#Fun Fact: They're all based on types of jackets :}
reksink · 4 days
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Strangely Cladded Wizards
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backboneofthevees · 4 months
Not my usual post, but I thought I'd share! Have fun reading :)
♡ (if it wasn't obvious enough) She's a lesbian! I love the little girl-liker third wheel to a mlm couple (vox and val) her and the other vees have going on, plus the velvette x verosika art i see is ALWAYS so beautiful!
♡ referring to this post below:
She owns corsets (yet doesnt use them much because LOOK AT THAT WAIST), and one or two have definitely been stolen....by both of her male conterparts.
♡ She sews! Not ALL the time, since she's busy doing things like running shows and doing photoshoots, but I feel like it'd be a little something nice to do in her free time. Blasting some music while tailoring a new coat or something.
♡ She only wears the same colors. I know this is a little obvious from the few outfit changes she has in the show, but imagine it. A large walk-in closet filled with ONLY pink, purple, white and black. (And perhaps a singular green christmas sweater.) They're not ALL just dresses and jackets, she has pants and t-shirts too. She just likes to dress femme and throws in a masc/more casual outfit from time to time.
♡ She has a diverse music taste. I might me self-projecting here a bit, but I think it'd be pretty cute to see hee listening to different types of music. Like listening to something metal/punk when wearing an 'emo' outfit (one thst consists of mostly black) or some pop/r&b when dressing up in her normal dress-and-tights- combo. It helps her get in the mood.
♡ She has a close relationship with Vox and Valentino. This is also shown in the actual show, seeing how docile they are around eachother, but I imagine the boys and Vel having a brother-sistertjust generally close relationship, like Val and Vel would talk shit and go shopping one day or Vox and Vel talking about the shoots they're doing/planning on doing and having their nails done together. (Painting Vox's claws or sharpening them since he doesn't really have nails.)
♡ She's a little nerdy. I'm not talking about book-nerd, more likke a genuinely-invested-in-fashion-and-knows-about-its-history nerd. Like she'll read up on magazines or articles about how the kitten heel came to be or fun facts about the creator of a specific clothing brand she likes. She doesn't bring it up often, more of a random thing she'll drop into a conversation to keep it going. Also, since she's on her phone all the time, I think she'd be a little bit of a tech wiz like Vox. Like he'll give her a prototype for a new V-Phone and ask her about any bugs or special features. She'll evaluate it and Vox would give her his credit card for a day as a thank you.
♡ She has a major sweet tooth. I'm not saying she's constantly eating candy, given her figure and those crisp pearly whites, but whenever she's going out she'll get a milkshake or perhaps a little sweet treat at a local bakery. Not nicely, but still.
♡ Her full name, when she was still alive, was Veronica Barbie Hernandez, hinting at a latina/mexcian background. Her friends usually called her by her middle name or just Barb, since she had (and still does) such an affliction for having cute outfits and wearing pink. (I might draw her aswell as the rest of the vee's as humans, who knows)
♡ She has a doll body. This is a bit of a short one, but since she's based of a doll like Vox is a TV and Valentino is a moth, she has a plastic-y, smooth doll body. Specifically a ball-jointed doll body. (She can also pop off her limbs and/or head with little to no pain, using it to scare the boys during halloween or whenever she feels like it.)
♡ She's in her early 30s-late 20s, Vox and Val being around 30-40.
♡ She has 2 cats, one white cat named PomPom, and one tabby cat named Spike.
♡ Her favorite musicals are Heathers and Hairspray. (heathers fans hmu)
♡ Despite being known as 'the girly one', she grew up with 2 brothers. Both are dead and are running around somewhere in Hell, probably.
♡ She helps pick out outfits for the boys, despite them wearing (like almost every other male character) suit-like attire. She LOVES trying on dresses with Val, though.
♡ She goes out often. To shop, get food, get drunk, or to just walk around town and blog for her live feed. God forbid you bump into her though, especially if she's holding a drink (or just anything that could spill on her/something expensive she bought dropping onto the ground). She'll EXPLODE.
That's all for now! Feel free to ask for more or just anything else <3
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missy-the-dragon · 4 months
Today I share my finished (Main) Slugcat Gijinkas. I hope you enjoy them! I made the designs to be as androgynous as possible, however you are free to refer to the slugcats with any pronouns you'd like.
I'll share their design notes under each image :3!
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Spear Master- I wanted to go for a pretty intimidating look while also keeping a sense of elegance and professionalism because above all they really are just a glorified mailman. Their hair is tied up so they can get a good shot with their spears and they wear dark colors to be able to traverse without being noticed. The mask up on their face is for fashion and to cover up the fact that they simply don't have a mouth. All of their communication is through sign language and their eyes and eyebrows.
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Hunter- They're on the move. Constantly. CONSTANTLY. So I gave them clothes to travel in. Pants that tie up easily a pouch for small items and the world's probably worst smelling tank top ever. I forgot their rot initially so that got added. I wanted them to have a pretty stern rbf kinda face. And also their hair is chopped up like that from both self inflicted horrid haircuts and pissed lizards. Also their ears are permanently affixed into alert mode. Good upper body and lower body. Scars from plenty of conflicts. They have dimples and thicker brows.
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Gourmand- Someone who pursues food and specifically hunts for it on their own. I wanted their clothes to be comfortable but also convenient but also professional. But they're honestly a fashion crime and they know it. Their clothes under the button up shirt are easy to move in and the apron doubles as a cloak. They're usually not THIS well dressed and usually have a bit more protection on considering they hunt stuffs to eat whether it be literally or just foraging. They're also pretty muscular in the upper body but their legs are a tad noodly. But I think you should know they would probably body half the slugcats with physical prowess alone. Shorter hair for convenience because hair in your food isn't pleasant. And a short chunky tail because it's cute. They were tricky but I just designed what I thought would be fun in this case and they're based on my old culinary teacher slightly. I think I will give them new clothes sometime though.
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Artificer- They're litterally at war w scavengers like. They need to be well dressed for that. The black under their shirt is actually pretty thick for withstanding blows and there's a brace on one of their arms (I feel like constantly exploding fucks up ur nerves y'know?) to keep their aim steady with spears n bombs. Also their tail is bent at a werid angle! Still functional but it has a lil knot in it. Under their clothes there are vents in their body to release heat. They're one of the older slugcats. Gnarly claws on their hands and feet.
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Rivulet- Rivulet was hard for me because I was sure what I wanted to go with when I was doing them. I gave them kind of a more sporty active build made for swimming. I thought it would also be interesting to give them a camera. But this was mostly me just clowning on their big eyes. Under the jacket and cargo shorts they are wearing the world's goofiest swim attire. Floral print and all. Their ears are also ALOT smaller than the other cats.
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Saint- They were incredibly fun for me design wise but I struggled to figure out what kind of body type to give them. Their hair is in a thick braid and their bangs cover their eyes. They also still have a sticky tongue. I decided not to draw their eyes open. I think it's more fun to leave an interpretation for them on what you think they look like. I gave them a robe with wool on the inside so they aren't cold.
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Survivor (I know it's spelled wrong I'm tired)&Monk- My friends said to not separate them so I didn't. I've always imagined survivor as the taller slimmer sibling with a average build and Monk with a bit more weight on them and a bit shorter. The braids in their hair are from each other. I gave them simple robes to wear something flexible to move in but also comfortable for travel. They're basically supposed to be opposite in every way. A little fun bit is that monk's bangs is supposed to look like the final karma symbol.
I'm done! I will eventually make a post with the last two slugcats which are Inv/Enot and Nightcat but I'm not sure in their designs yet. Until then thank you for reading all of this and taking the time to look at my art and design! And reblogs in this post are greatly appreciated!
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pillowbugs · 10 months
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a teenage (14-15ish) elesa to go with her fellow baby nimbasa city celebrities here!
(proof of process, notes and hcs under cut)
some notes:
why. why did her ace have to be a zebra of all things. no hate to the animal but fucking hell am i dreading the possibility of having to draw blitzle again, or worse, zebstrika. horse proportions + stripe patterns = a real tough cookie to draw. if i never draw elesa with her pokémon again this is probably why.
(actually while typing the above, i just realised her ace is black and white. really ties her association with unova / submas together which is pretty neat.)
on a more positive note, i had a lot of fun with the design! was going more based on her bw1 appearance (given it's closer on the timeline) but with the preppy popular kid look thrown into the mix.
her original hair colour is black (as in bw2) but here it's dyed blonde with blue streaks.
headcanons time: i was thinking elesa would've come from a rich family, with both her parents being successful businessmen who wanted the perfect daughter to show off. her image is definitely controlled by her parents to some extent - her clothes are fancy and expensive, but fairly normal. even her hair was first dyed blonde to match her father and give her parents the perfect blonde hair blue eyes daughter. fortunately, they aren't at home much, so elesa has some opportunities to make small changes such as the blue streaks and her jacket (more on that later).
despite her parents' expectations, elesa is in fact much more interested in fashion, design and battling. she's an intern gym trainer at the current nimbasa gym (was thinking the gym leader would be a musical actor but nothing concrete) to not only prove that she can strike out on her own without her parents, but also to hopefully secure her future once she turns 18 and can move out and cut contact with her parents. the gym leader has taken a shine to her, encourages her to follow her dreams and is already planning on making her their successor.
by the time of bw1, when elesa talks to bianca and her father to encourage them to let bianca go on her own journey, it's a reflection of her own growth as well - she followed her dream despite her parents and found her own happiness and success, and she wants to inspire other people to do the same.
between the twins, elesa is a lot closer to emmet at this point - in fact, she isn't really close to ingo at all. that comes later after she's known emmet for a longer time. her friendship with emmet surprises a lot of people bc it's literally the popular cool kid befriending the weird kid no one else really cares about (besides his brother).
on the other hand, this is exactly why they're friends - emmet is not only grateful to have any friends at all, but elesa is also someone frequently misunderstood because of her appearance, lonely and the right amount of silly (reminds him a bit of someone...). also she loves electric types which is verrry cool. elesa finds emmet's bluntness and genuineness extremely refreshing compared to how much everyone else works to pretend and fit in. he's also the first person to see her for who she actually is and not her parents or her reputation.
the jacket is a bargain buy she saw in a shop once when she and emmet were out on the streets, and she mentioned her parents wouldn't let her get such clothes as much as she loves the jacket. emmet bought it for her for her birthday.
her closeness to emmet but not ingo is reflected in her design - blue and white feature much more than black and red.
her blitzle's name is chromatic, or chrom for short. she doesn't know about fe awakening for the record.
as a trainer, while she definitely trains mostly electrics, she does have a few off-types for coverage outside work - a lilligant, cinccino, cryogonal and later togekiss.
proof of process
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tododeku-or-bust · 2 years
For the OTP ask
Patrochilles feel free to pick any of the following 53, 42, or 12
Have fun!
You said in another ask 13 instead of 12, so I'm doing 13:
13. Who's the bigger tease?
(Funny enough, i answered 12 by mistake 😅)
I mean, if we're going based off of who's actually putting thought into "teasing", Achilles. If we're going off of "hard to get", Patroclus.
42: What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
In B&R, they live where it's warm enough for no snow 😂 but in all universes, they do love thunderstorms. (When they're not dangerous) Achilles is the type to go play in the rain, pretend he's a thunder godling or something 👀 while Patroclus will just stay on the porch and watch him, prepared with towels and hot tea. He's not partial to the boom of thunder (Fame!AU for obvious reasons) but he likes watching how happy and free Achilles looks.
Fun fact: (B&R!AU) when she's a toddler, Phi is terrified of the loudness of storms. One day, Achilles walks her out into the rain, wrapped in her rain jacket, and holds her tight until she stops being scared. Patroclus was anti this idea and was quite miffed about it, but it worked- so long as she's with Daddy, she's okay 😅 now they both play in it.
53: Would they ever go skinny dipping?
Absolutely lol. 100%. Patroclus might be less tempted, but if he's with Achilles, he'd definitely do it.
Ask Game
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wander-wren · 1 year
oc game: i was tempted to just send you all the emojis but 🧠🌼✨ those are in reverse order from how they appear in the game i think oops anyway these are ones we dont usually get in character questions i genuinely dont think I know their ages soooo enjoy
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
inari- she's very, very attached to her home country of skalmere, even though it's illegal for her to exist there and she'd likely be killed if she ever went back. she has a little skalian flag sewn on the inside of her jacket, over her heart. idk, something about it is really compelling, i guess i connect it to being a minority in a conservative area but not wanting to leave.
daci- okay, i love her bc she's a sweetheart, but i think what i like most is that her magic (empathy, literally) is very sensory-based, so if she chooses to use it around a lot of people she gets sensory overload, and sometimes there's so much she can't fully turn her magic off, and idk, i like angst, i like magic drawbacks, i like people who refuse to let their friends know their magic has drawbacks.
cas- he projects this image of himself as really dark and edgy and scary but he actually has the lowest self-esteem known to man (well, second to inari) and if ollie so much as looks at him sternly he will fold and walk back his most recent bad decision. he's so funny to me for that.
ollie- they're literally just this happy-go-lucky artist kid from the backcountry that you would never expect to be the right hand of mr edgy up there ^^ its a really fun character type to play with
eira- she's this small, babyfaced, anxious girl that literally everyone estimates, kind of rightfully bc she's very out of her depth, but from the first page she's got this undercurrent of strength and ambition and i really love balancing those two things (or unbalancing them and causing her problems)
tyrian- he's the most Some Guy ever, the ken to eira's barbie if you will, and he's the only one without magic or a significant amount of trauma, so he's even more out of his depth than eira is but doing his best. and i love him.
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
in age order: cas (19), ollie (18), daci (18), tyrian (17), inari (17), eira (16)
i started this story when i was 15 and younger than them all, and in 8 months i'll be older than all of them. which is insane.
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
there's a forum on the nanowrimo website, where i was spending most of my time back in 2019 (you know this, lexi), and there's a category in there to adopt character names. someone made a list of fantasy names and their meanings, which i went back and found just now:
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inari, daciana, eira, and cassian (cas's full name) are all up there. i actually almost named him caspian, bc it means sea, but i had an inkling that "hollow" would be more fitting. also, there's narnia.
fun fact: isleen and isleen wer taken for tyrian's older sister & younger brother, dyah (which i'm now tweaking to either dyha or dyja, but it was dyah for four years) was taken for inari's little sister, and valens was taken for eira's father.
i don't remember where tyrian came from at all, except that two posts above that post someone suggested "tyr?" hm. also, i pulled several names from other posts for the eight gods of daci's religion, as well as alarik for her dog and kiver for a kid who will be important near the end. no one needed to know all of that, i'm just realizing now that this thread was absolutely instrumental to olt's beginnings, lol.
oh, also ollie/oleander isn't from there! they came when i sent a picrew to some friends on a discord server and asked for naming help. i'm no longer in that server, nor do i remember who suggested the name, but i am forever in their debt bc it is incredible.
oh, and last names i just COMPLETELY made up based on vibes, except for gatien. i remember googling for that one, i don't remember what, and i selected it bc it means "watchman," tho i'm not sure what i was going for there anymore. also inari and daci's last names have been nixed bc i grew to hate them, so....i still need to replace those.
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all the red emojis for ray :] from the most recent one
THANK UUUUUU god i need to talk more abt my lil guy
details about ocs
🚗 CAR — does your oc have a driver's license? can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars?
They have a motorcycle license :^) Ray sucks at driving cars and is like, afraid?, of even trying to draw a flying vehicle NCBNGNCCK
🩸 DROP OF BLOOD — what is your oc's blood type?
AB neg hehe :^)
rest under the read more:
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
They know 60 digits of pi. Don't ask why, they just learned them for fun.
Ray never goes out without at least two lauers of clothes on them. There's always some kind of jacket too.
They knit a sweater for Anubis bc they thought he was cold.
🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
YEAAAAH! i think tow earth jobs had like. compulsory weapon handling courses or smth. I MEAN it's not like halcyon's violence problems came out of nowhere BFBGNCKKCCK
UM ANYWAY! They're fond of sniper rifles, their fav is the dead eye assault rifle. They also are v good at handling knives.
🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
Ray loooooooves nicotine gum. Their friend tried to make them change to normal chewing gum but it didn't work JFJKCKCXK
this is definitely not based on tow concept art of spacer's choice nicotine chewing gum. Ray is definitely noooooot obsessed w it.
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
They're originally from Washington but moved to LA bc of their job. Then they met their partner there at some point and then moved to New York bc of reasons (tm). And now they're in Halcyon :) Ray loved Washington a lot bc of all the nature, but they found it's a Bit Too Quiet for them andbfkgkc
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
Loves helping people
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
Impulsive af
Indecisive (they spent half an hour in the geothermal plant trying to choose who to send power to)
You know how some situations just require different ways of acting and talking? Ray just doesn't understand these. They will just be themselves in any situation :')))
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jinxthejubilee · 3 years
Judging/Rating their Demon Forms
This is me pretending that I know anything about fashion. I've wanted to do this for the longest time, but I never got around to it. But, here we go!
Warning: I want NO real slander towards the Obey Me devs for their outfits. These are just my opinions for the fun of it, I have grown used to each of their forms.
ALSO, their demon forms look much better in their in-game cards and fan art. I'm making my judgements based on their in-game models.
So without further adieu, let's begin! Starting off with:
1) Lucifer: The old man himself.
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Honestly, he ties with Asmo in terms of best designed demon form. But I put him first because I love how regal he looks.
I love the shape of his horns, not too crazy-looking and not too boring.
I'm in love with the headcanon that the diamond on his forehead was where his third eye used to be as an angel.
I like the switch from black to red for his gloves.
The little splashes of color from the peacock feathers makes it all pop.
As much as I'm saddened by the fact that he doesn't have six wings anymore, I think four wings is perfect for him.
I wonder how heavy his wings are.
10/10. Everything is put together really well. Not overly simple, but not overly complicated either. They weren't kidding with his trademark: "Perfectly flawless" (Don't get bigheaded Luci, some of your outfits don't hit that well).
2) Asmodeus: Mr. Pretty Poison
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If there are three things I'm a sucker for, it's roses, heart-themed objects/clothes, and men in pink. This man has ALL THREE!!
To be honest, I didn't even realize that he had roses on his... vest? (Idk what you call that shirt), until I saw them drawn in the manga.
I like the dripping heart birthmarks/marking. His arms would look too bare otherwise.
I like how dainty the wings are. I kinda wish that they had a pink gradient on the tips, like the horns do.
The big cuffs took some getting used to, but I can't see him wearing sleeves.
I love the scorpion, such a nice design! 😍
The buckles on the pant leg are interesting. Again, it's been so long that when I imagine him wearing regular black pants, he looks naked.
9/10. It screams pretty boy, but a dangerous one.
3) Mammon: Mammoney, A.K.A. Tsundere #1
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A lot of people thought Mammon was the Avatar of Lust for a while, I can definitely see why.
Such a high collar, is that just the staple for demons?
I really wish the jacket was longer. Poor bastard probably gets cold while flying.
Speaking of flying, his wings are super interesting to me. They look almost skeletal. It took me a long time to realize that the tips are yellow.
I like the markings on his chest.
Still not sure about how I feel about the boots. But hey, it might just be his thing.
So many jagged and sharp things on him.
8/10. Classy biker. Definitely the most uncomfortable-looking outfit of the bunch. Very extra, very Mammon, and very hard to draw.
4) Beelzebub: Baby Boy!! 🥺
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Another popped collar?
I like the jacket, but what's with the belts on the wrists?
Not a big fan of the boots, I feel like that's Mammon's staple for outfits. Plus, he's the sporty one, so tennis shoes would be more appropriate.
Not sure what's going on in the photo, but his wings aren't supposed to be that dark.
But anyway, his wings are cool. I just hope that they're powerful enough to fly with.
I like how his horns curve inward. I don't have a real explanation for that one, I just like them.
The design on the shirt is nice. Simple, yet effective.
Wasn't a big fan of the belts in the beginning. But I do like the added color.
7/10. Not bad, just not as complex as the others, but I feel like that suits Beel really well. He's a very simple man.
5) Leviathan: Leviachan A.K.A. Tsundere #2
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One would think that Levi would be the type to never show his abs. Yet, here we are.
I feel like he would be ranked higher if he got rid of the belts connecting the pants and the jacket. And if the jacket was longer.
The coral horns are cute! Though I thought the design looked a lot like deer antlers or branches.
I like the scale design on the jacket, they go well with scales on his neck.
Shoes are fine.
I commend the devs for putting scales on his tail.
Those pants look like a nightmare to draw. I'm not quite sure about their design though.
One of the few outfits that don't overwhelm you with orange.
Honestly, having orange in any of his outfits would be fine. But blue and orange are on the opposite sides of the color wheel, and the shades they use for the two colors on his clothes make it WAY too saturated. (Sorry, a little art rant here 😅).
6/10. Sorry my guy, but there's a bit too much going on here. Lots of clashing.
6) Belphegor: Bastard Cow Man
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Oh dear...
So. Many. Belts.
Like I said with Levi, he would look so much better without the belts and making the jacket longer.
I like the horse shoe, also his shoes are okay.
I don't know why he has diamond-shaped holes on his sleeves, but go off I guess?
I wish that the pants were a bit longer.
I see people complain about how baggy the pants are, but I personally don't see a problem with them. It would look weird if he was wearing fitted pants.
Fluffy tail! Perfect for smacking the flies.
I love his curled horns. I've gotten so used to them, that his head looks a bit naked without them.
4/10. It's mostly the sweater that I have problems with. The buckles are just...why? However, out of all of them, he does look the most comfortable. The second one who looks much better in the cards/art.
7) Satan: A Confusing Mess
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I know, I know. Very predictable. BUT, let's look at the positives.
The fact that his horns are a mirror flip of Lucifer's is very clever.
His tail is really cool. I like the green gradient on the tail.
His shoes are...fine? I guess?
AND, I'm in the camp that loves his boa! No shame.
Alright, enough looking at the positives.
Okay, look. I understand that his outfit is meant to represent the clashing of his personality. How he presents himself as calm and collected, with poise and class. While on the flipside to that, his inner nature is chaotic and vicious thanks to his wrath.
I get it, I really do. And I appreciate that the devs tried to explain that through his design.
But GOOD. DEMON. LORD! It does not work!
The white collar looks too silly.
The belt is waaayyy too much.
I thought that the design on his chest was a cool skeleton thingy. Nope! Those are bows. Which just makes it make even less sense.
Btw, did you guys know that his animal symbol is a unicorn? Are you guys seeing it? Because I sure don't.
And the pants...sigh...the pants...do I even need to say anything? Why would you put white polka dots on them?!
2/10. This takes clashing to a whole other level. Definitive brother with the outfit that looks so much better in art.
YES!! I did it! Sheesh, that took a while. Again, I apologize for my stupidity in not saving my first draft of this. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember some of the jokes I made, but I hope it was still fun to look through.
Much love and respect to the team. Regardless of how odd their outfits are in any event, they are always a joy to see (and potentially laugh at). And I've gotten used to the Devildom's taste in fashion. Satan still haunts me though...
Anyway! Which form do you guys think is the best? I'm really curious. With that being said, I hope you all have a great night, and I'll see you later! Byeee! 💗
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tunabesimpin · 2 years
🌌💤🍧🌺🎁 for your Sona Tuna if you don't mind (it's ok if you do just a selective few if it's too much ^^)
AAAA THANK YOU! I will do all of them because I like to ramble lots EHEHEHE Mighgt try to hold back a bit so it doesn't turn into an essay LOL
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
The inspiration... is me! LOL Of course only the base is, but as far as that sona goes, Tuna is a mix of what I wish I could be while still incorporating my personality. The fish aspects just kinda came along cause of both my interest in marine life and the fact I adore the Octavinelle trio. Outside of that I kinda just wing it and hope it comes to me in dreams LOL. The first thing I decided on for them though, was definitely having a cardigan in their design! I live in a really hot place year round, but I love jackets and cardigans so I threw it on them! Personality wise, from the start I knew they had to be happy go lucky/ carefree type.
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
No... sleeping is very hard. They're a natural heater as well as the type to lose track of time easily. On top of that they are a very light and restless sleeper and can wake up pretty instantly if they hear even a voice behind their door. Usually covering their head in the blanket yet having their feet crossed and out of it helps them sleep within an hour! If that doesn't work some sleepy time tea and a cool wash clothe helps too. FUN FACT ALSO BASED ON A TRUE STORY: Tuna once round house kicked a table in their sleep because they dreamt they were fighting the ninja turtles. They woke up before the table fell, but watched in horror as the drink they had left out spilled all over their studies.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
They have a train set they've kept since a child. They've always loved train sets and watching the automated ones were the best during Christmas time. Its more so a keepsake they just can't seem to let go, but if they lost it they'd be a bit bummed out but that just means they should get a new automated one when they have room to set one up!
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
Yes! They are allergic to melons, cucumbers and pears. It's nothing dangerous but their mouth will swell, feel itchy, and they may get hives from the juices on their skin. This does not stop Tuna from eating these foods, as they like those foods and think the feeling is funny more than irritating.
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
They like quality time and food as gifts! They would love just to go out and do something as a gift rather than receive anything physical. Memories are forever, while objects are temporary! They aren't the best at gift giving since they worry too much on whether the person will like it. If they don't know exactly what to get they will end up making a goodie bag of things that person might like or haven't had before.
Thank you again for the asks!!!! >V< I went a lil ham on the sleeping one cause sleeping/ dreaming is like my favorite thing since forever.
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mxthtea · 3 years
@leiuhh sent an ask about ren !! that i answered accidentally n deleted immediately sdkjs -
so technically this is the answer to said ask,
everything is under the cut bc this might get long!! (it will get long)
heres links to ren's refs!! all from my art acc :)
| new ref | old ref | jacket. thing ref | (jacket one is from their old ref so it also needs to be updated)
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as you can tell, ren is from inazuma based on their outfit (i hope you can tell at least,,) and their name !! ren's constellation name isn't fully set but i do have a design of it as a lotus flower i have yet to upload.
they're a cryo catalyst as well. they were first developed because well, i wanted a catboy character n a cryo catalyst. but of course i changed their pronouns to be they/them and nonbinary,, because i can.
depressing backstory kinda
something i've debated on slightly on the fact that ren is now a traveler,, not like a fugitive like kazuha is. but they were debating leaving inazuma anyways, the vision hunting decree just gave them a true reason to leave their home. so they left a short letter for their parents to find, then slipped onto a boat and left inazuma.
they watched their home, the place with their family and friends fade away. as liyue appeared, ren became more excited. happy to finally start anew some place. from then, they travel across teyvat (or teycat for them. get it?? bc they have cat ear - yeah ik i make dad jokes) on their own. not exactly planning on staying in one place.
one day they do plan on heading back to inazuma. maybe speak with their family again? try to make amends with their friends? but not now, not with what's happening. they'll head almost anywhere but to inazuma itself.
ren holds their archon in high regard. they were raised as such. their parents even believing maybe one day baal, or someone, could recruit them into the bakufu. after more of their travels and realizing what baal has done, they can't say they look up to their archon much either.
enough of the angst n sadness from that sdkjs
originally ren was meant to be made more as a oc x canon type of deal or somethin,, but now they're just my child. so now they got to go on adventures n make some friends (by accident at times) while traveling around. i say by accident because ren doesn't know when to consider someone a friend much anymore dsjks
they have lost many friends in their life, especially the tight knit group they used to have when growing up. so now they're mostly hesitant with gaining friendships. scared that something might mess up, that they'll mess up and scare of a newly gained friend.
i meant to move on from the sad. now heres some actual fun stuff
ren's ears and tail move on their own accord!! despite ren's face trying to stay neutral (their eyes also give away their emotions.) ren's ears and tail will move. their ears and tail with perk up when they're interested in something, or their ears will flatten and their tail will droop when sad.
their hair is fluffy as well!! but they're not used to any form of physical affection so it's best to ask before patting them on the head. but if you do they will be grateful for it,, they like the pats :)
ren made their own outfit!! idk if it's ever stated if a character makes their own outfit or not, but ren does make their own. it was a project they had started back before leaving, and finished right before they left.
they don't know how their jacket stays attached to them!! it just does ,, you could say there's something that hooks onto their other clothes if you want to. surprisingly light to carry as well.
they still have their other sleeve on the arm that's behind their back. just can't see it well with how it's positioned. (this was purpose)
uhh this is sort of long,, so i'll try to end it here. i'll still answer any asks about ren!! left out stuff on their talents, constellations, and overall their position in teams on purpose >:)
so feel free to send in more asks :DD
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nlsetsumuri · 4 years
I'm organizing my notes for a character-insert story I'm writing and I felt like sharing them here!!! I think people would be interested in what I came up with.
No credit needed. I made Flourish specifically with Shigaraki in mind because I know a lot of people would like to have a quirk complimentary to Decay so that Tomura can touch them safely.
and hey, self-shippers? I love you so much!! you're so awesome, pls send me some self-indulgent stuff sometime soon!!
also! Quirks that are present in my stories will be marked as IN-USE. this just means that what the quirk entails might change in the future.
touch-based quirk. complimentary to decay, rendering the user immune to decay. decay users are unaffected by flourish (cannot be healed). touching something with all five fingers heals/reverses any damage
i like the idea of decay and flourish canceling eachother out because they're complimentary quirks. shigaraki can touch you and??? you don't die?? and???? you touched shigaraki but he's not healing????? fun times
user has the ability to use a diminished version of someone's quirk if they share a strong bond with said person. Most commonly found in mutated individuals with animalistic features.
This isn't really a stand-alone quirk but more of an ability, but I still decided to include it because it has really specific requirements.
user can give themselves ANY quirk they desire (meaning that they can copy someone else's quirk, or create a new one entirely) this ability requires a lot of energy and while in-use, will tire the user out until the stop using the quirk or pass out. (think of it like charging your phone. eventually, the battery power will lower and you'll have to plug it in. Or you're one of those people who doesn't plug it in until it dies.) The more powerful the chosen quirk is, the longer the user will be out for. "OP" quirks like take more energy to replicate/use, and consequentially, will require a longer recovery period. Quirks like Overhaul or Decay will put the user into a comatose state. This quirk is literally just All For One Juniour Edition.
so basically like? all for one but fair. also the quirks aren't "saved" or anything, so if u want to use bakugou's explosion quirk, but ur already using tsuyu's froggy quirk to restrain something with your tongue, you'd have to stop using it and let go so you can use explosion instead.
Touch-Based quirk. Touching someone with all five fingers will render them quirkless for 24 hours. Only works on one person at a time, and cannot be used on the same person twice in a row. Made with Shigaraki in mind.
i made this purely because i want to hold shigaraki's hand without turning into dust. also... imagine having to constantly remind yourself to keep ur pinky/middle finger off of whatever you touch. idk about you, but that's too much work for me. I'd rather just wear those gloves made for drawing tablets.
Touch-Based quirk. touching someone with all five fingers immediately kills them, allowing the user to harvest their soul (souls manifest as little cheeseball sized lights. they're all different colors, depending on who's soul it was.) souls can be eaten (they taste like gummi bears) whoever eats it has their body revitalized instantaneously, each and every individual cell replaced by a new and perfect copy. souls can only be captured in jars. they act like fireflies.
firefly rave... also this is literally decay but it only works on living things and also u get a snack. and a corpse. although idk i guess a corpse would count as a snack to someone. also if someone doesn't have a soul, they just die. lol
user is easily sunburnt, does not have a reflection, allergic to garlic (regardless of genetics) and cannot be killed unless the heart is damaged. User must drink a certain amount of blood regularly to avoid loss of inhibition (will attack nearest person to feed) and severe malnutrition, known as "bloodthirst."
honestly? this isn't really that beneficial... sunburns, no garlic bread, if you cant get enough blood you suffer and go apeshit... but I mean at least you've got circumstantial immortality.
user has pointed ears and is considerably taller than regular humans. naturally skilled archers, and have a strong connection to nature.
i couldn't help myself, i love DnD.
fish subtype. user has fully-functional gills. The user's hair reflects the different kinds of tail types (plakat = short hair, crown tail = dreadlocs/separated strands, rose tail = long and flowy) and are naturally bright colors like red or blue. lethal close-combat skills and impressive speed. natural beauty is also a bonus
im surprised i'm not including this in my character insert story. it's my personal favorite so far. fishy!!!
exactly what it sounds like. full moons trigger the shift. user cannot control the shift. it's basically like periods except instead of bleeding out of your uterus, you turn into a wolf.
... yeah, i don't know what influenced this the most. the fact that i made vampires and felt obligated to also include werewolves, that i'm a furry, or that this gives me an excuse to push alpha beta omega dynamics onto bnha
based on that one marvel comic series. when transformed, the user takes on the appearence of their skeletal structure engulfed in flames. the user is able to control flames and a vehicle/form of transport of their prefrence. when user establishes eye contact, the opponent will suffer the pain they have caused for others (if any.) cannot transform in direct sunlight.
i am incredibly ashamed to admit that it was only yesterday that i saw the 2007 ghost rider movie for the first time in my life. i fucking loved it. it was funny, freaky as hell, and so fucking awesome. i love ghost rider, i mean, cmon, like? that's literally what being a punk is about in a nutshell. skeletons. fire. leather jackets. metal spikes. chains. motorbikes. anti-heroes. also i really enjoyed the addition of genuine demon names. i got so excited when i recognized the name mephisopholes. the movie also gave me ACAB vibes so bonus points for that. and the little details like how johnny's fire turned blue whenever he focused on roxanne. god fuck it was a great movie i will be thinking about it for the next week or so. TL;DR THE 2007 GHOST RIDER MOVIE IS AWESOME I CANT BELIEVE I NEVER WATCHED IT. i always end up getting more attatched to the manga instead of the anime and this was no different.
P.S. lmk if you wanna know more about my character insert! i post a lot about him on my twitter account and i'm generally more active there anyways!!
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stopraidingmyheart · 5 years
About the character!
Tagged by the oh so lovely @falloutglow​
Your muse’s name: Loralei (Daughter of the chieftain)/Lo/Moody
One picture / faceclaim of your muse:
(Had to rush this halfway through because I wanted to finish this before I left for the day! Concept tattoos for everyone with one complete and one unfnished!)
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Two headcanons you have for your muse?
She...actually has constant dreams of these strange looking creatures looking down at her and her home. Anytime she tries to leave, she can’t because there seems to be some sort of invisible wall preventing her from doing so. She wakes up in sweat because she’s screaming at everyone about what’s happening but no one believes her!
She gets cold super easily because she was spoiled by the canyons she grew up in that were constantly warm! She’ll usually have a jacket with her unless it’s straight up summer in the Commonwealth and will complain the entire time until the coldness is gone.
Three things your character likes doing in their free time:
Drawing/sculpting/tattooing! Loralei is a creative soul and looks for creative outlets. She has a sketch book filled with things from strangers to crushes and...some inner thoughts she’d rather keep personal. She’s also taken up sculpting small tiny statues from the trash/junk she finds throughout the wastes, it’s usually kept together with gum and is usually a horse. Then there’s tattooing! That’s right, she also tattoos. The intricate tattoos that she has, she didn’t do herself, she knows a guy at Bunker Hill who has a whole ass machine and found out a way to make colored ink. He’s her go to. Loralei doesn’t have a machine...yet, she does poke tattoos! Usually will only do small ones because she doesn’t have time for huge ones.
Listening to music/singing/dancing along with it. Loralei...also likes to sing. It’s a hidden passion that she keeps under wraps in fear of ridicule. Only those close to her will hear her small whispers of a song or if she gets swept up in a feeling. Often she’s singing ‘Begin Again’, the likes the melancholy tune and will often hum it while drawing as well. Dancing is much rarer to come by. This girl has great control of her hips. Dancing is such a popular element back at home, it's how they tell stories.
Fun fact...she likes to climb things. I guess parkouring is the word? Loralei has long legs and she has high ass agility too, maxed out. So often, she’ll want to find a quiet spot in the inner cities of the Commonwealth to just...think to herself. So often, she’s scaling buildings in hopes of a finding a good spot and...has anyone noticed the crows around here? Loralei has...they’re...strange. She doesn’t see life behind the eyes of, not like the other birds...she’s just being paranoid. Been around Tinker Tom for too long is all.
Seven people your muse loves/likes:
Deacon - Yes, believe or not...she loves this fool like her own brother...er...if she were close to her brother. They’ve had heart to hearts and she knows things of him that he hasn’t told anybody...and in turn he knows things about her that she hasn’t told anybody. They’re often partnered together because Loralei is able to reel Deacon back in when things gets a bit out of hand. She’ll be the first to tell him when an idea is garbage and yes...she did rip that dumb fake earring out of his ear. No, we’re not going into a raider base pretending that we’re “piercers giving out free cool piercings!”. That’s dumb! That’s stupid! And these raiders don’t deserve to be pierced by anything but a bullet! Plus Deacon helps her bleach her hair.
Glory - aka, Loralei's ’ huge crush. Loralei does develop crushes on women easily, just...be soft with her and you’ve caught her. Only difference between Loralei getting a crush on you...and Loralei wanting to date you is...well you have to be able to deal with Loralei at her worst. At her worst, she can be a challenge. She can be mean and snappy. She’ll out right refuse any help and would rather mope and suffer then anything. So she needs someone who knows how to give tough love while avoiding to step in a certain territory of abuse. Glory knows exactly what type and how much of tough love to give. When Loralei first started bumming around the railroad, after the second week was up, Glory was the first one to tell Loralei to get off of her ass. Gave Loralei this new motto of "Replace the bad memories, with new good ones.". It's why Loralei has fallen deep for her. Glory also helps Loralei shave the side of her head which is often since Loralei's hair grows so fast.
Old Blue - Loralei's soul, the reason she made it past 12. Old Blue is Loralei's big ass horse, he sadly is still currently back home. He's an old man of 23 and has been with Loralei since she was born. They share the same birthday and everything. He's a giant but an absolute sweetie unless you hurt Loralei then he's gonna try and kick you then stomp on you. He saved Loralei from a yao guai attack when she was younger and decided to hunt for the first time by herself. Plan for Loralei is to get a huge plot of land, build a farm there and live out the rest of her life raising horses and radstags. Loralei has a tattoo of him on her right leg.
Desdemona - Des was the one who even allowed Loralei to stay with the Railroad after her ex left her heartbroken. She felt bad enough for her and didn't even make her join. Was surprised when Loralei asked to be an official member. Figured that having a cruel ex who was a synth would be enough for that hate to start. Most people haven't met a synth and hate them. Then she notices the soft looks Loralei gives Glory and...well, that all makes sense doesn't it. Des will often get on Loralei's ass when she's having a particular bad attitude that day.
Tinker Tom - Tom is like an annoying little brother. His talk of aliens is grating to her sometimes, she just wanted to talk about her weird dreams without the "are you sure you aren't alien made? I mean, the fast healing, the blue blood-" but...she loves him like a little brother. She likes listening about his tinkering and is actually drawing her up something in hopes a making a tattoo machine. Safe to say that she does find him charming and someone she cares dearly about.
Freya (her mom) - most of Loralei's childhood is being ignored. She's always been labeled as someone who'll bring you down with her and for the fact that one of her eyes is blue instead of green...was said to bring bad omens. Was almost killed as a newborn but her father refused to ever let such a thing happen. Freya is the only person in the tribe that has the same mental issues as Loralei...but Freya would get caught up in keeping the tribe together and they just...never really talked. Loralei is like that with all her immediate family.
Lulu (older brother) - Lulu and Loralei get along better then the rest of their family. They're still kind of awkward and aren't sure how to show each other affection but when Lulu comes around for a quick visit then they'll often share a smoke together and just...talk about their lives together. One of them is supposed to take over the chieftain role when their parents no longer can but...neither one of them want to.
A phobia your muse has: 
Would it be weird to say meeting the beings in her dreams? She has so many dreams of just beings watching over her tribe. Seeing them as toys...or pawns or...pets. Loralei isn't sure. Just...she doesn't want to meet them. Ever. She feels like she isn't even supposed to know that they're there.
This is a tag free for all! So if you're seeing this, do it! It's a great way to delve into your OCs!
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