#GOOD BYE Natsuo
magicmorningmeteora · 4 months
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heartofjasmina · 4 months
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hi love! happy saturday. i’m here to talk abt being between bf!shoto & big bro!natsuo. 😔 they’re haunting my dreams. so here’s my thoughts.
being stuck between them in general. natsuo on the bottom, shoto in the on your back.
shoto has a dominant streak for sure, but he’s usually on the gentler side of rough. he doesn’t realize how rough and mean he can be to you until natsuo shows him.
natsuo fucking you in full nelson with your thighs in his hands while shoto just watches in awe at first. maybe it turns into him whining for you while he (🫣) and finishing on your pretty cunt while it’s being used.
them teaching each other how to fuck you better. teaching you how to be a better fuckpet slut.
shoto fucking you on his lap but you have to stay coherent enough to get natsuo off or let him fuck your face.
aaanyways. they’re so 😵‍💫
add touya and i’m toast but let’s ignore that.
ok bye!! 🖤
tw dark content, cw dark content
Full nelson wih Natsuo has me like 😵‍💫😵‍💫
And you're so right Shoto would get off on watching you take his older brother's cock, because he's a little perv honestly
And him cumming on your pussy makes Natsuo want to cum inside--🥴🥴
Good lord 🫣
he'd be so mean but observant, fucking you on your hands and knees while Shoto and Natsuo jerk off and watch. "See you gotta treat a slut like a slut if you want to make her feel good, see how she's creaming on me? Not asking me to slow down or be gentle, she's getting off on being used." Natsuo and Shoto just nod as they watch you get your shit wrecked, Touya thrusting into you hard and fast and without mercy. it makes you cum so hard :(
Thanks for sharing this bunny! <3
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fluff-n-cookies · 11 months
You may call me crow anon
Idk how any of this worls as i recently joined tumblr
But can i pls ask for platonic dabi who comes looking for sister reader after she moved out years ago from the todorkoi house and only keeps contat with fyumi, natsuo and occasionally rei?
Idl man
HI I don't know Either but WELCOME TO TUMBLR, I hope you enjoy your stay. I will add you to my anon list on my rules for requests page and. I hope to hear from you again, and fun fact you are my first EVER anon so thank you, It's my pleasure.
ANNNNDD for the sake of the story the reader has pink hair.
warnings Dabi tries to commit suicide. and some swearing.
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RUN. do nothing but RUN.
RUN to find her. RUN to safety. RUN AWAY from the police.
Dabi's Inner monologue rang loud, louder than any other, louder than the sound of the police and the hero's trying to catch him. so, damn, loud.
Panting, the young 15 year old Dabi, who somehow managed to dye his hair and steal food for 2 years of his life, turned a swift corner into the alley way before jumping up to climb the fire shoot, it was now when it occurred to him.
(y/n) would not be happy to see the man you have become.
he froze for a second, scared, he did his best, he tried so hard to be a hero, a hero for his older sister, for she who believed in him when none else would, but it wasn't until the scorching pain of blood polling at his eye bags that he started to move again.
oh how he admired her, and her dreams of becoming rich, dreams of being someone other than their father daughter.
too bad they were broken down and beaten everyday.
too bad that Touya had to sit there and watch his darling sister, his one and only light, be dimmed and overshadowed.
it was worse he couldn't do anything.
it was worse he just could watch.
it was painful. even more so when at 16 she told him she'll be back soon, hugged their mom good bye, handed him a sheet of paper with the Words "We'll meet again" written in shabby hand writing, took the car and never cam back again, it wasn't for 4 hours at Touya realized something was wrong, it took Rei 1 day to notice something was wrong, it took 6 days for endeavor to notice, and 3 months before he actually started to care... that his car was gone. Fuyumi asked where "big sister" went, Enji never told her, and every time she would ask Rei, Rei would just burst into tears, eventually, Fuyumi stopped asking, Natsuo thought she was still at school, and Shoto simply forgot she existed. that year was the same year he faked his death, that was the year Touya Todoroki died, the day Dabi was born.
eventually he grew tired, the police had lost him, so had the heroes so why run when you're not being chased?
Dabi came to a stop, looking around before lighting a cigarette he stole from a convenience store sighing out the smoke, the hot smoke a huge contrast to the cool summer breeze, like you her kindness was a huge contrast to the rest of the family.
no one really acted right in the Todoroki household, their they were cold and brash, or had mental issues, most had daddy issues, and all should really go to therapy, she on the other hand was softer, kinder, a soul who needed helping but put the needs of other before herself. soft words, soft pink hair (a mix of white and red, odd since no-one else had pink hair.) and the most welcoming smile you ever saw.
she was always like that,
always such an angel.
Dabi leaned on the railing of the short building, smoking, reminiscing on memories of the past.
leaning too hard, and falling.
at this point it was intentional, how one to endure such horrors, who is the deity was cruel enough to taunt him by giving him the soul he adored the most and then ripping it right out of his hands?
it was a short fall, just as it was a short building, but he didn't land on concrete instead he landed on the dumpster.
greeted by the smell of dog shit, and the feel of soggy cardboard and black plastic garbage bags.
"the hell?" he whispered a sort of surprise that came to him as he realized this was not hell, but a smaller, stinkier, hell.
he was even more surprised when he realized he was not alone.
"oh dear! sir are you alright?!" a gentle voice yelled out, she was wearing a soft (favorite color) dress, and had the kindest eyes, that was the only way to describe her.
she helped him out of the dumpster, not even looking at his face.
just like (y/n) would
"hey, stay with me, we'll go to my apartment, just hold on tight."
she didn't even mind the smell of smoke on his T-shirt.
all he remembers after that is fighting, fight to stay awake, fight to thank the angel that is his savior.
then he remembers sinking into the soft cushions of a warm red or orange couch.
like fall, her favorite season. (sorry if you don't like fall)
then the angel came back, now is when she noticed the purple scorches, the piercing blue eyes, and the little white segments near the roots.
he was sure she was going to scream, he was sure she was going to run and flee, and call the police, but instead she carried on, gave him an ice pack, checked his temperature, check for any major wounds gave him some water.
nervously, she asked "I'm sorry to be asking this but are you by any chance a endeavor hater."
Dabi chuckled fighting back the blood from reaching his eyes this was her alright.
"(y/n), big sis," blood threatened to trickle down what was left of his cheeks.
poor girl, choked out a sob, scared to even embrace him scared he'll drift away like she drifted away from him, salty tears prickled the edges of her eyes.
"To-Touya," she gulped "I-"
she pulled him right toward her, holding him tight, just like she would when they were younger and Dabi had a nightmare and was scared, except now, Dabi was truly scared, sacred of both himself and the future, scared you would poof into vapor his arms if he hugged you too tight.
"I"M SORRY" she yelled out, letting her own tears fall.
that night was spent in a shabby apartment, that night was spent together, that bight Dabi promised himself.
I'm never letting you go, ever.
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justatalkingface · 11 months
More thoughts on the Rebel!Todoroki AU
I'm now actively thinking on this. Why.
My main thought starting this line of thinking is about how none of the Todoroki's ever blow the whistle on Endeavour in canon; while some of it (a lot of it, unfortunately, knowing Hori) is probably about not wanting to ruin his life, since they've secretly loved him all this time or whatever, it's probably also based in a few more practical facts: not wanting themselves to get dragged into the mud, wanting not to drag their mother into the mud, and an Endeavor-born lack of faith in heroic accountability which is completely canon, to the point where they may have gotten assassinated if they made too big a stink about it. While those same practical motivations are still there, so no blatant call outs of what he did, in this AU there is far less mercy in how they discuss Endeavour to outsiders.
Fuyumi, here, is still rather soft spoken, and when she talks to reporters, she always leaves them with a positive impression, until they review what she actually said, and not how she said it, and they realize she never once actually referred to Endeavour as her father, or as someone related to her, or in any sort of relaxed way indicating that they're family; it's just 'Endeavour, Endeavour', over and over again, always carefully proper in how she refers to him by his hero name, which is de facto his job title.
Moreover, they then realize she never says anything nice about him; hell, she barely talks about him at all! Summed up, she basically says that, 'Yes, I have heard about a hero named Endeavour' and that 'Yes, I have heard he has done (this newsworthy thing); I heard about it on the news just yesterday'.
It leaves every interview she gives ultimately unusable for how utterly empty and lifeless they all are.
Natsuo, meanwhile, is less subtle. And by less subtle, I mean he has one line about Endeavour he gives to anyone who asks him, every time he's asked about him: "Every day I wake up I pray he trips over a banana and dies."
Nothing else. He says that one line, says bye, and walks off, and has done this for years. He's a cryptid like figure for those that pay attention to this kind of thing, and in the hero forums more focused on the celebrity end they have long running debates on if he actually means that, or if this entire thing is this strange, elaborate joke he's been running on anyone who pays attention to him; he never goes into any other detail, and every other Todoroki refuses to comment on this, even Endeavour (if for different reasons than his children).
Rei... the thing is with Rei is her life is kinda utterly destroyed. Natsuo and Fuyumi care about things like their reputations, if they'll be believed, and her reputation, but Rei herself? Nah, she's gone through eight cycles of the stages of grief while she's been trapped in the psych ward, and Rei no longer cares about those petty things; at this point in her life? Rei wants one thing, and one thing only:
To kill Endeavour with her own hands.
And since she decided that, she started acting better, to get good evaluations and to get her husband to visit her as she gets 'cured'; she lies and lies and lies to every therapist about whatever they want to hear, she acts calm and sensible and buries all her negative feelings deep down inside her, while carefully practicing small, but controlled uses of her Quirk in ways that no one else can tell.
And she does this for years, slowly cycling into a deeper insanity, because as it turns out? Endeavour doesn't actually care if she's 'better' or not; he got what he needed from her, and while leaving her locked up is a money drain, he's got the cash to burn and it's more convenient for him to just have his inconvenient wife locked away, far from the prying eyes of the media, than to let her out and risk an incident of some kind. By the time he actually does go to visit her, she's at a level of fucked up far beyond she had ever been outside, even at her worst, and there is zero hesitation in her when he finally appears before he, repentant. As it turns out, all her children have grown up, but they've all drifted further and farther away from Endeavour as they aged; he lives alone now in his massive house and the last time he got a chance to talk to his prized heir in private, without the cameras watching, so they could have a real conversation? Shoto froze the hand that touched him solid before walking off without saying a word, and it was only then that the reality started to sink in.
Rei then acts, as she has been for years now, and the second he lowers his guard, he stabs him in the face with a shiv she made out of ice. Here, Endeavour doesn't get a cosmetic scar from a Nomu, no. Here, he loses an eye to his wife.
And as for Shoto? Well. In this, at least, he is his mother's son: Shoto well and truly does not care about the media; he was burned by them when he was young and grew up distrusting them, and never once saw a reason to change that stance; at this point, he basiclly considers them more noise pollution more than anything legitimate, and the media classes that UA put the students in in their third year did nothing to change this impression, no matter how hard Present Mic tried.
As a hero, Shoto is many ways... raw. He doesn't focus on how his costume looks, or talking to his fans, or getting his image out there, or even having an image, he just... saves people, half out of defiance of his father's way of life, where saving people is just a tool to help his image rather than being a reason in itself, and half out his genuinely good nature.
Out of spite, he's reverted to an older form of heroism, and people noticed that. There are plenty of hero 'traditionalists' who see him do his own thing, be blunt and uncurated and hate it, but he nevertheless has a steady and growing fanbase for how straight forward he is; among his fans, he's known as the 'Rebel Hero' and over time he eventually took to calling himself that because he never really bothered with a hero name beyond 'Shoto'. He's never been able to break into the highest ranks of heroism, and probably never will (not that he cares), but in sheer amount of fans he's actually in the top twenty or thirty of heroes in Japan.
To be fair, he only gets away with it because he's Endeavour's son, because he never needs to generate his own popularity when the media loves to use him for an easy scandel when nothing's going on, and when his sheer notoriety protects him from the worst abuses of the Hero Commision, because unlike others, if Endeavour's son, the one everyone knows and is an active hero, was to suddenly disappear, Japan would lose it's shit, and they're smart enough to know that, even if Shoto himself isn't away of how dangerous the waters he treads in are at times.
All of this, of course, makes his response to questions about Endeavour infamous: he says absolutely nothing.
On the rare, rare, rare occasions he deigns to talk to a reporter, if that reporter dares to mention his father the same thing always happens:
First, he uses his version of the Endeavour patented, 'I don't care if you live or die so I'll gladly walk over your lifeless corpse' stare on that reporter for about thirty seconds. Then he walks off without saying a word.
And then he never acknowledges that reporter's existence ever again.
And this is not because he's trying to spare anyone's reputation, or even to try and harm Endeavour; his contempt of the media is that low that he genuinely thinks talking about his father with them is a complete waste of time.
...Well, anyways, beyond all that, a few more thoughts on this AU concept as a whole: there is no Dabi here, he genuinely died. There is, in fact, no AFO at all, and the greater plot of MHA basiclly isn't happening; All Might is, depending on when whatever story is happening is in the timeline, either in his final years of heroism or retired, and with no successor, because Izuku ruins Shoto's glorious clusterfuck. The people are there, sure, but society isn't quite at that point of seconds away from falling to pieces, so they're all in different places (if I commit to more world building on this I'll try to figure out where the more relevent people actually are). If this ends up with a greater plot beyond 'various stories of AU Todorokis', I like to think it'd focus on the HC as the main villains in how they're controlling and perverting heroism.
I like the idea of Shoto killing his father and going on a villain origin story as part of a long running psychotic break, I really do, but I honestly also like the 'Rebel Hero' dynamic I literally just came up with today; I'm conflicted. As kind of a middle ground it's easy to put off Rei's confrontation until years after he becomes a hero, and even justify it (because, you know. Never coming to see her is an Endeavour thing to do) so I can get both, but it feels like a cop out, like I'm refusing to commit.
Meanwhile, while working on how Rei is thinking (that is to say, I took the canon blank slate and blatantly made shit up), I'm wondering if I should make her a villain, here; after stabbing Endeavour, she escapes, and takes on a lot of the Dabi energy this story doesn't really have. No real development, just the idea of it: I'm still on the fence if it's good or not, but I think it's interesting so I'm mulling it over, and waiting to see what happens in my rotten swamp of a mind.
I think this is one of my few non-critical posts? I don't think it belongs in the usual 'mha/bnha critical' tags I use, anyways.
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
i needed someone to comissermate with me the lack of fics with guys' dicks who make their girls' tummies bulge (size kink, who?) and the guys grt so turned on by it that they either (as i title it): #1, do the Natsuo Todoroki way of reaching a hand around to rub into the bulge, much like one does to a pregnant woman, because the deep-pressure rubbing feels so good and the parallel is hot; or #2, do the Dabi way of making the girl press into it to give him more stimulation or else he's gonna smack that bulge himself and get off to the way her pussy clenches and the way his dick is reminded of how deep it is inside her. bonus if its Big Brothers, but anybody who makes a bulge when they fuck should be turned on by interacting with said bulge in my opinion. anyway lol
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AbsO FUCKIN LUTELY this put into words I have never been able to sAY SO WEELLLLLL OMG I am shJDJDHHRJEJ yes! Yes! The two genders: breeding kink kidney puncher or self-serving belly bulge yOURE SO RIGHHHHTTTT!!! I love belly bulges I lOVE BELLY BULGES SO mUCh it’s so primal and just haunts mEEEE I agree so much oml (`Д´)ゞ♡♡♡ I wish I could write every man giving us a belly bulge and pushing on it or making you push on it and laughing when you just,,, lose control of your limbs and own soul forcing him so deep bYE
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natsumigirl100 · 8 months
Fuyumi Todoroki Meeting Akihito Mura
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Fuyumi Todoroki POV: 
I was walking to get to my house. I had just finished teaching the kids about how there body system works. Anyway, I was thinking about how everything is changing. Dad is getting better at being a father and Mom is getting better from her trauma. Natsuo has been doing well in college and Shoto is trying to be in a better relationship with Dad. I'm so glad that everyone is getting better. I just want everybody to be happy and not sad. 
I kept dozing off that I didn't realize that I tripped over my own feet. I couldn't catch myself, as I was about to accept the fall, I felt a hand on my wrist and the other hand going around my mid section. I look up to a male that has light blue shoulder length hair, with beautiful black eyes. His outfit was a collar white shirt, with a black jean jacket on, with black pants and white shoes. It was almost like he was making a pattern in his outfit. Anyway he pulled me up fully and I stood there, awkwardly. 
"You okay, ma'am?" He asked, as I nodded in response to his question. 
"Yeah, I'm good.." I answered, as I couldn't help but keep looking at him. "My name is Fuyumi!" I said to him, as I reached my hand out to him. 
"I'm Akihito!" Akihito said, as he shakes her hand. 
"What a nice name!" I complimented him. 
"Thank you, you look lovely." He complimented me back. I blushed a bit, but brushed it off as him being nice. 
"Thank you." I said with a side smile. 
There was silence for a moment. Until he spoked. 
"Can I walk you home? Just to be sure your alright on the way to your house." Akihito asked, as a he put his hand in the back of his neck. 
"Sure...I don't mind." Fuyumi accepted, as she walked along with Akihito. 
Me and him chatted along the way to my house. He works as a pilot. He mostly drives the plans for the pro heroes. That is a cool job to have at his age. Anyway, he has a golden retriever name Yuki and it's a female. Akihito likes to play baseball, he said he use to be the team captain of a baseball team in middle school and high school. Akihito likes to go to the zoo sometimes when he has enough time. Akihito lives not so far from me, he lives three blocks away from me. For me I couldn't help but want him to talk longer. He had fun topics and he seems such a nice guy. We arrived at my house, it felt like we talked for hours but in reality we talked for seven minutes. I go up to my gate, as I unlock the gate, I turned around and looked at Akihito. For some reason I wanted to just not leave him, but I had to. 
"Bye Fuyumi! It was nice knowing you!" Akihito said, as he was about to leave I ran up to him and grabbed his wrist, tightly. 
"Can I get your phone number?!" I asked, as I grabbed my phone and was ready to get his number. 
"Oh, uh, sure!" Akihito said happily, as he grabbed his phone out and started telling me his phone number, as I told him mine. "Well I must leave, I have to do my night shift tonight. I'll talk to you another time, Fuyumi!" Akihito said, as he walks away, waves at my direction and gives me a smile. 
"Yeah, Bye!" I shouted out to him, as I waved my hand back to him. 
"Bye!" He said back, as he leaves from sight. 
I lock the gate and go up to my door, unlock it, open it, shut it and than locked it. I leaned back, as I smiled warmly about my encounter with Akihito. I'm glad I met him. I thought, as I heard Shoto and Natsuo walking in my direction. 
"Hey Fuyumi, what took you so long?" Natsuo asked in curiosity. 
"Yeah, you never are late or even take this long to get home." Shoto joined in, as he looked at me, seriously. 
"Sorry, I ran into a guy name Akihito, he saved me from a fall I was about to impact. Anyway, he took me home since he was worried, *long sigh* in the end he took me home and I got his phone number!" I explained, as I blush a bit that I didn't know I had on my face. "Anyways I'm gonna go grade the kids assignments. Bye Guys!" I said, as I walked pass them and skidded into my room, like a girl that is fanning over the hottest boy in the school. Natsuo and Shoto look at my retreated figure in confusion of what I just said to them. I walk in my room, slide my door shut and go grade my students assignments. Akihito....I hope we can hang out again like today. I thought, as I started grading the first student that turned in there school assignment first.
Author: I hope you enjoyed! This will be a series of one shots of Fuyumi Todoroki and my Male OC, Akihito Mura. See you guys soon!
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ao3feed-hawks · 2 years
Wish I Knew You
Wish I Knew You by SHSL Depresso Espresso
"Promise I'll see you again?" "I promise....Bye bye Birdy" It was a long time ago, his words still echoing in Hawks' mind. He knew his old friend wasn't dead. But if he wasn't dead....what was he?
Words: 403, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Rei
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Dabi | Todoroki Touya Needs Therapy, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Friends, Friends to Enemies, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Being An Asshole, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Good Friend, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Brat
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42153840
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mrmoonlightcovers · 4 years
This is my version of "GOOD BYE Natsuo" by Matsuura Aya.
松浦亜弥『GOOD BYE 夏男』
This video has not any commercial purpose and it's only for entertainment. All rights are for UP-FRONT PROMOTION.
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arbitrarygreay · 6 years
Holy fuck she already went for Everest and aced it hot damn
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Who is your birthday oshi? ~Week of June 4~
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It's time.
Full birthdays & anniversaries list under the cut.
Birthdays and Anniversaries ~Week of June 4~
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The following members, ex-members, and single releases have birthdays and anniversaries this week.
June 4
Nakanishi Kana (ex-S/mileage→ANGERME; 26)
Matsuura Aya - GOOD BYE Natsuo (2003)
Berryz Koubou - Ai no Dangan (2011)
Berryz Koubou - Ai wa Itsumo Kimi no Naka ni / Futsuu, Idol 10nen Yatterannai Desho!? (2014)
June 5
Furukawa Konatsu (ex-Up Up Girls (Kakko Kari); 31)
Goto Hana (Hello Pro Kenshuusei ANGERME; 15)
Heike Michiyo - Murasaki Shikibu (2002)
Juice=Juice - "Hitori de Ikiraresou" tte Sore tte Nee, Homete Iru no? / 25sai Eien Setsu (2019)
June 6
Murakami Megumi (ex-C-ute; 31)
June 7
Nishida Shiori (BEYOOOOONDS; 20)
Goto Maki - Glass no Pumps (2006)
S/mileage - aMa no Jaku (2009)
June 8
Saho Akari (ex-Up Up Girls (Kakko Kari); 28)
Berryz Koubou - Nanchuu Koi wo Yatteruu YOU KNOW? (2005)
Hello Pro Kenshuusei feat. Juice=Juice - Ten Made Nobore! (2013)
Morning Musume '22 - Chu Chu Chu Bokura no Mirai / Dai・Jinsei Never Been Better! (2022)
June 9
Nakazawa Yuko - Junjou Koushinkyoku (1999)
Melon Kinenbi - Namida no Taiyou (2004)
Morning Musume - Seishun Collection (2010)
June 10
Melon Kinenbi - Onegai Miwaku no Target / Crazy Happy! (2006)
Happy birthday/anniversary week!
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droplet-dread-cat · 2 years
imagine an AU where Natsuo and Tomura are painfully aware Dabi's Todoroki Touya and think everyone else knows it too but they just don't speak about it because it's uncomfortable for all parties involved
Natsuo, to Shouto after Shouto's class was attacked by Dabi: Man, you gotta hand it to Touya - even after (presumably accidentally) faking his death, he's still holding on tight to his principles. Well, as much as fratricide can be a principle.
And Shouto just thinks it's either a sick joke or a conspiracy theory lmao
Natsuo, casually leaving this message on Endeavor's phone: Hey, so uh... I saw you just got pummeled by Touya on live TV. Not that I don't appreciate the method acting but you two are taking it a bit too far, don't you think? Like, I know you've got your little dramatic hero versus villain thing going on but the property destruction rates are getting out of hand. When you see Touya the next time, tell him I said hi and that he needs to watch where he's aiming his fire. Also, for fuck's sake, tell him to properly clean between his skin grafts and his healthy skin! And uh... guess as a good son I'd have to tell you to recover soon... so I won't. Bye.
and then there's Tomura
Tomura, visibly cringing at what he presumes to be a LARPing moment between Endeavor and Dabi: This is so overdramatic, what the hell.
and then
Tomura, snapping one day: By god, can you please for a moment stop letting your daddy issues run the show? I'm trying to lead an anarchist movement against the government and all you think about is how to kill off your old man! It's getting old, to be honest.
The rest of the League, including Dabi, staring in open-mouthed shock at Tomura: :0
One day, Natsuo just appears in the League hideout because he's sick of waiting for Touya to make his first move.
Natsuo, with a gigantic care package under his arm: I know, I know. You hate it when I don't give you time to do things on your own but, seriously Touya, ten years? That's a bit excessive even for you.
Spinner, eyeing Dabi: I'm starting to think our leader might be onto something when he called Dabi Endeavor's son...
Tomura, absolutely done with trying to point out the extremely obvious connection between Endeavor and Dabi (and still kinda thinking everyone's trying to pull his leg when they say he's crazy for thinking Dabi's Touya): Hello, I'm Shigaraki Tomura. You must be Dabi's brother, right? He doesn't tell us shit about you because he's denying being Todoroki Touya. At this point, I'm tempted to kick him out of the League because it makes me cringe way too hard and my eczema can't handle being pulled apart by appalled expressions so much. I researched your family. You're a med student, right? We're in desperate need for a healer, please join us and set your brother straight. Please.
Natsuo, who's been committing arson against anyone who funds Endeavor or his merch since he was thirteen: Yeah, sure. But what do you mean he's denying being Touya? It's painfully obvious he is! He's not even trying to mask ANY of his distinct features. The eyes that are the same colour as Endeavor's? The blue fire quirk? The obvious way too deep hatred for our dad? The bad hair dye? The fact that his lashes are dark red? The tap dance thingy he's been doing? Of course, you couldn't know about the last thing but I'm starting to think everyone's an idiot. It's so obvious. Touya, you didn't think I wouldn't recognize you, did you? Cuz if you did you're even more oblivious than Shouto.
Tomura, smiling genuinely for the first time in ten years: Natsuo, I know you've been a part of the League for less than a minute but I'm promoting you to vice commander. Dabi, fuck off, your brother is clearly superior in every way. Hey, Natsuo, do you have a Steam acc?
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lovelyrots · 3 years
Little Star
Platonic Natsuo and Dabi x child! Todoroki! Reader
Warnings - Todoroki family angst, fluff, comfort, Dabi aka Touya tries to comfort you about your quirk, Touya is a good big brother
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You skip and giggle as you chase your classmates on the playground, not a single care in the world in your little head. No thoughts of whether your older siblings would come by today or trips with Shouto to see your mama. Just the wind in your face and you getting to live like another kid.
“Todoroki-San! Your brother is here for you!” You hear your teacher call and stop when you see Natsuo waving at you. ‘Uh oh, did something happen again?’ You wonder as you say bye to your friends and drag your feet to your brother. “Hey, don’t worry. Nothing bad happened, I just thought I’d pull you out for a little fun.” Natsuo patted your head as he kneeled and helped you pull your jacket on.
He held your hand as the two of you walked out to his car and you paused as you saw the weird man sitting in the passenger seat. “Natsu, who’s that?” You asked him as he opened the back door and put your backpack in. “He’s…” his eyes flitted to the man as he tried to figure out what to tell you. “A family member. Dad can’t know about him, ok?” He made you pinky promise not to say anything about the scarecrow looking man before buckling you in and getting in the driver’s seat.
“So princess, what quirk did you end up getting?” The strange man asked you and you fidgeted under his gaze. “Tou-Dabi, that might not be the best thing to ask her right now.” You heard Natsu whisper to the man. “Hah? What, is she quirkless? That’d be a fucking blessing for her.” You immediately cover your ears and watch Natsu say something to the scarred man before smacking his arm and then nodding at you. “You know not to repeat him, right?” You nodded and played with the hem of your school skirt.
The three of you drove for some time until you came to an amusement park. Your eyes lit up and you were practically bouncing out of your seat. “Is this where we’re going, Natsu?! Please say yes!” You plead as you look at the giant rides and can already smell the buttered popcorn and cotton candy. Natsuo chuckled and parked the car before pulling out three wristbands. “Yup, I took the whole day off so I can bring you here and Dabi here wanted to tag along.” You squealed and tried to lean forward but we’re stopped by your seatbelt. “Thank you Natsu! You’re the best big brother!”
Dabi glanced away as you continued to sing Natsuo’s praises as the three of you started walking to the entrance. ‘Maybe this was a bad idea. It’s not like she’d even know who I am. I’m sure the old bastard removed any piece of the old me. Maybe I can slip away and just let Natsuo and her enjoy their day.’ Dabi thought as he lagged behind, until you turned and grabbed his hand to try and tug him back in line with you.
“C’mon Mr. Dabi! You’ll get lost if you don’t keep up!” He tears his hand out of your grasp and picks you up before you could get upset and places you on his shoulders. “Fine, then how ‘bout you be a lookout and find us a game to play?” You nodded and placed your small hands on his head as you scanned the crowds looking for something the three of you could play.
Finally seeing something that didn’t have a giant line, you point your new steed and brother towards one of the ningyo sukui* stalls. Your eyes sparkle at seeing all the plastic and rubber toys just waiting for you to scoop up. Mr. Dabi sets you down and you bolt for the stall and show the vendor your wristband.
The two men watch you wildly swing your pink scooper in the little pool, collecting as many of the little toys as you could in the limited time. “She has an overpowered quirk, you know. Ice Flames is what the doctor called it. Flames that immediately cause third and even fourth degree frostbite, until she’s able to get it under control she has to wear those quirk cancelling cuffs. She hates her quirk.” Natsu murmured to Dabi.
You squeal with joy as you fill your net and watch the vendor place the toys you got into a pink mesh bag for you. “Has anyone been working with her?” Dabi asked, even though he already knew the answer. “What do you think? The old bastard pretty much ignores her and Shouto only has so much time between school and his intern work. There’s nothing Fuyumi and I can do besides try and be there for her.” Natsuo scoffed and kneeled down just as you ran up to them, a giant grin on your face. “Look Natsu! I got so many! I tried to get a bunch of ice Pokémon for you and Yumi!” You pull out some of the creatures and show them to your brother as Dabi watches the exchange.
“Oh wow! You did so good, I wonder if maybe you cheated a little?” Natsuo teased you as you protested and weakly shoved him. “Haha, I’m sorry starlight. How about we find another game, hm?” Natsuo asks, carrying your newly acquired toys.
The three of you went around to different stalls and with your big strong brother and Mr. Dabi you had won enough toys the two men were starting to have trouble carrying it all. Natsuo left you with Mr. Dabi at a yakitori stall as he took all the toys back to his car. “You know, you can just call me Dabi kid. I’m not old enough to put ‘Mr’ in front of my name.” The scarecrow grumples as you much on your snack and nod at him. “Ok! Hey Dabi? Why can’t I tell Dad about you?” You innocently ask, not realizing the way you stare up at him sends an ache of nostalgia through his chest.
Your childish inquisitive face is just like Fuyumi’s when she’d ask him about any and every little thing back in their childhood. He has to swallow the sudden lump that’s formed in his throat before throwing out the first thing that came to his mind. “Because he hates my quirk.” He knows he should steer clear of the topic of quirks, based on how Natsuo talked about yours earlier but his mind went blank and threw the first excuse he could find. Luckily you just blinked up at him and didn’t think much of his sudden breathing issue. “Why? Is it…bad?” You quietly ask him and Dabi has to wonder what’s taking Natsu so long.
“Mm, not necessarily. It’s just something that’s been a bit too powerful. It took me a long time to get any sense of control over it.” He watches you start rubbing at the small silver bands encasing your wrists and he wants nothing more than to erase any of the fears that he knows you must have about your own quirk. “Do you think your quirk is bad?” He crouched down next to you and you tuck your head into your chest to stare at the ground.
“Dad says it’s too powerful, that if…if I hurt anyone with it then I’d have to go away like Mama.” You start sniffling and rubbing at your eyes, your yakitori forgotten as it slips from your hand. “I didn’t ask what the old man thinks. I asked you if you think it’s bad.” He pulled your hands away from your teary face and wiped your cheeks with his scarred hands. You shook your head and whispered shakily. “Don’t tell anyone but…my brother Shouto has been taking my bracelets off and I can make little lights in my hands. He says they’re like the stars!” Your sniffles stopped as you talked about what Shouto said last time he helped you. “I can't do it for long but the lights are so pretty and it makes me a little less scared.” “That’s…good. So long as you don’t think your quirk is bad then it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, got it princess?” He ruffles your hair and you try to push his hands away.
“Hey! Sorry it took so long. I had to move things around to fit everything. Starlight, is everything ok?” Natsuo asks as he notices your slightly red eyes. You nod and smile as you look up at your brother. “Yup! Dabi made me feel better!” “Oh, well that’s good. It’s getting pretty late, I think we should get you home.” He picks you up and starts walking off with Dabi trailing behind you. “What? No! I still want to go on the carousel again! I’m” you stop to yawn before continuing your rant. “I’m not even tired.”
Natsuo rolled his eyes at your behavior and gently flicked your forehead. “Then why are you yawning? You need to get enough sleep so you can grow up big and strong. Besides, a little birdie told me someone’s friends were taking you to the arcade with them tomorrow. That means you need to go to sleep so you can have enough energy for all the games there.” He chided you as you neared his car and he tucked you into your seat, your eyes already struggling to stay open as the sugar in your system crashes.
“I ‘on’t need sleep Natsu. I ‘eed fun.” You tiredly slur while the two men climb in the car and you slide your eyes shut.
“Thanks Natsuo.” Dabi said once he was sure you were asleep, your chest rising and falling peacefully. “No need to thank me. It’s only right you get a little time to spend with her. You missed out on all of her firsts, it’s only right you get at least a day with her. In fact I should be thanking you.” Dabi raises one of his brows at this and checks that you're still asleep before lowering his voice. “The fuck are you talking about?” Natsuo chuckles and glances at you through the rear view mirror. “That little talk you had with her? No matter what Fuyumi or I say, nothing stuck with her. I think she needed someone to relate to for it to stick that her quirk isn’t all that bad. Shouto’s helped a little with her quirk but you know.”
The car is silent as Natsuo pulls in front of a bar. “Let me know when you want to spend time with her next, night Touya.” Dabi scoffs and looks straight at Natsuo with a scowl. “It’s Dabi, nerd. Make sure she gets home safe.” Dabi waves as he shuts the car door and walks into the bar. Thoughts only on the tiny starlight of the broken Todoroki family and all he’s missed out on.
Ningyo Sukui is a game for children at festivals where you scoop little toys. I was torn between putting this in or putting goldfish scooping in but I needed a reason for Natsuo to go away for a bit.
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kwonhoshi0 · 4 years
𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 |h.c
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navigation | requests : open | 20th feb 2021 | part 2
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pairing : bakugou and todoroki x gn!reader
genre : fluffy
themes : secret relationships, ‘mutual pining’, jealousy
request : HIHI!! uh uh ok idrk how to do this so bare w me, but can i request maybe like denki, kirishima, bakugou, and todoroki a secret relationship and how they get found out sjjsjs uh thats all!! have a good day, drink some water and eat some food bc ur body deserves it 😊 kk bye!!
notes : thank you love :( i’ll do denki and kiri in a part 2!!
! : also here you are all mights niece, you live with him and he raised you.
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[ bakugou ]
> he wanted to keep it secret because the bakusquad are annoying as hell and you probably wouldn’t get a minutes peace
> he isn’t interested in you because you’re all mights neice
> truthfully he couldn’t care less, you were just some extra like everyone else at first
> but he noticed you staring at him and sneaking glances at him so he got curious
> he loves watching you fight you never fail to mesmerise him when fighting especially when using combat as well not just your quirk
> when you started dating it was easy to keep it a secret because you’re both in the bakusquad
> your relationship would include sneaking out of eachothers dorms at 5am
> sneaking kisses became easier after months of practise and routine
> it’s exciting especially watching bakugou frantically grasping at straws trying to make up an excuse for you being alone together
> the way they find out is because of bakugous jealousy
> your friends are slowly catching on, they notice how he’s a little softer with you especially when you game together
> ‘Y/N CREEPER BEHIND YOU’ *insert bakugou laughing at you screaming*
> you emit couple energy even if you don’t mean to 
> which lead to the bakusquad trying to find out for themselves
-> scenario
> its movie night with the bakusquad and you’re sat inbetween bakugou and denki as usual
> denki always puts his head on your shoulder or someones lap usually he’s sprawled over you bakugou and kiri on the sofa
> he yawned a little placing his head in your lap 
> bakugou eyeing him before rolling his eyes jealous blasty boi
> after a couple minutes he was starting to get comfy and placed your hand on his head hinting at you to play with his hair
> you rolled your eyes at his puppy eyes and just played with his hair
> mina saw you and squealed ‘YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER’
> okay to say bakugou didnt get that mad is a horrible lie
> man was trying so hard not to yell, you could practically see the fumes coming from his nose
> you decided to ignore her because if you were to look over at bakugou it’d be a dead giveaway
> so denki is shifting around the rest of his body is in kiri’s lap and he’s just shamelessly flirting with you
> but usually he wouldn’t be so forward
> ‘y/nn since we’re both single do you wanna go out together’
> man was winking and getting closer to your face so you thought he was joking
> ‘you’re so fucking dumb denki’ and you’re about to throw him into kiris lap but bakugou finally snaps
> ‘you’re not going fucking anywhere with them sparky!’
> *everyone watching him like ?;£2*
> ‘why’s that bakugou?’ you basically face palmed internally as soon as that question was asked
> ‘because they’re My fucking s/o extras’
> yeah the bakusquad has suspicions of you and knew that if you’re dating then bakugou wouldn’t let anyone flirt with you
> jealous bakugou supremacy <3
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[ todoroki ]
> honestly you probably manage to keep it a secret for like 11 months to a year
> like todoroki doesn’t talk to people outside of his friendship group unless he’s being talked to
> the only reason he wanted it to be a secret is because of his father, he didn’t know how he’d react to his ‘prized quirk experiment’ dating his rivals neice
> frankly he didn’t want to find out
> he wanted to be able to hold your hand at least and he hated not being able to go out to eat
> being the niece and son of two of the top pro-hero’s meant you were basically never left alone in public so being together is public was a fat no
> midoriya and iida often come around to shoto’s so he invited you over multiple times before you started dating and when you started dating it was a lot more frequent
> fuyumi and natsuo knew only because of the way he looks at you and it’s kinda the only time you get completely alone away from your class so he’s a lot more affectionate at home and his siblings knowing wasn’t an issue to him
> he was a little worried since endeavor knows what you look like so he tried to dance around his schedule to avoid the inevitable interaction between you and his father
> endeavor noticed todoroki being a lot more calm and focused during the interning and he had no clue why uNTIL he came home to you and todoroki laughing until your stomach hurts at a terrible cheesy movie while sho is trying to feed you soba
> he didn’t say anything he was just grateful that after all the pain he put todoroki through he has someone to let him forget about that even if it’s for a second
> next time todoroki went to endeavors agency he asked about you
> ‘shoto are you dating y/n l/n’
> he didn’t see the point in lying so he just said yes
> to his surprise his father didn’t pry any further he just nodded and everything went on normally
> since his fear of his dad finding out was now gone he didn’t see a point in hiding your relationship anymore
> so you’re just joining the others for movie night and he sits next to and plays with your hand before getting a little sleepy and laying his head on your shoulder
> cue everyone yelling at you both
> ‘you guys are a little late it’s been almost a year’ youre laughing at them while they’re just like :0?:£:
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A/N :
sorry for being a little inactive but it seems like everytime i want to write i either have to do something else or i get distracted </3
send me requests loves !
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taglist :
@todoroki-shoto-is-life @blazedbakugou @luluwiie @blue-gold-demigod-clouds @gaysimpsstuff
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Hey.... thinking about smol y/n telling the yandere todoroki clan that one of the boys in her preschool class wants to marry her.
Imagine the reactions of the clan that hears someone’s wants their baby.
You know that tiktok/video where the two older brothers are aggressively washing their little sister's hand because she held a boy's hand? Yeah, that's u.
I mentioned Dabi doing a presentation on why boys are bad to you. The only difference now is that Natsuo and Shotou are on either side of you as they nod along to Dabi's stupid PowerPoint.
Rei and Fuyumi just laugh it up as you ramble on and on about it, pinching your cheeks and teasing you.
Post redemption Enji wants people to like him, not be afraid of him. But you bet he's gonna start picking you and dropping you off at school himself, his flame beard full on blazing to scare off all the kids that have a crush on little you. And you don't understand why all of your friends are scampering away from you, but Enji doesn't let you ponder much on that as he leans down and asks for a good bye kiss (only after all the kids gave left tho).
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strawberry-nugget · 3 years
Oddly specific bnha headcanons
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Characters: Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Jirou, All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Dabi
A/N: I'm finally back from my mini hiatus and I finally finished a part of my never ending cursed head canons and I also hit a new milestone so I feel like you all deserve this attempt of mine at comedy for the love I've been getting...I'm also sorry, this is a wild ride, and as you're reading you might wonder why did I make these? And the answer is, simply, because I can 😭, no lol though true... I'm soft so if these made you laugh and you leave an LMAO comment I'll think about it forever uwu. I've talked about most of these with my dear friend @aichiin, who is an amazing artist whom should support in all platforms uwu bye
Warnings: some of this content is NSFW, 18+, so if you're under 18 DO NOT INTERACT
Disclaimer: everyone is at least of 18 years of age
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• I can't explain why, and we've seen Endeavor texting shoto in canon but... I feel like probably his texts look like this: …..shoto why aren't you Answering your phone… 
….tell fuyumi to make you soba… . 
… ……are you still friends with that rude boy from school.. 
…I don't want any take out dont get any for me tell natsuo that I'm sorry and try to ask him if he's changed his mind about forgiving me.… 
• All might opens a Facebook account a month before the beloved class graduates as his way to keep on touch with everyone after they're off to fight crime and lives his life as the ultimate Facebook mom and thinks he's texting people but apparently posting on your Facebook wall isn't texting. He has probably made a thousand posts asking midoriya how it works until people just, they just, accept it, I guess, there's nothing else they can do. He uses the Facebook mom tulip emoji and writes in all cap. Give him credit for being so sweet tho. 
And probably it goes like this: "💞🥰🌷🤣WHAT AN AMAZING SUNDAY. GOOD MORNING YOUNG MIDORIYA HOW HAVE YOU BEEN" Ofc he will not hesitate to use all these emojis unironically, in fact, he doesn't know that is the ironic use of an emoji, leave him alone
Denki: mister al mght do we have english tomorrow ? 
Momo: @denki, no but we have literature, hello mister all might sir, have a nice day too
• I'm sorry for this but.... Midoriya, Denki and Kirishima probably lick their finger after they absolutely drill it in their noses but here's the deal
Midoriya inspects what he fished out like thoroughly, Denki dissociates while staring at it, and Kirishima does so straight out of his nose
• Someone told Shoto that Saiki K is based on true events and he genuinely believes it and tries to find Saiki K, claiming that he is the answer to all of his problems. Is very subtle about it tho.
• I think that in part one of these atrocious head canons we established that Keigo would willingly put effort to find the clit, right? Listen he probably asks what's the concept of the clit, like why is it outside and not inside- wait you have another spot inside, yeah? He's is so confused and for what? Won't stop for it mid sex but he searches reproduction organ anatomy later on on google because he brought some questions in his brain that need answers. On the clit. You heard me right.
• Dabi looks like he once had a break up that was so rough that he opened a Twitter just to drag the other person down. For once, I won't go into detail and will let your imaginations run wild. 
• I have to do a a cursed one for Bakugo right? Well yeah uhm, he probably was caught flexing his muscles in the mirror during vacation, totally naked too, by one of his friends in his group and screamed in a high pitched voice and picked up that little hotel room fridge to cover himself up and chased them around the hotel room until he just crushed the poor item. To the floor? Because he tried to use it as a cover up and it just slipped... It's even worse if the friend was a potential s/o. He'll scream like one of the screaming/simping TikTok sounds.
• Bakugo also really hates chairs. Idk why I have this headcanon, but I know it in my heart that this man, as an adult, only has those round weird- ish IKEA stools around the kitchen table that's all. No more chairs. Nothing.
• this is too self indulgent but Kirishima and Deku look like the people who, while washing forks, spoons etc they create whole stories about them and treat them like characters, and others would just look at them so confused as to why it takes 16 minutes to wash off a spoon and why are they also crying but you wouldn't understand. This spoon is Cinderella. Back off and let. them. finish. their. stories.
• I feel like Jirou has phases where she only wants to wear black but then she sees a nice pair of jeans and buys it, and then buys some more and then she gets mad about having blue jeans and she dyes them, but then she grows out of that phase for a few months and she tries to find ways to make the fabric paint fade away
• I also think that she, after spending a little time with Momo, spends money on a lot of clothes, and it's not like Momo buys too many clothes, but Jirou always wants to upgrade her wardrobe and ends up feeling lost on what she wants to wear
• Denki and Kirishima turn into the same person a little more every single time they hang out together. You'll listen to Denki say 'manly' all the time and Kirishima starts trying to find leather jackets that look cool on him, and just adopts Dennis speaking habits.
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chuuyanakaahara · 3 years
todofam au where they all get to fall into a lovely morally gray zone, like...
touya todoroki dies at 13 in an inferno of his own making, the same year that rei todoroki is sent to a mental hospital for burning her son's face. fuyumi todoroki is now filling her mother's place without her big brother to help, and she is angry is about it.
fuyumi todoroki is 18, and she understands that she's going to help kids in situations worse than her own. she decides she'll be a teacher and stay in her family home, because she's the last one standing between her father and her baby brother. nevermind natsuo, he ignores them all, doesn't he? she is angry, and she pretends that she wants a happy family, because guilt does strange things to a warped man's mind.
natsuo todoroki is 18, and he moves out on his birthday. found an apartment in a different city within his budget - didn't pack much because he wasn't allowed to have much. he feels bad to leave shouto, but there's never anything he could do for the kid, anyway. touya hated shouto, endeavor thinks of the kid as his masterpiece. it means he gets to slink away, pretend it never happened.
shouto todoroki is 15. he goes to u.a. high school and his left side is a monster to him, a mirror he doesn't want. he's got friends now that say it's his power, but it wasn't, not really. it's his father's, it's his brother's, it's the reason his mother could never stay. so he thinks, at least. he's going to be a hero for the right reasons, but the right reasons can mean so many things. he is 15 when he first meets dabi.
he is 16 when dabi saves him, and he doesn't understand why. they're in the middle of battle, another villain attack, and suddenly he's bleeding badly and getting light-headed, and all he sees is the shocked look in dabi's eyes. i may despise you, but i'm the only one allowed to hurt you.
he wakes up delirious on pain meds, but he's conscious enough to recognize he's in a stranger's apartment. imagine shouto's shock when all he can hear through the walls are the a-list villain dabi arguing with natsuo todoroki. imagine his surprise when he realizes all the med equipment keeping him alive is stolen.
he doesn't see dabi for another month after that, until after natsuo drives him back to u.a. and disappears off the map again, without so much as saying a word.
when he does see dabi, it's because his sister pulls him to the side, yanks his arm and pulls him into an empty room when the pounding footsteps of their father leave earshot. i know you're angry, i know how much he's - we've hurt you. you're more than the sum of your parts, she says, and shouto believes her, but it doesn't stop the adrenaline that shoots through his body when she hands him a framed picture of touya, the brother he never knew, and the villain who saved him saunters into the room.
there's malice in his eyes and shouto understands. he's angry, too. he's angry at touya for leaving, he's angry at touya for the few memories he has of him, being pushed around because father was happy with him and touya didn't like that. touya hated him, and shouto knows that.
when dabi offers shouto to join him, the answer should be obvious. it's no, right? shouto doesn't want the kind of revenge that touya wants. he doesn't want to kill the old man, but he doesn't object if someone did.
but he sees fuyumi, and he thinks. heroes don't care about the victims, they care about the flashy fights. if you aren't flashy, you aren't worth it, they've proved that time and time again. so how many kids fall through the cracks? how many people like endeavor are out there? like touya himself?
shouto accepts the offer, and he isn't at all surprised when fuyumi gives him her support. the quiet kind, where she won't say it, but he wonders if she's got blood on her hands, too.
he has a week to say good-bye, and at 16, shouto todoroki drops out of u.a., and if you ask fuyumi or natsuo todoroki, they don't know a damn thing.
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