#Gajuvia and Lily
gruviasilversblog · 2 years
Fanfic: Juvia and Friends Ch 15, Fairy Tail | FanFiction
¡Hola a todos!
Aquí les dejo el nuevo capítulo que publiquè de Juvia and Friends.
Este un capítulo especial, porque yo tenía pensado hacerlo como una one shot,pero al final me decidí para ponerlo aquí.
¡Espero os guste!
El protagonista es Lily y el capítulo habla de Gajuvia Brotp a través de sus ojos y con su participación y la de Levy y Gray por supuesto.
El próximo capítulo tendrá como protagonista a Loke.
Muchas gracias a quien lee y comenta y hasta la próxima.
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ipurplearting · 3 years
Sketchbook dump?
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something-d1fferent · 3 years
Gajeel appreciation post
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Honestly Gajeel can have me any way he wants
I gave him lily gauges (this is in reference to my last post), aren’t they the cutest
Also metalicana sucked to draw especially since I don’t draw dragons…
Also also I gave him eyeliner
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sweetmemories2606 · 4 years
Dangerous Game (Gruvia and NaLu fanfic) Chapter 6
I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. Plenty of Gajevy and Gajuvia. 
Title: Her Strength
Pairings: Gajevy, Gruvia, Gajuvia brotp, very minor MesCana
Link: Chapter 1, Chapter 6
Happy reading!
                              Chapter 6: Her Strength
                                  September X791
"I can't believe Fairy Tail is disbanded." Gajeel glanced around as everyone regrouped to discuss Master Makarov's statement. I feel so different than when Phantom Lord disbanded.
"I know." Levy frowned. "I'm not ready to say goodbye."
"I felt the same way when I left Edolas." Lily told them. "But I'd rather see this as an opportunity to try something different."
"Like what?" Gajeel asked. I don't know what my life is outside of Fairy Tail anymore. What will I do?
"Oooh I could work at the National Library in Crocus." Levy's mood lightened once she considered this.
"A library? Really?" He raised a brow at her.
"It's a wonderful idea." Lily told the petite woman with a bright smile. "We should all do something we love."
"What about you, Gajeel?" Levy turned to him, brown eyes shining. "What would you like to do?"
Gajeel thought about it, but nothing stood out to him. No immediate plan or dream. However, once he looked at her one thing became clear. I wouldn't mind having her around, wherever I decide to go.
                                  January X792
In the end, they decided to join the Magic Council after a suggestion from Warrod and an offer from Jura. Being in the Custody Enforcement Unit turned out to be a lot of fun and the trio really enjoyed their missions.
Gajeel also liked having a certain status once he was wearing the uniform, since people looked at him with admiration and respect. It was a high contrast to the days he used to be in Phantom Lord or even before that, when everyone would stare at him in fear.
What he enjoyed most about this job, though, is that he was granted access to files that the Council had on everyone. This allowed him to learn the whereabouts of former Phantom Lord members such as Sol and Aria.
Tracking down Juvia also became easier. She had disappeared after the disbandment without even a goodbye, presumably following Gray. However, no one knew where they were, not even the Council.
"She looks great in that picture." Levy suddenly came behind him as he sat on a chair in their shared apartment.
They had decided to move in together soon after joining the Council. While the primary reason for this choice was being economical, there was also the fact that they started dating not long after the war against Tartaros was over.
"She looks happy." Gajeel didn't tear his eyes from the image of Juvia from an old edition of Sorcerer Weekly.
"I know you're worried, but we'll find her." Levy squeezed his shoulders gently.
Will we? Doubt filled him and he placed the magazine on the table with a sigh. "What time is it?"
Lily, who was waiting by the door, answered. "Almost time to go."
"We shouldn't be late." Levy warned while getting a cup of coffee.
"I know." Gajeel said, thinking back to the meeting they would have soon. "According to what I heard, these Avatar guys are no joke."
"I am curious to find out more about them." Lily stated.
"Me too." Levy offered Gajeel the coffee.
"Thanks." He finished the drink in record time.
"Great. Now you go get dressed while I finish cleaning up the kitchen." She told him and stepped away, but he grabbed her hand.
"Wait." After he pulled her close, she turned around in confusion.
"What is it?" His answer was to kiss her, which she soon reciprocated. Gajeel pulled apart and smirked at the look on her face and blush on her cheeks. "Now I can get ready."
                                 September, X792
After a year of searching, Gajeel finally found her during their mission to take down Avatar. Juvia was proven to be alright, but he was suspicious and decided to keep a close eye on her.
During Fairy Tail's reunion, everyone found out the hard way that something was definitely wrong once she threatened to kill Lucy.
After watching her interactions with Gray and word choices, Gajeel quickly realised that it wasn't really her. No, someone must be pretending to be her.
But that wasn't the case. Once she let Lucy go and warned Natsu to get her to safety, Gajeel saw the Juvia he knew. While briefly confused, he quickly came to the conclusion that she must be under someone's control. Zeref? Is he the one behind this?
Gajeel tried to get her back, believing their friendship should be strong enough to break whatever spell she was under.
He wasn't the only one.
"I love you." Gray confessed without hesitation and Gajeel was surprised, but also glad. It is about damn time.
Juvia was back, but before anyone could rejoice, she had grabbed the dagger which had almost killed Lucy. "What are you doing?" He asked even as he knew. She wouldn't. She can't.
But she did. Gajeel watched in stunned silence as she stabbed herself, but inside he was screaming. You idiot! What the hell do you think you'll accomplish with this?
He wanted to talk to her, but Levy suggested he let Gray do it first. Eager as he was to rush to Juvia's side, he held himself back. Maybe Gray can convince her to come to her senses.
Apparently, he couldn't. When he tried to stop her bleeding, she refused. Does she really want to die?
After she said that she wanted to be free, Gajeel grew angrier. Not like this.
"We'll find another way." Gray promised.
Damn right we will. But first, I need to know what the hell is going on. "Free from what exactly?"
"From Lilith." Mirajane answered, surprising everyone. Wait, who?
"Who?" Erza asked, now back to her normal armour.
"She's one of Zeref's demons." Mirajane explained. Of course. This makes sense.
"How the hell do you know about her?" Gray asked, glancing at her in surprise.
"I've been looking for her for a while." She answered. Well, you've done a terrible job apparently.
"Gray..." Their attention soon returned to Juvia who was getting concernedly paler. She needs to be healed and now.
Gajeel suddenly remembered Wendy and looked for her just as Gray did. "Wendy!" They screamed in unison.
After receiving a nod from Natsu, who held Lucy tighter once she began to wake up, Wendy ran towards the ice mage.
"Please, you have to save her." He pleaded.
"No." Juvia protested. "We have... to stop Lilith."
Gajeel frowned before he let go of Levy's hand. "Wait...Gajeel..." Her protest was unheard as he rushed towards his dying best friend and knelt by her side.
Once he had her attention, he told her firmly. "There must be another way!"
Juvia was about to say something, but the arrival of an unexpected ally caught their attention. "Gajeel is right." Everyone stared at Doranbolt in confusion and shock while Gajeel was suspicious. He used to work for the Council. Why's he here?
"Mest?" The first person to properly react was Cana. "What are you doing here?"
Gajeel frowned. Mest?
"I've missed you too, Cana." Doranbolt said with a familiar smile. What is happening?
"You sure took your time coming back." She noted with slight annoyance, crossing her arms.
Before these two could properly catch up, Gray spoke. "You said there's another way to save Juvia. What is it?"
Doranbolt looked at him, but didn't answer right away. "Gray, I am sorry it has come to this. If I had known that Lilith was possessing Juvia, you both wouldn't have to suffer so much."
"It's not...your fault." Juvia told him, weakly.
"There's no way you could've known." Gray said.
"We had no idea that she could even possess people." Mirajane informed, making everyone look between her and Doranbolt.
"We?" Cana asked, a hint of jealousy in her tone.
I'm so confused. "Seriously, what is going on here?" Gajeel asked, fed up.
"We'll explain later." Doranbolt turned to Gray and Juvia. "Now we must stop Lilith and save Juvia."
"How?" The ice mage asked, hopeful. Why is he taking so long to explain this?
"Mirajane will take over Lilith, then Gray will eliminate her." Doranbolt answered.
"Of course!" Mirajane exclaimed. Why didn't she think of this before?
She approached the couple and Gajeel reluctantly stepped away, allowing her to kneel down by Juvia's side.
"Mira..." Juvia whispered, barely able to keep her eyes open.
"Please save your strength." Gray pleaded, squeezing her hand again.
"She...so strong." The only reason she could be heard was because everyone had fallen silent.
"She should be weakened now that you hurt herself." Doranbolt said.
"I'll be fine." Mirajane assured, placing a hand on the water mage's shoulder.
Gajeel gasped once a dark blue smoke suddenly came out of Juvia's body and enveloped Mirajane. Is that Lilith?
"Mirajane?" Lisanna asked her older sister after a moment.
"i can handle it." Mirajane opened her eyes and Gajeel could tell she was struggling to control Lilith.
"Gray, it's your turn." Doranbolt called the ice mage who was staring worriedly at Juvia, who had fallen unconscious.
"But Juvia..." Gajeel placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll stay with her."
"And I'll heal her." Wendy told Gray.
He looked between them unsurely. After taking a few deep breaths, he nodded. "Okay." He gently kissed Juvia's forehead before carefully passing her to Gajeel.
Once Wendy started using her magic to heal the water mage, Gray stood and faced Doranbolt. "What happens now?"
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valeriiene · 3 years
Fairy Tail Masterlist
hobbit au (erza, lily, happy)
lucy as a magical girl
erza redesign
gray drawing on natsu’s face and lucy laughing at it
yandere poly natsu and lucy x reader
yandere ultear milkovich x reader
yandere irene belserion x reader
MASTERLIST for all other masterlists
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rockkcityboy · 6 years
Ep 171
I was so confused about what the fuck Lily was doing but he's just posing to Reedus can draw him lmao
Evergreen falling asleep on Elfman while watching over him and insisting, while still dead asleep, that it's not because she cares about him? Do you mean: the cutest shit ever?
Erza holding Asuka is so sweet... I love how the entire guild takes care of the kids. It's so pure.
Risley is such a great friend... Do people ship Risley?? Like, at all? Cause Beth/Risley, Arañia/Risley, Kagura/Risley, Millianna/Risley, it's all valid as hell.
Okay, so it's Cherria, Jenny, Risley, Juvia, Minerva, Lucy........... And one of the Quatro Puppy guys, who didn't even get named which is actually just a really shitty thing to do, so here's one more reason to hate the reporter
"Good luck, Juvia! And after her, good luck to you too, Lucy! And just a little bit of good luck to Jenny!"
Mira loves her all girlfriends
Gajeel's faith in Juvia? Adorable.
"Who do you think is gonna win, Gajeel?"
"It's not even worth asking. You let Juvia into the water, no one else stands a chance."
Flashbacks to that time that time Erza told Gray to give Juvia a clear cut answer as if he hadn't said no a million times already.
Why are people incapable of understanding that not everyone wants to fight? Wendy is perfectly happy to be Cherria's friend now and cheer her on, and would probably be totally okay with never fighting another day in her life.
"He's totally turned off!"
Why does Lucy always just get fucking tortured
Celestial magic is such a cool magic, but it's also so fragile. The second your keys are taken from you, you're done. And Lucy doesn't even have her whip right now. She's totally defenseless.
"You're arrogant, Fairy Tail!"
...... Says YOU???
Literally just stop the match??? One of the competitors are being completely assaulted and it's not until you remember that she's a Celestial Wizard that anyone gives a fuck??
"Lucy hasn't moved in a while, but is she okay?!"
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dragonshost · 8 years
Gajeel and Bixlow for the character ask.
GajeelOTP: GajuviaOTHER PAIRINGS: Flare, Lucy, Levy, Totomaru, Freed, Mirajane, Erza, Cobra, Kagura, Jet, DroyBrOTP: Lily, Lucy, Juvia, Levy, Jet, Droy, Totomaru, Mirajane, ErzaOT3: Gajeel x Lucy x ErzaNOTP: Not sure I have one for Gajeel..BickslowOTP: BixLuOTHER PAIRINGS: Lisanna, Cana, Freed, Evergreen, Laxus, Juvia, ChicoBrOTP: Chico, Freed, Evergreen, Laxus, Lucy, Cana, WendyOT3: Well actually it's an OT4. Bickslow x Laxus x Freed x EvergreenNOTP: Bickslow x Wendy
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gruviasilversblog · 2 years
Fanfic: Juvia and Friends Ch 9, Fairy Tail | FanFiction
Aquí os dejo el link del nuevo capítulo de Juvia and Friends.
Cómo ya anticipé la protagonista de este capítulo es Lisanna y las dos aquí hablan de Edo-Juvia.
Lisanna no está entre mis personajes favoritos,pero su historia pasada me fascina mucho. Me gustaría saber más.
Me encanta la amistad que nació entre las dos y por eso decidí incluir a Edo-Juvia con algunos de mis Headcanons personales.
Espero les guste!
La próxima será Levy y ya tengo en mente la trama.
Les recuerdo como siempre que igual estoy disponible en escuchar (leer) vuestras opiniones.
¡Muchas gracias a quien lee y comenta y hasta la próxima!
GruviaSilver 💜.
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gruviasilversblog · 2 years
Fanfic: Gift For Raindrop-English Version, Fairy Tail | FanFiction
Aquí os dejo el link de la versión inglés de Gift For Raindrop,una Fanfic que escribí hace tiempo sobre Gajuvia Brotp and Lily.
Espero os guste!
Como siempre,mil gracias a @sorceress-botan por traducirla al inglés ❤️😘.
¡Hasta pronto!
GruviaSilver 💚.
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gruviasilversblog · 2 years
Gift For Raindrop - GruviaSilver - Fairy Tail [Archive of Our Own]
Aquí también os dejo el link de AO3 donde acabo de publicar la versión en inglés de " Gift For Raindrop .
Como siempre, gracias a @sorceress-botan por las traducciones en inglés ❤️😘.
¡Espero os guste!
¡Hasta pronto!
GruviaSilver 💚.
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gruviasilversblog · 2 years
•Whenever they go to the beach, Gajeel always reminds Juvia to put on the sunscreen, often he puts it on and he always has it in the bag, in case she forgets.
•The first week in the sun, Juvia got a nice sunburn.
•Gajeel always complains that Juvia is clumsy and childish and that he is obliged to take care of her, but in reality he likes to take care of his lovely little raindrop, even if shhh, it's a secret!
•Juvia, Lily and Levy, and sometimes Mirajane, say that Gajeel is sweet, which infuriates the Dragon Slayer and tells them never to associate that word with him again.
•Gray always finds himself arguing with Natsu and Elfman as the two always try to steal the food that Juvia prepares for him.
•Erza always cares a lot about Juvia's well-being.
•Juvia is very habitual and has a routine for everything. She always goes to sleep before midnight and always wakes up at six in the morning exactly. Gajeel used to tease her about this in the past.
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gruviasilversblog · 2 years
Headcanons Time!
•Gajeel loves writing songs and is also very good at lyrics.
Gray always says he should do more of the lyrics, since he can and stop breaking their eardrums, singing, since he's out of tune.
•Gajeel occasionally improvises concerts at the guild, where he sings and plays, to everyone's desperation.
•Gajeel has always loved music, since he was a child.
He often sang and Metallicana told him he was out of tune.Yet the iron dragon always smiled listening to his godson hum and seeing him so happy.
•Gajeel forced Phantom Lord's mages to hear him sing and compliment him on his musical gifts. Only Totomaru had the courage to tell him that his performances were terrible.
•Juvia genuinely loves hearing Gajeel sing. She finds him truly talented.
•Gajeel once wrote a song about his friendship with Juvia.
•Gajeel also writes love songs for Levy.
He also wrote one about his desire to have a cat and then one about Lily.
He's also writing a lot about the baby Levy is expecting and about fatherhood.
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gruviasilversblog · 2 years
Fanfic: Camaròn, Fairy Tail | FanFiction
Aquí os dejo el link de la nueva Fanfic que publiqué en FF.Net.
Es sobre Gajevy,más Gajuvia Brotp.(Está más basada sobre Juvia y Gajeel,pero)
Muchas gracias a quien lee y comenta.
GruviaSilver 💕
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sweetmemories2606 · 5 years
Gruvia Week (Day 5)
Dedicating this one to @thewritingstar since today's her birthday. I hope you have a lovely time and that you enjoy this short prompt! 
Title: Lose You
Summary: "I can't lose you." Gray's heart constricted with fear once Juvia's arms tightened around him. Gajeel was dead, Levy was lost and he had a feeling that their heartache was far from over.
Pairings: Gruvia/Gajevy, Gajuvia (brotp)
Timeline: Alvarez Arc (Final Season EP 25)
Genre: Angst/Romance
Word Count: 660
Hope you enjoy!
                                                      Lose You
"Gajeel!" Juvia screamed and Gray kept his arms tight around her; preventing her from running towards the dragon slayer.
"You can't do this!" Meanwhile; Levy was being held by Pantherlily and she was sobbing so much it was hard to breathe.
"I'm sorry..." Gajeel looked between the two bluenettes. "I really did want...a future with you." His eyes settled on the solid script mage and she cried even harder.
"No!" Suddenly; he was gone; together with Bloodman. The battlefield was silent; except for the anguish screams of the two women.
"I'm so sorry." Gray swallowed hard while turning Juvia around in his arms. She buried her head against his chest and he could feel her tears.
"He can't... he can't be gone." He lowered his head and pressed a soft kiss to the top of hers.
"Levy, what are you doing?" They could hear the sound of someone digging as the petit bluenette tried to reach the man she loved.
"He can't be gone! I refuse to believe it!" Anger and sorrow were clear in her tone; as well as understandable denial.
"Please…tell me it's not real. It can't be real." Juvia looked up and Gray's heart broke at the pain and sadness in her eyes.
"It will be alright." He knew it wouldn't. "You'll get through this."
"How?" She swallowed hard; trying to prevent fresh tears from falling. "He was my best friend."
"He wouldn't want you to cry." The ice mage said; chasing a tear away with his thumb.
"He really wouldn't." Juvia sobbed. She knew how much Gajeel hated-or rather, feared- crying women.
"I'm going to find him and I'll bring him back!" Levy was still refusing to accept the truth; while Lily watched her sadly.
"You can't." Gray looked at her, pleading. "He wanted you to be safe, so you have to stay here."
"I don't care!" She yelled before standing up and attempting to dry her tears. "I'm going after him and you can beg me all you want, but you're not going to change my mind."
He froze as a painful memory crossed his mind. He remembered the moment he had told Ur those same words.
"Do you really think…. he could still be alive?" Juvia asked; hopeful.
"I'm going to bring him back… If it's the last thing I do." Before any of them could understand what was happening, Levy had used her magic to create an iron barrier; making her disappear from their sight.
"Levy!" Lily yelled and rushed after her; but was stopped by the barrier.
"We have to go after her." Gray declared; panicking as he thought about the consequences of going out alone that night.
"Now Levy's gone too." Juvia sobbed; burying her head in his chest again. "Why does everyone have to go?"
Lily nodded in Gray's direction before flying away. Trusting the exceed to find Levy and make sure she was safe, the ice mage turned to the crying girl in his arms. "Well, I'm not going anywhere."
"You can't be sure of that." He knew she was afraid of losing him; even more so now that Gajeel was gone. Truth be told; he was scared too.
"I know that I'll do everything I can to make sure that you never have to lose anyone else." It was a promise he hoped to be able to keep.
"I can't lose you." Juvia's arms tightened around him. "That…that would break me."
Gray would feel the same if he ever lost her, but he wasn't ready to tell her that. He feared that in doing so, fate might decide to be cruel again and take away someone else he loved.
While he prayed that he wouldn't have to experience that heartache again, he knew better than to believe that they would both come out alright from this war.
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gruviasilversblog · 2 years
Fanfic: Gift For Raindrop, Fairy Tail | FanFiction
Aquí os dejo el link de mi nueva Fanfic sobre Gajuvia Brotp más Lily.
Es una Fanfic que me vino a la mente de repente y decidí escribirla y publicarla y compartirla.
Muchas gracias a quien lee y comenta y hasta pronto!
GruviaSilver 💟.
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