#Friedel Pro
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happywebdesign · 7 months ago
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Clark Hosting
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icc133 · 1 year ago
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Leonie Friedel - 2023 Mr Big Evolution Pro
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bychertryntheatyr · 7 months ago
Irgendwie war ich jetzt aber sehr oft und regelmäßig im Theater?!
Nun, meine erste (halbe) Theatersaison ist vorbei. Sad, I know. 60 Tage in denen ich mich nicht fesch und fancy machen kann. Aber so ist das. Wie ist das jetzt eigentlich gestartet?
Schon ein Jahr vorher hat @nicht-ganz-allein-sunny mir schon immer von ihren Theaterbesuchen erzählt. Da gabs son komischen Christian, den Sie teilweise dreimal pro Woche gesehen hat, Wochenenden die aus drei verschiedenen Vorstellungen bestanden und viel viel Spaß und Dopamin der dadurch erzeugt wurde.
Hm. Ich hab doch auch ein Theater bei mir. Und seit Juli '23 seh ich von diesem Stück "Das Kapital: Das Musical" inne Stadt große Plakatwerbung. Das Kapital. Als Musical. Das klingt zu interessant. Ich muss da hin? Das klingt zu interessant um das nicht zu sehen. (Ich hab vorher nie einen Trailer oder Werbung dazu gesehen.) Okay you know what? Am 01.12.23. da spielt das an nem Freitag. Gib mir ne Karte in zweiter Hälfte für knapp 20€. Wird schon schief gehen.
Und begeistert ging Ich raus. Das war ziemlich nice? Das guck ich vielleicht nochmal? (Außerdem saß eine 1:1 Kopie von Sunny neben mir. Was hat das Universum bitte für ein Zeichen gegeben??) Das war grandios! Ich kannte bisher nur Laientheater als Weihnachtsmärchen/Sommerstück von Leuten die meine Eltern kennen. So geht also professionelles Theater! Was für Ohrwürmer!
Ende Dezember durfte ich dann als Ersatz mit nach Hamlet von diesem Christian Friedel. Düsseldorf ist ja nicht weit weg von mir. Das war mir ehrlich gesagt zu viel Livemusik am Beginn und irgendwie klettert der Dude plötzlich durch die Ränge und hat mich angeschrien. Weird. Der letzte Akt aber. Der war richtig nice.
Anfang Februar war ich dann zum zweiten Mal im Kapital. Also körperlich. Geistig war ich rückblickend einfach rotze Krank und habe kaum Erinnerungen daran, außer das wer ausm Cast krank war. Schon irgendwie Meta. So wie das Stück.
Und nun beginnt - langsam, aber schnell - der Theaterwahnsinn.
Einen Tag vor meinem Geburtstag hab ich mir selbst einen Besuch im Theater geschenkt. Wie ist denn "Was ihr wollt" so? Außer ziemlich queer. Und PK1 kostet bei mir nur 23€?? Bitch, Im totally in. An diesem Abend habe ich sehr stark auf dicke, fette Fleischpenis Probs gestarrt mich instant in den Aro Coded Narr verliebt. Und war begeistert von der Doppelrolle Viola(Cesario)/Sebastian.
Viermal jetzt also im Theater gewesen. Was passt da besser als (das erste!) #TrynsTheaterTriple? Dreimal Theater in 13 Tagen. Alle 6 Tage eine Vorstellung. Wir beginnen mit der Premiere von Ein Volksfeind, starke Doctor Who Vibes zum Ende, leider plötzlich und zu schnell vorbei, gehen 6 Tage später in Der Ring der Nibelungen, fünf Charaktere erzählen in Monologen ihre Sichtweise zur Geschichte. Und meine erste komplette weibliche Bühnennacktheit. Darf mir aber auch nicht aussuchen wann ich Menschen ohne alles sehe... Und zum Abschluss geht es das erste mal mit Sunny ins Staatsschauspiel Dresden. In die Dreigroschen... oh da ist wer krank? Dann gucken wir halt Piaf. Ich verstehe ein bisschen sehr warum wir aesthetically horny auf Jannik Hinsch sind. Und höre die nächsten Wochen viel Chanson von Edith Piaf. Nice Musik für im Hintergrund.
Hey, warte mal. Es ist Welttheatertag? Es spielt nochmal Was ihr wollt bei mir? Und es passt ins 6 Tage Schema der letzen Wochen? Na dann los, spontan ne Karte kaufen und ab dafür in Reihe Zwo. Zugabe! Verdammte Scheiße. Der Barkeeper begrüßt mich mit "Ein Glas Rose für dich?" Ich bin eindeutig zu oft in diesem Theater. Dinge für die mich Sunny latent hasst, So schnell vom Personal wiedererkannt zu werden. Hehe. Außerdem hab ich nach Bemerkung von ihr mein Notizbuch angefangen. Sehr gute Idee, bitte macht alle sowas.
Warum wollen wir nicht gleich so richtig eskalieren? Vier Tage später ist Ostersonntag und ich geh "nebenan" in unsere Oper. Oper? Es spielt Rent, in deutscher Version. Zum letzten mal. Verdammt. Mein erstes echtes Musical. Mir fehlen Übertitel. Mein erster Bühnentod. Ich will das Gender von dem Typ der Angel gespielt hat. Ahhhrrgh..
Wie wärs mit einer Theaterpause? Klingt gut, oder? Schont den Geldbeutel. FALSCH GEDACHT! Meine Freundesgruppe hatte technisch gesehen Karfreitag fünfjähriges. Lass mal Samstags alle ins Kapital schleppen und vorher das Essen in der Theaterbar ausprobieren. Ein Voller Erfolg! Ich erfahre plötzlich die Verlobte vom Kumpel, die ich seit Gründung kenne, geht auch gerne mal ins Theater, meine anderen beiden Freunde sind dem auch nicht, das passende Stück entsprechend, abgeneigt. Außerdem hab ich auf 12 Seiten das ganze Stück in Kurznotiz und komme mit größtem Dopaminschub aus dem Theater. Darüber erzählt meine Freundin also immer. Holy fucking shit.
Den Samstag danach später schleppe ich jene Verlobte mit mir ins Theater. Wir gucken Queens. Also Maria Stuart von Schiller. Im Aulastuhl Studio. Lange will ich auf den Stühlen nicht wirklich sitzen. Wir kommen beide mit der Meinung raus, die Ansammlung von Vibe, Footwhorship, Metalesbianism und Splatter hätte meinem Kumpel/ihrem Verlobten ABSOLUT NICHT gefallen. Wir beide fanden es aber wirklich gut. Muss ich nächste Saison nochmal gucken und vorher Schiller lesen. Reclam Buch liegt schon längst bereit.
Aber jetzt mach doch mal bitte eine Pause? Oder? Bitte mach doch zumindest Eine Woche Pause? pls.
NOPE. Freitag spielt drüben in Bochum The Scottish Play. Ich habe das Reclamheft dazu verschlungen. Jetzt will ich das auch als Theaterstück sehen. McBee zu dritt. Eher zu zweit. Das Stück lebt von der Stille und Babypuder auf Anzügen ist so sehr verdammt sexy! (Es ist bis August noch in der 3Sat Mediathek zu sehen. Macht schnell! Ich habs noch zweimal geguckt. Einmal bei der TV Ausstrahlung und kurz darauf mit Sunny)
Und das Wochenende danach? Naja, über Umwege hab ich erfahren Samstags spielt die Dreigroschenoper wieder in Dresden und mein ganzer Freundeskreis Ost ist dort. Wäre es nicht äußerst witzig wenn ich abends plötzlich vorm Theater chille? Okay, das könnte in einem Hertzinfarkt enden. Ich sag Sunny bescheid, das ich heimlich komme. Aber die anderen wissen davon nichts, Deal? Leute mit meiner Präsenz verwirren hat funktioniert. Platonisch horny auf Jannik Hinsch zu sein ebenfalls. Was ein hübscher Mensch. Lang lebe das 30ct Musical und fragwürdig blaue PfD Ballons!
Überraschenderweise bin ich vier Tage später am 1.5. wieder in einem Theater, eher Musicalsaal. Mein Nichtverlobter Kumpel ausm Westen wollte mit mir ein paar Tage Urlaub in Hamburg machen. Und nach König der Löwen, oder wie ich es nenne Furry Hamlet! gehen. Ich werde von ihm komplett dazu eingeladen, weil ich damit absolut nichts außer Popkulturelle Memes anfangen kann und so 90€ für die vorletzte Reihe unverschämt sind. Ich komme begeistert aus der zweiten Hälfte die einfach tatsächlich Hamlet ist und beschließe mich nochmal von Christian Friedel anschreien zu lassen. Mittlerweile wurde er ja mit einem Oscar ausgezeichet.
So, jetzt hab ich aber endlich mal 19 Tage Pause bis zum nächsten Theaterbesuch. Aber das im nächsten Post.
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everydayhybridity · 4 years ago
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The last couple of months seem to have been a renaissance for ‘older’ skateboarders. Having published research on this topic before and being a greying skater in his mid-forties, the topic is far from new to me. However some changes seem to be afoot that can be described as somewhat typical responses to our collective plight during 2020. On various social media platforms it seems I have encountered growing numbers of videos from older skaters either trying out for the first time because of the lockdown, or returning to skateboarding after a protracted gap sometimes trailing back to their teenage years.
This is all good news and older skaters have been around... well, for a long time.
When I first started investigating older skateboarders I was partly drawn to the fact that older skaters remained quite visible in the professional circuit. Take Tony Hawk and Steve Caballero as examples, but also consider AVE who was awarded SOTY  at the age of 35. Mark Gonzales at 52 still inspires and recently had a video part with the 2018 SOTY Tyshawn Jones. This was  aptly captured in their ages at the time which were used as the title to the video 20|50.  Gonzales has also just released a new book, remaining influential in a sport typically associated with youth. Influential beyond the niche world of core skateboarding, Tony Hawk re-released his iconic THPS video game which has no doubt inspired people to touch base with their long forgotten boards. Similarly the Tony Alva documentary released by Vans is another slice of nostalgia that is set to fan the flames of a certain demographic of older skater. Poignantly the Alva story is narrated by Jeff Grosso, the unofficial statesman of old school skate nostalgia and sadly one of skateboarding’s greatest losses this year.
In one of Grosso’s final videos he also touches upon another important part of the ‘older skateboarder’ revival, or most recent transformation. Interviewing LGBTQ skaters we see that over the last few years the inclusivity of skateboarding has expanded further. Many of the skateboarders who have come out and made space for LGBTQ skaters are some of the old guard. So it is not just that older guys are finding skateboarding, or re-visiting it. Now the older skater can be literally anyone, no longer typically the white male, but also people of colour, trans, disabled, you name it.
One enjoyable blog post from Josh Sutton involves a discussion with Esther Sayers. Josh started skateboarding in his early 50s and Esther started skateboarding in her late 40s. It is an enjoyable discussion and highlights how we don’t need the validation of professional skateboarders or the latest SOTY to prove that you can skate at any age. I remember being struck by what Esther said at the Pushing Boarders conference, where she noted that at a certain age women become somewhat invisible . By skateboarding we redefine the notions of age and challenge them. We start to claw back control and shape the narrative about our own abilities and competencies. Some fantastic research has been performed in this area of lifestyle sports. Belinda Wheaton has really provided some first class contributions on surfing and also my colleague Indigo Willing, herself a convert to skateboarding in her forties, has written about the Tired video and also the Bones Brigade documentary.
In my own research (which you can download here or email me for a copy), I spoke to a variety of skateboarders both male and female who skate into and beyond their forties. One of the elements that I came across repeatedly was the sense of community and meaning that older people get from skateboarding. What is remarkable about this, is the fact that as you get older, friends, community, and meaning seem to be harder to establish or hold on to. I think this helped me turn my research focus to skateboarding and religion. After a lifetime of skateboarding many of the people I interviewed had developed some kind of spiritual attachment to the activity. But then again these ideas were not absent in youth. Similarly my friend Sophie Friedel taps into this soothing potential of skateboarding and wellbeing and explores how skateboarding can be part of therapy for all ages.
The other really important thing about older skateboarders is their roles as receptacles of history. Indeed the explosion in skateboarding podcasts has been a great way to delve into the stories of pros and compile an oral history. I am no fan of mawkish nostalgia stealing the limelight from the current state of skateboarding, but I do think having a dialogue with the past is valuable. I recently read the doctoral thesis of Neftalie Williams in his exploration of race in skateboarding. One of the fascinating parts of his research is the history of skaters of colour (SOC). He does an important job of compiling a history that in an even handed way highlights that skateboarding has historically been far from the toxic and exclusive culture some have argued it to be. Through an exploration of the experiences of older SOC and a deep delve in skateboard media, Neftalie highlights that skateboarding in the USA has historically been more progressive about race than many others sports and elements of popular culture. 
The very best thing about being an older skater is that you don’t have to live in the past. You get to be there and participate in how skateboarding continues to evolve and continues to be a space for all.
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camerontrever · 3 years ago
The Best Multitool For Everyday Carry
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Everyone knows that carrying a knife is always a good idea, but what about multitools? When you're not sure where to go or what to do, having a multi-tool set at your disposal can come in handy. Not only is cordless multitool versatile and helpful, but they're also becoming increasingly fashionable. So, if you're looking for the best stainless steel multi-tool for everyday carry, read on to find out which one suits your needs!
Pocket Multi-Tool
A pocket multi-tool is a small, portable tool that can be used to fix various small household repairs. These tools can include wrenches, screwdrivers, and a variety of smaller tools. They are often small and lightweight, making them easy to carry around and use in a variety of situations. Some of the most popular pocket multi-tools include the Leatherman Wave, the Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate Pro, and the OXO Good Grips All-In-One Tool.
Universal Socket Wrench
A universal socket wrench is an essential tool for any workshop or garage. It is a versatile tool that can be used to remove bolts, nuts, and screws in a variety of sizes. It has a ratchet action that provides consistent torque, and the handle is ergonomically designed for maximum comfort. It is a great option for those who are looking for a versatile and efficient tool for their workshop. It is perfect for both professionals and DIYers, and it can be used for a variety of tasks. The ratchet action provides consistent torque, and the ergonomic design makes it comfortable to use.
Universal Joint Socket
A universal joint socket is a device that is used to replace a broken or worn-out knee joint. It is a type of replacement joint that is designed to be easier to use and more comfortable than a traditional joint replacement. A universal socket set is made from high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting.
Folding Multi-Tool
If you're looking for a versatile and convenient tool that can take on a variety of tasks, then a folding multi-tool may be the perfect choice for you. These tools are typically composed of a knife, saw, screwdriver placed with a key. They are perfect for those who want a single tool that can do it all and are also lightweight and easy to carry around.
Having a multipurpose tool that is both durable and efficient is essential for everyday carry. And that's exactly what you'll get when you buy a Dr. Friedel's Multitool. It features a variety of cheap multi-tool that is perfect for tasks like opening boxes, repairing electronics, and cutting through tough materials. Plus, the design is lightweight and compact, making it easy to take with you wherever you go. So if you're looking for the best Multi-tool set for Everyday Carry, make sure to check out Dr. Friedel's lineup!
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wsmith215 · 5 years ago
Josh Lambo: The NFL kicker who could have played in the Premier League | NFL News
“I’ve been on trials with Everton, Sheffield United, Sheffield Wednesday, I actually had a trial with Manchester United when I was 12 or 13”
By Richard Graves and Cameron Hogwood
Last Updated: 07/05/20 11:16am
Josh Lambo after being selected No 8 overall by FC Dallas in the MLS Super Draft on January 18, 2008
Dual-sporting backgrounds are scattered throughout NFL history.
Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson was drafted by the Colorado Rockies in Major League Baseball in 2010, while 2018 No 1 pick Kyler Murray was also a first-round pick for the Oakland Athletics two years ago.
Deion Sanders is famously the only person in history to play in a Super Bowl and a World Series and many feel nine-time Pro Bowl defensive end Julius Peppers could have played in the NBA.
Josh Lambo’s career began in ‘soccer’. The Jacksonville Jaguars kicker was selected out of the IMG Soccer Academy by FC Dallas in the first round of the 2008 MLS SuperDraft and played predominantly in the MLS Reserve Division before retiring from the game at the age of 21.
Then a goalkeeper, Lambo may well have wound up in England having had the chance to sign with Everton as a teenager.
“On my 16th birthday David Moyes actually offered me a contract with Everton but I didn’t have my dual-citizenship paperwork done yet with Greece so we were kind of working on it,” Lambo told Sky Sports News.
“The next year I went back for a trial and it didn’t work out so I ended up signing with the MLS. I’ve been on trials with Everton, Sheffield United, Sheffield Wednesday, I actually had a trial with Manchester United when I was 12 or 13.
“Tim Howard had just signed with Manchester United and there was Brad Friedel so there was a big American goalkeeper craze. These clubs heard there was a very very large American boy that has dual paperwork and a few of them got pretty excited.
“Unfortunately it didn’t work out but it’s hard for me to complain being where I am right now.”
Lambo’s debut outing for Dallas ended prematurely when he was forced off through injury, which saw him miss a large chunk of the 2008 season.
“Seven minutes into my first reserve game with FC Dallas I slid in to try and smother a through ball and the forward slid in as well and broke my jaw,” he added. “I think you need to have a few screws loose to be a goalie, I think it helps being a kicker as well.”
Prior to entering the MLS Lambo had featured for the United States men’s U17s at the 2007 U17 World Cup, during which he started in a 2-0 win against a Belgium team including Eden Hazard and Christian Benteke.
He was also an unused substitute at the 2009 U20 World Cup and spent time on loan at FC Tampa Bay, but eventually retired in 2012 after being released by Dallas and subsequently turning down opportunities in the North American Soccer League.
Though it proved a short-lived career, it is one that holds special memories for Lambo, namely the chance to trial with Manchester United.
He recalled: “There’s a young club coach in my hometown in Illinois, he had a buddy that was an Academy coach for United and so every summer he would come over and do like a ‘Manchester United’ camp.
“I performed well enough in one of the camps, I was going to be in Europe with my club anyway and he says ‘hey you’re going to be over in Belgium and Holland, why don’t you stop by Manchester on your way back home and have a trial?’. It was very cool.”
9:40 Check out Lambo’s punishing workout routine during the coronavirus crisis
Check out Lambo’s punishing workout routine during the coronavirus crisis
Upon retiring Lambo joined Texas A&M where he played as a placekicker before signing as an undrafted free agent with the San Diego Chargers in 2015.
Having been waived in September 2017, he was picked up by the Jaguars and his since asserted himself as starting kicker, earning a four-year, $15.5m extension in February 2019.
The Jags’ UK exploits have allowed Lambo to fulfill every footballer’s ambition of gracing Wembley Stadium’s hallow turf, though perhaps not in the way he had once envisioned.
“It’s not a typical stadium that Americans are used to playing in,” said Lambo. “For me personally playing at Wembley is a dream, being a proper footballer growing up.”
“I’ve played with youth 17, youth 20, US National team. My first full 90 representing my country was actually in Swindon against England and Theo Walcott in youth 16s back in maybe 2005.
“Me playing in England, I thought I was going to be playing at Wembley with gloves and shin pads instead of a helmet and shoulder pads but it’s amazing for me and for a lot of the other guys.
“It’s a cool, different atmosphere. Fans are pretty lively. It’s a different experience to everybody, for me it’s one of the best.”
Playing in the capital is an experience Lambo must wait to repeat after it was announced International Series games will be played in the US this year for safety purposes due to the coronavirus pandemic. Jacksonville had been due to play consecutive games at Wembley.
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The post Josh Lambo: The NFL kicker who could have played in the Premier League | NFL News appeared first on The Bleak Report.
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christianfelmar12 · 5 years ago
Christian Felmar P. Cahig                                                          12/17/2019
Grade 11 HUMSS-1
 Former pro basketball player Dwyane Wade starred for the Miami Heat for most of his 16 NBA seasons, earning 13 All-Star selections and winning three titles.
Born in 1982 in Chicago, Illinois, Dwyane Wade starred at Marquette University before joining the NBA's Miami Heat in 2003. Known as "D-Wade" or "Flash," he became one of pro basketball's elite guards, leading the Heat to championships in 2006, 2012 and 2013.
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Weekend, Dwyane Wade saunters into the Heat’s locker room in American Airlines Arena. It’s one of the final times he’ll do so as a player, and he’s as effervescent as he would be five days later, when, in the same arena, hair braided in tribute to Allen Iverson, he would drill an improbable game-winning 3 to defeat the defending champion Warriors.So many times you don’t make the shot,” Wade said to ESPN’s Nick Friedell that night. “And the one I make is a one-legged flick from my chest. It’s crazy.”After 16 seasons—which have included three titles, a Finals MVP and the birth of a trio that forever changed the league—Wade is in the homestretch of his victory lap. We asked the surefire Hall of Famer to reflect on his iconic career, his family life with author and actress Gabrielle Union-—and why it’s the little moments in the NBA that he’ll miss the most.
Dwyane Wade has been cool under pressure, taking game-winning shots throughout his 16-year career. He’s delivered on the NBA’s biggest stage, with three championships and a Finals MVP award. He’s performed in front of the world during the Olympics. But when he stood behind a black curtain alongside fellow NBA stars LeBron James, Chris Paul and Carmelo Anthony before their social call to action at the 2016 ESPYS, Wade had butterflies
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junker-town · 7 years ago
Trae Young is the 3-point scoring machine the Hawks need
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They better hope he lives up to his rep after they passed on Luka Doncic for him.
Some compare him to Stephen Curry. Others say he reminds them of Steve Nash. What’s clear is that Trae Young has wowed crowds left and right through his short college basketball career, and the only thing left for the electrifying guard out of Oklahoma is whether he can be equally as productive at the pro level.
The Atlanta Hawks are hoping the answer is yes after selecting him No. 5 overall in the 2018 NBA Draft after trading down from the No. 3 pick to select him. Atlanta passed on the chance to select Luka Doncic for Young and the Mavericks’ 2019 first-round pick. Will they be vindicated?
The knocks against Young are real. He’s only 6’2, 180 pounds. That frame is light and fragile enough to get roughed up against tougher, stronger NBA guards. He proved he’s willing to put the work in to get stronger, the proof coming in 10 pounds of muscle put on during the season. But several NBA scouts had their reservations about Young — those comparisons to a two-time MVP, his size, and how he’d hold up in an 82-game season.
As for his defense, well, Young intends to prove to the Hawks he can compete against pro guards.
“I don’t really think there’s necessarily a way to improve defensively by going one on zero,” Young said according to ESPN’s Nick Friedell. “I think just working on body, continuing to work on my speed, just showing from Day 1 that I am going to change the narrative. That’s my goal and my job, to change the narrative on that.”
That’s that. Now, for the fun stuff.
Young is as explosive a scorer as they come in this year’s draft. He led all of college basketball with 27.4 points per game. His play garnered attention and eventually praise from Curry, LeBron James, and Kevin Durant, among others. How could it not? He scored 48 points in an overtime loss to Oklahoma State. FORTY-EIGHT POINTS! And he carried an otherwise unknown Sooners basketball team to an NCAA tournament appearance and subsequent first-round loss to Buffalo.
Young also led college basketball with 8.8 assists per game. His 22 dimes against Northwestern State tied a record set by Sherman Douglas, Tony Fairley, and Avery Johnson back in the late 1980s.
Young has talent. But will it shine through in a guard-heavy NBA?
That’s the question the Hawks face with this selection at pick No. 5 in this year’s NBA Draft. Except for Luka Doncic — the player they passed on taking at No. 3 — the best players in this class are big men and wings. Young is the outlier: a player who started the year as high as a top-four pick on many mock drafts before tapering off toward the end of the season.
But will he stand the test of time and ultimately join the ranks of a Stephen Curry, or of a Steve Nash? Just like every other prospect, we’ll have to wait and see. But if he’s scoring at will as he did at Oklahoma, it’ll be fun to watch either way.
More SB Nation coverage of Trae Young:
Trae Young is becoming college basketball’s next Steph Curry
By Ricky O’Donnell, Nov. 28, 2017
How does a freshman generously listed at 6’2, 180 pounds, who probably can’t dunk, turn into the most productive point guard in college basketball immediately? This is how the Sooners’ new star is doing it.
How Trae Young is becoming the biggest thing in college basketball
By Mike Rutherford, Jan. 3, 2018
The easiest response to the hoard of Steph Curry comparisons that are now floating around everywhere is to say that they’re lazy and unfair. But isn’t this the case with virtually every amateur to pro comparison? The whole point of the exercise is to frame a player’s skill set in a way that isn’t wholly accurate but easier to digest for the average sports mind. Young isn’t Curry, but watch any segment of any Oklahoma game and you see why the parallel continues to be drawn.
The Big Trae Young Draft Profile
By Seth Oliveras, Crimson and Cream Machine
Trae Young has gone on record in saying how he’s modeled his game after NBA greats like Steve Nash and Steph Curry. He’s only 19 years old, but after watching every game of his college career as an Oklahoma Sooner, it’s apparent to me that he’s put in the work to study up on Nash and Curry’s respective styles. In turn, Young has adapted many of their qualities into his game and developed them into his strengths.
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thegldobeandmail · 5 years ago
The Definitive Guide to Justin Crabbe
Justin is often a passionate and highly skilled aeroplane pilot and advocates for keeping Jettly’s entrepreneurial culture and values in the pilot Group around the world. Justin commenced his Management vocation with McDonald’s Canada and at just 16 yrs of age was promoted to retail store supervisor to become the youngest supervisor for McDonald’s spots in Canada at that time. “We’ll cross that bridge whenever we get to it,” Vogel explained. “As the priority grows it appears to be like An increasing number of like it would be described as a likelihood.” fifteen. Crabbe also would need to approve of any trade for 1 year because the Trail Blazers matched the Nets’ give sheet for him this past summer time. electronic mail Ric Bucher: A single NBA player suggests they’ve been informed “95 % likelihood” they’re participating in in enthusiast-fewer arenas by Thursday. I would have felt some type of way. I'd Consider it’s [expletive] as many as play A technique the whole calendar year and after that be like ‘You understand what? Increase. This really is how we’re heading to get it done.’ and I accustomed to tell Brett, ‘Brett, I believe we should always blend in me handling the ball a bit’. ‘Nah, we Participate in A to B, we try this’…I don’t feel that was the most effective way of performing it in my opinion.” How A lot of people we are available connection with every day is I do think almost certainly greater than 99 per cent of your country or the whole world. I’m positive all of us from a human standpoint are just Given that and continuing to do the correct matter in terms of Your system, hygiene and cleanliness is concerned.”
Witnesses likened the impact on the truck hitting the motel to that of the bomb exploding. The truck experienced penetrated the making towards the length of 1 trailer. The truck remained set up Justin Crabbe after influence, and was The one thing Keeping up the constructing's roof.
Need to know the way to journey in type, just like the pros? We sign in with Regular fliers to find out how frequently they fly, their most loved Locations and what… email Tommy Beer: We could see record tonight. Duncan Robinson has created at the least 7 3-pointers in 3 consecutive online games, getting just the sixth participant in Justin Crabbe NBA record to accomplish the feat. No player has at any time strike seven treys in four consecutive contests.electronic mail Wes Goldberg: Kerr on coronavirus: “We've been listed here and we are taking part in and We're going to just proceed to accomplish Regardless of the league and staff decides to carry out.” City officers have been important with the Warriors continuing to hold events.The witness testified that following the truck crashed to the bar he observed the man who were involved in the scuffle go away the truck's cabin and exit "very quickly" toward the rear of your truck through the gaping gap the truck still left in the aspect with the setting up. The witness had been knocked down with the truck.[nine][10]e mail Nick Friedell: Kawhi, on likelihood of actively playing within an arena without supporters: “It will likely be pretty unique if it does come to that.At an October 1983 courtroom Listening to a law enforcement online video taken on eighteen August 1983 was shown to the courtroom. It showed the bodies of the four people killed immediately - two Gentlemen and two Gals - from the makeshift mortuary setup at the back of the motel. Additionally, it showed the damage to the bar region in the motel, with clothing and boots embedded in the bottom underneath the truck and in the vicinity of its bloodstained bull bar, from which the officer who took the online video reported a lot of the useless had been pulled.Conley doesn’t disguise from questions about his complications. He’ll just tell you he doesn’t have all of the answers. Sitting at his locker in Boston last week, Conley admitted the early adjustments were rough. He played twelve seasons in Memphis. He performed mostly one style. Like Everybody else, he heard how he was imagined to be the player to push Utah further more into the postseason. Like Absolutely everyone else, he thought it.
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viraljournalist · 5 years ago
Kawhi Leonard on jersey retirement -- 'It's a dream come true'
New Post has been published on https://viraljournalist.com/kawhi-leonard-on-jersey-retirement-its-a-dream-come-true/
Kawhi Leonard on jersey retirement -- 'It's a dream come true'
SAN DIEGO — Steve Fisher put his arm around Kawhi Leonard’s shoulder and asked him to look around at a packed Viejas Arena, where 12,414 fans were standing.
“This is your legacy my friend,” the former San Diego State coach told his most prized Aztecs recruit.
Returning to the place where he won two conference titles, reached a Sweet 16, worked his way into becoming an NBA lottery pick and even learned how to surf, Leonard watched his No. 15 become the first jersey in program history to be retired by San Diego State on Saturday night.
Typically a man of few words, Leonard let the fans know about the hopes and dreams he carried with him to campus as a lightly recruited prospect from Moreno Valley, California.
“It’s a dream come true,” Leonard said at halftime before the fourth-ranked Aztecs put away Utah State in an 80-68 win. “Just coming here, I wanted to make a name for myself. I wanted to put San Diego State on the map.
“I want to thank the coaching staff, Coach Fisher for recruiting me — recruiting me hard — just wanting me to come to the school.”
It was an unforgettable day for Leonard. In fact, Feb. 1, 2020, was declared “Kawhi Leonard Day” by the San Diego City Council.
Kawhi Leonard’s family, along with members of the LA Clippers organization, were at his jersey retirement ceremony on Saturday. Kent Horner/Getty Images
Earlier in the afternoon, Leonard scored 31 points to lead the LA Clippers to a 118-106 victory over the Minnesota Timberwolves at Staples Center in Los Angeles. And at night, he was serenaded with “MVP” chants by an adoring Viejas Arena crowd while watching a banner with his jersey on it unveiled up high.
Surrounded by his family and friends, Leonard was also joined by members of the Clippers organization. Owner Steve Ballmer, president of basketball operations Lawrence Frank, coach Doc Rivers and several of Leonard’s teammates were among those who came to support the NBA’s reigning Finals MVP.
Paul George, Montrezl Harrell and Lou Williams were among the many Clippers who flew in on a flight chartered by Ballmer. Leonard arranged for his own plane to fly in a number of friends and relatives for his big night.
After the Clippers’ win, Leonard was asked if he had considered flying to his college by helicopter since he has used that mode of transportation to commute from Los Angeles to his home in San Diego. Earlier this week after Kobe Bryant and eight others were killed in a helicopter crash just outside of Los Angeles, Leonard said his close friend Bryant had recommended utilizing a helicopter, and they shared the same pilot, Ara Zobayan, who died in the accident.
Though the tragedy hit Leonard hard, he said he had planned in advance to come down for this day by plane because he had family and friends making the trip with him.
“It’s more people coming with me down here,” Leonard said earlier Saturday about using a plane. “[Using a helicopter as transportation is] just so famous because it’s Kobe Bryant.”
Leonard, who also owns a residence in downtown Los Angeles, said earlier in the week that Zobayan was a “great guy” and “one of the best pilots” that passengers want to transport them from city to city.
“Like I said before, I really don’t know the truth around [the tragic crash],” Leonard said after the Clippers’ game. “But what’s out there is, with a lot of fog, a lot of my helicopter flights got canceled because of fog. So if it’s a clear day then, maybe yeah, I would take it. Just not at this particular point just because I have people with me.”
Leonard, 28, was surrounded by those who know him best at San Diego State. And some former teammates who couldn’t make it recorded video messages that were played during breaks in the first half.
San Diego State head coach Brian Dutcher — who was an assistant when Leonard played at the school for two seasons from 2009 through 2011 — called Leonard quite possibly the greatest Aztec. It seemed appropriate that Leonard’s message to Dutcher on Saturday was to “just win” the game.
The Aztecs went a combined 59-12 and reached the NCAA tournament in each of Leonard’s two seasons. He earned second-team All-America honors his sophomore season and is one of just three Aztecs to average a double-double (14.1 points and 10.2 rebounds) for his career.
“When you think of Kawhi Leonard, one word jumps out at you — winner,” Fisher said. “A lot of people talk a good game. Kawhi doesn’t talk a good game. He plays a good game.”
Leonard said San Diego State was a major step in his career. He reached his goal of developing himself from a high school prospect who wasn’t recruited by elite college programs into the 15th overall pick in the 2011 draft. And he was exposed to a life in San Diego that he did not have in Moreno Valley.
Leonard loved San Diego so much, he bought a home there. Dutcher called him “the gem of our city.”
“Beside basketball, just the overall life,” Leonard said of his time at San Diego State. “Being able to wear shorts, T-shirts throughout the whole year. Just hanging out with some teammates off the floor. Going to our first college parties or my first time driving to the beaches and learning how to surf, just things like that.”
“Just a great honor, just another step in my career and, you know, just shows that hard work paid off,” Leonard added. “I was able to reach that goal while I was there to be able to become a pro.”
ESPN’s Nick Friedell contributed to this report.
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buddyrabrahams · 6 years ago
Draymond Green explains why he’s ‘excited’ to not be an All-Star
Draymond Green is one of a handful of players that can make a strong case they were overlooked for the All-Star Game this year, but the Golden State Warriors star insists he is pleased that happened.
When asked on Tuesday about having to miss the All-Star Game for the first time in four seasons, Green said he is “excited” he was not chosen.
Draymond on missing ASG: "I'd actually rather be on vacation. I am excited. I'm going on vacation with my family. And I haven't looked forward to a particular time period in my life so much than I have this week coming up so yeah, I am excited about going on vacation."
— Nick Friedell (@NickFriedell) February 13, 2019
Green probably would have been happy to be selected to a fourth consecutive All-Star roster, but he now gets a nice break from basketball. We’ve seen players skip the Pro Bowl in the NFL because they prefer to spend more time with their families, and Green obviously wants to take advantage of his snub.
Of course, not every All-Star Game snub feels that way. We already saw one player break into tears because he was so upset he didn’t make it, so Green obviously views things a lot differently from some of his peers.
from Larry Brown Sports http://bit.ly/2I6kGFQ
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footballnewspapers · 6 years ago
Brad Friedel gives back to Atlanta kids; talks MLS Cup, Revs
Brad Friedel gives back to Atlanta kids; talks MLS Cup, Revs
New England Revolution head coach Brad Friedel gives equipment to a student at Young Middle in Atlanta on Dec. 7, 2018. (Mitchell Northam / Pro Soccer USA)
ATLANTA — Brad Friedel has had a long and decorated career in soccer.
The Lakewood, Ohio, native played in three World Cups and two Olympics, manning the goal for the U.S. men’s national…
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years ago
Stejskal: Juan Agudelo weighing up offers from Liga MX, Spain, Turkey
USA Today Sports
November 1, 20183:29PM EDT
Out-of-contract attacker Juan Agudelo is weighing a hard offer from a Liga MX club and drawing interest from teams in Spain and Turkey, a source told MLSsoccer.com on Thursday.
Agudelo is coming off a relatively quiet season with the New England Revolution. Under first-year head coach Brad Friedel, the soon-to-be 26-year-old recorded just 3 goals and 4 assists in 30 league appearances (13 starts).
The source said the interest in Spain has mostly been from clubs towards the top of the country’s second-division, though one or two lower-end La Liga clubs have inquired about Agudelo. The source said that the Turkish interest is exclusively from top-flight teams.
Though he’s out of contract, Agudelo does not qualify for MLS free agency because he’s not yet hit the minimum age requirement of 28. The Revs are the only MLS club that can currently negotiate with him. If New England make him a bona fide offer and he declines and leaves MLS, the Revs will retain his MLS rights. If New England don’t wish to re-sign him at or above his 2018 salary, listed as $ 602,500 by the MLS Players Association, he will be eligible for the MLS Re-Entry process.
Agudelo turned pro in 2010 when he signed a Homegrown contract with the New York Red Bulls. He has 43 goals and 20 assists in 187 career MLS appearances and 32 goals and 14 assists in 128 matches across parts of five seasons with the Revs.
He has three goals in 28 career appearances with the US national team, with his last international appearance coming in the Americans’ scoreless draw against Bosnia-Herzegovina in January.
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MLSsoccer.com News
Stejskal: Juan Agudelo weighing up offers from Liga MX, Spain, Turkey was originally published on 365 Football
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