#kids won’t notice everything adults notice
cjbolan · 8 months
Unpopular Opinion: Only adults feel sad at Lilo and Stitch .
Unless you were in Lilo’s situation as a kid —which sadly is a lot of kids— I think no kid fully comprehends the challenges of the foster care system. Nor the challenges of being raised by a sibling instead of a parent. Unless your family sat you down for honest talks about such heavy issues. Which was definitely not my family.
(I dunno…is my experience as a childcare worker making me underestimate kids’ intelligence?)
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Everyone from babies to young adults suddenly disappears from Amity Park, and the ghost portal self-destructs as well. The GIW and the Fentons obviously come to the conclusion that it’s ghosts but realize that this issue is way bigger than they can handle, so they call in the big guns, The Justice League.
Of course, they don’t tell the Justice League everything when they come. No matter how much they thought themselves to be heroes, they were simply glorified police in spandex. And with how they operate, they are all too small-minded and won’t be able to see the bigger picture. They also knew fully well that a lot of their methods weren’t even remotely close to being morally or ethically right, and if the JL found out, they would be screwed. So they simply told them enough to get them on their side. 
Besides, how could they not help with how many people were missing? This was going to be easy.
The Justice League didn’t trust the GIW. Something about them was just off. But so many missing people were on the line, so many kids! 
Should they call in the JLD?
Jason knew something was off with Crime Ally.
Nothing was wrong per se. In fact, everything was going great. Crime was at its lowest in like… forever. The general atmosphere was more calm, if not a bit chilly. He himself was calmer. And there were fewer kids on the streets. Which would have been a good thing if this wasn’t fuckin’ CRIME ALLY!
Jason’s been stressing himself out, trying to find out what was going on. He’s been searching up and down, talking to people left and right. No one was reporting anything amiss. Some even told him that they still saw the kids walking around, though not as often as before. And they also looked like they were being well taken care of.
He even saw and talked to some of the kids himself and it was the truth. 
But when he asked where they went, they only laughed and ran away from him. Shouting that he would know soon before they disappeared around the corner. At this point, he was sufficiently freaked out and was so close to getting Batman to contact the JLD, but something told him otherwise.
A few days later Jason was in bed. He had ended patrol early that night and intended to get a full eight hours if he could.
But as fate would have it, he would not. Because just before he could hit the hay he heard it. Well, felt it would be more accurate but how could you feel a siren’s song? Pulling you? Drawing you in. Telling you that it would give you your deepest desire.
He didn’t even bother to suit back up into Red Hood. He just followed it. Followed and followed, Until he got to a dead-end alleyway. But there was no ‘end’. All there was, was darkness. 
He began to get skeptical and took a few steps back. But the feeling was still there. Pulling, telling that all of his answers were in that darkness. Everything he wanted, needed, awaited beyond it. 
He did the stupid thing and went into the darkness.
He didn’t know what he was expecting, but it wasn’t the feeling of walking through thick goop. But the feeling didn’t last long, and he eventually stepped out.
Again, he didn’t know what he was expecting, but it wasn’t this. 
Kids running around without a care in the world, unrestricted. Teenagers just hanging out and being kids too. Whatever adults he saw all looked pretty young, but they were all happy. 
He looked around and noticed that it looked like a weird mix between a suburb and a night market, but it worked quite well. The stalls were all unmanned, and it seemed whoever could just take whatever they wanted. Dim but pretty lights connected all the stalls to as far as his eyes could see. And the sky.
In Gotham, there’s so much smog and bad weather you’d be lucky to even see a piece of blue during the day so no wonder people often forget about the night. But this, the night sky wherever he was, was beautiful, beyond what words and even thoughts could convey.
“Hello, Mr. Red Hood.”
Jason jumped. Was he so out of it that he didn’t even notice someone coming up behind-
Forget what he just said about the sky. The woman right here that was now standing before him? She- She-
“Are you single?”
There was silence. Then she giggled. Guess Jason didn’t need his helmet huh? His face was enough.
He also wanted to die again but hey, at least she laughed!
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Platonic Yandere Kitsune + Child Reader Part II
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Part 1
Usually the morning is spent waiting for the head maid to feed you your breakfast after they wake you up
But they aren’t there instead you’re struggling to put a shirt on yourself and it’s not the nice ones you usually have
He sees you drag a stool around as you grab food and different tools around the house
And then with unknown urgency, he goes to meet you as you struggle to crawl over the wall of your home
“I’m on a journey. My parents have been taken and I have to get them back.”
“Oh, really by who?”
“I don’t know but I only have a month so I have to get started.”
He’ll join you on your journey 
Both at your side and away from you
Watching in the trees
He likes getting to watch up close now
Without the reflection of a crystal ball or the pane of glass in the way
That and he can pull on your cheeks however many times he likes
He can also see how cute your fingers are in comparison to his
How did he not notice before
How cute it is to watch you hop on rocks to cross the stream 
Or how you have to argue with adults who get in your way
It isn’t until you get nearly finished in your journey that he actually begins to intervene
The obstacles have gotten harder
He had to carry you over the ravine with an unstable rock passage 
it is only then he stops messing around and investigates without you
Specifically after making a hearty meal for you
He puts a protective seal and a tracking seal on you while he goes ahead 
At a kitsune’s speed
He finds out quickly that your parents are alive but they have much less than a month
He doesn’t know why he searches with such speed
Finding the culprit to be none other than another kitsune 
an older one
A stronger one
She claims it was all a game citing specific moments of the journey he endured with you
Full on belly laughing as she recalls when you almost fell into a pit of spikes
He really doesn’t like this
But he pretends to not be disgusted asking for the parents she confiscated
Come to find out the souls were carefully picked out leaving them lifeless husks
She laughs about the futility 
Saying she’ll be gentle when she eats your soul
He kills her without restraint
Something snaps like he’s never known before 
Ravishing her body with a force he didn’t know he had he leaves nothing
Only really snapping out of it when you meekly call him by the fake name he’s given you
Turns out you did trick him 
Encouraging a tanuki to take your place
He’s impressed but he’s horrified
You know everything asking that he put them out of their misery and help you bury them
He does so 
Finding that he has to encourage you to grieve
You’ve worked so hard
 overcome so much
 grown-up despite still being the same little one who liked to play
You do cry 
Crying into his yukata as you both prepare to set out lanterns
After some more crying-induced nights he elects to take you home
To his home
Which you struggle against
Despite you being a child you feel like you can take on the world now understanding the adults' job so much better
But Ryo, the kitsune won’t have it
When you passionately argue your point he only sighs
Before wrapping you up in silk and tying to his chest
He takes you back to his shrine where he makes some big changes
Less parties, less friends, and more research
Now he only focuses on extending your life specifically your childhood
You're a clever kid
He doesn’t know if he can handle a clever teen let alone an adult
So that’s his goal 
Searching relentlessly for 'a cure' before your childhood runs out
But when he’s not doing that he dotes on you
Settling into this way of life he finds that Yuki Ona’s words to be quite true
He couldn’t imagine ever caring so deeply for anyone let alone a child 
but he does
And he’d give the world to keep it this way
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
Steve’s oldest daughter Moe is unusually quiet on the drive home from her college apartment in New York City.
She was supposed to be doing this drive with her younger sister Robbie (who had bullied Steve and Eddie into letting her bring a car with her to college), but then Robbie and her friends had actually managed to squirrel away enough money for an impromptu trip to D.C. for their spring break, and Moe had still wanted to visit home even without a ride.
Steve had made a whole show acting all put out over having to make the four hour drive between her school in NYC and their house in the Massachusetts suburbs (twice, he’ll add — he’s been on the road for six hours so far with a couple more to go) but, truthfully, there isn’t much he wouldn’t do to spend time with his kids, especially since the older two have firmly graduated to young-adult status, and he easily could have put her on a train.
“So what’s goin’ on with you, Moe?” he finally asks when the quiet stretches a little to far.
Moe shrugs, and then she says, “I was wondering something.”
“Go for it.”
“You and Dad, like…you were older when you started dating, right?”
Steve pauses for a moment, allowing himself to consider what might qualify as older to his twenty-one-year-old daughter. 
“I guess it depends on what you mean by older,” he settles on telling her.
“I mean, you weren’t in high school anymore, even though you knew each other in high school.”
“Yeah,” Steve nods, “I was halfway through grad school, so twenty-six, I think, and you know Dad’s not even a year older than me.”
Moe nods in return, and  then she asks, “And you were friends before anything else happened? Like, for a while?”
“Uh-huh,” Steve replies, “Dad, and Aunt Nancy, and Aunt Robin were my best friends. Still are, obviously, just…different over time.”
“But, like, how–” Moe stops, and Steve can tell without needing to look away from the road to check the way her eyebrows are furrowed, the way they’re crinkled in the middle just like they always are on the rare occasions Moe can’t find the words she needs. She lets out a short exhale, “How did you know that it changed?” Before Steve can answer, Moe shakes her head, “How did you know that what you were feeling wasn’t, like, friend things anymore? Or, like, that it was more than just friend things.”
“Uh,” Steve pauses, running a hand through his hair, “Honestly, Nancy kind of told me.”
Moe’s head turns in his direction.
“Aunt Nancy told you?” she asks, “Pop…that’s so lame.”
“Yeah, well, that’s what happened.”
Steve thinks about it for a second. It’s funny, he doesn’t actually put too much thought into that time in his life – the seven years that had lapsed between becoming friends with Eddie in the aftermath of everything with the Upside Down and when they’d finally gotten together. That was nearly thirty years ago, after all, and Steve hasn’t ever really been the type to dwell on the past. He takes a moment to dwell on it now and remembers how long it had taken him to notice the dull ache behind his ribs and the anxious somersault his stomach had done every time Eddie so much as looked his way.
“I mean – yeah, you’re right. It’s…it’s not easy when you’re close with someone for a long time and then the way you feel about them changes, because, you know, it’s not – I mean, it’s not like it changes overnight. It’s gradual, so…yeah, it’s not easy.”
“Yeah,” she quietly agrees.
“Nance, just – well, you know Nance. She just clocked it before I did, and I guess she didn’t have the patience to wait it out. Once I knew though, it was, like, super fucking obvious. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t known before.”
Moe’s laugh is nervous in a way Steve isn’t sure he’s ever heard before, and if there’s a friend of Moe’s she might be feeling differently for, he thinks he might have an idea which one. Moe is a hell of a lot smarter than him though, and this conversation is telling enough that she won’t need things spelled out for her in the way he had with Eddie thirty years ago.
“It was hard,” he continues, because he has a feeling Moe might need to hear more even if she isn’t asking for anything specific, “I – I mean, I actually liked dating when I was your age, believe it or not. I thought it was fun, or whatever, and it wasn’t really a thing that made me nervous, you know? With your dad, though…shit, I was terrified, because it’s a different kind of risk than just shooting your shot with someone you run into and hit it off with.”
Moe nods.
“I think the reason it’s so freaky is because falling for someone you’re friends with is never just a crush. I knew there was something big there. I know you guys hate when Dad and I are all sappy, but he was never just some guy I was dating. He was it for me from the very beginning.”
Moe mumbles something under her breath that Steve doesn’t quite catch.
“What was that?”
“I don’t hate it,” she says, her voice still pretty low, and Steve knows that must have been difficult for her to admit so he doesn’t comment on it (though he will be telling Eddie as soon as he possibly can – obviously).
“Well, I’m just saying,” he replies, “I wasn’t feeling that way for nothing, and things turned out pretty good in the end. If someone was in a similar situation, I’d tell them…” he pauses, and then laughs as he says, “I’d tell them to not wait seven years to get a good thing started.”
“Alright,” she replies, “I’ll…yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.”
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
I have a request, I don't know if you already written one or similar but can you write about how Bihan and reader have been friends since they were kids and the reader is one of the few that Bihan would actually listen to, over time as they get older both of them start to see each other in a different way but couldn't admit it to each other until one night the reader has a dream involving being romantic with Bihan (NSFW if you want to) wakes up in shock and avoids Bihan out of fear that her feelings would be discovered and get rejected. Bihan notices this and tries to find out why and follows the reader who went on a mission for Liu Kang to gather champions and to understand why the reader has been distant.
Soo sorry if this is long, it was an idea popped into my head and I enjoy your writings on the Lin Kuei brothers.
Ruin Our Friendship
Yip Notes: No need to apologize! Dreams are crazy tbh. I had a dream a few days ago where I constantly told Shang Tsung I hate him but I love him and that he was my pookie. It was wack.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Afab reader
Warnings: None I promise
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Since you were born, you and Bi-Han have been side by side. His family and yours have been close for many years. It was no shock that you and Bi-Han would become friends by default.
You saw the best out of Bi-Han. You watched him better his cyromancy abilities. You were there when he became an older brother to Kuai Liang and Tomas. Though you did have to scold him multiple times to be nicer Tomas.
You were with him all throughout his life, watching every success and failure. In return, he was there for you. Even as his personality changed he was still the same boy you grew up with. A little bit colder and a little bit stronger but he was still a sweetheart in your eyes. He just doesn’t want you saying that in front of his clan since he is the grandmaster now. He has a reputation to keep up, ya know. He has to stay tough and fierce. But for you, he can loosen up a little.
Yes, your relationship with Bi-Han is strong. But it could be stronger. Much, much stronger. You could have a bond that not even the elder gods could break. A bond that Bi-Han would never allow anyone to disrupt it. You feel it and Bi-Han feels it. There is something there that you’ve noticed for a long time.
You thought this feeling was stupid, teenage hormones. As the years went on and on those teenage hormones became young adult hormones. Wait, those aren’t real. Admit it, you have feelings for your best friend. You’ve had feelings for a long time. For as long as you stay near Bi-Han those feelings will be nibbling at your insides like hookworms. Ignoring them or passing them off as something silly won’t get rid of them. You have to face the music one way or another.
The music will be a blast to the face.
You toss and turn in your bed. Your mind was like a blaring horn. It wouldn’t shut up about Bi-Han.
Recently you’ve been noticing much more about Bi-Han. Mainly his physique. He sure turned into a fine, strong, and powerful man. Compared to everyone else in the Lin Kuei he was well-built. He had a body that could only be described as a masterpiece. He looked like he was carved by the hands of the greatest sculptors in history. His body type could only be found in grand museums. And oh that face, good heavens that face. An art piece right there. A well-sculptured face, well-trimmed eyebrows, dark chocolate eyes, and a perfect nose.
Woah alright! Your mind is winning too much. You have to sleep now or else you’ll be up all night thinking about Bi-Han.
You tried with all your might to fall asleep and luckily you did. Your body started to relax and your mind quieted down. You thought you would be free from the grasp of your feelings but you were wrong. Your emotions always find their way into your dreams.
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In a haze all you could see was Bi-Han. Everything you felt was because of Bi-Han. His arms wrapped around you in a cold embrace. Your head rested on his chest and listened to his calming heartbeat. His head rested on top of your head. In that moment you felt safe. There was no reason for you to hold back. You embraced him. Your breathing picked up as your heart began to feel many things. It felt warm, it felt tingly, it felt like it was fluttering, it felt right. It felt like…love. You were in love, your dreams were your confirmation.
The dream progressed with Bi-Han bringing his hands up to your face. He made you stare into his dark eyes before closing them. He leaned in close, very close. His lips lightly touched your lips and you felt his cold breath hit them. You leaned in with your lips slightly parted. The kiss felt so real. The idea that this was all a dream was unrealistic now. The kiss grew more desperate and somewhat rough. It was passionate, it was loving. Your hands went up to hold his perfect face. He felt so real.
And then…
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“Bi-Han!” You shot up from your bed.
Your heart was beating fast. You strained your muscles from moving so quickly from laying down to sitting up. You were even slightly dizzy.
This can’t be happening to you. You’re so madly in love with Bi-Han. You don’t want to be in love. You’re afraid. It’s reasonable to be afraid.
You’ve never seen Bi-Han with another girl. Never once went on a date or accepted his father’s suggestions on finding a bride. It got to the point that he vented to you about his frustrations on his father’s request. That was the moment you suspected he may never want to date someone. Which was fine at the time but now it’s different. Now you’re a desperate fool who’s in love.
Bi-Han can’t know about this. This could ruin a friendship that has lasted a lifetime. The idea of that crushes you. Going on without your best friend is the same as going on without the other half of your body. As much as you fear that he will find out and leave you, you fear that he will stay but reject you.
Rejection hurts like a rose thorn except you are unsure if you can remove the thorn. The thorn could stay for a few months or the rest of your adult life. Do you really want to take that risk and find out how long you could endure the pain? No, you don’t.
You’re only a girl, well, woman actually. But the point still stands about how you are afraid of getting hurt. So what will you do to prevent things from getting awkward or you getting hurt? You will stay clear of Bi-Han. That’s a bold move but if it’s what you wish to do then you must keep it on the downlow. You know how suspicious Bi-Han can get. When it comes to you he will spot it from a mile away.
Well fuck my advice. You didn’t keep it on the downlow you kept it on the high ground.
Bi-Han noticed from the start that you were steering clear of him. You weren’t visiting even when he suggested that you come to practice for a little. He never heard back from you which made him think something fishy was going on. When he visited you he saw that you had your head down like you were ashamed about something. He didn’t say anything to your family members he made a beeline toward you.
“Is something the matter? You have not responded to any of my letters.”
He was walking close to you. You never realize how close he would get to you. That isn’t helping you right now. You couldn’t respond about his letters because you never looked at them. Every time a family member came around to pass you a letter from Bi-Han you would take it before storing it away.
“Oh, sorry. I don’t really…” You didn’t finish your sentence. The moment you saw a room you slipped inside to create distance from Bi-Han. You even locked the door for extra measures.
Bi-Han rarely gets mad at you but right now he is feeling a little ticked off. You are purposefully avoiding him and he can tell. You wish you didn’t have to but the moment you think about being honest with him your heart aches thinking about the possible consequences. It’s better if he doesn’t know. Once you get your emotions situated you will go back to him. For now, you are unable to.
Bi-Han was standing by the door, constantly knocking to the point your father had to go up to him and have him leave. He respects your dad but he wanted to tell him to back off. He hesitated and walked away. There had to be another way to get close to you and make you talk. He’ll have to figure that out for himself. If he asked for help many would get suspicious of him and his intentions.
Some days passed and an opportunity fell into his hands. Liu Kang told Bi-Han that he would need assistance when collecting his champions for the upcoming tournament. Bi-Han was unsure about providing help since he didn’t like being commanded by the fire god. That was until Liu Kang informed him that you would be helping. Immediately he switched up and said he would do it. You wouldn’t dare disobey Liu Kang so you won’t try to back out. Just for good measure, Bi-Han won’t let you know he is there until it’s too late.
The day came when you were supposed to see if Raiden and Kung Lao were ready. Liu Kang informed you to wait till they were done eating to begin the test. You noticed he was looking around like he was expecting someone else to come.
“Ah, Bi-Han, are you and your brothers ready?” Liu Kang shouted past your shoulder.
You froze up at the mention of Bi-Han. You swiftly turned around and saw him and his brothers standing there. You didn’t know they would be part of the test. Kuai Liang and Tomas were ready but Bi-Han seemed determined for something else. He was determined to call you out on your behavior.
You kept your cool and tried to slow your heartbeat. You all made your way to the tea house and you could feel Bi-Han’s eyes burning holes in the back of your head. Once you got there Liu Kang took his seat and you were all expected to hide till the Raiden and Kung Lao finished eating. Bi-Han had his brothers go their own way while he stayed with you. The moment his brothers walked away he grabbed your hand and forced you to come with him. You did your best to slow him down, even digging your heels into the ground but that did nothing. All it did was make grooves in the dirt.
Once you came to a spot to stay until the test started, he had you sit next to him. You expected him to say something but he didn’t. He was so silent that you couldn’t hear his breathing. His face was stone cold. He’s waiting for you to say something. You’re the one acting strange, not him. You’ll break eventually because he knows you can’t stand when it’s too quiet or he seems mad. But he’s always mad so the silence will be the thing that kills you.
The wind may have blown but no leaves rustled. Bugs were out but none buzzed, chirped, or hissed. Not even a squirrel came around to munch on an acorn. Seconds passed but to you it felt like centuries. This felt horrible.
“You’re upset with me, aren’t you?” You asked.
“I would not be mad if you would tell me what is going on with you.” Yeah, it’s you, not him.
“It’s nothing. I’ve been feeling off is all.”
“You are giving me an excuse. I want the answer.”
“Why do you need to know?” You ask as if he isn’t your best friend.
He didn’t respond. He was giving you the silent treatment to make you break. Yeah, it’s cruel but there isn’t any other choice. He could keep asking the same question over and over and you would keep giving him excuses. So the only tactic he could trust is silence. A long uncomfortable silence that will go on for seconds, minutes, possibly hours. You could keep talking but he will not respond in any way. No facial cues or words. You’re on your own.
Make a choice: Will you speak the truth or keep the silence going?
“I think I’ve fallen in love with you and I might have been in love with you for a long time.” And speak the truth you did.
You didn’t see Bi-Han’s face change from cold to slightly surprised. His eyebrows raised a little. You had your eyes shut tight like something bad would appear in front of you if you told the truth. You went on and on about when it started and everything you felt. You spoke about the dream in great detail which wasn’t necessary but it did amuse him. Now you wouldn’t shut up. You’re fine, he got the point. Have you gotten the point? No! Let Bi-Han help you.
You felt something grab at the front of your shirt before yanking you. Before you knew it you felt Bi-Han’s lips against yours. That dream of yours seemed to know how it would feel. You felt the cold breath against your lips and you felt how rough he was. Your eyes were wide open but his were closed. He pulled away after about thirty seconds and looked at you. He had a blank expression like he didn’t just kiss you.
“You never were truly direct in anything. You always gave excuses but never the answer. Was it truly that hard?” He asked but you were frozen.
Your brain was loading in the fact that Bi-Han, your best friend of many years, just kissed you. You pinched yourself just in case and yup, this was no dream. This is real life.
“I—You’re not mad? You’re fine with me having a crush on you?” You asked though this may not be a crush anymore.
“Is it really a crush if I make you my girlfriend right now?” He replied back.
“Well…no I guess.” You answered your question but now you have a million questions.
Let me help you out.
The reason Bi-Han was never interested in dating or taking his father’s suggestions was because he was only interested in you. When you started noticing how handsome Bi-Han was he started to notice how wonderful of a lady you have grown into. Your body matured and your beauty radiated like never before. Your personality didn’t change but evolved as you grew. You never became insufferable to him and you still were your old self. Even as you two were teens he knew he wanted you to be his lady for life. There was no competition, you were always the winner.
The reason he never approached you was because he’s not too good at that stuff. His brothers tried to help him and warned him that if he didn’t confess soon he would lose you to another man. He’s glad his brothers weren’t right because he would hate to admit that. Seems like he never needed to do all that fancy stuff and make an attempt to flirt. You two were made for each other. You both might have been soulmates from the start. Sounds pretty good to him. What about you?
Ah, you’re still in shock. Well at least the part where Bi-Han made you his girlfriend has set in. You just need to take in everything else that happened. Keep your mind sharp though you still have to do the test for Raiden and Kung Lao.
Bi-Han wouldn’t want his new girlfriend to be distracted and get hurt. That wouldn’t end well for anyone involved.
Yap notes: I did two fics today because I felt bad for not doing a request. I felt guilty and I don't like that feeling. But i felt okay once i put on summer playlists. I DON'T PRACTICE SANTERIA. I AIN'T GOT NO CRYSTAL BALL. Adiós!
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billiethepumpkin · 1 year
Care: Katsuki Bakugou
Kinktober Day 5
Warnings: This content is intended for those ages 18 years and older. If you are a minor, please do not interact.
Contains: Housewife activities. Unhealthy relationship dynamics. Somnophilia (sort of). Body worship. Oral sex. Lots of feelings.
Author's Note: All characters are portrayed to be adults because I am an old fuck. :)
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You were his sidekick. 
At least, that’s what you’d started out as. You were a lowly sidekick to one of Japan’s greatest heroes. You didn’t help much, your quirk being one of the mind, rather than one of great strength. Initially you just helped out in other ways, such as helping to strategize or filling out paperwork that was necessary for being a Pro Hero. 
Dynamight was Japan’s Number Two Hero, and he never let anyone forget it. He was always on top of his game, from the time he set foot into the agency in the wee hours of the morning, until he left late at night.
You knew, though, that he was exhausted. 
You spent enough time with him that you could tell. You could see it in his eyes, and you could tell that it was all he could do sometimes to keep himself upright, let alone being one of the strongest heroes in the entire world. So you took on more for him. You’d make sure he was fed and hydrated. You’d scold him for staying in the office too late. You’d make sure that, if you couldn’t be fighting alongside him, you’d do everything in your power to make sure that he was the best hero that he could be. 
And then one day he kissed you. 
The rest is history.
Now, you’d stopped working as his assistant. You’d moved in with him half a decade ago, and you had gotten married. You’d even popped out a kid, little Kisara. You were the best wife that Bakugou could have asked for. And on the days when he could barely stand, when he came home tired enough to sleep for days, you were the person he longed for the most.
Tonight was one of those nights. 
You were waiting for him to come home, your daughter bathed and had been sleeping for a couple of hours now. Sitting on the couch, you heard a key rustle in the door. You jumped to your feet, and you met him at the door. Bakugou’s face was still scrunched in that scowl that he always wore. You could see the light flickering behind them, and when he made eye contact with you, his scowl turned into a sigh, his entire body nearly collapsing under the weight of his exhaustion, the weight of his position in the world. 
There was a sort of darkness under his eyes, a weight on his shoulders. You couldn’t help but notice the way he almost forgot he was home as he trudged into the room as dutifully as ever. It wasn’t until he heard the door click behind him that his shoulders slumped and he sighed. He was silent as you untied his boots, as you pulled off his gauntlets. You looked up at Bakugou’s weary face, and you brushed your thumb over his cheek. He closed his eyes and sighed into your touch. 
He was sticky, his whole body covered in sweat and debris, no doubt from his latest villain chase. “Come on,” you beckoned, taking his hand and leading him down the hall and into the bathroom. You turned on the hot water and let the room steam up while you collected a towel and some sweats for him. When he finally got out of the shower, he met you in the kitchen. You were sitting at the table, with a bowl of food in front of you and in front of the chair that he always liked to sit in. 
Bakugou slowly and gently sat in that chair before he took a bite of his dinner. The room was silent, bite after bite. You were both nearly done eating when he paused and looked down at the table.“Don’t say it,” he said in between bites, his eyebrows too tired to lift for a facial expression.
“Okay,” you responded. “I won’t.” You knew what he was talking about. Everyone around him was telling him to take it easy, take a vacation, take some time off. The agency obviously knew that he was burnt out. They saw him every single day. He hadn’t truly had an entire day off for nearly six months. Bakugou needed it. You knew it. He knew it. Your daughter knew it. But he didn’t want to be told one more time that he needed a break. To him, it meant he looked tired, slow, incapable. How was he supposed to get better? How was he supposed to get stronger or smarter if he took time off?
So you wouldn’t say it. “I’m proud of you,” you decided to say instead, propping your head on the table with your elbow. “You work very hard, and I am grateful for everything you do for me and our family.” You got up and put both of your bowls in the sink. You leaned down to Bakugou’s face and cupped his cheek in your hand. He closed his eyes and sighed into your touch. “But I would love you, even if you didn’t,” you admitted, gently kissing his cheek. You stood back up and offered him your hand. When he took it, you slowly and gently led him down the hall and to your shared bedroom.
Bakugou practically fell into bed when you got there. On his belly, he looked away from you. He had to look away from you when he asked, because he couldn’t see your face when he said what he wanted to say. He couldn’t see the judgment in your eyes, or the relief, whichever would be the outcome. “Will you do me a favor?” he asked. “Can you call the agency? Someone on-call will answer. Tell them I’m not going in tomorrow.”
“Really?” you asked. 
“Yeah,” he said. “It’s long overdue.”
So you did. You called the agency, and a lovely security guard at the front desk answered. You had met him a few times, so he knew who you were immediately by the sound of your voice, also the fact that “Mrs. Dynamight” was your label on all the company phones. You told him that Bakugou needed some time off, and that it was going to at least be the day. The security guard agreed that he needed the break, and that he would make sure people knew only to call if it was a dire emergency.
When you laid back down in bed with him, he was drifting off to sleep. But Bakugou pulled you into his grasp and nestled his head into your chest. “Thank you…” he muttered before he drifted off to sleep for several hours of peaceful rest. 
Well, it wasn’t quite “several hours.”
Bakugou was awake before sunrise, just as he always was when his alarm went off. He longed to go back to sleep, but he just couldn’t. He was so used to just getting up and going about his day. How was he just supposed to lay back down and go to sleep?
Katsuki sat propped up on his elbow, staring at you for several minutes as you slept. You were on your back, facing towards him. God, you were beautiful. Even like this, when you were snoring and drooling, you were perfect. He sat and remembered how patient you had always been, how thoughtful and caring. You always knew what he needed. How was he ever supposed to repay you for everything that you did? You kept him fed. You made sure he got rest. You reassured him when things were bad. You did the most difficult parts of his job for him, and you made it easy for him to admit that he needs help, even if it was just from you.
You were perfect. And he was going to make it up to you.
He started with his hands. You were wearing nothing but some shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top. His rough hand, as callused as always, rested on your face, caressing your cheek. Thank you, he thought. Bakugou’s hand wandered down to your neck, grazing over your pulse, steady under his touch. You didn’t stir. You were probably taking advantage of the severe lack of alarm going off right now. 
Soon, his hands were on your belly, and his kisses were against your ear, your neck. You breathed deeply as you stirred from your sleep. “Kats?” you asked. “You okay?”
“Mhm,” he answered. “Thank you.” He continued his trail of kisses down your neck to your collarbone and your shoulders. The shoulders that carried everything he couldn’t. The weight of being a parent. His attitude, at times. His lack of compassion for himself and others. It had to be heavy. His kisses lingered there, suckling and nibbling on the flesh that was there. 
They traveled lower to your chest, his lips just above your heart. The heart that loved him as he was, the one that beat for him, just as his heart beat for yours. He was grateful that it was still there, after so much neglect from him. 
You couldn’t help but smile and tangle your fingers in his hair. Bakugou looked up at your face in the dark. You looked so serene as he poured his love over you. 
And truthfully, this was the most at-peace you had felt in the six months since Bakugou had taken a day off. He worked so much you barely saw him. And when he came home at night to your love and affection, he barely said two words to you. He was so exhausted that he couldn’t truly function as a full person. And you knew how hard he worked to make the city safe, not just for you and Kisara, but for everybody. He texted you lots throughout the day to check in, and you never had any doubt that he loved you. But god, you missed him, and you always secretly hoped that someday he would come home and realize how much he missed you too. 
And he did miss you. All the time, constantly, every second of every day. But Bakugou felt so much pressure from everyone, from the time he was born, and even now that he was an adult. He had to be great. He never once stopped to think that being great also included being a good husband and father, too.
So now, he kissed you lower, his lips pressing to your belly. The belly that carried his daughter for nine months. The one that tasted all the dinners he made you at the beginning of your relationship. The one that would carry whatever other children you wanted to have in the future. It was soft and strong and perfect, just like the rest of you. 
Then he got to the soft elastic waistband of your shorts. “Can I?” he asked, his thumbs gently caressing your hips. 
“Mhm,” you answered. Katsuki was being so soft, so careful. You weren’t sure you had seen him this soft since three years ago, when little Kisara was born. How could you say no?
So you lifted your hips enough for him to pull your shorts and underwear off, discarding them onto the floor next to the bed. You sat up to pull off your tank top too, before laying back down underneath him. Bakugou’s eyes glazed over as he stared blissfully at your perfect body. “I can’t believe you’re mine,” he uttered as he got closer to your body again. 
His kisses began again, now on your hips and your thighs. These legs ran around all day taking care of everyone and everything, including him. And of course, you were happy to do those things for him. You loved him, and he loved you. But he knew your legs had to be exhausted. They needed love and attention, Bakugou decided. He kissed every inch of your thighs, massaging them lightly as you closed your eyes in a mixture of bliss and anticipation. 
And then there was your sex. It was perfectly designed for him, Bakugou thought. He caught your scent, and he remembered how addictive your pussy was. He remembered the way he used to lay between your legs for hours at the beginning of your relationship, when things were still new and you were fucking like rabbits every night for several months. Katsuki ran a finger between all your folds and over your clit, watching to see what made you twitch the most. 
“I love you, Y/N,” he said before he gently licked between your pussy lips. You raised your hips into this mouth, and you let out an elongated sigh. God, his tongue felt good. You hadn’t been spoiled like this in a long time. You laid there, stunned as he attached his mouth to your clit. 
Katsuki’s tongue explored your folds and played in your slick, taking in every ounce of taste and smell that he possibly could. He wanted to be addicted to you again. He wanted you to feel how addicted he was. He wanted you. That was all. Just you. 
His tongue danced in your pussy, flickering over your clit and making your back arch for him. Bakugou’s rough hands glided over your legs and your hips, his arms wrapped around your thighs to pull himself closer into you. Your hands tangled in his hair and tugged, just hard enough for him to feel. Your sighs stayed quiet, your worst nightmare being waking up your daughter from sex. 
Katsuki pulled his tongue away, and he opted to rub your pussy with his hands for a minute. He just wanted to look at you. He just wanted to help you relax, just like you always helped him. Selfish, he thought. It might have been selfish to want to just watch as you squirmed and arched for him. But he did anyway, doing his best to make you feel as good as possible with his fingers. 
“Katsuki~” you moaned for him, “please, I need your tongue.”
“Mm,” he hummed in response before reattaching himself to your pussy. The way you gasped and sighed in that moment was addictive. Bakugou wished he could rewind and hear it for the first time all over again. He played in your pussy with his tongue to find your most sensitive spots. You were perfect. You were perfect, and you were somehow his. How did he go this long without making you feel this special. 
You gripped the sheets next to you on the bed, getting closer and closer to that high that you were so desperately wanting right now. The feelings were too much. All at once, you felt all of the love you’d been missing, all the joy you had been craving for the past several months.
It was almost like he could see the desperation in your eyes, the way your hand frantically gripped the sheets as you headed toward the edge of your orgasm. As if he was reading your mind, Bakugou reached up and tenderly grabbed your hand as he made contact with the most sensitive pieces of you. 
With your free hand, your fingers tangled in his hair and tugged again, inching closer and closer to the orgasm you’d been slowly approaching. You were perfect. You needed this. Bakugou knew it now, and he was becoming addicted to the thought of you squirming for him, your cum gushing into his mouth. 
And just as he was thinking those thoughts, you tumbled over the edge into orgasmic bliss, your climax washing over your body like it hadn’t in months. You were tired. You were needy. You were his. 
You couldn’t help but let out an extended moan as you tugged on his hair and pushed your pussy into his face involuntarily. 
Katsuki got up and laid on top of you, propping himself up with his hands. He pressed kisses over your face, starting with your forehead. They were tender, loving, something you hadn’t noticed from him in months. Of course, you were happy to take care of him and your little family. You just needed some proof that it was worth it. “I’m sorry,” Bakugou said as he laid down next to you and wrapped you in a firm hug. “I’m sorry I’m not here more.”
“It’s okay,” you answered, nestling yourself into his muscular figure. 
Bakugou shook his head. “It’s not,” he admitted, pulling the blankets back up over your shoulders. “You deserve better. You take such good care of me, of our baby. I’m gonna be better.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the notion. The thought of your husband being home, of being a family again, was almost too much. 
You fell back to sleep hoping that you weren’t dreaming. 
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This work was written by Abigail "Billie" Rothenberger. Please do not copy this work on Tumblr or any other platform.
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star-girl69 · 8 months
OMG THE LITTLE FAMILY STUFF IS SO CUTE now imagine ivy like accidentally calling the reader amd clarisse mom for the first time OR OR someone (percy) like coming over and being like "hey I don't think this parenthood is a good idea here" (bc just imagine clarisse junior in the future) and ivy is wtf so she starts defending them and being like THOSE ARE MY PARENTS (10 yo vs 12 yo standoff go!!)
the first time ivy calls you mom it’s not on purpose
you just basically are her mom
all she knows is you treat her how a mom is supposed to treat their daughter
you’re probably like dropping her off at arts and crafts class and she casually goes
“ok bye mom see you later!”
cue the tears
you’re screaming and crying and hyperventilating and RUNNING straight to clarisse who is training and she’s like OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY
and you’re like
“i-i-i-ivy oh my god clar ivy-”
“SOMETHING HAPPENED TO IVY?!?!??!?” protective mom mode activated
“I KNOW” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
clarisse is so happy she’s like aw omg she’s a little jealous on the inside but she’s fine she’s fine she’s fine
she’s not fine if you couldn’t tell
but clarisse doesn’t have to wait too long bc the next day clarisse wakes up at like 3am and has to go to the bathroom and little adorable baby ivy sits up too rubbing her eyes and is like
“mom? where are you going?”
she’s about to LOSE. HER. SHIT.
but it’s late and she doesn’t want to overwhelm ivy so she keeps it cool and just says she’s going to the bathroom she’ll be back soon
anyways later you both sit ivy down and ivy is like WOAH WOAH WOAH WHATS HAPPENING
and you’re trying to be professional and adult about it
happy family ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
so let’s pretend it’s just another random rude ass 12 year old who’s name will be…. hm…… mark!
so mark and ivy are like chilling around at the training grounds waiting for their turn and then mark is like “oh my god you’re so bad you can even hold the sword correctly”
ivy is ????? she’s holding it the way clarisse taught her to hold it so what…….
“um? idk…. this is how you hold it dude…..”
and then you come over innocently and you’re like “hi ivy baby you forgot your water i’m gonna leave it right here!” and she’s like “ok mom!” bc you’re her mom and she loves you
so then mark is like “NO WAYYYYY YOU CALL HER MOM????”
“i just feel sorry for you like your own parents didn’t want you so the best you could get was two random teen girls??? LMAOOOO i bet they’re horrible ‘parents’ too ”
ivy may be tiny but she uses that to her advantage and jumps on top of people
so she starts scratching and kicking and hitting screaming “TAKE IT BACK TAKE IT BACK TAKE IT BACK”
bro mark is crying
one of mark’s friends drag ivy off of him and then you and clarisse run over at the commotion
and all you see is this kid crying, another kid holding ivy back- her hairs all messy and she’s kicking and screaming still
the kid very quickly drops ivy when he sees you
you have to THROW yourself in front of her so she won’t attack him again
clarisse just presses the tip of her spear into mark’s armor and he’s like “IM SORRY IM SORRY WAHHHHH WAHHHHHHHH”
clarisse is proud but confused
ivy is hugging you, her face pressed in your stomach when clarisse crouches down next to her
“you wanna tell me what happened?”
“well first he said i was holding my sword wrong but I WASNT i was holding it like this the way you taught me and then mom came over and then he started laughing when i called her mom and then he said you guys were probably horrible parents and i was SO MAD so i started attacking him”
ivy rn: 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
you’re horrified shocked and angry like it’s not an idea situation but ivy is loved and safe what more do they want from you?
you feel kinda shitty bc you love ivy so much but if you’re not what’s best for her than you’ll do anything
clarisse hugs her and kisses her head “good job protecting this family little warrior”
and you’re like “yes ivy you did an amazing job but remember violence is not always the answer”
(clarisse and ivy share their secret look again)
but later that night while ivy is getting ready for bed you’re telling clarisse that you’re concerned, maybe everyone who throws you the dirty looks are right, maybe you’re not what’s best for ivy
clarisse is ???
“ivy…. baby….. uh…. equals…. mine??? ….confused..”
but ivy overhears you and then SHE starts yelling at YOU
ok 🫡
eventually clarisse expresses it more articulately to you than ivy can, “who cares about what anyone else thinks? i’m happy, your happy and ivy’s happy. everyone else can get punched in the face!”
anyways happy family again ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex @luvrrish
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jjimene123 · 27 days
I feel bad bc after everything Timmy went through as a kid, he probably grew to hiding his true personality into something that everyone wouldn’t hurt, make fun of, or even not care about. He also became so closed in on himself that he hides pretty much everything from everyone that cares about him now bc of trauma. I say this bc in the og, I notice that whenever he isn’t himself, people like him more, like when he had no emotions, everyone came after him, even trixie. So he thinks that as long as he’s not himself he won’t be hurt anymore but does it somewhere he can start over. ( this is another idea for adult Timmy btw).
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lee-annwrites1 · 2 months
for me? part two
quinn hughes x oc
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none for now, enjoy!
swearing, suggestive content
Quinn, June 22nd, 2018
“Viv?” The nickname falls from my mouth uncontrollably, something I haven’t said in a long time.
This is Jack’s childhood best friend? If Jack hadn’t warned me she was coming I wouldn’t have recognized her.
Her previously short brown hair was now a golden blonde, and long past her shoulders. Her eyes still a crystal blue but her face slimmer and cheekbones are higher and more visible.
The only thing that hasn’t changed is her smile. Big and quirky, with perfect and white teeth on display. That was her mother’s biggest flex, was having perfect teeth since birth.
“Quinn.” She says as a greeting, and that’s enough for me.
“Your brother here?” I ask, noticing his absence. Normally, where Jordan goes, Viv goes.
“He’s in Boston still, I think he’s gonna try to make it next week.” She explains, looking between Luke and Jack. She nods them a quick hello in acknowledgment, which they return. I know Jacks itching to drag her away someplace to catch up.
“Good, I haven’t seen him in a while.” I reply, unsure of what to say.
“Neither have I.” Her smile sort of fades, I clue in that there’s more to the story I don’t know about. I won’t press.
Jack clears his throat, “Well,” he claps his hands together, saving us all from an awkward conversation. “Vivienne, did you know we got a hot tub? It fits six people. Can you believe that?” He sells it quite well, making her smile appear again.
“No. But with that enthusiasm I want to.” She laughs quietly, following Jack out the back doors.
Luke and I turn to each other and shrug, then continue our game of pool. We’ll get our chance to catch up.
I don’t know what went on outside, but when dinner was ready they came in laughing like no time had passed. It’s good to see that side of Jack again.
“Look who it is.” My dad laughs from the couch, taking notice of Viv.
She beams at him, rushing to give him a hug. My dad’s always see her as one of his own, now’s no different.
I hear a mumbled ‘so good to see you’ from the kitchen where I grab plates to set the tables. “Thank you Quinn.” Mom pats my shoulder, I send her a small smile in return.
“-and he left everything with that chick from Jersey?! I can’t believe him.” Bethany rolls her eyes, before pulling her hands from the countertop to rub her temples.
She’s been complaining about Vivienne’s biological dad for the past half hour. I think I’ve heard enough for the next hundred.
“We can’t always control other people’s actions Beth, plus he was always a ‘you know what’.” Mom raises her brows in knowing toward Beth, who just sighs.
“I know, but it affects her.” Beth gestures to Viv who laughs along with my dad at something, clueless.
“It’s really a conversation for another time El.” Beth says, sending me a glance from the kitchen. She knows I’m listening in the dining room.
“I totally understand, we’ll talk later.”
“Quinn?” Luke nudges my shoulder to grab my attention, then points to a dish full of green beans that sits just out of his reach. I pass it to him.
Somehow the kids table still exists between us, and we sit outside on the deck whilst the ‘adults’ sit inside in the air conditioning.
“So you decided to stay another year?” Viv adds into the conversation, speaking up for the first time in a while.
“Yeah, I like it in Mich. I think Vancouver can wait a year.” I say, before forking a bite of salad to avoid details.
“I’ll just miss you in Michigan next year then.” She raises an eyebrow at me, without a further explanation.
“What do you mean?” I instantly regret talking, remembering the food still in my mouth. She doesn’t notice.
“I’m looking at going to Umich next year. ” She says casually, which takes me by surprise. I remember when I got accepted I was itching to tell everyone, it was the best thing that happened to me before the draft.
“Good for you.” I say genuinely, nodding to her. I mean it. “Anything else new with you?”
She thinks, “Not really. Still dating Nash on and off, still have the same friends.”
“Nash is a beast to play against.” I comment, reminiscing in past hockey games I’ve played against him.
“Yeah he’s definitely something.” She laughs weakly to herself. I can’t help but feel like I’m missing so many pieces to these stories.
“He treating you good?” Jack asks. He cares about her for sure, no one would question that. It’s not a crush of love or something. He just cares.
“For the most part yeah, it’s hard when he lives so far away now though.” She says, filling in more blanks for me. It’s like piecing together a puzzle with her.
“Have you been in touch with anyone from the lake?” I ask, pry more like.
“No. It’s been a long few years.” She says, confident in her answer without giving out too much.
“I think we should all get together, like old times. What do you say?” Jack wraps his arm around Vivienne’s shoulder and she shrugs.
“That sounds nice actually.” She smiles sweetly at us, like we made her day.
“I’ll set something up.” Jack smiles at her, she nods in response.
She’s never crossed my mind like this. Or ever for that matter. I mean, she’s my brothers best friend.
I find myself frustrated over the lack of service we have in the house. It’s eleven, and everyone’s already asleep. I’m searching for her instagram, just for a look.
Nothings loading.
I decided to take a walk down the property to the best spot at the edge of the beach. It’s cold, unlike the heat from earlier. Though I’m not sure what I was expecting.
I find a spot on a washed up log down by the water, and pull out my phone.
Pittsburg, USA
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Liked by nashwills, megz2cool, and 759 more
viviennemarshalls hbd blondie 🤍
lizzy_dalla back together I see…
-> viviennamarshalls maybe…
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So she’s still together with Nash. That post was two months ago, but if they’d broken up she would have deleted it.
I shove my phone back in my pocket. Why do I care?
“What are you doing out here?” The voice startled me, and I turn to face Viv.
She stands in her pjs and her hair in a messy bun, and glasses? Since when?
I’m suddenly self conscious of my outfit, a leafs t shirt and basketball shorts. Since our bedrooms don’t have ac we have to compensate.
“I was gonna ask you the same thing.” I say, recovering from the heart attack she nearly gave me.
“Can I sit?” She shifts her gaze to the empty space beside and I nod.
She mutters and thank you and sits down on my left, “Since when did you have glasses?” I ask, pointing to her clear frames.
“I always did, just never wore them. Contacts are the way to go.” She nods, looking out to the water. Her face is barely visible, just the faint shading from the dim house lights behind us.
“They suit you.” I compliment.
She smiles, though her lips stay shut. “I always thought Jack would’ve made fun of me because of them.” She says, tapping the rim of the frames.
I laugh quietly, “That sounds like something he’d do.”
It goes quiet for a moment, except it’s a comfortable silence. I don’t dare to break it.
“I think this is the longest conversation we’ve ever had.” She states, breaking the silence.
“Probably.” I say dryly. I feel a loss of words with her. She feels like a stranger that I know so well, and all I want to do is make her a friend.
She sighs, “I missed the lake.”
I gather up the courage to ask her, “Why haven’t you came the past few years then?”
She glances at me, her eyes deep. She looks away. “I had no say in it. My dad was convinced it was an ‘unsafe environment to grow up in’.”
I’ve never met her dad, only a few boyfriends her mom has had over the years. They never stay long.
“Bring him here, he’ll change his mind.” I suggest, looking at our surroundings.
She swallows deeply, like she’s holding something back.
“He died.”
Vivienne, June 22nd, 2018
“Vivienne, I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” Quinn says frantically, torn over his choice of words.
“It’s okay.” I comfort him, “There’s no way you could have known.”
“That’s doesn’t mean I don’t feel like shit for it. Are you okay?” He asks, his eyes wide and glossy, and so very blue.
“I am now, that’s all that matters.” I smile, though I know it’s weak.
He ponders for a moment, “Do you need anything?”
“Just stay here with me for a little while longer.” Is all I can think of.
“Of course.” He says, looking at the water with me. The moons reflects and breaks off in the small waves.
“Does Jack know?” He asks, his eyes still set on the water.
“No. You’re the first one I’ve told.” I sniffle. I’m not sure when the tears started but I find myself struggling to hold them back.
He glances at me, noticing the tears welling on my waterline. He hesitates, a thousand things running through his mind.
He brings his left arm up hesitantly and lays it around my shoulders, pulling me closer. I lean my head against his shoulder and lower it. His right hand rests on my left cheek, pressing my face against his chest.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbles quietly.
I must’ve fell asleep, because when I woke up, Quinn was carrying me bridal style up the stairs from the beach to the house. He might not look like it, but that man is strong.
I don’t open my eyes, I could’ve, but my body and mind are too exhausted to even comprehend what’s going on.
He fumbled with the front door, before gently pressing it open. I feel his hands move beneath my spine as he closed it behind him.
He walks down the hall and into my room, familiar with the layout of the house.
He sets me gently onto the right side of my bed, then grabs a blanket off the chair in the corner and drapes it over top of me.
Leaning close, he gently pulls off my glasses and sets them on the night stand. With a soft tap on my shoulder he was gone, and I was left alone.
Vivienne, June 24th, 2018
Jack planned (surprisingly) a night at their house to get everyone back together. The day previous we drove the thirty minutes into town to pick up hotdogs and marshmallows. It was worth it.
The two of us set up the lights on the deck, stocked the coolers, and by the end, we were exhausted.
“It’s only three-thirty, I told everyone to come by at five-ish.” Jack says, dropping into a patio chair.
I wipe the line of sweat that gathered across my brows, “We could go for a swim?” I suggest.
His eyes light up, “Race?” He jumps up, giving me no warnings.
I chase him down the stairs and across the lawn to the dock, cursing him out for leaving me behind without warning.
We skid to a stop at the edge of the dock once we remember we’re still wearing clothes. I kick my sandals off as fast as I can, pull my shirt off and slip out of my shorts to reveal the lilac bikini I wore underneath.
“Wow.” Jack says, scanning over me.
I send him a glare, then remember the reason we’re here. I jump in at the end of the dock before he can.
He cannonballs beside me, splashing water up my nose. I rush to blow it out, “That was gross.” I complain, wiping my nose.
“That’s what you get for cheating me out of a win.” He states, pulling himself onto the dock and reaching his hand down to grab mine. “Don’t you dare pull me in.”
“I won’t.” I promise, grabbing his hand as he pulls me up.
“You do look good.” He winks, and I shove his shoulder in response.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” I squeeze the water out of my hair.
“It is one.” He says.
I laugh, and tie my hair into a low pony. “Dock wrestling?”
From the hour of wrestling I have four new bruises forming on my legs, arms, and hip. He got me good. Considering he’s not a skinny twelve year old anymore, I don’t know why I thought I stood the chance.
He throws me a towel and I wrap it around my shoulders, shivering in the cool house.
“Cold?” He laughs, unfazed by the temps fire change. He stands with a glass of water on the opposite side of the counter.
“Very.” He pours his lip, before taking another sip of water. “If you don’t that again I’ll hit you with this.” I threaten, holding the towel up.
“Fine, I wont do it again.” He surrenders, placing the glass on the counter.
The front door knocks three times before opening, two boys enter with a holler. Matthew and Brady, the Tkachuk brothers. I wonder where Taryn is.
“Where’s Quinny boy at? I got him a present.” Matthew yells to no one in particular. He holds up a gift bag.
“Can you go check him and Luke’s rooms? Send them down here?” Jack asks me, giving me his best pleading eyes.
“Fine.” I say, wrapping my towel tightly around my chest before sprinting up the stairs to the boys rooms before Matthew or Brady takes notice of me.
I’m not up here often, so figuring out which door was who’s was very confusing.
I knock at the first one, the door closed fully. “Luke? Quinn?” I say, opening the door slightly.
Luke lays shirtless on the floor in front of a fan. “What?” He mumbles into the floor.
“Jack wants you downstairs.”
“I’ll be down in a bit.”
I close the door behind me and walk down the hall. I assume the wide open door and empty room beside Lukes is Jacks, so I turn to the other side of the hall where only one door stands, cracked open slightly.
I knock lightly, “Hello?” I push the door open when I don’t get a response.
The room is a dark navy blue, with various hockey posters and family photos scattered throughout. The floor has clothes littered throughout and the door beside the closet is closed. The bathroom.
“Quinn?” I say, before entering the room. I knock on the bathroom door.
“Yeah?” Quinn shouts from the other side over top of the faint fan sound coming from inside.
“It’s Vivienne, Jack wants you downstairs.”
There’s a brief silence, “I can’t hear you. You can open the door.”
I hesitate at the handle before opening it. Quinn stands with in his boxers alone, leaning over the counter with a razor, his face a quarter covered with shaving cream.
He glances over at me, his face surprised. “I thought you were Luke.” He says, finishing a last stroke before rinsing the razor off.
I clear my throat, avoiding glancing anywhere where I shouldn’t. “No, uh, Jack asked me to come grab you.”
He turns back to the mirror, and picks the razor up again. “Why?”
I can’t help it, his arms are toned and slim, his abs the same. Is it hot in here or what? “The Tkachuks are here.”
“Everyone? Or just the boys.” He rinses his razor off a gain.
“Just the boys.” I say, leaning against the door frame.
“Could you grab my shorts from by my bed?” He asks, referencing his lack of clothing that thickens the tension.
I nod, not trusting myself with words. I grab the black shorts and bring them to him, I face my back to him for extra privacy.
“You don’t have to do that, you’ve already seen me in my underwear. It’s not like I’m stripping.” He reasons, and I listen to him tie the drawstrings. My cue to turn around.
“I’d want the privacy.” I explain and he nods in understanding.
“Yeah there’s no problem in that.” He says, then turns to me. “Did I miss a spot?” He asks, pointing to his for the most part, clean face.
I point to a section on hus jaw, “just missing a piece here.”
“Can you do it?”
“Can you do it? The mirrors so fogged it’s worse for me to do it than you.” He asks, holding the razor out.
I reluctantly take it, “If I cut you, you can’t blame me.” I waiver.
“Go ahead.” He backs up to sit atop the counter, leaning forward to my height.
I gently place my left hand in his hair line and tilt his head to the left, the razor glides over his jaw smoothly. Tension fills the room, and I’m not sure if it’s the steamy air from a previous shower that makes it harder to breathe, or that Quinn Hughes is shirtless in front of me, alone.
He keeps his eyes steady on me, and I fight every living cell inside of me that wants to be nervous. Since when did he made me feel like that?
Maybe time did fill out its own complicated story.
I finish with the razor and place it on the counter to his left. His eyes follow my movements as I grab a cloth and wet it. I bring it to his face and wipe the faint remains of shaving cream as gently as possible.
I back away, admiring my work. “Done.” I state, throwing the cloth into a laundry basket placed outside the door.
“Thanks, I’ll meet you down stairs.” He smiles, jumping down from the counter to check himself in the mirror.
Leaving, I shake the butterflies in my chest. I shouldn’t be feeling that. Especially not with him.
Part 3 coming soon!
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azsazz · 1 year
Here for You
Azriel x Reader (Zuzu Centered)
Summary: Anon Request: could we get something zuzu centered? we don’t get enough of the girls, and it would be so sweet to see az being a girl dad and y/n being a girl mom for a bit 🥹 maybe them being super excited to finally have a baby girl, when she’s really young or something? whatever you thinks best!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,076
“C’mon Zuz! Keep going, you’re almost there,” Azriel shouts from your side.
You can’t contain the smile on your face, beaming as your daughter races across the open field on her little legs, kicking the ball with a determined look on her face. Her sleek black hair is twisted into tight plaits courtesy of her father, who had – like all things – studied the intricacies of braiding until he was near perfect. There had been many late nights you and your husband had spent together, letting him practice different hairstyles on you while you read, tucked up as far into his warmth as you could, giving him gentle reminders and praises on his final looks.
Zuzu also has dark streaks of paint on her cheeks, a gift from Uncle Cassian, who’d also given her a pep talk before her Moonball game had started. Between him, Azriel, and Rhys, you didn’t know who was cheering the loudest for your little girl, and your heart is bursting with joy at the pride your family is showing in the matching ‘Zuzu Rules’ shirts Rhysand had made for their final game.
Malos pouts where she’s been jostled in Azriel’s arms, on the verge of falling asleep when he’d excitedly begun cheering as Zuzu was passed the ball. Nesta notices at the same time, and is quick to take the babe and soothe her, waving a dismissive hand to Azriel who gives her an apologetic look for a brief moment before returning his gaze to the Moonball game before him. 
He’s nearly vibrating with excitement, and you’ve had to pull Baz out of the way as his wings flared when one of the children on the other team had stolen the ball from Zuzu. 
She’s certainly come a long way since her first game, where the same thing had happened and she’d tried to pummel the child into the ground for doing so. You had glared at your husband and his brothers who had all ducked their heads to hide the grins they were biting back. That was their girl.
Even your older sons had stopped their game of playing warrior to come cheer on their sister, their cousins pushing between all of the tall adult legs for a better view.
One of the children in a navy jersey chasing Zuzu towards the goal suddenly trips and falls into the grass with a surprised gasp but Zuzu doesn’t take notice. Unfortunately, you do, shooting Baz a warning look that says he’s going to get in trouble when he gets home. He’s only eight but he’s already learned a multitude of tricks with his shadows, and to an untrained eye they would’ve thought the child had merely tripped. You knew better than that, and by the way Baz switches sides with Wren so he’s standing further away from you with red cheeks and hunched shoulders, he did too.
Even Knox is intently watching his sister race across the grass. The midnight purple of her jersey brings out the ribbons in her hair, provided by her Auntie Elain and Uncle Lucien, who hadn’t been able to make it, as they were visiting Day for a surprise getaway. 
“Come on baby, come on baby,” you mutter under your breath as she goes. Two children from the opposing team are blocking the way and if she uses her wings again she won’t be able to join the team next season, so you pray to the Mother she doesn’t flare those little wings wide and sweep these kids off of their feet.
“Yes, Z!” Wren jumps, shouting at his sister as she side-steps the offending players. He’d taught her that move when Uncle Cassian hadn’t been playing very fair in the backyard. Everything she’s learned about Moonball had been from her brothers and the rest of her family. She’s a warrior through and through, tough as nails and never backs down even when she was learning with all of the roughness her brothers and male cousins showed. Asteria hadn’t shown interest in the sport, instead she liked playing with her dolls and putting them in poses to draw in her coloring book.
“You got this, Zuz,” Baz encourages, while Jax claps his tiny hands and chants her name over and over again.
Your entire family holds their breath as she sets herself up to kick the ball into the goal. The child in the goal has a ready stance that’s startling for that of someone so young. He looks nearly professional, arms spread wide, knees bent, with a determined look in his eye. He and Zuzu had faced off before, and even her brothers had complimented how good he was at the sport.
Zuzu had scored against him this season once. The other time she had the chance, the little boy had blocked her ball from hitting the goal and you almost hadn’t stopped the rest of your sons from running out onto the field to defend their sister from the goalie who had gloated more than Cassian when he’d won the annual snowball fight, a smug smile on his face.
She’d been more determined than ever, immediately asking her brothers to go out into the yard with the instruction not to go easy on her.
Zuzu cocks her leg back. There’s steely determination in her fierce eyes. Her mouth is set in a firm line as she stares down the child like he’s her worst enemy.
And maybe he is.
The entire field is silent as her leg swings forward. The ball goes soaring through the air, looking like a shooting star, and everyone waits.
The child in the goal pushes off of the ground, throwing his body sideways into the path of the ball.
But he’s too late.
Your family erupts in mass of cheers and excitement, storming the field to gather the star player in congratulations and celebratory hugs. 
She’s beaming, grinning like the day you and Azriel had told her that she was going to have a little sister.
Azriel hikes her up on his shoulders, spinning her around as the other parents gather their children and usher them away, but you don’t care, so utterly proud of Zuzu for scoring the winning goal of the game.
Her braids flop against her shoulders as she twirls, giggling like a mad woman and hands raised in the air in victory. 
“I did it! I did it,” she screams.
And you couldn’t be more proud.
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
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Summary: You are Heleana’s best friend and one day you catch Aemond’s eye and everything in your life will change upside down. 
Paring: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Word Count: 1, 600 
Warnings: none for this part, there will be smut later
Tag: @the-phantom-of-arda ​​​ @hamatoanne ​​​
You honestly didn’t know how you could forget about something so important. You and your best friend Helaena Targaryen decided to spend an afternoon at her house, watching movies on their giant screen in the cinema room, eating popcorn and having good time. You were choosing what movie you want to watch first when your mum sent you this message “Where the fuck, are you Y/N?” you didn’t understand what is going on. Then you opened your Google calendar and you started cursing. Your little sister has a school recital at her nursery school and you totally forgot about it. You rushed out of the door, panicking, your eyes wide with fear. Your mum was really strict. You could be 22 years old but you were still scared to make her mad. And coming late to your sister's school recital would make her mad for sure.
“She is going to kill me, Hel. No, do you know what is worse? Tiffany will be so disappointed that I won’t see her dancing and singing. She is Snow White, she got the main part. How could I forget,” you were talking so quickly that Helaena almost couldn’t understand what you were saying.
“I need to call Uber, but I will still be late,” you whined. 
“You don’t have to, I have perfect solution for you,” Helaena clapped her hands and pointed to front door. Her little brother Aemond sat astride on his big black motorbike ready to go somewhere. 
Well, there was nothing little about Aemond Targaryen, from his tall frame to his big ego. He might be 2 years younger than you but it felt like if he is the adult and you the kid. He was making you so nervous simply by his presence. He had this bad boy dangerous aura around him. He wasn't home very often, but when you met him in the house he usually ignored you or just simply hummed at you as a greeting. You honestly doubted that he even knows your name. 
But he was stupidly handsome. You would never admit it to anyone but you had the biggest crush on him. He was everything you shouldn't crave but you couldn't stop admiring him from safe distance. Aemond and Aegon both played football for the school team and they were good, really good. You were a huge football fan so you dragged Helaena to every single one of their games taking it as an opportunity to drool over him without anyone noticing. She didn't care about the game or the results but she was really supportive sister and loved cheering for her brothers. She was always sitting next to you in Aegon’s or Aemond’s jersey, shouting their names and dissing anyone who dared to tackle them down. You usually cheered for the whole team, only shouting Aemond's name when he scored. Which was quite often. He was the playmaker, he operated in the middle of the field, creating chances for his teammates. But he also scored a lot of goals so you had plenty of chances to scream his name loudly without making any suspicions. 
 “Aemond, do you have free time now??” Helaena asked, batting her eyelashes at her brother, knowing that she is his only weakness.
"No," he said shortly, taking off his helmet, revealing the cascade of silver blond hair. You had hard time to not start drooling. What the hell is this guy’s secret? What is he doing with his hair that it looks so shiny and healthy? 
"Come on Aemond, what do you have so important to do, right now?" She whined and tugged at his sleeve. 
"I have a date," he smirked.
"It's not a date, it's a booty call," she corrected him and he raised his eyebrow at her. 
"Don't give me that look, you don't want to date this girl, whoever she is, you just want to fuck her. She can wait 30 minutes, I just need little favor. Please Aems," she pouted her lips at him and he sighed. 
"Ok, what do you need, sister," he gave up and Helaena squealed. 
"You are the best," she hugged him. 
"I need you to give Y/N a lift to the nursery school, her little sister has a recital there and she forgot about it," she clasped her hands excitedly. 
Aemond lazily turned his head and gave you the once-over, like if he just noticed you standing next to his sister. 
"Hel, I can really take an Uber, don't bother him, when he is busy," you tried but she shushed you.
"Nonsense, Y/N! You can't make it there in time, Aemond drives really fast, you will be there before your sister even notices that you are not there. Wait a second, I will give you my helmet," she said and ran inside the house. 
"Sorry, I really don't want to bother you," you apologized but he ignored your apology.
"Get on the bike before she comes back, you are in rush, aren't you?" He said impatiently and you blushed at his rudeness. You hesitantly walked towards him and realized that you don't know how this works. You have never taken a ride on a motorbike.
"Ehm, I am sorry, but where should I sit?" you asked and he raised his eyebrow at you but didn't say anything.
"I mean, should I sit in front of you or behind you. I have never sat on a bike before?" you added nervously, getting more and more frustrated by his silence. 
He leaned closer to you, invading your personal space. 
"When a woman sits on a bike in front of me, she usually faces me," he smirked and chuckled wickedly when he saw your confused face.
"In that position I can look her in the eyes as she bounces on my cock, so if you don't plan to do that, I suggest that you sit behind me," he added and his violet eye bore into yours. You really wanted to slap him for talking to you like this when Helaena burst out of the door with her hot pink helmet. 
“Y/N, why are you not sitting on the bike already?” she shouted and placed the helmet gently on your head when her phone started ringing.
“It’s Cregan,” she shouted excitedly.
“Hey, baby boo,” she said with love sick expression on her face, she waved at you and disappeared in the house. You and Aemond both rolled your eyes at this, you weren’t the biggest fans of the Stark boy.
“Well, Y/N, why are you not already sitting on the bike?” he mocked you, the sound of your name rolling off his lips made your toes curl in your shoes. He was a jerk but really sexy jerk. You decided that you won’t let him see how much he embarrassed you and you quickly sat behind him. He probably hoped that you will run away from him, crying and he could go to fuck his “date”.  
“If you don’t want to die, you need to hold onto me tightly,” he said and put on his black helmet with silver and red dragons painted on the sides. You sighed and wrapped your hands around his waist.
“Tighter, you hold on to me like a baby,” he barked and you hesitantly tightened your hands around his muscled abdomen.
“For fucks sake, I don’t have time for this,” he groaned and grabbed your hands pushed you closer to his back. You were glued to him, your legs pressed against his strong thighs, your face buried into the leather of his black jacket.  He turned on the engine and you felt the strong vibrations for the first time in your life. You didn’t expect it, the vibrations felt so good against your pussy that you let out a quiet moan. You quickly stopped, hoping that he didn’t hear that. Aemond didn’t comment on it so you assumed that the sound of the engine was so loud that he didn’t hear your pathetic little whimper. He quickly drove off their house and headed to the town center. Helaena was right, he was riding super fast it was definitely more than was the speed limit. You were holding onto him for dear life. He stopped in front of the school getting everyone’s attention. You got off his bike, your legs slightly shaking. You took off Helaena’s helmet and he for some reason took off his helmet too, his platinum blonde hair shinning in the sun, so everyone around could clearly see who gave you this unexpected lift. He ignored you and unlocked his phone. You stared at his long, elegant fingers moving across the screen of his expensive phone in strange fascination. Everything about him was perfect, too bad that his personality didn’t match his exterior.
“Do you want anything else from me, angel?” he smirked, not taking his eye from the screen.
“What should I do with Helaena’s helmet?” you asked him, blushing at the pet name he just used.
“Not my problem,” he said and cursed.
“Well, I guess I will keep it and return it to her later,” you said and he kept ignoring you.
“Fuck,” he frowned at the screen.
“Ehmm, so thank you for the lift, Aemond,” you gulped and wanted to turn around and walk to school.
“Hey angel,” he shouted and you looked at him.
“She ditched me,” he waved his phone and tucked it into his back pocket.
“You owe me a favor now, angel. I will collect it soon,” he winked at you, put on his helmet and rode away, the loud roar of his engine disturbing the peaceful neighborhood. You watched him riding away with your mouth hanged open. What the fuck is he thinking about himself?  
You looked at your watch and quickly hurried to the school entrance. Your mum was waving at you from the main hall, you waved back when a strong hand wrapped around your waist.
“Why did you come here on Aemond Targaryen’s bike?”  your boyfriend Jason Lannister asked you and you looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights.
Part 2
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bokettochild · 11 months
Hello, Ketto
I have had two of your concepts/ideas pinging around my brain in a manner vaguely reminiscent of the logo screensavers. So I’m asking a question in the hopes that vibes will solidify into actual plot bunny or that maybe brain will be satisfied and let it go for a bit.
Chain and birth order dynamics:
Wind and Twilight are oldest siblings
Time and Hyrule are baby siblings
Where do the others fall? Is Sky the weird combination of “whatever he needs to be” since he’s a ward of the academy/Gaepora?
Is Legend an oldest, middle, youngest or only?
I’ve read 😅 way too many versions of people’s backstories to remember.
So, funny story! I actually was exploring this concept in a fic that has been giving me troubles since I sat down to write it T-T
I wanted to write a fic about Wind big-brothering the chain into taking care of themselves but the boy rambles and I feared it would become tedious to read. Unfortunately, that's why I never post any of the stories I write about or from Wind or Wild's perspectives; they won't shut up and I can't make them speak more concisely.
Long story short though! Wind was going to sort of dig into the temperament and behavior of each hero and started to go "clearly a middle child, that one's a youngest, good golly Time you are 100% obviously the baby of your family" to himself. It felt sort of weird when writing it, but it also seems to have potential now that I've reread it.
I classify Twilight, Warriors, and Wind as Eldest children, Time and Hyrule as Youngest kids, and Legend and Wild fall into the middle-sibling category (I'll expound on that in the story if you all would like me to write it again). Wind classifies Four as a single-child (the irony) who is still adapting to having siblings out of nowhere, and is utterly innocent of how accurately he's assessed the smithy.
As for his methods of forcing them to take care of themselves, I have a snippet of one of my many drafts below if you want
“From now on, if you say or do anything self-deprecating or otherwise diminishing to your value as a person, which yes, includes throwing yourself into the way of a weapon to save someone who’s got it handled,” back comes the stern voice, just for Wild, who only cocks a brow back at Wind in a challenge (yeah, middle or eldest sibling for the champion, one of those), “then you have to add a rupee to the jar.” 
  The vet scowls at him- an expression that is more mature, but not too very far from Aryll’s pouts when he scolds her. “And why should we go along with that? You’re not the boss of us, Wind, we’re adults.” 
  The sailor crosses his arms, staring over at the vet sternly. “Because if we do this, then Hyrule’s not allowed to call himself lesser than the rest of us.”  
  The vet’s ears twitch forwards, treacherously curious. 
  “Because if we do this, Wild isn’t allowed to throw himself in danger.” 
  Twilight and Time both sigh in relief (they all do, but those two are the most noticeable). 
  “Because if you all go along with this, Warriors isn’t allowed to hide his problems in a bottle.” 
  The captain thinks he is sly, but Wind knows, and it appears the man hadn’t expected that as his gaze darts away shamefully. Time looks even more relieved though; both he and Wind have been watching since the war, they know. 
  “Because Legend doesn’t get to refuse help when he’s in enough pain to cry.” 
  Hyrule is the one pricking up this time. 
  “Because Twilight won’t be allowed to take on everyone’s problems and bottle up his own.” 
  Wild’s turn to sigh in relief, to glance at his mentor in worry as Twilight avoids his gaze.  
  “And Four can’t bottle everything up and yell at himself in the woods instead of talking to someone about his problems rather than the air.” 
  Unlike the others, the smithy actually just looks insulted, but while the shortest hero does open his mouth to protest, he closes it a moment later with a hiss of frustration, crossing his arms. Yeah, single child. He isn’t used to other people calling him out unless they are leaders like Time or adults like his grandfather. 
  Wind isn’t done though. “And Sky?” Crystal eyes meet his, curious and a bit confused. “This means you don’t get to agonize over whatever nonsense has been eating you and not get help. It’s making you depressed and your sleeping habits are reflecting that.” 
  People who sleep a lot are usually only ill, injured, or depressed in Wind’s experience, and while he knows there are such things as sleeping disorders, he’s snitched some of Four’s books and none of them mention anything that matches whatever is up with Sky. Depression though.... Tetra had slept a whole lot when she’d been trying to come to grips with her self-image and identity after their adventure, and the constant exhaustion through that time is a close match for Sky’s own behavior. 
  “Alright.” It’s Warriors who speaks, stepping up to take the lead and meeting Wind’s eye with a nod. “I won’t lie, I don’t like the idea of all of you fussing over me, but if this means the rest of you will be getting help, which yes, Wind, I do mean you too, then I’m game.” 
  The sailor chuckles. This isn’t a roll your eyes and huff in annoyance moment, this is a peacemaker moment. They are negotiating with the others, he needs to set an example and be mature. “I was planning on including myself, Wars. If I need help, I’ll ask, but if one of you thinks I’m failing to take care of myself you can call me on it, and if the others agree I’ll pay up just the same as you will.” 
  And that seems to do it. There’s some debate about it of course, Legend and Wild putting up the most fight about it (them being the worst at self-care as he’s seen) but eventually all cave at the promise of their brothers actually taking care of themselves, which is what Wind was counting on. 
  Rules are set of course, by Twilight’s insistence. “We can’t just punish each other for whatever we want, there needs to be ground rules and boundaries, even if they’re just a loose framework to reference.” The rancher insists. 
  That goes uncontested, so Warriors pulls out one of his notebooks and Legend one of his pens and, because Wild’s handwriting is the best, they all gather around the Champion and consider rules together. 
  In the end, they have nine. 
Rule 1: Self-deprecating comments regarding skills, the worth of a person and/or the validity of their life will result in a 20 rupee fine and extensive cuddles 
Rule 2: Blatant self-neglect (i.e. refusing to eat, refusing to sleep, not tending injuries or allowing help with injuries, lack of bathing/basic hygiene etc.) will result in both a 15 rupee fine and someone helping to ensure basic needs are met 
Rule 3: Self-injury and/or allowance of injury through purposeful carelessness in battle or throwing of self in the way of danger will result in a 20 rupee fine and a long talk 
Rule 4: Joking comments regarding a lack of self-worth will result in a 5 rupee fine 
Rule 5: Ask for help.  
Rule 6: The group must be in agreement regarding fines and consequences whenever an offence is made (with the exception of the accused) 
Rule 7: All money in the ‘care jar’ will go towards the group and will not be kept by any one person 
Rule 8: If someone believes they have not been judged fairly in regards to punishment they will be allowed to contest their sentence and defend themself without interruption or correction (all comments/questions will be saved for the end of the explanation) 
Rule 9: If someone hits a depressive state, punishment will be with-held and will be instead replaced with discussion in order to not further aggravate the deteriorated mental state 
  The last one is something Wild adds himself, but no one contests it; it’s a good one. Personally, Wind thinks it’s a good list in general, and he knows the others agree. Legend and Wild specifically look relieved when he suggests the eighth rule, which makes sense. He knows those two don’t have a great record with being allowed to speak up for themselves in certain regards. The champion has only hinted at being made to be silent, but they all know about the vet’s criminal record and how it resulted from misunderstandings he was never allowed to clear. 
  Once done, the list is carefully pasted to what Hyrule has aptly titled the ‘care jar’ and the thing is slipped back into Wind’s bag for the night, waiting (hopefully for a long while yet) to be pulled out for the first offence. 
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stephstars08 · 10 months
Opposites Attract
Zach Turner x Reader
Warnings: Some Adult Language, Insecurities, Anxiety, Mention of Past Trauma, Arguing, Harsh Break-up, Low Self-Esteem, Angst, Fluff, and Maybe Some Grammar Errors. (Sorry if I forgot any)
Summary: Y/N has the biggest crush on Zach but she’s too shy to even say a word to him. She also believes that since they are complete opposites he wouldn’t want to be with a girl like him but one night changes all of those thoughts.
Word Count: 2,218
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It’s now been three months since the Turner family had the scare of their lives. All four members of the family have been going to therapy due to the traumatic things they went through and saw. Everyone is doing so much better especially Zach. They actually feel like a family which they haven’t felt like one in a very long time. Before Zach seemed to want nothing to do with his family and just wanted to be with his friends but after almost losing his sister and dad, he wants to spend time with them as much as he can.
Y/N is somewhat closed to the Turner family since she tutors Zach’s little sister, Emily in Social Studies so she’s always at the Turner’s household at least two days a week. However, this week is different since both of Y/N’s parents are going to be away for the week so she’s going to be staying at the Turner’s house in the guest room. Emily is so happy and excited to have Y/N stay with them since she adores her. Even though Y/N tutors Zach’s sister and they go to the same school they are complete strangers since Y/N hangs out with the smart group while Zach hangs out with the popular group.
Y/N does wish that her and Zach have some kind of bond since she does have a growing crush on him. She has noticed a change in him since the accident. He is starting to spend a lot more time with his family. Before the accident when Y/N would be at the house to tutor Emily, Zach would either not be home or he would be hiding upstairs in his room.
It was Y/N’s first morning in the Turner’s family’s house. She just got getting changed into a fresh pair of clothes for school and made her way out of the guest bedroom that was located downstairs. She walked into the kitchen to see Zach and Emily sitting at the table eating breakfast while Mrs. Turner was fixing her a plate. “Good morning, Y/N!” Mrs. Turner said with a soft smile. “Did you sleep alright?” Mrs. Turner asked her. “Yes, thank you so much for letting me stay here.” Y/N said with a kind smile. “It’s no problem, dear. Come sit down and eat.” Mrs. Turner reassured setting down a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon down in front of the empty seat next to Emily.
Y/N felt her nerves start to race since she is going to be sitting right across from Zach. This is going to be the closest she’s ever going to be near him. He probably won’t even notice her sitting there since he’s texting someone on his phone, so she walked over to the table and sat down next to Emily.
“Hurry up and eat. We have to leave soon.” Mrs. Turner told the kids and walked away so she could clean the kitchen up a little. As Y/N ate Emily was saying how excited she was to have her living with them for a week and everything they can do together. “Why don’t we watch a movie together tonight?” Emily asked Y/N. “Sure, sounds good to me.” Y/N told her and took a bite from one of the strips of bacon. “What about you Zach?” Emily said looking at her brother who was just staring down at his phone in his hands. At first Zach didn’t hear her but when she said his name for the second time, he looked up at her. “I’m sorry. What was the question?” Zach said putting his phone down onto the table next to his plate. “Do you want to watch a movie with Y/N and I tonight?” Emily asked him in a curious tone. When Zach looked at Y/N she quickly looked down at her plate of food. “Sure.” Zach said looking back at Emily with a nod.
Y/N could feel her heart race when Zach said he would join her and Emily tonight. Fuck, when is she going to get over this shy behavior.
As Y/N ate her breakfast she would sneak a glance at Zach who again put his attention back onto his phone. Y/N knew something was going on with Zach, but she didn’t have the courage to say anything. Also, even if she did ask what was bothering him why would he tell her? He barely knows her.
Y/N was at school standing in the hallway at her locker. She was taking some of her textbooks out of her locker and putting them into her book bag. After she zipped up her bag, she saw Zach at his locker talking to two of his guy friends. She couldn’t help but stare. She watched him laugh at something one of his friends said to him. Her favorite thing about Zach has to be his smile. He just has that smile that just makes a girl’s heart rate speed up. Why is it so fucking hard to just say one fucking word to him?
“Okay, you seriously need to stop with the staring thing.” A voice said behind Y/N which startled her but relaxed when she saw that it was just her best friend Annabeth. “Shut up!” Y/N hissed as she looked down at her feet. “I don’t understand why you won’t just ask him out already. You tutor his little sister and you’re currently living in the same house as him for fucks sake.” Annabeth told her which made Y/N roll her eyes.
“Reason number one is that he has a girlfriend.” Y/N reminded her. “Second reason is that we associate with two completely different type of friends groups.” Y/N told her. “And third he wouldn’t want to go out with a shy and dorky girl like me.” Y/N said with a sigh. “Y/N, don’t say that.” Annabeth said with a frown on her face.
Y/N took a quick glance over at Zach and then let out a heavy sigh. “Just forget it.” Y/N said closing her locker and walked away. Annabeth let out a heavy sigh and followed her down the hallway.
It was the end of the school day and Y/N just walked out of her last class of the day. She walked down the hallway to her locker so she could put a couple books of hers in there before she meets Zach outside since his mom will be picking them up. Before Y/N walked around a corner she heard a familiar voice yelling. When she saw that the voice belonged to Mila and the person, she was yelling at was Zach she hid behind the wall. She didn’t mean to ease drop but she just couldn’t help herself.
“I can’t fucking do this anymore!” Mila snapped at Zach with a fiery look in her eyes. “It’s like ever since that accident you’ve become a completely different person.” Mila added slamming her locker shut and walked away from a heartbroken Zach. Y/N couldn’t believe what she just saw happen.
Did Mila just break things off with Zach?
It all started to sense during breakfast. The reason why Zach kept staring at his phone was because he was expecting a text from Mila. Y/N saw the heartbreaking look in Zach’s memorizing brown eyes. If only she had the courage to comfort him.
That night while Y/N watched a movie with Emily and Zach in the living room she would notice Zach was doing the same thing he did that morning. Y/N knew that Zach was completely head over heels for Mila that’s why he’s so heartbroken about what she said to him. It breaks Y/N’s heart to admit that, but she knows she doesn’t have a shot with Zach because they are polar opposites.
After the movie was over Zach and Emily went upstairs to their rooms for bed while Y/N went into the guest bedroom. She got changed into a pair of comfy pajamas and crawled into bed, but as time passed, she couldn’t fall asleep. No matter how many times she had tossed and turned she just couldn’t fall asleep.
As Y/N laid on her back staring up at the ceiling she heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. She decided to ignore it since it was probably just someone getting something to drink. However, when she heard a loud noise and a familiar voice let out a curse word, she decided to get out of bed to see what was going on.
Y/N opened the door to see Zach cleaning up a bag of chips he spilled all over the floor. She saw him struggling so she walked over to him and helped him. “Thanks.” Zach said in a soft voice. “No problem.” Y/N said standing up to throw the chips that she picked up into the trash. “Did I wake you up?” Zach asked as he cleaned up the rest of the mess. “I’m sorry if I did.” He added throwing away all of the spilled chips into the trash can. “No, I actually am having a hard time falling asleep.” Y/N told him. “Yeah, I am too.” Zach said with a sigh as he sat down at the table.
Y/N knew that he shouldn’t be alone at the moment, so she walked over to the table and sat down next to him. “I can sense that you need someone to talk to so if you want you can talk to me if you want to.” Y/N told him having the courage to let him talk to her. “Mila broke up with me at school today.” Zach told her with a frown. “Not to be nosey or anything but why did she break things off?” Y/N asked hoping he doesn’t think she’s nosey. “She’s mad because I’ve been ditching her to spend more time with my family.” Zach said as he looked anywhere but at Y/N.
“She doesn’t deserve you then.” Y/N blurted out which took him by surprise. “Huh?” Zach said looking at her. “I’ve noticed ever since the incident happened you’ve been spending more time with your family and there’s nothing wrong with that.” Y/N told him. “If she can’t see that family is more important than you don’t need her.” She told him as they stared into each other’s eyes. Zach didn’t say anything. Instead, he leaned in and connected his lips with hers which put her into shock.
She couldn’t believe that Zach’s lips were on hers. As they kissed, they both felt electricity shoot through their bodies. When the kiss broke Y/N’s breath was completely taken away. Zach was also in shock. “Sorry!” Zach said quickly getting up and walking up the steps back to his room.
A week has now passed since Zach kissed Y/N. For the rest of the week, she stayed at the Turner’s house she didn’t say a word to Zach, and he didn’t say a word to her. But Y/N would feel Zach’s eyes on her and when she would look back at him, he would quickly look away. It’s like the roles between the two of them switched. She noticed that he would do the same thing at school in the hallway.
Y/N was in her own bedroom sitting on her bed reading a book when there was a knock on the door. “Come in.” She called out as she put her bookmark into her book and closed it. When the door opened, she was shocked to see that it was Zach. “Zach?” Y/N said in a surprised tone as she sat her book to the side. “Is this a bad time?” Zach asked walking into the room. “No, of course not.” Y/N said in reassurance as she stood up from her bed.
“I wanted to talk to you about the kiss.” Zach said which made Y/N’s heart rate speed up. “When you were telling me how Mila didn’t deserve me, I just had the urge to lean in and at the time I just thought it was just the heat of the moment and that it was just an accident.” Zach said which made her heart hurt a little. “Oh.” Y/N said looking down at the hardwood floor. Zach walked up to her and picked her head up, so she was looking up at him. “But as time went on, I realized the reason why I can’t stop thinking about it is because I have feelings for you.” Zach confessed making shock shoot through her body. “You like me?” We’re like complete opposites.” Y/N said as her body was still in shock. “Well, it’s like they say.” Zach said putting his hand on her cheek which made the butterflies in her stomach go crazy. “Sometimes opposites attract.” Zach said and leaned down to connect his lips with hers.
Y/N just melted into the kiss. As they kissed, they felt that same spark they felt when they kissed the first time. Even though they didn’t want to pull away they had to so they could get a breath of air.
“Do you want to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?” Zach asked with a smile as he stroked her cheek gently with his thumb. “Yes!” Y/N said with a big smile as she leaned into his touch.
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ariundercovers · 7 months
Traffic Jam (When Paths Cross Pt. VII, Javier Peña x Reader)
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Pairing: Javier Peña x Afab!Reader (No use of y/n!)
Length: ~3.5k words
Series Summary: Chucho's been like a father figure to you since he helped you out of a sticky situation on your second day in Laredo. What happens when you finally meet his son, the former-DEA agent, who just happens to ignite you in a way that you haven't felt before?
Chapter Summary: A loaded question and some heated conversations.
Chapter Warnings: no porn only plot, ANGST, spanish nicknames, idiots in love, Chucho being a Dad to two idiots in love (the poor man omg).
A/N: I know this series is moving FAST but I'm so determined to actually finish this one that I'm writing quickly and just rolling with it! I hope the time gaps that are written in aren't too bothersome.
If you're so inclined, please drop a like and a reply/reblog! I live for your feeback, and it keeps me going and keeps me writing. Did you like it? love it? hate it? I want to hear all of your thoughts!
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You walk into work the next morning with a bright smile on your face, lost in the dreaminess that is Javier Peña. Your head is stuck in the clouds, still giddy from his admission to you last evening.
He loves you.
Javier Peña loves you.
You’re not sure you’ve ever felt this high. Sure, you’ve felt you were in love before, but it’s never been like this. Never this intense, sudden, unexpected. It’s both exhilarating and terrifying all at once.
One of your coworkers notices your giddy mood and you end up gushing everything out to her, a stupid smile on your face when you tell her what he said about the necklace, and how he made you panic when he didn’t say “I love you” back right away. She smiles at you, tells you he sounds like a good man, and that she’s happy for you - happy to see you so excited and happy. She says love looks good on you.
And that’s how it goes for the next few weeks. It’s all love and butterflies and perfection and heart eyes and everything else gooey and good. But something keeps nagging at you - a question left unasked, unanswered. You need to know, and eventually, you can’t keep yourself from putting it out there.
When it happens, you’re at the mall of all places, looking for some jeans for Javi and a new suitcase for an upcoming work trip for you, given that you broke one of the wheels on your old one on the last trip. Eventually, you decide to take a rest with some overly sweet Chinese bourbon chicken in the food court. It’s pleasant and simple, but your mind can’t stop whirring, won’t stop thinking about all the possibilities, trying to piece together what your future might look like, what your future could look like.
It’s been long enough, right? You can ask. You can have an adult conversation.
You shared ‘I love you’s, for fuck’s sake. You can ask him this question.
You do your best to settle your nerves before speaking up, finishing up a bite of chicken before setting down your fork and looking up at Javi with a curious glance.
“What do you think about, when you think about the future?” Javi’s brow furrows as he regards you, head ticking to the side as he tries to wrap his mind around the question.
“What do you mean?”
You shrug slightly, thinking nothing of it. “I mean… the usual stuff, you know? Do you want to be in Laredo? Married? Kids? A House of your own? Still on the Ranch? That stuff.”
Javi blinks back at you for a long moment before he shakes his head and averts his eyes back down to where he’s picking at a pile of fried rice. “Yeah… I don’t think any of that is for me.”
You’re taken aback. That’s not the answer you were expecting, and not by a long shot. “Oh… I, uh… what part of it?”
He shakes his head again, looking up at you this time as he sets down his fork. The expression on his face is unreadable to you - like he’s suddenly a different person altogether. “All of it. I don’t… want that. Any of that.”
The two of you are completely silent for a long, long moment. You’re not sure how to phrase the miserable thought and emotion that’s bubbling up inside of you, but you eventually manage to put a few words to at least part of it.
“Does that mean you don’t want me, either?”
Javi looks taken aback as he answers, “No, that’s not what I said.”
“But… if you don’t want to get married, or kids, or a house, or any of it… ever, what’s the point of this? What are we doing?”
He grunts, frustrated as he reaches up to pinch at his brow with his finger tips. “Isn’t this enough?”
You sigh, shrugging. You’re not sure how to answer him. “I mean… for now, but…”
“But what?” He cuts you off before you can even finish the thought. You’re taken aback, again, and you lean forward as you try to muster up a coherent response.
“I’m not a child anymore, Javi. I want to be thinking about the future, I don’t want to keep wasting time with people and situations that don’t want anything to do with me in the long run. You really don’t ever want to get married? Or any of it? Nothing?” He sighs and rolls his eyes at you a little bit, the frustration in his face wildly apparent.
“No. I really don’t.”
It’s hard not to have a horrible expression glued to your face. This is not how you expected this conversation to go. In fact, it’s quite possibly the furthest thing from it.
Javi slams his hand down on the table, and you’re taken aback by the frustration and power he puts into it. He’s never lashed out at you like this before, and you’re just not sure what to make of it. It startles you at best, maybe scares or frightens you at worst. 
“No. Never. Can we move on, now?” You try to blink back the fear and frustration you’re feeling, because you know if you dwell on it much longer, you’ll end up crying. You can feel it brimming quickly behind your eyes.
You finish your meals in a terse silence that feels very uncomfortable and out of place for the two of you. You’ve never had this tense of a moment between you before, and you’re not sure how to get out of it. Eventually, you wait long enough without speaking that you just settle back into a relative normal as you’re shopping through the mall, looking for the right style and brand of jeans Javi wants.
It’s stuck in the back of your mind the entire time, however, so much so that you can barely focus on the questions Javi is asking you. You’re so fixated that you walk past several stores with luggage in the front window without even registering it, and Javi has to keep pulling you back to go in and look. Eventually, you give up.
“Javi, can we go home? Maybe we can look another day.” He looks at you quizzically, confused.
“Are you alright, muñeca?”
“Yeah, I’m just not feeling it. I’d like to go home.” He nods and takes your hand, turning around to head back to the exit where he parked the car. Nerves are bubbling up inside of you in a way that you haven’t felt since your final interview for the job at the arts center. Few things have made you freak out this badly, but you just can’t help repeating it in your brain, over and over again.
I don’t… want that. Any of that.
He didn’t want you long-term, either, that much was clear to you. You wondered what he was doing in all of this if he had no plans for longevity. Why keep leading you along like this? Why get you so attached that it’ll just hurt worse the longer he waits to end things? The feelings quickly turn to panic, and turn the contents of your stomach rancid. 
You felt hopeless.
Javi leads you to the car, closing the door for you before getting into the driver’s seat and heading out, driving off in the direction of the ranch. The usually lovely winding roads that lead you back to the Peña farm house make you feel sickly and near-ill the entire ride there. It takes everything in you not to vomit in Javi’s passenger seat, holding it in as best as you can until he finally parks in front of the ranch. You hurry inside, past Chucho laid up in his recliner chair in the living room and lock yourself in the bathroom down the hall. You lean over the sink, forcing yourself to take deep breaths. After a few minutes of steady breathing, your stomach settles, and you look in the mirror to be confronted by red-rimmed eyes. You might as well have been crying the entire ride back to the house with how awful you looked.
You turn on the tap and splash some cold water on your face, the chill helping you feel a bit more settled and present in the moment than you had been. You’re still unnerved, your stomach unsettled, but you feel more like a human than you did on the road, certainly. It hits you suddenly that you’re going to need to bring this back up with Javi again to get some clarity. You wouldn’t be able to sleep or hardly even think without it.
Strolling back into Javi’s room, you find him pulling his new jeans out of the bag and removing the tags before tossing them in his hamper to wash. He turns to you with a half smile and a tilt of his head.
“Cariño. You feeling alright?” You nod somberly and have a seat at the end of his bed, waiting for him to finish. He wraps you up in his arms, pulling you down into the bed so he can tuck you in properly. “A nap, perhaps?”
You nod, curling into his arms with relative ease as he strokes your shoulder gently.
It’s keeping you wide awake, so you turn in his arms and look up at his face, sighing as you realize how awful this conversation might be.
He doesn’t respond at first and you worry he might be asleep already. Eventually, he groans and asks, “What is it, muñeca?”
You sigh, taking a deep breath before you continue. “Javi… can you please talk to me about this no marriage and no kids thing?”
You can feel his body go rigid beneath the sheets - soft arms turn to violent blades wrapped around you as he stiffens. “What is there to talk about? I don’t want it.”
“What if I do? Can’t we just talk about it?” You roll onto your back, hoping a little bit of distance might help the tension you’re feeling between you. He turns and looks at you seriously, blinking a few times before he sighs and drops his head.
“I guess… you’ll just have to figure out how to deal with that disappointment.”
You scoff, his words grating at you. “What? Disappointment? We can’t even have a discussion about it? About the possibility, even?”
He shakes his head, looking back at you for a moment before he responds. “I don’t want it, cariño. I’m sorry.”
You huff, sitting up in the bed and crossing your arms over your chest. The anger inside of you is threatening to bubble up and lash out, so you do your best to temper it before you speak. The last thing you need to do is make all of this worse than it already is. But, the anger is bubbling up too quickly to be able to temper yourself fully. Your words still come out like a knife, sharp and targeted in a way that you’ve never spoken to him before. “So that means you get to make universal decisions for us now, too, huh?”
He’s taken aback as he sits up, as well, looking at you with a confused scowl. “What?”
You inch away from him, eyes boring holes into his skill. “I thought this was supposed to be a partnership.” 
“What? Why are you getting like this? Things have been easy, good. I don’t know why you have to complicate it with this.” He shifts, reaching toward you, but you shirk away, his words seeding themselves deeply into your chest.
“Complicate? Is that what I am? A complication? Fuck. That’s not… that’s not what I’m in this for, Javier. I want to be more than a good fuck. I deserve to be more than that.”
“Cariño, that’s not what I said-”
You don’t let him finish his thought before you’re lashing out again. “Isn’t it? You’re not interested in anything more than what we have right now. And what we have right now is a lot of sex and casual conversations. We might as well be friends with benefits if that’s all you want out of this.”
He glares at you, frustrated, and shakes his head before standing up and pacing the room, from door to headboard, back and forth. “That’s… No, fuck. What the hell? You don’t know anything. You don’t fucking know anything.”
“And why is that? Because you won’t talk to me, Javier.” 
He throws his hands up in frustration, his voice elevating as he responds. “It’s my business. I’m entitled to not talk about it if I don’t want to.”
You shake your head in disbelief at his obstinance and sigh. This wasn’t going anywhere. Shifting in the bed, you swing your legs over the side of it and stand, looking back at him briefly to respond.  “Sure. Whatever. Screw this, Javi. I’m going home.”
There’s that stupid word again. You were starting to feel like it was more here, more with Javi and with Chucho, than it was anywhere else. 
You suppose you were wrong.
Javi’s voice shifts as he starts to plead with you, “Wait, cariño, hold on-”
His begging falls on deaf ears as you collect your things from around the room and head out as quickly as you can, slamming his bedroom door behind you as you rush out, flustered. By the time you get to the front door, you remember you don’t even have your car. Javi drove you here earlier this afternoon. You pause, hand hovering over the doorknob, and you hear someone clearing their throat behind you.
Fuck. Chucho.
You turn around to see him sitting up in the recliner, head tilted to the side as he regards you. His rough voice soothes you after the piercing tones of Javi’s frustration.
“Heading out, mija?” You sigh, visibly deflating at the kind and caring tone he always offers you.
“I was going to, but-”
He cuts you off so you don’t even need to say it yourself. “You need a ride?”  As you nod in response, he starts to stand, slowly, knees creaking as he rises. “Come on. I’ll take you.”
You’re grateful beyond belief that he doesn’t push further, doesn’t ask why Javi isn’t out in the living room, or why you need a ride from someone not his son. He just gets up and silently throws on his boots, grabbing his keys from a hook behind the door as he pushes outside, holding the door for you. You climb into the passenger seat of his pickup truck, fastening your seatbelt as he starts it up and pulls around the driveway, heading back onto those same winding roads you had come to love.
A few minutes into the drive, he clears his throat, his wide-brimmed hat tipping in your direction. “I’m not going to ask you if you want to talk about it, because I’m sure you don’t. But I have a few things I’d like to say, if that’s okay.” You turn toward him, eyes trained on the side of his face as he clears his throat again, reaching down to take a sip of the water bottle sitting in the cupholder between you two.
You nod with a small, under-your-breath ‘okay’, and fold your hands in your lap, waiting for him to begin.
“First, I hope he hasn’t scared you away from me and from the house. I’d be lost if you stopped coming by.” You shake your head vehemently, floored by the suggestion.
“No, never, Chucho. Nothing’s gonna keep me away. I’ll figure out how to deal with this.”
He nods somberly, fingers tapping on the large steering wheel. “Good. That’s good. Now… in the case of my son, I know he can be a lot for many reasons. He’s quite the stupid boy when he wants to be. But he’s been through the wringer since he was young. There’s a lot I’m sure he hasn’t told you, and it’s not my place to say, but just know that he comes to you with a lot of baggage. He’s misguided sometimes, and I can only set him so far in the right direction. He’s been lost for a long time.”
You blink back at him, not shocked by the news nearly as much as you think you should be. It makes sense, given his reaction to you today, and especially given the horrible things that came out of his mouth. They didn’t feel like your Javier.
“Now I know that I’m an old man, and it’s been a long time since I fell in love, but I can see when two people are right for each other. You two… you are right for each other. You’re good together, and you make each other better. I’ve seen it firsthand, especially these last few weeks. Javi is much more pleasant to be around these days.”
You smile at the compliment and lean over to squeeze his shoulder lightly in gratitude.
“Just… give him a chance. Please. I know he can be good for you, too, if he can just get his act together.”
You nod and sigh, shoulders dropping as you take in his words. “I want to. I want to so badly. But I’m afraid that I’m scaring him away, Chucho. I’m not what he wants… he doesn’t want someone this serious, this willing to move things along.”
“Ask him about it, mija. Make him talk to you. There’s so much there. You can help him, I know it. You’re only the second woman he’s ever brought home.” You’re shocked by that admission, to say the least. It was easy to tell that Javi was more into flings than serious relationships given his highly flirtatious personality, but in almost 40 years… only one other person? It surprises you, makes you start trying to rethink the experiences you’ve had with him so far, rethink every comment and frustration. You’re vaguely curious who that other person was, what happened with them. 
“I’ll try, Chucho. He just makes it so difficult, sometimes.”
“I know. Believe me, I know he does. But he loves you - I can see it in the way his eyes light up when you arrive, and in the way he pines over you when you’re away. And you do, too. That’s something real - when you have it, don’t let it go. Fight for it. You’re lucky if you find something like that even once in your life.”
Is it really that obvious to Chucho?
You’re more than shocked - you’re amazed by the suggestion. Here you’ve been thinking the whole thing has been one-sided, all stuck on you and your overly ambitious heart. 
“Then why does he make it so hard for me to be able to love him back? The right way? Why does he have to make it so difficult?”
Chucho sighs and shrugs, glancing over at you briefly. “That’s Javi’s story to tell, mija, but he’s a fool if he’s trying to write you off completely.”
You thump your head back against the bench seat, arms crossing over your chest. “I just don’t know how to make him see me. See any of this. It’s like he has blinders on or something.”
Chucho nods along and answers, “he does, mija. Installed by a host of events that I can’t disclose on his behalf. But he does have blinders on, absolutely. He’s not seeing straight, not thinking clearly. He’s running on fear and anxiety if anything.”
You’re shocked by that suggestion. “Fear? He’s afraid of me?”
“No, mija. He’s afraid of putting himself out there.” He pulls onto your street, finding a place to pull over next to the sidewalk in front of your apartment and putting the truck in park.
“I don’t think he’s going to listen to me, Chucho. He’s dead set on destroying things all on his own.” He sighs, turning and placing a hand gently on your thigh.
“Just give him a chance, mija. Please. I’m begging you. If anyone can do it, it’s you. Just give him another chance.” You nod back at him and offer him an uneasy smile.
“I will. If he’ll let me. I don’t know if he’s going to let me, though, Chucho.” 
He looks at you very seriously at first, but then the serious look morphs quickly into a smirk. He winks at you. “Trust me on this one, if you can.”
You chuckle nervously but smile and respond before getting out of the car and heading up the stairs, back to your lonely apartment.
“Alright. I will.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A/N: And here be the angst. I promise it doesn't linger for too long, but Javi's been through too much to just have things go easy the entire time! These two still have lots ahead of them!
Let me know what you think! Your interactions and comments and criticisms and all of it are so so so very appreciated!
Taglist: @amyispxnk @picketniffler @kirsteng42 @vee-bees-blog (lmk if you'd like to be added!)
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cowboysandpilots · 1 year
Meetings and Morals (Marvey)
Warnings: Adult Language
Pairings: Harvey/Mike
Word Count: 2000
Hi, @fleuroqium here is your Marvey blurb. :) I’m so sorry this took me absolutely AGES. I really apologize, I hadn’t watched Suits in a hot minute, and I wanted to get back into it so I could write this the best I possibly could, but hey, this made it up to 2k words, so I hope it was worth the wait. ❤️
Nothing between Harvey and Mike had ever been ordinary. Even their first meeting was the strangest way they could have met. So, it stands to reason that the way romance started seeping into their partnership would be anything but ordinary and just like their first meeting, it was fast. It took Harvey only about 5 minutes to know he wanted to hire Mike, and it took him even less than that to know he was in love with him. 
The first time that Harvey noticed his feelings start to change for Mike was the moment that Mike finally decided to grow some balls and stand up to him. If it were anyone else, Harvey would've taken it as a sign of disrespect, but because it was Mike, he took it as a sign that the kid was actually listening to him and coming into his own as a lawyer that wouldn't back down. It made Harvey feel something he doesn't think he's ever felt before, butterflies. 
“You told me to fix my case; why don't you fix yours?” That's what Mike had said to him, and it had been playing over and over in Harvey’s brain for weeks. There was a bass to Mike’s voice that Harvey had never heard before, and it sent a chill up his spine.
The next time that Harvey felt those butterflies again was after a long and challenging case they had been working on. Neither of them had slept more than a couple of hours in days, and Harvey could tell that Mike was crashing. They were in Harvey’s town car, and to his credit, Mike was trying exceptionally hard to keep his eyes open. He was also leaning heavily against Harvey’s shoulder, not that Harvey minded. However, he did have to keep up appearances, so he kept shifting against Mike every few minutes, making him lift his body again, giving space between them. He couldn't let Mike think that things like this were okay, even if maybe he didn't mind it. 
“Now is not the time to sleep, rookie. You're a grown man; you should be able to wait until you get to that hole you call an apartment.” Harvey chuckles softly. 
“Leave me alone, Harvey,” Mike mumbles lowly. “I haven't slept in so long; I need this.”
Harvey couldn't get over how good Mike’s voice sounded when he was half asleep like this. As much as they had spent time together, Harvey doesn't think he’s ever heard it like this before. It was like Mike had all his walls down, he was wholly unguarded, and Harvey loved it. Mike always had walls up, considering everything that he was hiding. 
There was one more thing that Mike was hiding, something he hadn’t even told Harvey. Mike was gay. He was worried that it would change things between him and Harvey. Things had already changed between him and Trevor. He thought that Trevor was someone he could trust. They were best friends. However, when he told Trevor about his sexual orientation, Trevor had started to close himself off from Mike. It started off with little things like not inviting him to the parties that he threw. Then, he started spending more and more time over at his girlfriend, Jenny’s, house. It didn’t seem that weird at the time; Trevor was in love with Jenny; of course, he would want to spend as much time as he could with her. It made sense; however, Jenny let him know; a few weeks later, she had told him that Trevor had only started staying with her so much because he was uncomfortable around him. Mike didn't understand it at first; they were best friends. Nothing had changed between them except… Mike had come out to him. Fuck.
Mike knows that Harvey is no Trevor. In fact, he’s exponentially better than Trevor, but that doesn’t mean coming out won’t have the same outcome. Harvey had never given Mike any reason to think that he wouldn't be okay with it, but he had never given him a reason to believe that he would be either. Mike could've gone to Donna for that kind of information, but he had no guarantee that the act of him asking the questions wouldn't get back to Harvey, and that was the last thing he needed. He couldn't tell anyone. Other than his Grandma, of course. 
It doesn't take long for them to get back to Mike’s apartment, but he wishes he didn't have to leave Harvey, wants to invite him up, wishes he could, but he won’t. It would be inappropriate, and Mike just has to keep reminding himself of that. He opens up his door and gives Harvey a nonchalant goodbye before heading up to his apartment, his empty apartment. “Doesn't matter,” he tells himself; he’ll see Harvey tomorrow anyway.
Harvey had Ray drive him back to his apartment; as soon as he knows, Mike made it safely into the door. It’s a bad neighbourhood; you can never be too careful, right? When he finally makes it back to his apartment, he does nothing except get his suit off and climb into bed. He barely has time to think about anything before he’s drifting off.
It felt like only two seconds before Mike's alarm was going off again. In reality, it was at least four hours, only half of what the body actually needs, but not bad for two high-profile lawyers. He drags himself into the shower and leaves his slept-in suit strewn all over the bathroom floor. Once out of the shower, Mike picks out a new suit and decides that the one good thing he did while in the middle of the fallout with Trevor was take all of his fancy suits. He gets it on as quickly as he can and peddles through the city, narrowly missing a few cars on the busy streets before he gets to Pearson Hardman. When he makes his way to Donna’s desk because he still needs permission to enter Harvey’s office even after all they’ve been through, he notices that Harvey is nowhere to be seen. “What? I made it here before Harvey?” He grins, but Donna doesn’t even look up. 
“Wrong.” She answers immediately, making Mike’s grin disappear. “Harvey is in a meeting with Jessica this morning.”
That makes Mike’s eyebrows crease together, and it takes him a moment to talk again. “He didn’t tell me about that.”
“I forgot; you’re in charge of Harvey’s schedule. Oh no, wait, that’s me.” Donna finally looks up to smirk cheekily at Mike. 
Mike can’t think of what to say to that because she is right, and her smirk scares him, so he figures he’ll just come back when he catches a glimpse of Harvey.
When Harvey got to work this morning, he didn’t expect to be called into Jessica’s office, and he had half a mind to tear Donna a new one for forgetting to tell him about this. His faith in her was restored when Jessica made it known that this was a more impromptu thing. She offers him a seat which makes him uneasy, her smile, even more. 
“So, you’re in love with Mike.” She starts, just dropping that bomb right away. 
Harvey is taken aback, but he keeps his face neutral; being a lawyer has helped with that. “What makes you say that?”
Jessica only gives a humourless chuckle and shakes her head. “I’m not an idiot, Harvey, don’t treat me like one.” She offers no other explanation, but Harvey has known her long enough to know that he can’t charm his way out of this one, and if she’s asking, it’s because she already knows and has the evidence to back it up. “I was here late last night. I saw you give him a ride home, and I saw the way you looked at him when he was getting into your town car and not looking back. 
There’s the evidence. 
Harvey opens his mouth, about to plead his case, when Jessica holds up her hand and cuts him off. “But!” She starts. “I also saw how he looked at you while you were talking to Ray.” For the first time, she cracks a smile. 
This time, Harvey doesn’t hold back his surprise. “He did? How?” He knows he’s giving Jessica far too much leverage right now, but he was caught off guard. 
Jessica’s smile doesn’t leave, but it doesn’t get any bigger. This is a business meeting, after all, and the walls are made of glass, and she doesn’t answer him. “I’m not one to encourage workplace relationships. In fact, I think I actively discourage it, and I feel you have already put us in the fire with everything else you’ve done when it comes to the kid.” She levels him with a look, and once again, Harvey opens his mouth to defend himself. “I also know…” Jessica cuts in. “That telling you not to do something will only make you want to do it more, so I say, tell the kid how you feel.”
Harvey, whose mouth has been open through that entire speech, only now closes it and stands up. He wants to get out of here before Jessica changes her mind, so he gives her a nod and a “Thank you” before he rebuttons his suit jacket and makes his way back to his office, but not before stopping off at Mike’s cubicle. “My office. Now.”
Mike knows that tone; either he’s done something wrong, or the firm is in trouble, and it’s up to him and Harvey to save it. Neither of which he really wants to be on the hook for when his head isn’t into it 100%. He straightens up and quickly follows Harvey into his office. “What’s going on? What did Jessica want? Was it bad? It was bad, right?” He rambles, nervous. 
At this moment, listening to Mike ramble and freak out, he wonders why he even likes the younger man. He really causes nothing but trouble, though it is very endearing. He lets Mike pace back and forth for a few more minutes while Harvey just sits at his desk and smiles at him. That’s what gives him away. 
Mike stops, turning to Harvey for answers when he’s finally stopped talking, but all he’s met with is the dopey smile that confuses him. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
God, Harvey hopes he isn’t wrong about this, that Jessica didn’t read too much into a look and steer him in the wrong direction. “This isn’t about Jessica; this is about you.” Arguably not a good way to start this conversation because the horrified look is back on Mike’s face, and Harvey has regrets. 
“Oh god, someone found out I didn’t go to Harvard, didn’t they?” He breathes, rubbing a hand over his face. “Who was it? Am I gonna go to jail?” Mike is spiralling again. 
“No, no. Relax, Rookie. Nothing like that. This isn’t even about work or Jessica.” It was kind of about Jessica, but Mike didn’t need to know that. 
Mike’s face melded from horrified to shocked and confused. “You called me in here like that to talk to me about something not work-related?” He frowns. 
“Yeah, I have a reservation at Per Se tomorrow night. I’ve had this reservation for months, so don’t be late. Harvey is sure he’ll have to buy Donna a new, ridiculously expensive handbag for the inconvenience of an uninvitation, but he’s sure she’ll understand in the name of love. “And Mike?” He says, just before he kicks the man out. “It’s a five-star restaurant, so find a better tie, okay?” If Harvey is going to confess any sort of feelings, especially romantic ones, he’s going to do it in style, even if everything will make Mike roll his eyes. 
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fairdale · 4 months
thinking about how dad jace would absolutely have to rethink his childhood trauma after having kids because he could never think of doing the things valentine did to him to his kids
thinking about how dad jace would attempt to teach all his kids piano and be so happy when at least one of them shows actual interest (like imagine him tinkering around on the keys with his kid on his lap UGH)
thinking about how jace notices everything so dad jace would always notice if his kid wasn’t eating or sleeping or anything in the way no adult noticed about him when he was struggling in tmi
thinking about how dad jace would absolutely hype up his kids and think they’re the absolute best because of course, they share dna with clary and his cocky self
thinking about how jace is already such a weapons nerd (ex: him with kit and emma in general or jules specifically in that entry of sobh) so dad jace would take his baby to the weapons room and point at every item and explain what it is (clary disapproves but jace insists baby shadowhunters must be informed). his kids dread his lectures about weapon history once they’re older but in a funny exasperated way
thinking about how dad jace won’t know how to work technology well and his kids will 100% make fun of this. someone needs to humble that man after all
okay okay I’ll stop thinking now!! what can i say your post really inspired me!
oh, please don't stop on my accord, i'm just gonna cry a little because i'm picturing dad jace again and my heart did a thing and he deserves the best in the world :(
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