phoenixswift · 6 years
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darthalex70 submitted:                        
Bat Day art finished. Enjoy. It gave me a reason to draw your bat again. Blame Heart Song for the batmare costume. Hope you like it.
You’re back! Hope you’re doing well!
Heck you spoil me so much. It’s wonderful and her expression is so great! Very spot on! Thanks so much! <3
And don’t worry I saw the other posts as well, I’m just putting up this one since it’s the finished one.
Thanks again! Take care of yourself now!
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whatsapokemon · 7 years
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I made art of Jade. 
Oh my gosh, you did!
Thank you so much Alex, aaaaa
I love you bby <3
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phoenixswift · 7 years
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darthalex23 submitted: 
Here it is Violet Rose’s (Thorns) hoof claws. Had the idea after I made Midnight’s crossbow. Finally got to draw them and the pun/joke of them being her thorns came from wanting a design on the blades and the hing having her mark on them. The black band around the base of the hooves also covers the bottom are a shock/dampers for heavy falls and noise. I must thank you for allowing my muse to have at your characters but it has reached its end (for now). May you always bare an artist’s fruit and have passion to grow their seeds. To the next time, thank you.
As always I’m impressed with how much thought you put into all of these! Thank you so much for everything you’ve made! I’m flattered that I could be such an inspiration of ideas for you!
Best of luck on any other projects you end up taking on!
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phoenixswift · 7 years
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darthalex23 submitted:
Fuse’s construction “armor”. Used for building larger projects like an airship. It’s the only armor that makes sense to be on a manikin. (Tried to draw Fuse in it but couldn’t.) It goes ding when it’s being productive. The main use of it is to move or hold large and heavy objects. So this is the last of the armor I am making for now. Thank you for the inspiration to draw, I have one last image to make for you. I hope you enjoy it.
Gave this one a try myself too. I’m glad I could have inspired you to do any of this! You’ve given me a lot, and I deeply appreciate it~
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phoenixswift · 7 years
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darthalex23 submitted:
I was doing the armor but he was like nope I’m going to be a giraffe now. (Honestly) this happened because I noticed that I was drawing him with a long neck and so this happened instead of me doing the armor. Enjoy.
Sometimes you just gotta be a giraffe when you wanna be.
Thanks again! It’s goofy and I love it~
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phoenixswift · 7 years
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darthalex23 submitted:
Midnight Melody’s hoofheld crossbow. The little prongs are the ratchet to pull the bow back and to do so is by pulling on the back piece,(the one with her cutie mark on it) and an internal spring system to reset it. And the release trigger is on the side. The scroll work is simple and elegant. Now onto Fuse’s semi-armor that goes ding.
That’s some really impressive detail work on there! Well done! I love the style with the curving flourish on it, that seems very like her. Thank you very much! It’s really cool! :U
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phoenixswift · 7 years
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darthalex23 submitted:
Sorry this took so long to be made it’s Evil Violet’s armor. The plume is an image of the night sky, just couldn’t do it on paper. Colors are off for I still don’t have the right shades of them, even with my new prismacolors. I’m still working out the design of Midnight’s crossbow. Hope you enjoy it. Question, would it be alright if I put the images I have made for you on my deviantart with proper credit is due? (The eyes are slightly wrong, I know. Zoned without thinking, my bad.)
Whoops forgot to comment and post on this. Sorry!
I like the aesthetic you were going with this! Very pointy, dark and edgy, the kinda thing you’d expect a villain to wear because then you’d at it and go “Yep, that’s a bad guy”
And yes, of course! You made it, after all. So long as you give proper credit as you said, I have no problem with that~
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phoenixswift · 7 years
Sorry to be a bother but I was wondering if you receive the summations I have sent? I don't mind if I have to resend them.
Yes! I did! I’m so sorry! I can be forgetful sometimes about posting, totally forgot to write a response and queue them up. I’ll get to it very soon when I am available, I promise!
Thanks for checking in!
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phoenixswift · 7 years
Your baps are so nice to draw and they continue to make me want to draw them in armor. So , what armor style would Midnight wear?
Awwwh, hey thanks! I really appreciate the nice words
I’m glad you like ‘em, and I won’t say no if you’re inspired to do anything! I’m happy to have provided such encouragement~
As for Midnight, she’s a ranger. Their gear is much lighter and is mainly leather to keep them mobile. This is the design I have for her (granted it’s a bit old now but still accurate)
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phoenixswift · 7 years
Quick question of Midnight's crossbow, would the scroll work be more of the night sky or of plants and leaf work?( maybe both) And to give you a heads up I have in idea for Fuse's semi-armor, and yes it will go ding.
Iiiii have no idea? I usually consider them to be very practical, nothing unique or signature about their equipment.
So I’ll leave this up to you, if this is the direction you wanna go!
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phoenixswift · 7 years
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darthalex23 submitted:
Midnight Melody in a gambeson under a leather jerkin. Her left side haves a cuisse with her cutie mark on it in a similar fashion as the one to Violet’s I made a wile ago. The jerkin sits like a tasset over the cuisse, and the cuisse sits on the gambeson which buttons around the tail. The pauldron is attach to the jerkin. The quiver is empty for she is on her way to the flecher (arrow/bolt maker) for more bolts(don’t feel like drawing all the bolts). And at a later date I will draw out how her crossbow work/function. It took about three hours to draw and color, and it now leaves me with one more of your baps to put in armor(evil Violet).
It’s kinda like a heavier version of what she’s got already. Interesting! The gambeson would definitely be much more effective.
Thanks again! I think it’s really cool that you’re doing these! <3
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phoenixswift · 7 years
You have said Violet have a room somewhere in canterlot, what does it look like? (Presumed to be very spartan like.) And have you drawn it before?
As part of the campaign, our little party was granted rooms to stay within the Palace itself. They don’t really live there full time or anything. We also have a secret bunker-esque location we can spend time in, if we felt like it. But who can say no to fancy living in a nice room, prepped food and an around the clock guard? 
I’ve drawn it like… once maybe? But have shown her within the castle grounds here and there before as well. Violet’s room, in particular, is mostly whatever they furnished it with in the first place. She’s neither added nor removed anything from it, and mostly takes all her belongings with her
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phoenixswift · 7 years
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darthalex23 submitted:
when I saw this version of Violet I medially thought of a paladin and so here it is a paladin version of Violet Rose.
Yooo hey thanks lot! I love it! Floof AU Vi gettin’ some love too~
And that helmet and armour is super rad, ahh! I appreciate it thank you!
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phoenixswift · 7 years
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darthalex23 submitted:
Violet Rose’s new armor design. My idea is the cuisses hold the pony’s cutiemark on the right and their spouses on there left. They have darkend mail under the plate and simple padding which is commonly seen when in the village for is like a warrior simple clothing. Hope you like it.
Ohhh, that’s an interesting take on it. I gave it a shot myself as a quick doodle, to try it out. Apologies for being a little off in some places, it’s hard to see details and colours with what you sent.
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Thanks for sending it in! It’s really neat! <3
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phoenixswift · 7 years
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darthalex23 submitted:
Hey finally finished some art for you. Will be make a different picture from the new style of armor. And can you guess who Violet is faceing?
Ayyy, this is wonderful! You even coloured it and such! I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into this, thanks so much! <3
I’m looking forward to see what you made with the design!
As for your question, I’m afraid I don’t recognize them. Please do tell me who it is!
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phoenixswift · 8 years
Two questions. One. Have you designed Violet's clans symbol, and would she ware it? Two. Out of curiosity how do you play dnd and have you ever thought of recording it if it's possible?
The other symbol they use necessarily is the crescent moon on her breastplate. Very simple, but a little symbolic too. It’s present in the other members’ gear as well, such as on the shoulderplate of the rangers since they don’t have breastplates.
For number two, I do! Violet was actually created for that exact reason! If not for the campaign I’m currently in, I wouldn’t have made her in the first place! Our campaign has been going for almost three years now, with some breaks here and there. Only biweekly though. We do record the sessions (except for the first while because we hadn’t set it up yet) but we don’t release them publicly. They’d probably be really boring and it’s mostly for us to make use of if needed
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