#GOD it's been so long since I just gushed and rambled lol I AM SO SORRY FOR HOW MUCH I WROTE i do not know how to restrain myself
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diapereddarling · 11 months ago
Hello! It's me, from your notifications! Do you have a summary of your story anywhere? I went through a few character tags, but didn't find one. Also, I love that Damian is disabled but still gets to dress up all fancy. I didn't realize how rare it is to see that.
Hihi :D! I don't really have a story summary yet as a lot is still in planning and it's very wip BUT I can give you some links in semi chronological order of what I have got and also gush about it here!
aaa I'm so glad you like Dorian and how I present him >u< full disclaimer, I myself am a physically abled person. I'm trying my best to write and present him as respectfully as I can with a lot of research and opinions of friends in similar states of disability- but I may be ham fisted or get things wrong, so to anyone who reads this, please let me know if I fuck up somewhere. I'd rather be told I did something wrong or presented something disrespectfully than have people be uncomfortable in silence about it. DISCLAIMER OUT OF THE WAY- Yeah I noticed like, a lot of disabled characters ( be it physical or mental ) don't really get presented as if they like dressing up or looking nice- particularly after trying to look up more disability friendly ways Dorian would probably use. It Sucks lol. At least from the people with mental disabilities side of it where I sit, I can say that ain't true of everyone at all. It's just harder.
So you can find some character reference stuff from this post here with picrew images- they were mainly so I could get a general idea of the main cast without physically having to draw them quickly
The story so far
The first post chronologically would be this one, as it talks about what happened to Dorian specifically. A bit about his home life, his parents, his neighbour and how he was released from said situation. I'm currently working on figuring out what the antagonist of this section's ties were to which god- but my main goal was to make it feel realistic at first before involving mythos with it. CW: : Stalking, kidnapping, delusions (involving pseudo incest thoughts ), (spinal) injury
After the incident, Dorian was hospital bound for a While. He'd been given a spinal injury, he was severely traumatised and could not be trusted to look after himself after all that yet because he was 6 months into being 18 when Mayline's life time of stalking came to a head. Even with rehabilitation efforts alone, the stint in hospital would've been a long one but then there was also the mental hurdles too. You can read some of that experience here. CW: medical setting, reactions to trauma, involuntary wetting and messing mention, a character being forcibly restrained in a non sexual way and trying to come to terms with mobility loss.
So while he was trying to adjust to his new normal there were a lot of things he would try to do to feel as if his life hadn't drastically changed ( it had, it's unfair that it happened but it is fine that it is now his life. Period of adjustment and all. ) He waited until Mayline's trail had been dealt with to carry on with education because, well. He's scared of her. He wants to know what's going to happen with her before he tried anything. During that time he read a lot, basically exposure therapying himself to the dark stories and stuff he enjoyed before because he didn't want to lose something that he felt made up so much of his identity. It almost definitely wasn't healthy but that is how he dealt with it.
After about a year or two, he decided he wanted to give further education a try. Since he was a kid he wanted to be a baker- he knew at least at the moment it was a pipe dream, mostly because of the various conditions that he has making said environment pretty dangerous. But he wanted to try.
While doing his culinary course, he met Leia. They didn't initially interact that much- very different aesthetics and very different circles. But Leia's a very intense and bubbly lass- so when she saw Dorian reading a book that she'd also wanted to read; there was basically no hesitation in her running up to him to chatter about the book. They became fast friends after that. Becoming friends with Leia helped him a lot in all honesty- Dorian was kind of Terrified of women after the incident ( and felt awful for it ) especially if they shared features with Mayline ( Blonde hair, blue eyes ect ), so Leia being both a woman and having blonde hair helped bring him out of it some what.
Dorian met Steven during the middle of his second year. It was when he decided to get his first tattoo ( the one on his thigh ) and Steven was apprenticing as a tattoo artist at the time. It's kind of difficult to not talk at least a little while going through the pretty long process of being tattooed and they ended up just getting along really well and meshing super well so just continued to meet up when they could because they enjoyed each others company.
Dorian also met Stevens current partner at the time, Charlie. They were all pretty friendly with each other though romantically, Charlie and Steven only lasted about 8 months. They broke it off mutually agreeing they'd be better friends and actually did become much closer as a platonic bestfriends rather than romantic partners. Charlies cool, he helped Dorian solder spikes to the rims of the wheels on his wheelchair to force people to stop trying to get to close lmao. It was his idea.
After university Dorian realised there was no way he could safely hold down a job. The mobility issues were too much to handle in a commercial kitchen setting even without the stress induced narcolepsy. It messed with him for quite a bit.
He lived on the internet for a bit, being fond of niche gothic forums and very surprisingly, still taking interest in true crime. It might've been an interest before his kidnapping but now he just wants to try to understand what the hell was going on in Mayline's head. He met Maxine on one of these forums, they talked about gothic lit for quite a bit before exchanging socials and forming a friendship off that.
During this time Dorian and Steven also started dating- and after about a year and a half, moved in together. They have a lower floor apartment together and one day hope to get a house together. Dorian also got his two kitties, Carmilla and Poe!
While living together Steven suggested to Dorian the idea of videoing himself baking or streaming it. It was kinda him recognising Dorian was trying to get over the hurdle of not being able to do what he wanted since he was a kid but also not wanting to give up completely. It isn't perfect but it works and Dorian finds a lot of fulfilment in it. He doesn't show his face ever, understandably, so he does his best to remain more or less anonymous on the internet with these things :3
All of these characters have been touched by at least one of the gods in in some way in this universe btw. I am figuring out the semantics but ye! That's what I've got so far c:
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trashlie · 2 years ago
Please tell me about your shoujo journey. Do you think Skip Beat will outlast ILY? 😂 The pacing is on a whole other level of slow, I gave up on it, two decades running and Kyoko's only aged a year damn! I understand the frustration with the flashback, it is quite sluggish, but we're seeing the true impact Alyssa had on Shinae's trust, how it affects her relationship with Nol now, and what it means for them in the future. Plus we're getting some vital Alyssa content. I feel like she's become even more ambiguous to me. I have no idea where her head is at. I miss reading your analysis. I'd love discuss to her with you after the arc ends and we get our long awaited Shinae x Nol moment. It's been so loooong since we've seen them.
OOOOOHHHHHHH MY GOD ANON LMAO that question just made me pause HARD lmaooooooo. Listen. For alllllll the shit people say about ILY, I just feel it in my BONES that Skip Beat will outlast EVERYTHING lmaoooooooooooo GOD. Like, I'm sorry but ANY TIME people talk about slow pacing I'm just like.... I'll read this whole 30, 50? page chapter and WHAT HAPPENS? HOW MUCH TIME PASSES? NONE! lmao I like to do an annual "catch up" on Skip Beat now and then (when I remember lol). Like I LOVE that the mangka made it about more than just Kyoko's love life but also MAN each acting project is literally years long for us as readers!!!!!!!! lmao thanks to Skip Beat I have the patience to weather ANYYYYTHIIIIIIING hahahahahaha. Taking three months to get through a flashback arc? I can handle it! ILY could take 10 years to reach completion and I'd be, frankly, okay, because at least it could wrap up faster than Skip Beat ever could LMAO (and honestly like... 10 years of solid story telling is pretty ace in my book but that's a whole other thing lmao)
As for my shoujo journey, I'll be honest, it's not SUPER long! I didn't start reading manga until I was graduating high school, so by the time I started to dig into things, after some time I found myself growing out of it? Or, rather no it was more like... there's just a lot of tropes that were present in shoujo I was finding I wasn't into? (Like, oh my god so many triangles where I'd be like MEH I actually prefer the second lead. I learned very fast that a lot of your typical "first leads", at least back in the day, were NOT my style.) I still have a soft spot for a lot of stories that I loved, though! I haven't read Lovely Complex since god probably 2014, 2015? But I STILL loved it back then and I'm really eager for a re-read. I uh.... I really went through a Hirunaka no Ryuusei phase? Like.... lmaoooo it was a Big Thing for me hahhaha (I own the series in Korean, actually!!!!) My first two manga, though, were Skip Beat and Hana Kimi; my friend bought me the first Skip Beat volume at our school book fair and another friend bought the first few volumes of Hana Kimi and shared them with me! Hana Kimi is one of those that like.... you know it doesn't hold up over time, it leans heavily on tropes that are considered ethically nonos these days, but it stays special to me because in spite of all of that, idk I just! Enjoyed it! And now that I'm older I am okay saying "I LIKE THIS THING THAT IS FLAWED AND IMPERFECT AND I DO NOT NEED TO DEFEND IT" lol you know? There was the obligatory Vampire Knight phase that I finally fell out of but OOOF that was A Thing. (I was SO obsessed with it at first lol and I LOVED the art sooooo much that I read another series by the mangaka, MeruPuri which, frankly, was REALLY weird so nothing about Vampire Knight actually surprised me ngl LMAOOOOOO) You know I remember once starting Special A but I do not think I ever finished that! I put myself all the way through Ao Haru Ride even though I kept telling myself I needed to drop it and pretend it didn't exist. God what a trainwreck that one was lol like.... idk I'm not saying this as a dig to people who did enjoy it! There were just times I wanted to enter that story and punch people lmaoooo but I wonder what I would think if I went back and read it again now in the vein of like.... sometimes people are selfish and make bad choices because they are human? lol I also REALLY loved Orange but I'm going to admit I haaaaaaaaaaaaaated the ending and to this daaaaaay I haaaaaaaaaaaated it so much but that's a whole other post lol. LOVED the story, LOVED the art, was super into the theme, but just hated the execution of the ending SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH ;A;
lol I said it's not super long but look at me, rambling on and on!
I know no one is surprised that I wound up talking A LOT and just.... following, there's so much ILY rambling going on about why I appreciate and enjoy this flashback arc, and how I think it boosts the rest of the story so far lol so here's a read more, haaaha.......
I definitely feel you on how Alyssa feels even more ambiguous lol which is so funny. I love the insight and having a better idea of who she is as a person, even if we still don't fully know all of her motives. Just seeing her as a complex character like everyone else has been great. We all know I'm a sucker for parallels lol and seeing how everyone has their own traumas, that everyone has a root for who they are, is the stuff that keeps me hooked on ILY. Alyssa was very easily written off by people and I don't defend her or anything - I really hope we get to see her take responsibility for her actions and ownership for the hurt she has caused, whether on purpose or not - but also, it always felt like she was suuuuuuuper reduced down by fandom on a whole. I think a very human thing quimchee is good at capturing is that we don't always mean to hurt the people we do, but it still happens, and that sometimes good intentions can make things worse in the longrun - and this can go for Alyssa towards Nol or Shinae, frankly.
Honestly, too, something I love about her is like... like you know how if you read a novel, the protagonist is supposed* to be the character who makes the right choices and does good things? And when people are presented an "unlikable protagonist" it's usually a character who is acting on their emotions and responding to their experiences - it's a character making the choices that we ourselves might make. (* I'm saying "supposed" here because a protagonist DOESN'T have to make the right choices, but it turns out people really hate media where female characters make selfish choices lmaoooo) I guess that's what I like seeing about Alyssa in this flashback. I've seen a lot of people say that Alyssa is weak for caving to peer pressure or something but like... was that not the middle school experience? I don't know a lot of people who were super self-assured and full of confidence in middle school - but especially someone in Alyssa's position who has never really interacted with kids her own age and is so afraid of ostracization. Like a lot of the woven storylines of ILY, something I love is that we are shaped by our experiences, right? Most people never faulted Shinae for shutting down and putting up strong defenses when we first met her in the story, because we know she'd been screwed over by life and people and as people who have been there before, we understand self-preservation tactics. She even basically admits it herself that she WANTED to open up to people. Shinae wasn't guarded because she hated people, she lied to herself because of how much she'd been hurt and she was afraid to take that chance again and try it. Shinae is afraid to be burned, Alyssa is afraid for people to ever have a chance to burn her. It's so inherently HUMAN to be afraid of being alienated, to want to BELONG, to want to feel like you fit in. She faces a daily crisis in how she is desperate to belong with people who might not accept her if they knew what she was truly like.
And idk, I cannot fault her for that completely, because it took me until my early-to-mid-20s to learn to be okay on my own and that it was better to be myself than try to fit in where I wasn't wanted. I put up with shitty friendships for a long time because I had myself convinced that it was all worth it. So a middle schooler struggling with this is SO VERY real, and it's wild to me to see people fault her for this. Alyssa has done some things worth being mad about, but seeing her written off for being a human middle schooler is WILD to me.
That's a whole other tangent LOL but it's something I haven't really gotten around to ever talking about. Like, whatever, I cannot - and I won't even try lol to - convince people to like Alyssa, but frankly, I think all of the characters of ILY are SO dimensional and fascinating, how can I not enjoy exploring parts of their story? I think sometimes people think that if I say "I enjoy a character" it means I endorse everything they do. I DO like Kousuke and Alyssa. Would I want to be their friends? Good grief, no. But I'm here as an observer of a story and I think it's fascinating to see how their experiences bring about the circumstances of this story. That moment of dramatic irony when Alyssa promises that she won't stop being Shinae's friend, but we know how it all ends, we all know that's a promise she does not keep, and we know how those events affect Shinae and much of the story that unfolds!
how it affects her relationship with Nol now
I feel like this is something that doesn't come up a lot? Or maybe I just missed any period of fandom when they might have discussed it? Like.... if Shinae hadn't been burned like this by Alyssa, she wouldn't carry the paranoia she does - not about Maya and Rika and certainly not about Minhyuk. Even to this day, we saw that Shinae worries that even the people she trusts are humoring her - because she's been there, she trusted someone who hurt her. The entire trajectory of her relationship with Nol would be completely different! A really beautiful aspect of Nol and Shiane's friendship to me is not just that he managed to make Shinae open up - it's that now that we know how Shinae lied to herself, how she was hurt in the past, how trusting people burned her so badly - but the fact that despite everything she'd been through, she WANTED him to be someone she could trust, she WANTED him to be worth letting down her guard.
Like, again!!!!! Everything that happens in this story only does so because of circumstances and events that precede it. Shinae going to Nol's school was not just because she wanted to check on and see her friend - she was desperate to prove herself wrong, desperate for Nol to prove that he was worth the chances she took, that trusting him was not another mistake she knew better than to make.
I think a flashback arc shows us more than just insight into her relationship with Alyssa, which we've established was something very important, something special that was destroyed. It's the juxtaposition of pre-accident Shinae, who was willing to open herself up, who was plucky and bullheaded and just wanted to be appreciated it. Contrast that with the Shinae we meet early in the story, who has herself convinced it's okay to be alone, when now we know she was yearning to be appreciated, maybe yearning for someone to fight for her the way she fought for Alyssa but believed that something like that wasn't possible. I think we also see the flashback because while we've seen some of the ugly moments of Shinae's life, we never really saw how we went from this point to that point, you know? How there are small pockets of things in her life that make her want to keep believing in what she knows better than to believe - in teachers who listen to her when she tells the truth, in friends who stand up for her and defend in - even as her life starts to crumble. She can't escape her past, she's literally being haunted by it, even as she tried to put it all behind her. Her father is falling more and more into alcoholism due to stress from school plus his job, and soon he's going to be saddled with medical bills and having to take care of Shinae, which is probably what derailed school completely. THESE are the experiences that made the Shinae we know - a Shinae who is TERRIFIED of being hurt but also LONGS to be proven wrong, a Shinae who wants to share an experience she thought maybe she doesn't deserve, a Shinae who quietly believed maybe the universe just wanted to punish her for existing but still tries so hard to defy it.
Idk like yes we get that sense of Shinae without the backstory, but I think it really emphasizes this so much more? And I think it's also some kind of proof, maybe, that Alyssa IS more important than people have given her credit for, not just in the past but also in the future of the story. She doesn't exist just to move plot and drive wedges between relationships or something lol she, too, a complex character with complex experiences and god isn't that the sum of so many moments of people headbutting? That we are complex and sometimes struggle to see beyond our own issues, because what we deal with blinds us? Alyssa is blinded by her desire to escape her family and experience something NORMAL and be liked. Maybe she DOES want attention! Kousuke is blinded by a sense of destiny instilled in him since he was young, blinded by paranoia that fed off of this "destiny", blinded by his inability to accept his father's human nature, blinded by his fear that the only thing that makes him matter to his father is threatened. We met Nol thinking he was a character who looked out for others but even he's been blinded by his misery and by the feelings of worthlessness that has been punched down into him.
We butt heads with people because sometimes we are so caught up in our own struggles that it's hard to understand that others struggle, too, and I think that's where some of the best conflict comes. Like yeah there's good conflict in "Shinae has been roped into attending this horrible formal" but there's something poignant and painful in "Shinae unintentionally repeated the Alyssa cycle when she let Nol in" and even BETTER we get to see how she's grown from it!
This is, as always, lmao a very rambling tangential departure from the main point lol but!!!!! I have had a lot of feelings here and I know part of peoples' irritation is they want to get back to Nol and Shinae right now, but I think seeing Shinae's past helps create even MORE appreciation for what Nol means to her - that he is someone who hurt her but she is still willing to give another chance - and moreover, that we can see that though Shinae came from a loving home, she, too, has suffered her own abuse, was battered and beaten down by people, and unlike Nol, she was able to conclude it doesn't make her bad. Idk it's so beautiful to me and I get really overwhelmed lol it makes me appreciate their friendship SO MUCH more, for what they mean to each other and what they can be, you know? Seeing Shinae's resilience, through the new girl at middle school hoping to start all over to failing at that to putting up that guarded wall to finally taking a chance, finally giving in and accepting that yes, she still has hope, there's still faith, and Nol was that spark. UGH!
ANYWAY lol I do think we are probably nearing the end of this flashback arc. I don't know how many episodes I think remain - I generously said less than 10 a week or two ago lol but I think that was very generous. The timeline (and Alyssa's behavior) feels like we are approaching the point of Alyssa pushing Shinae and YES i will be so happy to go over the whole arc with you!!! I've been wanting to make a post that I keep holding off on, because I don't know if it would be better to do it now or wait for the whole arc to end, but I think there's a good conversation to be had about how a lot of Alyssa's behavior is directly tied to her homelife - how it's implied her father is someone who, at the very least, shouts a lot - and how that ties into her deflective, people-pleasing nature. Again, Alyssa is not really a spineless, MEAN-spirited person. She, like everyone else, is just the sum of her experiences, and I don't think she's learned to deal with them in a healthy way. (And frankly speaking, what about her relationship with Nol IS healthy anyway?)
I know this is so much more than you bargained for lol but you KNOOOOWWWW I love these asks and it HAS been so long since I got to just.... ENTHUSE about this - not just try to analyze or talk about what an episode has revealed but just GUSH about it lol so I could not help myself! But yes, once this arc ends, I will be READY to dissect and discuss EVERYTHING. I feel so emotionally invested, knowing that Shinae is about to experience the worst burn of her life, while she's still so trusting and earnest and aaaahhhhhhhh it's going to HURT so much ;~; But in a maybe cathartic way. (Also, and this is something I should get to later, I think something big about this flashback is that, y'know, it's kind of implied that Shinae has repressed a lot of this. Her memories of the moment are hazy, Alyssa appeared in a series of people Shinae was shocked to realize she harbored so much anger towards. I think as much as this is for US to see exactly what happened, I think it's also kind of a wake up call for Shinae, who has repressed and ignored so much of this, and I'm really REALLY curious to see how she reacts after return to the present. Is she angry? Sad? Sad for her younger self? Is it cathartic for her? How raw is it? Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh)
#I Love Yoo#ILY Brainrot#Shinae Yoo#Alyssa Cho#Nol#Nolan Oliver T. Lochlainn#lol what was my nol tag? I just gotta create one for him i swear!#GOD it's been so long since I just gushed and rambled lol I AM SO SORRY FOR HOW MUCH I WROTE i do not know how to restrain myself#also just talking about shoujo again!!!!!!! i haven't really read a lot in a long time but i'd be liking if i pretended it wasn't a#sort of formative foundation you know? part of what was so fun about early ILY was the homage it paid to shoujo manga before it evolved#i'm sure i left off LOTS of manga too#i randomly think about heroine shikaku because i don't think there were many manga i saw as far through as that one that i HATED as much#LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO#IT WAS A COOL CONEPT AND IT WAS SO FOILED AND DISAPPOINTED?! i love the idea of girl believes she's the heroine of her life but SIKE SHE'S#NOT and has to learn to resolve that and yknow LET GO OF THE DUDE SHE OBSESSIVELY LOVES but they did not give me that story!!!!!!!!!!!!#anyway look i have really missed ILY asks like i just feel? weirdly? rejuvenated?#sometimes i receive an ask and i have to let it sit for a couple hours so i can mull over it and prepare myself but with this one i just#launched right in lol i was so excited to yell about shoujo and my eternal patience thanks to Skip Beat and this whole flashback and YES#what it means for her relationship with Nol! what it means for her as a person! what it means for the Shinae we first met vs who she is now#GOD i love her so much ;_____________; Shinae is so wonderful ;~;
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ramu-ego · 2 years ago
mind sharing your other fandom favs then? you have me sort of curious if ego is tots ur type LMFAOA .. omg aftwr u-20 win ego was such a proud dad the face he made was honestly sort of emotional ..!!
NEVVER APOLOGIZE 4 WRITING ANOTHER FIC IDEA HEL i think with my pussy half the time and i read ANYTHINGGG as long as it’s dom!reader (can you tell i’m desperate ORR WHATT?) ngl your “pussy dragging on the keyboard” comment made my ass giggle for a full minute LMFOAO i’ll be using that as well thanks!
personally 4 me i never was really into nikko ASSS MUCHH.. but i can see the hype .. cant stop thinking how sweaty and greasy his forehead must be after those thick ass bangs though.!.!?!
WOAH our timezones r so different HELLPP.. by the time you said it was 6:40 am, it was at least night for me, polar opposites in a way sorta! godd you’re a chronic coffee drinker?? i’m more of a tea person myself but coffee does power through most things with ur day anyways, don’t overdose on it or something!! (unless u alrdy do LOL)
i’ve been doing great as ever, taking my time to relax before i’ve got to get back to that tiring education life again.. 🥲 your blogs has been a good way to pass the time though so a win win for me!! for the blue lock anime last week, episode 10 was surprisingly good considering i was scared shitless of animation budgeting and if they would butcher it, sometimes the cgi makes me giggle but hell i’m such a blue lock supporter that i just move on from all of the questionable moments with the animation!
i’m a sub watcher for all animes (which, i haven’t touched a lot of animes .. if you’re an avid anime watcher, any recs?)
for me, u-20 match was an INSANE ride for me, def my fav and i always reread it in a way, i think everything leading up to it like the 3v3 or 4v4 matches were great too, but u-20 match was hype like no other !! whiichhh brings me to my next point, i need to see more of hiori as his design was just too cute for me to pass up, just the hair and the eyes were so ?!? eye catching imo..
oh jeez and there was this one panel with this blue lock player with the most nicest hair but he just. NEVER APPEARED LMFAOO? i haven’t seen him ever since — don’t even think we got a name
ah jeez i’m SOOOO SORRY if my messages get a bit too long, I HATE JUST RESPONDING INSTEAD OF. CONTINUING A CONVERSATION (if this makes sense?) .. so i tend to ramble ^^’ don’t feel pressured to mirror the length though!! i’d be heading off to bed as i send this message in, so this is sort of my goodnight :P - 💌
-this will be a dead give a way to some of my very very old followers who've accidentally re found me after I achieved my last blog and took a long hiatus. I have very specific...qualities...to a lot of them that overlap...
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in order from top left to right; Kurono Yuichiro (Fire Force absolute love of my life and a near 1:1 character match to Ego honestly), Hanma Shuji (TokyoRev), Sir Nighteye (MHA), Asagiri Gen (Dr Stone), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ginoza Nobuchika (Psycho Pass) ...three out of the six are played by the same English VA so you could say I have a type 😂
To be fair my other categories for favs are literally all copy and print similar too. My "These are my babies I'm breastfeeding them and enabling them" favs are near identical copies in every anime I watch 😂 then the third less talked about group...the dreaded libra group 😒
ok but to gush a moment before forgetting the Ego during the U-20 match...that panel!!! Oh god that panel!!! Of him telling Isagi that what happened to him and his career didn't matter, that he was fine to be blacklisted from the sport he loved bc he assured all 22 of them had a career in soccer after this game, win or loose, OH GOD THAT PART. I will literally fist fight anyone at this point who wants to shit talk Ego and say he "doesn't care" bc that man was ready to throw away his livelihood for them to succeed on a world stage in the sport they love. Man's got protective dilf energy and I'm giving him a child this uterus is open for business rn
Niko is....Ok I'm blaming it on his VA actually (sorry I watch dubbed I just literally can't focus on subbed) and his English VA is a well known one but did a creepy high pitched voice with it and I mean I'm willingly fucking Ego like I'm advertising I'll kiss that weird man's ankles but Niko- Niko is just too fucking weird for me. But apparently the pussy wants to challenge that bc fuck me with a six plus page story over god damn nipples! Niko is still....too ugly for me RIP
My time zone is fucked at the butt end of everything so I am WAY use to being the last one up and last one to go to bed in every fandom I've ever been in 🤣 Learned that as a teen when literally no one was ever awake when I was RIP. But yes I'm a chronic coffee drinker I've always have been the bean it calls to me I must have it (given I don't drink enough to like NEED it or get a headache I just enjoy the taste but love tea too) Drank it thru my pregnancy and drank it breastfeeding no one's pulling the beautiful bean from my mouth. Love me a good tea though I won't deny good green, black and other teas hit different. Just no herbal shit stuff makes me wretch istg
Glad to hear I started this blog in good timing then! Ain't nothing like relaxing with some good pegging when you're trying to forget that book bullshit 💅 And honestly even though I picked up the manga right after like episode two (needed Ego I wasn't waiting lololol) I've been very happy with the animation cuz like the manga is illegally beautiful. Holy shit is the manga just so well done and the drawings are top tier throughout the entire thing (coming from tokyorev and jujutsu god I miss manga artists that don't just scribble on things like a coke addict) Questionable animation or not they keep slut drawing Ego's hands so damn fine and that man's watch I'll forgive any animation doozie long as my weird looking stick man looks fine as hell
I don't watch sub (I just can't take in the actual show and read plus I got a mad voice kink so....dubbed it is for me) But I've watch a fair share of anime. Don't really watch it for like...the sake of just watching anime (prefer western cartoons a little more) but I've watched some really good ones though. First on the list, Fire Force. I've single handedly convinced like two dozen people to watch this. It's my favorite of all time and will be tattooing the weird looking man in the collage on my body at some point bc of how much I love that series. Mob Psycho 100 is amazing as always for so many reasons and it has a bit of everything for everyone. The Case Study of Vanitas was better than it was aloud to be and I hate vampires. Dr. Stone fucking nerdy funny and entertaining. Psycho Pass is a good like murder mystery book. Sonny Boy and Space Dandy done by the same studio and will make you question your existence. Kekkaishi is old but still one of my favorites ever. And Blue Exoricst I wrote a 60+ chapter fan fic on it for a reason and its still going strong and written by a woman! Don't know about any of their sub versions but their stories and characters are so good they're worth it.
That entire block from the five round selection to the U-20 game was just- Fucking illegally good for a sports anime?? A sports anime for crying out loud?? Even the way they introduce so many new characters is so smooth and not even clunky and you genuinely take an interest in everyone even if you only see them for one game?? Hiori is cute...a little more feral than I expected when we first saw him being cute with Isagi and Nanase. But Hiori, Otoya, Karasu and Kurona haven't like wowed me yet. I'm invested but I'm still going real fucking soft on Yukimiya right now like. God. The eye thing. LET ME BABY YOU AND HAVE THAT SAD MAN. God he's gonna be so fucking pretty when he's animated I'm screaming already
Was that the panel of the dude with Gagamaru and Raichi? The one that's shown on the blue lock screen but we never have an actual manga cap of him?
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starpens · 3 years ago
LOLLYYYY !!!!! im so sorry i took me the entire day to read sugarstream but … BUT ! i hope you know i’m you’re biggest fan — i have been ITCHING for this piece and now that i’ve finally read it, i feel so complete?? like wow. my life goal has been accomplished now. feeling #Blessed.
++ i wanted to tell you how beautifully written it was…. i was taking notes mentally.. like “wow she wrote it this way instead of that” and “oh my god that was so clever,,, how did she think of that” and the obvious thoughts of “oh that is so hot….. lolly is having so much fun right now (i hope)…” LOL
and i think it’s because i associate gojo with you, i find myself thinking, “oh yeah… YEAH… gojo is totally like this…” because anything you say, goes.
i just really believe you understand his character well… and every time you write him, i get so lost into the smaller details you’d pick up like an easter egg — i was like omg honored one?? one and only?? SLAYYYY !!!! i feel so damn happy being able to gush about him internally while reading the same way you gush about him secretly in your writing heheheh
ugh and i just wanted to tell you that you’re such a big, big inspo for me too!! you have my entire heart (i have such a big crush on you) <3
p.s. i love the plot. i love the details. i love the writing. i love everything but i think my favorite thing out of it all has to be seeing how fearful gojo’s character is. i think this summarizes him as a whole… without spoiling anything at all! i find that so interesting too.. being able to communicate how someone is without giving anything away.. ugh, it was stunningly written. im still on the floor.
i love you. (tiny font because i felt SOOOO guilty writing you an LONG essay but i am also worrying im straining your eyes right now IM SO SORRY !!!!)
dilly 🥹 i’ve read this ask an embarrassing amount of times since you sent it in and i’m still speechless okay. i had SOOOO much fun writing sugarstream and i’ve been excited about it for a long time but i didn’t think anyone would feel this way about my writing or to think such things while reading my dumb little fics. a girl’s dream is to hear she understands and writes her favorite character well, OKAY. i’m sitting over here giggling because you said that ❣️i can’t come up with enough things to say but i teared up a little and i love you so much. for a writer who writes as beautiful as you do, this is one of the best compliments i’ve ever received!!!! I LOVE YOU. i’m rambling now but thank you so much for saying these kind words. i hope you know i’m going to read this ask a thousand times because you’re the sweetest ever!!!!! (˘̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)
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leossmoonn · 4 years ago
Training Session [Peter Parker]
pairing - peter parker x fem!stark’s daughter!reader
type - fluff
note - hope you enjoy! also idk ANYTHING about martial arts or combat fighting so lol dont take i wrote too seriously
summary - peter finds out mr. stark has a daughter and you two are put together for a training session.
warnings - lil suggestive
*gif isnt mine*
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“How do you like it?” Sam asked.
You turned to the mirror, eyes wide and mouth agape, admiring your new suit.
“This is awesome!” You squealed.
Sam, Tony, and Nat had deisgned a new suit for you. After your last battle, your suit had been torn to shreds. It had been months since you were able to go out in the field and you’d be anxious to fight crime. Now that you had your new suit, you were now able to fight crime.
You were named Fox. You were sly, witty, and and charming. Not just in your moves, but your personality, too. You had been working alongside your dad, Iron Man, for 7 years. You were 10 when you started, obviously too young to actually be fighting, but you were his right hand woman at all times. You helped him with his suit, team, and plans on how to deal with missions.
Your suit was a dark orange body suit, much like Nat’s. You had fingerless gloves, black combat boots, and an orange mask that went around your eyes. You had a black stripe down your suit’s back, much like a fox’s. You also had a utility belt with a grapling hook, taser, and pepper spray — you could never be too careful in the city. You and Tony tried hard to keep your identity safe, especially since you were still in high school.
“Do you think we need to add anything?” Tony asked.
“Can I get rockets on the bottoms on my shoes like you?” You asked.
Tony chuckled, “We’d have to change the whole material of your suit, cupcake. You don’t like metal, remember?”
You grumbled, “Yeah, yeah. Well, I love it! Thank you guys so much.” You turned to them with a big smile.
“No problem, babe,” Nat smiled. “You have training with me today at five.”
You nodded, “Noted.”
“There will be someone else joining you in trianing today,” Tony said.
“Who? Is it Bucky?” You asked. “No, he’s new,” Tony said.
“Wow, that gives me a lot. Who is it?” You pressed. 
“You’ll see. He’s actually pretty good for just starting out,” Sam smirked. 
You sighed, knowing they were gonna make it a surprise. 
“Well, I can’t wait!” You faked enthusiasm. You didn’t like surprises. 
You went off and up to your room, changing out of your suit and into running shorts and a t-shirt. You decided to take a nap before your training.
You woke up 2 hours later, still as exhausted as before. You filled up your water bottle before going into the gym. You saw Nat and a brunette boy. He wasn’t too much taller and by the back of his head, he didn’t look too much older.
“Hey, Nat,” you greeted as you walked in and set your water bottle near the mat. 
“Hey, Y/n! This is our new recruit, Peter Parker. You probably know him as Spider-Man,” Nat smiled. Peter turned around and his eyes widened. 
His heart started to race and his face turned red as he looked over you. Your eyes were bright and lively, your smile being the most gorgeous smile he’d ever seen. Your skin flawless and you had no makeup on, but you still looked beautiful. 
“Hi,” you smiled. “I’m Y/n Stark,” you held out your hand. 
Peter opened his mouth to speak, but the only sound that came out was a squeak. Nat and you chuckled at his shock. 
“H-hi. I’m Parker. No, Pe-Peter,” he stuttered and shook your hand. 
“Not used to meeting important people, huh?” You smirked. 
“Ye-yeah, but also pretty people,” he blurted. His face turned a darker shade of red and he slapped his mad over his mouth. 
The action made Nat giggle and his words made flustered as well.
“Thank you, Peter,” you said shyly and looked down at your shoes. 
“Ready to get to work, love birds?” Nat teased. 
You rolled your eyes and nodded. You took a long sip of water.
“We are gonna start on the treadmill, do some weights, and I’m gonna teach you some combat moves,” Nat instructed. 
You and Peter nodded and got up on the treadmills. 
“One mile today. Remember to pace yourself. If you get tired, don’t be afraid to slow down a little,” Nat said. 
You started the treadmill at 3.5 so you can warm up for a few minutes before running. You took a small sip of your water as you sped-walked. You looked over and saw Peter already running his mile. Your brows cocked upwards as you saw him running at 6.0 speed.
You worked your way up to 6.0 speed, finishing your mile in 6 minutes. Peter, however, finished 3 minutes after you. 
“I said pace yourself, kid,” Nat said. 
Peter blushed again and nodded. 
“Next time, follow Y/n’s lead. She paces herself nicely,” Nat said while you took a drink of water. 
“Thanks, Nat. I have been doing this for a long time,” you smiled. 
“How long? Are you a superhero?” Peter asked. 
“Mhm,” you hummed. “I’ve been helping my dad since I was 10. I’ve been a superhero for 3 years.”
“What’s your superhero name?” Peter asked. 
“Oh, my God! Really? I-I am such a big fan. You were what actually inspired me to become Spider-Man. I think it’s so cool how you save people and fight off bad guys without any superpowers,” Peter gushed. 
“Thank you, Pete,” you giggled at his excitement. 
“You’re welcome. Wow, this is so cool. I am working with Fox, Iron Man, Black Widow,” Peter smiled. 
“You’re lucky, kid,” Nat smiled and patted his back. “Okay, why don’t you all stretch. Peter, have you ever benched before?” 
Peter shook his head while stretching his hamstrings. 
“Okay, we’ll start you out with 45 pounds. If that’s too light, we’ll bump it up to 50,” Nat said and put the weights on the bar. “Y/n, what do you wanna do today?”
“Uh, I’ll do a leg and glute day today. My arms need a break,” you said. 
“Rock and roll, then. I’ll spot you, Parker,” Nat said. Peter went to bench press while you went to the kickback machine. 
You and Peter worked in weights for about an hour. You did a variety of workouts while Peter mainly focused on how to use each machine and which would be most beneficial for him. 
“Okay. Grab a drink, use the bathroom, whatever you need before we do some fighting,” Nat said. 
You both went to do your things before you were going to fight. You came back in the gym, stretching your arms while walking in.
“Ready to work, Pete?” You asked the boy and patted his back. He nodded and choked on his water when he looked up at you
You changed our of your shorts and t-shirt to black biker shorts and a grey sports bra. The biker shorts hugged your body perfectly and the top of your breats showed, making Peter stare.
You noticed and smirked. “My eyes are up here, kid.”
His eyes immediately shot up and his face blushed for what seemed like the 100th time today.
“I am so sorry. I just don’t see girls in bras, like, ever. In gym class we all wear t-shirts, which makes sense. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I swear I’m not a prevert or anything, you just look really uh... nice? I—”
Nat and you turned to each other, amusement played on your faces. You turned back to the rambling boy.
“It’s okay, Peter. I get it, boobs are nice to look at. Especially when you’re a hormonal, almost always horny, teenage boy,” you teased.
“I’m not horny!” He claimed, embarrassing himself more.
“Don’t worry, I never assumed you were. I was just speaking generally,” you smiled.
“Oh,” he said and he looked down sheepishly.
“No worries. Now, let’s get goin’,” you said.
Peter nodded and followed you to the mat. 
“So, we are going to practice some basic moves. Y/n, I know you already know them, but there is nothing wrong with reviewing,” Nat said. 
You both nodded, waiting for further instruction.
“So, the first one is simple, yet very dangerous. It’s also fairly easy, in my opinion. It’s called the rear neck choke,” Nat said. “Peter, you’re gonna stand behind Y/n and put your arm around her neck.”
Peter nodded and awkwardly stood behind you. Your butt brushed against his crotch, making him cough awkwardly. He put his arm around your neck. The skin-to-skin contact made your heart flutter. You cleared your throat, too, breathing deeply to try and slow your heart rate.
“Good. Now, you basically just squeeze until the person passes out. Y/n, why don’t you demenstrate the next move,” Nat said.
You smiled and took ahold of Peter’s arm. You then crouched down and pulled him over your head. You flipped him over on the mat.
“Ow,” he whined as he fell. He looked up at you and couldn’t help but smile. You stood tall, hands on your hips and a smile on your face.
“Now, Peter, what you can do when she does that is hook your legs on her ankles and pull so she looses balance. You then can reach for her ankle and throw her across the room. But, we arent going to do that. What you can do, though, is do the ankle bit I told you. Then you can pin her down,” Nat explained.
Peter looked at you two hesitantly. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Y/n chuckled, “It’s all right. You won’t hurt me that bad, I promise.”
Peter nodded and did as he was told. He hooked his feet over your ankle and jerked you so your feet gave out beneth you. He then got up quickly to pin you down, but you were quicker.
You rolled over and pinned him down instead. Your left hand held his wrists above his head while your right held down his shoulder. Your legs went around his waist and squeezed slightly to make sure he wouldn’t move. Your head leaned down to his, a triumphant smile resting on your lips.
“W-wha-” Peter was at a loss for words. Not just because you beat him, but how close you two were.
He breathed in deeply, catching a whiff of your scent. You smelled like cherries and vanilla. Your skin was smooth, clear, and glowing from the sheer film of sweat on your face. You looked like an angel to him, nonetheless.
“And that is why you gotta be faster, Parker. But you’ll learn in time. You’re already pretty good on the field by yourself,” Nat said.
Peter nodded. You got up off of him and helped him up.
“Wanna try that again? I promise I won’t do that again,” you suggested.
“Sure,” Peter nodded and laid back on the mat.
He hooked onto your ankle again. As you promised, you let him pin you down. You watched the way he moved. He was swift and fast. The way his muscles flexed when he grabbed your wrist made your stomach flip.
He got on top of you, pinning both your wrists like you did to him. His free hand went to the side of your face, helping him support himself so he wouldn’t be laying directly on top of you.
Your heart rate quickened once more and you felt like it was hard to breathe. A few strands of his hair were hanging down from his head and he had sweat glistening on his forehead. His honey-brown eyes was something you found yourself getting lost in quickly. He was so handsome.
“Uh... Y/n?” Peter muttered, catching your attention.
You blinked rapidly and looked away in embarrassment. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he gave you a friendly smile and got off of you.
“Okay, water break. You two practice those few moves a few more times,” Nat said.
You got up and took a big sip of your water bottle. You then got back to training with Peter. He was a fast learner and almost every time pinned you down. You, however, were slightly faster.
Each time you got on top of him, Peter couldn’t help the butterflies in his stomach. He’d never been this close to a girl before.
Thirty minutes later and the session was over.
“Good job, you two. Next time we’ll get into more moves involving punching and such. See you later, kiddos,” Nat smiled at you two. She left the gym and you turned to Peter.
“It was nice meeting you, Pete. Maybe we can hang out outside of training?” You suggested.
Peter’s eyes lit up and he nodded excitedly.
“Y-yeah. I’d like that.”
“Great. Give me your number next time. See you, Spidey,” you waved and left the gym.
Peter jumped up and down. He couldn’t wait to tell Ned.
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artekai · 4 years ago
Trust me, I know how you feel. But honestly I just gotta gush over how well they handled the structure of the story and Koro Sensei's death because even though you know he's going to die, it still hurts so much.
Because you get the first episode where the class gets given the goal of killing Koro Sensei before graduation, so there you go, you know it's gonna happen because that's the whole point of the series.
Then the series continues with Koro Sensei helping the students raise their grades, discover and hone their own personal talents, basically act like that weird goofy uncle everyone loves and you just completely fall in love with him.
Then the backstory episodes come along and you understand his motives and how he became the person he is with the reveal that he's going to die on graduation day anyway, it's just a case of either dying by himself or dying with the earth.
And like the students, the realisation of that sinks in for the people watching that oh yeah, this guy who is just a bundle of joy and an awkwardly enthusiastic dad to his students has to die.
Then there's argument between the students of going ahead with the assassination or trying to find a way to save him, in which obviously the save him faction wins and they give you that hope of his chances of survival are exponentially bigger.
With that peace of mind, they carry on with the every day slice of life style of episodes with Koro Sensei helping the students with entrance exams and figuring out their life goals.
And then they rip that hope right out of you with the final project and the last appearances of Yanagisawa and Reaper 2.0 and instantly remind you of the original goal of the whole series.
And honestly, there's loads of smaller things that make it so much more painful like: the whole series is very fast paced but episode 24 of season 2 is paced so painfully slow, they drag it out for as long as possible to really make the reality of what's going to happen sink in.
Then there's when you link it back to when Koro Sensei first meets the class and he says "How could any of you possibly hope to kill me?" And you see that the answer to that question in the end is because he lets them.
And the main thing that gets to me is how the series starts with Koro Sensei saying, and ends with Nagisa saying "I hope you do kill me... Before graduation, that is."
I really am so sorry for sending you entire goddamn essays but this series just sets something off in me and I just end up rambling endlessly with bawling my eyes out fhssfjjsfdgjdgjdgj
I KNOW RIGHT? It’s one of the most blatant and literal uses of Chekhov's gun you could possibly come up with, but, even though you can see it coming, it somehow still manages to catch you off-guard??
(For those of you who’re not familiar with Chekhov's gun, it’s the idea that, in storytelling, if you show a gun in act one, it must fire in the last act. So, basically, any buildup needs to have a payoff later in the story)
I think part of it is that the series builds this sense that the students truly can’t kill him? Most of the times he comes close to being killed it’s by third parties (or that one time in the island, but even then he still had an ace up his sleeve), so he really does seem indestructible until he’s... not. And then you start picking up on the fact that it’s because any assassination attempt that came anywhere close to succeeding did so well because it involved his students being in danger. And then the bastard scientist guy calls him out on it, as expected...
And every episode has been building up to those two things, in a way? The fact that they spend the whole series listing his weakness kinda leads you to think “ah, so his students are his greatest weakness” but then he says that little speech and they show you flashbacks of all the memories they made together and it hits you in the feels... they turn all of those haha funny moments around and it’s incredible :’)
After they stole the research from space and found out that his chances of dying were slim I kinda went “... huh. So... that was it?” but LITTLE DID I KNOW it was just the calm before the storm....... It really was an emotional journey with lots of ups an downs, of course my brain is fried lol
Also, the timing of his backstory reveal was really strategic. Like, if we had known about that since the beginning it wouldn’t have hit as hard because you as the viewer and the students don’t have a bond with Koro Sensei. But after you start warming up to him and have a few of those moments where you are on the edge of your seat thinking that they MIGHT actually kill him this time... that’s when his backstory really hits. And you realize that he isn’t a bad guy who just so happened to be a good teacher, I guess? But a victim of human experimentation. So it kinda reinforces your sympathy for him at a crucial moment shortly before the final confrontation.
Oh god, and the character growth! Like how he realized the flaws he had as a mentor back then when he was human?? (the flashbacks to Aguri, man....) And the moment he killed the Reaper and said something like “congratulations on your graduation”?? O u c h, that was a gut punch and it really drove home the point about teachers also being able to learn from their students...
AND I GET IT.... the assassination as a symbol of coming of age.... oh god....
THE PACING OF THAT EPISODE... yes that was so artistic and PERFECT
Ah yeah!! Nagisa becoming a teacher!!! And the “I hope you kill me before graduation line”....... wow that so beautiful and so great and such a satisfying ending. I’m sure he’ll be a great teacher :’)
Sorry if this doesn’t make sense, I still haven’t gotten myself together and I’m having FEELINGS so I don’t even know what I’m saying adsfdgfjgkfgh
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answer all the questions in that ask thing, or go through it and just answer all the ones u rlly rlly want to
Sorry this took so long, but you asked for all of them and Iam very emotional.
1.  What episode of Steven Universe got you hooked on the show?
I started watching shortly after Jailbreak came out so I’m not sure if I can pinpoint exactly where I got hooked, but I think it was around Coach Steven of Mirror Gem/Ocean Gem when it really got me. Although, I will say when Sworn to the Sword came out, that’s really when I knew this was it for me. 
2. Are you the type to watch episodes as they air, or do you just get your fill of Steven Universe online?
I tried to live watch episode premieres as much as I could, or watch them the day they were posted online by CN. I really tried to make an event out of them, and I’m glad I did. 
3. What’s your favorite quote out of the entire show?
It’s really hard to pick just one. Maybe “You have to be honest about how bad it feels, so that you can move on.” - Connie in Mindful Education. Really feeling that one right now. 
4.In what ways has Steven Universe inspired you? 
I really feel like it has inspired me to live. I havestruggled with depression and anxiety since a young age, so it can be hard todo that. Steven Universe gave me something to look forward to, made the world abetter place. When I was hurting it provided me with comfort and happiness. Thereisn’t another show out there that’s like it for me.
5. Has Steven Universe actually taught you lessons?
Yes, oh god yes. It has helped me to be more honest withmyself and with others. I don’t think I would’ve come out to my family if itweren’t for this show. Over the years, it has really helped me to learn to letgo of shame, and guilt, and self-hatred I had carried around for so long. I wouldn’tbe the person I am today without this show.
6. Favorite character design and why?
I really liked Garnet’s wedding outfit, mixing both the gownand tux. I’m a big Garnet/Rupphire stan and it was just great to see them embracethe queerness of the whole situation, and that it was love, something to becelebrated.
7. Has the show ever gotten an intense emotional reactionout of you? (ex - crying, fear, anger)
I’m crying right now about it, does that answer yourquestion?
8. Do you associate any songs with any characters in StevenUniverse?
I associate Can’t Hold Me by Emily King with Stevonnie becauseit was used in that episode, and I love Stevonnie.
9. Gush about your all-time favorite episode real quick.Just go on a long, rambling tangent about how much you love it. Do it. We’relistening.
For the series proper, it’s Reunited. I love that episode somuch and it makes me cry every time I watch it. Growing up I fell into the ‘notlike other girls’ phase because I was not interested in love and romance likeall my friends seemed to be, and I had no desire to go on dates with guys. Irealize now that I rejected these things because they didn’t fit me. I didn’t wantto be with a guy, and never saw myself in any of the traditional media. Ireally am a bit of a hopeless romantic though. Now that I am more confident inmyself, and understand my feelings better, I’ve really gotten to enjoy thispart of myself.
Ruby and Sapphire are the first couple I really got to experiencethis with, seeing them being cute and together and in love, and the wedding isthe accumulation of all of that. Getting to see these two women in love witheach other celebrate that love as the beautiful thing it truly is means theworld to me. After years of watching this show and growing with it, this episodewas the moment were I finally let go of all my self-hatred for being queer. I justknew in my soul that every hateful thing I had heard or been told about beingqueer was wrong, and that this was the truth, love was the truth. It wasn’tsomething instantaneous, it was something I had been working towards for years,but this episode marked the turning point for me.
10. Gush about your all-time favorite SU character realquick. Just go on a long, rambling tangent about how much you love them. Do it.We’re listening.
I already gushed about Ruby/Sapphire/Garnet a little, solets do Pearl. I just love how even after all she’s been through, she is stillsuch an independent spirit. I know her whole past with Pink/Rose wascomplicated but she still isn’t here to let anyone tell her what to do. She’ssmart, and creative, and resourceful, and goofy and she knows these things butshe also has a lot of self-doubt and seeks validation from others. I relate.But she worked through those things and is in a better state now. Even thoughshe still hurts and is still dealing with the trauma, she is so much better.
I also really relate to how she feels about loving someoneand them not feeling the same way/it not working out. As much as I love Rubyand Sapphire’s relationship, I also think I need Pearl. She defined herself forso long by her relationship but she is her own amazing person. Growing up, Isaw many messages about not letting a relationship with a boy define you. Butwhat about a relationship with a girl? I think there can be so much pressure toprove that you’re really gay by always being in that kind of relationship. ThatI’m not truly queer because of my lack of experiences with women. But that isn’ttrue. Being queer is a part of who I am and that doesn’t change just because Iam or am not in a relationship. My feelings can still be an important part ofme without having to define me by my relationship status, just like Pearl.
11. What fusions do you want to see in the show, and whowould you like them to be voiced by?
I would probably most like to see a fusion of Steven andLapis. Her only experience with fusion was her toxic relationship with Jasper.So I would really like her to have a positive experience with fusion, based ofthe friendship and love she and Steven have for each other. I have no idea whowould voice them though.
12. Which episode do you think has the best aesthetics?
I mean Steven’s fusion dance in Change Your Mind isabsolutely gorgeous. James Baxter ain’t a legend for nothing, and I’m gladRebecca held on to that favor from him. Just everything, Connie’s little walkback, the way White Diamonds eyes open, its all wonderful.
13. List any headcanons you have about any characters.
Pearl is in a happy polyamorous relationship with Bismuth,Volleyball, and Amethyst.
14. Favorite arc out of the show? Why?
The Wedding Arc for reasons I’ve already talked about above,but also Diamond Days because it was everything the whole series was buildingtowards. Just the whole message about how systems hurt people who are deemed ‘different’but that there is hope for a better future with compassion and love, and notbeing afraid to share your feelings is something I really needed.
15. Have you ever made any jokes based on the show? Whichones were the funniest?
So many. One of my most popular was this post from way backwhen in early 2016. 
Want a joke for the final? Maybe the real treasure insideRose’s chest was the friends we made along the way.
16. Most misleading episode summary of all time?
I know people freaked out about Rocknaldo because cartoonnetwork promoted it by advertising the appearance of a new gem. I mean, youcould argue technically it was true because Ronaldo made a gemsona, but that isdefinitely not what people took it to mean. I wasn’t really buying it though,cause the title was Rocknaldo. People hate on that episode and I think it’sbecause of the false advertising. It’s really funny though and has one of thebest jokes. “Rock people. They’re putting fluoride in the water supply- Whatthe-They hate men?!”
17. Has Steven Universe inspired any creative ideas ofyours?
I rewrote sleeping beauty but with lesbians because of thisshow. Does that count?
18. If you are a fanartist, which SU character is theeasiest for you to draw?
Not a fanartist, but Amethyst is the easiest for me to drawbecause she’s basically just circles.
19. If you are a fanartist, which SU character is thehardest for you to draw?
Maybe White Diamond, because she’s so detailed. Also, I strugglewith Pearl’s nose lol.
20. If you are a fanfic writer, which SU character is theeasiest for you to write?
Not really a fanfic writer, but Ruby and Sapphire maybebecause I’m gushy like that.
21. If you are a fanfic writer, which SU character is thehardest for you to write?
Jasper. I have a complicated relationship with her, but Iloved her in Future.
22. Have ever practiced voice acting using SU characters? Ifso, which character can you do the most successful impression of?
I don’t practice voice acting, but I do mimic lines from theshow. I think I sound most like White Diamond, hoo boy.
23. Have you ever sang along to SU songs? Which one is theeasiest for you to sing along to?
All the time, in the car, in the shower, around my house. Myfavorite is Here Comes a Thought, because it just helps me so much with myanxiety. The Tale of Steven and Let Us Adore You are definitely in the sweetspot of my vocal range though.
24. Have you ever imagined any of the human characters asgems?
Not really, I’ve more so imagined the gems as humans.
25. Are you big on AUs? Have you created anyyourself?
I like human gem AUs and college AUs.
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sssoto · 7 years ago
Happy 200th birthday, Serena!
My dearest baby Serena da Silva has her birthday today, October 17th, and it’s not just any birthday - today marks the day she was born 200 years ago! EEEP how exciting is that? You only get to celebrate an anniversary like that once in your lifetime!
If you’re unfamiliar with Serena, she is my character from my book project series for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, in which she plays a major role. She’s probably the character nearest and dearest to my heart, and she tends to be a fan favourite among readers as well, so I wanted to do something extra special for this particular anniversary.
So here comes: a birthday feature! In which I display all the amazing gifts Serena has received today.
First of all, I want to show the wip of what I had planned to do for Serena, which unfortunately I couldn’t finish in time since my laptop screen broke at the WORST. TIMING. EVER. I meant to have this artwork ready for today, but since I won’t be able to finish it until later, I’ll share a wip of the clean sketch:
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I must admit, I’m quite proud of it! It’s the first time I experiment with perspective and interiors for real, and I also usually suck at drawing animals, but Cleo (Serena’s cat) came out quite okay here, so I’m happy! I hope I’ll be able to finish it sooner rather than later.
And now, let’s get into the amazing gifts my baby has received today AAAHHH!
If you’ve been following me for a while, you might know that @juliajm15 is an art goddess who’s been making amazing beautiful fanart of my characters for the past couple years. She always goes so above and beyond for me, and that can be seen by LOOKING AT THIS GORGEOUS PIECE OF SERANIEL FANART.
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I just had to mention that.
OMG I die over how perfect and cute and romantic this is, it just completely captures the essence and emotion of that scene in my book! I feel so blessed and privileged, how am I ever gonna recover from this perfection?
But not only did she do this amazing gorgeous romantic piece for me, she also did a complete remake of Serena’s character portrait and DAMN SHE LOOKS GORGEOUS.
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HOW does she always manage to capture Serena so perfectly? Ugh I honestly just can’t with this perfection, I just can’t. That expression, that hair, those LIPS. Okay, I’m gonna move on because I could literally gush about Serena’s face all day, but then we’d miss out on all the other amazing gifts she received today! Just, thank you so much @juliajm15 my darling, you’re such a generous and ultra skilled human being, thank you so much for being in my life and supporting me always
So meme and aesthetics queen @shaelinwrites totally disarmed me today when she sent me THIS GORGEOUS MOODBOARD FOR SERENA OH MY LORD.
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LOOK AT THAT GORGEOUS WINTER AESTHETIC. OMG LOOK, CLEO MADE A CAMEO ON THE BOTTOM LEFT. Omg these colours are just too beautiful I CAN’T. The art supplies, the gesture and expression of this girl, it’s all SO Serena. The whole feel of this moodboard is just so romantic and cosy and wintery and ugh, the nightgown, the long dark hair. I’m aware I’m just rambling and gushing throughout this post DEAL WITH IT.
And @shaelinwrites didn’t stop there, no, as any good bae, she knew how important the bae is. HAVE SOME MORE SERANIEL, THIS TIME BLACK AND WHITE SEXY EDITION.
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All of this is literally just so accurate. Like, it’s so friggin’ hard to find good stock images that can embody a fictional character, BUT MY BAE DID IT *CRIES*. Thank you so much bae, omg this surprise was such a highlight today!!
Another dear friend of mine (who’s a total cinnamon roll btw), @coffeeandcalligraphy, also went above and beyond for my character’s birthday because LOOK AT THIS:
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I swear, everyone remembers the bae Baeniel. Eeeeeveryone.
I actually can’t??? Like how do I have so many talented af friends??? I must be a talent MAGNET I’m telling ya.
Oh and Rachel had the same idea as Baelin and went the sexy Black and White edition with the OTP as well:
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BECAUSE CAN WE EVER HAVE TOO MUCH SEXINESS? I THINK NOT. Thank you so much @coffeeandcalligraphy I swear your art just blows me away, you’re improving at such a rapid pace, slow down, I can’t keep up
Also @sarahkelsiwrites is a close friend of mine, and actually @coffeeandcalligraphy‘s twin sister (gotta collect the whole pack amirite), and as part of her inktober challenge she did THIS GORGEOUS INKED PORTRAIT OF SERENA:
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LIKE OMG OKAY SO the Victorian aesthetic is on POINT here, and OMG I love that her Hispanic features are soooo visible here. ALSO DAMN, THE DETAIL ON THE JEWELLERY. THE INKING OF THIS IS ALSO SO GREAT, LIKE, DO YOU SEE THE LINES IN HER HAIR???? I’m sorry, I’m an artist, I have to appreciate it when I see good craft, okay? I also gotta note that I’m living for how everyone always remembers Serena’s choker because girl never goes without one
Ugh HER EYES AND LIPS okay I gotta stop. I mention the eyes and lips every time, when will I switch it up. NEVER. Okay, glad we got that settled.
(Yes, I’m a dork, but only when I’m overwhelmed with this much love and beauty, I swear.)
Also omg THE SONG LYRICS, THOSE ARE SELENA GOMEZ LYRICS, AND IT’S STARS DANCE, AND I LOVE THAT SONG, AND IT’S SO RELEVANT, AND I’M ACTUALLY SHOOK. LORD thank you so much @sarahkelsiwrites god I just can’t believe how friggin’ talented and generous and thoughtful all of you are, I will never get over it.
So I’ve not mentioned this, but not too long ago I was totally taken by surprise and utterly *shook* when I received a private message on the site where I have Memoirs posted. This long message came from an angel named Constance, who registered a profile just to tell me how much she adored my story, give me fanart, and TELL ME SHE’S TRANSLATING THE ENTIRE THING TO FRENCH BRUH.
So if any of you out there are speaking French and not super comfortable with English, but still interested in reading Memoirs, it’s Constance you wanna hit up. She’s got you covered.
But back to the FANART.
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Constance is working on this GORGEOUS Serena fanart for me, and while it’s not all finished yet, she said I could still post it for the birthday feature! (I’m going to update the post with the finished piece once it’s ready)
LOOK HOW CUTE AND PRETTY AND YOUNG MY SERENA IS HERE. THIS DRESS IS SO PRETTY, I DIE. OMG SHE HAS THE LOCKET. I realise like 90% of this post is all caps, but WHO CAN BLAME ME? I’m so #blessedyouknow right.
All I wanted in my life is Serena in a pink pretty dress. Thank you for realising my dreams, Constance *cries* and thank you so much for the endless support and this generosity! Seeing other people getting so invested in my story and characters really moves me so much, it’s all that I could hope for waaahh.
2k17 - Birthday One Shot
Okay, so I know how I said I couldn’t finish my artwork for Serena in time as I had intended, which made me very, very Sad™, BUT. I came up with something else.
So this was actually SUPER spontaneous and I usually NEVER do something like this, but I took a chance, and you know what? It worked out. I just wanna say thank you so much to my bae @shaelinwrites who pushed and motivated me to do this, I dunno what happened, but you must’ve transferred some of your writing machine abilities to me, because I actually managed to finish an entire one shot in JUST ONE DAY. (Are you as shook as I am? Cuz I can never seem to finish a chapter so I’m shook.)
Since I couldn’t finish my artwork for Serena like I planned, I decided to write a short fluffy non-canon one shot for her birthday. It was super spontaneous and unplanned, but it actually came surprisingly easy to write! I’ve not written in first person in many, many years, so this was really a leap of faith LOL, but I like the end result! A major thanks to @shaelinwrites, who encouraged me and critiqued the short before publication, and @coffeeandcalligraphy, @sarahkelsiwrites and @juliajm15 for giving it a read and telling me their thoughts as well! I hope you all enjoy this little piece of fluff; since I’m taking so long to write my book, maybe this can keep y’all entertained meanwhile
Thank you so much to everyone who’s supported me and celebrated Serena’s birthday with me, even just in spirit! It makes the long journey all worth it, knowing there are people out there who care (’:
(short story starts under the cut!)
Roses and Ballerinas
The balcony drapes danced lightly with the gentle morning breeze, a delicate waltz. My existence was comfort, head cushioned by feather pillows and silk sheets swathing my naked form. Sunlight hadn’t woken me; London was always grey, ash brick and fog, and even more so in the rainy days of October. However, for what one might expect, the morning didn’t seem to carry its usual autumn gloom—though I suppose that observation could’ve had more to do with my current disposition.
A smile crept on my lips at remembrance of the night previous, one which, if anyone saw, surely would’ve spoken of scandalous notions unfit for a such young lady to entertain. Fortunately, none had been around to witness what had occurred in this room; tangled limbs, kisses of the sweetest character, ardour’s touch, skin marked with such fierce passion that even I could not have imagined. It didn’t seem right that something so blissful could be immoral. Should a simple seal of matrimony reverse what was once considered debasement? What a frigid, unromantic sentiment. If anyone would’ve cared to ask me, I would sing praise to the levels of delight and unison one could only reach when committing so wholeheartedly to Venus’ embrace. Might my lover treat me to such a lovely experience again tonight? This was after all a special day of mine.
I turned in my silk cocoon to face him, and was met with a disappointing sight. Half my bed was empty, only evidence that anyone had occupied the space a faint outline in the wrinkled sheets where his body had laid. I was accustomed to sharing this queen size with no one. My parents had always been diligent in ensuring that I was endowed much more space than a small person like me required. Somehow, the vastness of this bed, indeed this entire room, seemed pronounced in this moment. I fancied I didn’t really like that much space at all. It only served to remind me of my loneliness.
Rationality grounded me; naturally, he’d gone to his own room before my maid servant would come to knock. It was only sensible. If Lydia came to discover him here, she could not keep such a secret from Mama—though truly I hadn’t much need for concern today, as she was typically inclined to let me sleep in on a day of my celebration. Yes, it was the day itself which heightened my sensitivity, nothing more. Admittedly I’d had hopes for the morning, that he might wake me with another of his sweet kisses, might whisper words of admiration and appreciation in my ears as he’d play with my dark locks—an occupation he liked to take up whenever he visited my private chambers, I’d noted with slight thrill. Indeed, he was a beautiful man—one would be hard-pressed to argue the fact—but more importantly was how knowledgeable he’d proven himself on the treatment of a woman. Had I ever felt so worshipped and adored? If so, I couldn’t recover the memory.
My hand caressed the empty space next to me. He’d always held my fancy, even before either of us could be consciously aware of such implications. As far back as when he’d been a scrawny boy with round green eyes and tufts of brown hair that grew unrestrained, too wild for taming. Such was he when I’d first laid eyes upon him, myself a guileless, wide-eyed girl just six years of age. Our childhood was an innocent one, as most are, and a discordant one, as most aren’t. We’d been too young to fathom the consequences of our relationship. Even so, I could never regret it.
The door clicked open. I sat in surprise, pulling on my duvet to cover me. Why would Lydia not knock? This conduct was so unlike my meek maid, and certainly rude and improper. Under usual circumstances I’d not mind, but in my current exposed state I would’ve preferred for my servant to know her place and knock before entering. Would she not question my state of undress? Would I have answers to offer that wouldn’t further incriminate myself and fuel her suspicions?
But the sight which entered was not Lydia; indeed, this character was too tall, too broad, too much man. The clothes he’d discarded last night was now fitted on him in a most casual manner, shirt tucked carelessly into the waistband of the trousers he’d worn the day before and not fully buttoned. The tension in my body dwindled, and I let a sigh of relief. “You’re awake already? I thought I might make it back before you’d notice my absence.” He wore a crooked smile as he closed the door behind him, though it wasn’t smug but awkward, as if regretful he might’ve troubled me while he was gone.
“Daniel, where did you go? Did you not care to think you could get caught sneaking in and out of my room like that?” I said while he approached. I could not ignore how he moved with an arm behind his back, making his climb back into bed rather clumsy looking.
His smile was amusement now, a hint of a chuckle on the tilt of his lips. He leaned close, and his scent engulfed me, piquant and potent, woodsmoke and seasalt. I savoured the fragrance of him, and his warmth, and those lips, perfect for kissing, as they met mine in a sweet greeting. “Happy birthday, darling,” he muttered against my smile.
He pulled back, much to my dismay—though that sentiment was soon replaced by curiosity as he presented whatever he’d cared so much to hide behind his back. “What is that?” The words escaped me before I’d taken a proper glance at the object; a wooden box, handcrafted. The carving of a rose adorned the top lid and composed the main attraction. Still the rest of the box was as skilfully ornamented, only with less eye-catching swirls and foliage.
“Watch.” He bit his lip in thrill as was his habit—one I found rather endearing, I might add. He produced a small key from his pocket and inserted it into an opening hidden on the side.
I looked on in fascination as three turns of the key set the box in motion. The lid of the case rose all on its own, and as a lovely tune began its play, a small ballerina came to life and emerged from the box. She twirled around in a graceful dance, contentment in her gesture. I brought both hands to my lips, unable to contain my smile; she had long black hair, just like mine. “A music box!”
“Is it to your liking?” Daniel chuckled, and this time his grin was indeed quite self-satisfied.
I took the music box in my own hands and brought it closer to my face. The ballerina spun and spun without a care in the world; she was me, a version of myself I had dreamed of once. Unrestrained, unchained, free of her cage. Her face was simply painted, but the meaning in her dancing form could not escape me. Such I had seen myself, fantasized of another life. That he remembered… “It’s beautiful! How… When did you arrange this?” The inquiry came out more quiet and raspy than I had intended, but he heard.
“Good while ago,” said he with an air of nonchalance, as though it was little trouble. “The actual crafting of the box and ballerina wasn’t too difficult, but I needed some help to have all the parts fitted together. A clockmaker assisted me in getting the thing to actually play; as you know, I’m not much of a musician.”
I audibly gasped and stared up at him, unable to help myself. “You crafted this yourself?”
He seemed amused by my shock—no wonder, as I shouldn’t have been so surprised. He was the son of an artisan after all. The tune of the music box came to a halt at last, its last note fading into silence. “With my own bare hands. Look here,” he pointed to the interior of the lid, “There’s an inscription.”
My eyes followed to where he pointed; the ballerina had indeed stolen attention away from an engraving hidden behind her, on the curved inner side of the rose-adorned lid. Soul free of sorrow, heart light with hope; this be the path I follow, this is the path I chose. My chest swelled, and breath hitched. I wanted to speak, yet couldn’t bring the words to my tongue. Instead I choked on them, and they came caught in my throat.
Daniel tilted his head, understandable question lingering in his expression. Oh, those striking green eyes, this lovely visage. Handsomeness was a term he embodied so utterly; how was it fair for a face like that to completely disarm a woman? I composed myself and swallowed the cry which would’ve escaped me if I’d had just little less self restraint. My one hand cupped the side of my face while the other held the music box, and my smile had no end to it still. Since all else I felt refused to be spoken, I settled on the one feeling I could formulate with ease—amusement. “Some poet you’ve become, huh?” I laughed, shaking my head, yet in an effort to quell the rush inside me.
He grinned and gave my shoulder a gentle shove, an action so very like his behaviour as a boy. “Don’t laugh, I put in a great effort; see, the words rhyme!”
My giggles intensified at his reaction. I placed the music box on the nightstand and spun the key again, thrice; thus the ballerina resumed her carefree dance, light and free. She was magical, twirling such as she did. What a spirit to have, a life to live. To choose your own path to follow, and not the one chosen for you.
I turned towards my company again and pulled on him, locking him between my arms in a tight embrace. “Thank you, Daniel.” I squeezed in hope that the fierceness of my display of appreciation would deliver the message better than words could. “Thank you so much. It’s wonderful.”
“I do consider myself quite the expert on gift giving.” His chuckle was warm against my bare neck. A large hand planted firmly between my shoulder blades and pressed me deeper into his warmth. “I’m sorry if I had you worried, Serena. I only went to fetch my gift for you. I promise I was careful.”
“It’s fine, Daniel.” The words came out in a sigh of contentment. He was indeed so broad and so much bigger than I; his figure wrapped me in amenity, instilling within me an ease I couldn’t hope to discover elsewhere. It was an ease of novel excitement and nostalgic familiarity, all at once. “In truth, what bothered me was the idea that you’d left me to wake by myself.” I pulled away enough to look at him and brushed a strand of his long, brown locks from his face. “Today of all days.”
At those words, Daniel constrained his smile from widening too much, and I blushed by the notion that I’d said something to make him so satisfied with himself. “Well, let me assure you that you needn’t worry of that, my love.” He leaned over me, and I fell back into silk. I had no need for the duvet to cover my naked figure any more; his broad form was quite enough coverage. “You should know that the only instance in which I would leave this bed willingly would be the moment you tire of me and kick me out.”
I bit my lip as a gratifying sensation waved through me, and my fingers found way to the waistband of his trousers, pulling the shirt loose of it. “If that is a challenge,” I laughed, “then go ahead and make your attempt at tiring me.”
By the smirk on his lips, it seemed he accepted. The music box played its last note; it rang into the room and deadened to silence, and so a music of another kind took its place. Lord pray that Lydia would have the thought to let her lady sleep in on her birthday.
So that was all for this century’s anniversary! Thank you so much to all my friends who made these amazing gifts for her, and all of you who participated in celebrating her; it means so much
Until next century, darlings! (I’m kidding, I’m not gonna be inactive on this blog a whole century…)
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sincelight · 8 years ago
I'm A Little Awkward, But Most People Like Me
Pairing: Yixing/Baekhyun Rating: pg-13 Genre: online friendship? 
Summary: Baekhyun's a little awkward, spends too much time reading smutty gay fanfiction, and doesn't think twice before flying across the country to meet his favorite author.
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He’s staring at the screen, the little line blinking, taunting him. He wants to say something. Anything. But what? Is it weird if he just gushes? Can he do that? Hi you don’t know me but I love ur fics and ur a great writer and i think i love you please be my friend. He quickly backspaces. “Definitely can’t send that.”
He lets his head fall onto his desk and pouts. “Come on Baekhyun, you’re a people person, you’re great at making friends. Just say hi.” He takes the bit of courage his little pep talk gives him and hurries to type something, not going back to reread it because he knows he’ll just backspace it all again. He lets out his held breath after hitting send and then hurries to exit out of the site, shutting his laptop and pushing it away from himself. It’s late and he should get to bed anyway, he has work in the morning.
He hates the sound of his alarm. It’s too loud. Each time it goes off, every five minutes for a half-hour straight, he silences it and forces himself not to cry into his pillow. He briefly wonders why his life can’t be like Kai’s in xingie’s latest fic. Why wasn’t he born into a rich family, with the luxury of never having to work a day in his life? He sighs, swings his legs over the edge of the bed and stands.
After getting ready it’s a short walk to work, too short. He looks up at the building, the glass window with the stupid purple coffee mug smiling down at him, and is disappointed that, once again, it hasn’t burned down overnight. The sound of the bell chiming when he opens the door annoys him, but one annoyance is quickly replaced with another when his manager, Junmyeon, marches up to him with that overly happy smile on his face.
“You’re late. Again.”
Baekhyun continues walking, thinking that if he ignores him he’ll go away. But Junmyeon only follows behind him, much too close.
“Third time this week, Baek. You need to be—“
“I know, Junmyeon,” he sighs as he ties his apron around his waist. “I know.” Junmyeon gives him a look, the one he uses when customers are being unreasonable, but doesn’t say anything more. “I’ll be on time tomorrow.”
He’s left alone after that to work. This part of his job he can handle, making coffee is something he’s always enjoyed. Plus, the sounds of the machines drown out potential conversations his coworkers might be tempted to have with him. On more than one occasion he’s turned the blender on specifically to drown out whatever nonsense Sehun was spewing, that kid seems to never stop talking. He’s cute, but god damn.
His first order of the day is a mocha latte and he smiles to himself. It reminds him of a fic by xingie he’d read not too long ago; the main character worked in a coffee shop and his super cute, much too flirty regular always ordered a mocha latte everyday. He’s torn from his daydream when he realizes he’s spilling milk all over the counter and it’s pouring onto the front of his apron. He curses under his breath, quickly grabbing a rag to wipe up his mess. Maybe if xingie actually replies to him he can tell him how he made a mess at work daydreaming about one of his steamy sex scenes from his coffee shop fic. He smiles.
“Why are you smiling like that?” Sehun’s voice calls suddenly, much too close to him. “You’re happy you just spilled milk all over yourself?” Baekhyun shoots Sehun a quick glare and then turns on the empty blender.
By the time he gets to sit down for his lunch break he’s ready to go home. His feet hurt and he looks like he pissed himself and he really just wants to finish the chaptered fic he’d started the night before. He sips from his coffee mug and looks to the clock on the wall above him. Fifteen minutes, thats enough time to at least get in half a chapter. So he pulls his phone out and quickly loads up the site, tapping on his subscriptions and smiling to himself.
It’s been a long read. He’s spent most of his free time for the better part of a week reading this fic. It’s by xingie, so of course it’s amazing, but this one. This one is it. This one is everything Baekhyun’s been looking for in a fic. He’s cried twice, gotten so angry at the main character he’s slammed his laptop shut, and had to stop reading to masturbate once. Okay, twice. Okay, it was three times, but xingie just knows how to write some good sex. Baekhyun pouts, he wishes he was having good sex. He sighs, rolls his eyes and refocuses. Ten minutes, start reading, he tells himself.
He’s just about to get to the part where Kai finally, finally, confesses to the short, big-eyed boy of his dreams when someone kicks his foot. He holds his breath to keep a shout in, because he’d rather not get in trouble. So he settles for an annoyed, “What?” Junmyeon doesn’t speak, just holds his wrist up to tap at the face of his watch. Oh, Baekhyun thinks, my break ended twenty minutes ago. He throws a charming smile Junmyeon’s way as he scrambles to his feet and rushes back to work.
He groans the entire walk home. Junmyeon had sat him down after work to explain to him the importance of punctuality. Sure, he drowned most of it out, but still annoying nonetheless. He unlocks his door and steps inside, “I’m not a child,” he pouts.
His apartment is small, but he has a cat so it’s okay. And, just like everyday, Socks the cat is sleeping in a little furry ball, curled up on the tattered old couch his friend Taehyung gave him as a move in gift. He curls up in a similar ball around Socks and pulls his phone out to finally finish what he’d started at work. “Alright Kai, lets see you finally admit your feelings.”
The message notification is a little unexpected, no one ever messages him. And then he remembers his half-asleep, 3am message to xingie.
From xingie: Hey, thanks for the message! I’m glad you’re enjoying my fics… it’s kinda cool to get like, fan mail. I’ve actually noticed you’ve left me a few comments before so thanks for that! Hope to hear back from you!
Baekhyun stares at his phone, rereads the message a few times, and then screeches into the couch cushion. Socks gets up and gives him a dirty look before rearranging himself at the opposite end of the couch. “Sorry,” he says, then hops up to sit cross-legged. “What do I say back?” he speaks aloud, looking at his reflection in his dark tv screen. “How do I reply without sounding creepy?”
From dontcallmebacon: Wow, okay. I kinda didn’t expect you to reply to me. I figured you must get a lot of messages because your fics are so good. Um, I don’t really know what to say now. I almost sent you a message yesterday telling you I think I love you, but I didn’t. I really love your last fic, Coffee House. I’m almost finished reading it right now. I got in trouble at work today trying to read instead of working. So thats your fault lol. Anyway, thanks for replying!
He hits send without thinking and immediately regrets. “Oh my god, I’m such a fucking creeper.”
From dontcallmebacon: Also I’m sorry for how creepy that message probably came out I literally just rambled on accident. I promise I’m not usually this awkward.
After this, they end up chatting regularly. Xingie, Baekhyun learns, is actually really cool. They eventually exchange Tumblr information and begin following each other. Messaging there is just much easier, and a lot faster. Baekhyun may or may not stalk through Xingie’s blog, trying to find pictures to put a face to the name. He’s cute, he’s really cute. Like, holy hell what a time to be alive and gay, please Jesus let him be gay, kinda cute. He spends only a very reasonable hour digging deeper to find more pictures, learning his name is Yixing and that he’s not only cute but he’s sexy as hell when he wants to be. Baekhyun may or may not totally save a black and white picture of him biting his lip to his computer.
dontcallmebacon: you're a guy
xingie: i am, yes xingie: is that bad?
dontcallemebacon: no i just… i guess i was expecting like a girl. since you know… its usually girls that write fics.
xingie: i can assure you there are plenty of guys that write fics. xingie: why do you think i have such extensive knowledge of anal? lol
Baekhyun has to sit back from his computer, hands still resting on the keys as he thinks. Is that Yixing’s way of telling him he’s gay? Because well, Baekhyun’s gay. Baekhyun is very gay and Yixing is very cute. And, “No, quit that. Quit that right now.”
dontcallmebacon: youre really cute
Baekhyun mentally kicks himself, physically slams his head onto his desk. That is totally not what he was wanting to say. He hurries to try and save the situation.
dontcallmebacon: i mean like i saw a picture of yu and youre cuet not that i was like stalkinh you or antyhing dontcallmebacon: wow that makes it sound liek i WAS stalking you which i wasnt i swear!
Baekhyun waits, watching the chat box, hoping he didn’t just freak Yixing out. It feels like hours, days, years that he waits for a reply.
xingie: so basically what ur saying is you stalked my blog?
dontcallmebacon: NO! dontcallmebacon: ok yes i did but i just wanted to see what you looked like
xingie: ….you think im cuuuuuuuuute ^.^ xingie: send me a picture of you now, its only fair
Baekhyun almost spits up his drink. Yixing wants a picture of him? He quickly goes through his facebook, trying to find the cutest picture of himself he can. He chooses one and sends it and waits for a reply, playing some dumb game on Facebook to distract himself.
xingie: cute
A few months go by like this, Baekhyun regularly chatting with Yixing nearly all day and all night. Well, until he has to go to sleep before Yixing, timezones be damned. They learn a lot about each other in a short amount of time. They have a shared love for photography, food, animals and more importantly, BTS. They discover they have the same bias and ultimately decide, jokingly of course, that they must be soulmates.
Baekhyun gets in trouble more often at work now. Showing up late more days than not because he decided to stay up much too late to chat with Yixing. Spending too much time looking at his phone instead of paying attention to his work. He makes Yixing laugh when he tells him that he’s solely responsible for the new no phones policy at work.
xingie: i cant wait to meet you
Baekhyun leans back and just stares. They’ve been talking for three months now and sure, the thought of actually meeting Yixing has crossed his mind, but he never thought Yixing was thinking the same thing. He smiles to himself and runs his fingers over the keys.
dontcallmebacon: really?
xingie: uh yea duh youre fuckin awesome why wouldnt i wanna meet you?? xingie: unless ur a serial killer….. are u a serial killer???
dontcallmebacon: i feel like thats what a serial killer would say to make someone think theyre not a serial killer… dontcallmebacon: are YOU a serial killer??
xingie: i would never kill you xingie: might kiss you tho
Baekhyun feels his heart skip. His mouth falls open into a small smile as he types his response.
dontcallmebacon: you want to kiss me?
xingie: have you seen you? like youve seen how cute you are, right? xingie: id totally kiss you
dontcallmebacon: well.. i never said id let you so..
xingie: would you let me?
Baekhyun’s smile widens and he bites into his bottom lip.
dontcallmebacon: totally
Baekhyun is wheezing as he throws himself into his computer chair; it rolls sideways and he catches himself with a hand on the edge of his desk. He opens his laptop with one hand, the other holding onto the cramp in his side, and quickly signs into Tumblr. As he’s waiting for his shitty internet to do its job he tries to catch his breath. “I need to start working out, jesus christ, it was only three blocks”.
He was at work when he got the notification. BTS was announced as one of the artists in the lineup for Kcon in LA this year. He likes BTS. Yixing likes BTS. Yixing lives in LA. It was so exciting and overwhelming all he could think to do was sprint the three blocks from his work to his apartment. He needed to talk to Yixing immediately.
The site finally loads and he has seven messages. Yixing already knows, he thinks to himself. And, sure enough, he opens the chat box to see a barrage of all caps, frantic messages.
dontcallmebacon: I WAS AT WORK IM SRORRY!!!!!! dontcallmebacon: are you gonna go? to kcon?? BTS????
xingie: thank fuck i thought u were dead xingie: uhmmm obviously im gonna go! bts in my city omgg
dontcallmebacon: im so jealous tell hobi i love him for me
xingie: dude just fly out here xingie: FLY OUT HERE AND MEET ME AND SEE BTS OMG YESS xingie: baek u gotta
Baekhyun reads the message over and over, thinking about it. He has extra money. He has time he can take off work. Why shouldn’t he fly out to LA? He’s always wanted to go. He’d get to see BTS and kiss a cute boy. He quickly checks his bank account, looks at a calendar, and then switches back to Tumblr.
dontcallmebacon: fuck it.. im in
I’m not gonna cry. I’m not gonna cry. Baekhyun repeats this in his head as he watches his mother walk away from him. She drove him to the airport so he wouldn't have to leave his car, and now she’s leaving. He’s never flown before and he’s moderately terrified. Where does he go? What does he do with his luggage? How does he get to his plane? A large group of people wearing matching shirts passes him, chatting animatedly in a foreign language and he’s jealous. He wishes he had thirty other people around him to tell him what to do. He looks at his phone to check the time. What if he misses his plane? He begins walking faster.
It takes a little time, getting into the wrong line two separate times, but he finally figures out what he has to do. He checks his bag, gets his ticket and then, sighs. “Another line,” he whines, looking over at security. This line moves faster. Each step he takes closer he begins to panic just a little more. He wishes Yixing was awake so he could message him, but it’s like 2am in LA right now, so he’s stuck with nothing but his own thoughts. He takes another step forward, heart beating fast. He begins running through everything in his head, everything he’d packed in his carryon. What if they find something I shouldn't have and I go to airport jail, he thinks.
He makes it through security, only slightly scarred for life, and from there it’s smooth sailing.
By the time he lands in Vegas for his connecting flight he’s starving and so ready to just be in California. He sits down to eat and excitedly messages Yixing, knowing he’ll finally be up.
dontcallmebacon: im in vegas now, coolest airport ever
xingie: ahhhhhhh so close!!! xingie: im so excited ur almost heeeeere
dontcallmebacon: i knowww i just wanna get there already dontcallmebacon: also i’ll have u know i only cried a little at the airport before i left dontcallmebacon: i had a brief hour of panic but im good now
xingie: lol nice xingie: well only a couple more hours left and then you'll be here
Baekhyun notices the time across the top of his phone and his eyes widen. He shoves the rest of his food in his mouth and quickly chugs the rest of his drink.
dontcallmebacon: gotta go, plane leaves in twenty and im at the opposite end of the airport eating. dontcallmebacon: ill message you when i land in la!
When Baekhyun lands he messages Yixing like he said he would and sets off to find his bag. He realizes, pretty quickly, that he has no idea how to find his bag. He wanders aimlessly, he thinks he’s following the signs correctly; he turns around because he was going the wrong way, but finally, he finds baggage claim.
He drags his bag behind him to wait outside. And then, he gets nervous. What if he’s awkward? What if Yixing doesn’t like him? What if Yixing isn't really coming and this was just a big elaborate joke and now he’s stranded all alone in California? He shakes his head, knowing he’s just being dramatic. A black car slows and stops in front of him, he gulps. Yixing steps out, tall, handsome, exactly how Baekhyun pictured him. He lets out a weird breathy chuckle as Yixing steps up to him, a little dimple in his cheek as he smiles.
Baekhyun licks his lips, his mouth is dry. “Hi.”
Yixing smiles again, looks from Baekhyun’s face to his bag. “You want me to take your—“
Yixing’s eyebrows raise, his mouth forms a little ‘o’. “What?”
“Kiss,” Baekhyun repeats, physically unable to stop the word vomit. “Kiss me.”
Yixing’s lips twitch, trying to keep the smile from forming. He grabs Baekhyun’s bag and tosses it into the trunk of his car, turning back to Baekhyun after. He laughs and ruffles Baekhyun’s hair playfully. Baekhyun’s heart stops when Yixing leans forward, lips pursed, and presses their lips together quickly.
“Welcome to California,” Yixing says with a laugh as he walks to the driver’s side and opens the door. “And, nice to finally meet you.”
Baekhyun stares with his mouth open as Yixing gets into the car. He licks his lips and lets out an awkward laugh. The window rolls down and Yixing leans over, hand pulling the handle to push open the door. “You coming?”
Baekhyun smiles and nods, pulls the door open and gets in. He looks at Yixing with a bright smile as he buckles, “Lets do this.”
@seonweon-sonyeondan for you. looooooove you 
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dong-hyucks · 8 years ago
Requested Characters: Reader / Sungjong (Infinite) Genre: Fluff, soulmate!au Word Count: 1.4k Request: Promot: soulmate au where everyone has a watch w/ a time that indicates when theyll meet theif s/o A/N: we had to do this as a scenario and not as a ‘prompt scenario’ (although there really is no difference??) sorry annonie ;-; also tbh this was my entry for a writing contest at school lol just changed the names
Kairos || refers to the opportune time and/or place that is, the right or appropriate time to do or say something
"Half an hour," my mom said excitedly, squeezing my dad's arm. The two of them shared the same open-mouthed grins. I sighed, leaning back into the soft cushions of our couch. They'd been ecstatic all day, and for what? My birthday? I don't know why; it's a truly over-hyped day in my opinion. Ever since I was little, my parents told me I would love turning sixteen and that it would be amazing. What was so good about it? Sixteen is just an age. I'd still be in high school and I'd still be the same old Sungjong that I am now. 
They kept glancing at the door as if they were expecting something. "Are you ready?" My dad asked, practically bouncing in his seat, along with mom. "Ready for what?" I sighed, exasperated. "You always tell me that tomorrow will be this spectacular day, but you've never told me why. What do I have to be excited about?" The two exchanged a glance. "I suppose it's fine if we tell you," mom said slowly. Dad agreed, straightening his back.
"This may seem odd," he began, "but everyone receives a package on their sixteen birthday." Mom picked up where he left off, "and in that package is a watch. It's a special watch-- you can't even open the package until it's midnight." I furrowed my brows in confusion. A watch? "The watch depicts how long it'll take until you meet your soul mate. They call it the 'hourglass of fate,' which is odd since it's not actually an hourglass--"
I cut off my mom's rambling with a scoff. "So what you're saying is those stupid soul mate stories people come up with are true?" I shook my head in disbelief, "I stayed up for this... I'm going to bed." Standing up, I ignored my parent's crestfallen expressions, as horrible as it may sound, and I began to ascend up the stairs. When a familiar ring resonated throughout the house, I froze. Turning around, I stared at our front door. Who would be ringing our doorbell at midnight?
I noticed my parents watching as I got closer to the door. Standing on my toes, I glanced out of the peephole. A mailman stood outside, whistling to himself. "It's the mailman," I said, my voice going up in question. "Open it," mom exclaimed. Rolling my eyes, I opened the door. "Hello," I said carefully. The man looked down at me with a small smile, handing me the small package in his hands-- a package I hadn't even noticed before. 
"I'm assuming you're," he paused to look at the box in my hands, "Lee Sungjong?" I frowned, turning my head around to face my parents, whose grins had gotten even bigger if possible. The mailman pulled down his cap, nodding at me. "Good luck, sir." With that, he turned around and disappeared into the darkness of the night. Hesitantly closing the door, I looked down at the package. It was relatively light and my name was written on it with a black marker. "We told you," dad said happily, dancing with mom in the dimly lit hallway.
"Don't tell me," I murmured to myself, "that whole soul mate watch thing; it's real?"
I spent the rest of the day thinking about that package. I couldn't sleep, I had been so focused on the package and its contents. When I went to school, I had found out that my older friends had gone through the same thing, but were told not to say anything. School had been, to put it bluntly, a complete and utter blur. When I got home, mom and dad were in the living room with their own watches from back when they were younger.
"Why does yours have scratches on it?" I inspected mom's watch with curiosity. True to my words, there were deep, jagged scratches and indents on the watch's surface. Mom chuckled to herself while dad rolled his eyes. "Your mother had tried to cut the watch off when she got it. She had been dating someone at the time and apparently he wasn't the one," he teased. Mom hit dad's shoulder gently, but she didn't deny it. "Why didn't you just take it off?" Mom laughed again, ruffling my hair. "You'll see." 
Before I knew it, time had passed so quickly.
I lay in bed, staring at the small but noticeable bumps on my ceiling. Glancing to my left, I groaned when I read my alarm clock; 10:38. Closing my eyes, I began to imagine what tomorrow would be like. Mom and dad would probably fuss over me, as usual, and my friends would probably gush over it. But to think, I'd be able to know when I meet my soul mate? That seems extremely out there in terms of logic. 
Rattling. What was that? I opened my eyes slowly, realizing that I had fallen asleep. I looked at my clock and gasped; it's 11:59! The rattling got louder, thus getting my attention. I searched my room for the source, but froze when my eyes landed on the moving package that was on my desk. That's right-- moving package. It seemed to have something living inside, something trying to escape. I stood from my bed, making my way toward the desk.
Suddenly, the box's lid popped off and a black blur flew out of the opened box. Stumbling back, I let out a groan when I hit my back on my dresser. My eyes bounced back and forth between the corners of my room, searching for the blur, when suddenly it appeared it front of me. Now that it was still, I could see that it was a watch. "It's floating," I stammered aloud, my hands gripping the edge of the dresser. "Why is it floating?" I asked myself incredulously.
Unexpectedly, the watch seemed to undo itself. When the watch was completely unlatched, it wrapped itself around my wrist. In shock, I let out a shriek. The watch's screen blinked on, and three sets of numbers appeared on it.
36 : 16 : 22
I could hear footsteps in the hall, and it wasn't long before mom and dad burst through the door. They immediately saw the watch and the opened package on my desk and gaped. "What's the time," mom asked, scrambling over a few items both I and the watch had knocked over. "Thirty-six hours, fifteen minutes, forty-two seconds-- Jinwoo! She's meeting her soul mate tomorrow!" Dad took hold of my wrist to check for himself.
"Tomorrow," I gasped, still in shock. "Oh my god," I ran a hand through my hair. I moved to sit on my bed, not trusting my legs to not give out on me. I looked down at my wrist, noticing something strange. "It's clasp is gone," I mumbled, twisting my arm to look at the accessory at all angles. "That's why my watch had scratches on it," mom explained. "It won't come off until you meet your soul mate." Dad smiled softly, "luckily for you, you don't have to wait that long. They can get pretty irritable.”
My parents are pretty excited. A lot more than I am anyway. Was I even ready to meet this person? My soul mate?
I waved goodbye to dad as he drove away. I could feel my heart beating faster and I still had an entire day left until I met my soul mate. "Sungjong," I heard one of my friends yell. I turned to see Woohyun and Myungsoo waving me over. Shakily, I made my way to the two. Woohyun almost instantly saw the watch and freaked out. "You got your watch!" He said happily. "When do you meet your soul mate?" Myungsoo asked, craning his head to look at the watch. I brought my wrist up for them to see, flushing at how much I was quivering.
"Tomorrow?!" The two said in unison. "Lucky guy," Myungsoo mumbled, eyes wide. Woohyun nodded, his jaw ajar. I looked at their wrists. "You still have yours on," I stated. They nodded, showing me their time. "I still have five years to go," Woohyun pouted. "I have a year," Myungsoo shrugged.
Tomorrow came a lot sooner than I was prepared for. I had freaked out in the morning, debating with myself whether I should dress up a bit or not, but ultimately deciding not to. If the person's really my soul mate, they wouldn't care what I wore, right? All throughout my first class, I kept glancing at my wrist, watching the numbers go down.
00 : 02 : 13
I tapped my desk as I stared at the clock. Second period didn't end for another half an hour, and I already know all of my classmates. Who was I going to meet in two minutes?
A knock sounded at the door, making me freeze. I stared at the person as they walked in, my heart racing.
"Hi, I'm Y/N. I'm a transfer," they smiled.
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notthetoothfairy · 8 years ago
I’ve Got Something to Say
Summary: Blaine meant to confess what he had felt when Kurt sang Blackbird the day Pavarotti died - but he never did. And now it seems like Kurt has moved on, leaving Blaine confused and heartbroken.
Written for the Klaine Valentines Challenge 2017. Song prompt: Be My Forever.
Part of this is loosely based on this really cute Nestlé short film from the Philippines. And not to head into a political debate or anything but just to clarify - I don’t mean to promote Nestlé in any way as I don’t support the company’s strategies (if you want to know why not, click here). And now let’s continue with some lovey-dovey Valentine’s friends-to-lovers fic lol.
beta’ed by @a-simple-rainbow as always - you’re the Obama to my Biden, girl!
Rating: PG
Read on AO3
Blaine meant to confess what he had felt when Kurt sang Blackbird the day Pavarotti died, he really did. He even had a speech prepared for the occasion. But one thing led to another, and Blaine never got to say what was on his mind.
It wasn’t for lack of trying. His duet idea backfired spectacularly. While every Warbler agreed that he should sing a duet with Kurt, Blaine wasn’t prepared for the difficulty of song selections. The council rejected all of his more romantic suggestions after they somehow got word of the New Directions’ plan to play the underdog card and came up with a new plan that would follow suite. New selections were announced quickly, and instead of the lovey-dovey duet Blaine had hoped for, he found himself practicing Mika and Ariana Grande’s Popular with Kurt, who was so happy about the song choice (“It’s Mika and Wicked-inspired, this is absolutely fantastic, oh my god!”) that Blaine wouldn’t even openly complain to him.
Other than rehearsal, Kurt spent all his free time decorating the casket for Pavarotti’s funeral. Blaine tried to talk to him a few times but it always ended with them deciding to rehearse some more, and really, has anyone ever confessed their crush while singing about getting their heads dunked into toilets and not being a model?
Blaine could have predicted the outcome – the New Directions won fair and square – but he doesn’t even really care about going to Nationals anymore. He’d rather go on dates with Kurt, maybe hold his hand and listen to him ramble about things that excite him so that his amazingly blue eyes will sparkle the way Blaine’s only recently started to seriously notice but has come to adore already.
But there are no dates. Instead, Kurt moves back to Lima when the situation at McKinley eases up and leaves Blaine at Dalton, aching heart and all. The Warblers’ spontaneously organized flash mob to see Kurt off is a success but it doesn’t quite deliver the message that Blaine is going to miss more than just his best friend. He’s going to miss Kurt, and not just on a platonic basis.
It’s complicated to say the least. Blaine’s in a difficult position – he’s gone from Kurt’s rescue to his friend to his best friend and then to unrequited crush. That last part Blaine is especially bitter about because he stupidly just didn’t see in Kurt what Kurt saw in him at first, and now that he’s starting to understand, Blaine is getting the worrying feeling that Kurt might not be as into him as he was a few weeks ago. He’s certainly a lot more upfront now whenever Blaine does something that bugs him. That should be a good thing – Blaine wouldn’t want Kurt to feel uncomfortable to speak his mind around him – but more than anything, it makes Blaine wonder if Kurt has moved on.
He has to do something – anything – so that Kurt will see he’s finally reciprocating his feelings.
Better late than never, right?
“Late” turns out to be difficult, still.
Blaine’s lost count of how many times he’s tried to ask Kurt out now. Tentatively, but still obvious enough – asking him to get coffee and paying for Kurt’s orders, getting tickets to showings of old movies or local shows and surprising Kurt with them, inviting him over for movie nights at Dalton with his laptop placed just right on the bed so that there is enough space to potentially cuddle on the bed yet keep the appropriate amount of space between them.
Kurt always says yes, smile radiant and eyes blinking, which never fails to make Blaine’s heart beat a little faster. But while Kurt is obviously delighted to continue spending time with Blaine even after his move back to Lima, nothing ever happens, and Kurt doesn’t hint at wanting more like he did all those months ago on Valentine’s Day (or, as Blaine is dubbing it now, the Day He Probably Ruined His Chances with Kurt Forever).
He finally mentions his failed attempts to Wes and David one day. His despair is met with raised eyebrows.
“Wait, you’re trying to ask him out?!” David repeats, sharing a look with Wes. “We had no idea!”
“Duh.” Blaine rolls his eyes. “I’m kind of going by every trick in the book! Movie nights, coffee dates, fancy shows… but he doesn’t seem to get it.”
Wes clears his throat, his nose wrinkling. “Blaine, that’s… that’s all very cute of you and I’m sure Kurt appreciates it but – we’ve seen you around him before you started to, you know, like him-”
“I’ve liked him the whole time,” Blaine sighs, staring at his hands.
“Yeah, no, but… Blaine, if you think what you are doing now is dating, what exactly did you think you were doing before?”
Blaine looks up at his friends, who seem to be more amused than concerned.
“Um, what?” Blaine asks.
Wes smiles. “Blaine, you and Kurt have kind of been… I don’t know – dating without really dating, I guess, for a long time now.”
“Since you met him, actually,” David adds, nodding along to Wes’ words.
Blaine shakes his head. “No, we only-”
“Went on coffee dates, saw Rent together, practiced flirty duets-”
“Hung out alone pretty much all the time…”
Blaine blinks.
In retrospect, has anything really changed?
“I’m really not doing anything different, am I?” he breathes out, incredulous.
Wes and David shrug and shake their heads.
“Sorry to burst your bubble,” Wes says, patting Blaine on the shoulder. “But you go get him, tiger!”
“Yeah, Kurt is going to be so happy, man,” David agrees. “You don’t just fall out of love with Blaine Anderson, right?”
Blaine smiles, but he’s not so sure.
“So, what do you think?” Kurt asks excitedly, stepping out of the fitting room, wearing a dark vest over his checkered shirt, and twisting his head down to see if it looks good on him. It does, of course, and Blaine nods eagerly.
“Oh, wow, you look amazing,” he gushes, eyes falling to the way the vest hugs Kurt’s waist perfectly. "Kurt, I just lo-” He clears his throat, pretending to look through the cardigans on the nearest clothing rack when he feels himself blush. “I like it, you should take it.”
Kurt turns to the mirror, oblivious to Blaine’s almost-confession. “Hm… yeah, I think I will!”
A few minutes later, Kurt leaves the store with a shopping bag and Blaine with a hammering heart.
The realization that he needs to step up his game beyond dates that could be mistaken for friendly outings has Blaine shaking like a leaf every time he gets close to telling Kurt how he really feels. With every step Kurt takes forward, probably moving on from the thing they never had, Blaine follows in his step, falling a bit more, wondering how far Kurt needs to get to finally not want to look back anymore.
He’s faintly aware that Kurt is rambling on and on about how that vest actually was on sale and how the store had extra discounts for clothes already on sale, so that he really only paid a third of the original price, and he’s being so Kurt while doing it – waving his hands animatedly, slightly out of breath because of his excitement, eyes lighting up – that Blaine has a hard time not just blurting out that he-
“I love you!”
Ah. Apparently he’s not only having a hard time not doing it, he’s actually full-on shouting it now.
Standing frozen next to Kurt, Blaine almost misses how Kurt jumps up and down at his words, but only almost.
Still bouncing on his heels, Kurt leans over and kisses Blaine’s cheek, squealing, “I love you, too!�� He clutches the shopping bag to his chest and continues walking, leaving Blaine to stare after him.
Whatever’s happening, he’s not sure he understands it very well.
“I’ve always had an eye for bargains but this was really just a lucky find, so-” Kurt turns to him, raising an eyebrow. “Well? Are you coming? We still have time for ice cream before the movie, and I plan on using the money I just saved to buy us some.”
Blaine nods, confused, and follows Kurt to the food court.
The “I love you” and the kiss on the cheek break a barrier Blaine isn’t sure he wanted to break, at least not in the way it’s developing. He’s fairly sure there still is nothing but friendship between them – at least from Kurt’s perspective – but Kurt doesn’t hesitate to repeat the words every now and then and Blaine actually finds himself kissing Kurt’s cheek from time to time as well, as if that’s a thing they do now.
Or is it? He doesn’t know.
He’s never had a friend like Kurt, so maybe taking their friendship to new levels isn’t exactly all that weird, but it doesn’t make the situation any less complicated.
He had no idea “I love you”s and kisses could be platonic but here he is on his bed at home during summer break, listening to sad music and pining after his best friend who kisses him and holds his hand and says “I love you”, all very devastatingly and frustratingly platonical actions that Blaine wishes would mean something.
“Okay, Squirt,” his brother says, sticking his head through the door, “I wasn’t gonna say anything but this is the fifth time you’re blasting Leona Lewis today, and I’m starting to get worried.”
Blaine turns his head to the door, sighing. “Hey, Coop.”
“You alright?”
“I…” Blaine sits up, tries to smile. “I’m fine.”
“Did mom send you?”
Cooper grins, and sits down on the bed next to Blaine. “She’s worried, too, but she has a far higher tolerance for Leona Lewis’ songs than I do.”
Blaine laughs. “Sorry.”
“Boy trouble?” Cooper asks.
Blaine blinks. “How did you know?”
Cooper lies back on the bed, raising a challenging eyebrow at Blaine. “Because you ‘keep bleeding in love’?” He chuckles. “Also because mom’s been telling me you keep hanging out with a certain Kurt…?”
“Ugh, why is mom such a gossip?” Blaine whines, throwing himself back on the bed as well and shielding his face from knowing eyes by burying it in his hands. “Yes, okay? I have boy trouble, his name is Kurt, and he’s amazing. He used to like me and now he… well, he likes me, but he doesn’t love me like I love him, and I just don’t know how to tell him that when I say ‘I love you,’ I don’t just mean the bubbly ‘love you’ kind of way but the ‘in love with you’ variant.”
“Aw, Blaine! You really are in love.” Blaine sees Cooper shake his head fondly when he peeks through his fingers, and he nods in reply. “Cute.” He dodges Blaine’s elbow and laughs. “Have you tried going for the ‘in love with you’ version?”
“No, I’m scared he’ll turn that into friendship talk as well,” Blaine mumbles. “It’s not like I deserve better, I used to do the same to him, I would flirt with him and not even realize I was doing it.”
“So you’re both knuckleheads, yeah?”
Blaine grimaces. “I guess.”
“And the only thing you can do to show how you feel is grand showy gestures that won’t be misinterpreted?” Cooper asks.
Blaine turns his face to him fully. “Who said anything about grand showy gestures?”
“Nobody did. Well, I did.” Cooper shrugs. “Come on, Blaine, you can’t ask me for advice and expect me to not come up with something straight from a movie.”
“I… didn’t ask you for advice,” Blaine says slowly.
Cooper grins. “And that was your first mistake.” He gets up and holds a hand out for Blaine. “Your second would be not to take the advice you didn’t ask for.”
“I’m confused.”
“Don’t worry, Squirt, we’ll get your boy to understand.” He spins Blaine around once and pulls him toward the door. “Mom! Let’s all go out tonight, yeah?”
Half an hour later, Blaine looks out the window of his mom’s car and realizes they’re not at all on the way to Breadstix but are in fact turning onto a street that is very familiar to him.
“Mom, what are we doing in Kurt’s street?” His mom doesn’t reply. Blaine scoots to the front edge of the backseat and shakes Cooper’s shoulder. “Coop? What are we doing here?”
They’re stopping in front of Kurt’s driveway.
“Can you not do the horror movie thing were you’re both silent and I have to pretend I’m not scared you’re going to bury me in the woods or-”
“Blaine honey, I know you’re scared to be honest with Kurt but you never know if you never try,” his mom interrupts him softly, smiling at Blaine through the rearview mirror.
Blaine stares at her. He thought they were going out for dinner to talk about how to proceed. They were going to come up with a plan. But not this plan. He doesn’t even know what the plan is, exactly.
“Mom, what-”
Cooper pulls out a boom box from under his seat. “I picked a good song from your playlist earlier. No Leona Lewis, though.”
Blaine blanches. “You actually brought music? No, no, no. That’s just too much!”
“Come on! It’s romantic!” both of his very clearly insane family members protest.
“You can’t just expect me to go out there and sing whatever-”
“It’s not whatever, I picked it carefully!” Cooper exclaims, visibly offended. “It’s that song, Be My Forever? It’s upbeat, it’s you, and it really can’t be misinterpreted!”
“Oh god,” Blaine groans. “It’s going to be super obvious!”
“That’s the point, honey,” his mom tells him. “Isn’t the whole crux of the matter that you’re not being obvious enough?”
Blaine bites his lip. He has to admit that they’ve got a point.
Maybe he’s let this whole thing go on too long out of the simple fear that Kurt wouldn’t reciprocate his feelings. Kurt must have had that same fear when he professed his crush at the Lima Bean… and Blaine turned him down. That was brave – Kurt is always just so damn courageous. And if the confession didn’t make Blaine like Kurt any less, shouldn’t their friendship be able to withstand yet another unrequited crush? Or maybe, hopefully, not so unrequited? If anything, Blaine feels like he owes Kurt honesty.
“Yeah, time to be obvious, little brother,” Cooper says and twists in his seat to flash him a grin. “Now get out there and make us proud.”
Grumbling, Blaine gets out the car with the boom box in tow. He’s not new to serenading people but he hasn’t had the best track record. Stupid Jeremiah, stupid GAP, stupid idea – well, not entirely stupid. The incident had prompted Kurt to admit he thought Blaine would be singing to him, not to Jeremiah, which means Blaine can at least be sure that he won’t find it tacky.
Straightening his back, Blaine walks up the driveway, mentally thanking his lucky stars that neither Burt nor Carole seem to be home, judging by the lack of cars. Kurt’s car is parked up front, so Blaine continues on his way to the window that belongs to Kurt’s bedroom.
He takes a deep breath, and without further ado, turns on the music.
We’re on top of the world…
The first few lines come out a bit shaky, but his performance skills are the one thing he can rely on, so he finds himself getting into it once he gets to the end of the first verse.
So can I call you mine now, darling, for a whole life time?
My heart finally trusts my mind, and I know somehow it is right.
When he reaches the chorus, he looks back to Cooper and his mother, who are dancing in their seats, sending him thumbs up. Looking back to Kurt’s window, he sees the curtain drawing back and the window open a bit. His heart flutters, and he gives the next verse all he’s got.
I’ve got something to say, you’re perfect in every way.
I’m gonna shout it out, I wanna tell you now.
Now the window is opened wider. He doesn’t see anyone because the light is too dim but he figures it’s easier to not see Kurt’s face as he sings these words to him. He focuses on the performances instead, and spins right before the next chorus starts before turning back to the window, pouring all his unsaid feelings in the rest of the song.
By the end of it, when he gets to, Will you love me forever? I’ll love you forever, be my forever, his voice breaks a little. He looks down for a moment, steeling himself for whatever reaction he might get once he’s done. This is it.
He looks back up, shaking and panting, and calls out, “Kurt?” He breathes in slowly. “I know this is very sudden, and not at all what you’re expecting, probably, and maybe you don’t even know what I’m talking about but-”
The window finally opens all the way, revealing a face – just not Kurt’s.
“Uhm,” Finn says awkwardly, throwing Blaine an apologetic look. “My brother’s not here.”
Blaine suddenly feels very foolish and blushes all the way from his collar to the tip of his ears. He really should rethink this whole serenading-people-in-public thing, even though this one was technically not his idea.
“And it’s not that sudden,” another voice pipes up – Blaine recognizes it as Artie. “Everyone knows you have the hots for Kurt, he’s probably waiting for you to say something.”
That sends Blaine into a coughing fit. “What- what are you doing in Kurt’s room?” he chokes out.
“We needed one of his Broadway mixtapes for a Glee assignment,” Finn tells him. “Then we heard you sing and… well…”
“Why’d you let me finish?!” Blaine exclaims.
“Recorded it for posterity!” Artie says. His face is still not visible – he must not be sitting high enough in his chair for that – but a camera appears right above the windowsill. “I’m sure Kurt will-”
“Do not send it to Kurt!” Blaine hisses, picking up the boom box. “Just- please promise me to not tell him I was here.”
It’s one thing to serenade someone in front of their bedroom window. It’s another to accidentally address someone else. Someone else with a camera. Someone else who might give the footage to the original someone. Oh god, how did things get so ridiculously awkward? Blaine suddenly wishes he could have just gotten his nerve up after Blackbird and swept Kurt off his feet right then and there.
“Uh…” Finn shifts from side to side in obvious discomfort. “The thing is… he already knows.”
“What?! How?!”
“Well, we had to discuss- he was on the phone when you started and- uh, well-”
“Really?” Blaine breathes out, sending Finn a pleading look. “Is he still…?”
“No, he hung up. Had to be somewhere.” Finn clears his throat. “Really weird, actually, because he and Rachel are looking through her Broadway playlist, too, so I know he’s free but… I don’t know, maybe he was embarrassed?”
“Finn,” Blaine hears Artie say, “don’t break the guy’s heart, come on, that’s cruel.”
“I’ve gotta go,” Blaine says quickly, already feeling tears well up in his eyes. If Kurt really got embarrassed and he didn’t think it was nice to at least know about Blaine’s feelings, then, well, he really screwed up – not only a relationship, but his friendship to Kurt. He wonders if he’ll even have to bother explaining the whole thing to Kurt or if he should just go back to Dalton after the summer and pretend Kurt was never in his life in the first place… but can he even do that? Can his heart unlearn to love Kurt the way Kurt's apparently unlearned to love him?
He reaches the car, and wipes at his cheeks before motioning for Cooper to roll down the window all the way. He all but hurls the boom box onto his brother’s lap.
“Um…” Cooper says, wrinkling his nose in pity. “So I guess Kurt’s brother and his friend aren’t gay? Otherwise they would have kissed your feet by now.”
“I don’t need your jokes right now,” Blaine says, frowning. “It’s your fault I’m even here.”
“Blaine, no one could have kno-” his mother says, turning to fully look at Blaine before stopping mid-sentence. “Oh.”
“What, mom?” Blaine sighs. “No more brilliant plans now that I’ve really made a fool out of myself? I knew that I shouldn’t tell Kurt through song that-”
“We’ll wait for you at Breadstix,” she says quickly, and suddenly drives off.
“What the hell…?” Blaine mutters to himself before a touch to his shoulder makes him jump.
Blaine collects himself, turns around and – gasps. He knew it was Kurt, recognized his voice immediately, but he didn’t quite imagine him to look so… mesmerized, almost enamored.
Blaine remembers that look. He swears he saw it on Kurt when he sang to Jeremiah, too, but increased tenfold now.
“Um, so you heard all that…”
Kurt is out of breath when he speaks. “I ran all the way from Rachel’s,” he pants. “I… Blaine, I… I had no idea, I- I convinced myself I was reading too much into… I tried so hard to just be a friend… but- I’m not making any of this up anymore, am I? You really do… lo- I mean, you’re really…?”
“In love with you?” Blaine mumbles, heart almost breaking his ribcage with how hard it’s pumping away in his chest. “Y-yeah. I am. I wasn’t sure if you’d moved on, so I tried so much to just lay it all out on the line but… nothing really worked, and- I thought you didn’t like me like that anymore.”
“How on earth would you even think that was a possibility?!” Kurt exclaims softly, coming a step closer. “Blaine, that song…”
Blaine dares to look Kurt right in the eye at the awestruck tone of his voice. “Yeah?” he asks.
“It’s a duet.” Kurt smiles and tilts his head cheekily. “You should suggest that to the council sometime. Perfect for when the Warblers performance at the Lima nursing home next month.”
Blaine has to laugh at that, looking down on the ground, knowing he is smiling impossibly wide.
“If I did, would you be my duet partner?” he asks, biting his lip as he looks back up.
Kurt nods at once. “Yeah,” he says. “Yes, of course.”
There’s a groan coming from the house. “Would you kiss already?!” Artie shouts. Blaine turns his head and spots the video camera still sticking out of the window.
“Shut up!” Kurt shouts back. “And remember to save the video on my laptop before you leave my room!” He reaches for Blaine and pulls at his shirt to get him to move forward. “Is it okay if I…?” he asks, blinking as if he’s only now realizing what he’s doing.
Blaine nods wordlessly and draws Kurt in close. Their lips meet off-center and at an awkward angle but Blaine couldn’t care less; he’s kissing Kurt and the whole thing actually worked, and he has to remember to thank his mom and Cooper later – but for now, he’s content just mapping every inch of Kurt’s face with his fingertips as they continue to kiss with abandon.
“Our first kiss is on camera,” Kurt giggles as he twists his face to the side to catch his breath. “That’s something I never thought my first actual kiss would be. Not that I hate it. Kinda love it, actually.”
“Did you think it would be with me?” Blaine asks quietly.
“Hoped it would,” Kurt admits. “Sorry I lost that hope along the way and didn’t see any of the signs you practically threw at my face. That must have been disheartening…”
“Sorry it took me so long, that must have been disheartening,” Blaine replies with a shrug. He leans in close and presses their foreheads together with a smile. “But… now that you won’t mistake it for a friendly outing… would you like to get coffee with me? I think I still have some time before Coop and mom are done with dinner.”
“Why, Blaine Anderson, are you asking me out on a date?” Kurt flashes him a toothy grin. “You’re really pulling out all the stops today.”
Blaine laughs, and kisses Kurt again, slower and more lazily this time. When they finally detangle, he holds out a hand for Kurt to take and mumbles, “Better late than never, right?”
“Better late than never,” Kurt agrees, kissing Blaine’s cheek before pulling him to his car to drive them to their first official date.
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calumcest · 5 years ago
(part 1 of many) I know I’ve only been gone for like three days but as always I have a lot to say so here I am, prepare yourself for a long boi and by boi I mean ask not anything sexual don’t get it twisted. first, I’m done painting my room and I ended up doing the walls off white for the top half and a dusky pink for the bottom half. I love the way it looks but the amount of times I swore at the painter’s tape while trying to put it on in a straight line should probably count against it.
(part 2) also, since I’m 5’1” and do not own a ladder, I was on my tippy toes for like two whole days, and now my legs refuse to support me like what else are they even here for?? also also, you were right about me hallucinating! except not from sleep deprivation, it was from paint fumes bc I forgot to open my window. Lol, that reminds me I have a great story about a misadventure w chloroform, lmk if you want to hear it. next order of business, I’m here to gush about your writing again.
(part 3) honestly who do I stan more, you or 5sos? Pretty sure it’s you; everything you write just flows SO naturally. It’s like the type of thing I can read and then not realize how long I’ve been reading bc it’s so easy to lose myself in. Beyond that, every time you post something I go back to my debate au and write like four sentences bc ur writing actually makes me feel inspired it’s that good. Specifically about the soulmate fic, GOD the slow burn might kill me but I love it.
(4) Also, I wholeheartedly expect some insider secrets about London in the form of fic shenanigans like if that’s where they are I want some content in case I ever visit. Also, the newest addition to the holyverse is undoubtedly my favorite, despite not having any idea who Noel/Liam Gallagher are, other than men people question your attraction towards. Which, like, I usually trust your taste bc Taron and Richard Madden, but Helen, I’m truly sorry, having just looked up pictures I can not support
(5) you in this endeavor. Now, adding to the discourse about having too many tabs open, I’ve never related to anything more than my family being just me and my 3000 tabs. I finished all my final projects two weeks ago, and yet I still refuse to close any of the tabs I used. I always feel slightly ridiculous every time I have to go back to an old tab by like remembering when I was thinking something, like “hmmm I looked up the spotlight effect in between that YouTube video and that fake online
(6) online shopping spree, so the tab should be roughly at the halfway point between those two” yeah I’m bad at math but those are some calculations I am more than capable of doing. I think that’s probably all tumblr will let me send for now, but you should expect me to be back later bc my ability to ramble is still unparalleled anyways have a lovely day/night/whatever time it is in England -arbor day
that sounds like EXACTLY the kind of room i would like to live in i vibe with that so hard also i hope you managed to get some SLEEP in the few days you were gone don’t think i forgot about your 40 hours of wakefulness also yes please i do want to hear this chloroform story i forgot chloroform still existed i always associate it with like. jack the ripper
STOP?? this is the sweetest thing in the world i do not deserve these compliments you are too fucking lovely to me truly i cant believe firstly that you enjoy my writing tha tmuch and secondly that it inspires u to write?? ICONIC from u u shoudl write more and then post it xoxoxoxoxoxo 
i cant even tell you how refreshing it is to write london me in the last chapter writing the exact directions from the aquarium to charing cross because i know central london like the palm of my fucking hand whereas whenever theyre in sydney i’m like Luke walked down the street <3 Luke got on the train <3 SNKDJFNKSJDF 
I’M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT please support my potential britpop au where i have calum in oasis and michael in blur (if u dont know they were like. At War in the 90s and constantly having a go at each othe rin the media and vying for awards like releasing songs on the same day etc) so its got britpop and romeo and juliet vibes and malum were childhood friends who drifted apart in late adolescence...please...ALSO!!!! look ok i totally understand my taste now is highly questionable i cannot contest that BUT liam gallagher was fucking pretty back in the day (example example example) and i also personally think noel was (example example) but i will still accept criticism on that. BUT LIAM??? come on he gets rights 
GOD I FEEL THAT SOOOOO HARD ur just like...but what if i Still Need It for Some Reason. i believe in u though u can close those tabs although i have to say i literally cannot speak the number of tabs i have open right now would send some people (bella) into heart palpitations i genuinely have so many tabs open that chrome isnt showing me all of them but what am i meant to do...close pictures of liam gallagher looking pretty? absolutely not. i want to have them there so that when i do look at the tab i remember oh yes thats a picture of liam looking pretty so i can click on it observe him being pretty then go about my day 
ALSO i hope u are having/have had a good day too i am glad to hear from u again i hope all is well and that you are SLEEPING well 
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