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juviabrainrot · 7 months ago
pt. 2
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jmoart214 · 2 years ago
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"Back off, pal"
You don't want to be messed with a Dragon.
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1phoebe1 · 11 months ago
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What happens when the BlackBulls meet the FairyTail Guild?✨Chaos✨🫵
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nathalisr · 7 months ago
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Nalu, I've been waiting for this moment❤️
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kaizenproductions · 10 months ago
Natsu does NOT have any previous experience with romantic love
This is the (better) Tumblr version of my post from Twitter. Given the format of this website, I'll add some details to what's already written.
Before starting with this, I want to clarify that the motivation to write this post has little to do with nalu itself (it will be mentioned to highlight a point though). Having previous romantic partners DOESN'T really make any ship invalid. You'll find the actual reason behind this essay under the cut below.
This is about how Natsu, as a character, is never presented or seen by others as someone who has experience with love and such idea is never hinted or implied anywhere in the canon material. This lack of experience explains why Lucy thinks he has no interest in it.
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As we will see later, Lucy isn't the only one who thinks like this... Let's get started.
Year 2024. Why writing all this? Some weeks ago I was involved in a discussion about whether Natsu was being OOC during a filler (non canon) scene of the anime where he snaps at Lucy in a way he never does with any of his friends in canon material. The discussion led to this...
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I didn't want to assume that this person was taking Lisanna as some kind of first love. At the end it turned out that was exactly what was happening. The proof? The most platonic reunion ever... with Happy reacting the same way as Natsu and comedy being included. It is important to highlight that Mashima never makes two people between whom there have been romantic feelings reunite like this, with comedy references in between that downplays the seriousness of the moment to some extent. While this post is about Natsu and his feelings, I could also mention Lisanna's reaction to this, something that proves that there wasn't even a one sided love: after noticing this Natsu is the same one from her real dimension, she doesn't start crying because of him but because of her siblings.
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Let's ignore the part where this dude started calling me and some other users "retards" because that speaks volumes for itself about his lack of real arguments. After all, he has been fighting for at least 4 years with teens over power scaling, a topic he may seem to be knowledgeable about but actually isn't so much, plus he has been banned from at least one Discord server because of his r4pe threats. It seems this individual was so obsessed with that specific thing that he said Zeref did it to Mavis and that's how August was made... That also speaks volumes about his media literacy and the fact that even if it's true that he did read the manga so many times as he claimed during this discussion, he has serious problems with reading as a normal person. When it comes to the topic of this post, the problem is that he has some influence within the fandom, at least on Twitter, so whatever he says is something that many of his followers will start repeating.
What does Mashima do when Lisanna finally comes back to her original home and she gets a proper reunion with everyone?
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After the initial shock from seeing Edo Lisanna in Earthland and the big reveal, this is how Natsu reacts.
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This isn't a reunion that suggests that Lisanna is special compared to everyone else in the guild, and particulary to those who grew around Natsu. Also, we can't say Mashima just doesn't know how to write such scene properly... because he's written it at least once (in Rave).
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The emotion you can feel in this scene, the way ONLY both lovers are on the spotlight and the rest of their friends are in the background until the end... Well, the difference is so obvious that it's ridiculous to say more. Given how well Mashima handles the emotional dimension of his characters in his mangas, the possibility that he didn't know how to depict two lovers who got separated from each for some time due to circumstances beyond their control is off the table.
Also, notice how the end of the Edolas arc depicts this.
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The difference with her reunion with Natsu and the others is so obvious that there's no need to say more.
We can also discard Lisanna as a former love interest because there's no akwardness between them once she's back to the guild. They can be seen playing together and briefly interacting from time to time, so it's not like they're avoiding each other.
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Is it implied somewhere that they had something beyond friendship? Not in any kind of canon material. Every time Lisanna is mentioned in regards to Natsu she's presented as a close childhood friend. We have, for example, her profile from one of the first chapters where she's back home and the information of the official magazine that was released 10 years ago.
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But what if they simply stopped loving each other due to being separated, as a fellow nalu shipper told me on Discord? Making characters fall out of love is something that Mashima also references (see Macao pic a bit below). It also goes against what we saw regarding Erza and Jellal, who still had romantic feelings for each other despite their antagonistic positions for many years, or against the whole Zeref and Mavis thing. In other Mashima mangas we have more couples like this. Elsie and Justice still loved each other despite being sworn enemies, and Let still loved Julia (and vice versa) when he discovered she was alive, a kinda similar scenario to Natsu and Lisanna if they had been lovers. Given that Natsu and Lisanna weren't even enemies to each other at any point and they were only separated for two years, we can't say they had something canonically and they simply got over it with no actual reference to it.
There was a very good moment to reference past feelings in 100YQ: when Touka includes Lisanna in the group of women "around Natsu".
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Instead of offering us a comment like "it's not like that anymore", Lisanna just says something that implies they're not that close. After all, Natsu is hanging out with his team most of the time since it was established.
What's the reason this fandom has been so many years discussing about this friendship? Because the first anime adaptation goes beyond that friendship and the manga omake where both of them take care of Happy's egg, something Lisanna decides to help with because she loves animals and she felt Natsu wouldn't do it properly. The first season includes several fillers that pave the way for a love triangle, presenting Lisanna as a girl who is VERY interested in marrying Natsu when they're adults. In addition, Happy is presented as their son, something that totally goes against the source material. Even if Natsu is the one who saw Happy be born and was living with him since then, Happy is never considered as his son and is always called a nakama/companion/friend.
This long thread has everything that A-1 and Satelight added in regards to Natsu and Lisanna. As we can see in the info provided in one of the first tweets, Mashima let them "edit" the story the way they wanted to and it's mentioned explicitely by both him and Ishihara (the director) that Ishihara is responsible for those additions, not Mashima. We also can't say the additions were something Mashima asked for because he couldn't include everything he wanted in his manga for some reason. This is supported by the fact that Lisanna is never presented in the manga as any kind of romantic interest after she comes back.
There's also this tweet from 2012 where Mashima replied to someone asking him whether he was involved in the story of the anime. His answer is no.
It's also important to say that these fillers aren't canon: they're not referenced in the source material (the starry key arc was, even if Mashima wasn't involved in the writing), they're not referenced in the anime itself after Lisanna comes back and they have no impact in the events of the story during and after Edolas.
Currently, thanks to Mashima's Twitter Spaces, we know two things: he revived Lisanna because some people in the anime staff liked her (Ishihara is one of them for sure), which explains why she's not very relevant and is always tied to her siblings, and he once considered to include a love triangle between Natsu, Lucy and Lisanna after Edolas, but he liked Natsu and Lucy's dynamic by then enough to not introduce such storyline. He also said Lisanna was "だめ" in regards to that triangle that never came to be, implying that she would have been the one that doesn't get the boy in that scenario.
So is Lisanna our supposed former love interest? As far as the canon material goes, no. Was she close to Natsu? Yes. Is she dear to him? Yes, just like everyone in his family, the guild, is (I can't believe I'm writing this in fking 2024). Now, what if there was someone else? The assumption that characters may have dated another (unnamed) character offscreen isn't totally crazy. After all we saw how Juvia dated Bora, even if it was a narrative tool to show that not even dates would make Juvia stop being depressed. However, we can't say there was someone else as more than a headcanon unless it's implied or mentioned somewhere explicitely. We know Macao was married but got divorced thanks to the official magazine, for example.
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When it comes to Natsu, nothing is ever mentioned.
100YQ, the official FT sequel, has several pannels that go against the whole idea of Natsu being experienced with romantic love. As I mentioned at the beginning, even others from the guild, and especifically Macao in this pannel, who knows Natsu since he was a kid, have a hard time believing he's interested in love.
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This part of the story includes a very interesting pannel that also debunks the whole idea that Natsu felt more than frienship for Lisanna before she was transported to Edolas.
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Why would Lisanna's brother react like this over such comment if Natsu and his sister had romantic feelings in the past? Easy: because those feelings never existed.
Even Lisanna is a bit surprised when Touka expresses her interest in him.
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Previous romantic experience would also mean that Natsu's relationship with Lucy would be more advanced than it is as of now, not to mention this recent scene.
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Natsu is still quite dense with romance, even when it doesn't involve him, and while he talks about his and Lucy's kids they still have a long way to go due to his total inexperience in this area as of now. Someone with past love experiences wouldn't be like this. I could say more about this but this isn't the post for it so...
Conclussion: the first season of the anime did a lot of damage that resulted in many years of discussions, fights, misogyny towards both Lucy and Lisanna. There was no childhood or teen love, no jealousy from Lisanna when she saw how close Natsu and Lucy were as a team and nothing suggests that Lisanna was more than a friend in canon material. Claiming the opposite at this point of the story is useless.
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minyboy · 4 months ago
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There he is, Frosch. A green cat in a pink frog costume who believes in you, the cutest cat that ever lived. Eat your heart out Nermal.
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yushidon · 7 months ago
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Fanart done by the assistant of a Mangaka
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celestial--aphrodite · 7 months ago
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I forgot how absolutely heartbreaking the beginning of the Edolas arc was??? Ow????
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gruviasilversblog · 1 year ago
Gray misses Juvia and his phone lacrima is full of photos of her. The background is a photo that he himself took of her and where there is her bright smile. Gray is very jealous of his lacrima and doesn't show it to anyone even though Natsu and Happy often enjoy teasing him.
Gray looks at photos of Juvia as soon as she wakes up and before going to sleep.
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leiankrisha · 4 months ago
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🌌Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail🌌
I forgot I had this!! So imma post it now :3
Ive been rewatching (at the grand magic games arc) and I forgot how much I really liked Lucy lol. Back when I had my old old art acc, I posted the old lucy sketch on the last slide <3 The show is cringey with weird quirks (and crimes against humanity) but it also has a lot of heart in it, yaknow? Here's to the best celestial wizard that has been absolutely robbed by the show and its creator
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aixe-aizy · 8 months ago
🌷My 6 fairy tail Pre-sale plushie designs is out!!🌷
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20cm doll with clothes -> $34 USD
20cm doll skeleton with clothes -> $37 USD
20cm doll only (no clothes) ->$19 USD
20cm clothes only (no doll) ->$16 USD
20cm skeleton doll only (no clothes) ->$22 USD
(skeleton means you can pose the cotton doll like sitting ^^💗✨) credits: plushwonderland
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Link here or in my bio!! https://linktr.ee/Aizyaixe
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simusks · 11 months ago
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Some art I did for my fic xx
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jmoart214 · 2 years ago
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Under the starry sky 🌌✨🌟
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1phoebe1 · 5 months ago
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& that’s how Asta was born..
(OG pic on Twitter)
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nathalisr · 8 months ago
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My coloring
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kaizenproductions · 1 year ago
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By るきあ (Rukia), posted with the artist's permission. Spanish version under the cut.
Pixiv profile of the artist here and Twitter profile here.
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