dungeonmalcontent · 1 year
Okay folks.
Happy spooky month.
Happy open your ribcage and devour a victim month.
Happy best time of the year.
Happy Grimdark.
Grimdark & Dangerous 50% off for the entire month of October. Just use this link.
Grimdark & Dangerous 50% off for the entire month of October. Just use this link.
Grimdark & Dangerous 50% off for the entire month of October. Just use this link.
Don't know what Grimdark & Dangerous is? You must be new here. It's my magnum opus of 5e homebrew. Normally it costs $19.99. This month, if you use this link, it costs $9.99. I'll give you a second to wipe up that water you just spit out of your mouth using your excellent comedic timing skills you glorious potential Grimdark player.
Reader for the kicker?
This month, Grimdark & Dangerous gets it's first milestone expansion. Currently we are poised at 49 copies sold (as of writing). The next person that buys a copy triggers a file update. After 50 copies sold, all past and future buyers of G&D get an extra G&D expansion book for free as part of buying G&D. Grimdark & Dangerous: The Living Grimoire Expansion is a whole thing in and of itself, and if I were going to put a price on it, that price would be $8.99. On its own. Buy G&D, get the second book free. In fact, the only way to get The Living Grimoire is as a free expansion. This is content I've never shared before or published elsewhere. And if you wait, after this month, the price goes back up to $19.99.
Is this clicking for you yet? In the spirit of the month of October, I am slashing the price of a massive homebrew book in half so you can play as a horrible dark fantasy monster in your Halloween game. Not planning on doing a Halloween oneshot or mini campaign? Do one anyway, the amount of content in this book could write multiple distinct campaign outlines just from mixing and matching descriptive text.
You do not know how much self control is has taken me not to start this post with a Destiel meme, this is that big of a deal.
→ If it wasn't clear already, this is one of the very few posts of mine that you need to reblog.
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taryo88 · 7 months
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"Sir Hamish had captured love in their expression, and a fierce pride; but I thought, for the first time, how very young they had been." - Stargazy Pie
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sinni-ok-sessi · 2 years
'average person experiences one life-changing revelation every few years' factoid actually statistical error
Cliopher Mdang, who lives on Zunidh and experiences one revelation every thousand years, and Jemis Greenwing, who lives on Alinor and experiences about six a month, are both outliers adn should not have been counted
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lotus-mirage · 6 months
Just read Saint of the Bookstore and lmao. That’s two for two occasions where both Victoria Goddard’s protagonists and I failed to realize something important about their close friend for a truly silly amount of time. Ohhh my god.
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Another bad rip of the old Gorre & Daphetid documentary, but nonetheless at least it's light hearted
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slyandthefamilybook · 4 months
why do you guys talk like you think not voting means no one gets elected
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that-stone-butch · 8 months
transphobic family members are one thing but it's so hard to deal with family that are convinced they're supportive but are bumbling, misinformed, or forgetful and will still misgender/deadname you nearly as frequently, but when you call them out or ask them to try harder all of a sudden you're the bad guy. i have heard some of the most fucked up shit from 'liberal' parents using the 'correct' terminology about trans people, where what they're actually saying is deeply fucked up. like my step mom excitedly telling me she saw 'an afab man' at the market and explaining how she could tell.
'i don't want to be in a room where i will be misgendered/deadnamed/deal with transphobia' applies even if it happens 'on accident' every single time you see someone. and it's a healthy boundary to set. but good g-d some people would rather kick and scream and cry than acknowledge that they're hurting you, even unintentionally.
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iamnmbr3 · 4 months
Harry most times that he sees a Veela: lol why is everyone acting so weird?
Harry when he sees Cedric: Omg he's so handsome and good looking and attractive.
Harry when he sees young Sirius: How is he this fit without even trying?
Harry when he sees Tom Riddle: Damn. Credit where credit it due. An 11 has entered the room.
Harry when he sees Draco: That soft, gleaming, sleek blond hair tho. Those glittering, pale grey eyes tho. I hate him. But like. I can see.
JK Rowling: I have written a heterosexual protagonist.
Me: Have you tho?
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bashzzey · 11 months
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ENA in Pomni's outfit!!
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smokestarrules · 6 months
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NEW DANA LUMITY ART (alongside more!!)
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aaflovedatbounz · 5 months
Shay Shayy ...
Keep Fukin Playin !!!
Keep Fukin Bounzin !!!
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taryo88 · 7 months
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Spiritual seekers need one another as mirrors. A member of the Hopi nation once asked me about our holy days. I was telling him about Passover, our celebration of freedom, and Sukkot, our Feast of Tabernacles, and how they fit in with the cycles of the year. "I think I get it," he said finally. "You people don't want to be in slavery. And you want to pass this on to your children. But when you tell your kids on Passover, 'We have to go away from here; we can't stay here because it will cost us our freedom,' your kids will say, 'Yeah, but what are we going to eat?' So you teach them how to bake bread on stones, how to roast a lamb if you are hungry, how to find dandelion greens, and so on. When the kids ask, 'But where will we stay?' you show them how to build a lean-to, so they will have somewhere to live." An Indian perspective on the mitzvot to eat the Passover lamb with matzot and bitter herbs and to build a sukkah on Sukkot gave me a completely different insight into my own traditions.
-Jewish with Feeling, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. 2005, p. 198-199
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ryuki-draws · 1 month
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When I saw the coffin-shaped shell unit on Calibarn's head, I knew what I had to do. Utena inspired prints I had at TFNation 2024!
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hoagiesnadwich · 7 months
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an honest conversation
wahoo part 5! i was so excited to post this the entire time i was making it, i think its so funny
part 4 <- part 5 -> part 6
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kingkatsuki · 2 months
When he’s fucking you and shifts position to bend a leg so he can plant his foot on the bed and fuck you harder >>>>>
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