#Furiosa & reader
spinningwebsandtales · 4 months
Imagine Sneaking Through The Citadel To Meet With Jack
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Praetorian Jack X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Suggestive themes, steam, lots of kissing, basically over 1,000 words of pure self indulgence (no I'm not sorry)
Word Count: 1.4k
(A/N:) I went to go see Furiosa Friday....now I'm obsessed! Especially one character in particular, so I had to write something for him! Cause I have no control over what the idea worms bring to eat at my spastic brain! So fellow fangirls that watched Furiosa please enjoy this little indulgent creation of mine! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Mild spoilers below!!
The sun setting behind the rocky horizon of the Wasteland's left a dusky orange haze painting The Citadel. Majority of the residences were beginning to settle down for the evening, except for several War Boys taking the first watch of the evening. You waited patiently in a darkening alcove, pressed tightly against the wall. The thin clothing you had to wear barely fought back the chill and the terror of getting caught had you fighting shivers and breathing softly. Getting caught wasn't an option as it would have you in serious trouble all around. Not just for yourself but the man you were sneaking around for. His death would be inevitable if he was spotted with you. A couple War Boys walked by, talking about the possibility of heading out to battle soon. You sucked in a breath, pressing further against the wall. They walked by, not even giving a glance in your direction. This was the hardest part, waiting for the darkness to deepen so you could further make your way out of the well guarded halls.
While the whole place had started to settle hours ago, you didn't move until you knew the moon was high in the sky and the watchmen had become lax in their duties. Not many people were stupid enough to challenge Immortan Joe, so the War Boy's didn't take the night watch seriously. On light bare feet you stuck close to the shadows and quickly made your way to a hidden part of The Citadel. Your heart hammered in your chest and you clutched at your fluttering wrap. Though you had done this several times, you just knew you'd eventually get caught and thrown out into the horrible outside world. Then mere moments passed, though it felt like a lifetime, you squeezed into a hidden opening of an abandoned alcove. You sighed in relief when hands wrapped around you, one on your hip the other across your mouth. Your muffled surprise was silenced when you caught a familiar glimpse of dark hair and a scarred lip.
"Don't do that," you seethed when Jack removed his hand.
"Always so nervous," he chuckled sitting back against the cold natural stones.
"You know what happens if we get caught," you glared. Jack just shrugged and you huffed.
Praetorian Jack, The Citadel's greatest warrior and the man who kept the War Rig running. His team was known as the best and all the War Boys fought for a chance to ride for him. He was the first man to show you an ounce of kindness when you arrived at The Citadel. Sold to Immortan Joe in exchange for food, the man who you thought loved you, dumped you at his feet and never looked back. Being barren saved you from the fate of one of his wives, you found yourself doing any chores that was deemed worthy of your station. Thrown to the feet of Jack, you had become his problem for a short while until you were drug to another part of The Citadel for other tasks. That short time with the quiet gruff man had something grow between you, hence the sneaking to see one another.
Jack offered out his hand, knowing that you were losing yourself within horrible memories and he worried about you. These were the few times that made life worth living. You shook your head taking his offered hand and he lead you closer to him. You sat down between his legs, resting your back against his warm chest. He had forgone his leather jacket, leaving his rough clothing to catch against your linen garments. His presence and scent also soothing your nerves, as he held your hand, rubbing the top of your hand. His hands calloused and scarred but tender and kind. His nose brushing against the back of your neck, leaving you shivering. He kissed you gently, careful not to leave any marks. You leaned in backwards, staring up at him. Jack gave you a small smile, kissing your forehead causing you to giggle quietly. His fingers tangling with yours, he pressed another kiss to your forehead, before his stare became heated. You sat still letting him litter you with attention. He kissed your temple, cupping your cheek as he kissed your nose, cheek, before pausing above your lips. Your head still leaned back he took in your features before capturing your lips in an searing kiss. The upside down kiss awkward, but making your bare toes curl.
He released you to turn you around, slipping you back down onto his lap your legs wrapped around his waist. Cupping your cheeks with both hands, he pulled you back into his embrace. His stubble scratching against your soft skin, but you sighed into his mouth, your arms resting on his shoulders as you played with the long dirty strands of his hair. Jack deepened his kiss, tasting you in a more passionate way. You melted, unable to keep yourself upright. He released your cheeks, wrapping strong arms around your body and holding you tightly against his body. Air became a necessity too quickly and it had you both parting against each other. Warm puffs of air brushing against your wet and kiss swollen lips, Jack pressed his forehead against yours. You traced his features, your fingers soft against his rough face. He shivered in delight kissing and nipping at the digits. When he pulled away, he noticed some of his remaining war grease had smudged against your forehead. He licked his thumb cleaning it away.
"I don't want this to end," you said.
"Maybe one day it doesn't have to," Jack replied.
You stared at him with a curious look. He lost himself, staring at you deeply. You were an oasis in the desert. No amount of fighting and driving could give him a jolt of adrenaline like you did. It was these few stolen moments that he truly lived for. He didn't care what Immortan Joe wanted, if it gave him you then he would do whatever it took. He remembered those tearful fearful eyes of yours, when the War Boys had thrown you at his feet. You had lost everything and you didn't know what to expect. But when he held out that dirty, blood drenched hand you took it. Raising yourself from the floor and then it ended for Jack. He had to protect you and learn more from you. Your story, like everyone else's was filled with sadness and tragedy. He longed to make you forget all the horrible and hard times. And these fleeting times, hidden away from the watchful eyes of The Citadel and it's overlord he got to make that promise come to fruition. Stolen kisses, quiet sighs, and warm embraces. It was all here, that oasis for his soul.
"I will find away to save you," he promised. But he didn't want you to answer, to protest. So he kissed you, hard, fiercely, silencing any protests immediately. You held tightly, trying to keep up as Jack laid you gently back onto the stones. You threaded your fingers through his hair. He was all you could see, all that mattered as he leaned over you. Releasing you once more he laid down beside you. Tucking you into his side so you both could look up at the stars. A dusty haze always above your heads, but not enough to darken the night sky. You reached up, like you could scoop them up. Jack slid his hand up your arm his hand cupping the back of yours as his fingers also reached to the sky. Like you both could grab destiny together that played amongst the stars. You pulled your gaze from up above, looking towards the gentle man beside you.
"Let's save each other," you replied with conviction.
"You already have," Jack held on tighter. You searched for any sign that he said that just to make you feel better, only to see truth staring you in the face. You grasped his hand pulling it down to your chest. He felt your heartbeat thundering against your chest and Jack knew that he would give up anything to protect that kind heart. He held on tightly, not wanting to let any second pass him by in your presence. Even when time ran out and you both had to part ways, he held you against him. Taking you with him no matter where he was. And every time he looked up at the sky he could see you gazing back at him. You pushed him onwards and you held your ground. Knowing that the promised moments together were worth fighting for.
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dustysalmon · 4 months
Immortan Joe Imagine - Finding you relaxing in his grotto springs
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It's been a long and trying day in the Wasteland. Joe personally sent you and a couple of War Boys to neutralise a rival warlord on the rise.
After spending days on the road, chasing and fighting, you come back to the Citadel completely drained and sore.
Your muscles hurt, your back too, and sleep alone won't solve everything.
You are not technically allowed in Immortan's personal quarters but what the hell, you completed the mission in record time and you decide that you deserve a little reward.
You sneak into the grotto as Immortan is holding a war council with his associates.
After carefully folding your clothes on the edge, you sink slowly into the warm water, letting it envelope you like a cloak. Steam and solitude, just what you needed. But it doesn't last.
It's only been a few minutes, but you hear heavy footsteps slowly making their way towards the grotto. You could recognise those anywhere.
Immortan says your name, his tone a careful and authoritative.
"I wasn't aware this place had been... offered to you."
You turn around, the water resting just below your clavicle, and lift your gaze to meet his, a slight smile playing on your lips as you notice his eyes briefly roaming over you.
"You take liberties. Not many would dare." He remarks.
"I needed a moment. This seemed... accommodating." You say shrugging.
He weights his options. He could punish you for trespassing, like he would do with anyone else, make an example out of you for defying the Immortan.
"I have something for you." You continue, and Joe does his best to maintain his composure as you emerge from the water, completely bare. His eyes don't know where to look as you are revealed to him inch by inch, the water trickling down your chest, your hips, and between your legs.
Try as he might, Immortan can't hide the small intakes of breath, his apparatus making it all the more obvious. Small victories....
You hand him a small object and drop it in the hollow of his palm. A golden tooth, ripped from his enemy's body earlier this morning. A small token of loyalty, in case there was any doubt.
Immortan finds it hard to focus, and momentarily feels a slight stirring below the belt. Surprisingly, he enjoys the power play, the teasing, but most of all, your boldness. Because how come is it him who feels disarmed, when you are the one fully unclothed?
Not quite trusting his voice, he nods at you. He will let you off easy this time. However, he decides as you disappear into the water, he will have to make you pay for that little display, he already has some ideas...
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Disclaimer: reminder that Joe is a very bad and nasty man and that nothing he does or represents in the movies should be celebrated. That being said, this is fiction, and so I can confirm that I would let him ******* my ***** with his big **** all day long. Thank you for your attention.
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Furiosa finds Y/N staring at her…
Furiosa: stop it, you’ll get in trouble with your father
Y/N: im a prince, I’ll be fine. Besides I can’t help it if I notice true beauty among the wasteland.
Furiosa: I don’t have time
Y/N: for what? A life? The best revenge you can get is a life well lived.
Y/N takes her hand…
Y/N: my Angel
Furiosa: my ride or die
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gutlessbarbara · 4 months
Are the Charlize theron simps/fandom still alive??????????????? ?????? Plz I need to know 😭
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tojigasm · 4 months
Furiosa strap goes crazy because she is insane with angles.
Will fully hike your leg over her shoulder and sink so deep inside you that you're actually seeing stars and your thighs go numb.
She's reserved a good portion of the time but when she gets you sobbing around the pleasure of it, she lets out these little moans here and there – and it's especially bad if you run your fingers through her buzzed hair, letting your nails scratch at the nape of her hair and she takes you to pound town
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admrlthundrbolt · 6 months
Radioactive (Furiosa x Chubby Reader)
Being the daughter of Immortan Joe was never the paradise others thought. Though taking care of the wives made it a bit less lonely. Especially when a visit from Furiosa was never to far away.
Hey guys, I'm back at it again. With the resent commercials for Furiosa, it reminded me of how much I love her character. So here's a bit of women loving and supporting women. Hope you enjoy.
Immortan Joe was an evil man. He capitalized on others' torment. A wretch of a human being that believes himself to be a God. His kingdom was built on suffering and the bodies of the unfortunate.
To think that he could have sired you. The only female of his spawn. The singular child to be born in good health. Something to parade around as a symbol, that a healthy male heir could be achieved. You were a spark of hope for him. While you despised his very existence.
A solitary reprieve you did receive was being a care taker for his wives. Though you cringed at the thought of what they went through. You took solace in knowing that you did your best to make their lives a bit better. Even sharing the burden of a chastity belt. Another ‘gift’ of your father's. For you must stay pure and a true embodiment for the citizens. Just another way to keep you under his thumb.
Though you could not have been farther from him in mannerisms. You soft sweet nature was one that could rival a Saint. Soft skin and full figured, you were made to sire healthy offspring. You were to stay with the women. Keep away from the men, only to be brought out in watering ceremonies. You were a goddess of life. Even if you wish to stay to your duties and be left alone.
That was, until Furiosa came along.
Torn from her home and forced into servitude. It was an existence that she held the upmost animosity for. It may not have been Immortan Joe that stole her away from her people. But that didn't make him anymore innocent. He was a vile man, who kept around the useful. Seeking out the weak and preying on the niave.
It wasn't an honor to be an officer in his army. To work under him and bring glory, it made her sick. To know she was providing for a villain like him.
Her only solace came in being your guard. You were the only good thing to come from a beast such as him. The breaks she had between runs were spent in your company. Being assigned to you was one of the best days of her life.
You were helping Toast wrap her chest when Miss Giddy rushed over to you. “It is time for the water ceremony.”
Rolling your eyes, you finished the intricate knot on her top. Getting up, you apologized to the women. Though they answered with understanding smiles and shooing motions. If there was anyone else who knew just how angry your father got when he was kept waiting. It was the group of women that were expected to carry his brood.
Before leaving the room, you slipped into your chastity belt. Miss Giddy glared at the thing as she locked it. “Those things are inhumane. To think he even forces one on his own daughter.”
You placed a soothing hand on her arm. Knowing how heated she could get over such things. “It is what I must do. We all must make sacrifices for the greater good.” Feeling her tense up, you were quick to let the truth slip free. Turning to look her in the eye, you said. “Things will not always be this way. I feel that change will happen soon.”
Her gaze softened and muscles lost some of their tension. Leading you to the overlook, she passed you to your brother Rictus. Placing a hand on your back, he guided you to stand next to your father.
Nodding at you he began his speech. It was a way to inflate his ego. But the unfortunate people who had no choice at least got the reward of water by the end. He motioned you forward as he finished. Moving up, you released the dams. He always said it was a great honor for you to give them the life force.
As he slammed the levers back down you wanted to flinch. It made you feel helpless, sick to your stomach. As you give them hope, he was one step behind to stomp it out.
With the ceremony over, you stepped into the hall. You would rather wait in the shadows for your escort to return.
A hand brushed against your arm. Jumping a bit, your eyes darted towards the touch. It was a War Boy you had passed from time to time. “Sorry (Y/N), didn't mean to scare you.” He looked so regretful.
A reassuring smile slid onto your face. “It's fine.” Placing a hand on his shoulder, you gave him a soft pat. “What can I do for you?”
He face colored immediately, blushing from ear to ear. He stuttered for a few moments before gathering himself. “I've just never had the chance to speak to you.” Wringing his hands together, his eyes darted between you and the floor. “I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Slit.”
Suddenly the sound of harsh breathing appeared in the doorway. Your father stood, glaring at scene before him. How dare this mutt speak to his daughter. “(Y/N), why have you not returned to the vault.”
You forced a sweet smile at your father. You needed to get his attention away from the War Boy. You didn't need more blood on your hands. “I'm not sure father. I was waiting for Miss Giddy to return. Perhaps she is looking after one of the wives.”
At the mention of his brides, he forgot about the boy. For a bit at least. “I will take you back and check myself. I must keep what belongs to me safe.”
As he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You couldn't help the foreboding cold sweat that settled over your. You had to keep a shudder in check as he lead you back.
It wasn't long before your father summons you again. Which was odd, they're shouldn't be another ceremony for a while. Miss Giddy brought you to his private chambers. Making your way in, you reluctantly bowed your head.
He barley spared you a glance. “I've noticed the War Boys have been paying you more attention. That is a troubling revelation. You will now be escorted by my most trusted officer. She will start her duties with you tomorrow. You are not to leave without her. You will be assigned a new guide if she is otherwise disposed. Am I understood.” It was a demand, not a suggestion.
Nodding dutifully, you shrank into yourself a bit more. “Yes sir. What time should I expect them?”
“Furiosa will be by in the afternoon. I need to explain her new task. But I expect you to be ready well before then.” He waved his hand at you dismissively.
Leaving quickly, you met up with Miss Giddy in the hall. You had been thankful that she had a valid reason to not have waited for you previously. Though having the Furiosa be your new bodyguard was enough to make your head spin. She was the only woman to make it to the level of officer in Immortan Joe's army. To think that someone so impressive would be standing by your side.
She wasn't sure how to feel at this time. Having another task forced upon her was enraging. Being the foot soldier of a mad man was an ordeal in itself. To be required to babysit his daughter in her small amount of free time. Well that was a new level of lap dog that she wasn't looking forward to.
Still, she couldn't help but remember how highly others spoke of you. You were the bringer of life and hope. A symbol of a fruitful future. She would have to wait until meeting you to see for herself just who you were.
Taking a deep breath she knocked on the vault door. It swung open slowly and she was thankful for filling her lungs. As you came into veiw she was rendered breathless. You were a vision of plush radiance. She had never seen a more perfect being.
Seeing the officer, you became as giddy as a War Boy with his first rig. She was taller than you imagined, rugged and beautiful all at once. Gesturing into the room, you greeted her warmly. “Please make yourself at home. It may well be where you spend much of your time now."
She wanted to feel bitter about the statement. But with how invitingly you put it, it was hard to not look forward to it. Taking a seat on a nearby stool, she nodded. “Thank you.”
Pulling a large cushion over, you plopped down next to her. “I do not deserve your thanks. I'm the reason you will have little to no free time. I'm sorry my father stuck you with me.”
“It's nothing to apologize for.” She waved away the idea with her mechanical hand. Your eyes widened as you took in the intricacies.
“Did you build it?” She looked away for a moment before nodding. Hovering your hand near it, you looked up at her. “May I?” Nodding again, she watched your soft fingers delicately trace over every bump and groove. You were entraced with the mechanisms. She had never felt prouder of her handy work.
“I could make you something. It wouldn't be an arm, but it could be mechanical.” Your eyes shown brightly as you nodded vigorous at the offer.
Spending time with Furiosa was always a pleasure. You had grown close with each other. But there was one subject you both tip toed around, your father. You were wary of speaking poorly of him in front of anyone outside of the vault. It was something that was beaten into you at an early age. Still there was something about the way she held her tounge in certain moments. It made you believe that your thoughts could be more similar than many others.
You weren't going to breech the subject. Until the wives came to you in a bought of desperation. Angharad was growing rounder with his spawn. “I implore you to just speak with her. She may be our only hope.” Taking your hands in her own, she wept. “All of us, sister.”
Squeezing her hands you frowned. The truth was laid bare before you. But would she be willing to sacrifice for women she barely knew. You could feel your heart sting with the thought of her rejection. Nodding silently, you took her into your arms. Even if it destroyed you, you would save your sisters. You hoped that she would feel the same.
She was surprised when you didn't meet her at the door. Then she became frustrated with herself. Of course someone like you would have better things to do than greet her.
The Dag smiled knowingly at the officer. She had seen the way you gazed at one another. Immortan Joe had only handed you a partner on a silver platter. “She is gathering her things.”
Nodding, she stood near the door and tried not to fidget. As you emerged she gave you an unintentional look over. You were swathed in a gossamer robe and held a small basket at your side. She swept forward to take it from you. But you waved her away and smiled coyly. She was surprised when you didn't wait for Miss Giddy. She wanted to spit in the face of your father for making anyone wear those abominations. Especially forcing one on his own daughter. It was one of the few moments she was thankful for being barren.
Following close behind you, she was soon brought to an isolated cavern. It was empty, except for the sunken pool in the middle of the room. You set the basket near the pool and let the robe slip from your luscious body. If she was enamored with the sight of you a moment ago, then she was enraptured now. Stepping into the pool, you emerged yourself. She stepped forward when you didn't immediately resurface. As you breached the surface, she took another unconscious step.
You beckoned her closer. “Join me."
That snapped her from her trance. Shaking her head, she said. “I couldn't….”
Your eyes became half lidded as you folded your arms on the side of the pool. “You could, it would be a favor to me. Your ward."
Her eyes narrowed at that. “You are much more than that.”
Expression softening, you held a hand out to her. “If you are not comfortable bathing with me, I understand. Would you not sit by the water's edge and converse with me?”
She wanted to throttle herself. Here you were, like a literal wet dream in front of her. Still there was a part of her holding back and for good reason. It wouldn't do her any good trust the wrong person, not again. Nodding stiffly, she lowered herself near you.
Wadding over to the basket, pulling bottles and jars from it. Plucking a slim jar from the bunch, you returned to her. “Would you mind washing my hair?” A quick nod followed by you offering the container. Dipping your head under the water once more, you sighed. Facing away from her, you leaned back towards her. Heart hammering, she spread the liquid around her palms. The intimacy of bathing another was not lost on either of you. Still she massaged and threaded her fingers through your locks. Sinking a bit more into the water, you wanted to melt into the depths below. It was a lovely sensation, to have one you admire treat you so delicately. But there was a matter more dire than your fantasy.
“I need your help. The wives need to escape.” You yelped as her fingers jerked in your hair. You whirled to plead with her, thinking that she was against the idea. Her expression wasn't that of rage though, but bewildered curiosity. So you continued, hoping your hunch was right. “They are treated as nothing but prized breeders. I am disgusted with the way my father considers them possessions. Everyday Angharad grows closer to birthing his spawn. This is no place to raise a child.” Your eyes were wet with tears as you explain their plight.
Her stomach bubbled with hatred. For your father, who was responsible for so much suffering. For herself, to believe for even a moment that you would side with that monster. And for you, you begged for the wives. But he was doing the same to you. Even parading you around to prove he was capable of making something amazing. Really though, you were the one that had created that shine in yourself.
Lunging forward, she captured your lips with her own. Water splashed as she slid into the pool to press your bodies flush. Running your hands up her back, you pulled her closer. Trying to meld yourselves together. Pulling apart, panting desperately, you looked up at her blisteringly.
“We will travel to the Green Place.” Then she thrust her mouth at yours once more. You graciously followed her motions and enjoyed yourself thoroughly. If the Green Place was where she thought you should go, then you would trust her. You would follow anywhere she would take you.
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plumulesauvage · 3 months
Furiosa : A Mad Max Saga : The Fic
As I said in my latest post, I began to write a fic about Furiosa and Mad Max universe. And so, here we are : I am going to post it, chapter by chapter.
Here is the table of contents, I will modify it as I release the chapters.
Tell me if you want to be notified.
Paradise in Hell : a Mad Max fiction
As Furiosa, later known as as the Imperator who saved the Citadel from the tyranny of Immortan Joe, is being kidnapped by the men of Dementus, she is not alone. Indeed, her friend and adopted sister, Valhalla, accompany her during her journey in the Wastelands.
As the two Vuvalinis witness the cruelty of the world they live in, they will do anything they can to go back to the Green Place, even if it means sacrificing for the other one.
Genre : Sf, drama, adventure, psychological
Warnings : rude language, swearing, crude parts, reference to 🟣, child abuse , torture, sexual content, violence, men being men, death, and cars that go vroom vroom, Dementus -> there will be warnings at the beginning of each chapter
Relationships : Furiosa x reader, Dementus x reader, Immortan Joe x reader, Max x reader
Chapters : currently 7, estimated at 15
Media : Tumblr for now, maybe AO3
Please do mind that English is not my first language, there can be faults, sorry for that
Paradise in Hell : table of contents
The kidnapping
The sandstorm
The Citadel
The wives
The escape
The gift
The hunger
The agreement
~~~ Happy reading ! ~~~
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infin1ty-garden · 3 months
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✧. ┊ summary: you and furiosa discuss what's next ✧. ┊ pairing: furiosa x gn! reader ✧. ┊ warnings: *spoilers for furiosa* mention of planing murder ✧. ┊ word count: very short ✧. ┊ author note: the summary is all i could do without spoilers
masterlist. & 100 follower celebration
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You and Furiosa had been friends for a while and became closer after she was pronounced imperator. She went on missions with Jack but alway came back to you. It was a gamble if she would even return. But it's been days since you last saw or heard from her. Something must have gone wrong.
All you could do was wait. She had not arrived gloriously but broken. Missing an arm, a crew and war rig. She'd told you Jack died. "I won't let anything happen to you," was the first thing she said to you. You helped her make a new arm. "You can talk to me about it."
"Why would I?"
"It could help," Furiousa didn't answer. You spent the rest of the day in silence. "I really care about you. I hope you know that," the sun had set, yet you could feel her piercing gaze. "I do, but where is this coming from?"
"I plan to kill Dementus. I'm not sure if I'll come back." She moved closer to you. "I know you can kill him."
"Killing him isn't an issue. I'm not sure I have a reason to return, other than you."
"Am I not a good enough reason?"
"That's not what I said," your eyes drifted away from hers. She places her hand on your shoulder, causing you to look at her again. "I will come back for you."
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Thanks for reading!
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kath-reviews · 4 months
my beautiful blog
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theprismyyy · 1 month
Trying to understand why the hell there is no Furiosa content out there, I mean...the movie was amazing and Anya was so good playing Furiosa and I need material about it, fanfic, headcanons, one-shots, thoughts, anything 😭😭 I simply need Furiosa being a furious lesbian (maybe bi) that I know she is
(My apologies to those who had to read this pun it was much better in my head I swear)
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cowbutches · 4 months
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Light from the moon overhead flooded the vault, washing her in a second wave of white over her garments and a candle behind him illuminated the subtle crooks in her face. Something about them now was reminiscent of a wedding night in the old world. @danime25 (x x)
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ughdontbeboring · 4 days
Chris Hemsworth has been on my tv screen for 40 second as dr dementus & I am already here looking for some good fics 👀🤤😮‍💨
why am I like this 😅
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please drop yall recs 😘
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dustysalmon · 3 months
Immortan Joe Imagine - Staying by your side after you were injured in battle
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The news reaches him as soon as he arrives at the scene, accompanied by his war party.
You are brought back to the Citadel on the Gigahorse, Joe driving like a madman to get you there to treat your injuries.
A room is specifically arranged for you, the Organic Mechanic and his assistants tend to you relentlessly, providing you with all the care necessary.
Joe visits you often, even at the beginning, when you were still unconscious. He visits so often that people have started to notice, and talk, not that he cares. They know better than to start rumors, lest they wish to suffer Joe's bad temper...
Each time he comes to see you, he sits quietly, his eyes fixed on you, his mechanical breath the only sound in the room. He even talks to you sometimes, even though you probably can't hear him (he wants to believe that you can.)
He's the first face you see when you finally regain consciousness. It's always difficult to see the man behind the mask, but you can clearly see relief in those clear blue eyes, and something else you can't quite put your finger on.
When you're in too much pain to speak, he hushes you, and reads to you, his gravelly voice filling the room. Sometimes he would even hum a little tune, oddly soothing, that slowly makes you drift back to sleep. Other times, the two of you simply fall into a comfortable silence.
Weeks turn into months, you are slowly getting better, and Joe keeps visiting as if it was the first day. Part of you hates that he sees you like this, weak, barely a shadow of your past self. But it gives you strength to keep fighting, to get better, so that you can once more stand by his side in battle.
One day, you're surprised to find the Immortan slumped beside your bed, his head bowed, and his large hand gently holding yours. He's fallen asleep, his usually stern features are completely relaxed. You bask in the delicious feeling of being the only one privy to that sight.
His hand is huge compared to yours, so warm, and surprisingly soft. Absently, boldly perhaps, you start tracing the visible lines on his skin, running your thumb over his.
Joe stirs slightly, and his eyes flutter open. He blinks, disoriented, before his eyes focus on you, then on your joined hands... then back on you. You immediately stop stroking his skin. Maybe this was a mistake, what if you overstepped?
What is done is done, you keep your eyes firmly on his, waiting for whatever is next.
The light squeeze of his hand around yours is so gentle that you barely feel it at first. Your lips curl up in a soft smile as you study him, neither of you feeling the need to say anything, letting your actions speak for themselves.
Unfortunately, good things don't last forever and the Organic Mechanic interrupts your little moment, completely oblivious, and drags you off the bed to get to your daily mobility exercises. Joe sits still for a moment, hands clasped together, and completely lost in thought. There's many things he needs to sort out...
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
Y/N turns and sees Furiosa staring at them…
Y/N: you just gonna keep staring at me?
Furiosa: until I get what I want
Y/N: well come over here then
Furiosa pushes Y/N against the nearest wall, kissing them fiercely…
Furiosa: (growls) mine
Y/N: yours
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texas-writes · 4 months
Stars and Oblivion
After years of searching, you finally find her
Cw: teen pregnancy mentioned, postpartum anxiety, child abandonment
The sun beat down through the mouth of the cave, the sweat from your brow running down and burning into your eyes as you focused intently on the carburetor in your greasy hands. There was no fucking way this would be a surface repair. You let out a growl and grab one of your smaller wrenches to begin disassembling the part. You can feel boring holes into your back but you just roll your shoulders in an attempt to shrug off the sensation. The feeling goes and is soon replaced with a presence. You turn, prepared to shout off whichever Warpup had the audacity to bother you, but instead of stark white flesh you’re greeted with a small frame clothed entirely in light leather work gear. It was that boy again. He was still a child, probably no older than twelve, and certainly no Warboy. He never spoke, making you question if his tongue had been cut out.
“What is it?”
He brings his fingers level with his eyes and then turns them towards the carburetor.
“Do you want me to teach you how to do this?”
He nods and leans on the workbench, eyes locked on your hands.
“Okay. I have to rebuild it, probably replace some of the interior parts and clean it. Just try to look busy.”
He nods again, watching as you take the cover off and begin detaching all the inner workings. You send him for small parts of scrap from time to time and make sure he has his goggles on whenever you have to weld or cut the new pieces to fit into the mechanism. Finally you’re finished rebuilding the part and give it to him, telling him to go put it back in the truck it was from. Another nod, and then he’s gone.
You allowed the boy much more grace than any of the other mechanics. He was just a child after all, a foundling most likely, and starkly human compared to the Warboys, a whole life. He’d often come sit with you while you ate, but you never saw his face, he’d just slip his spoon under his dust mask instead of removing it. There were several occasions on colder nights that he would climb into your bunk shivering, and you’d just wrap your arms around him without question, pressing your lips to his forehead and smoothing down his cap.
In moments when your mind was loose, when you were unfocused at work, or too tired to properly hold your eyes open you saw in him glimpses of the child you had left behind. Close in age, and hopefully status of life, you saw her, darting around, almost playful in moments of ease, but reserved nonetheless. You had no real idea what your daughter looked like, you had gone when she was just a baby, leaving her with your sister and running into the wastes, too young then to be a mother or a wanderer, but your fear had driven you further than any car ever could.
You remembered her, blue and screaming when she came into this world, covered in blood and viscera, her tiny hands clenched into tight fists as she was handed to you. You’d barely had enough time to name her before you’d passed out. You were fourteen then, too curious for your own good, drawn in by the charms of a farmer’s son, and you’d ended up ripped in half for your stupidity. The bleeding wouldn’t stop, so the doctor had taken your womb to give you a chance at living, and lived you had.
It was three days before you had woken up, connected to your sister by a tangle of tubing while another woman held out the child for you to hold. You took her and brushed the wisp of hair from her face, smiling when she opened her eyes, looking up at you. You’d stuck around for a couple of months, but by the time you left you felt like you needed to claw your way out of your skin, like even if you never stopped running you’d still have gone nowhere, so you left your daughter with your sister and ran, taking a bike and going as far and as fast as you could.
Years later you had gone back, twenty four then, finally ready to settle back down, your wild urges sated, your body relaxed and your mind solid once again, only to find nothing. The women had told you that your daughter had been taken, and your sister had followed after. You’d lit out in the direction they pointed and rode until you came across the remnants of a camp, a pile of warm ashes and an all too familiar locket buried beneath the cinders. The metal had burned a crescent moon into your palm as you’d gripped it and screamed, but you didn’t care. You just knelt there in the sand sobbing until you had no tears left to cry, pathetically making your way back to your bike and continuing in the direction you’d been heading, despite the absence of tracks, no trace of your sister’s murderers or your little girl. Just riding into oblivion with no real care if you lived or not.
So you cared for the boy, as much as he’d let you, as if he were your own, the guilt deep in your belly driving your actions just as much as your compassion. He grew up under your mechanical guidance, loosening up around the workshop, forgoing his mask, and before long it became glaringly obvious that you had mistaken him. Long hair and bright eyes began to reveal “his” true nature, but it didn’t phase you. There were many reasons for a girl to hide in this world, especially around the company you worked with. She grew brawny as she aged and you gifted her with a knife to keep sheathed in her boot. She’d kept it close, pulling it on more than one occasion to escape the grabbing hands of the Warboys you worked with.
You knew nothing of her but what you’d seen, but you could still say you loved her. All these years, watching over her, protecting her, teaching her. There were times, even now, that she, maybe seventeen now, would crawl shivering into your bed and you’d hold her and kiss her forehead as you always did. She would never object to your affections, just worming her way closer and sighing as her eyes fell shut.
Years later she’d disappeared, and you’d worried for her, fearing the worst, but after a month she returned, staggering, weak, a crudely stitched stump where her left arm once was. You’d tended to her without a word, cleaning her wound and dressing it without question as she sat on your bunk that night. She’d been through hell and you knew she wasn’t one to talk. The girl, no woman, before you was alive and that was all that mattered right now. Before you could think your hand was at the back of her head and your forehead was pressed to hers, with your eyes squeezed shut, fighting the tears of worry that threatened to fall. She’d been strong, wherever she’d been, and it was your turn now, for her sake. She mirrors your actions, pressing her head to yours so hard it almost hurt.
“Stars bless you,” she whispers, her voice shaking with the same tenacity you were exerting.
You pull away from her sharply, shocked not only by her voice but the words it carried. Her eyes are wide and wet, her hand trembles against the back of your head and you know now what your heart had secretly known for years. You look at her in the torch-light of the bunk room and see your own eyes staring back at you, your own hair falls over her shoulders and down her back.
“Furiosa,” you breathe, pressing your forehead back to hers, finally allowing the sob to wrack your body, pulling her tightly into a hug and she reciprocates it. She’d learned to love and trust you, completely unaware of the fact that it was your immaturity that had gotten her here. It was all your fault and she was none the wiser. It was too late now, to be her mother. She was twenty three years old and had mourned for the mother she knew for all those years now. It was not your place to try to claim that place, to fill that void.
“How do you know my name? You’re not from the green place, I’d have known you,” her voice is sharp and demanding despite the low volume.
“I am, I left when you were a baby, and only went back after you’d been taken.”
“Then who are you?”
You silently reach behind your neck and unclasp your necklace bearing two pendants, a sun and a crescent moon, and give them to her.
“She was my sister. I’ve spent years looking for you. I needed to see you again, even if it was just for a moment.”
Your answer was incomplete, but still truthful. It was all she needed to know. Too much would do more harm than good, and she was already fragile. Maybe when you finally got her back home safe you would come clean, but now, just having her here in your arms, knowing she was alive and as safe as someone could be in the wasteland was enough for you.
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arkhammaid · 7 months
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fandom. formula one
pairing. max verstappen x stunt woman fem!reader (fc: giulia steingruber)
about. y/n l/n is one of hollywood's best stunt women and her boyfriend is the biggest fan of her work
content warnings. social media au, not edited/proofread
notes. we're back with yet another max smau, y'all really love him (i do as well). unlike my first smau, i'm not completely satisfied with this one but better this than nothing 😭
VOGUE has posted a new video!
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Y/N Y/L/N answers 10 Questions | Vogue
user woah, i didn't know y/n was training for the freaking olympics??
⤷ user it makes sense, gymnastics gave her a solid foundation, if not an advantage over other stunt women/people
⤷ user no wonder she's so highly sought after
user in another universe i just know she won the olympics
user until today, i've never heard of y/n but her achievements are crazyyyy. and to think of, she has at least another ten years if not more in the industry
⤷ user right?? she's absolutely insane, always going up to her limit and still surpassing herself everytime. her work is really admirable
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liked by maxverstappen1, dc, angelinajolie and 108'337 others
yourusername I'm proud to announce another project for 2025! I'll be working alongside @/dc to portray Black Canary's stunts in the newest Green Arrow movie. We still have a long way to go, but we've already achieved so much. If you're interested in some BTS scenes, watch out for the newest video, where I take you all on a small tour on set!
user oh i just know the fighting scenes will slay
dc We couldn't imagine a better stunt woman for our Black Canary!
user we have to wait a whole year 🫠
angelinajolie It's always a pleasure to work with you, Y/n! To an Oscar-worthy movie 👏
⤷ yourusername To an Oscar-worthy movie and other awards 🙌
user y/n is so fucking broad 😳
⤷ user she could choke me with her arms- *gets shot*
⤷ user no no, please continue
maxverstappen1 So, so proud of you, schatje ❤️
⤷ yourusername Right back at you, my champion 💙
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liked by maxverstappen1, chrishemsworth and 199'563 others
yourusername I can't believe it... Furiosa has been nominated for 7 Taurus World Stunt Awards and won 5 of them. It has been an absolute honor to work alongside my collegues for this movie
maxverstappen1 I never doubted you. So incredibly proud of you ❤️
⤷ yourusername I couldn't have done it without you by my side, Maxy 💙
⤷ maxverstappen1 Doubtful.
⤷ maxverstappen1 Just accept the compliment, schatje
⤷ maxverstappen1 You're the most incredible woman I know, your drive and passion are admirable- why do you think I love you so much?
⤷ maxverstappen1 I love you and I'm very proud of you❤️
⤷ yourusername And now I'm sobbing... I love you too, so so much
user i came here to have a great time with y/n winning awards but now i'm in fetal position, rocking myself I FEEL SO FUCKING SINGLE
user there is no bigger y/n fan than max verstappen...
⤷ user if y/n has no fans left, max verstappen is dead...
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liked by redbullracing, yourusername and 1'487'729 others
maxverstappen1 Nothing better than ending a glorious season with you by my side. Schatje, to more broken records and a golden future ❤️
yourusername To more broken records and a golden future with you 💙
yourusername Love you, love you, love you so so much 💙💙💙
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