#Full Stack curriculum
mohalicareerpoint12 · 2 months
Best Full Stack Development Training in Mohali
Full Stack Development has become one of the most sought-after skills in the tech industry. With the ability to handle both front-end and back-end development, Full Stack Developers are in high demand across various industries. If you are in Mohali and looking to become a Full Stack Developer, finding the right training institute is crucial. This article highlights the best Full Stack Development training institute in Mohali, detailing what makes it the top choice.
Why Pursue Full Stack Development Training?
Versatility: Full Stack Developers have the skills to work on both client-side and server-side applications, making them versatile and valuable in the tech industry.
High Demand: The demand for Full Stack Developers is high as they can handle end-to-end development processes, making them crucial assets for companies.
Career Growth: Full Stack Development skills open up numerous career opportunities and can lead to higher salary prospects.
Comprehensive Skillset: Training covers a wide range of technologies and tools, providing a well-rounded understanding of web development.
Criteria for Selecting the Best Full Stack Development Institute
When choosing a Full Stack Development training institute, consider the following factors:
Comprehensive Curriculum: An extensive curriculum covering all aspects of Full Stack Development.
Experienced Trainers: Trainers with substantial industry experience and expertise in web development.
Hands-on Training: Emphasis on practical, project-based learning.
Placement Assistance: Support for job placement post-training.
Positive Reviews and Reputation: Strong industry reputation and positive feedback from former students.
The Best Full Stack Development Institute in Mohali: ThinkNEXT Technologies
ThinkNEXT Technologies is widely regarded as the best institute for Full Stack Development training in Mohali. Known for its excellence in IT training, ThinkNEXT offers a comprehensive Full Stack Development course designed to equip students with the necessary skills to excel in the industry.
Why ThinkNEXT Technologies?
1. Comprehensive Curriculum
ThinkNEXT Technologies offers a well-structured curriculum that covers all aspects of Full Stack Development, including:
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Front-End Frameworks (React.js, Angular, or Vue.js)
Server-Side Programming (Node.js, Express.js)
Database Management (MySQL, MongoDB)
RESTful APIs and Web Services
Version Control (Git, GitHub)
Deployment and Cloud Services (AWS, Heroku)
DevOps Basics
Security Best Practices
Real-world Project Work
2. Experienced Trainers
ThinkNEXT Technologies boasts a team of highly experienced trainers who are experts in web development. These trainers bring their real-world experience into the classroom, ensuring that students not only learn theoretical concepts but also understand their practical applications.
3. Hands-on Training
ThinkNEXT Technologies emphasizes hands-on training, allowing students to work on real-world projects and case studies. This practical approach helps students gain the confidence and skills needed to tackle real challenges in their careers.
4. Placement Assistance
One of the standout features of ThinkNEXT Technologies is its strong placement assistance. The institute has tie-ups with numerous companies and provides dedicated support to help students secure job placements after completing the course.
5. Positive Reviews and Reputation
ThinkNEXT Technologies has received rave reviews from former students and holds a stellar reputation in the industry. Testimonials often highlight the institute’s effective teaching methods, supportive staff, and successful placement record.
Choosing the right institute for Full Stack Development training can significantly impact your career trajectory. ThinkNEXT Technologies stands out as the best Full Stack Development institute in Mohali, offering a comprehensive curriculum, experienced trainers, hands-on training, and excellent placement assistance. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start your journey in web development or an experienced professional seeking to upgrade your skills, ThinkNEXT Technologies is the ideal choice to master Full Stack Development and advance your career.
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newcodesociety · 9 months
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utterdisaster1 · 2 months
Year One
Pairing: Sirius Black x male!reader So after this, we're going straight into pining, romance, teenager phase. There will be a time skip, I think 5th year. TW: mentions of food and eating, mentions of bullying and homophobia, the f-slur and related terms (not in the magical world though). Use of Y/N.
After, more or less arduous journey to London, which gave you plenty of time to ponder why some professor couldn't just come and apparate you to the castle, like Professor McGonnagal did to Diagon Alley, you finally found yourself at the King's Cross.
You didn't know how to feel about being instructed to "run through the wall of the third archway". On one hand, you were certain Professor McGonagall wouldn't play a practical joke on you, but on the other, she would be the perfect person to fool someone, because who would expect a prank from her?
Your parents weren't of much help either. A parent rather, your father couldn't take the time off. Clearly, there is a difference between acknonwledgement and acceptance, one you hadn't picked up on during the Professor's initial visit. Neither of them wanted to talk about it much.
Whether it was your recount of the trip to Diagon Alley or things you had read in books up until that point, of which you bought much more than expected, they would say, "It's not like it applies to us, honey. Let's go an a walk or let's watch some telly".
At Professor's querying look when you came up with a giant stack of books, you just said, "When one doesn't know anything, there's everything to learn." And you very much intended to know everything.
I mean, it's magic. Not tricks one may see at some fair or circus, but an actual power to change reality as you see it. How could you be satisfied with just the bare minimum profficiency in the first-year curriculum?
The possesion of magic was enough to make the normal world seem bleak in comparison. But what also sparked your interest was when you saw two women walking hand in hand in the Alley, clearly having an amorous conversation. At your look, which you hoped didn't give the wrong impression, the Professor said "The wizarding people don't concern themselves with notions of sexual preferences nearly as much as many muggles do. Relationships between people of the same sex are treated exactly as those between the opposite sex. We see no difference."
When you heard that, you wanted to cry. Could you have grown up like that? Without people calling you a faggot or a poof. Not that you ever expressed any interest in a boy openly. There were one or two small, innocent crushes, when simply being around them made butterflies fly in your stomach, but you never told anyone. You couldn't.
It wasn't that long ago that they decriminalised homosexuality, after all. You were six when they legalised it. The first time you were beaten up for "your poofness" you were five.
And again, it's not like you made any advances on another boy. It was either your face "looking gay", your weird behaviour, or maybe being one of the smaller kids in your year, and the slurs were just added in for further humiliation.
But now you were going somewhere where it wouldn't matter. So crashing into a pillar wasn't a bad price to pay for that. After one more look at your mum, you ran into the wall.
Fortunately you didn't crash. After a quick sensation you couldn't quite describe, you found yourself on a lively platform filled with eccentrically dressed people, similar to how they dressed in Diagon Alley. There was also a bright red steam locomotive: with "Hogwarts Express" engraved on the front of it. Everything was just magnificent.
You didn't even register your mum appearing next to you. But after a moment of silent awe, you pulled yourself together and went on. Seeing some kids with carts full of suitcases you were glad that Professor McGonagall had recommended buying a single trunk with extension charms on it. It barely weighed anything, which was a very significant advantage as well.
You wished you had gotten a heartfelt goodbye, but your mum seemed more overwhelmed by her surroundings than by the fact the soonest she would see you would be in three months. Maybe she still hadn't registered the fact.
Still, your hug was returned, and got you a kiss on your forehead, along with a "Stay safe and behave", before boarding the train.
You entered the first empty compartment you found. You were quite convinced you didn't want to intrude on a group of already existing friends, or worse, possible bullies. You quickly sat down and took out your book on protective charms and enchantments.
Seeing that you now actually had an opportunity to practice the spells, you immediately immersed yourself in training, your breath hitching every time you saw your wand actually perform the spell. You didn't even notice the train taking off.
But you did register being interrupted by two kids, first-years by the looks of it. One had dark red hair, startingly green eyes, and freckles on her pale skin. The other was a scrawny boy with greasy, shoulder-length hair and a scowl on his face. He clearly wanted to go further down the cart, but the girl said "Come one Severus, it's the first one that isn't full," and soon enough turned to you. "Hi, my name is Lily Evans, and this is Severus Snape. Could we join you?"
You simply nodded and said 'Y/N L/N', with your thoughts more focused on why the notice-me-not charm you had placed earlier had stopped working on your compartment door.
The girl continued, "You wouldn't believe what sort of buffoons we met earlier. So self-conceited and arrogant... I mean, why would you insult a stranger you've barely met!? I'll pray not to end up in the same house as either of them!"
"Well, I'm sorry that happened to you" you said quietly.
The boy hadn't said anything yet, but he did sit down next to the Evans girl, so you assumed they were both going to stay. At some point, she started talking about phones, or rather how much more convenient it would be if they just installed some phone booths outside so she could call her family instead of sending letters by owl.
"Yeah, I wondered the same thing," you interjeccted and silently added "Not that they would get what I'm talking about anyway; they seem weirded out by anything that has to do with the school."
"My sister's weirded out too," she responded with a tone that seemed to imply some deeper emotions. But she quickly asked "Are you from a normal- I mean, Muggle family too?"
"Yeah," you replied. "I assume you are as well"
The boy gave you a sharp look, apparently displeased with the attention you were receiving, and said, "Congratulations on stating the obvious"
"That's rude, Severus" Lily said.
He huffed but didn't say anything further, though whenever she wasn't looking, he would send you a glare, sometimes accompanied by a sneer.
Despite the shadow of despair that the boy seemed to be, you connected well with Lily. Being Muggle-borns, there were many experiences you shared, as well as a particular interest in the subject of Charms. You both received a visit from Professor McGonagall and quite agreed that you wouldn't want to do anything to incur her ire.
When the train finally arrived at Hogsmeade Station, things moved quickly. One moment you were on the platform, then, sooner than you realised, you were sailing on a boat to the castle. The castle was gorgeous and took the breath away from most, if not all, first-years present.
Then you were guided by the Headmistress towards a waiting chamber, given a speech about the houses, responsibility and consequences, and a few minutes later, you entered the Great Hall.
You wondered if you had any lungs left, considering how many times it seemed you could barely breathe that day.
The Hall could only be described as grandiose. "Impressive" or "grand" really wouldn't do justice to the beauty of your surroundings.
After listening to a song from a battered hat, it was time for the sorting. When your turn came, you quickly went up the stairs and put the hat on.
Interesting. Very interesting. So many qualities. A strong desire to learn, an abundance of curiosity. But I see there's something you want even more. To belong. To find people who will stand with you, not against you. And there's protectiveness as well. You're willing to fight for those you love, for what you believe is right. I think I know... Better be...GRYFFINDOR!!!
You were quite surprised, but not disappointed. They seemed like a nice group to be a part of.
You sat down next to a blonde-haired girl, and she quickly introduced herself. "Marlene McKinnon, nice to meet you"
"Y/N L/N, nice to meet you too," you responded.
After the sorting was done, and everyone was free to talk and eat as much as they wanted, you had more opportunities to get to know your housemates.
You already knew Lily, and by the stink eye she was giving two particular boys, you assumed they were the "buffoons" she mentioned earlier. One of them, with unruly dark hair, glasses, and a very loud voice, you learned, was James Potter. The other, with aristocratic looks, high cheekbones, a little haughy look that was tempered by a smile, and grey eyes that seemed to glimmer like stones underwater in sunlight, was Sirius Black.
You knew they would be trouble after their description from Lily. But what you didn't expect were the butterflies you felt in your stomach when Sirius turned to you, introducing himself and exchanging a brief conversation.
No. You were not going to be saddled with a crush on your dormmate. Not possible. And on your first day already. It had been going so well. You remembered the mess you were around the boy in your year 5 at your previous school, the simultaneous pull to him mixed with a fear of him noticing.
It will pass. You will make it pass. I mean, you barely knew him. If you can make an animal from a pebble, there must be a spell to just get rid of such a miniscule thing as a crush. There must be.
Weeks passed, and you had not found the spell. But you didn't really need to. You were only 11 years old, after all; the hormonal storm was yet to come, so it wasn't that hard to fucus on other matters with the abundance of things to do.
Schoolwork was the primary focus. You had read up on a lot before the term started, but there was still so much more. Potions, the particular bane of your existence, was what you had to work on the most. Any wand-work came to you naturally, often earning praise and acknowledgement from your professors. History of Magic was a good time to take a nap, you had neutral feelings towards Herbology, and Astronomy, despite the late hour, was wonderful in its own right.
Another thing taking up your time was dealing with the prejudiced, fascist vipers from Slytherin House. Apparently, being a Gryffindor and a mudblood made you a favourable target. It was a good thing you had experience with bullies and that you instinctivelly picked up books on protection spells first. Apparently, a succesful protego performed by a first-year was a rare occurence, so they hadn't expected it. And living with James Potter also gave you access to books on hexes more than effective for fighting back.
What allowed you to resist the most, though, was what the hat had predicted for you. You and your dormmates quickly became close - mischief being both a bonding experience and something too fun to resist.
James Potter would have become your friend even if you had resisted with all your might. The boy had a certain pull to him. He was like the shining sun - whenever he walked into a room, he managed to capture everyone's attention. He was friendly to you from the get-go, but it was the moment he witnessed you repel a hex sent at the two of you with ease that you truly gained his attention and admiration. His curiosity turned towards protectiveness, which quickly developed into a genuine friendship that you would never think of rejecting.
Remus Lupin was quiet and subdued. He had an air of fear and shyness around him that you could relate to. It was palpable he was trying to keep his distance from all four of you. You didn't have the flair of James Potter, but after one serendipitious meeting in the library followed by a shared study session, it became a regular occurence. You were inviting and never pushed him beyond what he was willing to share, and over time, a clear fondness developed between you both.
Peter Pettigrew came as a package deal with James, really. Usually content to listen and nod along, it took you a while to actually get to know him. Surprisingly, it was chess that allowed you two to actually develop a friendship. He was shockingly good and practically pulverised you in most cases, but the time you spent together allowed you to get to know each other, and over time, you didn't need James to have something to talk about.
And then there was Sirius Black. In the dorm, he was everything - funny, teasing and entertaining. But whenever you left the dorm, he would be at the farthest distance possible away from you. You understood why. The howlers he received left no doubt as to his family's stance on blood purity and status. To them, you were the lowest of scum, sullying the earth you dared to step on. And with serpent eyes tracking his every move, particularly from a girl with a perpetual look of distaste, it was clear that his parents were being informed about all his activities in detail.
Now, when it came to your feelings, you spent one evening pondering on them and came to a conclusion - you appreciated his appearance, there was no doubt about that. He was pretty, and it was pleasant to look at him, like it's pleasant to look at art too; there's nothing abnormal about that. He was a friend, even if a concealed one. Being his friend felt nice, much nicer than having a crush.
Living with him helped you get used to his presence, and soon there was no fluttering in your stomach or slight blush on your cheeks whenever you talked with him. You were a kid, romantic feelings were easily avoidable and fickle if present in the first place.
Together, you and the other Gryffindor first-year boys created a force to be reckoned with.
Of course, the scope of your abilities was limited. There are only so many spells, potions and schemes an 11-year-old minds are capable of. But with each prank, your drive to outdo the previous one pushed you further.
All that however, made things with your other friend - Lily Evans, difficult. You cared for her friendship. You two could relate with each other in ways you couldn't with any of the boys. None of them were Muggle-borns; the closest relation was Remus's mum, who was a Muggle-born herself. There was also Mary Macdonald in Gryffindor, but she was definitely not in a place where she was ready to befriend a boy, much to your dismay, because she seemed like great fun.
So, you tried to balance things with Lily and swore to try to sway the boys away from Snape. And you did try, but it was quite difficult.
He was a git. No other way to put it. Well, there's many other ways to put it actually - unpleasant, greasy, rude, strident, oily - many adjectives, none of which were appreciated by Lily.
The only friend of yours she tolerated was Remus. So, you made it a point to include her in your study sessions.
Remus was uncertain at first. But Lily was nice, and after offering him a bar of chocolate to share (in secret from madam Pince, of course), he gave her a chance and gradually got used to her presence. He even started engaging with her in discussions about literature, a shared interest. Over time, he even started to show his more cheeky side, with friendly banter developed between the three of you.
The other thing about Remus was his secret he went to great lengths to hide. Maybe, if it had been just you living with him, he might have managed to conceal it for longer. After all, werewolves were not high on your list of priorities to research. But with three magically-raised boys present, after the February full moon, there was no denying it. When the four of you discussed it in your dorm, having casted all sorts of silencing and privacy charms while Remus was recovering in the infirmary, the other three seemed startled, each on some level. Peter was outright freaked out, James was jittery, and Sirius was at a loss for words—a concerning sign, given that his voice was usually constant unless he was sleeping, and sometimes not even then.
You suspected it the least, and yet, reacted the calmest. And for someone who claimed he knew since november, James seemed really torn about what to do next.
It wasn't a matter of sticking by Remus - well maybe a little for Peter - but overall, the challenge was dealing with the whole ordeal. "How do we tell him we know? How do we help him? Should we tell him anything?"
You settled on subtlety. The plan was simple: mention the subject "casually", show support, and then quickly move on to a different topic. Simple.
But Remus was way too smart, and soon enough, he began retreating from you. You started catching him sleeping in the common room and could barely get a word in between classes, as he somehow always had a place to be or homework to do. So you had to take extreme measures.
One day, after letting him avoid all four of you, you waited until he returned to the dorm to take a shower. You went in while he was in the bathroom, locked the door, again casted all known privacy and silencing charms and waited to ambush him with support and love.
So that's what you did. The moment he exited the bathroom and saw all four of you, he knew what it was about. He went to the door, but it wouldn't budge, and you made sure a simple alohomora would not even make the lock stir.
That evening involved a lot of screaming, tears, crying and finally, hugs.
"S- So, you- you really- you don't mind? I'm a monster" he said, with tears streaming down to the floor.
"Of course we don't Rem. You're our friend." said James.
At that he only cried more. James hugged him first, followed by the rest of you. Ultimatelly, you all woke up with back pain from sleeping huddled up together on the floor, but closer than ever.
The Christmas and Easter holidays you spent back home were uneventful. You were asked if you were doing well at school, and upon affirming, you were not pressed further. You didn’t even get the chance to talk about how Professor McGonagall had called you a prodigy, or how you had successfully cast some NEWT-level charms already. Nothing about your victories in the school dueling club. You didn’t get to complain about Potions or History. You were told to stick with the story your parents had concocted while you were away—that you were attending a boarding school in Scotland and that there was nothing special about it.
Your time at home only made you realise how little at home you actually felt. The forest was your reprieve. Beatrice the doe was always friendlier in the winter, knowing you'd have some extra carrots or other snacks for her. Nature didn't judge you, didn't silence you. You were in perfect symbiosis with it. You respected it and received respect in return.
So, it was no surprise that the last week of the school year was one of your worst. You wouldn’t see any of your friends over the holidays and didn’t have any friends to return to. You wouldn’t be able to talk with anybody about school, the latest issue of Transfiguration Today, or about Hippogriffs and Bowtruckles.
You could only cling to hope that the letters you all promised to send each other would be enough, or that they would at least pick your mood up a little bit.
The day before the ride back, you were sitting alone by the Black Lake, right next to the Forbidden Forest, where you knew no one ventured for fear of being kidnapped by centaurs or acromantulas. But that day, you heard a twig snap behind you and saw Sirius standing there.
Your sulking hadn’t made you blind to your surroundings. He clearly was doing even worse than you, and from his sparse stories about his home life, you knew why.
Neither of you said anything. He simply sat next to you, leaning against the same tree, and took your hand. You stayed there together until the sunset.
When you stood up, he held on, keeping you from leaving, and said, “I’ll miss you, and I can’t wait to see you in September. I won’t be able to say goodbye tomorrow, since-” he clearly didn’t want to mention his family, and you understood that.
"I will miss you too. Maybe we can write letters to each other" you responded.
He was going to refuse, knowing the risk of his mother reading his mail, but you quickly added, “I won’t send any. I’ll just save them up and give them to you when we see each other in september. You can do the same.” and then you hastily added, “If you want to, that is. I don’t want to pressure you into anything, I just-”
He interrupted you with a laugh followed by a tight hug. “I’ll write to you too.”
After that, you went on your way to the castle, while he waited a little while before returning. You both knew he couldn’t risk anyone from his family finding out he was spending time with a Mudblood, especially when there would be no time for tempers to cool down.
The only thing on you mind now, though, was the flutter of butterflies that erupted inside you the moment he hugged you and the tingling you still felt in the hand he held.
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akaicodes · 1 month
update to my roadmap of learning https://www.tumblr.com/akaicodes/744920785897111552/roadmap-of-learning-curriculum-related-so-far - 4 months later ♡
• C# - spent ~1 year so far practicing, more comfortable, can build whole sites/programs with little help
• HTML & CSS - started ~5 months ago, confident in both, can style a site without help online, still much to learn
• JavaScript + Vue - Axios - can build “full stack” applications where i do both backend & frontend and host online (love JS!!)
• REST - experienced for 5 months! can build my own REST API, use someone elses with axios & test it thoughoutly with Postman (+Javascript code)
• Unit testing & UI testing - learned so many better ways to unit test & UI test more indeph
• Started leaning Git more with commands
• SQL - can manipulate simple databases and more one from scratch
& huge thanks to my sister @niyacodes for being on this journey with me 💓
++++ I went to a 5 hour exam for all these subjects (+- more) and got the highest grade possible 🥹 (i failed my first programming exam in 1st sem!!!!) ((pic is my favorite after study-snack))
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koishiro · 1 year
Pussy power | 방탄소년단
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↳ SUMMARY: having to teach the lowest and failing class in school, you have to find a way to keep their attention and their grades up but it won’t be easy
↳ PAIRING: students!min yoongi, jung hoseok, park jimin, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook x teacher!reader
↳ GENRE: smut with plot
↳ CW/S: mentions of porn, age gap, stripping, protected sex, oral (male receiving)
Part 1 | 2
main masterlist | kpop masterlist | upcoming anon asks
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I gulped as my pen scratched out my signature, as easy as that.
They had me now. There was no going back. What the hell had I done?
I realised my first mistake when they reminded me that I had to show my legs again every Friday afternoon until the exams.
"It is in the contract Miss, under Miss L/n duties“ Jungkook reminded me.
"I don't remember seeing that: And "contract!" where did that come from? I cried with mock indignation. "It's just a paper isn't it? What are you, budding lawyers?"
Yoongi had just rolled his eyes in response, "Well, anyway, it's there alright“
They showed me. They were right. There it was, the bottom of the page. It was my fault for not reading the damn thing properly. (Miss Lushbody messes up)
But, secretly I was very pleased that I was going to be doing it. They had been working hard and I needed to keep the carrot dangling. Keep them interested and all that. So, that's what I started to do for them every Friday at 4.00. (After the bell)
It kept them back a bit, but, there was always full attendance: The girls always got away quickly, so they never knew about the boys’ little treat.
And, I must confess that I loved doing it. My justification being that It helped to keep my boys in line. Each time I did it, I shifted my skirt up a little higher, much to their delight. Showing more and more of my shapely long legs. And sometimes, if I was in the mood, they got a brief glimpse of my panties. They all liked that. And while they headed home, I rushed into the ladies again to finger my clit and pussy. Oh God, even a mini-display like that was working me up. And, as the boys rightly pointed out, it was good practice for the full strip which, I could be doing for them later in the year. I just had to think about that possibility and I got really excited...
The weeks rolled on and Easter came and went. I gave out stacks of homework for them to do over the holidays and despite cries of protest, everybody handed in the work. It was fantastic.
Amazingly, we got through a full year curriculum in less than 4 months. I had ticked off all the boxes and when the Ofsted inspectors arrived, they were reasonably impressed. I was proud of my class. They had backed me all the way and when the official report came through there was even a little mention of what a good job I had been doing.
"How on earth have you managed it?" Asked a puzzled, but, appreciative Namjoon one day when he called me in for a chat.
"Oh, we found some common ground," I was able to say. And, of course, it was the truth.
"Well, however you've managed it, you've done a fabulous job" he said.
But, then he didn't know about my promise to do a striptease.
The GCSE exams came round and soon it was just a case of waiting for those results.
With more time on my hands, I started to watch that porn video again; watching it over and over again. I was beginning to enjoy the end a bit more. The part where they all got to fuck her, one after the other...I noted the ecstatic look on Miss Lushbody's face. Brilliant acting? or was it real? It looked damn real to me. Usually, I was naked after copying her striptease routine. And now, I couldn't seem to stop masturbating afterwards.
Did I really want to do the striptease for my boys, together with the "other stuff?" That was what I was thinking about as I toyed down below. I knew I would be very disappointed if I didn't get the chance.
Then, the results came through and were posted on a big board in the school's reception area. There were the usual mixed emotions of joy and tears as the pupils gathered around. My heart was thumping wildly. How had they done? I was desperate to know but I couldn't bear to look. If they had all failed I would be so disappointed and not just for academic reasons. So I just went back to the classroom.
After a short while, my lot came back into the room and from the way they were grinning, I knew they had done well.
I got that pounding in my heart again, as one by one they told me what they'd recieved. My throat went as dry as dust.
I wrote it up on the blackboard. Most of them had achieved C grade passes. That's when I knew for certain that my fate was sealed.
Min Yoongi 7/ Jung Hoseok 4/ Park Jimin 5/ Jeon Jungkook 6/ Kim Taehyung 4/
It was incredible, because, my class had achieved no less than 25 GCSE grade C's not to mention a lot of other lesser grades. My headmaster and all of the staff were astounded. "How did you do it?" They all asked.
I reckoned that all this success wouldn't do my career any harm at all.
But, all I could think about was the realisation that now I would have to do the striptease for my class. I would have to display my naked body for them all to see. As Jimin had so delicately put it, they would get to see "tits, legs, pussy, everything."
Soon, they would be able to get a real good look at it and see for themselves. As I had that thought, I bit my lip and flushed with shame. What was I thinking about? Me, an older woman, no less a teacher, exposing her private parts for young boys to drool over? I hoped to hell no one ever finds out: But, as for calling it off? No way. I couldn't wait to display myself. I was looking forward to it as much as my boys did.
Although, I had started out with a "no-nonsense" short hair style at the beginning of the school year, I had purposely let mymy hair grow to shoulder length in the last couple of months. I wanted to look more like the porn star in the video I was obsessed with. Also, for my forthcoming performance, I had a plan to put it into braids like she did and this was because I thought it looked sexy and would excite my male audience. And, copying her again, I would also be wearing 4 inch heels to make my legs look longer and sexier.
Someone shouted something out and it broke me out of my thoughts.
I knew what they wanted.
Now that the euphoria of their successes had died down, my forthcoming performance was all they wanted to talk about. When and where was it going to happen?
Jungkook, my brightest pupil according to his grades, had an answer for that one too.
"Miss, there's a pub not far from here that has a room they use as a small concert hall. It's very private and you can have a lock-in. You could do it there!”
I considered this and like the others realised that it was an excellent idea. I had been worried for a while at the prospect of doing it in the classroom. There was a strong chance for us to get caught on school premises and that would have been the end of my teaching career. There was further discussion on details and I told him to book up the room. I even gave him some money to do it and a bit more for some booze.
Jungkook said the landlord would let us do a lock-in and keep it strictly private, if we bought the booze and hired the venue from him. "It's just an end of college celebration," Hoseok piped in. And, seeing that everyone there would be 18+ on the night, it was all legal and above board.
So...everything was arranged.
It struck me how good Yoongi was at taking charge. I was his teacher and at 27 I was 9 years older than him, but, he always seemed one step ahead.
"What do you think?" He said. "Start at seven? I'll make sure the place is tidy and organise some chairs for your... erm... customers. There's also a changing room out back”
Was there anything this guy hadn't thought of? No wonder he had done so well in the exams.
The night of the striptease came around, finally. By then, I was desperate to do my act. Anytime I had the chance, I had gotten in some practise. Miss Lushbody was getting competition.
I was so nervous, as I drove down to the pub that night; nervous, but very excited. A couple of the boys -Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok- met me at the door, said I looked sensational. That gave me a boost, because, I had spent ages getting my hair and make-up just right.
It was 6.45 p.m. I knew that because I had looked at my watch about 6 times on the way over. On the back seat, I had my stuff. I had fished out my old graduation hat and cape for my act, as I wanted to look exactly like Miss Lushbody. Underneath, I would have a bodice, stockings and suspenders together with a pair of sexy black lace panties. I was ready, God was I ready.
I checked the place out. It was perfect and just as Jungkook had described. Yoongi had also tidyed up as promised and there was a front row of chairs positioned close to a small elevated stage. Music was already playing and I was informed that the piece I was going to use for my striptease was ready when I was.
My audience was all there waiting, and, no doubt pleased to see that I had turned up and was going through with it.
Jimin padlocked the door to the big room. We wouldn't be disturbed. We had the landlord's promise.
"Oh God, please get me through this" I prayed, as I went into the small changing room near the back wall.
I checked my make-up in the mirror again, still perfect and not a hair out of place. Taking a deep breath, I took off my street clothes and donned the outfit.
I was ready. Opening the door slightly, I gave the signal for the music to start, Then, I went out onto the stage. Suddenly, a spotlight came on. It was like I was a professional, although, I had never done it in public before. However I was confident, that all that practise copying Miss Lushbody was going to see me through.
The guys cheered and gave me a big round of applause. That gave me more confidence. I knew then that they were on my side.
Beforehand, I had reminded them again that there were to be no photos or videos taken. It was something that had been agreed upon earlier in proceedings. I had too much to risk otherwise.
Then the music started and I started to dance to it as I had practised many times. I had copied the sexy movements of Miss Lushbody and she was one of the best I had ever seen.
The act went well and very smoothly. I got everything right, every move perfect. First the cape then the hat came off. Then swaying and dancing as I undid the zip at the back of the bodice. My slim, shapely figure was revealed. Also, there was now a lot more female flesh for the boys to savour. The excitement in the room seemed to be rising and I was enjoying myself, more than I ever thought I would.
Then, teasing them, I took off my bra. I received murmurs of approval followed by wolf whistles. I was feeling great and in control. They liked my tits; "quite a handful" was how they put it.
Then, I put my foot up on a chair and began to unfasten my stockings. Nice and slow as I did, just like Miss Lushbody. Then, seductively, I slid the stockings down each leg. More whistles of admiration, but, I knew already that they liked my long shapely legs. They had said so many times when I had done the sample treat for them in the classroom.
Now, I was standing there in just my panties and high heels. Time for more teasing as the music continued to provide real atmosphere. The lighting obviously helped (well done Jungkook)
Then I had them spellbound, as, slowly and tantalisingly I eased down the panties.
"Oooh" they shouted as my pussy came into play. Proudly, I stood with my long legs planted apart to let them have a look: A good, long look. Everyone present seemed to be focused hard on my pussy, as I felt their eyes burning into me. Erotic shivers trembled through me as I thrust my pussy meaningfully towards the boys. They inched closer, heads grouped together; within sniffing distance, as they say.
"Look at your teacher," I was effectively saying look at her cunt. "I am exposing my most private parts for you”
I felt myself getting wet and knew with certainty that I would be heading down the same erotic path as a certain pornstar.
As a matter of fact, I couldn't wait to be their sexual plaything. I had developed that kind of emotional feeling for all of them.
To finish off, I turned round and went on all fours pushing my ass up and out; spreading my knees to give them the maximum view of my ass and pussy. What a sight I must have presented to those horny young men. By doing this, I was going well beyond what I had planned to do, but, I was desperate to bare my full femininity to them. It was, in effect, the erotic surrender of this 27 year old teacher, to her young male pupils.
"Stay like that Miss," Taehyung barked out and I was glad to comply with the order. I held my pose knowing they would be staring hard at my girly charms. I sighed, happy to expose myself to my young male students. It was what I had fantasised about ever since the idea of a striptease had come to me.
At that moment, I had never been so excited in my whole life.
After that, they were lining up to get at me and to be honest I found it almost Impossible to choose between them. I liked them all...wanted them all.
But, Yoongi with his top exam result was first.
"Steady boys. We've got all night." shouted Hoseok. He was right, I wasn't going anywhere.
That was when I reminded them all about condoms. It was a subject that I had repeated often enough to them during sex education and they had come well prepared.
As Jungkook was kissing me, I felt his fingers on my pussy "Oooh" I groaned. This boy could do anything he wanted to me. The others would see me allowing his advances, but, I didn't care, the striptease had got me so horny I needed lots of sexual attention.
I let Jungkook have a quick feel, but, the clamour from the boys I had worked up to a frenzy, all wanted a piece of me. Before he was pushed away, I whispered that he could have me later and he was happy with that. Also, it was something for me to look forward to.
And, It was all out in the open now. The boys knew that sex was well and truly on the agenda and that I was up for anything. Rotas, papers, contracts were out the window now. As far as I was concerned they could all fuck me. I was a bitch in heat.
They were all grabbing me at once, but, Yoongi stepped in to sort them out. He was commanding without having to say anything, they weren't going to mess with him. He commandeered me then for his own sexual use by taking me back into my dressing room.
When we got there, I noticed with dismay that all my clothes were gone. There was no way I was getting out of there anytime soon.
Yoongi unzipped and took out his impressive cock. It was thick and fully erect and looked about 7 inches long. I purred with pleasure as I took in in my hand. This was just what I needed. He stood me against the wall and I spread my legs apart. My pussy was so wet I hardly felt him pushing it in to me. He was going to be the first to fuck me and probably not the last.
"Oh, Oh, Yoongi~" I gasped as he pushed in. All the way in.
"I've wanted to fuck you for months Miss L/n", he said reminding me that I was in fact their teacher. But, at that moment it was the last thing on my mind. I was getting very excited sexually and nothing was going to come between that.
Before I could think of anything else, Yoongi kissed me, his tongue snaking inside my mouth and finding mine. Meanwhile, his big cock continued to dominate and ravage my pussy. It was such a size and he was intent on giving me full measure. In and out, In and out he hammered into me. I was getting the best fuck I'd had in many a long day.
" Hurry up in there" someone shouted - likely Jimin, but, Yoongi just kept on fucking me with piston- like thrusts.
"Oh Yoongi," I moaned, as he kept on bouncing my ass off the wall.
"They'll just have to fucking wait," he growled. "’Teacher is mine”
He came, minutes later, with a triumphant shout as I felt his cum spurt inside. As he took his condom clad cock out, I leaned back against the wall and groaned. What a fuck that had been, one of the best I’ve had.
Then Jimin came to take me up on my promise. "I've found a room," he told me. I didn't hesitate to go with him. At that moment I would have followed him anywhere.
It was a small first aid room, but, with a bed in the corner. Trust him to have cleverly sussed it out.
"Is this part of the pub," I asked fearing he had found another entrance.
"Sort of," he said "but, it's within the locked area”
There was a fresh cover on the bed as he lay me down on it. Somehow, I felt that I would be spending a lot of time in here before I would be able to leave.
First he had a good feel of my naked body. Kissing the parts he liked best. And he liked a lot. "What a fantastic body you have Miss," he growled.
"Jimin~," I sighed.
I had looked forward to him ravaging me like this and he didn't disappoint. His hands seemed to be everywhere.
Then he spread my legs and worked two fingers into my slippery cunt before fucking them in a slow but steady piston like rhythm. I swooned in ecstasy...
"I've dreamt about doing this to you Miss every night since you first mentioned the idea of stripping”
"You can call me Y/n now, Jimin, since school is over now-“
"No"...he said adamantly. "It's got to be Miss or Teach. Keep the fantasy going you see”
I understood, only too well.
And then Jimin fucked me, taking his sweet time about it and telling me how much he had lusted after me ever since I had shown my legs in the classroom. Our sex coupling lasted a while before he came with a shudder and a long groan.
"What about a date then Miss," he asked cheekily, "just you and me?"
I looked into his eyes and didn't say no.
Just then, there were little taps on the frosted glass window. "You're in big demand lady," I heard Hoseok shout.
After Jimin, I had Jungkook. He was so shy that he hesitated to make eye contact with me. The poor thing couldn't get it up. "Aawww," he said in frustration.
"You're all tensed up" I told him. "Just relax. It will come”
I let him fondle my breasts for a while until his cock finally sprung to life. "I've never had a blow job", he confessed. "Would you give me one?" I duly obliged.
As soon as my lips touched the tip of his cock, it went really hard. It was a big cock, similar size to Yoongi’s and I soon found that I had trouble fitting most of it in my mouth. I gave it plenty of loving attention, using my expertise to lick, suck and excite him. This boy was in ecstasy, but, soon found it all too much. In a short time he was spurting his stuff into my mouth. "Swallow it," he hissed and obediently I let his white cream slide down my throat. Oh God, he was so cute...I so wanted to please him.
Jungkook couldn't wait to get in the room. I had been aware of him pacing with impatience just outside the door. He was already fully erect, so this time, he lay down and I squatted down on top to take in his cock. As we got going, I bounced up and down taking his erection all the way in. This way I dictated the fuck. As we built up a steady rhythm he reached up and groped my tits. My nipples stood out proud as they usually did with handling like this. As we fucked I threw back my head and moaned...it was so good.
"Go for it Kook!" were the words shouted through the doorway. They thought he was giving it to me real good and proper. Well it was his ramrod cock that was impaling me so I suppose they were right. But I was in control and loving every second of it. "Stay hard" I urgedmd him as I kept up the action. Why was fucking so wonderful? It was heavenly and lasted a good while before he reached his climax.
Oh God! I remember thinking, I had to have him again...
Taehyung wanted me next. Jungkook had hardly left the room before he was bustling his way in. "I want my cock in that pretty mouth of yours, Teach," he announced. "You've lectured me with it often enough this year. Now it can do something useful for a change”
"But do it good," he warned as I took his hard cock in my hands and gladly started to suck. It was a bigger than Jimin’s, but, wisely, I didn't say so because ears might be listening and the boy himself might be standing right outside. So, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of having that big thing in my mouth. Lovingly, I licked the length of the shaft, before I got down to a rhythmic sucking motion. I tried to make it last, but, soon Taehyung was shuddering and I felt him about to explode. Then I got it all, as a jet of cum cascaded into my mouth and throat.
Taehyung ordered me to swallow..."every last drop" But I was doing that already. I gulped it down, spurt after spurt, before licking my lips. Yummy.
I thought about how many cocks I had seen to since my strip and did a count. "Where's Hoseok" I asked.
He was sitting in a daze in the front row. His eyes fixed on the stage and nursing a pint of beer. As if hoping I was going to do a repeat performance.
He turned his head when he heard me. "Hello Miss," he said. "Don't forget me, will you”
As if I would.
"I ain't had my fuck yet, Miss", he said reminding me in a husky voice. "And seeing how you went on your hands and knees and pushed your ass in the air, I fancy having you doggy style..."
Frank found a worn old sofa and turned it round so he could drape me over it. It was just the right height for a rear entry, my curvaceous ass so tempting. I was like a rag doll as he spread my legs apart and had a well - deserved feel of my thighs and bum.
"Go for it Hoseok," I urged. After all he had been patiently waiting while the others had been having fun. But, now, it was his turn to get sexily intimate with his teacher and he announced his intention to give me a damn good fucking.
I felt his big cock penetrate my wet pussy and sighed happily in surrender letting it happen. He humped me good and proper, his powerful thrusts nearly lifting me off balance. I hung on desperately, as his big cock plumbed and ravaged the depths of my pussy with devastating effect.
Everyone else just stood and watched. No doubt admiring his cockmanship and watching me getting well and truly fucked.
My inevitable orgasm came, like a tidal wave, as Hoseok’s relentless fucking sent me over the edge. With all the sexual attention I had been having, I suppose that this rare event for me had been inevitable. I was told later that my unbridled scream of ecstasy filled the room, as everyone stopped and watched my complete and utter sexual degradation.
I was their disgraced slut of a teacher.
I am ashamed to say that my vows and responsibilities as a teacher were swept aside that night as, one by one, the boys in my class lined up and sexually used me again and again. It went on ‘til closing time and beyond. At the end I was "literally" fucked out. Second time around, the pace was slower and they enjoyed me more. They respected each other's time with their teacher. Lots of kissing and feeling as the night wore on.
They were very good after that, I have to say. My clothes were returned and I stuffed my stripper outfit into a carrier bag. I managed to get my make-up and general appearance back to something normal and the boys chipped in for a taxi to take me home. Hopefully, the excited flush on my face would die down a bit before I had to face the public eye.
Before I left, six telephone numbers were pushed into my pocket. They didn't want to lose touch, they said. All of them wanted to see me again.
And that pleased me to no end, because, after all that had happened between me and my five boys, I too wanted to keep in contact.
As I sped off home in the taxi, I wondered idly what next year's class would be like.
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Part 1 | 2
Date posted: 17/08/23
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sagecodex · 2 years
Jcink Coding Communities & Resources
Coding shouldn’t feel like some exclusive, unattainable club. We all started somewhere—most of us just messing with elements to try customizing them before we got ✨ambitious✨ and started building our own projects. 
Most of us are hobby coders, and we can’t always hold everyone’s hand as they’re getting into the community. Plus, a lot of our knowledge is hobbled together according to need (maybe that’s just my personal experience though lol). But we can share the resources and communities we use to build our sites and skins with you. So here’s my ever-growing list of communities, resources, and learning tools I’ve used, and still use every day, to build my projects.
If I’ve missed a valuable community or resource, let me know so I can add it to the list! And if you’re a coder with resources on your blog, reblog this with a link to a tag that others can follow! 
Jcink Support Community This should be everyone’s first stop shop when it comes to Jcink. The support forum has an active community that’s ready to help with specific problems, and is full of very specific codes that usually don’t ever make it to other resource forums. Learn how to use the search function to find what you’re looking for!
Caution to the Wind The OG jcink rp resource site at this point. It has a lot of what we now consider essential building blocks of our forums, as well as tutorials to teach you how to do things.
jCodes A community that is mostly full of JavaScript coders, with an amazing collection of Jcink plugins to optimize your forum and add functionality. Not necessarily the best for learning, but definitely a wealth of resources.
Sourced A mini-resource community, hosted by Essi. It’s the home of many useful resources for forum development that Essi and others have put together. This is not an active community, but a home for resources. 
RPG Initiative A resource forum for more than just Jcink rp’s. There isn’t so much a coding community here, but there are some great coding guides in the codex.
RPG Directory Another general resource site, the coding community here is pretty quiet these days, but it has some classic tutorials and resources worth visiting.
Discord Groups
The Jcink Community Corner A great community for coding, as well as writing and general site management. For newbies and pro’s alike! This is the general home for most of us (afaik), and is probably the biggest/most active group of jcink coders on discord.
Coding Camp A discord community for all levels of coders. Camp offers regular coding challenges, as well as a variety of resources for beginners who might not know where to start but want to get into the thick of things.
General (and free!) Learning Resources
If you’re just starting out, want a general refresher, or are a seasoned pro looking to add some credentials to your name, these resources are for you! All of them are free and are not Jcink-specific.
Free Code Camp Learn how to code for free! It walks you through the basics to build the fundamentals you need to start on more complex projects. I’ve done the CSS and JavaScript courses and cannot recommend it enough.
The Odin Project A full stack curriculum that I’ve heart great things about! I haven’t used it myself so I can’t speak to it, but their JavaScript and CSS courses looks amazing.
Flexbox Froggy A game to learn how to use flexbox and all its corresponding properties by organizing some frogs and their lilypads. When I take a break from coding, I always play a round of flexbox froggy as a refresher.
Grid Garden A game to learn how to use CSS Grid! A lot like flexbox froggy, but with vegetables. 
CSS Tricks Not recommended to open until you have a basic handle on things, only because it has a wealth of articles that are easy to get lost in. But if you’re looking for how to do something specific, chances are CSS Tricks has an article on it!
Stack Overflow An active community for coding of ALL kinds, every question about coding ever has been asked and answered here somewhere. 
W3 Schools The reference sheets on W3 are tools I reference all the time. I always have a tab with the CSS or JavaScript references up, because nobody can remember all the properties and what they do off the top of their head!
CodePen A place to start creating your own codes! It has live updates, so you can see what you’re creating as you make it. And you can use it to create a nice little portfolio for yourself! You can also “fork” other users’ codes to play with them, figure out how they work, and learn how to implement those practices into your own work. (side note: if you see my profile on CodePen, no you didn’t, it’s a mess)
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
Ask Game: After the Sports Festival, Izuku is assigned a Management student to help him, as the latter has pointed out in her report he needs help with PR and actually guessed he was a late bloomer by his showing. Informally, the faculty hopes Izuku will get her to talk about her home life, as they know Toga Himiko is being abused by her parents but can’t prove it.
This is a normal part of the curriculum in this AU. Management Students frequently work with Hero Course students for mutual benefit. Not every First Year gets a Management partner after the Sports Festival, but it isn't uncommon. Nedzu had actually considered assigning Toga to Midoriya himself.
Toga in this AU goes Plus Ultra when it comes to Management. (Read: distracting herself from her problems by letting herself be consumed by her work.) She shows up to her meeting with Midoriya with a full stack of papers of different Quirks throughout recent history, descriptions of their functions, etc. She also has mock interviews and various suggestions of ways to appear more confidant.
Midoriya is overwhelmed by this, but an upperclassman is going out of their way to help him and he refuses to let this be a waste of time! He read every last paper she brought in her giant packets. Toga is somewhat intimidated by that. What's important is that reading all that stuff about Quirks helped him have his breakthrough that he was treating the Quirk wrong, as well as how to use Full Cowling.
Gran Torino is surprised to see how much control Midoriya has worked out by the time he arrives, and as such Midoriya get more workplace experience, like what Gran was planning on having him do when he was taking him to Tokyo when the Hosu attack happened in canon.
That experience is the crucial difference when Midoriya is facing Stain alone in Hosu
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stuintern1 · 2 months
Transform Your Career with Our Live Full Stack MERN Course on StuIntern!
Are you eager to become a full-stack web developer and master the latest technologies? StuIntern.com is very thrilled to introduce our Live Full Stack MERN Developer Course crafted to equip you with the skills & the knowledge needed to excel in the tech industry. With a focus on hands-on learning & the real-world applications, this course is your gateway to becoming a proficient full-stack developer using the MERN stack.
Why Enroll in Our Live Full Stack MERN Course?
1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers the entire MERN stack—MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js—ensuring you acquire a thorough understanding of how each of them function together. Some areas that would be covered include:
MongoDB: Learn to design & then manage databases using this powerful NoSQL database.
Express.js: Understand how to build scalable web applications & the APIs with this minimalist web framework for Node.js.
React: Master the art of creating dynamic & the responsive user interfaces with this popular JavaScript library.
Node.js: Gain expertise in server-side JavaScript and learn to create robust back-end solutions.
2. Expert Instructors: Our instructors are professionals from industry who have spent years of their lives acquiring deep technical knowledge as well as experience. This will enable them to give insights that are practical in nature so that you can know what best practices are as well as advanced techniques provided by actual experts.
3. Real-World Projects: With our project-based approach, put your skills into practice in real scenarios. This will involve working on practical assignments as well as building full-stack applications from scratch which will give you skills that are valuable in future employment opportunities.
4. Interactive Live Sessions:  Our live classes offer an opportunity for direct communication between tutors and students. It aids instant feedback and dynamic discussions while deepening their understanding of complex concepts.
5. Affordable Pricing: At StuIntern.com, we believe quality education should be accessible. Our MERN Stack Development Course is priced competitively, offering exceptional value without compromising on content or support. Flexible payment options are available to suit your budget.
6. Lifetime Access: Enroll once and have lifetime access to everything including course session recordings, code samples, other resources etc. Get back at the material when you want or learn about stuff you missed earlier.
Course Highlights
Hands-On Learning: Build and deploy your own full-stack applications.
Expert Guidance: Receive mentorship and support from experienced developers.
Career Preparation: Gain practical skills and a portfolio of projects to showcase to potential employers.
Flexible Schedule: Join live sessions at times that fit your schedule, with recordings available for review.
How to Enroll
1. Visit StuIntern.com: Navigate to the MERN Stack Course page. 
2. Select Your Plan: Choose the course package that aligns with your learning goals and budget.
3. Register Online: Fill out the registration form and complete your payment through our secure system. 
4. Get Started: Receive all the necessary details to join live sessions and access course materials.
Don’t Wait—Transform Your Future Today!
Step forward in web development skill and create a path to a bright career with our Live MERN Stack Developer Course. Reserve your s-eat now because space is limited and start your journey to becoming an accomplished full-stack developer.
For further information, or to register go to StuIntern.com and take the first step in mastering the MERN stack.
StuIntern.com—Empowering Your Tech Career with Excellence!
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bcbdrums · 3 months
Happy 4th of July 🥳🎉
Did You have a good time at camp?
Thank you!! 🎆🇺🇸🎆 (Fireworks going off around me past 1:00 AM my gosh lol.) And, I did have a good time!! 😁
Heh, I basically never do personal rambles on my blog, but you've given me the chance and I feel like it.
Gotta mention the Airbnb... Randomly full of huge liquor bottles?? Mostly bourbon, but other things too. Stacked high and deep on every single kitchen cabinet; it was easily 100 bottles if not more. And then suddenly, two days before I checked out... The booze was gone. I have no explanation except I think the homeowners must be in some kind of transition based on other circumstantial evidence, but I'll leave that topic there.
At camp this year they were short-staffed so I was the snack person and the photographer. Now... the latter was daunting. It's a music and movement family day camp (to give the absolute most basic description). I only had my phone, and it's not a new model. So there were many blurry photos daily that I had to delete and then many semi-blurries I kept because otherwise there wouldn't be enough photos.
I had to make a slideshow every night to be played the next morning to show what everyone had done at camp (around a total of 150 ppl at camp including adults, kids separated into groups by age (camp is ages 3 and up) so the slideshow got to showcase each group... Meanwhile, I've no idea how to do a slideshow. I've no idea how to get hundreds and ultimately probably over 2000 photos from my iPhone to my Dell PC. And then the PC won't read the .heic files. Aaaaand.... Camp was many sleepless nights of panic trying to make this happen. (Oh, and the A/V system at the site hosting the camp was buggy too, so I had to work around that.) Wanna give a public thanks to @cannibal-nightmares who pulled over at like 1am that first night when I was panicking to message a bunch of people to try to get help for me, and ultimately saved me hours of work (not that I wasn't up till nearly midnight each night and 2am the last night) on the slideshow, and saved my sanity.
Sounds like more trouble than it's worth, right...? Wrong. I probably spent around $2K to get there/Airbnb/rental car as well, and all my service was volunteer.
Bcb, you're crazy. Why would you do this? Because these people are everything to me. And the profound, profound work they do for children... The program is a music education program but it's based in neuroscience and a philosophy of play/flow-state in the brain for learning. It's extremely precise, well-thought and executed, and proven to work not just for music education, but as...a philosophy of life. I could give you so many anecdotes... The depth of this work cannot be summarized. It's more than a camp and more than a curriculum. And these people care. I say I'd do anything for them, because of the genuine love they've shown for me. And that is ultimately what it comes down to - love.
Everyone in the world should study this philosophy. It has changed my life for the better and quite possibly saved it in many ways. If you're interested, you can PM me for more info.
Thank you pal, for asking!
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babybluebanshee · 1 year
Stuff I've had to deal with as a city librarian - Halloween Spooktacular
Hello again boils, ghouls, and nonbinary werewolves! Your old buddy Blue has a backlog of whack-ass stories from her travels as a humble library clerk, so here's a big post fulla laughs, drama, and maybe a few bodily fluids tossed in for flair.
Seriously though, tw for bodily fluids, bugs, and PTSD
*A woman came up to the front desk and asked if we had a quiet area where she could make a zoom call and not disturb anyone. No prob, have people asking that all the time. The study rooms were all full, so she was pointed in the direction of the cafe. A few minutes go by, and suddenly everyone at the desk and the page in the shelves beyond it hears loud ass shouting coming from the cafe. Julie heads down to inspect, hoping it's not a fight she has to break up. Nope, as it turns out, the lady on the zoom call is leading an exercise class. She has a mat and everything, and was leading her class in aerobics when Julie got down there. We quickly moved her to a more out-of-the-way conference room.
*A children's board book was return to us with a bite taken out of it. The area was still wet. We do not know if it was child or beast that took the bite. We had to throw it away regardless.
*We had to bake almost all our DVD cases because we found two with bed bug eggs in them.
*A woman printed out some color pictures and asked if I could check to make sure they came out. I picked up the stack and the first one on top was of an angry-looking woman with her tits out. My surprise must have been pretty evident because the woman I was helping immediately turned red and told me they were for a court case.
*Like everywhere else in this god-forsaken country, homeschooling has been on the rise in these parts. As such, we get parents all the time coming in with printed copies of the curriculum they chose and asking if we have the books recommended by them. Whatever we don't have, we can usually get through inter library loan, but the catch with that is you can only have five going at a time. One day, we had a mother come in with a list of three hundred books her curriculum recommended, and she had us check out catalogue for all of them. Branson started helping her, but her shift ended in the middle of it, so I had to do the rest. It took forever, and we ended up only having about fifty of them because I guess this homeschooling curriculum hasn't been updated since the mid-2000s. To her credit, the mother was very exasperated with homeschooling in general and knows that her daughter doesn't want to do it anymore. Her husband is adamant that their kid not go to public school, however. I fought every urge to say that was fine for him to say when he clearly wasn't doing a goddamn thing to help her.
*There's a patron that comes in whom we know nothing about except that he's had multiple heart attacks and has massive anxiety about potentially having another. We know this because he tells us every time the library gets too loud for him, because he believes the noise will somehow "trigger" another heart attack. Normally, we would have no problem with that; heart attacks are scary, he has every right to be anxious about it and request quiet spots to hang out. However, the problem is that he takes it upon himself to police other patrons in the library who he thinks are being too loud near him. Some children were nearby, working on a puzzle and started getting a little rambunctious, and the dude yelled at the top of his voice for them to shut up and get away from him. We had to speak louder for a patron who was hard of hearing, and the death glare he gave us was chilling. He snaps at anyone who forgets to shut the sound off on their phone. The director finally had to tell him he can't harass patrons and to tell us if he has a problem with someone's volume. He's been better behaved since then, but any time we see him, we're instantly worried he's gonna flip out again.
*A little boy in a wheelchair came in with his family, and my god, that kid could zip around fast. His mom mentioned that she forgot to grab a book for his sister, so he rolled into the kid's area to grab it for her. He was back faster than a patron who could just walk in. And you could tell he was very proud of that fact.
*Shae gave me a Sylveon card about a year ago, and I wear it laminated on my lanyard (because I was originally gonna hang it from my rearview mirror but forgot). It's always a big hit with kids. One little girl, however, liked it so much she asked if she could have it. I chuckled and told her sorry, it was a gift from a friend. She merely replied, "no, I want it" and started making a grab for it. Luckily, she was on the other side of the counter and couldn't reach it, but it was still weird. Especially because her mother was right there and made no move to stop or reprimand her.
*My coworker Branson had to clean...something off the bathroom floor one night. She's adamant it wasn't poop, but also said it was so dried out she had to use a putty knife to scrape it off. Our best guess is vomit.
*I was working on a display at the desk and a little black girl came up to watch me work. We chatted for a little, her asking me all the usual little kid questions. Eventually, she asked me if I had kids. I said no, I liked being an auntie better. Plus, I wasn't married, so I couldn't have kids. She thought for a moment, then said "why don't you just buy one?" Branson was nearby and I heard her choke on a laugh. I was pretty close to losing it myself, and said, "I don't think it's very nice to buy a person." Luckily, her dad came up and they left shortly after, so Branson and I could finally laugh about it.
*A patron and his family got taken to court for not returning almost $200 worth of books and DVDS, after ignoring the four warnings we give people before we actually take that step (because at that point you're actively stealing city property). The patron was ordered by a judge to either bring the items to court or pay to replace them, so he brought them to the courthouse. The clerk was going to take them and the whole thing would have been over and done...except he wouldn't give them to her without a library employee present. He never gave a real reason except he was concerned the clerk would "do something" with the items. So without contacting the library or judge the clerk told him he could bring the books directly to the library. When the judge found out what she'd done, he called the library and told us what was happening, and to hopefully expect the guy in there that night. Predictably, we haven't seen him. This was almost a month ago.
*Branson got a phone call from the county jail, which is actually pretty common for libraries. Patrons get arrested and want to make sure their accounts are clear so they don't potentially get into further trouble with outstanding items. Branson goes through all the hold music and questions to finally get the patron on the line...and he'd dialed the wrong number. Branson felt so bad for him.
*A guy came in to use the computers. Donna was getting him set up, sitting at the desk, so she can only see him from about his torso up. He ended up needing help printing something, so I help him, and finally see the sidearm he's got in a holster on his belt. I tell him the library doesn't allow firearms of any kind, no, I do not care that he has a conceal carry, he can't have a weapon in a municipal building. He's kinda testy about it, asking why we don't have a sign. I tell him we do. He had to walk by it to get in the building. In fact, we have one at all three entrances. He smugly asks me to show him, because he didn't see them. Me, petty bitch that I am, make this fucker walk to all three entrances and show him each sign, then tell him as politely as I can to get rid of the gun before he comes back in. He huffily complies.
*I came into work one day and the director immediately called me to the back. He informed me that a couple was having a loud, angry argument on the patio outside the kid's area, and they called the cops for a wellness check because the woman sounded to be in legit distress. Like, rocking back and forth and screaming swears distress. Cop comes and presumably sends them on their way. We don't know for sure because he came, went out to talk to them, and just...left.
*A guy came in to pick up an inter library loan, and when Branson asked for his card, he said he didn't have one. Like, he wasn't a patron. Never mind how the hell he managed to get a fulfilled ILL without one. Branson informs him he has to get a card before he can check out the book, but it's going to cost him $15 since he lives outside city limits. He tries to pay with a check made out to him from someone else. We tell him that won't work. He leaves to get cash, but then immediately turns around and asks if he can just buy the book. I tell him no, since a) it's not our book to sell and b) we're not in the habit of selling books in the collection anyway. I ask if he'd like me to find it on Amazon for him, and he says no. He leaves and doesn't come back. Bonnie sent the ILL back, and we haven't seen him since.
*A lot of our patrons have conspiracy theory brain rot, so you can only imagine the fanciful tales we heard about the emergency test signal. There were theories it would "activate the nanites" in the covid vaccine and either kill everyone who got one or turn them into liberal zombies. My director had someone 100% seriously call it "the Satan signal". It would have been funny if it weren't so stupid.
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azucarmorena97 · 11 months
Come Through (Jungkook Love Story Prologue)
A/N: This story is based off of Jungkook's section in my "BTS As Cliched School Tropes" piece, found here.
Flashforward 1 ||
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The class is full, the low hum of students chatting and getting to know each other, save for a few tables with people who seem desperate to avoid human contact. You're at one such table, the two other people seated around you have their noses shoved so far into their phone you kind of can't even really see what they look like all the way. The classroom door opens, and in walks a short older lady dressed in an apron and loose button up shirt and linen pants. Definitely the teacher.
"Good morning everyone!" She greets cheerfully, to which many of the students respond with an equally (or slightly less) cheerful tone. "I'm so excited to meet you all for this semester of ceramics class! My name is Professor Han-" She continues on into the introduction of herself and the curriculum you'll be learning in the semester. "Okay, everyone- we won't be getting into any clay today but we will be doing a quick get-to-know-you activity. I've printed out these sheets," She lifts up a stack of papers that seem to have a bunch of squares on them, "You're gonna take one and then you'll be walking around the room to see who fits the descriptions in each box- For example, this square says 'I've traveled out of the country before', so if that person fits the description, you'll write that person's name-" You're already dreading the exercise as you're not necessarily very outgoing the first time around. Just as she's about to finish explaining, the door opens again, though this time, it's as though a great, collective silence falls over the entire room.
At first, only a tall, dark silhouette- barely illuminated by the hallway's lights behind him- though when he finally does step inside, your breath catches in your throat and you can feel your cheeks burning. A guy with long, dark, shaggy black hair that falls just over his eyes; his body is slim but so toned even through his loose-fitting white tee-shirt, and his blue jeans hug his legs in the best way possible. It doesn't take you long to notice that he's completed tatted up on one arm. Oh the things you'd do to him- "Thank you for joining us, please take a seat! Someone please explain the activity to your classmate," Professor Han seems to be the only one not completely affected by this perfect marble statue before her; everyone else seems to be on pause- though you do notice some girls immediately removing their backpacks and purses out of the seats next to them. You don't even get a second to gather yourself before you realize he's walking over to your table. You feel you might barf. "Is this seat taken?" He asks, leaning forward so he's whispering close to your ear. You shake your head and motion for him to sit, "You're good" is the only thing you're able to peep out. "Thanks," He says simply before taking his seat. He must have hit some invisible switch because suddenly, the other two people at your table (the ones who couldn't even be bothered before to glance in yours or eachother's direction) now have their eyes fixed on him. He doesn't seem to notice as the papers are being passed to every table; he's too busy looking confusedly down at the activity. "So...what are we supposed to do?" He asks, leaning in again. You can feel the hairs all over your body stand on end- a visceral reaction to his angelic voice. "You basically try to look for someone to fit the description of each one of the boxes," You do your best to avoid eye contact, fearing you'll easily fall apart with even just a single glance. "I see," He strokes his chin briefly before taking a pen out from behind his ear, "Seems easy enough." You nod and reach into your bag for a pen of your own. "So, which ones of these do you fall under?" He asks, looking up from the paper. Dammit. You failed. You can't manage to look away quickly enough, and your eyes connect. You swallow, "I- I've uhm-" You tear your eyes away from his and back to the paper, hoping to God he didn't notice how nervous he'd made you, "I've broken my arm before." He raises his eyebrows, "Oh yeah? How?" "I was 12- climbed a tree and fell straight down," You laugh sheepishly, "Not my best moment." He chuckles, "Been there, done that. I've never broken a bone before but I've fallen out of a few trees in my day- wait, what's your name?" "Oh- it's Y/n." "Y/n," He repeats. Your heart jumps when he says it; you've never wanted someone to say your name again so much in your life. "Wh-what about you? What do you fall under?" "Hm... I can speak Korean, I play an instrument-" He chews on his bottom lip as he reads over the other boxes. "Okay, well I only need one box anyway," You proceed to position your pen, "What's your name?" "Wait, one box? Did she say we couldn't do the same person for all the boxes?" "Well, no but I'm assuming-" "Eh, forget the assumption. Just write my name for all these boxes," He says, reaching over you to point to a few other boxes. The smell of his cologne envelopes you so snuggly, you don't ever want him to move away from you. "Alrighty then," You say, clearing your throat. "Jungkook," He says, leaning backward in his chair. "Y/n?" His voice snaps you back into reality, followed by him waving his hand in front of your face. "Oh, sorry- I spaced out," You blush. He chuckles, "Don't worry about it. Thanks for the help," He says, sticking his hand out for you to shake it, to which you comply. "Of course." Without another word, he's up and out of his chair and walking around to find more names to write on the rest of his boxes.
"Jungkook," You repeat as he had only minutes ago with your name. You almost want to savor each syllable; to feel it roll on your tongue. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back. And. Forth.
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akashag18 · 5 months
Mastering Full Stack Development: Your Path to a Bright Future
In today's competitive job market, gaining practical skills is crucial. Our Full Stack Development Course with Placement offers a comprehensive curriculum covering both front-end and back-end development. With hands-on projects and expert guidance, you'll be equipped to tackle real-world challenges. Plus, our dedicated placement assistance ensures that you're on the right track to secure rewarding job opportunities in the tech industry.
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education43 · 6 months
 Full Stack Developer Course Duration and Fees
Are you considering a career as a Full Stack Developer? Understanding the course duration and fees can be crucial in making informed decisions about your education and career path. Let's dive into the details of what you can expect when pursuing a Full Stack Developer course.
Course Duration
The duration of a Full Stack Developer course can vary depending on various factors such as the institute, curriculum, and learning format (part-time, full-time, online, offline). Typically, a Full Stack Developer course can range from a few months to a year or more. Here's a breakdown of common durations:
1. Bootcamp Style Courses
 These intensive programs are often designed to be completed in a few months, ranging from 3 to 6 months. They are immersive and focus on hands-on learning to quickly prepare students for entry-level roles.
2. Part-Time Courses
 If you're balancing work or other commitments, part-time courses may span anywhere from 6 months to a year. They offer flexibility but may take longer to complete compared to full-time programs.
3. Full-Time Courses
Full-time Full Stack Developer courses are typically more immersive and intensive, lasting around 3 to 9 months. They require a significant time commitment but can fast-track your learning.
4. Online Courses
 Online Full Stack Developer courses often provide self-paced learning options, allowing you to complete the course in your own time. The duration can vary widely, from a few months to a year or longer.
The fees for Full Stack Developer courses can also vary based on factors like the institute's reputation, course format, curriculum depth, and additional resources provided. Here's what you can expect regarding fees:
1. Bootcamp Style Courses
 These intensive programs may have lower fees compared to longer courses, ranging from a few thousand to several thousand dollars.
2. Part-Time and Full-Time Courses
 These courses typically have higher fees due to their comprehensive nature and instructor-led learning. Fees can range from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the institute and course duration.
3. Online Courses
 Online Full Stack Developer courses often offer a more affordable option, with fees ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. However, keep in mind that the quality and depth of online courses can vary widely.
Factors to Consider:
When evaluating Full Stack Developer courses based on duration and fees, consider the following factors:
1. Curriculum Quality 
Look for courses that cover a comprehensive range of technologies and industry best practices.
2. Instructor Expertise 
Check the qualifications and experience of instructors to ensure high-quality teaching.
3. Job Placement Support
Research if the institute offers job placement assistance or networking opportunities.
4. Reviews and Testimonials
Seek feedback from past students to gauge the course's effectiveness and value for money.
In conclusion, the duration and fees of a Full Stack Developer course can vary significantly, and it's essential to choose a program that aligns with your learning style, career goals, and budget. Conduct thorough research, consider your options carefully, and embark on your journey to becoming a proficient Full Stack Developer.
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corpusdigitalhub · 7 months
Mastering Data Analytics: Your Path to Success Starts at Corpus Digital Hub
Corpus Digital Hub is more than just a training institute—it's a hub of knowledge, innovation, and opportunity. Our mission is simple: to empower individuals with the skills and expertise needed to thrive in the fast-paced world of data analytics. Located in the vibrant city of Calicut, our institute serves as a gateway to endless possibilities and exciting career opportunities.
A Comprehensive Approach to Learning
At Corpus Digital Hub, we believe that education is the key to unlocking human potential. That's why we offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics, from basic data analysis techniques to advanced machine learning algorithms. Our goal is to provide students with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in today's competitive job market.
Building Strong Foundations
Success in data analytics begins with a strong foundation. That's why our courses are designed to provide students with a solid understanding of core concepts and principles. Whether you're new to the field or a seasoned professional, our curriculum is tailored to meet your unique needs and aspirations.
Hands-On Experience
Theory is important, but nothing beats hands-on experience. That's why we place a strong emphasis on practical learning at Corpus Digital Hub. From day one, students have the opportunity to work on real-world projects and gain valuable experience that will set them apart in the job market.
A Supportive Learning Environment
At Corpus Digital Hub, we believe that learning is a collaborative effort. That's why we foster a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel empowered to ask questions, share ideas, and explore new concepts. Our experienced faculty members are dedicated to helping students succeed and are always available to provide guidance and support.
Cultivating Future Leaders
Our ultimate goal at Corpus Digital Hub is to cultivate the next generation of leaders in data analytics. Through our rigorous curriculum, hands-on approach, and supportive learning environment, we provide students with the tools and confidence they need to excel in their careers and make a positive impact on the world.
Join Us on the Journey
Are you ready to take the next step towards a brighter future? Whether you're a recent graduate, a mid-career professional, or someone looking to make a career change, Corpus Digital Hub welcomes you with open arms. Join us on the journey to mastery in data analytics and unlock your full potential.
Contact Us Today
Ready to get started? Contact Corpus Digital Hub to learn more about our programs, admissions process, and scholarship opportunities. Your journey towards success starts here!
Stay connected with Corpus Digital Hub for the latest news, updates, and success stories from our vibrant community of learners and educators. Together, we'll shape the future of data analytics and make a difference in the world!
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amayaarora · 10 months
Full Stack Developer Course in Varanasi with Placement.
The Full Stack Development Course in Varanasi offers a comprehensive curriculum covering both front-end and back-end technologies. Designed to impart a well-rounded skill set, the course equips participants with proficiency in various programming languages, frameworks, and tools essential for full stack development. Emphasizing practical learning, the program provides hands-on experience in building and deploying applications, ensuring students are well-prepared for real-world challenges. This Full Stack Development course in Varanasi follows industry best practices, preparing participants for a successful career in the dynamic and evolving field of full stack development.
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warystares · 10 months
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FULL NAME remington alexander luck NICKNAME(S) remy + luck + lucky remy luck ( competitively ) GENDER / PRONOUNS cis man / he + him AGE/ BIRTHDAY thirty-four / june 9th OCCUPATION card shark + con artist AFFILIATION / ROLE jade tribe / associate ORIENTATION / STATUS pansexual / single STRENGTHS charismatic + observant + dexterous WEAKNESSES flighty + distrusting + arrogant
tw: mention of murder, brief blood + gore !
remington luck ! what a fucking MONIKER. and oh, believe the IRONY of the name is not lost on him. because LUCK ? luck isn't something that's just handed to a blue-eyed, barefoot boy from the bayou, no sir. those kinds of goods have to be EARNED. but he's born with a quick wit and a keen eye ; not the most apparent tools for SURVIVAL in the deep south, but remy's a resourceful one. GOTTA BE, really — ain't like his folks give even h a l f a rat's ass about him, so he's got to look out for himself. that's just the way of the world, so the boy with the mousy brown hair makes the most of the brain hiding beneath it and does what he does best : HE LEARNS THE RULES. ( his brain is like a goddamn s p o n g e, after all. ) and at first, his intentions are earnest. he genuinely thinks that'll HELP him, that if he just keeps his head down and does everything he's told, everything will just work out. it doesn't actually work out at all. turns out life's not like the movies, not like the books. FUCK.
remington is only ten years old when he realizes that the so-called ' RULES ' of life ? of society ? well, they're not actually rules at all, are they ? spending hours on his homework to find some sort of STIMULATION in his room won't make his instructors praise him. maintaining excellent grades and attendance in spite of the overwhelming BOREDOM he feels with the curriculum won't garner his parents' affections. ( they've never even ASKED to see a fucking report card. how could he expect they'd want to hang one on the fridge ? how could he be so STUPID ? it's unlike him. ) calling every wanted ad in the newspaper won't find him the job he needs as a child for new clothes, new school supplies, new anything. everything he wants, everything he NEEDS, it's all perpetually out of reach. and he's convinced it's because he's been going about it the RIGHT way, and that's all fucking WRONG.
so instead of learning the rules so he can FOLLOW them, remy commits them to memory better figure out the best ways to BREAK them. his adolescence is a colorful array of lies and cons, petty theft and schemes. never to get rich, he isn't GREEDY. it's only ever just enough to GET BY. ( at least at first. ) the problem is, somewhere along the way, he discovers he's beginning to love the THRILL of it. it's an adrenaline rush — the preparation, the pounding heartbeat. will he get caught ? the answer, more often than not, is a resounding NO. but that doesn't mean the risk isn't there. it just means remy's damn good. and he is. and thanks to that, his LUCK, as coincidence would have it, turns around the moment he learns how to play cards. not just how to play them — he's known that since he was just a kid, shuffling a deck on the floor of his bedroom for another game of SOLITAIRE. no, the moment he learns how to really PLAY cards. and play OTHERS using his knowledge, as a matter of fact.
and wouldn't you know the PLUCKY kid from louisiana played a MEAN game of poker ? his twenties pass by in a blur of booze & drugs & tickets to various cities to win a few tournaments and black out in a celebratory lap. lucky remy luck is a force to be reckoned with at tournaments. he's good with numbers but he's better with his hands — specifically sleight of hand — and his ability to stack a deck in his favor is by and large UNMATCHED. he uses this to advantage to tour the country ( and later, the globe ) to play his hand against novices and professionals alike. he collects LOVERS like trophies & cash prizes at each and every venue. ( and fun as they are, none of them SATISFY him in the way he craves. no one ever h o l d s him, never stays 'til dawn. and then he drinks himself into absolute OBLIVION, hops on a train, and repeats the process ad infinitum. and, perhaps most important : HE NEVER GETS CAUGHT.
until he gets to NEW ORLEANS that is. and go fucking figure that he wouldn't get a hit put out on him until he finally decides to head back HOME. of course it's in LOUISIANA, of all places. lucky remy luck, back where the nickname really HITS different. hey, QUICK QUESTION ! kinda funny, kinda random. have you ever fallen in l o v e with the assassin hired by a casino to literally END YOUR LIFE ? no ? okay. well, here's the thing : it's actually fine. no, really. their name is raven and honestly ? they're kind of the BEST thing that's ever happened to remy. you know, outside of the whole 'i'm a mind-controlled killing machine sent here to kill you specifically' debacle, but to be fair, remy's gotten out of worse before. and anyway, they take care of it. it's actually kind of GRUESOME, the way he's got to do it, there was a pocket knife and a whole lotta BLOOD and — well, it's best not to get into it.
anyway, they're in LOVE. it's some real bonnie & clyde shit, too, the way they travel around together, stealing and cheating and conning their way through life. it's fucking romantic, okay ? and besides, remy kind of NEEDS this. he's never had anything as consistent as raven before, even if nothing else about their life is consistent at all. it doesn't matter where they're at ( or what they've done ) remy KNOWS he's going to wake up beside raven. until the one day he doesn't. and actually, since you asked, the circumstances of that one ? they're pretty fucking FUCKED. not that it's anybody's business, but he maybe has a bit of a problem with drugs. it's not just him ! they BOTH do. but that's OKAY because literally e v e r y o n e has a fucking vice and isn't LOVE just finding somebody who has the same shitty way of coping as you ? so you can do it TOGETHER ? so when he OVERDOSES in the passenger seat of a goddam toyota corolla and nods out next to RAVEN only to wake up to an EMT in the back of an AMBULANCE, he feels like maybe he's justified in being a little bit pissed. and he is. so he does what he does BEST. what ? no, it's not fucking RULES anymore. what are we, in kindergarden ? no, remy SPIRALS, like any irresponsible and unstable adult would do.
how many Y E A R S has it been now ? fuck, don't ask him. he's not keeping track ! he's in NEW YORK now though, and that's interesting enough, isn't it ? for now, anyway. he's found his way right back to the casino ( did he ever leave ? ) and hell if he's not better than ever. far as he knows, the poor SONS OF BITCHES that run the place haven't even noticed him yet. and they WOULDN'T. he's not STUPID ; he knows how to play his cards, literally and figuratively. when he's not busy cutting decks and counting cards at work or offering up his services to THE JADE TRIBE, remy's still desperately seeking connection. gravity & el anhelo are frequent spots for spending his AMPLE WINNINGS. ( not to brag or anything, but you could totally order top shelf if you wanted. no, really. it's on him. ) he always seems to be moving, always doing SOMETHING. it's almost like he can't stand STILL.
this will be updated asap, i promise !
*     ◟    :    〔   dane dehaan  ,      cis man    +   he + him    〕      remington 'remy' alexander luck , some say you’re a thirty-four year old lost soul among the neon lights. known for being both adroit and reticent,  one can’t help but think of it's called: freefall by  rainbow kitten surprise when you walk by. are you still an associate / card shark at the jade tribe / old world casino, even with your reputation as the grifter ? i think we’ll be seeing more of you and a charming conversation to distract from a clever sleight of hand, a scathing retort and a smirk hiding behind the rim of a cocktail glass, and a face disappearing seamlessly into a crowd and into the night, although we can’t help but think of curtis ( mississippi grind ), lando calrissian ( solo ), and spike ( buffy the vampire slayer ) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
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