#Foster care system
neechees · 2 years
A Native woman committed suicide after her children were taken away by rcmp because she asked for refuge from her abusive relationship. Instead of helping a Native woman flee abuse with her children, they took her babies away.
Note that the video says that Manitoba has some of the highest child apprehensions by child welfare in Canads, 90% of whom are Indigenous, and until 2 years ago they got paid by the amount of apprehensions they do.
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intersexfairy · 1 year
Hey, if you haven't heard already, please take a moment to view and sign this petition about the kidnapping of an Inupiaq baby via the foster care system. There is also this site and a twitter account you can follow to stay up to date.
The reason baby Chanel is in the hands of Joseph Jurco and Nikki Richman (racist foster parents) is that her mother (Kristen Ballot-Huntington) was murdered by her father (Eric Rustad). Her maternal grandmother (Aana Arlene) is fighting to get her grandchild back home.
Again, please sign the petition and also spread the word. Chanel's family and nation deserve a world's better than this.
(If anything in this post needs correcting, please let me know)
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ex-foster · 3 months
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cjbolan · 8 months
Unpopular Opinion: Only adults feel sad at Lilo and Stitch .
Unless you were in Lilo’s situation as a kid —which sadly is a lot of kids— I think no kid fully comprehends the challenges of the foster care system. Nor the challenges of being raised by a sibling instead of a parent. Unless your family sat you down for honest talks about such heavy issues. Which was definitely not my family.
(I dunno…is my experience as a childcare worker making me underestimate kids’ intelligence?)
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ivyprism · 3 months
I Didn't Mean To (Marguerite Backstory)
Warning: Child abuse, fire, blood, death, pain, sadness, uncontrolled power, panic attacks, bullying, foster care system, and implied mass murder.
This may be heavy for some readers, so please be cautious if you want to read it.
This has a switch from 1st Person to 2nd Person near the end.
"I don't know very much about my parents. When I was little, my mother was regarded as a lovely and sophisticated woman. My father was a powerful yet mysterious man... However, I've never actually met them. I'm not sure if they died or simply decided they didn't want me anymore. I was a child who was moved from one foster family to another. Many of my foster parents returned me, claiming I was "too difficult" and "dangerous".
Regardless of what happened, my social worker would always remind me there was nothing wrong with me. My magic and lack of control are typical for a child my age. She was the only person who understood me. I didn't intend to be a nuisance or a threat…. I was simply unable to manage my magic. I was a child; how could I know?
When I met my next foster family, I assumed everything would be the same as before, but I was mistaken. My foster mother was a lovely older woman who gladly took me in. She wasn't a monster, just a human woman who believed my lack of magical control just needed a bit of patience. She never treated me like a monster for it. I genuinely adored her…
But then the other kids learned about what I am, what I could do...And as they say, kids can be cruel. I was going home that day, I didn't know what they wanted.
"Is it true you killed your parents with your fire?" "Wow, a monster walking among us! The horror!" "You're not going to kill us too, are you?"
I was a child and could not grasp these queries. I didn't know what to do, so I ran home and into the arms of my foster mother. I was terrified, but they did not stop. My foster mother tried to stop them and did everything she could, but it simply made matters worse. When I retaliated in my defense, the situation became really heated.
"Y--you scratched me! Monster!" Following my defense against them, the boy shouted at me. They'd tugged my hair and horns, and it ached. I did not aim to hurt them.
"I'm- I'm sorry!" I had said. I was just a child, I didn't know and I didn't mean to. But they turned to their parents. Their parents disliked me as well; after all, hatred is hardly a natural emotion. They were determined to take action.
They stopped my foster mother and cornered me. I was a child, and I was defenseless against them. My foster mother pleaded to be spared, but I don't believe they listened.
"We should've never let you foster this monster anyway." One of them said anything.
"We should've done this a long time ago." Another had said as he raised a weapon and struck me. I don't recall exactly what happened; all I remember is the excruciating pain of getting smacked in the eye. I saw blood, and I couldn't open my eye because it stung so severely.
"Leave her alone! She's just a little girl!" My foster mother begged loudly. I looked at her, but then another attack came. I didn't have time to open my mouth as I felt more pain. I cried out in pain as my foster mother pleaded. I was in pain, so much pain. I was scared.
I didn't have time to think as my foster mother approached me, pulling me into her arms and attempting to comfort me. Telling me everything would be fine, I knew it was a lie, yet I felt so protected in her embrace…
Until I didn't.
I heard a hit followed by a thud. My foster mother lay bleeding on the ground near my feet. I couldn't determine if she was still alive. I was so afraid that I began to hyperventilate. I couldn't breathe and was so afraid that I kept apologizing for being born. I couldn't think, everything was whirling, and I was scared. I was so scared.
So the terror presented itself as a blazing fire that I had never seen before. I didn't have time to react; all I could hear was a chorus of cries, the sound of fire, and people fleeing, but only the screams. I kept apologizing; I was scared and didn't mean to. I could see the fire blazing and hear my foster mother trying to comfort me, but I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating or if she was actually saying it. All I remembered after was passing out from the pain and the smoke.
After that, I didn't know what happened. I was in the hospital, I was isolated in a wing. I didn't know if people had died, or if they had lived, but as soon as I could I ran. I couldn't face my social worker, I couldn't face my foster mother... I was a monster. I started picking up odd jobs and lying about my age to survive. All I remembered was the screams, the terror, and all the fire.
I wouldn't let anyone get too close to me, I couldn't. I was dangerous and erratic, and I didn't know how to control my fire. Of course, after years, I started teaching myself how to be a human, and how to not use my awful magic, and I blended right in. I was just another person who worked everywhere. No one knew what I was or who I was.
I met my ex-husband when I was 18, and we were married for a few years before we divorced. I never told him who I was, and I'm not sure I ever completely trusted him. That is on me. But I didn't want anyone to fear me again because of things I couldn't control.
After that, I met Tart. They were just a baby and my friend made me their godmother. I didn't know how to care for a baby, I was so scared that I'd hurt them. So I was a bit cautious with them until I learned how to be close and care for them like a mother should.
And that's how I'm here today. I'll never know what happened to the place I used to live or anything. Honestly, I barely remember what happened that night. All I know is that I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I just didn't know how to control my magic.
Of course, that's one of many things I've dealt with, but those are all stories for another time~."
You blink carefully at Marguerite, who smiles at you. She pats your head and walks away. You stare at what you've written; a part of you wants to console her, but she appears fine now.
That's something for another time, I suppose. You still had a lot of questions about her. I mean, she was your friend. She was a single mother to a very sweet child, and you're sure they have lots of stories to tell at some point.
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erebusvincent · 1 month
I hate the foster care system. It's the only thing worse than adoption.
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nuggeteri · 7 months
Foster kids are supposed to be taken care of.
That isn't the case when you go ahead and tell everyone their secrets. Hey, social workers, proffessional secrets mean you keep it to YOURSELF, not yourself along with OTHER SOCIAL WORKERS. if it was about hurting myself, i'd understand, but me being transgender?
Hey, i'm a foster kid, i haven't mentioned that before. who cares.
I'm a teen so i'm a bit rebellious- In the foster care system, at least in france, social workers have to keep little notes about kids- how they spent their day, good bad if they did anything productive if they slept or woke up late.
I never liked those. always asked to see mine but they said no-- I always found that weird. But, i do cope in self-harm and once saw a line where they said they found sharp things in my bedroom- So i assumed that's why they didn't want us to read, for us not to be able to tell when they found out when we did something 'wrong'.
Anyway-- Tonight, I went downstairs to look for somethign (another foster kid's water bottle where he hid his money, he had lost it) and get up my act of "i just woke up, i'm looking for water." But the nightguard is asleep.
Very unproffessional. The office is unlocked. extremely unproffessional.
I tell my friends this and they immediately go down to get some things down there-- something catches my eye, the binders where they used to put out notes. (Used to, because now everything's digital.)
I go ahead to read it and, would you look at that.
They had written that i was transgender. When it was supposed to be a secret.
This is bullshit. Okay, maybe i'm not the perfect calm and rule-listening little goblin, but i don't deserve to be outed. at least i think i don't. Especially when i've been put in foster care for being outed to my parents who proceeded to hit me-
Yet, somehow, this-- This felt worse.
The fact that they knew it. Yet did nothing. Or, precisely, said nothing. They didn't say shit to me.
I was outed, it was kept from me for them to keep up a nice facade, and they told me to trust them. How could i ever
how could i ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Trust a proffessional again? Especially with the fact that this isn't the first time, a year ago a psychologue told my parents troubles i'd been having. Yet this is worse- the psy didnt out me. They did.
It seems like i was made to be outed. Huh.
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fosteringinsc · 11 months
Transforming the Foster Care System: The Biden Administration's Game-Changing Policies
Biden Administration’s Foster Care Reforms: Navigating the Pros and Cons for Child Welfare Transforming the Foster Care System: The Biden Administration’s Game-Changing Policies. The recent foster care system reforms by the Biden administration represent a pivotal shift in child welfare policy. These changes, aimed at bolstering support for kinship caregivers, safeguarding LGBTQ+ youth, and…
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creatorj-meow · 1 year
I never seen this movie ONCE in my life till now. And now saw the cruel reality of what my race has to go through.
Never knew how much the Mexican American children suffers under the foster care system here....
I'm not one to break down in front of my family but that one SPECIFIC SCENE... is now ENGRAVED in mind now.
Now I just want to look for this movie to see it from the beginning to end.
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pathofm1sery · 2 years
Thank you. What was your personal experience like? What belongings were you able to keep? I have a lot of sentimental attachments (and a small hoarding habit /lh) and the thought of losing certain things stresses me out. Were you afraid? Was it lonely?
as long as it wasn't a weapon, or a sexual item, i was allowed to have it! my internet was limited though, but it varies placement to placement! i kept my shoes, my books, my clothes, and my plushies. depending on your level of care, you may or may not be able to have jewelry or belts. but most placements are good about keeping your things, so when you leave, you'll get them back (or they'll go with you). sometimes your caseworker will hold your belongings for you.
personally, i wasn't afraid, i just saw it as another stepping stone on my path to greatness, just one more thing to write about.
and yes, i was to a degree lonely. i missed my loved ones, and the people were hurting, so they turned that hurt on others. hurt people hurt people, unfortunately. but i made a few very close friends, and i know we'll be close for a long time.
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
new Danyal al Ghul au just dropped! --or at least some art of it did. I call it the "Stillborn? No, no, still born" au (or stillborn just for short)
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it's based off a batfam comment I saw that mentioned in the early comics Bruce knew about Talia's pregnancy and was ecstatic to be a father. So much so that Talia feared he'd give up being Batman for it, so when she gave birth she put the baby (Damian) on a doorstep and (seemingly) told Bruce that the baby was stillborn.
I saw it, thought "mm, tasty!" and thought what if that baby was Danny instead of Damian? By default I was thinking of making him a few years older, however, it works just as well with demon twins. I need to think it over. Meet Daniel Brown! 14 year old foster kid whose been with the Fentons for the last two years! He has SO many issues haha. hah. lmfao even.
Danny's theme song is literally just "Good Kid" from the Percy Jackson musical, to sum him up.
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ex-foster · 8 months
Common issues for former foster kids who aged out of the system:
1. A significant number face challenges in finding stable housing.
2. Higher rates of homelessness are observed among this population.
3. The transition to independence can be abrupt and overwhelming.
4. Many aging-out foster youth lack a support system.
5. Mental health issues may persist due to the trauma experienced in foster care.
6. Employment difficulties are common among individuals aging out of foster care.
7. Educational attainment is often lower for those who age out of foster care.
8. Limited access to higher education is a barrier for many.
9. The likelihood of experiencing poverty is elevated.
10. Some face difficulties accessing essential life skills.
11. Former foster youth may struggle with self-identity and belonging.
12. The foster care experience can impact their sense of trust.
13. The stigma associated with foster care can be a barrier to success.
14. Many aging-out foster youth lack guidance on financial literacy.
15. The trauma of separation can affect emotional regulation.
16. Legal emancipation does not always equate to emotional readiness.
17. Limited exposure to positive role models can hinder personal development.
18. The lack of a consistent educational environment affects academic performance.
19. Limited access to extracurricular activities impacts skill development.
20. Some aging-out foster youth may experience a sense of abandonment.
21. Peer relationships can be challenging due to differing life experiences.
22. Aging-out foster youth may face challenges in obtaining legal documents.
23. Former foster youth may have a heightened awareness of societal issues.
24. The experience of foster care can impact one's ability to trust authority.
25. Former foster youth may struggle with self-advocacy.
26. Aging-out foster youth may grapple with feelings of unworthiness.
27. Legal emancipation does not erase the emotional scars of foster care.
28. The stigma of being a "ward of the state" affects self-esteem.
29. The foster care experience can contribute to a sense of powerlessness.
30. Many aging-out foster youth desire connection and a sense of belonging.
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pianokantzart · 6 months
I just watched the 1993 Super Mario Bros movie, and the chokehold big age gap Mario and Luigi has on me right now is insane. Mario being extremely overprotective of the boy he raised? Muah *chefs kiss*. I now want a story where Luigi is in school, and Mario just tries and helps him with his homework or something. I need more domestic Mario and Luigi. I just wanna see the two of them sitting in their apartment in Brooklyn watching tv together, I wanna see them enjoy walks, do actual plumbing, I wanna see Mario teach Luigi plumbing.
Just fluff. Sorry about the rant btw.
No no no! You're so right. You are so very very right. I love the double-date dinner scene when Luigi starts talking about his relationship with Mario.
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L: 'Cos Mario, he brought me up! He's been my mother my whole life. M: Hey! L: I mean father. My father. He's been my father, my uncle, my brother - everybody!
Luigi doesn't even know who his parents are. And if Mario legitimately raised Luigi alone while impoverished and without any family he could rely on, he did such a fantastic job?? It's no wonder he's the most abrasive of all the Marios (not that I have a problem with that. Grumpy Mario my beloved.)
Don't even get me started on Mario being his little brother's wingman, trying to feed Luigi dialogue under his breath when he's attempting to chat up Daisy. Also him aggressively backseat driving and trying not to panic while Luigi is a maniac behind the wheel? Putting himself through hell to help his little bro rescue the woman he loves? One of the best parts was when, after Bowser President Koopa attempts to gouge Luigi's eyes out in a moment of rage, Mario jumps in and grapples Koopa to get him off. He gets tased for his efforts, but succeeds in keeping his bro's eyeballs intact. Then in the devo chamber in the next scene you can see Mario nervously checking on Luigi in the background, cupping his face as he ensures there's no serious damage done.
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Sorry Mario, Luigi was kinda right to describe you as his mother.
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crow-eyed · 3 months
Two of a Kind (Part 2/2)
Part one is here. Predictably at the very end of Batman 410 Jason immediately finds out that Harvey killed his dad.
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In Batman 411 we get to see how Jason reacts, there are some important things to note. He does not confront Bruce or let anyone know that he knows but he also doesn't seem to hide that he is upset.
He self isolates, staying in bed all day, speaks very little, and only getting up when Bruce passive aggressively mentions patrol and that Two Face is still active.
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While this change could be in reaction to the mention of Harvey, Bruce is purposefully trying to needle Jason into action here. Over all he's notably withdrawn and comes across as not particularly eager to go back out as Robin.
In the field he seems back to normal until he is specifically left to watch over a knocked out Harvey.
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This is the first time Jason looked even a little aggressive towards Harvey and Bruce misses it entirely. I don't think Jason wants to be here and I don't think he trusts Bruce. Yet Bruce tells him to watch Harvey then runs after Harvey's goons and moments later Jason attacks Harvey.
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This is the exact thing that Bruce feared that Jason would do but Jason's reaction here seems primarily motivated by the situation Bruce put him in. Bruce expected a violent 'wrong' reaction from Jason and in doing so removed any chance for Jason to deal with his emotions in a non violent manner.
Jason knew Bruce lied to him so- he couldn't tell Bruce he was upset, he couldn't say if he even wanted to go on patrol, or that he might not want to see the man who killed his dad! Let alone be left alone with him the day after he found out!
Jason lashed out at Harvey, choked him, and shakily threatened to kill him. He was also easily thrown off by Harvey and punched hard enough to knock him down before Bruce could get back to him.
Harvey then escapes and the conversation between Jason and Bruce is put on hold till they are back in the cave. Here things get interesting.
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The street kid routine Bruce mentions here is exactly that- a routine, a mask. It's a facade Jason's been forced back to because he feels like can't rely on Bruce because Bruce broke his trust.
When Bruce mentions trust his facade breaks- Jason makes it very clear he DOESN'T TRUST BRUCE and is likely feeling ashamed and embarrassed that he ever did. The anger and tough kid act is because of Bruce's actions, he is clearly shown to be devastated by Bruce keeping this from him.
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Jason's initial reaction to Harvey killing his dad is not anger, he's devastated and shaken. This is the reaction of a devastated kid lashing out at the man who he's supposed to be able to trust lying to him about something important emotionally and directly relevant to his safety.
That is where the anger seems to come from. Bruce knew Harvey killed Willis and yet had no hesitation in bringing Jason to a fight with him and this is something Jason realizes!
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Jason does not get how this was to 'protect him' because it wasn't about his physical safety or even his emotional safety. If it was Bruce would have tried to prevent Jason from interacting (even unknowingly) with the man who killed his father. Not passive aggressively getting a visibly unenthusiastic Jason out of bed and into his costume to fight him.
This was about protecting Jason from the coin toss, delaying things until Bruce felt confident he would react in the 'right way'. Bruce had no room in his mind for the normal reaction of a kid to something like this- only his personal binary of 'wrong' (and criminal) or 'right' (like him).
Bruce talks about his 'right way' here and it's clearly just Bruce's way. He takes his pain and desire for vengeance and uses it as fuel for his vigilantism. He's clearly NOT against bringing this stuff to a fight, he doesn't even seem to consider other ways of dealing with it that don't involve violence.
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Bruce is sympathetic here but still the language! Saying Jason carried 'uncontrollable rage' into 'battle,' directly saying Jason lost but indirectly stating that Two Face beat him. (using the passive voice only for one of them)
Bruce recognizes that he handled this poorly but isn't questioning his core premise. He sees this as a failure of execution not of concept.
He's not just projecting his way of dealing with loss and pain onto Jason he's now actively coaching him into it. He hesitated to do it but he does it anyway because he sees Jason (a 12 year old) as dangerous to himself and to others without it.
I think he knows this way isn't appropriate for a child on some level (he calls it hard even for an adult)- but he just can't see beyond it. He doesn't see Jason here, to him Jason will be either Robin or a future criminal.
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sleepyfan-blog · 2 months
Forest Wanderings
Author’s note: This is the next part in Mer-Cedric wandering with Reader! Thank you to @egrets-not-regrets for letting me borrow her oc Erriox! First. Next
Warnings: brief talk about the American foster care system, please ask me to tag something if it bothers you/I missed it
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel
Summary: Cedric continues to accompany you on your backpacking travels through the forest near the sea he popped out of. 
Cedric flew alongside you through the air with an effortless ease that you were trying very hard not to be jealous over. The rocky, hilly terrain covered in trees and underbrush was difficult for you to traverse on foot, and the path that you were taking to the nearby town for your next stop in civilization was poorly maintained in this part of the forest you were walking in. He stayed close to you, while not being so close as to feel as if he was crowding you.
You also got the distinct feeling that he could move much much faster than the pace he was… Flying? He looked as though he was swimming through the air somehow, from the way his fins and tail flexed and shifted in the slight breeze that blew through the trees and felt nice on your face and hands. “How are you able to do that?” You ask, pausing and sitting on a large boulder as you’ve decided to take a break from hiking. 
The point of backpacking in your opinion wasn’t necessarily the destination that you had in mind - as you weren’t planning on going anywhere in particular, but the breathtaking journey. Like now. On one side of the rocky and grass-covered path was a steep cliff drop, where you could see the rolling waves of the ocean, the salt-sea air refreshing. On the other side, was the same deep forest that you were traveling through. Many of the trees were spruce and douglas fir, though there were also cedar trees growing wild as well. 
You’d seen deer wandering through the underbrush, nibbling on the new-growth leaves and half-ripe berries growing on some of the bushes and vines earlier today. You’d taken a couple of pictures of them with the camera you’d brought with you. You’d been tempted to take pictures of Cedric as well as the large white and black patterned mer flew through the forest, but you’d decided to wait for an appropriate time to ask him first. 
“Do what?” Cedric asks, tilting his head a little at you as he sits down next to you. 
“Fly through the air?” You answer. He’s so big, you can’t imagine that his bones are hollow… And he doesn’t have any sort of wings that you’re familiar with, to allow for flight. 
“Oh! It’s an ability granted to us by-” Cedric stops talking for a moment, fidgeting with his hands “It’s an inborn ability, though flying itself is a skill that one needs to practice. I’ve met some brothers who are very good at flying. Others… Not so much.” It was a gift that the god-emperor had gifted each mer-ine, along with the ability to swim through the sea of stars and the raging warp for prolonged periods of time. But it was forbidden to say such things to the mortals of Ancient Terra, lest they learn of things too early. 
You squint up at him. His ears were a fascinating shade of pink and he was fidgeting with his hands, which meant that he was either lying to you or hiding something. As many tales you’d heard about how terrifying and mysterious the Astartes were, Cedric was neither of those things. He was big and strong, but had a curious joy with which he explored the world. You silently wondered whether or not he was young for an Astartes. Perhaps like you, a young adult, having left home for the first time and searching for one’s place in the world… “Uh-huh. We’ve been traveling together for several hours now. What do you think of backpacking?”
“I find it to be an interesting practice. To enjoy the journey for what it is, rather than because you are trying to get somewhere.” Cedric answers with a small smile “I’ve told my brothers that I will be traveling with you for some time… It’s definitely possible that at least one of them will come to see us, and pester me.” He sighed a little, shaking his head a little.
You were about to say something, a question on your lips when the device attached to one of Cedric’s wrists crackled to life. 
A low, masculine voice rumbled “I just got your message. What’s this about traveling overland with a human?”
“They’re traveling the nearby forest, close to the waters’ edge, and I asked if I could join them, at least until they get to the next human settlement, and they agreed.” Cedric answered with a small grin directed at you.
“Alright. Be sure to use your common sense and exercise caution, alright? You’ve got some healing potions on you, right? If you’re going to be traveling away from the pod for some time, you better be properly kitted out for it.” The other rumbled.
“Yes papa, I have healing potions in my bag. A couple of regular ones and a couple of high-strength ones, just in case something happens. I’ll be sure to vox in regularly, too.” Cedric answered with a sigh, a small smile still lingering on his face.
“Good. Your mom is in the area, trading with her inland cousins, and foraging for some ingredients for Amelia. She’ll probably stop by and say hello.” Cedric’s dad responded, a sigh in his voice.
“Okay dad. I’ll keep an eye out for mom.” Cedric answered, rolling his shoulders a little. 
“Good. Talk to you again soon. Have fun wandering, pup.” The older mer answered.
“I’m not a pup! I’m full grown!” Cedric groused, pouting at the communicator on his wrist.
“Yes, yes. I know. Goodbye for now.” With that, the machine stopped making noise.
The large white and black mer chuffed grumpily and glowered at the machine for several seconds before shaking his head a little. He smiles at you and apologizes “Sorry for ignoring you, but my dad voxxed me.” 
“I’m glad that you’ve got family who care for you, Cedric. It’s good to be cared for.” You answer, a wistful smile of your own tugging up the corners of your lips.
“... Do you not have a family?” The mer asked, startling you a little.
You hadn’t expected that he would pick that up “Well… Sort of? It’s complicated. I was left in the baby box at the hospital I was born in, and was never told anything about either of my birth parents. I grew up in the foster-care system, traveling from family to family every couple of years… I was almost adopted a couple of times but… After I hit thirteen, the younger kids were focused on as potential adoptees as most parents looking to adopt aren’t interested in teenagers.” You sigh deeply, shaking your head a little “I suppose that’s where I got my love for travel… Although I enjoy it a lot more now that I get to decide where to go, and how long the journey takes. A couple of my fellow foster siblings I really connected with, so we stay in contact with each other when we can.”
“... Oh…” Cedric managed out. You see tears in his light blue eyes, and his lower lip wobbles a little. “Would you… Mind if… Would you be uncomfortable if I gave you a hug?”
You smile a little and shift so that you’re facing him more on the boulder you’re sitting on, opening your arms wide “Sure thing, Cedric.” Part of the reason why you’re wandering like this is to process all of the feelings about your… Varied childhood without being watched and pressured by other people to be what they think of as normal. You also have weekly video chats with a therapist, who has been helping you… You think. You cry at least once during the sessions, but you tend to feel better afterwards.
Or at least hollow and tired, which is better than the bitter rage that still festers under your skin from time to time. 
He smells like sea salt as he hugs you tightly, almost to the point of driving the air from your lungs. Cedric’s hug is warm and comforting, and you hide your face in his broad chest. You can hear his heart… Hearts? Beating in his chest. It’s a comforting if somewhat strange sound. You hadn’t expected to run into a mer-ine, but Cedric has been a wonderful companion so far.
He also doesn’t seem to mind that you hug him as tightly as you can for several minutes. You hadn’t realized how touch-starved you were until Cedric started hugging you.
Maybe mer-hugs lasted for several minutes? They were deeply mysterious creatures after all. Or so you’ve been told. You do eventually let go of him, and he lets you go a moment or two later, and makes no comment on the fact that his chest is damp with tears.
“Right, then. Let’s… Shall we get moving? I’d rather not sleep this close to the edge of a cliff, as I don’t think I could survive such a long fall. Besides, we’ve got several hours before sun-down.” You say, smiling a little.
“... What does sun-down have to do with stopping traveling?” Cedric asks curiously, tilting his head a little at you again. “It’s a clear night, and the moon is nearing full. More than enough light to continue to travel by if you wish.”
“See, humans don’t really see well in the dark, like at all without having a much closer or much brighter source of light to see by then the moon and stars. I do have a flashlight, but I try to save the battery for emergencies only. Besides, I’ve been traveling for most of the day and pushing myself to walk overnight will only exhaust me, possibly dangerously so, for the next leg of the journey.” You explain, shrugging a little.
“Oh… So humans do need to sleep every day/night cycle. I thought so! Hah, I’ll be sure to tell Jophi that when I see him next.” Cedric responded, wriggling a little in delighted vindication.
“Do… Do you not need to sleep?” You ask your new traveling companion, curious as to whether or not that rumor was true.
“I mean… We should, and we can. But we can travel for months if not years on very little sleep in much more dangerous conditions than this terrestrial walk we’ve been doing. But we only do that in dire circumstances, and in much larger shoals, with those who are resting in the middle of the shoal, so that everyone else can move them while they sleep.” Cedric answered with a playful grin. 
“What would cause a shoal of mer-ines to migrate like that?” You ask.
Cedric shifts a little, ducking his head a little “If we received a call for help, because of dangerous predators attacking or causing troubles. I cannot say more about this without permission. Certain dangers can listen in if they are spoken about, and we wish to spare this world from their view.”
Well… That was a deeply ominous thing to say, Cedric. Thank you very much. Now you’re imagining space-cthulhu attacking random planets as mer-ines like Cedric swarm after them like a bunch of angry wasps or bees. “Gotcha! No asking about mysterious predators. Ready to get going?”
“I am ready when you are.” The mer nodded, smiling a little as he started to float, content to travel alongside you.
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fosteringinsc · 1 year
Decriminalizing Foster Care: The Vital Importance of Child Welfare Reform
Foster care is like a big support system for kids who have had tough times at home, maybe because their parents couldn’t take care of them properly or they faced some problems in their families. But, sometimes, instead of helping the parents do better, the system can make them feel like they did something very wrong, almost like they’re criminals. That’s not good for the kids. In this blog, we’ll…
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