#wang jiaer imagines
grapehyunshair · 5 years
Amortentia pt.1 // Jackson Wang
Hogwarts au! //Slytherin!reader x Gryffindor!Jackson// enemies to lovers
You weren't exactly sure why you hated Jackson. Maybe it was because he was a Gryffindor; a sworn enemy to your house. Maybe it was because he was the cutest boy you've laid your eyes on (not that you'd ever admit that,of course) or maybe it was because everyone loved him.
Jackson Wang was the school's golden boy. Everyone loved him. Even most of the Slytherins. He was friends with the whole school, having girls swoon over him whenever he walked down the corridor and having boys wish to be him. I mean there was no reason not to like him to be honest, he was the friendliest person ever. Not only was he extremely popular, he was also extremely smart. You and him both were the top students of your year and you often found yourselves competing against one another for the first place. That being said, you hated Jackson a lot. What you hated most though about him, was the fact that he had a fixed spot in your mind and you couldn't seem to get him out of it.
You had noticed how cute and nice Jackson really was three years ago. You were in your third year of school and you were on a trip in Hogsmeade. It was winter and the village was beautiful, being winter and all everything was white from the snow yet extremely cold.
You being forgetful you had forgotten to take your jacket, seeing as you had woken up late and you left your dorm in a hurry. So needless to say you were feeling very very cold. You and your best friend where walking towards Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop so you could get some tea and finally warm up a little bit. Jackson saw you from afar shivering and he could swear he felt his heart breaking at your shaking image. Unknowingly to you, Jackson had a crush on you ever since you guys first met in your first year so his first instinct was to run up to you and give you his jacket. You were pretty surprised at the action and if times were different you would have scoffed and blew him off but since you were freezing you took the jacket and thanked him, blushing and looking down at the ground not being able to comprehend the fact that you accepted his help. However you couldn't help but notice his rosy cheeks, the cutest little smile he had on his face and the way his eyes turned into shining stars when he smiled while giving you the jacket. Ever since that day your heart has a soft spot for Jackson, much to your big big dismay.
Fast forward to your guys' sixth year, you still pretended to hate Jackson, (even if most of the people thought that you guys would date some day to which you replied with disgust) however you knew that you only tried to fool yourself. You currently were in Potions listening to professor Slughorn explaining your assignment for the day. You were supposed to make Amortentia, a love potion that smelled exactly like the things you find most attractive on earth, the smell being different for each person. You personally could smell rain, fresh cut grass (expressing your love for Quidditch) and a weird smell of vanilla with raspberries you couldn't quite put your finger on. The professor gave you the instructions and paired you up with some Gryffindors. Fortunately (or unfortunately tbh) you were paired with Hermione, a good friend of yours. You guys had bonded over your long study sessions in the library on your second year and since then you've been close friends.
"Hey girl, sup?" you said and hugged her.
"I'm good, let's get this started so we can finish early and then gossip" she said, laughing to which you laughed as well.
A few minutes had passed until you felt a nudge in your ribs. You looked at Hermione questiongly
"Hey what's up with Jackson? Did you guys bicker again?" she asked
"No, we haven't talked in like a week why?"
"Y/N, he has looked at you like a lost puppy for like 10 minutes now the dude looks like he is in love or something."
"Oh Hermione, shut up he probably can't figure out how to do the potion" you said "which now that I think about it is good for me because I can win his ass this time"
"I wonder when the two of you will finally realise your feelings for eachother and stop being so stubborn" she replied to which you rolled your eyes and said
"I. Don't. Like. Him"
"Sure sure, whatever you say I've seen the way you guys look at eachother when the other one isn't looking or how you two constantly tease each other."
"Fine whatever, can we please finish this potion now? I'm not in the mood to talk about my "crush" that doesn't exist"
Should I continue this idk???????? Leave ur opinions I guess???????
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accursedhex · 2 years
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𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙢𝙚? — 4:57 𝘢𝘮.
You were almost certain that neither of you knew what it was you were even cackling about at this moment. The slap of rubber soles upon pavement followed your vocalizations of whimsical exuberance and his rasped voice that urged the both of you forward with a single word to begin your race, “Run.”
Adrenaline coursed through your veins, as well as a generous amount of alcohol. Perhaps challenging each other to a duel of tolerance levels wasn’t the best idea for that evening, especially since his weapon of choice had been a hefty bottle of tequila. Considering the pair of you had ended up lost from your group of companions and somehow lost on the other side of town from where your night of fun had originally begun.
The vendor you had left far behind still waved his arms frantically about, spewing obscenities and various mentions of law enforcement. But at the moment, neither of you cared. Giggling only increasing the further apart you became from the heavyset man that made no other attempts to pursue but continued to spout nonsense that fell of deaf ears.
In all fairness, there wasn’t a hint of malice behind this poorly pulled stunt. Dining and dashing was not something you made a normal occurrence in your life. But after gorging yourself on the greasiest and most delicious street food you could ask for, both you and your friend’s faces dropped in horror to find your wallets tragically misplaced.
“Jackson!” you panted, throat ragged as you fought to find your breath as you both bolted from the scene of your impromptu crime, “Slow down dammit. I... Oh god, I think I’m gonna hurl.”
He howled in response, the grasp on your hand finally dropped as he hooted and hollered his victory, as the two of you were now a safe distance away from the vendor. Finding yourselves now staggering about a riverside walkway. The lamps which lined the paved path shone overhead, illuminating his features. The apples of his cheeks completely flushed and prominent as he beamed, quite pleased with himself.
He howled in response, the grasp on your hand finally dropped as he hooted and hollered his victory, as the two of you were now a safe distance away from the vendor. Finding yourselves now staggering about a riverside walkway. The lamps which lined the paved path shone overhead, illuminating his features. The apples of his cheeks completely flushed and prominent as he beamed, quite pleased with himself.
“Does that mean I win our bet?” He pranced around you as you desperately tried to find your bearings, haunched over, hands on your knees to keep yourself from plopping onto the ground.
Swatting at him unsuccessfully, it was as if you were moving in slow motion as he narrowly dodged the halfhearted attack. Limber on his feet as usual, you sent him an annoyed glare, a huff escaping you, “You do not, I just wasn’t ready to run.”
“Someone’s out of shape,” chortles he, though he had to take a moment himself to swallow harshly. There was no way he wasn’t as parched as you were at this moment.
“Ugh...” you groaned, fanning your face, “Shut up... damn, I think I ate too much though.”
“Me too actually,” earning you another amused chuckle from your friend before a brief silence overtook the scene. Devoid of words, the late night symphony was put on blast in addition to your breathless panting.
The sound of rubber on asphalt, the occasional honk of a disgruntled driver, water gently splashing against the concrete walls. Sirens that echoed throughout the depths of the forest of buildings shrouded together, laughter of a lone couple, wood grating against cement and the rumble of wheels following as a small group glided about on their skateboards.
There was a odd sort of peace to be derived from the scene before you as you were finally able to stand up straight now having caught your breath. The both of you seemed to settle comfortably into the ambiance, leisurely leaning against the railing overlooking the water. Watching the twinkling lights of the staggered building glimmering in the ripples of the dark, swollen body of the river.
You couldn’t remember the last time you had been to relieved as you were right now, stood side-by-side with Jackson as you both drank in the scenery. Your gaze tracing over his defined features as he seemed transfixed on the hypnotizing rhythm of the water and its twinkling reflection of lights.
“Thank you,” you murmur, eyes practically half closed as you meet his eyes once her turns to you.
His look is somewhat quizzical, cocking his head to the side, reminiscent of a curious pup.
“What for?” questions he, inadvertently leaning closer in his search for an answer. Straining to see it in your hazy eyes as you subconsciously mimicked his actions.
“For keeping me company.”
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bigbangclappin · 3 years
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⚠️Warnings⚠️: Contains cursing, mentions of violence and mafia life. Also angry Jackson.
Genre: angstttt
Pairing: ReaderxJackson (same mafia universe as previous drabbles!)
Something didn’t feel right. From the moment Jackson’s Fendi loafer stepped foot on to the pavement of his property. Call it a gut feeling, the career he built from the ground up taught him to trust his instinct.
“What is it?” Mark had asked from the opposite side of the Ferrari. One foot still in the car as he regarded his dear friend’s stillness. It never foretold anything good.
“Call the others just in case and search the perimeter,” Jackson returned taking the glock he had tucked in the waistband of his designer trousers out. As quietly as possible he removed the safety.
With a nod from his enforcer Jackson approached his home; his front door had been tampered with to avoid the security system. His heart leapt into his throat as he thought of intruders harming his unsuspecting family. Training be damned, his wife never had to employ it before, he kicked the door in preparing for the worst.
The shrieking wails of his children had his feet moving without further thought.
“Mina? Cai?” Jackson called desperately trying to find his babies in the mess of his ransacked mansion.
“Baba!” His baby girl shouted back, “Baba we’re in here!”
Without hesitation Jackson began ripping the books off his shelves in an attempt to pull the right one to trigger the emergency shelter. He nearly yelped in relief when it opened.
Mina was cradling her little brother in her lap on the carpeted floor. Both had tear stained faces and red splotchy cheeks, and was that blood on their clothes?
“Baba…” Mina choked on a small sob as she and her little brother rushed for the safety and comfort of their father’s arms.
He held them both tightly against his chest. His eyes roaming over their faces and little bodies for any injuries.
“It’s okay,” he soothed, “I’m here, Baba’s here.”
He ran soothing circles across his daughter’s back as she cried uncontrollably into his neck and dress shirt.
“T-They took M-mommy,” she gasped out in to her father’s ear.
Jackson felt his stomach churn with a tidal wave of negative emotions.
“Who did baby?” Jackson coaxed her softly.
“The bad men,” she managed to sob out, “They hit mommy so hard she fell asleep.”
Those fuckers knocked his wife unconscious. Those sons of bitches. Jackson felt the rising fire of anger in his gut, the flames boiled his blood. Retaliation, retribution, were the only two things in the forefront of his mind.
No one dared to lay a hand on his woman. He never thought anyone would be that stupid. The last man who tried ended up with a bullet between his eyes.
Guess his message needed to be shouted from the rooftops this time.
He had an idea who was behind this. He was going to make sure that they would pay for disturbing his family. For harming the love of his life, the mother of his children.
For scaring his son and daughter. For the nightmares that will haunt their once peaceful sleep.
“Baba isn’t going to let anything happen to your mommy,” he kissed his daughter’s temple and the top of his son’s head.
“Uncle Jaebeom has already found where the bad men took her,” Jackson informed his children after he received the notification from JB that the morons never thought to check her jewelry for any type of tracking bug.
“Daddy’s going to bring her home to us.”
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yyparkq · 4 years
"Hey babe, do you like my pussy shaved, trimmed, or bushy?" you casually ask your boyfriend while browsing your phone on the bed.
It has always been comfortable talking about such things with your boyfriend. You're both vocal in your needs and wants especially when it comes to sex and reading a discussion about how one user prefers one over the other leads you to asking him.
Jackson tears his eyes from the flat screen tv playing a movie and whips his head to your direction. He carefully studies your face before scooping closer to you and circling an arm around your waist and under your shirt. He then kisses your temple and cups your core buried under the blanket.
"I like it warm and wet for me, sweetie," he whispers huskily before pushing aside your panties to play with your clit.
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sardonicallys · 3 years
for your amusement ⇢ jackson
It's sort of funny to think that the moment Jackson reached his peak was when he could finally wander the streets like a local, not having the weight of fame the same way he did when he was just climbing his way up. A man of his word, he took you to the amusement park he had promised ages ago. It was a soft promise, in your opinion, but would you really argue with him when a date was a date?
Had you known that his anxiety towards thrill rides was real and not all for show to create some sort of likable personality on television, you would have never suggested a rollercoaster and log flume heavy park. But here you were, both ears blown out from Jackson's relentless shrieks and screaming, his usual tan complexion completely pale, and yet he refused to not ride every single attraction — probably just to please you.
Jackson was trembling by the end of the day, his muscles so tensed before, during, and after each ride you wondered if he had looked similar to this during his brutal practices before fencing competitions. Leaning into his shoulder, you nuzzled gently against him in an effort to soothe, "Thank you for today."
"Of course."
"You didn't have to do this."
"I know," his voice is smaller than usual, so you decide to play into his praise kink a little, "You're the best, you know that?"
He doesn't say a word, but he doesn't have to once you see the blush rise up his neck.
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wj-nhui · 4 years
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why are you so hot?
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jinhwanists · 4 years
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people bringing this back on my timeline so yall have to suffer with me too
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like does he knows what this does to everyone?
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how the hell he looking so cute but deadly?😭
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mermaidsneedwater · 4 years
“did we do the right thing?” | jackson wang
This is the last part of my mini series! Thank you so much to everyone who read my work, your support is the reason I write. When I wrote the first drabble to this series, this was always how I imagined the story ending. I hope you guys enjoy it!
mini series page
You tugged on your husband’s arm as he escorted you up the stairs of the museum. Your dress had been dragging a bit and you’d wanted to collect it before the expensive item became ruined.
Noticing your gesture, your husband stopped. “You okay?”
“My dress is dragging, give me a minute” you smiled at him.
As the two of you continued up, you were met with the large banner that read 52nd Annual Music Therapy Benefit.
As your husband handed your tickets to the collector at the door, you were in awe of the building. They’d managed to rent the museum space out for the big fundraiser. Your husband, a patron of music therapy, had finally convinced you to attend the benefit with him this year.
“Donations will be accepted on the ground floor, but the entire museum is free for you to roam around including the roof. However museum rules remain intact so be sure not to touch anything.” The collector explained, handing the stub back. “You’re table is number 27.”
“Thank you,” your husband smiled. “Shall we?”
The two of you made your way in, joining a huge crowd of people munching on hors d'oeuvres and chatting. Taking in the sights, you were caught off guard when a lady brushed by your shoulder.
As you looked up to see who it was, you were met with a small apology and smile from none other than... Ariana Grande?
“I’m so sorry!” She apologized.
Starstruck, you managed a smile. “No please, it was my fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
She smiled before continuing to walk with her date. You turned to your husband with your eyes widened. “Did I just bump into Ariana Grande?!”
“Yep.” He smiled.
“Oh my god, how come you never told me all these people would be at the benefit? I would’ve started coming years ago!” You scolded him.
Shaking his head, he laughed at your reaction. Bringing you to a small standing table, the two of you enjoyed small conversations with the other attendees at the benefit. After about twenty minutes, you were ready to explore the rest of the museum.
You informed your husband that you’d be walking around, he nodded letting you know that he’d wait for you back at the table. With his blessing, you moved to the elevator and began to make your way to the roof, eager to see the view from up there.
As the door swung open, you were surprised to see another figure already up there. Slowly, you walked over, standing next to the stranger.
“Pretty incredible right?” He said.
Frowning, you whipped around to look at his face. Even after all these years you knew that voice anywhere, it couldn’t be... Jackson?
Getting a good look at his face, you’d stumbled back before realizing your guess had been correct. “Jackson?!”
His eyes turned to meet yours, just as surprised that the two of you had found your way to each other amongst the crowd of the benefit.
“How are you-?”
“But- you”
“Wha- I don’t-“
The two of you struggled to find the words. The fortuitous moment had both of you unprepared for this scenario.
As you took in the sight of each other Jackson laughed, easing the tension.
“It’s been what? 15 years? Almost a decade and a half since I last saw you.” He smiled.
“Feels like a lifetime ago.” You shook your head.
“You’re just as I remember you.” He said fondly. “Well, almost. You have a few grey hairs now.”
“What?! Where?” You panicked, reaching up to fix your hair.
You watched Jackson laugh at his own teasing before rolling your eyes. “Still the same old Jackson I see.”
“Come on, I had to.”
As the two of you came down from the joke, a silence crept in. Awkwardly shifting side to side, you decided to say something.
“So how are you here?”
“My manager wanted me to make an appearance, generate some buzz for my new album, help the cause.” He replied. “I could ask you the same thing though, I didn’t think you were into music therapy.”
“My husband is.” You admitted. “He’s actually a brain surgeon at the city hospital. I’m his plus one.”
Jackson listened to your answer, his face hardening at the word husband. “Wow, a brain surgeon. He sounds pretty smart”
“Yeah.” You agreed awkwardly. “So what about you? Are you married?”
Jackson held up his hand to show you the ring on his finger. “Got the ring to prove it.”
As you glanced at the ring on his finger, you tried to ignore the feeling of your heart sinking in your chest. Why were you upset that he’d moved on? Not only had a good 15 years gone by, but you had moved forward in your life so why couldn’t he?
“We have a daughter, she just turned 4.” He told you, pulling out his phone to show you a picture of him, his wife, and his little girl.
Taking the phone in your hands, you had to admit, they were a beautiful family. Cooing over the photo you looked up at Jackson, “She’s so adorable! But you only have a daughter? I thought you wanted like five kids.”
I wanted that with you he caught himself thinking. Pushing the thought to the back of his mind Jackson spoke the first answer he could come up with.
“People change.” He shrugged. “Do you have kids?”
“Two boys. They’re 5 and 7” You replied, thinking about the little monsters sound asleep in your home. You loved them, but you couldn’t deny that they were hard work. It was then your turn to show him your kids. You pulled a photo of you and the two little boys and showed it to Jackson.
“They look wonderful.” He remarked.
“Yeah, they only look that way. Try getting them to eat their spinach during dinner, not so wonderful then.” You joked.
Jackson chuckled, “I know what you mean. My daughter refuses to eat anything but chicken.”
“I wonder where she got that from...”
Now it was Jackson’s turn to roll his eyes. “Yeah, yeah.” He watched as your giggles came to a full stop before he sobered up to ask his next question. “Are you happy?”
You watched as he searched in your eyes for the answer. Were you happy?
“Enough.” You told him. It was true, you were happy enough.
Life was good, you had a loving husband and two beautiful children. You couldn’t really complain, and yet...
“Are you?” You asked, turning the question back to him.
“Enough.” He echoed back to you, holding your gaze for a bit too long before turning back to look at the city skyline. He then cleared his throat, “So how would your husband feel about seeing you with me right now?”
You raised an eyebrow, “he would be fine with it. He knows I dated the famous Jackson Wang.”
“I don’t keep any secrets from him.” You informed him.
“Does he know we almost got engaged?” Jackson pressed you.
“It didn’t seem like an important detail to mention... What about your wife?”
“It never came up” Jackson admitted, so he hadn’t mentioned you to her.
And like that, you two had run out of things to talk about. You knew if the conversation continued any further you may say things you’d regret. So after 5 minutes you excused yourself and began to walk away, frightened that you wouldn’t be able to leave if you stayed any longer. You’d only been able to walk a few steps before Jackson was chasing after you.
“Wait! Y/N, stop.” He planted his feet in front of you, and reached out for your hand.
As your small hand came to be wrapped in his, Jackson swore he could feel sparks fly.
Unable to continue moving, you looked up at him expectantly, wanting to hear what he had to say, “Did we do the right thing?”
Looking up to meet his gaze, you could only reply “it doesn’t matter.”
Unsatisfied with your answer, he asked another question “Do you remember what I told you that day, when I left?”
Of course you did. The phrase had been eternally burned into your memory. I’ll never stop loving you.
You nodded silently, scared to repeat the words aloud.
“I meant it then and I still feel it now. Damn it, it’s been 15 years and it only took one conversation for it all to come rushing back. Can’t you see? There’s something here, something that’s bringing us together!”
Taken aback by his confession, you were at a loss for words. You’d never in a million years expect him to be so brazen, especially when he had a wife and small daughter.
But there were no new words left to speak between the two of you. You and Jackson had made choices, and now you were bound to the people you’d married and the families you’d created. No longer were you two young people who could throw caution to the wind and galavant into the sunset. Your moment had simply passed you by, and it would never come back.
You looked up to meet his eyes and softly pulled your hand away from his “I have to get back to my husband, he’s been waiting for me.”
And with that, you walked towards the door of the roof, forever leaving a piece of your heart behind with the boy who once had all of it.
return to masterlist
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wangcruel · 4 years
Jackson Wang – 一个人 Alone.
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milkenwood · 4 years
Street Dance of China S3 Deleted Scene
yibo: wang jiaer
yibo: wang jiaer
yibo: wang jiaer !!
jackson: if we were in korea right now you'd be calling me hyung 😔
yibo: ok "hyung", your fly is open, there's toilet paper stuck to your shoe and you're wearing your shirt inside out
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sxfterhearts · 4 years
9. [6:12 pm]
The ocean waves pulled back then washed over the white sand of the shores, over and over. In a distance, a flock of seagulls chattered amongst themselves before taking flight. Towards the corner of your eyes, you could make out the sun sinking towards the horizon, its light dimming to a low intensity glow of deep oranges, burning pinks and faint purples as it blended seamlessly with the clear blue of the summer sky. You basked in the ethereal atmosphere that was sunset, turning the page of your novel with one hand while popping a strawberry into your mouth with the other.
You sighed, utterly content, as the sugary, mildly acidic taste entered your tastebuds. As much as you loved Jackson, your wonderful boyfriend, alone time was something you also enjoyed. Your body and soul relaxed in the peaceful symphonies of the ocean, grateful that he decided to catch a wave or two on his surfboard before night fell.
Sipping on your champagne flute, your eyes wandered towards shallow waters, where you could just make out your boyfriend’s figure standing proudly on his surfboard. While his new apartment was only a mere five-minute drive from the beach, Jackson rarely found time to visit the pristine waters due to his busy schedule. Today was one of those rare days where he managed to get off work early, and he decided to take you on an impromptu date. It was the first time he took a break after getting a promotion at work, and along with the recent move-in, he hadn’t been able to catch a breath. You were grateful, not only because you were spending more than a rushed lunch break with him, but also because you got to witness him in his element – in the water, relaxed; carefree.
You stifled a giggle as you witnessed Jackson fall off the board. Silently, you wondered how he could look so graceful even when he was messing up. A part of your mind said a matter-of-factly, it’s because you love him, you love him and even if you can see his flaws and imperfections, you accept and appreciate him for who he truly is. That was the truth. You started dating Jackson after a mutual friend introduced you to each other at after-work drinks, and instantly hit it off despite having such different personalities. One thing led to another, and you have been joined at the hip ever since, first as best friends, then as lovers. The people around you always wondered how such a calm, quiet girl ended up with the most energetic kid on the block. Your answer was always the same – opposites attract.
Which led you to another thought that has settled in the back of your mind for the past few weeks. A few Saturdays ago, as you and Jackson devoured Chinese takeout amongst countless boxes in his old apartment, he let it slip that he was saving a room at his new place for you as a study area while you completed your professional exams. You went silent for a moment, before clarifying with a “You want me to move in with you?”, to which he responded with an “Of course”, quickly followed by a “You don’t have to answer me now, but the offer still stands”. With the upcoming project deadlines and the impending exams looming over your head, you had momentarily forgot all about taking the next step of your relationship. But now, most of your deadlines were over and after helping Jackson fix the bedframe (he had been sleeping on a mattress on the floor), it reminded you that you too could be sleeping on that bed, waking up to his loud snoring and spectacular seaview every morning.
You watched your boyfriend of nine months walk towards you, surfboard in tow, with the watercolour painting of a sky as the backdrop. It was a picture-perfect moment, like something out of a lifestyle magazine, until he tripped on the way up to where you were seated on the picnic blanket. This triggered fits of uncontrollable laughter from the two of you. Yes, you thought. This is the man I want to spend forever with.
“I tripped on a seashell!” Jackson yelled, offering an explanation, which was really just an excuse. He was too eager to be reunited with you.
Yes, you thought as he took the last few steps towards you. You admired him in all his half-naked glory, tanned skin on display, a towel hanging around his shoulders, his hair dripping with seawater and a goofy smile plastered on his face.
Jackson waved cutely as he towered over you, a hand eagerly reaching towards yours as he bent down to your level and handed you a tiny seashell. Your heart nearly combusted at his childlike excitement.
“Yes,” you muttered the words suddenly, placing the pretty seashell on top of your novel and devoting all your attention to your boyfriend.
“Yes what?” Jackson asked, confused. He quickly did a double take, however, when he saw that most of the strawberries gone. “You ate all the strawberries!”
“I saved a piece for you, here, say ‘Ah’.” You fed him the biggest strawberry of the lot and he hummed in appreciation, taking a seat beside you. “Yes, I’ll move in with you.”
“Really?” Jackson’s words were muffled by his chewing. His eyes sparkled as he looked at you as if you were his entire world.
You turned towards him just as the final rays of sunlight were cast upon the earth, and pressed your lips against his. Jackson tasted of sweet strawberries and salty oceans. “Yes, silly.”
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grapehyunshair · 5 years
Amortentia pt.2 // Jackson Wang
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Hogwars!AU // Slytherin!Reader x Gryffindon!Jackson
One hour later, Hermione had almost pulled out every single hair in her head, you had lost all your braincells and the best thing you managed to pull off was this purple slime and not a silky potion with a mother-of-pearl sheen. Truthfully, you don’t know what went wrong everytime. You had followed the rules one by one yet Harry, the only person who did everything differently was the only one that managed to succeed. “Well, at least Jackson failed as well so that’s good right?” you thought while packing up your bag, stealing a glance at him only to find him looking at you, smirking. You blushed and picked up your things, bolting out of the classroom.
“Ah, who does he think he is? Coming here, looking so good, looking at me like that. Y/N you need to pull yourself together. He is the enemy and you don’t like him. You never did and you will never do.” you mumbled while walking towards your common room. 
“I honestly don’t know why you are lying to yourself. It’s not like you believe this shit. The whole school knows that you two have the biggest crushes on each other, it’s a matter of time for you to get together honestly.” you heard a voice say from behind you and someone touched your shoulder, making you jump in shock and drop all of your books.
“J-Jaebum I didn’t see you there. Holy shit, don’t do that, I almost had a fucking heart attack you moron.” you said while reaching down to pick up your fallen things.
“Hey, hey it’s not my fault, I called your name like 5 times while you were in the Jacksonland but you never heard me. I had to bring you back to earth somehow.” he said grinning at you. “Now as I was saying, you two need to stop being stubborn and admit that you like each other. We’re not kids anymore and this so called ‘hatred’ is getting quite annoying.”
“You know what? Even if I stopped hating him, he would never do that. And even if he did, he could never like me. He could literally have any girl in the world, he wouldn’t go for me.” you said.
“Y/N, Jackson never hated you. Trust me, I don’t know many things but this one I know for sure.” Jaebum ruffled your hair and gave you your books back, “anyways, I gotta run I have practise in a little bit, we should hang out later.”
“Sure, just let me know, good luck.” you replied and hugged him.
Jaebum was your best guy friend. He was the sweetest person in the world, always being there for you when you needed him. He was a Hufflepuff and that was unfortunate because you almost never shared any classes together but your friendship was still strong after 5 years. Jaebum actually belonged in Jackson’s group of friends. It was honestly the weirdest group of friends ever. They were 7 guys. Jackson, Jaebum, Bambam (a fellow Slytherin and the weirdest kid in the world; you could have sworn you saw him have a funeral for an ant one day), Mark (a Ravenclow, extremely smart), Youngjae (a Hufflepuff, with the sweetest smile and the kindest heart), Jinyoung (a Gryffindor, who was good at everything) and Yugyeom (a Slytherin, Bambam’s best friend, sharing one braincell with him). Out of them all, you were pretty close with Bambam, Yugyeom, Jaebum and Youngjae. They were actually very funny people, definitely weird but funny.  The guys often found themselves in the middle of your “fights” with Jackson, something they found very amusing since they knew about Jackson’s crush on you, yet they couldn’t wait for the moment you two would get together and you guys could all hang out in peace. You obviously were oblivious to that, so you just thought they found you guys funny.
Lost in thought, you collided with something hard and you would have fallen to the ground if it wasn’t for two strong hands holding you in place from behind.
“You know, if I was you, I’d watch out where I was going. I’m not always going to be here to catch you, princess.” Wait....you knew that voice too well. Ah shit, you mentally facepalmed.
“Thanks Jackson, but I think I can take care of my self. You can let go now, I wouldn’t want to waste your time” you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah I can totally see that. If only I wasn’t here you would have probably gotten a concussion from hitting that wall. How did you manage to do that?” he said, laughing. Ah Merlin’s beard, he looked too cute doing that. No, Y/N snap out of it.
“Gosh, do you ever stop being a prick? If you found that funny, maybe you should have left me fall. You would have a story to talk about with your friends then.” you replied, probably harsher than you wanted.
Jackson’s eyes softened up and he stopped laughing. “You know I would never do that, right?” the look on his face was something unfamiliar, something you had never seen before. He looked like he was mentally battling against himself, like he was debating whether or not he would do something, but then again you could be wrong. “Aish Y/N, do you really hate me that much? You honestly think that I’m that big of an asshole?” there it was. The frown. You had hurted him, well done Y/N the award for worst person of the year goes to you. That all lasted for a moment though before he recovered and said “The last thing I would want, would be the princess of Slytherin to get hurt. Who would I annoy for the rest of the year?” 
“There you are, I actually thought you had feelings for once. See you around Jackson.” you said and brushed your shoulder against his walking, well almost running, towards your common room. You failed to see Jackson’s saddened expression as you left, yet you realized something the minute you entered your dorm.
He smelled exactly like vanilla and raspberries. Oh shit.
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jaxonah · 4 years
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away with bf Jackson wang 💖💘
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closetkpop · 4 years
Win This Fight (GOT7 Jackson Wang x Dancer You) Part 2
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Gif not mine Angst/Fluff/Smut This is purely fiction, nothing is real. A tad bit of smut in this chapter read at your own risk! Not proofread
Part 1 Part 2
Touring is not as glamorous as one thinks. There is so much packing, unpacking, and jet lag involved. Even though it may have its downsides, every city that was visited had its own aura and vibe, making every show memorable. Your favorite stop would have to be when you visited your hometown. At that show all your closest friends and family were also there to support. You were actually waiting for the day that the tour would end in Seoul so you could have one day that was free of schedules and a have a home cooked meal. After 2 months, you finally returned back into your small apartment. It was a mission to be unpacked as fast as possible so you took the clothes that were in the suitcase and dumped it into the washing machine, organized the shoes back to its rightful place, and sorted out all the gifts and souvenirs that was acquired through every trip. In record time the bag was unpacked and the washing machine had about 10 minutes left until it needed to be put into the dryer. You decided to call up Eric to see if he wanted to veg out on the couch.
“Hey Y/N! You’re back, how was the tour?” Eric answered animatedly “Hi Eric! Yes I am back, the tour was amazing.” “Are you tired or jet-lagged? The boys and I were going to go out to the club. Did you want to join?” “I don’t know Eric…” you look at the time and it was only 5pm yet you were already feeling tired. He sensed your hesitation, “Nia already told me she’s coming, so you won’t be alone.” He tried bargaining You started laughing, “If you two are together them I am definitely NOT going! As much as I love the both of you, once you two see each other it’s like no one else is there.” “Hey, don’t hate we still want you there.” You heard Nia over the phone “Really Eric, we literally just got back and you are already at her place?” you teased “Guess who picked her up.” “That’s why you couldn’t pick me up from the airport? We were literally at the SAME airport. I had to take an Uber home.” You feigned offended “I wanted some alone time with my girl.” You sighed; they were adorable together and couldn’t help but smile. “You could have called Jackson.” Eric responded Immediately the smile was wiped off your face. “Eric don’t-“ “Don’t Eric me…” he sassed, “He keeps on asking about you and I can see he’s not satisfied with my generic ‘okay’ answer.” “It’s not that I don’t want to talk to him, I just don’t know what to say.” “Have you met him? He talks a lot. I’m sure he just wants to see you, and I do too! So it’s settled you are coming tonight. I will pick you up to make up for the airport, how does that sound?” “Okay I’ll be ready.” You answer dejectedly “Try not to sound too excited. Be downstairs at 9. Bye see you later.” “Yeah ok bye!”
You quickly put your clothes in the dryer and head downstairs to get a small take-out meal. After eating quickly you figured out which dress you were going to wear and napped until it was time to shower and get ready. You slipped into your favorite black dress and black heels. Applied light make-up and was out the door. The venue was a laid back nightclub that was much fancier inside compared to its scruffy looking exterior. Upon entry glasses of champagne were handed to everyone and lots of people were already drunk dancing on the dance floor. “Hey Eric, what is this place?” “Oh JYP invested in this place and he’s letting his staffs and artists hangout and drink here so we don’t have to deal with paparazzi or other outsiders. But since today is special it’s by invitation only.” “Really so even when you are not working he can still watch you? Man what is this guys problem?” “It’s not like that, we choose to come here, and the liquor is free for us here so why wouldn’t we come here? As you can see no one cares so just shut up and drink up and lets have fun!” “Fine let’s do some shots!” you cheered along with everyone and down two shots of soju before joining everyone on the dance floor “You said today is special and by invite only right? What’s so special about today?” “I am not going to tell you!” he said dancing behind Nia using her as a shield “Nia, will you tell me?” “It’s not for me to say.” She said looking behind you You turn around and met face to face with Jackson. In your head suddenly he is the only one you can see and hear. “I am glad to see you are actually okay.” He said with his deep voice, oh how much you wish to hear his voice all day. Both of you took your time looking at each other and welcoming each presence. You were still in shock and did not expect to run into him this soon that no words were able to come out. “Today’s not that special really. JYP rented out the space for my birthday.” He said casually breaking the eye contact to look at the people around “I..I- Uh I didn’t get you a present.” You stuttered out a response to the best of your ability. “You just got back, I am glad you made it.” He said looking deeply into your eyes, “I really am happy to see you.” Once again no words were coming out so you just nodded. “I guess I should be mixing with the all the guests.” He stated but did not budge from your side “Yeah, sorry to hold you up.” He smirked and started slowly walking away. There was so much you wanted to talk about; his health, GOT7 activities, or his Chinese activities, and the kiss. “Jackson wait!” Immediately he stopped and turned around and once again your mouth could not function, “Happy Birthday.” “Thank you Y/N,” he said disappearing into the crowd. Apparently many celebrities were there, not that you noticed. You tried to keep your thoughts clear but your eyes would always seem to find Jackson. He was there mingling with everyone, talking and laughing freely. You promised the last time you were with him that you would not act like strangers, yet here you were unable to make more than a sentence. This put a damper on your mood so you sat at an empty table and watched the partygoers.  You were playing with the confetti on the table when someone approached you. “Care to dance?” You looked up and did not recognize the face, “Not really. Nothing personal just not in the mood.” “Hmm…” He took a seat next to you, “A beautiful woman sitting alone at a table doesn’t seem right.” “A lot of things in this world are not right.” “Yeah like a dancer not wanting to dance at a party,” he deadpanned. “Right… Is there anything I can help you with?” “Just making conversation until my friend is done in the bathroom.” As if on queue his friend had emerged. “Who do we have here? Why is this pretty little thing all alone? If you want, you can hang out with us.” His friend clearly drunk sat next to you. “No it’s okay, I came here with my friends, I just needed a moment alone. So please leave me.” You asked nicely You were in between two strangers who did not budge when you asked them to leave you alone. “Fine if you won’t leave, I will.” You said getting up They grabbed your hands and forced you to sit back down. The drunk one slid his arm on the back of the chair and onto your shoulder, “There’s no rush sweetheart,” he tipped your chin closer to his face. Behind his head, you saw Jackson in the distance near the dance floor. He was staring straight at you, and he looked heartbroken. To him it looked like you were in the company of two handsome guys, so he disappeared before he did anything stupid at his own party. When in fact really all you wanted to do is be in Jackson’s arms. Before you could even plea for his help to get you out of this uncomfortable situation, you felt the drunk mans stubble and chapped lips on your neck. “Stop it!” you yelled, “Stop touching me I don’t want you touching me!” The music was loud but some bystanders started staring which caused the two men to let your hands go. You took the opportunity to get away. You ran into the bathroom to scrub off your neck where he kissed it. You took deep breaths and tried your hardest not to cry. Upon exiting you ran straight to Eric and Nia who immediately knew something was wrong. “Let’s go it’s getting really crowded here.” Nia said You nodded and started walking to the door. “I’m going to let Jackson know we’re going.” You both nodded and waited near the exit. “What happened?” Nia asked “Those two creeps over there were not leaving me alone, and the one with the longer hair, he drunk and kissed me.” You spoke quickly “THEY DID WHAT?!” Nia exclaimed “I am going to get them kicked out, no one just gets to do whatever they want in here.” Nia was fuming “Okay I’m back, what did I miss?” Eric came to your sad face and Nia’s livid face “Baby,” Nia started, “You see those two guys over there?” “Oh yeah, those are Jackson’s choreographers what about them?” “Well they were harassing Y/N, and one of them even kissed her without her permission.” “What?” His face dropped “It’s true. Can we just leave? Please?” You begged “Yes we are leaving but are you alright, is there anything else I can do? Should I tell Jackson?” “No! You are not going to tell Jackson anything Eric,” You warned. “And I am okay just a little shaken. My mind just thinks had we been in another situation what could have happened.” “Don’t worry, I will always be there for you. You are my best friend.” Eric said hugging you. “Me too.” Nia joined --- 3 AM Banging on your front door. You look through the peephole and see nothing. You turn on the lights outside your door and see someone standing but still not clear enough. “Who is it?” you try to keep your voice as even as possible “It’s me Jackson.” He said taking off his black hat and facemask. You open the door and let him in. He takes a seat on your couch while you prefer to sit on the tea table in front of him. “How did you find my house?” You asked, this seemed a good way to break the silence. “Eric.” He answered quickly, he looked angry. “So what are you doing here? Are you okay?” “No you answer me this,” he stood up “Why didn’t you tell me someone was bothering you at my party, not just someone my choreographer?” “Ah did Eric tell you that too? He really cannot keep his mouth shut.” “Nia told me.” Oh you were really in trouble then. “What do I say to you Jackson? It was your birthday celebration. And this guy is like a brother to you.” “Yeah he is like a brother to me, that’s why when I saw you two together I thought you deserve someone like him who will be able to spend time with you, and take you out, and have a normal life with. Not someone like me.” He vented. “I didn’t know he was making a pass at you. The fact that he touched you without your permission just disgusts me.” “Jackson,” you tried to calm him “You want to know what makes me even angrier? It’s the fact that you didn’t want to tell me. We said, no, we promised that we weren’t going to behave like strangers, so tell me why I have had longer conversations with Coco than I have had with you? Why didn’t you talk to me at all the entire trip?” He paused and there was silence. You never thought a man that was always so happy could be this angry. And all his anger was being directed to you. “I’m sorry.” You said with an even voice but then felt your voice growing. “I didn’t want to tell you because I know you look up to him and I did not want to ruin the years of friendship you had with him because he drunk kissed me. I felt uncomfortable so I left. For many girls it ends much worse for them, and not everyone has a best friend or a night in shining armor to help them. I didn’t know what to say to you because I’m trying to be the best so your company doesn’t feel ashamed to see you with me. And honestly I am not there yet. I didn’t talk to you the entire trip because I didn’t know what to say after you kissed me, and I didn’t know where we stood. And quite frankly it bothers me that you think I would be talking to another guy at your own party, when I thought I made it perfectly clear that the only lips I want on my neck are yours!” You panted suddenly aware of exactly how much you had to say. He hugged and your body molded perfectly into his, and you both felt the anger disappearing. “I’m sorry I yelled.” He whispered “I’m sorry I was quiet.” After some time, he let go of your body and pulled you onto the couch with him. “So tell me about the tour.” And you did, and spent the rest of the night talking whatever was on your mind. --- You woke up facing Jackson. His arms were around your body and your legs were intertwined. You started to shift out of his hold but he just grabbed onto you tighter. “5 more minutes” his voice somehow deeper in the morning. “You don’t have a schedule today?” you said running fingers through his hair “I expected to be hung-over so I requested today off.” You laid in his arms until he was satisfied. He had set up an alarm and casually turned around to turn it off and pulled on a shirt. “I am happy I came here instead of going back to the condo with the boys. If I were there I would be in the bathtub or something.” He said stretching and getting up You started to fix the covers, and headed into the bathroom to do your morning routine. Once you got out of the bathroom you handed Jackson a spare toothbrush and large clothes, though he opted into being shirtless. You started on eggs for breakfast and he came into the kitchen to start on dishes. “So what are your plans for today?” he asked as you both sat down “Nothing, you?” “Nothing too.” “Wow you really are a rapper Dr. Seuss.” You teased “I try.” He brushed his shoulders trying to hold in his bright laughter “So what would you like to do?” “If I can stay over? I really like talking with you,” He pleaded with his puppy eyes. “Sure.” You said sipping your coffee “Yay! Netflix and chill all day!” He beamed You choked a bit on your coffee and he immediately tried to correct himself, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. My intentions are innocent. Get your mind out of the gutter freak.” He playfully nudged. After some time of eating in silence, Jackson started again, “Hey I actually need your help with something.” “What’s up?” “I am looking for a new choreographer. Do you know someone that can dance?” He suggested to you. “You’re really going to replace him?” “Hell yeah! I don’t want a pervert on my team. Why are you even defending him?” He said holding your hand. “Also I am giving you an opportunity to join Team Wang. It is separate from JYP, he has nothing to do with my Chinese activities.” “I am not defending him, I just don’t want him to lose his job because of something he did when he was drunk.” He looked straight into your eyes, “Wow, I really am looking at an angel right now.” “Oh stop it.” You shied away from his intensity “No really! You know what they say the only people who say the truth are children and drunken people. No matter how much I drink, I would never treat a woman like how he was treating you.” He said facing you “Okay, I’ll help you out, as a friend though.” You clarified, “I will always be your supporter and always on your team.” “I was hoping you would help me as more than a friend.”  He suggested “What happened to innocent intentions?” “I will be. I just don’t want you to get all hot an bothered while dancing with me.” “Oh then I guess you need to find a new choreographer.” You said standing up and putting the dishes away “No wait!” He whined You giggled at his sad puppy face and he brought you into a big bear hug successfully lifting you in the air and spinning around. He put you down but didn’t release the hug, “I like this.” “Like what?” “This, us. We’re talking so casually. I really like it.” He said hugging you one more time “I like this too.” You said hugging him a bit tighter, not only referring to the talking but also they warm feeling that was inside your heart. One thing about Jackson, once he gets serious all playfulness is out the door. We were trying to get the choreography just right in time for his new song released, “100 Ways.” The song had a playful vibe with a great beat drop, but behind the happiness, there was a much darker backstory. The dancing was very fast. Every moment had to be strong but also precise. A halfway mark finally had been reached and you were drenched in sweat despite the air con fully blasting cool air. You collapsed on the couch while Jackson went to get water for the both of you. He came back and laughed at your exhausted state. “Come on, you’re telling me one of the best dancers in Korea is tired after only 3 hours of dancing? Come on Y/N you are slacking on me here.” He said handing you the water “What happened to Netflix and chill and being lazy?” you said out of breath “That’s after we finish perfecting the dance.” He said getting up and stretching, “Come on break is over.” “Noooo, it hasn’t even been 2 minutes.” You complained He pulled you up to your feet and hugged you. He was sweaty (so were you) but no complains were made. Something about being in his arms always made you feel good. He seriously was your energy. You hummed in content. “Feeling better?” “Yeah.” Both were in comfortable silence but you couldn’t shake off this feeling in the back of your head. You both were acting like a couple even though neither one had the right to do so. You quickly let go before your mind could overthink “Not that I am not enjoying this, but lets wrap this up okay?” you said starting the music again Jackson noticed your sudden change in demeanor, “Hey if you don’t want to do this we can stop. I just want to spend time with you but, if you’d rather do something else… or if you have other plans. I mean you already helped a lot I’m sure I can figure out the rest from here,” he began rambling. “No I didn’t mean it like that. I do want you to be here, and I do want to help you! I was just thinking too much into this.” you motioned between each other “What are you thinking into?” “Jackson don’t you think we are being too couple-y?” you asked softly He took a moment to see if you were going to add to your question. He took your silence as a chance to respond. “Yeah we do act like a couple. So what?” “But we’re not.” “We are not.” He said slowly, “But I very much would like to be. I am trying my hardest not to just stop everything and just kiss you into oblivion.” That managed to crack a smile on your face. “I would like to as well, but dating me would ruin your idol image.” “No, it won’t. And so what, we keep it a secret only between us. Just until we figure out how to break the news to everyone.” “Jackson a relationship is the last thing you need right now on top of that a secret one. I am not saying I am high maintenance but you are going to be exhausted, and that’s not fair for you.” “Y/N can I kiss you?” He asked out of the blue “I am being serious!” “So am I. I really want to kiss you.” He stood in front of you and crouched down to your eye level. “You didn’t ask me for permission the last time you kissed me.” You joked, “You’re not as innocent as you think you are.” “It’s a simple yes or no.” He puckered his lips in front of you “Buy me dinner first.” He giggled. “You’re really going to leave these lips hanging?” “I really am.” You shimmied away from him, “Come on let’s dance!” “Noooo!” he was the one complaining now. --- Dinner was more of take-out and yes Jackson did buy. Everything was sprawled across the dinner table and wine was being poured. “Did you have fun today? I know it’s not ideal to be working on your birthday.” You started “I haven’t had this much fun on my birthday in years.” He said shoving food into his mouth “Slow down you’re going to choke!” you said pouring him a glass of wine, “So what can I get you for your birthday?” “You already gave me a gift. Now every time I dance or hear this song I’ll only think of you.” Ever since the conversation prior there has been a tension in the air and the both of you are doing your best to ignore it and keeping the atmosphere as light and playful as possible. “That doesn’t count, this was a freebie. I help you with your dance, you bought me takeout, we’re even.” He just smirked and continued eating silently, which was completely out of character. “What’s with the smirk?” “Nothing.” “What tell me!” you lightly shoved him and he grabs hold of you and keeps his arm around your shoulder. “So this, would you consider this me buying you dinner?” he asks holding you close “I mean it kind of is dinner. But we didn’t really go out.” You said teasing and sipping your wine He caught on to your tone, and leaned in closer to you. He took the wine glass out of your hand and placed it gently on the table, his eyes never leaving yours. He used the same hand and placed it on your face, his thumb caressing your cheek. “You deserve better than me.” He said softly “What? Jackson no! I should be the one saying that.” You responded confused “You deserve someone to take you out on dates, and enjoy a normal life with. If you’re with me this is the best I can do, quick takeout dinners at home. Y/N you deserve more than that.” “I don’t care about that, I am just more than happy to spend time with you.” “You say that now, but how about later on? Work will always get in the way. Work will always be my first priority. That’s not fair.” “Where is this coming from? I just thought you were going to kiss me just now.” You said getting up and creating some space. You lacked his body heat and instantly felt the difference. “Y/N. I want to kiss you, been wanting to since I saw you yesterday. But then I saw your face, your beautiful innocent face and instant thought what if they find out and take you away from me for good?” “What are you talking about? How much wine did you have?” “Y/N-“ He said getting up as well “Jackson, please let’s just worry about the future when we get there.” You said snaking your arms around his waist and looking up at him. He took your face in his hands again, “I worry about you, a lot. It’s probably unhealthy how much I worry about you. And JYP has a lot of friends in high places. He can make sure you never make it in Korea.” “I worry about you too. But know this, I don’t care if he wants to play that way, let him, you can’t stop him. You said it yourself make it big, so I will. And so what if he knows some big people in Korea, I now know some people of my own. Just wait and enjoy the show, I’ve got plans.” “Am I in any of those plans.” He said rubbing circles on your waist “Publicly, no you are not.” He pouted. “Privately, I really do hope so.” He leaned down and finally captured you lips in a long awaited kiss. He did not hesitate to deepen this kiss and pull your body closer to him. You hands also freely roamed his body feeling his toned back, biceps, and pecks. You felt his heart beating fast and paused to make sure he was okay. “Jackson?” As if he knew what you were going to ask, he already answered he’s okay and resumed kissing you this time pushing you to the nearest solid surface, which just so happened to be your fridge. Magnets and other small bottles in the fridge definitely had fallen but the both of you didn’t seem to care. He placed his hands on the back of your thighs and told you to jump. You latched onto his body and he carried you to the bed. His body caged you under him and he was once again staring into your eyes making sure you had no hesitation. You pulled him closer and started kissing him again the other hand lifting up his shirt. He pulled off his shirt not breaking the kiss and helped you take yours off too. His newfound access to your body had him reeling with excitement. His large hands were on your hips and his lips were on your neck. “Be mine?” he said kissing down the valley between your breasts “Yes Jackson.” “Forever.” He said looking up to you “No one is going to get in between us.” He kept going lower, pulling the band of your pants down. You starting grinding your hips up and he tossed the piece of fabric across the room. He kissed his way down to your inner thigh and returned to kissing your lips. His hands roamed freely grabbing your breasts and slowly making his way lower, until he reached the thin band of your panties. He lifted it slightly and his fingers made contact with your core. Your moans were being muffled by Jackson’s mouth on yours. While his hands were busy, you also were rubbing his hard shaft through his pants. When you reached in and touched it with your hand he let out a hiss mixed with a groan. “Fuck baby.” He tenderly whispered in your ear. He helped you get full access to his cock, and returned back to fingering you. When he felt you were stretched and wet enough he guided you under him and lined himself up. He slowly filled you up and the slight burn was there, but he felt so good. He slowly took out his cock and buried you deep several times until you were adjusted. After a few minutes he propped you legs up and set a much faster rhythm and that had you seeing stars. “Oh Jackson! That’s so good!” you screamed out “Y/N you’re so tight.” He continued varying his pace. He would have quick shallow strokes and the next thing you know he will be buried deep inside. No matter what, he held your hand through it all placing soft kisses on your cheek or forehead. “I’m close.” He slowed his hips and removed himself. You were about to whine because you were chasing your high, but then he attacked your core with his tongue. “Jackson..!” you couldn’t speak properly the way his tongue was entering and leaving your hole and lapping up all the arousal. His fingers were rubbing your clit and in no time you were cumming on Jackson’s tongue. Your body stiffened, breathing became irregular, and you could swear your have never came faster or harder in your life. Jackson slowed his hand down as your high passed and just watched you with adoration. “You’re so hot cumming on me you know that right?” he said running fingers in your hair and pecking your lips. “Baby, do you mind turning around for me?” You sluggishly did so, sticking your ass in the air. He slipped his cock back in and the stretch was still there, and you heard him moan, “Baby you’re going to be the death of me,” he said picking up the pace. This time Jackson wasn’t taking his time, he was seeking release and you were more than happy to help him get there. Each thrust was deep and hard and he started mumbling a string of curse words along with your name. He moved your hair aside, “You’re taking me so well, and I’m so close.” His hips snapping up and this deathly grip on your hips signaled he was already on the edge. “Jackson let go, cum inside me. Pretty up my walls.” With that he released with a moan and his cock pulsing inside. He toppled onto you and encased your into a hug. You nuzzled into his sweaty chest and he placed soft kisses onto your head. “Y/N, wow.” You giggled, “Happy Birthday.” You said getting up to clean yourself. You winced when you got onto your feet but the way Jackson was admiring his toll on you made it somewhat okay. “What are you smiling at?” “I have the best and hottest girlfriend in the world.” “I can say the same about you!” you said slipping into the shower to rinse off. You came back to the room and Jackson was half dressed and mindlessly scrolling and texting someone on his phone. He sensed your presence and instantly smiled. You sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around you as he continued to text. You began placing light kisses on his jaw and cheek. “Will you stay the night?” you asked hopeful “I want to,” He said placing his phone down and rubbing circles on your hips. “But I have an early schedule tomorrow, catching up on the past 2 days of work plus I have a fashion shoot.” He went into work mode. You didn’t respond, you knew he had a busy schedule always, so it is understandable. You didn’t want to sound upset so you said nothing. He also seemed to understand your silence. And started to lay back down with you on top of him. “You know, you can always text me.” “Yeah I know.” You said “I prefer you here though.” He giggled. “I’m sorry was that too clingy? I will stop now.” You said burying your head in his chest “No baby, I like it.” He said pulling you to face him, “Never feel embarrassed when it comes to me.” His phone rang again. He sighed, you got off him and he answered the phone call. You started to get into the covers fluffing up the pillow and sinking under the bed covers. You watched Jackson mindlessly walk around as he was talking on the phone. His conversation ended and he turned back to you. Seeing you under the covers all alone on the queen sized bed made him instantly want to jump in beside you and be your best source of heat and comfort. But his schedule stopped him from doing such. He kneeled next to you on the ground, “Babe, I will have to go now.” “Okay, Stay safe Jackson.” You said holding his hand “Get some rest and again Happy Birthday.” “Thank you Y/N.” He said placing a kiss on your forehead. “Goodnight.” “Text me when you get home okay?” you said running a hand through his hair “Will do.” He kissed your lips one last time before leaving your apartment. That night you made many phone calls to your new contacts, literally everyone and anyone; producers, artists, choreographers, anyone that needed help with any project you wanted in. You received many call backs saying they need an extra here and a background dancer there. You even landed a small acting role in an episode of a drama. You scheduled your week so that you can be exposed to as many possibilities you can. Through all this you made sure all your contacts were not in partnerships with JYP. Your vendetta was, if he wanted you, he would have to call himself. 3 months later You were to go to Jackson’s house for date night. Things have been busy between the both of you but little messages between the days made the distance bearable. Your name was starting to become a regular in the business and soon your schedule became just as packed as Jackson’s. The only difference you were more behind the scenes and gaining popularity in production, while Jackson was gaining more popularity in front of the camera. Anyone that needed choreography for a dance, most directors would call you immediately. Yes it was hard the first month doing so many gigs for little to no money, but you showed them your punctuality and expertise to which many were impressed. You typed in the key code and noticed he wasn’t there. You went into the kitchen where you know he keeps your favorite kind of wine and poured yourself a glass waiting for him. You heard his key code being typed in and excitedly waited by the door. When it opened your were greeted by an unfamiliar woman. “Um hi, who are you?” “I’m Jackson’s,” You hadn’t exposed your relationship with Jackson, “I’m his choreographer.” She took a long look at you and did not seem convinced, “Then why are you drinking his wine?” “He always let’s me have full access to his house, this also means his alcohol. Speaking of, where is he?” “Listen honey, I am not dumb, you are obviously not his choreographer, maybe you’re his side piece. All I know is that your services with him are no longer needed. He has a new girl in his life so you can leave now.” “You’re his girlfriend?” you choked out At that moment Jackson walked in completely unaware that you would be there early. “Jackson, I’ll be in our room once you take care of the extra uninvited guest.” She said fluttering away You crossed your arms and waited for an explanation. “Baby,” he stepped closer to you, and you took a step back, “I know it looks bad but you have to believe me when I say she is not my girlfriend you are. I would never betray you like that. She’s just a co-worker who cannot get the hint that I am not into her. And I can’t tell her about us because I know you want to keep it a secret.” You remained quiet trying to process what he just said. You were mad at him, but mostly yourself. “She’s kind of a big deal so I have to be nice to her, but I can tell her to leave, that we had plans first.” He said grabbing your hand You scoffed and went to grab your bag. “Are you asking me for permission? You want me to tell you what to do?” You said in a low tone “I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I don’t want to upset you especially because this was supposed to be our night.” “I am upset, you should have thought about that before you invited her over. You should have said tonight is off limits.” You said walking to the door “Come on Y/N you know my schedule can change any minute.” “I do know that! I completely understand if your plans change last minute, just text me let me know ahead of time, and save me the embarrassment.” “Y/N baby-“ “I’ve got to go. My boyfriend’s date is waiting for him in his bedroom.” You walked out and closed the door. You were hoping he would follow you outside and try to convince you to stay but it was no use. As you made your way back to your apartment he hadn’t called or texted once. You skipped dinner and went straight to bed. In the morning you had woken up before your alarm had sounded so you lay in bed scrolling through your Instagram feed. You notice Jackson post a story of him and the girl he was with yesterday with the caption WORK FLOW, New things cooking with fire emojis. His captions and stories always made you smile. Even though you were supposed to be mad at him, it really was hard to hold a grudge. He still had not messaged anything, and being stubborn, you weren’t going to either. You prepared yourself for a long day. Since the weather was getting warmer, more activities were happening outdoors. Today you had to attend 3 photo-shoots and be on set for an advertisement. Most of the apparel was city/street wear and the same clothes were being used to advertise the music video. You were in charge of a simple dance that showed the fashion and durability of the clothes. You got to the shoot early and were showing some basic poses to the models. The photographer was the same one you used for your portfolio pictures, so needless to say he was a friend, so you were not shy about your opinions on what looks good and what does not. As this shoot started to wrap up, your friend asked you to also pose with some apparel and he shot some pictures. You tried some basic poses and some unconventional ones. He kept the ones he liked and the remaining was added to your portfolio. On the way to the next shoot, you got a text from Eric about getting drinks at this new bar. You responded yes seeing that you didn’t have any other plans and continued along with your busy day. Getting home about 830p you were relieved that the day went so well. You hopped into the shower and relaxed your sore muscles, shampooing all the built up sweat and dirt on your face and body. Getting ready for the night, you wore denim shorts that showed off your toned legs and soft thighs with white racer back crop top from the street wear ad and tied a printed long sleeve shirt around your waist. You topped the grungy chic look with a beanie and was on your way. There were a lot of people at the new bar and you were waiting for Eric and everyone else he invited before he went in. While standing admiring the view the waiting area had, someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around and realized it was the girl that Jackson was working with. “What brings you here?” she started “A car.” You responded dryly “You mean you’re here alone?” She feigned concerned “What do you want?” you asked “I just want to know who you are exactly. The other day when you left he wasn’t the same and I need to know who you are to derail someone who is so driven and focused.” “I’m his choreographer.” You responded giving your back to her again. “I don’t believe it.” She said popping up on your side “See we are hanging out tonight but he must be running a little late. I thought maybe he invited you too, since you guys are friends.” “He didn’t invite me, I am meeting up with my other friends.” You responded hurt “Oh whoops, maybe it was just us two that he made the plans for.” She winked, “Oh I see him!” she said waving him down You kept your back to them, not wanting to show Jackson how hurt you were. “Hey look who I ran into waiting for you, it’s that girl from your place.” “Hey Jackson.” You said still not facing him “Hey Y/N.” he said as he was welcomed by your backside. “Do you want us to wait for you while your friends come?” “No have fun with your date.” You responded a little too quickly “Y/N-“ Jackson started with a hand on your shoulder “A date! Wow Jackson I didn’t know this was a date, how romantic!” she started squealing “Hey why don’t you find a table, I’ll be right there.” He said shoving her away He stood beside you admiring your profile. “You look amazing Y/N. I am still very sorry about yesterday.” “I am sorry too Jackson. I miss you there’s so much I want to tell you but I can’t.” You said finally looking at him. His eyes, they were tired and you wanted to abandon all your plans and just take him back to your apartment and cuddle him to sleep. “Tomorrow meet me at my studio, it’s just going to be me and boys.” “I have things to do tomorrow.” “Just reschedule them!” “What? No you reschedule yours!” you paused not wanting to argue, “I understand my plans may not be as important as yours but to me they are.” “No baby they are important to me too.” He said cupping your face in his hands. You took a step back and he cleared his throat and awkwardly put his hands back into his pocket. “Sorry, I miss holding you.” “Eric just texted, he’s inside.” You said smiling up at him, “Want to say hi?” “Yeah let’s go in.” he said wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
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yyparkq · 4 years
“What the hell are you doing here again, Jackson?” you groaned when you saw him sprawled across your sofa, busy scrolling on his phone before you walked in on him inside your own apartment. Without looking back and waiting for an answer, you walked straight to the kitchen.
Jackson immediately rose to his feet upon hearing your voice, his eyes raking your whole body darkly. “You know why I’m here. Your roommate’s having a little too much fun of her own with mine,” he answered, licking his lips as he watched you saunter to the fridge and slightly bend your torso to reach for a jug of milk.
When you turned around, Jackson was already standing on the other side of the breakfast island, blatantly watching your legs with a mischievous glint in his eyes and a smirk tugging on one corner of his lips. You looked down at yourself and realized instantly the reason for his smug face—you are only donning a pair of lace panties and a loose cropped top with your long black hair upped in an overly messy bun.
Jackson slowly called out your name, licking his lips and brushing his hair with his hand in the process. “Are you trying to seduce me?”
Unbothered, you placed the glass on the marble counter and poured yourself a good amount of milk to help you find sleep for another night. Sleep doesn’t come and stay with you for more than a couple of hours—3 at most—these days and you’re not keen on taking medications to fix it just yet so you’re sticking to the conventional way of enticing sleep back to your system.
“Of course I am. I knew exactly you were coming over at this hour so I purposely almost stripped naked in my own house for your eyes to see,” you smarted, each word laced with a mix of annoyance and sarcasm. You immediately regretted the words though, realizing it’s not his fault he was being thrown under the bus by your roommates.
Jackson braced his arms on the counter, leaning over and studying your face. “Rough night, babe?” he asked and you took a good look at him. He’s got his sleeves rolled up and the first few buttons of his navy blue shirt unfastened—flaunting a good portion of his veiny forearm and muscular chest. By the way he was dressed, you can tell he came straight from his office. Shadows under his eyes slightly visible as the weight of the whole week finally wash over him.
“I’m not your friend, Jackson. Don’t you have anyone else to bother your ass with at this hour?” you chided, still feigning annoyance after downing a mouthful of milk. You’re exhausted and wanted to just plop down your bed and drift to sleep. The last thing you could have wished right now is to argue with a Jackson Wang.
Your forehead creased at his unbothered reaction.
With a sharp click of his tongue, his hand darted across space between you two and settled on your lips. Thumbing the corner of your mouth gently, he wiped the remnants of the milk off of you and stared darkly into your eyes.
You sighed and confided how tired you are but couldn’t sleep at all. Tiring yourself out doesn’t prove to be an effective solution for you as you have already went for a run, did a few sets of cardio, and tried breathing exercises—all still resulted in an hour or two of tossing and turning on your bed.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Jackson quipped.
It took you a moment to grasp what he’s trying to say.
Jackson licked his lips and smirked, “I could help you relax like the last time, you know.”
Cocky little bastard. You rolled your eyes and swatted his hand away from your face. “Oh god, will you please stop,” your cheeks instantly turned crimson at his mere words and you had to fight the urge to bite your lip and moan at the memory of him relentlessly pounding on you in every corner of your bedroom and rendering you limp the next day for work.
Rounding off the breakfast island, he grabbed your waist and hoisted you on one of the high chairs. “That’s not what you said when you were taking me so well that night,” he murmurs at the corner of your lips where his thumb has been on a moment ago. He found purchase standing between your legs. Your arms instantly linking around his shoulders when he started kissing you. His hands caressing your exposed hips.
Meeting Jackson is inevitable since you both live with your best friends—slash—roommates in the big city. Jackson simply couldn’t stand hearing your friend’s endless, loud moans from the other room without being utterly disgusted. He tried to pry it off the first few instances until he couldn’t anymore. But thanks to that one time the four of you went to a party sharing a car. When his friend insisted to carpool and pick up his girl from your home, Jackson took the opportunity to take note of your address for escape in the future. What he didn’t know is that there is you—a roommate like himself—in the picture, after all.  Cocking an eyebrow, he looked at you incredulously as you slid onto the passenger’s seat beside him. You mirrored his expression, frustrated enough to attend another boring party during the weekends.
As you have expected, the party bored you to death. A couple of familiar faces and empty conversations were shared and with the last look on your best friend’s direction who was now openly making out with his boyfriend, you cringed and made your way out of the place, your fingers instantly working trying to get yourself a car ride home. You decided the party is definitely a bad idea.
On the other hand, Jackson’s eyes never left yours. He easily recognized the disinterest in your eyes from the beginning and he was more than ready to drive you back home in an instant—which was totally unlike him since he’s usually the last man to leave at any party. When you got up and out the door, he was immediately on your heels. He pressed his car keys and you almost jolted when the car in front of you beeped loud, followed by an enormous body from your back reaching for the car door. When you turned around, you saw Jackson smiling. His face illuminated by the street lights and faint flashing party lights from the house. You were so clouded by your annoyance in the car ride to the party earlier that you failed to appreciate Jackson’s handsome face and now you decided there’s at least one good thing out of this boring day, and that is meeting this cocky guy in front of you.
Jackson’s hands were busy kneading your perky bust and ass when you pulled a fistful of his hair, creating a space between your faces desperate for oxygen. He looked at you, gasping for air, before latching his mouth to your exposed neck, sucking and licking all your sweet spots all the way to your mounds, earning loud moans from you. He placed kisses on top of the thin material covering your breasts. “You look so fucking good in this,” he growled into your ear. “I want you to keep it on while I fuck your brains out, baby girl.”
Between your legs, you are soaked and the friction against Jackson’s pants is making it harder for you. You whimpered at the lack of action and guided his hand where you needed him the most. Jackson chuckled darkly at your boldness. “Cat’s got your tongue, my princess? You know you need to tell me what you need.”
You gritted your teeth at his game. “God damn it, Jackson. Just shove your fucking dick in my cunt, will you,” you muttered under your breath. Not patient enough to play with his games.
His hands finally went between your legs and pushed your panties to the side. He looked at your face as he dipped a finger into your folds—as if testing if you’re wet enough for him—and started drawing circles on your clit. You shamelessly sang Jackson’s name like a prayer. His ministrations rapidly increasing the tension in your stomach. You ground your hips onto his hands, your eyes wincing shut at the feeling.
“I’ll fuck you so hard in this little kitchen so the next time you step foot in here to get your precious milk, you will remember my cum inside your pussy dripping onto this seat instead,” he growls into your ears as he brought you to climax. “How do you like that, baby?” he taunted you, licking your earlobe.
“You talk too much,” you moaned and reached to palm his dick over his pants.
Jackson groaned at the action and rutted his hips onto your hands. His pace increased, desperate to bring you over the edge and finally sheath himself inside you, causing you to erratically work on him. You shuddered under his hands and reached your climax, but he hasn’t slowed down his actions. You squirmed and twisted under him from oversensitivity but the ruthless man in front of you just continued his ministrations.
“Damn, Jackson—” you panted. “I can’t—fuck.”
“You can, baby. Cum again. Shit. Cum again on my fingers.”
It didn’t take you long before doing so. You thought you might pass out anytime soon until you felt Jackson’s arm supporting your upper body. You opened your eyes and saw him retrieve his hand from your core, gathering your liquid essence through his fingers and bringing it to his mouth for a taste. He sucked his fingers clean and kissed you, letting you taste yourself.
He broke the kiss after a while, “Sleep kicking in yet?”
You shook your head unzipped his pants. “Probably not until you cum inside of me, big boy.”
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sheebaba · 4 years
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The only ship that matters to me, wang gae park gae forever.
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