#Frozen fan fiction
tiyasrocks · 1 year
Elsa's Liberation from Society's Shackles
Her whole life, Elsa had been held captive by an overwhelming sense of confinement within the walls of Arendelle. As the queen, she had found herself perpetually vigilant, striving to remain in control of her formidable powers, lest she inadvertently transform an innocent into a frosty statue. She had to repeatedly offer reassurance to her subjects, assuring them that she posed no danger to them, which burdened her with an almost palpable sense of suffocation. In her heart of hearts, Elsa had pined for an escape, a sanctuary that would release her from the shackles of her responsibilities and permit her to cast aside all her cares and anxieties. An idyllic oasis where she could shed her guard and experience the exhilaration of freedom, revelling in her unique abilities and true essence.
And she had finally found it.
As Elsa walked through the Enchanted forest, a feeling of peace and tranquility washed over her like a gentle wave. The trees that towered above, seemed to exude a sense of ancient wisdom, their branches swaying gently in the wind as if in a dance with the forces of nature. The snow-covered ground crunched beneath her boots, each step punctuating the serenity of the surroundings. The air was crisp and refreshing, invigorating her senses with its purity.
In this moment, Elsa felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. For the first time in her life, she felt truly free, unburdened by the expectations and demands of others. She had always felt trapped, confined by the walls of society that had been built up around her, dictating what she could and could not do, say, or be. But here, in the heart of the forest, Elsa was able to let go of all of that. She was able to simply exist, to be present in the moment, without any external pressure or influence.
As she continued to walk, Elsa found herself breathing deeper, her lungs filling with the pure, clean air. Her mind quieted, the constant chatter of worries and anxieties fading away into the background. Instead, she focused on the beauty of her surroundings, the way the sunlight filtered through the trees, dappling the forest floor with soft, golden light.
In the Enchanted Forest, where the realm of magic thrived and the mystical creatures roamed free, Elsa found finally a haven where she was valued not for her abilities, but for the essence of her being. The spirits of the forest, who once regarded her with suspicion and fear, had finally recognised the true nature of her heart, and welcomed her with open arms.
It was a long and arduous journey for Elsa to find such acceptance, for she had always been burdened by the weight of her powers, which had caused destruction and chaos since she was a young girl of eight. Her magic was a part of her, an extension of her very soul, and she had always struggled to control it, despite best efforts, her fears and doubts had always crept in, and in her darkest moments, her powers had taken over.
For Elsa, it was a transformative experience. She learned to trust in herself and her abilities, to embrace her magic as a gift, not a curse. Learned to let go of her fears and doubts, and to see the world with a new perspective. 
It was then, she realised that the Enchanted Forest was not just a place of magic and wonder, but a place of healing and growth.
In the end, Elsa found what she had been searching for all along: a place where she belonged, where she was loved for who she was. And she knew that she could never go back to the life she had left behind, for the Enchanted Forest had become her home, and its inhabitants her family.
For days, Elsa wandered through the forest, exploring every nook and cranny. She discovered hidden lakes, sparkling waterfalls, and secret glades where the sun filtered through the trees. She spent her days playing with the wind and snow, creating ice sculptures and snowmen, and revealing in the freedom she had never known before.
The Northuldra people, bestowed upon Elsa an invaluable gift - the knowledge and wisdom of their ways. Under their guidance, Elsa learned to attune herself to the rhythms and spirits of the land, honing her instincts to a fine edge.
Elsa came to understand that the forest was not simply a collection of trees, but a living entity, a vast and interconnected web of life. She learned to read the signs and signals of the forest, to listen to its whispers and echoes, and to sense the hidden threads that bound it together.
As she delved deeper into the mysteries of the forest, Elsa developed a profound connection to the Northuldra people. They shared a common language, a language of the heart, that transcended the barriers of culture and tradition. Elsa felt a kinship with them, a sense of belonging that she had never experienced before.
Elsa finally found that deeper sense of purpose and fulfilment, and her powers became an integral part of her identity, no longer something to be feared or hidden away.
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lelitachay · 2 years
Frozen fanfiction: Søsken
Summary: An accident in the North mountain forces Elsa to spend several weeks in her brother’s apartment under Anna’s care. And during this time, Anna begins to notice there are peculiar things about Elsa’s life she wished she could understand. Everything starts to make sense after a family reunion.
Modern AU. Kristanna - Frohana - Kristoff & Elsa BrOTP.
Fanfiction.net - HERE
Tumblr - Chapters 1 to 10 - Here   Chapters 11 to 20 - Here Chapters 21 to 30 - Here Chapter 31 - Here Chapter 32 - Here Chapter 33 - Here Chapter 34 - Here Chapter 35 - Here
- On thin ice
Kai and Anders stayed in Elsa’s cottage longer than they originally intended. Their conversation about Elsa transformed into one about their lives and then work so gradually they lost track of time. They took advantage of the peacefulness of the mountain to discuss a few things about their latest case.
“Are you sure it could work?” asked Anders after Kai suggested a new idea to get to the burglars.
“We're clearly not getting anywhere doing what we are doing so far. Let’s try something different.”
“You're right,” he agreed. “We’re clearly missing something.”
A bang coming from the other side of the house called their attention, and they turned to look in the direction of the living room. The sound had clearly come from inside the house, and Kai couldn’t help but tense. “Was that the door?” he asked in a lower tone of voice.
“I'll check,” said Anders, standing up in an instant and walking into the living room.
Kai followed his partner and saw there was a tall man standing next to the main door, looking at them as if they were the ones who had entered the house without permission.
“Who the hell are you?” Anders asked the man, and only then did Kai realise they were looking at the same man from the ID.
“I'm– I'm sorry, sir,” the man told him, clearly taken aback by their presence. Kai was sure the last thing he had been expecting was to find them in Elsa’s house. “I thought Elsa was here. I didn't find the spare key outside and I then realised the door was unlocked—”
At that moment, Kai remembered Elsa had given Hålkesen the green light to get into the house, for whatever reason, that morning. Retrieving his wallet was a good guess, now that he knew it was there. 
“That doesn't give you the right to barge in,” Anders said as if he owned the place, and Kai smiled in amusement. It was clear his friend had already realised who the man was and he was simply trying to make him feel uncomfortable. Kai knew how much of a pain in the arse Anders could be when he set his mind to it. “Who are you?”
“I'm Marshall.” 
“Hålkesen?” asked Kai, making sure he was who they believed.
Looking at him for the first, Marshall nodded his head. “Yes, sir.”
“What are you doing here?” Anders asked, partially annoyed by the fact the young man had decided to enter the house like that.
“I'm looking for—” Hålkesen began to explain but stopped himself abruptly. “Is Elsa here by any chance?”
Knowing his friend was probably going to mess with the boy’s head, Kai decided it was best to explain who they were and what they were doing there. “No, she isn't. She'll be staying at home for a while.” He extended his hand to shake Marshall’s. “I'm Kai, by the way. Elsa's father. He's my partner at the station.” 
“Nice to meet you, sir,” Marshall shook his hand back. And only then did Kai notice his left forearm was bandaged.
“Sir,” Marshall said, nodding to Anders to acknowledge him too. “Is everything okay? Is Elsa okay?”
“She's okay.”
“That's good to hear. I was afraid something bad had happened to her.”
“Why would you think so?” Anders asked in a serious tone.
“Well, she didn't open the door and I– I worried, I guess.”
Anders nodded with a smirk. “You’ve got a good intuition, kid. Kai was just telling me about Elsa and an accident she had. Do you know anything about that?”
Kai turned to look at Anders for being so straightforward with Hålkesen, but part of him was glad he was saving him the trouble of being the one who interrogated him. He then turned to look at Marshal once again and noticed it was the third time he scratched his beard. To say he was nervous was an understatement. And Kai couldn’t blame him. As soon as he had set foot inside the house, two policemen had stopped him and started questioning him.
“No, sir. I don't.”
Kai could tell he was lying through his teeth and that didn’t set well with him. “She came home with a deep cut in her hand. I didn't think too much of it at first, but we were surprised to find blood all over the place when we got here.”
“You probably saw the blood when you came in,” Anders said. He didn’t like Marshall’s attitude one bit. “She must have lost a lot of it. It’s a good thing she decided to go to town.”
“The hand usually bleeds a lot,” Marshall said matter-of-factly, surprising both of them. “Going to the hospital is usually the best idea.”
“Would you like some coffee?” Kai offered Marshall. Maybe he could play the good cop since it was clear Anders wanted the other role.
“No, thanks,” Marshall said, respectfully. “I just came here to pick up my wallet.”
“We found one on the floor,” Anders said. “It's on the kitchen table.”
“Thanks.” Walking past them, Marshall entered the kitchen and grabbed the wallet from the table. He frowned when he noticed his ID was on the table. To Kai’s surprise, he picked it up but didn’t question them. “Is Elsa going to stay in town for a long time?”
“I don’t know. That’s up to her.”
Something told Kai that even though he was still trying to be respectful, the young man was annoyed by the situation and his vague answer.
“Did she take Olaf with her?”
“That’s actually why we’re here. We came to pick him up.”
Marshall nodded and put his ID back inside the wallet without a rush. “Well, I’d better go. Thanks for the wallet,” he said with one more nod in Kai’s direction. “And I'm sorry I interrupted.”
“Don't worry about it.” Kai wasn’t sure what to make of him. Even though it was clear he had lied to them, he couldn’t really stop the man from leaving and start questioning him. No matter how odd his behaviour was, he had nothing against him besides his unfounded paternal concern.
“Kai,” Anders said, calling his attention. He mumbled something he couldn’t understand until he pointed to the small room with his head. The tools.
“Wait, Marshall,” Kai said, stopping the mountaineer from leaving. “Are the tools in the other room yours by any chance?”
Marshall turned around and looked at him and then at the small room.
“You might want to take them home with you. Elsa might stay in town for a few days."
He took some time to think his response through, until finally he sighed and nodded. “Right. I forgot about those,” he said.
“Come with me. There are several boxes in the way. I can give you a hand.” Kai wasn’t sure if he had the right to put the blame for whatever had happened to Elsa on this man’s shoulders, but he was glad he had a few more minutes to talk to him and see if he could find out.
They entered the room and true to his word, Kai helped Marshall with his toolbox. There were several tools lying around and Kai noticed he was making a conscious effort not to use his injured hand.
“Say, lad. What happened to your arm?” asked Anders from the door, clearly intrigued by the injury too.
“I– umm… Just a burn.”
“Looks serious.”
“It isn’t,” Marshall said, turning his back to avoid looking at Anders.
“What happened?”
If Kai knew for sure Marshall had done something to Elsa, he was certain he’d be enjoying Anders’ professional pestering. But the man in front of him looked annoyed and tired. He had been nervous at the beginning, but the more they questioned him, the more his patience ran thin. And by the looks of it, he wasn’t patient by nature.
“A stupid accident with a kettle.”
But then again, Kai didn’t like the fact that he kept lying. His pauses, the way he avoided Anders. All of it were flags Kai couldn’t ignore. Making up his mind, he thought it was best to stop beating around the bush and said, “Let me ask you something, Hålkesen…”
Marshall picked the last of his tools up and looked at him.
“Were you here when Elsa hurt herself?”
Looking down, he pretended to check the tool in his hand. “…No.”
Another lie. Kai was getting tired of them. “No?”
“No, sir. I wasn’t,” Marshall said, sounding a lot more convincing, but not enough to fool them. 
Anders' patience ran out and he spoke his mind before Kai could ask Marshall a new question. “Your tools, your wallet and your jacket are in the house. You’re a terrible liar.” 
Kai rolled his eyes at Anders but decided to work with what his partner had just said. “Will you be kind enough to tell us why you’d rather lie than admit you were here?”
Marshall looked at Anders and then at Kai, unsure of what to say. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, sir. I wasn’t—”
“Stop playing the fool and tell me what happened the other night.” If he wanted to lie to them, then Kai felt no remorse questioning him. He could run out of patience too. 
“I don't know what you're implying,” said Marshall. “Nothing happened.”
“What did you say happened to your arm?” Anders asked again. He had a smirk drawn on his face. There was no doubt he was playing the fool himself.
Turning around to frown at him, Marshall said, “I told you, it’s just a burn. It has nothing to do with—”
“Why do you keep lying?” Anders snickered. “It's a simple question.”
At his scornful laugh, something inside Marshall snapped and he threw the last tool inside the toolbox. He picked his things up and walked past Anders ready to leave. “I don’t have time for this,” he said as he exited the room.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Anders asked, not liking the man’s attitude. He followed him into the living room and Kai followed suit.
To Kai’s surprise, Marshall took the time to answer before he reached the door. “I'm leaving.”
“Hålkesen, if you leave this house I’ll have you arrested,” Anders' threat was serious, and Kai opened his eyes in surprise to look at his partner. Maybe Anders' annoyance wasn’t faked anymore.
“What for?” Marshall asked, standing his ground.
“Assault charges.”
“Right,” Marshall sneered. “Good luck with that.”
Kai looked at his partner to see how truthful he had been by his threat, and he didn’t like the expression he saw in his eyes. Wanting both parts to remain civil, he said, “I'd cooperate if I were you, Marshall.”
He was merely trying to convince him it was best to stay and talk like adults. But contrary to what Kai expected, Marshall slammed the door closed and turned around to look at him.
“I didn't assault Elsa!” It was obvious Marshall was seeing red at that point, but Kai didn’t acknowledge his anger.
“I just need you to tell me the truth,” Kai said calmly. “Were you here the other night?”
He was fuming. It was obvious he wanted to lash out at them, or at least tell them to fuck off, but he didn't say anything. And Kai wondered if that was for the best or not. Marshall was younger, taller and stronger than both of them. But a man who bottled up his anger ended up being a lot more dangerous than one who allowed himself to react.
“Marshall.” Kai wasn’t sure what to do if he didn’t cooperate. No matter how much Anders wanted to interrogate him, they had nothing against the mountaineer. Either he cooperated, or they were back at the beginning.
Marshall’s answer was so low that for a moment Kai thought he hadn’t heard him correctly.
“Yes,” he repeated when he noticed Kai wasn't responding. “But Elsa made me promise I wouldn't say a word." He then looked daggers at Anders. "Can I go now?”
“No,” Anders said. And Kai wanted to smack him in the face. The boy was finally starting to talk. There was no reason to keep pushing him.
“I already told you—” Marshall tried to say, but Anders interrupted him.
“Will you tell us what happened to your arm?”
“Why are you so damn insistent about my arm?!”
Kai sighed when he realised Marshall was not doing a good job controlling his anger.
“Because you lied about it.” Crossing his arms defiantly, Anders waited for an answer.
If Kai had to be honest, he didn’t understand why his friend was being so insistent. He seemed more concerned about the arm than the lies Marshall had told them, or the fact Elsa wanted to keep Marshall's visit a secret.
“I promised Elsa I wouldn’t say,” Marshall repeated, as if that explained everything they needed to know.
Anders looked at Kai with concern and waited for him to say or do something. At first Kai wasn’t sure what was going on, but then it struck him. The arm, the lie, the puddles inside the house… Even Elsa’s guilt and sorrow. It all added up to one simple answer, and Kai felt like an idiot for not thinking of it sooner.
Fear nestled at the pit of Kai's stomach as he looked at Marshall's forearm once again. Whenever Elsa's powers reacted on their own, she had a hard time overcoming the guilt and self-loathing she felt after it happened. And now that Kai thought about it, it was clear that was the way Elsa had been feeling that morning. She was concerned about the way other people saw her. She wouldn’t smile, even if she tried. Kai was certain the guilt was eating her up.
Feeling a lot more apprehensive than he had moments before, Kai got closer to Marshall and asked, “what happened to your arm, Marshall?"
“I can’t,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m not sure what happened myself.”
“We know about Elsa,” Anders said, surprising them both. “If that’s what you’re worried about. You can tell us.”
“I promised Elsa I—”
Kai knew he was making a mistake by acting before thinking, but he couldn’t stop himself and asked, “did Elsa hurt you?”
Marshall looked down and drew in a deep breath. “I should go,” he said before he turned around to leave.
“Did Elsa hurt you?” Kai repeated. Even though the answer was obvious, he didn't want to believe it. Despite what Elsa thought, Kai knew she had more control of her powers than she gave herself credit for. There was no way she had hurt him, unless… Suddenly, the idea of Elsa using her powers to protect herself from a violent man came to mind, and Kai paled at the thought. “What did you do to her?!”
"What?!" Marshall asked as he looked over his shoulder. 
"What did you do?"
Turning around, he threw his toolbox on the ground with a loud thud. “You want to know what happened?” Marshall asked, clearly furious at his accusations. “Talk to your daughter. Maybe then you’ll realise I’m not a cold-hearted bastard.” He ran his good hand through his hair as he breathed in and out. “I didn't hurt her. I would never hurt her,” he repeated, now looking at Anders, as if he wanted him to get the idea into his head too. “I only tried to help. She's the one who pushed me away.”
“I'm serious, Hålkesen—” Kai tried to say, but the mountaineer interrupted him again.
“While you’re at it, Bjorgman. Tell her I was worried sick about her.” He opened the door and turned to look at Anders once again. “Do whatever the fuck you want. I couldn’t care less about your threat.” And with that he left the cabin, leaving Kai and Anders standing in the living room, unsure of what to do.
When Kai finally made sense of everything he had said, he ran after him. “Marshall, wait,” he yelled, hoping he’d stop after everything that had happened. He called his name once again and hurried after him.
Under any other situation, he wouldn’t have followed him. But he knew about Elsa and he needed to make sure his daughter’s secret was safe.
“Could you please stop, Hålkesen?”
To his good luck, Marshall did stop and waited for him to say what he needed
Kai took a few deep breaths when he finally reached him and then asked, “have you told anyone what happened?”
“No-one should find out about this. I need you to be honest with—”
“I haven't said a word, alright?” His voice was low once again, but Kai noticed he was doing his best to remain calm. “Elsa asked me no to. And no-one would believe me if I did anyway.”
Not knowing what else to say, and thinking it was best to let the man go once and for all, Kai nodded and thanked him.
As soon as he got home, Marshall slammed the door closed and threw the keys against the wall. To say he was mad was an understatement. He was livid. At himself. At Elsa's father. At Elsa herself. All the misunderstandings could have been avoided if only she had trusted him.
He wasn’t sure he understood what had happened to him the night of the accident. He couldn’t explain it, even if he tried. All he had tried to do was help her and then things had gotten out of hand. And, now, for some reason he couldn’t comprehend, he was suddenly the one to blame.
He had tried to remain civil with Bjorgman. He had tried to understand his point of view. He was a father concerned for his daughter’s well-being; and Marshall respected that. But the more he and his pathetic excuse of a partner insisted — the more they questioned him — the more he wanted to tell them to fuck off and get out of the house. All he had wanted to do was gather his things and make sure Olaf was okay. But instead, he had ended up fighting with one of the people Elsa loved the most.
He sat on the sofa and buried his face in his hands in frustration. Part of him wanted to scream, break things and forget about the whole ordeal. While the other wanted to grab the car, go to the city and knock on every door until he found Elsa. He wanted to see her. He needed to talk to her. And he hated himself for hanging up on her that morning. If only they had talked things through, they wouldn’t be in that situation.
He looked at the phone, determined to call Kristoff again and find out where Elsa was staying, when he noticed the blinking red light signalling a new voicemail.
He hoped it wasn't his mother asking him to run some errands for her. On a normal day he wouldn’t mind, but he didn't have the patience to explain to her why he was so completely out of it. He stood up and pressed the button. There were a few seconds of silence and he thought it was just an empty message when Elsa's low voice began to speak.
“Hi. It’s me…” The pause she made left her in evidence she hadn't thought her message through. The sound of her voice made him smile for just a moment and he wondered how she did it. How she managed to tame his temper like that. “I’ve been trying to call you — this shouldn't be this hard,” He heard her say to herself, her voice barely over a whisper, and he chuckled. “I don’t know if you want to talk to me or not. But I need to tell you that I never meant to hurt you.” He could hear the sadness in her voice and once again he felt like an arse for hanging up on her that morning. “I didn't want to push you away either. I just— I don't know what to do. Half the time I don’t know what I’m doing… I'm sorry. I’m so sorry, Marshmallow.” 
The beep coming from the machine brought Marshall back to the present and he sat back down with a sigh. He still wanted to talk to her. But he saw no reason in calling Kristoff only to then show up at Elsa’s house late in the evening. Odds were her father was going to be there when he showed up, and then what?
Thinking more clearly about his options, Marshall walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer. Maybe the best option was to stay in, drink for a while and then sleep his problems away. He could try to find a way to talk to Elsa the following day.
The restaurant Kristoff had chosen to pick up food from was full, leaving little to no-space for the people who were waiting for their takeaway orders. For that reason, Elsa regretted leaving the truck and following them into the place. The noise, the chatter, the heat that came from the kitchen was too much for her, and she regretted allowing her brother to pull her away from the comfort of her parents’ backyard.
“Elsa, are you all right?”
Anna's voice brought her back to reality. The queue had moved only a few centimetres, and Elsa felt like she couldn’t take it anymore. She needed some air.
"I'll be outside," she told her brother.
"Are you sure?" He said over his shoulder, knowing his sister didn't like being alone in the streets.
"This place's too crowded." And with that Elsa started to push her way out. When she was reaching the door, she heard Anna's voice call after her.
"Wait. I'll go with you."
Elsa turned around and held the door open for Anna with a sigh. Even if she usually enjoyed the girl's company, she wasn’t sure she could act normal around her that day. Anna had a way to mess with her head, even with the simplest questions.
Both girls walked a few metres away from the restaurant and stood next to a birch tree in order to stay away from the people using the sidewalk.
The coastal area in Trolheim was where the city’s commercial centre was located. On one side of the road shops and restaurants were situated, while on the other side, the fjord could be seen from a pedestrian street.
The streets were still wet from the day's rain and the neon lights from the shops painted the pavement around them. Elsa paid attention to the colours, the shadows and lights, and wondered if the people around them ever took the time to look at the beauty of it, or if she only paid attention to it after years of being secluded to a white room.
"You really can't stand crowded places, huh?" Anna said, distracting her from her pensive mood.
Elsa looked at her and shook her head. She really couldn't. Every year she tried to change that. She tried to overcome her uneasiness around crowds, but she never improved much.
"Don't worry." Anna smiled at her sympathetically. "It's more usual than you imagine."
Elsa wasn’t sure if it was true or Anna was simply trying to make her feel normal for a brief moment. Part of her believed it was the second option.
"You know, I've got the same hoodie," Anna pointed out, trying to start a conversation.
"What?" Elsa asked and then looked down, only to realise she was wearing Anna's hoodie. She had only changed her underclothes the night before, not realising Anna could show up during the day. She slapped herself mentally for letting herself be so distracted and risking Anna finding out she had gone to her house the day before.
"The hoodie," Anna said, unaware of Elsa's consternation. "I’ve got the exact same one. I think it’s as worn out as yours."
Her smile told Elsa she hadn't realised it was in fact her hoodie. And she thought it was best to play along. "Most of my clothes are worn out," she said, unsure of how to drive the attention away from the sweatshirt.
Anna's face turned red and she promptly apologised, surprising Elsa. "I– I didn’t mean anything by that. I meant that we probably bought it at the same time."
Elsa had no idea what had gone through Anna's head, but she nodded nonetheless. The sooner they stopped talking about her clothes the better. Elsa knew she’d need to find a way to return the clothes without Anna finding out, but the idea of meeting Idunn again made her anxious.
"Elsa, about the other day…" Anna said out of thin air, distracting Elsa from her train of thoughts once again. "I wanted to apologise."
"Huh?" As far as Elsa knew things were okay between them.
"On Saturday I kept pressuring you to…"
Finally understanding what she was talking about, Elsa shook her head and said, "it’s okay." With everything that had happened to her afterwards, she had forgotten about Anna's insistence to tell Marshall about her powers or about spending some time with her birth parents. If only she knew I'd done both things in less than twenty-four hours.
"I’m serious, Elsa. I’m sorry. I know your powers—"
"Not here, Anna." Elsa didn’t mind listening to Anna's suggestions. Half the time she found herself wondering what Anna would or wouldn’t do in her shoes; but she couldn’t stand when Anna talked about her powers out loud as if they were something normal.
"But I—"
"Please, just…" She looked around, making sure no-one was standing near. "Don’t talk about my powers."
"Sorry," murmured Anna. "I should learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes. Mum says I’m just like dad in that regard."
"Where’s Kristoff?" Elsa asked, hoping to change the topic and avoid talking about her powers or her birth family. She felt bad for being so harsh on Anna, but she didn’t trust herself to talk about those topics.
“There were some people before him,” Anna replied as she turned around to see the restaurant’s main door open and a group of people come out.
The people were loud, half of them were a little tipsy and they weren’t completely aware of their surroundings. After they almost bumped into them, Elsa decided it was best to leave before they or any other person touched her. She was tense and she was certain her skin was colder than it should’ve been. Not thinking twice about it, she crossed the road towards the fjordside.
“Elsa? Where are you going?” She heard Anna say behind her, but she ignored her. She didn’t want to go back to the sidewalk. All the people coming and going made her feel uneasy.
When she reached the balusters on the pedestrian street, Elsa leaned on the rail and looked into the distance. The fjord and the cold air of the summer night had a soothing effect on her nerves.
“The fjord’s beautiful at night.” Anna said at her back, and she looked at her over her shoulder. “I never understood why people don’t stop to look at it more often.”
Elsa smiled and nodded. She had wondered the same thing several times in the past. She didn’t enjoy the city the way normal people did. But if she had the chance, she’d spend her time in the city centre doing just that.
Leaning on the rail next to her, Anna drank in the view for a few seconds before she asked, “do you want me to go?” 
“I can see you’re not comfortable around people today. Maybe you wanted me to go.”
One of the difficult things of growing up in complete isolation, and then becoming a recluse, was to realise when she was pushing people away. Elsa rarely realised she was doing it until someone mentioned something. And she was glad Anna had no problem telling her when she was doing it. If not, she was certain she wouldn’t be aware of it until it was too late.
“No,” she said, honestly. “I don’t… It’s just– I don’t feel so good today. Being surrounded by people doesn’t help in the least.”
Elsa could see Anna’s sad look from the corner of her eye, but she remained silent. She knew her sister wanted to ask her if she was okay. It was something Anna couldn’t control, and Elsa hoped that she’d realise that this time it was best if she kept the questions to herself.
Anna opened her mouth to speak but Krisotff’s loud voice from the other side of the road stopped her. “Anna! Elsa! Come on. Food will get cold.”
“Coming!” Elsa yelled back and then smiled at Anna to let her know she shouldn’t worry.
The sound of the front door slamming surprised Gerda. She had been setting the table in the dining room, waiting for the family to arrive when she heard it. Thinking it was Kristoff, she walked straight to the living room, ready to reprimand him for it. Since his teenage years, Krisotff had the tendency to slam the doors in the house, driving Gerda crazy.
She opened her eyes in surprise when she realised Kai was the one who had entered the house in a hurry. “Kai, there you are. Elsa told me you’d be back home at seven but—”
“Is Elsa home?” He interrupted his wife. As he let Olaf out of the box he had brought him in.
Gerda smiled and kneeled to pet the cat. “She went to the city centre with Kristoff and Anna. They’re getting some food. We’re going to—” Noticing Kai was a bit more unnerved than usual. She stopped what she wanted to say and asked, “is everything all right?”
“I need to talk to Elsa.”
“Did something happen?” Gerda stood up, ignoring the cat for a minute. She grabbed her husband by the arm and led him to the nearest chair.
Kai understood it was her silent way of telling him to calm down and explain to her what was going on. “Something happened between Elsa and Hålkesen the other night.”
Nonplused by the fact he wanted to talk about something so private, especially if she considered they were talking about Elsa, she said, “well… she’s— she’s an adult.”
Gerda had never imagined Elsa’s relationship with her friend was at that stage, but she couldn’t blame the girl. She had been young too. What she couldn’t understand was why Kai was bringing it up. Or why he even cared. As long as Elsa was safe, she had no intention of prying too much.
Turning red as a beet, Kai looked at her as if she had lost her marbles. “No! No, no. Not that. Why would you—?”
“You are the one talking nonsense!” Now she was embarrassed for both of them. She was thankful the kids hadn’t returned to hear them have such an awkward conversation.
“I’m trying to talk about something serious. Please, listen to me,” he said, trying to get her undivided attention. “Kristoff called this morning. He needed Elsa to call her friend.”
“Marshall?” Gerda asked as she sat on the chair opposite Kai.
He nodded his head and continued. “He was worried about her well-being.”
“Why? Does he—”
Not having enough time nor patience to tell the whole story, Kai interrupted her. “Elsa called him at midday, remember? She tried to apologise. He hung up on her.”
“You said you weren’t eavesdropping,” she said with a frown.
“That doesn’t matter. Anders and I went to the mountain to pick up Olaf and there we ran into Hålkesen…” He took a deep breath. “Something happened between them. Elsa’s house is a mess. There’s blood everywhere. His forearm was bandaged.”
Gerda could do nothing but open her eyes in shock at what Kai was telling her. “Kai, if you are pulling my leg—”
“Do you seriously think I’m joking?” he asked, irritated. Gerda knew he wasn’t truly mad, he was simply distressed about the situation. “He’s got an ice burn.”
“No,” she said almost instantly. She wouldn’t believe Elsa had done something like that. Her daughter wasn’t dangerous. “Elsa would never— Kai, are you sure he’s got an iceburn? Did you even talk to him?”
“We did — we tried,” Kai clarified. “He didn’t tell us much. All he said was I should talk to Elsa myself. He promised her he wouldn’t say anything to anyone. And he didn’t.”
Gerda wanted to ask her husband a thousand questions, but she tried her best to remain calm and let him finish.
“He didn’t break his promise even when we told him we knew about Elsa,” he explained. “You may understand why I need to talk to Elsa, Gerda. She needs to talk to this man and make sure he will keep his promise and keep her safe.”
“Wait, no.” Everything Kai was telling her sounded too rushed, too drastic. Marshall hadn’t even confirmed he had been hurt by Elsa’s ice and Kai was already planning to question their daughter. “Elsa would never hurt him, or anyone. Kai, you know Elsa. You know she'd never—”
“I do,” he said, understanding her concern. “But I also know her powers are too much for her to bear sometimes.”
“Please, Kai.” Gerda felt tears welling up in her eyes. If what Kai was telling her was true, then things were a lot more serious than she had imagined. She didn’t want to imagine what was going through Elsa’s head, and she didn’t want to make things worse for her. “We can’t bombard Elsa with questions as soon as she gets home. There must be a reason she didn’t tell us.”
“Gerda,” Kai stopped her. “She lost control and hurt another person. She’s only lucky he hasn’t said anything to anyone yet.”
“Don’t you think we should trust Elsa? Maybe she’s got things under control.”
“Things are clearly out of her control. Things are not okay.” It was clear it pained Kai to say so, but he was trying to act in Elsa’s best interest.
“Kai.” She didn’t know if she wanted to convince Kai or herself that Elsa hadn’t lost control of her powers.
“I didn't want to see it either.” The sadness in Kai’s eyes crushed her. “But it’s best if we accept it and try to help her. She's not okay.”
“Let’s give her some time. Maybe she’ll talk to us,” she begged him.
“Let’s have dinner.” She extended her hand until she reached his. “The family is all together. Let’s be patient.”
“What about Hålkesen?” They couldn’t ignore the fact someone outside the family knew about Elsa’s powers.
“He already made Elsa a promise,” Gerda tried to reason. “He didn’t tell you anything. Let's trust his word.”
The sound of Krisotff’s truck parking outside the house called their attention, and they both looked in the direction of the door.
“Please, Kai, we can’t corner her like this.” Gerda desperately needed Kai to be patient.
The door opened and Gerda could hear Kristoff and Anna talking in the living room.
“Please,” she insisted.
“Okay,” he said with a sigh. “Okay. We give her more time.”
Three chapters in fifteen days! How about that?!
This only proves I was in fact writing scenes here and there during the 4+months hiatus and I finally realised how to mix everything together.
I’m super excited about this part of the story and I bet you guys can already tell. Ideas keep flowing and I find myself writing for hours after work like I haven’t done in a long time. Your comments, reviews and positive feedback also helps me to stay motivated. So, thank you all so much for your kind words and opinions. It’s great to read what you guys think of the story, plot and characters. Please feel free to keep commenting on that. I love reading your theories.
Anyway, I hope you’re doing great. Read you soon! Tags: @swimmingnewsie @melody-fox @kristoffxannafanatic @kristannafictionals @neptrabbit @skneez @ellacarter13 @wondering-in-life @who-i-am-8 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @815-allisnotlost @khartxo @joannevixxon @betweenthedreams @burbobah @rileysfs  @earlvessalius @blood-jewel @snowycrocus @the-magic-one-is-you @the-sky-is-awake @disneyfan103 @anamaria8garcia @welovefrozenfanfiction @bigfrozenfan @bigfrozenfan-archive @frozenartscapes @deisymendoza @zackhaikal123 @cornstarch @roostercrowedatmidnight @showurselfelsa @when-dawn-arrives @tare-disney @wabitham @just-your-local-history-nerd @dontrunintofirexoxo @daphmckinnon @poketin @luna-and-mars  @anotherpersondrawing @lovelucywilde @shimmeringsunsets @aries1708 @wabitham @agentphilindaisy @spkfrozenkindikids123 @jimmi-arts @snowmanmelting @loonysama @elsathesnowqueensblog @hiptoff @loonysama @tare-disney @frozenwolftemplar @true–north
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Ghostbusters (1984-1989; 2021)
Relationship: Phoebe Spengler/Melody (Ghostbusters Frozen Empire)
Characters: Phoebe Spengler, Trevor Spengler, Melody (Ghostbusters Frozen Empire), Lucky (Ghostbusters), Janine Melnitz, Gary Grooberson, Callie Spengler
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, alternate universe - no ghostbusters, Aged-Up Character(s), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change
Language: English
Phoebe Spengler came to NYC to get lost in the rush and the busyness. Here no one would pay attention to her oddness, and she could focus on her studies. Instead she meets the one person who seems to see through her. Melody seems to get Phoebe the moment they meet on the subway. What starts as a harmless crush becomes something deeper as Phoebe learns that Melody is a ghost trapped on the A Line. Phoebe will have to examine her own past in order to help free Melody. And along the way she may realize that she was never as alone as she thought. -- Or the One Last Stop AU we all deserve
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lafrexniere · 1 year
Luca Fantilli - Free Time
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The goal horn thundered throughout Amalie Arena after this entire season of memories being made Michigan had lost to Quinnipiac and it was over. You saw the heartbreak of your hockey family, as the boys filed through the handshake line before heading back to their respective ends. You tried to keep your emotions pushed down to put on a smile for your boyfriend Luca, you knew how upset he would be after going this far his freshman year, especially with it being an overtime loss to end his season.
You waited with the other families to get to the locker room after the game ended, and people began to file out of the arena. You stood with the Fantillis and waited until you saw Adam walk out of the locker room. He showed a half smile with red eyes, then looked back down at the ground dropping his things and slowly walking to his parents. You watched the family hug, feeling a little awkward and bad for Adam, if he was like this you couldn’t imagine how Luca would be. The family hug broke apart, and Adam turned to face you. You opened your arms, for him to fall into,
“Thanks, Y/N,” he sniffled.
“Of course Adam, I’m sorry about the game,” you said as you let go. He wiped his eyes as you waited for Luca to come out of the locker room. You watched a few more players walk out then there he was, your sweet boy a mess. He like Adam walked over to the Fantillis hugging them with Adam joining in, then the two brothers hugged, making you start to get emotional. Luca looked up from Adam’s shoulder seeing you standing behind him. He let go of Adam and wiped his eyes as if he was embarrassed to be seen crying in front of you. He slowly approached you, clearing his throat.
“Come here, Lu,” you held out your arms. He fell into your arms sniffling, as the tears all started again. No embarrassment, no judgment, just being there for him through this tough time. You played with his hair as his head rested on your shoulder, and you rubbed his back with your other hand. Your hug broke apart after a moment, you kept your arm on his back, as he kept his arm around you. You walked down the hallway all the way to the exit of the arena where the Quinnipiac fans were waiting to taunt the team. You screamed back at those taunting and yelling at you as you got Luca to the bus. The boys threw their things underneath and got on,
“I’ll see you later babe,” Luca said. The door closed behind him, you waved goodbye as the bus pulled away. 
You got to the hotel and saw a few of the boys sitting in the lobby, Adam was one of them. He smiled and waved when he saw you,
“Room 307 Y/N,” he said, “we couldn’t get him to come down, so hopefully you can cheer him up.” You nodded and headed towards the elevator. On your trip up to the third floor, you thought about how to approach Luca. The doors slid open giving you less time to think. You walked down the hall to the room waiting outside the door for a minute, you were about to knock when the door opened.
“Oh hey Y/N,” he said.
“Going somewhere?” you asked.
“Not anymore, I was gonna look for Adam he wasn’t answering me but, now you’re here.” He smirked and grabbed your hand pulling you into the room, and shutting the door behind you. He let go of you and flopped on his bed. He let out a dramatic sigh, staring at the ceiling.
“Lu?” He turned his head to look at you. He gave you an annoyed look, then went back to staring at the ceiling.
“What babe?”
“I know you’re upset.” With that statement, he snapped up. He sat up and turned to face you,
“I’m just disappointed, you know for the older guys, it’s hard.” He patted the bed next to him, you sat down. 
“I know that’s not it, what’s on your mind?” Luca went silent. You put your hand on his hand that was resting on his thigh. He looked at you and locked his fingers with yours.
“I don’t know, it just went so fast Y/N, I wanted that winning feeling to last a little longer,” he gave a half smile and shrugged.
“Are you reading my mind? I was literally thinking that earlier,” you laughed.
“I guess we are feeling the same thing,”
“Yeah,” he rubbed his thumb on your hand. You kicked off your shoes and lied down back on the bed, sighing. He lied next to you, gazing into your eyes. You pulled his head onto your chest, playing with his hair. He closed his eyes and smiled,
“You know Lu, it’s not so bad,” he rolled over on his stomach to be lying on top of you. You continued playing with his hair as he looked at you.
“I guess, don’t know what’ll do with all my free time, hmm maybe video games with the boys all the time, as well as school work obviously,” he smirked.
“Woah bud, you forgetting anything”
“No I don’t think so,” he teased.
“Don’t play dumb Fantilli,” you rolled your eyes. He grinned, raising his eyebrows, then scooted closer to your face. He placed his hand on your cheek, locking his lips with yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to pull him closer which was impossible. You both gasped for air, as you ran out of breath, locking your lips once more, your hands moved from his neck to his back. You held him tightly as you broke apart once more. He opened his eyes smiling,
“Maybe I’ll make some time for that too,” he said, moving off your chest to the space on the bed next to you.
“Oh, you think?”
“Shut up,” he laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Okay okay, did I cheer you up though?” you asked grinning.
“I don’t know, I’m still a little upset,” he gave you puppy dog eyes.
“What am I gonna do with you babe?” you sighed. 
“This.” He pulled your face to him once again pressing his lips to yours, putting his other arm around you, and pulled you into his chest. You ruffled his hair, as the kiss deepened. 
“More time with my girl,” he said.
“I wouldn’t want it any other way,” you smiled.
The past few posts have been my pictures and I'm almost out of pics to use which is making me sad
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salmonfur · 6 months
Im not gonna lie, I'm in love with McKenna Grace so happy with the ghostbusters movies. I don't really care about how they're a cash grab or purely working off nostalgia. I don't care about how it's full of nepotism babies and Paul Rudd (for some reason?) and I don't care about how it's not the same as the original movie and its sequel. Obviously not, this isn't the 80s. The effects are gonna look a little more HD, making the old ones seem cheesy. Even my aunts boyfriend thought that it wasn't as good because it wasn't as scary. I had to remind him that he watched the first two movies when he was 6 and they were reruns. I wasn't even that scared of the og ghostbusters when I was little cause it was compared to movies like idk the ring and Scooby Doo(2002) (like idk, point is, eggs cooking on counter tops aren't that freighting)
There are two movie franchises that I will watch no matter what. Jurassic Park/ World and Ghostbusters. Obviously I have a major bias for these movies but I think people will take their honorary movie critic certificate and act like they know the pinnacle of film because they saw the Godfather at 16. (Probably haven't even seen Alice (1988)) Obviously these movies are working off nostalgia bait but for what it is I'd watch both Afterlife and Frozen Empire again and again. Sorry for the schpeel I just want more fanfiction about Phoebe and that Ghost Girl
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jessi-skylark · 7 months
Trying to build a comic-book creation app using ai-assistance…
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I am trying to create an app that helps artists write their comic books by training an AI model on their own drawing style and characters…
I just got an app working and published via Anakin Free AI app library. Anyone want to check it out and help test it?
My app Link:
AI Comic Book & Fan-Fic Generator
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jackiestarsister · 6 months
"A Time for Everything" new chapter: "Warmth"
This chapter covers the events of Once Upon a Time Episode 4x02, "White Out." Hook and David must get along as they race against the clock to free Emma from an ice cave. Afterward, Hook is invited to stay while Emma recovers.
Read on FFN
Read on AOC
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iron-shrike · 1 year
Horizontober Day 2: Oceanic
The adventures continue!
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athenaevm · 1 year
I have a dark secret
I hate Harry Potter but I kinda like Exolvo. I m just interested in the ways authors expand on a very flawed fantasy world to include their fav characters!
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foofsterwriting · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Artful Dodger (TV 2023) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Jack "Artful Dodger" Dawkins Additional Tags: Mentioned Belle Fox - Freeform, Sleeping Fagin, discussion of execution, Post-Canon, Prison, Angst, Angstpril Summary:
He holds his arms close, Fagin is asleep and he is left to ponder everything that’s happened. Despite being locked in a cell, he still would've done everything the same.
Jack thinks about his past and his future.
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triple-u-vvv · 8 months
Help my friend threatens to give me bowl cut if I kill off his favorite newsie in my fanfic 🥲
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tiyasrocks · 1 year
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Check out my ongoing frozen fan-fiction 👇🏻
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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allisonreader · 8 months
I want to write. But I have nothing that I'm in the mood to work on. I should be going to bed besides that.
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catiuskaa · 8 months
you asked me to stay. [Not yet].
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PAIRING! idol!bangchan x reader
SUMMARY: even if idols 'don’t date fans', there are no rules against a little bit of teasing, and so it happens that Mr Bang Chan here really likes your kind of thinking.
WC: 4.1k
CW: starts off fluffy, then angsty if you squint?, but develops into a (short but still) spicy NSFW. lol, the triangle of (fan)fiction! not gonna say anything else cause I don’t want to spoil it, teehee. Have fun! (I did!)
REQUESTED! here by my sweet 'n spicy baby @sharonxdevi, hope you like my take on it! <3
A/N: wanted to pop down here as a reminder that just because the setting is a fan meeting and yada yada, this work is still unrelated to Channie as an idol. now, please keep reading! I really like how this one turned out 🤭
He's so sweet.
You kept giggling and blushing like an idiot, but how couldn't you? The Christopher Bang was right before you, smiling and laughing at the lame jokes you blabbered as a blush surely creeped out, your face a deep shade of a pinkish tone.
“Oh, and I wanted to mention that you look so amazing in your performances! You have me addicted, Chan.” You giggled.
He chuckled, blushing lightly, raising a hand to his mouth, half covering it. “Really?”
You could melt at the sight of him.
“Yeah! I’ve watched all your fancams.” You nodded with enthusiasm.
His laughs turned louder, his ears red. “I feel so shy knowing someone as pretty as you watches me dance so much.”
You blinked, your eyes wide.
As what?
He cheeked his tongue, eyeing at you sheepishly.
Oh. So he knew what he was doing.
You smirked softly. Your change in attitude made him raise his eyebrows slightly.
“One minute.”
You eyed at the suited man that came to talk to Chan and smiled. He left back to his position, and you leaned closer to the idol.
“Just have to say, that tongue of yours?” You chuckled, and to him, it was one fo the most enticing sounds he had heard in a while. “Keep it in your mouth if you don’t want STAY to act up.”
There was a bubbly feeling in your stomach that only heightened when you watched his face displaying raw surprise.
You were about to combust in spontaneous fire because, well, you just flirted with an idol, a real famous one, that is, but then, he smirked, leaning even closer to you. You could feel his breath on the shell of your ear. His hand softly took yours, and your breath hitched as he snickered playfuly, making you feel a shiver travel down your spine.
“I’m thinking there are far more interesting places where I could keep it.” He grinned in a teasing tone, staring at your lips for a second, licking his own. “But I’m obedient. I’ll keep my mouth shut if you say so.” He stated lowly, his eyes locked on yours. …
He squeezed your hand, sitting back again. His face was covered by a shade of red, and he couldn’t exactly place what had taken over him.
For a moment, he bit his lip, wary of your reaction, considering you hadn’t so much as muttered anything, frozen in your place.
But then you chuckled, struggling to grasp what had just happened, and his whole body relaxed when you squeezed his hand too.
“Bet. You won’t.” You snickered, standing up, siren eyes staring down at him as you moved away, allowing the next person’s turn.
He winked at you as you left.
W-What had just happened?
Your mind felt fuzzy.
Had Bang Chan just done the triangle method on you?
Chan stared at your back before facing the person in front of him.
He could’ve sworn he had seen you before.
Chan grimaced at Hyunjin, sinking his head back on the pillow in his hotel room.
“Leave him alone, Jinnie.” Yongbok frowned slightly. “But I have to say. Not the smartest move, mate.”
Chan sighed in frustration. “I know, I know.”
And it was because he knew that he didn’t dare to say, but just thinking about you, he also knew for a fact that he wouldn’t hesitate on doing it again. Had he had the opportunity, maybe even more.
But idols don’t do that.
Because it is for a reason that idols don’t date fans. Marketing? 100%. Sure. But it also protected them from scandals and such. Or that’s what Chan liked to say to himself.
Felix felt a bit guilty. Chan had gotten scolded by almost all the members now, some who went more ballistic than others —like Hyunjin, who still was fuming, claiming that if Chan was going to do something forbidden, he could’ve said something better than that—, but he looked at the fellow Australian and stood up, laying his small hand on Hyunjin’s shoulder.
The taller one stopped his rambling against Chan and his alleged lack of creativity regarding flirting, and his eyes softened, looking at Yongbok.
“Give the man a break.” Felix smiled softly. “He understands what he’s done. He’s a big boy. Right, Channie?”
The big boy lazily raised his hand from the bed, not moving his head from the pillow as he hummed and raised his thumb.
“This bitch—” Hyunjin started, threatening to throw a pillow at the older one, but Felix quickly pushed him away, taking him back to their room.
Finally alone after what seemed like a lifetime, Chan turned around, staring at the ceiling.
He covered his face with his hands.
Reckless. Stupid, reckless idiot.
It had to be past twelve when he got tired of waiting for sleep to get to him. That never happened anyways. So he stood up with a groan, yawning out of boredom, quickly fetching a jacket and heading to the elevators with slow steps.
He got in and slowly started to put on his beanie and his mask, which wouldn’t really make a difference if someone recognized him, still, it gave him some reassurance. But then, the elevator stopped barely two floors after he got in.
His whole body tensed up.
He recognized who stepped in, messy hair, funny slippers and padded jacket on.
He knew who that was, because he had been right.
He had seen you before.
“Oh.” You smiled, and he could tell by the small wrinkles in your eyes, because the bottom half of your face was hidden by the jacket’s high neck. “Good night.” You mumbled softly.
He nodded. He was afraid you’d recognize him. He was unsure of what to do himself —or if he should do anything—, he couldn’t even think of how you would react. And just the idea that you wouldn’t like seeing him there made him hide his face more in his dark mask, so instead, he fidgeted with his room card, not daring to look at you for too long.
“Trouble sleeping?” You pondered in a kind tone. He nodded again, and you smiled. He had to hold back the impulse of lowering your jacket just so he could see your bright features, the ones that had charmed him so much barely a couple of hours ago.
“Same here.” You muttered, and he could’ve sworn that your voice alone, warm and soothing, could singlehandedly lull him to sleep in a heartbeat. “Walking helps though, don’t you think?”
He, again, just managed to nod. But for some reason, your presence didn’t make him feel guilty for not talking. In the middle of the night nothing seemed to have any rules between you two and the four walls of the elevator.
“Sorry, am I bothering you?” You asked in a murmur.
It was the first time he shook his head no, vigorously so, and you blushed lightly, smiling.
“Good to know.” You grinned, chuckling softly. The elevator dinged, arriving to the last floor. Chan held back a frustrated groan, yearning to keep hearing your voice.
“Have a good night.” You smiled, but his hand softly took yours.
“Huh?” You muttered softly.
Chan struggled. Fuck, shit, fuck. He had done that completely out of reflex. He didn’t know what to say, and just scrathed the side of his face, staring at your linked hands.
He shook his head once more, asking you to stay.
To you, you already had the weird feeling that you knew him. But he touched your hand, and something from it felt shockingly familiar.
Now, you could’ve sworn you had seen him before.
“What is it?” You asked, your voice coated in something sweet, something that Chan suddenly wanted to taste. “Would you like to walk with me?”
He nodded eagerly. And you grinned sheepishly.
You two crossed through the hotel main’s hall nonchalantly, and Chan just followed you, intriegued that you hadn’t taken the main entrance door to exit.
“Trust me,” you muttered, smiling. He felt it was scary that he would, in a heartbeat. “The gardens are so much better.”
You took his hand. A motion completely out of reflex, that both of you only allowed yourselves to yearn for in silence.
You grinned at him, turning around, and his breath hitched, lips parted beneath his mask when he realized how close you were.
You opened a black door to your right with a soft push of your body.
The hotel gardens at night were like a dream. The moonlight turned everything into a soft, magical scene. Tall trees swayed quietly, and you could hear crickets and leaves rustling. There was a small lake below it, its water calm, that reflected the image above it like a mirror, moon and stars glistening on the clear surface.
Even if Chan was only looking at the glow through your eyes.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” You grinned.
You stared back at him. Something in his eyes reminded you of someone you knew. A peculiar someone, that is.
He hummed in agreement, and your smile widened.
“Shall we?” You giggled in a murmur, letting him step outside before you.
There was a warmth in the night that ushered Chan to take off his mask and hat.
But he didn’t dare to. Not yet.
You two walked alongside, hands and knuckles brushing against each other, and the idol allowed himself to grin as you smiled, looking at the flowers that decorated the place. It was the first time in his life that he had found solace in the shared silence of insomnia.
With a swift motion, he surrendered. He felt like it wasn’t fair to know who you where if you didn’t —or couldn’t— recognize him. To hell with it, he thought, taking his hat and mask off.
But, much to his surprise, you didn’t so much as glance at him. You just snickered when he sighed, sounding happier, breathing in the sudden cold breeze that swooshed in the garden.
“Better, huh?” You mumbled in light amusement.
He smiled, shoving his hidden identity in his pockets.
“Much.” Chan muttered.
His heart beat loudly on his ears. He could feel it pulsating rapidly, waiting for the moment where you would turn to face him.
But you weren’t, just strolling down the stone path, callously ignoring his nervous demeanour.
He was about to stop and move you, but instead, your hand took his again.
And then you squeezed it lightly. Much like he had done a couple of hourse ago.
His breath hitched. He stopped walking.
“Chan?” You smiled.
He felt chaos unravel inside him, his cheeks blushing, his palms getting sweaty, and his heart giddily beating in his chest.
Another rush of soft air crossed through the hotel’s gardens, making your hair move with it. He could smell your light scent, something that felt warm inside him, something that he felt could lull him asleep.
You grinned.
He chuckled lowly. He hadn’t let go of your hand. A part of him didn’t want to. Not yet.
He saw you blush under the moonlight, not knowing his red-tinted cheeks were more obvious than yours.
“What’s a boy as pretty as you doing in a place like this?”
He blinked, his eyes wide.
As what?
He saw you cheek your tongue, doe eyes looking at him teasingly.
Oh. So you knew what you were doing.
He chuckled, thinking that was going to be all your teasing.
“Judging by how long it took for you to talk, I guess you did mean to keep your end of the deal.”
“Huh?” He inquired softly.
“You know.” You bit your lip and blushed a bit more, making him more interested, taking a step towards you without realizing. “Keeping your mouth shut. Like the obedient boy you are.”
He started breathing heavily, a low laugh rolling off his tone.
“Oh, yeah?” His smirk was only powered by yours. “I must say, I can be quite rebellious.”
“Really?” You snickered, feeling his hand squeeze yours again.
“Very.” He gulped. His bravado only lasted for so much, and deep inside, he was equally scared as curious.
He wanted to keep going. He wanted you to stay.
“Are you trying to prove it?” You mocked cheekily.
He stared at your lips, his breath felt heavy. “Would you like me to prove it?”
His hand threatened to reach for your cheek, but it was you who finally held it and moved it towards your face.
“Bet.” You giggled. “You won’t.”
The night air was crisp as your eyes, deep and expressive, locked with his, inviting and enticing, a secret to be held in them. His hair, often styled with flair, rested curly and messy, but you couldn’t help but get lost in the untamed beauty that he portrayed. Not even his lips gently grazing yours could wipe either of your smiles under the moonlight.
And then, for a moment, it wasn’t gentle.
Maybe it was because he sighed against your lips, or maybe it was because you followed an impulse and bit his lower lip, but then it got twisted. Tongues danced with one another, fighting for dominance in a burst of sudden passion.
“C-chan,” you gulped, arms traveling to his nape, playing with his hair. It made him weak.
“Chris,” he sighed, yearning to taste your lips again. And again. He didn’t want to stop. Not yet. “Call me— call me Chris.”
You chuckled. “Only if you call me…”
You were going to tease him, but your ideas suddenly flew away form your mind when he started peppering kisses on your neck, grazing your skin with his teeth.
“What?” He snickered. “A pet name of sorts?” He was teasing you, and he was so enjoying it, tasting the weirdly sweet and enticing flavour of your skin in his lips. “Would you like that, princess?” God, he needed more.
You bit your lip, holding back sounds behind heavy breaths, and he patted your thighs, making you jump into his arms without hesitation. Quickly, he moved the both of you, pinning you against the wall closest to you.
“C-chan…” He bit your skin slightly harder. “Chris! Ah, Chris…!”
“F-fuck…” He muttered. “I… I can’t…” He leaned his head in the crook of your neck, now covered in small and red lovebites. “You smell so good.”
You pecked his forehead, trying to catch your breath, your hands stroking his soft hair.
“Not here, right?” You smiled, soothing, comprehensive. His heart softened.
He nodded, sighting against your neck. He let go of your legs, allowing you to stand back on your feet tenderly.
“I’m sorry….?” Chan mumbled shyly. You giggled, brushing it off.
You were about to say something, but then the gravel cracked under someone’s weight. One that wasn’t either of you.
He tensed up under your arms.
You sighed. “Move!” You ushered in a whisper.
He frowned, his eyes darting from you and from where the sound had come from.
“But you—”
“Chan!” You pushed him away, hiding him behind another wall, and quickly took your phone from the pocket of your jacket, zipping back up what Chris had lowered.
“Who’s in there?”
Chan’s breath haltered.
You had hid him just a wall more, meaning that if the security guard found any of you, chances were that he wouldn’t be caught. You would.
You both held your breathing, hands interlinked even if your bodies were as far away as they could to do so, your heartbeats quickening in sync.
And then, it was just silence for a minute, the gravel cracked below the security guard’s feet, and he left as sudden as he had arrived.
You legs felt like jelly, and you let your back fall down the wall, ending up sitting on the floor with a huff.
“You were going to get in trouble.” Chris muttered.
You looked at him from the floor. The moonlight highlightened his lean figure and charismatic features.
You nodded. “It wouldn’t be me who’d get in the worst of it.” You smiled softly.
He nodded with you.
“We should go before it gets too late.”
Just before heading back together to the elevators, you looked to the reception, and grinned softly.
The elevator back up felt more silent than usual. And for some reason that could speak and make him blush, Chan missed the sound of your voice.
“Good night, Chris.”
It wasn’t going to be a good night.
Not after that interruption, which not only scared the shit out of him, but also made him rethink everything he was doing with you.
Chan arrived back to his room. After half an hour of mindlessly staring at the nightsky through the window, someone knocked on the door.
Could it be you? Chris blushed at the thought.
He opened the door to find nothing. Then, he looked to the floor, and found a mug of hot chocolate and a small note.
may have taken a peek to your room card before. i had fun tonight! see you tomorrow? xoxo, your princess.
He grinned.
Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad night after all.
When he woke up the morning after, his mouth still tasted like chocolate.
There had been nothing that could wipe the silly grin on his face that day. Not his packed schedule, not the knowledge that they had to go back home and it would be his last night there, not the fact that Han had come into his room just to look for his missing sock —which, for obvious reasons, he never found there—, not the fact that Hyunjin was still bitter with him because of what he had named the ‘pretty girl disaster’ —which Chan intended to tell you just to see if you’d laugh like he had imagined.
His mind was filled to the brim with thoughts of you.
Your flavoured chapstick, your sweet scent, the way you mumbled his name —his real one, that is—, how your eyes glowed under the moonlight, how his hands fit perfectly in the curves of your waist.
He sighed happily for the upteenth time that day, coming out of the shower.
But then, Minho came in to his room.
“Hyung.” He started, and his low tone didn’t seem to bring good news.
Chan nodded, waiting for him to continue.
“I know I’m not really good at these things, but I think you should see this.”
The dancer handed him the phone, and Chan turned pale.
It was a picture taken from last night. Chan’s silhouette was fairly obvious, slightly pixelated and hidden by his beanie and his mask. And right in front of him, back facing the camera, was you, your hand holding his.
“So it is you. That’s what I thought,” Minho mumbled. “A random number sent it to Hyunjin. He saved the picture and blocked it, but we thought you should know.”
“Did they know it was me?” Chan stuttered.
The cat owner shook his head, and Chan was able to breathe normally again. “They thought it had been me with Jisung.”
It was there when Chan’s daydreaming faltered.
His thoughts started spinning, not knowing how or where to start.
Would you know about this?
What would you do?
“Hyung.” Minho sighed. “We’re leaving tomorrow.”
And Chan hadn’t been able to grasp that, but someone did.
The same someone who knocked on his door at night.
“Guys, you have your own cards.” Chan muttered, opening the door.
But it hadn’t been any of the guys.
“Hi.” You let out in a sight, panting.
Had you ran your way there?
“Hi.” He mumbled weakly.
“Can I…?” He opened the door for you, and quickly closed it back. He turned his back to you, his eyes wide and his heart going crazy.
“Chris.” You mumbled.
He turned around to face you.
“You asked me to stay last night and I went with you to the gardens.” You huffed. “But I want to stay here with you tonight.”
He blinked, passing a hand through his wavy hair. You were there. In front of him. Speaking. God, he had to concentrate.
“We’ll make a deal.” You breathed slowly, staring deeply into his eyes, yearning to know the secrets hidden behind them. “I’ll leave this here.”
You gently plopped your phone on the table near the door to his room. He was still standing there, as if frozen, pyjama pants on and only a bathrobe covering his lean and toned chest.
“A pretty man called Hyunjin came to me talking about some picture,” you started softly. “But yesterday didn’t happen so I’d ruin a man’s career.” His eyes followed how you raised your hands and smiled, and he couldn’t help but smile back.
“It’s off.” Your voice lowered, and he got slightly closer, as if wanting to hear you better. “The phone, I mean. Feel free to check it.”
Surprisingly, he just stared at it, then smiled cheekily, heading towards you.
Your eyebrows shot up and you felt deliciously small under his new-formed grin, and how his hands cradled your face.
He pecked your lips with a yearning sigh.
“I missed you.”
You blushed.
“You can have me all night.” Your smile made him feel butterflies on his stomach. “Just me and you.”
He kissed you again, longer this time.
His frame slowly caged you against the door, and he broke the kiss, stroking your cheeks. His body was pressed up against yours, his lips parted as he breathed softly, taking you in. He could feel heat running down his body just by the feeling of you back in his arms, and the only thought that he had clear is that he couldn't hold back anymore.
He needed to kiss you, again, and again, and again. He needed to figure out what you tasted like. He needed to have you. Your hands had gone back to where they had been the night before, and the way you stared at his lips threatened to make him fall to his knees.
His eyes were glued on your lips, and not long after, his mouth followed.
Chris’ heart was pounding against his chest, and he knew for a fact that he had never felt this way before. Never in his whole life. The more he tasted your lips, the kiss almost as passionate as your first one, the more you ruined him, claiming him as yours, making him addictied to the way you sighed and grinned as he moved your bodies to the bed, the hotter his body became.
He fell with you on the matress, and much to his surprise, you moved your bodies, sitting on his lap, taking a groan out of him.
“Such a beauty,” you mumbled, almost to yourself rather than him. “All for me, huh?” You smirked.
The whole world was hazy, the only thing that was clear was your body and your words. Just hearing your voice saying those words to him made him shiver, a shiver that he never experienced before.
He smirked too, and sighed when you untied his bathrobe, your hands roaming freely wherever you wanted to, stroking his chest, claiming him with kisses, the soft colour that they left behind, pink due to your lipstick, and the soft scratches of your nails, that made him bite his lip to keep his sounds hidden.
“Nuh-uh.” You tutted at him with a smile.
He snickered. “Oh, princess. Two can play that game.”
His hands pinned you down against the bed, his lips quickly going back to yours.
“You said I needed to keep my tongue to myself, and I promised that I would” He grinned, almost menacingly, lowering himself, trailing kisses down your body, discarding your underwear.
“I intend to break that promise.”
Maybe you and him would be difficult.
But he had asked you to stay, and you did. And he didn’t want to stop trying. Not yet.
~Kats, who did most of this in a hospital bed (‘m okay now dw) but fell asleep and didn’t publish it, lol. I LOVED THIS IDEA POOKIE TYSM !!
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r3negade-x · 2 years
I finally buckled down actually wrote the first chapter of my disney princess dnd fanfic. Check it out here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44886022
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vexis-world · 8 months
“You can't seriously be that dumb..!”
💗 Clarisse la rue x daughter of Apollo!reader one-shot 💗
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Authors note: hi reader!! This is my first fan-fiction post so I'd love any constructive criticism to help improve my writing for the future! This is not beta read so it's far from perfect - but I hope you will still enjoy it nonetheless :)) Ty for reading! 🫶
Short summary: Clarisse has some doubts about your "relationship" and seeks you out to speak about her worries.
Word count: 940ish words!
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Clarisse’s mind was swarming with thoughts; it always does when she trains alone. She thinks best in the training arena, it's in her blood after all. You and her had been in a relationship for almost 3 months now and hadn't kissed yet. Which isn't a big deal! Clarisse doesn't mind, at least that's what she tells herself. But this is her first relationship, and she doesn't have anyone to unload this onto. To ask advice without having to reveal too much about herself, and her most private fears. She knew that you wanted to take things slow. Although it was not confirmed by words, Clarisse could (in her opinion) read her ‘girlfriend’ well. However when was slow, too slow? Were you having mixed feelings all of a sudden? And if so why had this not been brought up? Clarisse believed that you two were close, as ones in a romantic partnership should be; but perhaps not as close as she had originally thought.
Clarisse took large and fast steps, speed walking over to you. People moved out of her way, they could tell it was urgent and that they shouldn't mess with Clarisse at this moment. Or any moment for that matter.
“Hey Clarisse!” you spoke enthusiastically, finishing up a patient in the infirmary. “Pretty girl, explain something to me.” Clarisse's words make you blush, faintly; you had mainly gotten used to her flirty remarks these past few weeks, but she always manages to catch you off guard, every once in a while. “Ok.. what's up?” you asked, in a nervous tone. You could clearly see the distressed look on the girls face. “It's sort of private, can we speak in the back?” this added to your nerves, clarisse was usually never this off. “Of course, is everything okay?” but before you could finish your sentence, clarisse had already walked over to the back of the infirmary and into the supply area.
The supply closet was cramped with the both of you in there. Clarisse had to push up against you with an arm over your head for you two to fit somewhat comfortably. “Clarisse, is everything okay?” you asked again, this time hoping you would get a straight forward reply. “Do you.. Have you um..” clarisse stuttered avoiding your concerned gaze. “Have you lost feelings for me or something?” she finally mutters. You spent a minute gathering up your words, to find a way to reply. You bit your lip with furrowed brows, before the words fully processed and then said. “What..?” Clarisse had a strange expression on her face. “It's been three months and we haven't kissed or held hands in public. We don't go on proper dates. I feel like you don’t like me” she says quickly with an eye-roll included. “Clarisse, what are you on about..? Why would we kiss?” you asked hesitantly. “Why wouldn't you? Were in a relationship, isn't that kinda the norm?” This left you frozen. You were shocked, obviously but also majorly embarrassed. Had you been in a relationship without even knowing it? And to your crush no less. Fuck. “.. relationship?” you said nauseously, with butterflies in your stomach. “Clarisse, is this some sort of sick joke..?” you added, with shallow breaths. The room was getting stuffy and suffocating. “What do you mean sick joke? Have I ever lied to you? Are my feelings a joke to you? Is that it? Forget it. If I make you this fucking sick then good thing you're in the infirmary. I'm leaving, let's not talk for a while, 'kay?” she pushes past you. since you two were practically melted into one another, you could feel how she'd gotten warmer and how her heart rate had gone up significantly. You try to go after her but just as you do, your brother, Will asks you to tend to another patient that had just come in. He calls over his shoulder. “trouble in paradise? Gonna have to wait, I'm afraid - I need some help over here!” leaving you even more puzzled.
An hour or two goes by since you spoke with clarisse, and she’s consumed your thoughts entirely. You decided to speak to her at dinner and try to resolve whatever happened earlier.
“Clarisse, can we talk? Again..” you whispered, almost begging. “Kinda busy. We’ll talk later.” clarisse brushes you off to finish scraping her offerings into the fire. “Please clarisse. I need to speak to you. Just for a second.” you plead. “Two minutes. Two, that's it.” clarisse says, her eyes finally looking up from fire to the now very interesting sky. “Thank you.” You sigh and lead her away to a more secluded area as she had done with you. “I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. And they're not a joke to me. I'm just confused. What did you mean by relationship?” Clarisse replies by saying “what do you mean, what do i mean? We're dating, aren't we?” you take a pause, dumbfounded for the second time today. “Since when? Don't take this the wrong way but.. I don't remember you asking me to be your.. Um.. girlfriend.” your voice is wobbly and uncertain, you try your best to make your words seem kinder, as to not offend clarisse again. “Well, I guess I never asked but.. Oh.” Clarisse's words end as she parts her lips. She's realised her error. And so had you. You let out a breathy chuckle and say “maybe this time you should actually ask me.'' Clarisse looks at you with much more confidence now, her infamous sly grin back on her perfect face. “Maybe that would be best, sweet girl.”
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