#G.I. Joe Dossier
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 2 years ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on character art and/or "G.I. Joe Dossier" information on the Baroness, high-ranking member of COBRA Command and antagonist to the Joe's, artwork by George Pérez, from the pages of "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero" Vol. 1 #127. August, 1992. Marvel Comics.
FILE NAME: Baroness Decobray
BIRTHPLACE: Classified
Dossier information written by Larry Hama.
Sources: https://comiconlinefree.net/g-i-joe-a-real-american-hero/issue-127 & www.yojoe.com/action/84/baroness.shtml.
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the-gershomite · 7 months ago
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G.I. Joe Dossier: Stalker
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gijoe-forever · 1 year ago
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Deep within G.I. Joe Training Facility Beta, a door opens and Helix enters the room. A voice on the intercom says they'll start whenever she's ready. As armed men rush into the room, Helix murmurs to herself, describing the weapons they're carrying. The voice on the radio orders the test to begin, and the men attack Helix. She holds her own, and suddenly the test is ended. The voice calls for Helix's report, and she correctly identifies how many bullets each of her attackers has left.
In a darkened room, Duke asks Hawk what they're watching. The scene with Helix is on a screen, being replayed for Duke's benefit. Hawk explains that Helix is an Alpha-Level Operative who has "total organic battlefield awareness”.
Surprised at the lack of a service record in the girl's dossier, Duke is informed that she's not military. In fact, despite the folder of evidence, Hawk informs Duke that Helix does not officially exist. He rattles off her martial arts accomplishments, and relates how she could master a fighting style after encountering it only once. She would enter fights to the death with practitioners of styles she'd never seen, and leave without even the smallest injury. He says she displays traits of autism, but that she's unique and incredibly valuable.
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dasmuggler · 3 months ago
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Zarana shows the Dreadnoks the garage, where Thrasher has been fixing vehicles, including the Thunder Machine.
Buzzer tells Zarana that Zartan is being held prisoner at the Pit.
Zarana then devises a plan, producing dossiers on several Joes.
A page from G.I. Joe # 51 (September 1986)
This issue's creative team: Larry Hama, Rod Whigham, Andy Mushynsky, George Roussos and Joe Rosen.
#marvelcomics #yojoe #gijoearealamericanhero #cobra #cobracommander #thepit #sgtslaughter #zartan #dreadnoks #stormshadow #thundermachine
#rodwhigham #andymushynsky #larryhama
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boardgametoday · 2 years ago
We take a look at the G.I. JOE RPG: Core Rulebook
We take a look at the G.I. JOE RPG: Core Rulebook. Yo JOE! #gijoe #ttrpg
Yo JOE! In the G.I. JOE RPG, you join team Joe creating your own character to take on the evil forces of Cobra! We go over what stands out about the debut book for this exciting roleplaying game. The book contains:• Complete rules for players and Game Masters focused on fun storytelling and epic combat• Character creation tools, weapons, equipment, vehicles, and villain dossiers• Combat and…
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forgottencosplayer · 6 years ago
The Roster
I present here a list of the future Cosplays I’ll be attempting. 
1.) Warduke, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
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Kind of an old school D&D character. I had the action figure as a child and was always struck by the design. Fear not though, I have no illusions that my physique is anywhere comparable to the Duke’s. I’ll be wearing a flesh tone muscle suit with rendering. The nice thing about the muscle suit is that it has loads or cosplay potential beyond Warduke. It’s nice to get to stretch the budget. 
2.) Bionic-1, The Bionic Six
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Bionic Six was a short lived and strangely forgotten animated series from the 80s. The concept was essentially what if the The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman got married and had a family? Bionic-1, aka Jack Bennett, is the patriarch of the Bennett family and Co-Leader of the Bionic Six. 
3.) Marshal Shane Gooseman, Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers
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The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers was another tragically short lived and forgotten animated series. I have it in mind to do two Galaxy ranger costumes. First, a reimagined Galaxy Ranger uniform. I like the classic, but I think it could be modernized a bit. Second, a likewise updated version of Shane’s black uniform. I’m toying with the idea of doing that spiky blonde anime hair in foam. We shall see. 
4.) The Spectacular Spider-Ham
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I’ve been dying to do a Spider-Ham costume for ages. As much as I love Into the Spider-verse, I won’t be using their design. Don’t get me wrong, love the movie, love John Mulaney as Ham, but they changed the design too much for my taste. He looks more like Hampton from Tiny Toons. I’ll be going with the ultimate version of Spider-Ham as depicted by the late, great, Mike Wieringo! 
5.) Sam, Sam & Max: Freelance Police
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Sam & Max are one of my favourite comic duos of all time. Sam is a 6 foot tall anthropomorphic hound dog who, along with his best friend Max, a disturbingly violent Lagomorph, fight crime as freelance police. They had a short lived animated series, a popular video game series, and an upcoming action figure line from Boss Fight Studios. Fairly well known characters, but they don’t see a lot of cosplay love. The furry community has already done a lot of the design work for me, I’m not expecting it to be a problem to find a fursuit maker capable of handling the head. Thankfully the rest of the body is mostly an ill fitting, big, grey suit. 
6.) Steel Brigade, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
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In the 80s and early 90s, Hasbro had a promotion where in you could send away for your own custom G.I. Joe. A figure meant to represent yourself as part of the Joe team. Steel Brigade wears a helmet, thus concealing their face and make each figure the embodiment of its owner. They made you up a dossier file based on the answers to the questionnaire you filled out when ordering. It was pretty spiffy. There are a lot of G.I. Joe cosplayers out there, but I don’t see Steel Brigade very often. I think there’s room here design something true to the spirit of the original, that looks a little more tactical and bad ass. Probably starting with ditching the khaki pants ;)
7.) Strato-Viper, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero 
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Always my favourite action figure from the entire G.I. Joe line, the Strato-Viper is the pilot of the Cobra Night Raven. I just think it’s a cool looking outfit. I’ve seen one cosplay of it. It’s pretty decent, but I think there’s room to be more accurate. The helmet is the especially tricky part. This one it going to take some time. 
8.) Captain Power, Captain Power and the Soliders of the Future
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A strange live action children’s show from the 80s that was way darker and better than it has any right to be based on its origins. Designed to support and sell a toy line by Mattel, Captain Power is a post apocalyptic story of a small band of freedom fighters with incredible “power suits” who fight against the Fascist dictatorship of Lord Dredd and his Bio-Dredd Empire. I’m thinking I’ll build the armour of foam, and then wrap it in gold vinyl. I do not know if that approach will work, but it’s worth testing. 
I’m sure there are others I’ve forgotten, but this seems like an overly optimistic place to end the list. This listing is presented in no particular order. I will get to each of them as I can. I will abandon whichever projects turn out to be unfeasible as I make those determinations. Hopefully fun times ahead though. 
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 3 months ago
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on dossier art for Firefly, COBRA saboteur and antagonist to G.I. JOE, artwork by Ron Garney, from the pages of “G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero” Vol. 1 #117. October, 1991. Marvel Comics.
File Name: Classified
Birthplace: Classified
Primary Specialty: Sabotage, Demolitions, and Terror
DOSSIER INFO: “No one knows what Firefly’s real name is or what he looks like. He is known by his work. Expert in all NATO and Warsaw Pact explosives and detonators. Always places his charges in the one place that affords maximum damage. There is no question about his infiltration skills since no one has ever reported seeing him enter or leave any target area.”
“Even COBRA Commander doesn’t know much about Firefly. His fees are paid into a numbered Swiss bank account and are always payable in advance. He makes no guarantees and gives no refunds.”
Source: www.yojoe.com/comics/pinup/117.shtml.
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 2 years ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on Dossier Scarlett character art by Adam Hughes, inked & published versions, from "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero" Vol. 1 111. April, 1991. Marvel Comics. Dossier written by Larry Hama.
Resolution at 1200x1843 (main pic), 1000x788, & 786x1250 (inks).
Sources: www.pinterest.com/pin/comics-and-drawings--46710779257480940 & Comic Art Fans.
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 2 years ago
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on Cobra Commander dossier/pin-up art by the late, great Neal Adams (1941-2022), from the pages of "G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero" Vol. 1 #108. January, 1991. Marvel Comics.
FILE NAME: Classified
GRADE: Commander-in-Chief
BIRTHPLACE: Classified
SECONDARY SPECIALTY: Ordinance (Experimental Weaponry)
DOSSIER: "Absolute power! Total control of the world...its people, wealth, and resources -- that's the objective of COBRA COMMANDER. This fanatical leader rules with an iron fist. He demands total loyalty and allegiance. His main battle plan, for world control, relies on revolution and chaos. He personally led uprisings in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other trouble spots. Responsible for kidnapping scientists, businessmen, and military leaders, then forcing them to reveal their top secrets."
"COBRA COMMANDER is hatred and evil personified. Corrupt. A man without scruples. Probably the most dangerous man alive!"
Source: www.yojoe.com/comics/pinup/108b.shtml.
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giftcollection4u · 4 years ago
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Official Movie Prequel #1 (G.I. Joe: Movie Prequel)
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Official Movie Prequel #1 (G.I. Joe: Movie Prequel)
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] – Details)
The first of a series of back-stories and secret dossiers on the characters from the film, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra! Before he was code-named Duke and brought into the G.I. Joes, he was the top kick of a special ops team. Join him as he fights his way in and our of a jungle hell in a mission that goes wrong in every way…
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