#GENUINELY they embody the og concept so well
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beifong-brainrot · 11 months ago
If worked for the team who made Avatar TloK. How would you rewrite TloK?
To be completely honest, rewriting tlok wouldn't fix all it's issues. Tlok just needed to have longer seasons, an actually established amount of seasons so they weren't pressured to make every single season a complete story for fear of not getting more time.
But let's say, hypothetically that I murdered mr Crabs or whoever is in charge of Nickelodeon and removed any studio meddling from the show.
My perfect world would include:
More filler episodes that focus on a singular character. Think Sokka's Master or the Painted Lady. The Krew are all fascinating characters with a lot of potential, however, due to the runtime of the show, their storylines are rushed... or completely nonexistent. Give me more details of Mako and Bolin's childhood. Show me emore of Asami struggling with her father's arrest.
I'd try to cut down on the westernisation of the show. I can see why these foreign aspects slipped in, since the closer the Avatarverse inches to our modern times, the more blurred the lines become. At least to my whiteass. I'd try to lean towards silkpunk, rather than the much more west based steampunk. It would be a fascinating endeavour to imagine what a world with mostly eastern influences would look like.
I'd make Vaatu the overarching villain/final boss of the story... it would require a bit of moving around of the timeline but I think I'd structure it as: Red Lotus> Kuvira> Amon> Vaatu. However I'd blur the timeline more. Make Amon a background threat in the eariler seasons, only for him to rise in popularity and power after people see what benders like Kuvira are capable of, for example.
This would also allow for certain villains to become redeemed or at least helpful in some way, later on. Mayhaps Amon and Kuvira team with the Krew to defeat Vaatu in some way.
Also, instead of destroying Vaatu completely, I'm leaning towards Korra absorbing him, in a way. Yes Vaatu is a dark spirit, but 'darker' urges are necessary for humans' survival and happiness. Korra embodies the duality of man very well. I think it would be a fascinating idea to see the Avatar become the embodiment of both light and darkness.
In general, making Vaatu and Raava more morally ambiguous, rather than the simple good spirit/bad spirit thing they had in the og show would be a fascinating concept.
I'd do my best to pull away from the show's original centerist narrative. Have Korra learn from the villains and make active changes to the world, showing her growth as an Avatar and person. Perhaps she's reluctant to see the Red Lotus' point of view at the beginning of the show, but sympathises with Amon at the tail end of the story.
Make the entire Krew queer. And talk about queerness more, in general. Have the characters have open conversations about queerness in their respective enviornments and cultures. Tlok already has a very queer undertone to it, even before korrasami became canon, but touching on this subject more overtly would provide great opportunity for characterisation and worldbuilding.
Have the story span several years. Watch the Krew grow up. Tlok works very well as a coming of age story even in its original form. Have Vaatu and his darkness and chaos symbolise the uncharted waters of maturity at the end of teenagedom. This especially works if Korra merges or accepts him like i suggested.
There... that's some basics. I think that most of my criticisms of the show could mostly be solved if the studio wasn't being a bitch but well. We can't have nice things, can we?
I took a while to answer this ask because it was genuinely such an interesting, but overwhelming question.
Also now I have wayy too many ideas about a potential tlok rewrite, so feel free to ask me about that if you want to hear me ramble.
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tainbocuailnge · 10 months ago
Honestly, it's kinda depressing how Celtic and Arthurian mythology, as well as the prominent figures in both just both seem to continue getting the short stick with Fate.
I'll probably continue bitching about this until the end of time elsewhere, but I feel as though Artoria Pendragon (Lancer Alter) is a prime example of that. Genuinely interesting concept as both a further offshoot of an already miraculous possibility (Artoria choosing to wield Rhongomyniad instead of Excalibur, thus creating Lancertoria), and being an embodiment of the idea of King Arthur leading the Wild Hunt upon their passing which anchors Lalter to the Throne of Heroes... and the writers keep fumbling her ball SO HARD.
they're not the only ones going unexamined and bastardised its unfortunately a very common problem in FGO but it does feel a little extra glaring for the irish and arthurian ones in particular because like it's fucking saber and lancer they're your OGs and you're making everyone who has to stand next to them look so bad for whatever reason
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oz-wyrmcatcher · 3 years ago
not to be a classic lit nerd but Dr. Jackall and Mr. Hound are the only valid modern(ish) version of Jekyll and Hyde. i take no criticism on this
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novantinuum · 5 years ago
Could Pink Steven be the one to corrupt?
Hi folks! As a preface to this, I wanna make it clear that I’m just throwing out interesting ideas here. It’s fun to consider multiple options. At this point I don’t know if it’s even within the realm of possibility for us to see Pink Steven again, but I’ve seen a little bit of musing about this over the past few days and I wanted to break the concept down... and suggest a possibility for how and why it could happen.
So! Let’s get to it.
The most likely way I see for Steven’s organic and Gem halves to fall apart is if Steven comes to a moment in SUF where- for whatever reason- he decides he hates himself.
Fusions are an embodiment of the bond between people, of course. Garnet has been very clear to state that it’s the strength of Ruby and Sapphire’s love for each other that keeps her together for so long. 
SUF has already gone on record to show us a blatant example of how fusing because of mutual hatred (for another person) isn’t exactly... sustainable. Aquamarine and Eyeball had a lot of trouble forming Bluebird Azurite again due to this.
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Steven: “You guys fused just because you hate me, didn't you? […] If that's the only reason, then it's no wonder you can't keep it together.”
From Garnet’s comments on fusion, it’s not a leap to believe the same would be absolutely true if a fusion began to hate themself, instead.
Hate is a strong emotion, though. And yeah- Steven’s had obvious self-worth issues that have been visible since way back in og. series episode 2, (”You can’t just be useless! I know you can help!”), but to flat out hate himself? Steven? A special sort of permafusion who is literally built on a foundation of self-love? It would take an especially harrowing event to lead him that low, I think.
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(Note the pink and white eyes, (symbolic of Gem and organic halves?), and the tear over his chest where his heart is, stuffing pouring out. This Steven doll is beginning to split apart.)
And looking at what SUF has given us so far when it comes to Steven’s new powers, I think the likely candidate for what could lead him down that path is... an incident where he almost accidentally hurts someone he loves. 
I doubt it would be on purpose, mind you. He’s a genuinely kindhearted boy. He intends the best. But with his powers growing wildly out of control right alongside his emotions, I could easily see him perhaps... having a repeat of what happened at the Reef.
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This episode introduced the plot thread of Pink Diamond accidentally hurting Volleyball because she was too close to the blast radius when Pink got really upset and yelled. So what if history almost repeats?
What if one of the Gems or something gets caught too close? (I seriously, seriously don’t think it would EVER be Connie, y’all. CN ain’t gonna maim a human, but fantasy violence to Gems is fair game.)
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With all the stress and pressures he’s currently carrying- his lack of purpose, the fear he’s being left behind in the past, his tumultuous emotions about his mom, the troubling matter of this new power he can’t control, him feeling like he can’t even talk to the Gems about his problems- this could be the last straw. The final piece that pushes him across the line.
So, suppose Steven does split into two. Gem and organic halves. What might happen from there?
Garnet: “Remember – your body isn’t just a projection of light but also a reflection of your inner soul.”
Perhaps Pink Steven on his own is unable to handle the brunt of Steven’s emotions, and it’s because he’s without his organic half’s emotional restraint that he corrupts. Steven hates himself. He fears he’s going to hurt others, become just like his mom, become a monster. He feels like a monster.
And so his Gem half becomes one. Reflects what fears lie within his inner soul. It’d be exactly like how Cactus Steven mirrored Steven’s emotional state in Prickly Pair. 
I also think Pink Steven being the one to corrupt instead of hybrid Steven would fix a lot of the chinks people have pointed out in this theory. Namely:
It would allow Steven’s POV to be retained throughout the incident. Or, well- half of Steven’s POV. A part of him would still be there as a central character, and able to communicate with the Crystal Gems in the heart of the moment. If hybrid Steven corrupted, that communication would be hard- and they might have to switch to a different POV, which could pose the risk of feeling out of place compared to the rest of the series.
Since Pink Steven is an entirely hard light entity, it would sidestep all of the disturbing body horror implications of a half-organic individual corrupting. This is easily something Crewniverse could depict within the restraints of the show’s rating. We’ve seen full Gems corrupt before. 
Of course, Crewniverse has gone on record to state that Steven’s halves cannot survive for long without each other. But I don’t think that statement rules this out as a possibility. If anything, it would provide more peril... a ticking clock, so to speak.
If Steven can’t begin to sort out the emotional issues that are causing him so much pain, he will continue to suffer. That’s just a given no matter the scenario. His halves have to forgive each other... come to a place of acceptance with each other... understand that it’s okay to be open and ask for help... otherwise, he won’t be able to piece himself back together. What a better way to finally convince Steven to seek help in dealing with his own problems then the fact that if he doesn’t, he may lose himself in the process? He literally can’t deny it then. These halves aren’t supposed to exist on their own, apart, at all. But if they’re ever going to be able to fuse back into one again, they have to work some things out.
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Steven: “I’m sorry I mistreated you. I know you didn't mean to hurt anyone- [...] I should've given you more of the love and kindness that you deserve. So...who wants a hug?”
The other reason I quite like this concept is that it would inevitably lead to an emotional end where- after the corruption issue is sorted with Pink Steven, and organic Steven has opened up about what he’s going through to his close loved ones- the two halves will reconcile, forgive themselves, and begin to rekindle that self-love. Fuse together again. Begin the long journey of picking up all those broken pieces, this time with his family and friends’ knowing support. That could be super cathartic. 
So that’s all I really have to say on that. Once more- this is just a theory. I’m playing with ideas for fun, that’s it. But this idea is definitely one I like a lot, and if corrupted Steven theory is completely off in left field and it’s completely wrong, I’d love to explore it more in fic. Thanks for reading, all! Have a nice day! :D
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