#Fusion Reactors
gauricmi · 5 months
Breaking Barriers: Achievements in Nuclear Fusion Research
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Nuclear fusion research has long been a frontier of scientific exploration, with the goal of unlocking the potential of fusion energy as a clean and virtually limitless source of power. Over the years, significant achievements have been made in this field, bringing us closer to the realization of practical fusion energy. Let's explore some of the notable breakthroughs and advancements in nuclear fusion research.
Understanding Plasma Physics: Plasma, the fourth state of matter, plays a central role in nuclear fusion reactions. Achieving and maintaining the conditions necessary for nuclear fusion requires a deep understanding of plasma physics, including plasma confinement, heating mechanisms, and stability. Researchers have made significant strides in elucidating the complex behavior of plasmas, laying the groundwork for the development of fusion reactors.
Magnetic Confinement Fusion: Magnetic confinement fusion is a leading approach to achieving controlled Nuclear Fusion reactions. Devices such as tokamaks and stellarators use powerful magnetic fields to confine and heat the plasma to fusion temperatures. One notable achievement in magnetic confinement fusion is the sustained operation of tokamak reactors, where plasma is heated to temperatures exceeding 100 million degrees Celsius for extended periods.
Inertial Confinement Fusion: Inertial confinement fusion involves compressing and heating small fuel pellets using high-powered lasers or particle beams to induce fusion reactions. Recent advancements in inertial confinement fusion have led to significant progress in achieving ignition, where fusion reactions release more energy than is required to initiate them. Facilities like the National Ignition Facility (NIF) have demonstrated record-breaking levels of fusion energy yield.
Fusion Break-even: A key milestone in nuclear fusion research is reaching the point of "fusion break-even," where the energy produced by fusion reactions equals or exceeds the energy input required to sustain the reaction. While achieving break-even remains a formidable challenge, experimental fusion reactors have made steady progress toward this goal, demonstrating increasingly favorable energy balance ratios.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Plasma oscillations propel breakthroughs in fusion energy - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/plasma-oscillations-propel-breakthroughs-in-fusion-energy-technology-org/
Plasma oscillations propel breakthroughs in fusion energy - Technology Org
New insights into plasma oscillations pave the way for improved particle accelerators and commercial fusion energy.
A NASA image of plasma bursting from the sun. Plasma—a hot soup of atoms with free moving electrons and ions—is the most abundant form of matter in the universe, found throughout our solar system in the sun and other planetary bodies. Image credit: NASA
Most people know that solids, liquids, and gases are the three main states of matter, but a fourth state of matter also exists. Plasma—ionized gas—is the most abundant, observable form of matter in our universe, found in the sun and other celestial bodies.
Creating the hot mix of freely moving electrons and ions that compose a plasma often requires extreme pressures or temperatures. In these extreme conditions, researchers continue uncovering the unexpected ways plasma can move and evolve. By better understanding plasma motion, scientists gain valuable insights into solar physics, astrophysics, and fusion.
In a paper published in Physical Review Letters, researchers from the University of Rochester and colleagues at the University of California, San Diego discovered a new class of plasma oscillations—the back-and-forth, wave-like movement of electrons and ions. The findings have implications for improving the performance of miniature particle accelerators and the reactors used to create fusion energy.
“This new class of plasma oscillations can exhibit extraordinary features that open the door to innovative advancements in particle acceleration and fusion,” says John Palastro, a senior scientist at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and an associate professor at the Institute of Optics.
Plasma waves with a mind of their own
One of the properties that characterizes a plasma is its ability to support collective motion, where electrons and ions oscillate—or wave—in unison. These oscillations are like a rhythmic dance. Just as dancers respond to each other’s movements, the charged particles in a plasma interact and oscillate together, creating a coordinated motion.
The properties of these oscillations have traditionally been linked to the properties—such as the temperature, density, or velocity—of the plasma as a whole. However, Palastro and his colleagues determined a theoretical framework for plasma oscillations where the properties of the oscillations are completely independent of the plasma in which they exist.
“Imagine a quick pluck of a guitar string where the impulse propagates along the string at a speed determined by the string’s tension and diameter,” Palastro says. “We’ve found a way to ‘pluck’ a plasma, so that the waves move independently of the analogous tension and diameter.”
Within their theoretical framework, the amplitude of the oscillations could be made to travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum or come to a complete stop, while the plasma itself travels in an entirely different direction.
The research has a variety of promising applications, most notably in helping to achieve clean-burning, commercial fusion energy.
Coauthor Alexey Arefiev, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the University of California, San Diego, says, “This new type of oscillation may have implications for fusion reactors, where mitigating plasma oscillations can facilitate the confinement needed for high-efficiency power generation.”
Source: University of Rochester
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pepikhipik · 1 year
Fúzní reaktory by si mohly vyrábět palivové pelety vlastními lasery
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V prosinci 2022 dosáhli v americkém výzkumném zařízení National Ignition Facility, které je součástí kalifornských laboratoří Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, významného úspěchu. Po celkově asi 60 letech úsilí se jim povedlo soustavou 192 vysokoenergetických laserů zasáhnout palivovou peletu s deuteriem a tritiem, čímž došlo k implozi a zážehu fúze s inerciálním udržením (inertial fusion ignition reaction).
Byl to nepochybně úspěch, navíc již dlouho vytoužený. Zároveň je ale jasné, že do praktického využití fúzní energie zbývá ještě spousta práce. Zatím je možné průběžně vylepšovat stávající technologie a hledat nové nápady. Právě to dělal tým, který vedl Igor Igumenshchev z americké University of Rochester, stát New York.
Řešili jednu z poměrně zásadních překážek, které dnes trápí fúzní inženýry – jak vyrábět palivové pelety, potřebné k provozu fúzního reaktoru uvedeného typu. V dnešní době se tyto pelety vyrábějí velmi komplikovaně a draze. Výrobní proces zahrnuje použití kapalného helia pro zmrazení deuteria a tritia na teplotu 11 K nad absolutní nulou. Pak je tento materiál v podobě vrstev použit k výrobě pelety.
Tento postup je ale dobrý tak maximálně pro laboratoře, kde se vyvíjí fúzní reaktor a kde se moc nestarají o útratu. Pro praktický provoz fúzního reaktoru, který by spolykal spoustu palivových pelet každý den, je takový výrobní postup velmi nevhodný.
Tým University of Rochester proto od roku 2020 pracuje na technologii, která by umožnila výrobu palivových pelet přímo ve fúzním zařízení, s využitím vysokoenergetických laserů fúzního reaktoru. V takovém případě by výstřel fúzní soustavy laserů ještě před implozí a zažehnutím fúze vlastně vytvořil palivovou peletu.
Igumenshchev s kolegy nepoužili pevnou palivovou peletu. Namísto toho vpíchli deuterium a tritium do pěnové kapsule a tu umístili do ohniska palby fúzních laserů. Výstřel laserů nejprve vyvolá kolaps pěnové kapsule do sféry z deuteria a tritia, jejíž hustota je stejná jako u dnes používaného paliva pro tento typ fúze. Pak dojde k její implozi a zážehu fúze.
V tuto chvíli je nový typ zpracování palivových pelet pouhým experimentálním procesem, který ověřili v laboratořích Laboratory for Laser Energetics na University of Rochester, kde pracuje OMEGA, jeden z nejvýkonnějších laserů na světě. Badatelé nicméně věří, že by se z toho mohl stát životaschopný postup pro tvorbu palivových pelet pro tento typ fúze.
Video: Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester
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Proof-of-Principle Experiment on the Dynamic Shell Formation for Inertial Confinement Fusion
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thewertsearch · 2 months
@bladekindeyewear asked: Quote asker: "Feferi is the one who set up the dreambubbles" -- Mild correction there, what she said was, "CC: Soon I will go to sleep and speak to t)(e gods. CC: I will convince t)(em to establis)( a series of stable dream bubbles, w)(ere we can meet in our sleep!" Emphasis on "stable" and "meet" - the dead might end up in the dream bubbles regardless for all we know, from what Aradia said, but their respective bubbles likely wouldn't have INTERSECTED as frequently without Feferi's request.
I think the key word here is stable.
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We've occasionally seen more fluid, abstract dreamscapes, such as WV's shared dream with Vriska, or Jade's chaotic post-death nap. These, I think, are the Dream Bubbles as they naturally occur, without the Horrorterrors keeping them coherent. They're unstable, liable to mutate or collapse without warning.
The Bubbles might always have existed - but, thanks to Feferi, they're solid now, and can be used as a medium for consistent communication.
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thechibilitwick · 6 months
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akitoooooo why are you so boy
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puppetsoftomorrow · 8 months
the legends explaining where they are every time the rest of the arrowverse calls them up for the crossover:
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Hey can we talk about how megatron has a fusion canon in most continuities? Okay so, question, What exactly is it fusing?? Is it nuclear fusion??? HAS HE BEEN IRRADIATING EVERYONE???? Pretty sure cybertronians aren’t affected by radiation, at least not by small amounts like humans, so is he even aware of what he’s doing or is it considered not a big deal??
This question goes DOUBLE for earthspark megatron considering he spends lots of time around humans and actually, Y’know, cares about them. Like I’m aware that no matter what the answer is space crack tfp Megatron wouldn’t give a shit but this one is actually trying to be a good person soooo.
I’m a little concerned for dot and the kids 😭 I mean would he even know he’s potentially harming them? If cybertronians aren’t harmed by radiation then they probably don’t think about it at all and haven’t even considered it might affecting the humans. Seriously has ANYONE considered he might be toting around an unshielded nuclear reactor on his ARM this entire time??
THIS IS A LEGIT QUESTION BTW I ACTUALLY HAVE NO IDEA HOW HIS CANON WORKS, if you know pls teach me 🙏 I just saw fusion and was like “?? U mean NUCLEAR fusion??” Its a total guess I just couldn’t think of what else it would mean 😭
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whilomm · 10 months
watched a video on nuclear fusion experiments and wondering "oh how does it generate the electrici-" its just fucking steam again its always fucking steam. everything is fucking steam. fuck this
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threedee-memories · 1 year
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gauricmi · 5 months
Unraveling the Power of Nuclear Fusion: A Journey into Clean Energy
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Nuclear fusion, often hailed as the "holy grail" of clean energy, holds immense potential to revolutionize the way we produce electricity. As scientists and engineers delve deeper into the intricacies of nuclear fusion, we embark on a journey towards a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy future.
Understanding Nuclear Fusion:
Fusion Reaction: Nuclear Fusion is a process in which two light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. Unlike nuclear fission, which powers conventional nuclear reactors, fusion reactions generate energy by replicating the same process that powers the sun and stars.
Clean Energy Source: One of the most significant advantages of nuclear fusion is its status as a clean energy source. Fusion reactions produce no greenhouse gas emissions or long-lived radioactive waste, making it a promising alternative to fossil fuels and traditional nuclear power generation.
Advancements in Nuclear Fusion Technology:
Experimental Fusion Reactors: Over the decades, scientists and engineers have made significant strides in developing experimental fusion reactors capable of sustaining controlled fusion reactions. Projects such as ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) and the National Ignition Facility (NIF) are at the forefront of fusion research, aiming to demonstrate the feasibility of commercial fusion power.
Innovative Fusion Approaches: Researchers are exploring various innovative approaches to achieve nuclear fusion, including magnetic confinement fusion, inertial confinement fusion, and hybrid concepts. Each approach has its unique set of challenges and advantages, driving innovation and collaboration within the fusion community.
Potential Benefits of Nuclear Fusion:
Abundant Fuel Supply: Nuclear fusion utilizes isotopes of hydrogen, such as deuterium and tritium, as fuel sources, which are abundant and readily available. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite resources, the fuel for nuclear fusion can be extracted from water and lithium, ensuring a virtually limitless supply.
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writingkitten · 2 years
I had a vision
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Doctor Mantapus
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noosphe-re · 2 years
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Plasma density fluctuation in a tokamak plasma turbulence driven by ion temperature gradient. The green line shows the magnetic separatrix surface that contains the edge plasma pedestal within a few centimeters from it. Image: C.S. Chang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (NERSC Sims Show How Recycled Atoms Boost Plasma Turbulence, https://cs.lbl.gov/news-media/news/2017/simulations-show-how-recycled-atoms-boost-plasma-turbulence/)
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sylvyspritii · 2 years
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Troll science is now real!
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not Star Trek: Strange New Worlds getting a very basic fact about the radioactive decay of tritium wrong
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biocheminpics · 11 months
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kbearart · 2 years
if stampede doesn’t make vashmeryl canon I’m gonna blow this whole damn place up
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