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nipchipcookies · 1 year ago
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monke dying in a glue trap 😭
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sirensea14 · 3 months ago
Mother's love
"Mother knows best."
-Mother Gothel
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Or is it really love?
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camelots-daffodil · 5 days ago
I couldn't go to sleep until I had written this outline. It's yours now, I don't want it.
Merlin – a young Welsh backpacker who is the freshest hire on the biggest canola farm in Australia. After he got arrested at a climate protest, his mum packed him off to stay with her relation and out of trouble. Said relation is…
Dr. Gaius – Head of Operations at Camelot. One Wednesday morning, Merlin turns up his doorstep and promptly starts to make his vast workload look easy compared to managing a strong-willed teenager. He left Wales decades ago to seek work and has been with Camelot Enterprises since it was only a hundred hectares. He has a tenuous but longstanding friendship with…
Uther Pendragon – fabulously wealthy owner of Camelot Enterprises. 20 years ago, he was found guilty of using toxic pesticides in a scandalous trial, but his wife died in childbirth shortly after and her estate allowed him to pay his fines with plenty left over to continue doing as he please. Lately, that includes chipping away at the national park that borders his property. Now that he’s getting older, he’s hoping that his business will be taken over by…
Arthur Pendragon – Co-Administrative Assistant at Camelot Enterprises. A recently returned graduate of Knox Grammar School. Though he’s feeling the pressure from his dad, he currently spends most of his time mucking about with his regularly visiting school chums and sending snarky text messages back and forth with…
Morgana Gorlois – primed to be CEO of a rival canola farm after the death of her father, until the Gorlois property was unexpectedly acquired by Camelot Enterprises. However, she retains a level of influence as a Co-Administrative Assistant. She and Arthur grew up together, but she’s being forced to reconsider her relationship with him as he becomes her professional rival. His desire not to rock the boat regarding his father’s agricultural practices up against her keen environmentalism is a source of friction too. Luckily, Morgana can talk everything over with her beloved friend, the Deputy Employment Supervisor. . .
Gwen Smith – Deputy Employment Supervisor and right-hand woman to Morgana Gorlois. Gwen is a brilliant young woman who is quickly rising through the ranks, but she likes being DES because she can have her ear to the ground whilst keeping her eyes on the sky. As a born-and-bred local, she’s seen the damage unsustainable farming practices cause but she also reckons that making meaningful change at Camelot is going to require playing the long game. However, both Morgana and Gwen’s new employee- a young Welshman who hears “Cheers, big ears” every time he goes to the pub- are inclined to take a more direct path.
When Merlin saves Arthur from a runawawy John Deere, Uther makes him Arthur’s personal assistant and unknowingly sets his business on a course that none of them could see coming…
Coming to a fanfiction website near you.
STOP IT HAHAHAHA I LOVE YOU. Not Knox 😭😭 EW that’s so funny. Gwen knows her sustainable crop rotations- Ag science BADDIE
Arthur making Merlin do the stupidest little jobs for the sake of data and research (getting rid of him) like counting fucking canola seeds to determine time for windrowing (I’ve been personally victimised by this).
Merlins there for punishment and in his shitty accom he meets Gwaine and Lancelot who are doing their 88 days for their visas LMAO it’s all coming together
Arthur drinks bundy cans. I don’t make the rules he’s the type. Except when he’s at home then he sips his dad’s whiskey.
WAGGA WAGGA ROMANTICS EVERYBODY (statistically the Riverina produces the most canola in NSW so this actually fits too hahaha)
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hag-o-hags · 14 days ago
I like teaching but everything so often I still have to go into the walk-in and scream a little Because Boulder
iodized salt does not have 'weird additives' jesus fuck goddamn
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paint-n-thinner · 1 year ago
back from the dead to say that the new inky mystery chapter is making me insane ohohohhhHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA
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miss-umman-manda · 1 year ago
So apparently the “oil and vinegar” at subway is like 90% canola oil. wtf who even uses canola oil in that context
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fiercestpurpose · 2 years ago
Puppy loves shredding paper and cardboard. This is bad because puppy will acquire his own paper and cardboard, from places we do not want him to (the trash, the bathroom, things we are using, etc.). However, tearing up cardboard is not by itself a harmful thing - he doesn’t seem to ingest it, just to shred it and leave it. So it might be good for me to give him some cardboard and let him shred it, to get his destructive energy out. But I am unsure how to give him cardboard without him thinking that all cardboard is okay to consume. How do I mark the difference between things I give him (okay) and things he gets for himself (not okay)? Until I can answer that, I should probably not give him any cardboard, just so that he gets it in his head that cardboard generally is off-limits.
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eggpea · 9 months ago
looking for a recipe that includes thinly sliced beef and its not going well
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bakrahispul · 2 months ago
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To find a lover so swift with the tongue and swifter with his guile was an uncommon presence in these woods. The peaceful nature and serenity among peers can leave lacking in room for taste. It was not that any other partner was boring to Halsin - but that something new and exciting delved through the monotony like the very dagger sheathed on Astarion's hip. Love and lust can dance freely as the wind blows, but there will always be an individual to curve their motions around them at any moment.
Now seated upon that lustful throne, Astarion had a full view of his meal. Unraveling and exposing their bodies to the cozy mountain air was not a problem when the vampire had his own personal heater right below him. Pale, supple skin met strong, taught flesh. Smooth, effortless surfaces set upon wiry, cushioned hair. The druid's body was the very antithesis of the high elf's peak beauty.
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"The scene replays amidst my dreams. It's a comfortable aide for my slumber. Though, I'll have a new memory to reflect upon if that rear will let me." Halsin teased, his charm staying ever-ready to strike.
The brief flash of cold that made contact with him was still a surprise. Thoughts wandered to a corpse and their lifeless, cold frames - yet right before him was a sassy, devious creature whose idea of fun involved a bit of pleasure through carnage. Yet again he had to allay his fears: Astarion is alive as he could ever be, and that was what mattered. Delusion suited Halsin's thoughts more. Undead could not be this attractive, right?
Right on cue, his heated prick stood to attention. Riding up against those elven buns, the girth seemed to fit perfectly in that crevasse, 'hotdogging' it if one would until the casual bucks of the druid ran tension and heat across every inch of Astarion's rear. Reckless, that spattering of pre served to line and lubricate, though it would not do good for actual penetration. It still didn't stop Halsin from lining his manhood in a prime, glistening coat.
With his left arm reaching out, a fickle green glow entwined upon Halsin's bicep. The shuffling of leaves revealed the vines retrieving a speck of nature's flora: Canola. Balled into his palms, Halsin blew gently upon the crushed crop, sizzling it with mild, magical heat.
Astarion's sights were rewarded with a drizzle of golden fluid cascading down the druid's arm. Deep and coloured like the leaf of a sunflower, the ambrosial fluid was put to use as he watched Halsin's hands reach behind him, stroking softly before the wet plap of his sex struck that perky rear.
"I was going to go as dry as a desert, but then I realized that pleasure should overcome pain first." Halsin chuckled, priming his entry.
The poor man could not be any more wrong, but he had yet to learn soon enough.
The excess was left for Astarion's shaft, encompassing his member in those powerful palms like it was its very own orifice. fingers lined themselves up to the ridge, while the thumb coiled right at the base before the sensual shift stimulated the flesh, stroking...stroking.
"Claim your throne, now. I want to see how much it can take."
With a piercing gaze, the druid kept his unbridled hunger in check: ever the gentleman, he gave Astarion the first motion before he let himself loose.
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“I’m surprised you claimed to love me so swiftly.” Astarion’s smile was all bite and seduction– charming, boyish, and as roguish as a dagger sunk between ribs.
In life, a shift like this, Halsin upending the ground beneath him, pulling Astarion on top, the firm wheel of strength giving way to surrender, would have stolen the breath clean out of his lungs, left him gasping. In death, he only mimicked it, gave himself to the moment, the slow burn of a stare that ate away at him like the flame did to a scented candle. Halsin’s eyes, all heat and intent, were a marauder’s gaze. Somewhere beneath the surface, instinct bared its teeth— Astarion wanted to drink him down, to soak himself in blood and flesh and something far more ruinous, ten times more maddening than mere lust. But that other part, the sentimental one, wanted only to choke on this particular brand of poison. Addiction, sentiment, whatever you’d like to call it. A tether that pulled them together, ball and chain, man and beast.
The opposites of a magnet snapping into contact.
“Inside me?” He laughed, low and rich, tongue sweeping the seam of Halsin’s lips, as if toying with the very shape of the elf’s restraint, pulling it by the strings a little and watching it snap. “It’s not like how you’d imagine, you know? Mortals… so soft, so predictable. Doing it to a vampire though?” A drawl, a slurred hum, fingers combing through Halsin’s hair, pale and spider-like until they curled into a cruel tug, strong enough to tilt the elf's chin, force his face up. “It’s colder inside,” Astarion’s confession twisted into provocation. “But you can keep it warm if you thrust long and hard… Do you still remember what it was like? That night. When I was inside you…” Nearing his mouth to Halsin’s jaw cut off speech in favour of a kiss that dragged itself from that very tender spot to the supple skin of the druid’s exposed neck.
There were not many men like Halsin in the world, steady, firm, resolute, and fewer still who even dreamed of submitting.
But when he did, Astarion made an addict of him. And oh, how he loved that high.
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moonchild9350 · 5 months ago
A Little Sugar Goes a Long Way
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Summary: you’re in need of some sugar and go to see if your neighbor Hyunjin can lend you some.
Pairing: Hyunjin x fab reader
Genre: strangers to lovers au, smut-18+MDNI
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: teasing, filthy kissing, oral sex ( m and f receiving), masturbation, nipple play, pussy slapping, cum swallowing, cum tasting, cum swapping, unprotected sex (don’t), squirting, creampie
Notes: a little break from my spooktober fics. I just can’t get enough of hyunjin. spooktober will resume tomorrow!
If you enjoyed, please consider a like, comment, reblog as it keeps me motivated!
Please do not copy, translate, modify, use, or repost this work elsewhere without my permission. ©moonchild9350 (2024)
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“Flour, butter, baking powder, milk, salt, canola oil, sugar…”
You frantically looked through your cabinets, looking for the white sack that was needed to complete your recipe. You searched everywhere, but couldn’t find any, panic slowly setting in.
“Shit,” you muttered under your breath, slamming the last cabinet shut.
You were in the process of baking a cake for your friend’s birthday party tomorrow and you were missing the star ingredient. You really didn’t feel like going to the store, having to battle the crowd shopping for their own needs, being shoved this way and that as you tried to get to the aisle you needed.
You crossed your arms and tapped your foot, thinking how you could obtain the sugar. You could have it dropped to your house, but that could take longer than necessary, and plus the delivery fee was bound to be more than the cost of the sugar itself, not to mention having to tip the driver.
You were lost in thought, the idea of going to the store becoming more realistic with each passing second. Right as you decided on your decision, you remembered your neighbor Hyunjin. He recently moved in, but usually keeps to himself, with you only seeing each other in passing when you’re both on your way to work.
You could see if he had some sugar, just enough for your recipe. Making your way to your door, you slid into some shoes and grabbed your keys, leaving to go next door. It was a nice day, the sun shining, no clouds in sight. You made your way down the sidewalk and over to Hyunjin’s house, walking up the steps to his door.
Taking a breath, you rapped your knuckles on the door three times and quickly dropped your hand to wait. A minute passed and then two, with no one answering the door. You were about to turn around to return home, assuming he was out when the door swung open, a disheveled Hyunjin on the other side.
“Oh, hi,” you said, turning to face Hyunjin as you took him in. He was wearing a pair of sweats and a t-shirt splattered with different colors, and his hair up in a ponytail. You forgot how easy he was on the eyes.
He looked at you for a moment, his eyes wide as he tried to place where he knew you from. It was starting to get a little awkward until there was recognition in the brown orbs, a smile gracing his face, his dimples appearing.
“Y/n!” He exclaimed, clapping his hands together. “What are you doing here?”
“Sorry to bother you, but I um…ran out of sugar and I’m baking a cake and…” you paused for a moment and rocked back and forth on your heels. Why were you nervous?
Taking a breath you continued, “And I was wondering if I could use some sugar?”
“Oh? Of course! Come in, I’ll get you some.”
You followed Hyunjin, stepping over the threshold into his home. As you followed Hyunjin to the kitchen, your eyes wandered from room to room, taking in the simplicity of it all. It was surprisingly clean, not what you expected of him.
Once in the kitchen, you stopped by the counter and watched as he opened a cabinet, pulling out the white sac containing the ingredient you needed.
“How much do you need?” Hyunjin inquired.
“One and a half cups please,” you replied.
Hyunjin hummed and grabbed a small bag to place the sugar in. You watched as he delicately opened the bag, his fingers curling around the edge of the rim, pulling it open. Your mind couldn’t help but wander, thinking of how those fingers would feel trailing down your body, touching you where you were throbbing in between your legs.
You watched as he gripped the bag and tipped it over, measuring out the amount you needed. His veins were prominent, his muscles flexed and bulging. You shook your head, ashamed of your staring, he’s your neighbor after all.
While he finished up, you could hear the faint sound of music drifting through the house. You listened closely, familiarity dawning on you at the tune.
“Is that The Paper Kites?” You asked, a smile forming on your face.
Hyunjin looked up from his task with a look of surprise. “You know them?” He asked smiling.
“Mmhmm,” you responded, “I love them.”
Hyunjin closed the bag of sugar and set it aside, then handed you the little baggy he prepared for you.
“Not many people know them,” he said, “I was listening to them while I paint.”
“I didn’t know you painted.” You looked at the man in front of you with curiosity. You found yourself wanting to know more about him. He smiled and then looked down, pushing a strand of hair out of his face.
“I do,” he said, “would you like to see what I’m working on?”
“Absolutely,” you said with a smile. You set your bag of sugar down before following Hyunjin further into his house. The music became a little louder, the folk tune permeating the air the closer you got to where he paints.
Hyunjin gestured you inside a room, bowing slightly as you passed. You giggled at his chivalry, fascinated with this strange man.
Once inside, you stopped, taking in the room. It had the feel of organized chaos, sketch books and canvases littering the corners. Some canvases were blank, not yet graced with a story while others were covered in intricate, abstract designs.
In front of a large window, Hyunjin had set up shop. An easel with a large canvas perched on top sat in front of a large window, the view consisting of the expanse of trees. A little stool was present, where he created his stories little by little.
“Come, come,” Hyunjin said, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You followed him over to the canvas and gasped in awe at the picture in front of you. The picture was breathtaking, the swirls of colors blending in to create a beautiful scene. The people were drawn to embrace, the outlines of their bodies fading into the stormy background.
“It’s still a work in progress, but…yeah,” Hyunjin said.
He watched your face as you looked over his painting, your eyes roaming over each figure, each detail, analyzing his work with thoughtful eyes. You were beautiful in that moment, the sun’s rays trying to peak through the curtains he had over the window, illuminating your face and causing it to glow.
His eyes drifted to your lips, as you lightly bit them in contemplation, the flesh blanching briefly before blood flow returned, causing your lips to take a rosey tint once more.
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered, not wanting to disturb the calm atmosphere, your eyes searching out his.
“Thank you,” Hyunjin replied, rocking back and forth on his feet.
You both stood there in silence, neither one of you knowing what to say, the music continuing to play in the background, soft and sweet.
It doesn’t begin right away, the feeling of want. It starts softly, gently, with the beating of your heart, slowly increasing to where it feels like it will jump out of your chest. The feeling moves lower until it reaches your core, a pulsing ache in this serene moment.
There’s a shift in the air, a change. What once was calm and friendly, turns into something charged and electric, almost as if the feelings between you two are now palpable, drifting through, lightly touching and caressing your skin.
Hyunjin is nervous, never having had a beautiful girl in his home, yet alone in his most sacred space. He stands there watching, waiting, as the tension grows, the feeling growing into something large, taking over his body. He feels his cock twitch within the confines of his sweats as he watches you breathe in and out, your breasts heaving with each breath.
He’s unsure of what to say, but wonders what you will do if he leans in and presses his lips to yours, feels the softness against his own. He finds himself drifting closer to you, one step at a time, his eyes never leaving yours. He’s never felt this desire before, not with any of the few encounters he’s had. He’s nervous and scared, hoping this doesn’t backfire on him, hoping you’ll accept him.
You watch as Hyunjin walks toward you, that look in his eyes as if he’s hunting his prey, yet also with a hint of fear. He’s probably nervous of what you will do if he reaches out, touches you, caresses you. He need not worry, as you begin to move toward him, meeting him half way.
Your dripping, your arousal leaking into your panties, the wetness soaking the material through. You watch as he looks at your lips and then your eyes as if he’s seeking permission.
With a slight nod of your head, he lightly grasps your face and leans down, his breath shaky until his lips meet yours. It’s just flesh against flesh at first, both of you savoring the feel of each other, the softness of your lips pressed together.
But then it changes, as Hyunjin moves his lips against yours, softly, gently, as he pulls you closer. It goes on for a few moments more before turning more hungry, more needy as the kiss becomes more heated.
He nips your bottom lip causing you to sigh, his tongue sliding in against yours at the newfound opportunity. The kiss continues to grow more passionate, more desperate as you both take each other in, needing to be closer to each other in this moment.
You pull away out of breath, Hyunjin chasing after your lips, a whine escaping with the motion. You grin and lick your lips, before pushing him backwards, slowly, one step after the other, until his legs hit his stool, causing him to collapse onto the seat.
He stares at you with wide eyes, his chest rising and falling, watch as you sink to your knees. He can’t believe his luck, not thinking his day would take this turn.
You run your hands over his thighs, rubbing them through his pants, inching higher and higher with each repetition, getting closer to the bulge that’s forming, slowly filling out his sweats. You see a wet spot forming, causing you to smile.
You continue your assault, before reaching his covered cock, placing your hand over the hard appendage. You listen to him gasp, his eyes hooded as he gazes at you. He’s hard, unbelievably so beneath your hand. You give his cock a squeeze and shift closer so you can place your hands within the confines of his waistband.
You pull his sweats down, Hyunjin helping you by lifting his hips so you can rid him of the accursed item. You noticed he wasn’t wearing boxers, his cock slapping his belly once his sweats were out of the way.
You smirked at the information, “you naughty boy,” you cooed, as you tossed his pants away.
Hyunjin gulped at your teasing. He was turned on, as you touched him, teased him, your fingertips dancing on his skin. You touch him everywhere but where he wants it most, his pelvis becoming sticky with each passing moment as his pre-cum steadily leaks from the tip. His cock twitches whenever you move, hoping in anticipation that you’ll touch him there or even better wrap your pretty lips around his cock.
You can tell he’s at his wits end, wanting you to touch him. He’s being good for you, you notice as he sits still, clenching and unclenching his fists. You decide maybe it’s time to reward him, soothe the ache you know he’s feeling.
You clench your thighs together before leaning down to press a kiss to his tip, as Hyunjin moans above you. You press kiss after kiss on the tip, the shaft, all the way back up before taking the head between your lips. You began to suckle, your tongue darting out every now and then to press against his slit.
Hyunjin is a mess, as you take him in, the feeling of your wet, hot mouth on his cock better than anything of his wildest dreams. He, however, grips your hair and lets out the loudest moan as your mouth descends further, taking him to the hilt, his cock kissing the back of his throat.
He takes a deep breath, and then another one, willing to calm himself down and not blow his load too soon. He gazes down at you, the beautiful sight of your mouth on his cock, the spit that’s dribbling out, helping with the slide.
He’s in love with the sounds you make, the little moans that you let out, the vibration causing his cock to twitch. He’s close, embarrassingly so.
You can tell Hyunjin is close as he grips your hair harder, pushes your head down more forcefully, as you take him in again and again. Your pussy quivers in need with each twitch of his cock, your mind wandering, needing him in you.
You grasp his thighs and continue to blow him, never slowing down. It’s a messy, sloppy affair, as your spit dribbles down his shaft and into the pubic hair around his cock. You moan as he presses your head down one more time and he cums with a loud groan, rope after rope of hot cum hitting the back of your throat, flooding your mouth with the salty fluid.
After a moment, Hyunjin releases your head and you sit up, your mouth full of cum. You look him in the eyes before you swallow, Hyunjin letting out a whimper as you do so.
He watches you as he comes down from his high, watches as you stand up and back away towards the little couch he keeps in his studio. He watches as you raise the shirt over your head, a black lacy bra on display. He watches as you unclasp the bra, your pillowy tits popping out, nipples hardened and prominent. He watches as you slid your leggings and panties down your legs, a string of your arousal dripping from your soaking pussy and onto your ruined panties.
Hyunjin unconsciously licks his lips, wanting to attach them to your soaked lips in front of his view. He nearly topples over as you sit down and lean back, spreading your legs wide, your pussy on display. He nearly chokes when you spread your lips, a ‘shlick’ echoing throughout the room from your wetness.
You’re wet, unbelievably so, and you know Hyunjin loves it. You watch him as you reach your fingers down, the digits landing on your pussy. You dip them into your heat, gathering up your arousal before bringing them to your clit. You swirl them around the bud, sighs leaving your lips as you apply a little more pressure. You continue to pleasure yourself until Hyunjin jumps up, tosses his shirt off, and all but practically runs to you, dropping to his knees as he whines.
He pulls you to the edge of the couch as buries his face in your pussy, causing you to squeal at the sudden intrusion. He darts his tongue out to lick a stripe from your entrance to your clit, before sucking the bud between his plush lips. He takes you in with no mercy, grasps you tighter, harder as he eats you out like a man starved.
Your hands fly to his hair, grasping the strands as he sticks his tongue into your wet heat, fucking your walls with the muscle. You cry out as he massages you, pushing him further into your sopping pussy as his nose brushes against your clit, the stimulation causing shivers to run down your spine.
You feel on fire, warmth expanding and spreading throughout your body, your toes curling, as he makes out with your delicate flower. Your moans increase in intensity, your voice rings out as you let go, releasing your arousal all over Hyunjin’s face. He steadily drinks you in, lapping up every drop as it gushing from your core.
Hyunjin groans as he tastes you, as he becomes obsessed with how you spill on his tongue. He doesn’t let up, not for a moment, even when you squirm and mewl in overstimulation. He revels in how you grip his hair, how the pain shoots through him with each tug, the sensation traveling to his cock, causing it to harden even further.
He finally pulls away, his face smothered in your arousal, the fluid glistening on his lips, his chin, his nose. He swipes his tongue over his bottom lip, savoring the taste of you as he watches you, watches your tits rise and fall with each breath, the look of infatuation on your face. He doesn’t wipe the rest of his face, no, he wants you to taste yourself on him, so you can savor the taste just as he did.
You watch as Hyunjin stands, and strokes his cock, wet sounds permeating the air with each pass. He shuffles closer to you, cock in hand as he gazes at your pussy, watching as it clenches over nothing, your cream oozing out, down your ass and onto his couch below.
He pulls his eyes away and looks into yours before asking “can I?”
You smile at him and beckon him forward, holding your legs open in invitation. He steps forward and taps your pussy with his cock, causing you both to moan at the sound, how wet you are for him, this man you’ve just met.
You sigh as he runs his cock through your folds before his tip catches at your entrance. He slowly pushes his cock in, your walls accommodating to the stretch. Inch by inch he pushes, until his cock is sheathed fully within you, snug within your walls. He stills and looks down at you, his eyes full of lust. You both breathe in tandem until you signal for him to move.
Hyunjin feels at home, sheathed between your warmth, as if his cock was made to be buried within your walls. He takes a deep breath and with your ok slides his cock out until the tip is almost out before sliding back in. He thrusts again and again before speeding up, the feeling of ecstasy spreading throughout his body.
You both are a mess as you both moan and clutch onto each other more, trying to get as close as possible as he thrusts his cock within you. You play with his ponytail, your fingers running through the strands as Hyunjin buries his face in your neck, letting out a whine.
He’s desperate for your pussy, his mind a jumbled mess as you suck him in over and over. He’s desperate in the sound it makes, talking back to him with each glide. He sits up so he can look, watch his cock stretch your walls and what he’s met with almost makes him blow his load.
His cock is coated in white, coated in your arousal. He’s in a trance as he watches his pelvis meet yours, your cream coating the hair donning his pelvis, the ‘shlick’ sound it makes as he withdraws. He’s in disbelief as your little hole stretches around his cock, his ego soaring that you take him so well.
He snaps out of his trance when he watches you reach down, your fingers playing with your clit, smearing your arousal around. He watches as you mewl, your other hand coming up to play with your tits, pinching, grasping, massaging the flesh.
He feels his cock swell with each passing moment, feels it twitch each time you clench down on him. He looks into your eyes and mutters the words that leads to both of your undoings.
“Cum with me princess.”
You squirt all over his cock, your release covering his cock, coating your thighs and drips down your ass. You moan out as Hyunjin stills, his cock twitching within, his cum painting your walls white. He fills you, thrusting a few more times for good measure before withdrawing his cock.
You watch as he kneels down once more and licks up both of your release, making sure not to leave a drop before standing up and connecting your lips with his. He pushes his cum mixed with your slick onto your tongue, as he groans deeply.
Hyunjin pulls back and stares at you, “go ahead and swallow princess,” he coos.
You do as you’re told, the mixture of salty with a bit of sweet sliding down your throat. You open your mouth afterwards, Hyunjin smiling.
“Wait here,” he mutters before grabbing his sweats and pulling them on.
You watch as he leaves the room. You didn’t have to wait long, as he comes back with a towel to clean you up. He’s soft and gentle, ensuring to clean every sticky drop up before helping you sit up.
You grin as he helps you get dressed before he sits on the ground, placing his head in your lap.
You smile down at your neighbor, cradling his face. His eyes say it all, will he see you again, will he get to feel you again. You reassure him with a look of your own, not wanting to disturb the silence of the moment.
You’re glad you didn’t go to the store to get the ingredient you needed, happy you decided to trust your neighbor to have it in his home. After all, a little sugar can go a long way.
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Taglist: @jehhskz @jeonginsleftcheek @simpforleeknaur @armystay89 @palindrome969 @slut4hee @ivydoesit23 @amarecerasus @kaysungshine @fun-fanfics @baby-stay92 @velvetmoonlght
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teaboot · 1 year ago
You recently mentioned not to use oil based lube on a silicone toy, as it could become porous, but what about crisco/lard (for anal only, of course)? The internet doesn't yield much conclusive answers...
Thank u for your service Σ:3
You already kinda said it at the tip, but I wanna make it extra clear:
Now to answer your other question:
I don't recommend using household products such as crisco, lard, coconut oil, canola oil, or olive oil for any penetrative activities unless you have no other option available.
For skin-on-skin or glass/metal toy anal sex, it's not the worst thing you can do, but it can lead to infections, odours, and allergic reactions. I won't say DON'T, because almost any lubricant is better than no lubricant when it comes to anal, but absolutely don't go for it as your first choice.
A lot of the arguments FOR using oily lubes are these:
"It lasts longer than water-based lube!" (Yeah, because your body absorbs the water out of water-based lubes- add a bit of water when it starts to get tacky and it'll slick right back up.)
"I have bad reactions to water-based lubes!" (A lot of drug store brand water lubes are full of harsh ingredients that react badly on sensitive skin. My favourite brand of water-based lube is Water Slide. It's one of the cheaper specialty lubes, you can buy it online, and after years of stocking it I've never heard of a bad reaction.)
"We aren't using condoms or non-glass/metal toys so we're using it to last longer!" (This is fine, and oil-based lubes are graded for this purpose so they aren't as iffy as kitchen products, but if you want options, you can consider silicone lube. It's a bit pricier, but WAY outlasts oil.)
TL/DR: You probably won't die if you use crisco/lard/olive oil/coconut oil etc. for anal sex, but it will break condoms, and your specific individual body may not like it as much as actual lube.
Important disclaimer, though: I am not a medical professional, and I've only been peddling for about four years or so now. Happily welcoming any credible corrections or additions!
Awesome question, thank you for asking!!!
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mortiskiller · 5 months ago
How I Manage Food Costs as a Feedist
Preface: I often see people in this community post about struggling with food insecurity and managing food costs. These are just some tips that have helped me when I was down to the last few dollars and needed to eat for a few weeks. I understand circumstances are different for everyone, and some people struggle even with this level of food security, I have been there. My intention is to help.
With food prices still high—often due to profit gouging—I’ve found ways to manage my food budget, and the secret is simple: **eat at home!** Growing up in extreme poverty with two working parents, eating at home was pretty much our only option, aside from takeout once every few months. My parents taught me the value of home cooking, and while it takes time to develop essential skills, Making sauces, learning how to prep and clean ingredients, cooking veggies, preparing meats, etc., once you have them, there’s a whole world of recipes within reach.
Here’s how I manage food costs, and how you can too:
1. Weekly/Monthly Shopping Essentials
Start with the basics—items you’ll need to shop for regularly to cover your meals for a week or two. Building a pantry depends on the storage space you have, but here are some key ingredients to keep on hand:
- Milk (1 to 2 gallons, depending on your choice—I go with 1%)
- Eggs (18 count)
- Bread (1 loaf) (I also recommend tortillas as they last longer than bread and can be used for nearly any bread needs)
- Rolls or Croissants (If you shop at a bulk store, you can get a dozen for $6.)
- Fruits: Change with the season, but apples, oranges, and grapes are solid year-round choices. In the summer, throw in some berries and stone fruit.
- Veggies for Prep: Stick to simple, versatile veggies like green bell peppers, zucchini, onions, potatoes, and chilies.
- Butter: Unsalted sweet cream butter is my favorite! Go for sticks instead of tubs for a better per-unit cost.
- Leafy Greens: A bag of spinach or romaine hearts
- Cheese: Shredded cheese works best and if you want to save more, buy a block and slice or shred it yourself.
These staples give you a variety of flavors, textures, and nutrition to build meals around, whether you’re whipping up sides, salads, or more complex dishes.
2. Protein, Protein, Protein!
Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, but you don’t need to overdo it or overspend. I’ve found that chicken and tofu are some of the most affordable and versatile protein sources available (unless you’re hunting your own!). Both freeze well and can be used in a variety of recipes with different seasonings and marinades.
You can also look at beef, but stick to lean beef and fish as you do not want to pay for fat that will not end up in your food.
3. Shelf-Stable Items to Buy in Bulk
Buying in bulk can be a game changer, especially if you stock up on shelf-stable items. If you’re short on storage space, invest in an airtight tote to keep things organized. Start with common essentials like:
- Flour (Good ole AP with cover you most of the time)
- Sugar
- Baking Powder
- Baking Soda
- Brown Sugar
- Cooking Oil (I go for olive oil and canola oil)
These staples are the foundation of countless recipes and, when stored properly, can last for months or even a year.
4. Season Early, Season Often
Spices are what make food magical! You don’t need fancy brands—stick with basics that offer single-ingredient profiles. My go-to spices are:
- Salt
- Pepper
- Garlic Powder
- Onion Powder
- Thyme
- Oregano
- Paprika
- Cumin
- Cinnamon
- Chili Powder
- Vanilla Extract
- Bouillon Cubes
- Red Pepper Flakes
These spices will give you all the flavor you need to create a variety of meals without breaking the bank.
5. Canned Goods: The Unsung Hero
Canned goods are a staple in my kitchen. They offer consistent quality, low prices, and a long shelf life. Plus, they’re great for backup when fresh ingredients are low. Some key canned items to keep on hand are:
- Pinto Beans
- Crushed Tomatoes
- Tomato Paste
- Tomato Sauce
- Boiled White Potatoes
- Herring or Sardines
- Tuna
- Fruit Cocktail
- Peaches
- Pears
- Broth or Stock
These ingredients can help you create filling and versatile meals on a budget.
6. Where You Shop Matters
The store you shop at can make a huge difference in food prices. Here’s how to stretch your budget even further:
Bulk Stores: Invest in a membership at places like Sam’s Club, Costco, or BJ’s. The $100 yearly fee is usually paid for in savings after just a few trips. Protein, especially beef and fish, is almost always cheaper in bulk stores.
Walmart and Aldi: These stores are great for extras like frozen veggies, fresh produce, dairy items, and baked goods. Their prices are hard to beat!
Hope this helps and feel free to reblog or comment with your own tips and tricks!
Stick to Your List: One of the easiest ways to overspend and waste food is by shopping without a plan. Make a list, and stick to it. This will help keep your budget in check and prevent unnecessary purchases.
By following these steps, you can keep your food costs down while still eating healthy and delicious meals. The key is planning ahead, shopping smart, and keeping a well-stocked pantry!
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leafywillow · 2 years ago
Onion could definitely be better! I made this post right after the game came out and hadn't even discovered onions or pumpkins yet, but there has been a lot of debate about what the best crop is! I've since decided I like pumpkins better but I think it really comes down to personal preference and how you like to play the game! :)
Some useful? tips for disney dreamlight valley in case anyone's interested:
1. Always have someone hanging out with you! Especially if the role you gave them matches what you're currently doing (crop role when you're harvesting can get you double the crops!) But either way doing literally anything gives you friendship pts with them!
2. Do NOT convert dream shards. This one is kind of everywhere but it's too true lol so save them bitches
3. Get remy's restaurant asap! it unlocks butter, milk, etc which allows you to make soufflés which you can sell for a shit ton of coins
4. ALSO upgrade your house (exterior sign NOT the interior elevator) asap as it's the only way to increase the storage in your OG house chest!
5. Canola is the best crop to make a profit. It's $25 per seed bag but sells for $100+ per crop and only takes 30 min to grow! Grow it in its native zone forest of valor to grow it even faster too
Ok that's it for now hope this helps if anyone needs it! May make more tip lists as I go if anyone's interested but also youtube videos have been my bestie for making money fast so def check out those too if you want! Happy gaming 😁😁
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livthelazywriter · 23 days ago
I can’t stop thinking about Bradley with a natural/holistic/crunchy wife/girlfriend.
It would be so cute.
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He’d meet you at the grocery store. The two of you standing in the snack aisle. You pick up a box of crackers and read through the ingredients list. Your nose scrunches in disgust of the gross unknown list of junk. With a disappointing sigh, you place the box back. Bradley looks bored about what he wants. He sneaks glances at you here and there, making note that you are reading the ingredients. Well, that you are also really, really, cute.
“Are you reading the ingredients?” He asks with an amused snort. With a sheepish smile, you nod.
“Yeah, I am.”
Of course he asks why and you explain. You preferred minimal ingredients in your foods. No nasty preservatives, seed oils and anything with soy. You tended to stray from food dyes, but honestly you never turned down sour patch kid gummies if offered. You simply had a happy medium.
He found it…endearing.
You chatted in the aisle. He liked your smile and the way you were passionate about your lifestyle. The glimmer in your eyes when you vommited out information on him.
He asks for your number and things slowly fall into routine.
You went on dates. One after the other.
He found out you make your own perfumes with essential oils and buy all organic foods. You make sourdough bread, which is amazing in his book. Speaking of essential oils, your collection is huge. You have any type for anything. For topical use or defusing. Ginger for rubbing on and upset stomach and lavender to help relax from stress. Orange to add to your homemade cleaner for a nice, clean scent. Vanilla bean for that sweet perfume he’s come to love that you make.
He does find it odd a first. He likes to tease about your oils and how much you use them. The over abundance of supplements and homeopathic medicine in your medicine cabinet instead of Tylenol, ibuprofen, and DayQuil.
Or the million plants in your whole apartment, the air purifier in your room, and the red light therapy pad rolled up next to the couch. The castor packs you do before bed and the few drops you rub in your belly button.
He grumbles when you make him take sour vitamin c powder when he starts to get sick but later waves you off when you notice he’s already getting better. He roles his eyes when you tell him he needs to stop drinking so much soda because of the sugar, nasty corn syrup and fake flavors. You slowly get him onto probiotic and prebiotic sodas or sparkling water to scratch that soda itch. He notices that they make him feel better, but just a little so he’s says.
Finally he starts asking you to rub lavender oil on his neck and using your red light therapy for his sore shoulders. Bradley asks you to make him more shaving cream that you made him once for his birthday because he says it’s so much better than Gillette. He’s also lowered his alcohol intake at the Hard deck so his ‘poor liver’ will stay alive even though he can tell he feels so much better since listening to you.
Like you, he reads ingredients now and gets made fun of by the dagger squad. Bradley simply huffs and rolls his eyes at them as he grabs some chips that have olive oil instead of canola oil. They say he’s gone soft for you, which is indeed true. Thanks to you though, he’s notice his health has gotten better, so he doesn’t care about their criticism.
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lovesodeepandwideandwell · 27 days ago
Family Carrot Cake
Per the request of @brown-little-robin and @fictionadventurer! Disclaimer: I don't know where this recipe came from beyond that my mom put it in the family cookbook she made in high school. I made up that it was my great-grandmother's. I'm sorry. It is still the best carrot cake you will eat in your life.
2c flour
2c sugar
1t salt
2t cinnamon
2t soda
4 eggs
3c grated carrots (I peel them and grate on the skinnier side of my box grater. Do not recommend using pre-grated as they will be drastically drier.)
1 1/2c canola/olive/refined coconut/other neutral oil
Pour oil over carrots and let sit. (I find olive oil results in a slightly denser cake; canola oil tastes fine but I don't believe in it anymore; my default is refined coconut.) Mix sugar, flour, salt, soda, and cinnamon together and sift into mixing bowl. Add and stir in eggs one at a time. Add carrots and oil. Beat well by hand 200 times--DO NOT USE MIXER!! (Note: this is verbatim from the recipe from the 80s or earlier. I don't know why you can't use a mixer but it's such a flex to stir your cake batter 200 times by hand that I've never tried it otherwise. A wooden spoon is fine for all the stirring in this recipe.)
Pour into well greased cake pans, two round or one oblong. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes. Cool and frost with:
Cream Cheese Icing
Stir together in mixer:
8oz cream cheese
8oz butter
4c powdered sugar, more or less for consistency
2t vanilla
1c chopped pecans if desired (I don't ever do this because my family doesn't like nuts and also it makes for a difficult icing to spread. If you put the nuts in the frosting instead of sprinkling on top I recommend freezing your cake pieces first so they don't get shredded in the frosting process.)
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lyrablack1883 · 2 years ago
Harry steps closer to the field, his shoes crunching over gravel before he steps onto soft grass.
"These fields," he repeats, slowly reaching out and brushing a hand over the tall canola flowers. Still green and young, they haven't yet reached the brightness of Cornwall's canola fields. Harry stares intensely across the field, his eyes narrowed with focus. As though, if he looks hard enough, he might see the ghost of a young Draco racing between the canola plants.
Harry grins and takes a step forward.
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"Where are you going?" Draco asks, sounding slightly startled.
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"Away from you," Harry says, and takes off.
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It's one thing he and Draco have in common: a lonely childhood. The only time Harry ever got close to playing games like tag was when he found himself running for his life as a jeering Dudley waddled after him, or Aunt Marge's bulldogs snapped at his heels. It's a very different experience to be racing through a field, the night sky clear and crisp above him, listening to the sound of light footsteps behind him. Draco's voice cuts across the field.
"You're insane, Potter! Are you seriously playing games — "
"We're playing games, you mean," he calls over his shoulder. "You're chasing me, after all."
"I am not chasing you! Get back here!"
"Make me!" Harry laughs and picks up speed; behind him, the footsteps quicken. Harry takes a sharp left, feeling the thin stalks of the canola plants feather through his fingers. He zig-zags his way across the field, running faster and faster until all he can hear is the blood thumping in his ears, the effort of breathing in his throat, and then he pauses. He can't hear footsteps behind him anymore.
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Harry turns around. The field seems empty, the canola plants swaying gently in the night air. He frowns, his brow creasing, and drops his hands to his side, his fingers slowly uncurling. The silent night gives nothing away; not the slightest footstep nor the faintest draw of breath. Harry takes a step backwards.
Someone grabs him; he shouts out and nearly jumps out of his skin. Behind him, Draco starts laughing, his arms still around Harry.
"You shrieked," Draco manages between fits of laughter, his voice unnervingly close to Harry's ear. Harry reddens.
"I did not! I — I shouted, that's all. You startled me," he adds accusingly.
"You shrieked, admit it. For a moment, I thought I'd grabbed Astoria."
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"Oh, very funny! Hey — where are you going?" Harry asks as Draco drops his arms and turns, poised to flee.
"Catch me." And Draco's bolting away, quick as a fox, racing through the field again.
Harry starts running.
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Illustration based on this specific scene from running on air by @tinyhistory (eleventy7)
This is part 1 of the illustration I drew for an edit
The edit :
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