#France elections
madame-helen · 3 months
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France right now.
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rrdcooc · 3 months
Dear UK and France,
I am so proud of you!
You guys have achieved something amazing in the past few days, and I hope this example leads as many of us forward in a progressive, non-conservative way as possible.
The upcoming US election is stressing me the fuck out.
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dors-ee · 19 days
About french politic and the denial of democracy done by the asshole calling himself a president.
I know tumblr is focused on US america but I need to speak about France : despite the left wining the election our president just nominated a right (and not center right but more close to far right... very close. Basically far right in all but his official affiliation.) prime minister.
The left won the election. Not an absolute majority but still a majority.
The other group that got a lot of vote got it because of leftists that -to block the far right- changed their votes when it was Macron's candidate (or republican) vs far right. I myself on the second time had to vote for the fucking right to block the facists.
Anyway. The prime minister should have been from the left. Macron said no, Macron forced a pause for the J.O. Macron first said "we don't want the group LFI" (LFI is one of the parti of the left coalition. It's NOT a far left parti but the right and far right and Macron love to call LFI extremists . And it's also the one that got the most seats, inside the leftist coalition.)
So LFI said "Ok. We take a step back. We're not going to be in the government". And lo and behold Macron said "No". Because his real jssue is not LFI : its the fucking left. And the left program.
So what did this asshole do? He just nominated a right prime minister. And not just any right, but someone that in the right (the republican) is the closest to the far right. Someone that is from a group that got amongst the less seats. And some were won because of the leftists trying to block the far right.
He is basically a member of the far right no matter what is officially said. He is against homosexual mariage, abortion, and he wants to make all social help (financial) conditional. He is ultra liberalist and conservative and against immigration and just a fucking facist too. (I'm not making the full list of what he is against but this man is an asshole and basically from the far right with everything they stand for.)
Even though I repeat : the left got the most seats. And many seats of Macron's parti and the republican were won ONLY and PURELY to block the far right because there was no possibility for a left candidate to win in those areas.
Macron just said fuck you to democracy, the left, the people and basically gave the power to the far right.
Like this isn't just shit for now, it's shit for 2027. because here what he says is basically : your vote doesn't matter.
This is walking all over democracy. This is anti constitutional He handed the power to the far right and is their puppet.
edit : to be able to pick the guy he picked it means Macron made deals with the far right party. Like he made deals with them after the whole fucking movement to block them and everyone including his own parti going "No to the facists!"
As a reminded the french far right parti the RN was built with an ancient SS amongst its founders. And other pple that were collaborating with nazis and all. We are speaking about actual real fucking nazis here.
sorry for my english here... This is a lot of shit and I'm part of several minorities that will suffer. It's also basically the death sentence of France and our social rights and all. I just don't fucking want to live in this world... Which might happen lol with our government if they do what they want to do.
edit 2 : sorry if this is confusing or seems simplified -which it is a little-. Talking about politic as in translating what is in your country to another language is very complicated 😅
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galliaestomnis · 3 months
"Quand les blés sont sous la grêle Fou qui fait le délicat Fou qui songe à ses querelles Au coeur du commun combat"
La rose et le réséda, Louis ARAGON, 1943
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junie2931 · 3 months
Enjolras come back !! France needs u 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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marietheran · 3 months
not to engage in politics, but since it's election season in Europe, I believe this bears repeating: nearly none of the people you call far right are actually facists. most of them aren't even far right.
I'm begging you, agitate/celebrate if you want, but stop with the exaggerations because this is ridiculous.
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suede-moon · 3 months
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shaxza · 3 months
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theartisticcrow · 3 months
Can someone tell me what's going on in France as of now? My understanding is shaky and unclear. From what I gather, the most seats in the parliament went to the leftist political group, which I think is a good thing, but there isn't enough to make up the majority of the parliament or something like that? Something about a political deadlock? I'm hoping someone can explain what exactly is happening and what this all means because I'm finding it a bit hard to understand.
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aspiringbelle · 3 months
Not only did the far-right lose in France, but the leading New Popular Front is willing to challenge part of Brussels! While they do back the Palestinians, they do still favor aid to Kiev, and plan to stay in NATO, so it's not as good as I had hoped.
Unlike the UK, turnout is high.
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mirkobloom77 · 3 months
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medeas-chariot · 3 months
The fascists are crying so hard lmao I don't even live in France and I'm happy 💃🏻
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outrosword · 3 months
yo france, you good?
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hasanabiyoutube · 24 days
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liliyawnas · 3 months
yoooo the left seems to have won in france im so happy
i won’t be kicked out of the country thank fuck!
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disasterpirate · 3 months
Whew. Didn't know I'd been holding my breath for a week.
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