#Game Lodges Mpumalanga
novumtimes · 1 month
More uniquely romantic places to visit in South Africa
A romantic getaway offers the chance to bond with your partner as you share new and interesting experiences. Travelling with your significant other is worthwhile. This is regardless of whether you spark up the romance through a packed itinerary, or choose to celebrate love by simply enjoying tranquil relaxation. In July, we gave you some uniquely romantic places to visit in South Africa. Here are a few more of them: Kagga Kamma The Hut Suites at Kagga Kamma. Set within the stark beauty of the Cederberg Mountains, Kagga Kamma is nothing short of magnificent. At the lodge, you can expect beautiful rock formations, stunning views and even an unforgettable experience at the lodge’s lovely suites. Kagga Kamma is ideal for refreshing romantic getaways. Although you’re not likely to spot big game at the lodge, you’re in for some sightings of antelope, ostrich and plenty of other birdlife. Summerfields Rose Retreat & Spa Source: Facebook / @ Summerfields Rose Retreat & Spa Located in the Mpumalanga province, Summerfields Rose Retreat & Spa offers a unique experience and is the perfect place to relax with your lover. Moreover, dining at the retreat is a gastronomic experience. All vegetables are taken fresh from their own organic nursery, where everything is grown as close to its natural, original form as possible. Summerfields Rose Retreat, Hazyview. Image: Melanie van Zyl If you’re seeking a romantic experience where you can enjoy tranquility, excellent facilities and great food, the Summerfields Rose Retreat & Spa is worth considering. Tsala Treetop Lodge Image: Sourced / @tsalatreetoplodge Nothing quite compares to staying in a treehouse, especially when it is as luxurious as Tsala Treetop Lodge. Nestled in Plettenberg Bay, the lodge is a lavish celebration of the spirit of Africa. The comfortable and contemporary accommodation boasts a mystic flair, making it the ideal destination to escape into a world of wonder with your lover. Follow us on social media for more travel news, inspiration, and guides. You can also tag us to be featured.  TikTok | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter ALSO READ: Uniquely romantic places to visit in South Africa Source link via The Novum Times
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sitatoursandtravels1 · 8 months
Embark on a Thrilling Safari Adventure with Sita Tours: Tanzanian Wildlife Experience From USA
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Tanzania, with its vast savannas, majestic mountains, and diverse ecosystems, is a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts and adventurers alike. For travelers seeking an unforgettable safari experience in the heart of Africa, Sita Tours proudly offers Tanzanian Wildlife Experience From USA. With expert guides, luxurious accommodations, and exclusive access to Tanzania's most iconic national parks, travelers can embark on a journey of discovery and wonder as they witness the breathtaking beauty and abundant wildlife of Tanzania.
Explore the Serengeti:
One of the highlights of the Tanzanian Wildlife Experience is the opportunity to explore the legendary Serengeti National Park. Home to the Great Migration, one of the most spectacular wildlife events on the planet, the Serengeti offers travelers the chance to witness thousands of wildebeest, zebras, and other animals as they traverse the vast plains in search of food and water. With Sita Tours, guests can embark on thrilling game drives, guided by expert rangers who provide insights into the behaviors and habitats of the park's inhabitants.
Discover the Ngorongoro Crater:
Another must-visit destination on the Tanzanian Wildlife Experience is the Ngorongoro Crater, often referred to as the "Eighth Wonder of the World." This natural marvel is home to an incredible diversity of wildlife, including lions, elephants, hippos, and more. Travelers can descend into the crater on guided safaris, marveling at the stunning landscapes and abundant wildlife that call this unique ecosystem home. With its breathtaking vistas and rich biodiversity, the Ngorongoro Crater is a highlight of any safari adventure in Tanzania.
Encounter the Big Five:
Tanzania is renowned for its incredible diversity of wildlife, including the iconic Big Five – lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinos. With Sita Tours, travelers have the opportunity to encounter these majestic animals in their natural habitats, from the vast plains of the Serengeti to the dense forests of Tarangire National Park. Whether on game drives, walking safaris, or boat cruises, guests can witness the thrill of spotting these magnificent creatures up close while learning about their behaviors and conservation efforts.
Luxurious Accommodations and Personalized Service:
Throughout their journey, travelers on the Tanzanian Wildlife Experience enjoy the height of luxury and comfort with Sita Tours. From elegant tented camps overlooking the savanna to luxurious lodges nestled in the heart of the wilderness, every accommodation has been carefully selected to provide guests with a restful retreat after exhilarating days of safari adventures. With personalized service and attention to detail, Sita Tours ensures that every aspect of the journey exceeds expectations, allowing guests to relax and immerse themselves fully in the wonders of Tanzania.
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For travelers seeking an unforgettable safari adventure in Tanzania, Sita Tours' Tanzanian Wildlife Experience From USA offers the perfect blend of luxury, adventure, and wildlife encounters. With expert guides, luxurious accommodations, and exclusive access to Tanzania's most iconic national parks, travelers can embark on a journey of discovery and wonder that will leave them with memories to last a lifetime. Contact Sita Tours today to book your Tanzanian Wildlife Experience and prepare for the safari adventure of a lifetime.
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wise-journey · 1 year
Nelspruit: Gateway to Adventure
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Introduction: Nestled within the heart of South Africa is the vibrant city of Nelspruit. This exciting destination combines natural beauty, adrenaline-pumping adventures, and a rich cultural heritage into one thrilling package. It serves as a perfect gateway to the Kruger National Park and the captivating Panorama Route. Let's embark on a virtual journey to explore the hidden gems and discover the essence of Nelspruit.
When to Visit
Nelspruit has a year-round subtropical climate, making it an ideal getaway at any time of the year. Consider visiting between May and September for pleasant temperatures perfect for exploring the outdoors . Wildlife enthusiasts might prefer the drier winter months (June to August) when game viewing opportunities are at their peak.
Getting There
Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport serves Nelspruit, making air travel a breeze. If you favor scenic journeys, consider a road trip from Johannesburg or nearby cities, taking in breathtaking landscapes along the way .
Accommodation in Nelspruit
Nelspruit caters to a diverse range of preferences with an array of accommodation options, from luxurious hotels to budget-friendly lodges. Consider booking one of the tranquil lodges tucked within the city's abundant nature reserves . Things to Do Cultural Exploration: - Lowveld National Botanical Garden: Step into this oasis to witness the stunning indigenous flora and the mesmerizing cascades of the Nels River . - Matsamo Cultural Village: Engage with local communities and learn about Swazi traditions and craft-making techniques . Foodie Experiences: Savour local delicacies at the city's cafes and markets. Relish traditional South African dishes like biltong, boerewors, and bobotie . Outdoor Adventures: - Kruger National Park: Experience the thrill of a safari adventure in the renowned park, which is home to the "Big Five" . - The Panorama Route: Discover breathtaking viewpoints, such as God's Window and Bourke's Luck Potholes, offering panoramic vistas of the Blyde River Canyon . Culinary Experiences For a fusion of flavours, check out The Food Fundi, where locally sourced ingredients transform into gourmet dishes . Seafood lovers should head to Fishmonger Nelspruit, while those longing for authentic South African cuisine can visit the elegant Orange Restaurant.
Local Sights and Tours
Nelspruit promises numerous captivating sights and tours. Explore the Sudwala Caves or visit the Chimp Eden, a sanctuary for rescued chimpanzees. A leisurely boat cruise along the Crocodile River offers opportunities to spot wildlife in their natural habitat .
Useful Tips
Sunscreen and insect repellent: The region can get quite hot and attract mosquitoes. Local culture and traditions: Respect local customs when visiting cultural sites or engaging with local communities. Camera: Be ready to capture the awe-inspiring landscapes and wildlife encounters.
The local currency is the South African Rand (ZAR). Although credit cards are widely accepted, carrying some cash is advisable for smaller establishments and markets. Nightlife Nelspruit's nightlife scene is vibrant, boasting a variety of bars, live music venues, and clubs. The Mbombela Stadium often hosts concerts and sporting events, offering an energetic ambiance .
Taxis and car rental services provide easy transportation around Nelspruit. Hiring a car is recommended for exploring the spectacular surroundings at your leisure .
Indulge in retail therapy at Riverside Mall, the largest shopping centre in Nelspruit. Alternatively, explore bustling markets to discover unique handmade crafts, souvenirs, and fresh local produce . From meeting the majestic wildlife of Kruger National Park to immersing in the vibrancy of local culture, Nelspruit offers unique experiences to every traveller. So, pack your bags, fuel your spirit of adventure, and let Nelspruit weave its magic around you. Experience the warmth of the people, the serenity of the landscapes, and the thrill of exploration in this captivating corner of South Africa. Read the full article
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einereiseblog · 2 years
Eine Safari in Südafrika gilt als das ultimative Tierbeobachtungserlebnis. Wir sind ins Manyeleti Game Reserve gefahren, um uns das selbst anzusehen Unsere Safari in Südafrika sollte immer seltsam werden. Unsere Erwartungen wurden durch den Mythos und das Drama dieses berühmten Reiseziels beflügelt, aber ebenso gedämpft durch unsere Safari in Namibia, die einfach unübertrefflich war. Vor diesem Hintergrund wussten wir, dass Südafrika uns sowohl erfreuen als auch enttäuschen würde. Trotzdem wollten wir unbedingt den großen Hund der afrikanischen Safari sehen, der für den Krüger-Nationalpark berühmt ist, der als einer der besten Orte der Welt gilt, um die „Big Five“ (Löwe, Leopard, Nashorn, Elefant und Büffel) zu sehen. Wir entschieden uns für das Manyeleti Game Reserve nebenan, was unter Kennern ein Geheimtipp ist. Was ist das Manyeleti Game Reserve? Manyeleti, was in der lokalen Shangaan-Sprache „der Ort der Sterne“ bedeutet, ist ein 230 km2 großes privates Wildreservat in der Provinz Mpumalanga in Südafrika. Es teilt nicht eingezäunte Grenzen mit den privaten Reservaten Timbavati im Norden und Sabi Sand im Süden und dem riesigen (19.485 km2) Krüger-Nationalpark im Osten. Dank der offenen Grenze zu Krüger gibt es im Manyeleti Game Reserve keinen Mangel an Tieren – einschließlich der Big Five. Wildtiere sind hier etwas schwieriger zu entdecken als in Sabi Sand und Timbavati, da es weniger Wasser gibt, aber die Belohnungen sind Legion. Manyeleti ist nicht nur günstiger, sondern auch wesentlich leiser. Sabi Sands hat einen gut etablierten Namen und wird oft allein aus diesem Grund ausgewählt. Manyeleti ist viel weniger bekannt und bietet mit nur drei Lodges ein intimeres Erlebnis. Große Reisegruppen, die in Bussen unterwegs sind, werden Sie hier nicht antreffen. Tatsächlich würde es Ihnen schwer fallen, überhaupt jemand anderen zu sehen. Ein ruhiger Ort Das Manyeleti Game Reserve ist weniger entwickelt als seine Kollegen und zieht daher weniger Touristen an. Der Grund dafür liegt in der dunklen Vergangenheit Südafrikas. In den Jahren der Apartheid war Manyeleti das einzige Wildreservat, in das schwarze Südafrikaner einreisen konnten. Der Krüger-Nationalpark war zu dieser Zeit für sie gesperrt. Dementsprechend hat die Regierung sehr wenig in Manyeleti investiert. Atlas & Boots Ein wilder junger männlicher Löwe in Ruhe Manyeleti wurde 1963 als privates Wildreservat gegründet. Es gehört dem lokalen Mnisi-Stamm, der seit Generationen in der Gegend lebt und das Land durch das südafrikanische Restitution of Land Rights Act erfolgreich beansprucht hat. Die drei privaten Lodges im Reservat zahlen Konzessionsgebühren an den Stamm. Der historische Mangel an staatlicher Unterstützung bedeutet, dass das Reservat bis heute relativ unerschlossen ist. Natürlich kümmert sich die Tierwelt nicht um Politik oder Handel, und Sie werden feststellen, dass das Manyeleti Game Reserve Tierbeobachtungen bietet, die es mit seinen gepflegten Nachbarn mit weit weniger Menschen aufnehmen können. Unsere Safari in Manyeleti Wir verbrachten drei Nächte im Honeyguide Khoka Moya Camp im Manyeleti Game Reserve. Dies kostete ein gutes Stück mehr, als wir normalerweise zahlen würden, aber es waren die letzten drei Nächte unseres Monats und wir wollten nicht auf eine Safari in Südafrika verzichten, das angeblich einer der besten Orte der Welt ist Welt zum Beobachten von Wildtieren. Wir erreichten das Manyeleti Game Reserve nach einer fünfstündigen Fahrt von Eswatini (Swasiland). Uns war heiß und stickig und wir freuten uns, unser Auto für drei Tage aufzugeben (Selbstfahrer-Safari ist in Manyeleti nicht erlaubt). Atlas & Boots Unser Safarizelt im Manyeleti Game Reserve Als wir Manyeleti erreichten, waren wir durch Namibia, Lesotho und Eswatini gefahren und hatten dabei vier der Big Five gesehen (alle außer Büffel). Daher waren wir in einer sorglosen Stimmung und nicht damit beschäftigt, die großen fünf Kästchen anzukreuzen, als wir uns in den nächsten drei Tagen zweimal täglich auf Safari begaben.
Zufällig sahen wir unseren fünften der Big Five, als wir einer Herde Kapbüffel begegneten. Obwohl sie manchmal als „Buschkühe“ bezeichnet werden, ist es töricht, sie zu unterschätzen. Afrikanische Büffel können schneller als 55 km/h laufen und sind notorisch schlecht gelaunt, besonders wenn sie in die Enge getrieben oder verwundet werden. Atlas & Boots Ein Büffel starrt uns an Natürlich waren nicht die Büffel das Highlight unserer Reise, sondern eine außergewöhnliche Begegnung mit einem Löwenrudel. Wir brachen früh am zweiten Morgen auf und fanden 12 (!) Löwen, die aus einem Wasserloch tranken. Einige von ihnen trotteten direkt an unserem Fahrzeug vorbei, bevor sie sich ausschwärmten, um eine unsichtbare Beute anzupirschen. Wir sahen zu, wie sie im Rudel jagten und durch die Flussvegetation streiften. Ebenso außergewöhnlich war eine kleine Elefantenherde, die mehrmals unser Schwimmbad beschlagnahmte. Einige kamen uns auch beim Frühstück besuchen. Hier gibt es keine Grenzen und die Tiere können sich frei bewegen. Tatsächlich dürfen Gäste nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit nicht alleine über das Gelände wandern. Stattdessen müssen Sie die Rezeption anrufen und um eine Eskorte bitten. Das ist wahre Bushveld-Wildnis. An unserem letzten Tag sahen wir sogar ein einzelnes Nashorn. Wenn wir nicht gerade in Eswatini gewesen wären (Nashörner in Hülle und Fülle), wäre dies vielleicht der Höhepunkt unserer Safari in Südafrika gewesen. Der einzige der Big Five, den wir in Manyeleti nicht gesehen haben, war der Leopard, der am schwersten zu fassende von allen. Wir wurden jedoch durch den Anblick eines Geparden entschädigt, der über eine von der Morgendämmerung erleuchtete Ebene pirschte. Atlas & Boots Ein einsames Nashorn An unserer letzten Nacht im Safarizelt scherzte ich mit Peter, dass dies wahrscheinlich die Art von Unterkunft sei, in der Prinz Harry und Meghan Markle auf ihrer Reise nach Botswana übernachteten. Er lachte und sagte: „Nein, sie müssen an einem viel exklusiveren Ort übernachtet haben.“ Wenn exklusiv teuer sein soll, dann hat er wahrscheinlich recht. Wenn es sich jedoch um einen besonderen Ort handelt, der nur wenigen Personen gleichzeitig offenbart wird, dann gibt es keine größere Exklusivität als die von Manyeleti. Manyeleti Game Reserve: Notizen und Tipps Das Manyeleti Game Reserve hat keine Richtlinien für Selbstfahrer, daher müssen Sie an offiziellen Pirschfahrten teilnehmen, die von Ihrer Lodge durchgeführt werden. Die Lodges sind nicht eingezäunt und Wildtiere können frei eintreten. Aus diesem Grund dürfen Gäste nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit nicht alleine herumlaufen. Rufen Sie die Rezeption an, um eine Eskorte zu arrangieren. Das Honeyguide Khoka Moya Camp hat eine gemeinsame Essensrichtlinie, daher gibt es ein bisschen Glück in Bezug auf die Essensbegleiter. Wir saßen mit einer Familie mit drei Kindern zusammen und obwohl wir auf Anfrage einen eigenen Tisch bekamen, sorgte dies für einige Verwirrung. Bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, mit anderen zu speisen.Befolgen Sie die Safari-Etikette: Tragen Sie neutrale Farben, machen Sie keine lauten Geräusche, blockieren Sie nicht die Sicht anderer oder seien Sie egoistisch mit erstklassigen Aussichtspunkten. Packen Sie Schichten, lange Ärmel, geschlossene Schuhe und Insektenschutz ein. Es ist auch eine gute Idee, Ihr eigenes Fernglas einzupacken. Versehen Sie Ihren Standort nicht mit Geo-Tags und senden Sie keine Live-Updates, wenn Sie Wildtiere beobachten. Wilderer können Social-Media-Updates nutzen, um Nashörner zu lokalisieren. Lassen Sie sich nicht davon abhalten, die Big Five zu sehen. Denken Sie daran, dass die Natur nicht kontrolliert werden kann. Manyeleti Game Reserve: das Wesentliche Was: Safari im Manyeleti Game Reserve, Südafrika. Wo: Wir übernachteten im Honeyguide Khoka Moya Camp, das über 15 permanente Safarizelte verfügt, die entlang einer erhöhten Promenade im Busch verteilt sind. Jedes Zelt hat einen Wohnbereich, eine überdachte Terrasse und ein riesiges Badezimmer.
Das Camp verfügt über einen Swimmingpool, eine Bar und einen offenen Loungebereich, der um ein abgesenktes Wohnzimmer und eine gemütliche Feuerstelle herum gebaut ist. Gemeinschaftsmahlzeiten werden dreimal täglich serviert: à la carte, wenn nur wenige Gäste anwesend sind; Buffet mit größeren Gruppen. Pirschfahrten starten zweimal täglich: je nach Saison gegen 6:00 und 15:00 Uhr. Wann: Wildbeobachtungen sind am besten während des trockenen Winters (Mai-Oktober), da sich Tiere um Wasserlöcher versammeln und der Mangel an Vegetation den Gästen eine klarere Sicht ermöglicht. Im Frühling (November bis Dezember) können Sie viele Neugeborene beobachten. Für die Vogelbeobachtung ist der Sommer (Dezember bis März) am besten: Die Flüsse sind voll und das Buschland üppig. Der Herbst (April bis Mai) ist gut für die Vogelbeobachtung, aber die schlechtesten Monate für Großwild. Wie: Wir mieteten ein Auto von Avis in Durban, Südafrika, und fuhren über Eswatini (Swasiland) zum Manyeleti Game Reserve. Wir haben die Logistik unterwegs mit Travel SIM organisiert, die in zahlreichen Ländern mit einer einzigen Karte und Telefonnummer funktioniert. South African Airlines bietet Flüge zu einigen Flughäfen in der Nähe des Reservats an. Honeyguide empfiehlt, vom Internationalen Flughafen OR Tambo Johannesburg (JNB) zum Flughafen Hoedspruit Eastgate (HDS) zu fliegen. Ihre Lodge kann einen Straßentransfer von Hoedspruit nach Manyeleti organisieren (50 Minuten). Wir sind mit South African Airways nach Südafrika geflogen. Buchen Sie Flüge zu den besten Preisen über Skyscanner. Lonely Planet Südafrika, Lesotho & Swasiland ist ein umfassender Reiseführer für Südafrika, ideal für diejenigen, die sowohl die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten erkunden als auch weniger befahrene Straßen wählen möchten. Leitbild: Atlas & Boots .
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kruger2kalahari · 2 years
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Sundowners on our game drive when staying at Makalali Game Lodge. The Photographer's Guide series of eBooks for Kruger (plus Etosha, Kgalagadi, and Pilanesberg) are on sale at 1/3rd off. Just add the promo code K2K when purchasing any one of them. https://www.kruger-2-kalahari.com/ #NaturePhotography #WildlifePhotography #PhotoSafari #Kruger2Kalahari #knp #KrugerPark #ebook #krugernationalpark #greaterkruger #kruger #krugerexplorer #krugersafari #krugerparksafari #krugerselfdrive #travelafrica #selfdrivesafari #bigfivesafari #pilanesbergselfdrive #pilanesberg #etoshanationalpark #etoshapan #etoshaselfdrive #pilanesbergnationalpark #kgalagaditransfrontierpark #kgalagadi #kgalagadiselfdrive #krugerenthusiasts #pilanesberggamereserve (at Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl84xYSqEN3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moholoholo · 2 years
The Forest Camp
The grassland supports grey rhebuck and the rare oribi in addition to rodents, reptiles, seed-eating birds and loads of bugs. Kudu choose the duvet of wooded bushveld and bushbuck and bushpig move amongst the luxuriant progress on the riverbanks. The geology and local weather of this high rainfall plateau results in masses of waterfalls, beautiful to look at and many of which you'll be able to visit.
Offers two camps on a property near Kruger & the Panorama Route. Enjoy our wildlife from small insects & frogs to our majestic Giraffe. Enjoy our friendly relaxed service by employees enthusiastic about providing the best expertise for friends.
They're also applicable regardless of the remark's tone. Lock in a great value for Moholoholo Forest Camp – rated eight.8 by recent guests! If you booked via us and need to depart a evaluation, please sign up first. Booking.com is part moholoholo forest camp of Booking Holdings Inc., the world leader in online journey and related companies. This property is part of the Travel Sustainable programme, which means it’s taken vital steps to make your keep extra sustainable. Moholoholo Forest Camp has been welcoming Booking.com friends since 2 Mar 2018.
Our host and hostess's hospitality makes any customer really feel at home and part of the family inside minutes after arrival. The pretty setting of the camp quickly soothes away the stress whereas the peace and quiet of unspoiled nature turns into a way of life. Country-style cooking enhances the intimate ambiance expertise at Forest Camp - all meals are served buffet type moholoholo forest camp. The Forest Camp contains of seven secluded double chalets and 1 household chalet all with en suite shower and tub as properly as 2 Brick Chalets with en suite shower solely. This Limpopo nature reserve lodging has one thing for everyone with full board lodging, Bed & Breakfast in addition to self-catering chalets to choose from.
It was great to see animals on the property however when you are in your room, it feels like there isn't a one else there... Pilgrims Rest- Old gold rush village, visit the Robbers Grave, Pilgrim's Rest is situated on the magnificent Panorama Route on the japanese Escarpment region moholoholo forest camp of the Mpumalanga province of South Africa. Here, visitors can relive the times of the old Transvaal gold rush. Shop for souvenirs, go to the Robbers Grave and see panning for gold. Offering an outdoor swimming pool, Chakas Cove is situated within the Shakas Rock district of Ballito.
Extending by way of the central space of the country, on a north/south axis, are the mountainous Drakensberg highlands. Is just one of the many venues of the Moholoholo Private Game Reserve and the bush camp overlooks the magnificent Marepe Mountains, which forms a part of the Drakensberg Range. Due to the dangerous wild animals corresponding to rhino, leopard and hippo roaming the reserve, visitors are required to go for walks only beneath the guidance of a guide and driving in your individual vehicle is prohibited. Forest Camp presents accommodation with free WiFi and free non-public parking. Stoffel the world-famous honey badger has been living at Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Hoedspruit, South Africa. Stoffel was hand-raised by a farmer within the space where he caused chaos in the house.
The primary building is where the dining room and deck are located. The deck overlooks a small shady waterhole frequented by Samango Monkeys and many birds. The waterhole is floodlit at night time and visited by nocturnal animals corresponding to Bushpig, Civet and Porcupine. Come and make your recollections.The guest house has 15 well-appointed rooms, all with en-suite ..
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jacanalodge · 3 years
Jacana River Lodge - One of The Top Game Lodges Mpumalanga
Stop looking, you have found the best 5-Star wildlife safari accommodation option you have been looking for, and its self-catering to boot. Jacana River Lodge is a luxury option rivalling game lodges in Mpumalanga for its ideal location nestled in the majestic Mjejane Game Reserve which offers an exclusive game viewing experience adjacent to the Kruger National Park. Perfect for a family who want their own space, but all the luxury of home, this self-catering luxury option(with a domestics cleaning lady) takes the load of weary parents who can relax as the children splash in the infinity pool overlooking the Crocodile River on the southern boundary of the Kruger National Park. Book your accommodation through the website here: https://jacanariverlodge.com/
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logi1974 · 3 years
Südafrika 2021/22 - Tag 20
Herrschaften und Oukies!
Heute Morgen mussten wir doch noch einmal zum Einkauf aufbrechen. Dass heute wieder der berüchtigte Freitag war, fiel uns spätestens dann wieder ein, als wir die langen Schlangen vor den Geldautomaten und Wechselbuden sahen.
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Und weil es ja so langweilig ist immer nur im Spar einkaufen zu gehen, stürzten wir uns heute so richtig ins afrikanische Leben und gingen in der Stadtmitte in den Shoprite.
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Es ist “etwas” bunter als bei uns:
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Aber, wir haben alles bekommen, was wir noch benötigten, damit wir die nächsten Tage gut über die Runden kommen.
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Die Sommer-Weihnachts-Ferien sind zu Ende. Es ist nicht zu übersehen!
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Für den Nachmittag hatten wir eine Flußsafari auf dem Olifants River gebucht, unten bei Olifants River Safaris.
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Diese Flußsafari buchten wir bereits am Mittwoch für den heutigen Tag, da zur Zeit die Nachfrage nicht so riesig ist.
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Wie der Eigentümer uns im persönlichen Gespräch erzählte, fehlen auch ihm die internationalen Gäste. Alle Buchungen wurden storniert.
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Natürlich waren wir auch heute wieder die einzigen Touristen aus Übersee - und dann auch noch die einzigen pigmentbenachteiligten. 
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Die Damen hatten sich besonders schick gemacht. Dagegen konnte ich nicht anstinken. Man trug Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Valentino usw.
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Ich werde mir das merken und mich das nächste Mal besser vorbereiten und für dieses Gelegenheiten andere Garderobe einpacken.
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Insgesamt waren wir 13 Personen. Dafür lohnte sich der Einsatz des großen Bootes nicht und wir fuhren mit dem “Little Kambaku” auf dem Olifants River.
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Um 3 Uhr am Nachmittag ging es von der Lodge los. Unser Bootsführer hieß Richard und gab uns erst einmal eine Einführung zum Olifants River.
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Der Olifants River ist ein Fluß, der in der südafrikanischen Provinz Mpumalanga entspringt. Er ist der größte rechte Nebenfluss des Limpopo und insgesamt etwa 600 km lang.
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Er fließt nördlich durch den Witbank Damm und den Loskop Damm. Vor den Drakensbergen ändert er seine Richtung nach Osten und er durchschneidet den Abel-Erasmus-Pass.
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Nach seinem Zusammenfluss mit dem Letaba River darf er seinen Namen zunächst noch behalten, erst in Mosambik ändert heißt er Rio dos Elefantes. Er mündet in den Limpopon und ergießt sich nördlich von Maputo in den Indischen Ozean.
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Im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch heißt der Fluß immer noch Olifants River - obwohl 2005 der Name offiziell in Lepelle umbenannt wurde.
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Und der Olifants River heißt natürlich Olifants River, weil es hier jede Menge Olifanten (Elefanten) gibt.
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Die gemütliche Tour dauerte 2 1/2 Stunden und führte Flussaufwärts, zwischen zwei Big 5 Game Reservaten, hindurch.
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Durch das kleine Boot kamen wir ganz dicht an die Ufer heran - hat auch seine Vorteile.
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Die Tour kostet 450 Rand pro Person, das sind umgerechnet keine 30 Euro. 3 bis 4 Mal täglich fahren die Boote normalerweise. 
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Der Hasenbär, der natürlich auch wieder mit von der Partie war, fuhr kostenlos mit.
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Die Lodge, die diese Flußsafaris anbietet, ist nicht ganz so leicht zu finden.
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Man muss zunächst über das ganze Betriebsgelände der Foskor Mine immer in Richtung Süden.
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Man passiert ein riesen Umspannwerk, fährt über den Ga-Selati River und wenn die Wasserwerke ins Blickfeld kommen, biegt man ganz scharf nach rechts ab.
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Dann sind es noch ungefähr 2 Kilometer bis zu der Lodge und den Olifants River Safaris. 
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Wenn man es nicht weiß, würde man das niemals vermuten!
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Wir fanden diese Tour auf dem Olifants durchaus sehr schön und als eine nette Abwechselung zu den üblichen Pirschfahrten.
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Von einem Felsen wurden wir ganz genau beobachtet.
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Und die Reiher zeigten sich auch sehr fotogen ...
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... und stellten ihren Flugkünste zur Schau.
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Der schönste Kerl aber weit und breit war dieser hier:
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 So ein Angeber!
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Auf dem Weg zurück zu unserem Haus, teilte man uns am Tor mit, dass aggressive Büffel auf dem Hans Merensky Golf Gelände unterwegs wären.
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Ja, das wissen wir schon. Wir sind ihnen nämlich bereits begegnet - und die sind wirklich schlecht gelaunt!
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Heute Abend wurde hier am Haus der Braai ausprobiert. Es gab mit Boerewors gefüllte Gemsquash-Kürbisse.
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Wir müssen hier jetzt wieder all das essen, das es bei uns in Deutschland nicht gibt oder was nur schwer zu bekommen ist.
Lekker Slaap!
Angie, Micha und der Hasenbär
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ciao-milan · 4 years
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Ciao Crystal Springs, Mpumalanga
The Covid-19 pandemic has been an emotional ride for me, causing plenty of anxiety, stress and loss, but also tons of self-reflection. It’s only been recently that I can say that I feel a sense of comfort and hope as I learn to let go of the past and welcome the new. With a deep need to disconnect from being “online”, my family and I did a local holiday to the mountains.
Crystal Springs is a beautiful lodge nestled high in the mountains in Mpumalanga. Surrounded by mountains, forests and wildlife, it was the perfect backdrop to disconnect, reconnect and re-energise! Days were spent hiking, eating and having sundowners whilst watching nature take its course.
It was here that I realized that you can’t control everything in life and when you not only learn to go with the flow but to trust the flow, that you actually set yourself free. That life is easier, and the feeling of being happy is possible.
It’s important to take time out to be grateful for what you have, who you have in you life, how far you have come and continue to welcome the flow.
Three things to do in the mountains:
1. Hiking
2. Board games with the family
3. Long drives on the windy mountain roads with some good music
Ciao, Milan💚
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checkoutafrica · 5 years
Kruger National Park
Kruger National Park is one of Africa’s largest and one of the worlds most famous and greatest game reserves ever!
If you haven’t heard of it, you’ve been living under a rock for your entire life. It’s high density of wild animals includes all of Africa’s iconic safari species – elephant, lion, leopard, cheetah, rhino, buffalo, giraffe, hippo and zebra. It’s truly an amazing place to visit and an experience that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.
The good thing about the park is that it is open all year round. Depending on your preference and schedule you can visit the park at any time. However, June to September is the best time for Wildlife viewing as although it is winter, this is when the park is at it’s driest and animals meet at waterholes. From January to March it is very hot and quiet and seeing as schools are open accommodation is easy to find. In April and May, it is rutting-season and you can see animals such as the impala, wildebeest and other species go head to head.
Top place to Stay – Ngala Safari Lodge
Things to Do
The post Kruger National Park appeared first on CheckoutAfrica.
from WordPress http://www.checkoutafrica.com/kruger-national-park/
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sitatoursandtravels1 · 8 months
Experience the Pinnacle of Luxury with Sita Tours: South Africa Luxury Tours From USA
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Embark on an unforgettable journey to the breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cultures, and diverse wildlife of South Africa with Sita Tours' South Africa Luxury Tours from the USA. Renowned for its awe-inspiring natural beauty, rich history, and world-class hospitality, South Africa offers travelers the opportunity to indulge in unparalleled luxury while immersing themselves in the wonders of this captivating destination.
Immersive Safari Experiences:
No visit to South Africa is complete without embarking on an unforgettable safari adventure. With Sita Tours' South Africa Luxury Tours, travelers have the opportunity to explore some of the continent's most iconic wildlife reserves, including the renowned Kruger National Park. Accompanied by expert guides and staying in luxurious safari lodges, guests can embark on game drives in search of the "Big Five" – lions, elephants, buffalos, leopards, and rhinos – while soaking in the breathtaking landscapes and witnessing the wonders of the African wilderness up close.
Exclusive Accommodations:
Throughout their journey, guests on Sita Tours' South Africa Luxury Tours are treated to the finest accommodations that South Africa has to offer. From elegant boutique hotels nestled in the heart of cosmopolitan cities to luxurious lodges set against the backdrop of rugged landscapes, every property has been carefully selected to provide guests with the ultimate in comfort, sophistication, and personalized service. Whether relaxing in sumptuously appointed suites, indulging in gourmet cuisine prepared by top chefs, or enjoying bespoke spa treatments, guests can expect nothing less than the height of luxury at every turn.
Cultural Immersion and Experiential Activities:
In addition to thrilling safari experiences, Sita Tours' South Africa Luxury Tours offer guests the opportunity to immerse themselves in the vibrant cultures and rich heritage of South Africa. From exploring the historic streets of Cape Town and visiting the colorful Bo-Kaap neighborhood to sampling world-class wines in the Cape Winelands and witnessing the dramatic landscapes of the Drakensberg Mountains, guests can enjoy a wide range of cultural and experiential activities that showcase the diversity and beauty of South Africa.
Personalized Service and Expert Guidance:
At Sita Tours, we understand that every traveler is unique, which is why we offer personalized service and expert guidance every step of the way. From the moment guests book their South Africa Luxury Tour, our team of experienced travel specialists is on hand to tailor the itinerary to their preferences and interests. Whether arranging private guided excursions, organizing exclusive experiences, or providing insider tips, we go above and beyond to ensure that every aspect of the journey exceeds expectations.
More Knowledge:
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For travelers seeking the ultimate luxury experience in South Africa, Sita Tours' South Africa Luxury Tours from the USA offer the perfect blend of indulgence, adventure, and cultural immersion. With meticulously planned itineraries, luxurious accommodations, and personalized service, guests can embark on a journey of discovery and delight unlike any other. Contact Sita Tours today to book your South Africa Luxury Tour and prepare for an unforgettable adventure in the heart of Africa.
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maria0902fan-blog · 6 years
African Safari for First Timers
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Indulge yourself in the intimate sparkle of Southern Africa. Atmospheric Cape Town dazzles and charms, before offering a journey through penguin covered peninsulas and indulgent Winelands. Kruger National Park provides breathtaking safari experiences, before thundering Victoria Falls epitomizes the natural wonder of the continent. By offering an eclectic blend of favorite highlights, this is an ideal vacation for first timers to Africa.
Cape Town, Cape Peninsula, Cape Winelands, Sabi Sands Game Reserve, Kruger National Park, Johannesburg, Victoria Falls
Dates are flexible and customizable for private departures.
Day 1: International Flight to South Africa
Day 2: Welcome to Cape Town
Table Mountain welcomes you to the
Mother City
, a startling expanse of rock towering over the city and casting shadows into the Atlantic Ocean. Colorful streets zigzag below its vertical slopes, each offering an adventure through vibrant markets and quaint cafes. On the mountain's western side is the beach, an open expanse of sand stretching along the side of Africa, punctuated by the delights of the Waterfront and Cape Town Harbor. Go here for fresh seafood restaurants, glorious sunset views, yachts flickering on the breeze, and some of the best steak on the planet. Completing the iconic Cape Town skyline are two sister mountains, Lion's Head and Devil's Peak, forming an indelible imprint during your three days in this unforgettable city.You'll be met at the airport and transferred to your hotel, before having an afternoon to take in some of the sights. Admire it all from above by taking the revolving cable car up Table Mountain. Or relive history by visiting the poignant Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela spent 18 years of his incarceration. For many, simply soaking up the relaxed and friendly atmosphere is enough to endear Cape Town for many a year. This is a very safe city and discovering the hidden sights is a great way to spend the afternoon; wander between the vivid terraced houses of Bo Kaap, tucked away Ethiopian cafes, thought provoking museums, and tropical gardens in the heart of the city. Acting like the locals is pretty easy. Just grab a beer or glass of local wine, sit on a terrace overlooking the ocean, and watch the sun burn red onto the horizon.
Day 3: Cape Peninsula Tour
Table Mountain acts as your compass, directing travelers through Cape Town with its definitive shape. On one side it rises vertically. But look behind it and a whole mountain chain stretches down to the very south western tip of Africa. You'll follow this dramatic chain on a full day Cape Peninsula Tour. It starts in Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, nestled half way up the mountain and a haven for tropical birds and never-ending views. Now the road weaves and winds, clinging to the cliffside and often making you feel like you're driving on top of the ocean.Chapman's Peak Drive is one of the most spectacular in the world and every couple of miles there are look-out points. Some gaze down on deserted beaches, others take in sheltered bays and stunning rocky outcrops. Throughout it all the Atlantic shimmers blue on your right hand side. Savor it all and then stop in the charming village of Hout Bay, full of swaying wooden fishing boats and smells of barbecued crayfish. This is a great place to stop for lunch, in particular, for traditional fish and chips.The road gradually becomes more rural, opening out onto a rocky expanse that's home to magnificent yellow flowers and the odd mountain zebra. Keep going and a lonely lighthouse marks the edge of the continent. Gaze out from here and the next stop is Antarctica. As the road winds west there are some remarkable residents to discover. Jaskass penguins cover Boulders Beach, delighting everyone with their antics. Some dive and swim, others huddle together, and most do their comical waddle across the sand. If you're lucky you can even swim or sunbathe beside them. The penguins are everywhere, so expect a few bizarre sounds and the occasionally pungent whiff. Your Cape Peninsula tour makes a last stop in Simon's Town, one of the country's oldest settlements and one that is yet to relinquish its old colonial charm.
Day 4: Cape Winelands Tour
Today is dedicated to indulging in the splendor of South African wine. The undulating Cape Winelands have a gentle tranquility, lush landscapes dotted with enchanting stone farmhouses and empty country roads. Most exported South African wine comes from the vineyards around Franschhoek and Stellenbosch, the elevated hills perfect for cultivating both red and white. And what a selection there is to choose from! Decaying thatched cottages are filled with long wooden tables and some of the continent's most exclusive bottles. Lazy terraces are covered in people sampling the region's most popular exports, and open doorways take you into warehouses of stained oak barrels and familiar smells.You'll tour some of the region's finest estates, basking in the beauty of the Winelands and pampering yourself with many fine samples. Wine history also plays a part today, with stops at the Hugeunot Monument and the Museum in Franschhoek. After a few glasses the enchanting white streets of Stellanbosch are even more endearing, and the fine dining experiences found here are some of the best in the country. Return to Cape Town for a third night soaking up the city.
Day 5: The Safari Starts in Sabi Sands Game Reserve
Kruger National Park is one of the largest in the world and the numbers are staggering. Over half the world's remaining rhinos live here, alongside
of antelope, and the full smorgasbord of predators. There are no fences or boundaries, the wildlife roaming freely and unobstructed. Situated in the southwest corner of Kruger, the Sabi Sand Game Reserve is one of finest safari destinations on the planet. It has all the wildlife and wonder of Kruger, but it's blissfully free of crowds and always provides the feeling of being alone with nature. You'll be transferred to Cape Town airport for a domestic flight to Mpumalanga. From here you'll be met and taken to your lodge in the Sabi Sands.The wildlife starts from your verandah. A
white rhino
wanders past, glancing up briefly before plodding its way through the trees. Impala and kudu are always skipping by, the omnipresent antelopes never far from your sight. In the Sabi Sands you're completely surrounded and it's common to spot wandering herds from the comfort of your own room. This is South African safari at its most luxurious and prestigious, and you'll have three days to revel in it all.
Days 6 – 7: Spectacular Safari in Sabi Sands
The open savannah is most active in the early mornings. Predators are out hunting before the searing afternoon sun sets in, ungulates are grazing in the dawn light, and the rhinos are drinking from the river. On a typical safari day you'll wake early and enjoy a light snack before exploring the park in a 4 x 4 open-topped safari truck. Many people have heard of the famed Big Five, and the Sabi Sands doesn't disappoint. Elephants plough a dramatic trail, uprooting trees and smashing through branches as they leave more than footprints on the iconic land. Spot a white rhino. Then drive a little further and discover that a dozen of them are hanging out together. Buffalos protect their young, standing guard and giving a ferocious stare to everyone who takes an interest – including you. They might not look that pretty, especially given their bizarre ears and curled horns, but their one ton frames aren't to be messed with.Now the safari truck goes deeper into the wilderness, enigmatic sights emerging from trees.  Perhaps you will spot a playful baboon troop or a graceful herd of hartebeest. Turn another corner and there's a pair of giraffe wandering along just meters away. Zebra are everywhere, their black and white stripes as unique as your own fingerprints. Sights like this become second nature while on safari, the sheer abundance of wildlife meaning that you soon lose count of what's been spotted. It sometimes feels bizarre. A herd of zebra wander past and you've barely even raised an eyelid? In the Kruger there's so much to see that certain things just begin to blend into the landscape.But certain sights are always savored. Even when you've spotted 100 rhinos, the sight of these majestic mammals causes everyone to stop and admire. And this bountiful land is covered in big cats. Leopards drop into the grass, slowly stalking a small herd of impala, waiting patiently for a moment to pounce. Their elegant fur gives them an almost cuddly appearance, but lucid eyes and solemn footsteps symbolize their astonishing power – they can drag a carcass that's three times their weight up a tree. They're the most elusive of the Big Five, but Sabi Sands is arguably the easiest place to spot them in the whole of Southern Africa.After a three hour morning game drive you'll return for a hearty brunch and some free time. As the sun burns strongly the wildlife takes a rest. Rhinos are sleeping, lion prides are hidden beneath shady branches, and the heat ripples off the ground. You can also enjoy a midday siesta. Or take a dip in the pool and relax in the luxurious surroundings of your accommodation. Mid-afternoon tea, cakes, and savories are served, before you set off on another game drive. With the sun relinquishing its power the savannah comes alive again, and you'll have another action packed few hours exploring nature's wonder.Lion prides are more active now, the lionesses out on the prowl and searching for a filling dinner. They cross the path, just meters away, everyone holding their breath as the lions takes a momentary interest in the safari vehicle. Fur shimmers, eyes stare coldly, and the lionesses pick up a scent. In comparison, the males usually just sit back and wait, regal manes indicating their power and position as head of the pride. They have to fight each other, and the thrilling coming together of two males is one of the greatest safari scenes.As your safari adventure continues the lesser known sights begin to work their charms. Inquisitive hyenas, swamps covered with wading hippos, eland sprinting across the savannah; this will be a very intimate and personal experience, and the lingering memories are often those that only you witnessed. That could be a leopard casting you a furtive glance, but it's equally likely to be a pair of loved up zebras frolicking in the grass.
Day 8: Exploring Johannesburg
You'll fly from Mpumalanga to Johannesburg, where you'll be met at the airport and transferred to your hotel. South Africa's largest city doesn't really get the credit it deserves. Sure, it doesn’t have the mountain backdrop of Cape Town, but the sprawling suburbs and neighborhoods are some of the most dazzling and evocative on the whole continent. The center buzzes with energy and flashing lights, while outer suburbs reveal the city's remarkable emergence when gold was discovered in 1886. Officially, Soweto is the world's second largest slum, yet it's surprisingly developed and very safe if visited on a tour. Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu both lived on the same street here and excellent museums recount their fight against apartheid. Having said that, a trip to Soweto is worth it just for the wonderfully colorful and welcoming locals.
Days 9 – 10: The Majestic Victoria Falls
Waterfalls around the world might be higher, or wider, but none are as powerful as
Victoria Falls
. You hear them before you see them, a mighty thunder continuing day and night and echoing across the surrounding bush. As you approach it becomes cacophonous, a mile wide sheet of water plunging 328 feet into a gaping chasm. Through the trees you glimpse the falls, rumbling, plummeting, and disappearing into the abyss. Now it's time to get wet, a series of towering rocky columns and narrow bridges takes you alongside the falls. Spray rises and falls, sailing above the lip and covering people in a nonstop shower. Don't try and avoid it. You will get wet. But that's all part of the Victoria Falls experience. After all, how else could you really feel the power of
, the indigenous name for the falls which means “the smoke that thunders?”You'll fly from Johannesburg to Victoria Falls and be transferred to your accommodation. Voted one of the seven natural wonders of the world, the falls take up at least a whole afternoon. After drying off from the unforgiving spray, take the steep path down and admire the valley from the riverside. Mist still howls from the abyss, but down here you can stay dry and watch it head skyward. If you're daring enough, cross into no-man’s land between Zimbabwe and Zambia (remember your passport), and look down on the Zambezi River below. Got a hint of vertigo? Probably. It's fun to watch the faces of bungee jumpers on Victoria Falls Bridge. Or you can plunge into a waiting rainbow and feel the adrenalin levels soar.There's more to Victoria Falls than falling water. Over these two days you'll have ample time to check out what else is on offer. Take a leisurely sunset cruise on the Zambezi River, passing crocodiles and hippos while sipping on cocktails. Or slip on a lifejacket and challenge the Zambezi, the lower section of the river offering some of the best commercial white water rafting in the world. Sound a little too hectic? It's easy to spend an afternoon wandering around the relaxed streets and checking out the local craft markets. And seen as you're here, it might be worth going for a second experience with
Day 11: Farewell to Southern Africa
You'll be transferred to the airport for a connecting flight to Johannesburg. From here your international departure will take you home, filled with memories and bursting with desire to return to Southern Africa. If you want to add more to this South Africa adventure, be sure to read the South Africa traveler reviews.  You may find some ideas and want to extend your dream trip to South Africa!
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gullivertrips · 2 years
A Practical Guide on How to Travel in Sabi Sands Game Reserve, Mpumalunga
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Sabi Sands Game Reserve is a nature lover and adventurer's paradise. The reserve is home to an abundance of wildlife including the "Big Five" (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and buffalo) as well as cheetah, wild dog, and many other species. This sprawling reserve is located in Mpumalanga province in northeastern South Africa. It covers an area of 13,000 hectares (32,000 acres) and is adjacent to the Kruger National Park. The two parks are separated by the Crocodile River. The Sabi Sands reserve is a private game reserve that was established in the late 1960s. It is owned and managed by a consortium of private landowners. The reserve is open to the public and offers a variety of accommodation options, from luxury lodges to more basic campsites. One of the best ways to explore the Sabi Sands is on a game drive. These safari excursions are led by experienced guides who know the area and its wildlife well. You can also go on walking safaris, which are a great way to see the smaller creatures that live in the reserve. If you're lucky, you might spot a leopard or other big cat on a game drive. The Sabi Sands is a great place to see African wildlife in its natural habitat. It's also a great place to relax and enjoy the beauty of the African bush. Read the full article
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xtruss · 3 years
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La Palma, Spain 🇪🇸! A fissure next to a house covered with ash on the Canary island. Volcanologists believe that the fissure spouted lava and left a gaping hole in front of house whose bottom floor was completely covered by a mountain of ash.
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Mpumalanga, South Africa 🇿🇦! A male leopard saunters through Inyati Game Lodge in the Sabi Sands nature reserve. The South African government said that the country, which has just recently re-opened to international tourism, is bearing the brunt of publicly announcing the new Covid-19 Omicron variant.
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Mexico City, Mexico 🇲🇽! Thousands of citizens attend the third report of the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in the Zócalo of Mexico City. Obrador said that his government ‘is standing’ despite the Covid-19 pandemic during an event with more than 100,000 people to celebrate the first three years of his six-year term.
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New York, New York, USA 🇺🇸! The Rockettes perform at the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting ceremony.
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jacanalodge · 3 years
Jacana River Lodge: #1 of the Leading Game Lodges Mpumalanga
Jacana River Lodge, perfectly situated in the Mjejane Game Reserve, is a luxury and exclusive accommodation establishment providing guests with an unforgettable African experience. Known as one of the leading Game Lodges Mpumalanga, Jacana River Lodge boasts a 5-bedroom lodge, accommodating up to 10 guests.
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With an impressive 5-star rating, Jacana River Lodge meets all 'unforgettable holiday' criteria such as: luxurious en-suite rooms with a beautiful spacious kitchen, dining room, lounge, veranda, pool, boma and an upper-level bar for those breath-taking sundowners with a view over the Crocodile River.
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Kruger Safari: How Long Is Long Enough
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The park lies in two South African Provinces, namely Limpopo and Mpumalanga. The Big Five can be found here: lion, leopard, rhino, elephant and buffalo. The park is home to a diverse variety of wildlife, including 150 mammal species and at least 500 bird species, not to mention the flora.
Are you planning a trip to the Kruger National Park and bewildered as to how long you should stay there? We’ve put together some information to assist you in adequately planning your next trip to the Kruger National Park.
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Combining your trip to the Kruger National Park with another destination
If you are planning to visit multiple destinations alongside Kruger, you will have to divide your trip equally. A great example of this is if you are looking at combining your Kruger Safari with a metropolis stay in Cape Town. We usually recommend three to four nights in Cape Town and three to four nights in the Kruger. As you can see in this case, one does not need much time in Kruger.
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If you were to go to the Kruger National Park for three nights, you would fit in approximately eight-game drives. In our opinion, this is more than enough to have that “safari experience” and to spot tons of wildlife, including the Big Five. When combining destinations, one’s main aim is to fit all of them into a specific time frame. As you will only be spending a few nights in the Kruger, you are recommended to stay in one lodge/area only, so that your time there is purely used on safari experiences instead of travelling from one place to another. 
How much of the park are you wanting to cover
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If you are a specific type of traveller heading to South Africa only to see and experience the Kruger National Park, then this is a completely different scenario. Obviously then, one would want to cover as much of the park as possible. The Kruger National park is approximately 20 000 square kilometres big. If one were to cover as much of this as possible, I recommend about two weeks in the park. I would also recommend one makes this a self-drive tour, as costs will be more effective this way. Being transferred from one place to the next can be pricy, especially if you are travelling all around the Kruger. In a case like this, one would want to discover the Greater Kruger, as well as the private concessions surrounding it. All three of these areas offer a safari experience but are unique in how the experience plays out. 
This is an aspect most of us do not like coming to terms with. At the end of the day, your budget controls where you can go and for however long. If you have a tight budget, one can still have a fantastic time in the Kruger, unlike most parks all around Africa. The Kruger accommodates all budgets, from luxury safari lodges to camping sites. If you do not have much time to travel and have a reasonable budget, we recommend a fly-in safari, making travel time much less. If you are on a budget and you have much time at hand, then a self-drive is recommended. A self-drive will take longer travelling hours but will allow you to firstly, spend less money and secondly, give you more time in the park staying in basic, yet good standard lodges. 
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In summary, the minimum one should stay in the Kruger is three nights and maximum, well, I cannot say. I would be biased to this answer as whenever I have been to the Kruger, I have always wanted to stay for months on end. I will end off by saying, one can have an ultimate safari experience in the Kruger for as little as three nights, however, this all depends on how the park captures you, acting as a magnetic force drawing you to it all the time when peace and tranquillity are sought. 
Kruger National Park Safari
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