#GOC Ichabod Campaign
mushroomjeremy · 6 months
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I was originally not going to post this or I was thinking on cropping this. And this drawing isn't entirely finished. But I want to show Clef's tummy, because it came out quite well. I was considering what someone people said to me, but I have come to the conclusion that their opinions are worthless.
So take a Clef X Ichabod (from my Human GoI AU) ship drawing.
Now with that said, this drawing was made as a personal joke if this ship was real and was not meant to be taken seriously in any capacity.
Also now with that said, It became one of those 'it was a joke until it wasn't' type scenarios. The actual relationship I have come up with is a purposefully toxic relationship. This is akin to Clef's relationship to work more on the Goc side than Foundation. What it was when Clef was in the campaign and now years later interacting with Icha again. Icha is also in a bad part of this relationship as he hidden Clef being a reality bender and got metaphorically shot in the foot by doing so, gaining a personifs version of a mental illness which is triggered by Clef is some instances, putting both in harms way. Also Ichabod is slowly dying which is adding to the problem, but that's a whole different thing.
Anyways: Appreciate Clef's Tummy.
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occasionalsnippets · 7 months
Just wait until he hears about the Ichabod campaign by the GOC lmaoo
Just remember, there is always something worse that can happen!
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manylittleguys · 2 months
To any SCP-4231-A kins/introjects/fictives/links/etc:
I wanna start this by saying I'm writing this for me, Francis, Apollo, and Ukulele, not for any of you. We were never given closure, so now we're taking it by force. If this helps any of y'all? Great! If it doesn't? Well, it wasn't meant to.
I don't regret loving you, Lilly. Sure, you hurt Francis in ways the four of us will NEVER heal from. And I do blame you, because you did do that to him. But I will admit I can also see, now, with the perspective of other headmates who weren't there for it all, that there were things we could have done better. I'd say we were only human, but I know now that humanity is a choice you make and I'm not going to make that choice for you. We were young. We didn't know any better. We were each others' first for a lot of things. We were in our early twenties, we were reality benders, we were inexperienced. I don't blame you for making mistakes (although I do blame you for making them over and over again once you learned their consequences).
But I don't regret being your friend, and I don't regret loving you. You gave me Meri. Because of you I became one of those very same Jailors you so despised. I went from a Destroyer to a Jailor. And you know what? I might even be glad you did it all. Because becoming a Jailor was one of the best things to happen to me. I met my husband and my fiance and my partners because I was a Jailor. I met some of my closest friends because I was a Jailor. I met a guy who accidentally turned himself into a dog, a guy who spontaneously generated apple seeds, a guy who somehow always narrowly avoided death, and a lady who toyed with deadly viruses and bacteria (often anomalous) like legos to make tentacle creatures because she thought they were neat.
And I remember some nice times with you too. I remember how you helped me learn how to control what I always called my "disability" but you called our "powers". I remember playing in the creek with you, when there was no one around and our teeth were sharp and our eyes were many and our horns and antlers caught on the low-hanging tree branches and our hooves didn't help us at all in the rocky waters. I remember my mom doing her best to homeschool us because she didn't want us in public schools, and I remember neither of us could sit still very long because we wanted to be anywhere except my kitchen table sitting on wobbly chairs solving math problems in notebooks my mom had painstakingly printed for us in pen. I remember a treehouse in the middle of the forest and teaching my best friend to play ukulele, even though she was terrible at it. Because yeah, I never said it, but you were horrible with my ukulele.
I remember hiding from you in the forest because I accidentally told you that I felt more like a boy sometimes, and I remember holding your hand so tightly when we went and told my mom. I remember the three of us crying together because I should never have had to feel so afraid of my own mother, and I remember making cookies later because "bravery like yours should always be rewarded, Fran." I remember sitting up late into the night looking through baby name books we borrowed from the library so I could pick a new name. I remember when I decided I wanted it to be Francis, because it was a pretty name and it sounded so much like the old one that it wouldn't be hard to get used to the switch. I remember going to the first doctor's appointment and mom yelling at the doctors that "my son is perfectly fine! He just needs help with liking his body! A seven year old should get to love his body as much as any adult!"
I miss that. I miss the time before I slept with my legs crossed, where I was afraid to come home from weeks away at work with the GOC with the Ichabod Campaign. I miss the time before I would wake up in the middle of the night crying silently, covered in seemingly fresh bruises, coughing up blood. I miss the time before it felt like I couldn't remember anything but my childhood and that house with you, when I could never remember what I did for work. I miss the time before it felt like I couldn't remember anything but my childhood and blood and guns and the GOC. I miss the time before I was afraid of being asked to tell the truth. I miss the days before I dreaded going to sleep to the point it became hard to sleep at night.
Lilly, I hope you can see the extent of what you did to me. If you have an apology, I'll accept that you've given it, but I can't promise I'll forgive you. I can't promise that Francis or Apollo will either. I doubt that Ukulele will forgive you. If you have an explanation to give us, I'll also listen to that, but I can't promise more than that either. Regardless, I think you should know that I regret that Ukulele killed you, in the end. Apollo, and to a lesser extent Francis, had hoped that maybe, when Meri was born, it would finally stop and we could be happy again. But we also knew that the Ichabod Campaign was on it's way and we wouldn't let them have Meri.
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finiffy · 2 years
Goc uniform. this takes places during the ichabod campaign of all things. Ukulelefrancis literally shoots a small child and then has a 4231 trauma fueled panic attack all in infographics artstyle im going insane
Ok hold on let me watch this video-
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so-you-melted-22 · 2 years
I don’t care about the real OMGCP anymore, only about the SCP AU of that I have created in my head
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mundanemiseries · 2 years
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Joel Caleon Age: mid 20s-early 30s Occupation: SCP foundation researcher      Specialization: Anomalous Artwork and Internet Phenomena Status: Type Green/Reality Bender
Born at the tail end of the GOC’s Ichabod Campaign, he had grown up keeping his abilities under lock and key. Even with the hunt for reality benders coming to an end, he had been simultaneously taught how to use and hide his abilities...just in case. As he grew older, despite the aftershocks of Ichabod still taking up residence in his mind, he found a place among a group of anartists at his university. While he found some of their creations rather...unsettling as far as art went, he enjoyed sticking his head into this world, one that notions of ‘normality’ hid away. His experience and knowledge of the anomalous eventually brought him into contact with the Foundation, from then on working as a researcher, particularly in cases involving artistic or online anomalies. While he personally doesn’t entirely believe in constantly shielding the rest of the world from the supernormal. He’s seen enough of his fair share of dangers in this space that he at least gets why it’s being done and does his part in regards to those dangers. ...he may or may not occasionally turn a blind eye towards more benign anomalies though.
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utopians · 4 years
heya since youre one of the only scp fans i know, scp/tma au???? 👀 👀 except, jon and other avatars are the scps themselves instead of researchers or personnel (tho im thinking that martin, sasha and tim arent)
ALRIGHT at long last! here’s my thots. there’s a lot of stuff under the cut and it involves AWCY melanie and narrative anomaly gerry so it might be worth a read
jon is in containment! he’d essentially have his canon powers, and he’s considered euclid. his containment procedures include the exclusive use of physical locks bc he could just Know a password or keycode. additionally, interviews with him are conducted exclusively through D class who are given a list of questions to ask him so he can’t compel classified information out of an actual researcher
martin and sasha are researchers! they’re best friends in this au, and have weathered many a containment breach together after working at the same site for years. not!sasha still happens, but it’s because she’s taken and replaced through anomalous means by elias (who is the morally bankrupt site director in this scenario) because she got too close to unearthing his plans
Tim is initially an MTF operative that works closely with Martin and Sasha but defects and joins the GOC after a. the not-Sasha ordeal and b. his brother is taken in and killed by the Circus of the Disquieting. he just becomes increasingly jaded and angry and he loses his faith in the foundation to do the right thing or protect anyone
gertrude is a senior staff member a la Clef or Gears who’s both revered and resented for her merciless nature. she pretty much embodies ‘cold not cruel’ to its logical extreme. she became notorious after murdering a level 3 researcher and close personal assistant, michael shelley, to contain a reality-bending anomaly during a containment breach
unfortunately the same anomaly brought michael back and he attempted to kill her. he is currently in keter-class containment. she never visits him but sometimes she just stands behind the reinforced one-way glass and watches for a while
gerry is also in containment! he’s an anomaly a lot like scp-423, his soul was bound into an anomalous book and he now acts as a narrative entity who can move between different pieces of media. he’s considered euclid bc he’s a sentient being but is generally pretty cooperative and communicates a lot with martin and sasha to the point where he would consider them friends
elias is the corrupt site director at the site where martin and sasha work... he’s generally respected and liked but is exploiting the scips under his authority for personal gain and is specifically manipulating jon into giving him blackmail info that he’s using to work his way up through the foundation
peter lukas is the individual known as Nobody
basira is a science officer in the GOC who defects to the foundation after she sees the GOC’s methods firsthand and can’t deal with the ethical ramifications anymore. she essentially just packs up and leaves in the night without telling anyone. she wants to tell daisy, her long-term friend and partner, but is (rightfully) afraid that daisy’s loyalty to the GOC would make rat basira out 
daisy is a particularly ruthless GOC agent notorious for her involvement in the ichabod campaign, in which she and her team killed upwards of 150 type greens. she only gets more violent after basira’s disappearance, which she and the rest of the GOC mistakenly attributes to some kind of group of interest-involved killing or kidnapping
daisy ends up in foundation custody after a raid gone wrong and is confronted by the miraculously not-dead basira, which is when she begins to question the GOC
melanie is an anartist specializing in video-based anomalies... she meets georgie at an underground awcy gathering and the two start dating. although she started as Just an anartist, she becomes increasingly militant against groups like the foundation and GOC and gets taken into foundation custody after creating an anomaly specifically to fuck with them
georgie and jon were very close friends when jon was snatched up by the foundation, and georgie ended up getting heavily into anomalous stuff afterwards, getting involved with various minor anomalous groups (spent a while on the parawatch forums and the like) for a while before ultimately getting involved with the anart scene, where she met melanie. however it’s pretty much just means to an end, she’s ultimately just looking for any way that she could theoretically break jon out or just find him again and getting involved in anomalous stuff is the clearest path to that she can see. when melanie gets taken as well this gets thrown into overdrive and it essentially becomes her driving purpose
martin eventually deserts the foundation and he and jon escape to the wanderer’s library. they join the serpent’s hand and are fugitives happily ever after
Annabelle Cain Type Green Reality Bender no need to elaborate there
anyway that’s a lot of text. kudos to you for getting this far!
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mushroomjeremy · 1 year
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Made designs for human personification of the SCP Foundation, GOC, and some of their “children” (Sites, MFTs, Projects/Campaigns, & Bases.) Drawing has 9 whole characters in it and took maybe 4 whole months of work give or take.
Everyone in here is from left to right(ish):
Site 1, Site 19, SCP Foundation, Global Occult Coalition, MTF Alpha 1 - Red Right Hand, and Goc’s Base Far Point
Far back right side left to right:
Mendes, Ichabod, and MTF Lambda 2 - Dr. Clef's Bisexual Assassination Squad (they go by Bass for short)
If anyone read Spicy Nuggets/Whiskey Coffee Cakes this is what I had in mind for Foundation’s and Goc’s appearances.
I do have HCs for everyone but I’ll leave that to if people want to know more about whatever weird AU idea I came up for these characters.
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mushroomjeremy · 2 years
Moldy Writing Masterpost
I didn't know a better way to start off showing my writing so I’ll make this masterpost that will update with new writings or delete projects I don't want to finish.
For anyone who doesn't want to see these post the blockable tag is ‘Moldy Writing’
This is the format I will explain the works in
This also included other smaller writings:
Working Title | Shortened Title | Status | Length | Type | Fandom | Description
Any with ‘Working Title’ means it doesn't have a title yet or it will be changed to something else in the future.
Single means I’ll write one chapter but I’m keeping open minded to writing another story that follows the previous writing. One-Shot means I have no intention to continue the story from that point.
Fanfictions :
Two Greens in Hunters' Clothing | Two Greens | Chap 3 In Development | Multi-Chapter with no known end point | Found Family with Timeline/Reality Jumping | SCP | For currently unknown reasons D.C. Al Fine adopts a young Agent Ukulele. With a background of the Ichabod campaign going on as well.
Kingson: Seven Hectic Days | Hectic Days | Chap 9 WIP | 15 Chapters | Angst Couple Fic | SCP | Through a phenomenon excessive to Dr. King called the Narrative causes him to turn into the Scarlet King; Dr. Clef, who has barely survived his own past with a Scarlet King, while having a paranoid breakdown that is ignored by all, notices things he perceives as warning sighs in Everett goes to warn and protect Dr. Edison, King's husband, from ending up as he did decades ago trying to teach Edison the lessons he had to learn the hard way before they meet the same crossroads.
Anomalies on the Run | Anomalies |  Chap 2 WIP | Multi-Chapter, Unknown Amount but has end point | On the Run Ship Fic | SCP | “Clight” slow burn fic where Clef and my SCP 963 Jair Shimmer both breach containment after 70 year and are on the run to reach an anomalous safe zone to live in.
Mini Bite - Part A: Spicy Nuggets | Spicy Nuggets | Done | NSFW One-Shot | SCP/Humanized County-balls | After Goc gets raided by CI, he shamefully goes to Foundation to get information and help. After the Foundation notices how stress the Goc is currently he add an extra unplanned section to help.
Mini Bite - Part B: Whiskey Coffee Cakes | Whiskey Coffee Cakes | Done | One-Shot | Fluff Fic | SCP/Humanized County-balls | Same as Spicy Nuggets above but the plan is drinking coffee cocktails and a lot of kissing.
Mini Bites - Vodka Shots | Vodka Shots | NSFW One-Shot | SCP | Next propaganda fic about humanized SCP x GOC. This one they are have a drinking contest.
Seamounts & Scarlet Kings | Seamounts | Chap 2 WIP | Many many Chapters | Cross-over mash of 6-7 plots | SCP/Dungeon & Dragons/PlanarScape | A crossover where SCP-verse getting sucked though a portal into PlanarScape and wider worlds of DnD. This one deals with various group and GoI that deal with the Scarlet King all with there own plot the sometimes connect back into one another there are currently. : Main Scarlet King where he is trying to get back his “wives” by starting a war with the whole sphere of DnD, Daevites plot where the remaining Swords of Daeva have to come together to establish a settlement in planarscape to help with the Scarlet Kings war efforts, Children of the Scarlet King plot where they are racing with the Foundations to get who can find the most leviathans over the other, a side b to the Cotsk’s plot is Robert Montauk helping his brother Jacob/ SCP-3554-A find the other kids/instances, and then a side c where Montauk is trying to cause Clef to go into madness, there a CMA plot where they are this evangelical raiding band to get recourse for the daevite settlement, and finally the last plot I’ve called Bitch Plot where its about Lily waking up if people some how really wants her to show up. There’s more plots now I need to do back and fix this later.
Anomalous Omegaverse Hell - Clef Edition | Omega Hell | WIP | Single | NSFW A/B/O | SCP | Just some pure cursed content with A Major System and Alpha/Beta/Omega. Don’t mind me.
Working Title: Smoke | * | Pause | Single | NSFW | SCP | Pwp with A Major and my SCP 963 rewrite Jair Shimmer. They smoke a fictional drug.
Mini Bites - Cherry Chocolate | Cherry Chocolate | Pause | WIP | NSFW One-Shot | SCP | A SCP 173 x Clef fic that taken place in an AU where every anomaly is “mostly” human. This is so AUed that I would even say that it is Freeform in nature.
Mini Bites - Whiskey Truffles | Whiskey Truffles | Pause | WIP | SFW One-Shot | SCP | One-Shot about my version of the Administrator with one of my Dr. Wondertainments. Self-indulgent as this is my rare-pair.
Mini Bites - Irish Cream Waffle Cones | Waffle Cones | SFW One-Shot, Seven Minutes in Heaven Closet Fic | SCP | Agent Ukulele and Agent Shard get locked and forgotten about in an empty utility closest. Ukulele is shit at words and feelings. Takes place in my Split AU.
Mini Bites - Spicy Noodles | Spicy Noodles | Pause | WIP | NSFW A/B/O One-Shot | SCP | It’s Clefdraki and that's all I’m giving.
Dark Moon Dance | Dance | Pause | WIP | Single | AU Self Indulgent Fix - It | Dungeon & Dragons/Forgotten Realms |  A story of ex-lovers coming together at a dance festival hosted by Eilistraee. So much to explain yet few sentences between the two.
 SCP -  Α Β Ω  Omega Virus | Omega Virus | WIP |  Multi-Chapter, Unknown Amount | Horror A/B/O | SCP | A slightly fix-it Robert Montauk returns to the Foundation adamant that he has been mind controlled. When a mysterious virus shows up and shows sighs of being an STD as it appear sexually transmutable, however not entirely just that. Montauk get spared from death if he uses his obsessive and moral-less personality traits to help research it. Also just an excuse for me to writing about my full Greek alphabet Omegaverse.
 Fusions | None | WIP | Multi-Chapter, 0/3 Done | IDK | SCP | Short stories that will go with some fusion designs of the SCP doctors.
Family of Bluee | * | Pause | Single | Family Reunion | SCP | Mr. Redd goes to talk to his family.
Mother of Blue, Son of Green, Family of Red | Mother of Blue | Pause | Multi-Chapter, Unknown Amount but has end point | Self-indulgent Family Reunion | SCP | I just wanted to write about Lady Agora and Clef interacting. That was all. There’s no other plot but that.
DND Flavor Text:
Elemental Plane of Smoke - WIP - Currently filling in Biomes (need basic ideas for how each one would look like being near current other elemental planes)
Colothys - WIP - Currently filling in Inhabitants (a few NPCs I have)
Vanishing Tower - Currently Filling in Biomes (Indoor Floors of the Tower, currently Floor 2 out of 10)
Ellaniath-Svartalfheim - Currently Filling in Events
Hidden Shadow/AU-ed Vhaeraun - Currently Filling in Relations with Races (with Drow specifically)
Black Dragons- Currently Filling in Personality (on average)
Dragoth Mistbasalt III - Personal NPC - Filling out History
Pinata Court - An AU of Viva Pinata where I’m writing my own version of journal entries - Currently working on Mothdrop (Residential Requirements)
Pokemon Eatillity - Large Doc of me going on and on about if a Pokemon can be eaten and how or if it has anything to help get more food. - There a few different one I haven't finish and I could always add another Pokemon
I have a lot of things dealing with an SCP/DnD crossover with giving SCP Stat blocks, long flavor text, as well as mechanics to add to DnD games. I can work on any of these.
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mushroomjeremy · 5 months
Hey another writing piece done. I was closer to the end of many of my projects than I had originally knew.
Chapter 2 of Two Greens in Hunters' Clothing
A story about Agent Ukulele and D.C. al Fine forming a found family while in the Ichabod campaign.
Ukulele's team failed to terminate a Type Green as it got away. In a shame they head back to the nearest headquarters to report the incident. Ukulele forget his age on Goc papers and outs his real age. Arguments ensue.
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mundanemiseries · 2 years
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Aleph is typically someone who appears unfazed by a lot and for the most part he is. Being raised in an environment that broke conventional assumptions of “normality” meant the Reaper’s Game was just another thing to him. 
A game where he had to fight for the right to live again, why not? Reapers? Not the strangest thing he’s heard of. Psychs? He's been able to literally manipulate reality to his will since childhood.
Even upon attaining Composerdom, not much really surprises him, the knowledge that other iterations of this world exist? He’s been aware of the Wanderers Library and the Ways since the days of the Ichabod Campaign.
There...there were two things that truly kept him on guard still: the GOC and the Higher Plane.
He had lost his life to the GOC and the Ichabod Campaign. In the decades since he’s heard of and he’s seen their endless war against the anomalous. He knows if they ever learn of him, of the UG and the Game, they’d most likely come for him and if they took him down well....
 His beloved safe haven for the anomalous would likely crumble after him.
As for the Angels and the Higher Plane...he’s been at odds with them ever since he ascended to Shibuya’s throne. They never liked him or his beliefs, his open disregard for the veil. The Angels never approved, God almost certainly didn’t either. 
And while he’s willing to stand his ground come hell or high water, it scared him. Would there come a point where they stop tolerating him and his methods? Would they send somebody else, an Angel perhaps to overthrow him and bring the city in line with their vision?
If that day did come though, he’s absolutely willing and ready to fight for his beliefs, for the city he’s built up and he dearly hopes it’s a fight he can win.
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