#Frozen salt
juniaships · 1 year
My idea for Frozen 3
Which surprisingly acknowledges the second movie! Even though I dislike it, I'm not going to pretend it doesn't exist. Well, think of it as a Frozen 2.5 as it's more of a spin-off movie. Rhe story takes the magic mirror elements from the Snow Queen tale. Tw for Flashing Images
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Ominous green fire not included
The movie starts with Hans is still on punishment for his actions in the first movie. He's sick of shoveling horse crap and resents his station in life. One day his father offers him a deal: find a magic mirror and bring it back and he will reverse all charges. Maybe even upgrade his rank. Seeing it as a chance to finally prove his worth and get back at the people who wronged him, Hans eagerly accepts the deal.
He boards a ship set coursed to Westleton as a starting point. But one evening it gets caught in a cyclone and Hans is thrown overboard. Miraculously he lands on a deserted island. Turns out the island is inhabited by a beautiful woman named Kirsten. Her only companions is a female reindeer named Anders and a artic fox kit named Sian (pronounced shee-anne).
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To Hans's surprise Kirsten has the mirror he's looking for. So he puts on the charismatic Prince Charming act to try to trick her. But Kirsten is no Anna: she sees right through it and shuts him down! She already knows about Hans as she heard about what he did from the villagers she often stayed with. She decides to take him as her hostage.
Kirsten says she got the magic mirror from one of her great grandparents. Her family were far from royalty and couldn't make ends meet. One of her relatives stole a precious item from a powerful mage to exchange it for food. As a result they got the entire town cursed, which ultimately led her family's exile. She believes that by returning the mirror back to original place, she can end the curse. She could give it to Hans and pass the curse on to him but that would be taking the easy way out.
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While on the Island Hans and Kirsten try to get along. He's bitter over losing another chance to be a king and she is upset that she's pretty much stuck with the worse guy on Earth. Doesn't help they have to face obstacles such as like giant bugs; a river of lava that can only be crossed via a wonky bridge; and questionable berries.
Gradually the duo starts to get along particularly after Hans saves Kirsten's life. The journey also forces Hans to rely on strengths other than his manipulation.
During a heart to heart, Hans admit the reason why he's so obsessed with getting the mirror is to show up his family; as he was the youngest they blame him for the death of the Queen (who had died giving birth to him). Kirsten replies while that doesn't excuse taking it out on Arendelle, he was still a innocent baby who did not deserve to be treated that way. The honest talk pushes Hans to consider if it's actually worth it.
In Arendelle Hans brothers' are there, not really caring about the possibility of their brother dying. Anna and Kristoff are uneasy working with them but knows that Hans is a potential threat, unaware that he is changing for the better.
After getting to the other end of the island they make it to a coastal village and stowaway to Arendelle (how ironic). Hans is terrified so Kirsten disguises him as a sailor. By luck they arrived during a time of a festival so Kirsten decides to take a breather. Hans teaches her how to dance and Anders and Sian push for them to be a couple much to Kirtsen's amusement.
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After a day of jest Hans and Kirsten resume their quest and make it to the trolls. Grandfather Troll tell them about the hall of mirrors. The others trolls know that Hans is bullshitting with the disguise but Grandfather Troll senses that this is a necessary journey for Hans so they can't interfere.
The quartest go to an abandoned Cave (the mountains Elsa were in the first movie) which turns out to be the entrance to the Mage's house. That's where the ultimate test begins. Hans sees a reflection of himself at various points in his life, and the events that culminated in the monster he was in F1. Realizing he doesn't like what he sees Hans resolves to finally change his life and plans on telling his father the mirror is lost. Kirsten undergoes her own test as her "loner" mentality made her miserable and time with Hans made her regain her sense of trust and joy.
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Confronting their past selves they pass the test. But Just as Kirsten is about to return the mirror, Hans' brothers show up (having tracked them down) and take Sian and Anders hostage. To save Kirsten's life he takes the mirror and asks his brother to put her under house arrest. Kirsten is upset and tells him off, which hurts Hans.
Back in the Southern Isles Hans gives his father the mirror. With the item now in his possession the king starts making plans to invade the other nations in the fjord. Hans is given a new rank but cannot enjoy it as he's guilty for lying to Kirsten even if it was to save her life. Knowing his family's true intentions Hans decides to go to the last person to ask for help; Queen Anna.
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Hans surrenders himself to the Arendelle authorities and is brought before Anna. She's still angry over his actions. Hans pleads that this isn't about that anymore and he is ready to accept full responsibility. But his father is plotting to take over the entire realms, he has one of hus friends locked up, and he needs her and Elsa's help. Anna senses that the desperation is genuine and reluctantly helps him. She learns about Hans's special friend and skeptical over it.
Together with Honeymaren's tribe the heroes go to the Isles and confront the King. Hans sneaks to the tower and frees Kirsten. She punches him and about to do it again when Hans catches her and confesses he only said that to save her life. He has seen what kind of monster his father really is and no longer wants to put up with him. But first they need to stop him before he brings about a world war. Kirsten is relieved that Hans isn't lying, but she makes her grumpiness clear. During the fight they're arguing and accidentally let slip they like each other.
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The heroes end up playing keep away with the mirror but the king gets it and about to turn Kirsten to stone. In an intentional callback to the scene in F1, Hans jumps in the way and gets turned to stone. The king is unsympathetic that he turned one of his own kids to stone. Suddenly Sian bites him causing the mirror to fly out of his hands. Kirsten catches it and smashes it.
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The effects of the mirror ends. But Hans remains frozen. Heh. Touched by his sacrifice Kirsten weeps over his body. Then the ghost of the OG mage arrives, having witnessed Hans' sacrifice. Even though Kirsten's family stole the mirror, her determination to set things right and sacrificing her only chance at breaking the curse, made the Mage so impressed he takes pity on them. That, and Hans finally putting his life towards what's actually important.
Hans is restored and he and Kirsten embrace. Much to the shock of his family, Hans renounces his royal title and leaves for good. After the battle the nations in the region decide to cut the Southern Isles and arrest the King. The twelve brothers fight over the throne which eventually leads to the monarchy getting dissolved. Being replaced by a kinder more just Prime Minister.
While Anna and Hans' don't become friends they do become allies. Hans and Kirsten travels the world a bit more, focusing on helping people and Hans working to repair his reputation. Even meets her family (who live with Honeymaren's village). Shortly afterwards, Hans is working as an ice harvester and Kirsten is a writer and publishes stories based on her adventures.
An alternative version of the final battle is the king almost turns Hans into stone to punish him for his betrayal but Kirsten takes the blow instead. Hans realizes this is exactly what Elsa felt when Anna turned to stone. He fights his dad and gets the mirror and smashes it. He cries over Kirsten's, the act of true love cures her and the original owner of the mirror takes pity and heals her blah blah blah blah blah Yes it is cheesy. It's a fuckin disney princess movie let me have fun dammit!!
And later when Elsa sends a message that requires Arendelle, Hans and Kirsten decides to go as he wants to make it up to Elsa too.
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The story essentially is removing the metaphorical shard in Hans' eye and leading him to experience the world on his own terms and not just what his family expects. You don't have to help the people who ruined your life and doesn't care about you; but also redemption takes a lot of time and work. You might not always be forgiven but the results are truly worth it. Also learn to consider someone else's need and help people without expecting a reward all the time.
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nanasalt · 1 year
Character ask: King Agnarr(Musical/Film)
I feel like this is unfair because I answered some for Frozen 1 Agnarr and some for Frozen 2 Agnarr, except that the better Agnarr (Frozen 1) doesn't have enough personality or scenes to really answer all of these. So here we are.
favorite thing about them:
This is one of those Frozen 1 answers.
Agnarr clearly cares for his family. His worst choices come from making difficult decisions in an impossible situation. He and Iduna end up basically abusing and traumatizing both daughters via the separation, the neglect of Anna, and the repetition of the repression mantra for Elsa, but let's be honest: can any of us say we would've handled the situation better?
In a modern analogy, Elsa has a trait that makes her unavoidably lash out in moments of extreme emotion. When playing with her sister she accidentally lashes out and Anna ends up at death's doorstep; only rushing her to the ER and having her undergo traumatic brain surgery allowed Anna to survive.
As a decent father, separating the girls and focusing on getting Elsa's powers under control was obviously the top priority. Elsa even agrees with Agnarr! In the musical, Iduna argues that the girls should be kept together, and Elsa says "Mother, it's how it has to be. What's best for her is best for me," then turns to her father, who reassures her they'll find a way to control her powers. There is never an indication Agnarr and Iduna planned to keep their daughters separated forever, just until Elsa could be around people without accidentally hurting someone. The problem was that neither parent knew how to actually help Elsa; the trolls gave them the vaguest advice of avoiding "fear", which wasn't actionable.
Without help, the day the girls could reunite never came. After the parents died, Elsa tried to follow their advice, but she was a child without guidance. Of course she didn't do it right! And when she did reunite with Anna, exactly the thing they were all fearing happened: she was overwhelmed, lost control, and mortally wounded her sister.
Just ... Agnarr is a tragic figure. There was no good answer in his situation, especially if he was trying to be a good king on top of dealing with all this. It's part of why I prefer the idea that he died on just a normal diplomatic trip, because then the tragedy is human and normal. Frozen 2 saying that the parents died trying to find answers for Elsa makes the world feel small and boring and like nothing else ever happened.
So in summary: he's such an interestingly tragic character. I wish Frozen 2 had been content to leave him as a normal, tragic character instead of warping his whole life to revolve around Elsa.
least favorite thing about them:
As a person? Emotionally abusing both daughters for a decade. Not only was Elsa being taught to repress her feelings, but Anna was so neglected by both parents that she was talking to paintings for company while her entire family was in the same home. Just because her trauma didn't manifest in explosive, awful ways like Elsa's, it seems both parents assumed she was fine and handling it and never noticed that her cheer was another coping mechanism.
As a narrative device? I kinda like that he kicks off Elsa being wrong about how to control her powers and starts her and Anna on the path of trauma that leads to the horrific situation that forms the basis of Frozen.
In Frozen 2, I really hate that this man apparently never figured out his wife was a native woman and - separate to that - felt comfortable telling the story of the time his family massacred a whole tribe of native people as a bedtime story to his kids. Its a bad character trait and bad writing - two for one!
favorite line:
Had to ask the roommate for help, and she turned up:
Elsa: Were the Northuldra magical, like me? Agnarr: No Elsa, they were not magical, they just took advantage of the forest gifts. Their ways were so different from ours. But still, they promised us friendship. In honor of that, your grandfather, King Runeard, built them a mighty dam to strengthen their waters. It was a gift of peace.
The narrative framing is what really makes this [chef's kiss]. He's so, so wrong, and on top of it, he's blatantly ignoring Elsa's cry for reassurance that she's not alone.
Oh, but for Frozen 1 -- I saw a post once pointing out that the mantra Agnarr teaches Elsa is "conceal it, don't feel it, don't let it show". It doesn't become "conceal, don't feel, don't let it show" until Elsa's had a lot of time to spiral alone and conflate her dangerous powers with her sense of self. It's a little detail but one that hurts me in a good way.
Does Agnarr have friends? I genuinely can't think of one. I like how musical!Agnarr interacts with his family. As mentioned above, I like that he and Elsa are on the same track when it comes to keeping Anna safe even if it means the girls can't be together.
Agnarr/Iduna (musical edition)
Agnarr/Iduna (Frozen 2), though I've just started Dangerous Secrets and I think it might give Frozen 2 a run for it's money in terms of bad romance. The flawed premise is inherited from F2 thought so ... let's call F2 the worst.
random headcanon:
I like to believe that he's a good king of Arendelle. We have no evidence of this either way in the films, but it makes him more interesting if he was a decent king who was trying to balance that with his family life. I imagine he became a less stellar king after they had to close the family off from people, but still not bad.
(Sort of like Nicholas II pulling away from public life because he couldn't explain that the reason they kept a weird monk around was Alexei had hemophilia, but in this case it's because Elsa can kill people in a simple accident.)
Overall, the people of Arendelle remember Agnarr fondly but without a lot of detail.
unpopular opinion:
I simply do not care! And furthermore, there is nothing Disney or anyone else can do will make me curious about this man or his life. I don't care how he and Iduna met, I don't care who they were when they were younger, I just do not care. They exist to be Anna and Elsa's origin story, and that's it.
Also, I think the girls need to talk about the fact their parents sucked. They can't heal until they admit it.
song i associate with them:
"Monster" from the musical...? Mostly because Elsa invokes him by title in it. I don't think of Agnarr as a character much, but Agnarr the concept definitely haunts Elsa.
favorite picture of them:
One HUNDRED percent this picture of him talking about how his family massacred a native tribe, saying that the tribe attacked them (which is demonstrably wrong), not knowing his wife was on the massacred side.
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Honorable mention to Iduna's absolute lack of reaction. No thoughts, head empty, if she confronted the fact she had two kids with this man she'd have to do something more drastic than occasionally singing her kids a native lullaby after her loving husband is safely gone.
That whole scene being the opening of the film sure was a choice!
I'm also fond of every single musical Agnarr, but he's not photographed as much.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
Reddit: Hey there's an official 10th Anni Frozen spotify playlist???!!! Me: ???!!!! *clicks to check it out* The playlist: *lists a bunch of Frozen 2 songs and cut songs before we EVEN GET TO FROZEN 1, you know???? the one with the actual 10th anni!!!!* Me:
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littlepawz · 8 months
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yup, that's my corner of the world :)
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fullcravings · 2 years
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Frozen Oreo Dessert
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pamithebunterfly2007 · 2 months
A request for my friend @chrisloch6-blog
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Here we have
Anna as Augustus Gloop
Gogo Tamago as Violet Beauregard
Daisy as Veruca Salt
Sunset Shimmer as Mike Teavee
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echo-goes-mmm · 11 months
Anniversary Present (Oneshot)
My Writing Masterpost
Warnings: slight dubcon, manipulation, minor character death, blood, past stalking
“I’m hungry,” complained Victor. 
Henry glanced at the vampire, then into his side mirror. “I’m driving.”
“So pull over.”
“I can’t,” he protested. “There’s no place to park.” They had circled the lot once already, but there were no spots. If Victor hadn’t insisted on spending the weekend at the beach of all places, this wouldn’t have happened.
“It’s a Friday evening on a holiday,” he explained. “It’ll be a while.” Victor grumbled, but at least he seemed placated. 
It had been three years since Victor ‘claimed’ him like some sort of stalker, and Henry hadn’t been able to shake him. Now he was stuck with Victor, and sometimes he could fool himself into normalcy. Like some kind of fucked-up sitcom. See the vampire and his unwilling roommate, every evening at 7pm on FOX! Or something. Henry didn’t watch cable.
“Look,” said Victor, “there’s a spot.”
“Finally,” groaned Henry. Another car came down the aisle, and he put on the turn signal and waited for them to pass so he could pull in. But instead, the BMW swerved into the spot, nearly dinging him in the process. Asshole.
Victor hissed. 
“Don’t,” Henry said. “It’s literally okay.” 
Victor sighed. “Fine.” 
Eventually, they found a spot in another lot, but there was a fee. Henry grumbled as Victor drank an evening snack from him. What a jerk, and of course it was a BMW. Brand new, too. Henry thought of his 20 year old beater and tried not to be jealous.
Victor had made reservations to a nice restaurant on the boardwalk for the two of them, which was hilarious. Victor could eat human food, it just did nothing for him except taste good. He was always dragging Henry to fancy places.
The perks of having a rich vampire eat off him, he supposed.
Victor disappeared after paying for dinner, with a promise to meet him at the rental later. Typical. 
But Henry had a little cash to burn, and the boardwalk was fun. He ate frozen custard (peanut butter and chocolate) and looked at ridiculously priced swimsuits on sale. He watched people come in and out of novelty stores, and got himself a box of saltwater taffy. It was nice, he thought, as a charming family went into the amusement park.
Of course, the downside to this little vacation was Victor. He was going to do something this weekend, he could feel it. 
Henry was a snack, a little amusement that Victor liked to keep under his thumb.
Henry hated when Victor dragged home a meal.
He shuddered, the warm night air suddenly suffocating. He took another bite of his frozen custard and told himself not to think about it.
He got to the rental house hours later (after somehow mixing up where he’d parked) and Victor was there as promised. 
“So,” said Victor, “there’s this cute little diner in town. We should go there for breakfast.” 
“Yeah, sure.”
Victor frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I guess. Just tired.” 
“Oh. Well, the bedroom on the right is yours. Goodnight.” Suspicious.
“‘Night.” The drive was pretty draining, so Henry fell asleep quickly.
Victor dragged him to the diner around nine. He looked a little funny dressed in pants and a hoodie in this weather, but it was sunny out and, well, vampire.
Henry woke up in a much better mood than yesterday. He ordered a short stack of blueberry pancakes with a side of sausage and it was divine.
Victor bid him a good day after breakfast and went to sleep. Henry took the opportunity to spend the rest of the day at the beach. It was a great weather out, and he swam in the ocean a couple times before making it back to the rental. He even splurged and got some barbeque from a place on the boardwalk for lunch.
But soon the sun would be down, and Victor would be hungry. He headed back to the rental house.
After the feeding, he was more worn out than usual. He hadn’t been on a vacation in a while, and he’d forgotten how tiring it was to relax. He went to sleep soon after.
“Henry. Hey, Henry!” Victor whispered. He groaned and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
“What?” Victor’s red eyes glowed down at him. Victor flashed him a toothy grin. He glanced at the clock. Midnight. And why could he smell pizza?
“I got you a present.” 
“Just come see!” Henry stumbled into the living room and flipped the switch.
“Oh my god!”
A guy was tied up and gagged in the middle of the floor. Pizza boxes sat on the table, with a bunch of booze and soda. The man made a frantic sound from behind the gag.
“What the fuck?” he said. Victor flopped on the couch. He titled his head and grinned.
“It’s the man who cut you off earlier. And I also got dinner and that novelty soda you like. The one that tastes like sour candy.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
Fuck. Again? Victor had never been caught before, but this was insane. 
Why was his life like this? Ugh. Whatever.
He crossed the room and took a slice of pizza. It was amazingly good, actually. It really was true that the best New York style pizza was in New Jersey. He ignored Mr. BMW struggling against the ropes.
He twisted off the cap to the soda and some vodka. He was gonna need it. Henry turned back to the scene to see Victor teasing Mr. BMW. Muffled shouts came from behind the gag.
Henry knew how scary it was, seeing a vampire for the first time. But he couldn’t bring himself to care anymore. It was normal, now.
“I think he wants to say something,” grinned Victor. He plucked the gag from Mr. BMW.
“I- I’m so sorry,” he said, looking back and forth between them. “Please don’t kill me!” he sniffed. Henry shifted, uncomfortable.
“You’re not sorry,” snarled Victor, “You’re just sorry you got caught. Nobody gets to be an asshole to my human. Nobody.”
“It’s just a parking spot, Victor. Not a big deal.” Victor turned to him. He shrank back. 
“You don’t get to decide that,” he said. 
“I’m making your life better. Remember that boss you hated? I took care of it. And now you don’t hate your job. This is for you, Henry.” He yanked the man’s hair, baring his neck. 
He sank his teeth into the man, drinking long and deep. Henry’s mind whirled. Had Victor really been killing off everyone who was mean to him? 
Victor finished, the man’s head lolling. 
“Look at him,” purred Victor, voice husky. “He’s still alive. Think he’ll chalk it up to a dream, or pass on to the next life?”
He came close, blood smeared over his mouth. He stepped right up to Henry, taking his chin in hand.
Henry whimpered.
“Don’t be scared,” cooed Victor against his lips. Victor kissed him, copper on his tongue. 
What was happening?
Victor pulled away, pupils blown. His cool hand came to rest on his ass.
“Victor-” he started, but for some reason he couldn’t, didn’t, pull away.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said. A curl of heat smoldered in Henry’s gut. “Three years,” continued Victor, “and I never told you that. Isn’t that strange?”
“Ye- yeah.” Victor pressed a kiss to his throat, mouthing up to just under his jaw.
“Wait-” he said, regaining himself. Victor paused, pulling away. “All those restaurants, all those presents, were- were they-”
“Dates? Yeah,” admitted Victor. “You needed a stronger hint.”
Fuck. He’d seen the way Victor looked at him, the way he waited in the car under a blanket for hours just for Henry to get off work. He thought it was just hunger, and it was, but it was more than that. And Victor was attractive, and mostly kind-
The dying man behind them groaned.
And it was too much. “I don’t want this,” he whispered. Victor stepped away, turning from him.
“Please,” said Henry, “I’m sorry-”
“No, you’re not,” said Victor. His heart sank. Victor was finally going to kill him. 
But then Victor turned, and he didn’t look mad at all. 
“It’s okay,” he said, stepping close again. And his eyes, they were so pretty now. So big and deep, and what was he thinking about? “You just need a little nudge.”
Oh yeah. 
Victor was attractive, and mostly kind, and took him to places he never could have afforded and-
He snorted. His life was already so goddamn weird.
“Sure, why not? It’s not like you’re going anywhere,” said Henry. “Might as well make the most of it.”
“Exactly what I was thinking,” agreed Victor. 
Victor kissed him again, and they fumbled their way to the couch. He wanted Victor, and he wanted him now, witness be damned.
The man was dying anyway.
Henry woke up the next morning in a great mood. Last night was just… incredible. It was so obvious, he couldn’t believe he missed it.
He snuggled back into Victor’s cool arms. 
Sure, it was fucked up, but who cared? Victor was hot and financially stable (aka rich as hell) and took care of him.
It just made sense.
Maybe he could get a nice car if he asked Victor.
He was a genius. Just a little nudge. Wasn’t even cheating, really. Charming never worked for so long.
Henry still had his personality the whole night, so it didn’t even count as Charming him. Just a tiny, itty bitty nudge, and his precious little human had finally given in to his wooing. They had a wonderful night of pizza, drinking, and sex. 
So good.
Draining that pesky little boyfriend four years ago had finally paid off. 
He was an asshole anyway.
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
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joshpeck · 2 years
the greeks got it right with greek yogurt
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miss-m-winks · 1 year
Hey help me shame my housemate who always uses his Italian and German ancestry as a bragging right in the kitchen even though all he really does with it is argue for storebougt bratwurst over storeglbought hot dogs, and also brag about how good his family lasagna recipe is while only ever making store bought frozen lasagna or pasta from a box.
If I lose this I will be very sad for all you people and your unseasoned meat. But if I win I can cancel his kitchen bragging rights forever.
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mochinek0 · 2 years
"I am Heartache!" the akuma roared, "Everyone will know the pain I feel. Everyone keeps pain bottled up inside and I'm tired of hurting!"
Ladybug and Chat Noir looked around their surroundings. When people were hit, they were forced to admit things that hurt them. They were shouting how much they hated their jobs, some of them how much they hated their families, some were saying how much they hated the person they were dating. It wasn't their best day.
They carefully avoided the attacks, but Ladybug accidentally got hit. She collapsed on the roof and curled up in a ball, trying to keep her thoughts inside. She didn't.
"I wish I was never made Ladybug! I wish I wasn't the Guardian! I wish I could be normal! I wish the boy I have a crush on liked me back!" she shouted.
No one spoke a word. Chat hovered over her and frowned. In a way, it humanized her for all of Paris. They had all seen a heroine and savior, but here was this girl, terrified of what she had been doing. She hadn't wanted to save them, but she was forced to. They watched as Ladybug began to sob. Chat Noir quickly picked her up and rushed away.
Chat settled them against a rooftop, hidden from view. Ladybug curled up in his lap and continued to cry. The Weilder of Destruction held her and purred, hoping to soothe her. Her sobs quickly turned into sniffles and then stopped, all together. The Weilder of Creation took a deep breath and pushed away from Chat's chest.
"Thank you, Chat." she whispered, "Let's go get the akuma."
"Ladybug, you just-" he began.
"It's part of the job, Chat." she answered, with a smile "Think....Elsa. Conceal; don't feel. Don't let it show."
As she jumped onto the next roof and rushed towards the akuma, Chat Noir couldn't help but wonder how many fake smiles she had worn.
Adrien was walking back onto campus when he heard something. It sounded like arguing.
'Maybe, I can stop an akumatization from happening. Bugaboo will be so proud on me! '
Adrien crouched and moved closer to the sounds of the yelling. He could easily transform from the spot up ahead and prevent anything from getting out of control. Adrien peered around the corner of the building and watched as Lila shoved Marinette down on the ground.
"You're just as pathetic as I thought!" Lila sneered, "Soon you'll be lonely and friendless. Everyone will think it was your own fault. Once I win, Adrien will cast you aside. He already hates you. Everyone thinks so and what everyone think, is seen as true. I have all of them wrapped around my finger. It's only a matter of time until I get you expelled again."
Lila laughed and walked away. Marinette laid still for a moment, on the ground.
'How long has this been going on? Why hasn't Marinette said anything about this?'
Adrien walked closer to confront Marinette about what he just witnessed.
"Conceal; don't feel." She sighed, "Don't let it show."
Adrien froze. He watched as Marinette dusted herself off and adjusted her hair. Marinette smiled and walked away, heading towards the classroom. She never even noticed he was there.
'Marinette is Ladybug. Lila has been hurting M'Lady. She's been suffering silently this whole time. That bitch is going down!'
Adrien sat across from Mrs. Rossi, in their home.
"I'm sorry for the sudden visit, but I really need to talk to you about your daughter." Adrien declared, "I thought I should tell you everything before she ends up sued with a mountain of lawsuits."
"Sued?" she shouted, "Lawsuits?"
"Well," he answered, "she's been sexually harassing me. Father takes those kinds of things seriously. He even bans people from events and photoshoots."
"Why would you sue your girlfriend?" Mrs. Rossi asked "I'm sure if you told her, she would stop. Maybe she misunderstood something."
"Mrs. Rossi, I am not dating your daughter. I have never dated your daughter." Adrien replied, blushing, "I'm actually in love with a girl with black hair and blue eyes. She....she's my best friend. She's amazing, confident, and smart."
'He really seems to like this girl. Why would Lila tell me they were together? He doesn't seem to be lying to me. I wonder what kind of lies my daughter has been telling. It's obvious she's already lied to me.'
Adrien continued with a smile, "She reminds me of Ladybug. I even call her my 'Everyday Ladybug'."
"That failure?" Lila's mother questioned, before she could stop herself.
"Failure?" Adrien shouted in surprise.
He quickly brought out his phone and brought up Alya's blog. He purposefully brought up Alya's first time interviewing Lila, saying they were best friends.
"This is from the first day your daughter came to school. She quickly became popular, saying she knew Ladybug's identity and they were best friends." the Agreste heir explained, "Ladybug actually stopped her in front of me and called her out on her lies. Ladybug said she had never been to Italy, nor had she ever saved your daughter. She went on to list that they weren't 'best friends'. Your daughter got akumatized and tried to force me on a date as an akuma."
"She got akumatized!" her mother exclaimed, "She never told me that!"
"She's been akumatized several times." he spoke, "I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but she keeps lying at school She keeps promising classmates help with all these 'celebrity connections'. Almost everyone believes her. I've been trying to ask out my best friend and your daughter keeps bullying her! The girl I like, she keeps trying to tell people your daughter is lying to them. Your daughter starts to cry and says she's not lying, so she ends up plays the victim. She's been saying my best friend is bullying her. I saw your daughter bully her with my own eyes. She laughed at my best friend, telling her how she was almost all alone. Anytime I try to be alone with her, your daughter gets my arm and drags me away."
Adrien lifted his shirts to reveal nail marks.
"I just saw Layla shove her down the other day." he continued, "She even told the school she has a disease that makes her fabricate evidence when she's under so much stress. She blames you for pulling her out of school so much and forcing her to travel with you, all over the world."
Mrs. Rossi couldn't stand to listen to another minute of this.
'I need to get to the bottom of this. I don't think he's lying, but I need to hear this from the school.'
"Let's get you to the school." she smiled, "I'm sure you would rather talk to that future girlfriend of yours."
Adrien blushed and looked down at his lap.
'Yeah. That's definitely a boy in love.'
"Marinette!" Adrien shouted, "Will you go out on a date with me?"
Marinette blushed as the whole class focused their attention on her.
"You.....You like me?" Marinette questioned.
"Yeah." Adrien spoke, rubbing the back of his neck, "I've been trying to find you all week. I wanted to ask you, privately, but I just couldn't resist waiting anymore. So will you?"
"Huh?" Marinette blinked, still confused.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Adrien asked again.
"Oh!" Mari answered, "Yes!"
Adrien quickly hugged her. Marinette kept still as her face was buried in his chest. She could hear people around them cheer.
The moment was quickly ruined by Lila's sobbing.
"How could you cheat on me?" she cried out.
"What are you talking about, Lila?" Adrien asked, pretending to be confused, "I have a thing for girls with dark hair; you're hair is brown. Even my ex has dark hair."
Lila couldn't help, but see red. She had worked so hard on her plans. She told everyone they were dating and keeping it a secret from Marinette. She had even told them that she had talked to Adrien about Marinette's habit of following him; that he said to ignore her. Now, here he was asking her out! He ruined everything! Lila stormed through their classmates. No one had ever seen her so pissed off.
"I don't even know what you see in her!" she shouted, pointing at Mari, "She's a useless nobody!"
Adrien glared back, "For one thing, Layla, I know she's not a liar!"
"It's-" she began.
"Layla Rossi!" her mother called out from the doorway.
"Mama!" Lila yelped, in shock.
She turned her glare away from her daughter and smiled at the model, "Thank you, Adrien, for letting me know how much my daughter has been misbehaving in school. Oh, and I see you finally asked out the young lady. Congradulations on making her your girlfriend."
Adrien smiled, brightly, "Thank you, Mrs. Rossi."
"We're leaving." her mother stated.
"But-" Lila tried to argue.
"You are going back to Italy and I already have a school in mind." Colette declared, "You will also be starting the school year over."
Lila looked at her mother in tears, "Why?"
"Your fake lying disease, for one!" her mother snapped, "How about missing half the school year, while you were at home. You lied to me, Layla! You told me everyone in your school was akumatized and you were terrified!"
"Mama." the Italian pleaded, "Please. I want-"
"I no longer care what you want; I'll be doing whatever is necessary to make sure you get what you need! Layla Rossi, we are leaving and you are grounded until we leave! No phone. No internet. No electronics." Her mother insisted, "I've already disconnected your phone and changed the wi-fi password."
Alya looked between Lila, Adrien, Marinette, and Lila's mother. She didn't understand what was going on. Why would Lila say she was secretly dating Adrien, but he was asking out Marinette? Lila accused him of cheating, but he said she wasn't his type. Why was her mother thanking Adrien and why would Lila tell her mother everyone was akumatized? What lying disease? Why would her mother say she missed half the year? She went on trips with her. Now, she was about to change schools!
"What's going on?" Alya asked, interrupting the serious conversation.
"I had been looking for Marinette so I could confess. Instead, I saw Lila shove Marinette down and heard Lila threaten her. Lila was telling Mari how I would be 'hers' and how she had 'all of you guys wrapped around her finger'. She told Marinette she was going to be all alone; friendless. " Adrien admitted with a smile, "Once I saw Lila was bullying Marinette, I decided to tell her mother. I had to learn from her mother that she was telling people that we were dating."
"I listened to Adrien, but I also came to the school to see what was going on for myself." her mother declared, "I found out that Layla has been skipping school, telling you that she's been traveling with me, and that she has a lying disease that makes her fabricate evidence when she is stressed. I've already reprimanded your prinicipal for his idiocy. It sounds like you got caught up in a lie and just didn't want to be punished."
"So, the celebrities?" Rose squeaked.
"Lies." her mother huffed, "Like all of the trips."
"Why?" asked Kim.
"We would have been friends with you." spoke Mylene.
"Yeah." replied Ivan.
"Not all of us are celebrities like Chloe, Adrien, or Marinette." stated Sabrina.
"How is Marinette a celebrity?" bit out Lila.
"Marinette is Jagged Stone's personal designer." Adrien answered, "Not to mention, both my father and Style Queen love her work. I've already worn something designed by her on Father's runway. Style Queen, herself, offered her an internship."
Marinette blushed under all of the praise. Lila looked at her in shock.
'That's how she knew.'
"Marinette doesn't brag; that's another thing that sets her apart from you. She could be at my father's level and she would still be this sweet, innocent, humble person." Adrien continued, before kissing the top of her head.
Marinette quickly turned and buried her face in his chest. Everyone could see the soft look he was giving her. They could tell the Agreste heir really did care for the girl in his arms. Mrs. Rossi could see the hurt in her daughter's eyes, but more than anything, she could see anger.
"Layla, let's go." she spoke up.
"But-" Lila tried to beg.
"Now, before I send you to boot camp." her mother declared, walking out of the room.
Lila quickly followed. No one knew what to say. They were all still in a state of disbelief. They had listened to a liar and turned their backs on someone they trusted.
"Is it alright if I sit with you?" Adrien spoke up.
Marinette nodded her head. He smiled as he followed her to the seat in the back row. Adrien took out a piece of paper and quickly wrote something down. With a smirk, he slid it over to Marinette. Confused, Mari took the note and took a peek.
Got to have my partner's back; don't I, Bugaboo?
Marinette froze and could feel her face heat up. She turned and looked at him, only to find him already looking at her. He just smiled and winked. Immediately, Marinette buried her face in her hands.
'It really is him! Adrien was Chat all this time! I rejected him constantly and confessed to him twice!'
Adrien smiled to himself as he watched her blush creep up to the tips of her ears.
'Cute. My little bug. I knew I would recognize her. I even called her my 'Everyday Ladybug'.'
He slid the note towards himself and quickly added another comment. With another smile, he passed it back. He tapped it and let her look at the note.
I knew I would fall in love with the girl behind the mask.
Marinette quickly turned to him in shock. Very quickly, she added to the note.
Of course.
Marinette looked at the paper in disbelief. She could recall confessing to Chat Noir and him rejecting her. He had been arrogant enough to claim he was so awesome he would have married himself, if possible. She even remembered Adrien saying he was in love with another girl to her face; ironically, it was her. Marinette smiled and wrote on the paper. She slid it back to him and waited to see his reaction.
Then, how come you were too blind to realize you were the guy I was rejecting you for? I'm pretty sure I'm 'just a friend'.
Adrien looked at the note and turned red. He looked up at her in shock. Marinette just winked at him.
'Game on, Kitty.'
All this time?
Way before the rooftop with the petals. (That was beautiful by the way) It was always you.
Adrien put his face on the desk, in shame. Marinette could barely make out what she was hearing, but it sounded like a kitten trying to sound intimidating. She couldn't help but giggle. Adrien turned to her with a pout and giant kitten eyes.
"What?" Marinette asked out loud.
Adrien grabbed the paper, wrote, and slid it back.
Do you really want to date the model version of me?
Marinette rolled her eyes.
I never liked you for being a model. I like the you that was honest with me and your laugh. We can talk more at patrol.
She slid the note over. Adrien smiled as he read it. She could tell her answer meant a lot to him.
"We'll have to discuss rules." Ladybug stated, during patrol.
Chat Noir just whined.
"Ladybug and Chat Noir can't be seen in a relationship." she declared.
"Why not?" He questioned.
"Hawkmoth will come after us more then ever." Ladybug stated.
Chat sighed, "Fair, but if my father forces us to break up, then can Ladybug and Chat Noir date? There's no way I'm losing you just cause of some stupid fashion appearance he wants for me."
"Fine. No nicknames dealing with our hero selves in public." she continued, "Keep the flirting to a minimum."
Chat Noir simply pouted.
Ladybug smirked, "You can still visit, but we can't be distracted."
The weilder of Destruction leaned towards her, "Are you saying you find me distracting?"
Ladybug blushed and quickly looked away. She was still getting use to the idea of Adrien and Chat Noir being the same. Adrien flirting with her was too much at the moment. Chat looked towards his lady and found her cheeks were still pink. He couldn't help the smile that crossed his face.
'She's so cute and all mine.'
Chat Noir grabbed her hand and kissed it. By impulse, she pushed him away by his nose. He simply winked and left the tower, leaving Ladybug flustered.
"See you in an hour, Bugaboo!" he called out.
"Stop calling me that!" she shouted and quickly fled in the opposite direction.
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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jakeabel · 5 months
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le epic fried rice
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king-mera · 1 month
Is the Flipside AU just featured in The Real Ghostbusters or anywhere else? You’ve kind of inspired me to make a Peoplebusters version of my own OC as well as Lars and want to do more research. 😅
That's awesome! I'm glad I could inspire you ^_^
Sadly the Flip Side episode from RGB is pretty much all we've got. There was supposed to be a NOW comic story featuring the Peoplebusters, but that got cancelled before it was finished. Prominent Ghostbusters fan Fritz Baugh wrote his own unofficial version of the story which you can read here: (X)
There were also the Collectors, shapeshifting dopplegangers who appeared in the IDW comics and were inspired by the Peoplebusters. Those characters are very different in terms of personality and design. I don't like them very much, but one bonus is that version finally gave us an evil Winston (there was no flip Winston in the original cartoon episode).
I am by no means the sole authority on Flip Side and everyone is welcome to interpret it how they please. Creating a Peoplebuster version of your OC is a great creative exercise. I confess I'm not a big fan of Lars, but giving him a doppleganger would be an interesting way to explore his character too. Have fun!
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
Bring Hans back!
"Oh you just want him to be redeemed!" No <3!
It's obvious he was carrying Frozen on his back, and F2 sucked ass bc he wasn't in it~! <3 (half jk, bc I know an apparition was in the film)
I'd rather him be a villain but.... screw it! They wanna redeem him? They already screwed it up with what they did with F2, redeeming him is literally not the worst thing they can do. (at least there's something to work with TT0TT)
At least if they redeem him, we can go back to F1. "People don't really change, but love can bring out the best in them." And we can like build off that message, or we can flip it and reverse it and have it say "People can change, but it's really hard and you have to work for it" or whatever.
And if they wanted to do that, and have Hans in that role.....well I think that'd work. His strength as a villain is in the ability to lie to the audience and manipulate us (along with the chars). If they ACTUALLY UTILIZE HIS STRENGTH (instead of, you know, wasting it... *cough* Let it Go novel *cough* still love you but man u_u It was a what if scenario ya didn't have to outright say he was evil in the narration fkljsafdlkja everyone is A LITTLE different cause of the change of events you coulda played into that TT0TT), it'd def play into the drama and suspense of if he's actually changed or not.
But that'd require a fine line of writing and.....yeah after F2.. 8U Well between F2 (and Wreck it Ralph 2 and a few other films) yeah I DON'T trust Disney TT0TT
I just KNOW they'll bring him back as a villain, and his goal is to destroy Ahtohallan and....I'll be rooting for his ass TT0TT I do NOT trust that creepy ass place man. Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
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emailandpassword · 1 year
Leon being able to cook but he can literally only make variations of chicken, veggies, and rice
What’s for dinner? Grilled rosemary lemon chicken, asparagus, and wild rice
The next day? Grilled cayenne chicken, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, ancient grain mix
Day after that? Caldo de pollo con arroz
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kira-ani-mcgrath · 9 months
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Hanatalia Christmas - 2023
In 2021, I did a little Hans and Natalia doodle on Christmas (it's on my @kam00dles side blog), and I felt like doing that again this year.
This pic was inspired by the fact that in Frozen: Past the Present Time (the yet-unwritten second fic of my Frozen: Step into the Dawn trilogy), Hans and Natalia announce their first pregnancy to their family on Christmas. This drawing would not be that exact scene, since that scene happens outside in the cold, but this can be the aftermath later that evening or the next day, when they're discussing it further with the fam.
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symphorine · 11 months
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guess who's making croissants again
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