#Gaddafi and the IRA
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Art Depicting Muammar Gaddafi flanked by two IRA Volunteers.

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... A RAND Corporation analysis found that available evidence supported the hypothesis that concealed-carry laws may increase total homicides, and found some, albeit limited, evidence for concealed carry laws increasing violent crime in general. Likewise, researcher Stephen B. Billings found that gun ownership has a link to crime victimization: not only are people who have been victimized more likely to buy a gun to protect themselves, but they are more likely to be victimized again and have their gun stolen from them in turn. Billings found a vicious cycle of victimization leading to gun ownership, leading to theft, leading to victimization, as guns that are bought in response to victimization are then stolen, sold on the black market, and used to create new victims. This is what makes it very odd that concealed carry is touted by conservatives as a mechanism for improving public safety. So-called “constitutional carry” is more likely to make Louisiana’s streets more dangerous, and to lead to the proliferation of firearms on the black market as gun theft becomes more commonplace.
** Another argument for gun ownership comes from the far left as frequently as it does the far right, and has to do with gun ownership being a means for the preservation of liberty; that’s where the “constitutional” part of “constitutional carry” is supposed to lead you to in your head. Putting aside left-wing questions of revolutionary strategy, this law is also weaker constitutionally than its proponents let on. The second amendment does not specify concealed carry. It authorizes “the right to bear arms”, and to “bear arms” for the writers of the Constitution explicitly entailed visibly carrying a firearm in a public setting, or open carry. So-called “constitutional carry” also does nothing to restore the constitutional right to bear arms of individuals who have been felonized by the state; the abrogation of such right being one of the major contributors to mass incarceration, which, alongside mass surveillance, is possibly the greatest threat to liberty today. If the defense of liberty is what matters to someone in their defense of the right to bear arms, “constitutional carry” makes zero difference. Revolutions, anyway, aren’t made from concealed handguns, but from political parties dedicated to revolutionary struggle, and the paramilitaries attached to these parties, which are usually armed illegally (one must be armed illegally to have an arsenal that is a threat to the government), and which operate underground (sometimes literally). The provisional IRA, for example, smuggled weapons in from abroad, evading Irish and British gun control laws. While armalite rifles were sourced from North America, much more powerful weapons were sourced from elsewhere, including surface-to-air missiles provided by Gaddafi’s Libya. The Palestinian resistance depends entirely on smuggled and plundered weaponry, as well as domestically produced rockets using whatever scrap material the resistance can get its hands on. The Zapatista rebellion has maintained rebel-administered zones in the Mexican state of Chiapas for over thirty years with smuggled and sparsely used rifles, owing much of the persistence and longevity of their rebellion to their non-violent posture and reluctance to use firearms. For example, protesters loyal to the EZLN in 2001 occupied a military base in Chiapas without firing a shot or brandishing a weapon. The action resulted in the closure of the base and the re-opening of peace talks with Mexican president Vincente Fox. This is not to say that firearms are useless in the struggle or that the revolutionary left should support firearms restrictions. The best way to reduce crime would not be to arm everyone or to take everyone’s guns away, but to address the social forces that push people into lives of crime. A basic social democratic policy slate - universal healthcare, guaranteed housing, unionization of the workforce, and a robust welfare system - would go much further towards reducing crime rates than giving would-be vigilantes the go ahead to shoot first and ask questions later. There is an obvious reason why the Nordic social democracies produce fewer homicides annually than the city of New Orleans does alone. We know why the Louisiana GOP won’t go for such policies: high crime rates scare the populace into voting for policies that send taxpayer money, instead, into the pockets of politically powerful and well-connected sheriffs and their buddies in the private sector who have been enriched by mass incarceration, the Gerald Juneaus of the world who charge exorbitant rates for phone calls to and from parish jails, and who excise enormous profits from running jailhouse commissaries where they jack up the prices on goods sold to inmates; not to mention the private businesses who exploit contracted inmate labor for pennies on the dollar. Mass incarceration is big business, and high crime rates help that business grow.
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Wildest thing I learned today was that Gaddafi supported Andaluzian nationalism/separatism (especifically the one by Andaluzian Muslims) in Spain
didnt he also fund the ira. guy had his moments
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Anyhow. The ANC killed mostly civilians, killed a disproportionate amount of black south Africans, had factional infighting leading to intra-org armed feuds, got weapons from unsavoury characters & orgs such as Mugabe, Gaddafi, Castro, and the IRA. Similarly, the IRA itself got weapons from African dictators, American crime families, killed mostly civilians and killed among "its own people" as the saying goes. As did most successful anticolonial orgs.
Both of these organisations were supported by, and support to this day, Hamas.
At the end of the day, no one would think to send back to back the undemocratic apartheid regime and the ANC. No one on the left would send back to back the undemocratic Stormont government & neo-colonial Thatcher administration and the IRA & Sinn Féin. I would not think of it. There's no "objective neutrality", there's no "violence on both sides", no "grey areas". There are no grey areas to apartheid, no grey areas to denial of democracy, no grey areas to settler colonialism. There's no supporting "innocent Palestinians" with one hand while condemning "Hamas violence" with the other. You either support the flawed people using flawed means to end colonial oppression, or you're ready to wait until some principled flaw-free nonviolent saint comes to end it nonviolently. And some of you seem ready to wait for an awfully long time.
#Sartre said all there is to say on the subject prefacing Fanon#and Sartre is a perpetual source of annoyance but he was right in this#Killing a colonizer is killing two birds with one stone: an oppressor and an opressed. Leaving one dead man and one free man
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Events 2.17 (after 1940)
1944 – World War II: The Battle of Eniwetok begins. The battle ends in an American victory on February 22. 1944 – World War II: Operation Hailstone begins: U.S. naval air, surface, and submarine attack against Truk Lagoon, Japan's main base in the central Pacific, in support of the Eniwetok invasion. 1948 – The Alwaziri coup briefly ousts the ruling Hamidaddin dynasty of Yemen; Imam Yahya Muhammad Hamid ed-Din is killed. 1949 – Chaim Weizmann begins his term as the first President of Israel. 1959 – Project Vanguard: Vanguard 2: The first weather satellite is launched to measure cloud-cover distribution. 1959 – A Turkish Airlines Vickers Viscount crashes near Gatwick Airport, killing 14; Turkish prime minister Adnan Menderes survives the crash. 1964 – In Wesberry v. Sanders the Supreme Court of the United States rules that congressional districts have to be approximately equal in population. 1964 – Gabonese president Léon M'ba is toppled by a coup and his rival, Jean-Hilaire Aubame, is installed in his place. 1965 – Project Ranger: The Ranger 8 probe launches on its mission to photograph the Mare Tranquillitatis region of the Moon in preparation for the crewed Apollo missions. Mare Tranquillitatis or the "Sea of Tranquility" would become the site chosen for the Apollo 11 lunar landing. 1969 – American aquanaut Berry L. Cannon dies of carbon dioxide poisoning while attempting to repair a leak in the SEALAB III underwater habitat. The SEALAB project was subsequently abandoned. 1970 – Jeffrey R. MacDonald, United States Army captain, is charged with murder of his pregnant wife and two daughters. 1972 – Cumulative sales of the Volkswagen Beetle exceed those of the Ford Model T. 1974 – Robert K. Preston, a disgruntled U.S. Army private, buzzes the White House in a stolen helicopter. 1978 – The Troubles: The Provisional IRA detonates an incendiary bomb at the La Mon restaurant, near Belfast, killing 12 and seriously injuring 30 others, all Protestants. 1979 – The Sino-Vietnamese War begins. 1980 – First winter ascent of Mount Everest by Krzysztof Wielicki and Leszek Cichy. 1991 – Ryan International Airlines Flight 590 crashes during takeoff from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, killing both pilots, the aircraft's only occupants. 1992 – First Nagorno-Karabakh War: Armenian troops massacre more than 20 Azerbaijani civilians during the Capture of Garadaghly. 1995 – The Cenepa War between Peru and Ecuador ends on a ceasefire brokered by the UN. 1996 – In Philadelphia, world champion Garry Kasparov beats the Deep Blue supercomputer in a chess match. 1996 – NASA's Discovery Program begins as the NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft lifts off on the first mission ever to orbit and land on an asteroid, 433 Eros. 1996 – The 8.2 Mw Biak earthquake shakes the Papua province of eastern Indonesia with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe). A large tsunami followed, leaving 166 people dead or missing and 423 injured. 2006 – A massive mudslide occurs in Southern Leyte, Philippines; the official death toll is set at 1,126. 2008 – Kosovo declares independence from Serbia. 2011 – Arab Spring: Libyan protests against Muammar Gaddafi's regime begin. 2011 – Arab Spring: In Bahrain, security forces launch a deadly pre-dawn raid on protesters in Pearl Roundabout in Manama; the day is locally known as Bloody Thursday. 2015 – Eighteen people are killed and 78 injured in a stampede at a Mardi Gras parade in Haiti. 2016 – Military vehicles explode outside a Turkish Armed Forces barracks in Ankara, Turkey, killing at least 29 people and injuring 61 others.
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Most libyans lived in an impoverished state. Their ruler pro west King Idris The First was a highly corrupt man. An army officer aged 27 Muammar Gaddafi, while the ruler was away for treatment at Turkey, staged a coup detat which didn't suffer much resistance (Operation Jerusalem). He built many schools, hospitals, infrastructure with the oil money flowing in the country.
Gaddafi's ideological father figure was Gamal Abdul Nasser. On Nasser's death, he saw it as an opportunity to take over. The Palestinian group responsible for 1972 Munich Olympic killings was Black September which was funded by Gaddafi. The terrorist bodies were brought by flights to Libya and the terrorists later freed were also brought to Libya to demonstrate Gaddafi's power.
Gaddafi funded Nelson Mandela because he knew that with the size of his population (6M), he could hardly have a say in geopolitics. Gaddafi funded many terrorist and rebel groups like IRA(Irish Republican Army), various groups in Germany, Italy.
He writes a book which was introduced in schools. Gaddafi declares himself a brother leader not a head of state. He had a vast police network so nobody dared say or goagainst him. He orders execution of a person in front of a whole crowd including bunch on 6 yo's. Gaddafi made sure that his assassinations were done in public.
The US navy in 1986 was performing naval training in Mediterranean Sea as they had before . Gaddafi threatened the Us but Us retaliated saying it was training on international waters. Libya fired 6 missiles. America destroyed 3 Libyan petrol carriers and 1 missile installation.
A bomb explodes in The American place, a club in Germany, where Us soldiers used to hang out. 2 serviceman killed. Gaddafi's house is flattened. Gaddafi escapes unharmed but he claims his adopted daughter wasn't so lucky (Operation el dorado). Earned sympathy.
A passengers plane is blown up which crashes in Scotland and caused 270 deaths. 4 years later, investigation revealed 2 libyan agents planted the bomb. Oil sanctions were imposed on Libya. Gaddafi's former foreign minister who had turned against him was now kidnapped by his men. He keeps him in his freezer.
Gaddafi invented more ludicrous titles for him such as Imam of all Muslims, Dean of Arab Rulers, King of African Rulers. His attention seeking tendency made him wear absurd flamboyant clothes. His billboards were everywhere. He set up a guard made up entirely of women called Amazonian Guards (Revolutionary Nuns)which had several beauty standards to be eligible. These women to became a part of his harem. Wives and daughters of various critics of Gaddafi were picked up and violated to humiliate them.
Gaddafi condemned 9/11, put out an arrest warrant for Osama and offered to donate blood to victims. Libya ties with West are resurrected.
In 2011,the Arab spring started. The revolts are crushed by Gaddafi. NATO comes out in support of the Libyan opposition and air strike Gaddafi's forces. By Oct 11,he's fleeing from city to city. After 42 years, Gaddafi's reign is over. The 2011 revolution has quickly turned in a civil war. The country is still struggling.
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50 jaar Al Fateh-revolutie – omtrent wijlen Muammar Kadhaffi en het huidige Libië…

Naar aanleiding van de 50ste verjaardag van de Al Fateh-revolutie in Libië, is het misschien het moment om eens een ander licht over de Libische kolonel Kadhaffi en zijn visie te laten schijnen. Ook de opinievorming in Vlaanderen is, net als in de rest van West-Europa, vooral gekleurd door wat de Westerse tegenstanders ervan hebben gemaakt. Wie zonder vooroordelen zijn of haar mening wil vormen, raden we alvast het kritisch lezen van het ‘Groene Boekje’ aan, het bekende politieke werk dat Muammar Kadhaffi ooit zelf schreef. Geen zware filosofische turf, louter een historisch document dat her en der nog aan te schaffen is via internet. Op 1 september 1969, 50 jaar geleden dus, greep kolonel Kadhaffi als leider van de beweging van Vrije Officieren de macht in Libië via een bloedeloze staatsgreep tegen het corrupte regime van koning Idris I. Kadhaffi kende een snelle opkomst als nationalist, begeesterd door het idee om zijn land en haar soevereiniteit te beschermen en zijn volk te laten profiteren van de rijkdom die de aanwezige olie- en gasbronnen tot voorheen aan de oliemaatschappijen schonken. Hij verwierp alle imperialismen, zowel het Amerikaanse imperialisme als het Sovjet-imperialisme, wiens atheïstische kant zijn geweten schokte als een gematigde gelovige. Hij nationaliseerde de belangrijkste sectoren van het Libische economische leven, met mededogen (vergoedingen) voor de eigenaren. In de oliesector verliepen de onderhandelingen moeilijk, maar in 1971 slaagde Kadhaffi in wat geen ander olieland eerder was gelukt: een verhoging van de prijs van ruwe olie opleggen aan de oliemaatschappijen. De beweging zou navolging kennen binnen de OPEC. Het Libische jaarinkomen van $ 2,2 miljard in 1973 steeg tot $ 6 miljard in 1974, tot $ 8,87 miljard in 1977. Honderdduizenden Libische gezinnen hebben hun levensomstandigheden aanzienlijk zien verbeteren. Onder koning Idriss behoorde Libië tot de armste landen ter wereld. Ongeveer 80% van de bevolking was analfabeet, kindersterfte liep op tot 40%. Het nieuwe beleid heeft ook de ontwikkeling van infrastructuur en van een lokale petrochemische industrie mogelijk gemaakt en heeft de Libische landbouw reuzesprongen laten maken via irrigatieprojecten (de grote kunstmatige rivier) die woestijnvorming terugdrong. De olie-inkomsten werden ook geïnvesteerd in onderwijs, de alfabetisering steeg van ongeveer 20% vóór 1969 tot meer dan 85%. Dankzij gratis gezondheidszorg is onder andere de gemiddelde levensverwachting in dezelfde periode gestegen van 44 tot 70 jaar. Bedenk ook dat het BBP per hoofd van de bevolking ongeveer 11.000 dollar werd, een van de hoogste in de Arabische en zeker de Afrikaanse wereld. Libië had geen buitenlandse schulden, het land beschikte over een financiële reserve van zo’n 150 miljard dollar, waarvan het grootste deel bevroren werd door de Westerse regimes. Vanuit het oogpunt van modernisering zijn de veranderingen op het gebied van de status van vrouwen misschien wel het meest verregaand. Merk in dit verband de wet op het huwelijk en de echtscheiding van 1984 op, die belangrijke verbeteringen in de status van vrouwen introduceerde: gemakkelijker toegang tot de arbeidsmarkt, bijna-verbod op polygamie, vrije toestemming voor het huwelijk, mogelijkheid tot echtscheiding, accommodatie te hebben in geval van scheiding en te kunnen genieten van eigen bezit. Deze veranderingen zijn doorgevoerd ondanks tegenstand van islamisten en conservatieve kringen. In tegenstelling tot andere Afrikaanse landen, waar het politieke discours over ontwikkeling eerder een technocratische en wetenschappelijke basis had, baseerde het discours in Libië in verband met de verbetering van de omstandigheden van vrouwen zich op een steeds herhalende inspanning om de islamitische tradities kritisch te herinterpreteren. Kadhaffi legde vanaf 1975 de nadruk op de noodzaak om de islamitische doctrine te scheiden van de moraal van de koran, evenals kritiek op de plaats van de 'ulamâ' (islamitische geleerden die in islamitische landen invloed uitoefenen met kennis over de sharia, de Haddith,…) in het politieke systeem. Daarmee maakte hij een begin van secularisatie van de staat. De houding van Kadhaffi maakte meestal deel uit van een lang proces van scheiding van politieke macht van religieuze macht. Onder het oude monarchale regime waren politieke partijen verboden en bestond het recht op meningsuiting niet. Nadat Kadhaffi aan de macht kwam, werd dit keurslijf steeds losser gemaakt en kwam er een een vorm van politieke liberalisering tot aan de "culturele revolutie" van april 1973, toen Kadhaffi brak met de ontluikende republiek, de Libische burgerij en dat deel van de middenklasse die geloofde dat de Libische leider een regime zou vestigen naar Westers model. De culturele revolutie betekende de start van een proces van breken met republikeinse, Westerse waarden. In de plaats werd het Jamahiriya-model gelanceerd, dat zeker de deelname van Libiërs aan het bestuur van het land verzekert, maar zonder invloed vanuit het Westen en haar politiek model. Het Libische politieke systeem is relatief gesloten gebleven en de Libische samenleving werd gecontroleerd. Net zoals elders in de wereld was de pers was niet onafhankelijk. Kritiek leveren op de regering of de macht van de president kon op gevangenisstraf uitlopen. Niettemin kon het Jamahiriya bestuur een aanzienlijke mate van inspraak verzekeren en terzelfdertijd lokale traditionele gezagsstructuren (stammen) respecteren. Voorts kon zich een civiele maatschappij ontwikkelen met een aanzienlijke diversiteit aan organisaties en sociale groepen. Tijdens de laatste jaren van Kadhaffi zijn bestuur, was er een opkomst van sociale en politieke krachten die elk hun programma en hun politieke oriëntatie voorstelden. Onder deze krachten waren gematigde islamisten, republikeinse nationalisten en zelfs monarchisten. Deze verslapping van de Al Fateh- revolutie en het Jamahiriya model, zou uiteindelijk een katalysator vormen voor een zich ontwikkelende burgeroorlog. De transformatie die Kadhaffi in gang zette zou uiteindelijk niet enkel Libië en haar bevolking omvatten, Libisch oliegeld zou verschillende doelen over de hele wereld financieren, waaronder de bevrijdingsstrijd van het Palestijnse volk en de strijd van zwarten in Zuid-Afrika, maar ook de Ierse republikeinse strijd. In dat internationale kader hebben drie terroristische aanslagen ertoe geleid dat Kadhaffi werd en wordt afgeschilderd als een symbolisch figuur van “internationaal terrorisme”: de bomaanslag in de La Belle nachtclub in Berlijn in 1986, de bomaanslag tegen een Pan Am-vliegtuig boven het Schotse dorp Lockerbie in 1988 en de aanval op de UTA DC-10 boven Niger in 1989. Geen van de drie aanslagen werd opgeëist en na onderzoek wezen de meeste sporen in de richting van een Syrisch-Iraanse achtergrond. Er zijn voldoende redenen om aan te nemen dat de schuld onterecht bij de Libische staat werd gelegd. De bomaanslag in Berlijn is de eerste van de serie. Het kostte Kadhaffi bijna zijn leven na de reactie van de Amerikaanse president Ronald Reagan. Deze laatste had, zodra hij in 1981 in het Witte Huis aankwam, het idee geopperd om de Libische leider te elimineren die hij tijdens de Koude Oorlog als een "Moskou-agent", "de gevaarlijkste man ter wereld" of "de dolle hond van het Midden-Oosten" beschreef. De bomaanslag tegen het Pan Am vliegtuig, die niet opgeëist, werd in de Westerse pers voorgesteld als een vergelding voor de Amerikaanse bombardementen op Benghazi en Tripoli, in de nacht van 15 april 1986. Kadhaffi kwam er ongeschonden uit, maar een van zijn dochters werd gedood terwijl zijn vrouw en zeven kinderen gewond raakten. Hoe dan ook, het in Duitsland geopende proces leidde tot het oordeel dat er geen bewijs was om de verantwoordelijkheid van Kadhafi voor de aanslag tegen de Berlijnse nachtclub vast te stellen. Ondanks voldoende bewijs dat Libië ten onrechte van beide aanvallen werd beschuldigd, moest het land schadevergoedingen betalen vanwege de internationale gemeenschap. Ook het onderzoek naar de aanslag tegen de UTA DC-10 boven de woestijn van Niger eindigde opnieuw met het Syrisch-Iraanse spoor . Het verlaten van het Syrisch-Iraanse spoor kan toegeschreven worden aan een samenvallen van omstandigheden tussen de Westerse mogendheden en Syrië tijdens de Golfoorlog en de wil om geen bondgenoten te onthullen die betrokken zijn bij dossiers van gijzelingen in Libanon. Door 2,7 miljard dollar te betalen en zijn plaats in het “concert van naties” te hervatten, maakte Tripoli deel uit van de koude logica van realpolitik: eerst de eigen belangen verdedigen. Door dit gebaar kon Libië een genormaliseerde staat worden in een tijd waarin het beter was niet op de lijst te staan van wat het Westen als “schurkenstaten” omschreef. Tegelijkertijd slaagde Libië via deze stap erin om een groot aantal buitenlandse investeerders voor zijn oliesector binnen te halen en toenadering te zoeken tot het Westen. Het beeld dat de publieke opinie in Europa kreeg, was niet alleen bepaald door de aanslagen in de tweede helft van de jaren ’80, maar ook door jarenlange steun aan gewapende groeperingen die voor de bevrijding van hun land streden. Dat was zo voor de Palestijnse kwestie, maar ook voor de Ierse. In 1972 maakte de toen 29-jarige Libische leider contact met de toonaangevende Ierse republikein Joe Cahill via de Bretoense kunstenaar Yann Goulet, oudgediende van de Bretoense bevrijdingsbeweging en het verzet tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Kadhaffi had een grote sympathie voor de Ierse bevrijdingsstrijd in de zes bezette graafschappen. Hij had tot doel het IRA materiële hulp aan te bieden in de strijd tegen Britse imperialisme op een moment dat The Troubles in alle hevigheid woedden. Toenmalig IRA-leider Joe Cahill trok met enkele andere Ierse nationalisten naar Tripoli, hij was onder de indruk van Kadhaffi zijn kennis van Ierse zaken en de situatie in Ulster. Kadhaffi zei dat hij niet begreep waarom de IRA-delegatie in het Engels sprak, de taal van de staat waar ze tegen vochten. Hij stemde in met de doelstelling van een verenigd Ierland en bood aan het IRA te helpen, zonder tegenverplichtingen. Hoewel de eerste beperkte levering onderschept werd door de Ierse marine, zouden nadien vele scheepstransporten met tonnen aan wapens en explosieven de Ierse kusten bereiken. De contacten met Libië zouden vooral door Thomas Murphy, een opvolger van Cahill aan het hoofd van het IRA, verder uitgediept worden. De vrijheidsstrijd van het IRA werd door de reguliere pers in Europa weggezet als “terrorisme”. Het Libië van Kadhaffi stond niet bepaald bekend om een “open grenzen”-politiek. Het was een solide schild tegen migratiegolven, omdat met name veel migranten afkomstig uit de Sahara en de Sahel ervoor kozen zich in Libië te vestigen in plaats van de Middellandse Zee over te steken. Kadhaffi vormde ook een schild tegen de beweging van islamistische terroristen die hij reeds lang vóór de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 bestreed. Libië was het eerste land is dat in 1998 een internationaal arrestatiebevel tegen Bin Laden heeft uitgevaardigd, dit voor een dubbele moord in 1994 tegen twee Duitse ambtenaren op Libische bodem. De Arabische Lente luidde het einde in van het bestuur door Kadhaffi. De eisen van de internationale omgeving, evenals de leeftijd van Muammar Gaddafi, verergerden het conflict tussen "hard" en "gematigd" binnen de politieke elite. Het was in zekere zin een strijd binnen de machtselite, een strijd tussen de hervormers die het politieke systeem willen transformeren en de oude revolutionairen die elke verandering weigerden. Deze strijd lijkt tot vandaag ook betrekking te hebben op één van de zonen van Khadaffi, Seif al-Islam, die het politieke leven probeerde te hervormen en veel weerstanden tegenkwam. Van de chaos in Noord-Afrika en de toenemende liberaliseringen in Libië zelf, werd gebruik gemaakt om de positie van de Libische leider verder te verzwakken. De spreekwoordelijke druppel was de financiering van de verkiezingscampagne van Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007 door de Libische president en de vermoedelijke poging van president Sarkozy om dit toe te dekken door Kadhaffi definitief uit te schakelen. Het einde is gekend: burgeroorlog, NAVO-bombardementen ende onderschepping van Kadhaffi’s konvooi bij de eindstrijd in zijn geboortestreek rond Sirte. Kort na zijn gevangenneming door rebellen met de steun van NAVO-troepen, werd Muammar Kadhaffi vermoord. Een Frans-Libanese zakenman deed jaren later een boekje open over de geldstromen vanuit Libië naar Sarkozy. Het onderzoek van de Franse justitie richtte zich ook op zo'n 50 miljoen euro die Kadhaffi zou hebben gedoneerd aan Sarkozy's verkiezingscampagne. Daarmee heeft de Franse oud-president niet alleen het verbod op buitenlandse financiering genegeerd maar ook het maximumbedrag dat destijds aan een campagne mocht worden gespendeerd. Libië is nu een volledig verwoest land. Drie regeringen en een groot aantal terroristische groeperingen vechten voor controle over het land. De ontvoering van premier Ali Zeidan in Tripoli op 10 oktober 2013 is een triest voorbeeld van het chaotische klimaat in het land. De leiders van het eerste uur van de Nationale Overgangsraad (CNT) ontvluchtten het land om hun toevlucht te zoeken naar het buitenland. Moorden en aanslagen zijn gemeengoed geworden, waardoor honderdduizenden Libiërs hun toevlucht moeten zoeken in andere steden of buurlanden. De aanvallen en de escalatie van gevechten volgden elkaar op in het hele land. Zelfs het Amerikaanse consulaat in Benghazi was het doelwit van een zware wapenaanval waarbij ambassadeur Christopher Stevens werd gemarteld en gedood. Geweld en aanhoudende onveiligheid hebben de meeste Westerse landen ertoe aangezet hun onderdanen te evacueren en hun diplomatieke vertegenwoordigingen te sluiten. De inspanningen van Kadhaffi om Afrika uit de extreme afhankelijkheid van het Westen te halen, vormden een bedreiging voor machten die gedijen op Afrikaanse onderontwikkeling en neokoloniale roofbouw op de bodemschatten. Een economische onafhankelijkheid van Afrika is iets onaanvaardbaar, zoals professor Maximilian Forte herinnert: "De interventie in Libië is ook een manier om een bericht te sturen naar andere Afrikaanse natiestaten (...) dat er grenzen zijn waarbinnen zij moeten opereren ". Als ze kiezen voor een beleid van nationale soevereiniteit en een anti-imperialistisch wantrouwen of verzet beginnen, kunnen er niet langer hypothetische gevolgen zijn… De grootste uitdaging voor de politieke elites in Libië is die van een politieke transitie die de resultaten van de revolutie van september 1969 zou waarborgen en verdiepen. De huidige chaotische situatie is vooral in het voordeel van de georganiseerde misdaad (drugs- en mensensmokkel richting Europa). Het hangt af van het vermogen van de huidige leiders om een proces van geleidelijke en gecoördineerde overdracht van macht op gang te brengen en te initiëren om een opeenvolging van stabiliteit te waarborgen. De hypothese van een "republikeinse dynastie" van macht in Libië, waarbij Seif al-Islam Kadhaffi zowel de basis van de Al Fateh- revolutie behoudt als politieke verandering belichaamt, is aannemelijk en heeft gelet op stijgende populariteit enige relevantie. Het idee van een alliantie van progressieve krachten en republikeinse krachten rond een project om de sociale modernisering en democratisering van het politieke leven te versterken, met erkenning van de rol van het maatschappelijk middenveld, is een hernieuwd Jamahiriya-project waar Seif al-Islam Kadhaffi al geruime tijd succesvol mee bezig is. Zowel de regering in Tripoli die beheerst wordt door het conservatieve Moslimbroederschap als de schaduwregering in Benghazi, die de steun krijgt van onder andere Saoedi-Arabië en van krijgsheer Khalifa Haftar die een groot deel van het Libische grondgebied controleert, staan een heropbouw van het land in de weg. Het hoeft geen betoog dat het slagen van een stabiel, zich heropbouwend Libië in de geest van de hedendaagse Jamahiriya-beweging van het allergrootste belang is voor Europa. Read the full article
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LE VITTIME DELL’IRA DOVREBBERO ESSERE RISARCITE DAGLI IRLANDESI D’AMERICA SOSTENITORI DELL’IRA Newsletter ha pubblicato una lettera all'Editore, dopo che è stato rivelato come fondi 'congelati' fossero stati rilasciati ai familiari e/
#Irish Republican Army#irlanda del nord#libia#Muammar al-Gaddafi#muammar gheddafi#NewsLetter#nord irlanda#north of ireland#northern ireland#PIRA#provisional ira#provos#risarcimento della libia alle vittime dell&039;IRA#Sir Reg Empey#Troubles
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How Colonel Gaddafi helped the IRA agains the British
#Gaddafi and the IRA#IRA#Gaddafi#Northern Ireland#ireland#Libya#colonel#dessert kennedy#british#island#Erin#erin go bragh
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ok so alw’s memoir got me thinking of (of all things) the IRA, combined with this video i saw of jeremy corbyn where an interviewer presses him to denounce the IRA, which he refrains from doing (it’s with a conservative news station). alw mentions them a lot when he talks about the 70s and 80s, and obviously nothing elicits such high and possibly unreasoned emotion like terrorism, but i’m surprised at how long the british memory for the (relatively few) IRA attacks on britain seem to be.
especially since the IRA attacks on britain are kind of a footnote in how irish people remember the troubles (compared to fairly constant random violence in the north). that’s not a matter of skewed perspective, either - isolated incidents of IRA terrorism in the republic also aren’t mentioned much. and obviously i’m not saying it was wrong for the british to be shaken by the attacks (although um... a lot of the british reaction towards the irish was horrifyingly wrong... much like it is across europe today with islamist terrorism), but it was new for me to see the IRA being discussed so one-sidedly, it made me think that most british people might view the IRA in a similar way to how they would view ISIS.
whereas in ireland most people are... tolerant? of the IRA. as in the strongest thing i’ve heard against them in person was along the lines of “well, i don’t support terrorism...” (this would be the most common opinion, i think) and the strongest i’ve heard for them was someone professing that, whatever else he did, muammar gaddafi was a great man for donating arms to the IRA (he sympathised with northern ireland as a colony of britain). gerry adams and martin mcguinness can have successful careers as mainstream politicians even though one was openly a former IRA leader and the other... well it’s fairly obvious that he was in the IRA even if he denies it. like you’d be hard pressed to find anyone in ireland who would openly support the IRA, but you wouldn’t really see people vilifying it either.
anyway. just an interesting divergence in views that i hadn’t considered before. and that i didn’t expect to learn in alw’s autobiography.
#and obviously both views are highly depended on the perspectives of people in both countries#dependent*
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Events 2.17 (after 1950)
1959 – Project Vanguard: Vanguard 2: The first weather satellite is launched to measure cloud-cover distribution. 1959 – A Turkish Airlines Vickers Viscount crashes near Gatwick Airport, killing 14; Turkish prime minister Adnan Menderes survives the crash. 1964 – In Wesberry v. Sanders the Supreme Court of the United States rules that congressional districts have to be approximately equal in population. 1964 – Gabonese president Léon M'ba is toppled by a coup and his rival, Jean-Hilaire Aubame, is installed in his place. 1965 – Project Ranger: The Ranger 8 probe launches on its mission to photograph the Mare Tranquillitatis region of the Moon in preparation for the crewed Apollo missions. Mare Tranquillitatis or the "Sea of Tranquility" would become the site chosen for the Apollo 11 lunar landing. 1969 – American aquanaut Berry L. Cannon dies of carbon dioxide poisoning while attempting to repair a leak in the SEALAB III underwater habitat. The SEALAB project was subsequently abandoned. 1970 – Jeffrey R. MacDonald, United States Army captain, is charged with murder of his pregnant wife and two daughters. 1972 – Cumulative sales of the Volkswagen Beetle exceed those of the Ford Model T. 1974 – Robert K. Preston, a disgruntled U.S. Army private, buzzes the White House in a stolen helicopter. 1978 – The Troubles: The Provisional IRA detonates an incendiary bomb at the La Mon restaurant, near Belfast, killing 12 and seriously injuring 30 others, all Protestants. 1979 – The Sino-Vietnamese War begins. 1980 – First winter ascent of Mount Everest by Krzysztof Wielicki and Leszek Cichy. 1991 – Ryan International Airlines Flight 590 crashes during takeoff from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, killing both pilots, the aircraft's only occupants. 1992 – First Nagorno-Karabakh War: Armenian troops massacre more than 20 Azerbaijani civilians during the Capture of Garadaghly. 1995 – The Cenepa War between Peru and Ecuador ends on a ceasefire brokered by the UN. 1996 – In Philadelphia, world champion Garry Kasparov beats the Deep Blue supercomputer in a chess match. 1996 – NASA's Discovery Program begins as the NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft lifts off on the first mission ever to orbit and land on an asteroid, 433 Eros. 1996 – The 8.2 Mw Biak earthquake shakes the Papua province of eastern Indonesia with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe). A large tsunami followed, leaving one-hundred sixty-six people dead or missing and 423 injured. 2006 – A massive mudslide occurs in Southern Leyte, Philippines; the official death toll is set at 1,126. 2008 – Kosovo declares independence from Serbia. 2011 – Arab Spring: Libyan protests against Muammar Gaddafi's regime begin. 2011 – Arab Spring: In Bahrain, security forces launch a deadly pre-dawn raid on protesters in Pearl Roundabout in Manama; the day is locally known as Bloody Thursday. 2015 – Eighteen people are killed and 78 injured in a stampede at a Mardi Gras parade in Haiti. 2016 – Military vehicles explode outside a Turkish Armed Forces barracks in Ankara, Turkey, killing at least 29 people and injuring 61 others.
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Arma 2 Footage Was Once Used In An IRA Documentary - And It's Still Being Used Today
Arma 2 Footage Was Once Used In An IRA Documentary – And It’s Still Being Used Today

In September 2011, British broadcast station ITV ran a historical documentary called Gaddafi and the IRA. Included in the documentary was footage that purported to show a 1988 attack in which the Irish Republican Army shot down a British helicopter, using weaponry purchased from former Libyan prime minister Muammar al-Gaddafi. But it was revealed shortly afterward that the footage ITV…
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Muammar Gaddafi:
- Melhor IDH da África, sendo maior que do Brasil, Rússia e Arábia Saudita. - Saúde e educação 100% gratuita - Melhor educação da África - Intercâmbio pago pelo Estado - Mortalidade infantil de 15,04, o melhor índice da África - O programa "uma casa para todos os líbios" entregou casas gratuitamente para muitos cidadãos - Recém-casados recebiam 64 mil dólares para comprar um apartamento - O Estado pagava 50% do valor do seu carro, 65% se for militar. - Grandes impostos e taxas proibidos por lei - Medicamentos pagos pelo Estado - Expectativa de vida em 2009 era de 77 anos, no Brasil em 2016 é de 75 anos. - Projeto "The Great Manmade River" o maior projeto de irrigação e transporte de água no mundo e feito sem ajuda financeira do FMI ou Banco Mundial. - Financiou o satélite africano, fazendo com que os países na África não precisassem mais pagar 500 milhões de euros todo ano para os países europeus. - Criou fazendas no meio do deserto do Saara conseguindo assim alimentar o seu povo - Financiou grupos como o IRA, o Partido dos Panteras Negras, a luta contra o Apartheid na África do Sul, o Partido de Libertação da Palestina, a Frente Polisário, além de ajudar na libertação de países não apenas na África, mas no mundo inteiro - Menor dívida externa e interna do mundo - Por cada bebê o Estado pagava uma compensação de 7 mil dólares - Foi o país árabe que mais teve participação de mulheres na vida política - Combateu a escravidão na África - Combateu a Al-Qaeda - Água e eletricidade totalmente grátis Enfim, tirem suas conclusões .
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Invited two IRA members to parliament two weeks after the Brighton bombing. Attended Bloody Sunday commemoration with bomber Brendan McKenna. Attended meeting with Provisional IRA member Raymond McCartney. Hosted IRA linked Mitchell McLaughlin in parliament. Spoke alongside IRA terrorist Martina Anderson. Attended Sinn Fein dinner with IRA bomber Gerry Kelly. Chaired Irish republican event with IRA bomber Brendan MacFarlane. Attended Bobby Sands commemoration honouring IRA terrorists. Stood in minute’s silence for IRA gunmen shot dead by the SAS. Refused to condemn the IRA in Sky News interview. Refused to condemn the IRA on Question Time. Refused to condemn IRA violence in BBC radio interview. Signed EDM after IRA Poppy massacre massacre blaming Britain for the deaths. Arrested while protesting in support of Brighton bomber’s co-defendants. Lobbied government to improve visiting conditions for IRA killers. Attended Irish republican event calling for armed conflict against Britain. Hired suspected IRA man Ronan Bennett as a parliamentary assistant. Hired another aide closely linked to several convicted IRA terrorists. Heavily involved with IRA sympathising newspaper London Labour Briefing. Put up £20,000 bail money for IRA terror suspect Roisin McAliskey. Didn’t support IRA ceasefire. Said Hamas and Hezbollah are his “friends“. Called for Hamas to be removed from terror banned list. Called Hamas “serious and hard-working“. Attended wreath-laying at grave of Munich massacre terrorist. Attended conference with Hamas and PFLP. Photographed smiling with Hezbollah flag. Attended rally with Hezbollah and Al-Muhajiroun. Repeatedly shared platforms with PFLP plane hijacker. Hired aide who praised Hamas’ “spirit of resistance“. Accepted £20,000 for state TV channel of terror-sponsoring Iranian regime. Opposed banning Britons from travelling to Syria to fight for ISIS. Defended rights of fighters returning from Syria. Said ISIS supporters should not be prosecuted. Compared fighters returning from Syria to Nelson Mandela. Said the death of Osama Bin Laden was a “tragedy“. Wouldn’t sanction drone strike to kill ISIS leader. Voted to allow ISIS fighters to return from Syria. Opposed shoot to kill. Attended event organised by terrorist sympathising IHRC. Signed letter defending Lockerbie bombing suspects. Wrote letter in support of conman accused of fundraising for ISIS. Spoke of “friendship” with Mo Kozbar, who called for destruction of Israel. Attended event with Abdullah Djaballah, who called for holy war against UK. Called drone strikes against terrorists “obscene”. Boasted about “opposing anti-terror legislation”. Said laws banning jihadis from returning to Britain are “strange”. Accepted £5,000 donation from terror supporter Ted Honderich. Accepted £2,800 trip to Gaza from banned Islamist organisation Interpal. Called Ibrahim Hewitt, extremist and chair of Interpal, a “very good friend”. Accepted two more trips from the pro-Hamas group PRC. Speaker at conference hosted by pro-Hamas group MEMO. Met Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh several times. Hosted meeting with Mousa Abu Maria of banned group Islamic Jihad. Patron of Palestine Solidarity Campaign – marches attended by Hezbollah. Compared Israel to ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah and al-Qaeda. Said we should not make “value judgements” about Britons who fight for ISIS. Received endorsement from Hamas. Attended event with Islamic extremist Suliman Gani. Chaired Stop the War, who praised “internationalism and solidarity” of ISIS. Praised Raed Salah, who was jailed for inciting violence in Israel. Signed letter defending jihadist advocacy group Cage. Met Dyab Jahjah, who praised the killing of British soldiers. Shared platform with representative of extremist cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. Compared ISIS to US military in interview on Russia Today. Opposed proscription of Hizb ut-Tahrir. Attended conference which called on Iraqis to kill British soldiers. Attended Al-Quds Day demonstration in support of destruction of Israel. Supported Hamas and ISIS-linked Viva Palestina group. Attended protest with Islamic extremist Moazzam Begg. Made the “case for Iran” at event hosted by Khomeinist group. Photographed smiling with Azzam Tamimi, who backed suicide bombings. Photographed with Abdel Atwan, who sympathised with attacks on US troops. Said Hamas should “have tea with the Queen”. Attended ‘Meet the Resistance’ event with Hezbollah MP Hussein El Haj. Attended event with Haifa Zangana, who praised Palestinian “mujahideen”. Defended the infamous anti-Semitic Hamas supporter Stephen Sizer. Attended event with pro-Hamas and Hezbollah group Naturei Karta. Backed Holocaust denying anti-Zionist extremist Paul Eisen. Photographed with Abdul Raoof Al Shayeb, later jailed for terror offences. Mocked “anti-terror hysteria” while opposing powers for security services. Named on speakers list for conference with Hamas sympathiser Ismail Patel. Criticised drone strike that killed Jihadi John. Said the 7/7 bombers had been denied “hope and opportunity”. Said 9/11 was “manipulated” to make it look like bin Laden was responsible. Failed to unequivocally condemn the 9/11 attacks. Called Columbian terror group M-19 “comrades”. Blamed beheading of Alan Henning on Britain. Gave speech in support of Gaddafi regime. Signed EDM spinning for Slobodan Milosevic. Blamed Tunisia terror attack on “austerity”. Voted against banning support for the IRA. Voted against the Prevention of Terrorism Act three times during the Troubles. Voted against emergency counter-terror laws after 9/11. Voted against stricter punishments for being a member of a terror group. Voted against criminalising the encouragement of terrorism. Voted against banning al-Qaeda. Voted against outlawing the glorification of terror. Voted against control orders. Voted against increased funding for the security services to combat terrorism. Corbyn is an old man who, like Boris went to a posh boy private school . Corbyn is worth £3 million whereas Boris just £2mill Corbyn is married to coffee milionairess Laura Alvarez who pays her foreign workers a starvation wage. Corbyn is friends with every enemy of Britain, he hates the armed forces and the queen and the whole idea of Britain and the British. Boris is nothing like him. You said "The country is on its knees" , no it isn't , but Venezuela Corbyn's favourite socialist company is. The Venezualans have eaten all the zoo animals, all of their pets and are now eating out the back of refuse wagons. Regarding the public sector debt, ...wasn't it Labour who left the note in the treasury saying, "There's no money left".? "There are foodbanks everywhere" not really, there are around 1,000 or more. I always thought foodbanks were run by the kind hearted vicar in the scouthut next to the church, I took time to research this and was amazed to find out the truth... Foodbanks in our communities are not due to starvation but due to a giant company called The Trussell Trust who are better than McDonalds in aquiring sites and rolling out franchises for these sites. In short The Trussell Trust produces foodbanks for the sake of The Trussell Trust, it is a self sustaining foodbank producing network. This is how it works; The Trussell Trust approaches a company and persuades them to open a foodbank in that companies name, this is cheap for the company as The Trussell Trust is a charity and uses the charity money. The company pays franchise money to The Trussell Trust and the foodbank is set up. The food is donated. Staff work voluntarily The company and The Trussell Trust look great . While all this big business is going on a great deflection is made and the finger of blame as you have done is pointed at the government. CEO of The Trussell Trust is Emma Revie, her wages are £70,000 per annum. Why not checkout this swishy company and all it's highly paid directors and staff below?
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Victims of Gaddafi-supplied IRA weapons should be compensated, MPs say http://bit.ly/2P3Fvli #picturesoftheday
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Colvin: o retrato da coragem
Muitos jornalistas possuem a difícil missão de noticiar locais em situação de perigo, como zonas de guerra, cidades assoladas por epidemias ou acidentes devastadores. Marie Colvin foi uma correspondente internacional americana especializada em Oriente Médio que cobriu muitos países atingidos pela guerra ao longo de sua carreira, como Líbia, Iraque e Síria. Sua coragem de permanecer em locais cercados pelo conflito armado foi reconhecida diversas vezes, se tornando muito premiada no mundo jornalístico.
Marie Catherine Colvin nasceu no Queens, Nova York. Filha de um veterano da segunda guerra mundial e uma professora de Long Island, Marie começou a produzir textos durante a faculdade. Formou-se em antropologia, na Yale. A jovem Colvin contou pra sua mãe que decidiu ser jornalista após publicar um artigo no jornal da universidade.
Após trabalhar em um sindicato em Nova York e depois integrou o grupo da (UPI), Unidade de Imprensa Internacional, trabalhando em Trenton, Nova York e Washington. Em 1985, se mudou para Londres e foi contratada pelo jornal britânico The Sunday Times.
Sua primeira missão como correspondente de um país em guerra civil ocorreu em 1986, na Líbia. Durante sua cobertura, entrevistou Muammar Gaddafi, o líder revolucionário, após a operação El Dorado Canyon, constituída por um bombardeio aéreo americano que atingiu as cidades costeiras de Tripoli e Benghazi, em resposta a um ataque líbio numa boate de Berlin repleta de soldados americanos. Na ocasião, Gaddafi afirmou que a reconciliação da Líbia com os EUA seria impossível enquanto Ronald Reagan, à época presidente, não abandonasse o cargo.
Apesar de ser especializada no Oriente Médio, Marie Colvin também cobriu guerras civis em outras zonas de perigo, como Chechênia, Kosovo, Timor Leste, Serra Leoa e Sri Lanka.
Na ocasião em que esteve em Timor Leste, Colvin se recusou a sair do complexo em que estava. O local foi cercado pelo exércio da Indonésia. Por causa de sua recusa, levou o crédito por ter salvado 1.500 mulheres que se encontravam no refúgio, além de uma força das Nações Unidas. Após quatro dias, todos foram evacuados do local. Ela também ganhou o prêmio da Fundação Internacional de Mulheres pela coragem no jornalismo por sua cobertura na Chechênia e Kosovo.
A cobertura da guerra civil do Sri Lanka foi marcante para a jornalista, que perdeu o olho esquerdo durante um ataque a bomba ao local em que estava, a levando a usar um tapa-olho pelo resto de sua vida. Mesmo machucada, ainda escreveu um artigo de 3.000 palavras sobre o desastre humanitário do país e denunciou o bloqueio de alimentos, suprimentos médicos e a proibição do acesso de jornalistas estrangeiros ao local de guerra. Seu tapa olho era sua marca registrada, o símbolo de sua coragem. Seu acidente a levaria a uma crise psicológica profunda e de alcoolismo que deteriorou sua saúde e a acompanharia até seus últimos dias, mas a jornalista decidiu não se aposentar e continuou a ser correspondente de guerra.
Após cobrir a guerra do Iraque, a primavera árabe da Tunísia, do Egito e da Líbia, Colvin também também cobriu a guerra civil na Síria, onde entrevistou Gaddafi pela segunda vez e escreveu sobre a humanidade nos extremos, levada ao insuportável e ao sofrimento indescritível.
A coragem de Marie Colvin a levou a cometer atos ilegais para noticiar em detalhes as tragédias que ocorriam nos países em guerra, como entrar em locais onde a presença de jornalistas era proibida e mentir sobre sua verdadeira identidade. Isso levou à ira de vários governantes, como Bashar Al-Assad, que ordenou que o complexo em que se encontrava refugiada juntamente com outros jornalistas, fotógrafos e civis fosse bombardeado, causado a sua morte.
O cerco de Homs, na Síria, foi onde Colvin fez sua última transmissão, em fevereiro de 2012, aparecendo em vários veículos de televisão espalhados pela Inglaterra, Como BBC, Chanel 4 e ITN. Durante seu relato, ela descreveu a série de horrores que estava acontecendo em Homs, como bombardeios aleatórios e indiscriminados por parte do governo do ditador sírio, além de ataques de franco-atiradores aos civis da região. Apesar de visto muitos conflitos de guerra antes, Colvin afirmou que nunca havia nada tão cruel quanto na Síria. Momentos após a sua transmissão, o local foi bombardeado, levando Marie e um fotógrafo frânces à morte.
Em 2016, os advogados da família de Colvin processaram a Síria por responsabilidade direta na morte da jornalista, desencadeando uma indenização milionária. Também foi estabelecido um Fundação em memória da jornalista, que faz doações a vítimas de desastres humanitários.
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