boompowummmm · 4 months
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wyrmscraft · 7 days
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Niece (12) ripped her pants at the knee while hiking and asked if I could fix it.
I made the mistake of saying I could make a patch and she immediately asked for G.I.R.
Which, ofc, I had a file for that she loved. She picked out the colours for him and here I am, making a patch lol
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zkullcat · 7 months
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Commissions on sale for a limited time! Don’t Trace, Copy or Edit my art. Reblogs > Likes Commission’s Info // Carrd // Patreon
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spacebuggo · 2 years
Heyyyy back on my bs
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k3aguru-teichy · 2 years
Simplemente... – Spuuuuuki 🎃✨
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Noah (Based on Zim, an alien who came to Earth to concur it.)
Owen (Based on Dib, a grown ADULT man who believes and studies the supernatural during his free time.)
Izzy (Based on G.I.R, also known as I.Z.Y., came alongside Noah to help concur Earth, is a bit insane.)
Eva (Based on Gaz, Owen's only human friend, still has her anger issues. Instead of being obsessed with video games, she is obsessed with working out.)
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ryguy5382 · 5 months
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A custom Lego build of G.I.R and G.I.R.’s Dog Suit
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ms-scarletwings · 6 months
15, 23, 27
15: Favorite enemies? (Tak and Zim or Zim and Dib… etc)
Comics? Zib and Dib, hands down. Show/broadly? Dib and GIR have some of the most wildcard and under-appreciated interactions to me, especially when you throw one of them at the other. Especially literally.
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23: Part that made you laugh the hardest…
You know this show, right? I’ve been riddled and gunned down by gatlin-gun fire, and you’re asking me which bullet stung the most. Off the top of my head it’s a near impossible choice, but right now I have to go with this.
27: Do you like G.I.R.?
As a character, yeah, he’s fine left in responsible hands. He’s endearing enough, a support that the main crew deserves, and a bountiful well of quotables. His archetype is an insanely easy kind of character to screw up in writing and I probably would hate him if the show had gone any bit overboard with him. I would definitely hate him if he had his own dedicated spinoff. He’s fine in the show! I started to wonder why I wasn’t as fond of him in the comics until I realized how much of his appeal came from Rikki’s delivery as him rather than his lines on paper. I like GIR as a side element that bounces off or compliments his surroundings, without truly shoving himself into the spotlight.
I know this one cock-eyed Boston terrier my relatives own. Insanely hilarious dog, goofy looking, crackhead acting. Quite badly behaved but at least super affectionate. I love visiting him, but good lord I know I could never live in the same house as him and not get sick of him quickly. GIR’s kind of like that Boston terrier to me.
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kirby-star3 · 13 days
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this is my first post sry if u cant see it I'm not that good at photography anyways yay G.I.R <3 :D
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toastlogic · 1 year
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boompowummmm · 4 months
A Doodle With Colour
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yaores-todo · 9 months
Invasión interrumpida
Capitulo 2 ¿Nuevo hogar?
Las pisadas de zim retumbaban el vacío vecindario que recorría por la oscura noche, mientras tanto, G.I.R es arrastrado por una pesada correa brillante, junto a pequeños murmullos de risa que expresaba el pequeño robot. Durante el camino, zim iba de puerta en puerta gritando como un maniaco, esto con la única razón de buscar un hogar para infiltrarse y vivir desapercibido, en respuesta, casi siempre le daban gritos, insultos, escupidas, o incluso hasta amenaza de arma de fuego, sin embargo, una persona si le dio una respuesta. - ¡Hey!, niño quieres trabajar aquí o algo por el estilo, ¿Eso es lo que buscas, no es así?- una voz femenina se escuchaba, era terca y seca.  Zim asintió esperando su respuesta. -Bien, entonces pásale niño, junto a tu… bueno tu perro   Entro a la gran casa que seria su nuevo hogar “no me importa si trabajo con este sucio humano” pensó. -Entonces… esta será tu nueva casa, aquí vivirás y tendrás mucha comida, tu cuarto será allá arriba, junto a mi hijo Keef   -Keef? - exclamo zim - Ya lo conocerás, ahora ve arriba Zim afirmo y se fue hacia arriba, mientras tanto, esa misteriosa mujer lo guiaba hacia una habitación, la mujer abrió la puerta y dio a conocer el curioso cuarto. Curiosamente todo en él se veía limpio y pulcro, a simple vista había un niño jugando con un tren de juguete, pero su rostro parecía todo lo contrario a diversión. -Dime mama que es lo que- keef se quedo perplejo- p-pero si es-es… - Así es amor te eh traído un amigo- su voz a cambiado por completo, de un momento a otro su voz es dulce y suave. - ¡WOW! ¿Enserio? ¡No me lo puedo creer, dime por favor que no me estas mintiendo mami! - Claro que no mi vida- empujo a zim por completo al cuarto- ahora, vallan a divertirse un rato ¡Y recuerden no desvelarse!   Sin previo aviso la señora serró de golpe la habitación, dejando a zim y keef juntos, en una muy incómoda situación. Keef se levantó, se veía claramente su emoción en su rostro. - Y bien... que quieres hacer nuevo amigo? - Yo, hum… - No importa mucho- keef le agarro la mano a zim- mira te voy a mostrar mi habitación - Bueno si tu quiere- Keef lo jaloneo y lo movió de un lugar a otro, explicándole cada mínimo detalle sobre su para nada feo cuarto -wow! Y que es ese perrito - NO LO TOQUES - Oh, bueno esta bien- keef se acojono por unos instantes, pero luego recobro su alegría- ahhhmg, creo que ya hay que dormir   - ¿y en donde yo voy a dormir? - hummm, no pensé en eso, ya se!-  agarro algunas sabanas y las coloco sobre el piso- Esta será tu nueva cama!- exclamo   - Ya veo…. - s-si quieres puedes dormir en la mía no hay problema… ¡ya se! Hay que crear una casa fuerte solo para los dos así dormir juntos Y así zim y keef pasaron la noche.
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A la mañana siguiente zim es despertado por la dichosa señora -uhm?!- apenas se dio cuenta que keef no estaba La señora lo  levanto de su placido sueño y le dio un trapo de limpieza “Ponte a limpiar antes de que el venga.” Y así fue su rutina por muchas semanas.
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aqualovesart · 9 months
I discovered the Touhou song Flowering night because of two videos that had a bunch Invader Zim clips that had the Night of Nights remix of the song to it I watched again and again when I around 10-11 and it was long before I even knew what Touhou even was to begin with. Make of that as you will I hope you enjoy them.
ナイト・オブ・【 G.I.R. 】 (youtube.com)
ремикс Night of Nights [Invader Zim] (youtube.com)
And of course I'm sending the remix itself just for good measure, have fun. And yes I know it already has more than millions of views on YouTube, but still, I wanted to send it anyway just for the heck of it. Enjoy.
Night of Nights (Flowering nights remix) By COOL&CREATE/beatMARIO - YouTube
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5, 27?
5: Favorite Other Race?
Outside of Irkens (because I adore Irkens they own a part of my ugly soul) I really like all these things :) Pustulio is my son
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27: Do you like G.I.R.? I actually do like GIR, i think he's a fun lil guy with a lot of comedy potential, but I think people should detach themselves from the idea of him as a literal toddler. He's a robot, he's weirder than that. The little man is crawling with bitches, he goes clubbing, he's a whole ass person, little different than Zim or Dib or any of the other characters
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firo796 · 5 months
Hiii, here I show you random drawings from my sketchbook (Spoiler: Most are from FNaF)
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Idk, just mike
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Jeremy full HD JAJAJAJ
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Jeremy ×2
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Fritz ._.XD
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G.I.R.!!! 😀
End, bye losers 🙄🤑🤮😖🫡
Adios pobrezzz (Lo digo siendo del tercer mundo JAJAJA)
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cosmicriff · 6 months
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Do you like G.I.R.?
Yeah hes fun! I mostly like him when he’s interacting with other characters
If you could be anyone from the show, you would choose…..
I’m already both Dib and Zim simultaneously
Are the Tallest intelligent or not?
I’d say they are. Just silly
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