#From June to March you had separate shows
jonathanbyersphd · 2 months
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They used to end in June and be back by Labor Day. And they had 26 episodes! We used to be a proper country!
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crowleysgirl56 · 2 months
Timeline of the last 12 months of the Good Omens fandom.
July 2023 - Good Omens season 2 drops. Fans watch on the presumption this season is based on the sequel idea Terry and NG spoke of in the 90’s and 2006. Reactions are mixed but mostly positive. We’re happy with fluff. Initial thoughts: “I don’t see how this story could have been fleshed out into an entire novel, but I guess it was only ever just initial ideas, so I suppose that works.”
July 2023 - THE KISS.
Fandom reaction: NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
August 2023 - NG responds to fandom
NG: “Season 2 isn’t actually based on the idea Terry and I spoke about.”
Fandom: “What?”
NG: “Season 2 is just a bridging story to get us to season 3. That will be the story that Terry and I discussed.”
Fandom: “What!?”
NG: “Season 3 hasn’t been greenlit by Prime yet so we might not get it.”
Fandom: “WHAT?!”
NG: “Also I wrote the kiss that way by giving the fandom what you want without actually giving you what you want. So like, stop asking me for things or I won’t write them.”
August to November 2023 - The fandom, now lost and depressed, mope through the halls of Tumblr and Reddit, desperately clinging to any piece of information dropped by NG, sharing fan art, creating headcanons and theories, and writing the angstiest of angst fanfiction ever written. Some weep in a corner mumbling about the South Downs. Most just trudge through their daily lives, listless and despondent.
December 2023 - Prime greenlights Good Omens Season 3.
Fandom: YES! OMG HOORAY! WAHOO! Dancing in the streets. Fanfiction turns to fluff and smut. NG is active and happy, answering many questions without actually answering them. Gives us the hilarious gift of Dottie and Sadie.
January 2024 - speculation of when season 3 filming will begin commences. Realisation that it could be quite a while starts to sink in. Actors and writers strike has caused delay to the scripts being written. David and Michael have taken on theatre work which will delay their filming schedules. Douglas McKinnon announces he’s stepping away as director. Fandom has slight freak out, but NG reassures everyone it’s nothing to worry about, and linked to the recent strikes.
Early to mid 2024 - “The invisible and unbreakable line that joins Crowley and Aziraphale”.
Fandom: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! We inevitably become even more feral. Much fanart is made.
March 2024 - David hosts the BAFTAs and Michael helps him during the opening. David is then nominated for TV BAFTA for Good Omens.
Fandom: OMG YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!! Much dancing and celebration is had once again. We are so in love.
May 2024 - filming schedule for GO season 3 is announced. It will commence January 2025. The fandom reacts.
Fandom: “That’s still so long away!” “Michael and David will have their hair dyed white and red for the awards season!” “Going by the previous production schedule this means season 3 won’t reach our screen until 2026! No!” “Cannot wait for this to start filming we are going to be so feral!” More fanfiction, more fanart.
June 2024 - David hosts Pub in the Park. Michael joins him.
Early July 2024 - horrible allegations are laid against NG and the fandom comes to a terrible crashing halt. Much debate and discussion is had back and forth: “Believe the victims”. “Separate the art from the artist”. “Drop the fandom entirely”. “Step back for a moment”. There is a lot of arguing, but there is also still a lot of love. NG has fled all social media.
Late July 2024 - until it’s January, and the show actually starts filming, Good Omens season 3 has now become Schrödinger’s Series. It both now exists and doesn’t exist. Prime at any moment may pull the production due to the backlash against NG. The fandom now re-examines McKinnon’s departure speculating if he left for other reasons. We once again despondently trudge the halls of tumblr and Reddit feeling the same feeling of this time last year.
And that pretty much brings us up to date. Anything could happen in the next six months, which is why I feel we’re all worried. It’s why I’m worried. So instead, keep sharing the art, keep writing the fanfiction, keep speculating with theories and headcanons. Let’s be here for each other. Because we created this fandom for each other. It doesn’t belong to NG anymore. Let’s do this for Terry. Personally, I can’t wait to come back to this timeline and add January 2025 - filming begins.
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amarriageoftrueminds · 7 months
How long did Steve actually know Peggy?
(with pictures!)
[ post with just the images here ]
Short Answer: 
626 days total / 20 months, 15 days, and only spoke on 8 separate days.
Long Answer:
Steve got his last 4F / first 1A on 14th of June, 1943.
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When Steve arrived at Camp Lehigh, Peggy introduced herself and the SSR.
Directly afterwards, Col. Phillips introduced himself and explained that they would be there for a week only before choosing someone to be given serum:
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If they had any common sense, they would’ve said Steve was at Basic Training for a while before being drafted into Project Rebirth.
This being Marvel, however... 
[ full meta under cut ] 
What If...?, Marvel’s Instagram, and Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline book gave the ‘official’ date of Steve’s serum as June 22, 1943.
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This means: 
Steve was enlisted June 14th 1943,
shipped out to Camp Lehigh June 15th 1943,
was there for just a week (til June 21st 1943),
Had a conversation with Erskine about why he was chosen on evening of June 21st.
and was back in Brooklyn and receiving serum on June 22nd 1943.
Poor lad barely had any time to pack and unpack! 😲
The first date shown in the movie is March 1942:
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When Red Skull acquired the Tesseract. 
This implies (but does not conclusively prove) that Dr Erskine must have been captured by the Allies before March 1942, because: 
when he has his conversation with Steve, he merely said Red Skull believed “that there is a great power hidden in the earth, left here by the gods.” IE. he wasn’t aware that Red Skull had successfully seized that power (the Tesseract).
Stark is flummoxed by Tesseract-related tech when he sees it, which he  surely wouldn’t be if Erskine had known about Red Skull having the Tesseract because Erskine could’ve just told him.
Anyway, back to the present and Steve was already in the local newspapers by Wednesday, 23rd June 1943:
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Anyway, he and Peggy only spoke for 1-2 days during that time: June 22nd, the day he received serum, and (what was probably) June 23rd, the day after.
IMO it seems like it’s just the day after because: 
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everyone who was at the blown-up Brooklyn base is there 👆 (wherever ‘there’ is) as if no time has passed at all...
...but we know that time must have passed, because Senator Brandt shows Steve a paper dated the 23rd [see above.] 👆 So enough time has passed for the newspapers to hear about Steve, for a journalist to write about it, print it, and for the Senator to get a hold of a copy. 
Enough time has passed for the SSR to get the saboteur’s Hydra sub out of the water at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in order for Howard Stark to be flummoxed by it, as he is in this scene. (And he is still in the pit with it; he hasn’t had long enough to look at it already. Ergo, not much time has passed.) 
You could say that it’s a later date, and Brandt just happens to have a newspaper from the 23rd. Except...
...Phillips mentions having talked to the president that morning... which makes more sense as something he would do immediately after the whole Hydra-saboteur bomb kerfuffle, not later. That’s not a phone call he could put off for days. That’s a call you make straight away. 
Although that doesn’t automatically mean that that-morning’s phone call is the first or only phone call Phillips has made to the President, since the Hydra-saboteur-kerfuffle, meaning this could be a date later than June 23rd. 
But the fact that:
everyone who was at the bomb site is still there,
Howard is still in the pit looking at the Hydra sub and admitting he’s clueless about it, as if that is new information he’s announcing,
they’re taking Steve’s blood, also not something to delay on,
and Brandt is asking basic questions about Hydra. If more than a day had passed, he would already know the answers to these questions, even if he had been distracted by the Press.
Suggesting it is very soon after. 
The lack of delay in Phillips’s actions also supports this idea. Earlier on in the movie he moaned to Erskine about having had to talk to senators multiple times before he could get the ball rolling on Project Rebirth. But now he’s cheerful and decisive. Which to me suggests he’s had one decisive phone call with the President, where they exchanged all the information they needed, and that’s it. (He doesn’t say “I spoke to the President again this morning,” for example.) 
Brandt asks Phillips what he’s going to do about Hydra. Phillips smirks and answers that the SSR is being re-tasked to go after them. As if he anticipated the question and got the President to sign off on that just prior; close enough to this moment that Phillips is only acting on those orders just now. 
"This morning" implies that this scene is taking place later on in the day of June 23rd 1943; after the morning, so that Phillips isn’t saying he called the president just now, for example. 
There’s strong sunlight coming in from the window behind Steve 👆, so I’d say we can place this scene at afternoon, June 23rd.
And we can infer that it isn’t evening yet, because Phillips refers to flying out “tonight,” as if if the night of June 23rd has not yet arrived.
(Another maddening possibility: it’s all happening on the same day, a day that Phillips just happened to have spoken to the President on the phone in the morning already, but either the prop makers got the date wrong on the newspaper or the official Marvel instagram got the date of Steve’s serum wrong. 🤦‍♀️)
So, timeline: 
June 22nd, 1943: serum, bomb/saboteur, Erskine’s death.
(possibly but not definitively) June 23rd, 1943: morning, newspapers reporting on Steve are printed (Senator Brandt sees them), the Hydra sub is shipped to dry dock for Howard to look at, and the President tells Phillips via the phone that the SSR is being retasked “as of today.” 
afternoon, Steve has his blood drawn, Phillips relays the President’s orders to him, Brandt, Peggy and Stark. Steve objects. Brandt recruits Steve for the USO. 
night, Phillips, Peggy and Howard fly out. 
Unless it’s all the same day, in which case the events go:
June 22nd or 23rd: 
morning, Phillips talks to the President who officially re-tasks the SSR, Steve gets serum, blown up, Erskine killed.
afternoon, the Hydra sub put in dry dock for Howard to examine, newspapers rushed out an edition about Steve, Brandt recruited Steve for the USO using said paper.
night, Peggy, Phillips and Howard flew out to London.
So Peggy was flown out to London that night, being (probably but not conclusively) the night of either June 22nd or June 23rd, 1943.
And then Steve was on tour with the USO for 4 months (from July 1943).
Probably starting mid/late July / early August, to give them enough time to find 20+ chorus girls, create and fit costumes, build sets, book venues, choreograph and plan a show, and do some rehearsals... though apparently not enough for Steve to have learned his lines. 🤦‍♀️ 
During this period, as the USO shows grow ever more elaborate (up to 40 showgirls, bigger sets, a fake Hitler, a military band, and harley davidson motorcycles) Steve also films multiple propaganda reels, signs autographs, takes photos with the public (and Senator Brandt), appears in his own comics, sneaks into the cinema to watch himself on screen, and travels to Buffalo, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Chicago, and New York! 😵
Senator Brandt’s smooth patter in recruiting Steve for the USO, how he acts during it, and the fact that there was a cameraman there to take photos of Steve just before he got serum, to me suggests that Brandt was planning to do this USO show with whoever the serum worked on. 
So it’s possible a lot of the show logistics and planning were already underway before Steve was even chosen for serum. That would mean the USO show kicked off much sooner after Steve got serum (which might account for why he’s so nervous on stage...)
And it would explain how they were able to cram so much activity into four short months.
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Meanwhile, in October 1943, in Azzano, Italy...
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And then Steve goes to Italy, five miles from the front
on the 3rd of November, 1943:
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We can see that Steve and Peggy were not in contact in between these times / while he was on USO Tour, because: 
no reference to any such contact is ever shown or implied (and Kevin Feige said Steve was sleeping with someone else while on tour).
Steve looks surprised to see her when she shows up. He hasn’t invited her to come -- which he could, by letter -- and asks her what she’s doing there. 
She’s cagey about why she’s there/what she’s been up to; so she’s not someone who even can carry on a correspondence, given the classified nature of her work. 
If they had somehow been corresponding anyway, she would already have told Steve by now that she can’t talk about her being there/why. So he wouldn’t need to ask.
As well as Steve not knowing basic things about her, she also still doesn’t know basic things about Steve, that a casual correspondent of four months would know by now [see below].
We know the rescue of the 107 was on the night of November 3rd, 1943. 
Because Phillips cites that date when he’s typing up Steve’s official KIA letter:
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The sequence before Steve’s rescue of the 107 also implies that Bucky et al were only captured very recently at Azzano, because:
the rest of the 107 are still there (haven’t been deployed elsewhere),
wounded are still being brought in, 
Col. Phillips is still engaged in writing up condolence letters about the lost soldiers when Steve barges into his tent.
(Why is the head of the SSR in Italy, writing condolence letters about the 107 when he specifically said he and his agents were flying out to London, where his HQ is? Here’s a clue from wikipedia: “Alsos personnel followed close behind the front lines in Italy, France, and Germany, occasionally crossing into enemy-held territory to secure valuable resources before they could be destroyed or scientists escape or fall into rival hands.”
However, those personnel would not include the head honcho (Phillips), the entire Army’s number one weapons contractor (Stark), or a desk jockey whose opinion is neither sought nor valued (Peggy). 
And the rest of the movie shows them back in London (and therefore not featuring in field footage of the Commandos), while Steve & Co. destroy Hydra weapons factories (not sweep them for intell.) 
And they stay in London, until the entire army hits a very important base at the very end of the movie. And even then, Stark isn’t shown attending!
So maybe he was just in Italy for the chorus girls...? 🤷‍♀️
Steve and the Howlies had to have to covered 35 miles as the crow flies (30 miles behind enemy lines + 5 miles to the Army base), with wounded soldiers, and through what Phillips describes as “some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe” which was also mountainous. They would’ve had to seek a flat route to get the jeeps through. And this with no resources -- like food, medicine, specialised clothing, etc. 
Covering 5 miles a day under those extremely difficult and dangerous circumstances, it takes them a week to get back to Camp. 
(Sidenote, I looked up a modern estimate of hikers on the Swiss Alps, and it said they’d traverse a 105 mile trail over 7-10 days. Viz. potentially 10.5 miles a day!)
Making the day of Steve’s return 👆 at least, November 10th, 1943.
Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline confirms this:
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Afterwards, it seems they went straight to London. 
(No contact with Peggy in transit is shown or implied).
Sidenote: although no other locations and no other interaction is shown in November, between the 107 returning and Steve being in London, it seems as if some time has passed. 
And once again, we can tell that because of Senator Brandt and newspapers.
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There has been enough time for more than one newspaper (The Daily Mail, and Stars and Stripes), to publish stories about Steve. 👆
For Senator Brandt to announce that he’ll be giving Steve a medal for valour, and for that news to have travelled back to the UK.
And, at the very least, enough time has elapsed since the 10th of November for the Senator to believe that Steve could feasibly travel back to America in time to receive his medal in person. 
(Which he declines to do. LOLOL.)
So, say: 
11th: newspapers report (Steve & Co travelling back to London). 
12th: news reaches America / Brandt decides / announces the medal.
13th: Brandt expecting Steve to fly from Europe to America (which would’ve taken over 17 hours, then.) Doesn’t necessarily have to be the very next day, but based on past behaviour Brandt expects action to be taken the very same day as the press reporting on Steve! So...
14th: for the actual medal ceremony? (so that Steve isn’t travelling for 17 hours and then immediately appearing in public) Which seems like it’s happening simultaneously with Steve being in London; I don’t think he’d delay on relating his intell about Hydra.
(And that last day would also account for how the news has travelled back to the UK from the US in order to appear in The Daily Mail.)
We know that this day Steve is in London is supposed to be the day he’s receiving his medal, in person, because of this CATFA deleted scene: 
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So IMO we’re looking at this date being 14th November, 1943 at a very strict minimum. 
NB: All this pre-supposes that it takes 4 days to move the Howlies from the Continent back to London, which it feasibly might if they had Stark and his plane, still in Italy. Stark’s deleted-scene surprise at seeing Steve in London suggests either he was not the pilot / his was not the plane responsible for flying Steve to London, or that he was / his was the plane but he expected Steve to move straight on back to the US. We know the SSR had at least one plane in the US Army base in Italy, because someone was flying multiple reconnaissance flights, trying to spot the 107 -- the last of which returned Nov 10th.
In London, Steve and Peggy are shown talking on 2 separate days, total:
1) In the London HQ, relaying the intell about Hydra weapons-parts factories, gathered from the Krausberg weapons-parts factory and from Bucky, when Steve tells Phillips he has got his own team together. 
And in the pub, on the evening of that same night, when Steve goes to Assemble the Howling Commandos for the first time. 
(I’m saying it’s the same night as that day^ because no time passing between these conversations is implied or stated, not via montage or any other means. It’s a straight cut, and Steve is wearing the same clothes. Also: assembling his team is not something Steve could delay on, after already telling his CO he  had one. In fact it’s kinda nuts Steve didn’t think to do this before telling Phillips he had a team already. What would he have done if they’d said no?? 😂)
2) in the London HQ, the morning of the day after (8am) when Peggy shoots at him.
(Won’t dignify either of those scenes with triggery screencaps!)
So Steve and the Howlies are officially a team from let’s say 14th November, 1943. 
(We know there must’ve been a bit of a time delay before the Howlies were deployed, to give Stark time to build Steve the version of the Cap suit he requested as well as supplying him with those Harley Davidsons WLA ‘Liberators.’ That Cap suit is the only thing Steve is shown fighting Hydra in, thereafter, meaning the Howlies did in fact wait until it was ready before deploying (they didn’t, for example, send Steve out in something else at first and then  get the suit shipped out later on. That isn’t shown.) 
Since Bucky was the one who suggested him keeping ‘the outfit’ I’ll bet he had some input on that suit. 🤔
So depending on how long you think that would take, could be the Howlies weren’t out on the Continent kickin’ ass ‘til December ‘43 or January '44. 
But despite this delay, no contact with Peggy is shown or implied in the interim.)
For the next 15 months & 15 days there is also no direct contact shown between Steve and Peggy, while Steve is on the continent and she is in London.
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At first glance it looks like we can deduce roughly the dates of when Bucky died and Steve returned to London.
Because after capturing him Phillips tells Zola he sent a telegram about him*
*a prop which is not shown directly on screen
...a prop dated (the morning of) February 3rd, 1945: 
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Soon followed by a tight 24-hour turnaround for the Howlies to go and attack the Valkyrie base in Austria, which we know from this 👇  piece of dialogue between Col. Phillips and Gabe Jones: 
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We don’t know: 
1) that the date on the telegram is accurate. This prop is not directly shown in the movie. And, in the scene, Phillips hints at this telegram being intercepted by Hydra and this being bad news for Zola (because it says he is working for SSR. The Foreshadowing is INSANE!)
So Phillips might have lied on that telegram -- backdated it to make it look to Schmidt like Zola had betrayed him and been working for the SSR since before the Howlies ‘captured’ him. Making the day of his interrogation... later than the Feb 3rd on the telegram.
2) that Zola Therefore told Phillips ‘you have 24 hours’ on February 3rd.  Since the telegram date could be false. 
Even if it wasn’t, Zola could’ve said this to Phillips on a subsequent day. He could’ve just told Phillips when the date Red Skull was planning to do something was, and not necessarily 24 hours before that date.
Meaning we can’t tell by the telegram what date the HQ briefing about the Valkyrie mission, and therefore what date the Valkyrie mission. 
However, Agents of Shield 2.01: Shadows...
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and Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline tie in book, put Steve’s only possible death date as: 
Thursday, the 1st of March, 1945. 
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(AOS’s Morita and Dum-dum capture Werner Reinhardt on 2nd of March, 1945, and Reinhardt remarks that Red Skull is dead. 
Given that Steve ‘died’ on the same day in March, and it’s already known about by the 2nd, that leaves the 1st of March as physically the only March date, before that point, at which the Valkyrie mission could possibly have taken place.)
And we know (from CATWS canon) that Steve’s death was reported (as a disappearance) on 
Monday, 5th March, 1945: 
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So I think we can definitively state that MCU intends for Steve to have ‘died’ on Thursday, 1st March, 1945. 😥
And the KGB opened a file on Bucky on Friday the 23rd of March, 1945.
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It is not categorically stated that the mission where Bucky ‘died’ happened immediately before these late-February scenes in London.👆 
He could, theoretically, have died in late 1944, as his exhibit in the Smithsonian in CATWS claims:
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However, that exhibit makes multiple other errors... 
(Such as: listing two different dates of birth on the same display, saying Bucky enlisted shortly after Pearl Harbour (nothing in CATFA shows this and his dog-tag number suggests he was drafted), saying he shipped out to Italy and was captured ‘that fall’ of 1942, when that year was definitely shown as 1943, and the Marvel Timeline tie-in book also shows Azzano as happening in October ‘43, etc.) 
...So I think we can safely rule this out 👆 as a prop-maker’s mistake! 
Plus, Steve’s grief in the pub feels very raw, very immediate, which to me suggest a very-recent bereavement, not something he’s had a couple weeks or months to weep over already. Steve’s a pretty stoic guy. So we know Bucky ‘died’ near to March 1st/end of February 1945. 
The only canon suggestion of time passing between Bucky’s ‘death’ and the pub scene is Steve having already had a chance to get back to London and write a report about it, in order to mention said report to Peggy and feasibly expect her to have read it. 
If we follow the previous observations / logic in this meta, then Steve reports things ASAP and actions are expected to be taken ASAP.  
As a soldier with a CO to answer to, that report about Bucky/Zola is not something Steve could delay on delivering. If Steve drinking in the pub is afternoon/evening, say this was the day he delivered his report (probably in the morning). 
Well that’s enough time to reasonably expect Peggy to have read the report, and for Steve to be drinking after delivering it, but still be neatly groomed in his immaculate on-duty uniform, having just gone off-duty (not, eg. dressed down as if this is another, later day, a day off). 
On the surface of it, it looks like we can’t say for certain that Steve’s drinking day is the day before Phillips interrogates Zola. Even if it’s framed as if the stoicism he exhibits at the end of that sequence is the signal that he is now galvanised to act ASAP, ie. the very next day, with one scene leading to / causing another...
Bucky’s ‘death’ date might have been any number of days before.  
Except: Zola is a hugely valuable acquisition. 
I don’t think Steve et al would’ve captured and brought Zola back to London, at extraordinary personal cost, only for Phillips to waste days before interrogating Zola. 
I think Phillips would’ve been in to interrogate Zola immediately. 
That to me is the closest to ‘proof’ that Steve is back in London, delivering his report and then drinking in the pub, either on or as close to the day of Zola’s interrogation as physically possible. 
(IMO this can’t all be happening on the same day. I don’t think Steve is the kind of guy to deliver a report in the morning, go off and try to get shit-faced while still on duty / in uniform, and then go back to HQ after drinking for a mission-briefing.  Not under normal circumstances, let alone when the mission (to avenge Bucky! and stop Red Skull!) is so important!  Steve appears to know already that he can’t get drunk... but that doesn’t stop him from trying. I don’t think he’d do that if he knew he was expected back to plan the very-important Bucky-Avenging Mission on the same day. CATFA writers may disagree and say this all happened on the same day, but that idea’s kinda wild to me!)
So when was that interrogation date? 
I think we can deduce that it also must’ve been as-close-as-possible to the Valkyrie mission briefing date. 
The fact that Gabe is asking how long they have means that that intell was fresh information to the Howlies on the HQ mission briefing date (which was 28th of February = 24 hours before 1st March.) 
Now, if Phillips knew about 1st March being significant in advance of 28th February:
it would be incredibly stupid of him to not tell anyone until only 24 hours before.
he would’ve told the Howlies already / Gabe wouldn’t need to ask.
But if Zola only revealed the date of the Valkyrie Mission Day very close to the mission briefing date... that would explain why Phillips didn’t mention it sooner. Another point: A lot of what Phillips says in the mission briefing sounds like a summary and continuation of what we see Zola telling him in the interrogation scene. As if there has been no further interrogation / no more intell to relate since that interrogation, a point in favour of it being the only time he has interrogated Zola (meaning it must be happening on 27th of February).
As in: Phillips went into see Zola as soon as they got him (27th of February) and Zola told him the Valkyrie mission was happening March 1st, and that was their only interaction.
This interrogation scene comes before Steve is shown drinking, alone. (Implying Steve is drinking in the later pm, since it’s ‘dinner’ time for Zola, just before.)
Assuming Phillips’ telegram about Zola is false (which is neater, and it being a lie is mentioned in the scene, and although we have the prop the prop is not directly shown on-screen in the movie).
Sunday, 25th February. Bucky probably 'died?’
Monday, 26th February. Howlies flying back to London, with Zola?? And since Phillips wouldn’t wait days to deal with Zola:
Tuesday, 27th of February. Morning, Steve delivers his report.  Phillips reads the report, and sends a falsely-dated telegram about Zola to Washington via SHAEF HQ. Dinner time, Phillips interrogates Zola, tells him about the telegram, and Zola tells him about 1st March / Valkyrie Day. Steve goes drinking, alone.
Wednesday, 28th February 1945, Valkyrie Mission briefing.
Thursday, 1st March 1945, Valkyrie Mission day.
NB: This pre-supposes that it only takes a day to move from the Continent back to London, which it would if they had a plane like Stark’s ready to pick them up any time. 
They well might, given how important it is to get Zola back to London, and get the Howlies out to take down the Valkyrie base.
If they didn’t have such a plane, of course, it would take them longer. However, nothing in the movie (such as, eg. a travel-montage) does show it taking longer. It seems to imply a very short turnaround.
Steve never does anything Peggy says or does, always does the exact opposite -- which is the moral, heroic, selfless thing -- and also never asks what she thinks he should do. (They also try to create the illusion of Steve following Peggy’s orders, in the denouement, by having her irrelevantly interrupt to remind Steve to do what he was already doing anyway.*)
This is a symptom of poor / misogynist writing, whereby Token ‘Strong Female Character’ Love Interest is relegated to a Sexy Lamp with post-it note stuck to it* + behaving like a generic male bully in a female skin + idiot hetero-norms in writing that make any straight couple automatic foils, who must bicker miserably and be on the opposite sides of every argument in order to generate ‘Chemistry.’ 🙄 
Ergo, Steve never does what Peggy says, because as his foil what she says it always the opposite of what he says. Making what she says, defacto, the [unethical, cowardly, self-serving, tactically unsound] thing to Steve’s [moral, heroic, selfless, also tactically correct] thing.
. (disclaimer: any other aspects of Peggy being unpleasant must be put down to Atwell’s performance choices.) .
Her show erroneously claims that Steve relied heavily upon her for “courage, strategy, and moral guidance." 
Passing over the insulting and demonstrably-untrue suggestion that Steve needed external courage or ethical guidance...
(Metas on why this is untrue, and would actually make the plot impossible if it were true! HERE, HERE, and HERE .👈)
...If what Peggy is saying were true, this would mean Steve is somehow relying upon a person whom he doesn’t even speak to for 467 of the 473 days when strategic input was even relevant to his life. So he must have been clueless the vast majority of his life. 🤦‍♀️
The numbers don’t lie. Steve physically cannot have been relying upon Peggy for anything when they weren’t even in contact. That’s quite literally not physically possible. 🤷‍♀️
This simultaneously puts the lie to the idea of Peggy following the Howlies around Europe to collate intell in the places they hit.
A) because the Howlies aren’t shown sweeping these factories for information. They’re shown reducing them to fiery rubble, which you don’t do if you’re looking for documents. They’re not looking for documents; they’re looking for Zola.
B) even if the Howlies weren’t destroying the factories and were sweeping them for ABC (atomic, biological, chemical) Peggy isn’t the kind of specialist who would even know what to look for.  
She’s an intelligence liaison, not a scientist. Not even a linguist. That’s not her area of expertise at all.
Whereas the Howlies themselves by contrast are surprisingly well-qualified. They’ve worked in a Hydra weapons factory, so they know what’s important. Gabe is a fluent German-speaker. Frenchie knows ordinance. Morita looks like a radio expert / is shown operating captured Hydra tech more than once. Bucky as a sniper can do distance recon. And Steve has a photographic memory. 
So they really don’t need an eighth wheel telling them how to recognise or blow up Hydra factories (how would she even know?) 
That’s already their forte. 
C) even if Peggy was a technical expert somehow better qualified than them (which she isn’t), her opinion is repeatedly denigrated by Phillips who says she was a chancey (ie. ill-qualified) hire. 
He wouldn’t send someone to judge important documents who is ill-qualified to do so and whose opinion doesn’t carry any weight with him. He comes with an inch of firing her in this movie for this very reason. 
D) The only time she’s shown taking part in a mission, it’s actually more of a full blown Army Operation, where even the old man Phillips goes along in person. This is an unusual occurrence, i.e. not something she normally does.
AOS ineptly tries to retcon that she was with the Howlies more often.
(The Agent Carter show undermines this intent, because Dum-Dum is discombobulated by Peggy’s presence on a mission and doesn’t know how to act around her. 
This is showing that it’s not a familiar sensation for him, which it would be if she was an honorary Howlie. Ergo, even when they think they’re showing she was a Howlie, they’re actually showing she wasn’t. 
And this is why she didn’t join Steve on the mission to rescue the 107 -- that’s just not her job.)
But just like I can’t claim that Howard Stark fought alongside the Howlies in person throughout the war, if that is not what is shown, they cannot claim that Peggy did so either. 
Because that is not shown. 
*As mentioned: in the middle of the denouement, when Peggy asks Steve if he was about to do X important thing, and he goes ‘right!’ and carries on...
And later, her interrupting at a crucial point to make it about herself (to make Steve kiss her the same way Lorraine sexually assaulted him earlier on) and then telling him to carry on... 
Peggy telling him to do it is both the classic conditioning behaviour of someone who wants to control another person (by creating a mental association between their commands and the victim’s actions) and/or the behaviour of someone with a delusion of importance. 
They are ineptly trying to create the appearance of Steve doing what Peggy says, because she says so. But Steve is doing what he was already going to do anyway, before she spoke.
Her input is not a deciding factor in what Steve does, nor on the plot. Her net moral/strategic impact on Steve is still zero; and she’s still replaceable with a Sexy Lamp.
So that aforementioned claim that Steve relied on her, listened to her, would do what she says, etc. is false.
And they can’t claim he listened to her at any other point, because that is not shown; they weren’t in contact.
Steve and Peggy knew OF each other for 626 days 
or 20 months & 15 days.
(From mid-June 1943 to the beginning of March, 1945.)
They spoke on 2 days max in June, 1943 (the 22nd and probably 23rd, the day of his serum and day after) despite being in the same place for a week prior and sharing a prior car ride!
They spoke on 4 days max in November 1943.
3rd day-- Nov 3rd, in Italy, pre-107 rescue,  4th day-- Nov 10th, in Italy, post-107 rescue,  5th day-- Nov 14th(?) In London, the day Steve relayed Hydra intell and told Col. Phillips he was assembling his own team, while Brandt was expecting him to be in America receiving his medal for valour; probably the same day the Howlies were founded. 6th day-- Nov 15th(?) 8am, in London, when Peggy shot him.
They spoke on 2 days in February & March, 1945: 
7th day-- in the pub in London (Tuesday, 27th February?) 8th day-- the day of the Valkyrie raid (Thursday, 1st March.)
(While they are shown in the same place on another intervening day, February 28th, when they are both at London HQ during planning for the Valkyrie Mission, and it’s possible or even plausible that they did interact at that point... they are not actually shown speaking to each other on that day.) 
Totalling: a maximum of 8 days.
(could be as low as 6.)
And 6 months later, Peggy, Stark and Phillips founded SHIELD and had already recruited Zola into it in order for it to be front page news by 
Tuesday, 14th August, 1945:
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(Thus putting the lie to the ridiculous idea that they didn’t know they’d recruited Nazis or what they were up to, btw. 👆)
So of the 20 months & 15 days total they knew of each other, Steve and Peggy were only shown being in the same place and in contact during (but not for the entirety of) 4 months -- Jun and Nov ‘43, and Feb and March ‘45. 
For 19 months & 15 days of the 20 months & 15 days they knew of each other, they were not even in the same place: 
4 months while Steve was on one side of the Atlantic, during the late June-October USO Tour, she was in Europe. 
And 15 months & 15 days / 473 days when he was on the continent doing Hydra weapons-parts factory raids (from probably mid-Nov 1943 - Mar 1945) and she was in London. 
And this is deliberate by the film-makers, to depict theirs as a thwarted relationship-that-never-was, a Casablanca style ‘we never dated’ situation. Not a romance, but what could’ve been a romance, had circumstances been different. Them not being together is literally the point. 
They show zero direct or indirect contact between the two during those 15 months & 15 days, and multiple things imply that there was none. 
For example: 
She doesn’t know that Steve has a friend in the 107 (which a correspondent would). 
Steve is surprised to see her (a correspondent wouldn’t be). 
Steve tells her about what he’s been up to, as if it’ll be new information to her. (It wouldn’t be, to a correspondent.) Sidenote: as per She Hulk, Bruce Banner is under the impression Steve slept with some woman during this time. SIGH.
Despite Agent Carter show’s attempts to retcon her history with Bucky’s  stolen valour / war record (nonsensically, since he is a soldier and she’s supposed to be a spy), the film and script are clear that she isn’t in Europe with the Howlies. 
She complains about having every door shut in her face, professionally, and Phillips says she was only at a desk job because he “took a chance with” hiring her. Ergo she’s complaining about not being in the field. 
Steve wouldn’t be carrying a photo of someone he sees in person for work all the time. The compass is physical evidence that she wasn’t there.  Sidenote: Steve wouldn’t be dating anyone Period, since he specifically said he didn’t want to do that. And Peggy also said she wouldn’t date until after the war is over. But anyway!
And, logically, if she's supposed to be a spy she also wouldn’t have her face broadcast in cinemas, making any cover she had useless, as Steve would know. But anyway!  It just highlights how they’re not really doing their jobs of writing her as a spy properly.
Steve wouldn’t need to take a photo out of a paper or SSR personnel file (which is what it looks like) if he saw Peggy regularly in person for work, or if they had been corresponding by letter, because she could’ve given him a proper photo personally. 
(This simultaneously rules out the possibility that she went out with the Howlies, and then went back to London; because if she had, she still could’ve given Steve a proper photo of herself, either via letter or in person.)
Likewise, Peggy wouldn’t need to steal a photo of Steve out of a personnel file if they had been in regular contact, either in person or by letter. (Because he could’ve given her a proper photo if they had been in contact.)
Steve and the Howlies are shown in direct contact with... each other, easily implying a long-standing relationship without having to go to a lot of film-making effort, via montage... but she is not. 
Whereas she is shown in the montage, but not being in direct contact. If the film-makers had wanted to show direct contact between them during this montage, they very easily could have. But they didn’t. If she had been there with the Howlies, and it was the film-makers intention to imply that, she would be in the footage with the Howlies, not sitting in a cinema in London watching footage of a mere photo of herself in the newsreels. Whatever your headcanon, you cannot retcon/change what canon is; the canon is that she wasn’t there in person. 
By February 1945 she still isn’t on first-name terms with Bucky, Steve’s second in command. That would be odd, if she was there in person.
As mentioned earlier, in her own show Dum-dum Dugan is disquieted by Peggy’s presence and reacts to her being in the field with the men as if it’s a fresh, disorientating experience for him, and he doesn’t know how to act. If she had actually been in the field with the Howlies in WWII, this could not be the case. He couldn’t be disorientated by something he was already used to. 
Steve’s time in London in WWII was so minimal that when he goes drinking to grieve Bucky, he goes drinking in the Whip & Fiddle even though it’s in ruins. That pub is chosen for its emotionally significant connection to Bucky... but if Bucky (Steve & the Howlies) had been in London a lot, they could’ve gone to other places, too, and there would be no reason to attach any particular significance to that one pub. But Steve does. And no other footage of the Howlies in London is shown. Ergo, the Howlies were in London for such a short period that the pool of places Steve could be is so small there’s only one (1) option. The alternative is that they were in London for ages and drinking in loads of places (and they never showed it for some reason) and that Peggy had to go around loads of pubs until she found the one Steve was in. But that would be daft. 
We are never shown the Howlies returning to that pub or London at all until after Steve is also ‘dead’ (ie. no proof of them going there multiple times. They easily could have shown that, in montage, if the Howlies had been back in London. But they didn’t.) They treat it as a special, 'one-off Solemn Event’ type of place. Not a regular haunt. 
And Steve is still surprised to see Peggy there, meaning he doesn’t think she knows him well enough to guess where he would go / that he didn’t tell her he was going there (possibly one of the Howlies did). So the reason she finds him can’t be because they interacted prior. 
She still has to ask Steve whether he respected “your friend” Bucky (when even Col. Phillips knows to refer to Bucky as Steve’s oldest friend, by this point). 
Steve tells her he can’t get drunk and has to ask whether she knows that already or not. This is yet another example of something a close confidante or correspondent of 15+ months would know, and that Steve wouldn’t ask because he would know/assume she already knew, if they had been in continuing contact.  (It’s unlikely that Steve himself didn’t know, before this moment. Soldiers who founded their unit in a pub? haven’t done any drinking for 15 months and 15 days? Not likely!) 
CEvans’s acting lends an air of despair and futility to the scene, too -- Steve trying to drink away his sorrows, even though he knows it won’t work. Had his tone been different, it would’ve connoted something else, eg. ‘hey, I’ve just found this new thing about my metabolism, did you know?’
Not being able to get drunk is canonically the very kind of thing Steve would complain about to her (and canonically also the very kind of thing she would tell him more about). If Steve was in contact with Peggy then he would’ve complained about it before, eg. via letter, too. But he didn’t, because he doesn’t know whether or not she knows. So they weren’t in contact.
The Howlies are only shown being in Phillips’s War Rooms / in the bunker in London once.  But Peggy is shown being there through the war.  If the Howlies (including Steve) were there on a regular basis, the film makers could’ve shown that in the montage. Instead the Howlies were shown on the Continent. viz. they never went back to London, and Peggy never went out to the Continent, until the very last mission.
It is shown that the updated intelligence of what Steve and the Howlies are accomplishing in Europe during 1944 is being relayed back to HQ in London, because Peggy and other personnel are shown taking Hydra base flags off their maps, as Steve and the Howlies take them out. 
(As a consequence of Steve et al taking them out, it’s implied.)
However... it is not shown that Steve directly relayed that information to Peggy or that it’s Peggy’s job to gather that intell from them directly.
Peggy herself says that Phillips is in charge of devising strategy, not herself, and Steve soon disregards any strategy suggestions she makes anyway -- in fact, he gives her orders, not the other way around.
So if Steve was telling anyone what the Howlies are up to in Europe, it would be his superior officer Phillips. 
Not an agent like Peggy, of no military rank. 
(This is supported by the scene where Steve, having returned from rescuing the 107, goes straight to Phillips to report his successful mission. Not to Peggy, who is right there.) 
Plus, the Howlie shown handling communications isn’t Steve... 
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...it’s Morita. 👆 (And guess who interrupts him and shoves him out of his seat?) 
So while the Howlies were in contact during the 15 months & 15 days of Howling Commando Hydra weapons-factory raids:
it would’ve been very difficult / limited / all shop talk. 
it must’ve been so insignificant that we don’t hear what was said, or see who said it, in the film.
(Given that they insist on showing us every possible plot-irrelevant* sexy lamp heterosexual interaction, the fact that they don’t show Steve talking to Peggy on the radio all year is the biggest proof that it didn’t happen. IMO we would’ve seen it.)
so either it’s considered grunt work and would’ve been done by eg. Morita(?) to a similarly lower-ranked person at HQ (maybe even Lorraine!), who at best would’ve relayed it to Peggy who then relayed it to Phillips. But that’s still no contact between Steve and Peggy.
or it’s so important that only someone as important as Steve would report it directly to someone as important (viz. Phillips) as Steve does when coming back from rescuing the 107 (still wasn’t significant enough to be seen in the film.)
While I can see Peggy kicking a lower-ranked person off their chair, to butt in on the call, if Steve was on the line -- as she later does to Morita -- the fact that we didn’t see that happen. Again, basic writing rules apply: if it isn’t shown it didn’t happen. 
there were only six prospective Hydra weapons factories mentioned as targets for Steve and the Howlies, so only six more occasions when they even might’ve officially interacted from the Continent: 
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And while there are more Hydra bases indicated as existing on the maps/via flags removed from the maps... 
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...None of these 👆 are explicitly linked to Steve and the Howlies, there’s no indication that the existence of these was discovered or relayed (or that they specifically were destroyed) by Steve and Co. 
And it’s made out to be a Big Deal that they find out where the Seventh base is, (the base Bucky told Steve they were shipping weapons parts to). Because that’s where Red Skull is. 
In total the Howlies would’ve had 9 missions during this time:
6 Hydra factories
1 mission to capture Zola
1 mission in winter to save 1000 men  (if the Smithsonian footage is true)
1 mission on D-Day (if the Smithsonian footage is true)
the Valkyrie mission would be the 10th mission.
T I M E L I N E :
JUNE: Mon 14th, Bucky gets his orders, Steve gets a 4F, visits the Stark Expo, meets Erskine, enlists and gets a 1A. Tues 15th, Bucky ships out, Steve arrives at Camp Lehigh. Mon 21st, Steve is chosen for serum. He and Erskine discuss it in the evening. Tues 22nd, Steve receives serum, Erskine is killed, Steve stops the Hydra saboteur, and is photographed by a NYE journalist. Wed 23rd morning, Phillips speaks to the President and the SSR is immediately re-tasked,  Steve appears on the front page of The New York Examiner, the Hydra sub is moved to dry dock. afternoon, Steve has his blood drawn, Stark examines the Hydra sub, Phillips relays the President’s orders, Brandt recruits Steve into the USO when he objects to Phillips's orders. night, Phillips, Stark, and Peggy, fly out to London.
JULY-OCT: Steve in the USO, travelling across America.
OCT/NOV: Bucky and the Howlies are captured by Hydra at Azzano.
NOVEMBER: 3rd, afternoon, Steve does USO show in Italy, 5 miles behind enemy lines. evening, Steve rescues 107.
10th, Steve returns to base with 400 soldiers of the 107, having safely travelled 35 miles including 30 miles of mountainous heavily fortified enemy terrain, with wounded in tow.
? 11th-14th, Steve's rescue is reported in Stars and Stripes, Senator Brandt decides to give him a medal for valour, news gets back to UK and appears in The Daily Mail. Brandt expects Steve to come back to the US to receive his medal in person. Steve declines. 
? 14th, London, HQ, Steve relays Hydra intell to Phillips and Peggy, night, Steve recruits Bucky & the Howlies, takes Bucky's input on the suit.
? 15th, London, HQ, 8am, Steve gets sexually assaulted, Steve gets physically assaulted (Peggy shoots at him), Steve picks the shield, Steve relays Cap uniform ideas to Stark. .
Howlies deployed in Europe for 15 months and 15 days, taking out 6 Hydra weapons factories shown in Italy, Greece, France, Czechslovakia. and Poland. 
(The original CATFA script also mentions factories in Belgium and Russia, but these aren’t referenced in the canon movie. 
Avengers 1 deleted scene shows Steve taking part in the planning of D-Day, which would’ve put him and the Howlies in France, from 6 June 1944 - August. Probably means they would’ve had to be back in England in the run up to D-Day, to take part in rehearsals. 
If the Smithsonian mention of a winter blockade-breaking mission also happened, that might be part of the Battle of the Bulge, so that would be Dec-Jan ‘44-45. In total it would be 9 missions, and the Valkyrie mission makes 10.)
FEBRUARY: (possible) Sun 25th, Bucky ‘KIA.’  (possible) Mon 26th, Howlies & Zola travelling back to London.
(possible) Tues 27th, London am, Steve writes/delivers a report about Bucky. Phillips (reads Steve’s report? knows about Bucky) sends a misleading telegram about Zola, back-dated February 3rd, to Washington via SHAEF. pm, Phillips interrogates Zola and finds out 1st March is Valkyrie Day. Steve goes drinking to grieve Bucky.
Wed 28th, London, HQ, Valkyrie Mission briefing.
MARCH:  Thurs 1st, Atlantic. Steve and Red Skull 'KIA.' Last contact with Peggy. Fri 2nd, Moria and Dum-dum capture Werner Reinhardt. Mon 5th, Steve reported "disappeared" in newspaper. Fri 23rd, KGB opens file on Bucky.
APRIL: Surviving Howlies are mopping up remaining Hydra personnel in Europe? MAY. Tues 8th, V-E Day. London. The Howlies reunite at the Whip & Fiddle, for the first time since they were founded there, to drink a toast in remembrance of Steve.
AUGUST: Tues 14th, Stark, Phillips and Carter have founded SHIELD and recruited Zola and more, which is reported on front page news.
the number of individual occasions he spoke to her would be: 13
pre serum (22nd June, 1943)
post serum (23rd June, 1943)
pre rescue (day; 3rd November, 1943)
during rescue (night; 3rd November, 1943) 
post rescue (10th November, 1943) 
at HQ (day; 14th? November 1943)
in the pub (night; 14th? November 1943) 
at HQ (morning; 15th? November 1943)
at HQ (morning; 15th? November 1943)
in the pub (night; 27th? February, 1945)
pre Valkyrie (1st March, 1945)
pre Valkyrie (1st March, 1945)
during Valkyrie (1st March, 1945).
TL;DR: They knew of each other for 626 days total, (from 15th June 1943 - 1st March 1945), aka: 20 months 14 days; 19 months & 15 days of which they weren’t in the same place, and only spoke on 13 occasions over 8 separate days.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
I wasn't a royal watcher in 2007 when Kate and William split. Could you share more about it? How? What happened? Why? How did they reconcile? Curious mind!
There’s not a whole lot known about the split since neither Kate nor William have gone on the record to speak about it.
What we know (and most of this is assumptions from a few leaks and some side stories) is this.
In December 2006, Kate and her parents were William’s guests at his passing-out parade at Sandringham Academy. This is considered to be Kate’s official debut as William’s girlfriend, after about 4 years of dating. The Middletons’ appearance at the event made engagement rumors and speculation EXPLODE. Apparently it freaked William out a bit.
In early 2007 (sometime between January and March), William was waffling about whether to commit and kept signing up for new military rotations and trainings. Eventually Philip advised him to, more or less, shit or get off the pot; it wasn’t fair to string Kate along. William decided and broke up with her. Kate accepted it. They went their separate ways - William to do military stuff and Kate went to her family.
Kate decided (maybe on Carole’s advice, it’s not really clear) that she was just going to live her life. She went dancing at clubs with her sister and their friends - most of the clubbing pictures from 2007 are from this time. In April 2007, she signed up for a charity crew/rowing event and began practicing with the team. Royal reporters called Kate to ask about the relationship and what happened. Kate said something like “I haven’t spoken to reporters before and I don’t think it’s appropriate to start now” and they all backed off.
Eventually William began to miss Kate and asked her to take him back. She refused until either he showed some kind of commitment or they discussed getting married. Whatever he did, Kate was satisfied by it and they got back together in June, relaunching their relationship at the Concert for Diana on July 1st, though it wasn’t confirmed until a few weeks later when it was announced that Kate had pulled out of the charity rowing race.
(There’s some speculation that the Queen ordered Kate to quit the team but everything we’ve seen of Kate’s behavior since the relationship outed in 2004 indicates that Kate chose to quit on her own discretion because she had become too much of a distraction and the photographers/crowds watching the practices were disruptive.)
Also, by the way, it was around this time when Katie Nicholls coined the nickname “Waity Katie” while writing about Kate (though she refuses all accountability) and the press, tabloids especially, began using it relentlessly in their coverage of Kate.
Next, in 2008, three Very Big things happened.
First, William received his Air Force wings in April 2008 from Charles. Kate attended the ceremony and this is the first time they were photographed together in a quasi-official way that made it clear they were a) back together and b) very committed.
Second, William asked Kate to represent him at Peter and Autumn Phillips’s wedding in May 2008 when he couldn’t attend for another commitment. This is when Kate met The Queen for the first time. (They speak about this a little bit in the engagement interview.)
Third, Kate attended the Order of the Garter service in June 2008 as William’s guest when he was inducted in as the 1,000th member. She was given a space on the porch alongside Harry and Camilla. This essentially signaled to everyone that they were eventually going to marry (because you don’t go to an event like that without some kind of tacit approval and plan) and we were off to the races.
(Also William and Kate had a few smaller break-ups/pauses through 2005 and 2006 but they were never picked up by and reported in the press the way the 2007 breakup was so the 2007 breakup is considered the “main” breakup. It’s also the inflection point for alternate timelines in royal fanfiction.)
And anon, if you haven’t already, definitely give the engagement interview a watch. I linked to it above. You’ll learn a lot about the way Kate is from what she says and how she carries herself in it.
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andoutofharm · 5 months
Hi! I just want to bring up a concern of mine is that Fall Out Boy will be playing at Download Fest in June and one of the partners of Download is Barclays (an official BDS target specifically an exclusion and divestment boycott). I got reminded to check because another festival in the UK (Great Escape) happening in May has a lot of their lineup pull out when Barclays remains as a partner and/or signed a petition encouraging it to drop them (Check BDS’s Instagram). I just want to give a heads up and perhaps encourage to use our voices to make the band aware! Like with the whole Gabe situation, we should be able to hold them accountable/let them be informed/make it clear about our feelings.
I wanted to say something now, rather than have it be a whole thing blow up last minute or afterwards especially since nobody else has noticed yet or said anything. At least unlike what happened in March, we have two months ahead of time to tell them. Please anybody who plans on saying something, please don’t harass people! Obviously FOB are not the organizers of this festival, they don’t make the partnerships, I doubt they check who are funding these events, they are simply invited/paid to show, but they as a band should be aware of the fact one of the bigger partners of this festival is profiting and funding genocide and is considered a big enough target to be put on said boycott lists. Pressure and encourage FOB to drop their appearance and/or make a statement. Not only should this be about informing people we look up to and encouraging them to make moral choices, but also informing others about the cause and how many companies profit from Palestinian genocide!
FOB tends to respond to backlash and pressure pretty quickly ie: Pretending you know who was never on stage, never doing that whole NFTs thing, and pulling offensive merch. IK people will go to Meredith, but please remember don’t harass and act like she controls the band. She is an entirely separate person from the band. I get it, Meredith is the easiest person to get noticed from when it comes to being close to the band, but hold that responsibility over FOB’s head, not one of their wives. Anyways so sorry for this long wall of text, or if this ask of mine seems ridiculous and it’s not really a fun ask, I just wanted to say what I had in mind and be able to properly address concerns and hopefully see a change. Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for bringing this to my attention! Here and here are the posts on BDS’s instagram talking about the other festival this anon is referring to.
I don’t know what the best course of action is here/what the best way to contact them is/how to bring this to their attention so if anyone has any thoughts or input please weigh in!
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sugarbombs-n-stuff · 23 days
Companion Birthday Headcanons
Ada: June 7th, She sees her birthday as when Jackson found her, she celebrates quickly but she finds it fun nonetheless.
Cait: February 20th, She never celebrated before sole but now that she does she loves it. Definitely a chocolate kinda girl.
Curie: April 12th She was powered on for the first time on this date! All Mister Handys/Miss Nannies sing themselves a little happy birthday jingle like the mars rover. Now that she's a synth her favorite cake flavor is strawberry. She loves celebrating with everyone, think of like a 5 year olds peak birthday and that's what Curie wants. She loves being gifted anything from prewar.
Codsworth: September 30th. He was purchased before shaun was born and was powered up a bit after he popped out. He loves wearing a party hat and like Curie, sings himself a birthday jingle. He loves the festivities of birthdays.
Danse: March 15th. In the brotherhood it was a quick happy birthday and then back to his duties. He feels indifferent about his birthday until Blind Betrayal, for a few months after he refuses to even think about anything that indicates he's human but when does accept that he's a synth he appreciates his birthday. His favorite flavor of cake is German Chocolate.
Deacon: December 25th. Though no one would ever find out except for Sole, he is a Christmas baby. Anytime someone asks what his birthday is it changes every time. He will celebrate his birthday with friends once he starts trying to find the real him but for years after Barbara's death he wouldn't even acknowledge it. He enjoys a good party but also likes something simple, he doesn't expect much cause it falls on a holiday though. His favorite cake flavor jokingly is funfetti, his actual favorite is just simple yellow cake with chocolate frosting. He will heavily appreciate any gag gift or fiber art craft thing that comes his way.
Dogmeat: January 1st. No one really knows so they celebrate on New Years Day. He gets plenty of brahmin ears as gifts though.
Piper: August 18th. She celebrated plenty when her parents were still alive and Nat tries to make her a present or two and she is very grateful. She enjoys spending her b-day with Blue and everyone as well. She doesn't care for cake, so she gets cookie cake.
Preston: November 3rd. He celebrated with is family and the early minuteman but after the quincy massacre he doesn't have the time or energy. If he had a choice, he would want to spend his birthday on the river outside sanctuary with a BBQ. His favorite flavor is lemon!
Nick: Human Nick's birthday was May 23rd, Synth Nick wanted some separation from him so he celebrates his birthday on February 14th, Valentines Day. He doesn't need any gifts or a big party, he's perfectly fine with a birthday card and since he doesn't really eat anything, a nice cup of coffee.
MacCready: June 2nd. Duncan's birthday is the day after so they normally celebrate together. He likes parties and gag gifts. His favorite cake flavor is actually orange with chocolate frosting. The only way he can get said flavor however is pouring Nuka Orange and using that instead of water when baking, duncan thinks its really nasty though.
Hancock: August 28th. When they were kids his brother would always make sure his birthday was good but after he left Diamond City and started celebrating with chems and shitty beer. When the sole survivor and their merry band of misfits rolls up he starts celebrating with a big meal among friends where he tries to cut back on chems. He's happy to get any gift and his favorite cake flavor is tarberry.
x6-88: October 1st. He never celebrated his birthday until sole showed up. He appreciates getting candy, weapon mods, and pre-war toy kits where you can build your own car. He doesn't mind sitting on the beach as a bonfire is being built. He enjoys swimming and eating whatever was packed and he finds that he actually enjoys his birthday. His favorite cake flavor is coconut with red frosting.
Strong: Pre-War, Strong's birthday was November 27th. He doesn't remember now and doesn't care.
Gage: January 13th. He celebrates by putting on a record and target practice, he'd prefer a rager with plenty of chems and loud music, Afterwords, go home, eat cake, and listen to some pre-war audio drama. His favorite cake flavor is vanilla with mutfruit frosting.
Longfellow: May 16th. He doesn't celebrate cause he doesn't really care. He drinks a beer at the bar then goes fishing with Diamond City Radio playing. His favorite cake flavor is coffee cake with tarberry jam on top.
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thefinalcinderella · 8 months
Tsurune Book 3 Chapter 6 - Genuine (Part 1)
Finally...finally the last chapter...
Glossary here
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
The kumotatewaku is a traditional Japanese pattern that resembles rising clouds. It is often used in the costumes of ancient nobles
The expression used here is 白羽の矢を立てる (literally: sticking a white feathered arrow), which is an idiom that means "selecting someone out of many people"
A chindonya is a kind of old-timey marching band that dressed in elaborate costumes to advertise for shops
Block style or kaisho style calligraphy is the regular script and the most commonly used. Every stroke is carefully executed
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In early June, the prefectural preliminaries for the National High School Kyudo Tournament, also known as the prefectural tournament, were held.
Kyudo supply stores and photo studios were set up around the venue, and the storefronts were lined with commemorative goods for the tournament. The wind was strong on this day, and the young archers were moving against it. The competition event was close-distance shooting, using thirty-six-centimeter kasumi targets with a shooting distance of twenty-eight meters.
For the boys’ individual competition on the first day, Fujiwara Shuu of Kirisaki High School once again won by landing all his arrows. Second place was Kabashima, also from Kirisaki, and third place went to Asahina from Haneina High School, showing the strength of the powerhouse schools. For the girls’ competition, Seo from Kazemai High School placed fifth.
On the second day, it was finally time for the team competition. The format was five-person teams and four shots in zasha. In the preliminaries, the time limit was eight minutes. Forty-two schools were participating in the boys’ competition, and the top eight teams with the highest number of hits in the two rounds would advance to the final tournament.
Tommy-sensei raised his voice. “Now it’s time for the team competition. Kazemai will show its true strength. Everyone, I wish you good luck!”
After completing the registration process, Kaito, Kanbayashi, Seiya, Himuro, and Minato put their numbers on their right hips. Ryouhei and Nanao were reserve members.
Himuro was expressionless like he always was, but Kanbayashi gently stroked his number.
“Oh no, I might be really happy after all…”
Keyaki nudged Kanbayshi. “Don’t grin like that and get it together. I don’t wanna hear you whine.”
“Of course.”
Next to them, Ryouhei was tying his yellow-green headband.
“Today, my sister, Sae-chan, and Toujou-san are coming to support us. I’m psyched!”
“That’s great, Ryouhei,” Minato and Seiya said.
The Nanao Fan Club had updated its cheering goods and prepared fans with a frog wearing a crown. They also handed them out to support groups and parents, and when the bright green of them swayed, it looked like a chorus of frogs.
As they were about to pass through the noisy venue, people approached Minato and the others. A young prince, twins, a boy with a square face and thick eyebrows, a boy with pleasant features and a crew cut, and an antique doll.
They were Kirisaki’s Fujiwara Shuu, Sugawara Senichi and Manji, Kabashima Umetarou, Yushima Kaoru, and Kuon Takumi. The twins burst into laughter in front of so many of their rivals.
Shuu brought his face close to Minato’s right ear. Since their master Saionji’s left ear was bad, Shuu only showed this habit to Saionji and Shuu.
“Thanks for the birthday present the other day. I’ll treasure it.”
Shuu put his thumb on his yugake. A white underglove with a purple pattern could be seen beneath it.
“I’m glad I was able to give it to you on May 11th this year. I thought it would be perfect for you.”
“The kumotatewaku pattern is rare for undergloves. (1) ——See you in the finals.”
“Yeah, the finals.”
The two of them bumped yugake and returned to their teammates.
Shuu’s gaze drifted to Kuon. Kuon was in the starting lineup for the day, but he was standing separate from everyone else. Everyone could tell that he was isolated, and was not a proudly solitary existence like Shuu. A dissonant sound was wafting from Kirisaki High School.
Kuon, who didn’t care about other people’s concerns, had moved onward. In fact, he was frustrated because he didn’t do well in yesterday’s individual competition.
Manji rested his elbow on Senichi’s shoulder.
“Will we okay with Kuon? I’m more suited to be the starter.”
“It’s frustrating, but his hitting rate is usually high. The coach said there was no problem either.”
“Alright, everyone, let’s go!”
At President Kabashima’s order, Shuu and the others headed to the venue.
Meanwhile, Tommy-sensei and Masa-san were in the shade of a tree, away from the crowd.
Masa-san straightened his collar.
“Why did you remove Ryouhei and Nanao from the starting lineup? There was nothing to criticize about their results.”
“If we make it to the finals, each person would have to shoot twenty shots in total. Even if it’s difficult to shoot twenty shots and hit, how about twelve shots? The aim is to preserve stamina.”
“There’s one more thing I’d like to confirm before we get into the tournament. On the day of the entrance ceremony, I heard you say to Minato and the others, ‘I have given you white-feathered arrows.’ (2) I’m sure that you knew that saying originated from the custom of playing an arrow with white feathers in front of the house of a girl chosen as a sacrifice. Why did you purposely use it?”
“It’s to prepare them. Once a ship leaves the port, you can’t turn back even if you shout to get off.”
“Are you telling them to prepare to share the same fate? Even though those who are wounded might fail again?”
“Hohoho, I didn’t mean it in such a sad way. Youth is the greatest weapon, since they can just start over again and again. I just felt that they could make it to the new continent. The first fleet, the Kazemai High School’s boy’s kyudo team, started with six members. Takigawa-san, you’re the first-born son. When I was able to convince you, I was convinced that we had completed our mission.”
“That’s a bold opinion, typical of Tommy-sensei.”
“It’s true of all sports, but one cannot win by the strength of the athlete alone. Especially in kyudo, the character of the master comes out strongly. Everyone resembles your shooting, Takigawa-san.”
“…My shooting was said to be very similar to my grandfather’s.”
“It’s the spirit of archer that is passed on.”
Masa-san looked at the treetops swaying in the wind and laughed.
Following the opening ceremony, the yawatashi ceremony was held.
The boys’ division was called for the preliminaries, and they headed to the waiting area with Masa-san leading them. As always, the most stressful time was sitting in the chairs and waiting. When the team before them finished, the “stand up” signal was given, and they rose from their chairs and advanced to the honza. They bowed at the signal to “begin,” walked to their shooting positions and knelt down. They chose two arrows from the four they had.
First up was the oomae, Kaito. It was lovely how he never trembled when facing the target. The lovelier he became, the more stubborn he got, and he would end up saying things that were different from his true feelings. He would say, “I have no interest in you,” but would grab the other person’s arm and not let them go in the same breath. He lived and breathed kyudo. That was Kaito’s everyday. After his right hand flicked, shouts of “good” came from the stands.
The second, Kanbayashi, raised his bow. The midsummer sun encouraged growth. He absorbed more and more of what was told to him and expanded towards the blue sky. He had seniors who he admired and pursued the shooting he admired. His longing had a zeal that surpassed his anxiety. His arrow pierced the target with a grand hanare.
The third, Seiya, was quiet. Wearing a straw hat and an insect cage, he entered the forest, but stopped when he saw a field of flowers. The neat and trim flowers swayed. When he lay down and looked up at the rising clouds, he felt like he was about to float away. He heard a familiar voice and stopped returning to the sky—he hit.
It was the fourth, Himuro’s, turn. He took the bowstring with a bodhisattva’s hand and looked at the target with a bodhisattva’s eyes. His ability to make an uncurving douzukuri was probably something he was born with. It was his natural posture with no effort put into it. The frogs in the stands jumped when he hit.
The fifth was the ochi, Minato. The white-feathered arrow was proof that he had been allowed to come into contact with the gods. He didn’t resist, go against it, and accepted it as it was. His limbs, stretching vertically and horizontally, were incredibly supple. His body of sixteen, which couldn’t be wished once more after it had passed, embraced the earth, wide and endless.
The matooto sounded.
Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo, sitting in the stands, held their breath.
“The boys are amazing.”
“I feel like they have become more and more refined.”
“I heard that Narumiya and Takehaya have also been going to Saionji-sensei. Their drive is different.”
For the second shot, everyone except for Kanbayashi hit.
For the third shot, Kaito, Seiya, and Minato hit.
Keyaki’s chest swelled at the success of his fellow first-years. “Kazemai, do your best!” Shuu’s younger sister Sae and their butler Toujou cheered in a small voice.
For the fourth shot, Kaito hit with all four of his arrows and left the shooting range to applause. After him, Kanbayashi, Seiya, Himuro, and Minato all hit the target. Their result was four, two, four, three, and four for seventeen hits out of twenty. It was a very good start.
Kirisaki was the sixth team to enter the shooting range. A wall of people filled the surrounding area to catch a glimpse of the champions’ shooting.
The oomae, Kabashima, released his arrow.
Senichi, Kuon, and Yushima all hit. The ochi was Shuu.
Wash your heart and turn it into incense; revere your body and turn it into flowers. Those were Kukai’s words, meaning that it was the duty of a virtuous person to serve others without any thought. Those who had a pure heart were fragrant. Shuu knew firsthand that this wasn’t a metaphor. The feeling of euphoria he felt when he brought his face close to the owner of that scent. He heard whispers of wanting to be intoxicated, of not minding sinking to the bottom of the lake if he could have it all to himself, but those were the words of a demon. He must not fall for the sweet words of someone who looked like him.
Shuu’s evil-expelling arrow dashed forward.
The results for the two rounds were announced.
For the boys’ division, Kazemai had thirty-four hits out of forty, Kirisaki had thirty-six, and Haneina had thirty-five.
The Kazemai girls had only twenty-eight hits, so unfortunately they didn’t pass the preliminaries.
Minato and his teammates got the ticket to go to the finals.
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After lunch, the finals began. In the afternoon, the wind became stronger and their hakamas fluttered violently.
“It’s time to change the lineup. Yamanouchi-kun will be second, and Kisaragi-kun will be fourth. I’m counting on you,” Tommy-sensei said.
Ryouhei and Nanao received their numbers.
Minato adjusted the position of Ryouhei’s number.
“It looks like the five of us will be standing on that stage again. A year ago, you invited me to the information session for the kyudo club. That was the first time we five met face to face.”
“I wasn’t the only one who invited you. Everyone wanted to do kyudo with Minato.”
“Now, I can draw a bow. I’ve never been happier.”
Kaito brusquely held out his right hand, and the five boys looked at each other. Passionate feelings could be conveyed without words or skin contact.
Ryouhei, Nanao, Kaito, Seiya, and Minato bumped their yugakes together.
Kazemai’s opponent was Uyoshiro High School.
They were wearing bright red headbands. They lived in an area associated with military commanders who were famous during the Sengoku period, and when they went to a competition, they wore a certain armament. It was glasses. It might seem comical from the outside, but they did it very seriously.
The group stood in the first shajo. The oomae readied his bow and fixed his eyes on the target.
The bow maker, the yugake maker, and the arrow maker were the three gods of kyudo. The archer was the one who became intimate with these materialized gods. If there was a slight doubt or confusion, the string would make a muddy sound with those negative emotions. The twill brocade woven by the trinity of gods resembled battle attire. The flowers, birds, wind, and moon on the robe were the prayers of the samurai, and the butterflies (moths) represented the parents of the silkworm, production.
The flowers scattered. The flower battle was a warrior’s honor.
The oomae’s matooto resounded.
Kazemai’s oomae, Kaito, was undaunted. The wind beat mercilessly at his face, and his douzukuri felt like it was about to collapse under the wind, but he withstood it. Patience was his natural disposition. He might seem short-tempered, but he had the conviction to never give up. To not run away from the way of the bow. He was determined to cling to it for the rest of his life.
The nimato, Ryouhei, was listening to the news of the wind. Seeing the faces of his parents and sister in the stands, he felt strongly that he wasn’t alone in this fight. It seemed that people became stupid when they were angry and when they were happy. Their brain stopped working properly. The state in which one’s mind was clear and free from all distractions was called munen musou, and he learned from the path of the blade that you couldn’t fulfill your duties if you weren’t passionate.
The naka, Seiya, had found the answer to Minato’s question some time ago.
Why did humans shed their fur? It was to continue walking.
The ancestors of humans who left the forest for the grasslands learned to walk or run long distances in search of food. Body hair had a heat insulating effect and protected the skin from UV rays, but in order to prevent the body temperature from rising too high, they chose to abandon their fur and sweat instead. Humans had great endurance. The way one breathed was important in walking the long way of the bow.
The ochimae, Nanao, was thinking. Thinking was a linguistic activity.
There were two types of word formation. One was to give a name to something that had been hidden and make its existence manifest, and the other involved the intention of first creating a word and having the concept follow. When you learned a language, you not only acquired wisdom, culture, and thinking, but also the spell of words.
Letters and patterns were magical techniques that had their own power. If you looked down on them as just a means of communication, everything would be embodied and pour down upon them. There were no magic words; words were magic. A story was a kind of magic and truth. If you write it as tsurune, it would be called tsurune. A tsurune was the beautiful sound of a bowstring.
Nanao’s sharp hanare brought forth the next wind.
The ochi, Minato, held his bow.
Just how heavy was this shot?
Just how light was this shot?
“I” was the one who gave it meaning. The god of the bow didn’t smile at those who couldn’t love themselves or others. Because humans were incarnations of the gods.
Minato forgot that he was a human and turned into the matooto.
Uyoshiro had three, three, four, two, and four for a total of sixteen hits.
Kazemai had three, four, three, four, four for a total of eighteen hits.
Minato and his team made it through the first round without incident.
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The second round began.
The stands were filled with people wearing blue and yellow-green headbands. The two waves struggled, almost swallowing each other up, almost to the point of spilling over onto the yamichi.
Kazemai’s opponent was Konoe High School.
Their blue arrow feathers and headbands were their trademarks.
Only those with kyudo experience would understand the exhilarating feeling of seeing the actions of five people overlap. There were rules even for movements such as taking a step forward, sitting, and nocking an arrow into a bow, and because there were rules, it was possible to match each other. Ikiai was the embodiment of the red droplets that circulated around the body.
They shot arrows every day. The faces were almost the same. The repeated daily routines were a series of miracles. They take up the bow, hoping to grow even just a millimeter better than they were yesterday. For most people, landing a hundred hits with a hundred arrows was just a dream, and it was precisely because they couldn’t do what they wanted to do that they got absorbed in it. The sound of the arrow hitting the target was pleasant, and they wished it would happen again, but the god of hitting was a contrarian. The moment you wished it, the chance escaped. Approaching something without wanting to approach it was nothing but a dilemma for humans, who had developed enlarged brains.
Don’t think, just feel, as a martial artist once said. How long would it take to reach that state? Even if it was achieved, would it be possible to maintain it? If you kept thinking like this, it seemed that you still had a long way to go.
Kazemai’s archers faced themselves in the form of the targets.
The aggressive Kaito, the lively Ryouhei, the intelligent Seiya, the sparkling Nanao, and the pure Minato.
They highlighted and polished their inherent colors.
Their inexperience became a weapon. Even though they were told that there was darkness an inch ahead, they wouldn’t be able to understand unless they looked into it, and they wouldn’t notice it unless they fell into it. Pain was something you only knew when you suffered it, and hate was something you feared only when you possessed it. The cry of the inner soul could only be learned through experience, and words were powerless there. No matter how many words you wrote, they would never be understood by those who never experienced it. Only an archer knew the heart of an archer.
A world of just two people, the bow and the human.
The bow caught the innocent body falling.
The ecstasy a bow gave you was different from that of humans. Skin with goosebumps and surging droplets. It was a ritual to bind the soul that was about to drift away to the body. There was no sound without a container. You couldn’t make a sound with an empty shell.
Minato and the others raised their bows, spread them wide, and released their arrows. Ashibumi, douzukuri, yugamae, uchiokoshi, hikiwake, kai, hanare. They followed these eight stages and headed towards the heights.
The results of the second round were as follows.
Konoe had three, four, four, three, four, for a total of eighteen hits.
Kazemai had four, three, four, four, four, for a total of nineteen hits.
Kazemai won by a difference of one hit.
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Since there was some time until the finals, Minato went out to the front.
He wasn’t feeling bad. If anything, he was focusing on calming himself so he didn’t go too fast. A dull mind and a weak body. At first glance, it might seem like a state far removed from martial arts, but eliminating the “self” was the secret to being able to freely manipulate the body. As long as “I” resided in the body, the god of the bow would not descend upon you.
To become empty.
Even if it could be understood as a concept, it was extremely difficult to embody it.
An elderly man called out to Minato.
“It’s almost time for the finals. Just like last year, the match between Kirisaki and Kazemai is a must-see.”
“Thank you very much. But the match between Kirisaki and Haneina is about to begin.”
“No, no, the match is already decided before it even began, right? Did you see the head of those students from Haneina? A chicken’s cockscomb and a horse’s tail. The training clothes they wore in their Yotube streams looked like something from an old marching band. (3) You’re wearing a clean white kyudogi and your hair is neat. It’s praiseworthy. That’s what a Japanese boy should look like.”
“…I do have short hair, and I like white kyudogi. But, if someone is serious about kyudo, I will acknowledge them as an archer no matter what they wear.”
“What’s with that way of talking? Seems like I thought too highly of you.”
The man left. Minato went outside to focus his mind, but he ended up inviting needless interference.
His yellow-green headband was fluttering. It was something a master had prepared for his disciples.
Minato took a deep breath once more.
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The card of Kirisaki versus Haneina in the second round got people excited.
Asahina raised the corner of his mouth.
“Nice. It looks great.”
Eddie tied an orange headband tightly.
“I am trembling at the prospect of a worthy opponent, that I am.”
Matsuda, who had poor eyesight, placed his hand on the shoulder of the poet Kanuma. Igarashi started walking while holding flowers. People naturally gave way to them. The existence of Haneina’s kyudo club was already dramatic in itself. The five of them walked leisurely down the flowery path.
The two schools began to enter the shajo, and the spectators held their breath as they watched.
In the first shajo, Eddie raised his bow. His blond ponytail swayed and sparkled in the sunlight. A stop, an upward turn, and a sweeping stroke. His shooting was like the block style of calligraphy. (4) A work of art that changed seven ways depending on the tools, brushstrokes, style, and word selection. His stance was to never prepare practice sheets, but always treat it as though it was the real thing. He quickly drew back his brush, and the arrow flew towards the target.
The second, Matsuda, hit.
The third, Kanuma, hit.
The fourth, Igarashi, hit.
The fifth, Asahina, begun to raise his bow. His red hair stood out against the green grass. His self-confidence and warm-hearted personality brought out the bright sun. When he drew his bow, his limbs stretched to infinity. The matooto resounded.
Kirisaki also matched their pace.
The oomae, Kabashima, hit.
The nimato, Senichi, hit.
The naka, Kuon, hit.
The ochimae, Yushima, hit.
When the ochi Shuu hit, the scoring board was lined with circle marks.
No one missed their second shot as well. The sound of the matooto and the cheers of the crowd made their bodies numb, and the elation made them desire more and more matooto. They became greedier and greedier.
Kuon was confident that he would never lose to the red-headed guy. If they went on to win, he would be placed in the same picture frame as the Young Prince, Fujiwara Shuu. What a beautiful picture it would be!
He melted into the world of images.
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Now, let’s sneak in.
This was Tsujimine High School.
A boy with the hood of his white hoodie pulled deeply over his head walked over. A boy with streaked hair was standing a little further away. He stole the key from the staff room and hid it in his pocket.
Nikaidou and Fuwa were in the music room. They stood in front of the piano and gently opened the lid.
Along with Fuwa’s piano melody, Nikaidou played the drums using his hands and knees. He was very into music games and could even reach an uncanny level of fast drumming in games like Kotaiko no Tatsujin.
One day, after club activities, Nikaidou was tapping a rhythm on his knees on a whim when Fuwa correctly guessed the name of the song.
Since then, the sneak-in sessions, not street piano, had continued.
Konohanasakuya-hime no Mikoto, the origin of the song’s title, was the name of the most beautiful goddess in the history of Japanese mythology. Her father was Ooyamatsumi no Mikoto, and her husband was Ninigi no Mikoto, grandson of Amaterasu Oomikami. Her husband accused her of infidelity, and in order to prove her innocence, she set fire to the delivery room and gave birth to three children in the flames.
When the two of them were babies, they had a scarlet seal stamped onto their faces at a festival called Hatsuyama to pray for their healthy growth. It felt creepy thinking that they might have passed by each other somewhere.
Fuwa began to play a song. As he proceeded at a walking pace, Nikaidou stood next to him.
A fearless smile—the start of a duet.
My fingertips hit the keyboard. The melody, chords, and bass line. Nikaidou sped up the main melody while adding improvisations. There was no way Fuwa wouldn’t take up this challenge.
“Nikaidou, can you keep to my speed?”
“Hah, there’s no way I’m following you.”
“Good grief.”
Fuwa ignored Nikaidou and decided to go fast. He was crafty with techniques such as giving someone glimpses and keeping them in suspense. Fuwa always kept his distance from others. Though he had purposely drawn a line telling them not to come over, those who crossed that line were, so to speak, prey. There was no need to hold back. He would shake them, shake them, shake them until they begged for forgiveness.
Nikaidou attended piano lessons when he was a child, but quit after learning “Turkish March” and had been studying on his own ever since. On the other hand, Fuwa’s mother was a piano teacher. Knowing the difference in their abilities, Nikaidou devised a plan. He tried to find rhythms that players might not be comfortable with, such as lowering the key by a semitone or changing chords.
Fuwa made full use of his techniques. Nikaidou clicked his tongue, then reached over Fuwa’s arm and hit a high key. It was more of a fierce battle than a fun session. Sound and breathing filled the room. The music room wasn’t air conditioned in order to prevent unauthorized use. If the sound leaked out, the shame would be unbearable. They played the whole song while sweating.
“It’s not fun at all playing with you,” Fuwa muttered.
“Same here.”
“Get out of here.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’ve always been an arrogant king, Koushirou.”
Nikaidou took off his white hoodie. His body was hot and he was breathing heavily. He reached into his bag to get something to wipe off his sweat and grabbed a towel and his phone.
The results of the prefectural tournament where Minato and the others were in were displayed on the screen.
“…Oh man. I think I’m gonna laugh.”
“You laughing by yourself isn’t a good thing. Alright, I’ll ask. What happened?”
“Kirisaki lost in the second round of the final tournament.”
Fuwa stared into Nikaidou’s large eyes.
“That’s a big upset. Who was their opponent?”
“It’s the school of the Yotubers Asahina and Eddie. Shuu-kun really is a lovely man. As expected, my special won’t let me down. I wonder if Minato-chan will entertain me as well.”
Nikaidou loosened the collar of his white shirt.
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After the wind that had been blowing since the morning calmed down, an incredibly bright blue sky spread out above Shuu’s head.
Kirisaki had nineteen hits.
Haneina had twenty hits.
The powerhouse Kirisaki High School was defeated in the second round of the prefectural tournament.
Under the sunlight, the Kirisaki members calmly began cleaning up. “We all did well,” the president Kabashima exclaimed, and Yushima smiled and said, “It’s been a fulfilling three years. I’m grateful to everyone,” but Senichi and Manji couldn’t hide the heaviness of their steps. They endured the overwhelming mixture of feelings of inadequacy and jealousy toward those who had earned the smile of the goddess of victory.
There was only one person who missed in this team, and that was Kuon. Despite the weather having returned to calm, he looked as though he had inhaled a cloud of dust.
One could almost hear the crunching sound of it.
“Fujiwara-senpai, I’m so sorry.”
“There’s nothing to apologize for.”
“But, still! Even if it’s to yell at me, please just say something to me.”
“I have nothing to say.”
Shuu left without saying any more.
Devastated, Kuon turned to face the person who appeared in the corner of his vision.
Minato, who was going to talk to Shuu, saw what happened.
“Kuon-kun, it’s usual for Shuu to not express his thoughts after a match. Don’t worry about it,” he told him, then immediately followed Shuu.
Kuon stared at Minato’s back and bit his lip.
Was he pitying me?
Who on earth were you talking to when you said “don’t worry about it?”
I can’t believe someone of the lower class is looking down on me!
Minato had no clue about Kuon’s delusions. He was running after someone he must not lose sight of.
He shouted the name of his brother disciple.
Shuu turned around and smiled. It was all he could to not drop his bow.
“I’m sorry, Minato. I wasn’t able to fulfill our promise to meet in the finals. It seems that I don’t have any luck with team matches.”
“That’s not true, Shuu. You’re my first bow friend—a genuine archer. We met at that kyudojo when we were little.”
“Someday, we will definitely team up together.”
“…Yeah, I’m looking forward to that.”
What a cruel person.
You were the one who lit this fire under me.
God of the bow, please save me.
We are babies who don’t know anything. Although no ships nor people have arrived there, the sun is a red, blazing star that will someday turn to dust. We never witnessed the beginning and end of the story, and we believe in an empty dream that cannot be verified. Dreams are seen when one is asleep. People are still sleeping. A dream from which we can never wake. In the darkness, only my old friend knows what I did. Only you can burn me to ashes.
Shuu touched Minato’s forehead with his yugake-covered hand. His cold fingers were trembling.
He couldn’t let go of that unforgettable body warmth.
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enjoythesilentworld · 4 months
Wille's Month - Voicemail (Free Day)
day 31 @youngroyals-events thank you for everything (more coming in a separate post bc i have a lot of thanks to give)
A collection of voicemails left by Wille.
read below or on ao3 (G, 800)
Simon’s phone. March 29th, 2027, 4:29pm.
“Hi baby! I’m on my way home, I’m just about to stop at the store. Did you say we needed more milk? I’ll grab some anyway, I think I have a coupon. Oh my gosh, you’ll never believe what I saw on my lunch break today. I took a walk around the park and there was this little mama duck, and she had a little trail of babies following after her. I nearly cried. I was late getting back to the shop because I stayed to watch them swim around in the pond. And I- Oh, I just remembered I sent you a video of that. Well, I’m telling you again because it bears repeating. One of these days when we move out of the city, we should get a bunch of animals or something. I think I’d make a good farmer. Or would that make us ranchers? Anyway, I’ll see you in a few. I love you!”
Felice’s phone. November 11th, 2029, 7:13am.
“Felice, we have an issue. I’ve been following this recipe you sent so closely but I’ve managed to screw it up. Why do my egg whites look like this? … I just remembered you can’t see them. I’ll text you a picture. They’re all grainy and weird, though. Are you busy right now? This would be so much easier if we could do this on FaceTime or something. I’d owe you big time. I guess call me when you wake up, if you can? Love you. Thanks in advance.”
Linda’s phone. October 20th, 2027, 5:32pm.
“Hi Linda! Simon and I are running a bit late. Someone had to spend an extra thirty minutes fixing his— Hey! I’m trying to explain to your mom why it’s not my fault we’re late! Sorry, Linda. We’ll be there soon, I promise. Simon is being very safe, though, and definitely not taking his hands off the wheel to try to steal my phone. I made some new cookies with a recipe Felice gave me, too. I’m excited for you to try them! You have to actually give me a sincere review this time. I appreciated all your kindness last time, but I want you to be brutally honest about these ones. Okay, we’re about five minutes out. See you soon!”
August’s phone. February 1st, 2034, 9:48pm.
“Hi, August. It’s Wille. I saw a short clip of the ceremony today. Sorry I couldn’t make it. Mamma seems confident in you, and I actually think you’ll do a good job. I’m not calling you ‘Your Royal Highness’, though… I wish you the best. Bye.”
Sara's phone. July 15th, 2025, 3:06pm.
“Okay, I grabbed what you said. I think— Oh, sorry. Hi. It’s Wille. You know that. Listen, I am worried he’s getting suspicious. I’m bad at keeping secrets from him, you know this. I still think no one should’ve told me and this party could’ve been a surprise for both of us. Sorry, rambling. I think I managed to find everything on the list. They only had two packs of purple balloons left, so hopefully 50 is enough. Oh! The cake looks awesome, too. Felice did a great job. He’s going to love it. Okay, I gotta go, he’s coming. See you— Hi Simon! … No, just a scam call. How—”
Kristina’s phone. September 5th, 2032, 6:11pm.
“Hi Mamma. I’m sorry I missed your call earlier. Things have been really busy over here. The movers showed up on time, thankfully, and everything went smoothly. We managed to get a lot unpacked already. Simon and I just had our first official dinner at our new kitchen table! Let me know when you and Pappa want to come visit. I’d say give us a few weeks to at least get the majority of the boxes cleared out. You’re going to love the view of the lake. It’s so beautiful, Mamma… I’m really happy here. Okay. Call me when you can… I love you. Say hi to Pappa.”
Erik’s phone. June 1st, 2026, 1:52am.
“Hi Erik. It’s your brother. Wille. Um… I graduated today. I didn’t end up finishing at Hillerska. It got shut down. You may actually know a little bit about why. I don’t want to talk about that… The past few years have been really tough, Erik. There are a lot more good days than bad ones now, but it still hurts every day. I miss you a lot. I hope you’ve forgiven me for stepping down from the throne. I think you have. You knew I never wanted it. I’m starting at uni in the fall, and Simon and I are going to live together. I’m really excited, actually. Normal life, and all that. Maybe I’ll even get a job. Imagine that. Former Crown-Prince working as a barista. Um, okay. I should probably get back to sleep. I’ll call again soon. I love you, big brother… Bye.”
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aectpen · 9 months
pairing: sunghoon x ex figure skater->idol!fem oc
synopsis: 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐲 𝐤𝐩𝐨𝐩 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩, 𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐨, 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐇𝐘𝐁𝐄.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬.
chapter four: dear diary
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in the spirit of reminiscing on the old times, once chaerin got back to the dorm, she opened up her "home" box. its where she kept her valuable items that brought her comfort away from home. the items include her diary, photos, jewelry, and more precious items. she hasn't written in her diary in a while, but its a relic of all her experiences. she was especially into journaling during her figure skating and trainee years.
as she sifted through the pages, she landed on a page that stood out. her fingers trailed over the tear smudged ink. her anger was evident through the force she used while writing the entry, almost tearing through the page. she felt like she teleported back to the moment she wrote it.
february 4, 2020 dear diary, i hate park sunghoon. i thought he was playing a sick prank on me, but he never turned around. how will i compete without him? how could he do that to me??? after how hard we worked.. i've never met anyone more selfish than him. he just laid it on me like it wasn't that big of a deal i'm gonna burn everything that has to do with him.
chaerin paused her reading to look back into the box. she most definitely didn't burn nor throw away anything that had to do with him. she picked up a polaroid she took with him on a day out. they went to the movies and got milkshakes afterwards. she put whipped cream on his nose and snapped the photo while he pouted and she smiled. it was the first time they had hung out outside of skating. it was the day they became friends rather than just partners. they realized they liked each other's company much more when they weren't so serious.
i'm crying but i'm not sad.. i'm angry i have cried out of frustration and obviously sadness but i never cry when i'm mad but honestly he will regret it when i'm at the olympics and he is in the dungeon training to be a flop idol god i really hate him fuck park sunghoon
"wow," chaerin whispered to herself. she forgot just how harsh her feelings toward sunghoon were. she continued flipping since she was so immersed in the angst of it all.
march 8, 2020 dear diary, i miss sunghoon skating is so boring it feels like a chore and my new partner is way too serious like wtf today i laughed after i fell on my ass and he was all like "is this a joke to you?" all stern boy bye i know sunghoon would've mocked his voice and we would laugh about it i was angry before but now im sad he was more than my partner, he was my friend and now i miss my friend sunghoon
chaerin reached for their good luck bracelet they made during practice. their initials separated by beads. they always wore it during competitions. they were undefeated since they made them, so they swore it was magic.
a month after writing that entry, she threw in the towel. she quit after a competition she had placed first in. she knew it was over when everyone was happy, but her.
june 1, 2020 dear diary, so today my friend told me about that new mnet survival show i-land right and i'm like okay i like txt so i'll tune in and today they revealed some trainees and you won't believe who i saw PARK SUNGHOON like you have to be kidding me my fantasy about him being a flop idol won't come true i will NOT be tuning in
june 26, 2020 dear diary, i lied i tuned in he looked okay i guess.. alright he looked good and he was really good perhaps i guess so maybe fans are loving the whole ex figure skater thing but its triggering me i kinda regret quitting figure skating. i could've went to the olympics and rubbed it in his face i thought i stopped hating him but i didn't. seeing his smug smile while everyone praises him and here i am hate-watching from my bedroom. if he didn't quit on me i would be so much more productive with my life i still hate park sunghoon.
september 18, 2020 dear diary, does the universe hate me? i cracked my phone, lost my keys, missed the bus, got an F, and park sunghoon made it to the debut lineup. i know one is not like the other but it was the cherry on top to my suffering :( i feel like an absolute failure doing nothing with my life while he's a famous idol my mom said i was used to be the child a mom would brag about, but now i'm the child you don't mention she said it so casually but i went to my room and cried for an hour straight i really have nothing going for myself
chaerin felt guilty looking back on how she treated sunghoon's success. she felt nothing but jealousy and hatred. how could he leave her and be successful? she thought he was making a big mistake quitting, but the truth was that was the best decision he could've made and she hated that. she wanted it to hurt him the way it hurt her, but not everyone gets what they want.
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sunghoon's members began teasing him when they found out who he was with when he went missing for an hour.
"streets are saying sunghoon is already making a move on chaerin," niki announced.
"is sunoo's nickname streets now?" jay laughed.
sunghoon put his hands up in defense "oh come on, i was just catching up with her."
sunoo gasped "catching up? we missed out on some sunghoon lore."
"elaborate," heeseung crossed his arms.
"she was my figure skating partner."
"and they were figure skating partners." jake mocked.
"so you don't have a crush on her? i was really gonna take credit for introducing you guys." jungwon scoffed.
"i don't have a crush on chaerin."
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the same was happening at kayo's dorm.
"chaerin!" haru barged into chaerin's room.
chaerin scrambled to put all the items back into her box, but she missed one.
"what's this?" haru asked picking up chaerin's polaroid with sunghoon. "oh my god? is that? that has to be a look alike."
"come on give it back!" chaerin chased after her.
"you guys have to see this." haru passed the polaroid to jie.
everyone gathered around to see while chaerin watched their reactions.
"how do you date park sunghoon and not tell us?" sujin shook her head in disbelief.
"i didn't date him, he was my figure skating partner."
"emphasis on partner, this is totally a boyfriend girlfriend pic," zena laughed.
"we were just friends that's all."
"no wonder you two were so buddy buddy earlier," jie was now much more confident in her prediction.
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chaerin stared at the ceiling, trying to sleep, but she couldn't stop thinking about sunghoon. the time she spent with him reversed all those feelings she angrily wrote down. her thoughts were interrupted when her phone buzzed beside her pillow.
[unknown] are you up? [chaerin] and this is? [unknown] sunghoon
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daisyswift3 · 1 year
Meet Me at Midnight—The Complete Guidebook
So I just had several epiphanies at once…..I think Taylor might’ve given us a guidebook for her entire plan this yr (and possible coming out?) several months in advance w the release of Midnights (very mastermind of her). Looking at the vinyls and bejeweled mv again this becomes evident. I’ll explain (Also please see this excellent analysis as it provides lots of context and evidence that aligns w this theory).
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The moonstone vinyl is obviously related to bejeweled and is a light blue representing the 1989 era. Others have pointed out the numerous 1989 references in the bejeweled mv: rising to the 5th floor, 2013 vsfs aesthetic, lots of light blue, short hair, NYC vibes, her ghosting the prince and living her best single life, etc.
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Moonstone symbolizes light and hope and new beginnings. These things have been shown symbolically in the recent pap walks. Light and hope: the sunshine rings. New beginnings: 🦋 on the jeans and no beard. There’s also the connection to the feminine: the girl squad. Cyclical change: her returning to the 1989 era w her squad boyfriend-free; the tides, moon, and sun also undergo cyclical change (blood moon lunar eclipse?).
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A clock can also be thought to undergo cyclical change and Taylor chose to use this as the main symbol that represents Midnights. Taylor has said multiple times "It's a clock, it can help you tell time" which now I'm thinking means it can literally help you know when she's gonna make certain moves, like dropping the beard and returning to the 1989 era for example. TN posted this during the Midnights promo. The clock is split into 4 quarters. The moonstone/bejeweled vinyl is the first quarter which I believe we have just exited and I'll explain why shortly. This vinyl contains the numbers 12, 1, 2, 3 which could be related to "exile ends in 3...2..."
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Going clockwise we end up in the 2nd quarter—blood moon or glitch. If the 12 hrs represent 12 months, then each vinyl or quarter of the clock would represent approximately 3 months (Jan-March, 1-3 for the moonstone vinyl which adds up bc the toe breakup was said to have happened mid March). I know the pap walks were done in April so this might be more of a rough outline for events. This means a “glitch” would happen roughly April-June…A blood moon represents chaos, disruption, and change, hidden information rising to the surface (gee kinda sounds like what’s happening right now 🧐). The lavender vinyl is also in the 1st quarter and seeing that it’s a song abt bearding it makes sense. But it also seems like this vinyl is supposed to be completely separate from the main 4 vinyls so it could have a different meaning. There are a bunch of great posts analyzing the blood moon/glitch, see here and here.
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Sidenote: More on the bejeweled mv numerology and symbolism—she enters the moonstone vsfs-esque room on the 3rd floor. The clock Taylor’s sitting on is pointed at 3. There’s a ton of speak now easter eggs bc 3rd album. There’s 3 step sisters instead of 2 like in the original Cinderella story. The Queen Pat scene shows multiple motifs we’re all familiar w—angels, lions, a queen/royalty, an eye?? There’s probs a ton I’m missing. But yeah all that to say it seems she’s trying to connect bejeweled/1989 era 2.0 to the number 3 or March and to one leo VS supermodel angel woman. So it’s almost as if KK was still a part of this new 1989 era despite being absent from the pap pics.
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Next vinyl is mahogany which would presumably take place from July-Sept. The last date scheduled for the eras tour is in Aug which would fall in this quarter. Strength and resilience are needed during this time? There have been a ton of exile, 8/3 references lately.
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The last quarter/vinyl is jade green (Oct-Dec). It represents serenity and tranquility, perhaps symbolizing the peaceful acceptance of any ensuing consequences of making a life altering decision? Dec would be the 12th hr on the clock. So could New Years be the “last page” where we finally meet the real Taylor? I mean it is one of the most important midnights of the yr. In that post I mentioned earlier others pointed out how the Cinderella story fits into the general themes of Midnights. I think Taylor keeps using Cinderella imagery bc once the clock strikes “Midnight” on New Years the facade will be gone—“Shred my evening gown” // “Dappled w the flickers of light from the dress I wore at midnight leave it all behind” // “Spring breaks loose the time is near…moments that we stole on begged and borrowed time” // “You know when it’s time to go” // “If you wish to romanticize the woman I became then say you’ll remember me standing in a nice dress.” She’s telling her fans that the Taylor they love is a carefully crafted persona and the real her is not nearly as pretty and will be disillusioning to look at.
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Furthermore, Taylor has really emphasized that she rejects the notion of a picture perfect 1950s life. "She would've made such a lovely bride what a shame she's fucked in the head" // "He wanted a bride I was making my own name" // "Picture perfect shiny family holiday peppermint candy" // "All they keep asking me is if I'm gonna be your bride.” Also think of all the wedding imagery she has used lately. "The bride was willing to risk it all." This video of her in a wedding dress singing champagne problems. The countless speak now easter eggs which would be overkill if she was just simply trying to tease a re-record. "Don't say yes run away now." I think she's saying that she's going to shred her wedding dress and the heteronormative fantasy swifties want for her and burn her house, a symbol of her life’s work, past selves, and closet, to the ground. Bringing it back to the serenity/tranquility symbolism, others pointed out in this post that in the eras tour wildest dreams visuals she looks perfectly content, peacefully sleeping while the world burns around her. She’s finally ready to shatter her glass closet and break free from her cage.
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Jade is also the “Gem Supreme”: king of my heart; “Jewel of Heaven”: angels roll their eyes, no rules in breakable heaven, halo hiding my obsession, etc you get it; stone of the heart: again king of my heart, lover. This vinyl could be related to snow on the beach—“I searched aurora borealis green….your eyes are flying saucers from another planet.” Perhaps a reminder that she’s setting off but not without her muse?
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With all this in mind I think it’d be good to revisit the Midnights prologue.
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Of course this could be completely wrong and if she tours internationally and into next yr then it wouldn’t really make sense to come out yet. It could also be the case that the clock is meant to be read a different way or represent a 2 yr period rather than 1 yr. And maybe sometimes it’s meant to be read backwards instead since there have been some references lately to things being reversed? Idk what do you all think? Please feel free to add onto this !!
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foxes-that-run · 4 months
Harry Styles and Taylor Russell (Tarry) timeline
12-17 June - Taylor Russell at one of Harry's Wembley dates, we don't know which. The photos were provided of her sitting with Jeff, Xander and Jacquelyn on 19 January 2024
24 June - Taylor Russell and Harry leaving art gallery in London.
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6 July - Taylor Russell seen walking with Harry and in the Vienna HSLOT show in VIP tent.
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8 July - Taylor Russell and Travis Kelce spotted at Harry and Taylors concerts respectively. ….on the same day.
11 July Harry and TR by a hotel pool and Barcelona airport
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23 July - With Brad at Love on Tour
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10 August - 1989 TV announced and Harry goes to Taylor Russell's play on the same day, 9 August in US. Gemma and her partner there
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25 August - they walked all the time in London
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28 August - Harry attends Taylor Russells play more on closing night 7 October,
7 September - They passed Sigel Rides walking Root... Taylor Russells dog who disappeared as quickly as it appeared when she went to NY.
13 September - H seen near TRs play
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27 September - They were seen riding Lime Bikes then while Walking TR reached for Harry's hand and he switched the side he was holding his coffee.
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29 September - Harry and his dad at Taylor Russells play. TR went to Fashion week and wore a weird metal coat. Harry stayed in London. A story that he drove to pick her up from the Train Station and got a parking ticket.. except there were no photos and (as at June 2024) he has not been seen driving since December 2022. "An onlooker told The Sun on Sunday's Bizarre column: "Harry quickly parked up on the double yellows. You could tell he didn’t want to be late for Taylor after her long train journey so he quickly dashed into the station.""
8 October - Harry at the after part of the Effect in London
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23 Oct - video of HS & TR in cafe.
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3 November - Harry in Vancouver with TR, head covered. Left a note for a restaurant they visited and ate donuts on a dock.
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9 November - Video of Harry’s buzz cut from 8 days earlier posted during U2 concert, same day it is reported TK will go to the Eras tour.
1 December - Deux Moi reports that Harry and TR are expecting, Taylor and Joe had a ceremony. Tree ends Deux.
2 December - Harry and TR rumoured split. Article deleted the next day possibly as it identifies TRs hotel
3 December Daily Mail reports TR and HS are in crisis then takes the article down.
11 December - distant photo of Harry and Taylor Russell in Italy from the 7th posted to HS news. Rumored to have been in Italy for weeks with Alessandro Michelle
26 December - Harry seen with TR at a pond in England wearing only underpants and a Eagles beanie
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3 January - Harry in the Caribbean with TR.
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17 January - Deux Moi H LA 6 - 16 January
19 January - a photo of TR with Jeff at LOT Wembley last June.
20 January - Joe, TR and Zayn at Loewe show at Paris FW, some guy gives TR a neck rub.
26 January - Harry and TR seen in London Together, again riding bikes and dinner.
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14 February - Blind item that TR is calling paps, they are then not seen together again for a month.
3 March - TR play opens in NY, Harry doesn’t go. He was in L.A.
8 March - Harry back in London, TRs play was on from 3-31 in NY, Harry did not attend. Pleasing ‘Single at last’.
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14 March - Harry backstage at Mitch’s show in NY!! TRs play was on 10 mins away, she came after, arriving at 9:30/10, they left before encore with TR look to be arguing. TR did not attend Mitches show, her play was on. A photo leaked of Harry at the start of the show and TR came before it ended. Harry left with her, a crowd yelled her name and it looked like they argues in the car. Harry was walking alone an hour later. First time seen in a month.
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15 March -Harry walking around NY with TR and separately with Maxwell Ritz. And at the white cube gallery.
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17 March - Harry in Brooklyn at townhouse with TR with bag, last sighting for another month. Fashion spread about it.
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19 March - Harry returns to London. TRs play on till 31, did not go
26 March - TR VF article where she says “My work is the most interesting thing to me, so that’s what I’ll say about that.” And talks about finding safety for herself, in August she talked about safety within a relationship.
1 April - TR Columbia
15 April - Harry & TR Japan sighting. 
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19 April - TTPD, Harry seen in Japan.
20 April - Harry seen in Japan with TR, TR seen at airport on 24th last TR sighting w H. Later reports broke up then.
29 April - Harry seen in London
6 May - Harry on a lime bike London not with TR at met gala.
14 May - Deux Moi reports Tarry ended
15 May- Harry at Kacey Musgrave concert alone
19 May Harry and TR broke up last month: Sun & Mirror
20 May - tarry break up picked widely, rumor Harry in Italy
21 May - Harry seen in Italy.
23 May - Harry went kitchenware shopping in Rome wearing a Blur ‘modern life is rubbish’ he also wore in 2014.
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cricket-reader · 2 years
Cricket-reader’s James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes Masterlist
Masterlist | A03 | Wattpad | Recommendations | Inbox
You do not have permission to repost or translate my work on any other platforms (even with credit). I reserve the rights to all of my original characters.
💔 - Angst 💕 - Fluff ❤️‍🔥 - Smut ✨ - Favourites
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Vanilla 💔💕❤️‍🔥✨
In which Bucky falls in love with a girl from around the tower. Scared of damaging her—like he does with everything—he pushes her away. Sweet, gentle caresses and hands that smell of vanilla make him rethink his actions.
I’ve Got a Secret I 💔💕✨ Part II
A fight brings both of them to go separate ways. That is until Natasha clears the air.
Excitement is in the air as Miranda nears her due date. Bucky is absolutely thrilled.
Side of the Road 💔✨ (incomplete series)
Whilst driving home from their flopped mission, the Avengers find a women on the side of the road, badly injured. They bring her to the compound to help her.
Christmastime 💕
Expecting to be alone this Christmas, Bucky is pleasantly surprised when a certain someone shows up at his door bringing festive holiday cheer.
Stowaway 💔(💕?)
Bucky takes home a woman he found whilst out on a mission. Quickly he learns that it might have been too rash of a decision to make. (March Trope-a-Thon day 2)
Your Warmth 💔💕❤️‍🔥✨
Stuck in a snowstorm, she doubts she’ll make it out alive. What happens when an unexpected person rescues her from the storm? (March Trope-a-Thon day 1)
Agony 💔💕
Bucky ’s girlfriend is sick and in a lot of pain. He just wants to make her feel better. (Whumpril day 4)
You Got It Easy 💔💕✨
Whilst in an argument, Bucky says something that he will always regret.
Treasures Left Unprotected… 💔
Bucky remembers someone from his time at Hydra in a nightmare and goes to find them. (June of Doom day 2)
Mutual Agreement 💔💕
whilst on a mission, you and Bucky get caught in the cold. Your body doesn’t handle the temperature well, being you’re not a supersoldier. Your state brings back memories of Bucky’s life before Hydra, making him fear for your health. (June of Doom day 4)
Selfish Touch 💕💔
Bucky is scared to have you stay the night, terrified that he’ll hurt you. You assure him that it’ll be okay. (June of Doom day 6)
Something in Common 💔💕
you get captured and held in captivity. Bucky finds you and has an argument with your dad, Tony. Later, Bucky confesses his feelings for you. (June of Doom day 8)
Broken Promises 💔💕✨
the asset had promised you that he would save you, that he’d come back for you if he ever managed to escape. He didn’t come back for you. Something that both of you needed to work through if you ever wanted to heal. (June of Doom day 13)
Don’t Leave Me 💔
Safe and Sound 💔💕✨
you and Bucky were out on a date. Everything went wrong so quickly. (June of Doom day 15)
Bucky finds you. Everything goes wrong so quickly. Can Bucky forgive himself for something he blames himself for? (June of Doom day 16)
Sabotage 💔💕
after a particularly rough mission and some gaslighting, you’re there to help Bucky pick up the pieces. (June of Doom day 17)
The Fall 💔💕
Bucky remembers the fall (June of Doom day 18)
Prince Charming 💔💕
Bucky is confused as to how you have been able to keep your abusive relationship from him for so long. (June of Doom day 29)
Easy A 💔💕
after a truly awful date, you are comforted by Bucky. (High School AU)
A03 Works:
Bucky Barnes Doesn’t Understand 💕💔
a series of one shots in which Bucky learns a lot of new things.
Coldest Winter 💕💔
It was almost too easy for Brock to convince the Avengers that Bucky and him were dating. No one blinked an eye at the fact that he was now living in the Avengers Tower with his "boyfriend". (Winter Whumperland day 4)
Unloveable 💔💕
Quiet 💔💕
Vanilla (part 2) 💔💕(❤️‍🔥?)
Side of the Road (part 4) 💔💕
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hershelchocolate · 4 months
How about one OC for each month of the year 😏 If that's too many, just the months with major holidays!
Oh I'm doing all of em babey
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(Art+design by hotchocolategalaxy on toyhouse)
Glace! The prince of the Winter Kingdom, constantly using the kingdom's resources to search for his parents, who had been lost in a blizzard. He keeps his head up though, and is a beacon for others who are also grieving the loss of their rulers
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(Art+designs by @arcaneyouth !)
Cabriel (blue) and Darciel (pink)! You get two for this one because You Cannot Separate Them. Not only were they from a valentine's themed adoptable set but they are also the gods of love who gained the title through how pure and wonderful their love for each other is. They would literally tear apart the universe to protect each other
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March makes me think of plants, and plants make me think of Raven! The leader of the mind control monsters, who uses vines/seeds/plants as their method of control. Very stoic and hardly ever shows emotion, but actions speak louder than words and sometimes they fuck with people for fun and it's awesome. In some sort of genderqueer toxic relationship that's lasted centuries that even I don't know all the details of and will refuse any knowledge of it if asked
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(Art+design by minuhime on toyhouse!)
April! Yes yes it's her name but she's also a cute bunny! She went with all her friends on a school field trip and had such a wonderful time until monsters started attacking and she was one of the first to be transformed into a creature representing her deepest fears. She was simply too sweet and soft and absolutely refused to believe she was in a horrored game
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(Art+design by @arcaneyouth !)
SURPRISEEE ITS EYUMIE AGAIN! She makes me think of May because that was one of the months where I was making my Junior Film starring her! Springtime always makes me think of her because of this tbh alshfgskg
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Daniel and Jade Hillston! Daniel is the main character of the murder mystery story that doesn't have a name yet, working hard to find the killer so he can free Jade, his daughter, who has been arrested for the crime. He knows she wouldn't do it. She would never. It HAD to be someone else. But he's always worried that person might be himself. I did a lot of the development for this story in summer and that's the time of year it takes place in so it always makes me think of it c:
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(Art+design by @arcaneyouth !)
Jubilee! They teleport using fireworks and are a minor deity in the Locked Love universe! Not sure what they do yet but they're definitely besties with Mirri and Ulrick. Treats checking in with them like a trip to their grandparents house
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(Art+design by @arcaneyouth !)
Aurelius! The final boss of a metroidvania-type game I started developing after playing Hollow Knight in the summer. They have taken on the role of antagonist simply because they didn't think the previous main antagonist was doing a good enough job to earn the role. They are dedicated to the theatrics, but always holds back when actually fighting. What kind of story would it be if the hero dies?
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This guy needs a name if anyone has any suggestions! One of the few humans in The Hallowed who is dedicating his time to trying to figure out what the FUCK is going on in this town. Makes me think of early fall where things are cold and chilly and just a little rainy but the trees still have leaves and there's a mist in the air. Thats his gender tbh
I'm gonna continue this in a reblog in hopes of being able to add the last two images give me just a moment
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Little Women Ranked
One of my favorite books of all time is Little Women. Last fall I watched and read everything related to the series. Here's a simple ranking of all of that.
The Book (obviously)
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Whether you consider the book just Little Women or with Good Wives, there is no deny this is the absolute best version of the story.
2. Little Women (1978)
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This is, in my opinion, the best adaptation of the novel. The characters felt real and accurate and it was just a delight. It had so much heart. Also I am a Greer Garson as Aunt March stan. William Shatner did his absolute best at Fritz. I just adore this version. I will say that I am a sucker for tv movies though.
3. Little Women (2017)
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I love this version. In accuracy, it's not always the best (especially character wise) and the third episode feels very rushed at times, but I still love it. I'm absolutely obsessed with Meg and John in this version. Meg and Beth are my profile picture lol. I just really enjoy this version.
4. Little Women (1994)
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In terms of movies, this one is the best. This is the one I recommend to everyone and despite my (minimal) issues with it, I still watch it all the time. It's just so lovely. Also this one just has a more distinctly Christmas feel than any of the others.
5. Little Women (1933)
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While not my favorite, I still enjoyed watching this version. Katherine Hepburn played a great Jo and I would love to watch this again sometime.
6. Little Women (1949)
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This has the same script as the 1933 version, however, I am not a fan of a few small changes made, such as Beth being younger than Amy. June Allyson is not my favorite Jo, which also lowers this one slightly. Margaret O'Brien played an amazing Beth and was definitely the best thing about this version. I also just recently listened to the Lux Radio Theater adaptation of this movie and it just solidified my opinions of this being a mid adaptation.
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7. Little Women (2019)
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The Most controversial version on this list, I cannot say that I enjoy it. It makes so many changes from the novel, that it honestly makes me mad. However, this one places so high on the list do to it's watchability. Every other entry under this one I would never watch a second time. This one at least has the benefit of being high quality. Plus all my friends love this one (none of them have ever read the book and it makes me sad), so if I try hard enough I can separate this version from the book and at least watch a decent movie (although it is hard).
8. Little Women (1970)
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I wanted to like this version, I really did, it was so extremely book accurate, but it was also really boring. This does have the most book accurate portrayal of Laurie in my opinion, though.
9. Little Women (2018)
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This just overall was not that good. Jo was very mean and aggressive and Laurie was kind of creepy, in my opinion. I also disliked that this was made by a Christian company and did not include any of the Christian themes and statements made throughout the novel.
10. Little Women Meg's Story and Jo's Story
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This two parter was hard to watch. It made it so love story heavy, and was also just not good quality or fun to watch. Everything was so rushed. I did like the focus on Meg and John in the first part though. I also enjoyed the random 1950 commercials throughout the version on youtube.
11. The March Sisters at Christmastime
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This was just bad. Nothing really redeemable about it. It was a very hard watch.
These were some adaptations that I watched, but find hard to rank, due to them not being movies or tv shows.
Little Women (1958) Soundtrack
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This is the soundtrack for the the 1958 CBS tv musical, which is not technically lost media, but is not available to the general public. The first half of the soundtrack is songs from the special, and the second half is covers of some other songs from musicals or were popular at the time. The songs are quite fun, but what I hear from reports of what happens in the special, it is not accurate to the novel at all.
Little Women (2005) musical
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I am not really a fan of Sutton Foster, nor am I a fan of this musical. It is a classic case of not understanding Jo March, her writing, and her relationship with Professor Bhaer.
Little Women Ballet
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This was fun to watch. I don't know much about ballet, so I cannot really judge it. If I remember correctly, this is just an adaptation of the first half of the novel.
Tales of Little Women
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Little Women (1981)
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These are both anime adaptations of the novel. I only watched the first episode of each, and from what I know they kind of make up plot lines. I enjoyed them for what they were, but I will probably not watch them again.
I unfortunately did not watch the Little Women Opera or the March Family Letters as Operas and vlog series are not really my thing, but maybe I will get around to them.
Anyway, this concludes my ranking of Little Women. If you see this please let me know your thoughts on any of these adaptations.
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gladiolidiaries · 1 year
can give you an idea of their meetups these are the ones we know about plus one controversial one that I believe is worth mentioning to either prove or disprove definitively. please feel free to add any ones missing or correct any mistakes as I'm doing this from memory
Feb: Valentine's day week
March: England, on separate streams they both said they decided to go at the last minute, they were spotted alone together in a video with a fan
April: LA
May: LA again with foolish after his nc/florida roadtrip
June: New York where they were spotted by a fan alone shopping (there's a clip of it somewhere on twitter), Tinacon, karl was also in LA prior to Tinacon but no idea how many times they met up during that time
July: Tinacon continued, LoL tournament in Las Vegas, on a foolish fall guys stream tina talked about going to nc for karl's bday but for some reason this didn't happen
August: Tina went to NC
Sept: Tina went to New York followed by Karl a few days later, people say he was busy working but one of the otv vlogs showed he was with their group, LA again for Name Your Price, Karl was in LA a while before leaving to England
Oct: after getting back from England late sept karl went straight back to LA and didn't leave until mid Oct, early oct he announced getting a place in la within days of tina announcing moving there at the end of sept.
Dec: the controversial one that is NOT PROVEN, but it is believed by some that she flew to portland to spend time with karl and his family between dec 14-17th (that's the week they celebrated christmas), those who believe this theory point to several things such as tina saying she was going to be unavailable, then several hours later someone on twitter saying they spotted her at lax on the 14th, her being absent from all social media and even discord during that time, as well as karl streaming from her room on the 17th saying he just got off a plane an hour ago suggesting they flew back together and then went straight to her place. also they spent the 17-23/24th together. again the portland meetup is a theory, nobody actually knows where she was during that time.
Feb: Valentines week NC, tina stayed at karls house
March: around 9/10 karl went to la and didn't leave for 2 weeks
April: early april karl went to la again stayed a few days, then flew back with tina to nc she again stayed at his house, then in late april tina flew to japan to see him
May: karl and tina stay almost the entire first week of may in japan
June: 6/7 karl flies to la to watch spiderman with her and leaves after only being there two days, we know this because they told the same story about the movie experience they had watching it, neither knew the other told the story and neither mentioned the other was there. then they met up sometime around the 18th of june again and hung out til the end of vidcon where he briefly left to go with mr beast before coming back on the 28th and staying through july 6/7
July: stayed until the last possible moment before leaving to pack for paris, tina then flies on the 18th to nc to spend time with him on his bday, again staying at his house
August: 7-12th from what I've seen others mention
those are the ones I'm aware of between 2022 and now... with maybe one or two missing in september of 2022 and possibly others missing as well. I'm sure someone else with more knowledge can fill you on on 2021
wow anon this is so good. they really do meet at least once a month but usually twice a month. that's quite telling cause karl is always travelling but he makes time for her.
would love to know more about 2021 if anyone knows the lore
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astrangetorpedo · 5 months
INTERVIEW: Sarah Goldstone On Touring With Boygenius, Books, and Boston Octobers
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by Maya Santow
[…] Since her graduation from Boston University in 2009, Goldstone really has gone everywhere. Her talents on the keyboard, violin, and vocals have taken her across the globe in the past two years, touring internationally with indie artist Lucy Dacus, and now Boygenius—the indie rock supergroup composed of Dacus, Julien Baker, and Phoebe Bridgers.
Sitting in an East Boston café on June 18, just hours before performing with Boygenius at the Stage at Suffolk Downs, Goldstone describes how it felt finding out that she would be joining Boygenius on their tour while she was in Dacus’ band.
“Oh, I was really pumped,” she says. “Lucy had said that she wanted to have me there. Her manager called me and we chatted about it. It was exciting. I just love them as a group and separately.
“Boygenius: The Tour” began its United States run in early June and will be extending overseas to Europe in mid-August. Several of the tour dates, including the Boston show, are a part of the Re:SET Concert Series, featuring supporting acts like Bartees Strange, Dijon, and Clairo, with Boygenius as a headliner.
Although the tour didn’t begin until the summer of 2023, Boygenius’ first full-length studio album, titled “The Record,” was in the works much earlier. Goldstone recalls being told about the album at least a year before its March 2023 release—a powerful secret to have been keeping, given the album’s critical acclaim. “There was definitely a, you know, ‘Don’t put this on the internet’ kind of thing,” she says.
Goldstone’s first time hearing “The Record” took place at a listening party with Dacus’ touring crew in a Northern California AirBnB. With the knowledge that she would be touring with Boygenius, Goldstone approached her first listen to “The Record” from a largely practical angle.
“When you take a record that was recorded with all these different instruments, and you’re trying to squash it down to, ‘Okay, what’s a setup where I can do all of that?,’ there’s a lot of different ways you can do it,” she says. “So when I was listening through, that’s where my brain was going.”
Goldstone’s primary focus while listening was the keyboard. There is more to the instrument than meets the typical listener’s ear, she explains. “I feel like a lot of times people don’t know what keyboard’s role does because people know what piano sounds like, but maybe not the other stuff,” she says. “But there’s a lot of synth parts, there’s organ, there’s something called a Mellotron…all those weird sounds where people that come to hear it are like, ‘I don’t know what that is.’”
“My first reaction was really technical, but then I started listening for real and, you know, some of the songs make me cry as soon as I hear them,” says Goldstone of the 12 tracks that make up “The Record.” “Some of them are so funny, and, like, mean, and you know, that’s fun, too. But it took a minute for me to experience it that way,” she says.
As Goldstone began touring with Boygenius, a few tracks emerged as her favorites to perform live. “I love ‘Not Strong Enough.’ I mean, that’s like, ‘the one,’ right?” she says. “I love ‘Letter To An Old Poet’— not just because it’s the piano song! Actually, ‘Cool About It’ is one of my favorite songs, too. Plus the rockers, like ‘Satanist,’ and stuff like that, it’s just, like, so fun. But every song is good, yeah—no duds,” she laughs.
Goldstone also cites a fan project for Boygenius’ “True Blue”—a track heavily influenced by Dacus’ solo music style—as a favorite memory from the tour so far. “I think they all put blue post-it notes over their phone lights…as soon as they started playing it, blue lights came up,” she says. As it turned out, a similar fan project took place at the Boston show later that night: during the chorus of ‘True Blue,’ the audience raised heart-shaped cutouts of blue paper over their phone flashlights to create a sea of blue for the band to see. “It sounds funny to say, but it made all of us kind of emotional, actually,” she says of the earlier project.
Goldstone notes the synergetic power of Boygenius fans—the fan bases of the three indie rock forces coming together creates something greater than the sum of their parts, she says.
“People are there for the unit,” says Goldstone. “Probably everybody has one of them that they gravitate toward more just in their own personal listening, or someone’s music they’re familiar with more than the others, but you can’t tell that from the show, which I think is really cool. It doesn’t feel like you’re seeing individual fans of the three of them.”
Goldstone cites Boygenius’ closeness to one another as a major draw for their fans, aside from their music. “I feel like people are fans of their friendship,” she says. “Like, we all want that. We all want best friends that we like to make art with.”
Having been on tour together for a few weeks, says Goldstone, the band’s dynamic has begun to shine through even more onstage. “Now that everyone’s comfortable, they’re starting to horse around a little bit, and they’re jumping around,” she says of Dacus, Baker, and Bridgers. “You know, it’s just three friends that love each other so much, and they’re all very funny people. So it’s fun when they’re in the mood to do, like, comedy time during shows, you know?”
Closeness as a band—“tour camaraderie”—is a familiar feeling to Goldstone, who says that Dacus’ band grew very close during their 251 days of touring in 2021 and 2022. “Everyone’s on one bus, and everyone hangs out together on off days, and it does feel like a family road trip sometimes,” she says.
The Boygenius tour took a bit longer to achieve the same effect, says Goldstone. “It is a much bigger group. And everyone just works so hard, so there’s a little bit more distance with just getting to know everybody. I feel like now, a couple of weeks in, I’m starting to be friends with people on our own crew that maybe I didn’t get to hang with before, and that’s great,” she says.
One way in which the group has grown closer, says Goldstone, is through books. Perhaps unsurprisingly, given her philosophy major during her BU days, Goldstone says she always finds time to read while on tour, and exchanges titles with the other band members as well. “We’re all trading books,” says Goldstone.
On Dacus’ tour last year, says Goldstone, the band passed around Joan Didion’s “Play It as It Lays.” In a similar way to which fans of Boygenius bond over the often melancholy tones of their music, the band bonded over the “real bummer of a book,” says Goldstone. “We passed it around, and everyone was like, ‘Ugh, your turn.’ Like, this is brutal,” she laughs.
“So, yeah, there’s some exchange,” says Goldstone. “Lucy and I will exchange books a lot. Like, I’m really into a writer named Shirley Jackson, and Lucy read some last year.” Goldstone’s most recent tour read, Min Jin Lee’s “Pachinko,” she describes as an “instant classic,” and she plans to lend it to Julien Baker to read next.
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