#G.W. Leibniz
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pathofregeneration · 1 year ago
Theologian: But what is to love? Philosopher: To be delighted by the happiness of another.
— G.W. Leibniz, Confessio Philosophi 
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rbolick · 5 days ago
Books On Books Collection - Barbara Beisinghoff
Tau blau / Dew Blue (2013) Tau blau / Dew Blue (2013) Barbara Beisinghoff ; Solander box in linen, handbound Vera Schollemann; Flax paper, handmade by John Gerard.Solander box: H240 x W200 x D32 mm. Flagbook: H220 x W180 mm. Edition of 38, of which this is #22. Acquired from the artist, 30 December 2024. Photos: Books On Books Collection. Familiarity with Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale…
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spaceintruderdetector · 1 year ago
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Viewed from certain perspectives, lannis Xenakis is not only a singular figure in twentieth-century music history, he is probably the most revolutionary, for he was not only a composer of grandiose works of a “strangeness in the proportion” ,!4] which is how Francis Bacon defined beauty. But like Arnold Schoenberg, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Pierre Boulez, and John Cage, he was also the author of theoretical music writings of the highest order. He was an independent architect for many years and worked for Le Corbusier from 1947 to 1959. He created an extensive architectural oeuvre, also manifested in many texts on architecture. In addition, Xenakis was a mathematician, inventor, and engineer. G.W. Leibniz defined music in 1712 as “an unconscious exercise in arithmetic in which the mind does not know it is counting,”!2] and there is probably no other composer as close to this understanding of music as Xenakis.!3
From Xenakis' UPIC to Graphic Notation Today : ZKM Karlsruhe : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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sinterhinde · 1 year ago
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Discourse on Metaphysics, 1686
The Discourse on Metaphysics is one of Leibniz´ fundamental works. Written around January 1686, it is the most accomplished systematic expression of Leibniz's philosophy in the 1680s, the period in which Leibniz's philosophy reached maturity. Leibniz's goal in the Discourse is to give a metaphysics for Christianity; that is, to provide the answers that he believes Christians should give to the basic metaphysical questions. Why does the world exist? What is the world like? What kinds of things exist? And what is the place of human beings in the world? To this purpose Leibniz discusses some of the most traditional topics of metaphysics, such as the nature of God, the purpose of God in creating the world, the nature of substance, the possibility of miracles, the nature of our knowledge, free will, and the justice behind salvation and damnation.
Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra's 2020 volume provides a new translation of the Discourse, complete with a critical introduction and a comprehensive philosophical commentary. (Oxford University Press)
G.W. Leibniz: Philosophical Essays, 1989 (tr. Ariew and Garber)
Although Leibniz's writing forms an enormous corpus, no single work stands as a canonical expression of his whole philosophy. In addition, the wide range of Leibniz's work--letters, published papers, and fragments on a variety of philosophical, religious, mathematical, and scientific questions over a fifty-year period--heightens the challenge of preparing an edition of his writings in English translation from the French and Latin. (Hackett Publishing Company)
A Redditor suggested these texts as a jump-off into Leibniz. I'm a little silly, a little stupid, and I hope I can engage with them. Attached below are links to b u y them. Note: attached Discourse is not the Rodriguez-Pereyra translation, but Jonathan Bennett's 2017 modernised translation.
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carvalhais · 1 month ago
… G.W. Leibniz got the underlying philosophical problem of artificial intelligence right: when we outsource our thinking to machines, we are not bringing new subjectivities into existence, new conscious beings like ourselves. We do not have the power to do that, not do we have the power even remotely to understand what would be involved in such an act of creation. Rather, outsourcing our decision procedures is really only getting machines to run a simulacrum of thought, one that has everything our own thinking has, except perhaps for the subjectivity, the presence of a conscious mind behind the thinking.  Justin E. H. Smith. 2022. The Internet is Not What You Think It Is: A History, A Philosophy, A Warning. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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immanuelfruhmann · 2 months ago
Waves of Social Change and its Systemic Ripple Effects - We Influence Each Other Over the Collective Unconscious - Political Earthquakes and its Systemic Ripple Effects
Asian scriptures have always influenced the West. Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist C.G. Jung analyzed the I Ching – Book of Change – (translated by befriended Richard Wilhelm into German), its hexagrams and Tai Chi Mandala for developing his archetypes. Intellectuals e.g. G.W. Leibniz, J.W. Goethe, G.W.F. Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche studied Asian philosophical…
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bremont · 5 months ago
(via (85) (1/2) Theodicy by G.W. LEIBNIZ. Audiobook, full length - YouTube)
Theodicy by G.W. LEIBNIZ. Audiobook 🤔📲BI Peurs 🌎🛰️📳👽🛸🙋🤔
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is-newtonswife · 8 months ago
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Herr G.W. Leibniz.
Ich werde heute Leibniz-Kekse essen, um Ihren Geburtstag zu feiern
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rock-and-romanticism · 2 years ago
Notes on Derrida 2: A Reading Regimen
Pulled this one out of my drafts folder and thought I’d finally post it. If you want to read Derrida, read the works below in the following order before you start: Plato: Phaedrus, Phaedo, Ion, Republic: Book VII Descartes : Meditations Spinoza: Ethics G.W. Leibniz: Theodicy, Monadology, Discourse on Metaphysics. See Dewey on Leibniz. Rousseau: Essay on the Origins of…
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julieschulerart · 4 years ago
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Philosophy books listed today. https://www.etsy.com/shop/mygoodbabushka
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typhlonectes · 7 years ago
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Most disappointing of all worlds...
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pathofregeneration · 7 years ago
God alone is the primary Unity, or original simple substance, from which all monads, created and derived, are produced.
G.W. Leibniz
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penchant-for-paradox · 8 years ago
Can the soul complain about anything other than itself? All these complaints after the fact are unjust, if they would have been unjust before the fact. Now, could this soul, a little before sinning, complain about God in good faith, as if God determined it to sin? Since God's determinations in these matters cannot be foreseen, how does the soul know that it is determined to sin, unless it is actually sinning already? It is only a matter of not willing, and God could not put forth an easier and more just condition; thus judges do not seek the reasons which have disposed a man to have a bad will, but only stop to consider the extent to which this particular will is bad. But perhaps it is certain from all eternity that I shall sin? Answer this question for yourself: perhaps not; and without considering what you cannot know and what can give you no light, act according to your duty, which you do know.
Leibniz, Discourse on Metaphysics
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vrmotionsicknessremedies · 6 years ago
Virtual Reality in itself is a rather miserable idea: that of imitating reality, of reproducing its experience in an artificial medium. The reality of the Virtual, on the other hand, stands for the reality of the Virtual as such, for its real effects and consequences (Žižek 2004:3)
“Contradictions of Hyperreality: Baudrillard, Žižek, and Virtual Dialectics” by Ted Stolze, Cerritos College, Norwalk, CA. 
International Journal of Zizek Studies. Volume Ten, Number One. 
ISSN 1751-8229
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mantikutayr · 3 years ago
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düşünce tarihinde spinoza’nın nerede konumlandığını görmek için kitaba geçmeden önce spinoza’nın yaşadığı yüzyıldaki felsefi atmosferi dönemin düşünürleri üzerinden birkaç cümle ile anlatmaya çalıştım.
17 yy. felsefesi
bu dönemde rönesans’ın etkisi ile ortaya çıkan gelişmelerle birlikte yeniçağ düşüncesinin temelleri  atılmıştır.  
modernlik ruhunun ilk büyük temsilcileri: f. bacon, t. hobbes
bacon, doğayı bilmenin tek güvenli yolunun bilim olduğunu ileri sürerken; hobbes, modern dünyanın problemlerini, çağının çocuğu olarak geleneği dışarda bırakıp akıl ve bilim yoluyla çözülebileceğine inanır.
rasyonalistler: r. descartes, b. spinoza, g.w. leibniz
descartes, bilim ile dinden her ikisini de bir şekilde korumuş ama din oldukça sallantılı bir noktada kalmıştır; spinoza, kıta rasyonalizmin ikinci büyük filozofu descartes’ın mekanik yasaların beşeri olmayan, bütün fiziki fenomenleri açıkladığını düşündüğü yerde, spinoza bu düşüncenin daha da ilerisinde tanrı ile doğayı özdeş kıldı; leibniz, bilim ile din arasında bilimi önceledi, sözde uzlaşmadan ve bilime gereksiz ödünler verdiğine inandığı spinoza’nın naturalizminden ve panteizminden rahatsız oldu. 
ingiliz ampirisizmi ve aydınlanması: j. locke, g. berkeley
locke, aydınlanmanın kurucu babalarındandır; berkeley ise modern idealizmin kurucusu olarak, hem  zihinden bağımsız bir gerçekliğin olamayacağını, gerçekliğin zihne tabi olduğunu öne sürer hem de maddenin var olmadığını, gerçekten var olanın ide olduğunu ileri sürerek düşünce tarihindeki en büyük idealist olmuştur. 
spinoza I bir ispinozun sevgi çağrısı - kenan sarıalioğlu 
kitapta  birkaç baskı hatasının olduğunu bu hatalardan birinin trajikomik olduğunu belirtmek isterim.  "havaya atılan bir taş düşünebilseydi, kendi isteğiyle yere düştüğünü sanırdı" gibi bir cümlede ‘’taş’’ kelimesi yoktu ve ‘’ düşünebilseydi’’ yerine ‘’düşebilseydi’’ kelimesi yazılmıştı. en azında benim paylaşımım ile bu kitabı okuyacak olanların cümlenin orjinal halini bilmelerini istedim. 
spinoza’nın yaşamı, felsefesi, yapıtları hakkında kısa bir giriş kitabı okumak isteyenlere tavsiye ederim. 
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berdie314 · 3 years ago
I just googled Anglish and found their website. The first link I clicked after reading the first page was telcraft (mathematics), of course, and right at the bottom of the page they couldn’t not include the Newton/Leibniz calculus inventing rivalry like so:
Flowreckoning - the lore of things happening right now, and how fast, among other things. It was first made by Isaac Newton in England, and at the same time, but less well-known, by G.W. Leibniz on the Europish mainland.
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