#Fumigation Treatment
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dogbunni · 1 year
#licherally i have high blood pressure and have to have further testing done soon#and ive had a twitch in my left eye for over a month now that will not go away#sleeping like shit#skin picking at an all time high#headaches too and my disability flaring up like ive got it going on man#all because of my cat#i love his dumb ass too much#but by god i dont know what to do anymore#he's an indoor cat but i cant fucking keep fleas off of him for five fucking minutes?????#he gets monthly spot on treatment and is always wearing a flea repellent collar#and i brush him with a flea comb daily and am still pulling live fleas off him#i give him a flea pill every day that i pull a live flea too#and ive treated the house with flea killerore times than i can count#SP WEHRE ARE THE FUCKERS COMING FROM???? GENUINELY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH MY CAT???#he has feline HIV too so him constantly biting and scratching at himself is dangerous. he gets infections easily#and the flea bites cause allergic reactions too becaus. FIV#so hes an unhappy itchy scabby boy and i have to keep him in a cone to stop him from doing more damage to himself#ive been back and forth to the vet and they just make me buy the expensive one dose prescription flea pill which does FUCK ALL#i got quotes to fumigate the house and i cannot afford it#to be fair this is my parents house but they aren't going to pay to get this place fumigated#its a shithole thats falling down around their ears and its all i can do to try and keep this place liveable#it gets harder and harder to live here every day#idk what to do anymore. how do i fix my boy. how do i fix this house. how do i fix my family. i cant even fix myself IM FALLING APART TOO#a well rested blood pressure of 165/104 IS NOT GOOD FOR A 24 YEAR OLD#man what do i do. what do i even do.#i wish i could move me and the boy out to a safe place of our own that isnt mouldy and infested and leaking and asbestos ridden#but im too disabled to work and get like. £600 a month in disability benefits to live on#most of that just goes on food and flea treatments and vet bills for the boy anyway#sorry this is all too real for my fan blog on the webbed site#but idk who else to scream at. i dont have anyone to lean on. IM the one everyone else leans on
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sharikeholdings · 10 months
What Is The Importance Of Cockroach Fumigation In Urban Environments?
Urban environments are clamoring centers of movement, lodging a huge number of individuals and giving a favorable place to different nuisances. Among these, the modest cockroach stands apart as a determined and possibly risky trespasser. Perceiving the significance of cockroach fumigation in urban settings is central to keeping up with general well-being and cleanliness. Read more: https://sharikeholdingsza.blogspot.com/2023/12/what-is-importance-of-cockroach.html
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localbizarticles · 1 year
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Termites are best dealt with early. Any sign of termite activity warrants an immediate inspection by a termite inspector. If termite presence is confirmed, the inspector will also recommend a suitable termite treatment method. This blog explains the various termite treatments with their respective pros and cons.
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Website : https://redcheckpest.com/
Phone : +1 919-297-8215
Like many, you may lack the time to tackle pest problems, but the safety of your family and home is paramount. We get it. That's why RedCheck Pest Solutions offers flexible scheduling to suit your needs. We're available for service even on Saturdays and guarantee same-day service! Simply reach out to us before noon from Monday to Friday, and we can be at your service today!
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ekoterrapestcontrol · 2 years
Gopher, Pest & Wildlife Control - EKOTERRA
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Eco-First Gopher, Pest, and Wildlife Control by Ekoterra is dedicated to protecting what matters most - your health, your family, and the environment. Our child, pet, and eco-friendly pest control services offer the peace of mind you need to protect your home and loved ones. We understand that pests can be a nuisance, causing damage to your property and putting your health at risk. That's why we're here to help. When others fail, we guarantee results.
Contact us: Gopher, Pest & Wildlife Control - EKOTERRA https://ekoterra.com/
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jimspestcontrolwa · 2 years
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Having the right cockroach treatment is essential to get rid of cockroaches. At Jim's Termite & Pest Control Western Australia, we have provided efficient cockroach pest control in Perth for over 15+ years. Call us today on +61 131546 or fill in our online quote form to give the details of cockroach infestation in your Perth property. Visit the website to know more.
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alhajjajpest · 2 years
Hire a top-notch and professional Ants Treatment services
Pests and ants can make you sick and cause illnesses through nibbling or defecation/droppings. In this way, an ideal choice is to take the help of an exterminator from Ants Treatment services.
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Website: https://www.alhajjajpest.com/termite-control/
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Cyanide Poison
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Let's start by understanding exactly how cyanide kills you. In simple terms, cyanide prevents cells from using oxygen to make energy molecules.
The cyanide ion, CN-, binds to the iron atom in cytochrome C oxidase in the mitochondria of cells. It acts as an irreversible enzyme inhibitor, preventing cytochrome C oxidase from doing its job, which is to transport electrons to oxygen in the electron transport chain of aerobic cellular respiration. Now unable to use oxygen, the mitochondria can't produce the energy carrier adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Tissues that require this form of energy, such as heart, muscle cells, and nerve cells, quickly expend all their energy and start to die. When a large enough number of critical cells die, you expire as well. Death usually results from respiratory or heart failure.
Immediate aymptoms include headaches, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, lack of coordination, and rapid heart rate. Long exposure symptoms include unconsciousness, convulsions, respiratory failure, coma and death.
A person exposed to cyanide may have cherry-red skin from high oxygen levels, or dark blue coloring, from Prussian blue (iron-binding to the cyanide ion). In addition to this, skin and body fluids may give off an almond odor.
The antidotes for cyanide include sodium nitrite, hydroxocobalamin, and sodium thiosulfate.
A high dose of inhaled cyanide is lethal too quickly for any treatment to take effect, but ingested cyanide or lower doses of inhaled cyanide may be countered by administering antidotes that detoxify cyanide or bind to it. For example, hydroxocobalamin, natural vitamin B12, reacts with cyanide to form cyanocobalamin, which leaves the body in urine.
These antidotes are administrated via injection, or IV infusion.
Cyanide is actually a lot more common than you'd think. It's in pesticides, fumigants, plastics, and electroplating, among other things. However, not all cyanide are so poisonous. Sodium cyanide (NaCN), potassium cyanide (KCN), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and cyanogen chloride (CNCl) are lethal, but thousands of compounds called nitriles contain the cyanide group, yet aren't as toxic. They still aren't terribly good for you, so I wouldn't go around ingesting other cyanide compounds, but they're not quite as dangerous as the lethal kind.
Thank you for reading, have a lovely day :)
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 28 January 1917, Carmelita Torres, a 17-year-old Mexican maid who worked in the United States, refused to take the mandatory gasoline bath given to day labourers at the border, and convinced 30 other trolley passengers to join her. Her protest spread in what became known as the bath riots. Torres was one of many workers who crossed the border between Juarez and El Paso each day. In the name of public health, Mexican workers were frequently subjected to degrading and humiliating treatment. They had to strip naked, bathe, undergo a toxic gasoline bath, and have their clothes steamed. The stated aim of the programme was to kill lice, which can spread typhus. However, it was not applied to everyone crossing the border: just working class Mexicans. In addition to gasoline being poisonous, it was also a deadly fire risk. A group of prisoners in El Paso being treated with gasoline were burned to death in an accidental fire. Furthermore, US health workers were secretly photographing naked Mexican women. On January 28, anger at the practice finally exploded, and within a few hours Torres had amassed a crowd of several thousand mostly women protesters. They blocked all traffic and trolleys into El Paso. They pelted immigration officers with rocks and bottles when they try to disperse them, and when US and then Mexican troops arrived they received the same treatment. The riots were eventually suppressed by the soldiers, and Torres herself was arrested. This appeared to have the effect of discouraging future protests. The enforced bathing and fumigation of Mexican workers with toxic chemicals like gasoline, and later DDT and Zyklon B, continued until the 1950s. The use of Zyklon B at the border appealed to scientists in Nazi Germany, who in the late 1930s began using the agent at borders and in concentration camps for delousing. Although notoriously they later used it to exterminate millions of people in the Holocaust. https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.1819457841572691/2196701533848318/?type=3
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lailoken · 9 months
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To any whome it may concern; I am very saddned to announce that Ginger passed away earlier today. Thank you so much for holding her in your thoughts and prayers until now.
While we made some initial progress with her health after finding and rescuing her, the severity of her dysplasia and the time she had spent immobile in the cold led to bowel issues that became quickly critical over the last couple of days—none of which was helped at all by the stress or the gravel she ingested after being abandoned.
Unfortunately, right when we most needed to get veterinary assistance, the weather completely prevented us from seeing the people we had an established treatment plan with. We were going to have to wait another two days to get her seen, which was really distressing, given her rapidly mounting pain. All I could do was pray to my Witch Mother (who oversees death, healing, and family ties).
At the very last second, though, a vet from out of town was able to be contacted, and she changed her plans so she could come to the nearest Humane Society with just enough time for me to reach her. Unfortunately, she didn't believe there was anything else that could be done for Ginger at this point, beyond compassionate euthanasia. At the very least, however, the timing ended up being exactly right for both my husband and my mother-in-law to come during their lunch breaks and send her off lovingly with me. Together, we held her and massaged her, and I whispered a death croon in her ear as she sank into a final rest. We we all wept for the path she came to us on, but we rejoiced for the chance we've had to offer her comfort, love, and companionship over the last week. Despite everything, she had many moments of peace and connection with us, which I hope and believe improved her remaining time.
I really wanted to be able to carry out the funerary rites we normally do, as a final respect for her—which includes cleaning anointing the body and then adorning the dead with local flora for a final mourning portrait—but the harsh weather and frozen ground made a burial exceedingly unrealistic. So, in the end, I took her body to a funeral home that was willing to cremate her. It was upon arriving there that I discovered a patch of white Hellebore nearby, which struck me as auspicious, given their association with death in general, and with my Witch Mother in particular. As such, I plucked a single blossom and used it to take a makeshift mourning portrait, then took the flower home with me to incorporate in a ritual send-off for her spirit, along with a fumigation of Benzoin and a dish of treats she especially enjoyed.
May the Quietus embrace you with all of the kindness and tenderness you deserve, dear Ginger. ♡
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jasfhercallejo · 9 days
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The remote island of Siquijor is unique – not only in the Philippines, but the whole of South East Asia, renowned since ancient times as a centre of witchcraft, magic and folk healing.
Siquijor has the distinction of being the mystical island of the Philippines, a name the province may have earned through numerous tales of supernatural superstitions that originated here. This province has always been at the forefront of conversations when it comes to sorcerers, witches and other mythical creatures that would lure you to their place for you to never come home again.
The reputation of Siquijor as a melting pot of everything that’s creepy has become its calling card, for better or for worse. I didn’t believe any of these stories, especially because I really love traveling to places I haven’t been to.
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Our stay in Siquijor started with our stay in this Airbnb. We arrived at night, and did have a hard time looking for this place, only to find out that it is near the port, and only a few minutes away.
We spent 4 days in Siquijor and a day in Dumaguete, which we feel like is plenty of time to see the highlights of the islands. If you are looking to explore places close to where you are staying, and you do not want the responsibility of driving, there are many Tricycles driving around. You can simply flag one down, let them know where you want to go and ask how much. There is no consistency in prices for Tricycles and drivers often make a price up on the spot, so definitely make sure to barter and agree on a price before getting on.
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Enormous faith has traditionally been placed in the abilities of the island's healers – so much so that Siquijor is beginning to attract the attention of visitors far beyond the Philippines and the country's diaspora. Siquijodnons, as islanders are known, regularly visit the mananambal instead of a regular doctor. The key part of their treatment is the prescription of homemade herbal medicines. They make all kinds of natural remedies from the 300 or so medicinal plants that grow on the island. The abundance of curative vegetation is likely why folk healing has been so important to island life for centuries.
We did not miss the chance to experience some healing through their "tuob" ritual, a form of fumigation believed to dispel sickness and fend off bad spells. They put a small pot filled with ashes and oil under a stool and lit it. Then, they draped us in a soft yellow blanket, trapping the warmth within. The smoke billowed as it enveloped us. Then, they uncovered us and rubbed us with a healing mixture, kneading our back with a prayer.
I felt like different person after the healing session.
As we left the province, I realized if there was anything supernatural or enchanted about Siquijor, it must be its picturesque gifts from nature. I never encountered any lurking ghost or any scary natural beings. With many people fearing the place, Siquijor may have become one of the best kept secrets in the Philippines as a travel destination for its tranquil tourist spots and hidden gems.
Siquijor is undoubtedly the most enchanting place I’ve been to in my life. 
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rohanabb · 8 months
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ell-hs on tumblr / © stills / unknown textbook (post) / sir gawain and the green knight, tr. simon armitage
> root access granted
> task directory: arrival. introduction. first impressions.
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄. Rohan Ibrahim Abbasi, PhD 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒. Ro 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌. Riz Ahmed
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒. medium height, lean build; cropped hair; short, trimmed beard; casual posture, typically leaning against counters, walls, or doorways with arms crossed; kind eyes. 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒 / 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. none.
𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐃.𝐎.𝐁. 38 / 30 Sept. 1985 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂. Libra
𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍. Mississauga, ON, Canada 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘. • Muhammad Erhan Abbasi. Father, b. 1949 • Mariyam Abbasi. Mother, b. 1953 • Samaya Hijazi. Sister, b. 1981. Married, two children (17f, 12m). • Naima Abbasi Ito . Sister, b. 1982. Married, three children. (11f, 5m, 5f) • Hanif Muhammad Abbasi. Brother, b. 1987. Married, one child (2m).
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 / 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒. trans man / he & him 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘. bisexual 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒. single, formerly engaged
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒. charismatic, focused, creative, enthusiastic, tenacious 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒. stubborn, arrogant, dismissive, self-righteous, overzealous 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒. nail & cuticle biting; interrupting; leaving personal projects unfinished; double texting 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒. long distance running; a moderator on r/askbiology and frequent contributor to r/askscience; occasional tutoring high school students & undergrads
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𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐅𝐅 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄. Staff Researcher
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍(𝐒). • May 2018 – Dec 2018. Research Assistant at Site-17, Talbot Lab • Jan 2018 – Apr 2020. Postdoctoral Researcher at Site-17, Talbot Lab • Apr 2020 – Nov 2021. Postdoctoral Researcher at Site-17, Keir Research Group
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓. (November 2021 – Present) Site-169 Anomalous Entity Engagement Division, Schaffer Research Group. Investigating class-B amnestic-facilitated disruption of the hive mind. Tested on colonies with lineages from samples of SCP-1166, SCP-4589, and SCP-171. Experiment ended in failure, requiring fumigation of lab vivariums.
academic. BSc in Biochemistry with a minor in Physiology (following a drop from the pre-med track) from McGill, MSc in Pharmacology from McGill, PhD in Neuroscience from University of Toronto extracurricular. tbd
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Dr. Rohan Abbasi first came to the Foundation’s attention shortly following the defense and subsequent publication of his master’s thesis, entitled “Correlation between the potency of hallucinogens in the mouse head-twitch response assay and their behavioral and subjective effects in other species.” (Neuropharmacology 2014). An auspicious start for someone who was, of his own admission, little more than a glorified lab grunt prior to the manuscript’s completion. The Foundation’s growing interest in Dr. Abbasi swiftly followed with his continuing doctoral research into the treatment of complex-PTSD and psychopathies with medical-grade psychedelics and hallucinogens.  Records indicate this culmination of Dr. Abbasi’s academic focus to be some combination of chance — with a Research Assistantship in Professor Szymanski’s research group at the University of Toronto open, and Rohan Abbasi in need of additional funding — and a longer trend of interest in and unorthodox approaches to pharmacology and medicine. It was with this in mind that a small but robustly funded lab at site-17 solicited a freshly minted Dr. Abbasi to interview for an opening postdoctoral research position within the group.  In the seven years since his tenure at the Foundation began, Dr. Rohan Abbasi’s reputation and portfolio tell vastly different stories of the same man. Colleagues and close personal acquaintances of Dr. Abbasi consistently praise the discipline, energy, and creativity he brings to research settings. Indeed, much of Dr. Abbasi’s early career at the Foundation is categorized by a nearly unending stream of proposals submitted, findings published, journal clubs established, and special interest committees formed. It became, however, the concern of his hiring supervisor that such enthusiasm and, frankly, naivete would outstrip the professional demands of this particular role. Following agreement from all parties, Dr. Abbasi’s fellowship continued under the supervision of the Keir group.  Thus, a pattern began to emerge. Dr. Abbasi filled his new position with what former colleagues would now consider characteristic effusiveness and vigor. Rohan himself jumped between several projects, submitting additional proposals for each with or without final approval from his new supervisor, nearly all of which were, unsurprisingly, summarily rejected. This had seemingly little effect on Dr. Abbasi’s commitment to proposing outlandish, unorthodox, unrealistic, and in more than a few cases downright insulting avenues of research or applications of novel (often as-yet-unreplicated) findings.   Neither Dr. Abbasi nor his new team were under any illusions, then, on the circumstances and stakes surrounding the assumption of his third post, now in the Anomalous Entity Engagement Division. Indeed, it seems he has finally understood the precarious situation he has continuously engaged in, and has pivoted to bolstering his professional reputation alongside his personal. It’s with this mutual agreement that Dr. Abbasi has been encouraged to continue his work on class B amnestics.
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. dm for skeleton-specific details.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. Palamades Sextus ( The Locked Tomb ); The Biologist ( Annihilation ); Cosima Niehaus ( Orphan Black ); Dr. Allison Cameron ( House ); Rose Franklin ( The Themis Files ); Hank McCoy/Beast ( X-Men ); definitely others
𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒. tbd.
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Chapter 4 - Sutures
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The next morning, Katrina woke up weirdly refreshed - All sunshine and daisies, she could say - Which was quite a peculiarity, considering how exhausted she felt all the time. Maybe this fresh air from the old eras is a good remedy to get healthier, considering how polluted and foul the air was in her present time, and how great an impact this terrible thing has on their world. 
Advantages and disadvantages can be found in any era, you just need to look around properly and analyze the situation. After all, the infinite spectrum of Grey can only be done by mixing together different percentages of White and Black. There is nothing 100% good, not 100% bad, just like there is no real altruism or real villainy.
Or perhaps it's just her overthinking and pretending to be some Nietzsche or Freud philosopher in her own mind.
The red haired girl messily braided her hair and put it in a disheveled bun, not bothering to properly brush her long hair as she knew she'd be busy all they and all night, so why bother appearing decent when she'll look like she woke up from the dead 3 years later. Instead of garbing one of those beautiful, rich kimonos, she put on a pair of comfortable blue jeans, chose some thin, light sneakers and a large band Tshirt, putting a haori over her shoulder, in case she got cold. After all, she didn't really want to wear her leather jacket or trench coat in a make-shift hospital where she'd get splurted with blood and hopefully not other bodily fluids.
Grinning mischievously at her small bag, where she found the absent-mindedly thrown instruments she used at the clinic - Courtesy of a habit she took from her University days when she'd have 2 spares of anything in her bag ( except for notebooks, papers, crayons, pens, textbooks and literally anything else she'd actually need ) - And swinging the bag casually over her shoulder, she got one of the maids to guide her to the rooms where the patients were being treated.
She wasn't surprised seeing all those injuries, the blood pooling all over them, or the groans and wails of agony and despair - She was, however, surprised to see Masamune helping out in taking care of the victims.
"Yo, cyclops, how's it going?" Kat smirked at him throwing off the haori and bag in a corner, putting on the latex gloves and taking out the tools, looking around at the helpers. "I need some fire to sterilize my tools. I already have a needle, but I need a lot of threat... Some sake, I guess. Lots of water basins and towels, some marigold ointment... Can we get ice cubes? No, wait, I don't think so, it's too early in the times... Then, I will need constant supply of river-cold water. We'll need sulphur fumigation after this... No matter, I digress. What disinfectant was used so early... Hmm... Alcohol... Alcohol... Ah, yes, vinegar, perfect for open wounds! Yes, you guys, please bring me what I just said, it would help a lot." she instructed the healers who she thought were lackeys. They looked at her skeptically as they started whispering between themselves instead of moving.
"Didn't you hear the Princess? Do as she says! She clearly knows what she's talking!" Masamune's authoritarian voice seemed to make the physicians tremble and run out of the room to do as commanded.
"Uh... Thanks for that. I know I don't have the most authority over people, especially since I've just come here and I didn't earn anyone's respect. To tell you the truth, I only ever treated animals, and even then, we had... Technology and tons of medicaments and modern treatments. Relying on herbs and plants is a huge downgrade and I don't know entirely how potent or fast their effects are. On that note, I will do everything in my power to keep these guys alive. We have a saying in medicine - An oath, you could call it - Primum non nocere. It's Latin, and it means - First of all, do no harm. Basically, as long as you do more good than bad, it's all cool, especially in these times." she crouched down next to the warlord, taking off the blanket covering the man he was attending to, and taking off the armor and top nonchalantly, she saw a nasty gash from one to the other of his abdomen.
"Nobunaga already told us all that story about you being from the future and stuff. By the way you're talking, I can't even imagine doubting you. These tools... They look weird. How do you use them?" the man asked, very curious and intrigued by her words, and in the meantime, the healers came by and brought everything to the girl.
"Well... Watch as I explain everything I'm doing. Oh, and... Don't freak out or something, okay? I heard at some point that these... Western medical practices haven't been accepted in Asia until very, very late... And by that, I mean like, 19th century or something. Relying on praying and plants alone won't solve your problems." she explained as she took a towel and wet it, carefully wiping away all the blood from the gash, and from around, revealing the nasty open flesh wound. "Keep this thread bolt please." Kat handed him the bolt as she took the thread and got it through the needle's ear, and dangled the metal above the small fire the physicians created. "By doing this, I'm sterilizing the metal... It's not the best, but it's as much as I can do. By this, I'm reducing the possibility of bacteria, microorganisms and may other bad, harmful things that we can't see with the normal human eye that can get inside the wound and make it to fester."
"Why would the... Bacteria thingy get inside the wound if nothing except our hands touches it?" he asked, analyzing every move the girl did.
"Bacteria is everywhere. Literally everywhere. It's like dirt. It gets inside, you're screwed. It can get inside even by blowing air on it. I know, difficult to believe such abstract things that you can't see, but that's the truth. First, we disinfect the wound with vinegar, padding the wound with a handkerchief. Now we bring the flesh together... And we do sutures. Stitches. In the shape of the Latin-alphabet X-shaped letter. First with the muscle part inside, and then with the skin outside." she used the forceps to move around the needle with such astonishing dexterity and accuracy that
Masamune's single eyes only gazed, widened and enchanted by the movements, yet the many minuscule knots and the snipping of scissors made it very confusing for him. He couldn't quite grasp why, as she made so many knots, one on top of the other, she'd do different moves, some forwards, some backwards, and... Something?
"He looks like he's sewn like a blanket." the one-eyed dragon stared, stunned, at the sutured wound. His hand went to touch it, but it was slapped away by the girl. 
"Bacteria! Don't touch it with your filthy hands! That's exactly how the wound gets festered!" Masamune's face was bewildered with disbelief, so much that the girl had to look away and laugh lightly. "Okay, sorry, your face was adorable. Anyway, please don't touch wounds, I don't want them to get infected. Now that we're done, I will put some marigold ointment gently over the sewn up wound... Et voila, that's it. It's the best I can do for now. We don't really have antibiotics, I can't do vaccines and stuff... I will forever miss Amoxicillin and Ceftriaxone... But whatever. I will have the other physicians tend to the physiological aspect of it... Give him some medicine soup or something. Until then... We have many more others to take care of, so, if you want, you can help me out... Or maybe you can help bandage them? Whatever you want, it will help either way." smiling at the blue-garbed man, Kat got crawled to the next man, doing the same procedure over several open wounds and cuts around.
"You've got it, lass, leave it to me. I've taken care of my injured men before, I can handle this!" almost as if he got a huge boost of confidence seeing the girl so sure of herself, explaining the procedure and the reasoning behind it, it made him feel reassured that somehow, despite these life-threatening injuries, they will all live.
Despite their best efforts combined, more and more hours passed, yet neither of them seemed to feel any kind of fatigue - Or at least, they didn't let it be seen. One of them was used to such heavy work load in the clinic, while the other was used to fighting day and night tirelessly, so at least for that, the adrenaline rush keeping them focused and steady was doing its job, surging rapidly through their veins with an electrifying speed.
Katrina, despite not being one to speak too much, got used from her clinic time to giving orders to her subordinates to help her or delegate some of the minor work, and thankfully, after Masamune's order, they all followed her instructions to a T. Lovely success, she might say, considering that there was place for a sole woman in a world dominated by narcissistic, egotistical men. And yet, she somehow seemed to gain the... Maybe not outright trust, but at least the respect of the milder warlords, like Masamune and Mitsunari. People like Ieyasu and Hideyoshi were still very suspicious of her, despite everything, and yet, she knew that, with time, she will get through them too. After all, she had no ill-will or bad intentions towards them, and above all, she just wanted to have fun and maybe get through this alive.
Sengoku era was pretty fun, despite all the hardships and non-stop threats upon their lives, but somehow, being surrounded by people and being able to turn to them to have a simple talk or a drink, made her feel less alone than usual. It wasn't like she was an extrovert or overly sociable, but at the same time, her heart suffered greatly whenever she realised how truly alone she was, even surrounded by people, whenever she'd see all the people she was 'friends' with talk to her only out of necessity, or whenever nobody else was available or a hang out. Everyone was either married, had kids, or was at least in a steady relationships, and all the old, lovely friendships quickly vanished, and she was forgotten for the most part.
After all, she was never anyone's first option, and that thought alone truly hurt her.
"Masamune, you idiot, have you been here all day?" a new, sudden voice disrupted the organized chaos that the brownian motion that became their pattern in the room, tending to all the injured people.
"Ieyasu? What are you doing here?" Masamune's lower voice asked, surprised to see the blond warlord there, holding a basket.
"Have you forgotten to eat again? Stupid." the future Tokugawa shogun light-heartedly insulted his friend with a stoic look on his face as he thrusted the food basket in his arms. "Share."
"Thank you for your consideration, Ieyasu." despite saying that, almost robotically, Kat, didn't look up from the procedure she was doing.
"...Masamune? Why are these men patched up like potato sacks?" the man frowned - But Kat's frown was worse, as she suddenly got up, ignoring the dizziness from dehydration and lack of proper nutrition for the day.
"Excuse you? Patched up like potato sacks? I'll have you known my sutures are the peak of beauty! If you insult my magnum opus, I swear I'm going to sew up your mouth and eyes permanently!" she got in his face, her arms crossed, showing how offended she was.
"...Huh?" Ieyasu's eyes grew wide as he made a dumbfound expression, his mouth just slightly agape from the shock of her outburst and the words she used. On the other hand, Masamune's loud, mirthful loud resounded through the room.
"Don't worry, Ieyasu, the lass did a splendid job on these men! She told me all about the importance of disinfectant and these extra small things called bacteria! Ain't that a funny word? Anyway, this sewing thing is said to be a Western practice and keeping the flesh together helps it heal faster!" Masamune went to pat - With a bit too much strength - Ieyasu's shoulder, making him flinch a bit from annoyance.
After muttering some more insults to the cyclops, the blond crouched to one of the man, inspecting his wound. "Interesting..." he hummed, but as soon as he extended his hand to examine and admire the intricate craftmanship that seemed almost like a seamstress's sewing, or an embroidered handkerchief, his wrist was roughly grasped and pulled away.
"Don't touch it." the two shared a look, and begrudgingly, the man took away his hand, making the girl release his hand gingerly. "Sorry about that. It's just... Wounds shouldn't be carelessly touched. You create the risk of infecting the wound and festering from inside, which would really suck." she sighed, speaking in a lower voice.
"I'm half-inclined to say you're speaking non-sense, but at the same time, I'm interested in your knowledge. Masamune, that food is all yours. I want to have a conversation with this one." the blond got on his feet, motioning for the red haired girl to follow him.
"But... The patients... They need constant supervising... And if they spaz out, they risk breaking their stitched and bleeding again." Kat got up, looking worriedly between the sleeping patients and the expecting warlord who looked impatiently at her.
"Don't worry, lass, I've got this covered! Go eat something and rest, you deserve a break." the man's wild grin encouraged her to leave - Albeit still skeptical - Yet a bit more reassured.
The whole way to his home was quiet, except for the crickets and toads singing in tune a beautiful symphony of the night. Thankfully, the way to his place was pretty short. There, as the weather was mighty fine, Ieyasu had his servants put the table and pillows on the porch, lighting up the lanterns so they could see, but the very late dinner was still incredibly awkward and silent, sans the sound of chewing and chopsticks moving. That is until finally, after the leftover food was taken off the table, and the man finally spoke, his green eyes peering into her own green eyes.
"Tell me what you did with the warriors." his harsh voice had an edge to it that was both intrigued yet had an invisible force holding him back from appearing interested in any way.
"And by that, do you want me to medically explain what and why I did what I did?" she raised an eyebrow, questioning for a proper explanation. The man simply said an affirmative answer as a reply, but that alone - Someone actually being interested in her knowledge and skills - It truly made her happy enough to smile.
"Do you believe my time-traveling story?" she asked in a gentle voice.
"Is that relevant?" the man looked away with a roll of his eyes.
"Yes, it very much is." she nodded solemnly.
"Your answer tonight will give me a definitive answer." the girl couldn't help but grin and let out an amused exhale.
"Very well. I asked you because in my time, we don't really use plant-medicine anymore. We use medicaments that are made from various chemical compounds put together into pills, emulsions, ointments, syrups and other liquids for vaccines... That's why, I had a hard time thinking about the proper plants and how to create a proper ointment or treatment based on their wounds. I only know that honey, garlic, ginseng and maybe moldy bread were good to kill bacteria and such, but I'm not sure, and I don't want to risk blindly." she explained briefly the hesitation behind the scarce using of the plants. Except marigold ointment. Marigold ointment is Grandma's famous, legendary treatment. Forever.
"And what is this 'bacteria' that Masamune glamorized so much?" he asked, humming in understanding.
"Bacteria are microscopic living things - It means they are so small you can't see them without a microscope, which is like... A binocular, but you don't look into the distance, but on a strip with a sample... But I digress. Basically, they are quite literally everywhere, and they can cause diseases. That's why they must not make their way into wounds - They can cause festering and necrosis... Basically, the cells and tissues that form the human body... The place afflicted dies, and it turns black because blood doesn't stream through there, so it gets no more oxygen and nutriments, and thus, you have a dead part in your alive body, and this dead body is like the plague - It spreads - Hence why you need to cut it off. However, you can't cut off the torso, can you? If you have necrosis affecting your fingers or limbs, you can successfully amputate them - You cut them off - But... I'm not sure you people would agree to having a limb less, considering you won't be able to fight anymore, but the theory behind still stands. Back then, I didn't necessarily stop you from touching it because it's forbidden, but because you had dirty hands. You have to at least wash your hands with water and soap and then disinfect them with alcohol, like vinegar or... Sake maybe. Did... Any of this make sense?" she asked sheepishly, realising the pondering look he had on his face. Ieyasu nodded his head and grunted an affirmative answer. "We can't quite afford much hygiene measures when at war, but I suppose there are some things we can take care of anyway. I saw a fire inside the room. Was that to kill this... Bacteria?" he pointed out, hesitating as he spoke out loud that foreign word again.
"Yes! Sort of. It's not the most effective method, but it does the trick. Since I used a needle and a thread to sew up the wounds together, you keep the metal in the fire until it colours red, and that kills the bacteria, so you can use the needle on the wound. Thing is, after you clean the wound and you sew it up, people usually do an antibiotic vaccine to prevent getting infections inside." she explained, not realising that she wasn't properly explaining all words, and that people from the past had no idea what she was talking about, and they couldn't possibly corelate so easily foreign words with their roots and meanings.
"Are you going to let me guess what "Antibiotic" and "Vaccine" mean?" the man huffed, kinda frustrated because there was such much to learn, yet things seemed more complicated, as he never heard of these words before, yet this technology and knowledge she held... Ieyasu was craving them.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! Well, 'Antibiotic' is something that kills bacteria. Basically, it's 2 words coming from Greek, and they were put together. 'Anti' means 'Against' and 'Bios' is 'Living'. I find it easier to understand words and medical terminology once I understand the roots of the word and what it means. And a vaccine is... Uhm... A tube with a small, hallow needle. Inside the tube you have a liquid with medicine and you stick the needle... Here, in your vein, and this liquid gets in the bloodstream. The blood uhm... Irrigates the whole body with Oxygen and nutriments and... Since the blood goes everywhere, the medicine goes where it needs to go. I'm pretty sure vaccines weren't allowed in Asia as a proper practice until...About 200 years from now on or something. They were seen as Western barbarian practices and that went against the beliefs of Confucius, Buddha and the ethics and stuff. In my time, vaccines are extremely important and everyone, animals alike, get vaccinated, so they can prevent getting some diseases, especially infectious ones." Kat smiled at the man who could only grunt in understanding again, and... Even agreement, maybe?
"Fear of the unknown makes people afraid of the consequences and don't want to even try to understand, even if the explanation is in front of their very eyes. Most of the time, even the nobles or the educated ones believe in Divine Retribution and the Devil's work when it comes to... "Unorthodox" practices, as a Christian missionary put it. Development, education and technology are the base of a plentiful and rich future, but with how many people still believe in onryos and oni, you can't expect much progress." despite the man being genuine and contemplating, Kat chuckled, very amused.
"Some people called me a Kitsune in my time. Tradition means a lot for this country, and while sure, in the future people don't believe in kami and oni anymore, they still hold the history and culture very close to their heart. On another note... I'm pretty sure I heard Hideyoshi curse Mitsuhide at some point and called him a Kitsune as well." biting her lip in amusement, she twirled around a strand of her hair, resting her jaw on her palm.
"How stupid... But I suppose it's not that far away from the truth anyway." the man rolled his eyes again, scoffing at the ridiculousness of the statement, but he was unable to agree or disagree with it. 
Before he could shoo the girl away, as it was getting dreadfully late, and the tiredness was evidently painted on her face, a quiet, rhythmical trotting sound coming from inside the house, getting out... A small deer, of all things, was revealed. It looked up at the two people sitting on opposite sides of the small, round table. It looked at its owner, and then at the stranger.
"Hello, sweety." the red haired girl slowly extended her hand towards the baby deer, as she carefully sniffed it, and with an unexpected braveness, it jumped in her lap, licking her face, shocking the physician girl. "Wh-Whoa...! I have been blessed!" almost as if scared to touch it, as fawns are fragile and soft and gentle and adorable as hell, her hands carefully went to hug and pet the small critter, sticking her tongue half out as if she was mleming, and the fawn imitated her.
"You're acting like a stupid kid." Ieyasu scoffed, yet his annoyance was a mask for his amusement. "Her name is Wasabi."
"Wasabi...! You're the cutest little baby in the whole entire world! I want to hug you and never let you out of my arms. I love youuuu~!" suddenly, the calm, stoic and collected woman became an overly-affectionate cuddle bug that was spoiling that fawn. In fact, Ieyasu was shocked at such a drastic change in her behaviour, and the sweet voice she was talking in with his pet, but not only that, he also hasn't seen women - Mothers, in particular - Fawn over and spoil a human baby so much as this woman in front of him was practically melting in complete bliss and glee. She truly was peculiar in all the weird sorts of ways. He didn't have the heart to send her home, instead, he just watched the peculiar scene in front of him for as long as it lasted. That is, until he noticed the girl trying to mask out a yawn, only for Wasabi to stick her tongue inside her mouth as she tried to lick up her face. They both retracted their heads backwards, staring at each other in shock with wide, confused eyes. They almost looked as if they were both two baby fawns, so innocent, so pure, and very ignorant of the horrors and dangers of the world around them.
He hated this girl... He hated her so much, but at the same time, he didn't. He hated weakness, and she was nothing more than a frail little snow-drop, like every other woman he's encountered. On the other hand, Wasabi is just as fragile and in need of protection, and he felt the soft and gentle feeling of love and protectiveness. He wouldn't let anyone even look weirdly at the baby fawn, let alone harm her.  Maybe that's why he hated Katrina so much. Not that she was suspicious - She really wasn't. Despite all the stories about kunoichi and how they disguise themselves as maids and maidens that lure men in bed and then kill them, stealing all the important intel and running away to their employers, Katrina was obviously not like that. He prided himself with being a pretty good judge of character... And what the hell would a woman from the future, that simply wants to go back home, want with them, except for protection until she can somehow find a way to go to her rightful time? She even showed them some revolutionary medical practices and have them important intel, so there was no reason to be as suspicious of her as when she first arrived.
Ieyasu wasn't going to go outright and protect her, that would be too much of a bother, and even thought Nobunaga claims she's some kind of lucky charm for him - That's all she is - HIS responsibility, so why should he bother with Nobunaga's fleeting obsessions? On the other hand, he wasn't going to outright let her die that easily - If only for that intriguing and controversial knowledge she has in that head of hers.
Stupid red head.
He could only watch from his seat as she said good night to him and, with one last kiss on Wasabi's wet nose, left to sleep, since she couldn't stay awake anymore from the exhaustion. She thanked him for the meal and the lovely conversation even, even though she was the one who spoke most of the time. What a peculiar woman, as if she has nobody to talk to. Then again, with the way she flinches away from her so-called paramour, and how she tries to stray away from him and how she scolds and glares at him at all time... And how violent he is with her... Maybe she was just fed up with him altogether and with him being the only person she knows, she was getting lonely.
Never mind, why the hell would he care anyway? Wasabi was in his lap, licking his face, and it was a decent night. It was time for him to get some sleep.
Morning came by faster than expected, and the birds chirped with the rising of the sun, yet their beautiful song wasn't enough to wake the girl up. Her sleep were sweet and well-deserved, and she didn't wake up until pretty late into the day, and even then, she was pretty sluggish. It was finally a normal day! And it was pretty much a free day as well!  Technically speaking, she was free to do whatever she wanted, as long as she remained in Azuchi, so she took advantage of it, mixing her time with having fun, exploring and working, all in a perfect imbalance - As usual.
Getting ready, the first thing she did was check up on the patients and make sure they were in good condition, and after she was satisfied with what she was seeing, she went to have a look at the traveling market and maybe even treat herself to some tea and dango.
As she was absent-mindedly admiring the hustle and bustle of the place, and noticing that nobody was really bothering or even looking at her, thankfully, she smiled softly, feeling content and at ease. That all disappeared as soon as a tap on her shoulder woke her up from her trance and her name was called - Looking at the man calling her, she realised the ninja boy who she got to know recently was there, gesturing for her to go somewhere with fewer people and have a chat.
"I'm sorry I left you alone for so long. How is life at Azuchi castle?" he asked as they both sat down on a bench under an umbrella, outside a tea house.
"Oh, it's quite alright. I got to show off my medical skills by sewing up some people... And I played with Ieyasu's pet, which was adorable, considering my profession is a Veterinary doctor. And you? Your profession here is much more dangerous than mine, are you alright?" she asked the man, looking up at the beautiful azure sky.
"I can't complain. I miss home, but at the same time, if I treat this as a history project, then I'm rather excited, despite all death-threatening things I have to do." he smiled as well, ordering tea for the two of them.
Then, another man, dressed in a burgundy kimono, stepped in front of them, his hands on his hips like an upset mother. "There you were, Sasuke! Who is this?" he analyzed the fire-kissed woman from head to toe.
"Hasashi Katrina. My friends call me Kat, so if you don't mind... I'm Sasuke's friend. It's lovely meeting another of his friend!" Kat got up from the bench and bowed lightly at the man before extending her hand for him to shake - But he merely looked weirdly at her hand, then at Sasuke.
"Shake her hand. It's a way of greeting new people and making new friendships." Sasuke encouraged the man, and with a bit of skepticism, he engaged in this foreign act.
"Sanada Yukimura." he muttered, frowning a bit. "I've never heard of this kind of greeting before. Your name, also, is rather unusual... Your hair as well." 
"Well, I am a pretty unusual woman, you could say." she shrugged, carefree, signaling for him to also sit down. "May I call you Yuki? It's only fair to use a nickname as well, don't you think?" despite the friendly tone in her voice, the teasing was pretty obvious, and the man's cheeks reddened, and he could only look away, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Yuki~? Are you okay? You look feverish." Kat's eyes narrowed slightly from amusement, smiling like a mischievous fox as she stepped in front of him, putting the back of her hand to his forehead, making him even more flustered, hurrying away from her. 
"I-I'm fine, jeez!" he stuttered, unable to look at the girl, as she and Sasuke chuckled at his reactions.
"Ah, look, Kenshin, a Kitsune!" another voice, unfamiliar, chuckled, and as the trio snapped their heads towards the new voice, they saw two men, one extroverted, and one introverted. Perfect friend duo.
"Don't compliment me too much, Mister. I forgot my 9 tails at home." Kat giggled, nodding her head towards the two new-comers as a way of greeted them.
"Ohh, this lovely fox has such a charming smile. Are you trying to trap me under your spell?" this chestnut haired man, very bold and straight-forward, stepped in front of the red haired girl, his hand going to her hair, taking a strand of it and twirling it flirtatiously.
"My, my, aren't you a casanova? It was not my intention to enchant you, however, I cannot say I mind it." her fox-like smirk, playful and full of mischief, made this easy-going man laugh boisterously.
"Why don't we have some tea together? I want to know more about you." he raised the girl's chin gingerly, with his finger, gazing affectuously in her eyes.
"We were just having a cup of tea. You and your friend may join us, if you will. I was thinking of getting some sweets as well." she chuckled gleefully as she gingerly put her hand over his wrist and guiding him to the table so the 5 of them could enjoy some nice tea and dango.
"You're at it again... Honestly, please stop it, Lord Shingen, this flirting is really annoying." Yuki sweat-dropped awkwardly.
"Come on, Yuki, you can't expect me to stay silent when I have the honour of being in the presence of such a charming young lady! Or... Maybe it is that you are jealous and too shy to approach her yourself!" Shingen... Takeda Shingen, the Tiger of Kai, teased the boy cheerfully.
"N-NO! It's nothing like that!" but Shingen could only laugh, his arm around Kat's shoulder, as she was just smiling serenely, as if she had no idea that's Takeda Shingen hugging and flirting with her, while Uesugi Kenshin was glaring into the horizon and Sanada Yukimura was blushing like a green boy because of her teasing.
"If you're shy, just say so, Yuki! There's nothing wrong with that. There are many women who are into the easily-flustered type~!" putting her hand over her mouth to stifle her teasing chuckle, it seemed her Kat and Shingen paired up nicely to fluster up the poor boy.
"That's enough, you two. You are attracting too much attention towards you." Kenshin spoke, devoid of any emotion.
"Katrina, since you are a friend of Sasuke's, I will tell you a secret. There will be a war soon. Go to another country as soon as you can." as he said that, the Sasuke tapped the girl's shoulder, motioning for her to get up from the table and step away, to have a semi-private conversation together.
"The famous Yukimura Sanada is worrying about me while Takeda Shingen flirts with me. I think I hit the warlord jackpot." Kat hummed in amusement, only to see the ninja's serious expression.
"How is Nobunaga treating you? Did you tell him about the time-travel thing and the wormhole that will appear in 3 months?" he asked, pondering.
"Yep. All the warlords know by now. Of course, it's only kept between them, thankfully. And I told him about the portal, he tried to bribe me with a bet, but I refused. I think I've got a pretty decent grasp on his personality, he's not as impossible to predict as I first thought... And yet, he still surprises." she tilted her head leisurely to explain the situation.
"I don't mean to scare you, but just in case, you should have a way to protect yourself from Nobunaga or any warlord that may imprison you or put you in danger. I'm sure you know that if you miss the next wormhole, you might never be able to go back to the present again... Which is why... If you think anything's going to happen, use these to escape."  and thus, Sasuke handed her some smoke bombs and ground spikes he manufactured himself by watching online tutorials, which was super cool and made Kat grin, remembering the cosplay costumes he worked so hard on, especially the Temari one, from Naruto. Oh, how she loved Temari and wanted to find a Shikamaru for herself... "Always think of protecting yourself, Kat. The Dragon of Echigo and the Tiger of Kai are after Lord Nobunaga. What I'm saying is... Don't get deeply involved with the people of this time. And before I forget... Watch out for a demon dressed as a monk." as he said that, Kat's emerald eyes widened in realisation.
"Sasuke... The guy who tried to assassinate Nobunaga as Honno-Ji... Was that this guy you're warning me about?" she gasped, only for him to give her a solemn look.
"Unless he delegated, then most-likely, yes." he grunted softly.
"Hey, Sasuke, I wouldn't mind revealing my identity now. I am the Lord of Echigo's Kasugayama Castle, Uesugi Kenshin. Do me a favour and tell people that you have seen us here in Azuchi. I am ready to take on everyone willing to face me in battle." the winter-aesthetic man drew his sword fearlessly, a certain frozen smile on his face.
"That was a brave affirmation of war. Is this how all warlords are, or is it just you two?" Kat asked, hoping to keep things light-hearted and non-violent, at least when she was around.
"Don't let yourself be fooled by this one." Shingen pushed Kenshin away, getting the spotlight. "Kenshin and I have been fighting Nobunaga for years. My name is Takeda Shingen. People call me the Tiger of Kai... But unlike Kenshin here, I don't draw my sword freely, especially now that I've met such a beautiful woman like you." as he said that, he grinned confidently, dazzling, as his hand caressed her hair.
"You're really flattering me, Shingen... Ah, pardon my familiar addressing, I couldn't help myself." she chuckled playfully, feeling less intimidated now as the flirty man was in her aura, not the ice-man anymore.
"How foolish... It's like you need to flirt with women just to survive, Shingen." Kenshin scolded the warlord who could only grin at him.
"You're just jealous this one likes me, and not you." Shingen playfully attacked Kenshin, only for the platinated man to turn away with no reaction, disappointed the chestnut haired one.
"You seem like really close friends~!" Kat chirped, despite knowing very well they were mortal enemies for a long time... Or at least history said so!
However, before Shingen could reply, an obnoxiously annoying voice called out her name, destroying her zen immediately, and Shingen could see the angry and fed up grimace on her face as she recognized the voice's owner.
The man stomped to the girl's side and snatched her roughly by the wrist, in his embrace, glaring at the Takeda lord, who could only watch the scene with passiveness and slight irritation at having that nice moment interrupted.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, flirting with other men when you have me!" Drew yelled in her face, grasping her shoulders harshly, making her flinch from the loud noise right in her ears.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. We were merely having a decent, pleasant conversation about this fine weather. Is that a crime?" Kat sneered at him, lying through her teeth as she pushed away the obnoxious brat.
"His hand was on your hair, and you two were sharing bedroom eyes, undressing each other in your minds, and you really think that such a stupid, obvious lie will fool me?!" yell more and the whole Japan will hear you.
"You're overreacting and being dramatic again. If you have confidence issues, go ahead and solve them, but I have nothing to do with them. Then again... With how painfully annoying and disrespectful you're being to me, I wouldn't mind throwing you to the piranhas and running away with Lord Shingen." Kat started mockingly laughing in his face.
"I wouldn't mind that either, lovely fox~." Shingen, from the back, chuckled as well.
"ENOUGH!" and, shocking everyone, Kat found herself with the blade of a small dagger at her neck. "ENOUGH! STOP CHEATING ON ME, YOU STUPID, DUMB WHORE! I'M FED UP WITH YOU AND THE SHIT YOU DO TO ME! IT HURTS ME TOO, YOU KNOW?!" Drew had tears of frustration in his eyes as he dug the blade deeper into the girl's skin, enough to draw a little bit of blood.
"Are you done?" Kat sighed, rolling her eyes at his childishness.
"...What?!" he gasped, his hand trembling on the dagger handle.
"I said - Are you done? You're wailing like a cat in distress, what the hell is wrong with you? If you want to be a man, you gotta start acting like one and earn some respect. Look at you. You're nothing more than an entitled, whiny brat who wallows in self-pity and sobs to his mummy over the smallest things. You can't even hold that dagger without shaking like a leaf. You couldn't take a life, even if your own life was in danger. What the hell are you good for, anyway? You disgust me. You truly piss me off." Kat's sweet and cheerful voice became dark and threatening, spreading a miasma of freezing poison that made Drew grit his teeth and shake even more.
He knew... She wasn't one to get angry, hence why he took her for granted and would behave any way he wanted to... But he hasn't seen her this wrathful is so long, it slipped his mind that she had such a vengeful side of her. Without the least bit of fear, the red haired girl brought her hand up to the blade, pulling it away from her neck, and as an affirmation of her dominance and strength, she gripped it tightly, enough to draw blood and paint the metal crimson. She titled her head menacingly, the way she saw Michael Myers do in the Halloween movies, but then, she smirked, seeing the man cower in fear and let go of the blade - And she hit him over the head with the handle with all her strength, making him fall to the ground, screaming for mercy - The display was so pathetic and disgusting that Kat couldn't help herself and stomped down on him.
"You know you messed up bad enough if you got me angry. Now you suffer the consequences. You are not a man, you're just a pathetic excuse of a waste of breath who thinks the whole world owes him. Next time you decide to piss me off, remember that you are the one who offered me this dagger, and unlike you... I'm not afraid of using it." and with one more kick in the back, Drew finally became enough of a coward to pick himself up and run the hell away from there, making the girl sigh in annoyance, not wanting to look back at the men staring at her, feeling the burning rage in her heart turn into quick embarrassment.
However, that silence was filled with a single set of steps that walked in front of her, and she found herself being faced with a smiling Shingen, who carefully took her hand in his own, kissed the back of it, then wrapped it up in a handkerchief, before using the sleeve of his own kimono to wipe away the faint necklace of crimson dribble from her neck. "I don't think I've ever seen a woman as brave and firey as you are. Are you sure you're not a Kitsune?"
"...I never said I wasn't, did I?" after a few seconds, the ghost of a half-smile appeared on her face, continuing the playful back and forth with him.
"Sure you don't want to run away with me?" he chuckled, caressing her face, a bright, gigolo smile gracing his features.
"Ask me that after our 3rd date, Shingen. Until then... I'll see you around, maybe?" she mused, earning yet another mirthful laugh from him, as booming as always.
"I love confident, cheeky women like you, yet I have to say, I haven't met anyone to direct and straightforward like you! I'm looking forward to having having that date with you, lovely fox~!" and with that, the 4 men departed back to their castles, leaving the red haired girl to chuckle softly to herself, walking back to Azuchi.
"If only you didn't have cancer, Shingen... You're the only man who ever made me feel like a woman." despite the sorrow in her voice, she still smiled, albeit it was bittersweet.
She was ready to turn in for the night and just chill around in her room, however, one of the men who serves under Nobunaga told her she must attend a war council - She was surprised, sure, but at the same time, pretty excited about being allowed to seat through more of these.
As Kat announced her presence and got inside the room, she noticed the warlords were already there... And Drew as well, was trembling still, sitting next to Mitsunari. However as soon as he noticed the red haired girl, he let out a distressed wail and stormed out of there, making everyone look after him with wide eyes. Sighing and rolling her eyes, Kat turned around to close the sliding door, as he didn't even have the audacity to something so easy. Idiot.
"What was that about?" Hideyoshi asked, very confused.
"It seems our little fire fox came from an altercation with a few scratches on." Mitsuhide pointed out, alarming the other warlords.
"Ah...Well, when a dog is bad and misbehaves, you punish him. You may get bitten in the meantime, but as long as you assert your dominance and authority over it, then it's all good." she chuckled venomously, only to see the silver haired fox smirk at her.
"My, my, what a cunning fox we have here. You're not about to bite our noses while we sleep, are you?" Mitsuhide teased her, as she sat down next to Ieyasu.
"Not at all. In the end, I am no dog owner. That stupid mutt was just greedy and thought he could eat me. It's his fault for being stupid and getting suffocated with my fur. Besides... Noses are dirty with mucus. The neck, however... I can confirm, they are very... Delicious." the fox girl made such a bold implication that made Masamune laugh, while Mitsuhide and Nobunaga only smirked in amusement, while the other three either gasped and blushed at her rudeness, or looked innocently confused.
"Very well, enough of that. Since you've been working so hard, and more, as you've saved my people, I will have you rewarded personally. Until then, let us begin our discussion." Nobunaga smirked from his far away seat of honour, as the main warlord.
But she was not surprised in the least that such a topic of discussion was brought upon, and yet, rumours sure fly fast around the castle - She wondered, for a stupid second, weather social media was as fast as all these spies and gossips around. What a silly thought.
The Dragon of Echigo is still alive and he's sheltering the Tiger of Kai
What a lovely metaphor for such lovely people.
Oh, this was going to be one very fun war council indeed.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
Two men have been arrested in France after allegedly scamming elderly people into paying thousands of euros for bedbug treatment they did not need.
Police in Strasbourg said the men would go to their victims' homes, carry out phoney control services and then overcharge for treatment products.
They added that 48 people had been scammed altogether, many of them women over 90.
Recent months have seen a rise in bedbug infestations across France.
The issue has sparked concern across the country, with senior government officials working on measures to address it.
Entomologists and health experts have warned that the outbreak has also led to a rise in false sightings and unwarranted hysteria.
Authorities said the alleged scammers would phone their victims and tell them there was an infestation in their neighbourhood.
They would then visit the person's home posing as health officials and, using aerosol sprays, pretend to fumigate the space.
Before leaving, they would offer an ointment that they said would keep the bugs away from human skin. The ointment was in fact a simple eucalyptus-scented cream.
Victims would be charged between €300 and €2,100 (£257 and £1,800).
Police said they had received a total of nine formal complaints for suspected fraud.
The suspects were then placed under surveillance and arrested as they left the home of an alleged victim in Strasbourg.
The infestations in Paris have led to fears the problem could spread across the Channel to London.
Speaking to PoliticsJOE in October, London mayor Sadiq Khan said the threat to the capital's public transport system was a "real source of concern".
He said he had been in contact with counterparts in Paris as well as officials at Transport For London to "ensure we don't have that problem".
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zenixromeave · 2 years
"you put the thing that does the killing between your teeth but you don't let it kill you" or whatever john green said (some more context under the cut)
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god im so mad i already typed this and it didn't save. anyways
in my rewrite, zenix has symptoms akin to asthma because of the way he died. this prompted me to do some research into historical methods of treating asthma- before the inhaler. surprisingly, one of the main ways was smoking. Plants such as stamonium and atropa belladonna (nightshade)- and tobacco and cannabis, though those were not as effective- were smoked or used as fumigation to treat shortness of breath, and were actually useful for doing so (a chemical component of both aids in relaxing muscles, so smoking them can relax the airways and assist in breathing. extracted forms of this component are used in some modern medicine as well.)
zane also has asthma (canonically), so garroth would know a bit about helping with this. zane wasn't permitted to pursue anything physically taxing like guard training because of his asthma, but garroth hoped that zenix wouldn't be forced to quit something he enjoyed because of disability, so getting him effective treatment is important to him.
so zenix has this plant to take care of, and it's one of the deadliest plants in the world- known as deadly nightshade and beautiful death. garroth trusts him with it unquestioningly.
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