#G.I. Joe Sunbow
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modularmedia · 2 years ago
Analytical Fanboys discuss G.I. Joe: Arise, Serpentor, Arise!
For  @thevacuuminator 's second pic of the year, he decides to get the bois to watch some classic 80s cartoons!
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blueskyscribe · 4 months ago
I've been watching random episodes of 80s cartoon G.I. Joe and somehow it is even more insane than G1 Transformers.
In the episode I just watched:
the Joes are transporting the original Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights in an armored convoy. They are not part of the plot and never get mentioned again.
evil organization Cobra turns up in Alaska and claim it now belongs to them because they found an ancient cup?
the Joes are like "well there is nothing we can do, legally they own Alaska. Because of that cup."
but the cup Cobra has is a fake, and the Joes AND RUSSIA are now searching for the real cup.
Separate from the previous Russians, there is a secret ice village of Russians descended from 19th century corsairs living isolated in Alaska like they're Amish or something, except unlike the Amish they have modern guns. Also they have the cup.
Russian troops and the Joes team up to defeat Cobra (which is pretty interesting considering this show came out during the Cold War)
they accidentally play two of Duke's line reads in a row
"Alaska's back where she belongs . . . in the good old US of A"
this whole plot was kicked off by twin Cobra lawyers, who just fucking leave at the end
cue the group laugh from the Joes
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fireheart223 · 8 months ago
Have this hefty dose of Cobra Commander goodness with (hopefully) every line (and noise) he speaks/makes in all 5 parts of The Revenge of Cobra, no matter how loud or how faint it is!
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amusement-park-of-terror · 1 year ago
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hasbr0mniverse · 2 months ago
HasbrOmniverse 80’s Afternoon! G.I. Joe A Real American Hero! Season 01 Episode 03 - The Pyramid Of Darkness Part Three
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roadimusprime · 1 year ago
the gi joe reddit is currently arguing if zartan wears a hood or if it's his hair.
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a-rogue-god · 2 years ago
Is the. Is the position for "Cobra Commander's Bed Warmer" open?
Asking for. Asking for a friend. Yeah.
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urbancobrastrikeforce · 2 months ago
G.I. Joe Sunbow - Destro stíluslap
Az 1983-ban készült rajzon izgalmas látni a dinamikus pózokat, de szintúgy érdekességre hívta fel a figyelmet iambrenatn: az övén látható mini jelre! habár nem minden rajzfilmes fólián látszik tisztán, mit is takarhat, egyfajta egyszerű Cobra jelre gondoltam saját magamtól, de a már elkészült egyéb kiadások a segítségére voltak a rajongóknak, ugyanis az egyik szobron tökéletesen látszik, hogy az…
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bmwkmx1 · 4 months ago
Vintage G I Joe opening supercut
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nadertigerkay · 9 months ago
It's why Hal Jordan is banned from joining
Duke's the one who has to defend G.I. Joe's budget to the higher-ups...
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cirex101 · 6 months ago
Astoria is behind the war
Okay, so in the Destro miniseries, Destro thinks that the Crimson Twins are behind the attack on his arms faire, while the Twins themselves claim that Destro attacked his own event to justify attacking them. Now, we know that Destro didn't attack his own arms fair. However, it's also very clear that the Crimson Twins aren't behind it either. For starters, they would have attended the event if some last minute business didn't hold them up. Second, and most important, the drones that attacked the arms fair are almost as advanced as MARS' own Battle Android Troopers... except Extensive Enterprises doesn't do advanced tech; their strength is in the manpower of their Crimson Guard forces.
I know that a lot of people have already figured out that there's a third party involved in all of this that is pitting Destro and the Crimson Twins against one another, and they're the ones behind Chameleon. A lot of people theorize that ths third party is probably Cobra Commander.
Personally, while Cobra Commander might be involved, I think the one behind the attack is none other than Asotria Carlton-Ritz, the new CEO of Hybrid Technologies.
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Astoria's inclusion in this comic was certainly a surprise. After all, she's a SUnbow Cartoon original character, and only showed up for one epsiode, "The Girl who loved Powerglide," where she was depiced as a sort of air-headed but good hearted heiress with the curious habit of machines randomly stop functioning in her presence. So yeah, I certainly never expected to see her here in the Energon Universe, let alone attending an illegal arms fair.
Even more curious is that it seems as if her ability to make machines stop working around her has crossoved over with her; during the attack on the Arms Fair, a bomb falls near her and Destro, but it doesn't detonate, which makes the latter write it off as a dud. In Issue #3 though, Scrap-Iron looks over the bomb and discovers that it was fully functioning, and can't explain why it didn't go off.
Then there's the mysterious Chameleon (traditionally Baroness' half-sister, who works for G.I. Joe). In the same issue, when Chameleon attacks Destro, all of Destro's tech mysteriously stops working.
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In fact, at one point, when Destro tries to flee on his Despoiler, Chameleon points at it, and then it crashes.
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Now, do I think that Astoria still has an inexplicable "Machines break around me aura?" Not really. Do I think that her company, Hybrid Technologies, has developed some sort of device that stops tech from working, and that Chameleon made use of that device against Destro, as well as the drones? I sure do.
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nerds-yearbook · 3 months ago
The last episode of the first run of the G.I. Joe cartoon aired on November 20, 1986. It was followed up by an animated movie (originally meant to be theatrical) and then revived by DIC animation. The Sunbow series ran for 85 episodes. ("Into Your Tent I Will Silently Creep", G.I. Joe, TV Event)
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newsunbow · 8 months ago
Dumb question, but do you consider Sunbow’s MLP to be part of the Jem, G.I. Joe, Transformers universe?
Not a dumb question.
I tend to avoid MLP in general as part of the Hasbro Heroverse since it doesn't really 'fit' in my view. Dumb reason, I know, but I see it as strongly sci-fi or sci-fantasy focused. So by that definition, the only 'girl-focused' Hasbro franchise that fits (so far as I can see) is Jem. Of course, that means that there are 'boy-focused' or 'neutral' franchises that don't fit either, such as MtG, DnD and Mister Potato Head, so hopefully that makes fairer maybe?
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simeonscott · 2 years ago
Analytical Fanboys discuss G.I. Joe: Arise, Serpentor, Arise!
For  @thevacuuminator 's second pic of the year, he decides to get the bois to watch some classic 80s cartoons!
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amusement-park-of-terror · 1 year ago
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hasbr0mniverse · 2 years ago
This day G.I. Joe The Movie was released
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