#GOODB honey
goodbfoods · 1 year
Buzzing with Life: Why Sustainable Beekeeping is Critical for Our Planet
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Bees are an essential part of our ecosystem and play a crucial role in maintaining the biodiversity of our planet. They are responsible for pollinating the plants that produce the fruits, vegetables, and nuts that we rely on for food. In addition, bees also produce honey, which has been used for centuries for its nutritional and medicinal properties. However, the bee population has been declining in recent years, and this has raised concerns about the future of our food system. This is where sustainable beekeeping comes in – it is a way to protect bees and ensure that they continue to thrive for generations to come.
Importance of Bees
Bees are the most important pollinators on the planet, responsible for pollinating over 80% of flowering plants. This includes the crops that make up a significant portion of our diets, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Without bees, these crops would not be able to produce the fruits and seeds necessary for their reproduction. This would result in a significant decrease in the variety and quantity of food available to us, which would have severe consequences for human health and wellbeing.
In addition to pollinating plants, bees also play a crucial role in maintaining the biodiversity of our planet. They help to sustain the habitats of other animals by pollinating the plants that provide food and shelter for them. Bees also help to maintain the balance of ecosystems by transferring nutrients between plants and soil, which helps to improve soil fertility.
The Importance of Honey
Honey has been used for its nutritional and medicinal properties for centuries. It is a natural sweetener that contains antioxidants and antibacterial properties, making it a healthy alternative to processed sugar. In addition, honey has been used for its healing properties, such as treating wounds and sore throats.
However, the production of honey is not just beneficial for humans. Bees produce honey as a way to store food for the winter months when flowers are not in bloom. By producing honey, bees are able to survive the colder months and continue to pollinate plants when they come back into bloom.
The Decline of Bees
Despite the importance of bees, their population has been declining in recent years. This decline is due to a combination of factors, including habitat loss, pesticide use, climate change, and disease. The loss of natural habitats has reduced the availability of food and nesting sites for bees, while pesticide use has killed many bees directly and indirectly by reducing the availability of the plants they rely on for food. Climate change has also affected bee populations by altering the timing of flowering and disrupting the delicate balance of ecosystems. Finally, disease has spread rapidly among bees due to increased movement of bees and their hives around the world.
The Role of Sustainable Beekeeping
Sustainable beekeeping is a way to protect bees and ensure that they continue to thrive for generations to come. It involves practices that promote the health and wellbeing of bees while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. Some of the key principles of sustainable beekeeping include:
Providing bees with access to diverse food sources: This ensures that bees have a balanced diet and are able to survive throughout the year.
Avoiding the use of pesticides and other chemicals: This reduces the risk of harm to bees and other pollinators, as well as reducing the amount of toxins in the environment.
Maintaining healthy bee colonies: This involves monitoring the health of colonies and taking steps to prevent the spread of disease.
Supporting local bee populations: This involves buying honey and other bee products from local beekeepers, as well as planting pollinator-friendly plants in gardens and public spaces.
Sustainable beekeeping also involves educating the public about the importance of bees and the role they play in maintaining healthy ecosystems. By raising awareness about the importance of bees, we can encourage more people to take action to protect them.
GOODB's Commitment to Sustainable Beekeeping
GOODB is committed to sustainable beekeeping practices that prioritize the health and well-being of the bees, the environment, and the local communities. By educating its beekeepers and implementing responsible practices, GOODB helps to ensure the long-term sustainability of the beekeeping industry.
One of the key ways in which GOODB supports sustainable beekeeping is by educating its beekeepers about the harmful effects of chemicals and pesticides on bees and the environment. Beekeepers who work with GOODB are encouraged to avoid using these harmful chemicals and instead rely on natural and sustainable methods to manage pests and diseases. GOODB encourages its beekeepers to protect the bees from their enemies using sustainable means, such as using natural predators or creating physical barriers. This helps to minimize the use of harmful chemicals and promotes a more natural and sustainable approach to beekeeping.
Another way in which GOODB promotes sustainable beekeeping is by preserving the honey to feed the bees during non-flowering periods. This helps to ensure that the bees have access to the nutrients they need to survive and maintain their health, without having to rely on artificial supplements or sugar syrup.
Furthermore, GOODB's strict adherence to using only food-grade buckets for honey ensures that the honey remains uncontaminated and of high quality. Additionally, keeping the hives clean and tidy helps prevent the growth of bacteria and other contaminants, further contributing to the production of high-quality honey. These practices help to ensure that the honey is of high quality and that the bees are healthy and well-nourished.
Overall, by promoting sustainable beekeeping practices, GOODB is helping to ensure that the beekeeping industry remains viable and that bees continue to play a vital role in our ecosystems. This commitment to sustainability benefits not only the bees but also the environment and the communities that depend on them.
In conclusion, bees play an essential role in maintaining healthy ecosystems and supporting global food production. However, bee populations are declining due to various factors, such as habitat loss, pesticides, disease, and climate change. Sustainable beekeeping practices offer a solution to this problem, by promoting bee health and biodiversity, minimizing negative environmental impacts, and providing economic benefits for beekeepers and communities. By prioritizing sustainable beekeeping, we can ensure a healthy future for bees, honey, and our planet. It is up to all of us to work together to protect our pollinators and secure the sustainability of our food systems for generations to come.
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goodbwhitehoney · 2 years
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Buy GOODB White Honey - India's Best Honey 500gm Online At Best Price Now Available at Rs 1079.
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(Hi! This is lowkey shit because its 4:54 AM rn and I'm tired lol. Anyways here, Enjoy!)
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You walked through a plaza in the Undercity, Ekko asked you to go out to Jericho's and get some takeout because you were both hungry. So you happily agreed to his requests.
You pushed past random people in the street until you finally arrived at your destination. You were about to walk up until you heard someone speak.
"Have you ever had prison food? No, you haven't." They spoke, your eyes widening a bit as you heard their voice. You had heard it before, but that was years ago.
You looked at them, their heart turning to look at the blue haired woman with them. 
You saw her hair, it was exactly like Vi's, your childhood friend who you harbored feelings for.
But you haven't seen her in years, she went missing the same night Vander, Mylo and Claggor died in that explosion. You should know, you were there after all.
You stared at her back until she got up, Jericho taking her bowl on the counter. She looked at the woman beside her with a small smirk, taking the paper and getting up.
She finally laid her eyes on you, her eyes visibly widened as she saw your face.
You left your mask at the hideout.
It was a dead giveaway you were a firelight. And Silco, along with his goons, didn't take to fondly to the ones busting up their shipments.
You finally snapped out of it, if Vi was back and with that woman, who obviously wasn't from the Undercity, she probably was after someone.
After Jinx. And you promised to never fuck with Jinx the second she pointed a gun at your head, knowing it was you behind that mask.
You turned around, walking quickly to hide out of her sight. You weren't leaving, you had to know why she was back and what for.
Vi calles out your name, running towards you as you pulled your hood over your head. Stepping on your hoverboard to sneak by easier.
You hovered in the air to see her running by, looking around frantically as if she was searching for someone.
For you.
You finally saw her stop moving, her acquaintce looking utterly confused as you saw her mouth a question to Vi.
Thw woman merely stood silent before shrugging her off.
You felt sorry for a time before following, you watched as she and her little acquaintance made their way through the Undercity.
'Vi's famous tour.' You internally chuckled at the nameless woman's face as they entered Babbettes brothel. They were in there for quite a bit as you sighed, stepping off your hoverboard.
You stored it on your back, entering through the front and passing through with a wave to the employee at the desk.
You walked through the hall, passing by a lot of people before a woman stopped you.
"Y/n? What are you doing here? You don't usually come in today." She raised an eyebrow at you, it was Diamond, a worker at the brothel.
"Not here for that today. Where's Babbette? I need to talk to her." You explained, Diamond nodding her head as she led you over to Babbettes office.
"Babbette? Y/n's here!" She called out, pushing the curtain away from her face. "Oh! Send her in." Babbette smiled, she hadn't seen you for a bit.
You entered through the curtain's, waving at Babbette as you walked over to one of the side couches.
"Hey Babbette." You smiled, the woman returning it as she sat on the other couch.
"So, I'm assuming you saw her?" She already knew. You nodded your head, sighing as you leaned back into the couch.
"Yeah, just how in hell is she alive? She's been gone for seven years." You asked, Babbette shaking her head. "I don't know, Honey. But she's looking for Jinx." She stated.
"I knew it. She's gonna get herself killed." You sighed once again. "Did she say anything where she was headed?" You asked, Babbette nodding her head.
"She's looking for Sevika. Where she usually is, out back playing cards." She explained, you nodded your head as you stood up, taking your hoverboard off your back.
"Thank's, Babbette. See ya." You waved, smiling as you walked out the curtain hearing her small goodbye from behind you.
You shook your head, you had to tell Ekko now Vi, your old crush, his idol was now back from the dead after seven years.
She couldn't have just said Hi instead of this whole introduction?
You stepped on your hoverboard, gliding on it to rise up and it picked up speed and you headed to the back alley. To Sevika.
When you got there you heard grunting, you cursed under your breath as you looked around the corner to see Vi on the ground, looking like shit with Sevika holding her chin.
"I'll send her your regards." The woman said, Vi closing her eyes as your's widened. She never was one for laying low.
You were about to step around the corner to help before stepping back, a gunshot ringing out as you looked up and saw the same woman from before holding up a gun.
She shot at Sevika, the casing holding the shimmer for her arm in shattering as she stumbled back.
You saw her coming to the corner as you headed out, finding another hiding spot around a dumpster as you watched it all play out.
"Why did you let her go?" Vi asked, looking up at the woman as she jumped down and walked towards her. 
"Do you ever say thank you?" The woman asked, putting her gun away.
"He's gonna know we're here now." 
"Yeah, like you beating up his right hand man is gonna be subtle, Vi." You scoffed under your breath, she never did really think before acting.
"Whose fault is that?" The woman asked, her tone sarcastic as she looked down at Vi. "You're an alright shot." Vi said after a moment. "I'm an excellent shot." The woman stated.
Vi sighed, lifting her hand up to the woman. "You gonna help me out, Cupcake?" She asked, you raised an eyebrow at her nickname. You wouldn't deng, it stung a little bit.
"Stop calling me that. My name is Caitlyn." Caitlyn stated, grabbing Vi's outstretched hand and pulling her up.
"But you're so sweet. Like a cupcake." Vi continued, her teasing reminds you a bit of when you were younger. How she used to act like that with you.
Caitlyn chuckled. "Shut up." She supporte Vi, helping her walk.
You stood there for a moment as they left, looking down as you processed it all. She looked really comfortable around her. 
You shook your head, you had to go. Go find Ekko and tell him about it all.
You turned your hoverboard around, flying off and back to the hideout. When you got to the dark tunnel you knocked on the metal door, the rhythm acting as a code as it slid open loudly.
You sighed, smiling at the familiar tree before frowning at Vi's face on the wall. 
Ekko jogged up to you, smiling as he saw you and gave you a hug. You smiled at his gesture, living in the small moment before pulling away.
"Where's the food?" He asked, confused and slightly disappointed before he grew worried as he saw your face. You looked around, glancing at all the people around.
"Can I talk to you for a little bit? In private?" You asked, Ekko tilting his head a bit before he nodded his head. 
"Yeah, come on." He turned around, walking off as you followed him up to his room.
He sat at his desk, tossing his mask on it as you sat on the foot of his bed. He turned his chair towards you.
"What is it?" He asked, curious as you hesitated. "...Vi's not dead." You state, Ekko looks even more confused.
"What? Are you finally losing it? Vi died." he stated, shaking his head. 
"No, I just saw her in the lanes. She was with a woman, carrying a enforcer gun and she was looking for Jinx." You explain, Ekko didn't know what to do.
"She's in the lanes?" You nodded your head. "Then let's go find her. Because if you're right, I wanna know where in hell she has been." He said, you shrugged, standing up and walking to the door.
"Come on, the sooner the better." He nodded, grabbing his mask again and joining you. 
You both then walked down the steps to the bottom of the tree, spotting Scar, a vastaya man.
"Scar! We'll be back." He called his friend over, the man nodding his head. "Do you need anybody else?" He asked, Ekko shook his head.
"No, not yet. We'll come back if we do." You state, Scar nodding his head as he began to open the metal door. "You ready?" You ask Ekko, the boy sighing as he walked through.
"Let's hope so."
You both stepped on your hoverboards, searching the Undercity for a while until you got to the old cliff. Shimmer addicts who didn't accept help usually stayed here.
You then saw Vi and the woman, Caitlyn at the edge of the cliff. Vi still was holding her side as she talked to her for a moment before jumping down. You and Ekko watched as yiu both landed on some old beams sticking out.
Them you saw Caitlyn jump in after her, you looked back at Ekko as he looked at you. You nodded your head, Ekko staying silent as he watched the scene unfold.
"Who the hell is that?" Ekko asked, nodding his head to mention Caitlyn. "Caitlyn, heard her say it earlier when she got stabbed." You explain, Ekko looking at you in disbelief.
"You failed to mention she got stabbed!" He hissed at you, shocked as you just shrugged your shoulders.
"She seemed pretty close with that woman, she seemed to be able to handle it."
Ekko shook his head at you. "Come on," he threw his hoverboard back down.
"We gotta go get more people before she finds Jinx, or, Jinx finds her." He states, you nodded your head as you followed him.
You both got more firelights, flying through the Undercity to locate Vi before something caught your attention. Blue clouds in the sky.
"Ekko." You called out, catching hsi and the groups attention.
"The flair." You pointed to it, Ekko looking up as his eyes widened. "The same one?" He asked, you nodded your head.
"Come on!" You shouted, going towards it on your hoverboard as they all followed. 
You guys got to a pipeline, on the other side you could faintly hear Jinx shouting.
You went towards Ekko, putting your mask on as you nodded to him and the others. 
You both then went through the pipe, the darkness lighting up a bit as you both came out the other end.
Jinx finally spotted you, her pow pow gun in hand as Vi and Caitlyn were with her now.
She began shooting at you both, the other firelights zipping past as you all went towards them.
Everything went by fast, fighting with Jinx and watching as Caitlyn got the daylights kicked out of her. Jinx was shooting everywhere, you kept sight of Ekko and watched as Vi and Scar fought.
She kept throwing punches, and hard as hell. She fought just like she was a kid still, blocking with her face but she was stronger now. Finally she got Scar down on the ground.
She turned around, seeing her sister smiling like she enjoyed what she was doing as she shot at everything. Her eyes widened, stepping towards her sister as Scar got up behind her.
"Powder!" She exclaimed, going to run towards her before Scar knocked her out cold with his staff. 
You watched as Jinx stopped shooting, the firelights evacuating just as Scar lifted his staff to stab Vi.
You were about to stop him before Ekko beat you to it, placing his hand on his friend's arm. "Take her." Ekko told him, Scar was confused at his work before complying.
You sighed, it was finally over and you could breathe. You found your hoverboard, it had little damage to it as you stepped on it.
You glided over to Scar, the man lifting up Vi. "Want me to take her?" You asked, Scar nodded his head as he handed her to you. 
You grunted a bit, sitting down on your hoverboard with your legs on either side and with Vi sitting in front of you.
Jinx finally turned around, seeing her sister knocked out on your hoverboard. 
She then got angry, yelling and running towards you just as Ekko pulled out a smoke bomb you made and pulled the pin.
By the time it cleared you were all gone, Jinc looking around panicked as it slowly set in, Vi was gone. She had just gotten her back and just like that. 
"Vi?" She asked, her voice quiet as she looked around. Her breathing picked up. She was alone.
All because of herself.
Fucking Jinx.
You had taken Vi and Caitlyn back from the hideout, standing outside and leaning against the railing at the top of the tree as Ekko was inside interrogating Vi. You had no interest in it.
You blanked off until you heard the door open, Vi squinting at the bright light as Ekko walked out. She watched him until her eyes found you.
Her eyes widened, you looked at her with a small smile on your face as she stepped forward. 
"Y/n?" She asked, you nodded your head. You didn't have time to process before she was over to you, hugging you close to her as she clung onto you for dear life.
"So you did miss me?" You asked, hugging her back and closing your eyes. "How could I not?" She chuckled, almost like she was crying as she held you close to her heart. 
"I dont know. You seemed pretty close to that enforcer girl." You chuckled, Vi shaking her head. "No. That was just Caitlyn, plus I like seeing her mad." She joked.
"Yeah, same old Vi." You shook your head, pulling away from the hug. She smiled, placing her hand on your cheek with her palm as she pushed some hair out of your face.
She couldn't resist. She missed you too much. And she was afraid she would never have this opportunity again.
You smiled before she leaned closer to you, pressing a small kiss to your lips as your eyes widened. When she pulled away she laughed at the shocked look on your face.
"Wow, when did you get so bold?" You asked, raising your eyebrows at her as she shook her head.
"Please, get a room." Your eyes widened, you forgot Ekko was there.
"Shut up, Little man." Vi waved him off, the boy rolling his eyes and waving his hand at you both as he went to walk down the steps.
"You both are gross!"
It was now your turn to roll your eyes, you laughed a bit though. Ekko was always the one trying to stay out of your love life, even went as far as to try and keep you away from Vi when young.
Claimed it would kill you.
But he was right in a way, your love for Vi would get you killed one day. But not today, 'cause she was here and so were you.
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goodbsuperfoods · 1 year
Discover the Finest Organic Honey Products: 100% Raw, Natural, and NMR Tested | GOODB
Indulge in the pure and wholesome goodness of GOODB Organic Honey. Sourced from certified organic beekeepers, our honey is free from pesticides, chemicals, and artificial additives. With GOODB Organic Honey, you can savor the delicious taste and enjoy the health benefits of honey in its most natural form. Each jar is carefully crafted to maintain the integrity of the honey, ensuring that it retains its rich flavor and nutritional properties. Whether you're drizzling it on your morning toast, adding it to your favorite recipes, or using it as a natural sweetener, GOODB Organic Honey is a perfect choice for those seeking a pure and sustainable honey option. Taste the difference of GOODB Organic Honey and experience the true essence of nature's sweetness.
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goodbfoods12 · 1 year
GOODB Beri Honey | 100% Pure, Raw and Natural | Unprocessed & Unpasteurized Organic Honey from Forest | Beri Honey, 225 Gm
Due to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, goodb beri honey helps improve immunity against allergies.
Research has shown that honey can easily treat diabetic foot ulcers, cuts and wounds due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
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GOODB beri honey is good for liver problems, stomach ulcers, respiratory infections, diseases resulting from malnutrition, digestive problems, constipation, eye diseases, infected wounds and burns, surgical wounds (incl. C-section), promote speedy recovery after childbirth, facilitates menstruation and in combination with various herbs can be used against epilepsy.
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seasonsbloom · 2 years
dime store cowboy 2 . (hangman)
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pairing ; cowboy!jake seresin x female!reader
synopsis ; jake teaches you about the cowboy hat rule. (part two of dime store cowboy, but can probably be read separately.)
wc ; 6.5k
warnings ; 18+ only, minors do NOT interact; explicit language, alcohol abuse, explicit sexual content (semi-public sex, sex while under the influence, p in v, fingering, riding, dirty talk, lil tiny bit of degradation maybe?, almost getting caught)
note: YEEHAW PARDNERS………. i hate this so much, but hey i finished! that's the only positive about this goodbe.
sol. sunderlust. you already know what i’m gonna say thank you for being my bestie :(
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It’s a small town, so news travels like wildfire - soon, all the kitchens are burning.
When you walked into work on Monday, three of your co-workers told you not to get too involved with Jake. On a trip to the local mom-and-pop shops for nails to hang your newest art print with, the older woman at the register frowned, called you by name even though you don’t remember ever introducing yourself to her, and said, Jake Seresin is bad news, honey. At a diner, a whole table of mid-twenties girls glared actual daggers at you.
With the way he’s looking at you right now, sort of like he’s ready to reach across the table and devour you whole, you think you kind of know what they mean.
“You’re like… a local legend,” you tell him, toying with the straw in your margarita. Jake ordered it for you before you even walked through the doors, and you don’t know how to feel about him remembering your drink order.
Jake raises an eyebrow. He’s wearing a pale blue button-down tonight that seems more formal than the flannel you met him in, but the hat and obnoxious belt remain the same.
“Am I?” he asks and sounds a little too pleased for your liking.
You nod. “I got advised not to show up tonight by….” You count them off on your fingers. “... four people. And that’s not counting any of the girls who I think are planning my murder as we speak.”
It punches a chuckle out of him, but something about the sound is almost sad.
“Yeah, yeah,” he agrees, waving it off. “I may have a bit of a reputation.”
“What sort of reputation?” you ask, watching as your straw paints swirls into the pink slush of your drink.
Looking at him is dangerous business, you’ve learned this much by now. It makes you do crazy things, shuts off whichever part of your brain is responsible for logic and common sense. So you avoid his eyes, even as you feel his gaze burn holes into the side of your face.
“A bad one,” he says.
It’s ridiculous, and judging by the fake deep voice he puts on, he knows it too. So you laugh, duck your head, and wonder if you even want to know the real answer.
From what you’ve gathered, Jake is a bit of a ladies man. (Your co-worker’s description had been somewhat less flattering. At least you don’t think town mattress is going to show up on his CV any time soon.) Usually, that fact alone would have been enough to have you running for the hills, but you can’t forget the night you met him - his hand on your thigh and the easy banter and feeling sexy, carefree, grown-up in a way not even doing your taxes can duplicate.
Still. The uncertainty remains.
“You think I should listen to them?” you ask. The leather of the booth clings to your sweaty thighs. It’s a hundred degrees in this stupid bar.
Jake hums and shrugs his shoulders. “What I want you to do and what you should do are two entirely separate things, sugar.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He’s drinking whiskey neat. When he picks the glass up to take a sip, amber liquid trembles like a lake in an earthquake.
“It’s your choice, sweetheart.”
That’s not exactly an answer, and it doesn’t escape your notice.
Jake sets his glass back down, braces his elbows on the table’s edge, and leans forward, leans into your space, a conspiratorial grin pulling up the corners of his mouth and says, “If you’re asking me, though… I think you’ve already made your choice.”
You’re not exactly sure what you’re talking about anymore, but you won’t give him the satisfaction of saying what.
“How so?” you ask.
“Well.” Jake makes a sweeping gesture that seems to encapsulate both your little outfit and meticulously styled hair as well as the bustle of the bar. “You’re here, aren’t you?”
You can’t argue with that. A new song comes on, and a group of girls near the bar yell in excitement. You watch them for a second.
“What made you come anyway?” He has his arms folded on the tabletop, clearly trying to pull you back from whatever train of thought you’ve boarded and sailed away on.
That’s a good question, and it’s one you’re not too sure how to answer. Because, truth be told, you almost didn’t. Without the liquid courage of three strawberry margaritas coursing through your bloodstream, without him so close you could barely think of anything but his stubble between your thighs, your nerves caught up with you. You’ve agonized over this, even twenty minutes ago, sitting in your car and staring at the twinkling neon of the bar, your heart beating an erratic pattern that echoed in your words like the same question repeated again and again: Should I?
You shrug. “Curiosity.”
He grins, his teeth gleaming between the pink of his lips. You wonder if he uses Crest white strips or if he gets them professionally bleached. They’re almost too white.
“Curiosity about what, exactly?”
You take a sip of your cocktail to bide your time, to collect your thoughts. Then you say, “I’ve never been on a date with a cowboy.”
Casually, Jake leans back in his chair, folding his arms in front of his chest. His expression is unreadable. “Oh, so is that what this is? A date?”
Your heart drops to the vicinity of your kneecaps. Could it really be that you’ve misjudged this situation so completely? Could it really be that you’re so inexperienced, so out of tune with the signs and signals of the chase, that you can’t even recognize when somebody’s flirting with you?
And you were so sure of it all. That he had felt the same pull as you did that night at the bar. That he’d wanted you almost as much as you had wanted him. That he’d called the number you’d scribbled hastily on a napkin soaked in beer (called, not texted, and you’d been so sure it was a spam call you almost hadn’t picked up) because he’d genuinely wanted to see you again to continue whatever your co-worker had interrupted.
Back home, your friends used to call you romantically challenged, but you didn’t think it was this bad.
“Oh,” you say, and your cheeks feel warm as you shift your weight in your seat, as you pull your shoulders up like you’re trying to disappear between the blades, “I’m sorry, I just….”
Jake is shaking his head before you can finish the sentence you had no idea where to end anyway. “I’m only messing with you, sugar,” he says, his laughter warm even as he teases you, and for a split second, his fingers graze over your knuckles on the tabletop. “I’m honored to be the first cowboy to take a pretty lady like you out.”
That line has no business making your heart race the way it does. Where his fingers touched yours, the skin tingles.
Because you don’t know what to say, you down the last of your cocktail. 
For a while, the two of you chat about nothing and everything. Your new job, the adjustment to the countryside. His work on his parent’s ranch and his family. He names all of their seven dogs, and your eyes nearly bulge out of your head.
“Seven?” you repeat, a note of awe sneaking into your voice. “You guys have seven dogs?”
Jake laughs. “I take it you like dogs?”
“Like is like… the understatement of the century.”
“If you’re a good girl,” he says, looking at you over the rim of his glass, “maybe I’ll introduce them to you one day.”
That has your thighs clenching, your toes curling against the soles of your shoes. Jesus. He can’t just say things like that.
Jake orders you another cocktail from a waitress that does very little to conceal the glare she throws in your direction. When she comes back to deliver your drink and the beer that Jake has switched to, she leans so low both he and you get a good, thorough glance into her cleavage.
As she saunters away, hips swinging, you blink, caught between confusion and a tiny bit of annoyance, and Jake just snorts into the sweating neck of his beer bottle.
By then, the sugar and the alcohol are beginning to work their way into your bloodstream, and you feel just the right side of tipsy. Where your senses are dulled enough the bar fades away to a steady chatter of background noise, tuned out by the gleam of Jake’s smile and his eyes and his fingertips tapping rhythmically on the wood of the table. You feel loose and swaying and unsteady in a way that is funny, thrilling, instead of scary.
It’s strange to be so far from him, all the space of the booth stretching and elongating. Later, you’ll blame the liquid courage, but something (it’s definitely not jealous, nope, not at all) propels you to slide along the leather of the seat, feeling the sweat collecting in your kneecaps, heart in your throat, until you’re on his side, your legs just an inch or two from his.
Jake watches your migration with a faint smile on his face.
“Hi,” you say, blinking up at him.
“Hi,” he echoes back, his arm sliding over the backrest just above your shoulders. “You good?”
You nod. “I was getting lonely over there.”
As soon as the words are out, you cringe at yourself, mouth already opening around an apology, but Jake’s hand on your waist silences you. Wordlessly, he pulls you the last inch to him. And then you’re pressed to him, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, thigh to thigh, and he’s like a massive bulk of heat and muscle and the pleasant, spicy scent of his aftershave. Your heart stutters, stumbles, trips.
“Well, we can’t have that,” Jake says, his voice rumbling in his chest. “Pretty girl like you all on her lonesome.”
It has you grinning involuntarily. His arm goes from your waist to drape across your shoulder instead, heavy against you, and you set a tentative, searching hand on his thigh. The denim of his jeans feels rough against your palm.
“Better like this?” he asks, and the words are quiet, soft, like they’re meant just for you.
You nod. “Much.”
From your perch against his chest, you watch as he takes a sip of his beer. The bottle comes away, mouth wet just like his lips. His tongue pokes out just a little as he chases the flavor, chases a drop, and it’s like an intrusive thought, something planted in your mind by someone else, something…
“Can I have a sip?” you blurt.
Jake raises an eyebrow. “I didn’t take you for a beer girl.”
You’re not. That’s not what it’s about.
You shrug, his arm moving with your gesture, and say, aiming for nonchalance, “Maybe I could be.”
He chuckles but hands you the bottle without further protest. It’s ridiculous, but something about the thought that you’re putting your lips where his have been moments ago excites you, sets your heart racing. Maybe you’re childish. If you reached up now and kissed him, you’re almost entirely sure he’d kiss back, but the tiniest, smallest spark of fear flickers inside of you at the idea. What if he rejects you?
So instead, you bring the bottle to your lips, take a single, tiny sip, and then, because you can’t help yourself, because apparently, this has become a habit in his presence, you lick the rim. 
Then you cringe. “Nah,” you say. “Still not a beer girl.”
Jake snorts, but his eyes stay fixed on your mouth for just a moment too long. “Can I try your margarita, then?”
You nod, lean forward out of the crescent of his arm for just a moment to pluck the glass you left abandoned across the table.
Jake takes a sip and, to your disappointment, does not copy your moves. There’s no licking off the sugar for him.
He grimaces. “Jeez,” he says, “this is like ninety-five percent sugar.”
“Yeah,” you agree. “That’s why I like it.”
“Well, sugar,” Jake says, his grin turning just a touch devious, “I bet you taste even sweeter.”
Now that has blood rushing into your cheeks, fingers tightening around his thigh. You can feel his hand tracing up and down your side in leisured patterns, the naked skin of your legs against the fabric of his jeans. Your foot in the dainty sandals just an inch shy of his boots.
It’s like you can’t stop touching each other. Like a circuit, the electricity only flows if all parts of the pattern are connected. Like you’re gravitating towards each other, hands always on the other, your neck, his knee, your hip, his biceps.
“You want to find out?” you ask, voice barely more than a whisper, and wonder where the hell that came from.
Jake’s mouth lifts into a grin at one corner. “You’d let me have a taste, sugar?”
I’d let you have anything you want. That’s what you want to say, but when you open your mouth, somebody else’s voice cuts over yours.
It’s the waitress from earlier. She’s gotten rid of her apron and notepad and is smiling at Jake in a way that makes her intention crystal clear. This girl is definitely here on a mission.
“Hi,” Jake greets back. “We’re still good on drinks, thank you.”
She laughs, and the sound is almost musical. “That’s not why I’m here. My shift just ended.”
For the first time, you really take her in. She’s beautiful, tanned skin, full lips, long hair the color of butterscotch that seems to dance in the light breeze from a ceiling fan. If it hadn’t been for Jake’s arm around you, you would have tried to melt back into the cushions of the booth. Suddenly, you feel painfully inadequate.
But Jake just says, “Good for you.”
The girl casts a furtive glance at you, a furrow etching itself between her eyebrows as if she cannot understand what Jake is doing with someone like you.
Welcome to the club, you think and startle at how bitter that sounds. It’s not like you to pity yourself like this.
“You remember when you asked me out on that date?”
Jake takes a moment to think about that. When he speaks again, he somehow manages not to sound like an absolute douchebag, and you’ll take that as a testament to his immense charm. “Vaguely.”
The girl’s mouth twists like she’s just bit into a lemon. “How about it then?”
One of Jake’s eyebrows rises so high it almost touches his hairline. He says, “I’m a tad busy.”
You watch the whole exchange like somebody watching a tennis match. Sort of like you forgot you’re at all involved in this and not just an innocent bystander watching a girl’s romantic advances crash and burn. Then she sends a truly withering look at you, and you’re reminded that you’re smack dab in the middle of this thing.
“Alright,” she says, trying not to let the note of hurt in her voice show too much. Honestly, you feel sort of bad for her. “Give me a ring whenever.”
Jake hums, but he isn’t even looking at her. His eyes are fixed on your face, his thumb dragging in a long line from your hip down to the top of your thigh. A thoughtful expression crosses his face, and then he’s reaching for where he placed his hat on the tabletop earlier and planting it on your head again.
There’s a thrill to it all - a guy who could potentially have any girl in this town (pretty girls and funny girls and smart girls), but he’s looking only at you. His arm around you and his eyes on you, and his fingers on your leg. His hat on your hair.
You don’t even know if the waitress is still standing by the table or if she’s left. You don’t care.
“Did you drive here?” you ask.
Jake, preoccupied with adjusting the hat on you, glances down at your face and answers, “I did.”
Maybe you’re flattered by all the attention. Maybe it’s been too long since you last got laid. Maybe Jake is too pretty. Or maybe you’re just drunk. 
But there’s a sudden bout of confidence, a wind in your sails, a voice at the back of your head whispering fuck it, and another answering yeah, we’re trying.
Maybe it doesn’t matter. What matters is this: You say, “Do you wanna get out of here?”
You expected Jake to be surprised. Instead, he just smiles, something like amusement crossing his face, and you’re not sure how to feel about that.
“Sure,” he says. “Wait by the door for me, yeah, sugar?”
You agree. As he goes to pay, you idle by the entrance, acting like you don’t feel any of the eyes on you. Without his touch on you, you feel almost forlorn. A little sheepishly, you take off the hat and hold it to your chest, turn it over and over to stare at that label inside.
“Property of J. Seresin,” you read out in a whisper, running a finger along the thin leather of the hat band.
“You really like that hat, don’t you?”
Jake’s voice startles you. He’s smiling, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d call the expression on his face affectionate.
“It’s that cowgirl fantasy,” you say and watch as he stuffs his wallet back into his pocket.
“Yeah, I got my own cowgirl fantasies,” Jake mutters, and you don’t know how to respond, so you act like you didn’t hear him. Something at your core has gone liquid.
He takes the hat from you and plants a warm palm at the small of your back, steering you confidently toward the door.
And this time, when you twist over your shoulder to throw a last glance at the bar, there’s something a little smug to your smile. So what if everybody sees you leave with Jake Seresin? Let them talk about this come Monday then, let them talk about it in the break rooms and the supermarkets and the diners. Let them set the whole town on fire.
You don’t really care, not when you’re the one Jake is ushering toward his truck with something like urgency in his step.
Jake parked his car towards the end of the lot, where the lights of the bar turn into shadows, where the music and the voices are drowned out almost entirely by the chirping of cicadas. The air smells of gasoline and green things, growing things you never really knew back in the city with all its traffic jams and construction work.
When you tilt your head back, you see the stars like glowing pins stuck in the velvet of the night.
“Earlier,” you tell him, slowing your steps as you get closer to the truck, “you asked what I was curious about.”
Jake hums in agreement. He’s rounded the car with you, clearly intent on opening the passenger door for you, but now he stops when you do. You’re still in sync.
“I think,” you say, and wonder how your voice sounds so firm when you feel like you’re floating off into the stratosphere, “I was wondering what it might be like.”
In the dim of the night, Jake’s eyes look almost black. “What what might be like, sugar?”
You bite your lower lip. “That ride I owe you.”
He’s on you within seconds. 
One of his hands tangle in your hair, the other falls once more to that spot at the small of your back, pulling you towards you with enough that you go careening, that you crush into him. The alcohol still has you a little off balance, so you steady yourself with both palms flat on his chest, then make a sound against his lips when you feel the muscles beneath his shirt, the rapid beat of his heart.
It’s all so sudden that it takes you a moment to get used to it. I can’t believe this is happening, you think distantly as Jake opens his mouth against yours, as his tongue traces over the seam of your mouth. You react on instinct, letting him in, melting in his arms. It’s all hot and wet, and god, he’s warm. You know the backs of your thighs and knees are still damp with sweat, with the sweltering heat of the bar, and now, surrounded by the furnace of Jake’s body, not even the night breeze can do anything to cool you down.
Jake walks you backward until your back connects with the metal of his truck, and then he presses you against the door. The hand on your back wanders down, down, down, over the curve of your ass, and then he’s pinching the skin there, and you yelp.
The curve of his smile presses against your own mouth for a moment, and then he’s drawing back at the exact moment that he pulls your hips forward. He’s hard beneath the denim of his jeans, his cock an insistent pressure against your core.
“Oh,” you gasp.
Jake grins. “So do I get to be the first cowboy to fuck you, too?”
You squeeze your eyes shut, hips instinctively bucking forward and into him. The sound of those words tumbling from his lips, his tone so easy, so unaffected, has something inside of you clenching.
“I…” You clear your throat and take a deep breath. “Yeah. First cowboy.”
His voice is husky when he says, “Good.”
Then he’s leaning back in, his tongue sliding into your mouth, his feet kicking your legs apart so he can slot himself between them. His thigh nudges against your clit just once, the contact almost has you keening, and then he’s angling it away, holding your hips back so you can’t rut against him.
Jake is a good kisser. He’s probably had enough practice, you think, and then immediately abandon that train of thought. There’s nothing good down that line. It’s not difficult anyway, not when he does something with his tongue, when his hand slides from your hair to the back of your neck and your brain melts into a puddle anyway, all coherent thoughts shriveling up with it.
When you lick into his mouth, you find traces of the whiskey he had earlier, of honey and oak and smoke. His stubble scrapes against your cheeks, your neck when he leaves a trail of open-mouthed, lingering kisses along the edge of your jaw. Part of you imagines him leaving a mark, imagines the rasp of that bear along the inside of your thighs, and your breath hitches.
The hand has wandered from your ass to the very top of your thighs, where your skin is so tender and sensitive that you bounce up onto your tip toes when he lets the pads of his fingers stroke a figure-eight pattern against you. His answering chuckle vibrates somewhere low in your throat, tickles in an exhale of warm air against your collarbone.
“Sensitive, sugar?”
“Yeah,” you breathe.
And that’s just about the only answer you give because then he’s inching your panties to the side, and one finger dips between your lips, and you have no air left in your lungs to form words with.
“Jesus,” Jake rasps. “You’re fucking soaked, doll. Have you been like this the whole time?”
You make a soaked noise at the back of your throat. Truth be told, you may have been wet since you walked into this stupid bar. It’s not your fault you’ve been wound tighter than clockwork since that night you first met him, it’s not your fault he’s so unfairly hot, not your fault he kept looking at you like he was mentally undressing you, not your fault he…
His finger finds your clit, applies a steady kind of pressure, and you throw your head back and moan so loudly you’re glad the parking lot is abandoned.
He grins again. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Then he’s kissing you again, his finger rubbing circles against you. You can barely keep up with the movement of his tongue, can’t really do anything but open your mouth and take what he’s giving you. The metal of the car is cold against your back, your head.
“Hold this,” he mutters without breaking the kiss, bunching the fabric of your dress up around your stomach and shoving it into one of your hands.
You do as he says, giving him better access to you. His mouth trails from your lips to your jugular, where your pulse is jumping so quickly it’s making you dizzy, as he slides your panties down your legs, taps the side of your thigh to signal you to step out of them. You go one foot at a time, knees feeling like jelly, but Jake steadies you. Bending down to retrieve the underwear, he presses a kiss to your kneecap on his way and mutters, “Good girl.”
Then he’s back up, your panties a crumpled up piece of fabric in his hand, and he presses his face right into the lace. Inhales deeply.
You’re going to pass out.
“Fuck,” he mutters, “can’t wait till I get that taste, sugar. You really are just the sweetest thing, aren’t you?”
It’s not really a question, but you still think it warrants some kind of answer. Your brain won’t cooperate, though. It’s completely and utterly blank.
You think he’s going to chuck the panties into the truck or something, but instead, he shoves them into one of his pockets, a bit of the pink lace peeking over the denim, and you swear you get even wetter.
“Souvenir,” he says, winks at you, and then you’re grabbing him by the collar, pulling him in, in, in, shoving your mouth to his, and kissing him like you want to drown.
If Jake is at all surprised by your sudden initiative, he doesn’t let it on. He takes as well as you give (if not better), fingers digging into your bare ass, your thighs, one sliding through your wetness and then inside of you. You whimper against his mouth as he fucks that finger in steadily, as he thumbs at your clit. Cling to him with both arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
The sound of gravel crunching beneath feet reaches you as if through a fog. Thankfully, Jake is quicker on his feet than you are, pulling his fingers out of you, tugging your dress down to cover you, and angling his body to shield you from whoever is approaching their car. 
You can’t believe this is happening to you.
“Seresin,” the man calls as he unlocks his car door. Most of your vision is blocked by Jake’s shoulder, but you see the silhouette of someone raising their hand in a wave.
Jake tips his hat in response, arms protective and reassuring around you. He greets, “Hal,” then stays just as he is until the sound of the engine has died away in the buzz of the cicadas and the faraway traffic of the highway.
“Shit,” he curses, but there’s a chuckle to his voice. “You alright, sweetheart?”
The thing is this: you actually are alright, apart from the very, very insistent thrum between your legs Jake is doing nothing to help with. In fact, you’re more than alright. It’s exciting in a way you can’t explain, to be right here in the open with him, to know he wants you so much he’s willing to do this where anybody could possibly see. To know you want him so much you don’t even care. But also to feel so incredibly safe with him, to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’ll take care of you no matter what…
This one, you definitely can’t blame on the alcohol. 
“Yeah,” you confirm. “Can we… can we get in your car, maybe?”
Jake nods immediately. “Sure thing, sugar.” He unlocks the car door and opens it for you. “You want me to drive you home? I can…”
But you don’t let him finish. For the second time that night, you pull him by the collar, shove him down into the passenger seat and then climb after, clambering into his lap with your knees pressing into the cushion by his hips. Behind you, you pull the door closed with a resounding thud.
Jake’s truck smells like the air freshener dangling from the rearview mirror, but you barely take note of that. He throws his hat in the general direction of the driver’s seat. His face is just inches from yours, his hands immediately settling on your ass, his eyes wide and blown, and his lip curling in a surprised, pleased smile.
“Sure you don’t wanna do this in a bed?” he asks, but his fingers are already shoving beneath the fabric of your dress again.
You shake your head, lower yourself down until you feel his cock against you, until you both exhale in shaky unison. “Owe you that ride,” you mutter and lean in to kiss him.
It’s torture after that. Jake kisses you like he’s trying to climb into your body, tugs at your hair until you feel each pull like sparks of electricity down to your clit. He pulls your dress down your shoulders, lets it pool around your stomach to get his mouth on your nipples even over the fabric of your bra, the lace soaked through with his spit and your skin aching. All the while, you grind against him, spread your wetness all over his denim as Jake ruts up into the movement, the friction almost unbearable. On every hitch of your hips forward, the obnoxious belt buckle nudges against your clit, and it almost undoes you - the cold of the metal against your heat enough to have your eyes rolling into the back of your head, your mouth opening around moans of Jake’s name.
Finally, he seems to crack, reaching around you to prop open the glove compartment and get out a condom. You watch as he finally unzips his jeans, gets out his cock, and hisses as he rolls the rubber down. Your heart is in your throat with the anticipation of it all.
And then you spot it.
In a split-second decision, propelled by something that must border on madness, you stretch across the middle console, reaching for the driver’s seat.
Jake frowns. “Where you going, sugar?”
“Just…” You strain until you can finally get your hands on the soft fabric, and then you’re sinking back down into his lap, your cunt rubbing over him, and a long, languid moan escaping you before you place his hat on your head.
Jake blinks at you for a moment, eyes glassy, mouth open, the fingers on your hips tightening.
“Jesus,” he whispers, “you gonna wear that, sweetheart?”
You can’t read his face, can’t read the expression, and the uncertainty slams into your chest like an iron-clad fist. Maybe this was a bad idea.
But Jake groans, says, “You gonna wear my hat as you ride my cock, sugar? That’s how you wanna play this thing?”
And shit. Okay, then.
“Yeah,” you breathe, plant both hands on his shoulders. “Can I?”
In answer, he surges forward to kiss you at the same time that he pulls you down on his cock. It’s a stretch, and it’s a slow slide down, but it feels so good, it makes you go a little crazy. You cling to him, let him kiss you, let him dig his fingers into the skin of your hips, pant into his mouth.
When he finally bottoms out, you can’t tell how long it’s been. Your legs are already shaking, your head spinning, your words failing.
Gently, Jake pinches your side. He’s undeniably beautiful, face painted in the neon lights of the far-off bar, shadows crowding behind him. His lips pink and swollen from the nip of your teeth. His eyes lidded and glazed. “Go on then, sugar. You owe me.”
You whimper and obey, move yourself up and down on him slowly at first. The slide of his cock in and out, the clench of your cunt around him each time, as if your body doesn’t want to relinquish its hold on you. His fingers on you as he finally slides your bra off. His lips on your collarbone, then on your breasts, his teeth grazing a nipple, his tongue soothing the sting… It’s almost too much, all of it.
The cubicle is filled with your sounds, the quiet gasps and the loud whines, with Jake’s moans muffled against your skin.
“Fuck,” he mutters, “god, you feel so fucking good, sugar.”
You just nod in answer, the hat almost slipping over your eyes again, and up the pace. You’re all but slamming yourself down on his cock now, the sounds obscene. It’s the wet squelch of your pussy every time he spears into you, the frantic slap of skin on skin as your thighs meet his, the noise of his mouth on your tits.
It goes on forever, something that spirals higher and higher and never reaches the pinnacle. The windows fog up. Your thighs ache. You chase a high that eludes you, time and again.
And all through it, Jake’s hands remain infuriatingly stagnant on your hips.
Finally, you give in and whine, “Jake….”
You can barely keep up the bouncing, your thighs trembling with the pent-up desire, the strain of the movement. In fact, you’re shaking all over, so far gone you can’t even control your own muscles anymore. Sweat drips in steady tracks down your back.
“Hmm?” The sight of him, his hair disheveled by your fingers as he trails a line of wet kisses from your clavicle down between the valley of your breasts, is almost too much. 
“I can’t….” You slump against him, the fatigue catching up with you, pant into the place where his collarbone dips in.
“You tired, doll?”
Without lifting your head, you nod.
His laughter brushes over your hair on an exhale. If you had any strength left in you, you might feel insulted at the fact that he’s laughing at your plight. But the alcohol and the exhaustion and the night in total have finally caught up with you, and you can’t think of anything but your dizzying, deafening, debilitating need to cum.
“That’s too bad,” he says, “You promised me a ride, didn’t you?”
And, like… fuck him, honestly.
“I’m too tired,” you whine, and you’re not too ashamed to admit it. Haven’t you been doing all the work for long enough?
Jake clicks his tongue and pats along the length of your spine. In a voice like melting honey, he says, “You want to come, don’t you, doll?”
You nod, words drifting far away from you like letting go of a balloon.
“Well.” He presses a kiss to your temple that is too soft for the moment. “Then you better get back to work, hmm?”
That’s the breaking point for you.
“Jake,” you say, pushing yourself into an upright position with both palms balanced on his pecs and glare down at his stupid, evil grin, “if you don’t fuck me right now, I’ll go back into that bar and find another cowboy to do it properly.”
You wouldn’t, of course. There isn’t anybody in there you trust the way you trust Jake, not a person you’d want even half as much as you want him.
But Jake doesn’t know that.
The shift is almost immediate.
His eyebrows furrow, his hands tighten on your hips. Something dark crosses his face.
“Don’t talk about other guys while wearing my hat,” he says.
You shrug, motioning to take off his hat. “I will if you can’t fuck me pr….”
Your words trail off into a squeak as Jake fucks his hips up, as his cock plunges into you with more force. Then he’s sitting up straight, wrapping one arm around your waist as he sets a quick, hard rhythm, as he plants a firm hand on the hat and pushes it back down.
“Don’t even say it,” he whispers into your neck as he licks at a drop of sweat, as he sinks his teeth gently into your skin. “You should know better than that, sugar.”
He’s fucking you for real now, hips pistoning in and out with abandon. Your breasts bounce with the force of it, your hands scrabbling for purchase among the curve of his shoulder, the leather of the headrest.
Into your ear, between pants, he’s pouring buckets of filth, saying, “They couldn’t fuck you like this anyway, sugar, and you know it. Nobody but me could give it to you like this, get that pretty pussy this wet, give you the ride of your life….”
Your mouth drops open, sounds pouring from you that could put most porn actresses to shame. When Jake’s fingers find your clit, you have to muffle a full-on scream into his neck.
“Jake,” you whimper, and it’s almost scary how big it is, looming just in the distance. So close now, you’re so goddamn close.
“Yeah,” he’s saying into your hair, planting his feet firmly on the ground and fucking up into your pussy, his cock plunging so deep you swear you feel him in your stomach, “fucking take it. You better not forget who’s fucking cock you’re taking, sugar, who’s hat you’re wearing, who….”
You don’t hear the rest of it. All you can think of is the weight of the hat on your head. All you can think of is that label on the inside of it.
Property of J. Seresin.
You cum with a strangled shout, with your cunt clamping down so hard on Jake’s cock he grunts, with a gush of wetness, with your back arching far enough the hat tips backward off your head, with your fingers and toes numb, with your head somewhere in the clouds, with your blood rushing in your ears, and your heart like a sledgehammer and your arms around his neck. And then you sob, gasp for breath, wriggle like a fish on land.
“That’s my girl,” Jake is saying into your ear when you regain enough presence of mind to tap back into your hearing. “Look so pretty when you come on my cock, Jesus, you’re so fucking tight, sugar, God….”
He pumps his hips a few more times before the rhythm stutters, before he groans and tenses and empties into the condom. His cock twitches inside of you, and you moan weakly, slumped against his chest as you are.
Jake’s arms wrap around you as he hauls you closer to press kisses down the slope of your shoulder.
“You good?” he asks softly.
You nod, eyes fluttering closed. God, you could fall asleep right here - completely sated, completely exhausted, completely full.
“Jake?” you whisper, and as your lips move against his skin, you taste the salt of sweat.
“Yeah, sugar?”
“Can I keep your hat?”
It’s so warm in the car, and he’s even warmer. Soon, you’re going to have to climb off him, going to have to pull your dress back on, let him take you home and step under the shower, wash off the remnants of this night, of this thing that will never happen again. Something you’ll keep locked in your heart forever, a warm, soft memory to melt you in the cold.
But just for now, you get to keep it. For another minute, for another moment.
Jake laughs, his shoulders shaking and your body moving with it.
“Since I’m keeping the panties,” he says, his voice almost tender. “Sure thing, sugar. It’s all yours.”
You press your smile into his chest, preen as he reaches around you to put the hat back on you, and then you think, Thank God for Carrie Underwood.
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evermoreparker · 3 years
Biggest Fan
Synopsis: When you and Tom realize how much your baby daughter loves Frozen, Tom decides to surprise her playing her favorite song, but she doesn't have the reaction he was hoping for.
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A/n: Hey!! So I'm super excited to share this fic that started out as me sending a cute video to my incredible friend @kidney9-9 until I asked her if she wanted to write this fic with me. Go check all her work, she's an incredible writer, and I'm so lucky to have such a sweet friend. :) Let us know if you like it!! 💖💖
A/n 2: hi y'all hope you enjoy this colab! it was super fun and amazing, please follow and make sure to read my friend's writing! it's all incredible and so cool! :) thank you for reading!💖💖
It was a quiet evening, just relaxing at home with Tom and Sophie, when you heard the familiar strums of a guitar. It was only a few notes at first until you recognized the song that your husband was playing. It was a sweet song with such sweet memories that made you lull into a thought of the past.
As soon as the soft knock on Elsa's door stopped and Anna started singing, your daughter looked at the TV screen as if it was the sweetest melody she has ever heard and it made Tom's heart melt. The way Sophie's eyes were so focused on the screen made you laugh, it's like she was hypnotized. As soon as the song ended, she went running to you and Tom, telling you two how much she loved that part of the movie and the song.
Over the next few days, you and Tom giggled and chuckled about Sophie’s concentration and seriousness in practicing the song. You even watched her as she tried to make a dance routine, it was so cute and precious. One of the days, she even got into your closet and put an old pair of heels on, saying it was her turn to perform. You and Tom cheered her on as she belted out to her new favorite song, telling her how amazing she was.
Knowing how much your daughter loved that song, Tom learned how to play it on his guitar and how to sing the lyrics for Sophie. Tom practiced for that all week, because who cares if he's got to memorize Spiderman lines for the next movie, he needs to impress his baby daughter first. On Sunday he was finally ready to give your daughter the performance she deserved, but what he didn't expect was how much she hated it.
You started recording once Tom gave you the go-ahead and placed the phone down in a steady position on the table. You sat back quietly as Sophie walked into the room, confused at the sound of the guitar. She was usually at daycare when Tom practiced the song, or asleep. Tom chuckled, feeling excited to show her the song he’s been practicing.
Instead of the original “Elsa?” In the beginning of the song, he replaced it with Sophie, and you giggled a bit, glancing over to her. “Sophie? Do you wanna build a snowman? C’mon let’s go and play!” Tom sang, smiling widely as he watched Sophie unfold what was happening.
She struggled to say something at first, making Tom sure that she enjoyed it but the moment she opened her mouth, he realized he was wrong. “NO! NO! Stop it right now!”
Knowing how self conscious Tom gets about his voice you weren't sure if you should laugh at your 3 year old daughter hating her dad singing and playing for the first time to someone other than you. Before you could say something, Sophie turned to her dad who seemed confused about if he should keep playing, knowing how you two have the same weird sense of humor and this could be another one of his daughter's jokes.
Uncertain of his next movement, Tom went back to just playing his guitar, too scared of his daughter hating his voice. Before he could even touch the first string Sophie snatched the guitar with her little hands, shouting out,  ''No more Frozen for you!''
Sophie tried to take her dad's guitar out of his hands, but she realized it's useless to carry something that heavy, instead, she went to her room and searched for the Olaf plush one of her many uncles got her as soon as they heard about her newest obsession. Holding it tight as if it was the real character, she sang to it softly the melody that she loves the most in the world.
Back in the living room, you and Tom stared at each other for a few silent seconds, confused about what Sophie did. “What? I thought she loved that song.” Tom spoke up, a bit dejected and upset. He didn’t understand her reaction at all but he snapped out of his thoughts once he felt you place your hand on his shoulder, after you stopped the video.
“I think she does. Don’t be upset babe. I think she wasn’t expecting that!” You cheered him up, smiling back to him. You didn’t want to laugh in front of him in case that gave him the wrong impression, but you found it adorable that Sophie stopped him that way. You never saw her act that way before, but you could tell she really cared about Frozen.
“Maybe? I’m just confused why she did that.” Tom responded, shrugging back to you. After another moment, you sent him another sweet smile, still finding his song incredible.
“You’re a great singer and guitarist, honey. Maybe she was jealous or something.” You reassured him once more.
Tom still thought that something went wrong with his voice, until you tried to lighten up the mood. ''Did you see how she held the guitar strings to try to stop you from going again?'' You chuckled, and Tom put the guitar aside so that he could put his hands on his face. For a second you were worried that you said something wrong that would make him more upset, but he took his hands off his face. And then you saw that he was trying to hold back his laugh, and that was a sound that you loved to hear. ''I'm just glad she didn't throw something at me''
''C'mon,'' You tried to restrain yourself from laughing, but you ended up joining your husband. ''It wasn't that bad!'' You said while losing your breath from laughing too hard.
''I mean, I'm sure I won't be able to dress up Frozen themed for her birthday next month now.'' He said, understanding that would only make you laugh more. ''Man, I had the dress and everything, even bought the blonde wig on Amazon.'' He pretended to be upset about it, and almost immediately looked at you to see if you were amused.
A few quiet minutes went by before you two heard Sophie’s voice carry through the house. You knitted your eyebrows together, instantly recognizing the tune she was singing and Tom tilted his head to the side as well. “Is that what I think it is?” He mumbled to you as you started to smile more, nodding your head back to his question.
“Let’s go check up on her.” You whispered back, not wanting Sophie to hear you while she sang. You got up from the couch, along with Tom and slowly walked up the stairs, hearing her voice get louder.
“Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman. Go away, Anna! Okay, bye.” Sophie continued, not noticing you and her dad in the doorway. She was playing with her Olaf plushie, making him dance along to her song.
You glanced back to Tom, chuckling silently as he smiled back over to Sophie, proud she was singing. He understood why she acted that way now; that song was special to her and only her. Maybe she didn’t want to hear her dad sing it and possibly embarrass her.
Tom wrapped his arm around your shoulder, clearing his throat once Sophie stopped singing.
As the newest singer in the family stopped her performance, you two sat on Sophie's bed waiting for her to continue while smiling, encouraging her to keep going. When she went back to her little concert, you smiled at Tom while leaning into whisper, ''Watch and learn how your daughter is not shy at all about singing in front of people.''
He scoffed knowing you were just teasing him. ''Please, we don't count. She has seen you cry, and sing, over Louis Tomlinson's solo on History.''
''Hey! That's low, you know how that song makes me cry, it's their last song, it's their goodb-'' Tom stopped you before you told him again how much that song meant to you and the fans. ''Ok ok I'm sorry babe, I think it's a great solo, I'd cry if I was a fan too.'' He said while putting your head on his shoulder. ''Don't talk shit about my boyband, that's my Frozen.''
Tom laughed at your reference, and turned around seeing his daughter suddenly quiet. She climbs on Tom's lap, while you two hug and congratulate her on her amazing performance. Too caught up on the family hug, you didn’t notice your daughter leaning to whisper in her dad's ear.
''Yea my love?'' He hummed back.
''What's shit?'' Tom's eyes widened as he looked at you begging for you to help him. You raised your eyebrows at him and shrugged before leaning over to Sophie.
“Don’t know, I heard him say it first.”
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btswritingblog · 6 years
You Found Me In The Dark- Chapter 2
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Obviously, Taehyung isn't new to this, but it suddenly feels as if he's never encountered this before. His stomach tightens as Jungkook starts to kiss his shoulders and the back of his neck. Taehyung can't say no to this...not when he's in this deep. So he stays still, letting Jungkook take the lead. Taehyung inhales quickly when he feels Jungkook's length press at his entrance.
No prep? Oh dear god...
"Relax, baby," Jungkook purrs, running his hands up Taehyung's sides. Taehyung takes a deep breath and lets himself relax. Jungkook feels this so he moves forward, slipping himself into Taehyung. Relaxing doesn’t allow Jungkook to enter all the way, which is why prep is necessary, but he continues. His muscles clench around Jungkook's length reflexively and Jungkook grunts in response, gripping Taehyung's hips. "God, you feel so good. So tight."
Yeah, but it doesn't feel too great for me JUNGKOOK.
Prep is a ritual, especially between Taehyung and Yoongi. Going in dry hurts like a bitch and obviously, Jungkook has a habit of jumping into things too quickly. Like in the alley. Tears start to prick at the corner of Taehyung's eyes, which he blinks away. The pain will subside after a minute. It won't last forever. It couldn't. Right?
When Taehyung fully relaxes and the pain eases up, he bites his lip and moves his hips back, pushing Jungkook into him further, "Mmm, fuck me hard." The seductive devil has now come out to play and Taehyung is ready to take the heat. With the burning pain closer to gone than there, the sexual desire in him ignites. Jungkook doesn't hesitate as he begins thrusting in and out, picking up his pace. He whispers in Taehyung's ear to relax or praise him. Like, "You take my cock so good, huh?" or "Relax for me, honey, and I promise I'll make you feel good."
Not only is he good at being an actual fucking GOD, he's good with his words. Although Yoongi is too, so...
Taehyung's moans continue to slip out, almost as if Jungkook is pushing them out with each thrust. He moves himself in just a way that he hits Taehyung's sweet spot, causing him to fall forward onto the edge of the couch in front of him. Loud whimpers and moans echo across the room as Jungkook pounds into him, hitting the same spot over and over. The sound of skin on skin is also loud and it depicts how fast Jungkook is going. Taehyung is now moaning on the top of his lungs as he feels his orgasm inch closer at a fast pace. Jungkook's uneven breath and grunts also emphasize his upcoming release. He finishes first, cumming inside of Taehyung. Tae can feel Jungkook's cock twitching inside of him as he cums, and hearing his moans pushes Taehyung over the edge. He cums on himself and on the couch, gasping loudly into the fabric of the cushion. He tries not to worry about staining the couch. It's probably not on Jungkook's conscious either.
When Jungkook pulls out, Taehyung can feel the liquid spill out, trailing down onto his thigh. "You look so pretty filled with my cum," Jungkook says, kneading Tae's ass and spreading it apart so he can study the masterpiece he created. He surprises Taehyung by slipping a finger in, trying to push the rest of the white substance out of him.
"F-fuck," Taehyung sighs, his reflexes make him clench around Jungkook's fingers.  A soft kiss is placed on his lower back and shivers run up his spine.
When Jungkook finally stands up, Taehyung turns to watch as he grabs his boxers and pulls them on before walking towards the kitchen. He gives himself a minute to just take all of Jungkook in again. Is it even legal to look that good? His looks are literally traffic stopping. If someone got into an accident while watching him walk down the street, they'd apologize to him.
After a minute of catching his breath and letting his ass relax, Taehyung follows, putting his boxers on as well. He tries to hide his stiff walk so Jungkook doesn't notice but he notices anyways. Taehyung can tell by the smirk that spread across Jungkook's face.
"You've done it before, why are you walking so weird?"
"Wait, how do you know I've done it before?" Taehyung asks, pulling on his jeans.
Jungkook grabs a glass and fills it with water, "Well, you didn't stop me for doing it, so that shows you've experienced this before. Also, you weren't as tight as the guys who are newbies."
Ah, so Jungkook has a reputation...
"The guys? Jeez, do you fuck every guy you think looks nice?"
"I've only fucked 3 guys, including you," Jungkook tells him, motioning the glass towards him before taking a sip. "What about you?"
Taehyung looks up from the ground to meet Jungkook's gaze, "What?"
"What's your story, Taehyung?"
The sound of his name passing Jungkook's lips makes him want to blush but he stops himself before he makes the situation awkward. "Well, uh, I've only done it once...twice now. But, it's with me and my boyfriend so-"
"Hold on. Boyfriend?" Jungkook interrupts, slamming his glass down on the counter.
Taehyung jumps back, "Uhm...yeah."
Jungkook sighs loudly, "For fucks sake. He isn't going to come beat my ass, is he?"
"No...I won't tell him about this." Jungkook slams the cup down again. Taehyung flinches. "Can you please stop slamming that glass before you break it."
"You can't just cover this up like it's nothing. He has the right to know...if he finds out later it'll hurt more. Knowing that you cheated and have been faking it ever since hurts like a bitch," Jungkook says, placing the now empty glass in the sink.
"Faking what? How would you know anyways? Sounds like you fuck guys to pass the time."
"God, I can't believe I just fucked a cocky bitch."
Taehyung glares at him, "I swear, I will scoop your cum up off the floor and shove it back in your dick if you really want to complain. I'll turn back time without actually doing it." Now Jungkook is laughing, doubling over as he holds onto the counter.
"I like you," he points at Taehyung, still giggling.
"Because I threatened you? Okay...I'll respect your taste," Taehyung says reaching for a banana that sits in a basket in the middle of the counter. Wow, how cliché.
Jungkook doesn’t seem like he’s in a big rush to get Taehyung out, so he makes himself comfortable in one of the armchairs with his legs thrown over the armrest. Taehyung quietly eats his banana while Jungkook picks up the rest of his clothes on the floor, throwing Tae’s t-shirt over to him which lands on his head.
“Thanks,” he mumbles with banana in his mouth.
“I know you just sat down and got comfy but you have to leave.”
Okay, so much for that.
Taehyung moves into an actual sitting position and stares at Jungkook. “What?”
“You have to go, sweetie,” Jungkook says, moving a piece of hair away from his face. Taehyung can only remember how it looked covered in sweat while they fucked. Hard to forget something that shines that bright.
“Oh, right, duh.” Taehyung pulls his shirt back on and tucks in into his jeans so he doesn’t look too messy.
Jungkook walks behind him as he heads to the door. “Oh yeah, here's your phone.”
Taehyung feels at his back pocket and realizes it isn't actually there. “Why do you have it?”
"You left it on the table."
Taehyung just nods, moving back and forth because he really wants to kiss Jungkook again.
"Well, I guess this is goodb-"
"Can I kiss you?"
Jungkook stares at Taehyung as if he just asked the stupidest question in the world, but a smirk quickly grows on his face. Taehyung takes this as a yes so he leans forward, placing his lips against Jungkook's. They seem to mold together perfectly. No weird gaps or awkward movements between them. This kiss is god like...or maybe that's just Jungkook's effect but it feels like heaven.
When Jungkook pulls away, Taehyung tries not to frown as he grabs the door handle, opening it up to the hallway of the apartment complex. "Thank you."
"For what?"
Jungkook just smiles that bunny smile and nudges Tae out the door. "Goodnight, Taehyung."
When the door closes, Taehyung stands there and stares at it like it's the most out of place thing he's ever seen. 'What am I supposed to do now?' It doesn't feel right for him to go home to Yoongi and pretend that he didn't fuck someone who pointed a gun at him but he has no other choice. Nowhere else to go. So, Taehyung swallows the little bit of sadness of having to leave someone as amazing...or addicting, as Jungkook and heads outside. Taehyung pulls out his phone to check them time when he realizes that his contact list is open. What? He scrolls down and sees why.
Jungkook put his number in.
Yoongi is sitting on the couch, picking at his rice when Taehyung finally walks through the door.
"Where have you been?" Yoongi asks, setting his bowl down and heading straight towards his boyfriend.
Taehyung wraps his arms around Yoongi when he walks up to him, holding him close, "I'm sorry, I ended up working late."
The lie slips off his tongue easily but it burns his heart like acid.
"Well, I made dinner and put it in the fridge for you," Yoongi says, letting go of Taehyung and taking his place on the couch again.
"Thank you, hun," Taehyung says, but he's too nervous to eat. Sick to his stomach because of himself. He feels the guilt of what he did start to weigh on him heavier than before and it hurts. How is he going to live with this? He watches his boyfriend, that's loved him through everything, pick at his rice, taking out the peas because he hates the peas. Or how he bites his lip while watching TV, probably thinking to himself that the characters are stupid and ignorant. The guilt feels like Taehyung swallowed 10 bricks and it's only just now hitting him.
"Shit," he mumbles, walking out of the room.
"Tae?" Yoongi calls, looking towards the hall but he's already locking himself in the bathroom. Taehyung slides down the door and starts to sob. He pulls at the ends of his hair, trying to keep him from lashing out on himself. He didn't think he'd break this quick but...it hurts. He hurts. And he isn't sure how he's going to live with this without breaking Yoongi's heart. Jungkook is right. But how can Taehyung just openly tell Yoongi that he fucked another guy? It's a lot easier said than done.
A week later, Yoongi and Tae are out shopping on the strip in Seoul. Taehyung holds Yoongi's hand tightly as they slip through the crowd.
"Wait, puppies!!" Taehyung shouts, pulling Yoongi towards the pet store.
"Seriously? We were about to get food."
"I just gotta look at them first, okay?" Yoongi sighs and lets go of Taehyung's hand, letting him run off into the store like a small child. Although Yoongi couldn't help but smile at Taehyung's childish side. It's honestly adorable.
Taehyung walks up to the first row of dogs and runs his hands over the glass that separates them from the outside world. He puts his hand against the glass as if the puppy will put his paw up against it too. "I feel so bad that you're locked up in there."
"Then adopt it," a familiar voice says from behind him.
Taehyung jumps and turns around, meeting Jungkook's gorgeous face.
"Oh god! What are you doing here?"
"Uh, shopping?" Jungkook answers sarcastically.
"I didn't know you liked puppies," Taehyung murmurs, looking away from him.
Jungkook chuckles, "What? I love dogs! A man's best friend." He walks up to one of the cages and looks at the dog, "Awh, you're a cuti-" but he quickly jumps away when the dog pipes up and starts snarling at him from behind the glass. "Oh HELL no."
Taehyung covers his mouth and starts laughing, "It doesn't like you."
"Yeah, the feelings mutual, buddy. Anyways..." Jungkook steps towards Taehyung and puts an arm around his shoulders, "how are you doing?"
"Don't," Taehyung mumbles as he shrugs Jungkook's arm off of him. "My boyfriend is here."
"Yeah, I am," Yoongi's deep voice says from behind the both of them.
This time Taehyung actually shrieks and presses himself against the glass cages. "STOP POPPING UP BEHIND ME," he shouts. People in the store glance over at them and stare. Jungkook starts to laugh until Taehyung shoots a glare at him and he shuts up quickly.
"So, who's this?" Yoongi asks. "Seems like you guys are a little...friendly."
"Calm down, french fry, I only put my arm around my friend's shoulder," Jungkook says with a smirk.
Oh god, here we go.
But french fry? What...?
"French fry?" Yoongi looks down at his small skinny frame. "At least I don't look like I go to the gym everyday and scream 'GET SOME' at everyone who stares."
A small laugh escapes Taehyung's mouth, "Well shit, I'd rather look like I do that instead of look like I have an eating disorder."
Okay, too far.
Yoongi narrows his eyes at Jungkook which signals that he's getting annoyed with him.
"Oh-kay," Taehyung says, stepping between them, "can we just, stop right there."
"Hey, I was just getting started," Jungkook scoffs.
"Jungkook, shut your fucking mouth!" Jungkook's eyes widen a bit but he puts his hands up and steps back as if surrendering to Taehyung's sudden harshness.
An employee then walks up to them, "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You're disturbing the environment for our customers and dogs as well."
"So sorry, ma'am," Jungkook says, bowing to her, "we'll leave."
Taehyung pouts and has the urge to punch Jungkook in the back of the head. "Screw you guys!!"
"I didn't do anything!" Yoongi says, looking surprised by Taehyung's attitude.
"I just wanted to see the dogs," Taehyung whines, sitting down on the bench outside the store.
Jungkook stares out into the street looking bored, "You yelled first."
"Jungkook, I swear to god, I will push you into traffic."
Jungkook only glances back at Taehyung while Yoongi and him look at the traffic jam. "Yeah, that's not going to do much," Jungkook laughs. His laugh once made Taehyung smile but now it makes him want to kick him in the face.
Yoongi sits down next to Taehyung, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "So, how do you guys know each other?"
"The bar-"
"God dammit, Jungkook!" Taehyung yells again, finally done with his stupid nonchalant attitude as if Yoongi isn't sitting right next to him.
Jungkook is getting tired of Tae's attitude also. "Well, what do you want me to say? I can't exactly say we met and fuc-"
Taehyung suddenly screams on the top of his lungs, making Yoongi jump and Jungkook close his mouth, now aware of what he almost blurted out. People walking down the street stop and stare as if someone just got hit by a car. Well, that's probably what it sounded like. Taehyung takes a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.
"Well then," Yoongi sighs, standing up from the bench and letting go of Taehyung's hand. "I'm going home."
"What? I thought we were going to have lunch?"
Yoongi turns and glares at Taehyung, "We were, but now I think it would be best if you went with your...fuck buddy here." Taehyung's eyes widen and it feels like someone stabbed a knife into his heart. Yoongi probably feels worse. "Yeah, I heard what he was about to say, I'm not stupid. No wonder why you've been acting so weird lately. I just...I can't believe you'd do this to me, Tae."
"No, it's not like that!" Taehyung cries, stepping closer to Yoongi.
"That's exactly what it's like," Jungkook states.
Taehyung turns and shoves Jungkook hard. "Fuck you! Fuck you!" His fists slam into Jungkook's chest and he just stands there, smirking. Like this was his plan all along. To come and fuck everything up.
"You already did, sweetie," Yoongi says before turning on his heel and walking off.
"Yoongi!!" Taehyung shouts, chasing after him, but he gets engulfed in the crowd and there's no sign of his small blue head anywhere.
Taehyung resorts to collapsing onto the ground, not even caring that people around him can see him crying. A hand touches his shoulder gently and this time, he doesn't shrug it away. Just the feeling makes him feel a little better. But it doesn't fix what just happened.
"Come on," Jungkook says to Taehyung, grabbing his arm and pulling him off the ground. With his feet on solid ground, Taehyung can feel the weight of the sadness on his heart and it makes him choke on his sobs. Jungkook wraps his arm around Tae and shushes him, pulling him into his chest. He maneuvers them through the mass of people and Taehyung has no clue where they're going. He'd ask Jungkook but he's too busy trying to regulate his breathing, so he lets Jungkook guide him wherever.
Anywhere is better than here.
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metanoeo-hos · 4 years
#1 The Mother-in-law
Clayton packed the last luggage bag into the trunk of his BMW X4.
Finally, he thought. Finally, she leaves. It was an unbearable weekend but he managed to make it through with his sanity still intact.
He made his way to the driver seat then irritated he turned around.
Where the hell was she?
Why me!!??
He waited 1 minute which felt like 1 hour. He couldn't wait a second longer, frustrated he marched back inside the house. What was keeping the old witch he wondered. He marched up the stairs and peeped into the spare room, there he found her on her knees beside the bed praying.
I do not believe it he thought to himself. Heaven have mercy, do witches really pray. If so, to what? A wizard. He sighed in exasperation and left. Back in the kitchen he filled a glass with water and popped two painkillers. He knew that his headache would miraculously disappear as soon as he had left his mother-in-law at the airport but he couldn't bear it a moment longer and she wasn't making her departure any faster.
Praying... IMAGINE!
Finally they were in the car and just as he was about to drive off his cellphone started ringing, it was Bailey. The bluetooth was connected so he stepped out the car to take the call not wanting any interruptions from her evil mother. Also because he was too worked up right now to sound calm.
"Babe", he said "We were just about to drive out, can I call you later?"
"No Clay, this is urgent" she responded "You cannot take my mother to the airport..."
"WHAT!!!!???" He walked much further away from the car, far enough that even if he screamed the witch wouldn't hear.
"Clay, baby, just calm down pleeeeaaassse. I understand this is tough for you but you need to please just hear me out, please"
"No, no, no, no, no Bailey, we are leaving now please. I don't want to hear nothing. I just want to get into the car and drive. Whatever it is can wait until I get back..."
"Clayton! You cannot take my mother to the airport. You hear me! Switch on the TV there is breaking news, she will not be allowed back into the country. It is on lockdown and baby at her age she is a high risk for this virus"
"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU... NO! Please tell me you are joking PLEASE! We can't keep her here, no ways!!! She has lived, let her be a high risk. I'm taking her right now. I didn't get this call, Goodb..."
"CLAYTON! That is still my mother DAMMIT! Pull yourself together...."
"Bailey, I swear I would rather pull myself right out of this marriage than put up with that old cow... Noooo Bailey NO, this is all your fault and you know it"
"What, my fault how?"
"I married you , not that witch!!! Why must I be punished?? She stays, I want a divorce TODAY!!!"
"You are being unreasonable now honey..."
"Don't try sweet talk me, no no no. I'm taking her to the airport right NOW!" he hangs up the call and switches his phone completely off. With his phone still in his hand he punches the tree, then falls to his knees and hangs his head in despair.
This can't be happening, this isn't real. After five minutes he finally makes his way to the BMW opens the driver door and tells his mother-in-law that she needs to watch the news. He is sure he gave more of an explanation but he couldn't remember all he could see was red and he couldn't think past that and made his way back into the house in search of the bottle of scotch.
His mother-in-law sat quietly in the car unmoving. In his state Clayton did not realize that he had not deactivated the bluetooth on his mobile and his mother-in-law had sat there listening to the entire conversation.
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He smiled and all I can think is , Oh shit.
Yeah you heard me right . 'Oh shit' I cursed under my breath. He shouldnt be smiling . He was dead. I was there when he's being shot. Right in front of me. It's getting cold and creepy . I looked around and there's no one. The killer mightve been running when he heard me scream. Maybe he was shocked knowing someone else at the crime scene. Shit. What should I do now. I was so scared to move when that happened but I cant just leave him there. No matter how scary it was. He might turned into zombies. I watched it in tv. The gunner might shot him with some vials containing chemicals that turns you into brainless corpse that eat other's brain.
I walk towards him slowly. 'Damien' I whispered. 'Damien! Are you there' he's lying still . Unmoved. I came nearer until I can see his face clearly. I sit next to him. I thought I saw him smiling from the corner before,but maybe it was me hallucinating. His face was full of bruises , but amazingly there was no blood at all. He was shot, that I'm pretty sure about it. Yet, everything about Damien is strange from the first time I know him.
'How on earth are you getting shot and not bleed you demon.' I muttered under my breath while poking at his dead body with twigs i found lying there. I need to go and call the police but what should I say though. I'm afraid they wont believe me and accused me of killing Damien. Im not going to jail because of him . No figgin way. I have to . Someone must know about this. Maybe I'll just call the ambulance with his phone and run away after that. Yeah . That was a good idea.
I scanned his body and saw a bulge in his right Jean's pocket. I reached out and all of the sudden he grabbed my wrist. I screamed . For a long time. His eyes was shut but his face looks like he's annoyed. 'how on earth. He's going to turn into a zombie ! God please help me. Dont let my beautiful brain get eaten by this mindless demon. I promised I will be a good daughter. A good child. I would do anything if you save me from this' I started crying. I cant move my wrist at all. His grip getting stronger that I felt like my bone was waiting for its time to break from his death grip. 'anything?'
'yes yes. I'll do anything but please dont eat me' I cried again and all those good memories flashed into my eye. Goodbye mom's awesome apple pie baked with honey. Goodbye random cats I see on my way back home. Goodb- wait a second. I look back at him . Did he just talk to me? Zombie can talk?
To my horror , he opened his eyes and smiled. Not that scary smile those zombie gave you but the friendliest smile I ever saw and then he laughed. He let go of my hand ,sit up and laugh so hard while holding his stomach. 'Oh my God. You should see your face,Lily. It was so funny!'
'arent you.. dead?' I ignored his laugh and poked him again. 'do you want me to?' he wiped his tears from laughing too hard and look at his shirt.
'you were shot ,Damien. I saw it with my eyes. How can you still be alive right now despite the fact that you HAD been shot?' I need to tell him twice he was being shot so he will woke up from his concussion and being scared that he will be dead sooner or later.
0 notes
“Forgotten Goodbyes” by K.T. Curry
As I sat across the woman I admired most in this world, I couldn't help but scrutinize at what time had taken so quickly. The white curls that once perfectly shaped her face had grown loose with time. Her eyes appeared to be lost, as if she were in a daze, perhaps somewhere else, with someone else. Even her infectious smile had lost its spark, a disease I was no longer able to catch, but still longed for. But I found comfort in the fingers that intertwined my own. Her grip was unchanged; strong, protective, warm. On the outside they looked frail, full of wrinkles, worn with time, but the inside was unalike. They screamed life, nurturing love, hard work, and wisdom beyond my age. Her hands told the stories of her past, but somehow gave mystery to the future. Her future, my future, our future. 
More slumped than usual, her shoulders provided insight to the sadness that had begun to succumb her delicate body. Overtaking any strength that remained left from the life she had endured; my body went numb with regret for missing what had changed right before my eyes. Something my mind had begun to lack in acknowledgement, or perhaps feared to accept. As we sat near the window on this picturesque spring afternoon, the sun was undeniably radiant. Shining ever so perfectly, it hit the top of my grandma's angelic white hair and seem to bounce off in rays circling her body. As if time had stopped, I became transfixed. She was a miracle; an angel, my angel.
For a brief second, I wondered if the heavens would part and gently sweep her to the sky and leave me here alone. Panic surged through my veins. Memories of the past flooded my thoughts. She couldn't leave. I wouldn't let her. I needed her. I fought back tears as I began to stare deep into her eyes. Her angelic beauty had awakened the pain I knew would arrive with her exit. The time had come. I had to tell her.
"Grandma, I know the big man upstairs is going to call you someday, but I ask of you one thing; don't forget me. Send me a sign, something; just let me know you make it up there safely." I tried to express the words light-heartedly, but the more I talked, the more the atmosphere around us began to thicken. "I need to know that you haven't forgotten about me," I mumbled under my breath, only wishing I could say it louder.
A wave of sadness washed over her face, and she slowly lifted her head to meet my eyes. Gathering the words that had also been weighing on her shoulders, longer than I feared to know, she began to speak.  
"My dear," letting out a long sigh she gently continued. "I could never forget you, I love you so much more than you'll ever know. So, so much. Don't you ever forget that."
Reaching my hand tenderly to her worn face, I wiped the soft tears that lined her cheeks. Glistening from the sun, her tears appeared to be touched by an angel. How could something so raw be so breath-taking?
My thoughts were interrupted when her voice began to fill the small space between us. "I need you to do something for me," her voice began to shake with each word. Squeezing her hand tighter, I hoped to give her reassurance. But maybe I was the one that needed the reassurance. Suddenly feeling alone, I leaned in even closer. Our noses softly met, and the warmth of her body gave me the strangest sense of security, as if talking about her being gone was amongst the normal in this world.
This was the moment. A moment in time I knew I would never forget. I was seconds from hearing what was to become my most valued promise. One I could never break; would never break.
"I need to you to watch after my family, our family. I'm scared to leave them behind. I want to know that they will be taken care of and loved."
More tears began to drift from her eyes, with mine mirroring quickly after. I had never seen my grandma so worried, so scared, but yet so relieved to had finally spoken the words that haunted her.
Torn from the haze my tears had masked me in, I felt her hand caress my cheek. "And to you, please don't be sad. You truly are a blessing, and you have so much promise in this world. Find your happiness; for me, for yourself, for the both of us." "But how can I not be sad?" I stammered through my endless tears. "I don't want you to ever leave me. My heart swells each day knowing you're in my life, knowing I get to see you. You have been the greatest thing this world has ever given me." The room began to close in around me, and I parted from my grandmother. Breathing heavy, I began to wipe my tears. My hands roughly swiped my cheeks, offering no sympathy to the feelings that had taken over my body.
Hurting inside, I reached for her hand, anything. But like me, she needed more, and her body melted against mine into a hug. Without thinking words began to stir from my mouth as I whispered in her ear, "Don't leave me without saying goodbye."
*  *  * Reaching for my phone, a smile crossed my face. Of course, my mother was calling me, always checking in. Apparently bombarding your daughter's phone during her first year of college was the thing to do.
"What's up? Still missing me?" Her answer wasn't the usual. Far from it.
"Oh honey, it's grandma…" cracked tears filled her voice. My ears began to ring. "No, no, no, no, no, noooooo." My pleas turned into a cry. She didn't have to tell me, I knew.
"Let me see her, she can't be gone. She wouldn't leave me, not yet. She knew I wasn't ready." My palms were sweaty. My heart was racing. A moment I thought I had prepared for suddenly felt so foreign.
Trying to protect her young bear cub, my mother denied my request.
"Mom, I am not going to ask again, I need to see her. One last time, please. We never said goodb…." My voice was interrupted as our FaceTime connected. Negating every part of me that was trying to pull me back, I stared at the screen. Trying to capture every last detail, I continued to gape. Her skin was pale, eyes and cheeks sunken, mouth drawn to a frown; nothing of the woman I once knew remained. I didn't see my grandma. I saw a dead stranger.
My mother reverted the camera back to her face filled with tears encased in red, swollen eyes. I said nothing and hung up the phone.
Fifty-four seconds. That's how long it took for my world to come crashing down. Not enough time to process the fact that my best friend was no longer with me. Not enough time to prepare for the hurt my heart was about to endure. Slowly gathering the courage to stand, I began to pace my room. Out of breath and wheezing from a mixture of tears and a lack of oxygen, I bent over and rested my hands on my knees. Moments later I found myself curled on the floor exiting more tears than my body could produce. My grandmother wasn't the only one that died that day. A piece of my heart crashed to the pit of my stomach, leaving me empty and broken. And what was to remain of my heart would never be the same; would never recover. The sting of her absence would never go unnoticed. And so, I laid there; for what felt like an eternity, I didn't move an inch. *  *  * Our conversation played over and over in my head, silently set on repeat. I couldn't find the stop button, but I didn't want to. The hurt was what kept her nearest to me. It was all I saw. The pain in her eyes that day began to mirror the pain I now wore in my own each day. Day after day was filled with darkness, longing for one more time I could hold her hand. Or one more infectious smile I could catch from being in the same room.  
Maybe one day I would look past the pain and reminisce on what once was so rare and unjustifiably beautiful. The precious bond between a ninety-seven-year-old great-grandmother and her eighteen-year-old great-granddaughter. The good, not the bad. Maybe. But for the time being, my heart wanted to ache, wanted to keep her close. A haunting October call almost two years ago still left with me an unanswerable question. How could she forget to say goodbye?
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goodbfoods · 2 years
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goodbwhitehoney · 2 years
Kashmiri White Honey: Nature's Gift from the Paradise on Earth
There are numerous varieties of honey. The bees that gather the honey affect its flavour, colour, and nutritional makeup. These characteristics are also influenced by the flowers that the bees fetch nectar from.
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Compared to darker types of honey, Organic White Honey has a milder flavour. The colour of white honey is not absolutely white. Rather, it is a very pale amber or almost transparent "water-white" hue.
The mystic valleys of Kashmir are famous for their diverse flora and fauna therefore it serves as a natural paradise for bees to gather nectar. 
There are both wild and domesticated bees in Kashmir, and the local beekeepers take great care of their domesticated bees that work hard year-round to turn nectar into liquid white gold. The harvest season begins around mid-May.  
Kashmiri Organic White Honey has a low glycemic index, a mesmerising aroma, natural resistance to crystallisation and a flavour that will leave you wanting more and more. If you're seeking a natural substitute for sugar, consider getting GOODB Kashmiri White Honey.
Let’s take a look at the nutritional composition and benefits of Kashmiri white honey, nature’s gift from paradise on Earth.
Composition of Organic White Honey
Organic White Honey is indeed a natural medicine, composed of a varied variety of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins which are necessary for an individual’s overall well-being, including:
Catalase, Ascorbic Acid and Flavonoids are some of the antibiotics present in Organic White Honey.
In terms of minerals, white honey is rich in manganese, sodium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, potassium and phosphorus.
Vitamins are abundant as well in Kashmiri white honey. It is rich in niacin, folate, vitamin A, C, D, E, K, thiamin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, vitamin B-6 and B-12.
Getting GOODB Kashmiri White Honey is a great way to introduce this nutrient-rich superfood into your diet and life, brought to your home straight from the beekeepers on the mountains.
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How Is Kashmiri White Honey Beneficial?
Kashmiri honey has several physiological benefits that you can reap with the everyday use of GOODB Kashmiri White Honey. While the list of benefits of honey is endless, some notable benefits include:
Healing Properties
Honey has many wound-care properties in addition to being a delectable addition to any dish and dessert. Kashmiri Organic White Honey has been utilised as a therapeutic wound treatment for centuries. 
Clinical research demonstrates honey's effectiveness in killing infection-causing germs. Numerous wound forms, including blisters, pilonidal sinus, and foot ulcers, can be effectively treated with honey. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory effects aid in the healing of minor to serious burns.
2. Boosts Immunity
The body is intelligent enough to adapt to its immediate environment. As it adapts, it also displays whether it is strong or has a fragile immunity. Immunity can be seen as a firewall that stops germs and viruses from attacking the body. 
Every person has been impacted by the idea of developing good immunity. It is essential for leading a fit, healthy lifestyle. Consuming one tablespoon of GOODB Kashmiri White Honey every day is among the simplest ways to strengthen immunity because it has high amounts of antioxidants. 
3. Promotes Radiant Skin and Shiny Hair
The use of moisturisers and beauty packs with chemical ingredients might seriously injure your skin. Organic White Honey can be easily employed as a cosmetic treatment to nourish the skin, postpone the appearance of ageing, and appropriately cleanse pores.
You may also incorporate honey into your homemade dishes to protect your body and nurture glowing, beautiful skin. Additionally, you may use white honey to add lustre to your hair. 
Mix a spoonful of GOODB Kashmiri White Honey with quarter-filled of lukewarm water. You can then pull this mixture through your hair and massage it into your scalp. Leave it there for about two minutes, then rinse and shampoo as usual. Your hair will have a noticeable shine.
4. Relieves Stress
You don't necessarily need to depend on antidepressant medications if you struggle with anxiety or depressive symptoms. Organic White Honey can assist you in finding relief from anxious emotions and psychological anguish. 
A simple way to combat stress and depression with honey is to have warm milk with honey before bed every night. You will feel relaxed and sleep better, starting a positive feedback loop that will improve mental health.
Kashmiri Organic White Honey packs a punch of flavour and antioxidants, which makes it no surprise that it is valued more than regular honey. 
Other than proving beneficial for cough and cold, it also helps solve digestive problems, improve gut health and destroy harmful fungi and bacteria that might be present on the skin. 
A spoonful of GOODB Kashmiri White Honey every day might just be what you’re missing to lead a physically and mentally healthier life.
Source: https://medium.com/@goodbfoodindia/kashmiri-white-honey-natures-gift-from-the-paradise-on-earth-7022fb9b2368
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goodbfoods · 7 months
Immerse your senses in the divine richness of GOODB Multiflora Honey. Harvested from a myriad of blossoms, this unprocessed golden elixir encapsulates nature's purity. Versatile and packed with antioxidants, elevate your culinary delights with a jar of GOODB Multiflora Honey. Order now for a sweet touch of well-being
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goodbfoods · 7 months
7 Benefits Of Flax Seeds | GOODB Flax Seeds
Introduction: Welcome to the world of health and wellness, where nature's treasures play a vital role in our overall well-being. In this blog, we're shining the spotlight on GOODB Flax Seeds – tiny powerhouses packed with goodness that can elevate your health journey. Let's delve into the seven incredible benefits that make GOODB Flax Seeds a must-have in your daily routine.
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Omega-3 Fatty Acids Galore: GOODB Flax Seeds are an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid. These healthy fats are known for supporting heart health, reducing inflammation, and promoting overall cardiovascular well-being.
Fiber for Digestive Bliss: One of the standout features of GOODB Flax Seeds is their high fiber content. Fiber is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system, promoting regular bowel movements, and preventing constipation. Incorporating flax seeds into your diet can be a delicious way to boost your fiber intake.
Antioxidant Armor: GOODB Flax Seeds are rich in lignans, plant compounds with powerful antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help protect your cells from oxidative stress, supporting your body's defense against various diseases and promoting overall health.
Plant-Based Protein Boost: Looking to up your protein game? GOODB Flax Seeds are a fantastic plant-based protein source. Whether you're a vegetarian, vegan, or simply want to diversify your protein intake, incorporating flax seeds into your meals can contribute to muscle maintenance and growth.
Joint Health Support: For those seeking joint health support, GOODB Flax Seeds may offer relief. The omega-3 fatty acids found in flax seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial for individuals dealing with joint discomfort.
Radiant Skin and Hair: The nourishing properties of GOODB Flax Seeds extend to your external appearance as well. The omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants in flax seeds contribute to healthy, radiant skin and may promote stronger, shinier hair.
Blood Sugar Regulation: If you're mindful of blood sugar levels, GOODB Flax Seeds may become your new favorite addition to meals. The soluble fiber in flax seeds can help stabilize blood sugar levels, making them a smart choice for individuals managing diabetes or looking to support overall blood sugar health.
Conclusion: Incorporating GOODB Flax Seeds into your daily routine is a delicious and nutritious way to boost your health. From heart-healthy omega-3s to digestive-friendly fiber, these tiny seeds pack a punch. Start reaping the benefits of GOODB Flax Seeds today, and let nature's goodness fuel your well-being journey.
Buy Now : GOODB Flax Seeds
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goodbfoods · 7 months
🌿✨ Discover Nature's Sweet Embrace with #GOODB Jandi Honey🍯✨
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Indulge in the pure goodness of our meticulously crafted organic #honey. Elevate your taste buds to new heights, savoring the essence of perfection in every golden drop. 🌿 #JandiHoney Experience: 🌼 Pure Goodness 🌱 Organic Elegance 🍯 Natural Sweetness Let the luscious taste of #HoneyLovers unite as we embark on a journey of delightful flavors. 🐝✨ #GoodBeeGoodLife Transform your moments into a symphony of sweetness. 🌸✨ #PureGoodness #OrganicHoney #HoneyLove #NatureLovers #GoodBeeGoodLife
Buy Now : Jandi Honey
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