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warandpolitics · 5 years ago
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warandpolitics · 7 years ago
Video showing the aftermath after the NATO intervention in 2011
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warandpolitics · 7 years ago
A report about the consequences about the incident of Waco over the right wings militias
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warandpolitics · 7 years ago
Documentary about Franco Prussian war with an explanation what happen right after in France
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warandpolitics · 7 years ago
How Colonel Gaddafi helped the IRA agains the British
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warandpolitics · 7 years ago
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Loreta Janeta Velázquez - a Cuban born woman who dressed as a male Confederate soldier during the Civil War
Loreta Janeta Velázquez as herself, and disguised as “Lieutenant Harry T. Buford”
After her soldier husband’s accidental death, she enlisted in the Confederate army in 1861. She then fought at Bull Run, Ball’s Bluff, and Fort Donelson, but was discharged when her gender was discovered while in New Orleans. Undeterred, she reenlisted and fought at Shiloh, until unmasked once more. She then became a Confederate spy, working in both male and female guises, and as a double agent also reporting to the U.S. Secret Service.
She remarried three more times, being widowed in each instance. According to William C Davis, she died in January 1923 under the name Loretta J. Beard after many years away from the public eye in a public psychiatric facility, St. Elizabeths Hospital. She spied on the Union for about 5 years.
Velázquez recorded her adventures in her 600-page book, The Woman in Battle: A Narrative of the Exploits, Adventures, and travels of Madame Loreta Janeta Velázquez, Otherwise Known as Lieutenant Harry T. Buford, Confederate States Army. The Confederate general Jubal Early refused to accept her memoirs as fact, but recent scholars have verified her claims on the basis of secondary documents, including stories in contemporary newspapers.
In October 2016, William C. Davis has published a detailed biography of Velázquez entitled Inventing Loreta Velásquez: Confederate Soldier Impersonator, Media Celebrity, and Con Artist. His account is based on newspaper and archival research which claims that the whole of The Woman in Battle is fiction. Davis asserts that Velázquez was neither Cuban nor a Confederate soldier, but was a thief and a prostitute, possibly born in New York, and eventually a swindler and con artist. Velázquez used many aliases and he is uncertain of her actual name, age, and place of birth, and thus unable to be certain of her family background or ethnicity. -WIKI
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warandpolitics · 7 years ago
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Mexican Man Fought In The American Civil War
Cipriano Andrade- retired in 1901 with the rank of Rear Admiral
Andrade received an appointment to the United States Navy from Pennsylvania 11 July 1861; Chief Engineer, 11 September 1881; Chief Engineer with relative rank of Commander, 12 Sep 1894; Chief Engineer with relative rank of Captain, 7 February 1898; Captain, 3 March 1899; placed on the retired list as Chief Engineer with rank of Rear Admiral, 1 July 1903.
He served in Civil War, then in various engineering assignments. His title was changed by law to captain March 3, 1899, and July 1, 1901, he was transferred to the retired list of the Navy with the rank of rear admiral, on his own application after the completion of 40 years of service
https://www.loc.gov/item/2016647925/ Wiki 2
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warandpolitics · 7 years ago
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Mexicans Fighting In The American Civil War
~Lieutenant Colonel José Francisco Chaves
Lieutenant Colonel Chavez (1833–1904) – Chávez had been an officer in the Mexican Army before he joined the Union Army. He entered the Union Army as major of the 1st New Mexico Infantry Regiment. He fought in the Battle of Valverde alongside Colonel Kit Carson. Chávez later became the first Secretary of Education for New Mexico.
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warandpolitics · 7 years ago
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American soldiers on Renault FT-17 tanks in Argonne, France, September 26, 1918.
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warandpolitics · 7 years ago
A quick video explaining the Sino-soviet conflict between Russia and China over an small island in 1969
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warandpolitics · 8 years ago
A bag piper in a american civil war reenactment
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warandpolitics · 8 years ago
Clips about the Chechen War, russian invasion in  1995
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warandpolitics · 9 years ago
Eurasia Group's Alexander Kliment and Willis Sparks look back at the KGB-led August 1991 coup that failed to save the Soviet Union from Mikhail Gorbachev's attempts to reform it. They also revisit the bizarre role that the Swan Lake ballet played during the chaos of those days. Sparks recounts what happened and why. Kliment examines what Russians think of that event 25 years later—and how Vladimir Putin can explain it to those who aren't old enough to have experienced it or to have lived under Soviet rule.  
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warandpolitics · 9 years ago
Documentary abaout Baku, an oil producer city from Caucasus that was pretended by Hitler[SPA]
English Version: https://youtu.be/x0lozl3Uknc
Documental acerca de Bakú, ciudad petrolera en el caucaso pretendida por Adolf Hitler en la segunda guerra mundial, dando origen a la guerra en el caucaso y culmina con la batalla de Stalingrado
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warandpolitics · 10 years ago
Iceland is a country that hasn’t an army. But they have sent some people to conflicts areas like Kosovo and Afghanistan.
This documentary is about an icelander that was in Kosovo and now he is in Afghanistan, he is in charge of a garrison and for fun and be more friendly he makes a chicken hutch
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warandpolitics · 10 years ago
Documentary about facism. It says that facism is the armed wing of capitalism and it shows as example Golden Dawn in Greece, a facist party financied by the political groups in order to keep the sistem in the financial crisis. Many languages are available
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warandpolitics · 10 years ago
Documentary about the Gallipoli campaign.
On WWI Russians needed supplies from the allies, so the allies planned an attack on the dardanelles (that were in control by the Ottoman Empire) to take control of that region in order to protect that passage to send supplies to Russia, At the end the allies were defeated.
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