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jadeabysse · 4 months ago
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Inktober day 8 : Hike
đŸŽ”they're taking the Hobbits to IsengardđŸŽ”
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lepetitdragonvert · 1 year ago
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The Lord of the Rings / Le Seigneur des Anneaux
Source : Phantomcitycreatve.com
Client : Bottleneck Gallery
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davidhudson · 2 years ago
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Happy 53rd, Jia Zhangke.
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la-pheacienne · 1 year ago
I'm generally not a gatekeeper in fandom but if you say "Bilbon Sacquet" or "Serpentard' to me I'm going to commit a crime
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okariaonb · 2 years ago
[Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit] Somewhere only we know
English Subtiles:
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thomas-querqy · 3 months ago
"Voyage à Gaza" ("Journey into Gaza") réalisé par Piero Usberti (filmé en 2018)
"No other land", documentaire réalisé par Basel Adra, Hamdan Ballal, Yuval Abraham et Rachel Szor
On est sortis Ă©prouvĂ©s de “No other land”, le documentaire au long cours de deux palestiniens et deux israĂ©liens, dans les hameaux palestiniens de Masafer Yatta en Cisjordanie prĂšs d’HĂ©bron, en « zone C » en vertu des accords d’Oslo, totalement contrĂŽlĂ©e par les autoritĂ©s israĂ©liennes, et oĂč continuent Ă  prolifĂ©rer les colonies israĂ©liennes illĂ©gales.
Comme Yuval Abraham, le jeune journaliste israĂ©lien que l’on voit Ă  l’écran avec le palestinien Basel Adra qui y vit, on savait ce qu’il se passait, mais avec le documentaire, ce qui fait la diffĂ©rence, c’est l’émotion qu’il transmet en nous faisant partager la vie de ces gens.
Depuis des dĂ©cennies, les IsraĂ©liens, soldats et colons armĂ©s, rendent la vie infernale Ă  ses habitants pour les contraindre Ă  fuir et s’emparer de leurs terres, en venant rĂ©guliĂšrement dĂ©truire leurs maisons, boucher les puits par des coulĂ©es de ciment, couper les canalisations, et parfois tuer ou rendre invalides d’un coup d’arme de guerre des victimes dĂ©sarmĂ©es. En toute impunitĂ©. En 2022, aprĂšs 20 ans de procĂ©dure, la Haute cour de justice a donnĂ© l'autorisation scĂ©lĂ©rate Ă  l’armĂ©e de chasser cette communautĂ© d’un millier de Palestiniens qui y vit depuis le dĂ©but du XIXe siĂšcle. AprĂšs l’attaque du Hamas du 7 octobre 2023, qui a dĂ©tournĂ© l’attention de la Cisjordanie, la situation a encore empirĂ©e avec la multiplication des raids punitifs des colons armĂ©s d’une violence inĂ©dite, celle des pogroms, qui ont contraint les habitants de six hameaux Ă  s’enfuir.
Le rĂ©gime d’apartheid y est manifeste, l’injustice criante, la Nakba finale est en train de survenir, et pendant ce temps la propagande israĂ©lienne est complaisamment relayĂ©e par les mĂ©dias occidentaux, « propagande qui fabrique la fable selon laquelle tout ce qui se passe trouverait sa seule origine dans le 7 octobre 2023. Comme si les atrocitĂ©s, insupportables, commises ce jour-lĂ  venaient de nulle part, Ă©taient un jaillissement soudain et inexplicable de cruautĂ© barbare. »
Le film est diffusĂ© actuellement dans trois salles parisiennes et deux en banlieue. EspĂ©rons qu’Arte ou une chaine de service public prendront le relais !
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valy-gc · 2 months ago
TWST manga
Am I really the only one in the whole fandom that hate the fact we have a different MC for each chapter
I mean, each MC is cool, I didn't said they weren't. But imagine. We have Harry in volume one, Harriette in volume 2, Henry, Henriette, Hervé .
Frodon in volume one, Frodette in volume 2
but authors acting like everything is normal and that was the same from the start?
And so you can never now how Yuuken will act with Azul or Leona, never have the following of the small interaction with Leona he had in the first chapter. Never know how Yuuka had really acted with Riddle's overblot, because the story clearly goes differently since they all have different personnality and way to react to the problems.
I know it's because they wanted to let everyone capable of relating to each MCs, but how can you relate to an incomplete story??
In that case they should just have made 3/4 different manga instead
 because the way they do it is confusing.
Imagine someone who haven't played the game, never heard of the universe, just see a new manga and decide to try it, they would be so lost!
I really, really hope they're not gonna do this with the anime
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baheuldey · 4 months ago
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Armure (Frodon et Sam déguisés en orques) / Armour (Frodo and Sam disguised as orcs) (Tolktober, 15), 2024, plume, pinceau, encre de Chine sur papier, 21 x 14,8 cm
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tuckboroughdays · 17 days ago
ok lemme explain something to you guys
maybe you already know it but shush
yk in french, the sound "in" we don’t say it the same way. like, ysee the number 1 in french, the way we say it ? well, for "in" its the same way. got it?
then did yk "Pippin" is not the same in french and english ?
for me in my country, its like the number 1 in french. and its kind of weird bc even whem im thinking/reading in english abt him, im saying his name in french version
btw, in lotr we don’t prononce names the same way and LOTR FRENCH VERSION in the movies SUCKS TBH.
in fact, theres two versions of the translation : the first is the one in the movies. and the second is the REAL, like, the real way Tolkien wanted to translate his book.
so the first version is not awsome. i like rather the second -is there anybody french here who can talk abt it w me ??
FRODO BAGGINS = Frodon Sacquet/Frodo Bessac
The Shire = La/Le Comté
Saruman = Saroumane
the lord of the rings = le seigneur des anneaux
the fotr = la communautĂ© de l’anneau
btw i think "communauté" js not a good word, we should say "fraternité" instead
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aurevoirmonty · 5 months ago
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« Toujours aprÚs une défaite et un répit, l'Ombre prend une autre forme et grandit à nouveau. » « J'aurais souhaité que cela ne soit pas arrivé à mon époque », dit Frodon. « Moi aussi », dit Gandalf, « comme tous ceux qui vivent de tels moments. Mais ce n'est pas à eux d'en décider. Tout ce que nous avons à décider, c'est quoi faire du temps qui nous est imparti. »
J. R. R. Tolkien, Le Seigneur des Anneaux
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icharchivist · 1 year ago
crying at a French meme rn i need to share
"Frodo" from Lord of the Rings was localized "Frodon" in french, which also sounds similar to "Fraudons" (which would be "Let us fraud"/"let's fraud")
The Parisian District has unveiled that they intend to massively up the prices of the Parisian Metro for the upcoming Olympic Games, to encourage Parisians to pay before that so they can take money from tourists (fucking booo)
which led to this:
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and i've been losing it for the past hour over it. help me.
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jadeabysse · 4 months ago
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Inktober Day 7 : Passeport
This isn't the best representation of Frodo but maybe I'll do better next time !
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444names · 5 months ago
Names generated from Pokemon and Chinese cities, excluding the letter "A"
Beifblerfre Beingyem Beipluo Beismoo Belduo Bellingsip Benittyphye Bijirl Bingjiexer Bliping Boketre Booddlet Boopup Brogeongkok Browpop Buckrongzhou Buffeng Buixin Bunfing Buntou Butite...
Chenpi Chezuozhong Chichou Chiele Chirimenle Chizhorus Chuillos Chydong Cixingzheot Cleele Combingy Conghel Congkor Creone Crochikou Crunchuxi Cruzletill Cryongzhou Cunhen Cutinzhou Cutodong Dehengde Deherr Delisey Dengde Dengliuss Denzoruizhou Deothope Dexine Dicrobell Dinzho Dodotlecting Donfer Dongzhui Dosiry Dossoleo Dreellingji Dresprig Drilio Drilypuqui Driongzhou Drowth Duchekin Ducheng Duchirtou Duckyon Dumeon Dumxuel Dunfei Dunfloth Dunnekof Duohen Duoyuxi Dushou Dushroct Eefeng Eeleow Elgong Elloping Embrengyi Emilijing Eriodong Exploped Ezellu Feezeling Feileplionz Fenorno Fetunt Flebbi Flypnoops Fortou Frodon Fudelou Fudkilebsol Fuquzhou Fuyizuod Genubbi Geotte Gireer Gliexe Gliliupic Glureseep Gonccingzhou Gonetow Gonght Goobei Goodok Goongquern Goryunke Gothrom Gotogepiu Gouren Grodiey Grogriton Grongyunk Gueqixi Gujing Gunomper Guozhuzz Hengliji Hengqining Henhour Herduoying Herperp Herrow Herskinubch Heshregishi Hitongwuch Hogroshit Hongping Houbol Houditong Huiloetus Huiying Huizhong Hunfezhou Hunhezhou Huntunde Hypute Iliorge Ilitoiscole Illsper Ingdeleodor Inghuix Jelmudiel Jieldoops Jieloivy Jiergenx Jimoldeey Jinbuzhoom Jinch'd Jinghejr Jingjing Jingsir Jinhui Jinidol Jinqui Jixineden Jolrette Jumerp Jyndong Ketoth Kidgerrl Kleijingxi Klemer Kleong Klertom Koring Kourengkou Kregirion Kundilit Kunong Kuythok Kuyuxern Lectill Ledoss Lefenx Libeheng Lichuix Licking Licrott Linchist Linchorko Lingmong Lingshup Lingsi Lingying Linhentull Linzhezhou Linzhon Liolmurpipom Liongzhi Liopin Lipokou Litedril Littyen Littyke Loettog Lompheng Lonzhou Loonin Loswoon Loswot Ludory Luferree Lumper Lunbulur Luozhou Luptic Lursol Luzleyueqing LĂŒlinfetump LĂŒlisengzhe Meinos Meleye Melickien Menturrong Menzheng Mimeoton Minchon Mingquishir Minzhou Mishuzhonlet Mistle Mistunort Mitoetorbo Muddle Mudkirio Muluchou Muntoth Murfeng Neizhou Niddon Nidosew Ningduo Niorou Noveng Nubbidordos Orupiong Pedezi Pektrow Pergly Pidgeng Pidong Piescytu Pinccizhou Pincizhou Pingdinzhio Pinovys Pinzhou Pipeon Piquern Podurd Poiril Poiveng Poldos Polilmun Poluff Pombelde Pomierrly Poppluo Pourdong Powzell Prilette Primbretich Prizhot Pundon Purogoop Purter Pyruin Qinfuxictr Qingzhi Qingzhot Qionshi Qiorchel Queqing Queqiu Quilill Quiroude Quixink Rebbys Redorsh Reengheng Regglie Regirio Reiyist Relduo Respett Rhydore Rhyhone Rhyhou Rillon Rinqine Rizhou Rododin Roomotong Rublinjing Rumeweihent Runechen Ruzheking Scixiuzhou Scobbuzle Scoldus Scoodo Scoriling Scrong Scruen Scruijin Scyturoh Seengcheng Senforus Seveng Sheede Shengzig Shijiu Shiskit Shitor Shoppolin Shuihe Shuzhou Sihuilot Simedeweing Siminininytu Siolos Siongdeitivy Sirter Sketoryou Skingnette Skunnintoxi Slooddlectum Sloopite Slyphor Solielpindit Solromotte Spekiperper Spricheoth Sprimoo Spunhou Squily Sticeldou Strowlu Sudine Suilling Suixin Sunfeiclefer Sungge Suqinpluxenx Suqion Sureow Surgon Surpeng Suzhon Sweingzhou Swichenglet Tenshimsi Ternill Theffle Todurring Toguntredi Tombros Tomolitt Tonfeng Tongcho Tongxi Tongzhorug Tontle Toping Torilloon Toritogot Torizho Towstrubby Truichite Tumplix Tumpou Tunche Tyrobi Ulipedier Urkreshishi Urothou Uxuzhou Vengzhou Venzhon Veriflos Vibish Vibuily Viconspring Vingoldu Volbuto Volismiss Vulure Webireven Weedic Weezer Weihengly Weiperfens Weldos Wilorsby Woomplumishu Wooster Woresel Wuchirlino Wugmenzhou Wujing Wuweizhou Wuying Wuzhonfool Xichou Xicloombre Xiergo Xinchou Xingchei Xingduo Xingne Xingshou Xinjiu Xinpin Xinqidorchou Xinqin Xuengyi Yibing Yicott Yidong Yingxiolume Yishele Yogeng Yongche Yonshou Yuchui Yuxing Zhebidongge Zhening Zhokodow Zhougus Zhount Zhourming Zibroth Zonfletoivy Zongkou Zunketreil Zunshiter Zweizhi Zygorill Zygorilu
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mel-et-ses-histoires · 1 year ago
Le sachiez tu ciné.
Vous aimez les ours ? Le cinéma aussi. Lorsqu'un film est finit de tourner l'equipe se retrouve avec tout un tas d'images "les rushs" qu'il va falloir examiner, trier, mettre dans l'ordre, virer ce qu'il va pas pour arriver a une premiere version du montage du film "l'ours".
Pourquoi l'ours ? Parce que c'est gros et mal léché.
Vous avez une sucession de scÚnes qui se racordent pas forcément trÚs bien, sans avoir de transitions propres, parfois plusieurs scene possibles à insérer au moment de la naration.
L'ours c'est lĂ  oĂč on va modeler le film. Parce que vous pouvez avoir un script, un storyboard il y a quand meme des choses qui s'improvisent sur le tournage, des scripts qui s'ecrivent le jour meme etc.
Du coup vous vous retrouvez avec 4h d'images et vous devez en faire un film de 2h.
Et c'est une fois cette etape terminée que vous approchez du montage final.
Mais ce qui est rigolot c'est que avez donc pleins de scenes de film (des scenes de cours dans harry potter, la transformation de Frodon en Golum dans le sda) qui existent qui sont filmés mais pas utilisés ! (et que parfois on voit sur yt)
Moi je trouve ca rigolot.
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sabinerondissime · 2 years ago
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Frodon Sacquet by Al Dreams
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thepastisalreadywritten · 1 year ago
SAINT OF THE DAY (November 8)
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St. Godfrey was the son of Frodon, a prominent citizen in a small town.
He was raised from the age of 5 in the Benedictine abbey of Mont-Saint-Quentin where his godfather Godefroid was abbot.
He immediately donned a Benedictine habit and lived as a tiny monk, and took his vows when he came of age. He was ordained a priest by Bishop Radbod II of Noyon.
In 1096, he was made Abbot of Nogent-sous-Coucy, in the diocese of Rheims, in the province of Champagne.
When he arrived, the place was overrun by weeds, and housed only six nuns and two children.
He rebuilt, restored and revitalized the abbey, bringing people to the Order of St. Benedict and order to the people.
He was offered the abbacy of Saint-Remi, but he refused. He was also offered the bishopric of Reims in 1097, but again, he refused, claiming he was unworthy.
When he was offered the bishopric of Amiens in 1104, he still considered himself unworthy of the trust.
However, King Philip and the Council of Troyes each ordered him to take it, which he did.
St. Godfrey was noted for his rigid austerity with himself, those around him, and in his approach to his mission as bishop.
He was an enforcer of clerical celibacy. He was also a fierce lifelong opponent of drunkenness and simony, which led to an attempt on his life.
For most of his time as bishop, he wished to resign and retire as a Carthusian monk.
In 1114, he moved to a monastery, but a few months later, his people demanded his return, and he agreed. He also took part in the Council of ChĂĄlons.
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