particlepocket · 4 months
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Land of mirror and ruses
A hot desert world with broken glass strewn across the sand, twisted mirror spires and distant mirages.
Mirror in reflections, truth and self. Ruses in illusion, deceit and trickery. Both in common with fragility while also coming together as funhouse mirrors or mirror mazes (denizen dungeon)
Denizen dungeon would be Scam likely's funhouse with different challenges but purposely same. The denizen itself would have the role of tori
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penvisions · 8 months
the melting point {chapter 16}
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x Baker! Reader (ex EMT! Reader)
Summary: In the aftermath of a rather eventful and terrifying last summer farmer's market, you try to find a semblance of normalcy as best you can. Meanwhile, Frankie is up to something that is beginning to cause you to worry about the burden you've become in your recovery.
Word Count: 6.8k
Warnings: medical jargon, mild language, emotional monologues, internal monologue, negative feelings, negative thoughts, ptsd symptoms, pining, emotional pining, depressive thoughts, description of pain and injuries, blood, descriptions of post shooting chaos, panic attacks, notions of death, hospital setting, mentions of needles and iv's, mentions of narcotics, use of prescription narcotics, feelings of inadequacy, angst
A/N: um, so it's been four months since i've touched this fic, then i woke up yesterday morning and just began writing like nothing. takes breaks when you need to, don't force things and it'll all work out. please let me know what y'all think!
ao3 link || series masterlist || main masterlist || ko-fi
“C’mon, hang on for me baby, please, don’t-don’t close your eyes.”
“Mantequilla, everything is gonna be okay, I promise, we’re all here for you, please know that everything is going to be okay.”
“We’ve got you, you did so good, you saved my little girl, you did, you saved her.”
“Honey, we all love you so much, please stay strong, I’ll hold your hand the entire way there.”
“Let’s get you turned over, ma’am, c’mon. There we go, you’re doing amazing.”
“Santi, she-she-“
“Papa!! Papa, please help her, I love her! Tio Santi, do something!!”
“Merde, that’s so much blood, Frankie you’ve gotta focus, you’ve gotta calm her down. Get her home safe, to your mother’s, somewhere safe.”
“Will!! They got her, call Morgan! She went missing the second things got crazy.”
“Has anyone seen Benny?”
“They’re transporting her now, rushing her to surgery the second the get there.”
“She’s lost a lot of blood, any donations with the same blood type would be appreciated. Who here is a positive?”
“Sweet girl, please, you’ve got to pull through, I know you can do it. You’re so strong.”
“No response, it’s been how many days now?”
“She’s being rushed into another surgery, she keeps clotting. They can’t figure out why.”
“Fransico Morales? You’re next of kin?”
“No, no, but we’re all she has. Her family is flying out, they’ll be here in a few hours.”
“Taylor, take a moment, it’s…it’s a lot to take in.”
“Daddy, why is tia all tangled in those machines, she’s going to be okay, right?”
“This is my son, he wanted to come and cheer her up because she always did the same for him when he was sick.”
“Please, mi amor, please, you have to make it. I don’t know what I’d do without you.
Fractered memories played over each other, words echoing and bouncing off of each other through the fog that was all you knew. You couldn’t feel anything, all of your senses stripped away, and you were nothing more than a half-conscious mind tunneling in and out of suspended darkness.
Beeping, an even beeping was the only steady thing you could make out. Sense of environment completely gone and sense of awareness slowly trickling in. Your eyes hurt as you slowly blinked them open, the faint lights around you too bright and you clenched them shut with a huff that pulled at your lungs. The stillness of where you were was shattered as the clattering of a chair sounded, followed by a pair of hands tightening around yours that were settled over your middle. A hushed order to go fetch someone and then a deep voice was rumbling close. You turned your head toward the presence hovering close to your left side, drawn to whoever it was.
“Hey, hey, take it easy, sweet girl.”
A grunt sounded from deep in your chest as you tried to open your mouth and respond. Then a gasp when pain reverberated from the same spot. You tried to shift your legs, hips feeling oddly numb but you couldn’t quite feel them. It was as if they were asleep, but… you cracked your eyes open a second time, squinting down the length of the bed you were in. Your legs were there, obvious underneath the thin, knit, scratchy blankets that only a hospital possessed. You tried to shift again, but even your hips didn’t feel like a part of your body. Your eyes flew open completely, tearing up at the brightness of the room.
Shuddering breaths pulled deep hurt, but you tried to shift again and again but there was no movement underneath the blanket. None.
“Okay, alright, querida, please. Take a deep breath, it’s-it’s gonna be okay.” Frankie. It had been Frankie speaking to you, close to you. His hands reached out for your own, where you had pried them from him to try and prop yourself up, wires and tubes pulling, clattering against each other and making your head swim. “The doctors-“
“I know this must be quite a shock, but it’s good that you’re awake!” A white coat, thrown over a modest skirt and blouse, blonde hair. A kind face, pinched. A furrowed brow. Bad news on the tip of her tongue.
You tried to speak, demand why you couldn’t feel anything below your waist. But you could only croak out the faintest notions of words. Everything was a blur, the hospital room you were in a mess of blue and white, the beeping of machines hurting your ears. Nothing made any sense, confusion coloring every thought as to how you got here and why.
“Let’s get you some water and food first, your body is pretty weak right now. Can I get a level two meal delivered to room thirteen eighty-nine, please?” She turned to address someone who had been hidden behind her, a nurse in teal scrubs.
“Tell me.” You managed to croak out, eyes fixated on her pinched ones.
“I would really prefer to get you a little acclimated.”
Her eyes flickered toward Frankie, as if in a silent plea to get him to calm you down and put you at ease however little he could manage. But you ignored the warm weight of his hand on your shoulder, eyes trained on the doctor in front of you as you tried to find more strength to speak around the dry cotton feel of your mouth, the panging hunger that was present in your stomach, the lack of control over your body.
She sighed, arms holding the clipboard in front her in an imitation of a fig leave over her hips.
“We had you in a medically induced coma for the last two weeks. I’m not sure all of what you remember, the brain is fickle that way, pushing things and events out in response to trauma.” She didn’t look from you as the sound of fast steps approached the door, nor when a large figure moved passed her and came straight to your right side. It was Taylor. Both of the most important men in your life on your sides. He was quiet, but you could see the evidence of tears in the puffiness of his eyes, the lack of a smile on his face as he hovered close.
“You were hit in the sacrum and coccyx region, paralyzing you from the waist down. We performed three surgeries to remove the bullet shards and repair as much of the damage as possible. Your blood flow and reflex reactions have improved but we had no way of knowing if anything truly worked until you woke. A week has passed since we stopped inducing you, we were beginning to think you might not wake up.”
The rest of the conversation was a blur, medical terms floating heavy in the air of the room. Daunting, terrifying, life altering. You didn’t think you could handle another life altering event of this caliber. But it didn’t look like you had to traverse it alone. You teared up once the doctor left the room, offering to come back and talk to you once visiting hours were over, though she had mildly glared at both men as she said it. But knowing them both, they had been alternating staying the night to watch over you past the set hours that allowed for them to be present.
You had two wonderful men who were willing to do anything for you, one with a friend group who would follow his lead and the other who had given you so much already. You hoped it wouldn’t be too much, taking what they were willing to give.
“It’s a lot,” Taylor’s voice broke, his words spoken through eyes glittering with tears. His hands tight around yours as he leaned his forehead against yours, completely in your personal space. “But we’ve done somethin’ like this before and we can do it again. We can do it again.”
You could only nod, throat and voice still weak from weeks of disuse.
He walked closer to the side of the bed, the man’s large build shadowing over you in the dimmer setting of the lights you had requested. The full effect of them too bright for you eyes after being unconscious for so long. You reached out to him, urging him to sit atop it as best he could as you all but threw yourself at him. He let you, aware of Frankie standing close to the other side, eyes watering as he heard the cries that began to bubble up from you.
“Shh, it’s okay, I’m here. We’re both here.” Taylor murmured, as he wrapped his own arms around you to pull you close. He smelled like your apartment, a mix of faint buttercream and the rose perfume you favored all rolled into one comforting scent. His own masked by the time he had been in town. “Alfred was here too, but he had to be taken back for school. He sat with you every day for that first week and read to you. He was so worried about you, mami. He kept talking with you like he always does, hoping you would wake up and respond.”
Frankie excused himself, his phone beeping in his pocket and the sound of you crying too much for him to handle all at once. You watched him leave the room, his shadow visible through the blinds in the window looking into the room as he paced up and down the hallway just outside. His voice a low murmur as he spoke with whoever had been trying to contact him.
“I didn’t mean to scare him…or you. I’m so sorry, that call – it must’ve been so terrifying.” You hiccupped into his chest, unable to stop the tears and emotions from flowing all at once, overwhelmed and completely at a loss of how to respond to anything at the moment.
Hushed words eradicated any ill thoughts you were having of yourself, comforting in their genuine indication. He assured you he had been able to handle it, that he was able to handle the hard things that came along with being bonded with someone for life, for knowing someone for so long. For having already done something similar before. But yeah, that it had been scary but Frankie had been as detailed and direct as he needed to be, levelheaded in his description of what had happened and what immediately happened afterwards.
Frankie came up to you both as he entered back into the room, a hand on both your shoulders to get your equal attention. You looked up at him with watery eyes, feeling so proud of how everyone was trying to keep it together for you but guilty at the same time since it had been something they had been dealing with for weeks now.
“That was the airline, they need someone to come in and take over a few tours for double pay. I wouldn’t normally turn them down and I will if you need me here. You’re awake now and I want to be here with you.”
“Y-you should go, if you want to, if you need to.” Scratchy words spoken with what little conviction you could muster. He was conflicted, worried about making the wrong decision.
“You need me here.” He didn’t argue so much as read the thoughts in your mind as clearly as if you had displayed for him to see. “You want me here.”
“Yes, but….money is money, Frankie. For your house, for your daughter, for everything. I’ll be okay, I promise.”
“I’m gonna run and get a coffee before you head out, I’ll stay the night, okay?” Taylor announced before he pressed a kiss to your temple and stood. Leaving you and Frankie truly alone for the first time since you woke up. You reached out to the man, gripping his open flannel shirt and lightly pulling him toward you. But he didn’t budge, his feet stable on the ground and his back not leaning to meet you. He wasn’t looking quite at you, but just beyond you. His eyes a little distant.
“I’m sorry.” Pulling your hands back to rest in your lap, you began to twiddle your fingers, unsure of what to do, unsure of why he was acting so weird and distant. Maybe he was just exhausted, mentally wiped out from waiting and waiting for you to wake up. Maybe…he was rethinking everything he’s once promised you…
“Hey, no, you don’t have to be sorry.” His eyes caught your own, his hands reaching out to hold your own as he kneeled down to be at your eye level. Emotions you couldn’t read swirling behind them. “I just- It’s just… you’re awake. And I’m so scared I’m going to open my eyes or wake up and you’ll still be unconscious…or passed.”
“I am awake.” You insisted, worried about this being an elaborate dream all the same. Some made up fantasy your brain concocted in its last moments and none of it was real, that you weren’t real anymore.
“I want to stay,” He pleaded with you, desperate for you to understand how hard it is for him to make the decision to leave, to heed the call of an entire week’s worth of pay in just a few days. But he had a plan and he had to stick with it, it would be for the best in the long run.
“C-can you stay tomorrow?”
“Of course, sweet girl. I promise. I just- this is important. For the both of us. I swear.”
“I believe you, Frankie. I love you.” You lifted your intertwined hands and kissed his knuckles. He repeated the words before he shrugged his jacket on and bid you goodnight. He didn’t kiss you back, instead squeezing your hands twice in farewell.
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“Hermosa, I-I just-“ Frankie hung his head, leaned forward with his elbows on his knees the next evening.
He had gone home to change and get a little sleep after a hectic two days of back to back tours. A touch restful now that he knew you were awake, but still fleeting. His thoughts had been a jumble as his mind flashed your unconscious form across the backs of his eyelids. Bleeding, hyperventilating, being rushed into emergency surgery not once but three times. Of you completely still save for the slight rise and fall of your chest laid out in the hospital bed. “I don’t want to say the wrong thing or diminish anything but- just thank you.”
“You saved her, at such a great risk to yourself. But you did, you saved my little girl when I couldn’t. I have endless love and admiration for you, querida. Please, I am here for you. I will help you with whatever you need or want. And not just because of this, but…but until you don’t want that anymore. You’ve got me, sweet girl. I promise.”
The conviction in his tone was strong despite the way his words were pushed out with deep breaths, trying to keep his composure. His shoulders were quaking with the effort he was holding back another wave of tears. Too many emotions for him to handle since the second you had rushed in front of that gun aimed at his daughter.
“Come here,” You softly compelled him, trying to shuffle atop the bed. Feeling still numb below the tops of your thighs, only some control over your legs that you were trying not to dissect. Going over your charts and test results had helped a little, compartmentalizing that it was happening to you and mind working to help solve and reason the things you read as if it was a patient of your own. Work. And a lot of it was ahead of you.
Frankie shuffled up and out of his shoes, choosing to urge you forward softly so he could be the one resting against the back of the angled bed. He helped to situate you against his chest, his arms coming around you in a warm embrace, the smell of his cologne and body wash puffing up and surrounding you in a comforting way. He pressed kisses to the crown of your head, nose shuffling in your hair and making you sigh out at the human contact.
“I would do it again, in a heartbeat. Even knowing what would happen.”
“Te amo. Te tango mucho amor ti, querida.” He whispered hoarsely in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. All you could do was repeat the words to him, meaning them with everything in your very being. Bringing his hands up to rest over your heart, palms flat over your chest, you both just laid there soaking up each other’s company.
His thoughts took over as you felt your breathing even, reaching over to silence the television that had been playing quietly in the corner where it was installed high on the wall.
‘Everything was so loud, a cacophony of too sharp frequencies grating on his ears as he watched the way your body fell to the ground. The man with the gun fleeing from the scene as soon as the gun had fired, steps heavy as he ran as fast as he could. Pope taking off immediately after him, his own gun pulled from the holster attached to his belt. Permission to carry it around off the clock from one of the local military bases where he worked as a freelance advisor.
Frankie was rushing too, toward you. Toward his daughter. Toward you both. There was a pool of blood forming beneath you, having twisted yourself to prevent from falling on top of Alexia’s smaller frame. She was kneeling beside you, tears running down her cheeks as you reached up to cup her face. A pinched expression on your features and blood blooming dark low on your front. His little girl turned to him as he crashed to his knees behind her and brought her in a crushing embrace to his chest, hearing the hum of the crowd that had begun to form all around.
Shouts to call 911 and responses that more than one person was already speaking with officers, telling them of what had just happened.
She begged him to help you.
She begged him to save you.
Shouting at him in her small voice that she loved you and she knew he loved you too.
She buried her face in his chest as he leaned forward to try and get your eyes to focus on him, but you were barely able to keep them open. Lashes fluttering as your breath became labored. He was speaking, words falling from him as he fell back on years of training. Pinging questions off one after the other, getting no response from you for even one. Unresponsive in the worst way, body completely laid out before him and eyes now completely closed. You could’ve been sleeping, as you were still for a fleeting moment.
But then you started to convulse, body fighting against the bullets that had landed deep in your body. He tried to tilt your head toward him, to avoid you biting on your tongue or choking on your own breath.
A new set of hands was taking over, gently ushering him away as paramedics appeared on the scene.
He could only hold tight to his sobbing daughter as he watched the two technicians tend to you. Your chest ceasing heaving at an alarming rate, your breath almost rattling as your lungs desperately tried to keep working.
Blinking rapidly, Frankie focused his eyes on his hands curled over the controls in front of him. He was flying, the landscape of the city and surrounding greenery, the ocean all laid out before him. He was okay, you were okay. Alexia was okay.
He was at work. He was okay.
His fingers twitched at the clueless ‘ooh’s’ and ‘ahh’s’ of the tourists clamoring for views outside the windows. Their voices coming in clear through the headsets they wore to match his own. Completely in their own world and no problems plaguing them. Carefree.
He was at work. He wasn’t okay.
He should’ve stayed with you.
He should’ve turned down the offer.
But he had run at the first opportunity. Unable to stop the events from replaying in his mind on a loop.
Preventing him from sleeping, preventing him from being able to look at you half the time. Seeing you as you had looked right after the attack, seeing you as they rushed you onto the ambulance, seeing you as your chest went completely still once loaded up. The way your body didn’t respond to the attempts of resuscitation.
Mind torturing him by projecting you laid out in an open coffin. Copper hair resting around your lifeless frame, beautiful face covered in the wrong shade of makeup, hiding the freckles that dotted your face from him. Forever closed eyelids hiding your bright eyes from him. Black dress hiding your soft skin from his twitching fingers, itching to trace the delicate ink that decorated your skin. A masterpiece taken from him in a cruel twist of fate.
Shaking his head minutely, he shoved the fake notions out of his head and pivoted the helicopter toward the coast. Following and announcing the route for the tour that the people sat behind him had requested.
He was at work and he didn’t think he’d ever be okay again. But he would try for you, because you were awake and waiting for him to return to you.
He pulled his sunglasses from where the frames were hanging from his collar and covered his reddening eyes.’
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“Come on, two more steps and we’re home free.” The physical therapist was encouraging in the most grating of ways. Your normally polite and civil personality being shattered by the turn of events your life had taken. It was a lot of work now, but it had been a lot of work to initially discover that you had only minimal feeling and control over your lower half. Hips sore no matter how much medicine was added to your IV, legs numb and unresponsive more often than not.
But that didn’t stop the doctor from putting you on a physical therapy track of two appointments per week. Something you had thought was a lot right off the bat but not wanting to argue. Just as angered by the quick pace as you were determined to stick to it. It was the second week since waking up, discharge looming like a storm over the horizon, visible but not yet tangible.
There had been talk about Taylor renting a home to move into for the duration of your recovery. His son being taken care of by his co-parent back home with school having started. But Frankie had offered up his own home, a flush to his caramel skin as he did so. Not having wanted to ask you to move in under such dire circumstances. But he would be lying if he said the thought of offering you a space in his home hadn’t been on his mind lately.
Taylor had offered to split his time between Frankie’s and the apartment above the shop. An outpouring of love from the community delivered to the shop and hospital in overwhelmingly equal parts. Baskets of treats, flowers, cards, vouchers for services from all around the city and local vendors. Everything was being toted back between the two spaces that were now yours.
Lex indulging in the treats as she sat with you in the afternoons after school. Homework laid out before her atop the bed as you helped her with her math and writing. Different people picking her up while Frankie returned to work, determined to put in as many hours before he took two whole weeks off to help you transition to being home once you were discharged.
But right now, you were stood on shaking legs, arms braced heavily on the bars on either side of you as you stood between the set up of the parallel bars. Sweat dripping from your hair thrown up in a haphazard bun, skin sallow from the medication you were on a strict rotation of. You had forgone shoes, insistent that you wanted to be able to feel anything should it come back to you while practicing.
Your arms were shaking, holding up the entirety of your body weight on them, muscles straining and tattoos looking distorted with the flex of them. With a huff, you shifted your hips, right leg lifting slightly and managed to shuffle it about a foot before placing your foot down flat and tipping forward to even your weight with the new stance.
“Alright, you did it!” The nurse was a kindly young man, his arms hovering behind you as he waited for you to tap out. But you sucked in a deep breath and concentrated. Shifting your left foot ahead in the same manner before a spike of pain shot up from the arch of it as you settled it flat on the mat.
“Fuck! Okay, okay, I’m out. That’s all I got.” You wavered, arms shaking and legs beginning to tingle where you could feel them.
“That’s okay, you did good today. Four steps is progress.” The nurse helped you, gathering your form in his arms and lifting to get the pressure off your aching shoulders.
Santi was in the room when you were wheeled back, no sign of Taylor or Frankie. He informed you that they were both taking care of something for you which made you feel a little uneasy that they hadn’t told you themselves the night before that they wouldn’t be in to see you today. The nurse let the man take over with helping you get back into the bed, knowing you’d rather it be someone who you knew handling you for something a little more intimate of a move.
The man’s broad shoulders tensed as he supported your nearly dead weight, completely at a loss of energy from the days activities.
“Did they say where they were going?” You inquired, voice soft as you nuzzled your face into the man’s neck. He smelled so good and you were just in a very physically affectionate mood in wake of not getting any direct attention from Frankie in the way you were too hesitant to ask for.
“Mante, you know I would tell you if I knew, but they were like school boys, shuffling their feet and avoiding eye contact. I’m sure it’s just a surprise for you, don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”
You were quiet for a moment, allowing the man to situate your aching legs as best he could and covering you up with the blankets that had been brought from your apartment. He busied himself with getting a take out bag unpacked and placing containers over the collapsable table attached to the bed for you. A cup of coffee that smelled of caramel and foamed milk pressed gently into your reaching hands. He was so diligent, the soft curls of his graying hair falling over his forehead as he focused. When everything was set up, he settled into the chair beside the bed with his own container and began to dig in.
But you were still, only a sip taken from the hot coffee handed to you.
“What is it, hermosa?” He looked up from his food, utensils loaded up and a bite halfway to his lips. “I get the wrong thing?”
“No,” A small smile offered to him as your heart fluttered in your chest, unsure of how to even broach the concerns that were crashing over you in overwhelming waves. “No, this is great. Thank you.”
The man watched you, eyes scanning your face as you averted your eyes. He let out a quiet sigh and set down his utensils completely, asking you to tell him what was really on your mind.
“Frankie…he, um, he-“ You felt like a complete idiot as your face heated up, tears welling in your eyes unbidden. Foolish question, it was such a foolish thing to be worried about when the man’s words were nothing but reassuring and loving. “Why won’t he kiss me, Santi?”
“Is that what you need right now?”
You warbled out an affirmative. Feeling for all the world like a pathetic lovesick fool even surrounded by everyone who you could possibly need in your life right now, everyone working together to help you in any way possible.
“Have you talked to him about it?”
A shake of your head was all the answer you could muster up.
“He’s probably just trying to respect you, not wanting to put pressure on you to be that way with him if you’re too overwhelmed.” Santi went on to explain that his best friend had trouble with stuff like this, showing his affection and feelings in wake of traumatic events.
That you should try not to worry too much, though he knew that was easier said than done. To not take it personally, but he admitted to knowing that might be hard to do as well, everything so much at the moment. He reminded you that you could reach out to you with anything at any time. He would try his best to be there for you in any way that he could. Even jokingly offering to pepper kisses over your face and approaching you with overly pursed lips until you erupted into a laughing fit at how ridiculous he looked as he loomed closer. He sealed the conversation with a genuine press of his lips to the corner of your mouth, his hands cradling your face in their warmth before he moved back to his seat and ordered you to eat.
Across town, Taylor and Frankie had a similar conversation as a bell dinged above them where it was nestled in the doorway to a shop front. The two men determined to surprise you with something that Frankie had quietly brought up one night following your first rush into emergency surgery. An approval of sorts he had been seeking after was granted instantaneously with a smile and words of encouragement from the only other man he felt like he could share the conversation with at the moment.  
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“Discharge papers should be processed by end of day, looks like you’ll be spending the night in your own bed.” The doctor offered you a small smile. She had been worried about having you under her care when she found out you were a once trained medical technician, knowing how bad of a patient she was when sick herself. But you had surprised her, not talking over her or voicing opinions on what needed to be done. It had been another week, progress made in physical therapy.
You were able to walk the length of the parallel bars, slowly and with a lot of huffing and puffing. But it cleared you for outpatient treatment. The feeling in your legs was spotty, coming to you mostly in the mornings when you first woke up and at the end of the day after resting for a few hours. Something she was only mildly worried about, muscle atrophy from being unconscious for so long lingering even now.
But she had been confident that the feeling would come back completely, though she was honest when she said she was worried about numbness flaring up.
That’s how you found yourself seated in the passenger seat of Frankie’s truck as he pulled into the drive of his house. He was waiting for the garage to open, in order to make it easier for you to walk straight into the laundry room instead of having to attempt to tackle the stairs to the front door. Everyone would be over tomorrow, to celebrate your release. Giving you a free night to settle in and mentally deal with the shift in environments. Lex would be at her grandparents so Frankie could focus on getting you settled.
“One moment, just…want to get something set up before I help you out, okay?” His earnest gaze widened his beautiful eyes, watching you and making sure you were alright to be left alone for a moment. He was through the door and back in the garage in a matter of minutes, a shy smile aimed at you as he helped you down and got a walked ready for you. It had a cushioned seat in the middle, in case you needed to take any breaks when trying to move about. Something you wanted to argue but didn’t have a good one against.
You felt…weird. Having to rely on him so much, but extremely grateful that he was willing to. You’d seen friendships and relationships fall apart with this much stress and similar situations. Both as a professional and a civilian, as a friend. You only hoped this wouldn’t be one of the last things he did for you before telling you it was too much, that you were too much. Love could only encompass so much before it wasn’t enough to hold two individuals together.
Melancholic and depressive thoughts abundant as you tried to come to terms with what the near future would hold for an unknowable amount of time. There was no timeline with things like this and that’s what worried you the most. What if you had flares of numbness for the rest of your life, what if he began to see you as a burden, as work he had to come back to after doing his shifts at the mechanics and his flying tours. What if all your progress was meaningless and you woke up one day with no feeling at all?
He had hushed you on more than one occasion with soft words, promises he wouldn’t do that. Promises that he was yours, that you were his, that you were in this together. But doubt crept in regardless. Even more so in the realization that he hadn’t wanted to kiss you. He was quick to dodge your advances, placing placating touches of his lips to your hair instead; of pulling you tighter to his body instead. Almost as if he was hesitant to show you affection in that way and it was hard to handle when all you wanted was that type of comfort from the man you loved so completely.
His hands were warm as he supported your weight, but he didn’t shift you down to the ground completely, instead he pulled you flush against him. Your own arms tightened around his neck, feet barely touching the ground as he ducked his head to kiss you fully for the first time since you woke up in that hospital bed. You melted into him even more, welcoming his lips against yours reverently, desperately.
The plush give of them against your own feeling like a true welcome home.
Shifting your hands up into his soft hair, you knocked the cap clear of his head as you parted your lips for him. He held you tight, not risking you putting too much weight on your own feet for even a second as he kissed you again and again, lips meeting yours in a dizzying display of his unfettered affection. Pulling at his curls, you pivoted his head to deepen another kiss, desperate for his touch and his taste. He groaned into your mouth, pulling back slightly to rest his forehead against yours. You opened your eyes slowly, watching the way his face was completely relaxed. The lines of his age smoothed out slightly as he moved to peck one last kiss to your slick lips.
He had set the table up before picking you up, at home during the day as he had received your hopeful text about the paperwork this morning. But he had run inside to pull everything from where it was keeping warm in the oven, lighting twin tapers set in the middle of the dining table. You tried to hide the squeal of surprise as he lifted you up completely, choosing to carry you bridal style over the threshold of the house and through the laundry room and into the kitchen.
“Frankie, you didn’t have to do all this.” You placed a kiss to his cheek as he carefully set you down into a chair, making sure your legs were situated how you wanted them. “I woulda been happy with a fast-food drive thru, you know that.”
“I know, but I wanted to do something special for you.” He moved over to the closest chair, settling down into it with a sigh. He looked nervous, you realized as you took in the dinner had had made before picking you up. One of your favorite dishes filling the kitchen with its tantalizing scent. The boys had snuck in food from time to time, but it had mostly been bland hospital food for a majority of the last three weeks.
Frankie cleared his throat, your eyes lifting from the items on the table and toward him.
In his hands was an emerald velvet box, open to reveal a simple gold band with a sparkling rhombus diamond in the middle.
Your lips parted, a gasp falling from them as your heart stuttered hard in your chest. Hands dropping the utensils you had just picked up clattered to the table and you stared across the table at him. At a complete loss for words as he nervously shifted in his seat and leaned closer toward you to take your hands in his own, the small box set down gently beside your plate. His hands were shaking slightly, his nerves obvious as he bared his soul to you with his next words.
“Sweet girl, I know things are going to be touch and go for a long while,” He took a deep breath, chest pulling the fabric of his shirt taut with the action. His tongue peaked between his lips, a habit you noticed when he had a lot on his mind, and he was trying to sort through everything. “But I don’t want you to worry about anything to do with us, with you and me. You have me, you have me until the moment you decide you don’t anymore. I hope you don’t ever change your mind because I’ve been gone on you since the second you aimed that glare in my direction all those months ago. Will- will you do the honor of marrying me?”
Tears welled up the longer you looked at him, his eyes so wide and open, his voice cradling you with his earnest words. All you could do was nod, voice caught in your throat.
He let out a deep exhale, pulling a giggle from you when he broke out into the widest, goofy smile you had seen on him yet. You mirrored him, lips pulling as you squeezed his hands and leaned forward to rest your forehead against them clasped together.
“Of course I’ll marry you, Fransisco. Of course.” You kissed the tops of his hands, one and then the other before you were pushing yourself up slightly, tentatively placing weight on your legs and surging forward to kiss him.
He only let you get away with one before he was standing from his seat and kneeling in front of you with the box in his hands. He carefully removed the ring from its spot nestled safely inside the velvet cushion and you held out your left hand for him. It took a second for him to place it securely on your ring finger, snug and perfect against your skin. It glittered in the candlelight and you felt a tear run down your cheek.
Frankie’s hands came up to cup your face, his lips connecting with yours as he chuckled breathlessly at having managed to pull out the surprise proposal. At your resounding yes. At the prospect of a concrete future with you.
“I love you so much, thank you for...for everything.”
“I love you too, you dork,” Your laugh sparkled against his parted lips. “I can’t believe you just thanked me for agreeing to marry you.”
“Well, you could’ve said no.”
“Not in a million years.”
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taglist: @tanzthompson @clevergirl74 @sullyosully @bitchwitch1981 @anoverwhelmingdin @jessthebaker @peppermintfury @for-a-longlongtime
dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics
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joehillssimp · 2 years
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I posted 21,625 times in 2022
That's 21,625 more posts than 2021!
61 posts created (0%)
21,564 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 294 of my posts in 2022
#blaze has spoken - 41 posts
#hermitcraft - 28 posts
#joehillstsd - 24 posts
#joehills - 23 posts
#dhmis - 8 posts
#goodtimeswithscar - 7 posts
#grian - 6 posts
#don't hug me i'm scared - 5 posts
#red guy - 4 posts
#blaze has responded - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#aahhhthe realm of stop motion is so amazing animation wise and has a special charie fracter that is hard to capture in other animation forms
My Top Posts in 2022:
So anyway, I can't wait for Grian to abandon this child
Like can you imagine
You get kidnapped from you dads by your short dad from another dimension who drove other you insane and abandoned on another world to rot in a fake reality, so you can be used as a way to cure his boredom?
Like even for Grian, that is fucked up.
87 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
Okay so been rewatching dhmis again as I should be in my free time.
And I think red guy represents yellow guys shy older brother before the house/car thing happened. This one is just a hunch based off of the end of episode 3 where red calls yellow "brother" And just his general vibes.
Also, red guy being the oldest child in an abusive household makes sense to me. Red guy sees what's happening with the family dynamic turning them against each other while also forcing them together I. Repeating conflicts with no escape is kind of relatable with that. Maybe I'm just pprojecting.
Makes Lesley's line about them always returning back home in the end very extra fucked up.
Roy is the abusive father clearly. And Lesley is the micromanaging mom. I don't know if she is also abusive or just enables Roy but she's definitely complacent. The doll house thing, the deciding what they learn and how they act, the whole making the family into a production funded by asshole Roy is something a mom in denial of how awful her life is would do.
Not that I've seen it in action.
Duck is definitely the dog mashed together with an older relative probably a grandfather. In the second episode the lamp mentions how sometimes people believe that people get reincarnated as their favorite animal, the grandfather could have loved the family pet a lot. I am hypothesizing the existence of a grandfather due to all the references to a military past for duck and how he's always in a rocking chair. We also always see duck as the one who is constantly being replaced which is common for pets especially for the ones of small children.
Yellow guy being a representation for Lesley's dead son is the one that makes the most sense to me based off the evidence. If you have a better theory please present evidence and talk me up.
I noticed that the agreed upon symbols that are the characters each have a stylized drawing of each of them included in the squiggles and I think that's pretty cool.
Red guy is yellow guys brother is probably adopted.
Roy is probably neglectful if not abusive and I think he was taking care of duck as a pet when he died of dehydration/"forgetting" to drink water. Grolton kinda looks like roy and grolton refused to give hovris any water in episode 4 when he needs to get to his dental appointment for his gum disease, which we also see Roy in disguise with absolutely terrible gums.
I need to go through everything grolton and hovris appearance to figure out any possible theory clues.
If it's not clear I'm dumping things here
I don't know if I put this idea on tumblr but Lesley was probably drunk when she ran over her son. Actually I think I did put it here. Anyway I think she probably started drinking because of either grief of grandpa dying, grief from her first son drowning, or just self medicating from Roy's bull shit.
Maybe red guy is an uncle.
I stopped watching the episodes and started watching bo Burnham and the theories are fading.
Yeah I guess I'm done for now
137 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
I made a Survey For you Hermitblr!
PLease take it!
I'll be accepting until like, september I thinks.
176 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
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Son of a Goat mother
272 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love that the pics of Joe post beard shave taken by fans make him look all suave and cool
and then we have the pic Joe posts of himself on twitter
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He knows his vibe
389 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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indiegaminggifs · 4 years
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rockpapercynic · 6 years
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Just got to try the latest build of FRACTER, the game I’m writing for, and it’s looking incredible!
Can't wait until you can all give it a spin. For now you can preview some art and graphics and sign up for updates here!
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operationrainfall · 6 years
Puzzle Game FRACTER Coming to Mobile Devices Later this Month
Puzzle Game FRACTER Coming to Mobile Devices Later this Month
The puzzle game FRACTER will be coming to both iOS and Android later this month on July 13. A trailer for the game has also been released. Here’s a quick description for the plot of the game’s iOS page.
“Embark on a journey of Light and Reflection.
Explore a world in shadows, discover secrets hidden in the dark and outsmart ominous creatures as you navigate through a mysterious labyrinth of…
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mahddyboy · 4 years
[Review] FRACTER - Nintendo Switch
[Review] FRACTER – Nintendo Switch
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Developer: 4L Games| Publisher: The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild | Release Date: 22/10/2020 Price: $6.99/£5.39 | Review Code Provided by the Publishers | Genre: Adventure, Puzzle, Action, Strategy | Platform: Nintendo Switch, PC, Mobile (Android & iOS)
FRACTER follows a veiled young hero who has set out on a perilous quest for light through a cryptic labyrinth of…
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dabura911 · 4 years
Fracter Review - Dabura911
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quirkyrahne28 · 6 years
My AP art teacher: ...And in fractured portraits, your subject might have more than one eye.
My brain
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penvisions · 10 months
the melting point {sneakie peek}
it's frankie friday, y'all!! here's a snippet from the next chapter of {the melting point}
apologies for not updating it for so long, it's been a hectic end of the semester on top of all the issues that happened with the truck and getting back into the swing of working at wfm:
Fractered memories played over each other, words echoing and bouncing off of each other through the fog that was all you knew. You couldn’t feel anything, all of your senses stripped away, and you were nothing more than a half-conscious mind tunneling in and out of suspended darkness.
Beeping, an even beeping was the only steady thing you could make out. Sense of environment completely gone and sense of awareness slowly trickling in. Your eyes hurt as you slowly blinked them open, the faint lights around you too bright and you clenched them shut with a huff that pulled at your lungs. The stillness of where you were was shattered as the clattering of a chair sounded, followed by a pair of hands tightening around yours that were settled over your middle. A hushed order to go fetch someone and then a deep voice was rumbling close. You turned your head toward the presence hovering close to your left side, drawn to whoever it was.
“Hey, hey, take it easy, sweet girl.”
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hardcoregamer · 5 years
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Fracter Finds Its Way onto Steam September 5
Last year, Fracter released to moderate critical acclaim on both iOS and Android. This must have been quite encouraging, because developer 4L Games is bringing their monochromatic puzzle adventure game to PC via Steam this September. 
Have a look!
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droidturf · 6 years
Weekly Poll: Do you play puzzle games?
Weekly Poll: Do you play puzzle games? #Alto'sAdventure #Alto'sOdyssey #Fracter #Google #PlayStore #poll
There are so many games available on Google’s Play Store, you would have to spend your whole life to try every one for yourself. But it wasn’t always like it is now. Mobile games perform much better than they used to thanks to better hardware, engineering and improvements on Android. There has grown to be such a variety of games, some good some bad, but truly something for everyone. We all have…
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blue-staple · 6 years
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A puzzle game I did a bit of design work on came out recently on ios and Android. Check it out and let me know what you think!
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willjardine · 6 years
FRACTER - Official Announcement Trailer This Fracter game looks really nice.
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xenog4mers-blog · 6 years
FRACTER: Un puzzle entre la luz y obscuridad FRACTER es un nuevo juego para móviles muy peculiar por tener un gran número de acertijos para resolver, en un ambiente donde predomina la obscuridad y donde tendremos que hacer uso de la poca luz existente, generar reflexiones para activar ciertos componentes y así continuar nuestra aventura.
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itechblogco · 6 years
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Haunting Puzzle Adventure ‘Fracter’ Ready to Get Spooky Next Week on Friday the 13th http://bit.ly/2u4mODG
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