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omarrudbergarchive · 6 months ago
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bestiariet · 1 year ago
Här och var kan man hitta bilder från Seriefest i Väst. Till exempel de här bilderna från GIL.
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ensomheterjohan · 1 year ago
Vi sprayade och bar oss åt, @n-tuben och jag. I Göteborg. I somras.
Och på fredag och lördag är jag i Göteborg igen. Kommer till Seriefest i väst med nya numret av Svenska Superserier (och mina andra grejer). Att det kommit ett nytt nummer är sensationellt eller något, eftersom det har gått nio år sedan förra numret. Alltså inte sju år, som jag felaktigt påstod i mitt förra inlägg.
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skarsjoy · 10 months ago
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Bois player Oskar was stopped in Manhattan, by a guy who pointed to Boi's club badge. The guy was Alexander Skarsgård. Turns out he was a big Bois fan! Fun!😃👍🏼🇺🇸
via grundenboisofficiella on Instagram May 8, 2024 (Team from Göteborg, Sweden)
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dealgemeneverwarring · 1 month ago
De Algemene Verwarring #125 - 20 January 2025
Episode one hundred and twenty-five of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday, January 20, 2025, and you can listen to it by clicking on the link below that will take you directly to the Mixcloud page:
Pictured below is Jon Collin. Jon Collin is an English musician who moved to Sweden so it will not come as a surprise that he was first brought to my attention by Discreet Music from Göteborg, who releaded the LP "Bridge Variations" in 2022. In the meantime I own a few records from him and in 2024 he released the lp "Devotion Objects", a collaboration with the Australian duo Troth. And it really is a match made in heaven, one of my favorite albums of 2024 that I forgot to mention in my Instagram post from a few weeks ago, so go check them out.
I'll be short because I am late again, so some of the other music in this episode is from The Scientists, Ausmuteants, Alvilda, Tramhaus, The Three Johns, The Black Angels, The Drin, Wolf Eyes, Christoph Heemann, Drekka, and of course, Front 242. And beneath the photo you can find the playlist for the show. Enjoy!
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Ausmuteants: Fed Through A Tube (7” “Fed Through A Tube” on Total Punk, 2014)
Section Urbane: I’d Rather Stay Home And Watch TV (LP V/A “Bloodstains Across Australia” on Bloodstains Records, 1998, originally released on a 7” on Shake Music in 1984)
The Scientists: Murderess In A Purple Dress (2LP “A Place Called Bad” on Numero Group, 2016, originally released on the “You Get What You Deserve” LP on Carbon, 1985)
Tramhaus: The Cause (LP “The First Exit” on Subroutine Records, 2024)
Alvilda: Chômage (LP “C’est Déjà L’heure” on Static Shock Records, 2024)
The Three Johns: Men Like Monkeys (12” “Men Like Monkeys” on CNT Productions, 1983)
The Fall: Leave The Capitol (LP “Slates” on Superior Viaduct, reissue 2021, originally released on 10” in 1981)
The Black Angels: You On The Run (CD “Directions To See A Ghost” on Light In The Attic Records, 2008)
The Drin: Scars Of Places (LP “Elude The Torch” on Feel It Records, 2024)
Und Piloten: Umsturz (LP V/A “Klar!80 - Ein Kassettenlabel aus Düsseldorf” on Bureau B, 2023)
Wolf Eyes: No Purpose No Plans (CD “Smegma, Wolf Eyes, Leif Elggren and Saturn and the Sun” on Ideal inner circle, 2024)
Christoph Heemann: I’m Gonna Be Around (LP V/A “Musik Vom Nebengleis” on Quirlschlänge, 2024)
Troth & Jon Collin: Whispering Sand (LP “Devotion Objects” on A Colorful Storm, 2024)
Drekka: Posterity Is Futile (CD V/A “Morc Sampler 2024” on Morc Records, 2024, originally released on cassette “Icelandic For Beginners” on Morc, 2005)
Nom De Guerre: Untitled 4 (CD “Nom De Guerre” on Ideal Inner Circle, 2024)
Front 242: Lovely Day (LP “No Comment” on Animalized Records, 1985)
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starlene · 10 months ago
There was some vague talk about this on Instagram already, so it doesn't come as a surprise to me, but: I just recovered a marketing e-mail from my spam folder confirming that Moulin Rouge! Stockholm will become Moulin Rouge! Göteborg in 2025.
Let's see if I'll be able to get this obsession out of my system by next year or if I'll end up making eight trips to Göteborg or what!
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year ago
Sällström on the support and criticism: "You can support your team and still behave"
When Vittsjö met IFK Göteborg in the Swedish Cup, some of the supporters shouted disparaging words linked to the players' gender - which caused Linda Sällström to react. Now the Vittsjö player talks about the aftermath and the support from supporters. - They are also tired of it, she says to the Football Channel.
Last Saturday, Vittsjö won 5-0 over IFK Göteborg in the first round of the Swedish Cup.
During the match, some people who stood with Blåvitt's cheerleaders are said to have shouted derogatory words linked to the players' gender.
After the match, Vittsjö's Linda Sällström had had enough and chose to confront the people in question. In the television broadcast, Sällström was seen running up to the stands immediately after the final signal.
- I was most pissed off and shocked that people behave this way. That was my first reaction, what goes through the heads of people who shout such words and use such language, says Sällström to Fotbollskanalen.
She elaborates:
- They were provoked by me even approaching and started shouting. There was no constructive discussion and one of the people waving a supporter flag started pulling it over my head and in my face. As it continued, I grabbed the flag. It became a sort of tug-of-war and it might have gone on for a little too long.
On Saturday afternoon, Linda Sällström and Hanna Ekengren went out in each post on Instagram where they described their experiences. Sällström wrote, among other things, that:
"Yesterday was International Women's Day, today we had to listen to misogynistic slurs and verbal harassment for 90+ minutes".
Later on Saturday and into Sunday, a debate flared up, especially on Platform X. People who had been there and cheered on their team felt that the focus was on the wrong thing. 
" I don't share the image of inappropriate things being shouted throughout the match. It feels sad that the good things that are done in the stands for IFK Gothenburg's women's team are being overshadowed. For 90+ minutes, blue and white chants were sung without expletives to support our team, because it is the focus for most of us, " writes a Blåvitt supporter to the Football Channel.
AIK player Adelisa Grabus shared her thoughts on X:
"One day you want supporters in place, others you don't. The fact that a few individuals behave like trash shouldn't affect those who put their heart into making women's football grow."
IFK Gothenburg's club director Håkan Mild was present at the match. In an interview with Fotbollskanalen, he said that he did not hear any swear words during the match, but that the club has started an investigation to find out what happened.
- In retrospect, I have learned that those who shouted are not part of the real supporters. But if the others (supporters) hear such language and do not accept it either, then what is stopping them from intervening or fetching the security guard if it does not agree with their values ​​and values, says Sällström.
According to a supporter who was present, the people who disparaged the players had been told off.
There are those who believe that you have to count with things like this if you want to have an audience at the matches and that it is everyday in men's football, what do you think about that? - Those are the arguments that some have used. That the men have to put up with a lot more and that we shouldn't whine. But it's not okay to shout like that there either. I don't think you should behave like that anywhere.
Where do you think the line is for what a player should accept from the stands? - You can be critical and you can shout and boo and everything like that. I understand that it belongs to that, and that's not what it's about. But that's when there are crude verbal attacks. It doesn't feel like you should have to choose between discrimination and having supporters in place. You can support your team and still behave, says Sällström.
In the aftermath, Vittsjö issued a statement. On their website they write, among other things, that:
"The association stands behind our players' statement and actions regarding this incident. We must all stand united in improving the climate in the stands. Supporter culture is something fantastic that we need. But at the same time, there are many terrible things that happen in the stands that must go away."
Sällström says that, in addition to her club, she has received support from supporters. Among others from supporters of IFK Gothenburg.
- The opinion I have is that it was very welcome that I brought it up and there are many who think it is important that players also bring this up. Supporters from various clubs have contacted us and feel that there is sometimes a very bad atmosphere or bad language and behavior in the stands. They are also tired of it and would like to see a change there.
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magdasabs · 2 years ago
My pleasure and kinda "duty" to tell about fun stuff as a long time Sweden fan ;)
Ok so this was before Julia had met Emma and before she'd signed for then Kopparbergs/Göteborg (the team later became part of Häcken when the club took them in). I think she was the only one left who played for a Stockholm based team. Nattis, Ippe, Anna Oscarsson and Tove Almqvist played for other clubs than AIK, Djurgården and Hammarby. Tove definitely did, she played in Linköping with Magda, Pernille, Frido and Stina among her team mates and then she went to Vittsjö. Ippe left Hammarby for Linköping after season 2017 and Julia left for Gothenburg in the summer transfer window 2018 (yes I googled it lol). So it was probably within this time frame their little travel mishap transpired. It also fits with when Instagram started with stories in 2016. This group was in the 2015 U19 Euro squad that won the gold and they were good friends already then. But it can't have been before 2016 because their little incident was shared in insta stories.
The four of them visited Julia in Stockholm (Johanna wasn't there, probably had a league game or something and Tove's best friend Stina wasn't even in Sweden). They'd went with Ippe to buy a new iPhone. Someone shared a story when they were on the subway train and Ippe unpacked her new phone. She made a huge deal of it of course lmao and was over excited. I kid you not, it was like "Omg omg omg!" and shrieks of excitement and joy from her. Tove sat next to Ippe and almost cried from laughter.
A while later Anna shared a story when they were at a platform and waited for the subway train. It was outdoors and I recognised it as the station Globen near the Globe arena (now named Avicii arena). They were laughing so much they bent forward and held their stomaches. All but Nattis who wasn't the least amused. She could be seen in the background standing with her arms crossed and a annoyed look on her face like "I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit".
Anna could barely speak when she asked Tove to come help her tell what had happened. And what had happened was they'd somehow managed to get on the right subway train - heading in the wrong direction. They didn't notice they were heading in the wrong direction for fifteen (15) minutes. They'd passed several stations before anyone reacted. The most hilarious is that everyone but Tove had lived and played in Stockholm for several years and had just very recently left for other clubs. Julia even still lived and played in Stockholm! As someone who doesn't live in Stockholm but has been there much, I can tell you it's fairly easy to find your way around the subway map in comparison to London where I've also visited.
When their subway train, this time in the right direction lmao, arrived Anna said "Idiots on world tour" about them. It became very fitting as this group went on vacations together regularly for a couple of years. Some were in the U23 national team and naturally got to travel to other countries together that way. Once Anna posted a story when she and Tove were at a player hotel. They were in a public area like the hotel lobby or near the dining room. Anna filmed Tove when she made a kick forward. Her flip flop flew through the air and almost hit one of the Dutch U23 players. Whoops. In a added story Anna had frozen the footage and zoomed in on Tove's face when she followed the flight of her flip flop towards the Dutchies. She did a funny caption to it but I don't remember what. Tove's face was priceless anyway as she watched her flip flop in horror. Of course the two of them broke down in fits of laughter afterwards.
Others have been called up to the senior national team for looks in training games or for competitive games and championships. At one camp Ippe was Anna's roomie. They were chilling in their hotel room laying on their beds. Anna checked her phone. An apparently very bored Ippe posted a story when she first had her back towards Anna. The collar of her Sweden training jacket covered half her face so you could only see her eyes. Then she quickly turned around and hit Anna hard on the arm or leg. Anna exclaimed "Ouch! Cut it out Filippa!" and hit Ippe back on her leg but stopped herself halfway so she wouldn't hit her full force. Then she returned to checking her phone and Ippe rolled back so she was turned away from Anna again. Still with the collar covering half her face. Through all of this Ippe didn't utter a sound. Didn't laugh, didn't giggle and didn't say anything. She just got an idea to film when she was being a little shit to Anna and wanted to do something eh creative.
The members of the Idiots on world tour have changed slightly it seems but the core group is the same. I think last time they as a big group of friends went on a December vacation after season was in 2019. Julia had met Emma, Anna hadn't met Matilda, Elena hadn't met Benni, Ippe had met Megan, Nattis was either single or with that male Djurgården ice hockey player, Stina was probably single as she had still to meet her bf whom she met after she'd moved to Gothenburg and she didn't move there until 2020.
And now with this recent boat ride the Idiots are on world tour again. Some of them will get to travel half way around the the world in less than one months time when Sweden fly out to the base camp in Wellington, NZ.
Thank you for taking the time to share all of that! It's really cool that you remember it
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lord-christer-gustafsson · 13 days ago
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Se Instagram 🍔🔥 Burgar-Bonanzan Fortsätter! 🔥🍔 Vilken helg det har varit! 🎉 🎶 Fredag: Spelning med kungen Thåström vilken kväll! 🍔 Lördag: Besök på alltid trevliga @lucys_eriksberg där jag fick avnjuta min egenkomponerade burgare som är Kockens val hela månaden! (Har du missat den? Kolla gårdagens inlägg! 😉) 👦 När grabben hörde mig snacka burgare blev han sugen (såklart!) Så inför dagens familjemiddag blev det en sväng till @kvillesaluhall för att plocka upp grovmalen burgarfärs från @akbarschark. 🔥 Stekbordet från @vrakberget gick varmt idag med smashade burgare & karamelliserad lök! 🍔✨ Alla fick sedan bygga sina drömburgare utifrån smak, tycke och allergier! Här är vad vi hade att välja på: 🧀 Ost från @vaddogardsmejeri⁠ 🍞 Bröd från @garantskafferiet 🥒 Saltgurka 🧅 Karamelliserad lök 🧅 Isad silverlök 🥄 Majonnäs 🤤 Hemgjord dressing 🍅 Ketchup 🌭 Senap 🥓 Rostad lök Vilka TILLBEHÖR är måste-ha på DIN burgare? 👇🔥 Om du uppskattar mina inlägg skulle jag bli superglad om du; Följer 👉 @the.real.cg.lagar.mat ✨ Gillar 👍 Sparar recept 🍝 Kommenterar 💬 Delar inlägg 🤩 Lägger till @the.real.cg.lagar.mat som favorit 🌟 @conantswe @sharpx_ab @koketcetera @kvillesaluhall @akbarschark @marinetaste⁠ @audgeirrknives @extremefoodswe⁠ @cosorisverige⁠ @vaddogardsmejeri⁠ @garantskafferiet @khmer_pepper @aviko_sverige @lucys_eriksberg #thåström #godavänner #göteborg #hisingen #eriksberg #familj #smashadburgare #cheddar #smashjärn #recept #dressing #hemburgare #kockyoga #högrev #hamburgare #ost #ostburgare #comfortfood #smashatärgodast #burgare #burgarost #pommes #matobak_se #ostburgare #dinnerwithfamily #stekhäll http://dlvr.it/TJ17yK För mer
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theurbanhippieswe · 2 months ago
Nowadays I prefer big sizes. You can always fill it up with layers. The N-3 jacket by Real McCoy’s I ordered in size 46. Have now washed it in 60 degrees. It shrunk a bit and now it fits me fine. The M-51 fishtail parka is also by RMC. Would have liked it even bigger but don’t think they offer that. Shirt by Momotaro from Göteborg Manufaktur. Nudie jeans from their shop in my home town. Danner Boots. Beanie Fleurs de Bagne from HepCat Store. Bag Bleu de Chauffe.
Photo: @rahland
#styleinmalmo #menswear #heritagestyle #pinterest #instagram #vintage #agingwithstyle #theurbanhippieswe #ruggedstyle #dailyruggedstyle
#ruggedguy #vintagestyle #fashionblogger #styleblogger #gipsyclassic
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enmusasblog · 2 months ago
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Succéshowen ”It’s My Party” med Magnus Carlsson tillbaka i vår! Magnus Carlssons hyllade succéshow "It’s My Party" från hösten 2024 återvänder våren 2025. Med showen, som hyllats av både publik och kritiker, firar Magnus 50 år i livet och 30 år som artist med en festlig föreställning fylld med hits, glamour och energi. Biljetterna släpps torsdag 19 december. Turnéstart 12 mars i Göteborg.   Under showen bjuder Magnus Carlsson publiken på en oförglömlig kväll fylld av energi, en spektakulär scenshow och mängder av hits. Magnus är både glad och tacksam över det fantastiska mottagandet och ser fram emot att uppleva festen med sin publik igen.  
"Jag är överväldigad av det fantastiska mottagandet showen har fått. Att få fira detta år tillsammans med min publik har varit magiskt, och jag ser fram emot att få göra det igen i ytterligare en säsong. Det här är en fest som ingen vill missa!" säger Magnus Carlsson
Om Magnus Carlsson  Magnus Carlsson inledde sin musikaliska karriär som sångare i bandet Barbados. De blev snabbt ett av Sveriges mest populära band med hits som ”Se Mig", ”Världen Utanför” och "Kom hem". 2002 gick Magnus vidare till popgruppen Alcazar, där de erövrade topplistor både i Sverige och runtom i världen med låtar som "Not a Sinner, Nor a Saint" och "This is the World We Live In". Efter Alcazar har Magnus valt att satsa helt på sin solokarriär. Magnus har varit med i Melodifestivalen åtta gånger – tre gånger med Barbados, två med Alcazar och tre som soloartist. Bland bidragen återfinns två andraplaceringar i finalen och hitlåtar som t ex ”Alcastar", "Live Forever" och "Möt mig i Gamla Stan". Magnus har även varit programledare i TV och radio och spelat i musikal. Under sina år som artist har han Grammisnominerats tolv gånger och vunnit tre gånger. Genom åren har han släppt 30 studioalbum och mottagit totalt 37 guld,- och platinaskivor. 
Sagt om showen Betyg: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  ”Du vet vad du får om du har varit på hans shower förr och det här är inget undantag, hundra procent klanderfri leverans. Det här partyt vill du inte missa!” - På Scen
Betyg: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  ”De flesta står upp och dansar, andra sittdansar i raderna. Alla sjunger med i varenda låt. Magnus interaktion med publiken är unik, här finns ett samspel och en stor respekt. Glädjen är total och energin är hög, hade det funnits en mätare hade den slagit i taket. När showen är slut går publiken dansande ut ur salongen, det känns som att kvällen bara har börjat.” – Du i fokus 
"Magnus Carlsson vet hur man fixar fest. Toppklass rakt igenom!" - Borås Tidning 
”Hitsen studsar iväg som popcorn” - Göteborgs-Posten 
Speldatum 12 mars Lorensbergsteatern – Göteborg  13 mars Halmstads Teater – Halmstad  14 mars Lund Stadsteater – Lund  15 mars Gummifabriken – Värnamo  16 mars Kalmarsalen – Kalmar 20 mars Sundstaaulan – Karlstad 21 mars Vara konserthus – Vara 22 mars Skövde Stadsteater – Skövde  23 mars Uppsala Konsert & Kongress – Uppsala  26 mars Kungsbacka Teater – Kungsbacka 28 mars Magasinet – Falun 30 mars Alandica – Åland 18 april Cirkus - Stockholm
Biljetter finns på guppy.nu
Hemsida: magnusonline.se  Instagram: @magnus_cson  Facebook: /magnuscarlssonofficiell 
För information om turnén: Daniel Carlsson / Guppy AB tel: 0707660053 [email protected]  För intervjuer: Anette Ståhl / Enmusa Music, tel: 0707-180 120, [email protected] 
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idagnyheter · 5 months ago
Marcus Berggren: Spelade extrovert galning för att passa in
Tidigare ståuppkomiker, författare, krönikör, musikartist – och hobbyrestaurangkritiker på Instagram. Att säga att Marcus Berggren har många strängar till sin lyra är ingen överdrift. Vi har kommit överens om att träffas på en asiatisk restaurang ett par gator från Bokmässans gigantiska komplex i centrala Göteborg. Marcus Berggren har varit här tidigare, men vill “testa menyn igen”. Kontrasten…
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musikblog · 8 months ago
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https://www.musikblog.de/2024/07/juni-late-to-the-party-debuet-ep/ JUNI aus Paris haben diese Woche ihre Debüt-EP “Late To The Party” via Baciami Disques veröffentlicht. View this post on Instagram A post shared by JUNI (@juni.fromtheblock) Das Dance-Pop-Trio JUNI besteht aus Gregory Hoepffner, der derzeit im schwedischen Göteborg wohnt, Gary Royant und Axel Dallou. Alle drei sind auch Mitglied der Popband Kid North sowie […]
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horseweb-de · 10 months ago
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psykoterapiguiden · 1 year ago
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scamillaebostrom · 1 year ago
Hello! Pleased to see you! Painted this fridge carriage for Laventine & Göteborgs familjen couple years ago. Now parked at Allmännavägen, Gothenburg, in the hard hat area. New restaurang in Kaparen under construction!
#sceb #camillabostrom#scamillaebostrom #art #artist #mural #graffit #graffitiart #streetart #birds #exoticbirds #livingartist #dailyart #göteborgsfamiljen #gothenburg
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