#Frankie vantasmo
charlilil · 9 months
Twilight sanctorum has been a delight so here’s some cone boy
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jennegatron · 1 year
dungeons and dragons is a magical game where you can be anything you want, like a submissive gummy bear man who gets pounded into oblivion by a big buff chocolate lady, or you can play a frog man whose wife has left him or you can play a cringefail goth dork who loves swords and jeff hardy or a 70 year old grandfather who solves crimes with his overly doting son and his balding 22 year old grandson
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spellslinging · 7 months
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wife guy frankie vantasmo
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chompe-diem · 9 months
wait no actually the flashback to that scene with the vantasmo family with a younger, happier frankie? that was fucked up man. murph what the hell
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aquarium-high · 9 months
frankie vantasmo is a gilf spread the word
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heytherecentaurs · 9 months
Murph rolled so well during Twilight Sanctorum. He hit so many great Nat 20s. Honestly he deserves them. Frankie is a character he was meant to play.
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stone-stars · 7 months
Emily: And then-- Frankie. [Plodding piano as Murph talks.] Murph: I-- I think Frankie does his normal thing, which is to tell everybody he's going to bed, and then leaves the light on and smokes his pipe, and you can see the smoke coming out from under the door. [Emily laughs] And he also, I'll say, almost like he's a bad roommate playing darts or something, he has a throwing knife that he just throws into a beam on his wall that has a bunch of like-- slashes into it. And then he has another knife that was like a dagger that his wife Linette had, that he doesn't throw. He keeps it perfect. So he's got the one in his left hand that's her knife, just kind of like, flippin' it and lookin' at it. And then he's got his crappy one that he just throws into the wall over and over again. [Sound of a dagger being thrown.] Emily: As you flip Linette's dagger in your hand, the hilt of it familiar to you at this point-- you see the hilt of it is decorated with a sort of red poppy flower-- [Piano fades.] You hear Atticus' words in your head: Atticus (Emily): As a favor to your late wife. Frankie (Murph): (muttered) Keep her name out of your mouth. [Emily and Caldwell laugh] Emily: And you feel, in your stomach, the remnants of the Little Death that you... took just a dab of. And… a memory is needling at you. Frankie: Mmm. Emily: Do you… Murph: I dive in, yeah. [Jake laughs.] Emily: You dive in? Murph: Yeah. In fact, if I would've saved the vial, I t--try and take more. Emily: You huff the fumes of that Little Death, and you return to a moment… [Soft music begins, first a solo piano, but building as the scene continues.] Emily: You see in the corner of your bedroom, this vanity with a basin where Linette used to take the pins out of her hair after a night of dancing. And you remember a specific night: Linette, smiling at you in the mirror as her hair, curl by curl, falls to her shoulders, but with some mischief in her eyes. Linette (Emily): Hey, Frank? Emily: She pulls a coin purse from her corset. Linette: I think it's time to start lookin' at places in the Feywild. Emily: She tosses you the purse, grinning at you. It lands… heavy in your hand. There's a lot of coin in here. Linette: I got a raise, Frank. We're so close! I can taste it-- you, me, Pen. We're gettin' outta here! Emily: She takes the final pin out of her hair, which you now recognize is her dagger. She folds it gently into a handkerchief and she tucks it into a drawer. And then she turns at you, beaming, with a hope that is so… infectious, you forgot to question where all that money came from. Frankie: (joyful) Linette! O--Of course you got a raise! You're the best! They finally realized your worth! [Emily and Jake laugh softly as he talks.] Murph: And I-- I pull her in, I give her a big kiss… such a distant Frankie that no longer exists; I call for Penny-- Frankie: Pen! Get in here, bud! We got great news! [Emily gasps softly.] Penny (Caldwell): What? What's goin' on? Frankie: C'mere my special little guy! Get over here! [Caldwell, Jake, and Emily laugh as he talks. They continue to laugh through the rest of the exchange.] Frankie: Oh, god, aren't we just the perfect little family! Ain't nothin' ever gonna change! Nothin's gettin' us down! The Vantasmos! Penny: I love you ma, I love you dad! Frankie: Oh, I love you son! God! It's so simple! Ain't life simple, everybody? Penny: Everything's great, I'm just gonna do a cartwheel, okay? Frankie: Oh, wow, look at him go, Lin! Look at him go! There's my boy! He can do cartwheels better than anybody! [The laughter fades. The music fades back to only piano.] Emily: And then this beautiful memory dissipates-- [the music cuts out entirely] --like the smoke from your pipe, and you're back here. Frankie: (joyless) Yeah. Murph: I look in the mirror, and see myself looking back at me instead of Linette. Frankie: Ah. Emily: Yeah. Murph: I throw something over the mirror.
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captainpondlilly · 9 months
Does anyone else picture Mavid as a Muppet?
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myrtlethabitch · 10 months
caldwell is right, we should absolutely be calling it TWANC (twilight sanctorum)
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marble-seafoam · 1 year
if you lovely talented people don’t make frankie vantasmo hot as fuck when you make his fanart i’m losing it on you
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charlilil · 2 months
Mavid you will always be famous
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jennegatron · 6 months
Relistening to twilight sanctorum and Murph as Frankie dropping a "keep her name out of your mouth" is that much funnier knowing this was recorded after FHJY.
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sweetaspiesammy · 9 months
it’s been a while since something has made me laugh out loud the way twilight sanctorum does. emily is such a gem as a dm and the vantasmo fam has me absolutely losing it
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chompe-diem · 9 months
also to add to my list of things i want so badly and will never get, i just think that frankie and penny should get into an emotionally cathartic screaming match
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shadelyn · 9 months
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Guess who's in my sims save
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heytherecentaurs · 5 months
The flashback in Twilight Sanctorum where Frankie is thinking about his life with Linette, and Murph describes how broken and distant current Frankie is from the version who had Linette, it’s really heartbreaking. And do you think Murph was looking across the table at Emily, the women with whom he’s built a life, fantasy worlds, stories and music as he described how ruined his character became without this woman in his life? How losing Linette stole the joy from him. Because I do. It always occurs to me that Murph the actor is talking to his wife about how his character Frankie never recovered from losing his wife.
And that just destroys me a little bit.
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