poryphoria · 1 year
reminded of how fucking awesome the rainworld community is at shipnames and madcom community i think we should do the same. Theyve got shit like barbeque, bathbomb, speedrunners n solar eclipse.... ive already come up w/ gunfire for sheriff x auditor and birdphobe existed before i was into the series but i think powderkeg or fuselighter cld both be cute alternatives to sanmos. feel free to provide more suggestions
also ik this community n its shipnames r old as dirt so there's no way thesell catch on, nor do i rly wanna complicate the tagging system any further than it already is I JUST THINK HYPOTHETICALS R FUN
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roosterarts · 2 years
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So I was organizing some files on my laptop the other day and found this old fan art I did for @askfuselight With Fuselight being one of the first pony blogs I followed (I've been actually checking out the blog even before I made a tumblr account) I couldn't resist redoing this piece.
The image on the left is the original piece I did back in 2016 and the one on the right is the newer version.
Also, sorry @phoenixswift I forgot how Snowsong's cutie mark looks like T_T
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purichana · 1 year
lovebombing and gaslighting? more like atomicbombing and fuselighting
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its-aleths · 4 years
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felt a bit nostalgic and had to draw something cause i forced feenie to
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askpun · 5 years
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Where’d everypony go?
Artwork by Zoarvek Script #2105
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phoenixswift · 6 years
If you can remember, who was your first OC? If you can’t, who is the first one you do remember?
That would be Fuselight! Even put his colours together on the old pony generator thingy. But then I kinda designed it myself from there. That was about when I started drawing too! When I was the ripe young age of 21~
Here’s one of the really early pictures of him!
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Boy how far I’ve come, eh?
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fence-macabre · 6 years
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(Art by Adam Schumpert - https://adamschumpert.artstation.com/ )
"Let me tell y'all a story I heard right here in Fuselight. This is the story of the legendary Goblin gunslinger, Mal 'Snake Eyes' Brighttooth."
"Mal was a rare sort, a real lawman, a goblin that hated swindlin' as far back as when he was suckin' on his thumb. Born back on Kezan, Mal was the youngest of his five siblings, and weak ta boot. Wasn’t the smartest. Wasn’t the strongest. Wasn’t the fastest.”
"But the one thing Mal was good at? Six shootin' and pure guts--That’s two things, actually. Unsuccessful back at home and in the Bilgewater Cartel after Kezan got blew to hell, Mal went out ta Fuselight ta strike rich in the gold minin' trade with nothin' but his coat, hat, and six-shooter... But trouble was brewin' in Fuselight. And Mal unknowingly would walk right into a firestorm, startin' his legend..."
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phoenixswift-art · 7 years
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Combined all my expression practice from last weekend into one post. Enjoy!
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ask-humming-way · 8 years
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H: All the mares in this town are crazy!
((An extremely belated birthday gift for @phoenixswift! His characters from @askfuselight and mine have some similarities, so it was pretty fun matching and meshing them together! If you like a story that’s already complete, you should check out Fuselight’s blog! Or check out his mod blog, he’s a cool dude there too! <3 Love ya Feenie~!))
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open-world-azeroth · 4 years
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Location: Fuselight “Lube Station”
Zone: Badlands
Notes: Take over the last stop for refreshments in the desert! It’s a tall order for a little Goblin, making sure no one is thirsty out in a place like this, but you can handle it, especially because that means people will pay a premium. 
Caveats/accessibility: None
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thornbolts · 5 years
Deathday Prompts: Rem
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Week 1 Prompt: Introductions! Who is your character? What have they been up to for the last six months? What are they currently working towards? Are they looking for friends, business contacts, enemies, to get by without drawing attention?
Remington (or just Rem or Remy) is the head of the Fence Macabre mercantile group, Argent Crusade veteran, ex-Badlands bounty hunter, deputy of Fuselight, exterminator of scarlet crusaders, and renowned gunslinger. The old forsaken's memories are starting to peter out as a result of encroaching mindlessness, but Loira seems driven to find a solution. And if that don't work, she's been learning a bit of Shadow magic on the side through one of her employees, a Forsaken tidesage by the name of Leontine. She's old for a forsaken. Been there since the taking of Undercity thirteen years ago as one of the First Generation. 
Rem has seen a lot of action in both of her lifetimes, from bounty hunting to even in the Argent Crusade: Serving as a scout-sniper as part of the Snow Ghosts, a primarily-Forsaken platoon of rogues and hunters specializing in winter reconnaissance and assassination. Without the need to eat and being unaffected by temperature, the Snow Ghosts were lauded for their unique skill to blend in among the Scourge and spend extended amounts of time behind enemy lines without support.
She often buried herself in the snow for up to a week. Sometimes, she even packed it into her mouth to prevent herself from subconsciously exhaling frost and giving away her position.
During the War Against the Lich King, Remington racked up a total of one-hundred and seventy-six confirmed sniper kills on the Scourge. Fifty-six of those kills were on Scourge leadership such as death knights and necromancers. She attained most of her kills using her rifle’s iron sights since light would shine against a scope’s glass, revealing her position.
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After the recession following the Northrend Campaign and the subsequent Cataclysm, Remington established the Fence Macabre as a means of securing work. The Fence Macabre’s founding members survived by performing unappealing work such as: mercenary contracts, odd jobs, manual labor, and bounty hunting. Despite their appearance and undeath, the group gained a reputation for reliability, honesty, and kind demeanor, later blossoming into the widely-connected mercantile group it is today.
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In life, Remington was the heir of the Thornbolt lineage, a long-line of hunters and game wardens. Over the years, the Thornbolts gradually phased out of nobility, instead becoming just humble hunters content on living off of the land. Even from a young age, her skill in shooting was renowned, often winning against bonafide Stormwind archers and snipers in shooting competitions. Eventually, she was renowned in Elwynn Forest for her infamous trick shots, such as ricocheting bullets off of mid-air coins to strike bottles, fanning the hammer and hitting the same target bullet on top of bullet, and shooting behind herself using a mirror or even just relying on shadows.
Week 2 Prompt: How much importance does your character place on birthdays? How do they like to celebrate? Which was their most important? If dead, do they celebrate the day they were raised instead?
Rem still celebrates her birthday. She wholeheartedly disagrees with the view that Forsaken should forget their past lives. Shutting out your past and refusing to come to terms with what you are versus what you were is unhealthy and bottles up emotions. Her birthday marks the start of the week of the year she's able to forget any worries or troubles that comes with running a company. 
The caravan master goes dark, taking time off to, strangely, be alone on. She departs for a big hunt or simply talks a very long walk through nature. There's something spiritual about losing one's self and melding in with the denizens of the wilderness. The wilds never were scary for the rural-raised human. Her favorite of these outings is walking the entire length of Northrend (Icecrown not included), starting from Borean Tundra and ending on the coast of the Howling Fjord.
 In life, birthdays were never on the level of noble soirees or anything, but they were always heartfelt. Rem's parents left in the early morning even before she woke up to venture into Goldshire to pick up a custom-order chocolate cake, relatively expensive since cacao beans aren't grown in Elwynn Forest. They'd come back and surprise Rem with sweets in bed. These days were the only times the family splurged on sugar. From there, Rem's parents often took her to the nearby apple orchards and cornfields to pick fruit for tomorrow's breakfast and play hide and seek. The day finally ended with a barbecue involving the entire extended family (~30 people) singing songs, playing the fiddle, dancing, shooting bottles, arm wrestling, and overall just having a rowdy old time through the night. 
Everyone would be shit-faced with a hangover the next morning. Getting absolutely trashed on Rem's birthday became a family tradition, and Rem herself joined in the moment she was old enough to chug moonshine. Not everyone survived after the Fall of Stormwind. Parties became tame and more solemn after immigrating to Lordaeron. As her parents grew older and unable to party as rowdy as they did in Rem's childhood, Rem often celebrated her birthdays by traveling with them, visiting Stratholme and Capital City to see the entirety of Lordaeron.
Week 3 Prompt: Welcome to Fence University! This is an AU that we spend time throwing ideas around for sometimes, even though we don’t write in it. Where does your character fit in? Are they a Professor, student? Do they work on campus? What do they study, how did the get to be there? Where can they usually be found and what do they generally think of those they share campus with?
Remington Thornbolt is... a highschool dropout that failed to obtain her diploma after being expelled for fighting. Scholarly subjects don't come easily to her at all, and she struggled to get her GED two years after she should've graduated. After fumbling around in academic limbo and coming dangerously close to joining the Hounds of Sylvanas MC, Remington decided to turn over a new leaf.
Intending to take up the family farming business, Remington has put her nose to the grindstone in pursuit of a degree in Agriculture and a minor in Environmental Science. Her old, delinquent ways occasionally show themselves. But for the most part, Remington keeps a tight leash on them. She's halfway through her bachelor's, and she's only seen during night classes. But she's the first one in, and the last one out.
Week 4 Prompt: Come One, Come All! The Darkmoon Faire is in town, what is your character’s favourite ride/game? Outside of these, what do they enjoy most about the experience? Are they ever concerned about where exactly, the Faire is?
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Rem just grins whenever the Shooting Arcade is up, and the gunslinger is infamous to the booth's manager, Rinling. No matter how many targets or how they dart around, Rem always clears out all of them. For her, they may as well be free wins. Regardless of Rem clearing everything out whenever she arrives, she and Rinling always have a pleasant chat about bullet ballistics and the new shiny firearms recently released by the various Azerothian gunsmithing companies.
Other than the Shooting Arcade, Rem always goes for a round or two racing. It's one of the only times she's able to go neck and neck with other riders without being shot at. Rockets are dangerous. The rural-raised caravan master doesn't understand flying rockets, and Rem would faint at the thought of piloting a shredder. She prefers saddling up on a racing strider as it's the only thing that responds to a bridle. After a couple years of this, Rem has become surprisingly skilled in riding on other giant biped creatures like hawkstriders, raptors, and even bloodbeasts!
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wilsont21 · 4 years
Misty Fly, Fuselight: A true love (audiostory)
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fmdyujinarchive · 5 years
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officialelement: [유진✰] happy birthday to my ideal type(ㅎㅎ), changyu oppa!! i uploaded a picture of him smiling because i know our aethers say that it’s rare to see one on his faceㅋㅋㅋㅋ everybody!! this is a secret i’m only telling you all, but it’s all an act!🤭🤭 he likes hugs and being complimented so leave him some love in the comments!!💕 ( @fmdcorey )
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godsung: the term visual group didn’t exist until element’s debut and that’s a fact coyuniverse: you all know he only smiles like that for yujin!! ugh we all knew that coyu was the real ship around here    ↪ sunco: that’s barely even a smile. have you seen the way he smiles around sung?? now that’s real love right there       ↪ aether.official: the right answer is they’re all in love with one another          ↪ wishingw_ells: you shippers are fucking weird angelyujin: yujin-ah, we want to see your face not that dude’s 4lementrise: when will your favs ever have such a familial bond like element  holaholasoty: yujin giving us the cj content we deserve!!!! fuselights: is cj ever going to have any solo promotions? is he stuck in the ever so infamous gold star dungeon?? 
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its-aleths · 4 years
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Writing short stories is an enjoyable pastime for Feather, going for long periods of time when inspiration and ideas are plenty. But even ponies need a small break from their work! While Feather recharges, he would often stare at the many ponies stopping or passing by - each with their own lives, emotions, and stories to tell. This would usually be enough for Feather to continue writing and even create more inspiration/ideas to start a new story!
Day 11: Draw a pony doing something you like to do / Draw your OC’s special talent.
Feat: @phoenixswift‘s Citrus Twist and Fuselight
I did a fair amount of people watching while I was on holiday these last few years. Walking through the snowy and busy streets of Japan and amidst the hustle and bustle all over New York. Life moves so fast, sometimes it’s just good to chill for a minute and live in the moment. Just make sure you don’t make eye contact with people or else it’s going to be awkward!
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askpun · 7 years
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Short-tempered? Well... half-right! Check out my favorite repair pony... well okay maybe not my favorite but he’s in the top three... at Ask Fuselight!
Artwork by Bingo Background by BonesWolbach Script #594
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phoenixswift · 7 years
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darthalex23 submitted:
Fuse’s construction “armor”. Used for building larger projects like an airship. It’s the only armor that makes sense to be on a manikin. (Tried to draw Fuse in it but couldn’t.) It goes ding when it’s being productive. The main use of it is to move or hold large and heavy objects. So this is the last of the armor I am making for now. Thank you for the inspiration to draw, I have one last image to make for you. I hope you enjoy it.
Gave this one a try myself too. I’m glad I could have inspired you to do any of this! You’ve given me a lot, and I deeply appreciate it~
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