#Fuck Doctors
fuck-customers · 2 months
This one is a fuck patients! Or the doctors or both. I am just so fucking pissed off right now.
I work in a supermarket. Currently I am on the register and see hundreds of people a week. You all know that customers suck ass and don't think about anyone but themselves.
So tell me why, WHY for the second time in a row I get fucking COVID at the doctors office. You would assume they know what to do to minimize the spread of infections. But no people walk in hacking into their hands and proceed to touch every thing. then the doctor himself not wearing a mask and no gloves and then proceed to feel me up better than my first love. First time it was the lab. That hoe knows I have mysophobia yet she constantly hands me everything not tied down in her cube just to piss me off. Well fuck it. Another doctor on the DO NOT USE list.
I feel like utter shit and I'm going to go crawl in a deep hole for a week or so.
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nightmaretour · 1 year
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Image ID by @closeted-punk
[Image ID: The "Bus vs train" meme format with the first panel showing the text "My explanation of my symptoms that spent days planning out" and the second panel of the train hitting the bus with the text "The doctor not giving a single fuck and trying to get the appointment over as quickly as possible" over the train. In the bottom left corner of the second panel is a "imgflip.com" watermark. End ID]
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scooplery · 8 months
god willing i never end up in the psych ward again but if i do i am going to form a union
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theeepiestfroggo · 4 months
Love when bringing up legitimate concerns is labeled as making up excuses. "You need to at least try and do what the doctor says," mf the doctor is telling me to injure myself.
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girlish-in-pain · 1 year
I recently went on a touristy vacation where I knew we were going to be walking a lot so I brought the cane I have with me. Mind you it was a 3ish week long vacation in a foreign country. I had bought a cane maybe a year before even though my doctor didn't think I needed it because "you could just sit down or not walk for long distances instead" and "you're too young to use a cane". So naturally I ignored her and followed my disabled friend's advice instead and bought a cane. But I barely used it because I got in my own head about not reaaally needing it and other internalised ableism stuff. Also people staring didn't help.
Fast forward to the vacation where I used it religiously. And it helped soo much! I noticed I could walk farther and walk for more days in a row, because my pain levels were lower. It helped so much that I could no longer justify not using it to myself.
Now it's 6 weeks later and I use my cane everyday.
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plague-of-insomnia · 5 months
fuck doctors istg
my immunologist today said he can’t do the prior auth (no reason why just a “polite” fuck you very much) despite the fact we explicitly said i do NOT HAVE ANOTHER FUCKING DOCTOR I CAN GO TO and have not been properly treated in a year and a half
We’re exploring a couple other avenues and MAY be able to get me into a specialty clinic at Baylor in the med center… it’s not for my disease but they basically have a doc who works as your “guide” and coordinates with the other specialists etc, which I have needed for years…. But no idea if they’ll take me or how long it may take to get in there if they will.
But once I do get a doctor to manage me I am reporting both my immunologist and rheumatologist to the state medical board.
I almost died multiple times this year already because of lack of proper care and they have essentially cut me off without making sure I have someone who can continue my care. This is a major failure and if we didn’t live in Texas (that caps medical malpractice so it makes suing not really worth it, especially since as a patient you often will end up blacklisted… it sucks, not the first time we looked into suing a doctor/insurance company) we would sue them.
I probably also will blog about them, by name, and go on every review site I can and tell about their unprofessionalism.
Makes me wish I had an Othello like in Synch… he may be cold and see Seb a bit as a science project, but he does care about him as a patient.
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arlo-venn · 9 months
Recovered pretty quickly from yesterday’s event. Gonna leave a scathing review, when I have the energy, and I’m gonna call and speak to those two really nice nurses to see if they can have a discussion with the doctor about her “bedside manner.” And to apologize to them for having to witness the outburst. But I will make it clear that I am not sorry for the outburst— it was justified.
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weirdstrangeandawful · 3 months
The very threateningly realistic email I just sent exhausted, and slightly intoxicated, to my shit neurologist because I’m just so done with no doctor bothering to communicate or coordinate. If anyone needed some inspiration (I can try and turn my emails into a template if that would help anyone).
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Yes, I know I need a social worker. Unfortunately, for that to be even approaching affordable, I need a doctor to find me one.
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santtalgis · 4 months
im about to destroy this room.
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3-aem · 2 years
I have to fight my health insurance for realsies this time and part of that is reading these fking pamphlets on what constitutes a certain bill coding and i am genuinely so disgusted at how all these guides are written like did you know you can get the extra $30 u deserve by doing this to get ur patient to say that (and all they end up with is a higher bill they can't afford!!! For Virtually No Extra Care)
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multifariousmayhem · 1 year
me: im in a lot of chronic pain, i am in pain just sitting in front of you right now and is impacting my every day life
doctor: hmmmm... have you tried exercise?
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tardis--dreams · 6 months
I made my decision. I'm going off my antidepressants for good. I'll need to stop my adhd meds too. It's a shame because i think both my ADs and adhd meds weren't too bad. But i need to sacrifice the positive effects for the sake of being free and heal from the trauma the mental health field caused me. I don't want to ever be called mentally ill by anyone ever again. Especially not doctors. I get to call myself that. But no one else. I quit. I've had enough of their bullshit.
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faggotfungus · 8 months
I have felt like absolute shit all day. The amount of Losartan (blood pressure med) I'm on paired with the 1mg of Guanfacine HCL (for adhd) they just put me on lowers my BP SO MUCH. Honestly, I felt like my heart was gonna stop a few times today.
Sick and fucking tired of doctors not LOOKING at what other medications I'm on before prescribing me another one.
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oliveasaltylife · 8 months
[medical gaslighting]
Oh and I had to see a different OB/GYN than my normal endo specialist and she was the WORST
She actually suggested that my period and ovulation pain that leaves me vomiting and nearly hallucinating might be “normal” for my body.
And then proceeded to lecture me on IUDs for more than half of my appointment after I explicitly stated that I don’t want one and my normal doctor said it’s not a good plan for me (nevermind the fact that IUDs are contradicted by my connective tissue diseas in the first place)
And then she said I have “too much going on” in my body and need to figure even MORE out before I can even be evaluated for endometriosis. And blamed my pain on tethered cord and “nerve pain signals getting misinterpreted.”
I should have walked out, but I was so dissociated I just sat there, frozen, staring at her in complete disbelief
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oblivious-flesh · 2 years
I hate my fucking rheumatologist
It just dawned on me that she didn't do any real tests or anything, not even the actual full Beighton score, and just said that I'm hypermobile with my neurons acting up from covid like 4 months ago. I'm not a doctor or anything, but that sounds like complete bullshit to me, especially since she didn't do ANY tests at all. I have a ton of symptoms for hEDS, osteoarthritis, and quite a few for fibromyalgia.
I think it's really just bullshit that she just wrote me off like that. It's been maybe 2-3 months and I haven't gotten better, if anything I've gotten worse. I'm so genuinely angry right now, but I don't know what to do about it.
My parents don't want anything wrong with their perfectly healthy child, so even if I bring it up to them, they'll just say "oh you're spending too much time on the internet again. You need to stop looking up your symptoms" WHEN I DO ACTUAL FUCKING RESEARCH!!! I DON"T JUST LOOK THEM UP AND COME TO A CONCLUSION FROM THE FIRST FUCKING LINK!!!! I'm so pissed.
If anyone has any advice, PLEASE share it.
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hornedgod · 2 years
I wish every single doctor that thinks their patients are faking (especially in the US where every single appointment costs the patient an exorbitant amount of cash) develops a debilitating chronic pain disorder. let’s see how you like it motherfucker
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