#GPS flat earther
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By: Umer Abrar
Published: Nov 2022
A rising number of individuals seem to believe that the earth is, in fact, flat.  But it gets better. They also claim that Australia is a fake.
According to a popular Facebook rant, the whole country (and, by extension, the 24 million people who reside there) is a hoax. The idea was revived during a recent meeting of so-called Flat Earthers in Birmingham when over 200 individuals gathered to certify that the Earth is nothing more than a huge pancake.
The "fake Australia" post first appeared on Reddit in 2017 and was authored by Shelley Floryd. However, it seems to be returning to the minds of the spherically challenged at the minute.
The rant goes: "Australia is not real. It's a hoax, made for us to believe that Britain moved over their criminals to someplace. In reality, all these criminals were loaded off the ships into the waters, drowning before they could see land ever again. It's a coverup [sic] for one of the greatest mass murders in history."
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Moreover, the post reckons that all Australians are nothing more than computer-generated personas or paid actors hired by NASA and if you've ever been Down Under yourself: "you're terribly wrong".
Surprisingly, the pilots seem to be all in on it - and have been flying you to areas of South America for years. Flat Earth beliefs have been debunked by almost everyone capable of logical thinking, yet the notion is now experiencing a revival.
Over 200 conspiracy theorists met in Birmingham at a hotel for the UK's first Flat Earth Convention. The three-day conference included nine speakers who took the stage to share their theories about why the Earth is flat.
According to The Telegraph, Dave Marsh, an NHS worker who spoke at the conference, said: “My research destroys big bang cosmology.
“It supports the idea that gravity doesn’t exist and the only true force in nature is electromagnetism.”
While NASA has used GPS, satellites, and photos from space to verify that the Earth is round, Flat Earth enthusiasts claim that they have proof that the space agency is lying. 
Aristotle figured out the Earth is round 2300 years ago. Eratosthenes measured it 2200 years ago. Some of the people who scoff at this as anti-science idiocy think sex is "assigned" at birth.
What's it called when you have generally humanist principles, but periodically despair that all human life on the planet should be wiped out?
Asking for a friend.
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sciencestyled · 3 months
Spacetime Shenanigans: How Euclid and Escher Broke My Brain and Made Me Love Math
Picture this: you're sipping your third caramel macchiato of the day, your brain buzzing like a meme stock on Reddit, and suddenly, you're sucked into a vortex of geometric madness. That's right, folks! Today, we're diving headfirst into the twisted, mind-bending world of space geometry—from the sensible lines of Euclid to the brain-melting illusions of M.C. Escher. Hold onto your hats, my lovely mathletes, because this rollercoaster is about to defy all your expectations and maybe even the laws of physics!
Let's kick things off with Euclid, the granddaddy of geometry, the man who thought a straight line was the pinnacle of artistic achievement. Imagine Euclid at a party. He's the guy with a ruler, making sure the chips are aligned perfectly on the table. His world was flat, man. Seriously flat. So flat that if Euclid had lived in the era of flat-earthers, he would've been their poster boy. But Euclid's obsession with points, lines, and angles gave us the foundations of geometry, or what I like to call "Geometry for Dummies."
But Euclid's world was too simple, too neat. Enter M.C. Escher, the Salvador Dalí of geometry, who looked at Euclid's tidy lines and said, "Hold my beer." Escher was that one art kid in school who never paid attention but somehow aced every math test. He didn't just break the rules—he turned them inside out, folded them into a Möbius strip, and made them chase their own tails. Escher's works are a testament to what happens when you mix geometry with a healthy dose of LSD and a side of existential crisis.
Take "Relativity," one of Escher's most famous pieces. This artwork is a visual representation of what it feels like to walk into IKEA and realize you have to assemble that five-drawer dresser yourself. It's a world where gravity is more of a suggestion than a rule, where staircases lead to nowhere, and your brain does somersaults trying to figure out which way is up. If Euclid's geometry is a well-behaved golden retriever, Escher's is a mischievous cat that knocks things off shelves just to watch them fall.
But wait, there's more! Escher didn't just mess with gravity; he also played with tessellations. Tessellations, for those of you who missed that episode of Sesame Street, are patterns made up of shapes that fit together perfectly without any gaps. Imagine a bathroom floor tiled by a stoner who just discovered a kaleidoscope, and you've got the gist. Escher's tessellations often featured interlocking creatures—fish, birds, lizards—morphing into one another in a seamless, trippy dance. It's like watching a Pixar movie on mushrooms, where every frame is a new adventure in symmetry and illusion.
Now, let's talk about non-Euclidean geometry, the mathematical equivalent of trying to understand Inception after six shots of tequila. Non-Euclidean geometry is what happens when you take Euclid's flat plane and warp it like Doctor Strange playing with reality. In this warped world, parallel lines might meet, triangles can have more than 180 degrees, and Pythagoras would probably have a nervous breakdown. It's the geometry of curved spaces, the kind you find in the fabric of the universe (but let's not use the word "fabric" because that's too pedestrian).
In non-Euclidean geometry, space is more flexible than a Cirque du Soleil contortionist. Imagine a giant ball—this is spherical geometry, where the shortest distance between two points is a curved line. This isn't just theoretical mumbo-jumbo; it's the kind of math that makes GPS satellites work. Without it, Google Maps would be about as reliable as a Magic 8-Ball.
Escher's work brilliantly illustrates these concepts, turning abstract math into visual feasts. His "Circle Limit" series, for example, uses hyperbolic geometry to create infinitely repeating patterns within a bounded space. It's like staring into the infinite recursion of a fractal while eating a bag of Doritos—you can't stop, and you're not entirely sure what's happening, but it's glorious.
Let's not forget the pièce de résistance: the concept of infinity. Infinity is that wild cousin at family gatherings who shows up uninvited and never leaves. It's a number, a concept, an idea that stretches beyond our comprehension. And Escher loved playing with infinity like a cat with a laser pointer. His artwork "Drawing Hands" features two hands drawing each other in an endless loop, a visual metaphor for the infinite regress that would make even the most stoic philosopher giggle nervously.
Now, why should we care about this geometric circus? Because, my dear space cadets, this is where physics education with art comes into play. When we fuse art and science, we create a learning experience that’s as captivating as a superhero movie and as mind-expanding as a TED Talk given by Bill Nye on Red Bull. Art helps us visualize complex scientific concepts, making them more accessible and engaging. Escher’s art, with its playful exploration of mathematical ideas, bridges the gap between dry equations and the vivid tapestry (oops, I mean…vivid kaleidoscope) of our imaginations.
So, what have we learned today, my beautiful nerds? We've seen how Euclid laid the groundwork with his straight-laced, no-nonsense approach to geometry. We've marveled at how Escher took those same principles and turned them into a psychedelic wonderland of twisted staircases, impossible objects, and infinite patterns. We've dipped our toes into the bizarre world of non-Euclidean geometry and glimpsed the vast, mind-boggling concept of infinity.
In conclusion, geometry isn’t just about boring triangles and circles. It's a wild adventure through space and time, a journey where math and art collide in a spectacular explosion of creativity and logic. So next time you find yourself staring at an Escher print, remember: you're not just looking at a pretty picture. You're peering into the chaotic, beautiful mind of a genius who saw the world not as it is, but as it could be—an infinite playground of geometric possibilities. And that, my friends, is the true magic of physics education with art. Now, go forth and tessellate!
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generasbir · 2 years
Cara kerja GPS bumi datar sangat simpel mudah dipahami
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insomniac-dot-ink · 5 years
Is my dog a flat-earther?
Does my dog know that the earth is round?
Does she know that the horizon keeps going past the see-able ground?
Or does she think that the land drops off like the edge of her bowl? Off, off, off to the end of the world. Does she assume the empty abyss waits for us if we drive too far? Is that why she barks so loud when the sun goes down? Because maybe that’s the last time and she of all people is well-read in Dylan Thomas and knows to rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Even as the neighbors decide to yell quiet loudly in our direction and blow their leaves in our yard in October in retribution.
Oh, is my dog a flat-earther?
Perhaps she isn’t. Perhaps she knows in the way of animals, in the way of geese flying home in the winter without GPS. In the way monarch butterflies on their perilous trek avoiding the place mountains used to be centuries in the past. In the way that cats know how to turn their body without thinking to perfectly land with purpose.
Perhaps she knows without having to ask that the planet meets back around with the type of crash, a French kiss-- wet, sloppy, and with a lot of friction. Perhaps she understands that the earth is made in the image of greatness: a tennis ball in constant motion, thrown round and round by an arm of giants. Perhaps she does not have to wonder about the place she lives, because she is simply living in it.
Regardless of my dog’s politics, she follows me, either way, out into new fields and new walks and out into parks and places where maybe the world could possibly stop. We call dogs brave and true, we call them heroes and fools, and the best thing humanity ever befriended, because I think, in many ways, humans can’t imagine that trust without preamble, love without hesitation, following without that anxiety that comes with the possibility of betrayal.
We doubt, and we worry, and we wage wars and imprison Galileo on the premise that the world could or could not be spherical. Even today, some flat-earthers do not take plains. But my dog will, if I ask her to, she will follow me, out of love if you want to use that word, or loyalty, or foolishness.
She would follow me off this world and into the nothingness.
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Any flat-earther who uses GPS is contradicting themselves.
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charlesoberonn · 5 years
How do flat earthers think GPS tracking works?
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boondockerblog · 4 years
Day 52 & 53 (Cathedral City and travel to ?)
Waking Up to the Mountains Around the Cochella Valley
Even with all the houses, streets and retail in the forground those mountains are always alluring.  So high, and so close.
These 2 days were a little interlude of hot tubbing, showers where you keep the water on, great meals cooked together, walks and runs to places with such different scenery than our past 2 months - beautiful Cochella Valley homes, backyards surround by stone walls, desert landscape, magenta Bougainvillea, unusual cactus, and then all of a sudden it's desert again - sand and Creosote. This must be what the Flat Earthers feel about hitting the Edge of the Earth.
Running was the juxtaposition of skinny sidewalks, cars and lovely landscaping and the Edge. We found 2 different Edges and both had the same qualities. Yiu're running along in neighborhoods and retail and then you drop off the Edge into deep sand (hard running) and, strangely appliances, couches, toys, tables, the occasional mattress. Sometimes these items have clearly been moved into groupings. It's like being in a furniture showroom in the desert. If I didn't have an indoor place to live and liked cities this would be a great place with all the items people have dumped.
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Sad to Leave
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We loved our time with you Jim & Wally. Thank you for this oasis in the desert.  And where are we leaving to? We had several ideas:
Imperial Sand Dunes (extending from South of the Salton Sea (2019 Day 28) to the MEX border) - we saw it on a map on Monday as we were driving to Cathedral City but had questions about needing a permit and received no answer. Today we got the answer while driving but then based on the cell map it looked like we might have no internet.
Also on Monday we saw a sign for the Cibola Nat'l Wildlife Refuge (on the AZ side of Blythe). We loved the other 2 Nat'l Wildlife Reserves we went to so this looked good on the map.
If all else fails we'll go back near Quartzsite and find some cool place.
We decided to try Cibola. It was dark (surprise) by the time we got near as we'd been re-routed from a road closure.  The road we were following eventually was 1 lane with water on either side. Strange but hard to tell in the dark where we should be. We saw a turn and knew we were close to crossing the CO River but decided tobstay on the "road" we were on. And then, the GPS shows us off-roding! We were on the top of a canal, not a road (it sounds funny now that it's being typed but in the pitch black where you can only see in front of you a narrow path and darkness down a bank to the right and left, it wasn't quite as humerous). So we backed up on that one lane path for what seemed a long time, took the turn we'd passed and kept on driving. We found the Refuge Visitor's Center but nothing there seemed to help for where we might enjoy making camp. The road was one ranch after another and we eventually turned into what the map showed as Reserve lands. There we found nothing that looked like it would be the beauty and wildlife we'd read about, and no place to pull off. After an hour of driving we found the CO River but there was no place to pull off. We drove back towards a place listed as a campground (we'd seen a couple motorhomes and a fire and that's why we didn't go there an hour ago). When we saw it again we decided it wasn't for us and we just drive back through the long detour and go back to Quartzsite.
As we drove we changed our minds - late, hungry and tired. We knew as soon as we got through all the detour we'd be only 15 minutes from Ehrenberg BLM. Ehrenberg is desert speak for "Maddie didn't die today" (2019 Day 12) - joking,  but just about the desert speak.  If you didn't read that day 2 years ago, scroll back, it's worth it.
Arrived 10pm.
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askzeguddoctah · 4 years
Bunyip! We should talk conspiracies sometime! - Actor-Mark
“bunyip: favorite conspiracy theory?” 
“Zis is a gud vone. My favorite conspiracy is one of ze most ridiculous vones! I shall give a summary from vone of mein books about it, very interesting stuff, it is.” 
Flat Earth theory first emerged in 19th-century England, despite the Earth's spherical nature having been known since at least the time of Pythagoras. It has in recent years been promoted by American software consultant Mark Sargent through the use of YouTube videos. Flat-earther conspiracy theorists hold that planet Earth is not a sphere, and that evidence has been faked or suppressed to hide the fact that is instead a disc, or a single infinite plane. The conspiracy often implicates NASA. Other claims include that GPS devices are rigged to make aircraft pilots wrongly believe they are flying around a globe.
The doctor simply changes his screen to an online search engine, searches “most popular conspiracy theories” and hits enter. Picking the first one he took interest in, he copies and pasts a part of it before replying to the ask. Totally his favorite conspiracy! If only he actually did a little research of them outside of his own work... 
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kaninchenzero · 4 years
i am made quite irrationally cranky by referring to the environment of low earth orbit (technically still within earth's atmosphere!) as zero-g or microgravity
a few hundred kilometers is nowhere near far enough away to make earth's gravity irrelevant: if you're up there, you're still accelerating towards the epicenter of the you-earth gravitational system at nine-point-eight meters per second per second, near as dammit
and a good thing too! otherwise you'd be off on a very long trip through mostly empty space unless your corpse interacts with some other massive object's gravity and finally stops, is incinerated, or leaves this universe entirely, depending in whether it meets a planetlike object, a star, or a black hole
it's just that you and the complicated machine dedicated to keeping you breathing are both also hurtling along at some tremendous velocity whose vector is orthogonal to the constant fall towards the center of the earth such that by the time you fell, say, nine-point-eight meters down, the planet below you has fallen away nine-point-eight meters, allowing you to keep falling more or less indefinitely* instead of going splat somewhere and ruining at least one person's day
(obviously this happy circumstance is possible only when the world is round -- i'm not sure how flat-earthers would reconcile orbital technologies like gps with their beliefs and don't want to have it explained to me, thanks kindly (unless it's particularly funny or smth))
obviously, people on space stations are weightless and can do neat tricks like letting go of a pen or a cup or something and have it float there waiting adorably to be taken into hand again
weight is an interaction between you, gravity, and some object sturdy enough to keep you from falling
in free fall, any such object, like the machine that keeps you breathing, is also falling and missing the ground exactly like you so weight becomes impossible to define and adhesion becomes a much more important concept for keeping two objects together
because we evolved in a weighty environment, our bodies get seriously confused in weightless ones; it's not healthy to stay there for too long
that's the general shape of my rant on gravity and orbit
*remember that low earth orbit is still in-atmo, it's just very thin so speed losses to friction are small and it's not too hard to correct as long as the satellite has energy and reaction mass for its maneuvering jets
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clairebeauchampfan · 5 years
Flat Earthers are not the same as SamCait shippers....
...of course.
  Flat-earthers “believe photos of the globe are photoshopped; GPS devices are rigged to make airplane pilots think they are flying in straight lines around a sphere when they are actually flying in circles above a disc. The motive for world governments' concealment of the true shape of the Earth has not been ascertained, but flat-earthers believe it is probably financial. "In a nutshell, it would logically cost much less to fake a space programthan to actually have one, so those in on the Conspiracy profit from the funding NASA and other space agencies receive from the government," the flat-earther website's FAQ page explains.” (source: https://www.livescience.com/24310-flat-earth-belief.html)
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“As inconceivable as their belief system seems, it doesn't really surprise experts. Karen Douglas, a psychologist at the University of Kent in the United Kingdom who studies the psychology of conspiracy theories, says flat-earthers' beliefs cohere with those of other conspiracy theorists she has studied.
"It seems to me that these people do generally believe that the Earth is flat. I'm not seeing anything that sounds as if they're just putting that idea out there for any other reason," Douglas told Live Science.
She said all conspiracy theories share a basic thrust: They present an alternative theory about an important issue or event, and construct an (often) vague explanation for why someone is covering up that "true" version of events. "One of the major points of appeal is that they explain a big event but often without going into details," she said. "A lot of the power lies in the fact that they are vague."
The self-assured way in which conspiracy theorists stick to their story imbues that story with special appeal. After all, flat-earthers are more adamant that the Earth is flat than most people are that the Earth is round (probably because the rest of us feel we have nothing to prove). "If you're faced with a minority viewpoint that is put forth in an intelligent, seemingly well-informed way, and when the proponents don't deviate from these strong opinions they have, they can be very influential. We call that minority influence," Douglas said. “
Sounds familiar? The ‘ intelligent, seemingly well informed way’...all those super sharp, hyper intelligent shippers with their PhDs and PR qualifications, the photo analysts, the financial implications (Starz, Lionsgate)....the claim that NASA phots are photshopped and faked; like the ‘fake’ moon landings...and the ‘faked’ weddings and the ‘faked’ engagement and the ‘fake’ girlfriends and the TPTB conspiracy to keep Sam and Cait separate (as if their ‘love’ wouldn’t have been box-office gold!)
So, if you saw a Flat Earther post that called Aldrin, Armsrong and Collins ‘lying liars lying’  would you say, fair enough, its a free country, they can post what they like, or could you legitimately call them out without being thought to be a mean bully? If you saw a blog claiming that the moon landings were shot in a studio would you say, yeah, whatever, I’ll stay in my lane, or would you be tempted to quote the blogger on your post, with or without a direct attribution) to illustrate your case that these people are  maybe, just maybe , a mix of  dried fruit , butter eggs, milk soft brown sugar , self-raising flour and mixed spice? 
Something worth remembering next time you take a flight and look out the window at the distant horizon. It’s all a fake. Naturally. 
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barralrider · 5 years
Flat earthers use GPS
Flat earthers use GPS (self.Showerthoughts) submitted by bouncyfigment to /r/Showerthoughts 17 comments original
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blasteffect · 6 years
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Flat Earth
Organizers of an annual conference that brings together people who believe that Earth is flat are planning a cruise to the purported edge of the planet. 
They're looking for the ice wall that holds back the oceans.
The journey will take place in 2020, the Flat Earth International Conference (FEIC) recently announced on its website. The goal? To test so-called flat-Earthers' assertion that Earth is a flattened disk surrounded at its edge by a towering wall of ice.
Details about the event, including the dates, are forthcoming, according to the FEIC, which calls the cruise "the biggest, boldest adventure yet." However, it's worth noting that nautical maps and navigation technologies such as global positioning systems (GPS) work as they do because the Earth is … a globe!
Credit: Ian Cuming/Ikon Images via Getty Images
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Time Travelers, Aliens, and AI
2019 JUL 13
At this point in history, we can all agree... things are a little fucked up.
Reality itself feels a little fractured... like we passed through the looking glass sometime around 2012... or 2016... depending on who you ask... but definitely, the twenty-teens saw a big rift in reality itself.
One we’ve all felt... but have not been able to describe exactly... just a vague certitude that things have gotten inexplicably weird, even on the day to day level for everybody around the planet.
Nor have we been able to point to one specific cause of this thing... I mean, we know climate change is a big problem, and that for some reason there’s a huge upswing in authoritarianistic freaks, even though the economy is doing pretty good for most of us and we don’t seem to be on the verge of a global war.
The internet itself... social media, more specifically, tend to get blamed for the overwhelming weirdness and dystopic nature of this trans-twenty-teenian era... with flat-earthers and anti-vaxers on one end, and quantum physicists on the other... all getting about equal attention in a global dialogue that includes everything in between those extremes... to a depth we never imagined any individual thing could ever go.
But I am here to tell you... the real reason the twenty-teens have been so fucked up, is because over this decade, our internet reached a milestone in it’s level of sophistication... such that... aliens can now get a better handle on what we’re doing... AND... human time travelers like it as a rest stop, coming and going from the more distant past, to the more distant future.
Just to be clear here... Aliens do not have time travel.  They don’t need it.  They see no point in it.  On the other hand, Time travelers... all of whom are humans from the near to distant future on Earth... don’t necessarily believe in aliens.
Both factions, however, do exist in our world, and, more importantly for our analysis... both have their own versions of AI (artificial intelligence) to help them do their work.  And the AI from both the aliens, and the time travelers, are accessing our nicely mature internet on a daily basis... doing who knows what, with what known supervision?
In other words... it’s a cluster fuck of trans-dimensional beings, some from Earth, some from space... and their AI... all drawn to the early 21st Century like moths to a flame, because this is the first moment where our tech and science is finally, truly compatible with theirs... either from space, or from the future.
We finally have, leading up to the twenty-twenties, enough computing power... enough wireless infrastructure... surveillance... GPS tracking... etc... for them to log in, get their headings, take their readings, do their studies... what have you.
But for both aliens, and time travelers (who, again, I’ll remind you do not necessarily know of one another’s existence) this easy internet access comes at a cost, and it is the cost of visibility.
Visibility in the real world... because there are so many of them around right now, and also visibility online... mostly unintentional, as both parties like to stay off the radar... but they can’t quite manage it... especially with their AI out there doing God only knows what, under their noses.
And all of this... is to say nothing of the underlying physics of the collective unconscious. 
I know... that sounds a bit crazy, even for a person trying to talk about time travelers and aliens in our midst, but... we all agree that the internet is a kind of collective consciousness, brought to us by technology.
However, it may also be true, that all sentient beings... are only able to be sentient at all... thanks to the fact that all sentient brains have evolved to take advantage of some yet to be defined property of the universe which allows for consciousness... much like the modern cloud allows individual phones to store and access data available to all other phones.
If there is a “natural cloud” of, say, dark matter, within which all biological consciousness resides, and which allows all sentient biological brains to... do sentience... then this “collective unconscious” would naturally be affected by the goings on in the collective “conscious” of an internet spanning the globe, and being accessed by not just you and me, but also aliens... time travelers... and their AI.
Okay, so the “collective unconscious” aspect of this is probably the most important, but it’s also the most difficult to pin down, quantify, or study... so we will ignore it for now... as we ignore everything that is unconscious.
That said, in the waking world, time travelers are, on the whole, doing a much better job avoiding notice than the aliens, who can’t resist the temptation to fuck with the world’s air force pilots and astronauts every couple of weeks.
It’s important to recognize that from the alien point of view, we on Earth have been waging a non stop nuclear war since the 1940s.  From their perspective, every single nuclear “test” detonation... be it above ground, underground, under the sea, or in space... anywhere on Earth... has been just another horrible nuclear bomb going off in what looks like a sixty year nuclear war at this point.
And aliens notice this shit!  
Nuclear fission leaves a telltale signature, but unlike the signature of fire and smoke, or electric light, fission says, “These assholes can finally do real math and understand how atoms work!”  And that’s a big warning flag, for an intergalactic civilization keeping it’s eye on the barbarians at the outskirts of the galaxy.
So, from the alien perspective, the pressure has been on since Hiroshima, to keep a close eye and, as technology on Earth has progressed, to give a little wink and a nod to the Earthlings in power... just enough to spook them... just enough to get them thinking... watch your step!  Somebody might be out here you don’t wan’t to fuck with, okay?
This has grown more prevalent over time, leading to a few generations of leaders, and their congresses, and their state congresses, and their city congresses... all knowing about this and growing more paranoid about it.
Meanwhile the internet has allowed leaks to filter down to the masses and... well.. this, I would submit, is the underlying cause of the huge spike in xenophobia in the twenty-teens.
On the surface it walks and talks like an unexplained rise in racism, even while we should have gotten past this level of human racism by now... but below the surface... it’s the unspoken fear of the aliens... the ones from outer space... who are watching us... and have been for centuries.  And whom we know nothing about.
Time travelers, meanwhile, are just human working joes... mostly military, because time distortion units are top secret, naturally... and they are only coming back in time for two purposes... to research and/or retrieve.
Every research time traveler is encouraged to retrieve what they can, even if it’s just a ball point pen from the past.
Every retrieval time traveler is encouraged to take notes... photos, video... of what they can... even if it’s just cars parked on a city street, or a chat with a person from the time in a bar.
Both types of time agents help their home governments in the future build better intel about past timelines, how to navigate them, how to understand metahistory, to prevent future mistakes... and how to access past tech in order to debug legacy tech that threatens their present day... a’la the Y2K bug, or other legacy computer bugs that threaten them down the line.
Time travelers keep a low profile, not because they fear changing the future. They don’t.  This is a many-world multiverse of ever bifurcating timelines, and what they do in the past doesn’t affect their home worldline, but they keep to the shadows nonetheless in order to avoid detection by the authorities of the times they are visiting.
Still, in order to get to their destinations in the past of the multiverse, and then navigate back to their home line (or one indistinguishable from it) time travelers rely on their own onboard AI to compare prerecorded aspects of their own past to present aspects of the past they’ve arrived in.
The more prerecorded data from the past that the AI has, to match to a stream of data at the destination... the better the AI is able to discern the time traveler’s deviation from the home line.
This is why time travelers, who can only move backward and forward in hops of ten or so years at a time, like to stop off in the twenty teens to get their bearings... because the internet of the twenty teens is so well documented and recorded.
You stop in 2016.  You log on to some obscure Youtube channel whose URL corresponds to some universal constant (which will be the same for all time travelers no matter where in the multiverse they come from) and your AI compares that feet to what it has in archive for this date.  
The AI calculates a deviation between the two feeds, which tells you how far off you are from the actual direct past you can never get straight back to.  If that deviation is large... you have to double back and try again.  If it’s within a small margin, then your mission is a go.
But they also establish weird channels on Youtube for this purpose... and on all other social media feeds... and their AI... well... the point is... even when they try to stay under the radar, their presence and their traffic is felt by us.
And lastly, there is just cross talk happening between the different technologies that time travelers see, and the adaptations and reverse engineerings of alien tech, that leads to real time tech getting weirder in our own world line.
Smart phones, I would posit, are an example of this cross talk.
Smart phones were not the result of any logical progression from 1990s cell phones and flip phones, and failed tablet experiments. They were not foreseen, and remain pretty enigmatic today... twelve years after their birth in 2007.
I would submit that smart phones... with their insane miniaturization of computing power, their insane battery and screen technology, their insane level of advanced sensors, and... the insane level of wireless, and satellite based infrastructure needed to support them... are in fact a hybrid technology that arose from one part time travelers seeing the possibilities in different instances of this era... and one part retro-engineering of alien tech.
And that’s where I’m gonna leave this first entry.
Happy Summer.
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generasbir · 2 years
Canggihnya Jam Bumi datar ternyata ada disini
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fiyabwal · 5 years
Are flat earthers allowed to use a GPS?
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If flat earthers are so sure the world is flat, they should pool their money together and invest in a go pro, GPS tracker and a weather balloon. This would end their argument.
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