#Frank Lowy
dadsinsuits · 4 months
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Frank Lowy
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Ik ben er zeker van dat er quasi geen doelpubliek hiervoor is op tumblr, en dit is echt heel hard nog een work in progress maar damnn wat een werk
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rockzone · 15 days
The Dead Daisies - Light 'Em Up
Release Date: 6 Sep 2024
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Over a decade ago, The Dead Daisies burst onto the music scene. Their mission, to create some good old fashioned 70’s style rock, gather some of the finest musicians in the world, and have a great time keeping rock music alive.
The Dead Daisies began 2024 in Muscle Shoals and Nashville writing and recording for their latest album, “Light ‘Em Up” which was released last Friday. They have also announced the “Light ‘Em Up” Tour which will take in the US, UK and Europe.
The band’s DNA includes an amazing collective of players that includes David Lowy, Doug Aldrich, John Corabi, Michael Devin, Tommy Clufetos, Glenn Hughes, Marco Mendoza, Richard Fortus, Dizzy Reed, Frank Ferrer, Darryl Jones, Charley Drayton, Deen Castronovo and Jon Stevens amongst others.
The Dead Daisies have gone from strength to strength since the release of their self-titled album in 2013. They have released six studio albums, one live, one covers and a “Best Of’ album to a growing army of fans, and praised by the global media in an era where Rock has been declared dead time and time again.
There’s been multiple headline tours throughout Europe, Japan, South & North America. They played Download, Wacken, Graspop, Hellfest and Sweden Rock. They were thrilled to play for the passionate music-loving people of Cuba after the embargo lifted in 2015. Playing with a 60-piece orchestra in front of a massive 300,000 crowd at the ‘Concert For Freedom’ in Poland was another highlight.
They’ve had some incredible one-offs and special highlights over the last decade including sharing stages with some of the world’s biggest Rock bands including Kiss, Guns N‘ Roses, Scorpions, Aerosmith, Def Leppard, Bad Company, Whitesnake, ZZ Top, Foreigner, Judas Priest and the Hollywood Vampires.
Line-Up John Corabi - vocals Doug Aldrich - guitars David Lowy - guitars Michael Devin - bass Tommy Clufetos - drums
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sethabrikoos · 1 year
The Dead Daisies are an Australian-American rock supergroup and collective formed in 2012 in Sydney, Australia by David Lowy.
Musicians that have joined Lowy for the project have included Richard Fortus (Guns N' Roses), Jon Stevens (INXS, Noiseworks), Darryl Jones[1] (The Rolling Stones), Dizzy Reed(Guns N' Roses), Marco Mendoza (Thin Lizzy, Whitesnake), Charley Drayton (The Cult, Divinyls, Cold Chisel), John Tempesta (The Cult, Exodus, Testament), Frank Ferrer (Guns N' Roses),
Alex Carapetis (Nine Inch Nails), Clayton Doley, Jackie Barnes (Jimmy Barnes), John Corabi (The Scream, Mötley Crüe), Alan Mansfield, Brian Tichy (Whitesnake, Foreigner, Ozzy Osbourne), Doug Aldrich (Whitesnake, Bad Moon Rising, Dio, Burning Rain, Revolution Saints),[2]Deen Castronovo (Journey, Bad English, Hardline, Ozzy Osbourne, Revolution Saints) and Glenn Hughes (Trapeze, Deep Purple, Black Country Communion).
The 12th of November they will perform at 013 Tilburg, NL!!!
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Two luminaries of real estate inducted into the Australian Property Hall of Fame
Joan Cordell and Nigel Satterley AM, will tonight be inducted into the Australian Property Hall of Fame.The Hall of Fame, administered by the Property Council of Australia, was established in 2012 and honours individuals who have provided sustained leadership, made a major pioneering contribution and left an outstanding legacy to the property industry and the Australian community.Other inductees have included Frank Lowy AC, Carol Schwartz AO, Sir John Pidgeon, Sir Keith Campbell, and Sir Albert Jennings.
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dashagirl · 2 years
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israelseen1 · 2 years
Sir Frank Lowy Donates $18-Million to Tel Aviv University’s International School
Sir Frank Lowy Donates $18-Million to Tel Aviv University’s International School
(Left to right): Prof. Ariel Porat & Sir Frank Lowy Sir Frank Lowy Donates $18-Million to Tel Aviv University’s International School The gift from the Israeli-Australian businessman will expand TAU’s offering of global programs and collaborations; it will include a scholarship fund for outstanding international students, a fund for visiting professors, and the development of new international…
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xatskee · 2 years
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#QuoteOfTheDay (20221205): “Hidup mengalami pasang surut, tetapi Anda hanya boleh menatap ke depan.” (Frank Lowy) Demikianlah hidup. Manusia biasa hingga level Rasulullah ﷺ mengalaminya. Allah mengingatkan Nabi dan para sahabatnya pasca kekalahan di perang Uhud dengan kemenangan di perang Badar dalam ayat, “Dan masa (kejayaan dan keterpurukan) itu, Kami pergilirkan di antara manusia (agar mereka mendapat pelajaran), dan agar Allah membedakan orang-orang yang beriman (dengan orang-orang yang ingkar)..” (Ali Imran: 140) Jadi tak perlu berkecil hati. Tatap dan persiapkan diri untuk hari esok/ masa depan. Nabi ﷺ bersabda, "Tidak ada yang tahu apa yang akan terjadi dengan hari esok kecuali Allah." (HR. al-Bukhari: 4328). Karena itu, tetaplah berbuat kebajikan dengan perasaan raja’ (penuh harap) esok yang lebih baik dan khauf (rasa takut) bila amalan tidak diterima Allah. Semangat Pagi! #Life #has #its #ups #downs #can #only #look #forward #lesson #learned #Allah #hold #tomorrow #stay #good #deeds #raja #khauf Telegram Channel https://t.me/xQoTD https://www.instagram.com/p/ClwovVnyrVr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theblossom34 · 2 years
Should You Sell or Hold Your Property Development?
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For many property investors, the appeal of property development is the promise of creating enormous capital gain in a short space of time. Most people assume that to make money out of property development you need to sell the properties you develop. Is this a common misconception?
The decision of whether you should sell or hold the properties you develop depends on a number of things, including your financial position, the market conditions and the type of development you are undertaking. But primarily it comes down to your objective in doing the development in the first place. Some property developers aim to increase rental returns, while others seek to make a cash profit or simply to increase and unleash their equity. Developing property can also be a way of obtaining new property at wholesale prices. It's important that you are clear on your objective prior to starting a development as it can influence many aspects of the development.
People often sell properties they have developed because they think they have to sell to make money or "realise the profit". However, by refinancing you can still access the equity you have created. Why might this be a better option than selling? It comes down to the risks and costs associated with developing to sell. Developing to sell requires expert market timing to get the property cycle right. Plus, if you sell properties that you have developed you will likely have to pay Sales Agents Fees and Marketing (3-4%), GST on the Profit Margin (2% if a 20% margin), and Income Tax (as much as 9% if a 20% profit margin).
It's clear that if you develop and sell, transaction costs will eat away at your profit. For that reason, I believe developing to sell should not be the first choice in every instance. You could be far better off by hundreds of thousands of dollars by holding the properties. Many of the most successful property developers, such as Frank Lowy (developer worth $6 billion who has built a worldwide shopping centre empire) rarely sell.
So when should you develop and hold? The simple answer is when it is feasible. Depending on the type of development you do, you will generate either additional rental income over and above the interest costs OR you will generate additional equity. But preferably you will do both. More here blossoms by the park
So when is the best time to develop and sell? Being a successful property trader requires focus, commitment and a lot of time. You need to do much more market analysis and it is inherently more risky as you are timing the market. To justify continual buying and selling, you need to generate high returns to warrant the transaction costs (agent fees, stamp duty, income taxes). You also have to be prepared to "landbank", which is common amongst developer, who may hold land for 10 or more years.
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gluseagh · 2 years
Frank Lowy Net Worth 2022
Frank Lowy Net Worth 2022
Frank Lowy Net Worth 2022: Sir Frank P. Lowy AC is an Australian-Israeli businessman of Jewish Slovakian-Hungarian origins and the former long-time Chairman of Westfield Corporation The Westfield Group, an Australian company that owns and operates more than a hundred shopping centers in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Great Britain, was founded in large part by Frank Lowy. In…
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24australia-blog · 7 years
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The relentless, unstoppable force that spooked Murdoch and Lowy
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The Dead Daisies and Orianthi at The Vermont, Los Angeles California
The Dead Daisies and Orianthi at The Vermont, Los Angeles California
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taunuswolf · 3 years
Natürlich ist diese Liste nicht vollständig. Sicherlich könnte ich sie um viele Persönlichkeiten erweitern. Besonders bei Künstlern, Schriftstellern, Musikern und Schauspielern kämen sicherlich noch viel mehr bewundernswerte Menschen zusammen, die mein Leben mitbegleitet haben. Bei den eher unbekannten Namen habe ich die Funktion in Klammern daneben geschrieben. Einige Namen sind Legendengestalten oder biblische Figuren, zum Beispiel Heilige (HL). Menschen, die ich zum Beispiel während meiner Zeit als Redakteur oder anderwärtig persönlich kennen gelernt habe, sind zum Beispiel auf der Tumblr-Seite fett gekennzeichnet. Unter der Rubrik (Vormärz) versteht man die frühen Akteure der Demokratiebewegung, die leider nicht zum Zug kamen und stattdessen einem autokratischen System weichen mussten, die als Pseudodemokratie bis heute anhält. Im Klartext: Deutschland verträgt keine echte Opposition.  
A: Jeanne d´Arc, Hannah Arendt, Ernst Moritz Arndt, Bettine von Arnim, AC/DC, Johann Valentin Andreae (Rosenkreuzer), Alexandra (Sängerin), König Arthus, Adele, Hirsi Ali, Charles Aznavour,    
B: Hugo Ball (Schriftsteller), Marianne Bachmeier (Mutter Courage), Sebastian Bach, Gottfried von Bouillon (Kreuzritter), Friedrich Barbarossa, Clemens von Brentano (Dichter), G.L. von Blücher, F.W. von Bülow (Preußische Generäle der Befreiungskriege), Hildegard von Bingen, Beatles, Carl Ludwig Börne (1848ziger), Robert Blum (1848-Rebell), Ludwig van Beethoven, Arnold Böcklin, Max Brodt, David Bowie, Thomas Bernhard, Wilhelm Busch, James Baldwin, M. A. Bakunin (Anarchist), Boetius (Philosoph), Buena vista social Club, Josef Beuys, Samuel Beckett, Sebastian Brandt (Humanist)        
C: Cicero, Paul Celan, Carl von Clausewitz (Oberst Befreiungskriege), Leonard Cohen, M. Caravaggio, John Cassavetes (Regis.), Karl August von Cohausen (Archäologe), Charlotte Corday (Rebellin 1790), Robert Crumb, Eric Clapton, Lowis Corinth, Joe Cocker, N.S. Chruschtschow, Sean Connery.        
D: Denis Diderot (Aufklärer), Albrecht Dürer, Bob Dylan, Carl Theodor von Dalberg (Aufklärer), Dante, Dido (Sängerin), Alexander Dubcek, Doors,    
E: Max Ernst, Hl. Elisabeth, Enya, Eisbrecher (Band), Michael Ende, Umberto Ecco, Joseph von Eichendorff,    
F: Gottfried Fichte, Ernst Fuchs, Friedrich der Große, Georg Forster, Caspar David Friedrich, Fleetwood Mac,  
G: Theo van Gogh, Franzisko de Goya, Gottfried Grabbe, Che Guevara, Siddharta Gautama, Karoline von Günderode (Dichterin), Georges I. Gurdjief (Mystiker), Matthias Grünewald, Artemisia Gentileschi (Malerin), Gandalf, Brüder Grim, Grimmelshausen, Ralf Giordano (Journalist), Green Day (Band), Florian Geyer (Rebellenanführer), A.N. von Gneisenau (General Befreiungskriege), M.S. Gorbatschow.      
H: Hagen, Hermann Hesse, Peter Handke, Hölderlin, Heinrich Heine, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Gottfried Herder, Friedrich Hecker (1848-Rebell), Händel, Villard de Honnecourt (Gotik-Baumeister), Michel Houellebecq, Homer, Herodot, Klaus Heuser (BAB), Gorge Harrison, Andreas Hofer, Johnny Hallyday (Franz. Sänger), Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Werner Herzog, Elmar Hörig (Kultmoderator), Ulrich von Hutten (Humanist), Victor Hugo, Harro Harring (Vormärz),      
I: Jörg Immendorff, Henryk Ibsen, Isaias (Prophet),  
J. Jesus, Johannes der Täufer, Johannes der Evangelist, Jeremia (Prophet), C.G. Jung (Psychologe), Jennies Joplin, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (Turnvater)
K: Karl Kraus, Theodor Körner, Franz Kafka, Frida Kahlo, Gustav Klimt, Charlotte von Kalb (Muse), Lee Krasner (Künstlerin), Rainhard Karl (Bergsteiger), Peter Keuer (Grünen-Gründer), Alfred Kubin,  
L: Lukas, John Lennon, David Lynch, Flake Lorenz, Andreas von Lichnowski (1848ziger), Cyprian Lelek (1848ziger), Georg C. Lichtenberg, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Lanzelot, M.V. Llosa (Schriftsteller), Annie Lenox, Königin Luise, Ludwig A.W. von Lützow (Befreiungskriege), M. Lafayette (Fr. Staatsmann und Aufklärer) Franz Liszt, Led Zeppelin, Hanns Lothar (Schauspieler)
M: HL. Maria, HL. Maria Magdalena, Marcus, Matthäus, Matthäus Merian, Maria Sybilla Merian, Amadeus Mozart, Bob Marley, Edward Munch, Claude Monet, Albertus Magnus (Scholastiker), Merlin, Alma Mahler-Werfel (Muse), Meister Eckard (Mystiker), Moody Blues.    
N: HL. Nikolaus, Novalis, V. Nabokov (Schriftsteller), Ningen Isu (Band), Nirvana, Agrippa von Nettesheim (Alchimist), Hannah Nagel (Künstlerin),    
O: Josef Maria Olbrich (Jugendstilbaumeister), Rudolf Otto (Religionswissenschaftler), Oomph (Band), Oasis, Mike Oldfield,  
P: Platon, Plotin, Pythagoras (Philosophen), Jean Paul, Plinius, Parzival, Tom Petty, Daniel Powter, Procol Harum, Pink Floyd,  
Q: Queen,
R:  Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, Josef Roth, Ramstein, Philipp Otto Runge, Ludwig Richter, Rio Reiser, Ritter Roland, Rainer Maria Rilke, Erasmus von Rotterdam, Eric Rohmer, Ulrich Roski (Sänger), Rolling Stones, R.E.M. Lou Reed, Chris Rea, Petra Roth (Ex-OB Frankfurt/M)
S: Johann III Sobieski (polnischer König), Sunzi (chinesischer Philosoph), August Schöltis (Schriftsteller), Lou von Salome (Muse), B. Smetanar, Carlos Santana, Sappho (Dichterin), Schopenhauer, Helmut Schäfer (Staatsminister im Auswärtigen Amt) Sokrates, Egon Schiele, Madame de Stael, August Strindberg, Richard Strauss, Philipp Jacob Siebenpfeiffer (Vormärz), Helmut Schmidt, Subway to Sally (Band), Karl Ludwig Sand (Vormärz)    
T: B. Traven (Schriftsteller), A. P. Tschechov, Ivan Turgenjev, Ludwig Tieck (Romantiker), HL. Judas Thaddäus, Hermes Trismegistos (Philosoph), P.I. Tschaikowski, William Turner, Lars von Trier (Regisseur)  
U: Peter Ustinov, Ludwig Uhland, Siegfried Unseld (Verleger),
V: Luchino Visconti, Leonardo da Vinci, Velvet Underground, Vitruv, Vercingetorix, Francois Villon (Dichter), Walter von der Vogelweide, Robert Vogelmann (Menschenrechtsaktivist)    
W: Wim Wenders, Richard Wagner, Otto Wagner (Jugendstilbaumeister) Wagakki-Band, Sara Wagenknecht, Ludwig Wittgenstein (Philosoph), Georg August Wirth (Vormärz),
X: Xhol (Band)    
Y: Neil Young, Yvonne (Aktivistin der Gegenöffentlichkeit)
Z: Heinrich Zille, Carl Zuckmayer, Frank Zappa,  
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Stories Where Being Gay Isn’t Necessarily The Whole Plot (Though Sometimes It Is) That You Might Not Have Heard Of
These are just a couple of books that I’ve read that touch upon LGBT+ themes in a way that I find interesting or unusual. There’s some interesting perspectives here and I’ve tried to recommend books where being gay and coming out isn’t the ‘main issue’ of the plot. Hope y’all enjoy. 
[This is an open document that will be added to over time - mostly as I read more books]
Me Being Me Is Exactly As Insane As You Being You - Todd Hasak-Lowy
Summary: Follows the life of a high schooler named Darren as he struggles with the divorce of his parents and the loss of his best friend.
Genre: Highschool Drama
TW: None :)
Deals with a parent coming out as gay from the perspective of the child which is not often widely spoken about.
It’s also written entirely in lists so if you like funky formatting this is for you.
More Than This - Patrick Ness
Summary: A teenage boy drowns. He dies. Later he wakes up in an English suburb.
Genre: Dystopian
TW: Suicide
An extremely well written book (and one of my favourites) by the LGBT+ icon Patrick Ness.
Feels like every chapter ends with a cliff-hanger.
*Chef’s kiss*
Will Grayson, Will Grayson - John Green and David Levithan
Summary: The interlocking stories of two boys who share the same name - Will Grayson.
Genre: Highschool Drama
TW: None :)
I really liked the fact that the book didn’t deal with the character discovering they were gay and coming out but the aftermath - it was very nicely portrayed.
It’s cool that the chapters alternate between the two authors.
Pet Peeve: One of the authors definitely doesn’t know how to write teenagers (but don’t worry it gets better).
100% Heartwarming.
Release - Patrick Ness
Summary: Takes place over a single day. High schooler Adam is about to make a couple of small decisions that will change the course of his life. Across town a ghost rises from the lake.
Genre: Highschool Drama cross with Urban Supernatural
TW: Religious based homophobia, murder, sexual harassment.
Really enjoy this one - it just makes you feel all gooey inside!
Touches upon living with a religious, homophobic family but it feels very genuine.
Some smexy times - ironically there’s one on page 169 ;)
The Wasp Factory - Ian Banks 
Summary: Between the ages of 6 and 9, Frank murders three relatives. Living a isolated life on a Scottish island and missing his brother who has been admitted to a mental institution, Frank fills his time with murderous acts as dictated by The Wasp Factory
Genre: Horror
TW: 18+ Murder, animal death, mental illness, trauma, misogyny, gore and overall disturbing themes.
A truly gruesome book - please avoid if you don’t like gore.
However it does bring to light some interesting themes surrounding gender identity - whether it’s presented in a positive or negative light you decide.
My English teacher recommended this to me what I was 13 - what the fuck dude.
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onetwofeb · 4 years
CRISIS AND CRITIQUE 2020 - The Year of the Virus. SARS 2 / COVID 19 Volume 7 / Issue 3, 24-11-2020 Edited by Agon Hamza & Frank Ruda
with papers from: Zizek, Balibar, AG. Linera, Malabou, Therborn, Dolar, Wahnich, Clemens, Lowy, W. Hui, Montag, McGowan, Nancy, Toscano, Safatle, K.S.Robinson, and many others.
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reajenggg-blog · 6 years
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“The loss of my father was the most traumatic event in my life – I can’t forget the pain.” – Frank Lowy
intinya sesakit apapun org putus cinta, gagal nikah, sumpah lebih sakit salah satu orangtua, cinta pertama kita meninggal dunia, kayak hancur gitu gak sih apalagi dulu blm sempet bahagiain, masih bandel bgt tapi doi tetep sayang, dadddd😭
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