#Gabriella Giacobbe
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blackramhall · 9 months ago
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It's how her bishop uncle died, drowned at the dock. It's a curse that hovers over this family!
La stanza del Vescovo - La Chambre de l'évêque Dino Risi (1977)
Foul deeds will rise, Though all the earth o'erwhelm them, to men's eyes. WS, Ha Avatar pic by Mitchell Turek
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Keoma (1976)
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eyeliketwowatch · 6 years ago
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Keoma - All the Spaghetti Cliches firmly in Place
Franco Nero plays “Keoma” an adopted half breed, back from the wars, tired of fighting, who returns to his hometown to find it overrun by plague, ruled by a ruthless confederate dictator who is aided by his three racist step-brothers. He finds a few allies, his father (William Berger), and an old negro who used to be his father’s farmhand, but is now the town drunk (Woody Strode), and the town doctor (Leonardo Scavino). The town looks like an apocalyptic wasteland, and he is followed around by a cackling witch (Gabriella Giacobbe). Our hero is of course a lightning draw with impressive gun hardware, and the bad guys are a slimy lot and there seem to be a never ending supply of them. Lots of flashbacks (but handled creatively, almost like Scrooge and the ghosts of christmas past, where the main character is a spectator on the sidelines), bloody battle scenes, and spectacularly balletic death scenes of people and horses (the frequent horse falling was a bit unsettling, as this was likely before the ASPCA got involved in animal safety). Pretty decent direction, with some very creative camera angles and set ups, and the only thing which was particularly annoying was the repeating soundtrack song, sung by an atonal man and woman with very screechy and growly voices that kept intruding on the movie throughout.
3 stars out of 5
Released 1976, First Viewing January 2019
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itallija7212-blog · 7 years ago
Итальянские имена "G"
https://italyproject.ru/vitaitaliana_nomiitaliani_g/ Итальянские имена "G"
Мужские итальянские имена Женские итальянские имена Gabino Gabriele Gaetano Gaglioffo Gaio Galdino Galeazzo Galileo Gallicano Gandolfo Garimberto Gaspare Gastone Gaudenzio Gaudino Gautiero Gavino Gedeone Geminiano Generoso Genesio Gennaro Gentile Genziano Gerardo Gerasimo Geremia Gerino Germano Gerolamo Geronimo Geronzio Gervasio Gesualdo Gherardo Giacinto Giacobbe Giacomo Giadero Giambattista Gianbattista Giancarlo Giandomenico Gianfranco Gianluca Gianluigi Gianmarco Gianmaria Gianmario Gianpaolo Gianpiero Gianpietro Gianuario Giasone Gilberto Gildo Gillo Gineto Gioacchino Giobbe Gioberto Giocondo Gioele Giona Gionata Giordano Giorgio Giosuè Giosuele Giotto Giovanni Giove Gioventino Giovenzio Girardo Girolamo Giuda Giuliano Giulio Giuseppe Giustiniano Giusto Glauco Goffredo Golia Gomberto Gondulfo Gonerio Gonzaga Gordiano Gosto Gottardo Graciliano Grato Graziano Gregorio Grimaldo Gualberto Gualtiero Guelfo Guerrino Guglielmo Guiberto Guido Guiscardo Gumesindo Gustavo Gabriella Gaia Galatea Gaudenzia Gelsomina Geltrude Gemma Generosa Genesia Genoveffa Germana Gertrude Ghita Giacinta Giada Gigliola Gilda Giliola Ginevra Gioacchina Gioconda Gioia Giorgia Giovanna Gisella Giuditta Giulia Giuliana Giulitta Giusta Glenda Gloria Godeberta Godiva Grazia Graziella Greta Griselda Guenda Guendalina Gundelinda
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lago-maggiore-italy · 8 years ago
"La stanza del Vescovo" Cinema d'autore sul Lago Maggiore
“La stanza del Vescovo” Cinema d’autore sul Lago Maggiore
é l’anno dell’anniversario del film LA STANZA DEL VESCOVO girato sulle rive del Lago Maggiore .
La stanza del vescovo è un film del 1977 diretto da Dino Risi e tratto dal romanzo omonimo di Piero Chiara.
La pellicola ha per protagonisti Ugo Tognazzi, Ornella Muti e Patrick Dewaere con la partecipazione di Gabriella Giacobbe, Piero Mazzarella e Lia Tanzi.
È stato presentato fuori concorso al 30º…
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Keoma (1976)
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