barbarapicci · 2 years
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#Streetart by #GÔMEZ @luisgomezdeteran in #Grotte, Italy, for #LaBiddina @labiddina More info at: https://barbarapicci.com/2022/12/20/streetart-gomez-grotte-italy-2/ #streetartGrotte #streetartitaly #italystreetart #LuisGomezdeTeran #art #graffiti #murals #murales #urbanart #muralism #muralismo #streetarteverywhere #instastreetart #streetartphotography #streetartpics #streetartaddicted #streetartlover #igersstreetart #graffitiart #arteurbana #wallart #spraypaint #spraypaintart #contemporaryart #artecontemporanea https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmb_Li-oJTj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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creativespark · 2 years
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GÔMEZ aka Luis Gomez de Teran in Matera, Italy
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oxane · 2 years
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Title: Circus Location: Grotte, Italy Artist: GÔMEZ aka Luis Gomez de Teran For: La Biddina
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nedsecondline · 1 year
Streetart – GÔMEZ @ Pescopagano, Italy
Title: Angelina Location: Pescopagano, Italy Artist: GÔMEZ aka Luis Gomez de Teran Year: 2023 Photo Credits: Luis Gomez de Teran “Angelina is the …Streetart – GÔMEZ @ Pescopagano, Italy
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sciatu · 4 years
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Era una industria per la preparazione dei bitumi stradali. Dopo anni di lavoro venne chiusa e come sempre succede in questi casi, le attrezzature ed i macchinari vennero lasciati ad arrugginire al sole siciliano. Dopo molti anni i proprietari decisero di aprire la fabbrica di Bitumi come museo a ricordare l’importanza che quelle macchine arrugginite e quelle costruzioni in cemento grezzo, avevano avuto per la loro e per moltissime altre famiglie essendo l’unica alternativa all’ emigrazione o alla malavita. Essendo però questa fabbrica a Ragusa, dove regolarmente si svolge un festival per murales dipinti dai grandi artisti mondiali, ecco che l’iniziativa artistica è stata replicata anche nella Fabbrica lasciando agli artisti la massima libertà. Vuoi per il via vai, vuoi per aiutare gli artisti a muoversi in quella città meccanica, alcuni vecchi operai si sono presentati e fermati a parlare con i pittori, raccontando la loro vita, i sacrifici, quel legame particolare con una Fabbrica che era fatica e salvezza, dolore e speranza. Per questo forse alcuni di quei vecchi operai alla fine hanno influenzato le opere create, tanto che ritroviamo i loro volti in mezzo ai serbatoi arrossati dalla ruggine. Persino il grande Cristo morto dipinto sul serbatoio più alto perde dal costato aperto bitume e non sangue. In fondo, come ha scritto Gomez, l’autore dell'opera per ricordare chi lo aveva accompagnato nella realizzazione dell’opera:
Il mio nome era Gnaziu e questo qui è il mio addio fui meglio di Picasso con il mescolatore nessuno mi ringrazia o conosce il volto mio ma sotto ogni tuo passo c’è un po’ del mio sudore.
Vivevo nell’impianto per non voler sparare e trasformai il cemento in acqua, in vino e pane.
E oggi che riscopri un luogo più prezioso le senti le campane? inizia la funzione. Guarda la torre rossa che si trasforma in croce. Io oggi ti saluto, adesso mi riposo per me nel terzo giorno non c’è resurrezione. Son io oggi a pregarti, ricorda la mia voce GÔMEZ
It was an industry for the preparation of road bitumens. After years of work it was closed and as always happens in these cases, the equipment and machinery were left to rust in the Sicilian sun. After many years the owners decided to open the Bitumen factory as a museum to remember the importance that those rusty machines and those buildings in rough concrete had had for their own and for many other families, being the only alternative to emigration or underworld. However, since this factory is in Ragusa, where a festival for murals painted by great world artists regularly takes place, the artistic initiative has also been replicated in the Factory, leaving the artists maximum freedom. Due to the many person that visited the site and the need of some  help for the artists move around that mechanical city, some old workers showed up and started to talk to the painters, telling about their life, the sacrifices, that particular bond with a factory that was hard work and salvation, pain and hope. For this reason perhaps some of those old workers in the end influenced the works created, so much so that we find their faces in the middle of the tanks reddened by rust. Even the great dead Christ painted on the highest tank loses bitumen and not blood from its open side. Gomez , the author of the work writed also a poetry to remember who accompanied him in the creation of the work:
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sheltiechicago · 4 years
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GÔMEZ aka Luis Gomez de Teran  in Matera, Italy
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dudewhoabides · 5 years
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Artist: GÔMEZ aka Luis Gomez de Teran
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streetartusa · 7 years
Our 2017 Top 20 Images on Facebook
Despite the improvement in global economy, 2017 was an unsettling year filled with unpleasant events. Between President Donald Trump, and catastrophic hurricanes wrecking homes and livelihoods, as well as high-profile sexual harassment…. It’s been a heavy year. However, I believe 2017 brought more triumph than tragedy within the realm of street-art. The developer of NYC’s iconic graffiti site, 5…
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aundreahamblen · 5 years
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Streetart News [wall 637] – Seth GlobePainter, GÔMEZ, Luca Ledda, Bordalo II, Dadospuntocero https://ift.tt/2ZEeIUl
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barbarapicci · 1 year
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Streetart by GÔMEZ @ Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy, for Comune di Acquaviva delle Fonti
More pics at: https://barbarapicci.com/2023/09/22/streetart-gomez-acquaviva-delle-fonti-italy/
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creativespark · 2 years
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Luis Gomez de Teran (GÔMEZ) in Naples, Italy
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barbarapicci · 1 year
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Streetart by GÔMEZ @ Joppolo Giancaxio, Italy, for La Biddina More pics at: https://barbarapicci.com/2023/05/18/streetart-gomez-joppolo-giancaxio-italy/
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nedsecondline · 1 year
Ecco la lista degli articoli pubblicati nell’ultima settimana. BRABS Memorie critiche – Prove di sopravvivenza STREET ART GÔMEZ @ Acquaviva delle …Ricapitolando
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nedsecondline · 1 year
Streetart – GÔMEZ @ Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy
GÔMEZ @ Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy GÔMEZ @ Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy GÔMEZ @ Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy Title: Briganti Location: Acquaviva …Streetart – GÔMEZ @ Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy
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nedsecondline · 1 year
Streetart – GÔMEZ @ Joppolo Giancaxio, Italy
GÔMEZ @ Joppolo Giancaxio, Italy GÔMEZ @ Joppolo Giancaxio, Italy GÔMEZ @ Joppolo Giancaxio, Italy Title: Divertēre Location: Joppolo Giancaxio, …Streetart – GÔMEZ @ Joppolo Giancaxio, Italy
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nedsecondline · 1 year
Streetart – GÔMEZ @ Joppolo Giancaxio, Italy
GÔMEZ @ Joppolo Giancaxio, Italy GÔMEZ @ Joppolo Giancaxio, Italy GÔMEZ @ Joppolo Giancaxio, Italy Title: Divertēre Location: Joppolo Giancaxio, …Streetart – GÔMEZ @ Joppolo Giancaxio, Italy
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