Adrian Castillo
477 posts
Adrian Castillo, 42, Acting Boss. Assassin. St. Clair Rutherford.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
Text @ Adrian
Jessica: Melissa is in the OR for a GSW to the abdomen.
Jessica: I'll keep you updated when I know more.
Adrian: I know, I'm on my way to board the plane.
Adrian: Jess, please text me updates from the OR whenever you can, I'd appreciate it immensely.
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
Texting - Adrian.
Melissa: Are you seriously inviting me? Because I'll come for a day or two...
Melissa: I'd say that me and John had the worst fight to date and I'm beyond pissed.
Melissa: I am white wine drunk, Adrian.
Adrian: Nothing wrong with catching some Porto Velho tan, right?
Adrian: What happened?
Adrian: That's never a good sign. If you decide to get white wine drunk again while I'm gone, let's do that over facetime maybe, to avoid Hurricane Melissa.
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
Texting - Adrian.
Melissa: I know you left for work
Melissa: But wish you were here!
Melissa: Getting drunk without you feels weird.
Melissa: [Inserts picture of her white wine.
Adrian: Then you should hot on the plane and join me.
Adrian: Oh no, I sense trouble.
Adrian: You drink white wine when you're pissed.
Adrian: What happened?
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
Text for Adrian
Melissa: Well, well, well.
Melissa: It's about time, things were starting to get a little dull around here.
Melissa: This is why I adore you, you're always one step ahead of the game, and always making this job as easy as it can be for me.
Melissa: A gift, I'm sure, would be perfect for you.
Melissa: Is there anything I can get for you, love?
Adrian: You spoil me.
Adrian: I might leave town for a few weeks, but I'll be in touch all the time.
Adrian: Don't have too much fun without me.
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
Text for Melissa
Adrian: Our Russian friends are having a little quality time with the French.
Adrian: Noise from the AU.
Adrian: I've already rung the commissioner. The police won't be in any rush to get there. Should give the Russians enough time to do what they've been brought here to do.
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
CLOSED STARTER: @castillo-adrian​
LOCATION: Melissa’s Home
The only light in the room was the small table lamp in the corner of the room and the crackle of the old brick fire place which warmed Melissa’s skin in the most pleasurable of ways as she relaxed into the grand oversized master’s chair that she’d brought as a centre piece for the living room she called her home, she hums as she red wine is brought to her lips, savouring the taste as she let it wash over her tongue, eyes momentarily fluttering closed with satisfaction. After what felt like some of the longest working days of her life, there was nothing better than being able to settle into comfort with her dear friend. 
‘‘Adrian, darling, make yourself at home— there’s red wine already poured on the table or there are cold beers in the fridge.’‘ She offered, quickly pushing up from her seat as she sauntered over to the record player, looking through the small collection she kept. ‘‘What music shall we go for tonight?’‘ She calls out.
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He’d been here so many times before, it almost did feel like a second home.
At a first glance, theirs could’ve been seen as an opposites attract kind of friendship, her ice against his fire, but when it came to work, they almost always saw eye to eye, and it was no wonder their friendship had been forged there - started out as colleagues, and turned into closest friends.
Watching Melissa in action, doing her thing - it was a sight to behold, one that always left him amazed.
“Surprise me,” Adrian eyed the vinyl collection that was no doubt more expensive than someone’s entire house. “What are you in mood for?”
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
Top 3 most attractive. Top 3 wouldn't piss on if on fire. Top 3 influences.
Most Attractive:
Nora Berkeley, Évelyne Mercier, Melissa Lin.
Wouldn't piss on if on fire:
Laurent St. Pierre, Delphine St. Clair, Konstantin Vorshevsky.
Laure Giroud;
The rest of the GIGN squad;
Andrew Rutherford.
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
FMK Év Lara Melissa
Fuck: Melissa
Marry: Lara
Kill: Év
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
FMK Johnathan Francisco Melissa
Fuck: Johnathan
Marry: Melissa
Kill: Vidal
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
FMK Noa Aurelie Ev
Fuck: Aur
Marry: év
Kill: Noa
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
FMK: Damon, Melissa & Yvonne
Fuck: Melissa
Marry: Yvonne (no sex marriage i guess lmfao, he could NEVER)
Kill: Damon
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
FMK: Évelyne, Laure, Revati
Fuck: Laure
Marry: Évelyne
Kill: Revati.
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
FMK: Lara, Nora, Nevra
Fuck: Nora
Marry: Lara
Kill: Nevra. Ew. This hurt me. Only because same as damon/leyla, he cant out her in F or M category and it only leaves K.
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
If there was one thing that Melissa was right now, it was furious as she silently seethed under her cool exterior; if there was anyone who would see right through that, it was Adrian. Eyes instantly fell upon the raven haired man, as she sucked in a breath, as soon as she was prepared she sauntered over to him in her usual fashion, a swing to her hips and head held high; she was of course still representing The Rutherfords after all. 
It was all about impressions, and Johnathon had not held up his end. As soon as she was within reach, head turning to him and eye brow arching, she wondered what he’d thought about the night so far, as she could see that their loyalists seemed happier — no doubt this was Adrian’s doing, she thought. He was much better at that than she ever had been.
She didn’t like people all that much.
‘‘The idiot could have won that entire thing had he used his head and not his insufferable anger—’‘ She all but whispers to Adrian, eyes darting to make sure the inspecting eyes were not able to hear their conversaition. The ice queen was in full form this evening, unsure if a smile had managed to graze her features with anything more than a grimance or female grunt. 
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“To be fair, that anger is how he usually wins the fights,” Adrian responded, for only her ears to hear. Melissa Lin was the kind of person that did not condone failures, you didn’t need to be a close friend of hers to know that. And whilst Adrian didn’t give much importance to these fights, he feared the affect Johnathan’s loss would have on the Rutherford Organisation’s morale. Seeing their boss get knocked out by a commandant surely was difficult to witness for the younger, more hot-tempered loyalists.
Perhaps the optics was the reason why Melissa was quite so mad.
Adrian joining the Rutherford table had been an attempt to boost the morale, and having Melissa surely helped. The lower-ranking loyalists rarely got to spend any time in the same room as their fierce second-in-command.
“Why don’t you buy the next round for the guys, hm?” Adrian nudged her a little. Quite possible the only person who could get away with such playfulness around Melissa. “You could use some alcohol, too. Maybe will calm that ice cold rage you’re radiating.”
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
His smile did nothing to ease his words. “I have no doubt Lara would be well equip for an event,” though Jessica was not sure which Lara would have prepared for more, body bags or band-aids. “Mr. Castillo, with all due respect, I took an oath to help those in need. I can not stand by and watch people suffer simply because of how it might look,”
“If anyone were to question my loyalty, all they need do is ask,”
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“No one is asking you to break your oath, Jess. There are medical professionals here, that’s my whole point. Medical professionals whose friends and boyfriend haven’t been at deathbed because of some of the people in that ring.” Adrian pointed at the center stage, where Jax was gearing up for the fight. 
“Words don’t prove loyalty, though. Actions do. Taking a stand does. Enjoy your night, Jess.”
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castillo-adrian · 3 years ago
A couple of the loyalist had minor injuries, but thankfully none as badly as Johnathan sported. Moving from her seat next to a fighter, they thanked her for bandaging them up and she gave an easy smile with her generic ‘not a problem’ reply. Seeing Adrian come down among them was clearly a ‘moral boost’ as several once leaning and grumbling figures perked up with smirks.
Hearing the Russian family name pinched her stomach to think of how Mikhail must be feeling about his brother going in to fight. “I can’t say I see it going well for either of them,” Jessica replies declining the glass of alcohol offered to her. In her mind, she was working and mixing liquor with medical practice did not sound like a safe idea.
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“You know Lara has people who provide medical care, and if need be, transport people to the hospital, right?” Adrian titled his head, an easy smile on his face. “I get the urge, but surely you must know how it looks, when you rush to help people who quite literally are plotting Johnathan’s death, Rutherford family’s death... My death, and so many others’ I assume you call friends.”
I am not telling you what to do, but I’d hate for anyone to question your loyalty, Jess. You understand what I mean, right?”
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castillo-adrian · 4 years ago
Adrian had his reasons for not participating in the fight nights - but he didn’t judge those who did. For the younger loyalists it was a good practice, even. Despite Emrys’s losses, he was showing impressive talent, for instance.
It was the fact that the Rutherford loyalists had to witness their boss get bested by a commandant that had Adrian worried would result in them losing morale, but at the end of the day, it was Johnathan Parsons. The man hardly had anything to prove. He’d curb stomped more people than the number guests at this party combined.
It was during the Kurylenko-Vendroux match-up that Adrian decided to take a break from spectating from the balcony and mingle with the loyalists downstairs, give them a little encouragement and cheer them up before Eitan and Varden fight would start. 
“This round is on me, boys and girls,” Adrian was followed by the waiting staff with trays full of alcohol for everyone. “Good job, Emrys, Park, you’re the man. Eitan, try not to antagonise Varden too much, will you? Cheers to Eli, Jax and Dev. Good luck out there, guys. So, the final boss fight, who do you guys think will win? Konstantin Vorshevsky in the ring. Who would’ve thought?”
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