#Free Advice
thatsbelievable · 8 months
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modernidolater · 1 month
Black Jack PAC!
Step right up, step right on up, you know the drill, pick a card and takes your chances! Three beeyootiful two card readings, one card face up for your convenience, one face down that you gotta choose.
Today's upcard is the Four of Swords, an exciting little beauty that invites you to reinvent yourself, and rejuvenate your life. How, you ask?
Pick a card and find out!
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There we are, a lovely set of choices, not a bad one in the bunch. Scroll on down to find the reading for your chosen card!
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1. Ace of Cups
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Two growth cards gives a pretty powerful message on the need for something new or a change to be made. The Ace asks you to get out there and create connections with new people. Any new people you click with will do, and any relationship you have to them is totally fine!
You could also turn your attention to the material world and grab a new hobby, pick up a new show, read a good book, play a new game. Hell, go to a museum or restaurant you've been meaning to.
The Ace just asks that you try something new and revivify your life--even just a little--in the process.
Of course, if you can't immediately chase growth and start building up your life, you can always plan about that. Laying the groundwork for future growth is always an option, and a fantastic idea.
2. Queen of Wands
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It's time to get back in touch with your creative side. Get excited about your creativity, try new things, new directions. Allow yourself to see that old familiar path with a sense of wonder, or forge a new path entirely. There's joy to be found there, and passion is rarely wrong. Even if others have denigrated and derided your choice of creative outlet, you have to let that go and be yourself.
Much is said about not having an ego, but a healthy ego--a sense of self-worth and self-esteem--is a good thing. Allowing that to develop through your creative process, as well as learning not to let others override that sense of self, is crucial to growing as a healthy, happy person.
3. Ten of Pentacles
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You've made great strides toward financial and social stability, and that's nothing to sneeze at. Genuinely, good job!
But now that you're starting to nail things down, you're beginning to stagnate. You need to adopt a new perspective or try one or two different things. Achieving, or even approaching, stability is a laudable milestone or goal. Taking a break to focus on staying where you're at or appreciating what you have is valid and understandable. You just can't stop there forever.
Stability needs to be the jumping off point, the place of strength you move forward from. You don't have yo be shooting for the stars, but you do need to have goals and dreams and something to look forward to.
Work on identifying what you'd like to have, be, or do that would enhance your life. Even if it seems unrealistic, remember: you made it this far! Why deny possibilities out of pessimism?
Did this resonate with you? Feedback (and tips) always appreciated, and if you want a custom reading, just PM me on any of my socials!
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tilbageidanmark · 4 months
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(I started making memes)
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jaeyunluvr · 6 months
guys when you have misunderstandings w someone PLEASE talk it out okay. Esp if its someone you treasure. Face to face convos must be preferred over text or call. I've been doing that a lot these days and it helps so bad like you talk about everything and most of the times you be like 'oh it was not that bad all this time'. I know it takes courage but it's the best feeling after you end the convo.
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alarrytale · 8 months
I have hundreds of ideas of how to keep fans engagement up without shitting on your fans or stunting. I have hundred of ideas of how to improve Louis' shows and get a more likeable image that attracts the gp.
Marte can you share some of this ideas? I would love to read them.
Hi, Louis' team!
I bet you would. You seem out of ideas and in need of free advice. I've talked about this many times before, over several asks. I'm going to give a few examples of the hundreds of ideas i have lol.
Know your audience/fandom and who you should spend your time catering to
It’s larries, females, 20-30 years old, former 1d stans. It's not chavs living in their mothers basement in Doncaster...
How to do it: Ditch the lad image, the athleisure wear, the toxic masculinity, the Liam Gallagher impersonation and the punk/anarchy/indie image and sound. Stop taking fan favourite songs off the setlist ffs. When you don’t know the lyrics of your songs or the order of the setlist, you can’t afford to change it up. Have one set list and learn it!
What to do instead: Cater to the 37 million followers that already know and love you. Find ways to engage them again. 1d nostalgia always works. Post an unseen pic from the 1d days. Start taking proper care of yourself! The grey's got to go. Make pop/rock songs that's radio friendly, choose the right singles (see the response of the fandom!), dress up for shows and occations (so we can drool and look forward to your outfit), be yourself on stage and interact more with the audience (bond with us!). Show us some personality. Dare to be sexy and show us your ankles! Spend more time showing your personality on social media. Start using tiktok. Make yourself look interesting. It doesn’t have to be much.
To attract the gp and keep your fans loyal you need to act professional
Know your lyrics, be on time, use transparent communication and keep your promises.
How to do it: When you say soon it should be soon, when you say the 28 of each month, that's once a month. When you cancel a leg of tour or change a show in the nick of time, say why it's being done and why it's done so late. Act your age. Don't sweep things under the carpet and let things go unaddressed if the fandom is reacting negatively.
What to do instead: The gp or concert reviewers attending shows will demand that you know your lyrics to have a good experience. So rehearse and keep to one setlist if you have truble remembering lyrics. Hell, use prompters if neccessary. Learn to apologise properly and heartfelt. If you can’t, hire people to do it for you. Nip discontent in the bud. Either distract from it, address it or apologise for it.
Trust is important
Read the room, don't lay blame on fans (it's never the fans fault), don't EVER shit on fans and don't make promises you can’t keep.
How to do it: Monitor fandom. Constantly. 24/7. Keep up with the discourse of the day, fandom reactions and discontent. Feel the fandom pulse so you'll know when the timing is right for announcements etc. You'll learn what needs to change and improve things to make the fandom thriving and content. A happy fandom = free engagement and promo.
What to do instead: If you need to remind people you have a kid and larry isn't real, do the heavy lifting yourself. Don't throw fans under the bus. Do a tabloid denial or post a pic of F and yourself. Don't say the queue system changed because you listen to fan demands. That's bullshit. Stop lying and be transparent. Don't say you love all your fans and call out conspiracy theorists in the same breath. Both can't be true at the same time.
Don't do PR relationships for promo. Bad press isn't good press. It's bad press that's harming your image and growth.
How to do it: Stop doing PR relationships with lesser celebs. No one is buying it. Everyone is laughing, and the only one remotely interested in taking you on are 10 years your junior. It won't give you the promo you need either. Stop shitting on larries for press. Larry talk will always get you press because it's tabloid, but don't do it on fans expense. Do a denial or an interview if you must.
What to do instead: Use platonic female friendships as promo. Go parachuting with Florence Pugh and call the paps or film the whole thing and post on social media. Go visit Perrie and walk your dogs together. It will help rid you of the toxic male image, get you press (two celebs for one) and make it seem like you have a life besides partying. Stop being antagonistic to journalists and hostile to fans on twitter. Start building a relationship and a bond of trust.
Bonus: Start doing charity again (openly), let us back in your life (even if it's fake. I want to know which colour you're considering for your kitchen walls), i want social commentary on social media (what does he think about spitgate, the number of bins in England, and if he'd ever queue for a Stanley cup). I also want (and need) him to speak up against genocide. He's got an anarchy tattoo. Have some balls. He'd get good press from it too and kudos from his target group and the gp. I also need him to tease us more. I want something he's got in the works to look forward too, something not stunt related. Is he signing up for Soccer aid again? Is he doing a big interview? Post some lyrics on twitter. Engage us. Make things exciting and encourage a positive environment. It's not that hard to improve things tbh. The bar is that low.
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curtvilescomic · 10 months
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appendingfic · 17 days
Cannot advise more strongly that your protagonist with superpowers have something incredibly wrong with them or be a teenager. That way you've got a ready-made answer for why they didn't think to use their powers in any X moment
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everydayhoroscope · 11 months
Daily Horoscope for Thursday, November 9, 2023
Daily Horoscope for Thursday, November 9, 2023 On Thursday, staying grounded and avoiding getting caught up in illusions or fantasies would be beneficial.
On Thursday, staying grounded and avoiding getting caught up in illusions or fantasies would be beneficial. It’s important to know that words or actions from those around you might hurt your mental well-being. Photo by Georgie Devlin on Pexels.com If you have neurotic tendencies, you may feel increased restlessness and fear about the future. It’s possible that there could be some family issues…
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i-am-made-of-stupid · 7 months
I feel like some times I don’t understand the simple power of writing down stuff your dealing with in a journal.
Like when I was wondering how I was going to go through the process of getting over how my ex treated me. I finally threw up my hands and decided to journal about it. The basic point I came to was that I don’t need to change myself for another person. The right person will accept me for me. And then I woke up the next morning feeling relived and that a weight was lifted off my shoulders.
So what’s the point? If you ever are going through something, try journaling it. It might help.
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esotericawakenings · 7 months
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Check out my new video on Rumble with the link above or by clicking HERE!
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Free legal advice: If you're going to share those images on any publicly accessible social media accounts then you should be aware that your behaviour is probably covered by revenge porn laws. Regardless of her being a public figure or posting the original video herself, she took her whole-assed account down to remove it. She doesn't want it out there.
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aroclan · 7 months
when i'm on vacation, i am fully unavailable to my work team. they should to be able to do their jobs correctly, without constant intervention and remediation. what's more, there should be enough documentation and shared power that they (my boss included here) should be able to do urgent parts of my job without me.
i don't check my email/teams because i don't open the work-provided work-only laptop outside of work. (corporate wanted a 'mobile device profile', aka full unfettered access to my personal phone, to use the account there. i told them they could buy me a phone if they wanted such invasive access. they did not.)
i got this idea from books on happiness; you need to be able to leave work at work in order to truly rest.
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kdd-works · 8 months
Hey, fellas. I have something important to tell you.
Did you know, as a general rule, that if you’re niceies to people, they’re niceies to you back?
I know, I didn’t believe it either for a while, but it’s crazy. It gives you a lot less to worry about if you’re anxious about social situations.
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alarrytale · 8 months
i don’t know, i feel like you want louis to become a mainstream average pop star instead of something that’s authentic and actually interesting. there’s plenty of women who adore rock/punk/alternative/metal/etc music, not only “macho” men. he clearly loves rock. also, the rich history of these genres and politics is incredible. so very interesting and oftentimes beautiful.
following his true sound instead of conforming and fitting into the perfect pop star image will always be better. tiktok is a cesspool and many artists have spoken out about how they’re forced to post snippets of their songs there or they’re threatened with not releasing them.
also something very important, there is plenty of history of the overlap between street wear, chavs and the queer community in northern england, where he is from. as someone who expresses their queerness in that same way, i find it very ignorant to imply that street wear = toxic masculinity.
art shouldn’t be reduced to commerciality and capitalism. art is so beyond that. as a fan, i want him to do something that’s true to himself, not yet another soulless mainstream album
as for getting rid of the grays… i rather see someone who’s not afraid of showing a real image of who they are instead of fitting in whatever beauty standards society has. people grow, people get gray hairs at young ages sometimes. i certainly don’t want him to feel ashamed of his beautiful gray hairs
i don’t know, this whole changing himself to fit in with the mainstream music industry seems unnecessary. i’d actually stop being a fan if he did, because what made me a fan is how his art is authentic and he actually does what he wants to do music wise, not what the industry labels popular
Hi, anon!
I've talked about this subject before. I think you need to take yourself out of the equation. Take me out too. It's not about what i want or what you want. It's about what i believe needs to happen in order to keep and grow his fanbase. Neither of us is fitting the target group he should be catering to. It's his current core fanbase and those 37 mill followers (potential fans) that needs to find him interesting, attractive and inspirational to buy his album and buy tickets to his show.
I've said before that i don't think L can afford to do what he wants and what he's passionate about. He's not in a position to. His label and touring company demands a certain amount of albums and concert tickets sold to make up for the investment and costs. He's got targets he needs to hit. The investors want profit. For continued investment they also need to see progress (more albums sold then the previous album, more tickets sold than the last tour etc.)
I think Louis' career is stagnating or on it's way over the hill. Afhf didn’t sell as well as previous year, his monthly listeners are declining, he had to cancel Asia because of bad sales and downgrade a venue because of low sales. Engagement in his fandom is low as well. Bg, yelling at fans, cancelling and downgrading shows, lack of professionalism and childish behaviour isn't doing him any favours.
So again, i don't think he can afford to do what he wants and likes. Fans aren’t responding to it well and he's got to do something to get himself back in fans favour. Where you see him wearing street wear and associates it with queer culture in Northern England, the gp sees an artist who wears wrinkled ill-fitting trackpants every show. Where you see grey hair and is proud of him for being himself, the gp sees a premature grey-haired older than his years artist. None of this is working in his favour.
So while i would love for him to be himself, authentic and explore niche genres and subcultures, that's not what his target group and most of the gp likes and wants. So i think he needs to compromise. Give the target group some of what they want, while testing the borders of how far he can push it towards what he wants. I think he's on his way to go a bit overboard. He's got an image problem among non-fans and some of it he can't do anything about. What he's currently doing now clearly isn't working like intended. There are things he can do to maintain and grow his fanbase. Some of it is fairly simple stuff. He must be willing to change in order to do so, and i'm not sure he is.
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kittenkes · 9 months
Foreplay should start in the morning and last all day.
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