skele-bunny · 2 months
pay for my therapy after that dew fic /j /silly
could we possibly get something abt him waking up after the coma? Like how it was for him & maybe how he felt toward missing out on not just that time with his pack, but with his Very Young Daughter? I mean a good few milestones got reached when he was comatose, surely? There's gotta be some feelings toward waking up after and realizing just how much he missed.
CW Light Medical Talk, Self Blame, and Medium Description of Suicidal Thoughts
Tags: Heavy Angst/Light Comfort, hospital setting, recovery talk
Characters: Dewdrop, Calida (Kit), Misc
Oh gosh when Dew is finally out of his coma? He's miserable. Everything hurts. He can't speak, it hurts to swallow, everything feels too loud, too bright, he can't even sit up.
But you bet your fucking ass his favorite quad is in that room the moment they find out he's awake. Zephyr, Aether, Mountain, and... That's not his daughter.
Sure, it's a small fire kit. But Calida was smaller. Calida wasn't chewing on her tail. Calida wasn't able to squeal "Daba!" Calida wasn't able to hold herself up and tilt her head with curiosity.
That is not his daughter.
They take Dewdrop's obvious discomforted look as post-awakening. But they still bring her around, just like the entire time he's been under.
See, the issue is when Dewdrop transitioned Calida was about to turn 6 months old. Calida was now 9 months. When it's calmly explained to him how long he's been under, the extent of his injuries, and what exactly happened the first noise that comes out of him is a distressed wail. He just cries, although nothing physical comes out as his eyes are trying to work again. He's inconsolable, not even able to hold a pen or sign desperately to just tell Special to fucking kill him. This isn't worth living anymore. He doesn't want to live like this.
When he's sedated because of the pain and wakes up again, it's visiting hours once more. His eyes slowly opening as these high pitch squeals are giving him such a bad headache on top of the one already existing. He's watching... "Calida". She's waddling after Zephyr who's walking with their crutches, trying to be quiet with xer laughter as she stumbles trying to catch their tail.
Once again, he's crying and the group notices.
That's not his daughter. There's just no way.
They can see him eyeing her, Aether carefully picking the kit up and bringing her close in a misunderstanding that Dew wants her. She just smiles and Dew can't do anything but stare back into those ruby red eyes he's confused belongs to him or not. Aether very carefully lowering her down onto his chest like he had been for so long and something in Dew just... Clicks.
Fighting with his own body to raise his right hand albeit shaking, resting on her back and her smell... Her scent is his. It finally processes that this really is Calida. He really was gone for 3 ½ months. His body can't take the mental distress and he promptly passes out again.
Through his recovery he's able to do more and more. Finally able to sit up in bed, NJ tube in his nose, and hold Calida with both his arms. She's just babbling and saying little sentences here and there, but she just looks at Dew while holding a picture book. It's two fishes in a pond, labeled as a mommy fish and a baby fish. She just smiles and points at Dew.
"Mana." Points back at the fish. "Mana."
He just nods, leaning down and snuggling against her hair.
What hurts the most is when Calida took a nap on him. She only truly recognized her mother from his semi-scent, so when she woke up still in a somewhat daze she had a moment—smelling her Mana faintly but not seeing him. Just screaming and reaching for Aether trying to figure out why she was cuddled with this stranger, unable to calm her cries. Dewdrop is now just as miserable.
"That's Mana, little banana! It's Mana, everything's okay."
"S' not mana! S' not mana!"
His heart being crushed doesn't even get close to how he feels. He just asks Aether to leave, point blank. He's left to himself and cries. It seems like that's all he can do now, all he's been doing. Calida is having issues recognizing him, he's missed her crawling, missed her first steps, her first word, everything. Fucking. Everything.
He rips everything out of him in a flash of rage. His tube, his two IVs, his heart monitor, he's throwing his blankets off and using his hands to push the equipment over. It's the first time Dew lights himself on fire, screaming at nurses and Phil that come rushing in as their screens showed him as a flatline. He's fighting with everything he has to get out of bed, to do just SOMETHING. He doesn't know what, but all his mind can think of is killing himself and when he held Calida for the first time.
His recovery isn't pretty... He's unable to cope with the fact he missed Calida's biggest milestones, wallowing in turmoil. He can't help but hate himself for not just rejecting the forced proposition, for not fighting harder. For not accepting the threat to return to the pit with her. He knows he's not being very logical but it's all him mind will allow him to think.
Calida still comes around and it takes her a really long time to get used to her Mana's new scent and appearance, but she does! She honestly, truly does. Aether and Mountain show their phone recordings of the milestones and that also somewhat helps, able to see it in just some form.
When he's released and able to go back to the den, he refuses for anyone to touch Calida. Go near her. Nobody. She's upset about it, wanting her Daba and Paba, but Dew simply won't let her.
He's constantly scenting over her, holding her while in shambles, and just doing anything he can to just... Make up for loss time.
No matter what Dew does, however, will never really fix it. What's done is done, and there's no going back. It takes him a while to process that he can go forward with her, still
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tcldtales · 3 years
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I’m gonna rewrite the IBVS fic ‘cuz I no longer vibe with it
Same thing as the other but hopefully less ooc
IBVS is by @onebizarrekai
"What's up with him?"
The rain fell in droves, soaking him to the bone almost instantly. But that wasn't his main concern at the moment.
"He's been acting weird for weeks."
He couldn't afford to stop and catch his breath, he just needed to keep running.
"I hope he's OK."
Then the worst happened, he slipped and went sprawling into the pavement. After the shock wore off, he tried to scramble to his feet before he was caught by-
"Hello there Quinton."
"Chris, I know you mean well, but I'm not helping." Isaac said, taking another bite of his sandwich.
"C'mon, Isaac!" Chris responded, his own lunch forgotten, "You won't even try?"
The artist sighed, "Look, I get what you're saying and I'm glad you've got this heart of pure gold, but I'm. Not. Helping."
"Alright, I get it, you and Ed don't have the best relationship, but still! Besides, he's trying to get better too!"
Isaac hesitated for a moment, "Fine, I'll admit that he's more... Tolerable nowadays. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna' go sticking my nose in his business. Even if he wanted someone to bother him there's still the issue of-" he waved his hands for emphasis, "Neither of us like each other."
Chris huffed in annoyance, "Fine, I'll go figure it out myself."
"Good luck with that!" Isaac called after him as Chris left.
Chris had just walked through the door when he was tapped on the shoulder. He jolted and turned to see who did it, relaxing slightly when he saw that it was someone he didn’t know.
He looked at the other student in confusion, “Do I know you?”
The other student just shook his head, “No, sorry, I forget not everyone knows me sometimes.” he stuck out his hand, “Name’s Barry, I’m Edward’s friend.”
After a moment of hesitation, Chris reached out and shook his hand, “Alright, what did you need?”
"I believe you've noticed that something's up with Ed too." He said, his face unreadable.
"How did you know?" Chris asked, beginning to feel slightly nervous.
Barry just gave him a friendly smile, "Call it a hunch. Now, I assume I'm correct?"
Chris nodded slowly, "Yeah... What's it mean to you?"
"Well, I care about my best friend for one. There's also the fact that very little goes on in this school without me knowing so when there is, I like to know what I didn't before. No c'mon, we've got a lot of figuring out to do."
Chris didn't have a chance to speak before Barry was pulling him down the hall towards who know where.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the school, the answers Barry and Chris were looking for were revealing themselves.
"I-I haven't t-touched Drew!" Edward stuttered, backtracking quickly, "J-just leave me alone!"
"Don't treat me like I'm stupid," Nevin sneered, "I saw you two together. Now get over here."
"I-I... I'll do anything!" Edward pleaded, "I'll n-never even LOOK at him again!"
Nevin just stepped forward, "I warned you Quinton..." 
"P-please." He whispered, freezing as he hit the wall.
He was trapped.
Chris jumped as Barry slammed his hands on the table, "OK, what do we know?"
After recovering from the shock, Chris hesitantly responded, "I... Guess he's been avoiding people more often? I don't know, you probably noticed more."
Barry nodded, "That's the most noticeable change. Even his little gang hasn't seen much of him outside of class."
This was new to Chris, "Wait, not even they know what's up? I thought he told them everything."
Barry shook his head, "If he didn't tell me, he wouldn't tell anyone."
"I feel like there's more between you two than just being friends."
"I'll tell you later." Barry responded dismissively, "Now, back to what we know. So no one has seen him much which implies that he's avoiding people."
"The question is why."
Barry nodded, "And unfortunately, that's something I can't figure out."
"Do you know any reasons why he wouldn't want to be around people?"
"No, not really. He's always been very social so I don't understand why he wouldn't be around others even if something was bugging him."
Chris sighed, "Then we're back at square one."
They sat in silence for a while, both of them feeling frustrated and somewhat defeated. If they couldn't figure out what was wrong they couldn't do anything to help. And it wasn't like they could just ask since Edward wasn't really known for being an open book.
"I wish this was as easy as movies made it look." Chris muttered, "I wish this was like some detective movie or something where there's a clue or sign just magically seems to appear."
And of course at that moment, the universe decided that Chris had gone thre enough already and granted his wish.
The door burst open, causing Chris and Barry to jump in surprise. The door slammed again and they could hear the sound of something thudding against the cabinets in the kitchen. 
They shared a worried look before Barry stood up, "Who's there?"
There was a quiet mumble from the kitchen that neither of them could decipher.
Chris stood up next, "Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?"
There was no response this time and after sharing a wary look, the two teens crept towards the kitchen. At first, it looked like no one was there, but once they rounded the corner they saw the intruder. Sitting on the floor, knees tucked up in a defensive position, sat the very person they'd been talking about.
"Ed...?" Barry whispered.
"Go away." Edward rasped, seeming to draw even further into himself.
"Well," Chris said, a look of confusion on his face, "I think we've got even more questions to answer now."
It took them about half an hour to get Edward to leave the kitchen, and even then. he refused to be near them or say anything. Barry eventually gave up on getting Ed to talk after another half hour of fruitless attempts. 
He sat down at the table with a groan, "Y'know, Ed's a good guy, but there are times where he is extremely frustrating. This is one of them."
Chris chuckled quietly and glanced out the window, "Oh geez, I didn't notice how dark it got. I wonder if my dad's wondering where I am yet."
Barry looked surprised, "Oh my gosh! You it's never told your parents!" he stood up and walked off, "I should tell Ed's mom he's spending the night."
Chris stood up after him, "Well, good luck with that. I gotta' head home before I get in more trouble than I'm definitely already in."
Barry nodded, "Alright, good luck to you too."
They waved goodbye to each other and Barry watched the other walk off until the last trace of color disappeared into the night. He shook his head, turning back to his phone as he pulled up Edward's mom's contact. Most people would consider it weird that he has the number of his best friend's mom but it made sense to him. After Ed had developed the habit of accidentally falling asleep at Barry's house, he just decided to help out and message Ed's mom for him. 
Speaking of which.
Edward had finally fallen asleep, slumped over with his knees still pressed to his chest. 
Barry sighed, "Wish you weren't so stubborn and let people help you..."
He walked to the kitchen, grabbed a towel, and returned to sit next to his friend. After moving Edward's arms away from his face, Barry began wiping off the tear stains. Shockingly, the jock didn't wake up, only shifting slightly. After carefully removing the other's jacket, Barry grabbed one of the blankets and practically tucked Edward in. And after a moments hesitation, he leaned down and gave his friend a soft kiss on the forehead and turned off the lights, finally heading off to get some sleep.
Thankfully, it was finally the weekend, meaning Barry didn't need to fight Ed to keep him home. Chris came over again, saying he wanted to help just as much as Barry did. It took an hour or so and lots of prying for Edward to finally open up. And when he did, the story he told definitely shocked the other two.
"I'll t-talk now." He mumbled.
Barry and Chris instantly started questioning him.
"What happened?"
"Are you OK?"
"Did someone do this to you?"
"How can we help?"
At this, Edward instantly shrank back into the blanket covering him, wide eyed and shaking slightly. The other two backed off upon seeing his reaction, giving him a minute to collect himself.
"Maybe don't do that next time." Was all he said, still tense but doing better.
Chris rubbed the back of his neck, visibly embarrassed, "Yeah, probably wasn't my smartest moment."
That got an annoyed scoff out of the other that caused Chris to perk up. 
Barry spoke up after a second, "Could you tell us what happened now?"
Ed flinched again, obviously not liking the conversation, "I... Guess..." he took a breath, steeling himself for the coming conversation, and finally spoke. "It started a couple weeks ago. Stupid-" His face scrunched up in disgust, "Stupid fuckin'... Emo kid said something 'bout me messing with his brother. Of course I wasn't 'cuz even if I was like, violent all the time, I'm not gonna' beat up a kid on crutches. That's just sick. But yeah, the asshole kept catching me after school and just pummeling me. I tried to fight back a couple times but that didn't work so I just tried avoiding him. That didn't work either so I just started avoiding people altogether. Didn't help that after the first few times any sort of contact freaked me out. But yeah, that's basically it."
Chris and Barry just sat there and stared at him, completely at a loss for words. Edward looked unnerved by the sudden attention, once again shrinking back into himself.
Chris snapped out of it first, "S-sorry, we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. We're just... Surprised, I guess."
Edward raised an eyebrow, "Really? He already hated me, this shouldn't be too surprising."
Barry was still in a state of shock, just staring at his friend with a mixture of concern and anger.
Chris suddenly stood up, "That's it. I need to talk with him."
Edward looked panicked, "No way! He'll crush you!"
This didn't stop Chris who just continued towards the door, "I don't care, he's not getting away with this." and with that, the door shut and the house was silent.
Barry sighed, standing up, "I hope he doesn't get himself into too much trouble..."
Edward just kept staring at the door as if he was expecting Chris to walk back through at any moment. 
Barry noticed this and sat down next to his friend (Not close enough to touch mind you), “Hey, I’m sure he’ll be fine. You don’t need to worry so much.”
Edward scoffed, trying to mask his embarrassment, “I’m not worrying! I’m just... Waiting for him to come back and tell me about how he whooped Nightmare’s ass! Yeah!” he grinned, I’m so smooth.
Barry just chuckled, leaning back into the couch, “Whatever you say buddy. Want to watch something?”
“Sure, what are you thinking?” The jock responded and instinctively glanced at the TV as it flickered on.
“We could just see what’s on. That is unless you were thinking of something specific.”
“Nah, whatever is fine.”
And just like that, Edward quickly forgot about his worries in favor of intently watching the show that came on and criticizing the acting. Barry was glad he managed to take the other’s mind off of Chris, but now it was his turn to be worried.
Chris rapped on the door of the Jovel house, having to keep himself from just busting it down and scouring the place for any sign of Nevin. After a bit of shuffling from inside, the door opened, revealing none other than the emo disaster himself.
He gave Chris a bored look, “You want something?”
Needless to say, the urge to punt the boy in front of him increased.
Chris took a deep breath, reminded himself that other people might see him pummel what appeared to be an emo 12 year old (Height wise), and forced a fake smile.
“Hey Nevin,” He said, his voice slightly strained, “mind coming outside so we can talk?”
After surveying his tall friend for a moment, Nevin shrugged, stepping onto the porch and shutting the door, “I don’t see why not.”
“Cool.” Chris responded simply, turning to walk down the stairs when he was pushed down.
He quickly scrambled to his feet and spun around, a short knife resembling a blood red dagger appearing out of nowhere in his hand. Nevin was still standing on the porch, a smug smirk on his face.
“You really thought I was stupid enough to fall for that?” He sneered, “You weren’t even trying to pretend like this was just gonna’ be a normal conversation.”
Chris grit his teeth, “Kinda’ hard to play nice when you learn that your friend is secretly an asshole who beats up people who didn’t even do anything.”
Nevin scowled, stepping down the stairs, “Quinton has done more than enough to deserve what I did. I even warned him.”
Chris glared at him. This is going nowhere. Guess we’re doing this the hard way. Nevin suddenly jumped forward, snapping the other out of his thoughts. Chris managed to step out of the way right as Nevin swiped at the air where he had been moments before. Black crystal like structures had formed at the tips of the dark haired boy’s fingers, effectively forming crude claws. He made another swipe and Chris barely managed to block it with the flat of his knife. 
Nevin hissed, shaking his hand lightly before glaring at Chris, “I thought you were on my side Chris! Not that pompous bastard’s!”
Chris took the opportunity to go on the offensive, “That changed when you started being a jerk!” he grunted, making several slashes and stabs at his opponent.
Nevin quickly moved out of the way, “Then I hope you’re prepared for what you got yourself into!” he tried to grab the knife but cried out, an audible sizzle coming from the black liquid now coating his hands, “You little-”
Chris allowed himself a triumphant grin as Nevin reeled, holding his burned hand. His smile quickly faded however as the flow of black liquid just increased, the previously dull cyan glint in the shorter boy’s eye doubling in intensity. The liquid seemed to have a mind of its own, moving and bubbling with frantic intensity. Chris began to move back, starting to wonder why he thought this was a good idea as his once-friend gave him a hate filled glare slightly obscured by the black sludge.
“Now you really fucked up.” Nevin growled, flinging some of the sludge off his hands and exposing the now lengthened claws.
Chris swallowed, gripping his knife tightly as he willed it to grow. Oh shit. Was all he thought as the two stared each other down. Then, Nevin lunged, restarting the fight.
The show had been long forgotten and been reduced to background noise. Edward was splayed out on the couch, having taken it for himself in his sleep. Barry switched to one of the armchairs and was absentmindedly petting a random cat that had crawled into his lap. 
The relative quiet wasn’t meant to last though. 
The door burst open, startling the cat which caused it to leap off of Barry and dart off into the kitchen. As the boy was beginning to stand up to see who had barged in, his surprise guest stumbled into the living room.
“Chris?!” Barry said in shock.
The boy in question was covered in dirt, grime, and some unidentifiable black sludge with several leaves stuck to it. He had numerous bruises and scrapes along with a slight limp. All in all, he was a mess.
“Heya Barry.” Chris mumbled.
Barry immediately snapped out of his shock, “Holy- Chris go take a shower right now, you need to get all that gunk off. I’m gonna go get some bandages and anti-bacterial spray.”
Chris stood there for a moment, looking completely out of it, before nodding slowly and limping up the stairs. After a minute, the faint sound of falling water came from the upstairs bathroom. Somehow, this was more jarring than the door slamming open and woke Edward up.
“Barry...?” He called, his voice slightly hoarse.
“In here Ed!” Barry responded, eventually returning from one of the many closets with an armful of medical supplies.
Edward, who was still tired and groggy, just stared at his friend for a moment, “What’s all that for? I already told you I don’t need anything.”
“It’s for Chris.” Barry said, “He just got back. He was covered in dirt and all sorts of muck so I told him to take a shower before anything. I’m waiting for him to come back so I can patch him up.”
This obviously didn’t sit right with the school king, “He’s hurt?! What happened?”
“I don’t know but I’m assuming it’s Nevin’s fault.”
Edward scowled but before he could say anything, the water stopped and a voice came from the bathroom.
“Hey Barry!” Chris shouted, “I uh... I don’t have any extra clothes!”
Barry sighed, “Damnit, I should’ve thought of that.”
“You could give him some of my stuff I left here,” Edward suggested, “we’re close to the same size.”
“That could work.” Barry mused then called back to Chris, “Give me a minute! I’ll go get you something!”
He walked to the spare room and opened the closet, revealing Edward’s stash of spare clothes he kept there in case he slept over. After grabbing a plain T-shirt, sweatpants, and a sweater with the school emblem on it, Barry made his way up to the bathroom.
He knocked on the door, “I have some clothes that could work for you.”
After a moment Chris opened the door, only wearing a towel and looking incredibly embarrassed, “Sorry for taking your stuff, I didn’t think I’d get this messy.”
Barry waved a hand dismissively, “It’s no problem. Besides, Ed suggested I give you his spare stuff anyways so you don’t need to worry about taking my things.”
Chris only looked more embarrassed at this, “Oh my gosh, Isaac’s never going to let me live this down if he finds out.”
Barry just chuckled, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell. Now get dressed so I can patch you up.”
Chris nodded and took the pile of clothes, then proceeding to retreat back into the bathroom. After a minute, he came out, looking slightly flustered.
“It fits.” He mumbled, pulling at the sleeves of the sweater and avoiding eye contact.
Barry just smiled, “That’s good, now c’mon.” he grabbed the other’s hand and brought him downstairs.
At the sound of the two coming downstairs, Edward looked up from what he was doing on his phone. Upon spotting the incredibly flustered Chris, he immediately looked back down, feeling his face heat up slightly. Barry worked in silence, disinfecting and wrapping up all the scrapes and cuts Chris got from the fight. After that was done, the three sat in semi-awkward silence until Edward finally said something.
“Want to see what’s on TV?” He suggested, obviously uncomfortable with the silence.
Barry nodded, reaching for the remote and turning on the TV. After a few seconds, the screen lit up and the sound of voices and quiet music issued forth. It was some sort of Spanish drama if the music and stereotypical mustaches and sombreros were any indication. 
Right before Barry could change the channel, Edward reached out and stopped him, “No wait, this looks interesting.”
Barry gave him a confused look but just shrugged and set the remote aside. They all huddled on the couch, Edward on one end, Barry on the other, and Chris in the middle. It took a bit for them to understand what was happening since the episode was apparently in the middle of the season. Not to mention the fact that it took forever for them to figure out how to get English captions since Chris was the only one who could even sort of understand what they were saying. About an hour in, Edward and Chris were extremely invested, both of them immediately denying Barry’s request to find something actually good. An hour and a half later, the two were crying over a wedding scene.
Chris sniffled, tears streaming down his face, “S-she f-finally got her h-husbaaaand!” he trailed off into sobs.
Edward was too distraught to respond and just nodded aggressively, blowing his nose loudly. Barry just watched them, a look of concern on his face. When the villain crashed the wedding though, they became even more distraught. Chris leaned against Edward, hugging him for support as he cried. Edward noticeably flinched but after a moment, smiled slightly and awkwardly patted the other’s back.
“I-I-I c-can’t b-beli-ieve he dID THAT!” Chris sobbed, descending into distressed mumbling and tears.
Barry snorted and began laughing and so did Edward. Chris just weakly smacked Edward’s arm and tried to kick Barry, only succeeding in tapping the other with his foot.
“Y-you guys are mean.” He muttered, causing the other two to start snickering again.
It didn’t take long for him to pass out, having tired himself out with all the crying. It took Edward a bit to notice that there was now a deadweight leaning up against him.
“Uh, Barry?” He whispered, “There’s a problem.”
Barry looked over and upon noticing his friend’s predicament, he smiled, “Aww, that’s cute.”
Edward blushed slightly, sputtering something unintelligible, “No it’s not!” he hissed, “Now help me!”
Barry just grinned, “Nah, he looks comfortable.” his smile faltered after a moment though, “Are you uncomfortable? I’ll move him if this is making you uncomfortable.”
The jock hesitated then sighed, “No, I’m fine, I just need to move him a bit.”
He began shifting slightly, trying his hardest not to wake the other up. After moving so that he was laying on his back, he let Chris’s head fall onto his chest.
He glared at Barry who was smiling again, “Not a word.”
Barry held his hands up defensively, “Hey, I wasn’t gonna say anything.” he thought for a moment, “Actually, do you want to stay here or move to my room?”
Edward glanced at Chris, poked his head, and when the sleeping boy didn’t do anything, he nodded, “Yeah, the couch isn’t the most comfortable and one of us would probably roll off.”
“Alright.” Barry said, standing up, “You got him?”
As if on cue, Edward hoisted Chris up, holding him bridal style. He stumbled slightly at first but quickly regained his balance, shifting his sleeping load a bit before following Barry to the bedroom. They settled in, Chris in the middle again, and Barry turned off the light.
“Goodnight Ed.” He whispered.
“Night Barry.” Edward responded.
Chris woke up to a bright light shining onto his face and the sound of muffled talking and clanging. It took him a moment to register that he didn’t recognize the room he was in and another to begin panicking. 
He shot up and instantly groaned at the sudden soreness, “Aaaooooww shit-”
He looked around, trying to figure out where he was. He quickly pieced together that this must be Barry’s bedroom after remembering the events of last night. He swung his legs out of the bed (Also registering that he was still wearing Edward’s clothes) and after stretching a bit, left the room to see what was happening. He got to the bottom of the stairs and followed the noise to the kitchen. The source of the noise was Edward singing along to a random song that was playing from his phone along with Barry cooking some eggs and bacon.
“Ed I’m trying to cook-” Barry started but was cut off as Edward started singing again.
“Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah no I can't risk falling off my throne!" he sang, “La la la la la la la la love is something I don’t even know!”
Before he could stop himself, Chris slid in and started singing the next part as well, “Straight hair! Straight A’s! Straight forward, straight girl. Little Miss Perfect, that’s me!”
Edward noticed his new singing buddy and after a moment of embarrassed silence and surprise, the next verse came up and he decided to just go with it. They eventually convinced Barry to join them and they all had a sort of karaoke session before Barry finished the food. Breakfast was relatively quiet but instead of it being awkward, it was a comfortable quiet. Eventually, Chris and Edward needed to go home. Neither of them were too happy about that fact but they couldn’t just live at Barry’s house. Barry fussed over Edward for a bit, asking if he needed Barry to walk him home and if he was feeling alright. After managing to convince his friend that he was fine, Edward turned to the door.
He paused though, turning around to look at Chris, “Hey, umm...” he thought for a moment, not sure what to say, “Thanks.”
Chris just looked confused, “What for?”
Edward shrugged, “I dunno, beating up that jerk for me I guess. Figured it wasn’t right to just ignore what you did for me, so thanks.”
Chris was caught off guard, “O-oh! Oh yeah no problem, I couldn’t just let him get away with that.”
Barry jumped in, “Don’t you ‘no problem’ us, we saw what happened to you. You did more than you needed to and more.”
Chris felt his face heat up, “Oh, thank you.”
Edward patted him on the back, “No problem bud.”
After once again assuring Barry that they were both perfectly fine, Chris and Edward finally left. They waved goodbye to each other and went their separate ways, both smiling to themselves.
Chris opened the door, “Hey Isaac, come on in!”
The shorter artist walked in, glancing around, “Is your dad out?”
Chris nodded, “Yup. No need to worry about him. Now c’mon, we got a project to work on.”
Isaac groaned dramatically but followed his friend up to his room. The room was a bit messy but nothing Isaac wasn’t used to. It took them a minute to get set up and he decided to check out Chris’s room out of bored curiosity. It was pretty normal for a teenagers room, a messy desk against one of the walls, a bookshelf covered in books that were collecting dust, a sweater with the school logo on it, a couple socks on th-
“What’s this?” He asked, picking up the sweater that had been partially hidden by a blanket. 
Chris instantly froze and began panicking, “Uh- I-it’s just some sweater I got at the beginning of the school year!”
Isaac gave him a suspicious look and then glanced at the tag on the back of the collar, “Funny, cuz right here it says ‘Edward Quinton’.” he smirked, “Now what does that mean?”
At that moment, Chris wished he could sink into the floor.
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dear-yandere · 4 years
—ask collection!
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a collection of mostly very old chats and sweet asks that i never got around to answering! thanks for the patience and love!! 
beware, fairly long post... woops....
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chat asks.
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darling: Eu-jin is best boy. Change my mind.
vanya: i am physically incapable of fulfilling that request, how dare you do that to me... i’m biased since he’s my own oc, but i would die for my (very best) boy eu-jin... who can resist such a gentle yandere that loves you so whole-heartedly?
that reminds me! he’s actually based off of kuroyuki and gekkamaru from the otome nightshade, so if you want similar characters by any chance, do check them and the game out ♡
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darling: I was watching the dub for Part 5 of JoJo's Bizarre adventure yesterday...Mista called himself Daddy and I like- sdfghjfgsdhnhnmj!! My heart can't take this--
vanya: WAIT HE DID???? i’m not even big on daddy kink and reading that made me go 😳 this is vital information to know... what episode was this??? for research purposes, of course. gotta perfect my yan! mista, after all~...
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darling: for yandere songs, have you heard of the major to minor covers by chase holfelder :O? the way he delivers the lyrics in some songs (betty, all i want for christmas), added with the key changes to minor, is really fantastic, and gives a stalker-ish vibe imo! and he's a really good singer in general
vanya: i have!! a good chunk of them are actually on my personal yandere playlist, so i end up hearing them frequently when i’m writing!! i haven’t been keeping up with his uploads recently, so ‘betty’ is completely new to me and just, wow???????????? this man is an absolute god send for us “romantic” horror fans... ♡
this ask gave me such a lovely idea, though, darling: assigning yandere types/mbti based off each of chase’s minor key covers. i think i’ll do that just for you. ♡
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darling @blossomiich​: I reread some of your old character interaction asks and saw the one with Jotaro hugging his Darling after a panic attack and the elephant seal plush reminded me of the iconic C H O N K Y ringed seal plushie that was kinda trending and I can totally imagine Jotaro having one of those >w< that's so adorable!
vanya: i honestly don’t remember that interaction, but then again i don’t remember most things hmghng so i looked it up and
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j...just imagine star plat hogging it and not letting joot cuddle with it 🥺 the duality of man...thank you for this cute image...
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darling: Umm, sorry for asking this. I'm just curious because of your bio language in your header. Are you Chinese too, perhaps?
vanya: no worries!! i’m mixed guyanese (indian, chinese, & possibly black and/or portuguese), but my family only celebrates (or rather, acknowledges?) our indian descent, since the majority of our family is predominantly east indian. 
my header is actually a quote from a danmei novel (and one of my all-time favorite fandoms), tiān guān cì fú (heaven’s official blessing)!
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darling genki stan anon: Omg you're writing for free now, i didn't expect that one lol. It's a cute show innit? Not a nagi stan but I feel like nagisa has that kinda unsnapped personality that would make him peak delusional yandere material lolol like oikawa but less threatening and without his head being up his own ass 😂. Hope you're doing well!! -gsa
Gdjsjs im such a fool, i think my last ask said something about not thinking you'd write for free when i literally just pointed out kisumi on your sideblog LMAO my bad 😅 😂 also ill hold back on the gen chan requests because ive already asked so many in the past! Thank you though 🥺. Also feel free not to post this, it can just dip into my onesided chats with my lil flower 💐 so long as you receive them im fine 😌 -genki stan anon
vanya: nagisa isn’t my favorite (kisumi is), but gods if he wouldn’t make a great yandere. honestly, out of the iwatobi boys, nagi is probably the most unhinged. i wouldn’t peg him as delusional, at least not at first; i think he’s very lucid and knows exactly what he wants and how to manipulate people in order to get it!!! kisumi is fairly similar now that i think about it... i might... have a type...
please feel free to send in gen-chan requests whenever you want!!!! i’m kinda super asocial, so it’ll take me a while to answer, but i love getting asks from you since you’re so sweet and excitable!!! your little flower reads and cherishes them all!! 🥺
also darling genki stan anon: Sorry for spamming you with asks hdjkdks, u dont even need to reply im just kinda brain empty venting here whether you recieve them or not 😂 i just needed to confess that while yes i am #1 gen simp, and he is undoubtedly my fave oc of yours but that Ilya tentacle smut had me very much so highkey kinda 👀, had to re read the genki oral style drabble to bring my head back. He dont even need to worry about luca bc that man a thot. I think therin is a thot too but like lowkey, a classy thót -gsa
vanya: omg i’ve kept this one for forever mnmghngh i might’ve even answered at some other point, now that i think about it... but i just 🥺 gosh i hope i find my muse soon, because i really wanna write you a genki fic 🥺 hhhh
the ilya tentacle smut was so in character for that boy... i have no clue how to write monsters, much less tentacles, but i’d honestly do anything for him 🙏 kinky russian boy...
therin is definitely a classy thot, the kind that only bangs the finest concubines then turns around and slut shames you for banging the very same prostitutes gbfmngnfg rules don’t apply to him, in his kingdom...wish that were me tbh ✊😔
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sweet asks.
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darling one: i've read almost all of your dazai and chuuya fics and i love them so much!! your formatting is also super aesthetic just a question, i saw on your kofi that you also draw so i was wondering if you drew all the header arts?? bc they're all super pretty :) have a great day!
darling two: Just wanted to say love the writing and the way your format your posts is so aesthetically pleasing. One day I hope my posts looks half as good as yours because I legit can't get over how pretty and organized it looks.
vanya: omg thank you so much!!!! one of my bffs, yue, is to thank for the formatting and aesthetic choices, really! if you wanna see more of her aesthetic formats and posts, she actually runs a few blogs! you may know her as @milkscafe​, formally @milkaaton! i adore her and her aes choices so much 🥺
as for the headers, i don’t draw 99.98% of them! i have drawn a couple, but they’re so few and far in between since i almost never finish my art wips haha... my older posts are lacking proper credits because i’m an absolute idiot, but i’m slowly working my way backwards to credit them all where possible! they’re all indeed super pretty!!!
have a great day yourself, my love!!
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vanya: this was in response to a now-deleted lil blurb but i kept it in my inbox because i wanted to say i love u very much and seeing this ask each time i open my inbox makes my heart skip a beat ♡
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darling: Listen I love your writing, you inspired me to start it myself! I've always loved to write, and read of course but your style and concepts just stick with me. If you where to write something besides Yandere content/fandom content and started your own series? I would read the shit, out of it. I'm always nervous to interact with my favorite writers because you know, I'm afraid of the impression I'd leave but I just wanted to say this anyway! 💞💞💞🔫😳
vanya: wowowow fgfnmgnfmngfg that’s such a high compliment my brain just gmfnbgmnf go boom fogjfngnfg and thank you for the interaction, us writers truly appreciate it no matter how awkward or nervous you think you may be / come off!!!
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darling one: As a writer, your post struck a nerve with me. I don’t send feedback to writers I like nearly as much as I should (and certainly not as much as I’d like in return as a writer). So, as such, I’m going to start doing that when I can, starting with you.
You are an incredible writer. You were one of the first yandere writing blogs I found and you’re still one I check in on regularly to see what you have been working on. You can portray a sense of suspense and intrigue in a natural way that many other writers - published ones included - struggle with. You delve into the darkness without it feeling forced, and you have an amazing grasp on the psyches of the characters you write for (which is a quality I adore in writing and strive toward myself).
I’m not great at ending these things so I guess.. you keep doing you? Because the you is great and I appreciate it.
darling two:  hey. i'm here to tell you that from the bottom of my heart i love you and your writings. i really admire your writing skills. you inspire me. one of your posts once saved me from a nervous breakdown. thank you for everything you do. you're a wonderful person. good luck!
darling three: I wanted to tell you that thank you for writing such wonderful beautiful writings and that you take time to edit and write I hope you are taking care of yourself 💖❤
darling four: Thanks. I was having a hard time and deleted all my apps, but as soon as i opened my phone my first instinct was to look at your blog and i got my motivation back. Thanks (:
darling five: Hi ! I just wanted to say I really enjoy the stories you write and how they are detailed so well ! Stay safe and I hope you have a good day/night ! ლ(╹◡╹ლ)
vanya: ahhhh, these are very old asks mostly dating back to my “tumblr writing community is dying” post, and i’ve kept them this entire time because i’m just so starstruck. i have no clue how to reply to compliments, so i’m not sure what else to say besides that these asks made me very happy and got me through a few insecure moments!!! i’ve actually been feeling a little down about my writing recently, mostly because of lack of motivation / inspiration, so revisiting these really warmed my heart, so thank you truly ♡ i’m certainly keeping the originals in my inbox until the end of time!!
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darling @monstrously-obsessed: psst, this local cryptic mom thing send all of their love for you 💕
vanya: your local herbo says she loves you very much momster 🥺 mwah
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also, to the anon worried about my safety:
thank you so much for pointing that out!!! it hadn’t even crossed my mind when i made those ocs, so i appreciate your concern! i was contemplating revamping those two as is, so this is a great place to start! thank you again!!
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btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Toddler Series #31: Jealousy
Kim Seokjin
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“Auntie,” Berkeley called as she ran up to you as you all sat backstage in the arena that the members were performing in.
“Yeah Berk?” You smiled as you looked down at her.
“Can you draw with me?” She asked and you nodded your head.
“Of course, come on,” you said as you walked with her over to the small corner that was filled with activities for all of the toddlers to do. You lowered yourself onto the ground and she sat next to you as you grabbed two blank sheets of paper for the two of you to draw on. You both grabbed some markers and went to work on drawing, a comfortable silence hanging between you two.
“Mommy?” Kaiden called and you looked up, watching as he sat up on the couch and rubbed the sleep from his nap out of his eyes.
“Hey Kade,” you smiled. 
“Can we cuddle?” He asked, still not entirely awake. 
“I’m drawing with Berk right now sweetie,” you said. “You can come draw with us though, if you want to.” Kaiden then just laid back down on the couch and you didn’t really think anything of it since you assumed that he was just gonna go back to sleep, so you refocused your attention back on your drawing. It wasn’t until you heard soft crying that you looked back over at the couch.
“Kade?” You called, getting up from the floor and walking over and sitting down on the couch next to him. “Baby, why are you crying?”
“Mommy doesn’t want to cuddle me,” he sniffled as he turned his head to look up at you. “Wanna play with Berk instead.”
“Aw baby, come here,” you said and Kaiden sat up and moved over into your lap. “I was playing with Berk before you woke up from your nap, and it wouldn’t have been nice to just leave her alone, right?”
“I guess,” Kaiden muttered and you chuckled lightly, knowing that he was just sleepy and jealous and that’s why he was acting like this.
“That doesn’t mean that Mommy doesn’t wanna cuddle,” you assured him as you wiped his face free of tears. “I’ll always wanna cuddle with you, ok?”
“Ok Mommy,” he nodded and you pressed a kiss to his hair before hugging him tightly.
Min Yoongi
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“I love you Y/N-ah,” Yoongi murmured as he moved from on top of you and laid next to you, leaving a kiss on your bare shoulder.
“I love you more Yoongs,” you whispered, turning onto your side to face him completely. “We never get to do that in the mornings anymore, not since Kins is usually in bed with us.”
“I know. Lucky for us she slept in her bed last night huh?” Yoongi smirked before pressing another kiss to the side of your neck. Suddenly, there was a knock on your bedroom door.
“Speak of our little bed creeper,” you chuckled before turning and looking over your shoulder. “Come on in Kins.” The door then opened all of the way, Kinsley toddling inside with her over-sized BTS t-shirt on.
“Hey baby girl,” Yoongi smiled softly as he reached over and helped Kinsley up onto the bed. “How’d you sleep?”
“Ok,” Kinsley whispered as she climbed over Yoongi’s body and settled in between the two of you. Yoongi reached over and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers with his. Kinsley saw this, however and grabbed Yoongi’s hand, pulling it away from yours and holding it to her chest with both of her hands.
“Ok rude,” you scoffed, making Yoongi chuckle as he looked down at Kinsley.
“Is someone feeling a little jealous?” Yoongi cooed and Kinsley just turned and hid her face in his chest.
“Even though I’m feeling a little slighted right now, I can’t even deny how cute this is,” you laughed, making Yoongi do the same.
Kim Namjoon
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“Y/N-ah?” Namjoon called out as he slowly opened the door to your bedroom, a smile overcoming his face when he saw you.
“Joon?” You said as you opened your eyes and looked towards the door, gasping softly when you realized it was him. “Joon!” You threw the cover off of your body and jumped out of the bed, running over to him and literally jumping up into his arms.
“I see that someone missed me,” he chuckled as he hugged you tightly. 
“Of course I did,” you cooed before pulling your face out of his neck to look at him. “I hate it when you go on business trips for the group.”
“Well, I’m back now jagi,” he smiled and you wasted no time in pressing your lips to his. Namjoon carried you over to the bed, setting you down on the mattress before climbing on top of you.
“I missed you so much,” he whispered against your lips.
“Missed you more,” you replied.
“Mommy? Daddy?” You heard Mason call out and Namjoon quickly moved from on top of you and you both looked towards the door.
“Hey Mase,” you smiled, trying to act like everything was normal. “Look who’s home.”
“Hi buddy,” Namjoon said and Mason walked over to the bed and climbed up, hugging Namjoon tightly. “I missed you.”
“Missed you too Daddy,” Mason replied and when Namjoon released him from the hug, Mason immediately moved over to you and climbed onto your lap and laid his head in your neck.
“What’s wrong baby?” You asked as you wrapped your arms around him.
“I think he was j-e-a-l-o-u-s of seeing us k-i-s-s-i-n-g jagi,” Namjoon spelled out with a smile and your eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Aww, Mommy has enough kisses for you too Myungie,” you cooed, taking a second to press a kiss to the side of his head.
Jun Hoseok
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“Thanks for watching him for us Y/N and Hobi,” your brother said as he stood next to the front door.
“No problem,” you smiled as you helped your nephew put on his shoes. “I loved having one of my favorite boys here today.”
“And he was an angel,” Hobi added as he gave your brother a knowing look, making him laugh. 
“Good. Well, we gotta get home now,” your brother said. “Tell your auntie bye bye.”
“Bye,” your nephew pouted as he hugged you tight.
“Bye sweetie,” you said before kissing him on the cheek. “Make sure you come back to visit us again soon, alright?”
“I will!” He nodded.
“See you later guys,” Hobi chuckled as he opened the door and watched your brother and nephew walk out of the house.
“Have you seen the kids?” You asked Hobi after he had shut the front door. 
“Not in a while no,” he admitted. “Len! Princess!” He called and a few seconds passed before they walked into the front hall where the front door was.
“Hey, where have you two been?” Hobi asked them.
“In our room,” Berkeley answered and you noticed the looks on their faces.
“Are you two ok? You look sad,” you observed.
“We are sad,” Lennox replied. “You didn’t play with us today, only Y/N/N.”
“Oh babies,” you sighed, not even having realized that you had been that preoccupied with your nephew that you ignored them. “Come here,” you said as you kneeled down on the floor and opened your arms, waiting until they both walked over to you and leaned against you.
“I still love the both of you, I was just trying to spend some time with your cousin too, that’s all,” you explained. 
“Are we more fun than Y/N/N?” Berkeley asked, making you laugh.
“Definitely, but don’t tell him I said that, ok?” You asked and they both nodded while giggling. “I love you both, ok?”
“Love you too mommy,” Lennox replied and you hugged them both close to your chest.
Park Jimin
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“Hey hey,” you called as you walked into the studio. Jimin looked up and smiled softly, walking over to you and kissing you gently.
“Thank God you’re here,” he huffed after he pulled away from your lips.
“Why, what happened?” You asked and Jimin was about to reply when Noah squealed loudly.
“Mommy!” He exclaimed, standing up from where he had been playing with Kinsley and running over to you. You caught him, picking him up and setting him on your hip.
“Hi baby,” you smiled, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and he then laid his head against your shoulder, burrowing his face in your neck. 
“He’s been a little j-e-a-l-o-u-s,” Jimin sighed and you looked up at him in surprise.
“Really? Him?” You said as you nodded down towards Noah.
“Yeah. I was c-u-d-d-l-i-n-g with K-i-n-s and he lost his s-h-i-t,” Jimin explained. 
“Aww Noey,” you cooed, hugging him tighter to you. “Was someone mad at Daddy for cuddling with someone else?”
“Daddy only cuddle with me and Mommy,” Noah muttered. 
“Well, you heard it from the source,” you shrugged with a smile on your face.
“Y/N-ah, come on,” Jimin sighed. “You know that’s not fair.”
“I’m kidding Jimin-ssi,” you laughed. “Noah, you know that Daddy loves you and your cuddles, right?” You said and Noah nodded slowly. “And Daddy gives such good cuddles, shouldn’t he share them with other people too?” 
“Y-yeah,” Noah agreed hesitantly. “Sorry Daddy.”
“Aw, it’s ok mini me,” Jimin grinned, proud of the fact that Noah had apologized unprompted and even though he really didn’t need to. Jimin held his hands out and you passed Noah off to him, watching with a smile as Jimin kissed Noah’s nose and then hugged him close.
Kim Taehyung
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“Hey, I’m home!” Taehyung announced as he walked through the front door of the house, shutting the door behind him once he was inside. 
“Hi Tae,” you smiled as you walked up to him and waited until he took his shoes off to hug him. “How was your day?”
“Long,” he huffed as he squeezed you tightly. “It also doesn’t help that I couldn’t stop thinking about my beautiful wife all day.”
“Was it me you were thinking about or what we did this morning before you left?” You wondered with a giggle as you pulled back to look at him.
“Not gonna lie, a little of both,” he shrugged, making you roll your eyes playfully. 
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you either,” you admitted with a small smile. Tae just responded by leaning forward and pressing his lips to yours firmly. You moaned lightly, setting your hands on the sides of his neck and holding him close to you. Suddenly, you felt a hand tapping your thigh repeatedly.
“Hey,” Spencer whined as you and Taehyung pulled away from each other and looked down at her.
“Hi Munchkin,” Tae grinned widely, reaching down and picking her up. Spencer immediately wrapped her little arms around her Daddy’s neck and held onto him.
“Oh my gosh,” you laughed, not all surprised that Spencer was acting like that.
“What?” Taehyung asked.
“She was jealous of seeing us kissing,” you said.
“No need to be jealous Munchkin,” Taehyung cooed. “Daddy can give you and Mommy kisses.”
Jeon Jungkook
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“Oh my gosh Kook, come look,” you squealed as you leaned over into the baby’s stroller. You, Jungkook, and Ava had been having a family day and were walking around in downtown Seoul, when you ran into a woman who was pushing a stroller with one of the cutest babies that you had ever seen inside.
“Look at her chubby little hands,” Jungkook chuckled as he let the baby grab onto his finger.
“She is beautiful,” you cooed as you looked up at the woman who had been pushing the stroller.
“Thank you so much,” her mother said. You and Jungkook fussed over the baby for a few more minutes, saying goodbye to her and her mother afterwards.
“Alright, are you getting hungry Ave?” You asked her as the three of you continued to walk down the street. “We could get lamb skewers.”
“Yeah,” Ava shrugged and both you and Jungkook looked down at her because of the tone of voice she had used.
“What’s wrong Angel?” Jungkook questioned and Ava pouted.
“Am I beautiful too Daddy?” She wondered and your eyes widened because you immediately knew why she asked that question.
“Of course you are Angel,” Jungkook confirmed.
“Just like the baby?” She asked and you sighed heavily. You kneeled down so that you were level with Ava and grabbed her hands and held them in yours.
“Ava, just because we thought that baby was beautiful, that doesn’t mean that we don’t think you’re beautiful too,” you explained. 
“Really?” She whispered.
“Absolutely,” Jungkook agreed as he kneeled down as well. “We’ll always think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.”
“Noo,” she sing songed. “Mommy too.”
“Thanks Ave,” you laughed before kissing her cheek, making Jungkook follow suit and press one to her opposite cheek as well.
“Can we get skewers now?” Ava asked and you and Jungkook both nodded before the three of you continued to walk down the street.
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pinnithin-writes · 4 years
Good Jokes
Chapter 21
The portal stole their breath from them, chewing them up and spitting them out in a dark, red cavern. Tommy was up to his shins in some kind of tarlike fluid, but he was less put off by the wetness in his socks than he was by how warm it was. Pocked stalagmites reached up from the floor like long, spindly fingers and the air was thick with a humidity that made it hard to breathe. Firelight flickered overhead. It was unexpectedly quiet, save for the lapping of water around their legs as the team assembled raggedly and gained their bearings.
“Oh my gosh, this place is huge,” Gordon breathed.
The unnerving qualities of this womblike place were second to the great, crouching thing that watched them from the center of the chamber. Benrey’s arms were tucked in at odd angles, and his form rose up from the murk like a tumor. From where his wide, pallid face was resting, Tommy could see that dark fluid sloshing into the corner of his mouth.
Gordon sounded as unsettled as Tommy felt when he asked, quietly, “Is he dead?”
Sure, dead like a possum. Benrey’s eyes may have been unfocused and glassy, but Tommy wouldn’t believe for a second the creature was deceased until he personally watched his final breath leave him.
As if sensing Tommy’s thoughts, the entity’s gaze lasered in on Gordon when he took a tentative step in his direction. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Gordon responded automatically, halting in his tracks.
“I knew this was gonna happen.”
Benrey’s voice echoed off the sides of the cavern and rippled the water around their calves. Firelight flickered hot and yellow off his tractor tire irises, and Tommy had to look away.
Gordon had a bit more resolve in him, keeping nervous watch on the entity. “What?” he asked. “What do you mean you knew this was gonna happen?”
“I’m telling you - look, I’m... I like everything, I'm a great cool...” Benrey trailed off.
Tommy watched a confused glance pass between Gordon and Coomer while the entity went on.
“I feel a good, but you make me angry. Rememb-”
“Why,” Gordon interrupted, frustration edging his voice. “Because I don’t have my fucking passport? Is that what this-”
Benrey cut him off abruptly with a flash of his serrated teeth. “No. You remember? The first time we met... you wa- you walk in- I’m on my shift, and you come in, and you got a dick slip in your... in your HEV suit.”
There was a fraction of pause, an iota of processing during which the gears spun in everyone’s heads, until Tommy saw Bubby mouth the words, dick slip? and suddenly he was forced to hold in a riot of shocked laughter.
Gordon threw a glance over his shoulder at the others, astonished light dancing in his eyes. When he turned back and demanded, “What?” Tommy heard humor in his voice.
“And I tried - I tried to stop you. I tried to tell you. I was stopping you - I was going, ‘hey, yo dick out,’ but you didn’t-” he broke off, giant forehead wrinkling in consternation. “I was tryna be nice, and then you were talkin’ to my friend, J- Jefferem, and you’re telling him like, ‘Aw, I don’t have my passport…’”
As Benrey spilled more nonsense out of his mouth, Gordon turned, one hand propped on his waist, to give a “you’re hearing this, right?” look to his teammates. Dr. Coomer exhaled loudly out of his nose, shaking his head as he took this time to reload his weapon. Gordon looked to Tommy, the corners of his mouth quirked up ever so slightly and brows raised like a child asking for a dare.
The entity continued to rumble the cavern as he spoke. “And... he was so upset - he has anger issues - I was gonna protect you from him, we were - I was gonna be nice to you. Remember that?”
“Yeah,” Gordon answered, “and then you contradicted yourself almost immediately. I didn’t say shit to you, you immediately started attacking me, and you just harassed me-”
“No, that’s just my job!” Benrey huffed, eyes rolling in Gordon’s direction.
“To do what?” he demanded. “What is your job? What is this - where the fuck are we?”
Tommy was about to tell Gordon that prying answers out of the entity would be ultimately fruitless, even in possession of a crowbar, but he stopped short when he saw that the man was… smiling. Grinning outright, like he had just told a bad pun and was waiting for everyone to tell him to fuck off. This conversation was on purpose, Tommy realized, prodding Benrey to keep talking -  not to make sense of his story, but purely because its utter ridiculousness brought Gordon glee. He fought down a giggle and watched the exchange unfold.
“I - I mean,” Benrey went on, “if there’s a dick - if, y’know, someone’s dick out on the job, I gotta stop ‘em.”
“What are you on about? What?”
“But like... you don’t remember?”
“My dick has not been out all day.”
“No, no! Like... the first time we met.”
“Yeah, in fucki- before the test?”
“What test?”
Gordon exchanged a glance with his companions. “What does this have to - I don’t understand. I-”
“ Listen, ” Benrey said, and launched into an argument that Tommy could barely parse.
Deadly serious, the entity droned on about PlayStation 3, a game called Heavenly Sword, and the embarrassment of asking his coworkers for some kind of exclusive gaming membership. It was nonsensical, difficult to track, and Gordon was loving every second of it. Nearby, Coomer and Bubby were keeping a wary eye on their adversary, weapons in hand, but they were chuckling to themselves, as well.
Somehow this gigantic, horrifying creature was digging himself into a hole with every word, reducing little by little to just… an annoying guy with bad video game opinions. Benrey could immolate them on the spot, stretch out a massive hand and crush them like insects, and instead he was arguing with Gordon about the likelihood of a dick slip in the armored casing of a hazard suit. All Gordon had to do was keep him talking. Tommy felt a flood of admiration as he watched the guy ham it up with that shit eating grin on his face.
“How does that have to do with fucking anything?” he asked, punctuating every word with a gesture of his hand.
Benrey fell suddenly silent, pupils dilating like a cat out to hunt. “My friends are here,” he uttered quietly.
Gordon cut his eyes around the cavern, searching for signs of movement. “What friends?” he asked. “What is he talking about?”
Benrey’s volume rose in agitation, shaking the chamber and raining bits of gravel on their heads. “Sony CEO Jack Tretton survived a nuclear- a nuclear bomb!”
“What?” Gordon barked, taking a startled step back. “What? Should we…?” he looked to the others. “Should w-”
“Sony CEO Jack Tretton hired Nintendo CEO Reggie and they built a big bomb that was gonna go off... but I saved the world!” Benrey bellowed.
Tommy was convinced at this point that, if Benrey was ever occupying the same plane of reality the rest of them were in, he was no longer a part of it. His form began to shift and stretch, shoulders rolling and neck straining as he began to rise out of his false rigor mortis.
Though a touch of laughter remained in Gordon’s voice, he was beginning to sound alarmed. “Should we stop him?” he asked. “Should we just start shooting at him? Cause I d- it’s not gonna do-”
“No, no!” Tommy interrupted sarcastically. “Let hi - le- let him finish. We need to understand.”
Coomer let out a harsh chortle as he racked a round. “It would be rude to interrupt,” he agreed.
As Benrey continued to rise from the murk, a thin, skittering sound could be heard from the walls of the chamber. “So I didn’t - I didn’t have a big plan. I was ‘sposed to be nice, but you forced me to be baaad so I’m gonna be baaad, friend.”
Judging by the way Gordon’s eyes were skimming the area, he heard the noise, too, but laughter was still shaking his words. “How did I force you to… how did I force-?”
Benrey angled his chin toward Gordon, unimpressed with his mirth. “The big plot is slowly unraveling before our eyes,” he intoned. “Look at this.”
“Look at what?” Gordon demanded.
A horrible sound wrenched through the cavern, a sonic bass that Tommy felt deep within his chest cavity and shook the very room they stood in. The scratching grew louder and he caught flickering glimpses of skeletal hands in his periphery, reaching from the burrows that honeycombed the walls. He braced himself and raised the stock of his rifle to his shoulder.
“I don’t know what he’s saying anymore,” Gordon said, “I-”
There was a sickening rip-tear and a subsequent wave of red water rolling in their direction as Benrey hauled himself all at once to a standing position. He stared cooly down at the four of them, murderous intent clear on his face even at this distance. Fluid trickled down his form in red lines like blood. Tommy readjusted his aim.
Gordon took a couple frantic steps back, water sloshing around his legs. “What’s happening. What is happening?” he asked. “What is happening to him?”
“I can feel a change in his DNA,” Coomer answered thinly, right before Benrey became a nightmare.
His form unspooled like a helix torn in half. Flesh and bone separated, sinews snapping apart as whatever it was that made this thing Benrey released itself. The creature fanned wide, covering the space with limbs that shouldn’t function, eyes that shouldn’t be able to see, serrated and hungry. All this time it made a terrible noise, war made sound, shaking the cavern in its horror.
This wasn’t a joke anymore.
Several things happened at once. Skeletons poured from the walls, clawing and scraping toward them in a rattling wave. Gunfire exploded around Tommy as his teammates began firing - at Benrey, at the undead, at anything that moved to stave off the onslaught. The entity roared his frame-shaking bellow, and through the whirlwind of movement and all the terrible noise, the Science Team was scattered like dandelion seeds caught in a lawnmower.
Reality blurred for Tommy after that, boiling down in his brain to the pull of his trigger finger and his own heartbeat in his ears and Gordon, somewhere, frantically calling his name. Hearing it almost hurt worse than the psychic waves crashing over his body while the skeletons pursued him. He swung the stock of his rifle and shattered a stray skull as he ran.
Where did he run to? Where else was there to go but into oblivion? Panic rose in his throat as he fired off rounds and dodged the reaching fingers of the thing that once was Benrey. Distantly, he heard calls from his teammates, and then a hand locked around his wrist and he was being yanked into a portal.
Atoms scrambled, heart hammering in his throat, Tommy landed on the other side with his ears ringing, stumbling and tearing his palms open on the gravelled ground. For a second, all he could focus on was the steady beads of blood rising to the surface of his skin, hypnotic and scarlet in their mortality. But then a strong pair of hands were under his arms and Dr. Coomer hauled Tommy back to his feet. A heavy slap on the back knocked him back to reality.
Gordon, after checking that they had all made it through, swept the room with a cautious gaze as he rallied his nerves. “Are we safe?” he asked. “What is this?”
Did it matter where they were? Somewhere else in the monstrous structure that was Xen. A vesicle, an artery, the porous space inside a network of bronchioles. All Tommy could think about was how heavy his arms felt as he carried his gun. A pool of unidentifiable fluid lapped nearby, its depth unguessable.
“What the fuck is the plan?” Gordon asked them. “What do we do?” he passed a glance between Bubby and Coomer, who could only offer a collective shrug. His voice was on the verge of breaking as he went on. “I don’t know. I’m scared as shit.”
Bubby worked his jaw contemplatively. “I’m… confused,” he admitted, quiet in a humility Tommy rarely saw from him.
Dr. Coomer nodded in agreement. “I’ve never seen anything like this before, Gordon.”
Gordon turned his gaze to Tommy, who slowly shook his head. Stay alive. That was the plan right now for him. He wiped his bleeding hands off on his lab coat and said nothing.
“Okay… We know that he likes PS3… and that my dick-” he broke off to drag a hand down his face in frustration. “What the fuck? ”
“And he and his friend just got a - uh, month of PSN,” Tommy added.
“And Heavenly Sword,” Coomer agreed.
“Okay,” Gordon uttered automatically, backtracking with his brow furrowed. “I don’t kn - I’ve never played that game. Is there anything he said that’s gonna help us kill him? How do we kill this fuckin-”
“Well, he said it’s not a ripoff of God of War,” Dr. Coomer added, unhelpfully.
This somehow drew the entity’s ire, his terrible voice thundering through the chamber, source unknown. “It’s not a ripoff.”
Suddenly the walls were crawling with skeletons again and the once quiet room exploded with gunfire. As Tommy spun and popped off rounds, he distantly heard Bubby cry, “Into the water!”
His mouth was halfway open to bark wait waitwaitwaitgunsdon’tworkinwater - when there was a splash and his companions disappeared below the surface. Tommy spat out a curse and followed them.
Muffled silence pressed into his ears as he slipped into the depths. Tommy blinked against the gloom, darting his eyes around as he tread water with his rifle in one hand. There was Gordon, a furious figure filling hollow skulls with gunshot wounds. Bubby and Coomer backed him up, honing in on something dark and swirling beneath their feet. This shouldn’t be possible, shouldn’t be working in this way; physics were definitely, definitely busted here. A skeletal hand clutching at Tommy’s pant leg tore him from his thoughts and he twisted to kick it away.
Well. When in Xen. He bicycled his legs to stay afloat and started firing.
An explosion of something deep beneath them sent the water boiling, forcing the team to haul themselves to dry land while the skeletons perished around them. Tommy spluttered and coughed at the lip of the pool, limp and unresisting as someone hauled him out. Unsteadily, he found his footing as his lungs expelled water. He wiped his eyes clear of the brackish fluid and blinked them open, gaze finally focusing in on Gordon. He stood before Tommy with a steadying hand on either shoulder, space between his eyebrows creased with concern while rivulets of water ran off of him.
Tommy let out a quiet sigh and gave him a weak nod. I’m okay.
Gordon released him as soon as he was sure he could stand on his own. “Tommy, was that your passport?” he asked, chest heaving as he caught his breath.
“That was Tommy’s passport,” Bubby confirmed.
Tommy paused, brow furrowed, trying to recall ever seeing anything passport shaped in the murk. Water dripped and puddled around his shoes. “...No,” he said. How would that even make sense? A passport the size of a flatscreen, spinning in some alien pool, detonating upon impact? Seemed impossible, but so did a lot of other shit in this place.
Gordon’s eyes were alight, like he was on the edge of some conclusion. “That was your passport,” he insisted. “Is it in- it’s not in your pockets. Check your pockets. What’s going on?”
A span of silence stretched as Tommy wrestled with his exhausted brain for context. Maybe this was another physics thing, a side effect of existing on Xen. He scrubbed the side of his jaw with his fingertips in exasperation as he worked over his thoughts.
“He’s checking his pockets,” Gordon explained to the group, humor touching his voice. “He does it with his brain. With his mind.”
That was enough to surprise a light laugh out of Tommy, and when he met Gordon’s eyes, he saw that he was giving Tommy a weary smile of his own. Making jokes even now, even here, just for him. It was a balm to Tommy’s troubled soul.
“Tommy,” he prompted.
Okay, he’d humor him. Tommy slung his rifle over his shoulder and began patting the pockets of his slacks. “That was - ah- that- that wasn’t-” Hmm. Wallet, phone, keys. He checked the waterlogged pockets of his lab coat, too - old receipt, rubber band, gum wrapper - and came up empty. “Yeah, my passport’s missing,” he sighed.
“Okay!” Gordon exclaimed. “Okay, so he took our passports. And that's gotta be-”
“One by one,” Benrey interjected, disembodied voice shivering through the room.
“Oh, fuck,” Gordon hissed, freezing to check for more incoming denizens. When no threat immediately arrived, he continued hurriedly. “There’s gotta be some kinda energy field around it, and the skeletons…” he trailed off, raking his hand through his hair. “I don’t understand this. I don’t get it. But we gotta blow up the rest of those passports. We gotta put an end to this bullshit.”
He dropped his hand and looked to his team. Gordon had suspended his disbelief for the sake of taking down their enemy and was asking the others to, as well. Tommy fingered the rifle strap over his shoulder as he thought it over.
The way Gordon laid it out, this sounded vaguely like some video game thing. Benrey had pulled from Earth again to create an off-brand horcrux out of their passports, for what, spite? To fuck with Gordon? Tommy could hardly parse his motives, why he would set up an elaborate stunt like this when he could just outright kill them. What was he waiting for?
Tommy realized belatedly that three pairs of eyes were fixed on him, expectant. He sighed heavily through his nose and nodded. Okay. It was hope. The tiniest, slimmest claw of it, but it was hope. He’d try it. If Gordon was reaching for it, by god, he’d try it.
The subsequent three hours of Tommy’s life were some of the hardest he had to endure, and he’d lived through some pretty shitty ones in the past week. The Science Team hurried through Xen, weapons in hand, dodging skeletons and shockwaves of noise and the horrible flailing limbs of the thing that was Benrey as they sought out the other passports. All of it swirled together in a cacophony of gunshots and white noise, but Tommy knew there were things he’d see on the backs of his eyelids at night after this.
Bubby’s failed prototypes, crawling and lockjawed. Colored lines of psychic barriers, trapping him in place and squeezing the air out of him. And the skeletons. The skeletons were possibly the worst thing, because Tommy realized he recognized some of them. Nametags clipped to half-shredded uniforms told him that these were the people Benrey had killed in Black Mesa, and now they were conscripted to pursue Tommy and his friends through this nightmare. Looking at them made him sick. Shooting them made him sicker.
They eliminated Bubby’s passport. Then Coomer’s. Benrey attempted to flaunt his, and they took that one out, too. They fell back and regrouped, shaky and warweary with the blood roaring in their ears. How all four of them were still alive was a miracle. Water sloshed around their legs, thick and red.
“Gordon,” Coomer panted as they retreated from Benrey’s looming form. “We’ve got all the passports, but… You - you never had yours with you, did you?”
“No,” he ground out through gritted teeth. His legs were shaking with the effort it was taking him to stand. “It’s in the locker.”
“Bad little boy,” Benrey rumbled from across the room. The skeletons that had loped around him like a pack of wolves were gone, but he still cut a menacing image in his oversized state.
Gordon’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “He’s just waiting to kill us,” he huffed. “He’s just playing with us now. There’s no more portals.”
“No,” Bubby said suddenly.
Tommy, Coomer, and Gordon cast him curious glances.
His eyes glittered, defiant and steely, behind his glasses as he set his jaw. “I don’t accept this death,” he said with resolve. “I have a plan.”
Tommy caught on immediately. It would be putting Gordon at a huge risk, but it was likely the only chance they had. He turned to Gordon, already hating himself for the suggestion on his lips.
“Do you think you can still get your passport if you go back?”
Gordon cut his eyes over to him. “How can we go back, Tommy?”
We, he said. We, not I. Tommy dropped his gaze, unable to look at Gordon. He wanted nothing more than to follow him back to where this all started, to stand at his side and fix this mess together. The thought of sending him through alone felt like tearing out one of his own organs. He swallowed thickly and didn’t answer him. Tommy was needed here. He would stay here.
Bubby was already unholstering the weapon he’d kept stashed since they departed from Darnold’s lab. It hummed as he powered it up. “We can go back,” he said, with confidence.
“Portal gun,” Coomer exclaimed.
Gordon blinked. “So that’s what th-”
“Everyone,” Bubby cut him off. “I need space.”
Tommy and Dr. Coomer exchanged a glance before retreating to a safe distance behind Bubby. Coomer raised his rifle and locked the sight on Benrey in a warning. The entity stayed put, tracking them with his big yellow eyes.
“This’ll be a little trippy,” Bubby warned. “It’ll be a little fucked up. But we’re going to have to take you back to the past.”
“Send me back, Bubby,” Gordon said, bracing himself.
Coomer didn’t take his eye away from the scope as he offered a final, “Godspeed, Gordon.”
“Alright, one last warp,” he sighed. He tossed a disdainful look over his shoulder at the entity. “Later, Benrey,” he growled.
“Peace,” Benrey sneered at a distance, grinning like a wolf.
Tommy raised his rifle to provide suppressing fire with Coomer while Bubby pulled the trigger. There was a discordant snap to his reality that left his ears ringing as a flashfire of green billowed out. He flicked a final look at Gordon, met his eyes just before he blinked out.
The man smiled, determined and lovely, as he disappeared.
Chapter 20 <-----> Chapter 22
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Jolyne - Edge
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3.
Female reader cause let's face it, we're all gay for Jolyne lol
You were just chilling at home with Jolyne at her house. She invited you to sleep over tonight and how could you deny such an invitation? A girls' night with Jojo? Just the two of you? Hell yeah!
You were both having a great time, talking about nothing and everything. Even if you didn't do anything interesting, as long as you were together, it was a good time.
At one point in the evening, you both decided to get changed into your pajamas to get more comfy for the rest of the night.
Jolyne was seated on her bed and she let you change. She didn't put much thought into it when you suggested to change in her room as it wasn't anything to fret about, just normal girl stuff, right?
But when you started to undress, she suddenly couldn't take her eyes off of you. She didn't really know why. It was like you had cast a spell on her. She knew she shouldn't be staring at your body like that and respect your privacy, but at the moment she was witnessing something very unexpected and rather pleasing to the eye.
You slowly removed your shirt and for some reason, just watching the skin of your back and the outlines of your bra made Jolyne feel some type of way. Weird, but good at the same time.
Were you always hiding such a delicate waist underneath your clothes? And your skin looked so smooth, and those curves though? Damn. She just wanted to put her hands on it, just to see if it felt as good as it looked.
Jolyne felt like it was a shame you had to cover your beautiful body on a daily basis, she suddenly wished you would always be shirtless in front of her.
But then you slid your shirt over your head and removed it completely and Oh nooo! With your hair flowing back down and your arms stretching like that, she started to feel something tingly and warm at the pit of her stomach.
'Fuuuuuck' she thought anxious with a heavy blush rising to her face. 'Get your shit together Jolyne!! DON'T. BE. HORNY. NOW!'
She put a hand over her mouth to prevent her jaw from dropping to the floor. She glanced at you again and you were folding your shirt slowly. Standing there, beautiful and effortlessly sexy even from the back.
She was picturing herself and you in untold situations by watching your subtle movements. If it wasn't for your innocence' sake, she would just snatch your hips and do very bad things to you right here and there.
'No, no, gotta protect this smol bean, stop having pervy thoughts! Calm. Your. Tits.' She thought to herself, hoping it would help.
Jolyne harshly rubbed her face and head, trying to erase the sinful thoughts out of it. You were driving her so crazy it almost hurt.
You slightly turned your head to the side, looking all carefree and innocent, totally unaware of the chaos that was happening behind you on the bed. Jolyne upon noticing this, immediately played it cool and said.
"Damn girl! You look fiiiine" she wolf whistled at you.
"Aah!" you blushed "Stop it, you're just saying that~" you smiled flustered, putting your shirt slightly over your front in shame.
'Oh my god she's the cutest when she's shy!' Jolyne tried to keep on a straight face but her heart was melting inside her chest. She fell for you more and more each second.
On your part, you thought that Jolyne had such an upbringing energy around you, it felt flattering to be complimented by such a beautiful girl as her.
You seemed completely oblivious to this but Jolyne had a HUMONGOUS crush on you. But you would never see it, insecure as you were. You didn't think a litteral queen like her would even be slightly attracted to a potato like you.
Everytime she complimented you, you would always respond with "Naah" and "Oh stop it you~" and most commonly "You're even better!". You thought she said those things only to pump up your low self-esteem. But the truth is, she only wanted you to see yourself the way she saw you.
I mean, why would she even like you of all people. Sure you were nice but she could get way better, right? But to Jolyne, you were the most perfect angel she laid her eyes on. She couldn't ask for better than you.
You secretly thanked her for the nice compliments and was grateful to have her. Your heart would always swell with love when she commented on even the tiniest things about you. She made you feel so loved and desired, you wished you had the guts to tell her how you felt.
"Girl, hurry up and take the bottom off, I wanna see those cheeks" Jolyne added with a goofy grin.
"J-jojo!!!" You threw your shirt at her face in embarassment and she laughed "Cut it out! You're such a perv sometimes" your face was exploding in many shades of red but you couldn't help but smile at the same time. Even if you wanted to, you could never be mad at Jolyne.
You turned you back to her again to remove your bottom as Jolyne still had your shirt splayed all over her face. It smelled just like you she loved it. She would have to ask you if she could wear it one day, it was actually kind of cute too.
When she removed the cloth from over her head she just thought she was about to explode from that view in front of her. Her mouth agape, she let out a tiny squeak that she muffled instantly. Good thing you didn't hear it.
'sshhHHHHIIITTTTTTT!!!!' She hollered in her head while her heart was hammering her chest.
Currently, you were bent over to remove your bottom, giving her the best view of your butt. It wasn't much, and you didn't do it on purpose, but for Jolyne, you were pushing her to the edge.
You couldn't see it since your back was facing her, but behind you Jolyne was terribly agigated, trying to conceal her squeals and inhuman noises and basically looked like a crazy fangirl seeing her otp kiss.
Jolyne on her side was SCREECHING inside. She wouldn't be able to contain it longer. The more she looked at you, the more she imagined lewd things about you.
How round and soft-looking your ass was, like two delicious buns put together. She had to muster up all of the energy she had to not go and feel it up right now. And your thighs looked so enticing she wanted to cover them up in hickeys.
And those underwear, perfectly hugging your hips and... Black lace? How dare you! In front of her own two horny eyes. It was like everything about you was made to break her.
She wiped some drool out of her mouth and controled her heavy breathing. She had to calm down and stop thinking, or else she would just pounce on you and traumatize you for life.
You went over to her desk to get your pajamas, which consisted of a cute nightgown. But before you could grab it, Jolyne rushed off the bed to get it before you.
"WAIT!!! Not yet!! I still want to admire that ass!!" She grabbed your PJs and held them above her head so that you couldn't get them.
"Wha- Jojo what are you doing?!" you stretched over to get them, but in vain. Screw her and her tall height. You grabbed her arm to try and lower it, but she was too strong and stood still.
She smirked down at you. From here, she had the most perfect view of your perky chest and she wanted to die on the spot.
"Hee hee, Y/N you're so cute I could squish you right now"
"Squish me when I'm not naked please! I'm cold!" you tried to reach up again by standing on your tippy toes, but just looked even more adorable to Jolyne who was grinning brightly.
You suddenly stumbled a little bit forward and bumped into Jolyne who stiffened up upon feeling your boobs against her chest. Then she looked at you, no longer smiling. Her eyes were cloudy and wide, like her soul had just left her body. She lowered her arm to your shoulders length.
You softly grabbed your nightgown and stepped back a little bit, snickering in victory. But when you saw no reactions from her, you stared at Jolyne with a bit of confusion.
"Jojo are you okay? What's wrong?" you asked concerned about her sudden change of attitude.
Jolyne didn't respond and just grabbed your shoulders, pulled you against her body again and snaked her strong slender arms around you.
You gasped at the contact. "Jo-!"
"Can we stay like this a little bit? I'm scared of what I might do to you if I look at you...." she lowly muttered with a soft tone that you never heard from her.
You didn't really understand what she meant by this, you only understood that she needed the embrace. You have known her long enough to understand the skinship she needed sometimes. You happily complied and wrapped your arms around her torso, squeezing her a little bit and enjoying her warmth.
Jolyne was the most confortable person, and you were the best at hugs. You two were the perfect pair.
The tall girl calmed down and sighed as she enjoyed the softness of the moment. She needed some fluff to overpower her raging hormones.
She wouldn't dare taint you before you even talked about it or consented to it. Also, she definitely wanted to confess properly first. She knew how much of a romantic you were at heart, so she wanted to go slow for you to be sure you were ready.
She melted into the hug and let out a breath of delight as she was engulfed in your intoxicating scent.
"You're a little bit on edge Jojo, you want to talk about it?" you asked softly, rubbing your fingers up and down her back in a soothing gesture. She shuddered under your touch.
'Gosh' Jolyne thought. 'I really hit the jackpot'. Just when she thought you couldn't get more perfect.
Jolyne ran a hand through your soft hair and muttered "I'll tell you when the time comes... Now get dressed Y/N, I'll get us some drinks and snacks."
She slowly pulled away from the hug. She was going to confess to you in a better setting. Right now was too soon.
You looked into her eyes whispering an 'okay' and flashing her an angelic smile. You grabbed both her hands and continued.
"Tell me when you're ready, I'll always listen." you leaned up to kiss her cheek and Jolyne's heart skipped a beat. She smiled at you and walked off. You got dressed and flushed a bit.
"Oh Jolyne... I love you too..."
Before passing by the kitchen to get you both something to snack on, Jolyne went to the bathroom for a quick pee break. But when she sat down, she looked at her underwear and sighed.
"Oh my god..."
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Not sure if anyone is actually reading this fanfiction but I have an update! Woo!
Okay so chapter two is technically shorter than chapter one but not by a lot, lmao. So this one is a lot more exposition, since chapter one did not explain much and it focuses a lot more on different Mortys. I’m hoping for future reference to just focus on a few at a time rather than a big group so I can really set up each one as an individual rather than just a “Morty”. 
Chapter one is here at fanfiction.net and here at ao3 but you really don’t have to read it to understand this chapter.
I also put this chapter, chapter 2 here at fanficiton.net and here at ao3.
This is 4,803 words and I simply titled it The Arrival because I cannot title things to save my life. 
The Arrival
When a particularly over friendly Morty had told a bunch of Mortys to meet him at the Creepy Morty during the presidential speech, they had expected more of a party. Like a watch party where they could all watch the stream and support their president. But it didn’t seem like the place was ready for a party, or really any kind of social gathering.  No decorations, no streamers, no confetti, not even any balloons. The harsh flickering lights overhead revealed that the room was grimy and unkept and none of the TV screens were even on. The air held a smell, like a refrigerator that hadn’t been cleaned in months. And most importantly none of them could see any food out, so it definitely couldn’t be any kind of party. 
Or maybe the biggest indicator that this was no party and they had been tricked was that there were two Ricks there with all of them. One Rick dressed in a police officer uniform stood guard at the entrance, hands behind his back, carefully scanning the room. The other Rick the Mortys recognized as the one that ran the Morty Daycare, and he was leaning up against the back wall, arms crossed, with an impatient look on his face. 
It was hard to say what the clue that tipped them off was, but most of them had a gut feeling that they had gotten themselves into some sort of trouble. Some were just confused. But the vibes in the room made them all feel uneasy. 
When a portal opened up next to Storage Rick, all he said was, “Alright come on,” and made a casual buzz off motion. As though they were going to just waltz through the portal to who knows where? He was crazy if he thought that would work. Oh well, okay of course he was crazy, all Ricks were but if he thought they were that stupid he had another thing coming. One Morty was about to take the bait but was stopped by another, who sighed and shook his head.
“I-I-I don’t-urp- don’t have all night, come on.” 
The one blocking the exit found his voice. “Morty, he’s just messing with you, really it’s okay. We’re taking all of you somewhere safe. I promise. You have to trust me.” 
“I don’t have to trust jack!” 
A few of them tried to rush the cop and burst out the entrance, but the doors were shut hard and fast, and no amount of pushing, shoving, or slamming his small spaghetti noodle strength against them did any good.
They must have been taking too long, because the portal closed.
“Ugh,” Storage Rick groaned, “This is taking forever. Why can’t it ever be easy with you dingbats? J-j-just walk through the damn portal! That-that’s all we’re asking you to do. Y-y-you’re a real- a real piece of work Morty.” 
“O-oh? L-l-like you’re so easy to deal with Rick?” “Y-yeah R-rick you’re no- no picnic either!” “Why would we walk through some portal with you?” “Just look-look what happened last time we did that!”
Another portal opened in place of the last one. 
One Morty that was feeling particularly brave, got up on one of the tables and tried to attract attention to himself. “Guys, guys!”
“W-w-ell, I-I think we should, go with them.”
“Why?” “W-why should we?” “Are-are you crazy?” “No! No way!” 
“B-because th-this sucks! I hate it here, we all hate it here, and-and I don’t think whatever is on the other side of that portal could be any worse than this!” he gestured vaguely in front of him. 
“Uh, y-you mean the building?” “Don’t-don’t knock my business.” 
He sighed, exasperated with himself. Himselves. “What? No! Like-like everything is terrible! And he,” Morty pointed to the one in uniform,”he said he wants to help us.” 
“He’s a Rick” “He’s lying” “He’s a liar”
He hopped down from the table and walked with purpose in every step and brought himself closer and closer until he was bathed in the green light. “Frankly, I-I don’t care! I-I see that portal and I see a chance to leave and I’m taking it!” With that he marched forward right through the portal. 
And it wasn’t long before he came back, but with a big smile on his face. “Guys come on, you gotta see what’s through here!”
Linking hands with one Morty led to him grabbing another Morty’s hand until the room was one long hand holding chain of Mortys, and the first one took the initiative to fling himself back into the portal, and the enersa pushed the rest of them with him, falling through one after another like dominos. Once they had clamored off of each other and got up they were surprised to see that they were just in a house.
A normal looking house at that. 
The odd part? Was the Rick, that most of them had heard their Ricks refer to as Doofus Rick, stood there with a big smile to greet them.
“Alright, that-that’s it. That’s all of ‘em.” Storage Rick announced as he and Cop Rick walked in as the portal closed.
“Welcome Morty! Or I-I suppose I should say Mortys plural since there are more than one of you,” He fumbled his greeting every time, a mix of excitement and nerves kept him from being confident in what to say. “I’m Rick J-19-Zeta-7, but uh,” he sighed in defeat, “you-you can call me Doof.”
There were a few Mortys that awkwardly waved back at him, but most of them were just looking around, confused by everything.
“W-we all have stupid names, you think I like being known as Storage Rick?”
“If you would like, you can call me Cop.”
“W-w-why? T-theres no nuance or thought to it, it’s just your occupation being used as a name. It doesn’t even roll off the tongue. It’s stupid. Doof, Cop, and Storage, the fucking-’
“The fucking dwarves that didn’t make it into Snow White because their names were so ricdicously stupid.”
Cop crossed his arms and shot Storage a look that politely told him to shut up, then nodded to Doof to indicate that he should keep going.
“S-so the first thing we need to do is just run some diagnostics, update any of the vaccines that you may need, and even though I tend to give them out in the morning I will give you your vitamins as well.” 
“L-let’s begin shall we? House could y-”
“Yes, I know what to do.”
When the house spoke, most of them jumped right out of their skin. They weren’t sure how but it was like the walls, the ceiling, the embodiment of the house itself had a voice. It sounded a little familiar and it was unsettling.
“Y-your- uh, your house just-”
“W-w-why does your house talk?”
“I-I knew something was going to- going to be wrong here!”
“Aw geez.”
Storage Rick laughed at their expense. 
"I-It gets them every time!" 
"Don't worry Morty, it's only the artificial intelligence Doof's installed in his house. It's supposed to talk, it's a lot like non-corporational Alexa or Google Home." 
"Y-Yes, exactly, you can ask her anything from anywhere while you're inside. Well, unless, uh, not-not if you're in the bathroom. She can't detect you in there." 
They were asked to move down through the hall single file and after being scanned, poked, pricked, and prodded by mechanical arms, Doofus Rick each individual a little cup full of a viscous highlighter orange liquid that smelled like the peel of an orange and tasted like sidewalk chalk. “S-sorry about the impromptu check up, we just need to make sure we keep you all healthy.”
Doof had called for them all to make themselves at home in the living room which was rather spacious, but Morty wasn't so sure it was big enough for all of them. For the most part, it looked rather plain. A couch against the back wall,  loveseat along the other, and a recliner across from that, all matching, as though a part of a set. Same for the coffee table and end tables. The walls had built-in shelves filled with books, and a few potted plants. No TV to speak of, but there was a screen in front of the room that didn't appear to be attached to anything with text that was too small to decipher from far away. Plus, all three Ricks were gathered in front, obstructing their view, so there really was no hope of trying to read it anyway. 
Some sitting, some standing, all the new Mortys waited for Rick, any of them to start talking. Doofus Rick turned and smiled at them.
“S-so I suppose I-I should start by welcoming you all to your new home! I-I real-really hope you like living here!” Morty didn’t have anything to say apparently, so he continued on. “T-the hard part is over, and now we can talk about the fun stuff, like, designing your bedrooms. And of course choosing what the other Mortys have decided to call their “Public Identities”. M-many of you will be living here, h-however people in my dimension are not aware that the multiverse theory is more than a theory, s-so we have to ask you to make personas you’ll use when you leave the house. But of-of course, I-I think it’s much easier to show you what I mean r-rather than try to explain it.”
“W-wait, what-what do you mean we’ll be living here?”
“Y-yeah, can-can’t you just send us to our dimensions?” “I miss my parents.” “Aw geez, me too.”
“I want to go home.” “I miss Summer.” 
Gosh darn, he thought he could avoid having this conversation if he ploughed through everything as fast as possible. “Oh Morty, of-of course I-I understand you’re homesick b-but I-”
“L-look kid, if we could just send you back where you came from and n-never see your neckless mugs again we would.”
“T-that was actually the original plan. This was- my house was meant to be m-more of a waiting station while we prepared to bring you home.”
“It seems as though we’ve hit a snag, and we must ask that you stay here instead.” Cop completed the thought for Doof. 
“A snag?” 
“He means there- we have a problem.”
Morty sighed in frustration. “I knew what he meant. I just want to know what the problem is.”
Doof ran a hand through his bowl cut, “I-I just, oh gosh, I don’t know how to say it.”
“Y-you don’t have families to go back to M-morty, someone or something is traveling between dimensions and killing them. It-it’s brutal and we don’t know who-”
“Or how. But do not fret, we will discover who is responsible and bring them to justice.” Cop had this determination in his voice that was almost convincing. 
“S-so,” Doof clapped his hands together, no longer wishing to continue that particular conversation, “Now we can- we will visit some of the Mortys that already live here.”
He had them follow him through the dining room. It was almost as boring as the living room, with a table and chairs as most dining rooms would have, but there was one thing that was eye-catching. Next to the sliding door that doubled as a window there was a display case with a tea set inside, but it didn’t look like any fine china that they had seen before. That wasn’t a bad thing, the kettle, cups, and plates all seemed to be made expertly but each piece was so different and colorful but they all still looked like they were meant to be together. 
Glancing over the kitchen, which like the other rooms was big, big enough to have an island, all they saw were things like cupboards, drawers, a fridge, an oven, just normal kitchen stuff, nothing of interest at all. Nothing bright or fun, it all just looked well organized and practical. However, it smelled amazing, reminding them of how hungry they really were. 
“H-hey, come-come on, we don’t have all night, chop chop.” Storage snapped, motioning for the boys to follow him and the other two Ricks towards the door to the left of the refrigerator. All that did was bring them to a garage. Or at least that was what they thought, until Doof pressed on one of the bricks on the wall and it opened up like an elevator door, even with a soft little “ding, once the doors were completely open. That was when they realized it wasn’t like an elevator, it was an elevator. A huge elevator. 
“I-I think we can all fit!” Doof called, already in the back.
“Squeeze in and make room, or I will make you,” Storage threatened. 
Cop waited until he was sure everyone had made it in before stepping inside. “It might be a little tight but you probably won’t all be taking it all at the same time again.” He went ahead and decided they would go down just one floor, all they needed were a few examples. The elevator gave them a smooth ride, but they could feel the pull of gravity as the elevator moved downward. 
Since everyone else was being too sheepish to ask, one Morty asked, “W-w-where are we going?”
“S-stop asking so many questions.”
“Storage, Morty can ask as many questions as he wants.”
When the doors opened again, they all shuffled out into a long hallway with twelve doors total, six on each side, and what looked like bathrooms at the end. It looked like a college dorm. 
“Since you’ll be living here, I, uh just thought it-it would be- I thought we could show you what your bedrooms could be like. W-we make each floor plan the same, each room is 11’X12’ and of-of course that-that doesn’t include the 5’X5’ closet space. Then each room has a bed, nightstand, a dresser, and a desk for schoolwork. But from there,” a smile spread across his face and there was a sparkle in his eyes, “You get to decide what you want your room to be! And-and,” he was so excited he seemed to be having trouble forming words, “We’ll show you.” 
He knocked to the tune of, “Shave and a Haircut” on one door and it swung open almost immediately. But that room didn’t look like the room he had just described. Well, maybe it was the size Doof had mentioned, Morty was never sure how to measure distances, but it had none of the furniture he mentioned and it was filled with art supplies. Shelves and shelves of things like sketch books, art how to guides, art history books, canisters filled with pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils, and paint brushes. One wall was only different types of paint, oil, water color, pastels, acrylic, each with its own rainbow of color to choose from. An artist’s desk sat in the corner with a stack of papers on top, and a stack of blank canvases on the floor, and a pile of painted canvases next to those, and in the center of the room was an easel with the canvas facing toward the best part of the room, the window. The entirety of the back wall of the room was an impressively crystal clear window, overlooking a garden, bringing in beautiful streams of golden light showering the entire room. 
“H-hi Artist Morty, is it alright if we show the new Morty’s your room?”
“Oh-oh of course, come in!” The paint splattered boy grabbed Rick’s arm and pulled him in. “I-I need more eyes on my latest project. I’m trying something new, it-it’s rather abstract.” 
Doof appreciated art, but he had difficulty understanding or putting his own meaning to it, so he just looked at it objectively and tried to offer compliments that way. This had lots of green swirls in the background, with floating blue triangles and yellow orbs in it’s mist. “I like the contrasting colors, it’s visually compelling.” 
A Morty in a purple shirt walked up behind them “I-I know this feeling, this-this is that feeling you get when you walk through a portal.” 
Artist Morty was very excited someone understood his art, even if it was, well, himself.
“H-hey, are-aren’t you worried about getting paint everywhere?” Morty asked, realizing there was nothing covering the floor to protect it.
“Nope! N-nothing stains, not-not even my clothes!”
“Oh yes, I-I was very careful to make everything stain resistant for you guys.”
One Morty who was always a little cold couldn’t help but feel drawn to the window, enjoying the warmth he could feel radiating from the sun. Something about it was off, but he couldn’t quite place what it was. 
Suddenly they heard music, generic electro dance pop to be exact, crashed in like a wave, drawing Doof and the new Mortys back into the hall. Storage Rick was standing next to the door that was the source of the music, which was a dark room, illuminated by rave lights, and a floor divided into big square tiles, that each lit up a different color as the Morty in cut off jean shorts moved across them. He had been so caught up in his own enjoyment that he hadn’t realized he had gathered an audience.
“Yeah! Fuck it up Good Time Morty!” Storage Rick shouted, but it was hard to tell if it was in earnest or in jest. The Morty inside didn’t seem to mind either way, continuing to dance his cares away even after seeing the crowd gathered in the doorway.
After Storage shut the door, they noticed they couldn’t hear any noise at all, even though they knew his music was overwhelmingly loud. “T-the best part, all of these rooms? Completely soundproof.” 
“W-woah I-I liked his room, it looked like fun,” the Morty still dressed in 2018 New Years garb spoke up. 
“Oh gee, I-I don’t know, it-it was a little overwhelming.” 
Cop thought for a second, and he knew which Morty’s room would be nice and calm, and a good demonstration of what they could really do with a room. He knocked three times and a Morty with long, shoulder length locks and a tie-dyed shirt opened up the door. 
“Rick, what's up man?”
“Hippie Morty, would it be alright if we showed the new Mortys your room?”
“Of course, come on in, it-its not my room, no one can own a room. Ownership means nothing man, that-thats how they get you. How the man keeps you down.” 
When he opened the door and let them in, the Mortys weren’t so sure if it was a room at all because, well, as far as they could tell they were outside. Long lush green grass covering the ground, trees and flowers in the distance, and a big endless sky without a cloud in sight. Stars shined down through the deep rich navy night and a crescent moon beamed down. However, the glow of the fire he had going was the brightest thing in the, uh, space. A slight breeze brushed past all of them.
“H-howdy sheriff.” A Morty dawning a ten gallon hat was sitting on the ground behind the fire and leaned over so he could get a peak at Rick and the new Morty.
“Good evening Cowboy Morty, I almost didn’t see you there.” he went ahead and took a seat next to him. 
Quick to notice the watch still on Hippie Morty’s arm Doofus Rick prompted, “D-do you think you could show your “Public Identity” to the new guys if you aren’t too busy?” 
“Sure man, h-hold on.” After twisting the face of the watch he was wearing left, right, left again, he suddenly shapeshifted, which almost looked frightening in the firelight. He became taller, lankier, his hair changed to a sandy blonde, he had some scraggly facial hair on his chin, an actual neck, wore baggy jeans and an oversized tie-dyed hoodie. “S-see?” he spoke, but the voice was no longer one of a Morty. “Like, I made mine an extension of my very essence.”  With that he twisted the watch and switched himself back.
Storage said, “W-we made the watches based on the one from that m-movie Megamind. D-does that scan? Y-you guys know that movie?” 
Most of them nodded.
“We did make a few changes, however, we made it so the voice changed with the disguise, and made it so you could lock it in so it couldn’t be bumped and changed by accident.” Cop explained. 
“W-what are you two up to, are-are we interrupting?” Doof asked, being the last one to move his way in, being sure to close up the door again so the ambiance wasn’t ruined by the fluorescent light of the hall. 
“No, no, don’t worry we’re just vibing.”
Storage Rick shook his head and sat down. “Just-just sitting around the fire? R-really? I’ll tell you what were going to do, w-were going to take advantage of this creepy ass atmosphere, and I’m going to retell a famous horror story.”
“Y-you’re going to tell us a story?”
“T-this isn’t a nice story M-morty. And I’m not telling it verbatim, I-I’m only summing it up for you.  Now shut up, sit on the fake grass, and listen. It-it’s called The Veldt.”
“By Ray Bradbury? Oh that-that’s a good one.” Doof smiled as he settled in next to the Mortys. 
Cop squinted at him and furrowed his brow in suspicion. “Huh, how relevant.”
“Quiet. This family had a house that could do anything. It-it did everything for them and the parents became lazy, useless, wastes of space, while the children turned into s-spoiled little monsters. The nursery was built so it could show anything they could possibly ask for with screens making up all the surfaces of the room. A lot like the room we’re in right now.” 
“Wait, Rick, are-are you saying all of this, these-these are just screens?”
Storage threw up his hands. “O-of course they are, did-did you think that we just magically ended up outside?”
“I-I think the story describes it as crystals installed in the walls,” Doof interjected.
“A-anyway,” Choosing to ignore the correction, he continued. “One day the parents discovered the children had been f-focusing on Africa a little too much. Watching lions eat their prey. S-since that-that’s pretty fucked up, they asked a psychologist what it meant, who told them they sucked at being parents. The house provided for the children and was replacing them as the caretaker. Which meant their kids were going absolutely batshit insane l-losing touch with reality, with their humanity. Something was off about that nursery too, n-not only did the African veldt look and feel too realistic for comfort, b-but the father found a wallet of his all chewed up and covered in saliva.” The fire crackled as he took a pause for dramatic effect.
“W-When the parents threatened to turn off the house so they could all live like normal people, tie their own shoes, cook their own eggs, the children were pissed. They never had to lift a finger the way things were, and they were way too attached to the house. S-So you know what those rotten kids did?” 
He scanned the room, but the Mortys only shook their heads.
“T-they locked their parents in the nursery!” 
He was met by a bunch of blank stares.
“What-what do you mean?”
“W-well, what happened to their parents?”
“T-the lions fucking ate them Morty. T-that’s it. That-that’s the story.”
“B-but the lions weren’t real, were they?”
Cop spoke up. “The lions weren’t supposed to be real, but the room was malfunctioning and the lions came to life.”
“O-or it was working too well.” Storage retorted. 
“A-are you saying that could happen t-to us?” Glancing around the all too realistic outdoor setting. 
Doof placed a hand on Morty’s head.  “Oh no Morty, of course not! It’s only a story, these rooms are very safe, I-I promise.”
Hippie Morty, feeling somewhat nervous now, stood up and pressed a panel on the wall, and slowly the once robust landscape faded away and in its place was an ordinary bedroom. Except for the overly bright paint job, with harsh yellow, neon pink, and lime green in a spiral, matching the dye job on his shirt, the shag carpet was green, but no longer a beautiful grass green, but a pea green. His nightstand and desk both had a rough aesthetic and still had a fresh scent. The bedspread was just as bright as the walls but with a rainbow tie-dye job rather than just a few colors. One thing the Mortys were shocked to see still there was the fire.
“W-wait, you just-just have a fire going in here?” It seemed like the exact opposite of safe. 
“No need to panic-” Cop couldn’t finish before Storage kicked over the shallow pan they had been utilizing as a fire pit, only for nothing to happen. The fire went out rather than spread. “Everything is fire retardant, just in case.” 
Before they knew it, they were all being ushered back into the elevator and down even further. However, this time when they stopped, Cop asked for twelve of them to follow him, while the other eleven went down another level with Doof and Storage. 
Cop Rick cleared his throat and stood tall and firm with his hands behind his back as he spoke. “This will be the floor you all live on, each room is fully furnished and we have provided clothing as well. Right now all of them are the same so it does not matter which one you choose, it will matter once you have finalized the design you would like, feel free to visit other Mortys and take your time deciding. Right now, we would like all of you to shower and change into clean clothes and meet us back upstairs afterwards. Any questions, comments, or scathing inditements?” Morty did not know what that last word meant, but he decided it was best to just go ahead and shower and change like he had been asked.
Who knew being clean could feel so good? Showering, actually showering with warm water and soap was so much better than being sprayed with icy water from a hose. He had forgotten what it was like. Same with wearing clean clothes. The yellow pajama top and bottoms he found laid out for him on his bed smelled fresh and were so soft. If Doof hadn’t told him there would be food waiting for him upstairs when he was ready, he could have fallen asleep right then. 
Thank goodness he didn’t. He was starving, they all were. Salad, soup, dinner rolls, mashed potatoes, something called green bean casserole, an apple, and meatloaf as the entree, he ate it all with vigor. Morty wasn’t even sure he tasted any of it, he just faded in and out of consciousness as he gorged himself, only coming back to life to put more on his plate. Each of him ate that same way until every single edible thing Rick had placed on the table disappeared. Finally Doofus Rick gave them each a slice of chocolate cake. It was so rich in taste but light and airy in texture, maybe it was just that he couldn’t remember the last time he had dessert but it was possibly the best cake he had ever eaten. 
“Rick- uh, Doof, did you make this cake yourself?”
“N-not just the cake Morty, I-I made everything myself.” He cheerfully answered. “I love cooking a-and baking.”
“Hey, m-me too! Y-you think I could help sometime?”
“Oh gosh sure if you want to Morty, tomorrow morning I’ll be up early making cinnamon rolls.”
“Holy shit-”
“Watch your profanity-” Cop started, but he caught himself, raising his unibrow and turning to Doof, “Wait did you say cinnamon rolls?”
“Y-yes, I figure it’s a special occasion, s-so I thought I-I should make my homemade cinnamon rolls.”
“Those are very good.”
“Oh man, y-you lucky bastards-”
“D-don’t feel left outI will make enough for everyone,” Doof couldn’t help but giggle at how excited they got over baked goods. “N-ow M-mortys, I do think it is time for you to go to bed, it is already late and you had a big day. We can- we could come down with you and tuck you in if you would like.” 
All the Mortys were exhausted, and he could see it, especially now that they were clean and fed, all they wanted was to crawl into those full sized beds and pass out. 
“N-no that-that’s okay.” “W-we got it.” “Thanks anyway.”
“I-” he yawned, “I can put myself to bed.” 
“O-okay, well, goodnight, sleep tight. See you in the morning!”
21 notes · View notes
bonatosca · 5 years
J-Hope X Reader
Word count: 2,9k
Warnings: Unprotected sex - curse words
“Flight to South-Korea is in 10 minutes dear, you can already go to the gate it won’t be a long walk” the woman at the counter says to you. You nod and thanked her, grabbed your backpack and started walking towards your gate. It wasn’t crowded today so you could pass the security in no time and was within 5 minutes at your gate. You are studying in the Netherlands for a few years, but every vacation time you have time to visit your family back in Korea. Your family always wants you to fly as private as possible, well they actually did, since it kinda is a private jet you are flying today. You knew you would be flying with maybe one or two other people and that’s it. It’s nice to have a private fly, but it is way to expensive, but yeah it was already too late to swap your tickets, your family literally wanted the best for you, even if it means they won't have money left. Knowing that you always buy a bag of snacks, cookie’s or whatever they don’t have in korea that is Dutch. You see another person coming towards your gate, followed by a companion. He is looking overly happy. Thinking you might have seen him somewhere someday, but you just can’t remember it at all. Maybe he is just a famous guy or something. “Hey are you also on this flight? I heard that I wasn’t the only one taking this one, well except my bodyguard then” He smiles. Gosh he looks gorgeous you think by yourself. You collect yourself from staring at the handsome guy. “Ah yes, I am going to visit my family. Name’s Y/N, and yours?” You bowed and smiled at him to be polite. 
He puts his hand out and you grab his to greet “Name is J-Hope, but you can also call me Hoseok!” he smiles happily “I kind of hope you don’t know me” he mumbled trying to speak as soft as possible so you won’t hear it. You laugh, you did hear him saying that. “Yeah sorry I don’t know you so we are good, but I kinda think I have seen you from somewhere, but I just can’t remember where from” 
“Ah well then that’s fine for me, I have way to many fangirls around me lately so I just hoped I would have had a quiet flight, so I am kinda happy this time that you don’t know me” He smiles. It kinda sounds sad you know, having fangirls screaming and walking and stalking everywhere you go, it sounds horrible. Yes he is a good looking guy and you can’t deny that. But following someone? Come on that’s like stalking!
“I think we need to get our flight Mister Hoseok” his bodyguard says. He nodded and followed him, he turned around “Hey are you coming to or are you trying to forget this flight?” he said in a funny manner. 
“Yeah I am coming, sorry I was distracted for some reason, fangirls you say huh, must be horrible being followed everyday?” He just nodded at your question and smiled at you. It kind of looks like he is trying to smile, but isn’t in his power to do so. 
It’s sad how hard idols have it, they always have to make every fan happy, but that is almost impossible.
You walked towards a seat that isn’t taken by Hoseok. His bodyguard walked towards the cockpit. A stewardess walked towards us explaining safety rules and the other normal stuff that needs to be done or said. 
Not even five minutes later you start to deport from the airport. Clicking in your belt, and ready to watch out of the plane. You loved flying, it’s thrilling and always beautiful above the land. 
Just within a few minutes you could lose your belt, the stewardess asks something to drink or eat. You order a sprite and some chicken noodles, “Oh give me one to please!” Hoseok says. 
“Coming right up sir” She says and boils more water for us. 
“So you like Sprite to huh?” Hoseok says with a smile while he stands up and walked towards you.  You nodded “Yeah it’s my favourite drink to go” 
“CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP AND A SODA TO THE SIDE” his phone blares out. “Shit shit, sorry, did it scare you? It’s my ringtone, my friend tried to call me just now” You just laugh at him, he kinda is a goofy happy kid tho. 
“Ahah it’s ok” You smile, while getting your noodles and drinks. You are hungry as heck, so yeah your noodles were in your belly within minutes. You look to your side, Hoseok already done eating and looking out the window. Kind of looks like he has a dark shadow around him.
“Hey, is everything ok? You seem tired, while you kind of look like a bubbly person” Shit shouldn’t have said it. He looked at you questionable “Ah shit sorry, shouldn’t ask you something so personal while I just met you” You slammed your hand against your head “Stupid stupid” you mumble.
“Ah no it’s ok, it’s just, it’s tiring being an idol, you can’t even do things you want you know. I can’t go to a theme park without getting recognized, but it’s something you give op when you can make way more people happy” he smiles a bit. He does sound like he needs a cheering.
“Ah well but you can’t give happiness unless you are happy right? But it’s sweet that you want all the people you love, to be happy. But you don’t even get to get a girlfriend? Because yeah it’s human to get into a relationship” 
He just shrugs “I want to you know, but I am afraid they will take advantage of me, I have money and I am kind of known, so yeah there would probably be a lot of girls that to it to have all that” You nod, knowing there would be indeed a lot, your ex-boyfriend was kind of like that.
“I had the same situation, well not fully tho, but he took advantage of me for only my money, he ran away with 5 thousand euros that was for my education here in the Netherlands, but I got it covered and got all the money back so I am good” You smiled, knowing you had won that against your ex. 
“Wow that’s.. harsh yeah, some people are just plain stupid” He looked at you with a pout. DAMN he is not only handsome but also cute as heck!
“Miss, Sir, you can grab a drink from the bar if needed. If you need me, I will be in my own cabin part. If you want any Alcohol, you firstly come to me, since it’s locked, I will come again within a few hours for more food if needed” You nodded and thanked her before you where all alone in the plane with Hoseok. You stand up and walk towards the small bar and sit on the bar crutch. You look around, not seeing any cameras in here, which you thought they would have. 
“I asked a plane that won’t have cameras in. I am followed enough so I just wanted some peace” Hoseok sits beside you with his elbow resting on the bar and his had in his hand looking at you. “You are pretty cute you know?” He blurs out of nothing. You almost choke on your drink.
“Oh shit, ah sorry and euh thank you” you stand up, feeling you need to go to the bathroom. “I uh gotta get to the bathroom, sorry” He nods, and you walk towards the bathroom, open the door and “HOLY SHIT” you scream. Hoseok comes running up to you “Something's wrong?” He asks in concern, you had a shock face on, and faced Hoseok, almost head bumping on how close he was against you. “Ah, no nothing it’s just.. it’s so big” you said not knowing it kind of turned the guy in front of you on. 
“That’s not the only thing that’s big” he smirks, pushes you in the bathroom, and locked the door behind him. You were kind of shocked but you all let it happen, you let him lead you. “Is it ok if we just do it? I kind of need it, and you kind of turned me on in some way so yeah” You looked at his pants, seeing a huge bulge. You just blinked, not answering. Felling lips on yours, hands roaming on your back, you kiss him back.
You let him be yours for now, and he deepens the kiss, intensifying it more. Hands that were roaming on your back, lowered towards your butt, you let out a moan at the sudden touch. Breaking the kiss he whispers in your ear “Thank god you have a skirt on, it will me much easier to do so” he begins kissing your neck. Your hands now tucking on his hair lightly, you loved having your hands in someone else's hair. 
You wanted more as you pushed yourself towards Hoseok. “Ah Hoseok please more!” he reacts immediately and lifts up your skirt, making one hand it’s way towards your clothed folds, while the other one goes to one of your boobs. “Ah.. Hmmm.. shit!” You feel yourself getting wetter and wetter very fast.
“Shit you are soaked for me, you want me already that much? I haven’t even touched you a bit!” he faces you and gives you a peck before putting your pantie’s all the way down to your ankles. “You ready to get eaten out yet?” he said while placing you on the toilet. “Shit. just.. JUST GET TO IT” You immediately spread your legs. “Well someone is ready” he says licking his lips.
Getting on his knees he grabs your legs and puts them over his shoulders and starts kissing your inner legs, slowly towards your private part. You tug your hands once again in his hair, trying to get what you want, him eating you out. “Not so fast honey” he says and grabs your hand. “Touch yourself first” you do as he says, and you put one finger in your pussy, moaning at your own touch, wanting him even more. It’s such a turn on when someone watches you doing something to yourself.
Hoseok stands up taking of his trousers and pantie’s together, showing of his huge dick in front of you. You just looked at him in shock. Shit will he fit in me? He smirks almost knowing what you were thinking “It will fit honey, it will, I will promise, move your finger aside” he puts his tip against your entrance, looking at you for permission as you nod he puts his length in one slam fully inside of you. You grab the sides of the toileT “AAHH SHITT” you scraeam out, and immediately cover your mouth not wanting to let anyone hear you both.
“Told you it would fit” He laughs and starts to pump in and out of you, “Fuck, you are so tight, shit I love it” he half moans, pushing his head against yours while you fuck away. “Just a quicky please” he says.
You grab the sides of his face, “Go ahead, I don’t mind, shit” You feel yourself almost coming, his pace is so fast so hard, yet it’s still good, well not good but amazing at the same damn time, like how, it never is amazing when you have a quicky with someone, it mostly feels boring and way to fast to do so. 
You put your hands on his back, nails scratching as you feel yourself coming closer and closer.
“A fuck, w-w-where can I come?” he says, knowing he is about to come as well. “In me please… Ah fack! In me! I .. aagg hmm.. taking pills so don’t .. mm… worry” almost out of breath you struggle to say something to him but it still works. “Shit, come together with me please” he begs, feeling closer as before. You start to shudder underneath him, being very close as he spreads his seed inside you, you also come with him. 
He stays on top of you for a few seconds, then stands up, grabs a few tissues to clean you up and after that himself. He holds out his hand for you, you grab his to stand, still wobbly you almost fall over, he grabs you sturdy. “Hey don’t fall over, sorry if I was rough with you” he says, being a bit concerned with puppy looks in his eyes. “I will go outside for now so you can collect yourself for a bit, don't be hasty ok? Scream for my name if you need anything, wait do you need some water? I will pour some for you when you get back ok?” You laugh at him on how adorable he is. 
“It’s ok, I will be there in a minute, thanks Hoseok” You stand on your tippy toes to kiss his nose. He just jumps in the air from happiness and runs out of the bathroom. “He kinda is a fun goofball” you laugh at yourself, grabbing your phone and looking at your SNS for some distraction for a minute or so to collect yourself. First thing you see “J-Hope from BTS is coming back to Korea, departing from Amsterdam, The Netherlands on a private jet” There was even a video underneath it of his so called BTS group, you take a slight listen to the song ‘Boy With Luv FT. Halsey’ 
“Oh shit they are good, wait, that is the same Hoseok that is in here with me” You stand up, feeling fine already, while still watching the video you step out of the bathroom, slowly walking towards the bar.
“So this is your group then huh, you guys are pretty good” You said while looking at him. He nods while he hands you a glass of water “Yep that’s us!”
“Now I know where I have seen you from before, you are in BTS, aah well then that explains all the crazy fans, sorry about them” You say.
“It’s ok, you cheered me up and distracted me from the horrible things that could happen. You know I love our fans, but some are way to much” You nod at him, exactly thinking you could kind of understand him. “You should take a nap, we have a few more hours to go before we arrive in Seoul” he says, while leading you towards your chair, putting you in it, grabbing a blanket and putting it around you, tucking you in.
“Thank you Hoseok, you are a real nice gentleman” you say as you try to hold in a yawn. 
“No, thank you actually, wait give me your phone” he says, you gave him your phone. “Here you have my number now, and I have yours. You sound like a nice girl to talk to, but remember: Important Business when we arrive ok? That’s what I say overseas, not wanting to get attention or be around other fans or whatever, it’s just for your safety” He smiles. He walks towards his own chair, you look at him getting comfortable as your eyes went shut. Almost in Korea you were woken up by the stewardess handing you a small croissant saying you got it from Hoseok who was already eating his dinner “Miss you have to eat something before we arrive, we will arrive in ten minutes” You slowly rise your chair to sit straight up. Thanked her and ate your croissant. “Thank you, and good morning Hoseok” He looks at you, with a huge smile on your face “No problem! It’s my treat anyways!” 
Having eaten your croissant, you buckle your belt before landing. The plane is coming down softly to the ground. “Finally home” You say soft, “Yes indeed, finally home indeed” Hoseok smiles. 
When the plane is on it’s place you stand up, Hoseok almost running towards you and grabbing you in a hug. “It was a good flight my flight mate! I liked it for the very first time being alone, I will see you again someday, and don’t forget to text me ok! Byee!” He waves as he almost runs out of the plane, you wave at him as he looks back and waves back. You walk slowly out of the plane by yourself, getting out of your gates walking towards the exit, seeing lots of fans waiting for Hoseok, or well J-Hope from BTS, they all scream at him. You smile knowing he feels better now than yesterday when you departed from Amsterdam. 
You look for your family in the huge crowd, and funny to think you actually found them “Y/N I AM HERE, SIS I AM HERE HERE HERE HERE” You hear your little sister Yeri screaming your name as loud as she can. Gosh she is such an annoying brat. 
You walk towards your little sister and your mom, hugging them both. “How was your flight honey? Did you enjoy it?” You nodded. “It was great, thanks Mom, I brought a lot of snacks for you!” You said happily, your sister hugs you even tighter “CAN I TASTE THEM NOW?!” 
“Yeri! Shut your rude mouth! Not now, when we are home, come on dear, we need to get going” your mother grabs you by your arm softly as you walked away, before getting into the car you see hoseok waving at you in the distance, you wave back and grabbed your phone.
“So when is the next flight to the Netherlands for you? I really liked the bathroom flight ;)” You texted him and put your phone away, smiling your way down towards home.
_______________________________________________ So well yes I got my friend way to much into BTS. First it was GOT7, then TxT and now she is overly obsessed with BTS.  And she was kind of sad that there weren’t much smut fanfictions of her BTS bias Hobi.  Well I kinda was thinking of his song Airplane and imediatly got this idea. Hope you like it! <3 Part 2: Airplane part 2.
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dreamgirl4certain · 5 years
The Elevator Bae
Erik Stevens x Black OC (Phoenix)
A/N: Just some cute shit here. | Song lyrics referenced are not my own. They are from a song by MILA J x Me and You. **I will be referencing lyrics from her music in the future. I picture her style of music when Phoenix’s is writing music. And I barely did any proofreading so my bad from the bottom of my heart.
Word Count: eh, idk. a lot.
“I missed you so fucking much, baby girl.”
“I missed you too, E.” Phoenix huffed between words. Erik’s heavy figure above hers. His head rested in the crook of her neck as he placed wet kisses on her skin. She dug her fingertips into his back as he stroked her slow and deep. Her eyes stuck shut, moan trapped in her throat when she felt a vibration under her body. Where is this coming from?
Phoenix’s body jerked up and she looked around, realizing she was on her couch. It was dark out now and her tv screen paused with Netflix asking if she was still there. Her phone was ringing under her. That’s when it all hit her. She was dreaming. This was the third night in a row that dreamt of him. Three dreams, night after night of Erik doing all of the right things to her. Why is this happening to her?
Erik had been gone for ten days. The first few days, she poured herself into her work. She set up her equipment in her living room and did the best that could. remixing beats she already had and doing some writing. But has the days went on, she found herself thinking about Erik more and more. Thinking about how good he felt when she kissed him. Missing him, but she did everything but actually admit that to herself. She started watching Naruto because it was his favorite show, but she told herself it was because Netflix suggested it. She went out and bought two cases of Merinelli’s Apple Juice. But of course, not because he liked it, but because she ‘enjoyed the juice of apples.’ She told herself that he probably wasn’t even thinking about her. He’ll probably come back and not even bother talking to her again. Two weeks was more than enough time for him to realize that she wasn’t it and she should just prepare herself now, for that.
None of it worked, though she refused to accept the truth that she missed Erik. It ate her up inside that she couldn’t talk to him. He stayed in her mind constantly. She hated to like it.
“This is ridiculous.” She said to herself as she felt under her legs for her phone.
One missed call from Coby. She swiped the notification, selecting Call Back. When he answered, she could hear nothing but pure joy in his voice.
“PHILLY!” he yelled into the phone.
“Hey!” She pulled the phone away from her face and put it on speaker phone.
“My studio is done.”
Phoenix sat up, snatching the phone, bringing it closer to her face. “What! Say swear!”
“I swear. It’s finally done. You gotta come break it in.”
Coby had been working on building a studio in his home. Fully equipt. He promised that when it was done, she’d be the first person he called and she would be the first to record something in it. Before Phoenix could even express her excitement, Ava had taken over the phone call.
“Yeah, Philly. You might as well pack you a bag or three and come on.”
“A bag? Fuck she need a bag for?” Coby says.
“So she won’t have to leave. You know damn well y’all are about to be living in that damn room.”
“Bet!” Phoenix said. “I’m on my way.”
“Yay! We’re having a sleepover!” Ava yells into the phone. “See you when you get here.”
Phoenix ends the call. She rushes into her room to pack some clothes. She may or may not have packed enough to practically move in. She stuffed as much as she could in her giant Victoria Secret PINK duffle. Along with her face and hair products. She looked around to make sure she had everything. Her laptop was on the floor. She could NOT leave without that. She put it in her backpack with its charger and an extra phone charger and headed out the door. She texted Ava.
Phoenix: Be there in 20 minutes.
Coby’s studio was her dream studio. It was huge. As soon as she walked in, purple lights glowed along the bottom of the soundproof glass that separated them from the recording booth. Coby turned on the lights that revealed all black decor and dark, hardwood floors. Phoenix walked in stroking her fingertips along the new equipment. Ava came in, sitting on the couch.
“You peep that?” Ava says, pointing to something inside of the recording booth. Phoenix goes inside to see. She looks up to see a huge black and white picture of her and Coby from when they were in the studio some time ago. One of Coby’s photographer friends had stopped by and took a few cool shots of them. Coby has the picture enlarged on a canvas and placed on the wall inside of the recording booth.
“Oh my gosh, Coby!” she grabbed his arms, shaking him.
Seeing her jump with joy, brought on the biggest smile that man has ever worn. “You like it?”
“I love it! What made you pick this one?”
“Well, we’re a team now, remember? I figured it was only right to put up a picture of me and my partner.”
“Aww… we haven’t come up with a cool name yet though.”
“We’ll figure that out in due time. But you like everything?”
Coby showed her around to look at everything that he had installed. Of course Phoenix’s favorite part was the fully stocked mini fridge and weed cabinet that held all of their smoking necessities. Phoenix wouldn’t be quiet about how proud of him she was. He had been working on this studio for months. He designed the entire thing himself.
They immediately got to work. Phoenix was so excited about the studio, and to be with her friends, she finally got her mind off of Erik… for now.  She was able to zone into her work. They created their first beat from scratch in the new space. Just as Ava had predicted, once Phoenix and Coby were in the studio, they were there for the rest of the night. After a few hours, Ava left them and went to bed. It was well into the next morning before the two of them had fallen asleep in the studio. They refused to leave.
The next afternoon, Phoenix enjoyed a hot shower and co-washed her hair. She lotioned up with her favorite vanilla shea butter. She moisturized her hair and washed her face. She put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Just as she was applying some chapstick, Ava facetimes her.
“Morning!” Ava cheerfully says into the phone.
“Morning, love.”
“Get down here. I made food. I wanna see you before I leave out.”
“Where you goin’?” Phoenix says as she starts walking out of her chosen guest room to meet Ava and Coby down in the kitchen.
“I have a brand meeting.”
“Alright. I’m coming down the stairs.”
Ava ends the facetime call. Phoenix walks down the large staircase and through the hallway. She can see Coby sitting at the kitchen table. She joins him. They share a look before both breaking into smiles.
“You want eggs?” Ava asks Phoenix from the stove.
Ava brings Phoenix a full plate of food. Phoenix pours herself some cranberry juice, mixing it with orange juice. Coby watches her mix the two drinks with furrowed brows. “Why do you that? That’s weird.”
“It’s delicious actually.” she takes a sip. “You should try it.”
“Nah, I’m good.”
The three of them sit and eat their food. Ava asked them about what they created in the studio and the way their faces lit up was enough to let her know they had a great session, breaking in the new studio. They played her the song they made. As the beat broke through the speaker, Phoenix’s voice rides the beat effortlessly. Ava squealed in excitement, hearing her friend singing.
Just me and you // nobody gon' break this up, this magic My nigga, my babe, nobody comes before me and you Numero uno, you know you my baby What had these bitches off of you lately?
“You sound so good!” Ava says. “You should drop this yourself.”
“I told her ass last night, that she should drop some music.” Coby adds.
Phoenix shakes her head. “Y’all crazy. Ain’t nobody trying to hear me sing.”
“You’re crazy! You telling me that you’ve never thought about releasing some of those songs you have locked away? You have a pretty voice, Philly. I think people would love you.”
“It’s crossed my mind, but I’m good.”
Ava rolled her eyes at her. Coby checks the time on his phone. “You better get out of here before you’re late. Traffic probably already crazy.” Ava takes one last sip of her drink. She gets up from the table, picking up her dishes and taking them to the sink.
“Don’t worry about those. I got it.” Coby says.
Ava leaves her dishes and starts out of the kitchen. “I’ll see y’all in a couple hours.”
Coby listened out to hear the front door open and close. As soon as he did, he looks at Phoenix. She’s so into her food, that she didn’t notice at first. When she did, she locked eyes with him and they stared at each other until one of them blinked first. Phoenix’s eyes couldn’t take it and she blinked. “Fuck!”
“I don’t know why you think you can beat me.”
“Nobody should be able to go that long without blinking. Something is wrong with you.”
Coby continues to stare at her as she eats. As he watches her, he notices that she checks her phone every few seconds. She’s not usually the type to be so caught up with her phone. She checks it again, this time, locking it and flipping it over.
“What’s up with you?” he asks.
“Hm? What are you talking about?”
“You keep checking your phone. You expecting a call or something?”
“No.” she says quickly.
Coby smirks. “You waiting on Erik to text you?”
Her face drops and she rolls her eyes, trying to avoid looking in his direction. “No. I was-- I was just checking the time.”
Coby notices the change in her demeanor and the protector in him activates. “What happened? That nigga do something?” His words came out slightly louder than how he was talking before. They were stern.
“No,” she waves him off. “Nothing happened. I haven’t even talked to him.”
“Why not?”
Phoenix looks at him in disbelief. She feels like she’s getting grilled by her Mom. “He’s away right now… for work.”
“And he can’t talk to you? What the fuck do he do?”
Phoenix isn’t getting out of this conversation so she surrenders and figures she’d just answer Coby’s questions. She sits her fork down and leaned back in her chair. “He’s in the Navy. He had to leave for two weeks.” she says, figuring it was the safest answer. She can’t be telling people he’s hired to take people out.
“Hm. When did he leave?”
“Last Tuesday.”
“You must have gave that nigga some good-bye pussy or something.”
“Wha-- No!”
‘Then why you actin’ weird?” Coby tries to catch Phoenix’s eye to see if she’s lying. She avoids him by looking off at nothing in the kitchen.
“I’m not acting weird. You are. Asking me all of these damn questions.” she snapped.
“You are acting weird. I’m just trying to make sure you good and I don’t have to kill that nigga. I bring his name up and you get all tense and shit.”
Phoenix doesn’t respond. She looks down and picks at her fingers. Coby patiently waits for her to give him something. When she doesn’t, he tries to push a little more. Phoenix is good for keeping things locked in. But not on his watch.
“Aye,” she looks at him. “Talk to me. What’s the problem?”
She takes a deep breath. “I’m just… I don’t know.”
“Phoenix.” his voice was stern.
“I think I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?” Coby leaned onto the table, all ears.
“I- I can’t believe I’m about to tell you this.” He motioned for her to go on. “I’ve only ever been with one person and that clearly didn’t end well, and--  I don’t really want to allow someone to hurt me again.”
“That’s not fair Phoenix.”
“What’s not fair?”
“Erik isn’t your ex. It’s not fair to hold what that lame ass nigga did against him. You have to let that shit go.”
Phoenix looked away at nothing again. She knew he was right.
“Aye…” Coby tapped the table. Phoenix looks at him. “I’ma tell you this, but keep it between me and you.” Phoenix agrees with a nod. “My ex, she wasn’t shit. Fucked around on me with half the niggas in the industry. We were supposed to get married and everything but I called off all that shit when I found out what she was out here doing. Everybody knew but me.”
“Wait!” Phoenix interjected with wide eyes. “You were gonna get married, Coby?”
He kissed his teeth. “Yeah man. That was a few years ago and it has nothing to do with my point.”
Phoenix through her hands up in surrender.
“Anyways… as I was saying. I was done dirty but I didn’t let that shit stop me from going after Ava. I still found it in me to care about somebody. I treat her crazy ass like the queen that she is because that hurt shit is the past. Ava is my fresh start and clearly Erik is yours.”
“What makes you think that?”
“It’s all in  the music, Phoenix. I’m not stupid. I can always tell what you’re feeling based off what you write. You like Erik. Just let the shit happen.”
Phoenix nods. “I cannot believe you didn’t tell me you were engaged.” she says, trying to steer the conversation away from her and her alleged feelings for Erik.
Coby stands up from the table, picking up their plates. “Happened before I met you. Don’t like talking about it.”
He washed their plates and pans on the stove. Phoenix got up and started walking out. “I’ll be in the studio.”
The next few days, anxiety filled up in Phoenix. She counted the days down until Erik came back. She continued her stay at Coby’s with him and Ava to distract herself as much as she could. Erik’s return day came and went with no sign of him. He hadn’t texted her. She figured he would. But maybe he was tired and just wanted to rest. She was so confused about how she should feel. But when two more days passed and still no text from him, she figured she would take this ‘L’ like a champ and move on. She didn’t want to talk about it with Coby or Ava and she had lost her desire to make music. It would all be about Erik anyway. She didn’t want to do that to herself. 
Phoenix stood over the bed in the guest room that she had rightfully deemed her room and packed up all of her stuff. Ava sat on the bed, watching her.
“You should just move in, Philly. Then we can all be together, all the time.” Ava says.
“You don’t even live here!” They hear Coby yell from his room, down the hall.
“Ain’t nobody even talking to you!” Ava yells back. Her and Phoenix share a look before laughing. “He be killing me, not minding his business.”
“But, speaking of you not living here. When was the last time you went home?” Phoenix asked.
Ava looked up to the ceiling in thought. “It’s been a couple weeks. I should probably go back though. I’m sure the food in my fridge is done for and I definitely need to wash some clothes.”
“Ew, A!” Phoenix laughs. She just shrugs. “Welp… I’m all packed up.”
Ava gives Phoenix a very dramatic sad face. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“Relax, love.” Phoenix places a petty hand on Ava’s shoulder. “A couple more weeks and we’ll be ass out on a beach.”
“Yes and then right after that… it’s your birthday.” Ava pokes her in her sides between words, tickling her.
“Stop! No need to be extra. It’s not that big of a deal.” Phoenix throws on her hoodie and slip her feet into her sneakers.
“You bet not say you don’t wanna do anything, because we’re doing something for your birthday.”
“Y’all can’t do it here!” Coby yells.
“SHUT UP!” “BE QUIET!” they yell back. Both rolling their eyes. Why was he listening so damn hard?
Phoenix goes down to Coby’s room where he’s playing 2k and she says her goodbyes to him. She tries to kiss him on the cheek and snaps back, away from her. “Gone with all that shit, Philly. Don’t you see I’m in a game?”
“This game can’t be that damn important if your ear hustling on what me and Ava talking about.”
“Nah, y’all niggas were just loud. Which is why y’all need to get out my house.”
Ava storms into the room. “Fuck you! I ain’t going nowhere.” She smacks him in the back of the head, making him pause the game.
“Don’t be putting your little ass hands on me. You can get ya’ shit and leave with your friend.”
Ava leans down to his ear and whispers something to him that makes his eyebrows raise up into his hairline. He clears his throat. “You know what… you can stay, bae.” He looks to Phoenix, “I love you, Phoenix, but you have to go now. This was fun. It really was, but Ava will show you to the door.”
Phoenix is disgusted. “Y’all are gross. I’m out.” She turns on her heels, heading back into the guest room for her bags. Ava follows her downstairs and walks her out.
“Let me know when you get home, okay?” Ava gives Phoenix one of those long, auntie hugs. Back rubs and all.
Phoenix sat at a red light when her phone started ringing over the speakers. When she looked to see who it was, she almost choked on her spit. It was Erik. He was facetiming her. He’s never actually called her before, let alone facetime. They only talked in person or text. Her palms become sweaty at a new record speed. She wiped her hand on her hoodie and hit the green button to answer. The street lights lit her face up enough for him to see her. She looked down into the phone to see his face almost covered with a hoodie over his head.
“Hey.” his voice was deep and raspy.
The light turns green and Phoenix drives off, quickly looking away from the phone on the mount. He just watched her for a moment as she focused on the road and traffic. “You going somewhere?” he finally asked.
“I’m on my way home. Just left Coby’s.”
She could tell he wanted to say something more than just ‘Oh.’ As she came to a stop at another red light, she focused her attention back to the phone. “What’s up, Erik?” her tone came out frustrated. He’s been back for days now and he hadn’t texted her at all. He randomly facetimes her and barely has anything to say. She was definitely annoyed with how this was going right about now. 
“Can I see you?”
“How far are you from here?”
She drives off once again. “Like ten minutes.”
“Alright.” There’s movement on his end of the phone. “I’ll wait for you in the garage. See you when you get here.”
“Um… okay.”
The call ends and Phoenix is every bit of confused as to how she should take this. He hasn’t talked to her and now he wants to see her. What the fuck was happening right now?
She arrived in the parking garage of her apartment and Erik is waiting, standing outside his car. She decided to leave her bags in her backseat and gets out to go to him. As she approaches him, he motions to the car, opening the passenger door. “Ride with me somewhere.” Phoenix very hesitantly gets into his car. He gets in and drives off. The ride was silent. He was distant. Not the Erik she had become use to. He was so closed off and she wanted to ask, but didn’t really know how. She didn’t know what to say. She just rode. She laid back into the seat and just looked out the window. The car ride wasn’t long. They pulled into a parking lot and as Phoenix searched around, looking out of the windows, she realized they were at the beach. There weren't many people out. Just a few bodies walking around. Erik turned the car off and opens his door to get out. Phoenix follows. He spares her a look and starts walking onto the sand, toward an empty picnic table. Phoenix doesn’t follow him immediately. She watches him walk and takes note of the slight dip when he takes a step. He turns looking for her and expecting her to be right behind him. When she’s not,  he stops to wait. She slowly begins her journey to him. When she approaches him, he takes her hand in his and guides her the rest of the way to the picnic table. Erik steps up onto the table, sitting on the top of it. He leaves just enough room between his legs for Phoenix to sit. He pulls her up on the reserved seat. As she settles into her place between his thighs, he wraps his arms around her torso and rests his face on her shoulder.
Neither of them talk. They sit. The moon’s light sits on top of the water before them and faint sounds of the city in the distance. The few people roaming the beach had left, leaving just them with one another. Phoenix listened to Erik’s steady breath in her right ear and the sounds of small waves in the left. She felt calm. The slight irritation she had with Erik had subsided.
The late night breeze flowed right off of the water and a shiver crept up Phoenix’s spine. Erik felt her shake and wrapped his arms around her body completely, holding her tighter.
“Better?” his baritone voice spoke low in her ear.
“Mhmm.” she rested her head back on him.
“I missed you.” he whispered.
Without thinking, Phoenix’s words flew from her mouth. “Then why didn’t you text me?”
“I just needed some space… some time to decompress or whatever.”
“I get that. I just would like to know that you’re okay.”
“I’m sorry. Not really used to having to check in with anybody.”
Phoenix lifted her body from his and turns to look at him. “Well, you don’t have to check in with me then.” she snapped.
Erik sighs. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’ll let you know next time.”
“Nah, you don’t have to worry about it.” she faces forward but folds her body into her lap. Erik pulls her back to him. She resisted at first but eventually submitted. Resting her body against his chest again. She felt defeated. He wrapped his arms around her again, placing his face in her neck. He doesn’t do anything. He just lays there, lips barely grazing her skin. Phoenix silently prayed he’d move, though she wanted him to stay. 
“It won’t happen again. I’m sorry.” he said into her neck.
She took in a deep breath. Coby’s words popping up in her mind. ‘Let that shit go. Let Erik be your fresh start.’  
“I missed you too, Erik.”
His lips pressed firmly on her neck then. Her body melted more into his.
“Why are you so understanding?” he asked.
She shrugs. “It’s just who I am, I guess.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“Why would you say that?”
He lifts his head, looking out at the water. Phoenix’s head falls back onto his chest. His grip around her loosens. “I’m no good for you. You’re too much of a good person for a nigga like me. I do terrible shit and you still find a way to be understanding about it.”
“Everything I touch dies, Phoenix. I don’t wanna ruin your life.”
“Shut up, Erik.”
“Phoenix--” She cuts him off and turns to face him again. She pulls the strings on his hoodie and moves her face closer to his. They’re eye to eye.
“I’m a grown ass woman. I make my own decisions, so if you ruin my life, it’ll be because I let you. I’m not scared of none of that shit you’re talking. I had my chance to cut you off when you told me that you’re basically an assassin. You mark your body for every fucking kill Erik. I tried counting them damn scars on your arms and I lost count… three times,” She dramatically throws up three fingers. “I’m understanding because I know what it’s like to only have yourself. I’m understanding because somebody has to be. Somebody has to be a safe space for your dumbass.” She lets go of his hoodies strings. “Even though I couldn’t get a damn text letting me know you were still alive.” she says sarcastically. 
Her words hit him right in the chest. ‘Somebody has to be.’ Nobody had ever tried to be understanding of him. Nobody wanted to be and here this girl is, wanting to be that somebody. He felt a sense of safety with her that he couldn’t explain before and this confirmed everything he was feeling. This woman was special and the only explanation for how he got so lucky was that Bast herself, sent her to him. If that’s what Erik had to tell himself to accept what Phoenix was offering, he would. All Erik could do in this moment was smile. “I said I’m sorry.” He hadn’t smiled once in the weeks he’d been gone.
Phoenix clutched her pearls. “Erik Stevens without his gold caps? Never thought I’d see the day.”
“Shut up.” He grabbed her face, squeezing her cheeks and connecting his lips with hers. He needed to do this. He wanted to since she met him in the parking garage. The kiss turned hot, very quickly. The smacking of their lips seem to quiet out the sounds of the waves hitting the shore. Phoenix gripped his hoodie, pulling him closer. Their awkward position making it hard to do so. She lifted her body from between his legs and straddled his lap. She didn’t miss a beat. Their lips never parted. Erik’s hands gripped her ass, holding her in place above him. Just as Phoenix sucked on his bottom lip, he pulled back.
“Fuck, girl.” he shakes his head, trying to come back to reality. Erik has kissed many, and I mean MANY of women. But none of them felt like this. She made him want her in every way possible. He wasn’t used to this feeling. But, Phoenix has a history of making him feel things he’s not used to feeling. Like, well… feelings in general. Erik never wanted to just be with someone just to be with them. With other women, if it wasn’t about sex, he didn’t care. But, Phoenix… he wanted to sit next to her, talk to her, hold her hand, watch tv with her. The simple things.  
“What I do?” she grinned.
“I want you so fucking bad.” the lust in his voice sent heat to her lady parts. She wanted him too. “But… if I’m gonna do this, I have to do it right.”
“What do you mean?”
“I would love to bend yo’ ass over this table right now and just…” He thrusted his body up into hers. Her mouth dropped in shock. He laughed at her reaction. “But, I wanna do right by you. I wanna take you out. I wanna show you a good time first.”
“You wanna court me, Stevens?” she smiles, linking her hands around his neck.
“Yeah. All that shit.”
“Damnn, okay. A bitch ain’t never had that before.” she says in her hoodrat voice.
“Me neither.” He laughed at her and pulled her back in for a few more pecks on the lips.
They continued to sit in this position. Phoenix laid on his shoulder and he rested his face in her neck, still gripping on to her thighs. She rubbed the back of his neck. They sat quietly with the sounds of the night traveled around them.
“E,” she whispered. He moaned in response. “Why the beach? What made you wanna come here?”
“I like to come here to clear my mind.”
“Hm, well, I’m enjoying this. I really am. But, I’m cold.”
His body bounced under hers as he laughed. “Well, I’m good now so we can go.”
Phoenix stands. Erik moves to stand up but pauses and sits back down. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
He drops his head in laughter. “Oh my God, man.”
He slowly stands up and his erection is VERY visible through his light grey joggers. Phoenix’s mouth drops and she laughs. She knew he was big from when he chilled with her at her place and she breifly sat on his lap, but seeing this nigga print in these pants, let her know she slightly underestimated him. “And I Oop…” They both leaned over in laughter. Phoenix’s funny reaction was simply a way to steer her brain from the many questions she wanted to ask herself. Like: Was she able to handle that? Ya’ know… when the time came? How big was this nigga? Has he murdered anybody by dick in his past? 
But she’ll tackle that one later. They were okay. Things were normal.
Erik readjusted himself and they walked back to his car. The ride back to their apartment was different than the ride to the beach. Phoenix connected her phone to his car’s bluetooth and played her music. The air was lighter on their drive. Erik’s hand found its place on her thigh and they both sung along to the songs that played.
Phoenix and Erik picked up right where they left off. He texted her every morning and they’d text through the entire day, ending the day with a facetime call. The nights she’d be up and in the studio, they’d text until he fell asleep, only to facetime him when she made it in and they’d both sleep with the other on screen until their phones died. It was like they were teenagers again. The butterflies, the cute text. They enjoyed each other.
Phoenix was currently standing in her hallway, locking her door. Before making her way to the elevator she texted Erik.
Phoenix: What’s your elevator code?
She was feeling bits of nervousness. This would be her first time going up to Erik’s apartment. The couple of weeks that Erik had been back seem to have flown by and  her vacation with her girls was coming up quick, Erik told Phoenix he wanted to see her before she left. They haven’t seen much of each other since he’s been back with her schedule being hectic. Phoenix had a lot of work and meetings to get through before her trip. She wanted to enjoy her vacation without any work related distractions. Her and Coby had been working tirelessly so the only time she could really see Erik was on their nightly FaceTime calls. He’d always miss her on the elevators.
Erik: 8176.
She pressed the elevator call button.
Phoenix: Great. My goons will be up in a minute to rob your ass.
Erik: Play with me if you want to. I’ll drop you and them niggas.
Phoenix: you wouldn’t do that to me. You would miss me too much.
Erik: maybe I would. Maybe I wouldn’t.
The elevator doors opened and Phoenix stepped on. She typed in his code to enter the Penthouse floors. 8..1..7..6. The twelfth floor light lit up and the doors began to close. She texted Erik back.
Phoenix: I’m not coming up then.
Erik: stop playing baby girl. You know I would miss you.
Erik: I miss you right now.
Phoenix sticks her tongue out, blushing. She locks her screen. The closer she got to his floor, the tighter the knot in her stomach. She could feel her hands getting hot. She tried taking some deep breaths. The cabin stopped and the doors opened. She stepped out and looked to her left and to her right. There was an apartment door in both directions. Erik didn’t mention which direction his door would be. She unlocked her phone, calling Erik.
“Hey baby girl. Where you at?”
“Um, I’m in the hallway. You never told me if your door is to the left or right of the elevators.”
“Oh shit. My bad. The right.”
Phoenix goes right and the door begins to open. Erik steps out with a smile sitting beautifully on his face. He made Nike shirts look like the most exquisite shirts on the market. His dreads were pulled up into a pineapple. The smell of seasoned chicken flowed out into the hallway meeting Phoenix as she greeted him with a hug. He steps aside, letting her in. First glance and Phoenix was stunned. The sleek and modern black and gold decor was designed perfectly. The high ceilings and floor to ceiling glass windows gave the most amazing view of the city. She walked in, looking around, noticing the African Art along the walls.
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“Ohhhh, he got moneyyy!”
“Would you like a tour?”
She whipped her head around to him. “Yes, actually. I would.”
She follows him as he leads her more into his penthouse. They walk through his huge living room where he has the largest sectional couch that Phoenix has ever seen. It looked so comfy and she couldn’t wait to get lost in it. A 90” tv set on a stand in front of it.
“Full bar over there.” he points to underneath the stairs. “Dining area. Kitchen.” He takes her hand and leads her past the kitchen into a hallway. There are two doors to right. The first is a guest bathroom. The second door is a guest bedroom.
“Damn, Stevens! Your guest room is bigger than my living room. Go off with your rich ass.”
“You’re silly, baby girl. C’mon, we’re going upstairs.”
They make their way back into the main area to go upstairs. She follows him up and notices his pants hanging low on his waist. This nigga has cake.
“Damn, you kinda thick, E.” she pats him. He stops mid step and turns to give her the straightest face.
“Don’t do that shit again.”
She puts her hands up in surrender. “My bad big booty E.”
“Chill.” They continue their trip up the stairs and the space before them was big enough to be another living room. There were some workout equipment, neatly stacked against the wall.
“Oh this is where you be growing ya’ cheeks at.”
“Phoenix, you got one more time to mention my ass before I put you out.”
“Alright, alright. I’m done.” she smirks at him.
He takes her through some sliding doors that lead to his bedroom. The walls were white with a dark grey accent wall behind his bed. A TV was up on the wall between his large windows. The shades were down, blocking out the cities lights. His california king bed dressed in black and purple. A large black panther picture hung on the wall.
“I have an idea, E.” Phoenix says, rubbing her chin.
“What’s that?”
“I move into this room and you take the one downstairs.”
“You sound crazy. You could just join me in this one.” he winks at her.
“Nope. I need all of this to myself.”
“Nah. I come with it. All or nothing. If you don’t like it, you can stay in your shoebox downstairs.”
Phoenix’s mouth drops and she clutches her chest. “First of all, I love my shoebox.”
He wraps his arm around her shoulders. “C’mon, we’re almost done with the tour.”
She walks with him to the other side of his room and through another set of sliding doors. They step into his master bathroom. His shower had three shower heads and a bench. The tub sat in front of a large window and another tv was on the wall in front of it. “I’m sold. I might have to take you up on your offer now.���
“Oh now you want me?”
“Technically,” she put a finger up. “I never said that I didn’t.”
“You’re something else.” He walks out and she follows him. Right outside the bathroom’s doors was a small hallway that lead into his closet. He turned on the lights, revealing his amazing collection of clothes, sneakers, jackets, and a jewelry case full of chains and watches and few pair of earrings. Straight ahead was a large mirror. Phoenix walked right passed his clothes. Fuck his clothes honestly. The white light in the closet made for good lighting and the mirror called her to take the perfect picture.
“OH! It’s picture time.” She pulled out her phone, snapping a full cute pics, catching her body at all of the right angles. As she tried to get a new position, she noticed Erik leaning against the wall behind her. She hadn’t realized that he was visible in her pictures before. She stopped and looked at him.
“What?” he was lost as to why she was giving him the stink look.
“Get out my picture.” she barked at him.
He rolled his eyes, stepping out of her camera’s view. She snapped a few more pictures.
“Are you done?” he called out. She walks back to him.
“Yes. All done. Thanks.”
He turns off the lights and they both leave out of his room. As they walked toward the stairs, he points to a door on the other side, “That’s my office. I’m redoing it right now so it’s a mess in there.”
They go downstairs and into the kitchen where the food Erik had cooked sat on the stove. He made stuffed chicken, cheesy, garlic potatoes and grilled asparagus. Phoenix sat in the wooden barstool at the kitchen island as he prepared their plates.
“Red or White?” he asked without turning around.
“Hmm, white.”
Erik placed two plates of food on the counter in front of her. He grabbed two wine glasses from a cabinet, placing one in front of her. “You’re a sweet kind of woman aren’t you?”
“Yes. How did you know?”
“Lucky guess.” He walks away out of her sight. When he comes back, he has a bottle of Moscato. He effortlessly pops the cork and pours into their glasses. He takes his seat next to her, pulling her seat closer to him. He grabbed her chin, bringing their faces just a breath from each other. He licks his lips and places a peck on hers, making a small closed mouth smirk appear on hers. “Eat up, baby girl.”
Phoenix pulled away from him. “You don’t tell me what to do, Stevens.” She picks up her fork and starts eating. He watches her with prey like eyes.
“We’ll see about that.” he finally says with a low tone before digging into his food.
As they enjoyed their meal, they talked about random things. How they’re sick of the construction outside of their building. Phoenix has a hair appointment the next day. Nothing major. Well about halfway through dinner, the conversation shifted.
“So,” Erik sat his fork down. “Your birthday is coming up. You and your crew planning something?”
Phoenix sipped her wine. “My crew? No. This vacation is enough for me. I don’t wanna do anything really.”
“I thought the trip was Camrens’s birthday gift?”
“It is. But, I don’t know, it’s right before mine so I’m okay with just that.”
“Why?” He was watching the side of her face.
“Not really a birthday person.”
“I’ve never met a woman that wasn’t a birthday person.”
She finally looks at him. “I mean, as a kid, I was. But the older I got, it just seemed so… extra. I would only do something because my brother wanted to.”
“Brother?!” Erik’s eyebrows raised high. “You have a brother?”
Phoenix rolls her eyes. “Yeah. A twin, actually. Zion.”
“You’ve never mentioned having a brother.”
“Because…” she takes a sip. “We don’t talk. He don’t fuck with me and I don’t fuck with him.” Her demeanor changed. Phoenix is tense now. She clenches and unclenches her jaw and the slight eye rolls as she talks let Erik know that her brother is a trigger. 
Erik turns his body to face her to give her his full attention. “Why not?” She cups her glass with both hands, slowly taking sips. There’s a beat of silence. 
“I’m here.” She began. Her voice small. “I’m living a decent life, doing what I love to do and he’s not.” she shrugs. “He hates me for that.”
“Hate is a strong word.”
“He hates me, E. He said it. He’s convinced himself that I just have hella money and because I won’t move him out here and pay his way through school or fund any of his ideas, I’m not a good sister. He’s the only boy in the family, so everybody has always babied his big ass. I’m not doing that. I’ve worked hard. I’ve earned everything that I have. He can do the same.”
“I understand that. Ain’t shit free.”
She looks at him in disbelief. Everyone (her family and old friends from back home) felt like she was being too harsh on her brother for wanting him to put in some kind of work. They had always just given him what he wanted, no matter the cost. Phoenix had worked for everything. She had a job at 16 while her brother did whatever he wanted. He was given his first car from an uncle while Phoenix saved up her money to get herself one. That same car she saved up for is the same car that she drove to California. Everyone excused her brother actions because he was just a free spirit. Phoenix was too but she still had some discipline.
“Why you look at me like that?” Erik asked.
“Because… you’re the first person to actually agree with me.”
“Hell yeah, I agree with you! That nigga better get a damn job.” That made her laugh. “Phoenix and Zion though. Interesting names for twins.”
“Our names were gonna be Zues and Megara since Hercules was my mama’s favorite movie.” Erik burst into laughter. “Thank God my grandma threw a bible at her ass and put a stop to that.” Phoenix joined in on the laughing.
Erik wiped a tear from his eyes, his laughter calming down. “Oh man,” he tapped on the counter, looking as though he had something else to say.  “Speaking of names though. Um, can I tell you a secret?”
“Let me guess, Erik isn’t your real name or something?” she says, jokingly. Erik just looks at her, eyebrows raised. His silence answering his question. She slams her hand on the counter. “ERIK ISN’T YOUR REAL NAME?” she starts to raise up from the barstool. 
Erik stops her, grabbing her arm. “Hold up. Hold up.” she snatches her arm from his hold. “Hear me out.” she motions for him to continue. “Technically, Erik is my name, but I also have my Wakandian name.”
“You better not be fucking with me.”
“I’m dead serious. I’m Erik Stevens but technically, my real name is N’Jadaka.”
Phoenix takes a deep breath, staring at him like he has three heads. A whole minute passed with her just looking at him.  “I need more wine.” she finally says.
“Nah,” Erik stands, taking Phoenix’s hand, “ I know what you need.
Some dick! Her brain screamed at her. “What’s that?”
She followed him to the couch. He turned on the tv and picked up a blunt from the coffee table. They lean into each other, shoulder to shoulder as Erik lights the blunt, taking two drags of it and passing it to Phoenix. She takes a hit, holding in the smoke longer than she needed and slowly blowing it out. They passed the blunt back and forth until it was gone. They settled into the couch as Naruto played on the tv. Phoenix had come clean during one of their late night facetime calls that she started watching the show while he was gone and that she really liked it. They agreed to watch it together and here they were. As their highs hit them more, Erik dimmed the lights in the living room and got comfortable laying on Phoenix’s lap. They remained in this position until Phoenix’s legs were numb. She repositioned herself under him to lay fully on her back and he placed his body over hers, resting his head on stomach. He was heavy but she liked it. She wanted him to stay there forever.
Phoenix had been absentmindedly playing in Erik’s locs for an entire episode. When she realized what she was doing, she stopped. His hand came out of nowhere and placed her hand back in his hair. She giggled and continued rubbing his scalp again. She looked down at him and noticed that his eyes were closed. This man was falling asleep.
“Erik…” she called him softly.
“Hm.” he moaned.
“Are you sleep?”
“I’m resting my eyes.” his voice was low and raspy. He was definitely asleep. Phoenix waited a couple minutes before calling his name again, but this time she didn’t receive a response. She pulled out her phone, opening her front camera and took a picture of them. Erik’s face buried in her stomach and her fingers, tangled in his locs. She then opened her Instagram, swiping to make a story. A boomerang of course. She made one with the caption ‘Niggas be like, I’m just resting my eyes.’ She posted it and sat her phone down on the floor. She was pretty tired herself but the truth is, she didn’t want to leave. She wanted to stay right here, under him. So she did.
Erik naturally woke up a little after  7am. He wanted to lay with Phoenix longer but his body was so used to waking up early, he knew he had to just get up. As soon as he moved from off of her, she curled up into the fetal position. He grabbed a blanket, placing it over Phoenix’s now balled up body. He stood over her, admiring how peaceful she looked while sleep. He then headed upstairs into his bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. He changed into some compression pants and basketball shorts. He remained shirtless and went out to his workout area and began his at home workout.
An hour later, he was sweaty and tired. He checked over the railing to see Phoenix still asleep. She was still balled up in the same spot. He laughed to himself remembering that she never wakes up before noon. He goes back into his bathroom to shower and change into some fresh clothes. He left his locs to lay wildly over his face and came back downstairs to clean up last night’s dishes. The clanking of the dishes and ruffles of the dishwasher still didn’t get Phoenix to wake up. She was a hard sleeper. The opposite of Erik. Maybe it was his Navy training, but Erik could hear wind shift directions in his sleep. It was still early, just after 10. He’s let her sleep in some more.
He sat near her on the couch to watch some tv and lazily scrolled through his phone. He opened the Instagram app and the first thing he noticed was Phoenix’s profile picture at the top of his screen, glowing pink. He tapped it and the boomerang of them played over and over. He looked at her from the corner of his eye. He did everything he could to conceal the grin that threatened to appear on his face as if someone was watching. He watched it more times than he would care to admit. Phoenix began to stir in her sleep. One of her feet poked out from under the blanket. Her sock was missing and her neon pink toes struggled to find shelter under his thigh. He picked up her foot, setting it on his lap and started massaging her foot. He did this while watching tv until his fingers were tired.
It was approaching noon and Phoenix still hadn’t budged. She had a hair appointment in a few hours and Erik knew it was time to wake her. He softly shook her leg, calling her name.
“Philly. C’mon, baby girl. Get up.”
“Hm?” she moaning from under the blanket.
“Get up.”
He had to shake her a little harder for her to actually wake up. She sat up, stretching her arms over her head. She looked disheveled-- her hair were all over her head, she looked confused about where she was and she was missing a sock.
“Morning, baby girl.” He sat back, rubbing her unsocked foot again.
“Morning.” she yawned. She stared blankly ahead, trying to process that she’s awake now. The fresh scent of his body lotion traveled under her nose and she looked at him, taking in the fact that he was fully dressed and looked damn good.
“You smell good.” her tired voice rung out.
“Thank you.”
“How long have you been up?”
“Like seven thirty.”
She shook her head, “Early as fuck,” She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “What time is it now?”
“Almost noon. Figured I’d wake you up so you’re not late for your hair appointment.”
Phoenix shifted her body and laid her head on his lap. “I don’t want to go to that.”
“Nah, Phoenix. Get yo’ ass up. You’re not about to blame me for your hair not being done later.”
Phoenix moaned in protest. He slipped his hand in her curls, rubbing her head. “How am I supposed to get up and you’re doing shit like this?”
He stopped and lifted her up from him. He held her chin, “Because… you need to go wash your hair, wash your face, brush them teeth and put some lotion on this ashy ass foot you had on me.”
She swatted his hand from her face. “You can suck my ass, Erik. My foot ain’t ashy.”
“I’ll do more than suck your ass, baby girl.” he licked his lips. Phoenix watched closely as his tongue grazed his lips. She had zoned out, flashing back to all of the dreams that she’s been having of him doing just what he said. Her breathing hitched and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. The snapping of his fingers in front of her face, snatched her from her mind.
He raised a brow at her. “You were thinking about me sucking your ass, huh?”
“What-- No!”
“Mhm.” he chuckled.
“I see you want to start with me early today.” she says as she stands and searches under the blanket for her sock.
“Early? Girl, half the damn day is gone.”
“Whatever. It’s early to me.” She finds her sock and sits down to put it on. She feels on the floor for her phone, checking it and seeing that the group chat with her friends is currently up in flames with 23 unread messages. She swipes to open the thread and finds that she’s butt of their jokes.
Mica: I know Phoenix up. She’s avoiding us right now.
Camren: lmao. That’s because Erik giving her that morning wood.
Mica: Right! “Niggas be like” head ass.
Ava: She think she slick too. Y’all notice how she made sure you couldn’t see his face?
Camren: yessss! No face. No Case.
Mica: lmfao.
“Oh my goodness.” Phoenix drags a hand over her face.
“What’s wrong?”
“My crew as you call them, they’re lighting my ass up right now about something I posted on Instagram.”
“Oh, that boomerang?” Her head snapped in his direction. “Yeah, I seen that.” he bit his lip to stop himself from smiling.
“How did you see that?”
“I follow you.”
“What? When-- when did you follow me?”
Erik shifted his focus to his phone, looking unbothered at the fact that he just snitched on himself. “I been following you.”
“Since when?”
“Don’t worry about all that. Stop being fake bougie and follow me back though.”
Phoenix was stunned that she didn’t know this information. She felt exposed. “This is weird. What’s your name?”
He snatched her phone from her hands and searched his name @Kingkill_ . His page was private so he requested a follow from her page. He exited out of the app and opened her messages, going to her group chat. Phoenix watched, confused as to what he was going to do. He tapped the camera icon and the camera popped up on screen.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
Erik pushed Phoenix down onto her back, and straddled himself over her. She tried to grab the phone but he held her wrist in place and tapped the red button to record. He started dramatically humping her and laughing.
“Get off me nigga.” she shouted.
“Hold on, baby. I’m almost done.”
One of Phoenix’s hands broke free from his grip and she swung on him, reaching for her phone. He jumped up and ran. She pushed herself up from the couch going after him. He ran into his guest bedroom and locked the door. Phoenix banged on the door, shouting for him to open the door.
“I will break this bitch down. Open the door Erik.”
“Try it if you want to.”
Erik leaned his large figure against the shaking door. He proceeded to send the compromising video to her friends in the group chat. After hitting send, he unlocks the door and Phoenix stands there looking pissed with her arms folded over her chest. He hands her the phone and she snatches it and storms off.
“You really mad?” He goes after her.
She tries her best to not break her fake mad face. But she couldn’t hold it. “You play too much. They’re about to drag my ass.”
“C’mere.” He grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her, placing kisses all over her face. “You like it on the low.” She pushed herself off of him.
“I have to go get my hair done. I’ll see your childish ass later.”
As she turned to go put on her shoes, Erik smacks her on her butt and follows her to the door. All ready to go, she goes in for a hug and quickly gripped his face in her small hand and blew her breath in his face. The smile on his face dropped and snatched his face away. “You nasty as hell! Get out of my house.”
Phoenix broke down in laughter. “That’s what you get for playing.” She opens the door, stepping out into the hallway. Erik is being extra, pinching his nose and waving her out. She winks at him, “See you later, N’Jadaka.”
Tags: @purple-apricots @abeautifulmindexposed @lostennyc @missshae @tip222u @janelledarling @lushloaded @chaneajoyyy @thadelightfulone @raysunshine78 @toniilaney @purpleskiesxhopefuldreams @elaindeereads
***Let me know if you want to be tagged. :)
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breaniebree · 5 years
A Second Chance Chapter 219
I received an amazing number of reviews on this chapter and I wanted to share them/address some of them here to show my immense appreciation for those who take the time to drop me a line or two for what I write.
Some of you have decided after this chapter you can no longer follow my story and while it saddens me, I expected it.  I write first for myself and I know where I want this story to go and while I hope you all keep reading it -- I know that not everyone will continue it. 
Devereaux13: I can’t. You really just did that to us? Started this story with a oh! Sirius is gonna live! But NOO u had to frick us all over. Oh my god. I love you for this story but hate you for this story. I cried more this time than the cannon one. Goddamn
Lightningscar: Huh, well, judging from the reviews, this chapter is getting you a lot of heat... personally, I though it was great in many ways, both in action, description of thoughts/feelings and great descriptions of what was going on. My biggest beef, though, gotta be this: *Ginny grabbed Luna's hand and the two of them climbed onto the wolverine's back* Ehm, it is likely it was explained in previous chapters, and if memory serves, Animagi are generally slightly larger than their natural counterparts, but... a wolverine is generally about the same size as a medium dog, shoulder height being around 30-45 cm (12-18 inches), 65–107 cm (26–42 in) long (not counting the tail). Basically, Ginny and Luna are crawling on top of a Spaniel or a Golden Retriever (on the small size) Yes, wolverines are ridiculously strong compared to their size, capable of carrying prey many times its own size... carrying dragging it. One big difference between carrying something in its powerful jaws, compared to carrying something heavy on its back. A few other minor beefs Ehm, why did Voldemort pull a Jafar on the cat (Lady G, was it?) and not outright kill it? So they got giants wandering down mid London without anyone being the wiser? I'm sure you have thought of the logistics about it :) Well, all in all, great chapter. Things have advanced rapidly compared to canon, for better (less Horcruxes) and worse (Ministry bye-bye)... though, in the latter case, it can be interpreted somewhat ambigious. Fallen as in the place (which was a given, seemed to be completely overrun suddenly... makes one wonder where all of the defence forces went, guess we will find out sooner) or if it has fallen as an orginazation like they did in canon. Curious to see what happens next. Yours sincerely, Lightningscar
Menna Taha: Ok let me just say.. Sirius was going into battle with the intent to save his son, knowing that his Fiancée who he was very much in love with was pregnant with TWINS. I mean you’d think he would be more careful than in the books where he was reckless, lonely, rusty and under house arrest in a place he hated. Also the ministry fell! Just like that! After all the preparation and the relations with the french, Bulgarian and Russian ministries AND the fae and the army they made AND the warning they recieved! What were they fucking sleeping! I love you please don’t hate me.
They were not sleeping, but they weren’t prepared like they should have been.  It’s a problem that will be addressed.
HGRHfan35: Well...shit... This was a really bad idea: to read this in bed. How the blazes do you expect me to sleep, now?!
Daddy: WTF! Why end it here. WHY!
Wade Bradford: Noooooooooooooooo!
AZfangirl: i cant believe you killed sirius. this one really hurts
Ofglitterandgiggles: I’m broken
axelvaz: Started this about a week ago and I’m finally all caught up! But oh my gosh! What a cliffhanger! Sirius!
Emeralds and Rubies: I thought we might get off easy when Pettigrew fell through the veil, butI’m heartbroken for Harry and Zee, but you definitely did this whole plot point justice.
maximusrexmundi: Eeeeeehhhhh so I was with you until the very end. I just can't imagine a Voldy who is objectively in a weaker position (than in the books) being able to muster a force that could attack and defeat a FULLY prepared ministry who both knew he was coming AND had international allies
Runningtwiceasfast: I have to say I am incredibly impressed with this chapter. I am obviously sad as I was in canon when Sirius died but due to the more uplifting tone of your work overall that you would shy away from a turn like this. Sirius' death is so important in canon a it really is a turning point in the story. Obviously when Cedric died it was sad but Sirius' death made everything all the more real. Your Harry has gotten so much more of a life and childhood than canon Harry but he too is now faced with the reality of life without Sirius. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Joanne: Wow! I’m so sad. I’ve been listening to Led Zeppelin in honour of Siri. I had hoped that this part of canon would be ignored but alas. War is war. Amazing storytelling: you made us feel this loss and that takes talent. I both dread and look forward the next chapter. Will Harry take Ginny with him? Will the breakup occur? Did Remus and Tonks make it out? Will there be a funeral? So many questions! Enjoy your birthday and rest while we all grieve.
Ahugefun: I need you to undo sirius death. Im not joking He shouldnt Not with zee pregnant and harry so attached to him Its not fair to us the readers who enjoyed your story so much andddd already mourned sirius a little bit when he was kissed before you changed that.. Im hoping that you wont kill remus and tonks in the end of the war. U are your own story and if somthing happen in jkr world doesnt mean it should here!
Everything that happens in JKR’s world is what inspired me to write my story so of course it affects it.  Some will be the same, some will not -- includes character death.  Not everyone will die who did in canon, but some will, and some who survived in canon, will die here.  
jakegarrett94: nooooooo not sirius
Leaf Ranger: ...I'm sorry...but this...this is exactly why I called fucking bullshit in the last chapter. Because of all this. This. My problem isn't the pacing of your story. My problem is all this death and carnage and bullshit happened...not because of something realistic...but because the Grey lady, for no reason, was a cryptic dumbass. That is my problem. While it'd be hard to swallow, I'd have accepted most of what happened in this chapter if there was an ACTUAL reason, in the story, as to why they weren't able to be told where the diadem was. but there wasn't. The only reason was solely because YOU wanted it that way. And it's your story, fine, but at the very least, there should be a damn good reason WHY, in the story itself, things happen the way they do. It should never...EVER be just because you, the author, want it to happen that way. because then it breaks the immersion of the reader, if something happens solely for the sake of you, the author, having it happen that way. *sighs* To be honest? I'm sorry, but this, this just is too much. You killed off Sirius and had the Ministry fall DESPITE the preparations they had already made, despite the warnings they had. That just...no. I'm sorry, but no. I'm done. Thanks for what was a pretty entertaining story up to this point, but after this? Just nope. It's not worth it. It really isn't.
Sorry to hear that, but again, it is obvious to us the readers where the diadem is, but not to them.  The Grey Lady can be cryptic if she wants as she’s dead and has nothing to lose, it’s up to our heroes to find the answer.  Sorry you feel it’s not worth it, thanks for reading as long as you did.
Redplayer1998: Please tell me it's a trick sirius can't be dead not after 200 chapters of building his character please no
Dutchie: Oh man Sirius died, bummer! Still a great story.
Whiton: Hey I’m a bit late but I wanted to say happy belated birthday. I love this story it’s fun it’s sad it’s thought provoking and is just a wonderful thing to read. Hope this finds you well and hope you keep writing.
AkashiyaHyrule: What the... this can't be it. What's the point of creating all that military platoons, and gathering allies-if the Ministry are just going to fall so fast? This feels waaay to early for this story plot to occur. But that's just my opinion. Hopefully you got a plan that works, and it's believable. It's also in my opinion that if Sirius Black's "death" is true (hope it's not), Zacharias should not be with anyone else or find someone else to replace him. I suspect you might do something of that nature. You haven't shy away from all the random romances that occurs, even in minor characters. Don't think I haven't notice your tendencies to ship characters! Anyways, it would be annoying, weird, not the same, awkward, and off-putting. I hope that will never happen. But then again, this your AU, so you have the final say on what you want to implement. I invested a lot of my time in this piece of fanfic, so I don't wish for it be ruined by very disagreeable choices (it's all subjective, of course). I mean no disrespect, as I know writing is a tough pastime, and you deserve to be commended for the amount of time you put into your AU. So, good luck. You deserve your break, and hopefully things will be explained Chapter 220! P.S: He's really dead, isn't he? I guess I would have to expect the death of Remus, Tonks, Fred Weasley, Colin Creevey, Lavender Brown (at least in the movies), Dumbledore, Snape, Moody, Dobby, etc, etc. P.S. Why the hell am I just naming character deaths?
Guest: There . Are . No . Words. Saz J
Guest: I, like so many other readers here, have absolutely loved the changes you have made to the story of Harry & Sirius - it has been a wonderful story that we have looked forward to reading every week. However, as much as I love your story, I am upset and disappointed that you had this last chapter play out the way it did. You have, for 218 chapters, written about great changes and strengths for Harry, all the others, and especially Sirius. To have this last chapter happen almost like the original version (book & movie) is a bit of a let-down to your earlier chapters. I will still look forward to reading your story, but maybe without the enthusiasm I have had this past year.
KittenWithAnAx: damn it! I'm crying! Why do I always hope that Sirius survive? even when I watch the movie I hope he don't die! I hate and I love you! yes A break is need! let us mourn in peace! my baby died! and I know that in two weeks I will be back! because I'm too curious and I love how you write! I will still mourning Sirius but I will be back... anyway I will go cry in the shower! have a nice two week break! (and Happy Birthday!)
Blitz90: Hello Breannie ! First of all, I wanna say that your story is awesome ! I really like many of the change that you bring to the HP world! Congrats on that ! Now, about chapter 219, nice chapter all around but I felt that the training they got change nothing but maybe because of the stress to fitgh Death Eater explain it to... maybe you can show me the light on this ? Second, the death of Sirius... I must say that I am disapointed about that. I know that you said in the beginning that it will be ultimately a Hinny story but for me, Sirius was the heart and soul of you fiction. Lets hope that he is just in shock or king of a coma !
Qarz: You put a lot of effort into this, writing so many words is nothing to sneeze at and it shows dedication. However, you don't seem to understand that actions have reactions. If you make changes in Canon then the whole story has to change to make any modicum of sense. You didn't do that and the more than 1.5m words are a waste since it led to the same place and somehow things are even worse than in said Canon. I truly pity those who read this huge story just to be disappointed.
nesciamema: Kinda disappointed by Harry's shoddy fighting since they've all been training for a while, the only one who seemed to be thinking strategically was Ginny before she was taken out. Hoping Zee doesn't miscarry and fights for the babies rights as heir to the Blacks. No way in hell should any Malfoy hold the title with what just happened.
goldenone: thank you for posting this on my birthday it was a great gift but also HOW COULD YOU IMA CRY
aj613: ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod I was hoping Sirius would be spared holy shit oh my god whyyy? Amazingly written as always, BUT WHY?! THEY WERE GONNA GET MARRIED AND HAVE BABIES AND HARRY CALLED HIM DAD I—
Rufus777: I understand why you had to kill Sirius. But it still makes me sad. Well written as always. I've been a fan since chapter one. I had forgotten about the Dursley stuff. Good on you to remind everyone of those memories. Keep up the awesome -rufus
kyle.grimm90: I am so sad that Sirius died again... I was really hoping he would survive this time. I love you story is so addictive but I wish that would have gone different. I was so excited he didn’t go through the veil I was jumping for joy and then wammm he died. I won’t stop reading but it killed me when he died.
Haillie: WHAT! OH COME ON!
yunkol76: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thanks for the present! Now time to enjoy another GREAT chapter
coloredwords: First things first. A very happy birthday to you. I hope you have (had) a wonderful day. Second I wish you no riot reviews for your birthday. As much as I want to know what happens next, I respect you too much to shout and riot. But what a chapter! Damn. When Peter fell through the curtain I thought for a second Sirius would be safe. But alas. My last hope lies within some time turner or time room miracle. And all of a sudden we skipped right to the beginning of DH. I'm so curious to see what happens next. Have fun writing and enjoy your two weeks off. I will be here, waiting patiently.
Fruitcake49: I would rather this entire chapter be a nightmare. Why do Sirius and Harry always get the short dirty end of the stick? Such terrible childhoods and Sirius has to die leaving Harry alone. I gotta tell you if anyone other than a character in a story were put under this much pain and unhappiness they would crack and cease to function. As much as I like this story, Harry needs Sirius. I'm tired of people killing him off.
X.pix.X: Happy birthday, and great chapter
Undead Gothic Princess: you are mean and a god all at once! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time reading this, then took a sigh of relief when pettigrew died cuz I thought "hey, Sirius will be fine now, he survived!" then wham! I dont think he's really dead dead though. they'll either be a way so that it was polyjuice or maybe they use a time turner. something better happen so that he just appears through the front door/hospital wing and is like "whys everyone so down when my hansome face is here?!" please let it be true, otherwise I dont think I can go on in this cruel world xxx
HarryPotterLover2422: Such an amazing chapter! I have enjoyed reading this story for quite some time now and look forward to each new chapter. I am so sad with what happened to Sirius, but I am looking forward to what’s to come! I loved the Lucius called Theo his son that was amazing! I think one of my favorite things about this story, other than how amazing it is, is how you humanize especially the Malfoy family in terms of Draco and Theo. Amazing as always! Happy belated birthday! Can’t wait for more! ️
Leo: Happy Birthday! I was so excited to see that you have written this chapter, until I read it, I can't believe you've hit us with the double whammy. This chapter both made me cry and amazed at your incredible writing skills. I hope you carry on and finish this story. However, most importantly, please, please please, please, puppy eyes please can you post the chapter. I know you said you won't but imagine puppy eyes, you know you can't say no to that. Keep us the brilliant work.
I am imagining puppy eyes, but no, I’m sorry.
GoldenPotterFan: Chapter 219 and the first time I am commenting. Started reading this story between Christmas and New Year 2018 and read all chapters up to then by the time I went back to work. Since then I have waited for updates every week. Somehow, I don't believe that Sirius is dead. Just a feeling I have. I also think Lucius might be working against Voldemort while still not quite working for the Order. I would not be surprised if he saves Sirius somehow. I cannot wait for another update. PS Happy Birthday, I hope you had a great day :)
devonleney27: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Thank you for the gift of this chapter, sorry I didnt get you anything!
DoodleBug78: OMFG cannot believe that! Really?!
witchyromy: mmmm i would have thought that with the time living in the magical world, and all the extra training harry has done, with sirius and remus and mischa and the rest of the group as well in the extra defense lessons that this would have gone better, they almost only used stupify and some 1st year spells. The whole thing is 80% the same as the original... i have to say i am a bit disappointed.
Sorry to hear that, but I kept what I needed to keep in there for a reason and I hope you will stick around to see that, but if not, well thanks for reading.
Guest: Welp, I’m crying. I’ve been following this story for a while, and honestly didn’t expect to be so upset about Sirius’ death, again. You’ve done wonderful work at recreating this moment. There are so many tiny complexities in this rendition and I can’t wait to see what comes next. Hoping zee’s fall didn’t hurt those babies. Thank you for your work. ️
snowball0709: Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day:) Now to the story.. HOW COULD YOU KILL SIRIUS? This story is all about his second chance! And the wedding, the twins... come on, siriusly! I really hope you have something up your sleeve and that he miraculously lives somehow. Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Lolikiano: I'm so excited you posted early! I can live with the cliffhanger as an exchange! Your stories have inspired me to write my own fanfiction and I can't thank you enough for that! I'm looking forward to your next update in two weeks! P.S. I love the "Surprise" pregnancy (which i TOTALLY called when Zee got ill!) I can't wait to read Harry's reaction!
Maggie1874: I'm so sad and disappointed that Sirius died. I was really hoping he'd live in your story.
Krazyasibe: Happy birthday! But why would you do that! I love Sirius!
alix33: No need for anyone to shoot Nott senior in his undersized wanker, Ginny will just have bat bogeys coming out of it rather painfully (and satisfactorily for us readers) in a jiffy. Dumbles had sweet fanny adams to do with the six being able to turn into animaguses. I like Lady Godiva's way of dealing with Death Eaters far better than I do any of the light side's humans' only effective for a couple of seconds stupefying. That vile bitch Bellatrix killed Sirius! I wonder which charm was used on the statue which made it keep Harry away from Dumbles and Tom Riddle junior.
wheezing-reader: Happy Birthday! Your story is probably one of my all-time favorite fics! Saying that WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! No. This is not okay. I'm not okay with this.
Josh: Can't believe you killed Sirius! Hope something miraculous is going to happen. This is supposed to be about "A Second Chance" for him, so he needs to be alive!
Menna Taha: Happy birthday! But still how fucking dare you
jmdaz44: I know Sirius canon-ly dies in the fifth book but I was hoping you’d spare us somehow, especially after the proposal and pregnancy. Instead you were just fattening us up to be slaughtered. You’re cruel. I love the story and your writing but it hurts. It hurts. I truly hate your Bella. I should have waited to read this until this evening because now I feel like my whole day is ruined and it is just starting. I hope you’ve got something feel-good planned because I’m pretty down on this right now. I guess that parallels where we are in the story; things are getting real and nothing is for certain anymore. Hope is a dangerous thing.
alyson3il: First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wonderful day, and short hiatus to get everything straight! Second of all, WHHHHYYYYYY?! WHY? Why? Y? y? WHHYYYY! I thought Sirius would be SAFE, you lured us into security with Peter, but then it just HAD to happen. I got my hopes up that it wouldn't be him, he had Zee, he had the twins on the way, HE WAS GONNA GET MARRIED! I get that things happen, BUT THIS THING DIDNT NEED TO HAPPEN, or maybe it did. You're the author, you have a plan in place, and you know what you're doing. I'll just be hurt for the next two weeks.
Miss Elyon: 1) Happy birthday dear ! All good for you! 2) Thad Nott - It was too late! (I loved that Lucy killed this son of a troll) And Wormtail ... I'm sure you will be very well received in hell! 3) Bella ... fucking crazy bitch ... something will come to you and it won't be pretty! 4) More importantly - You made me cry so fucking hard with Sirius. I went into depression until you post again. I truly love your story (although it makes me cry like a baby!). The pain at his death was more brutal than the book. I know you have something planned (I hope) and I will be reading (with a sniffling nose) the next chapter! To cure this chapter I'll read the whole story again and cry all over again ... I think I like to suffer ... kkkk See you in the next chapter ;)
chefke: o.m.f.g. omfg. I'm freaking out
xcherry91x: OMG NOOOOOO! I was hoping that Sirius wouldn’t die. I cried when I read that. The babies! They gots no daddy
SuperBossy: Not happy at all.
rolly21: I can’t believe you killed Sirius. I was really hoping that you wouldn’t.
LilyBlack18: I was so not expecting that. I was sure Sirius wouldn't die . My god, reading his death again was pure torture. At least Harry still have Zee, Remus, etc. I'm so sad, though... I really thought you wouldn't keep that part of the story, and you gave me false hope when Peter died x)
greg.is.wilson: You are evil.
Mutt N. Feathers: Yes my dear, I do trust authors. Needless pain is never inflicted by them. I made readers think I killed Sirius too, but instead had other plans. You love him too much. I live in hope. Mutt
supersandman86: Oh man! Not Sirius! He just got his life to perfection. Loving son, a fiance and a child on the way. Nice to see Wormtail redeem himself by shoving zee out of the way and Thaddeus got what he deserved. Now we just need to give Crouch and Bellend Lestrange pain that even they can't endure. This was always the dark point in the whole franchise in my opinion, where Harry felt the most hopeless. Let's see how it goes.
Sirius black411: You are so cruel...so so soooo cruel. They were going to get married...have twins and raise them.. How could you?! I can't imagine what Zee must be going through but she is still there for Harry. She will be a great mother.
Wodril: This Sirius didn't really seem like the guy to be done in while taunting. Not being hit by the killing spell, and the whole "he'll writhe in pain as he dies" spiel makes it a bit more uncertain. I never really appreciated him coming back to life after the dementors, and kinda hope, for the sake of the story, he'll stay dead this time. He will probably show up as an inferi anyway?
Jewels46: Omg... I’m crying! You’ve reduced me to tears. I know it was a very real possibility, but I hoped it wouldn’t actually come to fruition even though I understand the significance. I do really like how you wrote his death though, a much more fitting end. The bit you added with Peter had led me into a false sense of security that the lovable mutt would be safe. I just can’t even right now. Wonderful chapter. I’m going to cry some more and eagerly await the next one
Dianne: Yes I need atleast 2 weeks to emotionally reconstruct myself after this bombshell of a chapter. Deep breaths in and out. Curious about how you've brought a 7th year canon event now itself. I'm not sure I even took in everything coz I was crying so hard and couldn't read clearly, was reading this at clg and I surprised everyone by suddenly crying out loud and sobbing :'( and everyone was baffled when I said one of my most favourite characters just died painfully and I was crying for that, but they don't understand the power of reading or the power of HP thankyou for an early update and kudos you're an amazing writer!
purplevictory: That wasn't nice. I mean, happy birthday and everything, but did your present to yourself really have to be the torture of your fans? I know Sirius will be fine, I just don't know how you're planning to get there. Thank you for the early chapter. But, when your birthday celebrations are over you really ought to write "I will stop being mean to my readers" 50 times. You don't have to use a blood quill.
Write lines as punishment?  I don’t have time for that, I need to write the next chapters.
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx: Noooooo I can’t believe that after all this you still killed Sirius! When his life was finally all good with babies on the way!
eternal king of fire: wow this chapter was a tear jerkier poor sirus and zee
speedsONEandONLY: No. Nope. No. I refuse to see this as a real chapter. None of this happened. I mean what was the point of letting them be happy, of getting rid of the Horcrux early. Only to fucking destroy them. To make him want to sacrafice, kill himself anyway. This chapter didn't happen. This is a "what couldve been" I doesn't make any fucking sense. Nor does it for the narrative. So, No. I refuse to think, Believe, You could be so heartless to characters/people you love. That you made us love. I don't see anyway how the story Could really go on, if this chapter actually happened. It reads more like the last Twilight movie from when Aro rips off Carlisles head. Sorry, but no.
Sorry, I guess I’m heartless.  Comparing me to Twilight though, that’s heartless. 
Ari Black-18: I know that this is a war, but please let Sirius escape death again, don't do this please, please make this better, tell me that Remus and Tonks somehow save him, tell me that even tho he is in bad condition he's still alive, don't leave his twins and Harry without a father, don't live Zee without her love, don't rip away Remus's brother from him, give him a second chance from the original story, let him be there with Harry at the end, the world it's already too shitty for it even to suck in a fanfic. Call me naive or delusional, but I actually believe that this is not over, I trust you enough to know that you wouldn't do this, your story it's to damn good to lose such a character just like that, so I know you are going to fix it, you're going to pull a surprise under your sleeve and make us love it so much. I believe in you, I mean you wouldn't just kill Sirius like that, not this Sirius, your Sirius. I trust you, I know you wouldn't do this. Please enjoy your break, chill, eat a lot of snacks, maybe even party a little, and then, please, bring our uncle Siri back.
Seriuslypadfoot: Hey Breanie, very well written as per usual. I hope Sirius isn’t actually dead, as this story is one of the few Sirius and Harry fics that I have thoroughly enjoyed and don’t want his character to end this way. Powerful moment with Malfoy in this chapter, but I wish he showed more backbone and fully went against the death eaters like his family wants. Again, hope Sirius doesn’t end here, the death will really hurt the story in my opinion. But this is your story so write it how you will. Thanks for your hard work!
Thank you!  Malfoy doesn’t have much of a backbone, but I do have a plan for him.  I’m sorry you feel that Sirius’ death hurt the story, I think it’s important for what’s next.
DetroitNate: A review? I hated this chapter. Oh the writing is great as usual, but what happened in it? I hated, loathed, detested it. I hope justice comes and comes quicker than Hinny did in this story cause it is getting too difficult to read of how these vicious bastards seem to get away with anything they want. JKR did two things I can't stand in canon kill off Sirius and Fred and now I'm wondering if this story will follow her on that pattern... I hope not, I really do.
Thank you and I promise, justice will come quicker than Hinny -- as in it won't take another 197 chapters, maybe 196, just kidding! 
Paola1991: So is this death for real or is he coming back? I mean you tricked us once. I guess i kind of assumed you’d never kill him off because it was kind of a sirius fix it story? Where he gets a better life? This took me by surprise. Its primarily why i hate book 5. I thought someone else was gonna die instead. Hes the one character i would never kill i guess. Especially with zee having his kids! Not sure how i feel.
Guest: can i honestly beg something? can you please bring back sirius alive? please? i know u wont do it.. u have a plan with ur story... but as a big big fan of ur story im really really begging will u please?
Queen Raja: Wow. And I thought the book’s death was heartbreaking! Seriously, bravo. I don’t cry easily, and this chapter made me UGLY cry! Waiting until two weeks will be very hard, but I’m glad you’re able to take some much deserved time for yourself and Dusk. Happy Birthday, Breanie!
Maisie: how and why could you do this to mee im cryinggg please say its looking better in the next chapter
midnitewanderer: Dumbass went and reread it. Not gonna lie, it was a brilliant chapter but I am still this close to hunting your ass down and forcing to rewrite Sirius back in. Where’s my angry emoji when I need it. I can’t help but feel that you wrote Zee the way you have specifically for this chapter. Not only does she come into their lives and becomes the best pseudo mom ever written in any HP fanfic, she basically adopts Harry into her entire family. Sure there’s stories out there with the Weasley’s treating him as one of their own but not like this. ZEE’S ENTIRE FAMILY ADOPTS HARRY. Your sneaky ass has been prepping us from the beginning of her intro! He calls them all Grandad/Grandpa, Grandmama/Grandma, etc. so that eventually he sees that he’s never truly alone. Then enter the Weasleys, McGonagall, Rem&Tonks, Andi&Ted, Dumbles, Nev, Lu, Mione, he’s surrounded by so much love. I just know the next chapter is going to be hard for me seeing as I’m a crybaby but damn it to hell, I can’t wait. 2 whole weeks. What am I gonna do?
Thank you.  I guess I was kind of sneaky like that, wasn’t I? 
Zacnelson0628: Breanie... I kinda had a feeling that was going to happen. Still really sad though. I hope you kill of bellatrix in a spectacular manner.
I will do my best -- I do know exactly how it will happen and who will do it.
notthatchhavi: Oh, wow!  I don't know what to say!  This was a extremely well-written chapter When Lucius said that Theo was his son...it was such a moment I went ooooooohhh Well other then that..I cried I literally cried when Sirius died and yes I am still in denial I hope atleast Remus and Tonks will be okay.. Harry needs some support from one father When Sirius died.. it broke my heart.. Harry calling Sirius Dad.. and Sirius saying that Harry was the best thing ever happened to him I feel that he was not saying that just to Harry.. it was to James too because the Potters were the best thing which happened to Sirius I feel really bad for Zee...being pregnant with your fiancée's children and then him dying is not an easy thing to go through But the most importantly...this chapter made me cry I have read many fanfictions.. but i have never cried.. they might have been super good.. but has never made me cry I think the ability for a writer to make the reader both and laugh and cry is extremely important and difficult...I think by this story you have proven yourself as a damn good writer
Having Harry call him dad was vital and every time I tried to change it, I came back to it.
josht1987: Just know, that I am very mad at you you right now. We'll see what happens after the next one. An extremely well written chapter, but... You know what you did.
Daerwin45: not Sirus oh please he is so important it was going so good im sorry i am just a fan and it has been such a great story i did not mean to question your reason. i just was enjoying harrys and Sirus' relationship.
PotterBlondie: Oh my god, I wasn’t expecting Sirius to die! Or for anything to go this badly in one chapter! I hope he gets to escape death again? Pretty please? I hope you had a wonderful Birthday!
midnitewanderer: Nope. I’m done. I’m done. I AM FUCKING DONE! I will have no more toilet tissue by the end of the night. My chicken is currently burning on the stovetop. My emotions are freaking fried right now. Not only was he... UGH! I can’t. I literally can’t right now. I know this is fiction and whatnot, but my heart is hurting. How in the hell did I get so emotionally invested in this damned story?! Now, I’m going to remove my burning chicken and cry in a corner.
scrappy8: OMG what a chapter Poor Sirius is gone
Covley Hatake: Please let Sirius some how had lived. I like cheered when Pettigrew went in the veil instead and then that. You like ripped my heart out with Sirius. Like come on. Still good story but wanted Sirius to be there for the happy ending. I picture Harry though being the best big brother to those babies and protecting the hell out of Zee and the babies. Betting she tells Harry soon as well. Also question if he is dead what does that mean for them claim the Black title? With out him to claim them they would be seen as illegitimate and as the deal with Malfoy was made he could take it? curious on that one.
akshutalankar: well this is a really bad chapter to be posted on birthday... plz give us next soon... make Sirius alive pretty please
shooter124: O my god, I am crying. Please don’t take Sirius from us, Zee needs him and so does Harry! However that death scene was crazy good. I’m hoping that you have this elaborate plan as to why Sirius had to fake his death or something. Please please please say he is still alive, Sirius and Zee have not finished their story yet and Remus needs his best friend. This is my favourite story I have read on FF, you are a fantastic writer and I get excited every time you post!
Wolf's scream: Nice set of Bat-Bogeys, Miss Weasley! Yeah, a ticked-off wolverine is NOT something I'd prefer to cross. Greengrass is there? That's ... something I was not expecting. Yeah, Theo's advice to smash the Prophecy seems pretty sound to me. (With the possible caveat that certain DEs might lose whatever semblance of control that they have...) Seriously, Hermione? That's not a "baby." And in any case, Petrification is not intrinsically harmful: it merely decreases the probability that the Petrified one will pose a danger to himself or others. Sheesh. Somebody needs to get her priorities sorted. :-) I'm a little surprised that the DEs that trapped the teenagers in the Brain Room were using less-than-lethal spells. Granted, I'm rather glad that they did, but I don't understand whys. Well..! Lucy IS good for something, I guess... It's rather a pity that Harry hadn't smashed the Prophecy and grabbed another as a decoy. :-} Oh! What would happen if Harry were to chuck the Prophecy through the arch...? Ah - excellent move, Lady G! :-) Remus was dueling Dolohov? But Harry had Petrified Dolohov just a bit ago... maybe another DE released him, or the spell wore off? So - the Rat did something useful before departing... BTW, a fairly effective dueling technique might be to blast the floor/ground out from under one's opponent. Or merely make it incapable of supporting the opponent's weight. Especially if one is in a structure and not on the bottom floor. Well, at least there's no ambiguity at all regarding Sirius's fate. :-/ Well, laughing at Bella is a pretty good way to ensure that she's even more off-balance, yeah. It's good that Dumbledore addresses Tom by his given name (vs. the nom de guerre that he made up)
Guest: You cant do this Sirius can't be dead! Please let him live! P.S. happy Birthday Seriously though bring Sirius back.
dhnysports88: for the love of god tell me they planned to fake his death, DON'T DO THIS TO US
minerdude: Wow this is a great story, even if you killed Sirius, although with the next chapter I hope we discover thinking he was dead was part of the fog of war. If Sirius is dead it was truly well written to get our guard down by sending Peter though the veil
Old-fashionedAnglophile: What. The. ACTUAL. HELL?! Are you trying to destroy us? And you're making us wait for it? Damn your excellent and captivating writing. I'll be waiting for the next chapter with bated breath.
Thank you (I think).
littlehughesy: WHY? Why must you keep killing off characters that I love!? It's like Game of Thrones all over again! I get that it is canon for Sirius to die at the Ministry, but for fuck's sake can't Harry just have a little less suffering for once? For the love of God, if you kill Remus and Tonks in this story, I am done. Just done. I cannot handle my emotions right now. Okay, venting over. As much as I don't like it, your story is still fantastic. And hey, cheers for the early update and happy birthday!
Atea1793: You... are... absolutely... evil... YOU KILLED SIRIUS, KILLED DEADALUS DIGGLE, LEFT ZAHIRA A PREGNANT WIDOW BEFORE SHE EVEN GOT MARRIED, MAY HAVE LEFT HARRY AN ORPHAN AGAIN, AND HAD THE MINISTRY FALL A WHOLE YEAR EARLIER THAN IN CANON?! I'M STARTING TO THINK YOU'RE AS SICK IN THE HEAD AS VOLDEMORT IS! Excuse me while I spend these next two weeks gathering a mob to go after your twisted ass. The Death Eaters will seem like playground bullies when we come for you...
Guest: Omg. Omg. You actually killed Sirius. I cried. I honestly would have rather see Remus die, but maybe that’s what makes this story stronger and more intense. I definitely need 2 weeks to process this. Poor Zee and poor Harry.
lcwintersoldier: Goddamit how could you kill Sirius :'(
LifeonEarth: Oh come on you hand to bring Marauder into this. This hurts.
I’m sorry, but I thought Marauder deserved to be in Harry’s thoughts.
White Squirrel: Why does everyone feel the need to kill off Sirius even when there's good reason for events to play out differently? Honestly, this whole section felt like it wasn't up to your usual standards. You copied so much from the book, even when they had different people there and a different plan. It would have made more sense and wouldn't have been that hard to choreograph a different battle sequence.
I felt that it was important to keep it similar which I will explain later on, but of course you’re entitled to your opinion.
love reading20613: Oh god no please no
alistark94: What an ending! I gotta say I'm suprised you still killed off Sirius. Great story by the way!
Anixara: Wow, I find this story just in time for the latest chapter to be THAT. God damn it. Now I have to figure out if waiting for the next chapter is even worth it with how much that fucked with my emotions.
Breaniefan: This was so unrepresentative of your characters to just shove them back into JK's exact plot. This Harry would never have been so impulsive, Ginny and Theo would have escaped, the well trained Order would have been quicker on the mark and more effective. This was just lazy writing, taking so much of the original story and just shoehorning it in - I'm so disappointed! Also why the fuck would you kill Sirius? The whole point of fanfic is to FIX those stupid character deaths from the original, not go and do it again. I've followed this story from the start and loved it, but if Sirius is still dead next chapter... You've lost a reader.
I’m sorry that I’ve lost a reader over this, but as I said, I knew he would die from the first chapter.  Harry would be that impulsive because Ginny was kidnapped and there's no way he wouldn't try to save her.  She and Theo may have been able to escape but not unscathed.  I don’t believe that fan fiction is made to “fix” stupid character deaths because the original story is amazing and I’m getting the chance to play with the characters we all love so much and Sirius had a second chance on life and he lived it.
Adelite: AAAAH. aaAAAH. I came here for a BETTER WORLD and you killed SIRIUS BLACK of ALL PEOPLE and just when HE LEARNED HE IS HAVING TWINS?!?? I swear to god AaaaaahahahAH the original didn’t hurt this bad I read 219 chapters in 2 weeks just to be welcomed with this I am absolutely gonna riot and also what happened to Tonks? P.S if you kill Rem, Tonks and Fred in the battle of Hogwarts I will personally pee your pants
Pegg7: I can not believe it!!It has been chapter that i'm saying something bad was about to happen, but not this bad!!!!!The only think i can do now is wait and speculate: you had wormtail die through the veil and not Padfoot, so, maybe, there is a chance, i have hope! By the way, the chapter itselff is good, nothing less to say... I'm going to have a lot of speculation as how the thing are going to be next, so i'll dread this 2 next weeks Love you (a little less) as always
lovelyellie: that really hurt my feelings damn
phoenixmaiden13 (Lady Phoenix): I so hate this chapter, yet it was so good. Still can't believe you killed off Sirius, I thought he was safe for a minute but I guess not. At least they will have a body to bury. I'm going to go cry now.
They will have a body to bury and I hope that chapter makes you all feel the emotion as much as I did writing it.
MrToddWilkins: But he is still alive! The blood-Harry’s right!
Bosma18: Happy birthday but why did you have to kill Sirius he was one of my most favorite characters he and zee where supposed to marry and live happily ever after I wanted Sirius to die of old age while being surrounded by his grand children
Jmcglynn522: You killed him.... you killed him... he just found out that Zee was preggers, with twins(FYI: Taking antibiotic potions and birth control potions = Twins. Mine just turned 20.).And there’s no do over this time....no time turner.... just... you killed Sirius Black.I love your story, I’m bawling hysterically right now, but I don’t like you very much at the moment.... you killed him....why??? (Happy parts: Ginny preforming the “bat bogey hex” on Thaddeus’s dick for Theo! Lucius killing Thaddeus for hurting Theo, “his son!”. Ron touching “Uranus”. Lady G not dying. Zee not dying. And Pettigrew’s death was to kind.) And Happy Birthday!!!(Even though I may be traumatized for life.)
Pettigrew’s death may have been too kind but I think it was an important turning point for him in that he saved Zee for Sirius.
LordSmidgeon: I'm hoping so much all this was pushed in his head by Voldemort after the brain room to mess with his psyche. I'm hoping he comes to and they are just getting him away from the veil. Or it was all what he saw in the veil. Like honestly, if you have to have someone die please dont kill Sirius (at least not yet).
Siriuslover: Im in denial. He’s not dead.  How could you kill Sirius!! He was the main reason I’ve loved reading this!! Ugh please take it back I’m so sad
kellykat1889: Your evil.
RiverFord: I think I’m going to need two weeks just to recover from this. I’ve absolutely loved this story so far but you literally just killed off my favorite character and I can’t even...
archiveScrapper: Happy birthday! I'm a long time reader and first time reviewer, but I finally felt like I had something to say (plus wishing you a happy birthday is important). I'm actually weirdly... proud? of you for keeping Sirius's death at this point in the story. In the books it's kind of the point at which Harry has to officially grow up, and realize that even though he's a kid, he's the center of a really vicious war where his actions have very real consequences. And he has no one left to fully protect him either. Even in a fic where Sirius matters a whole lot more, and Harry is gonna be a thousand times more hurt by his death, that moment of change, and of Harry accepting his inevitable place in this fight is really important? So I just wanted to say that as much as I'm really sad about Sirius being gone, because I really did enjoy him getting to be happy for once, i think it's an important moment for the story and I'm really happy that it's one that you kept even in a version of this story that's a lot happier than the original story ever was. I've been wondering how you were gonna handle this moment for a long time now, and although I'm definitely gonna go cry about Sirius's death now, I'm really happy with what you decided to do.
TheOneWithWritersBlock: Please tell me this is a dream. Please tell me that Sirius didn't actually die. Please tell me that the ministry hasn't actually fallen. Please tell me it's all one big giant nightmare.
leflemmeenrose: Happy birthday!A break is definitely needed. I'm gonna spend it crying until you upload the next chapter haha. Take your time.
Zerius: Yay! Pettigrew's dead!I am struggling so hard not to say I hate you. I don't actually, but why did you feel the need to kill off Sirius?! He was Harry's family, he had Zee, he was in love, he had such an amazing life and now... Now he's never going to see Harry and Ginny get married, he won't see his children grow up... And Dedalus Diggle? What was the meaning of his death? Why did he have to die? And so cruelly... I love the new battle though. I've got a love/hate relationship with this chapter. Great job, can't wait to see what happens next. Please heal Sirius! Maybe he's not actually dead? Maybe there's a cure? Please say there's a cure! Again, amazing job! Update soon! I love it!
LaureWithAnE: I don’t really like you at the moment. But, happy birthday! How is it, after 17 years, the death of Sirius Black still makes me cry?
PurpleLotus (Person of Earth): Why did you have to kill Sirius? I just can't even process everything that happened. You made me cry and my heart is broken for Harry and Zee and the twins. I don't know what is going to happen and it's killing me. The ministry fallen already...I have no words for the desolation I feel. You have emotionally annihilated me, so congratulations. I understand the need for a break, I will be waiting impatiently for the next update. Happy Birthday and Happy Writing!
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grapehyunshair · 5 years
Amortentia pt.2 // Jackson Wang
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Hogwars!AU // Slytherin!Reader x Gryffindon!Jackson
One hour later, Hermione had almost pulled out every single hair in her head, you had lost all your braincells and the best thing you managed to pull off was this purple slime and not a silky potion with a mother-of-pearl sheen. Truthfully, you don’t know what went wrong everytime. You had followed the rules one by one yet Harry, the only person who did everything differently was the only one that managed to succeed. “Well, at least Jackson failed as well so that’s good right?” you thought while packing up your bag, stealing a glance at him only to find him looking at you, smirking. You blushed and picked up your things, bolting out of the classroom.
“Ah, who does he think he is? Coming here, looking so good, looking at me like that. Y/N you need to pull yourself together. He is the enemy and you don’t like him. You never did and you will never do.” you mumbled while walking towards your common room. 
“I honestly don’t know why you are lying to yourself. It’s not like you believe this shit. The whole school knows that you two have the biggest crushes on each other, it’s a matter of time for you to get together honestly.” you heard a voice say from behind you and someone touched your shoulder, making you jump in shock and drop all of your books.
“J-Jaebum I didn’t see you there. Holy shit, don’t do that, I almost had a fucking heart attack you moron.” you said while reaching down to pick up your fallen things.
“Hey, hey it’s not my fault, I called your name like 5 times while you were in the Jacksonland but you never heard me. I had to bring you back to earth somehow.” he said grinning at you. “Now as I was saying, you two need to stop being stubborn and admit that you like each other. We’re not kids anymore and this so called ‘hatred’ is getting quite annoying.”
“You know what? Even if I stopped hating him, he would never do that. And even if he did, he could never like me. He could literally have any girl in the world, he wouldn’t go for me.” you said.
“Y/N, Jackson never hated you. Trust me, I don’t know many things but this one I know for sure.” Jaebum ruffled your hair and gave you your books back, “anyways, I gotta run I have practise in a little bit, we should hang out later.”
“Sure, just let me know, good luck.” you replied and hugged him.
Jaebum was your best guy friend. He was the sweetest person in the world, always being there for you when you needed him. He was a Hufflepuff and that was unfortunate because you almost never shared any classes together but your friendship was still strong after 5 years. Jaebum actually belonged in Jackson’s group of friends. It was honestly the weirdest group of friends ever. They were 7 guys. Jackson, Jaebum, Bambam (a fellow Slytherin and the weirdest kid in the world; you could have sworn you saw him have a funeral for an ant one day), Mark (a Ravenclow, extremely smart), Youngjae (a Hufflepuff, with the sweetest smile and the kindest heart), Jinyoung (a Gryffindor, who was good at everything) and Yugyeom (a Slytherin, Bambam’s best friend, sharing one braincell with him). Out of them all, you were pretty close with Bambam, Yugyeom, Jaebum and Youngjae. They were actually very funny people, definitely weird but funny.  The guys often found themselves in the middle of your “fights” with Jackson, something they found very amusing since they knew about Jackson’s crush on you, yet they couldn’t wait for the moment you two would get together and you guys could all hang out in peace. You obviously were oblivious to that, so you just thought they found you guys funny.
Lost in thought, you collided with something hard and you would have fallen to the ground if it wasn’t for two strong hands holding you in place from behind.
“You know, if I was you, I’d watch out where I was going. I’m not always going to be here to catch you, princess.” Wait....you knew that voice too well. Ah shit, you mentally facepalmed.
“Thanks Jackson, but I think I can take care of my self. You can let go now, I wouldn’t want to waste your time” you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah I can totally see that. If only I wasn’t here you would have probably gotten a concussion from hitting that wall. How did you manage to do that?” he said, laughing. Ah Merlin’s beard, he looked too cute doing that. No, Y/N snap out of it.
“Gosh, do you ever stop being a prick? If you found that funny, maybe you should have left me fall. You would have a story to talk about with your friends then.” you replied, probably harsher than you wanted.
Jackson’s eyes softened up and he stopped laughing. “You know I would never do that, right?” the look on his face was something unfamiliar, something you had never seen before. He looked like he was mentally battling against himself, like he was debating whether or not he would do something, but then again you could be wrong. “Aish Y/N, do you really hate me that much? You honestly think that I’m that big of an asshole?” there it was. The frown. You had hurted him, well done Y/N the award for worst person of the year goes to you. That all lasted for a moment though before he recovered and said “The last thing I would want, would be the princess of Slytherin to get hurt. Who would I annoy for the rest of the year?” 
“There you are, I actually thought you had feelings for once. See you around Jackson.” you said and brushed your shoulder against his walking, well almost running, towards your common room. You failed to see Jackson’s saddened expression as you left, yet you realized something the minute you entered your dorm.
He smelled exactly like vanilla and raspberries. Oh shit.
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lunatens · 6 years
soulmates: joshua
word count: 2868
part: 3/?
genre: fluff, angst kind of?
pairing: joshua x gender neutral reader, some junhao on the side
warnings: drinking, a guy gets creepy and touchy with y/n 
summary: your soulmate’s name is covered by a scar—leaving only a mysterious “j” for you to decipher.
“minghao, which outfit makes me look better?” you ask, walking out of your closet in your second of two outfits you’ve tried on for the party tonight. minghao has a thoughtful look on his face and he squints his eyes to focus.
“hm...the first one.” he finally decides. you change back into your first choice (you were secretly hoping minghao would pick this one anyways) and gather the rest of the things you need for the party. minghao heads to the fridge to grab the drinks he got for the two of you; jun agreed to be the designated driver again. after the last couple days without jeonghan as your boyfriend, you feel like you need to let loose tonight and have fun, so you told minghao to go wild with drinks. he says he’s proud of you, but jun just shakes his head in disapproval at the two of you when he sees the amount of alcohol you have.
“i can’t believe you two sometimes,” he says, leading you to his car. the three of you jam out to your favourite songs on the drive to jeonghan’s, getting into the party mood. you know jeonghan has invited as many people as possible, so that the odds of finding his soulmate are higher. your mood falls slightly at the thought—you still haven’t fully moved on from him, and you’re not sure if you’re ready to see him with someone else.
“heyyyy!!” seokmin yells from the lawn when he sees you arrive. he’s playing some strange game with some of the other boys—even from this distance, you can tell they’ve already started drinking. you giggle at them, cracking open a can on your way inside. you’re not entirely sure what minghao bought, but you trust him.
“woah y/n, wait for me!” minghao says before joining you in your first drink of the night. you enter the familiar house, and you find yourself actually excited for this party now.
“i’m gonna go say hi to jeonghan,” you say, leaving your friends on the dance floor. you walk around the corner towards the kitchen, but you aren’t paying attention and you collide with someone, spilling your drink on their shirt.
“oh my gosh, i’m so sorry!!” you blurt.
“it��s okay, don’t worry about it,” the girl says, attempting to rub at the wet fabric. when she does this, her shirt gets tugged down slightly and your heart stops when you catch a glimpse of the elegant black letters on her collarbone: yoon jeonghan.
“oh my god. stay-stay right here, i’ll be back!” you say, rushing off and leaving the confused girl behind. you dart through crowds of people, scanning for jeonghan. as you’re pushing your way through the dance floor someone bumps into you, accidentally shoving you right into someone else.
“oops! i’m sorry!” you say, looking up at the person who’s arms you fell into.
“oh, hi josh!” you say as your gaze sets on his soft face (that’s alarmingly close to yours). you stand up and step back a little.
“hey y/n, what’s up?” he asks casually.
“can you help me find jeonghan? it’s an emergency; i think i found his soulmate,” you say, cheeks burning red. joshua’s eyes widen at your words.
“oh my god, we have to find him. i know where he might be, follow me,” he says, giving you a soft smile. he turns into the crowd and you go to follow him. unfortunately, the dancing bodies make it hard to do so, and you find yourself stuck behind. “wait! josh!!” you yell. he turns and realizes what happened. moving back towards you, he sticks out his hand (of course you notice the soft blush on his cheeks but you pretend you don’t see it) and you take hold of it. gently, he pulls you through the crowd and eventually you emerge safely on the other side.
“he should be upstairs in his room; i saw him go up there a little while ago,” he says, gesturing towards the staircase. “good luck,” joshua turns to head back, finally letting go of your hand. “hold on,” you say. joshua spins back around at your words, attentive. “ yeah?”
“there’s a girl who’s—hopefully—standing in the kitchen with a drink spilled on her shirt. can you go talk to her and make sure she doesn’t go anywhere until i come back with jeonghan?” you ask.
“yeah of course,” josh says and heads back into the sea of people. you walk up to jeonghan’s room, knocking lightly on the door.
“come in,” he says, and so you walk into his familiar room. he’s sitting on the edge of his bed, and he looks up at your approach. you sit beside him, touching his shoulder lightly.
“what are you doing up here? the party’s down there,” you ask. jeonghan looks at the floor with a weak smile.
“it’s stupid,” he says. you furrow your eyebrows.
“i’m sure it’s not, jeonghan. you can tell me anything; we might not be together anymore but that doesn’t make me any less of a friend to you,” you say. reassured, he looks back up to meet your eyes.
“i just—i threw this huge party to try and find my soulmate, but down there among the people, i’m not sure if i’m ready yet. what if they’re not as good as you? what if the universe made a mistake?” he tells you. you soften at his words. “oh, jeonghan,” you say, pulling him into a hug.
“the universe didn’t make a mistake, we just weren’t meant to be together. you know that. our relationship was amazing and everything i could have hoped for, but we both need to move on from it. you’re such an amazing person, i know your soulmate will be too,” you pull away from him and stand up.
“you’re right, y/n. moving on has been hard but after hearing that i think i can do it. thank you,” he says, letting out a sigh.
“now come on, i have something to show you,” you say as you flash him a grin, trying to contain your excitement. you were worried you’d feel jealous of the girl, but after your moment with jeonghan, you just feel happy for him. he follows you downstairs and you go to the kitchen—walking around the crowd this time instead of through it. you spy two figures standing by the kitchen door and you’re flooded with relief; thank god joshua found her.
“i think you should go talk to that girl,” you say, pointing towards her.
“...why?” jeonghan questions. you simply shrug and shoo him away. when he walks over, saying hi to joshua who gives him a grin and a pat on the shoulder before leaving him and heading over to you.
“i can’t wait to see this,” josh says. “me too,” you agree. from the distance you’re at you can’t hear what they’re talking about, but you can clearly see them. suddenly, jeonghan’s face turns from an awkward shy smile to a face of shock; his eyes open wide and his cheeks are flooded with a bright red you can see even from here. a huge smile breaks into his face, and he turns and flashes you a thumbs up. he says something to the girl, and now it’s her turn to freak out. she turns to you and also gives you a thumbs up, to which you and joshua laugh.
jeonghan guides the girl outside, and you feel satisfied and happy with yourself. “good job, y/n,” josh says and gives you a high five. “was that hard for you to do?” he asks with concern. you shake your head in response.
“no, actually. i think it helped me let that last bit of him go,” you say, accepting the truth and feeling at peace with yourself. of course you still needed to find your soulmate, but for now, that could wait until you found the person with your name on their collarbone.
joshua gives you a look of admiration. he opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by a shout.
“yo josh! come outside for a sec! you gotta see what seungkwan just did,” vernon yells from closer to the front door.
“i gotta go, i’ll see you later,” he says, giving you a tiny wave before heading to vernon. you’re left alone watching joshua walk away. you think back again to when you met him around the campfire what seems like ages ago, and to all the times he helped you out in class, and to how his name starts with a j...
you shake your head at that thought. you don’t want to risk another jeonghan incident; you know josh’s birthday isn’t until the end of the year, so you don’t want to accidentally catch feelings for him. you decide you might just try harder to be his friend, despite his warm eyes, soft lips, cute nose...no! you grab another drink from minghao’s cooler, cutting off your own thoughts. you chug it, then immediately open another one (which you drink slower). you’ve had a few drinks at this point and you’re really starting to feel the effects kicking in.
you decide to let loose and head to the dance floor to have some fun. you pass by junhui and minghao pressed up against a wall taking part in a pretty heavy makeout session, and you snicker at them on your way to the main room.
the alcohol is really kicking in now, and you’re clumsily dancing and singing along with the strangers on the dance floor. you’re slightly dizzy from all the movement, but you’re having fun. you feel a pair of large hands suddenly on your waist and someone presses up against your back. you frown, trying to push them away as you wiggle out of their reach. you turn to see a boy standing there, quite a bit taller than you.
“what’s the matter baby, you don’t wanna dance?” he says, stepping closer towards you. “you’re so hot...come upstairs with me,” he purrs into your ear, curling an arm around your waist and squeezing your butt. he starts dragging you towards the outside of the crowd, keeping a tight grip on you.
“what the hell?? get away from me!” you say, shoving him away as hard as you can. luckily you’re close to the edge of the crowd now, so it isn’t too hard to get away. hot tears stream down your face and you run your hands frantically through your hair, heart beating fast from the fear of what just happened. you look behind you too see if the guy followed you, but you don’t see him. you make eye contact with joshua, who’s standing with vernon at the front door. he smiles at you, but his face clouds over with concern when he realizes you’re upset. he quickly says bye to vernon then jogs over to you.
“y/n!! are you okay?? what happened?” he asks, voice filled with worry. you immediately break down in front of him, telling him what happened in between sobs. a look of horror takes over joshua’s face, and he gently takes your hand in his.
“come with me, you’ll be safe in jeonghan’s room; it’s off limits to the rest of the party.” you nod, wiping the tears from your eyes and following close behind joshua. you grip his hand tightly, glancing back towards the crowd in fear. the colour drains from your face when you see the guy near the edge of the crowd, approaching a girl.
“josh...that’s him,” you say, shakily pointing to the guy. joshua calls vernon over, since he’s not very far away now, and very quickly explains what happened. he gestures to the guy, and vernon rushes towards the crowd, signalling for seungcheol (who’s standing just outside) to join him.
“don’t worry y/n, they’ll take care of him and make sure he learns his lesson. he’ll never step foot in any of jeonghan’s parties again,” joshua says as he leads you up the stairs. you make it to jeonghan’s room, and he flicks on the light switch and closes the door behind you. he grabs a blanket from the floor and wraps it around your shoulders, guiding you to the bed, where he props pillows up against the headboards for you.
“okay, make yourself cozy and comfy. are you okay if i leave for a couple minutes? i promise i’ll be right back,” he says. you give him a nod, wrapping yourself up tighter in the blanket and hugging your knees. joshua leaves quickly, and you’re left alone in jeonghan’s room. your heart rate is finally slowing down and you’re starting to calm; joshua’s actions helped you feel so much better. you’re grateful you were able to get out of there quickly, and that he was right there to help you. you send a text to jun and minghao explaining what happened and where you were in case they went to look for you—although judging by the last time you saw them, you figure they’re too occupied to be checking their phones.
the door opens not too long after and joshua comes back in, carrying a steaming mug and some toast.
“sorry i know it’s not much, but i figured it might help you feel at least a little better. be careful, it’s hot,” he says, passing you the mug full of piping hot tea. he climbs onto the bed beside you, grabbing the remote to jeonghan’s tv from the bedside table. “i texted jeonghan; i’m not sure where he is but until he sees the text let’s watch something funny! i always watch this show to make me feel better,” joshua says sheepishly, putting on an episode of spongebob squarepants. you smile faintly, looking up at josh’s face as he watched the screen intently. you sip your tea and take a bite of your toast, inching closer to joshua for support.
“thanks for all of this, josh. i don’t know what i would’ve done without you,” you mumble, growing drowsy.
“what are friends for?” he replies, brushing a stray hair out of your face. your eyes flutter closed and your head rests on joshua’s shoulder. the door breaks open as jeonghan enters. he gives the two of you a suspicious look, then smirks at joshua.
“i got your text, is y/n okay???” jeonghan whispers. he’s trying not to wake you up, but you can still hear the conversation as you slip in and out of conciousness.
“yeah, they’re doing better now. i’ll make sure they’re safe.”
“you seem to be doing a pretty good job of that...you know, y/n’s really special, josh,” jeonghan says.
“oh believe me, i know,” josh replies, looking down at your still form.
“alright, well i’ll leave you here with them. i’ll make sure jun and minghao make their way up here to bring them home at some point,” jeonghan says. “take good care of them,” he adds, softly closing the door and leaving you alone with josh. you lie there for a while, not quite asleep, the glow of the tv and the faint sounds of spongebob enough to keep you awake just by a thread. eventually the door opens again and minghao and jun come rushing to your side. you rub your eyes and sit up, sleepily waving hi to your two friends.
“y/n!! i’m so sorry we didn’t get your text until jeonghan found us!! he told us everything, are you okay? no—dumb question. also hi josh, thanks for taking care of y/n,” minghao says, clearly still buzzing.
“let’s get you home, okay?” jun asks, helping you out of the bed. you frown at the loss of joshua’s warmth, still groggy with sleepiness. jun and minghao look back and forth between you and joshua, then at each other, then back to you.
“we’ll meet you at the car okay? make sure josh helps you down the stairs,” jun says, pulling a smirking minghao away (he flashes you a wink, but you’re too tired to notice or care). slowly, josh supports you as you make your way down the stairs. the party is still going, although it’s a little bit less crowded than before.
“thanks again, josh,” you say, pulling him in for a hug. a blush spreads across his face, and perhaps your cheeks feel a little rosy yourself. “i’ll never hesitate to help you out y/n, just call and i’ll be at your side,” he says with a reassuring smile. “now you’d better get home! you deserve a nice long sleep,” he says, ushering you towards the car.
“goodnight joshua,” you mumble, collapsing into the backseat. he chuckles, waving through the window at you. “goodnight, y/n.”
the rest of the night is a blur, but you remember jun helping you into your bed, ruffling your hair before leaving. the last thing you remember before passing out is a text from joshua of a stupid spongebob meme. you laugh to yourself, then your face hits the pillow and the world turns to black.
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swearronchanel · 6 years
how did the series fly by this quickly? anyways, let’s see how it ends
Aww poor Val
Now Shelagh and May, I can’t with all the sadness already
Vanessa Redgrave isn’t helping either ugh
But I’ve missed the nuns being nuns and singing I’m glad they squeezed some in
It’s so hard to be stuck in the middle like that, sorry Valerie
Now a teenage girl with cancer wow they REALLY wanna make me cry tonight
Shelagh always keeping herself busy lol omg like that to do list is serious
How many kids does this lady have damn
did he say Schroeder like the Baroness in sound of music? my subtitles skipped that and my hearing is shit apparently 
Val didn’t even put makeup on, you know she can’t even
“I’ve rather missed the cinched in waist” there’s my Trix
Also love her plaid pants
Cutting the photograph right in half ugh this is terrible
Lucille is so sweet
Ugh I feel that I hate hospitals so much
ANGELA SPOKE!! I’m shook
this is sad but I’m too shook that both of these silent little girls just spoke it’s a Christmas in March miracle
this is so rough bc we know Val’s gran really didn’t mean to cause harm. It’s all the system’s fault man for making women’s lives so difficult
What’s wrong with Reggie?😭
Phyllis!! Ugh I’ve missed her. The lack of her has been unappreciated
Also I still love Ms Higgins LMAO I want Phyllis and her to go out somewhere
Omg I’m in tears I can’t like this is heartbreaking, my grandma is my number 1 I can’t imagine being in Val’s situation
Someone tell me what’s wrong with Reggie and who must I fight to solve the issue !!!
Aww and now May’s gone 😭 
the swat of the hand is a mood 😂
RIP to the disco ball, symbolizing my energy crashing and burning
but i would’ve thrown hands like 1) do not talk to me like that & B) mind your business bc it’s between my gran and me
“Gentle sir” I still believe Sister MJ has a platonic crush on Cyril and I love it
LMAOO oops they’re all in their slips omg too funny
Remember when the girls had funnier lines like Trixie asking Jenny Lee if she was naked and indecent when knocking on her door? 😹
Aww now Vi everyone is succumbing to tears can we stop PLS
Why is this conversation so pure? Cyril is a gem
Poppet😭 Sister Hilda sounding like Mrs Potts
“I’ll teach you” ok I really like Sister Hilda
Pub money omg
“How nice..” LMAO Sgt Woolfe really has trouble with the curve 😭 is he naive or just too persistent
But Phyllis is smart af to set them up so she’s free from him😂
“You fixed that tap” LMAO I love Reggie
GIRLFRIEND! 😭 “no, beautiful” PUREEE
YAy Phyllis is coming home *starts singing in the key of one last time from Hamilton, Phyllis Crane is coming homeeeee*
“If only the laws were different” preach Val. We know the real villain. 
“No one can go through life without experiencing any pain at all” ain’t that the damn ugly truth 😞
Lucille giving her a gown ugh my heart
Reggie writing a letter to his lady again my heart
Ugh now the dad has a sob story this is all too much
Now Sister MJ will say something that’ll hit the feels as well
“None of that defeatist talk” remember when the Dowager Countess Violet Crawley said “don’t be a defeatist my dear, it’s very middle class” LMAO I miss Downton but let’s continue
Another baby girl
Ugh more feels why is this finale so damn sad
Sgt Woolfe sent Ms Higgins flowers, get ittt girl
Omg this is too much sadness I can’t
The tears in sister Mj’s eyes 😭
Dr Turner and Fred having a little moment is honestly sweet. They’re such dads
“I am the elder” OK SISTER MJ WE HEAR U SIS !! Sister J can take a seat! you know if she were around this series..
poor Fred was so worried
Not gonna lie I lowkey didn’t see this coming. I thought May was really leaving. But you know love gotta conquer all or this isn’t a ctm finale Lmaoo 😂
And now the Turner’s officially collect kids ((it’s a It Takes Two (1995) reference  LMAOO pls don’t come for me ill stop))
May is adorable & I love her
“Where would I be if not along side you?” GOSH SISTER J MORE TEARS FOR ME
I can’t take the wigs serious like why do they wear them LMAO
England really can’t let go of a lot of dated traditions can they? like the 18th century looking wigs and well, monarchs 😂😂
“They never said that to Cinderella” it just gets more sad by the minute
Cath came omg
Can there be one smidge of happiness pls ? I need some hope here
She’s changing her plead to guilty omgg
6 years oh shit
“Until you girls with all your training and all your learning sort something out with the men who make the law..” PREACH GRAN
I’m so glad Val and her Gran are made peace😭
the nurses serving princess looks😍😍
Phyllis holding a random girl and Sister J holding Angela 😭😭
“Gathered together we find our light, and each spark shifts and multiplies scattering its radiance on our ordinary lives. Like everything precious, more valuable when shared. Like every common miracle, made of the stuff of stars.”
Omg Violet brought Jane I cant
“Let the line shine...See the hope, see the promise.. Tell your truth. Tell your story. Tell your love.” WOW feels
can’t believe I watched the entire series in real time, from London like wow life is crazy
But my time is halfway done already, catch me watching the Christmas special back on my couch in the states. ok bye see ya maybe in december
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heeydolan · 6 years
L A {G.D.} – Part 3
Summary: moving to LA her senior year, Y/N goes into this new journey with low exceptions. Surprisingly, the new school has tons of drama to keep her occupied from what she’s missing out on back home.
A/N: ok i know it took forever to post this but i have been looking for an apartment and all this other adult stuff that’s really been stressing me out so please, don’t hate me.
Warnings: N/A
WC: 2.5k
After Grayson ran off last night, Ethan called me again, thanking me for telling his brother what I saw.
In no way do I feel like the hero Ethan is making me out to be though. From what I gathered with the way Grayson bolted like he did, telling him about Tara brought him pain. I hate thinking he’s in pain.
Walking into school this morning, I am very unsure on how the day is going to go. I mean hell, it’s the second day and there has already been enough drama to entertain me for a whole year. I assume that’s just LA in a nutshell, though.
By the time I’m in fourth period, I begin to worry about Grayson. Class is about to start and he isn’t in his assigned seat beside me.
“Good morning class.” Mr. Bennett greets us as the bell chimes throughout the halls.
In unison, we all reply with a simple good morning.
Halfway through class, I receive a text from Grayson.
Grayson Dolan
We need to talk asap.
Kinda sitting in class like you should be. Where are you?
Grayson Dolan
Had to take care of something. Meet @ bathrooms on west hall in 5.
Without any questions, I do as he says. I get permission to leave class and head towards the bathrooms all in the 5-minute time frame Grayson asked of me.
Once I reach the bathrooms, I don’t see Grayson anywhere. As I’m scanning up and down the hall, a force pulls me into a janitors closet.
“What the hell, Gray?” I question when I realize it’s him.
“Y/N, I’m sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have ran off like that. I know you were just trying to help and I’m sure you’ve been confused but I just– once you told me, I had to go end it with Tara and–”
“– you broke up with her?” For some reason, I wasn’t expecting him to cut things off with her so soon after I told him. Honestly, I don’t know if it even crossed my mind that they would break up at all. I just assumed he’d address the issue and it’d be worked out.
“Yeah.” He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck, “She’s with someone else. She doesn’t need me and frankly, I don’t need her.”
“And you couldn’t have told me that over text?”
“Well, I wanted to ask you something and it would be rude if I asked you over text.”
I fold my arms across my chest and raise an eyebrow, indicating for him to continue.
His hazel eyes glisten with hope in the dimmed light of the tiny room. “Y/N, would you go to dinner with me this Saturday night?”
“Like a...” I begin, unsure if I should say the word or not.
“Date? Yes, like a date.” He confirms.
During lunch, Tara and Sabrina sit at a separate table. At this point, I’m sure the whole school is aware of the breakup considering Tara’s sudden change in dining location.
Jordan ends up sitting with us and it seems as though him and Holly can’t stop flirting. How sweet.
Grayson and I give each other a couple glances but unless we speak conversation within the table, it doesn’t go any further than that.
After school, Holly gives me another ride home. I could just start driving my own car to school but I honestly despise driving. Also, LA traffic is the worst. I’d probably have a mental breakdown trying to maneuver through it. 
“So,” I turn down the radio, “Grayson asked me out on a date.”
“What?” Holly looks over at me shocked then quickly back at the road. “Grayson asked you out? And what did you say?”
“Well, since Tara isn’t in the picture anymore I figured it wasn’t a big deal so I said yes.”
As she turns on to my road, she sighs, “I hate to break it to you, but Tara will always be in the picture. I know Grayson is insanely attractive and no one in their right mind would turn him down but in reality, he’s stuck in this bubble with Tara that is never going to pop.”
All night, I go back in forth with what Holly told me. As much as I like Grayson, and given our history, everything in me wants to try with him. I mean, like I said, we have history. It could be different with me and the bubble really will be popped. But if it’s not, and I’m just a distraction until he gets back with Tara, I will be devastated. I had to disconnect myself from Grayson once before and it was hard. I really don’t know if I’d be able to do it again.
As much as I want to convince myself that Grayson and I have something special, I end up letting the cons outweigh the pros and I decide to just look out for my own heart and I back out of the date with Grayson.
Being the hypocrite I am, I do it over text. Of course I feel bad but I know I wouldn’t be able to do it in person.
I can picture it now: I’d tell him to meet me to talk, which seems to be a trend with us, I’d look into those beautiful hazel orbs and immediately forget what I had to say. Instead, my mind would wonder to the things we did 2 summers ago and I most likely wouldn’t be able stop myself from jumping his bones.
So, this simple text would have to do the trick.
It takes him a couple hours to respond, which freaks me out, but once he does, he questions me. I simply let him know it’s just too soon.
Agreeing, we leave it off with the mutual decision to not let this ruin our friendship.
Thank God he doesn’t hate me for bailing because I really don’t think I could deal with anymore drama this week.
When Saturday finally arrives, Holly and I decide to have a girl’s day and go shopping.
Part of me thinks she is using it as an excuse to see Jordan when she comes to pick me up. That’s fine with me, though. Jordan needs a girlfriend so maybe he’ll get disconnected from fortnite at 3 am and reconnected with a normal sleeping schedule.
With how fancy this house is, you’d think the walls would be thicker. We live in this huge place yet I still have a bedroom right next to his.
“What time are you going to be home– oh, hey Holly! Didn’t know you were coming over.” Jordan tries to play it cool as he walks into my room.
I laugh as I get my things together, “Shut up J, I told you she was coming to get me. As for when I’ll be home, I don’t know and I’m sure you don’t care.”
My brother’s face turns a nice shade of red as Holly and I walk past him towards her car.
“Hols, do you like this top? I think I might get it for the party on–” turning to face my friend who I thought was right beside me, I bump into a tall, blonde guy who has a smile to die for.
“–woah there, slow down now!” He chuckles, offering his hand as support as I stumble a little.
“I am so sorry!”
“Well, ‘so sorry’, that’s an odd name. I’m Ross.”
I can’t stop myself from giggling even though his joke was absolutely terrible. Good thing he’s cute.
“Actually, my name is Y/N.”
“That’s a pretty name for a pretty girl.” He flirts. Again I giggle even though this wasn’t meant as a joke. “Listen, I really gotta get going. I just ran in here to grab a present for my sister but do you think you would be up to going to dinner with me tonight?”
I slowly nod, giving him a soft smile. We exchange numbers then he’s on his way.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N!” Holly whisper yells as she walks up to me, her mouth basically hitting the floor. “Ross Bradley?”
“What? Is there something wrong with him, too?” I question, worried she was about to tell me some dark story about his past and how I shouldn’t even associate with him.
“No! He’s one of the hottest guys in school! Well, after the Dolans and your brother of course.”
“Ok, ew Hols.”
She laughs then continues telling me about him, “He’s on the lacrosse team, has connections with the owners of most of the bars downtown, and is so rich that his family could basically buy the state of California and make it their own country.”
I act as if his bank account fascinates me but in reality, it doesn’t.
After her quick over view of the guy who just asked me on a date, she jumps right back in to our earlier conversation about my least favorite subject: my brother.
Like a gentleman, Ross knocks on the front door, compliments me on my appearance, walks me to the car, and also opens the car door for me.
I’m quite surprised at his hospitality but one hundred percent impressed by it as well.
He takes me to one of the fanciest restaurants I’ve ever been to. I mentally thank Holly as she is the one who helped me pick out my outfit tonight. Without her, I’d be sticking out like a sore thumb.
As the host leads us to our table, I try to keep my head down because of how out of place I feel. Also, I feel as if I might fall in these heels so if I don’t watch where I’m going, it will be inevitable.
Even though my focus is on my feet and making sure I don’t wipe out, I still manage to catch the single pair of eye in the room that are watching me.
They belong to no one other than Grayson Dolan.
And who is he at this beautiful restaurant with?
Tara Rhodes.
He gives me an ‘I’m-sorry’ look but I break the eye contact.
Holly was right about the bubble and for the second time tonight, I mentally thank her.
I purposely sit with my back to Grayson so he doesn’t distract me from my date. Once I brush off the feeling that he’s staring holes into the back of my head, the dinner with Ross goes great. In attempt to impress my parents, he doesn’t want to keep me out too late, so he takes me home afterwards.
“I had a lot of fun with you tonight.” Ross says.
“I really enjoyed it, too.”
We stand there for another few seconds not saying a word. It’s obviously a little awkward until he finally breaks the silent by simply telling me goodnight. He pulls me into a hug then walks back to his car, only turning around once more to send me another smile.
I make my way inside, following the voices in the kitchen. Holly stayed and had a movie night with Jordan. Before I can reach them, there’s a knock on the front door.
I spin around and head back to the entrance, expecting to see Ross standing there with something I left in his car.
For the second time tonight, I am making eye contact with the guy who was not my date.
“Grayson,” I breathe, “w-what are you doing here?”
“I- uh- Jordan left his math book in my car so I brought it to him. I thought maybe he’d need it.” He scratches the back of his neck as he begins to realize how dumb he sounds.
“Oh yeah, he’s been devastated because he couldn’t study statistics on his Saturday night.” I laugh, grabbing the book from him.
“Really? I–”
“No Gray, not really.” I cut him off, unintentionally letting another giggle slip.
His face turns red, realizing how dumb he sounded again but something inside me can’t help but be even more attracted to him.
I walk outside with him, taking a seat on the top step of the front stoop. He is quick to follow and sits beside me.
“What’s on your mind?” He asks. I shrug my shoulders and look down at my feet.
The summer we met, Grayson and I never expected it to end. Our naive 16-year-old selves thought that those two months would last forever. In this moment right now, sitting beside him in our spot, I felt like I was back– like it never ended. 
But I wasn’t going to tell him that.
“Are you and Tara back together?” I quietly ask.
“Nah, we were just talking tonight.”
Nodding my head, I fumble with my thumbs. Knowing this is a nervous tick I have, Grayson grabs both of my hands and pulls my full attention to him.
“I just want you to know, I really was looking forward to our date.”
“I was too.” I whisper.
“Then why’d you back out?”
“I- I don’t know I just- I guess it’s just so obvious that you’re in this constant cycle with Tara that I don’t want to be caught in. I didn’t want to be your rebound and I didn’t want to get hurt when you went back to her.” I struggle to confess.
He simply nods, not arguing with what I’m saying. I simply watch him as he stands up. He turns to me before walking down the driveway in the direction of his house, “You look beautiful tonight by the way.”
As he disappears out of sight, I stand up to go inside. Just as I’m about to push the door open, a car pulls into the driveway.
Realizing its Ross coming back, my heart begins to race as he quickly gets out of the car and rushes up to me.
“There’s something I forgot to do.” He says. Grabbing my face and pulling me towards him. He connects our lips, kissing me like he wanted to before he left the first time.
If anyone was watching this, I’m sure it would look like a scene from a movie.
Out of breath, Grayson rounds the corner of the large hedge at the end of the driveway, taken aback with what was going on in front of him.
Little did Y/N know, it was like a scene in a movie. The genre being horror for Grayson.
He had come back to do the same thing to her, maybe convince her to give him a chance. But it was too late for him. She was already lip-locking with someone who is not him and as much as he wanted to run up to Ross and punch him square in the face, he knew he shouldn’t because she wasn’t his anymore.
Tags: @atlas-of-a-human-soul @agirlssfantasy @freewill-is-an-illusion @lexi-victoria
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kiddoryder · 5 years
Comission 1: The Birth of Lucius
For @anitoonzforever. Enjoy!
 Lucius belongs to me, but I would allow other people to use my oc if they want too.
In the Mansion, Sir Pentious was working on a new invention. His nephew Lucius was visiting him and was helping him built some parts of his latest invention. Then two egg Bois came carrying some books and papers for their bosses. Egg boi 104 - “We got you more of your books boss!” Sir Pentious took them but  and realized that they took the scrapbook and Lucius sketchbook.
Sir Pentious - “You scrambles nitwits! You grabbed the wrong books!”
 Lucius - “What's that, Uncle Pentious?” Sir Pentious - “Oh it's one of my photo albums, Lucius. I keep my most treasured pictures in this.
Lucius - “Can I see it?” Pentious - “Well of course.”
They open the scrapbook and start looking through the pages. There were pictures of the family in Hell spending time together or torturing other demons.
 Lucius - *amazed* “Wow. Never realized we had so many pictures.”
Sir Pentious - “You'd be amazed.” They keep going until they stop at different pages. Lucius’s eyes widen in surprise because he saw pictures of his parents and Uncle when they were humans during the Victorian era.
 Lucius - “Wow. It’s been a while since I saw you, Mother and Father as humans.”
 Sir Pentious - “I know. We look great but as demons, we look better.”
 Lucius - “My memory of the good old days is a little rusty.”
 Sir Pentious - “Well you were rather quite young when we all went to Hell.”
 Lucius turn a page and saw a picture of his parents smiling at Sir Pentious holding a baby Lucius. Pentious looks touched at this picture.   Sir Pentious - *fondly* “Oh I remember this.”
Lucius - “Really you do?”
 Sir Pentious - “Now how could I forget the birth of my own nephew? *hugs him* I remember it like it was just yesterday.”
Lucius - “Do you mind telling me the story?”
Sir Pentious - “Why I'd love to.” Flashback (They are humans in the flashback)
 Inside a Victorian house, there was Pentious’s older brother Jonathan who have pale skin, black slick back hair, wearing a black and white tuxedo, and fancy shoes. With him is his lovely pregnant wife Bethany who have long wavy brown hair, wearing a purple Victorian dress and purple shoes. They were visiting Jonathan's brother Pentious and Bethany was 9 months pregnant with her and Jonathan first child. Right now they were just having some tea and talking to each other.
 Bethany - “Oh Jonathan. I can't wait for this little to come out in a few days.”
 Jonathan - “I can't wait either, my dear Bethany. And I'm sure my brother is excited to see his little niece or nephew soon.”
 Bethany - “To this day I'm still excited that we are going to be parents!”
Jonathan - “So am I my dear. So am I.”
 Bethany - *looking around* “Speaking of your brother, where is he?”
 Jonathan - “Probably in his laboratory that I made for him in the house. Maybe I should check up on him. You know how much he loves to invent things.”
Bethany -  “Well okay.”
Jonathan got up to go to his brother’s laboratory. He went downstairs to the basement since that where the lab was. Inside, he saw  that Pentious who was working on his invention. Jonathan  - “Pentious?”
 Sir Pentious - *looks up to his brother* “Oh hello, Jonathon. What can I do for you?”
Jonathan - “We wanted to see how you were doing? Bethany and I have noticed that every time we talk about the baby, you go to the lab. Is everything alright?”
Sir Pentious - “Oh it's nothing…” Jonathon - *concerned* “Are you sure? You can tell me anything.” Sir Pentious -  *sighs* “Well, I'm just...worried.”
Jonathan - “Worried? About what?”
 Sir Pentious - “What if the baby doesn't like me? What if I turn out to be a bad uncle?”
 Jonathan - “Now that won't happen.” Pentious - “Jonathan,  you know that I don't like uncouth children. I don't have any of my own and I never been around children that much.”
Jonathan - “But I know you'll warm up to my child. He or she will love you. I know that Uncle feeling will come once you meet him or her.”
Sir Pentious - “Do you really think so?”
Jonathan - *smiles* “I promise.”
Suddenly they both heard a loud scream of pain and glass shattering.
Jonathan - *worried* Bethany?!
Sir Pentious -  “*worried* “What's going on?!“
They rush upstairs to check on her. Bethany looking like she had trouble standing up and groaning in pain. It even sound like she had trouble breathing.
 Jonathan - “Bethany my love! Are you okay?”
Bethany - *panting* H-Honey, I-I don't want to alarm you or P-Pentious but...the baby's coming!”
 Both - *shocked* “What?!”
Jonathon - “B-But the Doctor said in a few days!”
 Bethany - *annoyed and in pain* “Well the baby just said now! W-We need to get t-to the hospital! N-Now!!”
 Jonathan - *freaking and pacing around* “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!”
Sir Pentious - “Don't just stand there, help her!!”
Jonathan - “Alright, Alright!”
Jonathan helps Bethany to her feet. Bethany began to scream in pain again due to labor pains.
 Sir Pentious - “We gotta get to the cart now!”
Bethany - *panting* Oh oh please do!!
Jonathan - “Pentious, help my wife while I start the cart!”
Sir Pentious - “I'm on it!”
 Sir Pentious helped Bethany to the back seat of the cart. Then Jonathan and Pentious was at the front and Jonathan had the ropes that was connected to the horse.   Sir Pentious - “Step on it!”
Jonathan - “You got it!”
Jonathan then started to whip the horse which made the Horse move the cart. While they're driving, there's explosions going off everywhere. This was starting to scare Jonathan.
Jonathan - *scared* “What's going on?”
 Sir Pentious -  *annoyed and angered* “It's another one of those infernal turf wars! Out of all days, they wanted to do this day?!”
Jonathan - “Well they better watch it! Don’t know my wife is having a baby?!”
 Bethany - “Well we better get to the hospital now!”
*groan in pain*
Sir Pentious - “Hang on!”
 Sir Pentious took the rope, and made the horse go faster to avoid the explosion. While the horse was quick, turf wars was still happening and there were bombs being thrown. Thanks to the turf war, a bomb was thrown at the back of the cart wheel, and a tire broke. Pentious quickly pulled the rope to make the horse stop and it worked. Jonathon and Pentious quickly got off and opened the cart to see if Bethany is okay, luckily, she didn’t get injured.
Sir Pentious - “Is everybody alright?”
 Jonathan -  “I'm okay.” Bethany - *in pain* “Hello! I'm still in agony here!!”
Jonathan - “Sorry my love!”
Bethany - *scared* “Ohh...What should we do?!”
 Jonathon - *panicking* “I-I don’t know! The hospital is still a mile away!”
 Pentious turned around and saw that his house was a few feet away.
 Sir Pentious - “Hang on, my mansion is close by!”
 Bethany - *pain* “I-I don't care if W-we have to deliver it behind a tree, its j-Just need to come o-out now!!” *wince in pain*
Jonathan: “Let’s hurry!”
Taking caution, they carry Bethany to the mansion and made it safely inside.   Sir Pentious - “Just get my room ready, now!!”
Both Sir Pentious and Jonathan carry Bethany to Sir Pentious’s room. They both put Bethany on the bed, and Jonathon brought a bucket of water and some towels. As they were getting ready to deliver the baby, they still heard loud explosions. Pentious looked outside and saw it was some punks throwing some bombs one almost landed in his house.
Sir Pentious - *angered* Oh it's those turf wars idiots!
Jonathan - *scared* “What will we do!?! They can harm Bethany and the baby.”
Sir Pentious - “I'll take care of them. Jonathon, you help Bethany.” Jonathan - *concern* “But Pentious…”
Sir Pentious - “Just do it, brother! Bethany needs you!”
 Bethany - “BIG TIME!” *scream in pain*
 Jonathan - “Alright just be careful!” Sir Pentious nodded and took one last look at Jonathan and Bethany and left the room. As he was walking downstairs, Sir Pentious grabbed a cannon gun that he made and went outside to see the turf war and the punks that was trying to harm him and his family.   Sir Pentious - “I’m giving you all a warning! Leave this place at once! Or you will suffer by the hands of Sir Pentious!!”
 Gang member 1 - *laughing* “You and what army old man?”
 Gang member 2 - “Yeah this place can be perfect for our new turf.”
 Pentious starts firing his cannon at some the gang members. Some dodge them, but two of them got exploded.
Sir Pentious - *angry* “I said leave!!”
Gang member 3 - “Make us!” Pentious - “Alright you asked for it!”
 Sir Pentious fires even more and even hits some of them. He dodges some of the bombs that was being thrown and shoot some the punks. Half of the punks got injured, and other died. Sir Pentious -  “That'll teach you to terrorize my family!! I suggest you leave now!”
 After nearly being smoldered, the gang leaves. Sir Pentious sigh in relief that he managed to not only save his house, but protect his brother, sister in law, and the baby. Speaking of them, Sir Pentious quickly ran back inside.
 Sir Pentious - “Oh I just hope everything is okay.”
 When Pentious was quickly back inside, he heard a strange noise and then silence. This made Pentious worried.
 Pentious - *worried* “Hello? Bethany? Jonathan? Is everything okay?”
 He goes upstairs and finds Jonathan at the door. Jonathan didn’t have his black jacket on, he was sweating, and his hands look like it was recently washed. Sir Pentious quickly ran to his brother.
Sir Pentious - *worried* “Arthur what happened?! Is Bethany and the baby alright?!” Jonathan places a hand on his brothers’ shoulder. He first looked serious, which scared Pentious thinking that something bad happened. Jonathan - “*serious* “Pentious........*ecstatic* We have a son!! It's a boy!”
Pentious - *shocked* “....What! A boy!”
Jonathan - *happy* Yes! You got a baby nephew!”
Sir Pentious - *ecstatic* “Oh congratulations brother!”
Sir Pentious  hugs his brother tight. He was happy that not only Jonathan and Bethany were safe, but he got a nephew now. Speaking of Bethany:
Sir Pentious - “How's Bethany?”
Jonathan - “She's fine. Just tired.”
Pentious - “Who delivered the baby?” Jonathan - “Actually I did.”
 Sir Pentious - *surprised* “Wow! Didn't think you could do it!”
 Jonathan - “Me either. But  I couldn't bear to see my darling Bethany in pain or worried something would happen to the baby. So I decided to deliver it.” Pentious - *happy* “Oh I'm so proud of you.” Jonathan - “Would you like to see your nephew?” Pentious - *paused for a minute and smiled* “Yes...Yes I would.”
They go inside to see an exhausted, but happy Bethany holding a little bundle in her arms. The newborn baby was wrapped in a blue fuzzy blanket. Jonathon’s tuxedo jacket was in a basket and it was covered in blood. The floor look like it was recently clean, and the mop was in the bucket, and the water was red.
Bethany - *smile weakly* “Pentious....come look at your nephew.”
Pentious looked nervous at first. He still has that nervous feeling of being a bad Uncle. Jonathan - “Go on. You deserve it for protecting us.”
Sir Pentious goes to Bethany's side and sees the face of his newborn nephew sleeping in her arms. The baby had his and father’s black hair.
Sir Pentious - *speechless* “So...This is him?”
Bethany: *nods* “Yes...would you like to hold him?”
Pentious - *nervously* “I-I don't know.” Jonathan - “Go ahead. Like I said before, you deserve it.”
 Sir Pentious: *sighs deeply* “Well...Alright.”
Bethany gently handed the newborn baby to Sir Pentious and he was now holding him in his arms. He looks at the boy and for the first time in his life, if he ever did, tears of joy pooled in his eyes.
Sir Pentious - *happy and proud* I-I can't believe I...have a nephew...”
The newborn baby did a cute yawn and opened his eyes and saw his Uncle Pentious for the first time.
Sir Pentious - “H-Hello little one. I'm your Uncle Pentious.”
The baby smiled and extended one of its tiny hands out. Sir Pentious holds out a finger and the baby hold it.
Jonathan - *happily* “I think somebody is saying hello.”
Sir Pentious smiles and gently hugged his little nephew. Jonathon was certainly right: his Uncle feeling was already starting to kick in. Sir Pentious - “My boy...my dear boy...I promise I will love you like you were my own. And I will always help you and keep you safe.”
 Bethany - “Oh Pentious...That is so sweet.”
Jonathan - “We know you'll be a great Uncle.” Sir Pentious - “By the way, what's the boy’s name?”
Bethany - “We thought of one already.” Jonathan - “We're naming him Lucius.”
Pentious- “Lucius...That's an amazing name. It shows how much power and a gentleman he is.”
 Jonathan - “Oh that'd be wonderful!”
 Newborn Lucius let out a coo, then did a cute yawn again.
 Sir Pentious - *touched* “Aww, how sweet!”
Bethany - *clear her throat* “Oh do you mind handing me back the baby
Sir Pentious - “Oh right! Sorry.”
He hands her back the baby. Jonathan and Bethany kept looking at their newborn son lovingly.
Jonathan - “Oh we are going to raise a perfect gentleman.”
 Bethany -  “Just like his father and Uncle.”
Sir Pentious - *surprised* “Me?”
Jonathan - “Of course. You're one of the greatest men I ever know.”
 Sir Pentious - *proudly* “Well you're just as smart as I am.”
Bethany - “There’s something else we wanted to tell you Pentious.” Jonathan - “We would be honored if you would be the Godfather of our son.”
Sir Pentious - *surprised* “Me? Really?”
Jonathan - *happy and nodded* “Yes brother.” Sir Pentious: *tears of joy* “I'd be honored!!”
 Bethany - “Oh I'm am so happy! This is truly the best day of my life.”
Jonathan - “Mine too.” Sir Pentious - “Mine three.”
Newborn Lucius was smiling in his sleep. The other took noticed and Bethany said: Bethany - “Where should I set him down?”
Jonathan - “Do we have a crib or baby bed somewhere?”
 Pentious - I actually built a crib for him that I meant to send to you guys. It's in the room you and Jonathon usually stay whenever you come visit me. I'll take him.” Bethany - “Thank you Pentious.” She gently handed newborn Lucius to Pentious who held him in his arms.
Sir Pentious - “Come with me, my dear nephew.”
 Sir Pentious then took Lucius to the room and gently put him down in the crib and cover him with the blanket. Newborn Lucius was asleep in the crib as Sir Pentious was staring down at him.
Sir Pentious - *happy and proud* “Such a beautiful boy....I promise I will always be there for you.”
Sir Pentious gently stroke newborn Lucius's cheek. Tears of joy was filling his eyes again. Sir Pentious - “I promise not to let anything happen to you.”
He gives the new baby boy a kiss on the forehead. The baby smiled in his sleep. Sir Pentious - “I love you, Lucius.”
Sir Pentious looked at newborn baby Lucius one last time before leaving the room. That the promise he is definitely keeping loving and protecting his nephew no matter what.
Flashback ends
 Lucius - *amazed* “Wow! So that's how I was born!”
 Pentious - *fondly* Yes. It was the happiest day of mine and your parents’ lives.”
 Lucius - “I just can't believe my Mother and Father went through all that.”
Pentious - “Well they did want to keep you safe.”
Lucius - “And it's all thanks to you, Uncle Pentious.
Pentious - “You know I would do anything to protect you.” Lucius smiles and see himself as a baby holding a screwdriver.
Lucius - *amazed* “Wow. I loved building things even as a baby.”
Sir Pentious - “Of course. I was the first person to discover it.” Flashback A baby Lucius was sucking on his pacifier and crawling in the hallway. He kept on crawling until he saw his Uncle Pentious in his room inventing a new machine. That's when baby Lucius crawl into the room and tugged on Sir Pentious’s pant legs. Sir Pentious felt the tug and  looks down and smiles seeing his precious baby nephew. Sir Pentious - *happy* “Why hello, my little nephew! Did you come to see your uncle?”
Lucius holds out his hands as if he's saying "pick me up"
Pentious - “You wanna see me work?” Pentious gently picked him up and Lucius looked puzzled yet, interested at the machine Pentious is working on.
 Sir Pentious - “What a curious little boy you are. Your father and I happened to be one of the most respected inventors in the world”
Lucius looks at his Uncle Pentious with his eyes widen in amazement.
Sir Pentious - “And someday when you're older, you'll be an inventor too.”
Lucius cooed, and was looking at the machine and tools.  He looked a bit curious as he tried to grab one of the tools.
 Sir Pentious - “What is it, my boy?”
 Baby Lucius pointed to the screwdriver. He was trying to reach for it.
Sir Pentious: *grabs it* “Oh this? You want this?”
Lucius starts making baby noises and grabbed it. Then  he began to screw a bolt on the machine Pentious is working on. This surprised and impressed Sir Pentious.
 Sir Pentious - *impressed* “Oh my! Very good, Lucius!”
 Baby Lucius even saw two pieces and put them together. It caused the machine to slightly start to work since the lights was going on.
 Sir Pentious - *happy* “That’s my boy! Someone is getting a treat for this!”
Baby Lucius clapped his tiny hands. Jonathan comes in to pick up his son.
Jonathan - “Oh there you are Lucius! You gave me quite a scare when you weren’t in your crib.”
 Baby Lucius claps his hands for his Daddy. Jonathan took Baby Lucius from his Uncle’s hands.
Pentious - “Oh brother Lucius has the gift!”
 Jonathan - *confused* “A gift?”
Sir Pentious - “Yes!! Look what your brilliant boy can do!” Sir Pentious gave baby Lucius a couple of more pieces of his unfinished machine. Baby Lucius first looked at them, then he put the pieces together and connected them to the machine. This made the machine light up and start to work. Jonathan was surprised and realize that his brother was right.
 Jonathan - *gasps* “Oh my god! He does have it!”
Sir Pentious - *proudly* “You see? He already has the genes of a brilliant inventor!”
 Jonathan - *happy* “Oh I am so proud!”
 Sir Pentious - “So am I!”
 Baby Lucius did a cute smile and clapped his tiny hands. Both Jonathan and Pentious hugged Baby Lucius.
 Jonathan - “That’s my boy!”
 Flashback ends Lucius - *amazed* “Wow. I didn't know I was gifted at a young age.”
Sir Pentious - “Of course you are, my boy! Everyone in this family has the gift of inventing. Yours just came at an early age.”
Lucius - “Wow that's amazing!”
 Sir Pentious - “You never disappointed me, and you never will.”
Lucius - “Even when I fail?”
 Sir Pentious: *hugs him* “You won't fail. I know you won't. And even if you did, I'll still be by your side.”
Lucius - *happy* “Oh thank you Uncle Pentious
 Sir Pentious - “Anytime my dear nephew.”
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