#Future Whiteknight Kids
reashot · 1 year
To celebrate my mother day's Fic for reaching 100 likes and reblog. I can finally show y'all what the Arc kids are supposed to look like and who they are for the sequel:
Dusk Belladonna
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Age: 10.
Semblance: Invisibility (she can made her self invisible for few seconds.)
Weapon: N/A. (She doesn't have or want one.)
Favorite foods: Anything with fish but prefers Tuna.
Likes: Mommy, Daddy, Being alone.
Dislikes: Dogs, crowds, stranger.
Character Desc:
Dusk Belladonna is the daughter Blake and Jaune which means she is also the daughter of both human and Faunus. In her timeline Human and Faunus achieved true equality and mutual respect with one another. It was not easy and although Dusk herself does not know the sacrifice needed to achieve it, even she knows that it's something to be cherished and protected. Quiet, reserved and preferring the company of close associates. She is still expected to one day lead Menagerie and all of Faunuskind. A decision that she is also unaware of. But her parents are against it. Instead wanting her to enjoy her childhood for as long as she can before the fated day.
Scarlett Rose-Arc.
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Gender: ♀️
Age: 17.
Semblance: Petal Storm. (An upgraded form of Ruby's Semblance.)
Weapon: Crescent Rose MK. 20. (A.K.A. the Geneva Violator.)
Favorite foods: Strawberry Shortcake.
Likes: Spending time with family, weapons, fighting.
Dislikes: Bully, Bugs, Rainy day.
Character Desc:
Scarlett like Ruby is both a powerful fighter and a genius weapon inventor. Her weapon is the Crescent Rose MK. 20. A Scythe, Voulge, grenade launcher, assault riffle and sniper rifle combination weapon. In practice such a weapon should not be able to work but she and Ruby managed to made it work. This essentially turns her into a one woman army. But even though she’s a formidable warrior she still not yet able to beat her older brother Vermillion in a fight. Something which annoys her.
Victor Arc (formerly a Schnee)
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Gender: ♂️
Age: 20.
Semblance: Glyph. (Has been shown able to summon a small army worth of Grimm.)
Weapon: Myrtenaster,
Favorite Foods: Sushi.
Likes: Seeing her mother dead, his little sister, cute things. (In that order.)
Dislikes: His mother, Atlas, Incompetent people. (himself)
Character Desc:
Victor Schnee or now known as Victor Arc was once a former Scion of the Schnee Household. Is the son of Jaune Arc and although he hates to admit it, he is also the son of Weiss Schnee. In his timeline the world is broken in every sense of the word. In his world. War has engulfed Remnant. And the scale of destruction is beyond comprehension. Continents shattered, sea boiled over, even the very air turned against you, All courtesy of the Superweapon created by the SDC. Of course many tried to stop the war from happening and all failed, Even Jaune Schnee died trying to stop it. His dead however is proven to be the catalyst for the tragedy. After his death something broke inside of Weiss. Despaired and Enraged by her husband’s death. Weiss reorganized the Kingdom of Atlas into the Atlesian Empire and declared war on everyone. With Victor serving as her right hand man. Working under her Victor is responsible for many of the Empire’s victory and her atrocity. He himself is directly responsible for numerous warcrimes and even genocide against the Faunus. Victor is also credited for killing Ruby Rose and for capturing Blake. Back home in Atlas he was hailed as hero for this feats. It’s only until much later that he regretted his action. And came to hate his own mother so far as to wanting her dead. While she's the one that broke the world, he still blame himself for helping her doing it.
Aurum Arc
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Gender: ♂️
Age: 30-40.
Semblance: Ignite. (He is able to heat up the surface of any object he touch. If you seen the hot knife video on YouTube it’s pretty much like that.)
Weapon: Prominence Flame. (A Greatsword of the big-ass variety.)
Favorite foods: Homecooked meal. (he ain’t picky.)
Likes: Justice, protecting innocents, helping people.
Dislikes: Injustice, Villain, Laziness.
Character Desc:
As the oldest of the 12 sibling, Aurum is also born the weakest among his siblings. Born prematurely many did not expect him to survive childhood. But he refused to give up. Motivated by stories of warriors of old and the story of his father. He continues pushing his limit. And to the surprise of everyone he not only survive past childhood but he actually starts growing taller and stronger compared to other children his age. So strong in fact that in the age of 15 he managed to kill a Dragon Grimm. By the age of 17 he joined the Arc Knights. And in the age 20 rose through the rank and become the youngest captain of the group. A rank that he still hold to this day. Despite his achievement however he still found himself lacking behind his father and he made a promise that he will surpass the Grandmaster, Jaune Arc himself.
Vermillion Rose-Arc.
Scarlett's older brother will finally make his true debut in the next fic. So till then just wait my lovely readers. You will be mildly surprised.
And if there's anything you want to ask just leave a message, I'll try to answer it as best as I can.
And do tell me which one is your favorite?
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rocknroll7575 · 1 year
Sorry to ask but do you remember a white knight Tumblr post I remembered about Weiss visiting a fortune teller at a festival and the fortune teller gave her a vision of a future with her and Jaune having kids and she walk away with happy smile they also use this picture https://www.tumblr.com/seshirukun/644581011709149184/whiteknight-family-for-alexadru93?source=share
I do not remember said post, which is weird because I’ve been going on a WhiteKnight rabbit hole as of late… damn you volume 9!!!
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itsupermanti · 1 year
Sorry to ask but do you remember a white knight Tumblr post I remember it's about Weiss visiting a fortune teller at a festival and the fortune teller show a future of her and Jaune having kids and she walk away with happy smile https://www.tumblr.com/seshirukun/644581011709149184/whiteknight-family-for-alexadru93?source=share
Nope. I’m more of a Lancaster guy myself. It’s one of my OTPs, second to Izuocha. I don’t know what post you’re talking about, sorry.
Maybe @howlingday or @notmaplemable have seen the post you’re talking about?
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*A few years into the future. The next gen kids get into a spot of trouble fighting grimm and Whitley busts in to help with his fabulous boots*
Bone-Chilling! Kid: Oh my god! MOM!!!
Rosegarden! Kid:...
Bumblebee! Kid:....
Whiteknight! Kid:...
Bone-chilling kid:...ah shit
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mrrayneysstuff · 1 year
You remember a white knight Tumblr post I remember it's about Weiss visiting a fortune teller at a festival and the fortune teller gave her which of the future where she and Jaune have kids and she walk away with a happy smile they also use this picture https://www.tumblr.com/seshirukun/644581011709149184/whiteknight-family-for-alexadru93?source=share
No, the truth is that I don't remember one like that.
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palaceofpassion · 1 year
Hey do you remember a white knight Tumblr post I remembered about Weiss visiting a fortune teller at a festival and a fortune teller gave her a glimpse into a future where she and Jaune have kids and she walk away with happy smile they also use this picture https://www.tumblr.com/seshirukun/644581011709149184/whiteknight-family-for-alexadru93?source=share
I don't remember using the photo, someone may have had it attached to the ask. But I"m pretty sure that was mine. I just don't remember, nor have the time to look for it.
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https://www.tumblr.com/seshirukun/644581011709149184/whiteknight-family-for-alexadru93?source=share do you remember a Tumblr white knight post I remembered about Weiss visiting a fortune teller at a festival and the fortune teller gave her a vision of the future where she has kids with jaune and she walk away looking happy
That post sounds familiar, But I unfortunately do not know where that would be.
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epic-arc · 1 year
Hey do you remember a white knight Tumblr post I remember it about Weiss visiting a fortune teller and show her future with Jaune and four kids I remember her visiting the fortune teller at a festival also they use this picture https://www.tumblr.com/seshirukun/644581011709149184/whiteknight-family-for-alexadru93?source=share
Thats cool!!!
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papirouge · 3 years
Men getting worked up over kids entertainment will never not be funny to me. I remember when the new Space Jam came out and men (and some women too I think) started whining about Lola Bunny's redesign because apparently they had removed her breasts. There was this image that compared the "old" and "new" design that started circulating where the old depicted Lola with very big breasts and the new depicted her with a flat chest. These men obviously started whining about SJW and political correctness and so on.
Well, turns out that the "old" image actually came from some coomerish fan art where Lola was drawn with far bigger breasts that her original design. Like these men probably hadn't watched nor cared about Space Jam since they were kids, forgot what Lola actually looked like and were basing their image of her on pornified fan art that they saw when older.
Not to mention that Lola Bunny wasn't designed to cater to horny males, she was in fact designed with little girls in mind. In fact, her old conceptual art depicted her as more tomboyish that the final design from the original movie (you can look it up btw). The idea was that little girls would become more interested in seeing the movie and would want to buy merch that depicted Lola Bunny in them.
Also, why would anybody be interested in seeing rabbit boobies? In a childrens movie at that?! Literally madness.
It's honestly sooooo pathetic to see these grown dude being so worked up over entertainment aimed at CHILDREN/PRE TEENS but the worst is seeing ppl defend this mess as if they were victim of political correctness for...being clowned for the immature cringefest that they are. And I thought wokesters were the weak/sensitive ones..🥴
I'm in my 30s and there's no way in hell I'm gonna ever write a full on column to whine about I feel excluded from Steven Universe or whatever show is popular with kids
White men are sooo desperate to act like they're oppressed when they're the same ones mocking PC/SJW culture and how minorities have to stop complaining about medias & "performative representation" BUT WATCH THEM TURN AROUND AND DO THE EXACT SAME THING WHENEVER NON WHITE CHARACTERS ARE GETTING SHOVED INTO ENTERTAINMENT PIECES AND SCREAM ABOUT THE ERASURE OF WHITENESS🤡🤡 why so salty about Black hobbits/little mermaid/Ann Boleyn? I thought representation & Whitewhashing didn't matter and they are just TV shows and that we should just get over it? 🤡
What you're saying about Lola Bunny is so interesting bc it's a glaring example of how men feel entitled to be the standard in everything. And when they don't, they consider it a personal offense and take up their pen and whine about how "eXhaUsTinG" it is lmao. That dude from that cringe article whining about "Seeing Red" would have NEVER went out of his way to say how some shows are too masculine and not catering enough to female or children. It was 100% "i hate when it's not about me" word salad, and I can't believe that anyone would whiteknight this mess.
Lola Bunny is literally from a cartoon show which mostly cater to CHILDREN yet they cried like pissy babies bc she wasn't sexy enough. Their scrotism is showing. There's no wonder masculinity is dying. But MuH aTtacK aGaInsT sTRaiGht WhitE mEN right? They are self suiciding themselves. Grown Western men be more bothered about anthropomorphic bunny than having kids and building their future. Pathetic and weak.
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arcpaladin-jaune · 6 years
Arcverse: Who’s the mama?!
Lycan Jaune: *pushing Nero on some swings*
Grimm Jaune: You know it’s nice to see one of us has something of a happy life on his end.
Bloodedge: Happiness is subjective, I just wish we knew who the mom was.
True Jaune: Look Lycan doesn’t have to share that with us, for now let’s let him enjoy that his son is here.
Grimm Jaune: Look color me curious because I really want to know.
Freedom Jaune: Hey guys check out who I ran into *running over with team RWBY*
Demi Jaune: Hm oh hey, it’s you guys.
Yang: So what you all having a family outing?
Grimm Jaune: We got bored and decided to meet up at this park when Vale didn’t lighten the mood.
Ruby: Is that other you playing with a baby?
True Jaune: Yes, Lycan has a son.
Weiss: Heh that’s kind of cute, though the little wolf hoodie is a bit much.
Blake: *nods* A little on the nose, but I really can’t judge.
Grimm Jaune: Hehe agreeing with a Schnee Blakey?
Bloodedge Jaune: Grimm DON’T start anything.
Lycan Jaune: *walking over with Nero* Oh hey guys, when did RWBY get here?
Nero: *sees Weiss and reaches for her* Mama~!
Weiss: ....Excuse me?
RWBY, Grimm, Bloodedge, True, Demi, Freedom: *all look at Lycan* .....
Grimm Jaune: Is she?
Lycan Jaune: *rolls his eyes* Well Nero you let that cat out of the bag...
Weiss: This is my son?!
Lycan Jaune: Yes and no, look it sorta happened after Ren and Nora’s wedding in my universe...let’s leave it at that.
Bloodedge: So wait wait wait wait wait. You’re telling me Jacques ‘stick up his ass’ Schnee, who views anyone that isn’t human or rich beneath his heel, has a grandson who is a werewolf.
Lycan Jaune: First off don’t swear in front of Nero, second yes. He nearly had a heart attack on the spot.
Grimm Jaune:......
Bloodedge Jaune:......
Grimm and Bloodge: *both start laughing to the point they’re on the ground holding their side*
Grimm Jaune: Oh by the gods! This is so funny it hurts!!!
Bloodedge Jaune: This is the best day ever!! The idea of it all!! Lycan you may have done the best thing ever!
Weiss: How vulgar, impregnating me at your teammate’s wedding?! *somehow holding Nero*
Lycan Jaune:....Wait how did you get him out my hands without me noticing?
Weiss: Don’t change the subject!!!
Ok “canonically” and by canonically I mean for the ocs backstory Nero is from an old discord server where we had to play as future kids to the RWBY cast and I drew the Dragonslayer child so Nero was born. I rather liked the concept behind Nero so I decided to bring him back as an OC for this blog.
I also made him a WhiteKnight kid because eh the ship has grown on me, and some of the other members of the ArcVerse are anti-Schnee/Atlas so this seemed perfect.
Lycan Jaune and Nero Arc. Me
Grimm Jaune @arc-carnage
Bloodedge Jaune @arc--reaper
True Jaune @jaune-of-the-arc
Demi Jaune @ask-demi-fiend
Freedom Jaune @outcasts-redeemer
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Team RWBY goes to a fortune teller who shows them the future. She shows the rest of the team their future but when it is Weiss' turn she sees this. How does she react to seeing this as her future?
I've actually wanted to do a fic based on this image, and some other red headed/green eyed characters to act as arkos kids one day. Since they're both my biggest actual ships.
"Ruby this is rather childish isn't it?"
Weiss gave her leader a stern look, she couldn't believe what her leader was planning to have them do.
"What? no! I heard she was the real deal!"
"From Neon." Blake interjected, showing her own lack of interest in this 'fortune teller' that Ruby was so interested in.
"Oh come on guys! It could be fun, if she tells us our futures maybe we'll get to see who we end up with, wouldn't that be fun Blakey?"
"Yes well..." Blake made sure to hide behind the book she'd brought along. "It would be nice-koff."
"That's what I thought." Yang waggled her eyebrows at hergirlfriend, which Weiss promptly went back to ignoring.
"I don't see how this can even work, I doubt anyone could actually see the future."
"Oh come on Weiss! I'm sure you'll love it."
"If you say say Ruby."
30 Minutes later.
"This was awful!" Yang was fuming, her hands balled into a fist, the yellow terror stormed away, with Blake following after her.
"Wait Yang come back!"
"Okay... well... maybe this wasn't the best idea?"
Weiss simply gave her leader a stern look, "You think?"
"Well- I mean, mine came out alright!"
"I suppose it did. Well if we're done here, we should head after them before Yang breaks a bar or a club. We wouldn't want another charge on us. I'm sure the General wouldn't take so kindly to that."
"Wait! But you haven't had your turn yet."
"Ruby look I don'-"
Ruby was having none of Weiss' backtalk, quickly pushing her into the tent and closing the blinds behind her.
Weiss grumbled something inaudible, but not in the slightest pleasant as she gave up, taking a seat in front of the old woman who was giving them their 'fortunes'.
"Ahhh yes, I see- you have a pleasant future in front of you. Trusted by many."
Weiss rolled her eyes, of course the woman would try the old generic answers.
"I can see you achieving many things, very few would get in your way."
Again something easy to come up with, and achieving many things was incredibly vague.
"Oh! What's this? Hmmhmm! Darling, may you take my hand?"
Weiss' gaze narrowed, her brow furrowing as she stared the woman down.
"You will want to see this."
Removing her glove, Weiss extended her hand. The moment they touched her vision went white followed by a loud ringing bell.
An image began to form in front of her, something unfamiliar yet still warm and fuzzy. Eventually the hazy white died down revealing to her a single image. The first thing she noticed was herself, with long flowing hair.
At first glance Weiss could hardly see a different, but after a bit of examination she realized that she was older in this image. By how much she wasn't sure, but there was a mature air about her, "Oh my, I still look gorgeous."
It wasn't like her to be vain about her appearance, but, she was still quite youthful looking.
Then another image showed, next to her was a boy, "Whitley? No... no that's not Whitley..."
At first she mistook the boy for her brother, they appeared rather similar. But upon further inspection she realized it wasn't him. The boy was smiling, not the kind of smile that her brother had learned from father either. It was a genuinely ear to ear grin. He was happy, incredibly so.
He also appeared to be just a bit shorter than Whitley, her brother was as it stood about the same height as her. The boy in the image was smaller, younger even. There was no way it could be him.
"Oh my!" It didn't take her long to realize by the amount of affection she had in her eyes, that this was her son.
Her heart swelled with joy, they looked so happy together. So much more than her current family. That was enough to fill her with a sense of pride, that she'd given her child something more.
Then the image pulled back, another person began to shift into existence. A youthful young woman, in what appeared to be a biker outfit took to her right. Her arm slinked behind her, with a hand held onto her shoulder.
This girl looked so much like her, almost like Winter even. But where her sister was strict, straight laced. This girl seemed cool and in control of herself. She held herself in high regard but at the same time was genuinely happy. Something she could have sworn she'd never seen on her face. Also the little robot keychain she had on her belt was just the cutest thing.
Then there was the other thing, she didn't have the same icey blue eyes that her and her siblings had. they had a deep blue, as deep as the bottomless ocean or the vast sky above.
Her heart began to race as thoughts of whom her husband could be. One particular image came to the forefront. But she wasn't willing to place her bets on it just yet.
Then the forth person came into view. This one on the far right of the image, a space missing between her and the boy. Weiss wondered if the mysterious man or woman would eventually appear there?
Despite her earlier disposition she was starting to get into it. Curiously enjoying the thought of having future children.
The last girl was interesting, she was too was smiiing. Something that Weiss realized all of them had been doing at this point. Whoever she was with, the two of them must have been doing something right if all her children and her were happy.
That alone was good enough for her.
The last girl was just as gorgeous as her other children. Her eyes were the same sky blue as her own, but her hair was much shorter, not even coming down to her shoulders. The black gown she wore contracted quite nicely with her pale skin and hair.
Finally the last person began to show, the only thing she could make out at first was that he was taller than her. Their younger? daughter was now shown clinging to him. "Oh she's quite the daddy's girl."
The thought of any of her children or any current Schnee being able to say that confidently? That was something worth touting about then!
Finally his face began to show, a scruffy beard, blonde hair that went into a small pony tail and clear deep blue eyes.
"Oh! Oh my."
She couldn't fight the smile on her face any longer.
The image came to an abrupt end, but that had been enough.
The old woman simply stared at her with a surprisingly loving smile on her face, and all Weiss could really say was, "Thank you."
"Any time deary. Please send in the next customer."
"Of course."
Weiss made sure to leave an extra big tip for her.
Heading out she found Yang and Blake still trying to cool off, Ruby staring off into the sky, and a hole world to explore.
"Oh! Looks you had a good time!"
Ruby spoke, noticing her right away.
"Yes... yes I think I'm quite pleased with what I saw."
"oh oh! What was it?"
"Well... I do believe I'm quite happy."
That's all she would tell Ruby, her hands now pulled behind her back, "I should see if Jaune would like to go on a date today."
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