#Four Stroke Baron
f4kef4ngs · 10 months
four stroke baron - friday knight
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echthr0s · 11 months
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dotwpod · 4 months
(325) Independent Music Special May 2024
Disciples!It’s time again to celebrate the Independent artists with our monthly ‘Independent Top Picks’ for May of 2024. Don’t forget to head to the website to click on those links to support these bands!Enjoy!\,,/ d(> _ <)b \,,/ BLOCK ONE: 0:00:00 Intro0:00:03 Wake The Nations (Finland) Alive [single] https://wakethenations.com/ 0:03:29 Atomic Life (USA) Gambling The…
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house-of-1000-corpses · 4 months
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metalshockfinland · 4 months
FOUR STROKE BARON Share New Music Video for '1000 Threads'
Photographer credit: Chris M. Stanton Reno, NV progressive metal duo FOUR STROKE BARON has today shared a new music video for 1000 Threads, taken from their fourth album, Data Diamond, released today (May 31) via Prosthetic Records. 1000 Threads is the third instalment of their four part visual narrative for Data Diamond‘s blood soaked narrative thread, that comprises a series of anthology…
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gbhbl · 4 months
Album Review: Four Stroke Baron - Data Diamond (Prosthetic Records)
Four Stroke Baron skirt the line between genius and madness to such a degree, they become the same thing.
Reno, NV progressive metal duo Four Stroke Baron will release their brand-new album ‘Data Diamond’ on May 31st, 2024, via Prosthetic Records. Photo Credit: Chris Stanton It is interesting that this album was initially conceived as two separate EPs, one electronic and one heavy, as there is no denying the contrast between styles across the album run. In less talented hands, it would sound…
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more than Lyrics:
"I'll be your knight, cause I'm shining Dance it with me......"
"I'm dark as night, cause I'm empty Now you're laughing I swing my sword at the very top Bleeding slowly"
Lyrics by Four Stroke Baron – Friday Knight
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katakaluptastrophy · 10 months
Oh no now I'm thinking about the Fourth and the Fifth again and how Jod's awful colonial space feudalism poisons everything.
You are four or five years old. Maybe you're Isaac and you never knew your dad, only that he died at enemy hands in some far flung campaign and six years later you were made to ensure an heir for the baronetcy. Or you're Jeannemary and your mother defied orders, went beyond the rim, and jumped on a grenade. If either of you have surviving parents, they're not considered sufficiently important in this great process of ensuring a suitable heir with a suitable cavalier to keep you. There is no Baron until Isaac comes of age, and the leader of a House needs to be properly trained. You are four or five years old, and you are sent away.
You're five year old Jeannemary. You're not yet sworn to your necromancer, but you've been promised to him since birth and you've been sent away from your planet and your siblings to serve him. You are your generation's Chatur and this is your purpose. And when the cavalier primary of the House you have been sent to sees a little child struggling to see over the table at a reception and props you up with a cushion, you challenge him to a duel. You don't understand why all the adults are laughing. Your honour and your necromancer are all you have left of home. Far away, at the edge of the system, Harrowhark Nonagesimus decides that puppeting her parents' corpses as her House collapses around her is a better fate than yours. At night you are tucked into bed in a room that you don't have to share with any siblings and the man who is looking after you now reads to you from a book of adventure stories and strokes your hair until you fall asleep.
You're nine year old Isaac, swearing to be one flesh, one end with your cavalier in a foreign chapel on a foreign planet. You go to school. The woman who is not quite but almost your mother is helping you to discover spirit magic far beyond the thanergy fission you would have learned at home. She is teaching you to cook and to dance. She tells you that the parts of you which back home would have been considered flaws are your greatest strengths. You have friends and playmates who will never be on the front lines, whose parents write books or engrave stele or organise the bounty of empire from ledgers and transmitter boxes. You are loved and you love, but you are beginning to understand that love comes with a cost.
You are 13 year old Jeannemary. You are back on the Fourth and after last year's bombing you are now cavalier primary. As far as you are concerned, you are grown and ready to serve god and his empire. And you have been denied twice. You don't understand why the people who love you are going to such lengths to stop you from doing what you were born to do or why they have always looked so upset when glorious news comes from home about how someone you would have grown up with, had you not been sent away, has given the ultimate service to the empire. You are cavalier primary of the Fourth House and you fear you are still being propped up on cushions.
You are Isaac Tettares and you are Baron of a planet you spent most of your childhood away from. Everyone else your age long ago shipped out with the Junior Territorials. You are the Baron of a planet but you are not in charge and you have come to understand that your father wasn't in charge either. You love the closest thing you have to parents and they love you. You miss them terribly. You resent the fact that thanks to them you will never truly lead the Fourth. There is talk of a marriage alliance when you are older. You want to be family with them. You don't entirely believe you'll live long enough to marry him when you come of age. And if you do, your half Fifth children will be another crack in what's left of the Fourth House. You miss you dad's stupid jokes and your mum's earnest discussions. You're free of their meddling. You will never be free of their meddling.
You are Jeannemary and Isaac, properly off planet and on display as scion and cavalier for the first time, offered an unimaginable chance to serve god and his empire. You crave the security of your parents. You chafe at the idea that you might be perceived as children. But for a little while you are all together again. You are planning a party. You are making friends. You will all serve the empire together. Perhaps, when you are the fingers and gestures of god, none of these differences will matter any more.
They die horribly. And later so do you. God doesn't care.
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I Promise...I'll do better.
First write fight attack! @untitled-tmnt-blog 's prompt 2, "New dad Splinter (Rise), very unprepared, but doing the best he can" this is for @tmnt-write-fight !! Y'all know I adore Rise Splinter, I just HAD to pick this one for my first attack. I hope you enjoy!
Quick warning! This fic does depict some issues with body image, due to Splinter's mutation.
Lou was far out of his depth.
Huddled in a box in a rainy alley, four sleeping little baby turtles— whom of which he was beginning to fear weren’t really just animals anymore— curled in his arms, sheltered from the cold.
They were babies.
Not animal young, not little creatures, not pets— babies. Children. Once he’d gotten over his initial panic and the chaotic whirlwind of emotions that had swamped him over being a literal goddamn rat now it hadn’t exactly been difficult to realize how the turtles had changed.
‘...What on earth do I do now?’
Going back into the Hidden City was completely out of the question. Big Mama would have her people crawling around all over the place trying to find him, to force him back into that arena. Not to mention Baron Draxum would certainly be looking for Lou Jitsu and his creations, determined to fulfill their true intention. 
‘Over my dead body.’ Lou’s hands curled over their shells protectively. There was not a chance in hell he would allow these sweet creatures to become monsters. 
So that ruled out the Hidden City, where Lou’s…new appearance would be accepted without second thought. But…the human world wasn’t exactly the best place for that either. He grimaced, pulling his legs closer to his body. His stomach roiled in disgust at the fur he could see poking through, his misshapen feet. ‘What did he DO to me?’
The sight of his monstrous, clawed hands curled around the innocent creatures made his stomach churn. His body still ached from the transformation, his vision was different— blurrier, he had assumed that it was from the panic but it was staying— ‘Why is it staying??’ He was disgusting, a monster, he—
A soft squeak caught his attention, snapping him free from the downward spiral. He looked down, noticing the large spiky turtle gently nuzzling into his hand. Lou’s eyes softened as he gently stroked the baby’s shell, chuckling softly at the ensuing…chirp? Turtles chirp?
‘Right. I…need to figure out what to do.’ Lou swallowed tightly, daunted by the sudden responsibility thrust onto his shoulders. He had never done well with this before, and now to be responsible for other lives? Oh dear god.
Gathering the babies close to his chest, Lou carefully exited the box, hesitating after he had gotten to his feet. Returning to the human world would be impossible now. He was hit with a wave of desolation, pure defeat at that realization. ‘I could never go back to my career like this. Could I even go back at all…? How long has it been since I was taken?’ He didn’t even want to know. ‘My coworkers, my friends…’ He…he would never see them again. They would never accept him like this.
His life was over.
A little warble caused his gaze to lower, the stinging in his eyes signaling the wet drops falling onto the babies’ shells was not only from the rain. The one with orange spots was looking up at him with big eyes, another soft warble escaping its beak. It was then Lou realized it was shivering—- they all were. 
Something solidified in his chest. His life may be over, but theirs had only just begun.
He would not fail them.
Shielding them closer to his chest, Lou made his way towards the back of the alley, searching for something that could act as a better shelter than that worn and torn box. Dumpsters, a pile of garbage bags, a torn up pile of blankets…a manhole.
Lou grimaced, hissing through his teeth. That would be disgusting. But… ‘What choice do I really have anymore?’
Passing the babies into one hand, he gripped the manhole cover in the other and hauled it to the side. The ladder seemed to lead into an endless abyss of darkness, his vision swimming for a moment at the daunting sight. He hesitated, ‘...Is there nothing else I could do?’
One of the turtles— the one with the soft, leathery shell— let out a fearful little chirp. Lou immediately gently stroked its shell, shushing it. “I know, little turtle. I know…don’t be scared.” 
‘That’s MY job!’ He thought with a shaky chuckle. Cradling the four babies in his arm, Lou carefully climbed down the ladder with the other. 
A few hours had passed since then. And Lou had never felt so out of place in his entire life.
He had found a large atrium, deciding to make it into their home. Using some old blankets and a damp box he had grabbed from the alley, he formed a bed for the babies. And for a few haunting hours, Lou had sat and contemplated the complete shitstorm his life had become as the babies peacefully slept.
And then a piercing wail broke through that fog.
Lou startled, a sharp gasp of surprise escaping him as his hand flew up to cover his heart. He looked over at the box, eyes wide and heart pounding as he carefully fished out the shrieking turtle. ‘Is it hurt?? What happened?!’
The other babies let out whimpers as their sibling was taken from them, but Lou ignored them as he turned the baby over in his hand. The turtle looked up at him, sniffling, before letting out another cry.
Lou flinched, his ears pinning down to his head to try and block out the noise. He patted the red-striped turtle’s shell soothingly, grimacing “It’s alright, it’s alright little turtle…what are you crying for?”
The baby paused, blinking a few times. Then a series of chirps escaped its beak, rapid and increasing in volume.
Lou winced again, rubbing his head. “My, you are a talkative one, aren’t you…”
‘Something’s wrong. It doesn’t seem to be hurt though— what’s the problem??’ Lou’s concern grew as the wails did in volume, even more so as the other babies joined in. He carefully set the red-striped one back with its siblings, but unfortunately that did not stop the cries.
And then it hit them.
‘They’re hungry! Oh I’m so stupid—’ How had he not thought of that?!
‘...What the hell do turtles eat?’
Well, it was time to find out. Lou hesitated as he looked back down at the babies, their tearful little eyes and wobbling lips striking his heart. His gaze softened as he scooped the babies up with their blanket, holding them to his chest. “Alright…let's go find you turtles some food.” 
All four babies let out a chaotic little series of chirps, the red-striped one patting his little hands against the leathery-shelled one’s face. It immediately grumbled, snapping its teeth at the fingers.
Lou sighed, shaking his head fondly as the spiky one shuffled its way between them, chirping in annoyance before settling against the blanket with a little chirp. The orange spotted one seemed content to just rest beside its siblings, but its expression was twisted. 
Hungry. The poor babies were still hungry.
Lou began making his way out of the atrium, heading back into the tunnels towards the ladder. He grimaced as his bare, spindly claws clicked against the grimy concrete below. He did not want to be doing this, doing any of this— all he wanted was to huddle up in a corner and cry.
But as the soft sniffling of the red-striped turtle started up again, that thought faded away in an instant. All that mattered right now was taking care of these little turtles.
Climbing up the slippery, wet ladder one-handed was a lot easier going up than down. Easier to see where he was going, at least. As he made it halfway— his arm slipped. 
Heart lurching into his throat, Lou instinctively released his cargo to grab the ladder— before he immediately realized what he had done, and nearly dropped himself back down the ladder to catch the bundle.
‘Tell me they’re alright, tell me I didn’t already fail them—’
Lou could barely breathe as he carefully untucked the top of the blanket, counting one, two, three—
Three turtles.
Where was the red-striped one?! Lou’s ears were ringing, chest so painfully tight he could barely even think— and then a squeaky giggle caught his attention. The man turned his head, spotting the missing turtle sitting on the rung right over his head.
Lou blinked rapidly, the relief he felt near-dizzying. “What are you doing up there, you silly daredevil?” He reached a clawed hand out, gently scooping the baby back into his arms, and safely returning it to the blanket with its siblings. “Give me a damn heart attack, why don’t you…”
He finished climbing up the ladder, taking a moment to sit down outside and catch his breath. The rain seemed to have halted, dawn’s light gently painting the alley in a warm orange glow. As his panic slowly ebbed, guilt quickly encroached on where it had once been.
‘Why did I do that?! That was beyond reckless, so stupid— it could have died, they ALL could have!’ Lou swallowed tightly. 
He was not cut out for this.
He had never wanted to be a parent. He blanched at the word, terror striking him. ‘I can’t be a father. I cannot be their father, they need someone better than me.’
But who? He couldn’t just leave them at a pet store and hope for the best, they clearly weren’t normal turtles anymore. It didn’t take a genius to realize that. The human world would never accept them. Leaving them somewhere up here would only be a death sentence, either some small-minded human would hurt them or bring them to a scientific laboratory to be—-
‘NOPE. NOPE. Do NOT follow that line of thought, you JUST calmed down from panic!’ He scolded himself, shaking his head. No, the human world would not be safe.
The Hidden City could be…maybe there was an orphanage that cared for children, maybe he could find them a good family. With parents who were equipped to handle them, ready to raise them, who wouldn’t put them in danger by climbing a wet ladder with them with one hand.
‘If Draxum found them...’ No. No, that was not an option.
The turtles’ only option was him. 
“I’m sorry…” He whispered, curling his knees to his chest as he cradled the babies closer. “You deserve so much more than me.”
The spiky turtle’s face scrunched up, an incoherent soft little murmur-babble leaving his beak as he gently patted Lou’s muzzle.
Lou chuckled wetly, smiling softly as the other little turtles followed the spiky one’s lead. “Thank you, little ones. I…I will do my best to care for you.” ‘I can only hope it will be enough…’ “Now. Let's find you food, shall we?”
The little turtles remained curled up in a little huddle together as he stood, eyes scanning the alley. His vision was still blurry— only further confirming his fear that this was permanent— but he spotted a large enough scrap of fabric to wrap himself in. The man carefully set the babies down as he did so, doing his best to cover every inch of exposed fur and otherwise rat-like traits.
A series of chirps caught his attention; Lou turned, heart leaping as he expected to find the babies in peril again— only to see them all messing with bits of fabric. It seemed it had come from a rainbow t-shirt, but the spiky turtle was hard at work chewing it to pieces, a scrap of red fabric still hanging from its jaws.
Lou chuckled, kneeling down to pull the fabric out of its mouth. “That’s not good food, little— uh…” 
He forgot to name them.
‘I should probably do that.’ They needed good names, something meaningful…he couldn’t think of anything now, with his mind the chaotic spiral it had remained trapped in since he had escaped that wretched lab.
He glanced around between all the babies again, noting the colors they were on— or, in the spiky one’s case, currently chewing on—- ‘WHERE DID IT GET MORE?!’ — Red, Blue, Purple, Orange.
“I’ll call you all that for now. While I think.” He muttered, scooping the little ones back up. Maybe he could take pieces of cloth on the way back, give them each little necktie bandanas? Whatever. That didn’t matter right now; what did matter, was finding these babies something to eat.
…Maybe visiting a pet store wasn’t such a terrible idea. Just to ask what to feed a turtle. That would be his first step. Then he would find said food, get the babies properly fed and bring them back to that atrium…and then…
Then…take it day by day. Raise them as best he could. It was all he could do now.
Lou was far out of his depth.
But maybe…
Maybe everything would be alright in the end.
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self-loving-vampire · 5 months
“What I’m really calling for is something like tech Zionism,” he said, after comparing his movement to those started by the biblical Abraham, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism), Theodor Herzl (“spiritual father” of the state of Israel), and Lee Kuan Yew (former authoritarian ruler of Singapore). Balaji then revealed his shocking ideas for a tech-governed city where citizens loyal to tech companies would form a new political tribe clad in gray t-shirts. “And if you see another Gray on the street … you do the nod,” he said, during a four-hour talk on the Moment of Zen podcast. “You’re a fellow Gray.” The Grays’ shirts would feature “Bitcoin or Elon or other kinds of logos … Y Combinator is a good one for the city of San Francisco in particular.” Grays would also receive special ID cards providing access to exclusive, Gray-controlled sectors of the city. In addition, the Grays would make an alliance with the police department, funding weekly “policeman’s banquets” to win them over. “Grays should embrace the police, okay? All-in on the police,” said Srinivasan. “What does that mean? That’s, as I said, banquets. That means every policeman’s son, daughter, wife, cousin, you know, sibling, whatever, should get a job at a tech company in security.” In exchange for extra food and jobs, cops would pledge loyalty to the Grays. ... Everyone would be welcome at the Gray Pride march—everyone, that is, except the Blues. Srinivasan defines the Blue political tribe as the liberal voters he implies are responsible for the city’s problems. Blues will be banned from the Gray-controlled zones, said Balaji, unlike Republicans (“Reds”). “Reds should be welcomed there, and people should wear their tribal colors,” said Srinivasan, who compared his color-coded apartheid system to the Bloods vs. Crips gang rivalry. “No Blues should be welcomed there.” While the Blues would be excluded, they would not be forgotten. Srinivasan imagines public screenings of anti-Blue propaganda films: “In addition to celebrating Gray and celebrating Red, you should have movies shown about Blue abuses.… There should be lots of stories about what Blues are doing that is bad.” Balaji goes on—and on. The Grays will rename city streets after tech figures and erect public monuments to memorialize the alleged horrors of progressive Democratic governance. Corporate logos and signs will fill the skyline to signify Gray dominance of the city. “Ethnically cleanse,” he said at one point, summing up his idea for a city purged of Blues (this, he says, will prevent Blues from ethnically cleansing the Grays first). The idea, he said, is to do to San Francisco what Musk did to Twitter. “Elon, in sort of classic Gray fashion ... captures Twitter and then, at one stroke, wipes out millions of Blues’ status by wiping out the Blue Checks,” he said. “Another stroke … [he] renames Twitter as X, showing that he has true control, and it’s his vehicle, and that the old regime isn’t going to be restored.”
To be expected from libertarians that they're more tolerant of conservatives, cops, and fascists than progressives.
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Did you get a request for fluffy Baron? Cause if not... May I request something just really cute and fluffy? Like maybe reader and Baron all cosy on his couch (like we see him in the movie) and they are eating ice cream, and drinking soda and just giggling about silly things, and he keeps stealing kisses from you?
hi hi! I did not and i’m so happy you did 🥹 ugh i love baron so much bye.
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Cooldown Kisses
“I done watched all of these before, there’s a guy with a funny hat and he takes the kids up the mountain. I don’t know what he does with ‘em up there but -“
He rambled on, ice cream coating the entire lower half of his face as he looked at the tv screen. As he spoke, the cartoon played a rickety old man in a cowboy hat taking a mining cart of wailing children up to the top of a canyon. I’d tuned out a while ago, more fascinated by the man cross-legged on the couch next to me. The curtains were drawn, but there was still a hazy orange glow around the room from the sunset outside, paired with a dim glow of the table lamp.
It had been a long day, I’d been doing voluntary work around town; crocheting with some of the old ladies on the street and keeping them company. On my way to the next residents home, I felt somebody poke my shoulder. Spinning round to see who it was, I saw Baron smiling widely on his bicycle as he held out a small package. “It’s for 5175, know you’re going there next.”
I took the package from him, his hand gripping my wrist and pulling me towards the handlebars. He’d leant over them to kiss me, almost falling off as he put one leg out to balance himself. “That’s better, I can work harder now.” He’d said with a grin as he pedalled away.
It was boiling hot, sweat forming on my brow as the crochet hook kept slipping from everyone’s clammy palms. But I’d made some kind of small crocheted coaster regardless, little lady Pat complimenting me on the needlework. I’d given her a sticky hug before telling her I’d see her tomorrow, desperate to get home to the goofy postal boy I’d only seen for a minute.
Here we were, a junky metal fan doing reverse psychology on the two of us as it blew hot air around the room, sitting on either end of the couch to try and get cool as the sun set. Ice cream was the only suggestion left as we gathered scoops and scoops into bowls, but mine had melted.
“You just wasted a good four dollars o’ strawberry swirl, hon.” Baron said suddenly, drawing me out of the trance I’d had on him. I looked down at the pink soup I’d unintentionally made in my bowl before looking up at him with a smile.
“Could say the same for you, darlin’, you’re wearing about two dollars of vanilla around your face.” His tongue darted out around his mouth, searching for any leftovers. But he was missing tragically. I shuffled over on my knees, sitting back on them next to him on the couch as he looked up at me with his silly big brown eyes.
“Want me to help you save money?” I giggled down at him, stroking his hair away behind his ears. He nodded, his mouth dropping open in that cute, dumbfounded way. Eda coughed a little, drawing both of our attention until she sighed and stopped. Turning back to each other, Baron’s hands gripped my hips, pulling me onto his lap before very quickly pecking my lips and taking me by surprise.
“You done got a pink nose now. Like ice-cream Rudolph.” He mumbled, looking over my face and then back up to my eyes. I giggled at his comment, my thumbs running over his sticky cheeks gently. I pulled his face closer to mine, but just as his eyes fluttered closed I stuck my tongue out, messily licking ice cream from across his chin and nose. He fought me off, chuckling and trying to hide his face from the attack.
“Problem solved, no more wasting that strawberry swirl.” I said proudly, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Those twinkling eyes looked at me with awe, though I didn’t know what was so entrancing about the blob of strawberry ice cream sitting on the tip of my nose.
With gentle hands, he pulled my face down closer to his before kissing the strawberry ice cream off softly. “See. Don’t have to be so goddamn violent about it.” He grinned, pressing his lips to mine.
“I was not violent. I’m just trying to get cool and save dollars, Baron.” I chuckled against his mouth, as his arms wrapped around my waist. The humidity of the room suddenly didn’t exist, just the taste of strawberry and the feeling of him. Minutes of kisses passed by, before he pulled away and looked me in the eyes.
“Yeah so, now the funny old man pushes the cart back down the mountain but the kids ain’t in there no more. Somethin’ ‘bout the silence used to give me the jeebies.” He spoke out of nowhere. I looked over my shoulder to see exactly what he was describing on the TV, rolling my eyes as I pulled his attention back to the cooldown kisses again.
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red-garden · 10 months
Young Gods, Old Blood
ROTTMNT AU by Red Garden
◦ High Fantasy
◦ Magic, mythic creatures, alchemy
◦ Warlock magic system: mages make deals with gods, devils and beasts to use their magics
◦ 7 (6) continents known- Aldera, Kufyteu, Ignosios, Y’Theaka, Mbano-o, Kibuxia, Unock
◦ Kingdoms, empires, feudal states, tribal leagues, and anarchistic communes
◦ Main characters- April, Casey, Casey Jr, Sunita, Draxum, Hueso, Piel, Hypno, Warren, and Big Mama
Overarching plot-
Casey is out to destroy the Foot with the power of the dark armor. Little does she know that the Spider Empress is looking for the same relic so she can extend her empire across the globe. There are forces far greater than they can imagine wrapped up in the dark armor- old gods waking from slumber, ancient warriors hidden away, and at the heart of it all, The Crying Titan.
Casey Jones
Any pronouns, 26, 5 6”, ronin
No magic; lightning long sword, Morningstar gauntlets
Born to the Foot clan in Ignosios, she was raised to be a samurai. But the Foot hides many secrets. After years of service, she was confronted with her actions. She killed a child in a village raid. It wasn’t the first time, but it would be the last. They left the Foot at 20, searching for the relic that could wipe away the Foot with a singe stroke- the dark armor.
April O’Neil
She/they, 25, 5 2”, martial warlock
Magic pact with the Four Pillars (the turtles), uses elemental magic; wields iron knuckles, mostly used martial arts Her family granted shelter to Yoshi and the turtles after they fled Kibuxia. She grew up along side the turtles and trained with them to protect her village from Kibuxia raiding forces. The Four Pillars (the turtles) have been keeping the empire from spreading further north, but they can’t last forever. April needs to find and destroy the dark armor before the empress gets her hands on it and can use it against them.
Sunita Pandit
She/her, 25, 5 10”, paladin
Magic pact with River Bottom; blessed silt spear
River Bottom is being intentionally poisoned by the Kibuxia Empire so they can invade the land. With her god weakening, Sunita joins April and Casey on thier quest to find the Dark armor. Secretly, she wants to provide River Bottom with the armor so it many grow unbeatably powerful.
Casey Jr Jones
She/her (later he/him), 11, 4 8”, apprentice
Learning to wield a bow
To prove herself useful enough to Casey that she’ll keep her around.
Baron Ganzaya Alazar
He/him, 53, 6 4”, artificer
Pact with Ashpush goddess of the forge; wields an artificer’s hammer
Searching for his estranged sons, The Pillars, who he lost when they fled Kibuxia. April promised to bring him to them if he could help them find the dark armor.
Hueso Rivera
He/him, 40, 5 8”, Twin sea spirit
Can create whirlpools; Bone whip
Wants to find his son and let him know he’s still alive.
Piel Rivera
He/him, 40, 5,8”, twin sea spirit
Can summon waves; Sabre
Since the transformation, Piel has lost most of his motivation, and is content to follow his brother.
Ihaka Atama (hypno)
He/him, 31, 5 9”, prophet
Signed a pact with Y’Kana, god of prophecy
Part of the deal with Y’Kana was to sacrifice the only he loved most after 10 years. It’s been 9 years, and since then he’s become best friends (and maybe more) with Warren. He hasn’t told Warren about the deal, and is determined to break his connection to Y’Kana to save his ‘bestie’. Unfortunately, the only way to do this is with extremely powerful magic, such that that only relics like the dark armor could offer him.
Warren Stone
He/him, 36, 5 3”, bard
No magic, no weapons, he’s not even very good at barding
Happy to go where ever Ihaka goes. Not a thought behind those eyes.
Empress Sen Motsu Kumo (Big Mama)
She/her, age unknown, size varies , 1,000 Hands Spider Goddess
She’s a spider goddess, she has spider powers (miles morales?? 😳)
She’s a colonizer. She wants her empire to conquer all, extract their resources, and make her the more powerful/wealthy being on earth.
Ocean (Leo)
He/him, 23, 7’, artificially created water god
Can control water ATLA style; wields a double katana
To stop the empire from spreading no matter what.
He/him (?), 24, 15 7”, artificially created earth god
Can control earth ATLA style; wields twin sai
To keep his family safe, no matter what.
Wind (Donnie)
They/he, 23, 8 1”, artificially created wind god
Can control wind ATLA style; wields bo
To create a weapon powerful enough to wipe out the empire.
Fire (Mikey)
Any pronouns, 22, 5 7”, artificially created fire god
Can control fire ATLA style; wields dual nunchaku
To find a way to stop the war.
Hamato Yoshi (Spinter)
He/him, 54, 5 1”, Martial arts master
No magic, just punches
To keep his family hidden from the empress.
Usagi Yuichi
He/him, 23, 5 10”, samurai
Pact with martial goddess Yama which gives him bursts of extreme speed, strength, and agility- but he passes out from exhaustion immediately after (shonen ass); wields a katana
One of the only surviving samurai from the conquest of clan Usagi in Kibuxia. He ran away from the fight, and carries the shame with him. Now he wants to fight alongside the pillars to maintain the norther border of the empire (it certainly helps that Ocean is easy on the eyes too).
Kitsune Kanoe
She/her, 27, 6 1”, mage
Pact with the illusion god of clan Kitsune, Red Mist- she can cast complex illusions with extreme concentration, as well as shapeshift into a fox
Her clan was conquered by Kibuxia as well, scattering or imprisoning any survivors. She got away, but unknown numbers of her family are in imperial labor camps. She wants to become an illusion master so she can free them, but is terrified of facing the empire again.
Tora Chizu
They/it, 30, 5 11”, brawler
No magic, no weapons, just fists and anger
Fled clan Tora when it was young, and has been running ever since. They’ve been homeless for the past 6 years, picking fights where it can and getting paid when it wins. After being given food and medicine by Kitsune, they’re entranced, willing to follow wherever she goes.
Ashigawa Gen
He/him, 32, 6 8”, Calvary soldier
No magic; rides a great horned beast and wields a metal club
He defected from the Kibuxia army, heading north to escape execution. After Usagi told him of the Four Pillars he decided to follow the same path and hold the border with them.
Tora Hana
She/her, 14, 5 2”, apprentice
No magic, wields a wakazashi
She’s another runaway from clan Toru, with nowhere to go. Usagi found her while heading north and took pity on her. She wants to impress him, and later Chizu, and learn how to defend herself.
The Metal Man(Repo Mantis)
He/him, age unknown, height changes
Pact breaker curse- he’s covered in metal and spikes, half living half dead, doomed to do the bidding of Wheynin, the collector god, until he’s destroyed
He has no motivation, he is merely a husk at the whim of his master, no longer alive but not dead either.
Hunger (Meat Sweats)
It/it’s, age unknown, size indeterminate
It’s comes to you in a haze. The Hunger. It must feed.
There is no running. There is no resisting. There is only Hunger.
The General (Rocksteady)
He/him, 51, 6’, knight
Powers unknown; wields an axe
Full obscured by his armor, he rides that great horned beast… he comes and goes as the empress pleases, rolling over the land like a tide, leaving the earth soaked and trampled. The only thing he wants is to dominate.
The Scout (Beebop)
He/him, 29, 5 5”, ranger
Made a pact with the goddess of the hunt, Heart Beat- can go invisible for up to a minute,moves exceptionally quietly and has a keen sense of smell; wields a bow
Always at the side of The General, The Scout is sometimes called the Harbinger. He wears all black, coming and going like an insect through walls. He never shows his face- some believe he bears a curse on it, some believe it’s because he was horribly mangled. Neither are true. He does as The General commands.
Brek Oso (Razar)
They/Them, 55, 7 6”, man hunter
Rumored to have made a pact with a devil. Wields a spear.
They chase gold. No one gets away.
More lore to come…….
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I’d just love to hear the who’s who.
Names, ages, place in the class hierarchy, whose blood related, who wishes they were/weren’t related, who would stab someone with a hatpin in defense of their bestie, etc… just a sketch of the main cast and their defining traits. Whatever you feel like sharing :)
Honestly, great idea! Let's do general breakdown based on family. (These are just the broad strokes, if you want to know more about a specific character, let me know!)
The Ellingtons
Lord Henry Ellington
Oldest/Eldest Son and Baron (or might make him a Duke, it feels like regency romances demand at least one Duke)
Aloof, sarcastic, but a good man
Was done with his younger brother's shit yesterday
Childhood friends with Captain Harris and Frederick Hamilton
Engaged to Juliana Hamilton
Lady Margaret (Ellington) Chapel
Middle Child/Eldest Sister
Understanding, practically minded, warm
Had been happily married for several years with four children to show for it
Cares for both of her brothers deeply and often acts as the bridge between them
Thomas Ellington
Youngest and Second Son
Either gay or bi, jury is still out
Adventurous, Eccentric, Deeply Feeling
Spends most if not all of his time in London investing in plays and up and coming artists; the only reason his father didn't cut him off is that he is very good at spotting new talent
Too interesting to ignore; even if the company he keeps is considered scandalous, everybody want him at their party
The Hamiltons
Frederick Hamilton
Eldest Son
Died nine years before the start of the story
Outgoing, open minded, kind
He and Juliana were exceptionally close growing up; often Juliana felt he was the only person in the world who truly understood her
Louisa Hamilton
Juliana's mother
Ambitious, exacting, stubborn
Recently widowed
She and Juliana had never seen fully eye to eye on most things, especially after Frederick's death
Juliana Hamilton
No noble titles, but the daughter of a gentleman
Second born/Eldest daughter
Passionate, Intelligent, Self Controlled
Engaged to Lord Henry Ellington
Friend to Gwendolyn Harris
Frederick's death left her devastated and when it became clear her parents were more concerned about what the loss of their heir meant for their financial standing rather than mourning the loss of their son, Juliana ran away. Nine months later, Captain Harris, found her and brought her home sporting cropped hair and a broken heart. The family covered it up saying Juliana had been in mourning all that while. Juliana was content to live in the lie and quietly retire into the country as a spinster since the birth of her younger brother, Theodore, assured the money stay within the family. The death of her father, however, brought to light just how dire their situation was and it became necessary for her to find a husband. Luckily for them, Lord Henry Ellington was ready and willing to fill that roll.
Theodore Hamilton
Youngest/second son
The Harrises
Captain Edmund Harris
Oldest/Eldest Son
Son of a gentleman, but a rather poor one
Steadfast, plain spoken, caring
Navel captain and a very successful one at that
Devoted to his sister and mother and tries his best to support and care for both of them
Cares for Juliana as a second sister
Is the only one besides Juliana, her father and Finn to know exactly what Juliana had been doing in London (as far as he knows)
Gwendolyn Harris
Second born/Eldest daughter
Bold, Lively, Non conforming
Close friends with Juliana, although had not been told about where Juliana was during those nine months nor asked
Cares for her mother since her brother is away at sea leading to her rarely leaving her own small neighborhood
Has made the most of it and is now determined to remain a spinster, having come to like her independence
Finn (rest of his name TBD)
Son of cobbler and a cook
Charming, Insightful, Playful
Met Juliana after she had run away to London and disguised herself as a man. He quickly figured out her ruse, but rather than rat her out, decided to help her reasoning that things like this didn't happen everyday. If anything, it would be a good story. He and Juliana fell in love, but when they were discovered by Captain Harris, Finn decided to walk away not wanting to ruin Juliana's life to tying her to him; a writer with barely two pounds to his name. It's been his biggest regret.
Current patron: Thomas Ellington
Robert (rest of his name TBD)
Working class
Creative, Clear headed, blunt
Friend to Finn and Juliana (when she was disguised as a man)
The only person Finn told about Juliana's real identity after she left with Captain Harris
Current patron: Thomas Ellington
Somebody who knows everything and has been extorting the Hamiltons for years
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kettle-cover · 4 months
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"Drip city. Feeling fine. Flashing casino lights" (Four Stroke Baron - Sundowner)
Old, but unpublished
From #spring in toontown era
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f4kef4ngs · 6 months
tagged by @tenderanarchist for my top 10 most played songs rn, wasn't sure exactly how to decide what I've been listening to the most so I just went with the first 10 on my spotify "on repeat" list
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1. hot hot heat - magnitude
2. rosegarden funeral party - once in a while
3. jack off jill - super sadist
4. four stroke baron - friday knight
5. descendents - silly girl
6. editors - munich
7. deadsy - mansion world
8. marina - primadonna
9. kaya - nouvelle mariee
10. chanter - hounds of hell
idk who to tag im too awkward to interact w people, if you see this tag game and wanna do it say I tagged you lol
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metalshockfinland · 5 months
FOUR STROKE BARON Share New Single + Music Video 'Cyborg Pt. 3 (Because I'm God)'
Photographer credit: Chris M. Stanton FOUR STROKE BARON has today shared a new single and accompanying music video, Cyborg Pt. 3 (Because I’m God), from their upcoming fourth album, Data Diamond, set for release via Prosthetic Records on May 31. The Reno, NV progressive metal duo’s latest single serves as the third instalment in their Cyborg trilogy, following the success of Cyborg Pt. 2: The…
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