#French toast is better than Waffles which are better than pancakes
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 1 year ago
Jaune, Standing alone in a room: There is something I have to say.
Jaune: ... Waffles are better than pan-
Nora, breaking a wall down: YOU GOT SOME SHIT TO SAY, JAUNEY
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dapperrokyuu · 7 months ago
"The aim of this game is to answer and then tag some mutuals you wanna know better or catch up with." Thank you for tagging me, @torterrachampion! I always appreciate it…!
Favourite colour: Blue! Particularly something along the lines of navy or midnight blue. Reminds me of the night sky and stars, even if the night sky isnt blue at all, lololol- Its a pretty, whimsical, and elegant color!
Last song played: As of writing, I listened to Eureka by natori! Recently made a playlist for the artist’s work, its once of my favorite songs of theirs. Im almost tempted to try making translyrics for it, maybe someday!!! Warning for imagery of implied suicide if you search for it tho, ljfbladkjnlajdkfn-
Currently reading: I have a ton of manga I actively keep up with, so a shorter answer would be what Ive recently started/returned to reading…to which, I have nothing, lol. Recently, Ive finished Houseki no Kuni, which I really enjoyed and want to talk about sometime…! Otherwise, I have an off and on read of Windbreaker and am working on what to read next. If a list of manga I actively keep up with is wanted, I could do it, but itd be a bit much. And I always love recs, manga, book-wise, and media in general!
Currently craving: At the time of this writing, oddly…bread pudding? Before trying it, I thought the concept was gross. But its like…more creamy, luscious french toast? Which is my favorite out of it, waffles, and pancakes, lol. It can be refreshing and melts in your mouth! What can I say, I love bread- At the time of me queue-ing, my craving is tiramisu, someone tell me where to get it, fdlknbadklna-
Coffee or tea: Definitely coffee! Particularly iced. I just have experienced more coffee than tea and would like to try more of the latter! It just seems like a whole different world, lol… I always think that, like wine tasting, there should be other tasting events, a missed opportunity, smh.
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theartoflovingthomashunt · 2 years ago
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The Bogart Diaries #37: A Special Day
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer] [The Bogart Diaries]
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Alex (F!OC) Book: Red Carpet Diaries Word Count: ~1,300 Rating/Warning: General (no warnings) Prompt: @choiceschallenge-may2023 pets, love ; @choicesholidays National Pet Parent Day (it's a holiday, right?),
Summary: Thomas has a surprise for Alex and Bogart on this very special day.
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Peeking through her one barely open eye, Alex glanced at the time. "I thought we discussed waking up early," she mumbled, trying to hide in her pillow.
His fingers stroked gingerly through her soft hair. "It's a special day."
Her eyes flashed open in fear she had forgotten something. She grabbed her phone, checking her calendar immediately. Her panic subsided, a frown taking its place. "Did you just say that because you wanted me awake?"
"I know better than to do that." The corner of his lip tugged up. "It appears as though I am aware of a holiday which you are not."
A flicker of curiosity sparked within her, and soon her interest was fully piqued. "What is it?" 
"All in good time, my love." 
Her fingers glided across the glassy face of her phone as she searched for special days for the date.
"No cheating." Thomas slipped her phone from her grasp, placing a kiss on her forehead before pulling away.
"No fair," she pouted playfully. "Can I have a hint?" Alex batted her lashes, her eyes widening in a plea. 
His lips pressed together in a Cheshire grin. He turned away, leaving her to wonder.
"May I suggest you begin by getting dressed?"
"How will I know what to wear if you don't tell me what we're doing or where we are going?"
"Wear something comfortable and bring a sweater," he advised without another word. 
"Is it national wake-up early day?"
"...national watch the sunrise day... though I guess the sun is up, so maybe not."
He couldn't help but smile at her determination.
"...what about enjoy the day... day?
The questions started as she reluctantly left the comfort of her warm cacoon.
"Is it national breakfast food day? Let me guess, make your own omelet day. She offered confidently, knowing perfectly well it wasn't national waffle, pancake, or french toast day. Those were March 25, February 28, and November 28, respectively. 
"Is it national go for a morning walk?" She questioned as Thomas put on Bogart's collar. "Ooh! National walk your dog day!"
"Not quite." He opened the door, ushering Bogart and Alex out. 
Bogart pranced circles around Thomas, his tail wagging happily. The sound of the magic "R" word left him vibrating in excitement.
"Take your dog for a ride day!"
"No, my love."
Alex paid little attention to the scenic view they passed by as they drove. Her string of questions grew, but the answer never changed. 
Thomas smiled as his wife rambled away, naming holiday after holiday, or at least what he assumed were all holidays. Since meeting Alex, he learned not to ask. There was apparently a holiday for everything, including make your own holiday day and national nothing day, where you can observe no holidays. However, despite how close she came, she never asked the right question. 
"We're here," he announced, pulling down a long sandy road to a private beach.
"It has to be take your dog to the beach day." Her chipper tone grew fatigued. 
"Patience, my love," he encouraged.
As Alex let Bogart out, Thomas retrieved a bag, blanket, and a basket he had previously tucked in the Jeep when Alex wasn't looking.
Her mouth opened with another guess but closed when Bogart barked, calling for her attention. "You want to play?"
The black lab barked again in reply. His front end fell to the ground, his tail waving in the air.
Alex grabbed a ball from his toy bag and threw it. Bogart bounded forward, chasing the neon green sphere across the sandy shore.
Thomas listened to the peaceful hum of the ocean as he watched the pair play, sand kicking up in their wake.
Thomas had prepared a picnic breakfast for them, complete with coffee, fruit, and pastries, as well as, home-made dog biscuits. When he had set up the blanket and laid everything out, he called them over. 
"What's all this?" Alex marveled, her gaze immediately falling on the coffee. "You know just the way to my heart." She teased as he poured her a cup. She nestled in beside him on the blanket, savoring the warm beverage in her hands. "This is beautiful. Whatever the occasion is, thank you." 
"No more questions?"
"No more questions," she repeated, stroking Bogart with one hand as she sipped her coffee with the other. She gazed over the soft waves of the placid ocean surface, capped with glistening diamonds from the sun's rays. "I'm just going to enjoy the day, whatever it is."
"Then, I suppose you won't be wanting this?" Thomas pulled out a small wrapped box, holding it out to her.
"Well, I mean, if you already went through all this trouble, it would be rude to not accept this lovely gift." Her eyes widened as she unwrapped the box, opening it up to reveal a beautiful, custom bracelet with Bogart's pawprint printed on it with his name engraved above it. 
Tears glistened in her eyes as Thomas lifted the bracelet from the box. "May I?"
She nodded as he latched the bracelet on her wrist. "I love it!" Her thumb ran softly over the charm. "I love you, both of you." She leaned in, kissing Thomas softly, and then turned to Bogart, pressing a kiss on the top of his head. "It's perfect."
"I'm glad you like it." Thomas reached into the bag, revealing one more small box. "I couldn't decide which to get, so I got both."
Her brow arched curiously as she unwrapped the second box. Her gaze fell upon the delicate heart necklace beside a circular charm with a heart the same size cut out. 
"Happy Pet Parent Day," Thomas offered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Bogart couldn't have a more amazing and inspiring mother than you. "The necklace is for you. The charm is for Bogart's collar. Now the two of you will always be connected no matter where you are."
Alex sniffled back her tears at the beautiful sentiment. "I love it. I love both gifts. Thank you." She threw her arms around her husband. 
Bogart danced around them, kissing their faces, not sure what they were celebrating, but he was happy to be a part of it. 
"At least you're finally admitting Bogart is our child," Alex teased as she pulled back, admiring her gifts once more. 
"I have come to accept that you believe it, and there is not a journey in this life I would not want to be by your side through, so if that means accepting my 'furbaby' as you say, then it is something I will do happily." 
"I'll take it!" She cheered in victory. "Did you hear that, Bogart? Daddy loves you! Yes, he does! You are so, so loved, my sweet boy." 
Thomas cleared his throat as Alex gushed over their black lab. "I have one more gift." 
Alex and Bogart turned their attention back to him. 
"This one is for Bogart." He pulled a bright, squeaky beach ball from the bag. "I thought he might like it."
Bogart sat at attention, watching his hooman dad hold a new shiny toy. 
"I think he loves it already," Alex giggled. "Throw it!"
Thomas had barely released the toy when Bogart went charging after it. 
"Have I mentioned how much I adore you?" Alex asked as she hugged him. 
"You may have," Thomas smiled, pulling her in. He rested his head atop hers as the pair watched Bogart prance around, squeaking his new ball with glee. "I love you, too." 
"Thank you for all of this—" She pinched a piece of croissant, savoring the buttery flavor. "It's absolutely perfect." 
"Happy National Pet Parent Day, Alex."
"Happy National Pet Parent Day to you, too! Bogart and I are lucky to have you."
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Thank you so so much for reading this silly little story. I have no idea how it got so long. 🙈 I hope you enjoy it. Likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated. I can't thank you enough for the support.
PS--- this was supposed to be posted on Sunday, but the week got away from me and here we are a week later! Just pretend I submitted it on time!
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storyofmychoices · 2 years ago
Does your MC like to cook? What's their favorite and least favorite thing about it?
Hi Nonny! Thank you for the ask! I'm not sure which MC you meant so I will answer for all of them! 🙂 (or at least the main ones)
Olivia loves food and so she loves to cook. This is very helpful to Bryce who has always been a little cooking challenged. However, through some very hands-on lessons, Bryce is getting better. (Although more practice will be required.)
Olivia enjoys cooking comfort foods and dessert. Her least favorite food to cook would probably be anything with fish. She is not a big seafood fan (despite Bryce's best efforts).
Olivia enjoys the whole cooking process, including clean up. She finds doing the dishes to be relaxing (and sometimes fun with the right help). Her least favorite part of the process is probably burning food (however, she is adamant that it is never her fault and it is because someone *cough* Bryce *cough* distracts her.)
[Bryce Lahela & Olivia Hadley Masterlist]
Ellie enjoys cooking but it's not her favorite thing to do. She much rather watch Ethan cook, especially his delicious and legendary chicken. She is however a very hands on assistant. She helps make sure her chef is not too stressed.
Her favorite thing about cooking is spending time with Ethan. He is definitely more relaxed in the kitchen and she loves seeing him have fun. Her least favorite thing about cooking is cleaning up.
[Ethan Ramsey & Ellie Shepherd Masterlist]
Daenarya doesn't love or hate cooking. She never really thought about it as something she enjoys or doesn't. It is something she must do. She does enjoy when Mal offers to cook and let her clean up. When they open the orphanage , she finds that she enjoys cooking more because it gives her and the boys and opportunity to bond as she teaches what she knows.
Her least favorite part of cooking is having to do all aspects of it herself (shopping, cooking, serving, cleaning), because Mal is being lazy or trying to avoid work.
[Mal Volari & Daenarya + The Orphanage Series]
Like Olivia, Alex enjoys food so she enjoys cooking. She particularly enjoys breakfast treats (pancakes, waffles, french toast). She will make Breakfast for Dinner at times. The twins love it. Thomas however always grumps about it, but he always enjoys it.
Her favorite part of cooking is serving it and enjoying a good meal with her family. She insists on family dinners as often as possible for their busy and sometimes separate lives. However, if they are all in the same area, she insists they share a meal daily. There is no eating when/where you want. She wants that family meal because she knows time moves too fast and every minute with her family is a precious gift.
Her least favorite part of cooking is definitely cleaning up. She does not like when her hands get prune-y or if a dirty dish splashes water on her. Thankfully, Thomas is happy to help with clean up.
[Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlist]
Laura loves cooking more now than before. Being a single parent and one without a stable job/income, she wasn't a huge fan of cooking. She made simple meals that included ingredients that didn't cost a lot. For her cooking was a necessity and she didn't spend anything on extras or making it fancy or fun.
Now that she has a more stable job, and she has a coparent to help (Levi) she enjoys cooking a little more. She loves being able to try new things, especially recipes that Levi introduces them to from his heritage. As their lives become more comfortable, Laura definitely can spend more time enjoying cooking and the experience rather than worrying about how much money and time she is spending on it.
[Levi Schuler & Laura Day]
Thanks again for the ask, Nonny! I hope this answers your question 💖
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ofduskanddreams · 2 years ago
Rank the most popular breakfast foods. The more scathing the better.
You know, when I reblogged the post I was anticipating getting fandom related requests but I’m more than happy to do this lol.
I don’t think there’s necessarily an authority on which breakfast foods are most popular but I’ll try and cover the basics of what I would eat (I’m American for context.)
Ranking breakfast foods from most underrated to most overrated:
1. [MOST UNDERRATED] Fruit. Just treat yourself to a nice large bowl of watermelon. Start the day off fresh.
2. McDonalds Hash-browns. Yes that’s what I said. Listen—those hash-brown patties are a balm to my soul and I need them to bring all day breakfast back.
3. Yogurt. Can be served with or with fruit, with or without granola etc. Greek yogurt is my favorite, I buy it plain and mix honey and granola in. It’s easy as fuck and nutritious and filling.
4. [MID] Eggs. I’ve been going through an eggs-give-me-the-ick phase but I’m ready for it to be over. I hate hard boiled eggs but anything else 👀 Eggs are so versatile. Veggie and cheese omelettes are my favorite way to consume them. Sadly couldn’t rank them higher because they are appropriately hyped.
5. [ENTERING OVERRATED TERRITORY] Cereal and Milk. Look, it’s fine but that’s all. Maybe it’s because I was lactose intolerant growing up but I never understood the hype surrounding cereal and milk. The only cereal I deign to eat with milk is Honey Nut Cheerios, I prefer my Cinnamon Toast Crunch dry.
6. Avocado Toast. I hate to do this because it’s one of my favorite breakfasts. (I just smash avocado onto toast, sprinkle with everything bagel seasoning and add a fried egg) But yeah avocado toast is overrated and idk how they can manage to charge so much for it at restaurants.
7. [MOST OVERRATED] Pancakes/Waffles/French Toast. If you put maple syrup on it, it goes in this category. This doesn’t go to say that I do not enjoy any of these. I just don’t understand the obsession with having a sugar crash two hours after eating. Breakfast is supposed to be able giving your body energy for the day, not feeling more tired.
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dangerouslyallaboutdraco · 4 years ago
50 Things Draco Lucius Malfoy would do as a boyfriend
A/n: A headcanon list of 50 things I think Draco would do. Mostly personal opinion with a little bit of canon. Mostly fluff with a little smut and a dash of angst. Also, I promise there's 50, it just starts at 1 again after 8
Sends owls to your family to let them know how you are and how he is
Sends more letters during OWLs to let them know he was making sure you were eating and sleeping
Drags you outside if it's raining so you can run around together even when it's torrential
Big spoon, until he's having a bad day and then he's the little spoon
Occasionally writes poetry about you when you're at the manor, reading by the window that looks out at the garden in silence.
Buys a muggle camera to take photos that he gets developed of you
Practices saying your first name with 'Malfoy' instead of your last name
Hold pinkies with you more than hands because 'I pinky promise to love you forever'
If you're not holding pinkies then he'll keep his hand on your thigh
Buys you gifts just because he can, things like flavours that remind him of you like flowers, chocolates or anything with your favourite colour
LOVE LANGUAGE IS WORDS OF AFFIRMATION because he didn't get enough as a child. I will die on this hill
Tells you stories about what he wanted his future to be like when it's late and you can't sleep
Researches what muggle couples do and takes you to do the same thing even though muggles really make things so much harder for themselves
Randomly asks you what you think of different baby names
Shows you the stars/constellations of said baby names
Slow dances with you in the halls when you're meant to be on prefect duty
When you're both first years, kisses you in front of the first-year boys who all have innocent crushes on you
Keeps one of your favourite hair tie on his wrist in case you need one
Talk about what traits he wants your future kids to inherit from you 'I think all of you, there's not one thing I don't love.' 'Genetically they can't be 100% me'
GIGGLES when he's drunk on fire whiskey, like a 6-year-old girl. And it's the only time he slurs his words
Insists that you don't make he isn't whipped to his friends for a while before he won't defend it and finally admits it 'How could I not be?'
Brings dinner from the great hall to your room if you're doing homework
Admires the bruises and hickeys he's left on you the morning after a rough night
Actually pokes his tongue out at you and makes other faces
Adores going to any of your family dinners because 'they're so much more fun than Malfoy family dinners'
Let's you paint his nails and paints yours, probably better than you do
Will draw pictures on your books and they're actually very good
Pretends to not understand some things so you can teach him
Always tells you he misses you when you leave him for even a few seconds
Asks your opinion on his outfit, holding up different ties to see which you prefer
Hates getting up in the morning and begs you to stay in bed with him, especially if it's winter and cold outside
If he's had a bad day he'll bury his head in your lap and cry so you can pat his hand, then falls asleep like that
Pouts if you won't immediately hug him
Begs you not to cover the hickeys he's left on your neck
When you do he puts more on your boobs, stomach, inner thighs so you don't have to hide them.
MAJOR praise kink
Lets you wear his rings, even gifts you a few of your favourites.
Smiles when you smile even if you're across the room from him, he can't himself
Insists on switching pillows every night so he can fall asleep to the smell of your shampoo
Always grins before he pulls away from a kiss
Cries by himself in the bathroom whenever you fight
Drinks out of your cup, glass or bottle without a second thought because you always share things like that
Was definitely thinking about how he was going to propose since the day you said yes to a date with him
Whispers in your ear to get you hot, a lot. Even resorting to kisses or gentle biting if you won't moan for him
Buys you lipgloss with a flavour he like so he can kiss it off you
Definitely, gets you matching bracelets
Runs his finger over his nose when you can't sleep
After the war, when he has nightmares, he'll wrap his legs around you like a koala
When you're older and living together it's a tradition that you and your kids have french toast, pancakes or waffles every Sunday morning
Whenever you go out to a dinner or evening event he makes sure you're wearing matching or complementary outfits.
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angelicamerlinbarnes · 4 years ago
Scooby Doo stuff because I'm sad and they make me feel better
a.k.a. random headcanons I have about the Scooby Gang
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All four of them are in a committed polyamorous relationship
Shaggy is asexual panromantic, Velma is pansexual, Daphne is bisexual, Fred is bisexual, and Scooby is a dog
Shaggy and Daphne like to rock out to punk music together and give each other makeovers
Shaggy is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns OR he’s trans and uses he/him
Fred likes to wear dresses but he’s insecure about it so Daphne and Shaggy take him shopping
Velma will fall asleep in a pile of her textbooks and the other three either cuddle up with her or dig her out and carry her to bed
They all share a one-bedroom apartment which greatly confuses their neighbors who have never heard of polyamory before
Shaggy likes to wear floral dresses and flowercrowns and when he does your job is to tell him he looks pretty
Shaggy also likes lollipops better than any other candy though obviously he also likes all other candy cause that man would eat straight metal let’s be honest
Daphne likes to wear suits and tuxedos and top hats to fancy events and Velma will do her hair for her and Daphne will tell stories while Velma paints her nails and smiles
It’s really easy to make Fred cry so whenever someone insults him in public or makes a homophobic comment Shaggy and Daphne and Velma go crazy on their ass
Velma isn’t crazy about make-up but she still lets Daphne try out new looks on her
When they let Scooby sleep on the bed with them he lies down on their feet and when they wake up they can’t walk for at least a solid hour (extra cuddle time? or a huge inconvenience? you decide)
Daphne and Fred are cat people so whenever they get sad about wanting a cat they go on a date to the nearest Petco and spend some time with some furry feline friends
Velma volunteers at the zoo and once Shaggy came to visit her and got stuck in the gorilla cage somehow, he is now best friends with one of them named Priscilla
Shaggy is autistic and Scooby is his service dog and when he stims in public Fred and Daphne and Velma take extra care to make sure no one stares and that he feels safe and loved and okay
Shaggy doesn’t like sports but he’ll watch them with Fred and Daphne because they both do
Velma sometimes breaks down over really hard tests or problems and Shaggy and Fred will cuddle her until she feels all better while Daphne runs down to the corner store for a few pints of Velma’s favorite ice cream which is brownie fudge peanut butter obviously
When they’re on their constant trips around the world they all sleep on a mattress in the back of the Mystery Machine together
Fred has social anxiety and struggles to make conversation with the new people they meet, he often has nervous breakdowns and panic attacks in the bathroom of wherever they are and Daphne or Shaggy has to go in and calm him down
Daphne doesn’t actually give a shit about gender and doesn’t mind being perceived as a girl but sometimes is referred to by her partners by he/him pronouns or as their boyfriend, Fred and Shaggy in particular love introducing ultra-feminine Daphne as their boyfriend to strangers (Velma enjoys it too, but is shyer when it comes to actually carrying through with it)
Similarly Velma sometimes gets uncomfortable about her femininity (or rather lack thereof) and the gang either refers to her by they/them pronouns or is extra aggressive in calling her “our girl” and “baby girl” and other girl-related nicknames to make her feel better
Fred, Daphne, and Velma have learned over the years that if you call Shaggy “baby boy” it is 100% effective at immediately turning him into a simpering puddle
Shaggy is Wiccan and likes to check out giant books of old folklore and fairytales to pore over at three a.m. under the covers with a flashlight
Daphne is an atheist and gets in fights with racist old men about it
Velma is a Buddhist and meditates on Sunday mornings while the others cook breakfast (waffles for Daphne, pancakes for Shaggy, French toast for Fred, and eggs and sausage for Velma; they all love bacon, obviously)
Fred prays to a new person every day but mostly it’s Santa Claus because look man he just can’t be bothered to care
Shaggy has anxiety and this culminates into severe panic attacks after movies and if they have to walk home at night, Fred holds his hand and Daphne checks the crime stats about the neighborhood they’re in and Velma reads up on anxiety medication and hopes she can get Shaggy to try some pills
Daphne has depression and bipolar disorder and OCD and when she’s manic she cleans everything and when she’s at a low point she just lies in bed all day and watches Legally Blonde and Men In Black III over and over and over again while gorging on caramel chocolates and vanilla smoothies
Velma has Tourette’s and sometimes has tic attacks in public, she gets embarrassed by it so Fred will draw her behind a shelf or under a table and wait until she’s done and then give her a hug so she knows she’s still awesome and loved
Velma and Shaggy really love Star Wars and ship Obikin like fucking hell and will argue about it with Daphne and Fred who prefer Star Trek and ship Spirk like fucking hell
Shaggy and Velma were both born with spinal difficulties and while they’re mostly fine there’s always a cane around for Shaggy (which Daphne decorates with fake gems and stickers and other pretty things) and a wheelchair for Velma (covered in glitter after a trap-gone-wrong with Fred)
They all go to pride together and Shaggy and Daphne and Fred hug like every single person with a “FREE MOM/DAD HUGS” sign that there is, Velma just watches while munching on French fries
Shaggy smokes weed to calm down and he likes to wear beanies and tye-dye just to complete the stoner aesthetic which his partners think is adorable and Scooby most certainly does not (Shaggy forced him to wear a fringey vest once and Scooby hasn’t forgiven him for it since)
They all adore Taylor Swift and regularly blast her albums in the morning and their neighbors all hate them for it
Shaggy has AIDS and is an active part of the movement for better treatment and research surrounding breaking down the stigma of the disease
Shaggy always does high-fives wrong, he constantly over-complicates them or turns them into fistbumps or handholding because he just doesn’t get it
Shaggy is a kindergarten teacher, he works with little kids and always brings Scooby to class, he loves every subject and encourages all of his students to dream big and not be afraid to express who they are, he believes in the importance of kindness and is just absolutely lovely and sweet himself so all of the kids want to follow his example
Fred works for the National Parks Service, he’s met and cuddled a lot of bears, he gets to wear his ascot every day and also a dumb hat, he’ll take his partners on picnic dates at work sometimes, they take Scooby on walks there all the time and Shaggy is known as Fred’s joyfriend because they visit the most out of all of them (Daphne doesn’t like the outdoors and Velma doesn’t like people)
Daphne is a history teacher and soccer coach at the local high school, she’s super sarcastic and most of her male students assume she’s an idiot because of how bubbly she is, she likes tearing them down and turning them into gentlemen, she also likes explaining her three partners to baffled parents on Family Night, sometimes her students will travel over to the elementary school (or the other way around) and will be reading buddies with Shaggy’s kids and Daphne gets to spend the day with her favorite boyfriend which is always lovely (JK, Fred is also her favorite)
Velma is an animal researcher at a local zoo, she gets to hang out with all the animals and has only abused her power once to let Shaggy hug a panda (look, if you had unfettered access to a panda, would you not hug it and not allow your favorite people in the world to hug it? Cause I would), she gives kids tours and unnecessarily detailed descriptions of each animal’s mating rituals, it’s lovely and horrific somehow simultenously
Shaggy is sex-repulsed and the thought of having sex or seeing sex scenes can send him into panic attacks or bad insomniac episodes so Daphne does research before they watch any new movie or TV show and Velma pre-watches the episodes to mark down the timestamps and Fred will mute the TV and hold Shaggy to shield him from the TV while the scene is occurring, assuming they don’t skip it altogether which they usually do (shut up I’m not projecting of course not)
As for pet/nicknames and such, Shaggy is “honey”, Fred is “sweetheart”, Daphne is “babe”, and Velma is “darling”
When they get “married” they all keep their own last names but will sometimes trade with each other’s when they introduce themselves in public (“Hi I’m Shaggy Blake.” “Fred Rogers.” “Daphne Dinkley.” “Velma Jones. Pleased to meet you.” “...oh-kay…”)
Shaggy likes to put on Owl City and dance on Sunday mornings, he took ballet for a couple years and had anorexia, it’s part of the reason he eats so much now, he’s deathly afraid of relapsing
Fred is a terrible dancer, but so is Velma, so they’ll be awkward wallflowers together or they just stand in one place and spin and shuffle and sway awkwardly while Daphne and Shaggy do whole fucking waltzes
Daphne doesn’t like dancing much, but before she met the other three she did have a crush on this one Latina girl in her mathematics college class and she took salsa lessons for two months to try and impress her before learning that the girl didn’t know a single goddamn step of salsa and then being sad
Shaggy was adopted by Indian parents when he was really young and still speaks Hindi with them over the phone, both of his parents take super good care of his three partners and are really accepting and kind and Shaggy always blushes about it because it’s embarrassing but he’s also really proud and grateful for them
Fred has a bunch of freckles from old swimming and surfing competitions he used to be in in the sun and he really likes it when the other three kiss them, so Daphne does it all the time
It really ticks both Daphne and Fred off when strangers assume they’re not with Shaggy or Velma because they think Fred and Daphne are out of their league or some other sort of bullshit because they know Shaggy and Velma are insecure about that sort of thing (also that’s just a really shitty way of thinking) so they’ll often hold either Velma or Shaggy’s hands in public like some sort of rebellious proactive “fuck you”
Shaggy believes in soulmates and thinks that the four of them are, so for his birthday they all get matching flower-and-magnifying-glass tattoos on their ankles so they can pretend/”confirm” that they’re soulmates even if everybody else (and Velma) doesn’t believe it
Shaggy is a poet and a painter, he’s the artsy hippie type, he’s always covered in paint and charcoal and ink and he walks around their apartment barefoot, leaving hand and feetprints everywhere
Fred performs science experiments in his study and volunteers at an animal shelter on the weekends, he especially likes hanging out with the kitties, he’s also a really good baker and wears frilly pink aprons while baking macaroons and chocolate chip cookies
Daphne plays like fifteen different instruments and practices them at all hours of the day and night, she likes to compose new songs and symphonies, she’s created some for them as birthday gifts and they cry every time
Daphne designs and sews and restyles outfits and clothing all the time, she also likes to write video essays about fictional universes and characters and to make music videos using movies and TV shows that she feels fit the song well
Velma loves travelling, so she gets antsy when they stay at home too long, sometimes she’ll go travelling without them and they’ll FaceTime every night and she sends postcards and souvenirs and has learned a billion fucking languages, she’s decided she wants to marry them in the Mayan ruins (it doesn’t work out, but for her birthday one year they do an unofficial five minute joke-fest of a marriage ceremony there)
Velma also really likes photography, sometimes she’ll have them pose in Daphne’s new outfits, she likes to travel out to pretty natural places and take pictures but only while absolutely dripping in bugspray, Daphne and Fred and Shaggy are always willing to be her models and come with her, Scooby will too but he has to be bribed with Scooby Snacks, Fred is always super sweet and helpful whenever her camera equipment breaks down or she gets frustrated
They all enjoy reading murder mysteries (they kind of have their own little book club) and discussing who they think did it (they don’t always agree at first, but they all figure it out within the first fifty pages, usually)
Shaggy likes to put braids and beads in his hair, often one color for each of them: green for himself, blue for Fred, orange for Velma, purple for Daphne, and gold for Scooby; he always looks very pretty
They decide to have four kids, one for each of them biologically
Shaggy has a sweet blonde child named Summer, she’s got blue eyes and the kindest smile you ever did see, she adores confetti and bright colors and the sun and she can eat Shaggy under the table, and she never lets go of his hand
Fred’s is named Autumn, she’s got soft brown hair and a freckled face and bright amber eyes, she loves warm colors and horses and exploring the outdoors, she’s sassy as fuck and they love her
Daphne has Winter, he’s got soft brown skin and long black hair in beautiful braids, he likes birds and he’s quiet and insightful, he’s an artist and hates wearing shoes and has an odd but endearing obsession with Edgar Allan Poe, there are always feathers or flowers in his hair and they love him for it
Velma has Spring, and he’s a quiet but mischievous and dangerous boy with brown hair and greyish blue eyes, he likes playing with insects and watching nature documentaries, he’s careful and calculating and writes creepy poetry on their walls, they’re kind of scared of him but hey if the Mystery Gang ends up spinning out their own criminal not gonna lie they’re probably gonna be kinda proud
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itsthestutterforme · 4 years ago
Friend of a Friend 2/2
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Notes: GIF is not mine
Maple syrup and brown sugar fills your nose as you slowly woke from what feels like an eternity. You must have slept for at least nine hours. Looking over at the clock, it read 10:01. Yeah, you definitely slept more than nine hours.
You swing your legs over the edge of the bed and hiss when you feel your sore stomach and leg muscles tense as you stood up. Opening the drawer, you grab an oversized tee and didn't bother to wear panties.
You walk through the open bedroom door to see Chris frying some bacon in a pan. Pancakes, waffles and french toast were displayed on two plates. His pale skin littered with tattoos and his walnut brown hair sticks up every which way. Your heart flutters when he looks up at you with a warm smile.
"Mornin'," "Mo-" you clutch your throat in surprise at the sound you made. Your voice was raspy and barely audible, and it wasn't anything like your usual morning voice.
"Did you lose your voice?" He asks amusingly but you could see guilt weighing on his eyes. "I think so," you say, your voice fading in and out like a flickering candle. "God, I sound terrible."
You near him and rest your hip against the countertop. "I think you sound adorable," he says turning his attention to you.
"Don't lie to me, Chris." You say with a smile. "I like it when you talk with authority," he circles your waist with his arms and slides his hands down the curve of your ass.
His eyebrow raises when he notices you don't have any panties on. "So that's how you want to start your morning?"
"With some bacon and waffles of cour-" he interupts you with a firm kiss that you moan into. Without looking, he turns off the stove before walking you into the counter.
He wraps your legs around his waist and clears some stuff off the counter before laying your back against it.
He bunches your shirt around your breasts and kisses down the line of your abdomen before settling himself between your thighs. You could barely moan out when he licks your pussy from bottom to top. He sucks on the skin directly next to your pussy and your back arches off the counter.
Your eyes were screwed shut so you didn't know your mother was there until you heard. "Y/F/N Y/L/N!" Your eyes snap open and you immediately bring your shirt down to cover yourself. Jumping off of counter, Chris looks from you to your mother unsure of what to say.
Touching his arm, his eyes snaps to you. "Wait for me in the room. My mom and I need to talk." He nods and turns off the stove before walking into the room and closing the door. Within two strides, your mom was standing right in front of you with her arms crossed and her eyes burning with fury.
"Mom," "What the hell is wrong with you? In the kitchen, Y/N. Have you no shame?" "Mom, can you just let me speak please?" "Why, you can barely speak, and I don't even want to know how that happened." She snarks, but you choose to stand your ground.
"I am a grown adult, Mom. You know I tell you everything but some things I want to keep to myself. And you just dropped by unannounced."
"Yes because the last couple times I dropped by, I didn't see a man doing things to you in the kitchen. An actor at that." "You're missing the point here, Mom. There are boundaries. I may live ten minutes away but that's doesn't mean that you and la muchachas can stop by whenever you want."
"How are you going to go to work like this?" "I don't know. It's just a strain. I'll be better in a couple days." She shakes her head, her large, onyx curls bouncing with each motion. She doesn't even have to say that she's disappointed in you, you can see it all over her face.
"The one time that I want to do things for me. I'm being shamed for it. Mom, you truly are unbelievable." "I raised you better than this," "You barely taught me anything about sex, Mom. You just pushed it onto my sister and the rest I learned from porn." "Y/N," "It's the truth, Ma. Aren't you the one that preaches about being honest." You snark.
Now you were the one shaking your head and silence filled the room. "I'm done being ashamed for who I am, Mom. You should go." You add, holding your throat painfully. You definitely have to stop talking.
She closes the door behind her and the apartment was filled with silence again. The bedroom door opens and Chris spills out of the room with his clothes on. "Well that's seemed intense," he says, breaking the silence and you nod in agreement.
"Don't worry, she won't tell anyone about seeing you. She's not that type of person." "That's not what I was worried about. I was worried about you. Are you okay?" He asks, nearing you and you nod again. "You should go too. I have to be alone. Decompress and all that." You say.
"Okay, well keep me updated. If not, I'll hunt you down myself." He says, pecking your temple and hugging you for a little. You could smell your perfume on him and for some reason that makes you smile. "I'm sorry for any trouble I caused." He says into your hair.
"You didn't," he cups your cheeks to get a good look at you before pecking your lips and walking out of your apartment, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Your voice came back after two days, thankfully. But in those two days, you were let alone with your thoughts. You've had enough fun, Y/N. Now it's time to get back to work.
You just have to find out how to tell Chris. Speaking of Chris, you texted him saying that you finally got your voice back and that you're feeling much better.
A few seconds after that, he calls you and you answer with a smile. "Hey you," he starts. "Hey, how have you been?" "Can't complain. Have you talked to your mother lately?"
"No, she's giving me the silent treatment. But give it a few more days and we'll get back to normal." "I still feel terrible about that." "Don't be. I didn't expect her to come and she just showed up."
"I know but still." A comfortable silence fell and he adds, "I miss you," "Chris, I--" "Can I come over?" He interupts. It's almost like he knows what's coming next.
"Sure." Soon after you say that, you hear a knock on the door. You open the door to see Chris on your doorstep. He ends the call and you ask, "How long have you been out there?"
"For the past thirty minutes. I didn't know what to say so I've been pacing." "Chris-" "Please don't break things off. They barely got started." He interupts again. He steps inside and closes the door behind him.
"I've had enough fun, Chris. I can't have you and my job, I tried before and it didn't work. My job demands too much. You should understand how that feels as an actor." You explain. "You really don't feel like there's something here?"
"Of course I do, but I don't trust it." "Why don't you trust it?" "Because guys like you don't date girls like me." "What do you mean girls like you?" "I mean girls like me," you repeat, motioning to your body. "All the women you've publicly dated were petite, white women. What do you want me to think?"
"Your skin color doesn't have anything to do with how I feel about you." "You sure about that?" "I'm positive," he says, taking your hands into his and pressing his chest against yours.
"I literally took a class on this, Chris. It's in your culture to date within your own race but mingle with girls like me when you want to experiment with things."
"Stop saying shit like that, Y/N. You're not an experiment to me." He says, grabbing your hips. "I can't afford distractions, Chris. To say that I sacrificed a lot to get where I'm at is an understatement. I lost too much to give up now." "Who says you're giving up?"
"Chris, if you like me then respect my choices, please. Some relationships are best left platonic." "Not ours. Not after anything." he says, shaking his head. You cup his cheeks and press your lips to his warmly, his body relaxing under your touch. "Please," you beg, pressing your forehead to his.
He presses another kiss to your lips before pulling away from you altogether and rushing out the door.
It's been work as usual. No distractions and all discrepancies since you do not hesitate to step on toes to get the progress you want. Now that you think about it, you haven't been in touch with Liz in a while. Walking to your apartment, you pull your phone out of your pocket and call her.
She answers on the second ring and says, "Hello stranger," "Hey, how've you been?" "Better now that you've called me. Scarlett wanted to go to the club but none of us has really been feeling it. You should come." "Well I am off on Sundays anyway so I don't see why not."
"Oh wow, I didn't think you would say yes. Great! We'll come pick you up in 15." "Alright, see you then." "See ya." She hangs up and you unlock your door, hopping into the shower.
After you decided on a black dress that ended a few inches above the knee and some black flats, you pull your curly hair into two braids that rested on your breasts.
You keep your make up minimal and put on dark brown lip stain to blend into your skin tone. You lather on your favorite lotion and spray the matching perfume when you heard your doorbell ring.
"Coming!" You grab your wristlet and rush out the door, locking it behind you. "Hey! You look hot!" Scarlett says before kissing your cheek. "Thanks, girl." You say, returning the favor. Liz gives you a big hug before you all pile in the car.
"The boys are already at the club. They arrived there a few minutes ago and it's definitely getting packed." Liz explains before pulling off into the highway.
As soon as you set foot into the club, you could smell sweat from people grinding and alcohol, specifically tequila and bourbon. Someone was getting fucked up tonight. Your heart stutters in your chest when you see Chris sitting at a booth with Sebastian and Anthony.
He wears a navy blue backwards hat, black t-shirt and jeans. But damn does he looked good wearing them. Liz and Scarlett drags you up the stairs and to the booth. "Guess who decided to join us." Scarlett states and Chris' eyes are trained on you.
"I'm going to need some hard soda," you say to Liz and her eyebrow arches. "You okay? You don't normally drink," she asks. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just want to let loose tonight." Her eyes find yours and watches to see if there was something else she should be worried about.
"Okay then let's grab some. We're getting drinks, you guys want any." "A Corona for me," Anthony starts. "Same," "Me too," Chris answers. "A Pina colada for me," Scarlett states and you nod to them before leaving the table with Liz.
You didn't know Chris was coming but a part of you was happy to see him. He did make you happy with the little time you knew him and that scared you. You ordered to hard sodas because you knew that you blew through them like nobody's business.
"I want to dance," Liz starts. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea," Scarlett agreed. "Y/N, you coming?" Liz asks. "Sure, why not." You take another swig of your hard soda before standing from the booth.
Chris watches as you pull down your dress and walk into the crowd. There was a guy immediately on you, grabbing your hips as you roll your hips back onto him. He didn't like how the guy's hand kept creeping lower and lower.
You noticed it and grabbed his hands before shoving him away from you and Chris was already down the stairs. "You are such an entitled asshole." You snark.
"What you wear that and expect to be treated like a princess." He insults as he attempts to near you but Chris is in front of you.
Chris shoved the man to the ground and cracked his knuckles with annoyance. "Chris, don't he's not worth it," you call to him but he ignores you and steps closer to the guy.
"She's not some fucking toy, dumbass. She's a human being regardless of what she wears." "Say something dumb about my girl again and I'll break your fucking neck." Chris adds, chest to chest with the guy now.
Holding onto his arm, you could the tension in the muscles from balling his hand into a fists. "Stop, please." You say, pulling him away from the guy but he doesn't budge. "Papi please," you repeat and he finally looks at you.
He follows you as you tug him towards an empty storage room. "We need to talk," he says softly, his eyes drifting from your eyes to your lips. Cupping his cheeks you kiss him warmly and the both of you sigh at the contact. "I know,"
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littleoddwriter · 3 years ago
Since it's our Favorite Boys birthday (Roman's birthday is Nov 2) could I please get a soft zsaszmask birthday fic?
Perfect Day | Roman Sionis x Victor Zsasz | ZsaszMask
Hi there! (Ngl, the entire day I felt like I was forgetting something. Now I know, so thank you for that!) Didn't plan to write any more today, but I'd also hate to upload this at a later date. Thank you for the request, love! It's probably not as soft in the way you might have envisioned, but I hope you like it anyway! :) <3
summary; Roman hates his birthday and Victor is determined to make it better for him however possible. It only plays in his favour that he got to free someone for his boss that day.
notes; Domestic Fluff; Implied Childhood/Past Traumas; Implied Sex; Roman Sionis has BPD; Background Murder; Cutting; Blood; Rituals; OCD; Canon-Typical Violence.
Reblogs > Likes. Thank you!
Still nothing.
That got a reaction, although it was only an attempt at hitting Zsasz's arm or whatever other body part he could have reached; but he missed.
"You've slept through all your alarms," Victor explained, putting a hand on Roman's shoulder and more or less gently shaking him to help him wake up.
Groaning, Roman slapped Victor's arm away and rolled over, onto his back, pulled his pillow out from under his head and smothered himself with it for a moment or two.
"Well, if you don't want your special birthday breakfast after all, I'll just throw it out," Zsasz told him, sounding as though he was negotiating with a child, instead of a grown man.
"Ugh, fine! Just give me a minute," Roman answered, muffled by the pillow.
Once Roman heard Victor leave the room, he threw his pillow aside with a little too much force and sat up. Burying his head in his hands for a moment, he breathed deeply, looking to release some of the tension he felt.
No one, who didn't know him as well as Zsasz did, would think someone like him would be all over his birthday and love every second of it. Roman didn't, though. He's despised that day ever since he could remember. Not that anyone needed to know it. He was good enough at putting up the facade of actually enjoying it, while he was with other people. In private with only Victor, though, he was allowed to be miserable. Frankly, when it was just the two of them on his birthday, it wasn't half as bad. And he did really look forward to that breakfast all weekend long.
Eventually, he forced himself to get up and follow his usual morning routine. All the while, he was trying to quench those voices in his head that reminded him of why exactly he hated that day so much. It worked as well as he'd expected, but once he entered the living area and saw Victor sit in his usual place at the long dinner table - which was set up with all kinds of goods that Roman usually wouldn't allow himself; like pancakes, waffles, French toast, and more - some of that tension already left his body.
"Happy birthday, Roman," Victor said, shooting him a crooked smile that showed off his gold teeth so beautifully.
Roman couldn't help himself and smiled back, much softer than he usually would, and nodded in thanks.
While he was eating, Victor updated him on anything that was important that day, which thankfully wasn't a lot. It gave him something else to focus on for a bit as he mulled over any new plans and very gleefully daydreamed about what he would Zsasz instruct to do to some rivals that decided to piss him off. Perhaps they could squeeze it into their schedule that very day, too, as a sort of birthday present to himself.
"You know we don't have to do anything today if you'd rather stay in," Victor offered, once Roman was done with his breakfast, "I can easily reschedule everything that's been set up."
"That's sweet of you, baby, but no. I'd rather have something to do that actually keeps my mind off of everything else. Make sure you find a way we could execute those little fuckers today, though, will you?"
"Sure thing, boss," Zsasz snickered, pushing around Roman's colourful pills, which were laid out in front of him, with his carving knife.
A satisfied sounding sigh left Roman's lips when he saw his rival's face on the floor, rather than attached to the fuck's head, and he was twitching in his last moments of consciousness. It was always a sight to behold; especially on a day he hated so much and that Zsasz took great care in making better for him any way possible, which in this case meant a truly artful, drawn out performance of the skilful way he removed that face.
"What a good boy you are! Great work as always, Mr. Zsasz," Roman praised, clasping his hands together in a show of appreciation.
"Thanks, boss," Zsasz responded, grinning from ear to ear in the way that his nose scrunched up with it and Roman's heart fluttered strangely, as warmth spread throughout his body.
They looked at each other for a moment in silence, both of them grinning and breathing heavily with excitement. All the while, Victor walked up to Roman, holding the eye contact dutifully; and once he came to a stop a few mere inches away from his partner, Zsasz held up his freshly cleaned carving knife with the most intense look Roman has ever seen directed at him in Victor's eyes.
"I was thinking that you might wanna do the marking today?" he suggested softly, a sort of serenity surrounding him that took Roman's breath away.
Licking his lips, Roman swallowed thickly and nodded. "I'd like that a lot, actually," he rasped.
"You can choose whatever spot you want," Zsasz told him, as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off.
Roman's heart was pounding away quickly. He could feel it beating inside his ribcage, hammering against it. His hands were trembling with excitement, which he could feel thrumming through his body. It might have been the first time in many years that he's felt this excited on his birthday.
Looking Victor's upper body over, Roman didn't have to think much about where to put the scar. He knew exactly where it would go. If anything, he was just stalling a little to admire the view and calm himself down enough, so that his hands would stop shaking.
Once he was sure he could draw a straight line without any trouble, Roman took the knife from Victor's hand and immediately found the spot he's been thinking about marking up for so long.
Right over Zsasz's heart, Roman positioned the blade, applied pressure to it and drew a deep, two-inch line downward.
All done, he put the knife away and watched the blood run down Victor's chest and stomach, as it seeped into his waistband.
"Perfect," they both said unanimously, sounding breathless and stunned.
Then, Roman captured Victor's lips in a passionate kiss, cupping his face in both of his hands as he pushed his tongue deep into his partner's mouth.
Back at home and freshly showered, they were lying in bed, and Roman was lazily tracing the soon-to-be scar on Victor's chest with his index finger.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you, Victor. From the bottom of my heart," Roman spoke softly, pointedly avoiding Zsasz's eyes and focusing on his chest instead.
"You're welcome, Roman," Victor responded with an audible smile in his voice, "Happy birthday."
For the first time in forever, it was happy, indeed.
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theofficialjerenablog · 3 years ago
The second installment in “The Amanda Collection”, written in honor of @wine-drunk-on-elizabeth and her birthday week.
A fluffy little follow up to the last drabble. Am I writing a whole new Jerena AU? Maybe.
Standing in the middle of what was soon to be her living room, Serena couldn’t help the way she bounced on her heels, already picturing how she could decorate every corner of the tiny apartment.
‘Our apartment.’
She turned to the kitchen, which was actually larger than Serena expected and she was positive that it had played a huge part in Jamie’s choice. She felt a smile tug at the corners of her mouth as she imagined Jamie with a towel thrown over her shoulder, sautéing and chopping and stirring.
Running her fingertips over the new counters Jamie and her cousins had installed, she saw herself sitting there, cup of coffee in hand, watching as Jamie made pancakes or waffles or French toast, stealing kisses between bites of strawberries. She pictured washing the dishes as Jamie dried them and put them away. Slow dancing to sappy love songs in their pajamas before cuddling on the couch and watching cartoons.
She continued her self guided tour, walking down the small hallway that led to the bedroom. It still smelled slightly of paint and the chemicals they used to shampoo the carpets, but Serena’s focus was the little nook by the three large windows at the far side of the room. They were her favorite part of the entire house, and she couldn’t wait to fill it with a few pillows and surround it with her bookcases. Walking over, she climbed into the nook, smiling down at the little playground that it looked over, watching the neighborhood children play, their muffled laughter making her feel wistful.
She knew it was much too soon in their relationship to think about having a baby, but she couldn’t help but picture a little bassinet by the windows as well, a tiny baby girl with big brown eyes reaching up for her as she read her a story.
She sighed, tucking that thought away for a moment and turning again, inspecting the bathroom and humming happily at the fact that they had a fairly large bathtub. She planned on spending some time there with some wine and a good book, and she felt her cheeks heat at the thought of Jamie joining her.
“So what’s the verdict?”
Startled slightly, Serena spun to find Jamie leaning against the door jamb, her chef jacket unbuttoned, the white shirt underneath tucked into black slacks, holding two takeout boxes in her hands.
Serena smiled, her heart fluttering in her chest, knowing that scenes like this would play out every evening now. That she would come home to Jamie and Jamie would come home to her.
She walked over and kissed Jamie sweetly, humming happily when her girlfriend immediately wound her free arm around her waist and pulled her close. Breaking the kiss after a few moments, Serena rested her forehead against Jamie’s, wrapping her arms around her neck. “It’s perfect Jay… and the best part is that it’s ours.”
“Ours,” Jamie repeated softly, kissing Serena again and lifting her. Serena giggled into the kiss and Jamie spun her a little, the happiness she felt warming her all over, making her heart feel like it was melting in her chest as she looked into Jamie’s eyes. She ran her fingers through Jamie’s hair tenderly, scratching gently at her head as she did so. “I can’t wait to come home to you Jay.”
“Would it be too sappy to say that if I’m with you, anywhere feels like home?“ Jamie asked with a knowing grin. Serena groaned playfully, rolling her eyes. “Incredibly sappy Jamieson.”
“Would the fact that I brought home some of my famous nachos make up for it?” Jamie asked with a grin, holding up the boxes still in her hand.
“Cheesy carbs are the only thing that would make it better,” Serena replied, stomach rumbling slightly at the thought of food. Jamie smiled and pulled away, turning to walk out of the room. Serena bit her lip, grabbing Jamie’s wrist and waiting for her to turn around. “Jay?”
“Dime preciosa.”
“As long as I’m with you, I’m home too.” The love that filled Jamie’s eyes, that radiated from her smile, made Serena fall in love with her all over again, and just as hard.
Jamie tugged at Serena’s hand gently, kissing her forehead before kissing her lips. “C’mon baby, let’s eat our first meal in our new home.”
Serena let Jamie lead her to the kitchen, her heart filled with love, her cheeks filled with warmth and only one word ringing in her mind.
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loomisbear · 3 years ago
Hello Logan.😀
For the selfship alphabet: A, B, J, T and U for Hawks?
A: Does your f/o make you breakfast in bed or vice versa?
Only on special occasions or when he has days off! Most of the time he’s normally gone to work by the time I wake up.
B: Does your f/o prefer pancakes, waffles, or french toast?
He’s more of a pancakes person than anything. I prefer waffles myself so we sometimes argue over which is better.
J: Does your f/o make you stay in bed and cuddle them or vice versa?
Yes! We are both very big cuddlers! We can cuddle each other for hours and it would be the best day ever!
T: Do they tell you nice things if so how often and is it too much sometimes?
All day, everyday. Keigo loves giving me compliments since he knows I get easily flustered by them. It never gets to much even when he does it to tease me.
U: How understanding is your f/o?
Keigo is a very understanding person. Since he had to grow up a lot faster than most kids normally due, it made him have to be more accustomed to other peoples circumstances.
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dokifluffs · 5 years ago
Indoors | Matsuoka Rin
Pairing: Rin X Reader (gender neutral) 
Genre: fluffyy 
Request: “Actually sorry I just saw that you did a fluff for rin! So can you do a headcanons for how rin and his s/o are spending quarantine together?” - anon
Author’s Note: im SOFT but fear not, I wrote both a new fluff scenario and this hcs cause i have nothing else to do akjhdkajs so i hope you enjoy!! Thanks for requesting! 
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When quarantine went down, everyone’s lives changed all around
About a week before when there were rumors of it happening, he fortunately took you grocery shopping beforehand. He picked meats and vegetables while yu picked fruits, taking enough that would last you two for quite awhile instead of hogging groceries like five bags of rice like others
He made sure his mom and sister were fine, calling them at least once a week to make sure things were okay, that they had plenty of food and necessities
He was actually pretty active at home. Sure he got bored every now and then but it was nothing a couple activities couldn’t fix
He worked out to keep his physique, followed the diet he needed as a swimmer, kept in contact with his coach about regiments he should do at home
But aside from working out and doing swim related things, he spent his time with you and the two of you had the house to yourselves
In his mornings, to follow his meal plans, he would wake up to prepare breakfast
But everything single morning, no matter the lighting, the time, the weather outside, he couldn’t get used to the sight of waking up beside you
The peaceful look on your face whether your cheek was squished on the pillow, the way your hair was a bit messy from sleep, your soft breaths that would tickle his arm or chest or skin
He absolutely loved it
Almost every morning, he woke you up with him
He didn’t try to resist the urge to snake his arms around you, pulling your warm self even closer to him
He often woke you with a simple kiss to your forehead or cheek, taking your natural scent. Other times, he simply cupped your face in his hand, lightly squishing your cheeks together which eventually woke you up
However, some mornings, he left you be, sleeping in
But whenever he did, it wasn’t long after him that you woke up too so he took this chance and prepared breakfast for you, changing it up every now and then
You didn’t find it too fun being the only one to enjoy such a sweet breakfast where it was waffles or pancakes, or even french toast so you told him to make the same one for you
And lo and behold, you preferred the breakfast he ate more than the sweeter ones. You liked his eggs, a few slices of bacon or ham with a bowl of porridge
It was refreshing
Sometimes you went with him on his jogs/ runs if you felt good enough around the evening a bit before dinner when the sun was setting over the horizon
The two of you stayed away from others who went on walks or just anyone out in general for a breath of fresh air
But whenever the sun was setting, it was those nights where the two of you would take a long walk back on the sandy beaches
He couldn’t resist the urge to walk near the water, feeling the crisp cool water and wet sand sink between his toes
He held your hand, taking in the fresh air outside and the sound of the soothing water washing on shore, feeling the breeze blow through his clothes
And he loved that you were beside him all this
He was very grateful he met you at the time he did or else he would’ve been alone through all this, the house would be filled with silence and his days would be so plain
Getting home, he insisted on you to shower first the times you did go with him as he began to prep for dinner and you would take over as he took his shower. But you wouldn’t do too much. The two of you made dinner, enjoying the food afterwards together which made it taste ten times better in his mind
After dinners, it became a routine for the two of you to watch something or play games
Being playful as he is, he would choose horror movies which made the two of you cling onto each other but never turning off the movie or changing it. Once it played, nothing could change that. Some nights, he would deeply regret it, others, it would make his heart race, making him want to do it again, to feel the rush
On game nights, it would almost always end with the two of you laughing til your stomachs hurt while playing any game- twister, monopoly, even completing a puzzle, he never failed to make you laugh or keep things entertaining
But in bed, he never felt scared once he was able to feel your touch on him or his touch on you
It was physical reassurance for him knowing you would be by his side when he closed his eyes and when he opened them up again the next day
He looked forward to the next day knowing you would be there and he could look forward to a new moment, experience, or memory he could cherish with you while staying indoors during this quarantine
The two of you were going to be fine being indoors, the fun would never end as long as you had him and he had you
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
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steel-sunlight · 4 years ago
Headcanon 2: Avengers Cooking Breakfast
Saving the boardgames and holiday headcanon prompts for later, cause I wanna write that better and I have about twenty minutes right now >>:) Steve: Makes the best eggs, in every way. Is always up at crazy early times like 5 or 6 am make a nice breakfast for the ones in the tower. Tony: Tried cooking twice, was banned from the kitchen by Pepper. Except for when he makes brownies, because somehow he can mess up every single other recipe except brownies. Beautiful dark chocolate chip brownies. Which the avengers will and have fought over. Bruce: He cooks everything pretty well, says its like a lab experiment, just in the kitchen and with different ingredient. Second best cook.
Peter: Cooks just fine but burns something 79% of the time. His speciality is making French toast, which Natasha absolutely loves. Loki: He is surprisingly good at pancakes, which everyone thought Steve would end up being good at. Other than that, everything else he makes is average but still better than most of the others. He cooks when the team is on a mission and Peter or Pietro is the only one there.
Natasha: She never cooks surprisingly, except when she is the only one left in the tower. Then she microwaves something. Bucky: Makes the best ever waffles. Like, the best. Except they never fight over it or he threatens to not make it again. And if you play a prank on him, you're not getting waffles the next time he makes it. Bucky is usually left alone during prank wars because his waffles are just too good. Clint: Has awesome crépes. Tony loves them the most. Usually makes them four times a week because he wakes up early and gets bored in the morning.
Thor: No, just no. The last time he ended up using his hammer to electrocute everything. He was never let into the kitchen again lest he tried to help by electrocuting everything again. Wanda: Cooks pretty nice eggs, not as good as Steve but since she gets up later, you can usually find her in the kitchen at 9 o'clock scrambling some eggs. Will offer to make for you if you want. -And if you play a prank on Bucky, you're not getting waffles the next time he makes it. He is usually left alone during prank wars because his waffles are just too good. Peter is the only one who can get away with pranking him because, puppy dog eyes. -Peter once caught Bruce coming upstairs from the lab holding some apparent chemical about to put it on his eggs, and freaked out, only for him to explain it was self made chili sauce. Peter ended up trying it cautiously and begging Bruce to make some for him to bring home.
-Natasha usually ends up taking the plate of French toast over to her seat and glaring at everyone who even thinks about trying to taking one. Peter just ends up making a second batch after she finished eating and leaves the table.
-Once Clint was making crépes and for no reason at all took one and threw it at Thor. It landed on his plate perfectly. Everyone has asked Clint to do this again but he never tried it again. Bucky suspects Clint was aiming for Thor's face but missed. -Loki had to put out two fires from when Tony tried to cook again (without permission from Pepper) he always holds this over Tony's head and threatens to tell Pepper. >>:) Enjoy this one too! <3
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dessertwaffles · 3 years ago
Hi there Valentine! The weekend has been relaxing and gone by WAY too quickly. Hope yours is going well too!
I was inspired by our discussions and had some strawberry ice cream for dessert last night and bought a slice of cake from a fancy bakery today 😂 I hope you get to have some cake soon!
I (re)read your top choice and it is as lovely as ever! I am actually a big fan of your work!!!
To answer your questions - I love sweet stuff like french toast and waffles and pancakes, though every so often I get a craving for eggs and a bagel. It's really hard to pick just one, but possibly Jocelyn?
Sunday Qs:
1. I think I know your preferred breakfast food 😉 - so what about dinner?
2. Do you have any recommendations for comfort fics? What are your go tos?
3. A fun one - what's your all-time top Moira wig look? Bonus points for adding a photo!
Agreed, the weekend went by way too fast! I had a bit of a rough day yesterday, but today was great and I'm going to get some ice cream soon which will make it even better.
Your slice of cake sounds amazing and I hope you enjoyed it!!! And thank you for the compliment on my fics ❤❤❤
1. I really love spaghetti! And I'm a big fan of mashed potatoes! I also don't usually eat breakfast, but I love breakfast food, so breakfast for dinner is another favorite.
2. My ultimate comfort fic is Fifteen Hundred Miles! I have read it more times than I can count (although this reminds me that I haven't read it in while so I need to get on that lol).
A couple more from my bookmarks:
The More You Know
I've Never Liked A Smile As Much As I Like Yours
Red White and Blue Jays
You are the only, only only
Also Getting Over Getting Older All the Time. It is a slowww burn that hurts at times, so even though I don't often reread the whole thing, I've gone back to the last couple of chapters a lot.
3. It is so hard to pick because they are all fabulous, but the one that keeps popping up in my mind right now is the one in Asbestos Fest that she flips over her shoulder like a scarf (I can't find the exact moment so hopefully this gif will do!).
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I'd love to hear your answers to those same three questions if you want to share!
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egg-emperor · 4 years ago
6: Eating habits and sample daily menu
When Eggman gets carried away with eating so eagerly, it can get messy. He wears a napkin at the table but he often eats elsewhere in his living quarters without one, which can lead to a change of clothing. It's also common for him to make a mess with crumbs, packaging, and bottles/cans that he tosses around like he did in Archie. The robots are the ones that have to clean up and take the dishes out.
Sometimes he forgets to wipe his mouth after eating so he'll have food around it, mostly on his mustached lip, until he remembers to lick it off. He gets embarassed if someone else notices first. I just find it cute ajfjskgmskgs This is what gets him into trouble when he steals food. Say if he were to help himself to someone else's ice cream, they can catch him out if he forgets to hide the evidence!
Everyone can tell when he's really enjoying a meal by his hums of delight through mouthfuls and the way he smacks his lips to savor the taste. When he’s extra hungry and enthusiastic, he really gets into it with noisy licks and slurps, especially when it's a liquid food from a spoon or he’s drinking from the bowl. He gulps loudly while drinking tasty beverages too, especially if he's chugging cans of soda or lager to wash food down.
Because of the way he eats and drinks so quickly, he can get gassy and he doesn't hide his need to burp and fart to relieve it and he forgets to excuse himself. That's why he's good at using his flatulence attack on demand in Riders and why Sonic described him as being 'pretty gassy'. But maybe if Sonic hadn't caused trouble not long after Eggman had eaten dinner one that time, he wouldn't have found out that it’s a common thing for him. So it's his fault!
Eggman hates when he's interrupted while eating or needs to get up and move too soon after because it can cause terrible heartburn and worse gas. It's important that he stays still after eating to avoid it. Most remember to leave him in peace but there have been many times where he gets up too soon by himself and regrets it. At least he doesn't have to worry about it whenever he slips into a food coma after big meals.
And no, he doesn't take criticism for his habits and lack of manners when it comes to eating! Considering that he spends most time alone, there usually isn’t anyone other than his robots there anyway, and they're not allowed to comment. But if there is anyone else around to complain, he'll say they're overacting because it's not like he's eating with his mouth open or anything! He talks with his mouth full sometimes- but still!
He has the tendency to comfort eat as a way to deal with stress or sadness and when he's grumpy/his good mood is ruined. He'll almost immediately crave some food (and sometimes a couple of beers) to make him feel better and it usually works.
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Orbot and Cubot have noticed this, so sometimes they prepare food without him asking when he's upset and angry to try and calm him down. They also do it when they're trying to stay on his good side or redeem themselves. Eggman gets suspicious when he notices the strange pattern but he doesn't turn it down!
Also yes, that's inspired by the Sonic Channel comic where they actually did that and Eggman was confused. XD
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He enjoys having more than three meals in a day because it gives him many menu options. But he does mostly eat his same favorite things each day.
He typically likes a hearty breakfast of french toast, eggs, bacon, waffles (Twitter Takeover answer!), pancakes and more. For his multiple other meals, he likes to involve his favorite big sandwiches and fast food like fries, chicken, burgers, pizza, his favorite chili dog, etc. Much like he did in the official LINE sticker art, he sometimes eats five platefuls in one sitting! He also wants a lot of junk food as snacks in between meals, including his Poppin' Eggcorn.
He also likes having more than three desserts in a day, since he often finds it difficult to choose. He likes ice cream, cake, pie, pudding, chocolates, anything to satisfy his sweet tooth. He's very happy to eat multiple in one day. He rarely skips dessert no matter how big his meal is, which contributes to his common habit of overeating. It can cause quite the stomach ache at times but he still thinks it's all delicious and worth it overall.
He is supposed to be careful with what he eats though, so his robots try to make him cut down on the most unhealthy food whenever possible. But he still gets to eat close enough to his preferred plan to keep him satisfied on a daily basis. They also make sure he eats at least one meal that’s more nutritious at some point in the day and they make him eat his fruit and vegetables!
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kieraswriting · 5 years ago
Patton Needs a Break Sometimes Too
More Than The Sum Of Our Parts
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“Listen, we are on a time limit. This must be done before the end of the week, no matter what else we may want to do. There is no place for emotions in this, Patton!” Logan said, turning back to his work. 
Virgil looked away from the hurt expression on Patton’s face. 
“Y-yeah, ok. I’ll be, in my room if you need me.” 
Virgil looked at Roman, who was engrossed in the book Patton had given him, and didn’t seem to have noticed the outburst. 
“Roman,” he whispered loudly, staring directly at the side of his face.  
A few seconds later Roman’s head popped up as he registered the intense stare. “What?” 
Virgil beckoned him over. “Logan is going to need my help, but Patton needs you. I also want you to do something for me.” He explained his plan to Roman, and then relayed the outburst. 
“Of course I’ll help. Come join us when you can.”
Then Roman left. Virgil waited a good while, until Thomas had reached a milestone in the work they were doing and decided to take a break. Unfortunately, this just gave him more time to think about and get more anxious about what he had to do. 
“Logan,” he said, surprised that his voice didn’t shake. 
“Even for now… you shouldn’t have said that to Patton.” 
Logan sighed. “I wasn’t wrong.”
“It’s true that Thomas needs to do this work by the end of the week, and that he needs to focus on it or it won’t be done in time. But it’s not fair to say that he doesn’t need Patton.”
Logan clenched his jaw, but otherwise ignored Virgil. 
It was hours later when Logan said, “You’re right. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Once Thomas goes to sleep, we could go talk to him.”
“That does seem to be the correct course of action.”
Roman knocked on Patton’s door. “Can I come in?”
There was a moment of hesitation before Patton opened the door, a smile on his face, but his eyes red. “Sure, what do you need, kiddo?”
Roman held out his arms, and after a second Patton collapsed into them. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just not feeling so hot right now.”
“It’s alright,” Roman murmured, rubbing Patton’s back and rocking softly. He waited until Patton seemed like he was about to pull away before continuing. “You know, your dark son had an idea.”
“Oh?” Patton said, his voice full of tears. 
“Mhmm. He thinks that you’ve been in dad mode a bit too long. That you need a bit of rest where we take care of you for a change.” 
Patton chuckled. “That’s sweet, but I’m really fine. I’ll be right as rain by morning.”
“Would it help if I said I really like his idea? That I really want to do it?”
Patton pulled away enough to look up at him. “Really?”
Roman gave Patton one of his signature hero smiles. “Yes.”
Patton gave him a watery smile back. “What was his idea?”
Roman led Patton to his room and into Virgil’s corner of the imagination. 
It was small, only about half the size of a soccer field, and all around the outside in a circle were large stones covered in soft moss. It was perpetually just beginning to be twilight. The sky was all reds and purples, with just enough light that you didn’t have to squint to see. The grass was thick and soft, and covered every inch of ground except for a perfectly round pool in the middle. The pool was also perfectly still, and reflected back the moon that was already beginning to show. 
“Virgil said that when you want to take it easy, and not have to think about difficult things, that you like to shapeshift into your animal. He said it can calm your worries.”
“That can be fun, yes, but I sometimes have a hard time turning back afterward.” 
“Well, whether you do or not, I’ll be here to help. We can either stay here, or if you want to run around I know of a large field we can go to. Whatever you want to do! I can even shift with you if you want.”
“You would?”
“Of course! There’s very few things that any of us wouldn’t do if it would help you, Padre.” 
Roman barely blinked before he was being tackled by a massive golden retriever. At first Patton was wiggling all over and trying to lick his face, but after a minute he just laid down on top of him. Roman lay still, scratching softly behind Patton’s ears, while the dim light made him sleepy. 
“It’ll be alright,” he promised. “We may be all wound up now, but things always calm down again, and we’ll all be there for each other like always.”
Patton’s head on Roman’s chest shifted, and he licked Roman’s chin. 
It was late, well after midnight before Logan and Virgil gave in to Remy’s insistence that ‘Thomas is mine now, go away.’ 
Logan went immediately to his room, despite his previous words. “At this time of night, Patton is surely asleep. I will be sure to speak with him in the morning.”
Virgil peeked into Patton’s room, and then Roman’s, but they weren’t there. He would check his area of the imagination. Hopefully they were there, and if not he’d call Roman, who would be waking up in a few hours anyway. He didn’t need to use the door anymore, and sunk into the imagination. 
Roman was asleep on the ground, snoring lightly, with Patton on top of him. Patton’s eyes shot open moments after Virgil appeared, and his tail wagged off to the side, where it wouldn’t wake up Roman. Virgil waved at Patton, and crouched by one of the rocks. He lifted the heavy curtain of moss, and pulled out several blankets from a storage place in the rock. 
Patton slid off Roman, and grabbed one corner of the blanket to help spread it over him. 
Virgil wrapped another blanket around his shoulders, and laid the last on top of Patton. If he didn’t like it, he could easily shake it off. Which he did. 
Virgil sat down and held out his arms. Patton rushed in, resting his head on Virgil’s shoulder as Virgil hugged him.
“Are you feeling any better?” Virgil whispered, making long, soft strokes down Patton’s back.
Patton wagged his tail. After a few minutes he nosed at Virgil’s chest. 
Patton butted Virgil with his head to push him down, and laid on his chest like he had been on Roman. 
“Oh, ok, I’ll go to sleep. But you need sleep too, Popstar. This is supposed to be us taking care of you, and you’re still taking care of us.”
Patton gave a surprisingly convincing eye roll, but laid his head down and closed his eyes.
Virgil stroked down Patton’s neck and back. Having a weight on his chest and stomach was surprisingly relaxing, and soon he fell asleep.
It was hard to gauge time when the sun never moved, but Patton was decently certain that it was morning when he woke up. Roman was gone, probably working on dreams, and Virgil was sleeping soundly. 
He tried to carefully get up without waking Virgil. Virgil’s eyes fluttered, and he mumbled something unintelligible, but he didn’t get up. Patton pulled the blanket up over him. 
He trotted away a bit, and tried to shift back. He was pleasantly surprised to find that it was easy this time. Perhaps, if Logan wasn’t still mad at him, he’d be willing to help figure out what made the difference between an easy and a difficult shift. Maybe he’d ask in a few days. For now, he was going to make a fantastic breakfast! He wanted to pay back Roman and Virgil at least a little, and maybe it’d cheer up Logan too. 
He couldn’t yet sink out of Virgil’s part of the imagination accurately, so he found the door and walked into Roman’s bedroom. Roman wasn’t there, but he usually wasn’t at this time of morning. 
Patton detoured to his room to take a quick shower and change his clothes, then he went down to the kitchen. 
He had plenty of time to decide what he wanted to make. Virgil wouldn’t be awake for several hours, and Roman would be busy dream making for a while yet, unless Thomas needed to get up earlier. Logan would probably be awake soon, but he didn’t like to eat as soon as he got up, normally just getting a coffee and waiting for the family breakfast. 
The question was still what to make. Patton knew that he and Roman liked sweeter breakfasts, like pancakes, waffles, or french toast, but Virgil and Logan liked eggs, sausage, bacon, and things made of them, like quiche. 
Finally he had decided. He was going to scramble eggs, and make sausage, but also he would make toast and cinnamon rolls. 
First of all, he made a pot of coffee. All the other sides liked coffee, but he had found he really only liked it with loads of cream and sugar, and also that Roman made it that way the best. Somehow, even with being the best cook, he could only make alright cups of coffee, but Roman was brilliant. He could make everyone’s favorite coffee perfectly. 
Next was going to be cinnamon rolls. With so much time, he could make them from scratch. He was going to make these be his best cinnamon rolls yet! 
A sound drew his attention, and he looked up to see Logan coming down the stairs. Logan froze at the bottom of the stairs, his expression unreadable. When he didn’t move or say anything, Patton looked away, back to his recipe. He continued pulling out ingredients silently. The argument they had had yesterday ran through his head, and he bit his lip. 
Logan cleared his throat, and Patton looked up at him again. He was standing even more stiffly than normal, and his face was set into… an expression. Patton wasn’t sure what kind the expression was supposed to be. 
“I need to apologize to you, Patton.” Logan began. “I said things yesterday that I shouldn’t have, and I hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you, Patton. I’m sorry.”
Patton rushed forward, only hesitating slightly before hugging Logan. “I forgive you. And I’m sorry too, now really isn’t the time for arguing, and I’m really the one who started it.”
Logan hugged him back and let out a sigh of relief. “You brought up valid points. I can focus too specifically on issues, and you were trying to make me see the whole picture. I still think that we should be putting all of our energy into this project this week, but next week would be a good time for a ‘self care day’ as you put it.”
Patton pulled back to smile at him. “That sounds good.”
Logan looked around. “Can I… assist in preparing breakfast?”
“Sure! I’d love the help, kiddo!”
Roman came downstairs to see Patton giggling over the truly horrendous amount of jam Logan was putting on his toast. The table was covered with delicious smelling foods. 
“This looks amazing!” He said. 
“Roman! Good morning!” Patton said cheerfully, waving. 
“Would you wake Virgil?” Logan asked. “Breakfast is minutes away from being ready.”
Roman got Virgil, who was already awake, and brought him downstairs. They were both glad to have a family breakfast. Especially such a happy one. 
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