metal yapıyı bulduk. Başlangıçta İngiltere'ye sevkiyat için istasyondan limana demir cevheri taşıdı. Bugün, geçen yüzyılın inşaat tekniğini temsil eden kentin bir başka anıtıdır.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: У другій половині дня ми їдемо в порт. Ми знайшли цю дивну металеву конструкцію під назвою «Англійський кабель». Спочатку він транспортував залізну руду від станції до порту для відправлення до Англії. Сьогодні це ще одна пам'ятка міста, представник будівельної техніки минулого століття.
Google Translation into Bengali: বিকেলে আমরা বন্দরে নেমে যাই। আমরা ইংলিশ ক্যাবল নামে এই অদ্ভুত ধাতব কাঠামো খুঁজে পেয়েছি। মূলত এটি ইংল্যান্ডে চালানের জন্য স্টেশন থেকে বন্দরে লোহা আকরিক পরিবহন করত। আজ এটি শহরের আরেকটি স্মৃতিস্তম্ভ, গত শতাব্দীর নির্মাণ কৌশলের প্রতিনিধি।
Google Translation into Chinese: 下午我们开车去港口。 我们发现了这个奇怪的金属结构,叫做 English Cable。 最初它把铁矿石从车站运到港口运往英国。 今天它是这座城市的又一座丰碑,是上个世纪建筑技术的代表。
Google Translation into Korean: 오후에는 항구로 차를 몰고 갑니다. 우리는 잉글리쉬 케이블이라고 불리는 이상한 금속 구조를 발견했습니다. 원래 영국으로 선적하기 위해 철광석을 역에서 항구로 운송했습니다. 오늘날 그것은 지난 세기의 건설 기술을 대표하는 도시의 또 다른 기념물입니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: אחר הצהריים אנחנו נוסעים למטה לנמל. מצאנו את מבנה המתכת המוזר הזה שנקרא ה-English Cable. במקור היא הובילה עפרות ברזל מהתחנה לנמל למשלוח לאנגליה. כיום זהו אנדרטה נוספת של העיר, נציגה של טכניקת הבנייה של המאה הקודמת.
Google Translation into Hindi: दोपहर में हम बंदरगाह के लिए ड्राइव करते हैं। हमें यह अजीब धातु संरचना मिली जिसे इंग्लिश केबल कहा जाता है। मूल रूप से इसने लौह अयस्क को इंग्लैंड से लदान के लिए स्टेशन से बंदरगाह तक पहुँचाया। आज यह शहर का एक और स्मारक है, जो पिछली सदी की निर्माण तकनीक का प्रतिनिधि है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Sore hari kami berkendara ke pelabuhan. Kami menemukan struktur logam aneh yang disebut English Cable. Awalnya mengangkut bijih besi dari stasiun ke pelabuhan untuk dikirim ke Inggris. Hari ini adalah monumen kota lainnya, yang mewakili teknik konstruksi abad terakhir.
Google Translation into Japanese: 午後は車で港へ。 イングリッシュケーブルと呼ばれるこの奇妙な金属構造を見つけました。 もともとは鉄鉱石を駅から港に運び、イギリスに出荷していました。 今日では、前世紀の建設技術を代表す��都市のもう 1 つのモニュメントとなっています。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Түштөн кийин биз портко түшүп баратабыз. Биз англис кабели деп аталган кызыктай металл конструкцияны таптык. Алгач ал Англияга жөнөтүү үчүн станциядан портко темир рудасын ташычу. Бүгүнкү күндө бул шаардын дагы бир эстелиги, өткөн кылымдын курулуш техникасынын өкүлү.
Google Translation into Malay: Pada sebelah petang kami memandu turun ke pelabuhan. Kami mendapati struktur logam aneh ini dipanggil Kabel Inggeris. Pada asalnya ia mengangkut bijih besi dari stesen ke pelabuhan untuk dihantar ke England. Hari ini ia adalah satu lagi monumen bandar, mewakili teknik pembinaan abad yang lalu.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਦੁਪਹਿਰ ਨੂੰ ਅਸੀਂ ਬੰਦਰਗਾਹ ਲਈ ਹੇਠਾਂ ਚਲੇ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹਾਂ. ਸਾਨੂੰ ਇਹ ਅਜੀਬ ਧਾਤ ਦਾ ਢਾਂਚਾ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਜਿਸ ਨੂੰ ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ ਕੇਬਲ ਕਿਹਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਅਸਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਹ ਲੋਹੇ ਨੂੰ ਸਟੇਸ਼ਨ ਤੋਂ ਬੰਦਰਗਾਹ ਤੱਕ ਇੰਗਲੈਂਡ ਲਿਜਾਣ ਲਈ ਪਹੁੰਚਾਉਂਦਾ ਸੀ। ਅੱਜ ਇਹ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਹੋਰ ਸਮਾਰਕ ਹੈ, ਪਿਛਲੀ ਸਦੀ ਦੀ ਉਸਾਰੀ ਤਕਨੀਕ ਦਾ ਪ੍ਰਤੀਨਿਧ.
Google Translation into Pashtun: په ماسپښین کې موږ بندر ته ښکته شو. موږ دا عجيب فلزي جوړښت وموند چې د انګلیسي کیبل په نوم یادیږي. په اصل کې دا د اوسپنې ایسک د سټیشن څخه بندر ته انګلستان ته د لیږد لپاره لیږدول. نن ورځ دا د ښار یو بل یادګار دی، د تیرې پیړۍ د ساختماني تخنیک استازی.
Google Translation into Persian: بعد از ظهر به سمت بندر حرکت می کنیم. ما این سازه فلزی عجیب به نام کابل انگلیسی را پیدا کردیم. در اصل سنگ آهن را از ایستگاه به بندر برای حمل به انگلستان حمل می کرد. امروز یکی دیگر از بناهای تاریخی شهر است که نماینده تکنیک ساخت و ساز قرن گذشته است.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Sa hapon ay nagmamaneho kami pababa sa daungan. Natagpuan namin ang kakaibang istrukturang metal na ito na tinatawag na English Cable. Orihinal na ito ay naghatid ng iron ore mula sa istasyon patungo sa daungan para ipadala sa England. Ngayon ito ay isa pang monumento ng lungsod, kinatawan ng pamamaraan ng pagtatayo ng huling siglo.
Google Translation into Thai: ช่วงบ่าย เราขับรถลงไปที่ท่าเรือ เราพบโครงสร้างโลหะประหลาดนี้ ภาษาอังกฤษเรียกว่า Cable เดิมขนส่งแร่เหล็กจากสถานีไปยังท่าเรือเพื่อส่งไปยังประเทศอังกฤษ ปัจจุบันเป็นอนุสาวรีย์อีกแห่งของเมืองซึ่งเป็นตัวแทนของเทคนิคการก่อสร้างในศตวรรษที่ผ่านมา
Google Translation into Urdu: دوپہر میں ہم پورٹ پر گاڑی چلاتے ہیں۔ ہم نے یہ عجیب دھاتی ڈھانچہ پایا جسے انگریزی کیبل کہتے ہیں۔ اصل میں اس نے لوہے کو سٹیشن سے بندرگاہ تک انگلینڈ بھیجنے کے لیے پہنچایا۔ آج یہ شہر کی ایک اور یادگار ہے، جو گزشتہ صدی کی تعمیراتی تکنیک کا نمائندہ ہے۔
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ladroesdegado · 1 month ago
Margarida Guia
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A propósito de um encontro que vai acontecer na Casa da Achada - Centro Mário Dionísio, no dia 14 de Outubro, entre as 18h00 e as 20h00, sobre a Margarida Guia, grande amiga, pessoa maravilhosa e mulher de vários ofícios, volto a publicar um texto que escrevi, poucos dias após a sua morte, em 2021.
A Margarida, de entre os seus vários saberes, e através do seu único ouvido bom, tratava do som, do som que captava nos cafés, nas ruas e nos encontros e que depois arquivava, montava, transformava, oferecia. Tratava do som das palavras que ouvia das nossas bocas, em diálogo, debate e confronto constante, e tratava do som das palavras que dava como resposta, como provação, como dádiva, com amizade e fraternidade. Tratava ainda do som das palavras que recitava, que colocava no ar, quais serpentinas à espera de serem apanhadas.
Em Lisboa, de antenas no ar, a Margarida tinha uma mochila sempre pesada, com equipamento de gravação, cadernos, livros e não sabemos bem o quê. Captava a vida do dia a dia e do dia a dia fazia vida. Falava contigo como gente, como gente que tem coisas para contar, para dizer, que vem de algum lado e que está em trânsito para outro, falava com curiosidade e, tantas vezes, com amor, com uma solidariedade imensa.
Foi na Casa da Achada que conheci a Margarida. Primeiro, em 2009, na abertura da Casa ao mundo. Depois, em 2013, durante a construção do espectáculo da «Kantata de Algibeira», que reuniu, à volta dum texto da Regina Guimarães, uma série de pessoas da Achada, a minha mãe, vizinhos, pessoas mais velhas que paravam nos centros de dia do bairro, pessoas sem abrigo. Foram meses de ensaios, conversas, amizades e a criação dum momento excepcional, não apenas na estreia do espectáculo no São Luiz, ou na sua versão caseira no Largo da Achada, mas em todo aquele continuar frenético de juntar gente com gente a fazer coisas. Não o fez sozinha, mas não conheço outra pessoa que o faria desta forma, tão colectiva e abrangente.
Em Bruxelas, encontrámos a casa da Margarida, seguindo as suas indicações. Avenida de Estalinegrado, Gare do Norte, ruas com nomes em francês e flamenco. Encontrámos a casa centenária, onde dois ou três pequenos andares eram arrendados pela Margarida e pertenciam ao mundo. Vários quartos e divisões, uma cozinha pequena habituada ao uso e desuso, uma sala apetrechada com uma mesa rectangular ao centro onde se reuniam pessoas, amigos, conhecidos, o amigo do amigo, quem precisasse, e uma varandinha. A luz à noite era quente e durante o dia era incrível. A Margarida é incrível, em Bruxelas, em Lisboa, em todo o lado.
Queria saber tudo sobre mim, sobre ti e sobre os vizinhos, sobre quem vivia acolá e ali, quem subia aquelas escadas e sobre quem passava pela porta. E porque pensas isso?, perguntava para saber. Ficava triste e zangada, pegava naquilo, com um murro no estômago, com a maior seriedade possível e um sorriso maravilhoso, e transformava, pensava, usava para algo que aí vinha, que tinha de fazer.
Nos últimos anos, praticamente sozinha, a Margarida acolheu dezenas de migrantes que conhecia no jardim à frente de sua casa ou que sabiam que a sua casa, centro do mundo para muitos, era um porto seguro. A polícia belga arrombou-lhe a porta e a justiça desta Europa tentou julgá-la. Continuou a receber pessoas, a acolhê-las, a gerir a casa e as economias colectivamente. E juntos falavam do machismo, da guerra, do capitalismo, do futuro.
A Margarida Guia olhava para mim e percebia coisas que nem eu percebia. E fazia isso constantemente com toda a gente. Morreu no dia 19 de Julho, de cancro, no hospital. Uma tristeza enorme e profunda, mas não deixaremos cair o que nos deu.
Russian Bill
Sobre o encontro na Achada:
Caroline Lamarche é uma escritora belga que foi amiga de Margarida Guia e sobre ela escreveu recentemente o livro Cher instant je te vois, que foi apresentado ontem na Noite da Literatura Europeia, em Lisboa, com leituras de Marie d'Oliveira de um excerto do livro traduzido para português por Regina Guimarães. Aproveitando a sua estadia em Lisboa, convocam-se todos os amigos da Margarida para um momento de convívio na Casa da Achada, em que vamos conhecer Caroline Lamarche e também Marie d’Oliveira, e em que vamos lembrar a Margarida e abrir mais uma vez a sua Bibliambule, oferecida à Casa da Achada, por sua vontade, após a sua morte em 2021.
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pacosemnoticias · 5 months ago
Conselho de Ilha preocupado com atrasos das obras nos portos das Flores
O Conselho de Ilha das Flores está preocupado com o atraso das obras nos dois portos comerciais e com o problema demográfico que atinge o território, segundo o memorando preparado para a visita oficial do executivo açoriano.
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"Apesar de parecer demasiado repetitivo e de já fazer parte em sucessivos memorandos, voltamos a sublinhar em primeiro lugar que as obras no porto comercial das Flores, na vila das Lajes, e a segunda fase das obras do porto das Poças, em Santa Cruz, continuam a estar nas prioridades das preocupações", referem os conselheiros no documento a que a agência Lusa teve hoje acesso.
Segundo o memorando, que tem 16 pontos, "pese embora alguns passos que já foram dados", as duas infraestruturas portuárias da ilha das Flores "continuam a estar incompletas ou por decorrerem questões processuais ou por sucessivos e inexplicáveis atrasos na concretização de medidas já anunciadas pelo Governo Regional [PSD/CDS-PP/PPM] que até ao momento ainda não se concretizaram".
O Conselho de Ilha das Flores, presidido por José António Corvelo, questiona no documento, que vai ser entregue ao executivo regional na visita estatutária que vai decorrer entre terça e quarta-feira, "quando vai ser iniciada a obra do molhe principal, de proteção e acostagem" do porto das Flores, na vila das Lajes, para que "fique clarificada a situação atual do projeto", calendarização, custos e prazos.
Em relação ao porto das Poças, em Santa Cruz, os conselheiros pretendem saber "quando vai ser lançado o concurso e quais as valências que vão ficar ali associadas, nomeadamente gare de passageiros, bombas de combustíveis, lota e espaço para reparação de embarcações de pesca".
O Conselho de Ilha também demonstra preocupações com as obras de proteção e consolidação na orla costeira de Santa Cruz.
Em matéria de acessibilidades, os subscritores defendem que "é imperioso" melhorar e criar "discriminação positiva para com os passageiros das Flores", para que possam sair e chegar ao seu destino, sobretudo dentro da região, com o mínimo de escalas técnicas, e insistem na ampliação da aerogare do aeroporto.
No ensino, pedem-se obras urgentes na EB 1,2,3/JI/s Padre Maurício Freitas e na EB das Lajes e apoios para fixação de professores.
Na ilha onde a questão demográfica é o "maior problema", é também pedido ao Governo Regional que continue a apostar "na melhoria do acesso às consultas da especialidade fora da ilha" e a "estabilizar o quadro médico do Centro de Saúde", assim como dotá-lo com mais profissionais de outras áreas.
Os conselheiros da ilha que ostenta o galardão de Reserva da Biosfera pedem ainda, entre outras solicitações, a limpeza coordenada dos trilhos, o combate às infestantes e a limpeza das bermas e taludes das estradas regionais.
Na habitação, setor que "continua a ser uma dor de cabeça", defende-se que o executivo crie "condições excecionais para a primeira habitação no que respeita a casais jovens" e que sejam aproveitadas casas da Região Autónoma que se encontram devolutas, para albergar profissionais de saúde, professores ou forças de segurança.
O Conselho de Ilha é um órgão consultivo do Governo Regional dos Açores composto pelos presidentes das câmaras e assembleias municipais da ilha, por quatro membros eleitos de cada assembleia municipal, por três presidentes de junta de freguesia, um representante do Governo Regional (sem direito a voto) e vários membros das organizações sociais, ambientais, culturais e empresariais da ilha.
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fafou-le-voyageur · 10 months ago
Mardi 23 Janvier :
Aujourd'hui je ne suis pas très pressé alors je reste discuter un bon moment avec Lilian et Stephan au petit déjeuner.
J'apprends enfin la petite histoire de comment ils se sont rencontrés avec Pedro. Et c'est marrant car c'est le Couchsurfing qui les a fait se rencontrer.
C'était lors d'un événement international CS dans le sud de l'Italie. Stephan avait 20 ans, Pedro 38, ils ont discuté dans le lobby de l'hôtel puis ne se sont plus quittés malgré leur vie séparées géographiquement.
Ils ont toujours derrière la tête ce petit rêve d'acheter un truc ensemble et de faire revivre l'esprit couchsurfing dans une guesthouse. C'est plutôt réussi.
Ils vont ensuite manger chez les mamies voisines et moi je bouquine puis fait la visite à deux jeunes françaises du sud ouest fraîchement arrivées du bateau de Faial.
Je me rends ensuite avec mes affaires vers la gare maritime de Madalena, achète mon billet à 3,80 euros seulement, et fais la petite traversée de 20 minutes avec pas mal de roulis mais pas assez pour rendre malade.
Je rejoins ensuite ma guesthouse ici à Horta, la capitale de l'île, La Largo Bispo Boutique Hostel.
Une dame vient m'installer et je suis le seul client dans ce dortoir de quatre lits. Je me pose et me motive un peu pour aller marcher.
Il fait toujours gris mais tan pis, au moins il ne pleut pas. Je longe la côte et la marina puis grimpe sur une première colline, le Monte Queimada. C'est une petite sente, au milieu de la baie et elle redescend raide vers la Praia de Porto Pim.
Je longe un petit peu la plage, passe devant la maison Dabney's, une famille de notables américains, transformée en musée, grimpe jusqu'au Miradouro da Lira, construit par cette famille.
Ensuite je rejoins des escaliers taillés dans la roche qui montent sévère 60m de d+ sur seulement 100m de long, jusqu'à un point de vue sur la jolie baie, réserve naturelle Das Calderinhas et une église, sur ce Monte da Guia.
Je redescend en partie par la route, revient par le front de mer, fais une petite course et arrive vers 19h à la guesthouse.
J'en profite pour payer les deux nuits et monte bouquiner un peu avant d'aller me faire à manger.
Quand je mange vient la deuxième cliente de la guesthouse, une jeune femme la cinquantaine, du Portugal continental, avec qui je discute un peu.
Je retourne ensuite au dortoir, me douche, bouquine un peu puis vais me coucher.
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stlocavoile · 10 months ago
Que faire à Porto Vecchio
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Porto-Vecchio est une des plus belles villes de Corse du Sud, très prisée par les touristes. Elle possède une charmante Ville Haute datant de 1539. Elle est célèbre pour ses belles plages, son port de plaisance et son magnifique arrière-pays appelé l'Alta Rocca, qui offre des paysages splendides et une faune exceptionnelle. En été, la ville attire de nombreux touristes avec ses commerces et terrasses ouverts jusqu'au milieu de la nuit
Comment se rendre à Porto Vecchio ?
Pour se rendre à Porto-Vecchio, plusieurs options s'offrent à vous. Si vous choisissez le transport maritime, la gare maritime sur le quai de Syracuse accueille les bateaux en provenance de Marseille, Toulon, Nice et de la Sardaigne. Si vous préférez l'avion, l'aéroport le plus proche est celui de Figari Sud Corse, situé à 25 kilomètres du centre-ville de Porto-Vecchio. Il est important de noter qu'il n'existe pas de liaison ferroviaire dans l'extrême sud de la Corse. Par conséquent, vous devrez rejoindre Porto-Vecchio par la route. Vous pouvez prendre le bus depuis Bastia, Ajaccio ou Bonifacio. La gare routière se trouve à côté du port de plaisance. Veuillez noter que la plupart de ces bus ne circulent qu'en haute saison.
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Que faire à Porto Vecchio ?
La vieille ville de Porto-Vecchio : véritable trésor serti de souvenirs. Transportant fièrement l'héritage des Génois dans ses murs de porphyre rose. Immergez-vous et découvrez de magnifiques fortifications : Des bastions enchanteurs et une porte grandiose qui offre une vue incroyable sur le golfe et les salines. En été, la place principale s'éveille et résonne de vie. Accueillant une charmante petite église en pierre, fièrement vêtue de cloches ornées de trèfles. La ville elle-même, telle une oasis Corse, concentre toute l'âme de l'île de Beauté. Laissez-vous enivrer par son charme magnétique et laissez votre cœur être conquis par la passion qui émane de ses ruelles séculaires.
1. Les incontournables 2. Les activités 3. Les plages 4. Le phare de la Chiappa 5. L'ospedale
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1. les incontournables à Porto Vecchio
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Bastion de France : L'un des plus célèbre parmi les cinq de la ville assignée à la garde du port. D'où son nom "U Baluardo di a marina". Construit par les Génois en 1542. Aujourd'hui restauré, on peut y monter pour profiter de la magnifique vue sur le golfe. L'église Saint Jean-Baptiste est une église baroque du XIXe siècle dédiée à San Giovanni Battista située dans la citadelle. Le clocher est particulièrement apprécié.
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Le port de plaisance : situé en dessous du centre historique, au fond du golfe. Établi au VIe siècle avant J.C. C'est un endroit agréable pour se promener, avec des cafés, des restaurants et des glaciers, etc. On peut y passer du temps à admirer les bateaux amarrés. Les Marais salants : depuis l'arrêt de la récolte en 2000, les marais salants, qui produisaient environ 1 000 tonnes de sel chaque année, sont maintenant inactifs. Malgré cela, la ville est toujours surnommée la "cité du sel" en raison de son histoire liée à cette activité débutée en 1795.
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2. Les activités
Les eaux cristallines de Porto-Vecchio offrent une multitude d'activités nautiques pour les amateurs de sensations fortes et les amoureux de la mer. Que vous soyez un passionné de jet ski, de voile, de plongée ou que vous préfériez simplement louer un bateau pour explorer les environs, Porto-Vecchio a tout pour vous combler.
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Location de bateau : Pour ceux qui préfèrent explorer à leur propre rythme, la location de bateaux. De nombreuses embarcations sont mis à votre disposition, il y en a pour tous les goûts. Les sorties en mer organisées depuis le port de plaisance de Porto-Vecchio offrent une opportunité unique d'explorer les environs en compagnie d'experts locaux. Que ce soit pour une excursion de pêche, une croisière au coucher du soleil ou uniquement une journée de détente sur l'eau, ces sorties offrent une perspective différente de la beauté naturelle de la région.
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Le jet ski offre une façon unique d'explorer la côte de Porto-Vecchio. Vous pouvez naviguer le long des falaises escarpées, découvrir des criques isolées et vous arrêter pour nager dans des eaux turquoise. L'exploration côtière en jet ski vous permet de voir la beauté naturelle de la région sous un angle différent. Porto Vecchio, avec son littoral préservé et ses eaux cristallines, est une destination de choix pour les amateurs de plongée sous-marine. Que vous soyez à la recherche d'aventure ou que vous souhaitiez simplement découvrir la beauté cachée sous la surface. Plongez au cœur de la Méditerranée et laissez-vous envoûter par les trésors sous-marins de l'île de Beauté.
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3. Les plages
Les plages de Porto-Vecchio sont véritablement un trésor insulaire, offrant aux visiteurs une escapade paradisiaque au cœur de la Méditerranée. Que l'on soit en quête de détente, d'aventure ou tout simplement de beauté naturelle, ces plages exercent une fascination intemporelle. En explorant les eaux scintillantes et les paysages côtiers époustouflants, on ne peut qu'être émerveillé par la splendeur de Porto-Vecchio.
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La plage de Palombaggia est un endroit magnifique avec une eau turquoise et des dunes ombragées par de beaux pins maritimes. Il est recommandé de visiter cette plage hors saison pour éviter la foule estivale qui peut gâcher le plaisir de cet endroit enchanteur. La plage de Tamaricciu / Folaca, située à proximité de Palombaggia, est plus petite et moins fréquentée, offrant une atmosphère intime et magnifique. Les deux criques sont séparées par une petite dune rocailleuse bordée de pins.
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Plage d’Acciaju est attenante à Tamarricciu / Folaca. Elle est appréciée pour son exposition au sud et sa protection contre le vent. Les naturistes et les textiles cohabitent harmonieusement au sud de la baie. Santa Giulia : plage de sable fin de 2 km, offrant une base nautique complète. Adaptée aux enfants en raison de son eau peu profonde et de sa pente douce. Cependant, la présence de nombreuses constructions près du littoral la rend moins sauvage et authentique que d'autres plages de la région.
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La plage de Porto Novo : difficile d'accès, prisée par les marcheurs et les détenteurs de bateau. Pour y arriver par la terre, il faut marcher 2,7 km en plein maquis depuis une carrière près de Bonifacio. Il n'y a pas de paillote sur la plage. Il est donc conseillé d'apporter de la nourriture et des boissons si vous y passez la journée. La plage de Cala Rossa est une longue étendue de sable fin, relativement étroite. Elle offre des espaces naturellement délimités par des rochers de granite, autour de la presqu’île du Benedettu. On y trouve aussi une zone ombragée, grâce à la présence de pins maritimes.
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4. Le phare de la Chiappa
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Le phare de la Chiappa, (aussi appelé "phare de Porto-Vecchio"), est situé sur la pointe de la Chiappa. Construit en 1845, il mesure 16 mètres de haut et se trouve à 64 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer, ce qui le rend visible de loin pour les bateaux. Le phare de la Chiappa indique l'entrée du golfe de Porto-Vecchio et assure la sécurité de la navigation dans la région. De plus, il offre des vues magnifiques sur la Méditerranée et ses alentours. Si vous envisagez de visiter la région! Il constitue une destination fascinante grace à son histoire maritime et de son emplacement pittoresque.
5. L'ospedale
Situé à 30 minutes au Nord-Ouest de Porto-Vecchio, loin de l'agitation des plages très fréquentées, le paisible village de l'Ospédale et sa région offrent un véritable havre de paix au cœur d'une nature préservée. Perché à 900 mètres d'altitude, l'Ospédale est le village le plus élevé de la Corse-du-Sud. Niché au milieu d'une vaste forêt de pins Capriccio et de hêtres. De plus, le village abrite un grand lac artificiel.
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Le barrage de l’Ospédale, construit entre 1975 et 1979, est un décor enchanteur de 25 mètres de haut avec une retenue de 3 millions de mètres cube d’eau. Il renforce l’alimentation en eau potable de Porto-Vecchio et de la zone touristique environnante. La cascade de Piscia di Gallo est une superbe chute d'eau de 80 mètres de haut située en Corse-du-Sud, au cœur de l'Alta Rocca. C'est l'une des plus belles et impressionnantes de Corse, et une destination populaire, surtout en été.
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La forêt de l'Ospedale est une magnifique forêt située en Corse-du-Sud, en France. Elle est connue pour sa végétation luxuriante, ses sentiers de randonnée et ses vues panoramiques spectaculaires. La forêt offre les possibilités d'observation de la faune et de la flore locales. C'est un lieu idéal pour les amoureux de la nature et les amateurs de plein air.
Porto-Vecchio est une destination incontournable en Corse du Sud, offrant à la fois la beauté de ses paysages, la richesse de son patrimoine historique et la convivialité de ses commerces et terrasses. Que ce soit pour profiter de ses superbes plages, explorer sa Ville Haute ou partir à la découverte de l'Alta Rocca, Porto-Vecchio saura séduire les visiteurs en quête d'authenticité et de dépaysement. Cette ville est véritablement un joyau de la Corse, et mérite amplement sa réputation de destination touristique de premier plan. Préparez-vous à vivre des moments de détente, d'émerveillement et de découverte au cœur de Porto-Vecchio. Nous avons hâte de vous accueillir à bord pour une expérience inoubliable. Osez l'experience de la vie maritime. À bientôt sur les eaux à Porto Vecchio !
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Si cet article vous a plu ! que vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur nos logements insolites et sur Porto-Vecchio. N'hésitez surtout pas à nous contacter ! Nous serons ravis de répondre à toutes vos questions. Notre équipe est là pour vous guider. Alors n'attendez pas ! Laissez-nous vous aider à planifier une expérience mémorable à Porto-Vecchio ! 🌟 Read the full article
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Jour 2: Porto 25 septembre
Nous avons poursuivi nos découvertes en grimpant d'abord jusqu'à la Cathédrale qui surplombe la ville.
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Le grand hall de la gare Sao Bento de Porto est magnifiquement décoré d'Azulojos, les petites tuiles de céramiques peintes que l'on retrouve partout ici.
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On peut traverser le pont Luis I par le niveau supérieur où passent aussi les trams, ou par le pont inférieur pour piétons et auto. Nous avons fait les deux ! La vue y est très belle.
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Vue sur Porto de l'autre côté du Douro.
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Nous mangeons très bien jusqu'à maintenant. Nous avons pris notre dîner sur cette jolie terrasse.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year ago
Mediaset scende in campo per la Champions League, martedì alle 20:45 in diretta su Canale 5 Lazio-Atletico Madrid
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Mediaset scende in campo per la Champions League, martedì alle 20:45 in diretta su Canale 5 Lazio-Atletico Madrid. Sarà "Lazio-Atletico Madrid" il primo match della Uefa Champions League 2023/24 che aprirà la stagione del grande calcio europeo delle reti Mediaset. La gara, in programma martedì 19 settembre alle ore 21.00, è proposta in diretta in chiaro su Canale 5 e in streaming su sportmediaset.it e su Mediaset Infinity. Dallo stadio Olimpico di Roma va in scena la super sfida tra i biancocelesti di Maurizio Sarri e gli spagnoli allenati dall'ex laziale Diego Pablo Simeone. Telecronaca affidata a Massimo Callegari con il commento tecnico di Roberto Cravero. Su Mediaset Infinity prepartita con Benedetta Radaelli con Fabrizio Ravanelli, Christian Panucci e Sandro Sabatini.  A seguire, sempre sull'ammiraglia Mediaset, ricco post-partita condotto da Alberto Brandi con ospiti in studio Fabrizio Ravanelli, Christian Panucci, Sandro Sabatini, e Graziano Cesari per tutti i casi da moviola. Non mancheranno immagini, highlights, gol e interviste ai protagonisti della prima giornata di Champions.  Per non perdersi nemmeno un minuto dello spettacolo della Champions, quindici gare della prima giornata (19 e 20 settembre) saranno visibili in diretta streaming sulla piattaforma Mediaset Infinity, tra cui spiccano "Milan-Newcastle" martedì 19 alle ore 18.45 e "Braga-Napoli" mercoledì 20 alle ore 21.00. E grazie all'opzione "Diretta Champions" è possibile gustarsi tutti i goal in tempo reale.  Mercoledì 20 settembre, su Mediaset Infinity gli studi partita saranno condotti da Benedetta Radaelli, con Stefano Sorrentino, Giuseppe Incocciati, Mino Taveri e Andrea De Marco per tutti i casi da moviola. Nel post-partita su Mediaset Infinity ampia sintesi di "Real Sociedad-Inter".  MARTEDÌ 19 SETTEMBRE  ·      Lazio-Atletico Madrid, in diretta alle ore 21.00, su Canale 5; telecronaca: Massimo Callegari e Roberto Cravero; inviati: Francesca Benvenuti e Alessio Conti ·      Milan-Newcastle, in diretta alle ore 18.45, su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Riccardo Trevisani e Massimo Paganin ·      Young Boys-Lipsia, in diretta alle ore 18.45, su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Michele Corti ·      PSG-Borussia Dortmund, in diretta alle ore 21.00, su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Federico Mastria ·      Feyenoord-Celtic, in diretta alle ore 21.00, su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Giampiero Foglia Manzillo ·      Barcellona-Anversa, in diretta in diretta alle ore 21.00, su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Mino Taveri ·      Manchester City-Stella Rossa, in diretta alle ore 21.00, su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Simone Malagutti ·      Shakhtar Donetsk-Porto, in diretta alle ore 21.00 su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Matteo Gandini ·      Diretta Champions, in diretta alle ore 21.00, su Mediaset Infinity  MERCOLEDÌ 20 SETTEMBRE  ·      Braga-Napoli, in diretta alle ore 21.00, su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Riccardo Trevisani e Simone Tiribocchi ·      Real Madrid-Union Berlino, in diretta alle ore 18.45, su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Federico Mastria ·      Galatasaray-Copenaghen, in diretta alle ore 18.45 su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Michele Corti ·      Bayern Monaco-Manchester United, in diretta alle ore 21.00, su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Roberto Ciarapica ·      Siviglia-Lens, in diretta alle ore 21.00, su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Alessandro Lettieri ·      Arsenal-PSV Eindhoven, in diretta alle ore 21.00, su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Giampiero Foglia Manzillo ·      Benfica-Salisburgo, in diretta alle ore 21.00, su Mediaset Infinity; telecronaca: Pietro Scognamiglio ·      Diretta Champions, in diretta alle ore 21.00, su Mediaset Infinity... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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latribune · 1 year ago
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levadamadeira · 1 year ago
On the anniversary day, the Port of Funchal opens its doors tomorrow to the population who will have access to the Madeira Maritime Station, including the international area, an opportunity to see APRAM's facilities, services and equipment up close or just stroll along the pier as in the past. The program foresees, between 10h00 and 12h00, the “Open Day”, with guided tours every half hour, to the station and to the tugboat. Interested parties should go to the departure lounge at Gare Marítima da Madeira. The APRAM pilots boat will connect the port and the pier, recalling a trip from other times. In the afternoon, the program continues with the opening of the photographic exhibition of the Clube de Entusiastas de Ships, entitled “Ships and Port Infrastructures.” This is followed by a tribute to APRAM employees and a get-together, where the 61 candles of the Port of Funchal, inaugurated on July 18, 1962, will be blown out. This date served as a reference for the creation of “Port Day” six years ago, a way of remembering the importance of this infrastructure so coveted by our ancestors, a celebration only interrupted due to the pandemic. For the Madeira Ports Administration, “Port Day” honors port activity not only in the Port of Funchal, but in the other ports under its jurisdiction, Ports of Caniçal and Porto Santo. Above all, it is a day of celebration for the entire port community, in a year in which Madeira was once again nominated for “Best Cruise Destination in Europe,” by the organization of the World Cruise Awards. The need for a port in Funchal was felt very early on. Dates from 1756, the royal charter issued by D. José I that gave the “green light” to the beginning of the works for the construction of a shelter port. The first pier to the islet of S. José was completed in 1762. In 1890, there was a connection to the islet of Forte de N.ª Sr.ª da Conceição, thus increasing the docking area. The pier to the Fort and the road accesses between Pontinha and Alfândega required the creation of a management body for the port area and thus, in 1913, the Autonomous Board of Works of the Port of Funchal was created. In May 1933, the construction of the city's wharf was completed and in 1939, the wharf at the Port of Funchal was increased by 317 meters. Later, in 1955, the construction of a pier was completed, close to the Carvão pier: the Regional Pier, where the cargo and passenger services of the “carreireiros” from Porto Santo began to berth. In 1953, a project for the expansion of the Port of Funchal had already been drawn up, which would consist of widening the pier along its entire length and extending it by another 457m. The intervention was completed in 1961. On this date, the fundamental structures for the development of what is now the Port of Funchal were created. The regionalization of Madeira's ports came into effect on August 18, 1979, and a period of new construction and improvements in port areas in the region followed. Between 1992 and 1997 several repair works were carried out in the Port of Funchal and in 1998/1999 a roll on roll off ramp was built. In 1999, regional legislative decree 19/99/M created APRAM, S.A, as a limited company with exclusively public capital. In 2004, the Master Plan for the Port of Funchal was approved, which defined its future as a port exclusively dedicated to cruise tourism and nautical activities. In 2005, containers and loading and unloading services were transferred to the Port of Caniçal. Thus, the Port of Funchal was entirely dedicated to ferry and cruise tourism. The region has invested in the development of this type of tourism, taking into account its foreseeable worldwide growth. Therefore, on May 31, 2010, the Madeira Maritime Station was inaugurated, in view of the need to receive passengers and crew of cruise ships with greater safety and quality and to create conditions for turnaround. In 2013, and following the inert landfill
created next to the city's pier, due to the storm on February 20th, work began on the construction of a new pier, also dedicated to cruise tourism. On December 31, 2015, the completion of the expansion and rehabilitation works on Pier 6 was completed, which gained an additional 6 meters in width. In September 2020, the major intervention in the Port of Funchal was completed, which included reprofiling the protection mantle, filling in the hole, an existing cavity between the Fort of S. José and the Fort of Nossa Senhora da Conceição and filling in another cavity under the RO-RO ramp. The mooring bollards on quays 2 and 3 were also replaced. On October 26, 2021, the Gare do Cais 6 or north pier is inaugurated. On this “Port Day”, the Chairman of the Board of Directors reiterates the company’s objective “to serve Madeira and the people of Madeira”, under the motto “We connect worlds, we unite people.”
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redladydeath · 1 year ago
Runners up:
Oldest Aragons: Annamaria Baranyai (39), Nikki Bentley (35), Chloe Hart (34), Gerianne Perez (32), Melinda Porto (32), Jaz Robinson (31), Chloe Zuel (31), Arum-soul Lee (31), Bre Jackson (30), Adrianna Hicks (30), Gabbi Mack (30)
Youngest Aragons: Jarneia Richard-Noel (24), Meghan Corbett (24), Phoenix Jackson Mendoza (24), Jasmine Shen (21)
Oldest Boleyns: Eniko Muri (33), Jennifer Caldwell (32), Amanda Lindgren (30), Baylie Carson (30), Danielle Mendoza (30)
Youngest Boleyns: L'Oreal Roache (23), Kelly Sweeney (23), Gianna Grosso (23), Sunayna Smith (23), Liv Alexander (23), Kala Gare (22), Julia Pulo (22), Ashleigh Weir (20)
Oldest Seymours: Hye-na Park (40), Abby Mueller (38), Viki Singh (37) Carly Mercedes Dyer (33), Maggie Lacasse (33), Ga-ram Park (32), Kayleigh McKnight (32), Marta Burdynowicz (30)
Youngest Seymours: Amina Faye (24), Bella Coppola (24), Lauren Byrne (24), Shelby Griswold (24), Natalie Paris (23), Holly Musgrave (21)
Oldest Cleves': Hyun-sun Choi (39), Erika Herceg (35), Olivia Donalson (29), Nasia Thomas (29), Jessica Niles (29), Brittney Mack (29), Reca Oakley (29)
Youngest Cleves': Aisha Kardffy (24), Kiana Daniele (24), Terica Marie (24), Oliver Wickham (21)
Oldest Howards: Sol-ji Heo (34), Sophie Ísaacs (31), Aimie Atkinson (30), Tsemaye Bob-Egbe (30)
Youngest Howards: Abigail Sparrow (23), Bryony Duncan (23), Artemis Chrisoulakis (23), Didi Romero (23), Georgia Carr (23), Maddison Firth (22), Courtney Monsma (22), Elysia Cruz (22), Lucia Valentino (22), Rebecca Wickes (22), Chelsea Dawson (21), Annabel Marlow (18)
Oldest Parrs: Monika Veres (37), Ju-hye Yoo (35), Ji-hee Hong (34), Meesha Turner (31), Janiq Charles (30), Taylor Iman Jones (30)
Youngest Parrs: Aja Simone Baitey (23), Alana M. Robinson (23), Amanda Lee (23), Anna Uzele (23), Rhiannon Bacchus (23), Roxanne Couch (22), Amelia Walker (22), Joy Woods (22), Athena Collins (21), Elena Gyasi (21), Izuka Hoyle (21), Maiya Quansah-Breed (21), Shimali de Silva (18)
Oldest Aragon - Olga Szomanska (40) Youngest Aragon - Jasmine Shen (21)
Oldest Boleyn - Ji-woo Kim (39) Youngest Boleyns - Hazel Karooma-Brooker, Maddison Bulleyment, Millie O'Connell (21)
Oldest Seymour - Anna Peller (42) Youngest Seymours - Caitlin Tipping, Jasmine Forsberg, Lucinda Wilson (22)
Oldest Cleves - Ji-sun Kim (42) Youngest Cleves' - Kenedy Small, Maya Christian, Sophie Golden (23)
Oldest Howards - Anna Terpiłowska, Ryeo-won Kim (35) Youngest Howards - Alicia Corrales-Connor, Caroline Siegrist (20)
Oldest Parr - Nikolett Gallusz (49) Youngest Parr - Jarynn Whitney (19)
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janedances · 2 years ago
“It’s impossible to be in love with all the six queens’
The Six queens in question:
Megan Gilbert, Ashleigh Weir, Holly Musgrave, Oliver Wickham, Annabel Marlow, Shimali De Silva, Renee Lamb, Christina Modestou, Natalie Paris, Genesis Lynea, Aimie Atkinson, Izuka Hoyle, Jaye’J Richards-Noel, Millie O’Connell, Alexia McIntosh, Maiya Quansah-Breed, Grace Mouat, Vicki Manser, Courtney Stapleton, Adrianna Hicks, Andrea Macaseat, Abby Mueller, Brittney Mack, Samantha Pauly, Anna Uzele, Mallory Maedke, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert, Courtney Mack, Shantel Cribbs, Courtney Bowman, Sophie Isaacs, Danielle Steers, Zara Macintosh, Cherelle Jay, Hana Stewart, Collette Guitart, Candace Furbert, Hazel Karooma-Brooker, Caitlin Tipping, Sophie Golden, Alicia Corrales-Connor, Viquichele Cross, Bryony Duncan, Natalie Pilkington, Lori McLare, Amy Bridges, Lauren Drew, Maddison Bulleyment, Lauren Byrne, Shekinah McFarlane, Jodie Steele, Athena Collins, Cassandra Lee, Jennifer Caldwell, Harriet Watson, Jasmine Shen, Kelly Sweeney, Jessica Niles, Georgia Carr, Amelia Walker, Liv Alexander, Elizabeth Walker, Maddison Firth, Laura Blair, Chloe Zuel, Kala Gare, Loren Hunter, Kiana Daniele, Courtney Monsma, Vidya Makan, Ella Burns, Karis Oka, Shannen Alyce-Quan, Jade Marvin, Lucy Aiston, Gabriella Stylianou-Burns, Scarlet Gabriel, Rebecca Wickes, Megan Leung, Sophie Rose Middleton, Abbi Hodgson, Kara Ami Mcraenor, Emily Harrigan, Gabrielle Smith, Melissa Ford, Kaylah Attard, Fia Houston-Hamilton, Rhiannon Bacchus, Rhiannon Doyle, Carly Mercedes Dyer, Elena Gyasi, Keirsten Hodgens, Artemis Chrisoulakis, Ellie Sharpe, Sadie Hurst, Melinda Porto, L’Oreal Roache, Wesley Carpenter, Maya Christian, Brianna Mooney, Meghan Dawson, Marilyn Caserta, Ashlee Waldbauer, Adrianna Glover, Alize Ke’Aloha Cruz, Kristina Walz, Amy Di Bartolomeo, Amanda Lindgren, Claudia Kariuki, Dionne Ward-Anderson, Tsemaye Bob-Egbe, Meesha Turner, Paisley Billings, Danielle Rose, Roxanne Couch, Esme Rothero, Rachel Rawlinson, Lauren Irving, Danielle Mendoza, Shelby Griswold, Kennedy Carstens, Abigail Sparrow, Jarynn Whitney, Madeline Fansler, Channing Weir, Princess Victomé, Sunayna Smith, Chloë Hart, Casey Al-Shaqsy, Aiesha Pease, Jaina Brock-Patel, Alana Robinson, Grace Melville, Leesa Tulley, Harriet Caplan-Dean, Khaila Wilcoxon, Storm Lever, Jasmine Forsberg, Olivia Donalson, Didi Romero, Gabriela Carrillo, Cassie Silva, Kelly Denice Taylor, Erin Ramirez, Kelsee Kimmel, Phoenix Mendoza, Chelsea Dawson, Chiara Assetta, Cristina D’Agostino, Joy Woods, Bre Jackson, Keri Rene Fuller, Brennyn Lark, Ayla Ciccone-Burton, Holli’ Conway, Brianna Javis, Gabbi Mack, Casey Esbin, Ellie Wyman, Sasha Renae Brown, Nicole Lamb, Aja Simone Baitey, Willow Dougherty, Kayla McSorely, Emily Rose Lyons, Chelsea Wargo, Hannah Taylor, Jessie Bodner, Jasmine Hackett, Janice Rijssel, Lucia Valentino, Elena Breschi, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Sarah McFarlane, Reca Oakley, Gerianne Perez, Zan Berube, Amina Faye, Terica Marie, Aline Mayagoitia, Sydney Parra, Jana Larell Glover, Taylor Pearlstein, Aryn Bohannon, Cecilia Snow, Rhianne Louise McCaulsky, Baylie Carson, Koko Basigara, Monique Ashe Palmer, Leah Vassell, Hailee Kaleem Wright, Leandra Ellis Gaston, Bella Coppola, Nasia Thomas, Zoe Jensen, Taylor Iman Jones, Aubrey Matalon, Kristina Leopold, Rae Davenport, Gianna Grosso, Kathryn Kilger, Bethany McDonald, Jillian Worthing, Haley Izurieta, Jasmine Smith, Lois Ellise Reeves, Alyssa Giannetti, Eden Holmes, Jaelle Laguerre, Kate Zulauf, Lee ARumSoul, Son Seungyeon Kim Ji Woo, Sophiya Pae, Park Hye-na, Park Ga-Ram, Kim Ji Sun, Choi Hyun-sun, Kim Ryeo Won, Heo Sol-ji, Yoo Ju-hye, Hong Ji Hee, Nicole Louise Lewis, Laura Dawn Pyatt, Erin Caldwell, Kenedy Small, Lou Henry, Aoife Haakenson, Ellie Jane Grant, Izi Maxwell, Tamara Morgan, Shakira Simpson, Fiorella Bamba, Lucinda Wilson, Caitlyn De Kuyper, Amanda Lee, Gabriella Boumford, Audrey Fisher, Brooke Aneece, Jaz Robinson, Julia Pulo, Maggie Lacasse, Krystal Hernández, Elysia Cruz, Lauren Mariasoosay, Julia McLellan, Darcy Stewart, Hailey Lewis
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sixcostumerefs · 3 years ago
Oldest/Youngest Six Cast Members
This is based on their age at debut or planned SIX debut date (both upcoming and cancelled due to Covid). Rehearsal alts are included per their age at the time of rehearsals.
18: Annabel Marlow, Shimali de Silva 20: Renee Lamb, Ashleigh Weir, Alicia Corrales-Connor 21: Jasmine Shen, Hazel Karooma-Brooker, Maddison Bulleyment, Millie O’Connell, Holly Musgrave, Tilda Wickham, Chelsea Dawson, Athena Collins, Elèna Gyasi, Izuka Hoyle, Maiya Quansah-Breed, Collette Guitart, Liv Alexander (Bliss alt), Ellie Sharpe, Maddison Firth (Breakaway alt), Roxanne Couch 22: Kala Gare, Caitlin Tipping, Courtney Monsma, Rebecca Wickes, Maddison Firth (principal Howard), Amelia Walker, Grace Mouat, Karis Oka, Alizé Ke’Aloha Cruz, Laura Blair, Sadie Hurst, Sophie-Rose Middleton 23: Liv Alexander (principal Boleyn), Kelly Sweeney, L’Oréal Roché, Natalie May Paris, Maya Christian, Sophie Golden, Georgia Carr, Artemis Chrisoulakis, Bryony Duncan (principal Howard), Anna Uzele, Emily Harrigan, Ashlee Waldbauer, Danielle Rose 24: Phoenix Jackson Mendoza, Jarneia Richard Noel, Courtney Bowman, Lauren Byrne, Kiana Daniele, Meghan Dawson, Zara MacIntosh, Hana Stewart, Lori McLare (rehearsal alt) 25: Jade Marvin, Andrea Macasaet, Shekinah McFarlane, Courtney Mack (principal Howard), Viquichele Cross, Megan Leung, Vidya Makan, Courtney Stapleton, Chiara Assetta, Lori McLare (Howard u/s), Amy Bridges (rehearsal alt) 26: Lauren Drew, Lucy Aiston, Amy Bridges (Seymour), Brianna Mooney, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert (alt), Courtney Mack (alt), Vicki Manser (alt), Shannen Alyce Quan, Kristina Walz, Marilyn Caserta 27: Wesley Carpenter, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert (principal Cleves), Vicki Manser (principal Howard on WE), Mallory Maedke, Keirsten Hodgens, Ella Burns, Cherelle Jay, Elizabeth Walker (alt), Harriet Watson, Kara-Ami McCreanor 28: Candace Furbert, Loren Hunter, Mallory Maedke (principal Seymour, Elizabeth Walker (principal Seymour), Genesis Lynea, Jodie Steele, Danielle Steers, Paisley Billings, Abbi Hodgson 29: Amy di Bartolomeo, Gabriella Stylianou-Burns, Brittney Mack, Jessica Niles, Samantha Pauly 30: Adrianna Hicks, Christina Modestou, Amanda Lindgren, Aimie Atkinson, Tsemaye Bob-Egbe, Natalie Pilkington, Jennifer Caldwell 31: Chloe Zuel, Claudia Kariuki, Sophie Isaacs, Meesha Turner, Cassandra Lee 32: Melinda Porto 33: Carly Mercedes Dyer, Adrianna Glover Unknown: Megan Gilbert, Abby Mueller, Alexia McIntosh, Shantel Cribbs, Scarlet Gabriel
From the ages we know: Carly would have been the oldest actress to have been in Six, as she was just a few weeks away from her 34th birthday when she debuted. However, Lexi McIntosh could have been the oldest at debut because we know she was at least 31. She also should be the oldest actress currently with the show. Annabel Marlow was the youngest actress ever in Six at the time of her debut, being about 18 and a half while Shimali de Silva was almost 19. The current birth years span from 1987 (Carly Dyer and Aimie Atkinson) to 2000 (Chelsea Dawson and Roxanne Couch).
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pacosemnoticias · 1 year ago
JMJ. Rede Expressos reforça oferta e cria apoio a peregrinos
A Rede Expressos vai reforçar a oferta rodoviária nacional e internacional em direção a Lisboa, no final de julho e em agosto, para responder ao aumento da procura no âmbito da Jornada Mundial da Juventude (JMJ).
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A empresa informou em comunicado, que o reforço a nível internacional inclui “opções para os peregrinos, turistas e viajantes internacionais”, realizando-se, no total, 21 serviços semanais Lisboa-Paris, 28 ligações Lisboa-Madrid, 15 Porto-Madrid, 49 Porto-Santiago Compostela, 56 Faro-Sevilha e uma operação diária para Cadiz e Algeciras. Será ainda reforçado o percurso noturno diário Lisboa-Corunha-Lisboa, com bilhetes Lisboa-Vigo, com preços desde 25 euros.
No serviço nacional o reforço abrange as ligações do Litoral Alentejano (Lisboa-Milfontes), do Algarve e da Linha Oeste, no percurso Aveiro – Figueira da Foz – Nazaré – Caldas – Lisboa, bem como as saídas da Gare do Oriente para Faro e Portimão e para o Norte, até Guimarães.
A Rede Expressos “terá no mês de julho uma oferta de 800 serviços por dia“, refere o comunicado em que a empresa dá ainda nota de que irá “assegurar um posto de informação no terminal de Sete Rios, em Lisboa, onde estarão voluntários para apoiar os peregrinos“.
No posto, instalado na sala de espera do terminal, estes voluntários “ajudam os peregrinos nas chegadas e partidas e no encaminhamento para os diversos eventos na cidade”. Será prestado “um serviço idêntico na Gare do Oriente”.
A Rede Expressos é uma rede nacional de autocarros expresso em Portugal, fundada em 1995 e que assegura ligações a mais de 300 destinos em Portugal e no estrangeiro.
Em 2022, a Rede Nacional de Expressos transportou mais de nove milhões de passageiros através de 70,8 milhões de quilómetros em estradas nacionais e espanholas, italianas e francesas.
Lisboa foi a cidade escolhida pelo Papa Francisco para a próxima edição da Jornada Mundial da Juventude, que vai decorrer entre os dias 1 e 6 de agosto deste ano, com as principais cerimónias a terem lugar no Parque Eduardo VII e no Parque Tejo, a norte do Parque das Nações, na margem ribeirinha do Tejo, em terrenos dos concelhos de Lisboa e Loures.
Mais de um milhão de pessoas são esperadas em Lisboa para a JMJ.
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castillo-adrian · 4 years ago
A Rainy Day in Paris | Part 1.
Note: Timeline isn’t linear, make sure to take a note of the dates. ♥
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December 23rd.  Morning
“We’ve waited six years for this,” the excited snarl was followed by the sound of the fist colliding with Adrian’s cheekbones. “Personally? Me, I’m all for delayed gratification.”
He felt the taste of iron and salt in his mouth. The man in a collared shirt and khakis who delivered the blow was Philippe, and behind him stood three others: Cédric, Agnès and Samir. All of them former GIGN operatives, all of them currently employed by the St. Clair Organization as enforcers and assassins.
Once upon a time, they’d fought literal wars together. Not the mob kind – the real kind.
Now, they were going to kill him.
December 22nd. Late afternoon.
“A friend of mine will be waiting for you in Porto. You can trust him. He’ll drive you to doctor’s appointments and check up on you until Sophia flies out there, too.”
His mother was inconsolable, refusing to leave London, refusing to face the reality of the situation – in order for her daughter to be saved, his son had to give up his life. Perhaps it was merciful that Sophie’s choice wasn’t hers to make – there was no version of the reality where Adrian let his sister suffer for his decisions.
“Mom, I promise, I’ll bring her back.”
His words fell on deaf ears. Mother Castillo sat in the corner, hands clasped around a rosary, praying to the Mother to save both of her children. Tears streamed down her wrinkled face that had still retained its beauty though all the hardships and years she’s been through.
Adrian tossed a few things in his overnight bag, but he knew the only thing he’d make use of would be his passport. He wouldn’t be needing the rest for much longer. “It’s time to go to the airport, mom. We don’t have much time. My plane has to be in Paris at 8.”
He spent the entirety of the car ride giving her last-minute instructions, making sure she’d have everything she needed after he was gone. A part of him wished he had time to say a few goodbyes, but he didn’t want to ruin anyone’s upcoming Christmas, and time wasn’t on his side.
Except Johnathan, whom he filled in with a quick phone call. The man had offered help, but there was nothing to be done. The instructions were clear – Adrian had to go alone, or else his sister would suffer.
"Alright ma, the plane’s leaving soon.” He hugged his mother as they stood in the middle of the Heathrow Airport. Pain stabbed at his heart to be the reason of those tears on her face, for making her say goodbye. Perhaps he should’ve left without saying anything that put her through this agony. What was more cruel? Who could tell.
“Here,” she put the Notre Dame medallion over his neck. “She’ll protect you, son.”
Adrian kissed her on the forehead as his eyes traveled to the information board at the nearest gate that read “PARIS (CDG), boarding”.
December 19th. Evening.
When his sister, Sophia first mentioned her upcoming trip to Paris, Adrian begged her to reconsider. Knowing how badly his former friends wanted him dead, especially after the events of last year, there was no doubt the loyalists would be on a lookout if he or his loved ones ever laid a foot in Paris.
He’d tried to explain it to Sophia, but she wouldn’t hear it.
“Do you know just how much I’ve sacrificed, Adrian? Ever since your former friends found out you’re alive, I haven’t been able to go home. Not even once. I had a life there. Friends.”
“I know. I know. But it’s too risky, Sophia. You don’t know what they’re capable –”
“No, you don’t know how important this invitation is. You have no idea how many scientists would kill to be part of this research, how much hard work I’ve poured into getting to where I am. I won’t let your murderer friends get in the way of my career –” Sophia’s voice rose with every next word.
“Your brother is the reason you have a career,” their mother, who had listened in silence up until now interrupted. “You would’ve never been able to afford your 12-year-long education if he hadn’t supported us, and you know it.”
“I’ve never asked for his blood money and I wish for once, for once,  you’d pick my side over his,” Sophia threw the dish cloth on the table and stormed out of the room, frustrated. A minute or a few of angrily packing her suitcase, she barged in back again. “I refuse to pause my life because you’re the most hated man in France.”
“For god’s sake, Sophia. Being a leading scientist at NodThera and living in London is hardly pausing your career...” Adrian groaned, his patience started to thin.
“It’s not about that, Adrian. The research they’re doing at Sorbonne, it’s groundbreaking, I could only get a chance like this once. Why am I even explaining this to you,” she checked her passport and put on the coat, her right foot already in the hallway. “I’ll be fine, it’s just a few months.” The door behind her closed with a thud.
Maybe she was right. Maybe she would be fine. Maybe no one would notice a Castillo had arrived in Paris, or if they did, they wouldn’t do anything about it because that wasn’t the Castillo they had been after.
December 22nd, Early morning.
The second Adrian heard his phone ring, he knew something was terribly wrong, and the unknown number with a France country code made his worst nightmares turn into a reality.
Person on the other end of the call was Cédric. They had his sister, and if he didn’t come to Paris by the end of the day, alone, the only research she’d be good for would be her own autopsy.
There would be no outrunning this one. He had to face his fate, and accept the inevitable.
December 22nd, Evening.
Nostalgia itself had a utopian dimension, one that wasn’t directed toward the future nor the past, but rather sideways. Adrian hadn’t sat in a foot in Paris in six years, hadn’t seen the streets he used to call home, a city he had loved. The country he dedicated his life to serve had become a forbidden Eden he was no longer allowed to enter.
Adrian had been cast out for his sins, and the prodigal son’s return was not welcome. Still, if he had to die today, at least he’d be dying in one place he loved above all – Paris.
The address he’d gotten was somewhere near Gare du Nord, 30-minute-drive from the Charles De Gaulle airport, but he’d asked the driver to take the longer route and go through the 9th arrondissement. One last look...
As the car sped through familiar streets, leaving the familiar landmarks in the rearview mirror one by one, Paris felt strangely foreign, with foreign sounds, with foreign people and no hiding place. A sad realisation hit him all of a sudden – he’d always love Paris, but they’d grown from lovers into strangers.
The destination soon appeared, centuries-old railway station rearing its head menacingly in the distace. He could hear the faint sounds of Vive le Vent coming from somewhere, muddy streets littered with Christmas decorations. Looked like there would be no white Christmas in Paris this year, just rain. Lots, and lots of rain. The streets around the Paris-North were as busy as he left them, people running around with a dash of holiday spirit sparkled on everything. Life would go on, and Adrian was nothing but a disappearing shadow in the city of lights.
He entered a derelict building north the station as instructed. He clocked Sophia right away. Chained to a chair, sweat and tears dripping down her face, scared and terrified. His fault.
“I’m here. Alone. Now let her go,” Adrian addressed the group, hoping Sophia wouldn’t have to be there a minute longer. He raised his hands and took off the jacket. “No guns, no back-up.” They may have been criminals and murderers, but they were military operatives once, too. They still had some moral code, and as expected once they saw Adrian, they cut her loose.
Sophia ran to her brother’s arms. “It’s alright, it’s alright,” he hugged her, probably for the last time, “You’ll be okay. Mom’s on her way to Porto, you should fly there right away.”
“I’m sorry, Adrian,” her voice was shaking, she could barely make her words sound audible, “I’ll call the cops, I’ll-I’ll get the help, I –”
“Just go, Sophia. Tell mom I’m sorry,” he let her go and watched as she neared the door reluctantly, but knowing there was nothing to be done.
His eyes were still fixed on his sister when suddenly lights went out and a blunt object hit his head with full force, knocking him out.
December 23rd. Early Morning.
“Wake up, putain,” the icy water and Cédric’s voice jolted him back to consciousness with equal intensity.
“You’re fucking dead, Castillo,” Philippe put a knife to his throat, he could practically smell whiskey on his breath, “like you should’ve been a long time ago.”
“I guess I just want some answers,” Agnes shrugged. Her curiosity couldn’t have been mistaken for remorse. She was just as angry and resentful as the rest of them. They haven’t been close friends the way Adrian and Laure were, but they had served together, at GIGN and at the French Organization. That had to mean something. Loyalty meant something.
Adrian remained silent.
What was he supposed to say? The truth was far too complicated, and there were simply too many factors at play to give them a short, clear answer. Not that it would’ve made any difference. They’d branded him a traitor and there was no undoing that, no changing their minds, no mercy, no truce.
Not when they had another war to fight, but this time on the opposite sides.
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stlocavoile · 2 years ago
Comment venir à Porto Vecchio?
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Comment venir à Porto Vecchio : Nous sommes l'endroit idéal pour tous vos besoins de transport. Notre emplacement près de l'aéroport, du ferry et des bus fait de nous le choix idéal pour un voyage sans tracas. La citée de sel est une belle ville portuaire située en Corse du sud. C'est l'une des destinations touristiques les plus populaires de la région et attire des visiteurs du monde entier. Pour s'e'y rendre c' est facile et pratique : il existe plusieurs façons de rejoindre la ville.
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: logement insolite
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logement insolite en ferry : Nous sommes à 5 minutes à pied de port de commerce. Les ports de Marseille, Toulon, Nice et les ports italiens sont reliés par des traversées en ferry qui vous y mèneront, en environ 10 heures. La traversée en bateau permet de transporter votre véhicule; ce qui peut s'avérer très pratique. - Les compagnies maritimes : (cliquez sur la compagnie) La région , desservie par 2 compagnies maritimes avec des traversées depuis l’Italie et les ports français de Marseille et Nice : Corsica Linea Porto Vecchio Corsica Ferries
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avion Porto Vecchio
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avion Porto Vecchio
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Porto Vecchio : logement insolite
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L'aéroport : Il se trouve dans une commune voisine FIGARI à 22 minutes de nos établissements. Pendant la saison estivale, cet aéroport est très actif. L'aéroport de Figari, connecté à la plupart des grandes plateformes aéroportuaires françaises et européennes. Certains vols sont ponctuels; d'autres sont disponibles toute l'année ou sur une plus longue durée. Les compagnies aériennes (cliquez sur la compagnie) Air Corsica Air France British Airways Brussels Airlines EasyJet Ryanair Volotea Bien qu'il soit préférable de disposer d'un véhicule pour se promener en Corse, vous pouvez décider de vous en passer ! IL est possible de louer une voiture à l'aéroport. Une navette vous emmènera à la gare routière de Porto-Vecchio a 5 minutes de nos logements. Corsica Bus Navette
D'Ajaccio ou de Bastia ?
Si vous n’avez pas choisi d’arriver sur Porto Vecchio, vous avez le choix entre Ajaccio et Bastia. Elles se trouvent toutes deux à une distance raisonnable. L’aéroport de Bastia est égale distance, en terme de kilomètres. La route est nettement plus « droite » pour rejoindre le sud. Il faudra traverser de nombreuses agglomérations qui vous ralentiront : risques d’embouteillages certaines portions incontournables.(Saint-Lucie de Porto Vecchio). La route depuis Ajaccio est sinueuse : Très belle, est spectaculaire. Elle offre des paysages plus variés entre mer et montagne. L’aéroport d’Ajaccio ne se trouve pas en ville; elle est déjà sur la route du sud. Le meilleur moyen pour s'y 'rendre d'Ajaccio ou de Bastia sans voiture est de bus. Corsica bus Ajaccio Corsica bus Bastia En espérant que cette article "comment venir à Porto Vecchio ?" vous auras aidés, n'hésitez pas à nous le dire en commentaire SABINE ET THIERRY Read the full article
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