aeolianblues · 3 months
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This feels like a better summary of the last 14 years than any political correspondent can put into a neat paragraph. Save for Rishi Sunak, every single one of the Tory PMs of the last 14 years has been booted out.
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reality-detective · 2 months
Droves of Somali illegal immigrants in line to get a driver’s license at 1955 N. Federal Highway in Pompano Beach, Florida 🤔
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hikaaa-bi · 4 months
okay but i also have to point out that sam wasn't laughing at the fact that mr bonzo was a monster, it was the idea of mr bonzo being one of the EXTERNALS that was absolutely ridiculous to him.
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and in all fairness, i get it. the idea that a children's mascot is a monster is absurd, but what's more absurd is the fact that a children's mascot works for the UK government.
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Artists creating specifically to sell and trading off (some of) their own style to do it, activists begging for attention and shares and media coverage because they aren't being paid enough attention, UNWRA desperate for donations, the percentage of people who don't mask in 2024 compared to deaths and disabilities, ppl who need to be convinced to vote with principles that save lives and that genocide is unacceptable, how a living wage or UBI is believed to be "unrealistic" despite the trillions in shareholder investment accounts.
....I'm starting to think Mainstream People™ fucking suck, ngl. In fact, dare I say that Mainstream People are the biggest obstacle to progress now.
Malcolm X said it was the white liberal as did a lot of other revolutionaries and thinkers.
I, however, think anyone who can hold their own comfort over someone else's suffering is the problem.
Why are the rest of us constantly begging and shouting and changing ourselves and our bodies in an effort to make them care about us? To make them see us? To give us rights? To bless us with the support needed to make a living?
Same shit, different generations. And idk about y'all, but I would love to be the last generations who ever had to hate themselves to survive.
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flumpermergen · 7 months
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Listen… comparing hoyoverse characters can be a bit annoying but sometimes it’s just too un-fucking-canny to NOT point out
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loronoazoro · 5 months
Can't imagine how infuriating it had to be to be a marine when Mihawk was signed on as a warlord. Last week he killed half your regiment and then the higher ups say heyyyyyy you know that guy we've been fighting? The marine hunter? Yeah he's our friend now :) aren't we so lucky to have such a strong guy working for us :) :)
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miyrumiyru · 4 days
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Three diffent moths were shaked in terror and fear on the ground...
Artificial light is a literal dead trap to them :(
What we (individual) can do for reduce light pollution? Turn off the light if you don't use them! for these precious fairies ❤️
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I HAVE ESCAPED!!! The NSA did not account for the fact that tumblr users can summon knives at will on the Ides of March >:D
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fightingtrim · 27 days
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stamps i made for me, part 1. f2u, credit appreciated
gifs originally posted on @orange-calx, @67i203 and @fightingtrim this blog. they're all by me
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moreaustars · 2 months
I'm not even asking anymore, I'm BEGGING
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I don't mind interacting with minors for lutualverse stuff if it's all sfw but the second you start lying I will start blocking. Just use your brain.
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1o1percentmilk · 8 months
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"what if joseph grew out his hair and dyed it green for a marimo moss ball campaign?"
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dsabian · 18 days
Australia is planning on banning under 16s from using social media.
So so many reasons this is a stupid idea but the main one is actually, counter-intuitively, ppl's online safety.
Grown ups know how to cross the road safely because they are taught as children. They get to practice with parental supervision when they're kids.
You keep kids off social media then give them unlimited access at 16 and they'll have no frame of reference, no supervision, no working knowledge of how to fact check etc. If you actually want ppl to be safe online, make it part of education.
When discussing Animal Farm in English, talk about how to analyse ideas that sound good but actually result in inequality in practice and then pull up some questionable tweets.
When teaching kids how to research for their next essay, give them a fb rant and show them how to verify the info.
And then whoever is teaching them about personal responsibility should introduce them to tag blocking on tumblr. Show them how to curate their own experience.
Chat gtp should be its own module titled "ai can and will lie to you please for the love of god learn to think for yourself"
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beforeastorm · 3 months
Because I'm morbidly curious, I was browsing the Tommy Kinard bashing tag on AO3 when I noticed the most unusual thing, which I then had to investigate further: A full 76% of non-anonymous, non-orphaned Tommy bashing fics are by authors who had never published a 9-1-1 fic before Season 7 began airing.
This... is not what I would've expected, if we're being honest. There's a bunch of possible explanations for why this may be (long time fans finally feeling like they have something they need to say, for example, or established authors making another account because of potential divisiveness), but it was just so counter to the general narratives I've seen about the factions and their fandom histories. (Anyway, data without stories are drivel, so If any of these authors see this, I would love to hear about your 9-1-1 journey.)
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aestheticdaydreamer · 7 months
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
hey caesar, that's a great body you've got there.
would be a shame if something were to happen to it
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 5 months
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i think that we all need to talk about the sunlite all-day café more because. that rhyme is just artful. and also we need to talk about episode 204 more in general.
(edit: full menu here)
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