#Fujio Hanaoka x OC
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strxwberrychocolate · 2 years ago
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˗ˏˋ bittersweet àżàŸ‚ Fujio and the girl who’s been in love with him since middle school
notes: based off the boy I've loved since 6th grade who I know will never like me back and resembles fujio's personality a little too much. It's going to be 8 years as of 2023 October and I'm still not over him but it's okay, I'm alright with pining. the oc is literally just a self-insert so it's a mirror of myself and this is written in first-pov. long story short, this is my life story put into a short fic
warnings: canon-typical violence, recreational drug use, underage drinking, alcohol abuse, smoking, mentions of abusive relationships, implied physical abuse, mentioned eating issues, weight-related talk, shotgun kisses, blood, mentions of periods, references to depression, victim blaming, unhealthy coping mechanisms, mild gore, this is basically a trauma dump in the form of a fic so plz be aware, not edited
pairing: fujio x oc (one-sided), sachio x oc (one-sided)
word count: 6309
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❝how did love become love?❞
I don’t really remember life before Fujio Hanaoka. But then again, who genuinely remembers life before middle school? I met Fujio in middle school, 6th grade to be exact. Fujio came to my middle school around a month after it started because he was visiting his grandfather in the countryside and his mother decided to prolong their stay. One thing I noticed was that Fujio was popular. Very very popular among all the kids in class. It was then I realized that I was the outsider in this classroom. Everyone had gone to the same elementary school in this classroom and they all already knew each other. But I didn’t feel like an outsider for too long because the teacher had Fujio sit next to me since it was the only empty seat left. I had always been a pretty shy kid so making conversation was always hard but it seems that Fujio knew that so he talked to me first. We talked about the elementary schools we went to, the area we lived in, what we wanted to be when we grew up, and the annoying people in the class. Fujio talked and talked and talked to me and all I did was listen. 
It wasn’t long till I fell in love. 
Fujio knew everything about me. He’d been there at almost every major stage of my life.
Fujio was the one that taught me how to ride a bike, he was the one that listened when I felt insecure about the way I looked, he listened to me talk about my dreams and aspirations, we celebrated when I got her first period with cake(It was more like comforting but it was still a core memory). We’ve been with each other for really most of the important parts of our lives. But I wasn’t his best friend nor was I the one he loved. He loved me but not in the way I wanted him to. 
Middle school ends quicker than I wanted and high school starts. We don’t go to the same high schools but at least it’s in the same area. Fujio goes to Oya High and I go to Meiwa Girls School. It’s like a 5-minute distance from each other. Fujio stays at Oya High for a week until he has to go to the countryside to help his mom take care of his grandfather. I was absolutely devastated but there isn’t anything I could do. I became friends with Tsukasa Takajo during Fujio’s year-long absence. It seemed the blonde boy misses Fujio too. Things happen in SWORD but that isn’t too important. Nothing was really important to me while Fujio was gone. It sounds stupid I know but I was a bit of a hopeless romantic. It was horrible, I know. I waited and waited and waited. 
Things happen during Fujio’s absence other than that whole shit show that is SWORD’s politics. I meet a guy. He’s sweet. He goes to Shutoku Boys High School. We got together too fast. I used to say it was love at first sight. I think I was wrong. No, I definitely was wrong. I don’t really remember how we met— they say the brain blocks out things that were traumatic and too much for it to handle. Was that how it was for me? Things were sweet at first, we’d text and call each other all the time. He was sweet. I think I loved him at one point, at some point. But none of that matters. None of it matters after everything he’d done. We’d talk to each other all the time, eventually, my sleep was gone trying to comfort him about the breakup he had 3 years ago, going out with my friends after school stopped and so did so many other things. I used to really like swimming, I don’t remember the last time I went. I guess I lost all the motivation to do anything. 
I thought it was fine. I thought this was love. I was wrong. 
It was a conversation with Tsukasa I had during my 6th month with him that made me realize what was wrong. “Sweetie, you do know you’re getting abused right?” Tsukasa said with his signature blank face, using the pet name akin to an insult
I laughed awkwardly because I in fact did not know that. It took all night for me to convince Tsukasa not to go beat the shit out of my boyfriend. I think if Tsukasa hadn’t been all burnt out since Fujio’s departure he definitely would have gone to Shutoku and beat the shit out of the guy.
Breaking up with him had been the hardest part. It took 4 months, and 4 tries. Todoroki had been helpful in that. The last try was where Todoroki came in. I won’t go into detail but jealousy and me having to stand my ground was involved. The breakup wasn’t pretty but I was free. Surprisingly I didn’t cry. The breakup happened at 6 am, the morning before a major math test. I’m pretty sure I failed but it was okay, I was free and it was all that mattered. I went to Oya High that day and skipped the rest of my afternoon classes, I wanted to tell Tsukasa and Todoroki about it in person. Turns out, everyone knew about my little problem. Maybe it was because of my very obvious physically deteriorating health and the depression I think I had that made me lose so much motivation that my curly hair was now straight and frizzy. It was nice to have all the support. 
Mostly everyone was supportive and I think I may have talked about it too much, my past relationship I mean. But I just wanted the validation that I wasn’t wrong, that I wasn’t going crazy and all the things he did to me were in fact wrong and disgusting. But some people said it was my fault. Some said I should have left earlier. It made me feel worse. Tsukasa says they’ll never know what I went through unless they’ve experienced the same thing. No one will know about the nights I stayed up crying, not eating and— ah~ I’m rambling again. 
This guy had been a huge factor as to why I changed so much. When I was young, I had issues with eating, I didn’t eat that much and it bothered my mom. But when I did eat she’d encourage me to keep eating so I didn’t fucking die of starvation or something. My ex had been the first to ever tell me to stop eating. I guess it messed me up a lot. Even after I broke up with him, getting back into my usual more healthy habits was hard. Really hard.
My confidence had already been non-existent before but after the breakup, fucking hell I felt terrible. 
It was 3rd year and my grades were horrible, my skin, my teeth, my hair. I just really wasn’t having a good time. I used to drink before. For fun. Now it was just to forget. I wasn’t sad about the breakup itself, I wanted to forget about all that he’d done to me, everything I went through. I was angry. It made me angry that I went through that. How could I let myself go through it? Why didn’t I leave? I think all the anger I was feeling just drowned out all of my sadness. 
I let go of the chance of ever falling in love again. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to feel that way, this way ever again. 
But I guess one part of me knew that if Fujio ever came back and asked for my heart, I’d tear through my skin and muscles and pry open my ribs to give it to him.
❝I’m hiding in the rain, always smiling❞
It was like the universe finally had pity on me and one day finally, Fujio comes back. I see him outside the gates of Meiwa. Girls are staring at him of course, watching from afar, giggling. I don’t blame them. Fujio was handsome. He had a nice smile and nice features. He was really really good-looking, even more than the last time I saw him. “Fujio” I said walking over, a huge smile on my face
Fujio smiles right back at me. “Hey, long time no see! Miss me?”
“Definitely didn’t” That was a lie, I did, I missed him a lot
We stayed out that night, catching up. I patched up Fujio’s knuckles as I usually did and now we were sitting at an empty park just on the border between Oya and Sannoh. We were sitting on the swings, Fujio right next to me. The sun is setting, lighting up our surroundings in a warm orange and pink. Fujio looks pretty. His tanned skin it lit up in gold. He looks gold. For all I know, Fuijo was spun from pure gold thread. “Tsukasa told me about it
 You and that guy” He says
I already knew Tsukasa was going to tell him. I was always a bit scared of that, telling Fujio. Would he be one of the people that supported me and comforted me or would he be one of the people that blamed me for what happened? “Yeah
” I say hesitantly “It was
 a lot”
I close my eyes silently waiting for some kind of belittlement or blame but instead, I feel someone stand in front of me. “Hey” Fujio says
I open my eyes. He’s standing in front of me looking down at me while I stay sitting on the swing. “You haven’t been taking care of yourself have you?” Fujio asks, hand coming up to take a strand of my hair between my
I flinch. That was a huge mistake. Anger flashes through Fujio’s eyes as does pity. I feel terrible. Fujio looks like he wants to ask me something but he doesn’t. What he does instead is crouch down in front of me. “Hey” He says, his voice is a little quieter now
I’ve never heard his voice sound like that. It’s new and for some weird reason, I feel guilty. Fujio is looking up at me from where he’s crouched down. The swings are pretty low to the ground so he isn’t tilted his head too far back and I’m not tilting my head too far down either. “You didn’t deserve that” Fujio says
He takes my hand. I know this was supposed to be something heartwarming but my heart was just beating so fast and I started imagining us getting married and having kids and having grandkids and— yeah I got carried away. “And I mean it” Fujio continues “I know whatever I say isn’t going to make it better or change anything that happened but you didn’t deserve that no matter what other people have been telling you”
Figures. Fujio knew what people were saying. He always did. “What if they’re right?” I ask
There always has been this voice in my head telling me that what happened was my fault, that I deserved it. I know I didn’t but, your mind tends to be your own enemy. Fujio scoffs. “Be fucking for real! You
” He tugs a little at my hand and takes the other one as well “...You are the nicest person in this shit hole that I know. You’re so nice to everyone, you may not be the smartest and you are a little stupid and slow but
 You’re so sweet. Don’t fucking let anyone tell you it was your fault because no one except you knows what happened. Never, never in your life will you ever deserve to be treated like that.”
Not only did it make my heart feel like it was doing an Olympic-level gymnastics routine in my chest but, I think I finally got the validation I needed after everything that happened. Fujio did just call me stupid in the middle of it but that didn’t matter. Not now. “I’m so so proud of you for getting out of that relationship” Fujio’s thumbs rub along my knuckles, I think he felt me shaking “It doesn’t matter how long it took you, it matters that you did it. You’re okay or
 You’re going to be okay. I promise I’ll help you and I’ll make sure that fucking piece of shit will never hurt you again”
Finally, finally I was comforted the way I wanted. I finally got to hear everything I wanted someone to tell me in the first place. Being told you weren’t too broken and you could still be healed felt good. 
Hearing it from Fujio was really just a plus point.
❝Eyes meeting but hearts apart, it’s so sweet yet so bitter❞ 
Fujio was
 Friendly. He was charismatic and very handsome so of course he’s had a bunch of girlfriends and talking stages and friends with benefits. A lot of girls liked him as well, many asking me to set them up with him. I guess in the end I’ll always be that one rare girl best friend that actually isn’t something to worry about. I’m not too sure how to feel about it. Sometimes it feels like Fujio has kissed everyone but me. Am I jealous? Of course, I am. Even now as he shows me a picture of the new girl he’s dating. “She’s pretty” I gush and nudge him, because if I don’t nudge him I might just kiss him
I think I’m a pretty good actor. I’m good at pretending that my heart isn’t tearing itself to shreds every time he talks about another girl. I should definitely win an Oscar award for these performances. I’ve never tried to make Fujio like me. Because I know he doesn’t and no matter what I do, it is no use. I’m not his type nor the one he will ever love. Love can happen eventually, I know that but Fujio will never love me, I’ve already come to terms with that. But even if I have, that doesn’t mean I’m over him. “You think so?” Fujio says with a grin looking right at me
I nod. It’s really all I can do.  
One thing Fujio likes doing is try to set me up with his friends. Today, it was Sachio. Don’t get me wrong. I like Sachio, but not the same way he likes me. 
Sometimes I think my unrequited feelings for Fujio is just karma for all of Fujio’s friends I have rejected. 
Fujio tells me Sachio really likes me. I think at one point I did like Sachio. He’s sweet. Really nice and respectful and would definitely be a better boyfriend than Fujio ever would be. But maybe it’s just me holding on so tightly to my first love, only ever having my eyes on Fujio that I’m not ever able to look at anyone else. I want to. I really do. But at the end of the day I always come back to him. I don’t expect for Fujio to return my feelings I just
 I don’t know. 
Maybe one day I’ll get over Fujio, move on. But I don’t think so it’ll happen soon. 
I hope it does. Soon I mean. 
Because my hands are starting to burn from the rope called first love I’ve been holding on so tight to. 
❝Ruinous imagination consumes me, makes me dream sweeter dreams❞ 
“You really wanna meet Sachio?” Fujio asks me
“I’ve already met him Fujio” I tell him
Sachio was nice. I wasn’t over Fujio but I could stay stuck up on him either. It wasn’t healthy and I knew it. I should get over it, I should try. Not only to get over Fujio but also what my asshole ex did to me. Fujio aside, I was tired of feeling so angry all the time. I didn’t tell anyone that I felt angry rather than sad. What if I tell them and everyone that was supportive of me starts calling me crazy too, or stop supporting me through it? I think my emotions were always something I kept to myself. I didn’t want to tell anyone about it. It didn’t matter to me who stopped supporting me just not Fujio, never Fujio. I might actually go crazy if he does. Honestly speaking, I think I already am crazy. I won’t be surprised if I go for some psychiatric test and the results come out with a diagnosis telling me I’m crazy. After everything that’s happened paired with my weird dependency on Fujio, I think I am crazy. “Yeah but, no you know he likes you” Fujio says “Are you gonna give him a chance”
We’re inside a convenience store. Fujio wanted to get something to drink. He’s standing in front of the fridge trying to figure out what he wants while I’m standing in front of one of the glass doors of the fridge staring at my favourite drink. I want it. But I don’t really have the energy to bring my arm up and open the glass door. It’s weird. I don’t have the motivation to even do the things I like. I want to stop feeling like this. I thought being here with Fujio would distract me from the feeling but I guess not. I thought my heart was only filled with Fujio but that void after my breakup is getting bigger and it hurts. “Maybe
” I say, staring at my blurry reflection in the glass
I look tired. I’ve always had eyebags due to having low iron and a shitty sleep schedule but now they were darker. My skin thankfully looks the same and isn’t dull. I think I should thank myself for being so strict about my skincare routine and eating habits. But the glow in my skin doesn’t matter when the look in my eyes just shows how fucking exhausted I am. It’s not really my eyes that I’m worried about. It’s my hair. I’ve always loved my hair. Everyone has. It was curly and long and Fujio really liked it. It wasn’t curly-curly with ringlets but more wavy-curly. Now it was kinda straight and a little frizzy at the ends. Oh. It feels like I was seeing my own reflection after years. I look like this? This is what Sachio likes? I don’t think I’ve ever felt more ugly in my life. To make things even worse, there’s an annoying pain in lower belly. I’m on my fucking period. “...Hello?” Fujio nudges me
I look at him then look away. I can feel Fujio looking at me. I want him to stop. I feel gross. Fujio opens the door and I watch him take the drink I was staring at. “You were just staring at it” Fujio says
Before I could tell him I don’t want it, Fujio’s already heading for the counter and he pays. Oh. I think I’m going crazy. “Come on” Fujio calls
I follow his words and go outside. Fujio’s already sitting outside the convenience store on the curb. I sit down next to him. “You didn’t have to get that for me” I say
Fujio shakes his head. “You were just staring at it
 So I got it for you” He says and opens up the drink before handing it to me
I take it. “Why were you staring at it?” He asks
I know I shouldn’t be admitting it out loud, but I tell him anyways. “I don’t know
 I wanted to get it but like
 I don’t know. It felt like too much work”
Had I been making any other expression, Fujio would have laughed at me and called me lazy. But no. Instead he gives me a sad look. “You’re fucking depressed” he says
Wow. I definitely wasn’t expecting that. “H-huh?”
“Don’t h-huh me!” He says, mimicking my words
Fujio grabs the drink he just gave me and aggressively puts the cap back on. “You need help” He grabs me by my shoulders and shakes me “Why didn’t you tell me before”
I feel weirdly ashamed right now. Tears well up in my eyes. “I told you that I’m here for you. If you’re feeling like fucking shit then you should tell me” Fujio says
He takes his hands off my shoulders and now he’s holding my face. Something wet touches my cheek and Fujio’s eyes soften. Oh. I’m crying. This was more embarrassing than it needed to be. “You don’t need to pretend to be happy or a certain way around me. I’ve already seen you being weird and fucking embarrassing! So please” Fujio says, his thumbs wiping away the tears running down my cheeks “Please just tell me what you feel. Tell me when you don’t feel okay, tell me when you’re sad, tell me if someone is hurting you, tell me if you’re scared. Just tell me”
I’m shaking. Fujio just keeps telling me everything is okay, that he’ll make everything okay. It’s unrealistic for him to say so, even I know that but any kind of comfort, even the unrealistic kind sounds nice when you’re hurting. “I promise
 I promise, everything will be okay” He tells me and presses his forehead against mine
I guess there was a reason I was never able to fall out of love with Fujio. When he does things like this, how could I ever get over him?
❝I close my eyes but thoughts of you bring turmoil to my nights❞ 
“Has anyone ever told you how obvious you are?” Tsukasa says to me
I stare at him in confusion. We were on the top of the temple. Yes, the temple whose stairs Fujio falls down on a daily basis. We were meeting his new girlfriend. This sounds horrible but I’ve already forgotten her name. “Huh? Obvious about what?” I ask
Tsukasa nudges me. “You like him”
My hands tremble. I didn’t expect him to say that. “What? No” I deny it immediately 
The blonde boy next to me on the bench only laughs. “You think I’m an idiot? You’re really really obvious. You like him, everyone knows”
Um. What? Tsukasa sees my reaction and sighs. I’m not sure what face I’m making but I think it might be the same one where Tsukasa told me I was getting abused. Fun right? “No one has told Fujio about it but he does know”
This just keeps getting even worse. “What?”
I want Tsukasa to stop talking. I don’t want to hear anymore but I have to. “Fujio knows you like him. He’s known all along. But Fujio also knows you’ll never confess to him because you know he doesn’t like you back. That’s why he keeps you here with him unlike the other girls who have confessed and then got rejected” Tsukasa explains
I’m not to sure how to feel about this. I look over toward Fujio. He’s with his girlfriend further away. It looks like she’s arguing with him but he’s only smiling. I watch him reach over and he grabs her waist. Instantly she stops and her cheeks flush red. Or I think they do. I can’t really see far away and I don’t want to wear my glasses. You know anxiety and stuff. Seeing the world clear just doesn’t help and I think the 480-720-pixel resolution that is my eyesight really helps with calming my nerves. But right now it feels like I can see everything clearly. Fujio’s lovestruck look, his girlfriend’s shy smile. I can see it all. I wish I couldn’t. “He
“I won’t tell him that I told you. But yeah he does know. That’s why he’s always been trying to set you up with someone else because Fujio thinks you don’t deserve him”
I frown and look away from the two lovebirds. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Tsukasa scoffs. “Oh please, we all know how much of a shitty boyfriend Fujio would be. I’m his best friend, I know. Fujio is to friendly and you’re still healing
” Tsukasa tells me “But okay, let’s say all that with that motherfucker from Shutoku didn’t happen. Being with him would make you so fucking insecure. He’s talking to new girls every day. He’s so fucking affectionate with everyone, you’d be wondering if he was cheating every other day”
Tsukasa was right. I knew he was. I thought about this before. Fujio wouldn’t be a good boyfriend. If there was ever a day that he maybe did like me back, it would be painful being with him. But still, I was still so fucking in love with him. I hated myself for it. “I know” I mutter quietly “I just can’t get over him”
Tsukasa next to me sighs and he rests a hand on my shoulder, lightly squeezing. “Try talking to Sachio more. I know him, we all do. Sachio’s nice. I’m telling you to use Sachio to get over that idiot over there but
 Maybe you should try looking for other guys. You’re not gonna get over Fujio without actually looking” He tells me
He was right. Ugh fuck. Maybe I should talk to Sachio. 
Why not?
❝Don’t wanna let go so I let go❞
Today was one of the rare days I was wearing my glasses. Fujio insisted on some bonding time with resulted in Sachio Ueda, Yuken Odajima, Tsukasa and Fujio’s girlfriend and me going to the movies. Now Fujio and I were waiting outside the bathrooms on the bench, waiting for all of them. I had sat next to Sachio during the movie, sharing popcorn with him. Fujio told he didn’t tell Sachio that I know he likes me. I guess now that I do know, things are pretty clear. I don’t know why I haven’t noticed it before. Maybe it was because I was too focused on Fujio. “Why does he like me?” I ask Fujio “I’m not pretty or like
 Smart. There isn’t really any redeeming quality about me”
Fujio is fiddling with the movie tickets, his and his girlfriend’s. He looks at me, giving me a weird look. “You don’t think you’re pretty?”
I push my glasses up my nose and shake my head. “No. I’m not. I mean come on Fujio, look at me” I tell him
I guess I’ve always been pretty insecure about myself growing up. Especially when middle school started. My parents and relatives have always told me I’m pretty, backstabbing cousins and aunts say things to me out of apparent jealously. I pretended to think I was pretty when I was at home. I don’t think I’d ever be able to tell my mother how I actually felt about myself when she was always so proud of the way I looked, that I was so pretty. I think it would break her if I told her I hated myself— that I hated my face, my body, my own skin. I could never tell her. It was with my friends I could really spill out all my feelings. “Yeah I am” Fujio says “You’re not ugly”
I roll my eyes. “Uh-huh”
Fujio nudges me in the ribs. “I mean it. You’re definitely not ugly”
He leans over and brings his hand up. He’s so so close to me right now, I can feel his breath, see every pore and blemish on his skin— he’s still so beautiful. Fujio pulls my glasses off my face. I have told him many times not to do that. Taking my glasses off for me always felt so unnecessarily sexual. I didn’t tell Fujio it was like that though so he still continued doing it whenever I wore them anyways. “You’re very pretty, that’s one of the reasons Sachio likes you. But Sachio aside, you’re not at all ugly. You’re pretty” Fujio tells me and his other hand brushes a piece of my hair behind my ear “I’d never be friends with an ugly person”
My cheeks are no doubt red. But I play it off by punching his arm. “Fuck off” I mutter “Let me wallow in my misery in peace”
Fujio laughs softly. I want to kiss him so bad. “You are stupid though” he says
I hit him again and suppress the urge to kiss him. Fujio isn’t mine so I can’t kiss him. 
❝will our eyes ever meet each others again?❞
I often wonder what kind of a person I would have been if I never met Fujio, if I hadn’t fallen in love with him. It sounds like a nightmare. I can’t imagine my life without Fujio. Maybe I’m just that much in love with him. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t. Sometimes I wish I was in love with Sachio instead. But now, sometimes has turned into an almost every day wishing as I watch Fujio and his girlfriend play around in the park while I sit alone on the bench. It’s 12:30 am. I should be going home. I’m not even allowed to be staying out this late. But I haven’t gotten any calls from my mom, maybe she’s already asleep. I say and lean back into the bench. There is something painful watching the person you love fall in love and be in love with someone else. Even more painful watching them receive it back. “Hey” Sachio sits down next to me
I look at him and smile. After the movies Yuken insisted on going to get some stuff because he hadn’t smoked in so long. Stuff meaning weed and next to me Sachio is smoking some as well, the spliff between his fingers as he leans back against the bench next to me. Yuken and Tsukasa are off to the side talking quietly amongst themselves while smoking and Fujio’s still with his girlfriend, pushing her on the swings. “You feeling okay?” Sachio asks me, taking a drag before slowly exhaling “I heard about what happened with the guy”
Sachio has always been the kind of guy everyone went to when they had some kind of problem. He was nice and gave really good advice. “Yeah
 I mean
 It’s taking a lot longer than I expected for things to get better” I say quietly
I started taking a lot of painkillers after my breakup, not just alcohol. Thankfully Fujio seemed to catch on and stopped before things could get serious but I still feel like absolute shit during random times of the day. “Well you can’t expect to get better overnight. Your relationship was 9 months
 That’s a long time. So you can take your time getting better too” Sachio says
I turn my attention to his lips, watching them wrap around the spliff and slowly exhale. Sachio sees and grins. That’s kinda hot. “Wanna try?” He asks
I stare for a moment at the drug wrapped in brown paper. “I don’t know how”
Sachio’s red-rimmed eyes are saying so much but so little at the same time. I don’t know what he’s thinking. But whatever he is thinking is making him hesitant to do whatever he wants to do next. It’s a short moment before he speaks again. “Come closer” he says
I obey without thinking, the sides of our thighs pressing together. Sachio takes my glasses off my face. Haha fuck. He brings the spliff up to his lips and then pauses, still looking a little hesitant. “Inhale okay” he says before taking a drag
Sachio leans over and I don’t move. He takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger. He leans in closer, closer, closer. I can see his pore, the blemish, the moles, I can see all his skin up close. I think he’s going to kiss me but Sachio hasn’t closed his eyes. I realize he hasn’t exhaled yet so I have an idea of what he’s doing. Sachio’s lips press to mine but not to kiss. Well kind of. He exhales smoke into my mouth and I inhale. His lips feel soft. It feels nice. Sachio pulls away not too long after but I can still feel his lips on mine. I exhale, coughing a little bit. My throat burns but it’s not as bad as I thought it’d be. “Didn’t know you knew how to do that” Sachio says with a little laugh
My face is probably red right now. “Uh
 I saw Odajima teach a girl how some weeks ago” I mutter
Sachio laughs. “Of course you did” he says
He’s smiling hard. I wonder why he he likes me. I wish he didn’t. Sachio shows me how to properly smoke after that. He doesn’t let me smoke to much though. It’s not too bad but he says he knew I probably didn’t each much so I shouldn’t else I’d feel nauseous. It feels weird being high. I’ve drank but smoking was a new territory for me. I feel a little lazy. But not the bad kind. This doesn’t feel too bad. I have a feeling I’ll get an earful from Fujio later, he’s been giving me looks. Fujio doesn’t smoke, Tsukasa does. Tsukasa gets scolded by Fujio on a daily basis when he comes back smelling like weed. I probably won’t do this again. I look at Sachio who’s already looking at me. Maybe it’s the weed that is making me lose lipped but the next words leave my mouth like vomit. “Why do you like me?” I ask and regret it immediately
Sachio smiles. “Why? Do I need an exact reason?” He asks
Something twists in my chest. It hurts. I don’t want him to like me. Not because I like Fujio, but because I don’t deserve to be liked by someone as nice as him. I’m a horrible person. “You deserve someone better,” I tell him “I’m not fishing for compliments here but I’m not exactly the most extraordinary”
Sachio sighs. The spliff is finished and now all we’re left with is uncomfortable questions. Thank god I’m high or I probably would have ran into the middle of the street and got myself hit by a bus on purpose. “I don’t care if you’re not anything extraordinary” He tells me shaking his head “I like you and you don’t get to decide who I deserve
 That’s for me to decide”
I want to cry. I want to so badly feel better again or maybe at least get over Fujio. “But I
 I’m not okay. I probably won’t be for a while. And no matter how hard I try I
 I don’t want you to wait for me forever Sachio. What if I can’t ever fall in love again?” I tell him, almost whispering at the end
Sachio turns his entire body and is facing me. “I don’t mind waiting” He says with a smile “But me and my feelings aside, you can take as long as you want to feel better. It doesn’t matter who’s waiting for you. Me or Fujio or anyone. You need to feel better for yourself”
I fumble with my hands while staring right into his eyes. Does being high make you emotional? I don’t know. But fuck I felt like crying. “How do I know if I’m better
 It feels like I never will” 
Sachio is smiling so softly at me. It makes my heart hurt. His hand comes up and he takes a stand of my hair between his fingers. “Your hair. Maybe when your hair is back to how it used to be is when you’ll be better” He tells me
It’s 1 am. I should be at home. But here I am, with Sachio— the boy that loves me the way I wished Fujio loved me. I wish I loved him back. There are so many things I want to ask Sachio right now but I don’t. How do you get over someone who was never yours, to begin with? Who do you blame when you’ve broken your own heart? I don’t say anything but Sachio keeps talking. “I’m not forcing you to love—like me back
 Right now I’m just telling you to take your time and maybe love yourself first” He says
Stop loving him goes unsaid but I know he wanted to say it. At that moment in Sachio’s eyes I see something of myself. He looks at me the same way I look at Fujio. It hurts. I wonder if this hurts him as much as it hurts me. But here’s the thing, I could get over Fujio and maybe I could even one day love Sachio back. But I’d never be able to forget the feeling of hurt nor the thought that I may only be loving Sachio back because I don’t want him to feel the same way I feel right now. I look toward Fujio who’s wrapping his girlfriend up in his arms and kissing her forehead. It feels like pieces of glass are tearing into my heart. 
Had someone told me being in with would be so painful I would have never fallen for Fujio in the first place. I look at Sachio and feel almost a little better. 
Does he wish I get over Fujio?
Does he pray at night for me to love him back?
I’m not sure I want to know. Maybe my problem is that I love Fujio way more than I love myself. Maybe the day I start loving myself again will be the day I get over Fujio. Sachio’s hand comes up and he brushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. 
It’s 1:35 am, I’m supposed to be at home sleeping but instead here I am; high in front of a boy that doesn’t love me back and sitting next to one that does. I feel ungrateful and cruel.
I hope I never break Sachio's heart like I broke my own.
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enhashoutout · 10 months ago
Hino Junie's Master List
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A master list of stories for my High&Low OC Hino Junie aka Baby, Hino Junpei's (Cobra) little sister. I will add the links to the stories once I publish them and I will add more stories if needed but for now this is the outline for Junie.
Junie within the series is in chronological order of the High&Low series. Junie and Fujio and Miscellaneous however are not in chronological timeline order because I wanted to sort the master list out by specific topics. I will specify at the beginning if a certain work happens at a certain time/ the order in the chronological timeline.
Let me know if you guys want to be added to a taglist or anything of the sort for this series! đŸ«¶đŸŒ
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Introducing Junie
𓆩♥đ“†Ș How Junie met S.W.O.R.D.
Junie within the series
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Junie during Story of S.W.O.R.D. season 1
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Junie during Story of S.W.O.R.D. season 2
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Junie during High&Low The Movie
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Junie during High&Low the Worst: Episode 0
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Junie during High&Low: End of Sky
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Junie during High&Low: Final Mission
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Junie during High&Low the Worst
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Junie during 6 From High&Low the Worst
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Junie during High&Low the Worst X
Junie and Fujio <3
𓆩♥đ“†Ș How Junie Met Fujio
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Junie and Fujio Get Busted
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Junie Meets Fujio's Childhood Friends
More to come...
𓆩♥đ“†Ș Bernie, Pearl, and 9 bothering Junie
More to come...
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emiehhsstuff · 2 years ago
Oya High full-time students meet Nakaoka's big sister.
"Okay! Nakaoka, you coming?"
Nakagoshi called out with a grin, together with their friends who were ready to go wherever they had decided for today to hang out.
"Huh? Where?"
Not totally listening earlier, the others frowned. Nakagoshi approaching him and put him in a headlock making Nakaoka protest. The older teen had always liked to tease him whenever he could.
"Arcade of course! Don't tell me you're going to bail on us again?!"
They were currently on the rooftop, together with the other 3rd years, mainly Fujio with Tsukasa and Jamuo chatting, Todoroki reading quietly with Shibaman and Tsuji on the other side by the couch, and the duo, Yasushi and Kiyoshi bickering with their buddies by the side of the pool while the younger ones, mostly the ChunChun faction were on the other side talking about boy's stuff when they decided to go to the arcade.
Nakaoka looked at Nakagoshi with an apologetic look.
"I can't today. Sorry Nakagoshi-san. I'll come with next time!"
Then he rushed out in a hurry making the others frown at his escape.
"What's his problem? He always leaves early these past weeks."
"Do you think something's going on with him, Nakagoshi-san?"
Nakagoshi didn't answer but his face was serious, so they decided to leave it alone. If something was going on with their youngest, Nakagoshi would be the first to know. They're like two peas in a pod, always with each other, protecting each other and no secrets were hidden so Nakagoshi is kind of worried about Nakaoka's uncanny behavior.
Afterall, he never leaves early and was always the first to invite everyone to hang out. It's not like he has a shitty family life, and his mother was actually pretty sweet, always cooking delicious meals for them whenever they visit the teen, and he didn't think that he has problems on money. So, he is pretty worried why he would always insist to leave early these past weeks, even missing out on their weekly party two times in a row.
"Don't worry about him. Maybe he is just busy with things at home."
The others noticed that Nakagoshi's words seemed like a reassurance for himself rather, but they didn't comment on it. Even the 3rd years had noticed the kind of sullen atmosphere within the 2nd and 1st years but decided not to meddle.
"Are we still going?"
One of the 2nd years decided to break the ice and it was a minute of silent before Nakagoshi went back to his bright attitude, cheering with glee as he beckoned the others.
"Yeah, we are! Let's go!"
"That was awesome, Fujio-san!"
"Right?! I'm awesome, right?!"
"Don't pamper him, Nakaoka. His head is already bigger than it is."
"Hah?! What did you say?!"
As per usual, the Oya High full-time students, mainly the faction heads were hanging out after being in a fight with another school who tried to take them on again but failed.
And of course, aside from Nakagoshi, Nakaoka also looks up to their senior and leader, Hanaoka Fujio. He would always compliment the older teen which makes the latter raise his chest with a proud huff, doing things to impress his juniors which will also makes the other 3rd years roll their eyes.
"Ahh I'm hungry!"
Now clutching his stomach, Fujio complained, and Tsukasa chuckled. Even the others agreed. Of course, after a fight, food will always be what's next for growing teens like them. With this, they began suggesting places they knew, and arguments had started. Some, especially Yasushi and Fujio wanted ramen, Kiyoshi wanted Ice Cream which earned a lot of questioning looks, Tsuji and Shibaman craved for desserts like cake, Todoroki just stayed quiet, Tsukasa quietly wanted steam buns, and Jamuo argued for monjayaki, while the ChunChun faction surprisingly all wanted Yakisoba.
Despite their rocky start, surprisingly, they mostly hang out to eat after their fights. That would mean all faction heads and some of their buddies. Even Todoroki would join occasionally without a protest which is the most surprising of all, but they weren't complaining. They can't be bothered to fight with each other when they're tired and hungry.
While the others were arguing, Nakagoshi noticed how Nakaoka would constantly look at his phone which made him frown. He had a feeling that the young one will again try to leave them, so he put a hand around Nakaoka with a look.
"Not trying to leave early again, aren't ya?"
Nakaoka just chuckled in nervousness and all eyes were on him. Certainly, all of them were aware of Nakaoka's odd behavior of leaving early and Yasushi decided to speak up, too curious with what's going on. In contrary to his looks, he can be a bit nosey if he wanted.
"You're not up to something shady, are you?"
"What? Of course not!"
"Then why do you always leave early?"
Nakagoshi had finally asked the teen and Nakaoka just scratched his head with a defeated sigh. Not knowing what to say, he avoided their looks with a nervous laugh.
A feminine voice stated which made them, especially Nakaoka whip his head to the voice's direction and saw a familiar face. The figure then approached him, suddenly holding his face with a frown which shocked the others and made Nakaoka embarrassed that his cheeks turned pink.
"Did you fight again?! Your face is bruised!"
A girl, fair skinned, her hair short and wavy with a distinguished strawberry blonde color, and a pretty face, a couple inches smaller than Nakaoka who's currently scolding him had caught the teenagers' attention.
But what surprised them the most was Nakaoka's words. Removing her hands from his face with an embarrassed look, he protested with a whine.
"Stop it Nee-chan, it's embarrassing!"
They never knew he had a sister, although some might have like Nakagoshi, he never saw her so even he was shocked. She is undeniably pretty, and shares similar features with Nakaoka, although more feminine.
With their loud reactions, she finally realized that Nakaoka had some-- well not some but a lot of companions so she was also surprised but immediately composed herself with a smile.
"Are they your friends? It's nice to meet ya' kids! I'm Sho-chan's big sister, just call me Akane."
She introduced herself while Nakaoka carried the box she was carrying earlier with a grunt. Totally not ready to meet his sister in a situation like this, especially when he's gone to a fight earlier and has bruises all over. He never liked to worry his big sister.
They Oya full timers also responded and introduced themselves with enthusiasm, while some suddenly went shy, just like Kiyoshi. When it was Nakagoshi's turn, Akane suddenly perked up at the mention of his name and patted the teen on his head.
"So, you're Nakagoshi huh. Thanks for looking out for my baby brother!"
"Nee-san! Stop calling me that!"
Her little endearment made him embarrassed while the others laughed at his reddening ears. His tough facade would be diminished if this continues. Even Nakagoshi chuckled in amusement.
"What are you doing here anyway? What's in here?"
He decided to change the topic before he'll lose his dignity completely. Not wanting them to see him completely being babied by his sister which Akane had always done. Despite being the leader of the first years, he is still one of the youngest in Oya, even among most of the first years that most would still sometimes treat him like a kid, especially Nakagoshi and some of the 3rd years. Particularly and surprisingly, Tsukasa and the duo, Shibaman and Tsuji. Tsukasa and occasionally Fujio would always look out for him in fights aside from Nakagoshi when he is surrounded by a lot of enemies and the duo from Todoroki's faction liked his style and taste in music that they would lend him CDs and records.
Shaking the box, he asked his sister to which she replied with a grin.
"I'm just dropping some stuff at the diner."
Nakaoka nodded and was about to say something again when they heard a tummy rumble. Like actually rumble so loud that they all heard it. Looking at their leader, he just grinned while scratching his head in embarrassment.
"Well, how about this. You kids hungry? Sho-chan why don't you invite your friends and have some dinner at the diner? It would be a good opportunity for feedbacks you know so I know what to adjust before the opening."
Akane offered and Nakaoka was taken aback at first but in the end, relented. Actually, excited to invite them to try out his sister's cooking.
"What do you say guys?!"
"Hell yeah!"
"So, this is why you always leave early. You could've said so and we could have helped ya' dumbass."
Nakagoshi playfully punched Nakaoka's shoulders while the latter shyly let out a smile. The reason why he's always eager to go home was because he was helping out his sister in remodeling an old bar into a diner. His sister, the reason why nobody had ever met her was because she was studying college abroad, and upon finishing college a year ago, she recently came back and decided to open up a diner. Truthfully, Nakaoka's household were known for their cooking skills, even Nakaoka knew how to cook variety of dishes that sometimes he lets Nakagoshi and the others taste his made-up recipes and they would always end up good.
"It's fine Nakagoshi-san. Besides, I originally wanted to invite you and the others when Nee-chan had her opening, but I guess change of plans. Sorry for not telling you."
Nakaoka may love fighting and hiphop but his sister is special to him. Ever since they were kids, she would always protect him from those who will pick on him because he was shorter than the others way back then. It was a good thing that puberty hit him, and he's gotten taller. She was also the one to teach him how to cook when he reached middle school before she went abroad. It was because she liked to send him CDs that caught her attention that he got introduced to hiphop and began to love it. He learned everything because of his sister, especially that she was the one who taught him how to fight. That's why now that his sister is back, he wanted to be there for her like she always had been for him. Especially now that she is starting to build her dream of owning her own restaurant diner.
"It's fine. We're thankful though. Your sister is very kind to invite us all and let us be her first costumers for free."
"Yeah! And she's pretty too!"
"Oi! Don't push it!"
They playfully bantered while Nakaoka excused himself to help his sister in preparing the large batch of cuisines for his hungry friends. Upon reaching the kitchen, he smiled when he saw how excited his sister were as she prepared the dishes. She always liked to cook for others, saying that nothing can make her happier but to see someone smiling and saying 'delicious' to the food that she makes.
"They're rowdy but they're good guys. Sometimes."
Nakaoka stated which made Akane laugh, not bothered by the group of teens bickering inside her diner. In fact, she is actually glad that her baby brother got himself a lot of friends, even if they are obviously delinquents. She didn't like it at first when Nakaoka got himself involved in fighting, but she accepted as long as he didn't get himself in deep trouble and remember his morals. That even if you use your fists, it isn't to intentionally hurt people but to protect. Never fight dirty and know your limits. And Akane could see how they weren't just some punks who likes to fight just to seek pure pleasure in hurting others, but instead, they still have a heart while acting tough on the outside. Nakaoka likes to tell her stories about his friends and his life in Oya High and she likes to listen to his stories.
"I can see that."
The two siblings continued their work, unbeknownst to them, the others could hear their laughter which made them, especially Nakagoshi smile.
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star2fishmeg · 2 years ago
â‰ĄÊ€áŽ‡Ç«áŽœáŽ‡sᮛ ʀ᎜ʟᎇs
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➄ When requests open/close, I will make a post, but please also read my bio as the status is also posted there. Any requests sent after closing will be deleted.
➄ Important: please refrain from sending me a request you've already sent another writer, it makes me uncomfortable and I worry about the other writer's feelings too, thank you!
➄ [H&L masterlist for reference]
➄ I will make sure to update who I write for dw!
➄ Please also read below for the rules and important notes. Thank you!!
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— áŽĄÊœáŽ ÉȘ ᎄ᎜ʀʀᎇɎ᎛ʟʏ áŽĄÊ€ÉȘᮛᮇ ғᎏʀ :
↳ Murayama Yoshiki
↳ Takajo Tsukasa
↳ Hanaoka Fujio
↳ Todoroki Yosuke
↳ Odajima Yuken
↳ Other HiGH&LOW characters are welcome (on the fence w Mighty Warriors)!!! I may not write the character if I'm hella stumped
↳Quinn Hughes
↳Jack Hughes
↳Luke Hughes
↳Mason Lohrei
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— ʀ᎜ʟᎇs:
‱ Smut (kinks to a degree)
‱ Angst
‱ Fluff
‱ Au's (dependent)
‱ Headcanons
‱ x reader
‱ Platonic
‱ Drabbles
‱ Humour/crack
‱ Sensitive topics (SH, SA, etc)
‱ Pregnancy
‱ Incest/pedophilia
‱ Character x character ships
‱ Racism/discrimitory themes
‱ Dark content/themes
‱ Gang bangs, orgies, threesomes, polyamorous
‱ Non-con
‱ x OC/named reader
‱ Furry/animal-human hybrids/supernatural
‱ Male reader
‱ Watersports (piss kinks)
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— ÉȘᎍ᎘ᎏʀ᎛ᎀɎ᎛ ɮᮏᮛᮇs
‱ I write afab bodies (a female at birth) for smut but will do gender neutral for anything else
‱ I only take requests from my inbox, not messages
‱ I'm not responsible for what you interact with
‱ Please be patient with me. It will take a while for your request to be published due to life commitments, well-being, and perfectionism
‱ Dependent* = depends on content
‱ Requests will close after a certain number of requests are received but will open once they're published (always an announcement)
‱ Please be polite and make it clear you're requesting or just chatting e.g "can I request..."
‱ I may decline the request if it makes me uncomfortable or requests a character I'm not comfortable with yet
‱ Please don't spam my inbox demanding where your fic is
‱ Any questions, feel free to ask! Comments and DMs are always open!
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[Request at my inbox or the small icon with a + in the top right on mobile]
[Blog information]
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enhashoutout · 11 months ago
Introducing Junie aka Baby
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Genre: fluff, comedy aka CRACK fic, some angst
Warnings: cussing, typical H&L violence, periods are mentioned, mentions of blood and injuries, let me know if I missed anything
Since this is a little sister oc introduction, she is written with female attributes and pronouns.
All credits of pictures to their respective owners, I got them all off of Pinterest to make my character collage. The character collage however was made by me, please don't take it and crop out my username to repost it elsewhere.
°:. *₊ ° . ° .‱°:. *₊ ° . ° .‱°:. *₊ ° . ° .‱
A little about Junie
Hino Junie
Physical appearance please reference the pictures above but you can really envision her however you want whenever you read. I personally see her a certain way but I don't know how to draw or have a face claim for her lol she just looks a certain way in my brain. The only concrete physical feature I want readers to envision for her is her hair as I felt it was important for her to have some blonde to match with her brother but I didn't want her to be fully blonde.
Cobra's (Hino Junpei) younger sister
By default ALL of Sannoh's little sister
They nicknamed her “Baby” because she is the baby of the family. Baby and Junie are used interchangeably.
Baby used to hate the nickname but grew used to it over time.
Cobra and Yamato taught her how to fight for self-defense purposes but they REFUSE to allow her to be a part of anything S.W.O.R.D related.
But they also contradict themselves because any time something is happening they be telling Junie like she's their certified therapist.
Like when Noboru was being a little shit thinking he was gonna work for Iemura? Girl, Junie was stuck listening to both of them spill their hearts out about it.
So really she isn't involved in the fights but knows everything going on.
Their father was never in the picture, and their mother isn't very present either. This left Cobra to be the one to raise Junie.
Cobra didn't mind, he loved Junie a lot but raising a girl in the world he was involved in was stressful.
Being a girl was already hard, throw in gang life and you have an endless cycle of stress.
Cobra's money he earns from the gas station goes to bills and paying for Junie to go to school.
Cobra never saw school for himself but he does for her. He always encouraged her to do well in school. This led to a lot of arguments while the two were growing up.
"But you didn't go to school!" "That was me! I want YOU to go to school so YOU can be BETTER."
This stopped around the age of 11. Junie realized he was working really hard, juggling being the leader of Sannoh and also raising her when he really didn't need to.
Raising Junie should've been their parents' job, not his, and yet here he was trying his best.
Junie went from average grades to being an overachiever because it felt like the only way to pay Cobra back.
Junie found an interest in contemporary dance and piano.
So Cobra transferred her from her old school to an art school farther from home.
The commute ended up being a little longer ( a 30-minute motorcycle ride instead of a 10-minute walk) but thank god she had a bunch of older brothers who drove motorcycles to send her to school and pick her up at the end of the day.
If it was late and Junie thought it was better to stay at school, she would just crash at one of her friend's dorms.
Some of the girls at school were nice. They wanted to know what living in S.W.O.R.D was like. They asked questions and found it cool that Junie's home life was different from theirs.
Some girls were real fuckin mean though. They would sneer at her, making fun of her home life. Talking about how a girl with that background had no business being here.
They also talked about your looks because you definitely looked the part of a delinquent's sister also. The school didn't make you dye your blonde hairstreak back to black, you just had to put your hair up and it didn't bug them too much.
It used to bug Junie when she first started but eventually, tuned them out considering she was top of the class anyway. (insert that one video of Bebe Rexha saying slay here lol)
Naomi was Baby's older sister. You loved having all the Sannoh members as older brothers but needed an older sister at times.
Junie's first period was a nightmare for Cobra because the dude didn't know how to explain it lol. Thank god we have Naomi though!
Hair, makeup, and emotional days were with Naomi also. Considering Sannoh can barely keep their own emotions in-tact, they had to leave that to Naomi.
Yamato's mom loved Junie. She always remembered to make extra onigiri for her as well. She wasn't the best but she tried.
Yamato's ranting about his home life usually fell on Baby because she listened to him. He didn't feel the need to always be strong around her like he did everyone else. He knew that at the end of the day, she would listen to him. Funnily she acted like both an older and younger sister to him. Always checking in on him but also always there to annoy him
DTC was scared of Baby low-key because she wasn't scared to fight with them but they all loved her.
Baby is always calling them out on their shit and telling them that "That's why you're all single."
They all come to her for their therapy sessions also😂
Whenever they needed someone to talk to they came to Junie because she would listen to them before roasting them.
Everyone in Sannoh was protective of Junie. They also all helped Cobra to keep Baby motivated to go to school. It was like having one really big family.
Anyone could make fun of her or talk down to her but at the end of the day, their family probably wasn't nearly as good as hers <3
°:. *₊ ° . ° .‱°:. *₊ ° . ° .‱°:. *₊ ° . ° .‱
Current Timeline
The current timeline following the movies and TV Shows currently in the franchise
The first person Junie meets is Hyuga, pre- S.W.O.R.D. and pre-High&Low. Junie meets Hyuga while her brother is active in Mugen. This is right after Hyuga-Kai disbands because their kidnap attempt on Cobra failed. After all, Mugen saved him. Junie meets Hyuga when he first attacks Mugen for his brothers and is arrested.
Junie also meets the Amamiya Brothers during Mugen era. She has her own little run-in with Masaki and Hiroto
Once S.W.O.R.D. emerges, the first official leader she meets is Rocky.
Junie meets Hyuga, Rocky, and White Rascals at age 12 and these encounters happen before the start of the series.
Junie meets Oya and Rude Boys during Story of SWORD / Road to High&Low at age 13
High&Low The Movie is when she officially meets Mighty Warriors
During High&Low The Movie and High&Low End of Sky Junie is 14 years old.
Final Mission and The Worst Junie is 15 years old
According to the Discord Besties, The Worst starts like a week after Final Mission so that's what I'm going based off of
Once The Worst X comes around Junie is 16 years old
Since we don't get an actual timeline for the franchise of how much time passes between each show and movie, this is just me doing a rough estimate because I need Junie to be old enough to know what's going on during S.W.O.R.D. era but also still be Fujio's age by the time he is introduced since he is her love interest. Fujio is a third-year student by the time Worst X rolls around, which is the last year of high school in the Japanese school system. According to Google, Japanese students are around 17-18 years old at that time because their third year is the equivalent of a USA student's senior/last year in high school so I have Fujio's age sitting at 17 in my story.
I will get into Fujio and Junie's relationship more in posts dedicated to them.
Again this is all a rough estimate because we never get a concrete timeline in this franchise so don't take my word for it lol.
There is potential for this to change if LDH ever makes more High&Low movies or shows but that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon so...
And this is my OC and my story you can't tell me I'm wrong it's literally mine 😂
I will be making a master list for Junie and the shit she goes through living in SWORD because I have so much for her. Junie's story was supposed to all be one post but I realized it was already too long and we weren't even halfway into the lore yet so I had to split it into multiple parts.
Credit for High&Low and the contents from the franchise goes to its respective owners. Hino Junie however is an OC and belongs to me. Her dialogue in scenes that occur in the franchise belong to me and scenes that I make for her that do not appear in the franchise belong to me as well as I am the creator. Please do not take my work and post it elsewhere and do not take credit for my work. I post strictly on Tumblr, nowhere else.
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emiehhsstuff · 2 years ago
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Basically: Hanaoka Fujio X (OC) Yasushi's Sister!
When Yasushi was ambushed which led him to the hospital with a bleeding head, Rikki Ishikawa, Yasushi's younger sister by a year, decided to go back to their hometown and learned about what happened to her brother.
Being the protective sister that she is, of course she would like to know what happened and who did it which led her to Oya High.
Unknowingly, catching the attention of a returning student, Fujio Hanaoka, when she barged into a school full of delinquents without any fear and care in the world but to only find Kiyoshi, Yasushi's partner in crime.
A stubborn yet kind hearted girl, and a delinquent with a golden retriever personality. Should the two meet, would it be fate? Or just a pair of strangers passing each other's lives for a brief moment?
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emiehhsstuff · 2 years ago
"What are you spacing out for, Fujio?"
Tsukasa looked at his friend with a raised brow. The latter being unusually quiet, like he's thinking of something with a serious expression. This made Tsukasa nudge him and he acted in reflex, kicking Tsukasa in the gut which surprised him. 
"Shit sorry man."
Fujio nervously grinned at his friend who just sighed, forgetting the fact that he was just kicked in the gut out of thin air. Looking at Fujio seriously, he pats his back.
"Don't worry too much. We'll save your friend."
Tsukasa stated, knowing how Fujio is. Despite the latter's cheerful personality, he can sometimes plunge into depression whenever worry and anxiety creeps into him. He cares about his friends dearly and right now, one of his childhood friends, Arata Maekawa have been involved in a shady organization called Kidra, whose been actually responsible for the distribution of the drug called Red Rum and the one who instigated the fight between Oya and Housen.
"Yeah, I know."
They continued to walk in silence when the blonde-haired teen spotted a familiar face, heading towards a familiar direction, nudging Fujio on his side.
"Isn't that Yasushi's sister?"
Fujio perked at his statement and looked up to see Rikki walking alone. Without a second thought, he called out to the girl which surprised Tsukasa at how casual his friend is. As far as he knew, Fujio never met the girl, heck, they didn't even know of her until that time at the rooftop but even then, they never really interacted. Not that he knew of.
"Oh, Ri-chan!!"
He can see how the girl slightly flinched at the sudden call and turned around to see two teens, one who's familiar. Fujio then dragged Tsukasa with him, skipping in excitement as they approached the girl who smiled shyly. His sudden change in moods can be really surprising.
The girl formally greeted with a small bow. Looking at them in curiosity.
"Fancy meeting you here. By the way, this is my buddy, Tsukasa."
He cheerfully said which made Tsukasa raise a brow, but then looked at the girl with a small smile.
"Takajo Tsukasa, just call me Tsukasa."
He politely stated. The girl bowed slightly.
"I'm Nishikawa Rikki, it's nice to meet you, Tsukasa-kun"
She greeted and Tsukasa can really tell how similar she is with Yasushi, finally sinking in that the gremlin actually has a sister.
"I can't still believe that you're Yasushi's sister."
His words, Rikki understood that he meant no disrespect, so she laughed. It was normal for one to be surprised that she and Yasushi were siblings because of how opposite they are in personalities, but the features never lie if you look at it closely.
Although, with their small interaction, a certain ravenette was pouting on the side, putting his arm around Tsukasa with a playful frown.
"No fair Ri-chan, you should call me by my name too, and without formalities!"
Rikki was taken aback at his playful behavior and Tsukasa chuckled at his friend's antics. Typical of Fujio to be childish at times that he's gotten used to it. As well as his habit of giving nicknames to people he just met. He's grateful that Fujio ceased calling him in his made-up nickname. The others would laugh at him being called "Tsun", to which Fujio claims that it fits him. 
"Yup! You're Ri-chan from now on."
Despite the confusion, Rikki nodded while chuckling in amusement. She suddenly remembered how Yasushi would always complain about a certain teen named Fujio and his cheery personality which makes him want to deck him in the face with how smiley he can get even though they are in a fight and looking at him now, he really is bright.
"Okay, Fujio. By the way, what are you doing here?"
"Just walking around. What 'bout you? Walking alone again? You know it's dangerous for a girl to walk around alone, especially that it is getting late."
Tsukasa was amused at how civil Fujio is towards the girl, sensing something different with how he usually behaves but couldn't actually pinpoint what's wrong.
"I'm actually thinking about visiting Hope Hill. Though I know it's probably desolated now."
Hearing about their childhood home, Tsukasa then remembered about something regarding the place.
"I think it's better if you don't go there for the meantime. I heard it became a breeding ground for thugs to gather. It's dangerous"
He explained, Fujio nodding along. Actually, they already knew that the group called Kidra is using that place as their den while they make and distribute Red Rum. More importantly, the day after tomorrow, they would pay a visit to that place, all of Oya and Housen students to settle score with Kidra.
"Oh.....I see. Thank you for the warning, Tsukasa-kun, Fujio. I guess I'm going home then."
Rikki thought for a second but before she could wave goodbye, Fujio held out his hand to the side.
"Let us walk you home!"
He suddenly shouted and both looked at him, quite surprised. Even Fujio himself.
"It's fine Fujio. Besides, it's not even dark yet. I can handle myself."
Rikki smiled at his offer but decided to decline. Flustered with his sudden offer. Fujio just grinned, placing his hand at his nape, looking to the side as he insisted.
"It's fine. We insist, besides, we're friends now!"
He insisted further which made the girl agree with an amused smile, but his little actions didn't get past Tsukasa's observant eyes, making the latter tilt his head in amusement. It was rare to see a shy Fujio in the presence of someone after all, or maybe because he's acting like how a shy boy would act in front of his crush. 
Tsukasa smirked at the thought.
"Come on, stop frowning. I promise I won't even have a single scratch on me this time."
Yasushi consoled his little sister, passing her some carrots while she chops them. It hasn't even been a week and yet another fight is about to begin and Yasushi refuses to be out of it, making Rikki frown even more. She knew how much her brother loves to fight but with his injury not fully healed, she was worried. 
"You better. You have to treat me to some ice cream for making me worry, okay?"
Taking it as a sign of approval, he grinned with a salute and went to put on his jacket and left, making Rikki sigh. She may not fully stop him from fighting but she will always be there to support him and patch his wounds.
Yasushi screamed for the last time before fully shutting the door and scampered off. Despite being crazy in fights and sometimes has no regard for his safety, he never liked worrying his sister. It was easy to get into fights when she was miles away because she would not actually get to see him bruised up if ever, but now that she's back, he knew not to be reckless and go home in a state where she would fret over him. 
"That's disturbing"
"Right?! They're like zombies!"
"No matter how hard they get hit, they're still smiling like crazy. It's creepy!"
"Aren't you describing yourself, Nii-chan?"
The trio, Yasushi, Rikki, and Kiyoshi were currently sitting at an Ice cream parlor while enjoying their cold treats. After their fight with Kidra, true to his words, Yasushi treated his sister to ice cream, and of course Kiyoshi is invited. It was normal for the three of them to hang out even way back then. And just like the old times, the two would tell her stories about their escapades and the fights they would get involve into, as well as the people who they get to fight with and others. At this point, Rikki knew some of Oya's students, only by their names though. 
"Actually, I've already met Fujio. In fact, we became friends!"
Rikki cheerfully stated and upon hearing this, Yasushi whipped his head to stare at her, raising a brow with a questioning look. Same as with Kiyoshi.
"Since when?"
"Oh-- uh"
Rikki ended up spilling everything, from how she had met Fujio and about the creepy guys that night, and not to mention, their second meeting and with Tsukasa that time. Rikki told them everything and thanks to Kiyoshi, Yasushi didn't end up storming out of his seat to chase after the two guys that disrespected his sister. Rikki managed to convince him to calm down and he somehow did. 
"See, this is why the old man insisted that you learn how to pack a punch. You're too absentminded when it comes to danger and assholes with evil intentions. You should've decked them in the face the moment they looked at you with their shitty faces."
Yasushi implied with a punch in the air which Rikki sighed and looked at the treat in her hand. Kiyoshi even strongly agreed with a fierce nod. 
"Violence isn't always the answer Nii-chan."
"It isn't. It's the question and the answer is yes."
With a serious expression, Rikki could tell that her brother isn't joking, so she gave up on resisting. There's no arguing with Yasushi. His head is as hard as a rock and when he sets his mind on something, there's a better chance of seeing him wearing a cute onesie than to change his mind. 
While the trio was busy chatting with each other, unbeknownst to them, a figure was stealthily taking photos of the short haired girl who's currently laughing at her companions' shenanigans. A dark smirk crossing their face as they exited the shop. 
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emiehhsstuff · 1 year ago
"Seriously? I'm surprised the old man agreed."
Yasushi stated while the girl was smiling widely in joy. 
"It took a lot of convincing, but he eventually agreed. Also, Granny did approve and so I already handed my transfer papers to Midori Gakuen. I'm starting tomorrow."
It had only been a week and a half of her supposedly temporary visit when Rikki announced that she'll be living with her brother for real this time. Currently, Yasushi and Kiyoshi have been helping her with her things to and settle in their apartment. Although unexpected, Yasushi didn't dislike the fact and is actually happy to be with his sister again. He just wouldn't admit it.
With a cheerful demeanor, she started to cook their dinner while Yasushi decided to take a short nap while waiting for the food, feeling exhausted after carrying his sister's belongings towards their apartment. Kiyoshi had already left earlier when his mother called him for an errand to run. 
"Hi everyone! I'm Nishikawa Rikki, please take care of me!"
Upon introducing herself, her new classmates greeted her with warm welcomes to which she was grateful for and took a seat by the window, not noticing the set of eyes staring intensely towards her direction. Surprisingly, a lot of them were friendly towards her, and she even managed to make friends, especially with an energetic girl named Kirisame Mio who surprisingly had the same interest of cooking like her.
They managed to get to know each other more as the day goes by and only separated when school was over since their direction home was opposite of each other. The good thing was Midori Gakuen is just a walking distance from their apartment that Rikki didn't need to take the bus, and so she walked home, thinking about what to cook for dinner when she bumped into something, or rather, someone.
"Oh? Ri-chan!!"
Hearing a familiar voice, she looked up to witness Fujio with his usual bright smile. She's been suspiciously bumping into him more often in the streets, but she didn't dislike it. Greeting the teen, her attention was caught with the fact that his face was covered in dirt and the side of his lip was bruised. Seeing his state, concern came into her. 
"Fujio! Are you okay? You have bruises on your face."
Looking away shyly, Fujio nodded with an awkward chuckle. Actually, he just had a short altercation just a few minutes ago when a group of smug looking guys had decided to mess with him but of course, they were all beaten to a pulp, although one was lucky enough to land a punch to his face and they actually rolled in the dirt which explains why he looked like a lost puppy in his state.
"Ah, just a scratch. I'm fine though! Anyway, it's nice to see you again, Ri-chan!"
"You know, it's not good to always get into fights. Here, come with me."
Her instinct to treat the injured had taken over and without a warning, Rikki took Fujio by surprise when she grabbed a hold of his wrist and headed into the direction of the convenience store where Fujio was initially headed to get some band aids and maybe some cup ramen since he is pretty hungry at this point, but it seems Rikki beat him to it. Unconsciously, he just stared at the girl in wonder while she scans the aisle for band aids and alcohol pads, not noticing the small smile he let out in the process. He only snapped out of it when Rikki again gently dragged him to sit by the bench outside of the store and asked for his permission so she can clean his wounds to which he slowly nodded, too entranced at her display of kindness.
"Here. That should do it. They ran out of the normal one's, and this yellow one is pretty cute. I hope you don't mind."
With a heartful laugh from her, Fujio didn't notice the yellow-colored duck designed band aid that she placed beside the side of his lip and on his left cheek. Too star struck at the girl and only managed to snap out of it in embarrassment when his stomach grumbled. The girl was also silent at first before laughing at him again.
"Sorry. I guess I'm hungry..."
He shyly stated while looking away. But hearing the girl laugh, he couldn't help but find her attractive, especially when she had a gentle touch to her, just like when she cleaned his wounds. He couldn't forget how light her hands were---
"Eh?! Sorry, I made you clean my wounds!"
For the third time, Rikki was again amused at how occupied he can be. She may look dense and has no sense of danger most of the times, but she is pretty observant. Besides, Fujio is pretty fun to tease, she learned that today when he easily blushes at his somewhat awkward ministrations. She couldn't help but question his brother's words when he would always ramble as to how shameless Fujio can be. The Fujio she is facing right now looks so timid and shy that it amuses her.
"It's okay. Actually, I'm used to cleaning wounds, especially from fights. Having a brother who always fights in a daily basis, you get used to it. At this point, I might even consider entering the medical field in the future with how much I get to witness wounds and treat them on a daily basis!"
"Then, you'd make a great doctor, I'm sure of it!"
"You think so?!"
"Yeah! If that happens, I'll run to you every moment I get injured!"
"Uh, I don't think that it is reassuring. Please don't get injured."
Without realizing it, the two had become comfortable with each other and Fujio went back to his usual jovial self, smiling and joking with the girl to which it really made her burst out in laughter with all his jokes and humor. The two not realizing how time went by and it got darker and darker, only when Rikki had sneezed that the two had realized the time and Fujio had noticed how she is lightly shivering with the cold. Both had decided to eat inside the convenience store earlier and now it was dark. 
"Here, take my jacket. Sorry, it's kind of dirty but it'll do."
Fujio offered his gakuran towards the shivering girl to which she didn't get to protest when the teen had already placed it on her, so she just thanked the ravenette. His kind gesture caught her attention which made her smile unconsciously when she suddenly remembered something and fished out her phone from her bag.
Rikki checked her phone and it actually had ten missed calls from Yasushi and four from Kiyoshi which made her panic. She forgot that she had turned her phone into silent mode just earlier.
"It got so late. Sorry Ri-chan! I held you back for too long!"
Fujio apologized and Rikki just shrug it off with a smile. 
"It's fine. Besides, I had fun. Let's hang out sometime again, okay?"
"Sure! I'll bring Tsukasa too if that's fine with you!"
"Really?! Then I'll be looking forward to it!"
The two had exchanged numbers and of course, Fujio insisted to accompany her home since he was mainly the reason why she got home late and despite her protests, in the end, she agreed. She had also called her brother back to which earned her a line of nagging and it was a close call since Yasushi was about to run the town over, looking for her. Thankfully, she calmed her brother down, although he sounded serious when he heard Fujio's name and that he is with her. He eventually ended the call in a serious notion of "Get home safe." which confused the girl, but Fujio could sense it.
"What's his problem?"
Fujio just chuckled, totally understanding what made Yasushi turn serious. Of course, if your sister is walking home at night with a delinquent like him, who wouldn't worry? Fujio can already see how the sibling's relationship works. Yasushi is indeed a big brother who's protective of his sister. 
He could already feel a fist aiming towards his face the moment he steps into Oya High in the morning.
And he wasn't wrong. 
"I told you we just became friends!"
"If you have any evil intentions towards her, I'll kill you!"
Upon arriving at their usual hang out, which is basically the rooftop, Tsukasa was greeted by an angry Yasushi and a scared looking Fujio who is currently raising his hands in the air like someone who is surrendering to a cop. He raised his brow at the sight.
"The hell is going on?"
Jamuo rushed to Tsukasa's side and explained everything in a mixture of panic and amusement.
Apparently, Yasushi had lunged at Fujio the moment he came which surprised the others who were present, mainly Nakagoshi, Tsuji, Shibaman, and even Todoroki, and also Jamuo and some of their buddies from Fujio and Tsukasa's Faction. Yasushi may be fight-crazed but his aura seemed kind of off which Todoroki had noticed. It wasn't just the usual playful fight that he would usually initiate. 
What intrigued them more was the reason of Yasushi's irritation. It was because of what happened between Fujio and his sister last night. He apparently didn't like that the two had known each other, thinking that Fujio might do something to his sister to which some of them didn't even think that Fujio would do something like hurting a girl. Nakagoshi even attempted to argue but Fujio stopped him. 
"Yasushi! That's enough. As much as I hate to admit it, you know yourself he can be trusted. Besides, Rikki would be really hurt if you keep driving everyone away from her."
Despite Kiyoshi lowering his voice into a whisper when he approached to stop his partner, Todoroki, who is the closest to the two had barely heard it, but he did. It made him raise a brow but decided not to interfere, besides, it isn't his business anyway. Although, he was a bit intrigued about Nishikawa Rikki, it seemed like there is more to her than meets the eye. The sole girl who entered Oya High without fear. 
Yasushi seemed to calm down and after some time, he's gone back to his usual self and the tension earlier had dissolved like there never was in the first place. Fujio then again mentioned how he wanted to hang out with Rikki again together with the others sometime much to Yasushi's irritation and refusal, but the others were also intrigued that they insisted to meet the girl too. In the end, Yasushi, deep inside, already trusted Fujio and the others although he would never admit it. Over his dead body.
In the midst of laughter, Jamuo couldn't even help but to point out how cute Fujio's yellow and duck designed band aids were that everyone agreed and teased the teen to which he suddenly remembered how he didn't notice it at first, or more likely he spaced out, when Rikki placed them on his face. He only knew of it when he went home, and despite the standout design and color, Fujio still wore the remaining band aids that Rikki got for him knowing how he might get teased for it later. It was actually Yasushi who instantly knew who gave him the band aids upon noticing the design because Rikki does love to use cute-designed band aids on him even with his protests and knowing how the two were together last night, it isn't impossible that it was Rikki who treated Fujio. This is because the girl has the instincts to treat the injured, no matter who they are to which Yasushi would always scold her for it because they might take advantage of her kindness. 
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emiehhsstuff · 2 years ago
The night was chilly. There were no stars in the night sky, but the moon shone brightly, illuminating the dark street. Streetlamps flickered every second, but Rikki didn't really care and just kept walking, her earphones blasting loudly that the silent night didn't bother her while she walked alone in a deserted street. It was already midnight, a perfect scene from a thriller movie where a girl like her is vulnerable to predators lurking.
Rikki left the hospital when the doctor assured her that her brother only needs to rest and avoid strenuous activities, emphasizing the word 'fights' to not agitate his head wound. Kiyoshi insisted that he walked her home, but she declined, not able to insist further when Kiyoshi's mother called him in urgence. He didn't want to let her walk alone but at the same time, Kiyoshi knew that despite Rikki's petite figure and kind of pacifistic nature, the girl could pack a punch and her roundhouse kicks were no joke. She can take care of herself and didn't really like to depend on others, although Yasushi is always there to protect her, even way back then.
She was vibing with the song on her phone when a call interrupted. When she checked it out, it was her father.
"He's fine dad. I already gave him a scolding so don't worry. Mrs. Yokoyama and Kiyoshi's been taking care of him too."
Ever since Yasushi brought Kiyoshi and introduced him to the family, both families became close with each other. Mrs. Yokoyama had also treated them like her own children and had always been the one to patch up Kiyoshi and Yasushi's wounds back then whenever Rikki couldn't. Surprisingly, both their father and Kiyoshi's mother were once colleagues and even fought together at times. Kiyoshi was even shocked when he found out that his mother was once a delinquent herself, no wonder her slaps were fire and she herself can even intimidate the cops and the troublesome guys around their complex.
"Yeah, I'll visit her when I can. I miss her desserts."
Even now that they've moved to Toaru City, Mrs. Yokoyama was the one looking out for Yasushi and made sure that he gets to eat and not starve even for a day. That boy couldn't really cook a decent meal even if his life depended on it. The good thing was Yasushi's apartment is just beside the Yokoyama's. For that, they were grateful for her.
"Goodnight dad. Say hi to grandma for us!"
Just as she ended the call, a pair of rowdy looking adults came into view with their creepy smile. Waving at the girl which made her raise a brow. She didn't like this scene.
"Hey there little girl. Why are you alone?"
"It's dangerous for a girl like you to walk alone at night, ya' know~"
She scrunched her nose in disgust as they started to come forward, still sporting their creepy grin. She could smell the strong scent of alcohol and cigarettes as they came closer which further irritated her. She hated the smell.
"It's only dangerous because of people like you."
She simply stated with a frown on her face. This was her first night here in SWORD again, but it looks like she'll have a really eventful experience. Although, she's ready to run at any time. She didn't really like fighting, even though she can.
"Well, why don't we have fun, eh?"
The taller one framed over her short stature and held a hand to her head, his grin even widening. The other just let out a laugh, although it sounded like a hyena laughing to her.
"Come now---"
Just as the other was about to touch her, he flew a few meters away, a figure appearing at the scene which made the taller creep protest and punch the stranger, but the latter was faster and kicked him in the chest.
"It's not nice to bother and scare the girl. Leave her alone."
He stated which and the two guys run away in haste, not bothering to protest in schock and fear.
"Uhm, thank you mister."
The girl, although startled at his appearance, thanked the stranger. Bowing her head.
After Fujio's talk with Todoroki, he stayed for a while, contemplating about their upcoming fight with Housen and about being the leader of Oya High.
It has always been his goal to strive for the top and he's set his eyes on Oya. Also wanting to challenge the legend of Oya himself, Murayama Yoshiki. Although, they still need to settle things with Housen and the redrum incident.
He stood up in his position and looked at the time. It was already midnight. He took a deep breath and decided to head home, feeling hungry with all the fiasco earlier.
"Ah, I'm craving for ramen~"
He was walking with his hands on his pants pockets, thinking about what to eat when he spotted figures ahead. Squinting to see what's going on, his eyes widened, and he rushed to the scene.
It wasn't hard to understand that the two guys were preying on the little girl, not really surprising in this part of town, there are a lot of thugs like this, so he didn't waste a second and punched the guy, also kicking the other which made them run with their tails between their legs.
Turning around to ask the girl if she's okay when he stopped, recognizing that it was the girl from earlier, the one who's said to be Yasushi Nishikawa's sister.
"Aren't you Yasushi's sister?! What are you doing here, walking alone at night?"
He exclaimed when the girl whose thanking him looked up to meet his gaze with a confused expression.
"How'd you know me? I don't think we've met, mister."
Fujio unconsciously scratched the back of his neck with a small chuckle.
"I've seen you earlier. You know......when you suddenly showed up at the rooftop of Oya High. Then Tsuji said that you're Yasushi's little sister"
"Tsuji?! He was there-- oh uhm never mind. Sorry for barging in your school. I was looking for my brother so.... yeah"
Rikki didn't know what to say, embarrassed about the fact that she just trespassed, if that was considered trespassing, then just left like nothing. Fujio chuckled at her flustered state.
"It's fine. I'm Hanaoka Fujio!"
He introduced himself with enthusiasm which took the girl aback but still smiled in return.
"Nishikawa Rikki. It's nice to meet you Hanaoka-san, and thank you for saving me from those creep."
She again bowed which earned a shy grin from the teen, his hand unconsciously caressing the back of his neck.
"Well, be careful and don't walk alone at night. The streets are full of predators, you know."
He stated and the girl nodded her head.
"Good thing I'm here. Also, I didn't expect that Yasushi has a little sister. How come I never saw you at Hope Hill? I'm sure I should have at least once, considering how we always get into fights with the YasuKiyo duo."
Rikki looked at Fujio for a moment before answering. Unknown to the man, she actually heard a lot about him from her brother, just that she never could put a face to the name Hanaoka Fujio, but now she has, and she is actually surprised. Her brother's description of him really fits.
"I was a sickly child back then. I don't go out that much so I'm not surprised that nobody would expect me to be Yasushi-nii's little sister. Especially that I live in Toaru City now. Why? Is it that surprising?"
Fujio nodded his head.
"Well yeah! Didn't expect Yasushi to have a cute sister like you, the other guys were surprised as well, ya' know!"
He stated with enthusiasm, not realizing his words which made the girl stop on her tracks. It was kind of him to offer to walk her home despite her resistance, but the sudden compliment really took her in a surprise.
"Do I really look that cute?"
She shamelessly asked which made Fujio realized his words and now, he was the one feeling flustered.
"Ah, well......yeah"
Fujio might be a straightforward person, always speaking what's on his mind and is totally shameless a lot of times, and more importantly, he unconsciously has the charm to befriend all that he encounters but he had never really spoken like this to a girl, nor has he ever walked a girl late at night.
Well, maybe except for his childhood friend, Madoka. He now realized how awkward he was, not knowing what to say next until Rikki let out a laugh which made him look at her.
"Thank you for the compliment, Hanaoka-san. Also, thank you for walking me home and have a good night."
Fujio didn't realize it, but he found himself waving back at her retreating figure, totally out of words until she is out of his sight.
It was just a simple laugh. But her eyes were definitely shining like fireworks in his eyes.
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emiehhsstuff · 2 years ago
"Why are you moping here on your own?"
The day is currently gloomy, not even a peak of the sun can be seen, almost as if sympathizing with Kiyoshi's solemn mood when a certain ravenette interrupted, squatting by the stairs, looking at him. It was Hanaoka Fujio, now together with the arriving Takajo Tsukasa, Jamuo and their other companions.
"How is Yasushi?"
Tsukasa stated, leaning by the barricade, all waiting for the mohawk haired's answer.
"What? Does everybody know already"
Kiyoshi hated the moment. He disliked the fact that he'll have to answer their rivals and let everybody know that his partner is currently out of commission.
"How is he?"
Fujio asked, sighing, Kiyoshi had no choice but to divulge answers. Still feeling somber on what happened to Yasushi, his partner in crime.
"He got a few stitches, but..."
He should've been there when Yasushi was attacked last night but he wasn't. It was a sudden ambush and they didn't even know who did the attack except that......
"The guys who did Yasushi were all bald. They were wearing uniforms that were not from around here"
He exclaimed in frustration.
Now Fujio furrowed his brows in comtemplation.
"It's probably---"
Kiyoshi was interrupted when a voice screamed for Fujio in haste.
"One of ours got his head cracked open by a gang of bald guys on his way here"
It was Nakaoka, together with Nakagoshi, and the members of the Chunchun Faction, all looking so serious and pissed.
"And, they gave him this"
Nakagoshi held out a paper, almost crumpling it in anger. One of their guys was also ambushed and beaten up on their way to school, leaving a message written on paper.
Jamuo immediately got the paper and read out the message which made everyone more pissed off at the context. It felt as if they were being mocked by using dirty tactics of ambushing one of their students just to declare a a fight with their school.
"We'll crush everyone who gets in the way of our business. You Oya High morons, we'll settle this with you tomorrow"
Tsukasa held the letter to see for himself and looked surprised at who sent the letter. Even the others were surprised, but nonetheless, it made their desire to avenge the pride of their school and friends stronger. Anger brewing within Fujio himself. No one messes with them, especially that they believe that it was them who is inciting the spread of red rum again. Even Murayama was peeved with Oya students dealing with drugs, he won't let them destroy their school. Not when he is still aiming for the top.
Even the usual cool tempered Tsukasa was now pissed off.
"This is all their doing"
"This is like a declaration of war"
Jamuo stated.
"A declaration of war in this era?"
Fujio chuckled, yet his face showed no humor, just plain cold expression which meant that he isn't definitely thrilled with what is going on.
"Well, now we know who they are"
Mere seconds later, a certain duo arrived with a not so happy expression.
"Fujio! What the hell is going on here?"
A newly arrived Shibaman exclaimed, together with Tsuji. Then not even a minute, more students under the Yasukiyo Faction arrived and called for Kiyoshi. Tsukasa also aproached Fujio, finally realizing what has come to happen.
"Fujio, are you serious? We're facing Housen, you know"
Tsukasa seriously stated, staring at his partner when Fujio just chuckled, but Tsukasa knew that the former were just as pissed as they are, itching to fight Housen.
"It doesn't matter who the fuck they are!"
Fujio may sometimes act like a goofball, always smiling innocently with a teasing facade but a lot of times, his serious nature had always amazed Tsukasa. His duality will always be amusing.
"You know what happened to our pal"
His stare meant that he will not let the incidents pass. Despite his kind nature, he doesn't easily let those who hurt his friends slide and go unscathed.
"We're going!"
Kiyoshi called out, his expression pleading but Fujio didn't budge. There might be rivalry on their part but there are times that even the greatest rivals will work together to overcome a greater foe.
"This isn't just your problem. This is an Oya High problem"
His declaration made the others silently agree with him, their expressions never changing, already determined to take revenge for those who were beaten down. Especially Kiyoshi who is determined to take revenge for Yasushi.
"Shit. Our captain doesn't mince words"
Even Tsukasa can't do anything about it and just chuckled. As expected from Fujio, the latter can always inspire and persuade others with just his words, a charm that he's unaware he always have even back when they were just some snotty little kids looking for trouble.
"Okay everyone! Tomorrow, let's kick some ass!"
Everyone cheered at Fujio's declaration, all feeling pumped out, ready to let out their frustrations when a girl suddenly called out for Kiyoshi, rushing past the others, heading straight to the mohawk haired teen, which garnered everyone's attention. Kiyoshi could only stare at the girl with a surprised face.
This made everyone confused, that a girl just suddenly hugged Kiyoshi, or the fact that a girl is in Oya High, a school full of delinquents.
"Finally someone I know! It's been a long time nii-san"
The girl exclaimed with an excited smile, this made Kiyoshi smile too which shocked the others who  suddenly went quiet, all of them were confused on who the girl is, and how does she know Kiyoshi and the fact that a cute girl just hugged their fight crazed delinquent.
"Well yeah, what are you doing here? How'd you even get here in Oya?!"
Kiyoshi just realize that she's currently at their school which is full of violence loving hormonal teenagers which alarmed him, but at the same time, happy to see the girl again.
"Who is she?"
"Is she Kiyoshi's girl?"
"What? Nah impossible"
"She's cute though"
"Why is a girl in Oya?"
"She called him 'nii-san', maybe his sister?"
"But Kiyoshi-san doesn't have a sister"
A series of whispers circulated throughout and the girl just realized the situation she's in but at the same time, her top priority is that she needs to know where her brother is. It was the very reason she came here after all, and good thing that she found Kiyoshi. Only the croissant-like haired teen will know where his other half is. They've always been a duo of dumb and dumber in the girl's eyes.
"Where is nii-chan? He hasn't been answering any of my calls since last night and he didn't even come to fetch me from the station that we agreed to meet. Did something happen? Is he okay?"
The two conversed, totally forgetting about the other teens, oggling and whispering with each other in confusion, although, some didn't care and just stared at the girl in wonder. Only that a certain rainbow haired teen tilted his head, nudging his friend in realization.
"That's Rikki-chan! Yasushi's sister, I remember now"
Tsuji beamed, making his partner, Shibaman also stare at the girl in realization. Who knew that they would get to see a familiar face again, considering how many years it has been.
"Woah, it is her indeed"
Shibaman placed his arm around Tsuji's shoulder with a grin which Tsuji only scoffed. A certain memory resurfacing unnecessarily.
"What?! Who did-- nevermind, I'll go see him!!"
They were still bickering with each other when the girl suddenly shouted in anger and stormed off, leaving them more confused. Also, even Kiyoshi had gone off in a panic, seemingly trying to stop the girl but to no avail, he looked more scared to actually try and stop the seething girl but still followed her with a sigh.
It was momentarily silent, until Fujio spoke with a voice of confusion, breaking the ice.
"Uhh who's she?"
Almost all of them shrugged, until Shibaman surprisingly spoke with a teasing voice.
"Tsuji knows her"
They all looked at the multi color haired teen which made him roll his eyes at their questioning glances. Especially glaring at Shibaman who just grinned at the side and looked away. Who knew that the scary looking teen can be actually teasing and playful which irritates him.
Tsuji let out a sigh.
"Rikki Nishikawa. Yasushi's younger sister"
This earned a lot of shocked replies, some with amusement, while the others looked unbothered but intrigued. Who knew that the violence crazed Yasushi Nishikawa has a cute sister. Totally surprising.
"Heh~ well that's unexpected"
Fujio just grinned at the shocking information. He and the others, mostly Tsukasa and Jamuo had always knew Yasushi from way back then but they never knew about the fact that she has a sister. Although, looking at the girl earlier, she's definitely got her brother's guts to be able to enter Oya High alone, let alone the fact that she's a girl.
"She probably came to see Yasushi"
Even Tsukasa was intrigued at the girl. Come to think of it, she definitely looks a lot like Yasushi.
On the other hand....
"Wait Rikki-chan!"
Kiyoshi was mentally praying for Yasushi. Some little sisters are sometimes scary when mad and Rikki is definitely one of them.
A/N: This is just a fanfiction I have concocted in my mind, and it won't necessarily follow the timeline from the original series so don't be confused. Also, Nishikawa Rikki is an OC I've made, and actually, I would've made it an XReader but I honestly prefer incorporating OC's since I'm more comfortable with it. I guess that's all for today!
Next Chapter will be posted soon so stay posted, and have a great day!
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emiehhsstuff · 2 years ago
It hasn't even been past a week since the incident of Housen declaring war on Oya High and now the fateful day has arrived. The final fight between Housen and Oya.
The rival factions had temporarily ceased their tension with each other and had united to face Housen.
The once injured Yasushi also joined the fight, despite Rikki's protests. Kiyoshi earning a hard look from her and just promised that he will look out for her brother, much to Yasushi's dislike. Arguing that he isn't a child that someone needs to look out for.
Rikki knew that they were fighting Housen which made her wonder why Housen would attack Oya High, knowing that the two schools never really had any conflicts even in the past. She only knew that a drug called Red Rum was one of the reasons.
She just hoped that no one would lose a life in the fight. Especially praying that her brother and Kiyoshi will be okay and come back whole and alive.
"I told you to just stay out of the fight, now stop complaining and let me do my work."
As embarrassed as he was, he couldn't exactly do anything but stay put and let the girl clean his wounds. Especially the one on the side of his head. Curse Shidaken of Housen who purposely aimed for it. Now the stitches were messed up and he has to go and get them redone.
Just as they were about to lose, Murayama came, together with the part-timers and cleared the whole fiasco. It turns out, they were totally being played by a group called Kidra, the true manufacturer and the one who distributed red rum to their territory and the one who planned to pit the two schools together to destroy them in the process. They have fought a useless battle and now they swore to get revenge on the actual enemy for playing with them.
After everyone had dispersed, The YasuKiyo duo were greeted by a disappointed Rikki, waiting for their arrival and is now mercilessly cleaning their wounds. Yasushi swore it hurts more on how she dabs the ointment than the actual wound itself which made him, and after him, Kiyoshi, hiss in pain.
"Take it easy Rikki. That hurts!"
"You're lucky it wasn't totally messed up. Now you have to go and get your stitches fixed again."
A frown was visible on her face and Yasushi just looked away, mumbling protests.
"I'm going to buy groceries Nii-chan. Remember, you have to take a rest, okay? No more fights!"
Rikki warned her brother before finally putting on her shoes and going out in a hurry. After cleaning and patching up the duo's wounds, she finally decided to get groceries since upon arriving, she noticed that most of the food that her brother has in his apartment were all instant food which is really unhealthy when eaten on a daily basis, and knowing her brother, it would be his actual diet if left alone. Good thing was, Mrs. Yokoyama would always invite Yasushi to eat with them almost every day to watch out for the teen. She would remember to thank the woman later.
She would also call them at least once a week to reassure them that Yasushi is doing fine, minus the fighting and all. Fights and bruises might have already been normal for them.
"I'll help Rikki-chan. Besides, it's getting late."
Kiyoshi offered to which she nodded with a smile. While Kiyoshi may look like a thug, he's actually more gentle and kinder than Yasushi which is surprising considering how crazy he is in fighting and his crave for violence. He was always the big brother figure when it comes to both siblings, him being actually older than them for two years. Just like his mother, he would always look out for them when their father was away on his work back then, and even now that Rikki and their father went to Toaru City, he's still looking out for Yasushi in their place which the girl is really grateful for. Although most of the time, both Yasushi and him would be just like two idiots of a whole.
"Okay! You should stay for dinner too, Kiyoshi-nii. Besides, it's been so long since I've cooked for both of you."
Rikki excitedly stated which the older teen enthusiastically beamed in agreement. While Yasushi can't cook for his life, Rikki is actually a great cook, having to learn herself at a very young age because she's not really fond of eating instant meals and even their father isn't really great at cooking anything else but eggs, so she had to improvise unless she wants to eat eggs all the way everyday back then.
"Thank you and come again!"
After buying everything she needed, Kiyoshi approached her and took the bags of groceries, insisting that he would carry everything and that it's no big deal which Rikki appreciated. Another trait that she liked about the older teen. He was always respectful when it comes to his mother and every lady that he meets, despite being intimidating at first.
"So, Kiyoshi-nii, I was just curious but this Hanaoka Fujio, is he also in the fight with Housen?"
She suddenly asked which made Kiyoshi stop and look at het with raised brows. She could only smile innocently. Truth to be told, she hasn't told anyone about what happened that one night and her encounter with Fujio. They would flip and scold her for her recklessness which she isn't really thrilled to experience. Although, it made her curious about the guy.
"Yeah, he is. Why?"
"Just curious"
Her nonchalant answer made him raise his eyebrow again but decided to shrug it off. Kiyoshi knew the girl really well. From her habits to her personality. Her sudden question about a certain boy raised alarms in his mind. Yasushi would not be thrilled.
"Did you happen to meet him?"
Although they temporarily ceased the rivalry for the race being the leader of Oya High, they weren't stupid enough not to notice how Fujio is slowly being accepted as the Full-time leader, and to be frank, he doesn't strongly dislike the idea, but they are not backing down without a fight.
"Just a short encounter"
Rikki doesn't really keep secrets from them. Not unless they don't care to ask.
"What? When-- never mind. Just don't involve yourself with him, and all Oya students in particular.  Wouldn't want Yasushi going all berserk again, you know him."
Kiyoshi playfully stated which made Rikki reminiscence some events that happened in the past that she isn't actually thrilled to remember. She groaned in annoyance.
"He went ballistic for a stupid reason. It's not like I'm going to marry every guy I've just talked to. I'm grateful he has mellowed down."
Kiyoshi laughed at her frustration, remembering what happened back then which will always be something that he will never forget. 
Back when they were still in middle school, a boy had actually confessed to Rikki and Yasushi wasn't thrilled at the thought. Her brother even stated in an overdramatic voice that, "If you marry him, your children will look like the grinch" which made her facepalm at his notion. What a way of thinking.
In the end, he beat the boy up and ended up in suspension, but the gremlin just smiled and threatened everyone who comes near his sister. This made everyone avoid her like the plague and basically, she hadn't made friends because of it which made her a loner most of the time whenever the duo isn't at school. Although she never did resent him for it. It wasn't like she's friendless outside of school too.
"He's protective like that."
As violent as he was at times, Rikki knew that it is how her brother shows affection. He was never good at words and most of the time, it would be just insults coming out of it, but his actions would speak differently. He could be insulting her but still accompany her when she needed someone, or he'll be whining and cussing protests while she tends to his wounds but in the end, she will always be the first person he'll go to after a fight. They would always be each other's comfort person, Kiyoshi included at times.
"I know. I love him like that. Don't tell him though."
Kiyoshi smiled and nodded. Both siblings are really alike, despite Rikki being kinder and softer than her brother, their personalities are more alike than they care to admit. Maybe its normal for the Nishikawa family to be somewhat Tsundere's.
Remembering how Yasushi had once told him the promise the latter had made himself after a certain incident that nearly changed the girl for life. He would never forget how menacing Yasushi looked at that time. 
"Rikki's not like us. She's far more than the life that's waiting ahead for us and I'll make sure she'll always be happy."
The girl may not remember but all of those who were present that day clearly remembered what happened and swore to never tell a word about that incident. It would only open a dark door that the girl had forcefully closed inside her mind and Yasushi never wanted to see his sister in that state ever again. 
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emiehhsstuff · 2 years ago
"What the hell's a girl doin' 'ere?!"
"Huh? A girl?!"
Whispers and shouts can be heard along the hallway, the rowdy students peering over their classroom's windows and others by the door or just crowding by the hallways as a certain girl walked past them without batting an eyelash at their intimidating faces and intense gazes. The girl continuously tapped while looking at her phone, trying to navigate through the hallways marked with graffiti and littered with trash and a bunch of broken stuff. The boys around her, despite their delinquency, a lot was hesitating to approach the girl, while the others simply didn't care and just minded their own business the moment she passed through them.
"Come on. Answer your phone Nii-chan"
The girl muttered with a restless sigh, her eyebrows furrowed as she bit her lips in frustration. Now lifting her gaze from her phone, she cluelessly turned to the right when she bumped into someone.
"Hm? What's a girl doing here?"
A guy with the standard gakuran, although, his looked more formal, with a patch on his right eye looked at her with a blank expression. Even if he looked like the nerdy type, the girl knew that the guy is also a delinquent. After all, she is currently in Oya High, a school full of rowdy delinquents, repeaters, misfits, and also enigmatic ones that strives to be the top guy by fighting with each other. Also, the guy exudes an aura of superiority to him, making her think that he may be someone of not the typical delinquent.
Although, not waiting for an answer, he continued to walk away when the girl finally had the chance to speak, already frustrated with how she's going circles the moment she entered Oya High.
"Wait! Uhm, maybe you know where I can find Yasushi Nishikawa? He just transferred here this year."
The guy finally looked at her with an expressionless face, then put up a finger, pointing up.
Then he left which only made the girl more confused at the guy's rather cold demeanor but decided to shrug it off and trust his word. After all, if he didn't know who she was looking for, then he would just tell her he didn't.
"Seriously, why isn't he answering his phone."
She again muttered under her breath and decided to go up the stairs, assuming that it would lead to the roof top.
"I swear--- oh!"
Rikki beamed up when she saw a familiar face, forgetting the fact that there were also a lot of teens on the scene as she approached a familiar face.
One would always assume upon seeing and meeting Yasushi that he is the type to be an only child, the troublemaker son who has been tethered a lot of times as a child. No one would think that he can be a big brother to a cute little sister whose kind and always smiling. A total angel at a glance.
Kiyoshi had once thought of it too. The first time he finally met Yasushi's family, he was actually surprised of how normal it was.
At least in his eyes, it was a pretty normal family in their standards living in Hope Hill complex which isn't really known for anything normal, whether it be their community or the people living in it. Most of the time, why kids living there grow up to be messed up was because the adults who were supposed to raise them were also fucked up. Although, there are still families who are pretty normal and those hoping to get out of the complex in the future.
Despite the missing mother, Mr. Nishikawa was a cool man, now he knew where Yasushi had gotten his drive for fighting, seeing that their father was once like them, also being the one who taught Yasushi how to fight, and of course Yasushi, the troublemaker son, and surprisingly, Rikki, the baby of the Nishikawa Family. The young girl whose opposite of her brother, one who disliked fighting and was always respectful and kind towards others. Although, he understood why they would be shocked if they learned about her relationship with Yasushi.
Ever since Rikki was little, she had always been a sickly child. Thus, why she rarely went out of their apartment and Kiyoshi had only known of her existence when her brother invited him to their apartment. Yasushi also wasn't the type to tell stories about his home life, but of course, Kiyoshi may be the only one to have the privilege to know since they were long time childhood friends.
Just like right now, all of Oya boys present were staring at the girl in curiosity but Kiyoshi ignored them and focused on the girl.
When they started high school, Mr. Nishikawa decided to move to Toaru City and took Rikki with him to live with grandma Nishikawa. Originally, Yasushi was also coming but he refused and stayed in SWORD. And now, the little sister is here.
Rikki demanded answers which he couldn't refuse to answer, forcing him to spill the incident on what happened to Yasushi, where he was ambushed last night and was hospitalized with his head cracked open. This made the girl storm out, and him following behind, leaving the still confused bunch. Although, Tsuji might spill the beans about her, considering if he can still remember her. It has been a long time since the last time the duo, Tsuji and Shibaman had seen her.
"I can't believe that you care more about fighting and not the fact that you just had your skull stitched."
Rikki scolded the now newly conscious Yasushi who just rolled his eyes and groaned in pain. His whole body hurts and his head felt like splitting open, yet he's not off the hook with the scolding and glares from his little sister. Although surprised at the sight of his sibling, he's not really in the ideal state to show his happiness, not really a fan of showing his battered-up state to his worry wart sister.
"Come on, I just woke up. I said I'm sorry for not picking you up. They totally ganged up on me, those bastards, I'll kill them the moment I see them."
Yasushi stated which made Rikki frown even more. Her arms and legs crossed while sitting at his bedside. Kiyoshi decided to stay silent by the door, not really wanting to receive the wrath of the girl. He didn't have any siblings, but Rikki is already like one, a nagging little sister which he is grateful and also regretful at times to have when she nags like a mother does like they're her sons.
"You boys are really stupid. Getting into fights and stuff. What if someday you might be injured beyond repair? I'll kick your ass when that happens!"
"But Rikki-chan---"
"You too, Kiyoshi-nii! Stop making your mother worry and focus on your studies! At this rate, only the Yakuza will take your stupidity in the future!"
Yasushi can't help but snicker at the insult while Kiyoshi just looks away in embarrassment. Such small body but her words cut like a knife.
"Stop laughing Nii-chan. You're just as dumb as him, no, maybe even dumber. At this rate, I worry about your future."
"Hah?!! The hell did you just call me dumb?!"
"Pfft--- so you're dumber than me!"
"Shut up Kiyoshi!!"
The three bickered, even with Rikki's insulting words, both knew that she didn't mean it. It's just her way of showing her worry and means that she cares, no matter how dumb they are and only cares about fighting, admittedly so.
On the other hand, Todoroki Yosuke had a talk with Hanaoka Fujio. Their fight with Housen will still continue, partially acknowledging Fujio being the new leader of Oya High.
Housen, on the other hand are already preparing for the big brawl.
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